3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230033A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to.
00:10 >> Many
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 I want to stand
00:49 [MUSIC]
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello and welcome to another 3 ABN today behind the scenes.
01:09 We're so glad that you have joined us this evening. One of
01:13 the reasons we enjoy spending this time is because you're
01:15 part of the 3 ABN families kind of like we're in our living
01:19 room and coming into your living room and the behind the
01:22 scenes program. It's all about praising the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:25 And what about what he's doing through your ministry through
01:29 his Ministry? Of course, 3 ABN, we're reaching the entire
01:32 world. And Joe, I think about all the chaos, all the pain,
01:37 all the suffering that's happening, the continues to
01:39 happen in this world and what hope we have in Jesus Christ,
01:45 what hope we have in the in his word. And I think about his
01:49 soon coming. I can't wait until that day. But God wants each
01:53 one of us to be faithful and to do what we can to help spread
01:57 the good news of Jesus Christ to the entire world.
02:01 >> And when I think about all that's going on and I think
02:04 about 3 ABN about evangelists and there's a lot we have to
02:07 praise the Lord for there is indeed there's so much in my
02:10 mind right now, just a TV and is all about evangelism.
02:12 And what better time in these closing moments of Earth's
02:16 history to hold up the word cuts right to claim the and
02:20 diluted 3 angels messages. And we've been doing that in so
02:24 many ways. Yeah. So tonight we're going to be sharing with
02:27 you some of those ways and updates of what God is doing
02:30 through your ministry. And you look like you got hurt on the
02:33 side effects.
02:34 >> You know, yeah, I should just bring this up here right
02:36 now because he's he probably greats face. Well, yeah,
02:40 nobody injured me. I heard myself by accident, right?
02:44 So I was out. I like working outside and this past weekend
02:47 is out using the chainsaws, cutting some wood. And you know
02:51 how branches tree branches can kind of get loaded with like a
02:53 spring. If they're hung up on something, was cutting one and
02:56 it came back and call me by surprise and hit me right in
02:58 the side of the team there. So yes, got a little scab.
03:02 Their bomb. Okay. No broken bones or anything like that.
03:04 Just a little scab. So yeah, nobody hurt me. Nobody
03:07 attacked.
03:08 >> Haha. Anyway. Present or could be a lot worse. We have
03:12 our family here tonight. Your family, too. And we're so
03:16 glad you're tuning in. But our family, the table here, Mister
03:19 Danny, Doctor, Yvonne, we're so glad you both are here.
03:23 >> Well, and good to be here both well tonight. So great or
03:27 we got through COVID again. That's a second time. Yes.
03:31 And so that wasn't nearly as bad as last time. We praise the
03:35 Lord for that. But it's no fun and the other case because
03:38 isolation
03:40 is not always a good thing sometimes when you're with your
03:43 beautiful wife.
03:52 >> Coming around the table, Jason Bradley and general
03:56 manager for Dare to dream. So glad you're here.
03:58 >> It's good to be here. And I'm just sitting there
04:00 taking notes, newly married. So haha yourself out of the no,
04:05 no, thank you. Yes, that's good.
04:09 >> We have more family members here. We always don't have the
04:12 opportunity to have you all here because sometimes you're
04:14 in California, not here. But tonight we have Pastor
04:17 James and receive after teen. We're so glad you both here and
04:21 so good to be here. We really love the interview. Actually,
04:24 we've been here almost 4 weeks when we leave this time.
04:26 Is this the longest time we've been here
04:28 >> on this trip? So and we've really gotten a little bit more
04:31 time with the staff behind the scenes. But some of the things
04:34 going on to the school suspended bus have so much so.
04:37 >> Yeah, man, you all have great experience in marriage.
04:41 Yeah. How many years it far? Thank you.
04:45 >> Haha.
04:51 >> Yeah. He for years. Wow. Times gone by her team and look
04:55 old enough to hat will take that.
05:02 >> You know, when the reasons you've been here for a while,
05:04 of course, we'll be talking about saw 3 against school
05:06 disciple ship. We just finished. That will be giving
05:08 some detail on how that the wind. But one of the reasons
05:11 was 3, a B in fall camp meeting. You're here. Let's
05:14 talk a little bit to about the camp meeting with the theme was
05:17 we have low roll that we want to go to. And of course,
05:20 we always enjoy 3, 8, in Camden because one of the reasons we
05:24 get to see you face to face. We had a lot of people come
05:26 from all over the country and come right here to 3 a B n's
05:30 fall. Homecoming can't meeting and what a blessing. The Holy
05:33 Spirit was here. Knocking on the Lord impress you with this
05:37 theme for can't meeting. And it was just fantastic deals
05:40 with the theme was and we'll go from there. You shall receive
05:43 power, a man. All right. And and and it.
05:46 >> All of the messages were just so on point that those
05:49 souls Holy spirit inspired. What a blessing. It's
05:54 interesting because that was the devotion I was reading for
05:56 this year. Be sure to keep our eye on all this is perfect.
06:00 I didn't know where the theme came from till now. So it's
06:02 just great for him.
06:04 >> Maybe we should actually go to the role right now is
06:07 lotion. Do that just kind of comment on a cause that shows
06:09 little clips and stuff from the sermons and music and the kids
06:12 programs. Let's go to the 3 against fall homecoming.
06:14 Can't meeting role.
06:16 [MUSIC]
06:21 [MUSIC]
06:26 >> We need the power of the holy Spirit. That's why we had
06:30 this. Can't move it.
06:32 How do we love people that we don't naturally life? We've all
06:37 met them. Have we not?
06:39 >> Well, the people that came to the rally, the word of God
06:45 in the 40's.
06:46 >> How do you deal with something so
06:49 deadly ascent?
06:51 >> That he God would grant you according to the riches of his
06:54 glory to be strengthened with might with tuna most power with
07:00 dynamite.
07:02 >> The power of the Holy Spirit seeing unto the Lord what all
07:07 the Earth
07:08 >> got. So he's going to do something. He's going to give
07:11 us the gift of the Holy Spirit. They start questioning
07:16 the word of God.
07:19 There are even questioning
07:21 character.
07:22 [MUSIC]
07:27 [MUSIC]
07:29 >> Any said war.
07:35 [MUSIC]
07:40 [MUSIC]
07:45 >> And thanks be to the Lord. He gave a great for it
07:50 for us to meant
07:53 we will get tired of just details.
07:55 [MUSIC]
08:00 [MUSIC]
08:05 [MUSIC]
08:10 >> We're a permission area there around the world on the
08:13 mighty were 10 or the wind or
08:17 [MUSIC]
08:21 >> and schools.
08:26 [MUSIC]
08:31 [MUSIC]
08:36 [MUSIC]
08:41 [MUSIC]
08:46 [MUSIC]
08:49 >> We stand to to get
08:53 we join hands together.
09:00 Dean praises, too.
09:03 [MUSIC]
09:06 >> We're saying Dina is
09:11 [MUSIC]
09:14 >> we chose to get
09:18 [MUSIC]
09:31 [MUSIC]
09:36 [MUSIC]
09:38 >> well, there was waiting to get into a groove,
09:44 but it wasn't any room. It was the room of John Wesley
09:50 Jesus is hanging on the cross. You and me were on his mind and
09:54 that amazing. You know, we have over 190 countries, people from
09:57 190 countries around the world.
09:59 >> Listening to our road cars through those wise Jesus was
10:04 the messiah.
10:05 >> We've got a human flashy wasn't just a teacher sent from
10:07 God.
10:09 [MUSIC]
10:13 [MUSIC]
10:18 [MUSIC]
10:23 >> A man with such an incredible time at Camp
10:27 meeting. I think the best part is getting to meet you and
10:30 getting to spend time with you in getting to hear your stories
10:33 in your journey. The second best part is the getting into
10:36 the word of God and his and it was powerful special thanks to
10:40 Darrius. He's a new employee here at TV and for putting that
10:44 role to get them in him and and Korea and Jason, you enjoy the
10:48 food.
10:49 >> Yeah. Just one of the day one of the Horton part was that
10:53 we got to eat with them. You know? Yeah, I know with
10:56 them and sell and ship and you know, the more vulnerable free
11:00 food. So stick out.
11:04 >> About can anyone get the comments on that? Because this
11:07 powerful me so many great messages, things stick out,
11:10 particular unit. Yep. That's gotten the message.
11:13 >> Everyone and a day in which the whole world is divided,
11:17 even churches are divided. Our church is no exception to
11:21 that.
11:22 To sit here each ceremony, each person and contradicting the
11:26 other on no one's saying, well, no, you are on them. Everyone
11:30 preaching from the word of God. And that's what makes a
11:33 powerful is because each of the speakers and presenters,
11:37 everyone involved musicians that songs bring honor and
11:40 glory to God stay focused. And when we do, we ask the Lord
11:45 to and work in us and through us and he will do that for
11:48 faithful. I've always said is not the message and messenger.
11:52 That's important. It's the message that's right. So God is
11:55 willing to use any of us if we will focus on the message and
11:59 that and in times message for an end times people as we know
12:03 and you specialize in the 3 Angeles messages of Revelation,
12:06 14 chapter and so to made the unity of all the speakers of
12:10 the people there. We didn't have a bunch of naysayers and
12:14 all that people come and criticizing not been the camp
12:17 meetings in the past where people want to come and
12:19 criticize that. These people are hungry for truth. And I
12:23 think we can see and our audience to home those that
12:27 came and hopefully those that watching can see that we're in
12:30 a time that the devil is out to steal, kill and destroy.
12:34 He's out to deceive and people are looking for truth like
12:39 never before. So this makes evangelism the greatest failed
12:43 that we've ever had the greatest opportunity for
12:45 evangelism asan 10 years ago or 20 years ago as today.
12:49 >> Yeah, I love that. Yes, you know, yes, Specter, who's
12:53 really good anybody else. And that that prepares for the
12:56 Holy Spirit because the holy Spirit was put out on the
12:58 Cyprus when they all run. One, according to Abbe shows,
13:01 he power that very fien. Yeah, you know, that allowed
13:05 the Holy Spirit to have have the influence of these have
13:07 because it's the messengers preaching the truth. But it
13:10 comes in the power of the Holy Spirit home by the power of the
13:13 year to come to the heart.
13:15 >> And I think that's what we need today. More than ever.
13:19 We really need the power of the holy spirit to finish the war
13:23 and also for the latter rain so that we can be prepared to go
13:27 with the law when it comes. So I it it was to me can't
13:31 meeting was so powerful. It always is because I love the
13:35 I love the multicultural piece of feels like heaven. You know,
13:38 everybody's they're representing every, you know,
13:42 group. And in that time he put it exactly. Exactly. I love
13:46 that. I love the fact that, you know, the message is the way
13:51 the Holy Spirit impresses each speaker to give their message
13:56 is so beautiful. And like you said, it's unified, but is just
14:02 each perspective on it. It says to me can't meeting is just I
14:06 look forward to it because it it refreshes my spirit as well.
14:12 More too much alike because I was going to say.
14:18 >> But I have.
14:20 >> I love the theme and I love that. Each of the messages
14:24 pointed us to the power source. And I thought that was really,
14:27 really good, you know, because that the way that everything
14:32 came together, each message as pop was saying, builds on each
14:37 other. And it's it's truly the work of the Holy See, and that
14:42 was powerful.
14:44 >> I think one beautiful aspect to being here for in person
14:48 can't meeting and this is the prayer room that started.
14:51 It is 06:30AM, in the morning and it's neat to see that group
14:55 grow and grow and grow. The room is provided for them to
14:58 expand and expanding the move and other areas of the
15:01 sanctuary. And that's just the powerful aspect in a great way
15:04 to start out. Can't meeting each day there. And to me,
15:07 that's one of the benefits of being here at camp. And you can
15:09 join that prayer group. And of course, ones that don't you
15:12 that's done. You can go and have a really good breakfast
15:14 that nobody puts together. Cavernous puts together and
15:17 then the media start right after that. So I tell you,
15:20 we want to invite you. I think, Joe, you have the summer dates
15:24 that are coming up because some of you have already been
15:25 asking, hey, when is your next 3ABN, can't be was going to be
15:29 in the summer or spring of next year's June.
15:32 >> And I'm trying to move those days. Fun 5 to a good memory
15:35 again, June 5, 2, 8, So join us. Mark that on your calendar.
15:40 We know Falk and meaning to me is a little smaller, intimate
15:44 yet to spend more time with people. Spring camp meeting is
15:47 packed and fall and we have a lot of different speakers come
15:50 in. So make sure you get your reservation soon for that
15:55 summer camp meeting, which is June 5 through 8. We just look
15:59 forward to you spending that time with us together.
16:01 >> You know, I think also when we had COVID, you know, 3 and a
16:04 half years ago that started, you know, I've always taken for
16:07 granted that we have canned meat into Monday's game right
16:10 now to get together in that room. But then just like that,
16:14 like the entire world changed and it was isolation big time.
16:19 And so what Sony did can't meeting or other gatherings
16:22 like school disciple ship. A lot of people talk about that
16:24 fellowship that everyone being together. And that was neat,
16:27 seeing people with their Bibles open, talking to each other
16:30 after meetings or praying together, just fellowship,
16:33 encouraging one another because again, we can say all we can do
16:37 this, but who knows our freedoms are just boy can be
16:39 taken away from us. Really quick to praise the Lord.
16:42 >> One of the fellowship, powerful things at the campaign
16:45 was both your service, a man. It was incredible on that
16:48 spiritual. Isn't those inroads hand
16:52 LGBTQ? And you talked about a new book that's coming here
16:56 soon to be being as well. So tell us about that.
17:00 >> Well, it's called can their Christian church? I want to
17:03 make sure and then cleared all churches and the Christian
17:07 Church affirm LGBTQ Maine. There's an aspect that A-OK
17:14 for, but that's a topic that I wouldn't have dreamed 10 years
17:18 ago, James, and that's that we'd be dealing with this and
17:22 our church in particular or the Christian Church in general
17:25 even 10 years ago. I mean, yeah, there's some. But today
17:29 it's everywhere it is. And every church I know I'm in
17:33 every denomination I know of is struggling. And we did this and
17:37 last over the summer and the summer. And after that sermon,
17:42 we've got several 100,000 views. But more importantly,
17:46 we've got a few 1000 comments from people
17:49 and I'm amazed from Catholics from Methodist, from Baptists,
17:53 from evangelical Pentecost. All these people riding Sane.
17:58 Thank you for telling the truth. Our church is struggling
18:02 with this. This is huge and our church and we don't have the
18:05 answers to this. How do we deal with it? So we began to to
18:09 think about that in response from the sermon said maybe we
18:12 should put together a little book that notice 48 pages,
18:16 it's like to focus on truth. Both sides probably an hour and
18:20 a half.
18:21 But literally I
18:24 the timeliness of this was God it was made because I hadn't
18:29 realized and people are saying no one speaking up about this,
18:32 why we don't know how to deal with the nurture. And we have a
18:36 pastor. We have, you know, an elder. We have some members
18:39 that, you know, are open. They sold. We decided. Let's
18:42 see what God says about it. Yeah. And so it's not really
18:46 for those of you as not to people say, oh, well, they're
18:49 homophobic of the whatever this book really is not about LGBTQ.
18:54 It's about open cent. And that just happens to be one of them.
18:58 That's what I explained that people and I'm dealing with
19:01 people one-on-one over this and people with an even my own
19:05 family
19:06 that just says this just is too much like, you know, you're
19:10 judging other people and you have no right to judge other
19:12 people. So I've spent literally hours and hours and hours and
19:16 conversations which help.
19:18 >> Then to put this book together, then I got other
19:21 people's opinions. And thank you, James and others and
19:24 probably you guys. What do you think needs to be in here?
19:27 What can we do? So it's really when we say I wrote it, there's
19:30 a number of people who gave him put end of this, but it's all
19:34 biblical. So those thing that I've seen that help most people
19:38 to fight this to be the short in a nutshell, the ones who are
19:42 struggling with this the most. So we don't understand why is
19:45 this an any worse than the others?
19:48 So I said to one of the church members that I was talking to,
19:52 let me ask you something. So you believe that these
19:56 people, the LGBTQ who openly
19:59 living in San you think they should become members of the
20:02 church? And they said, well, that just seems like it's
20:05 unfair not to because, you know, 2 people love each other
20:08 and you know, all of this that they should be a part of the
20:11 church size so of their members, that means they could
20:13 be elders. Are pastors are beacons and might have in this?
20:16 Well, you know, I guess and I so let me ask a question that
20:21 how about if a heterosexual couple comes your church,
20:24 a man and a woman
20:26 and they're living together. They're not biblically, you
20:29 know, married, right? They're living together and they say we
20:33 want to join your church and we want to become members. And the
20:37 woman says I'd like to, you know, tha the youth. And the
20:40 guy says, I want to be a choir director. Would you accept
20:44 amend your church membership?
20:46 Well, well, well to people living has yet to people living
20:50 together, but they're not married or not may. Well,
20:52 no, I said, what am I missing? Those hairs to people held to
20:57 be take you not and the side and got married and you're
21:01 willing to accept them. But you all there's actually a couple.
21:05 It is a tough that Harris sexual phobic or something like
21:08 that on one June say with that term is, but they're like,
21:11 wow, I never really thought about that before. So what
21:15 we're showing is is it open said no matter what that is
21:18 when opens and means when you're in defiance are when you
21:23 refuse to accept
21:25 God's word. And yet you say I want to be a member of this
21:29 church, but the biggest responsibility of the Christian
21:33 church today
21:35 placed in my opinion, that is to be the watchmen on the wall.
21:38 And and so as watchmen on the wall, we are support. The Lords
21:42 says if we allow this dilution to come in to our church,
21:47 the blood will be on our hands. So one friend of ours that we
21:51 talked to quite a bit. He really struggles and we all do.
21:55 But he's open about it. He is in for a while. He's out for a
21:59 while. And and then for a while, he's out for a while.
22:01 And so he just set one day was talking to us, came to visit us
22:05 and he said, listen,
22:08 I don't understand how come some people are so accepting of
22:12 the LGBTQ, if they're going to accept sands. I got more than
22:16 anybody. I want to be a member and I want to be involved in
22:19 church. But I don't have to change any minds. So why don't
22:23 you accept me? The way I am May said no one would accept me and
22:28 baptize me the way I'm living, but they will. They have and
22:31 why? That's a great question. It is a very so what we're
22:35 talking about this little book basically is to to look to the
22:39 Bible for Bible answers. We don't put our own opinions
22:42 in. And so
22:44 what is the responsibility of the church and who are way too?
22:49 We have a right to judge somebody else. Bible says God
22:52 looks on. The man looked on. Our parents looked on the
22:55 heart, but also in that same chapter, Matthew, if you go
22:58 down a ways it says by their fruits, ye shall know them.
23:02 So we have to do it takes a study to go into it to say,
23:06 OK, who are we anyway? And it's not us judging. Then the last
23:09 point is that churches that are firming and I've seen the
23:14 university that had we have from where from and, you know,
23:18 transgenders LGBTQ in a church. I don't care what the
23:22 nomination you are, whether it's ours or anyone else that
23:25 affirms and says we affirm LGBTQ or any open Sen
23:31 is setting themselves in the place of God. They're trying to
23:34 set on the throne room of God because even God himself does
23:38 not forgive open sent right because the whole plan of
23:41 salvation is based on is rooted in forgiveness and met were
23:47 center special can fast and sorry. We have to be sorry
23:51 before we confess and then we're really sorry. We confess
23:55 our sins. Jay-Z's says the Bible says he and faithful and
23:58 just defer to forgive you from some of years and over all from
24:02 all your sins and to cleanse you from someone, right?
24:05 You all. So all unrighteousness. Oh, what an
24:08 incredible I think about the godhead faster that would love
24:12 people enough that's willing to forgive us no matter what we
24:16 did. So there's no sand so bad and that's what's so beautiful
24:19 about it. There's no sense bigger. So bad God will forgive
24:23 it
24:24 and the burst right before that verse 8 0st Sean says.
24:27 >> If we say we have not sin, we deceive ourselves. The truth
24:31 is not in us. Oh, God, he's dealing with this whole LGBTQ
24:34 and everyone else they're saying don't say you haven't
24:35 sent. Don't say that business in the way out is to confess
24:39 your sins of right and then verse 10 says and if we say we
24:42 haven't said we make him a liar, no May got a liar.
24:44 Don't say that God's word is not the standard. Just confess,
24:48 though sense. Absolutely. And they actually use that in
24:51 the book to to to explain that because some people it's like,
24:55 well, we
24:57 it's amazing that people can literally stand
25:01 >> up and say, I want to be on basically on the use or demand.
25:04 I demand to be a part of this church. I used to be a member
25:09 to for a few years that the country club in West Frankfort.
25:13 All right. Not the biggest place on Earth. It's nice and
25:16 golf course out there to get play much better. Go out and
25:19 play Jamie new out there. But they have a rule and the
25:23 rule is you. You have to have when you play, you've got to
25:26 have a collar.
25:27 You can't just go out at a church. If I did, I wasn't
25:31 allowed to play. I don't care how much that I said. Well,
25:34 wait a minute. I just passed them by want to stop not paid
25:37 for this reading as that.
25:40 You know, how about this?
25:42 I want to be a lifeguard, but I don't know how to swim.
25:44 >> Haha and I'm not going take a lesson. Haha. Yeah. See.
25:51 Yeah.
25:53 >> So anyway, the book we believe we've got 2 and a half
25:58 million been printed as we speak. That's right. Fair.
26:01 And so they're going to be coming here in November and
26:04 just shortly, probably middle of November. So ever again,
26:07 2 and a half million who've been printed. And we hope
26:10 that's just the first run. You know, so we hope a few
26:12 million more go out because there's such a need now.
26:15 Do we love people? Yes, no, we want LGBTQ people, the centers
26:21 to come to church. I hope so because we're all centers,
26:24 right? It's it's a hospital for not that those who are perfect
26:28 drive that hospital for those in need and spiritual Nate.
26:32 And so we want people to come to church. We love people who
26:35 don't care what their past is because it's our responsibility
26:39 and privilege to be able to pray with these people helped
26:41 lead him to Jesus. Yeah. So anyway, we hope that the
26:45 book is very balanced. And so again, we've got a number of
26:48 other of opinions from other people. We've got Scripture
26:51 added to, as we said, how about adding this? How about that?
26:55 So I think it's a book Avon you. She did a tremendous job.
26:59 And it is I'm great at writing, but not good at it. And I
27:02 didn't get very far in school. And so she really straighten
27:06 that out for me. So it's the Ashley Graham and the editing.
27:11 >> But I tell her, look, if you say something needs to be
27:13 change. Yeah, he is my heart and yourself with that. But
27:16 you're good with. Yeah. Well, yeah. Not live here. Let's say
27:20 like that when you know you're you're a good team. Where is
27:23 the law? And I love it.
27:25 >> Me too. Me, too. I what I love. There are few things I
27:28 love about the book. One is that it is a Bible study.
27:32 So it is not, you know, the same Danny, just methodically,
27:37 which is the way you think, which I love goes through step
27:41 by step and bills, you know, upon each each Bible ticks.
27:47 So I love that because it shows the Bible's perspective.
27:52 You God's perspective. And, you know, with Second chronicles
27:55 7.14, you know, if my people who are called by my name will
28:01 humble themselves and pray
28:03 and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
28:08 hear from him. And so we have to confess this is sin if we
28:12 don't. And we don't tell people that it's us and they don't
28:16 know. So many of our young people now think that it's OK,
28:20 the statistics are showing then and doctor, then we have and
28:24 they are being indoctrinated. And if we don't set that
28:27 balance in place and show the truth and we don't counter had
28:32 the counterfeit, then we're not being the watchmen on the wall
28:36 and we're not being we're not doing what we're supposed to
28:38 do. So I love that this book praise God, is it shines a
28:44 light on on some confusion. People are confused about,
28:50 you know, I've talked to some people who say, well, this is
28:54 it's complicated. Well, it is, but it's not. You know, it's
28:58 it's complicated from the standpoint of it's
29:02 its purse. How do we how do you mean down people and yet set
29:07 boundaries? That's really what I think it they're saying,
29:10 yeah, it's complicated. But
29:13 you put out something which I thought was really good.
29:15 I'm about
29:17 how would you treat any other son if someone comes in there
29:21 and alcoholic, how would you treat that?
29:23 It's the same kind of principle right now. So I just feel like
29:28 it. It is a very timely, useful resource for anybody who wants
29:34 to have an answer for what should the church do about?
29:39 >> About LGBTQ issues. I talked to someone last week. This
29:42 said, yeah, but my grandson was born that way. And I said so
29:47 that foreign center were all morning center. So what does
29:51 the Bible say
29:53 when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior our life?
29:56 We just talked about it. A great plan of salvation.
29:59 He can give us victory over San if it can is not much of a guy
30:02 that's currently so it doesn't make any difference. What
30:05 you're born with, all you have to do is give it to God and
30:10 say, Lord, here I am the centre, same a and he'll do
30:13 that. And the good part about the books in 2 and a half
30:16 million and thanks to supporters some supporters and
30:20 will be able to give them away. Yeah. So we're not at that.
30:23 Amazing to. It's incredible. We'll let we'll do a program
30:27 another week or 2, right closer to when their hair and let
30:30 people order. No by the case. I think there's 200 okay for a
30:34 case on the condition that you that you give them away.
30:38 We don't want to set an enclosed the church pantries or
30:40 anywhere else that you can order by the case. And we were
30:44 not taking orders tonight necessarily, but we they're
30:47 going to be available. And I thank the Lord for those
30:50 involved decision on what we believe in this. We believe it
30:53 needs to get out to the not only our church but to the
30:56 world. And it's a great way to cross over 2 other
31:00 denominations because we talk about the 10 Commandments.
31:03 The 10 Commandments were nailed to the cross. Then these other
31:07 churches are struggling with this with. So what's wrong with
31:09 that? My question asking if you don't believe the 10
31:12 Commandments are valid, new say they're now across. And so now
31:16 that one's ballad that same night, that all of Monday,
31:18 right, including the 4th one. So we don't go in all that
31:21 detail. But we're going to enough that I believe that the
31:24 this is a great crossover book that will get into.
31:28 >> You know, other Christians hands. Yeah. Thank you so very
31:32 much for writing the book and it's it's a powerful book.
31:35 Thank you for sending the manuscript to Joe myself and on
31:37 others and it's really powerful. It's well done to me.
31:41 It's not an attack on the LGBT. Now you write in Cern's bring a
31:44 great biblical principles loves throughout. But again, how do
31:47 you address these things? How do you deal with it?
31:49 Because that's a lot of the questions that are out there is
31:51 how do we deal with this? Well, the book is masterful
31:54 lead and that way is only 48 pages, which is incredible.
31:57 I don't know how you can do that this and bring it down to
32:00 this is just fantastic. Just well done. Whether the need in
32:03 hazy because we had to look out thousands of words board,
32:09 gifted you both. And thank you, Mister Danny, for writing that.
32:11 You know, it's interesting because you mentioned that
32:13 sermon that you've preached in the spring and summer of this
32:16 year and the response to positive response to that
32:19 message was apps. Incredible. And it wasn't just my 7th
32:21 daphnis response was across the nominations and I love the
32:25 title. This book being put that graphic back up. I love the
32:29 title. Of course. I love the the actual design of it,
32:32 too. But can the Christian Church affirmed LGBTQ? So this
32:37 book is not just for 7th Ave as Mister Ghani's action that goes
32:40 across to nomination. So it's an incredible need that's out
32:43 there. And so I want to encourage this evening. I know
32:45 we don't have the details yet, but if you want to be called
32:48 back or we can email you, the call centers open tonight,
32:51 you can just say, hey, you know what, I really like to be
32:53 informed and you get the information about this. Just
32:55 calling the call center tonight. That number
32:57 618-627-4651, they can just put off your sheet there and then
33:01 they can contact you back. And we have those details with
33:03 we're figuring out. So you'll be first on the list. So want
33:08 to encourage you tonight to just reach out to 3ABN or
33:10 there's an e-mail also, is that mailroom or mail it 3 that they
33:14 can?
33:15 >> Contact us. Which e-mail is that I would use male, OK,
33:17 male and 3ABN DOT TV. That's mail at 3ABN DOT TV. You can do
33:23 is email us and say yes, I want to be first on the list.
33:26 That's right. Books. When they come hot off the press. As
33:29 Mister Danny mentioned, we will be doing a live program.
33:31 It's November 9. So it's coming in just a couple weeks.
33:34 Thursday night, November 9th will be doing a live from the
33:37 call. Center will be open. You can place your orders for
33:40 this book because it's coming toward the end of November.
33:42 The roads will be here in person. You know, John says
33:46 Jesus speaking in the book of John, Whoever the Sun sets
33:49 free, free indeed. And Tom wants to give us victory.
33:53 God wants to fat a** free and not only free for those who
33:57 struggle with these issues in the LGBTQ. God wants to set us
34:02 free from the
34:04 political understanding misunderstanding that that many
34:08 people hold on this issue. So I think this book is written
34:13 to set you in. I free from this misunderstanding that the
34:18 Christian Church should affirm Evt keys in their sense.
34:22 It's a vital book. It's a wonderful
34:25 I was going to say a wonderful topic. I wish we didn't even
34:28 need to use Reitman. It's unneeded topic. That's a much
34:31 better adjectives that it's unneeded topic. They did an
34:35 incredible job with the writing of it. It's so balanced and its
34:39 biblical. So if needed for the staying switching topics here
34:43 recently and we're sitting right here, talk to us. Your
34:46 brand new program made for health launched just a couple
34:50 weeks ago. 03:08PM. Yeah, if you have already been watching
34:55 and have been telling us that it's already on 3ABN plus so
34:59 you can watch it on to him. But talk to us a little bit
35:01 about that process and journey and I think we have a clip from
35:03 it, too. First of all, I'm so excited about your enthusiasm.
35:07 I'm so excited about it to. Yeah, the energy there that you
35:12 have your my sister, thank you. And you see in the process.
35:16 So we started out kind of with a different title and it took
35:18 me a long time to finally come to the title made for health
35:21 and that title, I feel really encapsulates the essence of
35:26 what we're trying to convey and that is that you are made you
35:29 are created. You were designed. This is not an accident.
35:32 Every part of you, the gallbladder wasn't mistake,
35:35 you know, and there was just everything got put together.
35:38 And there's a reason for that. And that intricacy and that
35:41 design is there to help you to live optimally the best life we
35:46 can possibly think of. That was God's purpose for us. So you
35:49 are made and then for health and a lot of times, I think our
35:54 understanding of what health is is really narrow, right?
35:57 We think the health might be absence from disease or the I
36:01 got COVID and therefore, I'm not healthy or something to
36:03 that effect. But what is health and again, that that is bigger,
36:08 then maybe our narrow understanding and how do we
36:10 achieve it? So part of that I think is going back to
36:15 understanding guys design and when you're talking about,
36:18 you know, the law of God and saying I was thinking people,
36:21 the love of God is his design. It's how the kingdom of the
36:25 universe operates and we're to be part of that kingdom.
36:29 And so there's natural law that he instilled within our
36:32 physiology. And when we choose to live in harmony with that,
36:36 just like living in harmony with the love of God, we
36:38 experience our past life. You know, I name them. And so
36:43 yet again, how do we how do we come into that experience?
36:47 And so part of the essence of the programs and the reason why
36:52 chose the topics that I did was to find what are some of the
36:56 core underlying principles that got place, that
37:01 I think we're a little ignore enough that really are
37:03 foundational to understanding optimal health. And so they're
37:07 not sit back and, you know, turn your brain off kind of
37:11 program. They're definitely, hey, let's engage. Let's not be
37:15 lazy mentally m, maybe you won't get everything out of the
37:19 first program. And that's OK, but you'll get something,
37:22 you know, and my repetition by exposure. And we start
37:25 learning. Well, my mitochondria are amazing, you know, and how
37:28 can I take care of then what what causes them to and not
37:32 function optimally and how can I maybe switch a few things in
37:36 my life. It can really support these structures that God put
37:40 inside of myself. You guys have heard the term if you heal the
37:44 soul and all will be. Well, I think, you know, and so a lot
37:47 of times we think symptom all I've got to elevate a cluster
37:50 on. So how can I knock that down and them I'll be free from
37:54 cardiovascular disease. What a lot more complicated than that,
37:57 right. When we think of what health is, that may be what our
37:59 health care looks like. But it's not what what really
38:02 generate true health. Some talking too much. Sorry.
38:05 I'm too excited about.
38:10 >> Hussein Jason's going. Yeah, that's right. Jason Mini
38:16 and micro by having that understanding. And that's one
38:22 of the topics.
38:23 >> Of the programs like, wow, I can start making decisions and
38:27 choices for myself that are more in alignment with my
38:31 design right now. I have a micro bio. What supports that
38:34 thing? Is that so foundational to health? Yes.
38:37 >> Every second sentence that Jason greets me with this.
38:40 Hey, how's it going past Rafferty? How's your micro by?
38:42 >> He came and visited us in our and we made sure that we
38:49 fed his micro Biome aha.
38:51 >> Whether some of the topics that you cover design episode
38:58 one was the Myocardium Anaconda mitochondria, which is, you
39:02 know, these are new terms for me. I probably should know
39:04 this, but I know has now reviewing that program just
39:07 because of the for the first one. We want to see it. And it
39:09 was amazing to realize lacking sleep because sleep actually
39:13 helps heal a lot of this stuff. Right? And I don't sleep
39:15 enough. You know, something's going on so many exciting
39:17 things.
39:18 >> I told you listened and I've got to get a little rest of the
39:20 Hue Mai. Yes, one, what are some of that sunshine and get
39:24 that? So, yeah, the first one is kind of identifying what is
39:28 the mitochondria are second episode is what are some of the
39:32 factors that can actually cause the mitochondria not to work
39:35 optimally, OK? And we just identified, you know, peep
39:38 mitochondria your energy factories. It's part of that's
39:41 one of their main function is not the total function of that
39:44 has a complex has a lot for us. But so what can cause them not
39:49 to function plays the second episode in the 3rd episode is
39:53 what can we do to really support them and recharge them
39:55 and make them? I'm the best that they can be at, you know,
39:59 whatever stage of health we're at. But then we go into other
40:02 topics. We talk inflammation. Oh, good. I think that's a word
40:05 that's thrown out. A lot of chronic inflammation underlies
40:09 disease. You know that it's just common variable. It
40:12 doesn't matter what disease you have almost there's
40:14 inflammation at the core. What are we talking about?
40:16 Is that like red, you know, soar. That's what I think of
40:20 when I you know, your energy was inflamed because I'm hit.
40:23 Is that what's going on internally? So we try to help
40:26 people, you know, give that up more understanding so that
40:30 people understand the nuances of what's chronic inflammation.
40:34 Of course, we don't cover it completely or perfectly.
40:38 But yeah, we introduce its to learn something. Yes, so we
40:42 will go on. Yeah, hopefully it's well done. We have
40:44 different health professionals. Well, actually, they're all
40:47 physicians except we have some like phd's and nutritionist,
40:52 but they're coming from there field of specialty. And it's I
40:56 think what I really wanted for people to see also is that a
41:00 lot of times when we think about health care, we say,
41:04 oh, I've got a problem with my stomach. So therefore, I go see
41:07 a gastroenterologist right there, the specialist to help
41:09 me with my stuff. But when if you know what was going on with
41:13 my stomach could also be what's going on with the aches and
41:16 pains in my knee air, you know, and understand that our body is
41:20 so intimately interconnected and that what affects one
41:23 affects the other. That's a biblical concept. It is.
41:26 And so it's very true, physiologically. And for people
41:29 to see well, healthy mitochondria would affect my
41:32 brain. It would affect my pay increase, would affect my
41:34 muscles would affect my performance here here here here
41:36 and here. So getting that the different perspective from the
41:40 physicians, I think lends itself to that because we have
41:42 to neurologist, husband and wife team. They're amazing.
41:46 And then we have endocrinologist. We have a
41:48 researcher. We have a nutritionist. We have the pain
41:51 specialist. I'm going to forget someone the and the coaches to
41:54 Mt.
41:57 Think about what I mean yet. The psychiatrist. Yeah. So we
42:01 have some amazing humans who are just sharing from their
42:05 wealth of information, you know, their wealth of
42:08 knowledge.
42:09 >> Information on the topics that much we go to the clip
42:12 going. Yeah, we're just going to say it is. I think one of
42:14 the best health programs 3 man has ever produced a document
42:18 care. If you go from receipt explaining the bent and then
42:21 you go to one doctor and then a different doctor. All on the
42:23 same topic. But it will move in together. Brad and team did an
42:27 amazing job with the 18. Let's go to this clip right
42:31 now.
42:33 >> The rematch navaira of those 1914 horsepower that was born
42:39 to out. For more
42:40 [MUSIC]
42:43 today. We're going to be talking about your first time.
42:46 So if you're feeling like you need a little more, our star,
42:49 today's program for you.
42:51 [MUSIC]
42:56 >> You met some of the doctors will be with us to the rest of
42:59 the series sharing on a wide variety of topics from the lens
43:03 of their professional expertise. We have
43:06 meteorologist, cardiologist, a pain specialist, an
43:10 endocrinologist and ear nose and throat, Doc psychiatrist,
43:15 researcher and a physical therapist.
43:18 I really value the topics we're going to be addressing as
43:21 they're all at the root of our health.
43:24 Hope you'll stay with me as we cover subjects like got health
43:28 inflammation and how various lifestyle factors impact our
43:31 physiology on so many different levels. Ali, here with you,
43:36 hopefully making things a bit easier to understand knowing
43:40 more about ourselves is going to help us take better care of
43:44 the most amazing thing on the planet.
43:47 And that's you. You were made for help.
43:54 >> And then a great program and just started airing on 3 ABN
43:58 like Jill said it also on 3ABN plus, which is great receive
44:02 because there is a lot of information just like, wow,
44:05 this is great. You can pause 3ABN plus, yes, go back a
44:09 little bit and watch it again and take those notes is just
44:11 fantastic. So good job on a grand jury here, credible
44:16 amount of effort and time. And I'm just so proud of you to
44:21 do your job, wonderful program. That's going to bless the
44:24 minister to a lot of people. Yes, sir. And like you said,
44:27 we're already getting really good positive feedback from
44:29 people saying this is fantastic. I'm learning so much
44:31 so pretty. But Jason Dare to dream. A lot is going on in
44:36 your network a little bit about what's happening.
44:39 >> So we recently recorded a wolf in sheep's clothing.
44:42 I was a program that deals with modern day spiritual is and and
44:47 how it's creeping into the church. And so some of the
44:49 topics that we covered were the deceptions of yoga, Hollywood
44:53 and cold. The pack perils of yoga. We talk to us former
44:58 Hollywood actor who turned his life over to Christ. We
45:02 actually have us a couple clips kind of rolled into one good
45:07 that will, you know, get to see you. A glimpse of each one of
45:11 those testimony stare. So I don't know if you want to go.
45:14 Yeah, let's go to that role than right now.
45:17 >> So we talk about a call to some eastern mysticism.
45:20 Anything that's dark. They merge good and evil together.
45:24 And what did Satan say? Even the Garden,
45:27 your eyes will be open and and you shall know good and evil
45:31 was never God's intention for us to no good and evil. So look
45:34 at those videos. You see the black and white floor, the
45:36 black and white outfits. All us a silent a confirmation.
45:41 Yeah, that I'm connected to the occult world as well as in a
45:45 sonic world.
45:46 >> There's a lot of exercises you can do and stretches you
45:50 can do. But in the context of yoga
45:53 there, there's a different goal. The goal isn't just
45:57 fitness or flexibility. The goal is what they call oneness.
46:03 And, you know, King, yeah. King becoming one with
46:07 everything around you and more specifically becoming get one
46:11 and yoked with Bron. Yeah.
46:15 >> We're convinced that our house was haunted
46:17 and it because it really did feel
46:20 very much like a horror movie and it
46:23 it actually and really kicked off after my after my
46:27 grandfather died. And I I don't know why that was no, really.
46:31 I don't know if we really made that connection with that.
46:34 But I remember that was the case were
46:36 we would see
46:38 we will see things that weren't there. You know, we would will
46:42 see operations.
46:43 >> Also now dealing with the reality of the show that I'm
46:47 working on
46:48 is not not only is it not in alignment with what I believe
46:51 in what convicted about, but it's the exact opposite.
46:54 It's it's produced by Jesuits and has a sonic elements.
46:58 It is a promoting a lifestyles that we don't agree with as far
47:04 as what the Bible tells us as as we should live promoting a
47:08 future that is not in alignment with what the Bible says the
47:11 future's going to be. I mean, everything about it was almost
47:14 a post, I would say to what I believe.
47:17 >> And there's a dip listed here happening because you're
47:19 trying to serve God and in faith and in life. But yet you
47:23 have this alter ego that has that perform babylonia.
47:27 >> Exactly. And so it became really difficult. And, you
47:30 know, like I said, I'd just come out. I just started to
47:33 come into this understanding. I had a relationship before
47:36 that and that had ended. And I started to realize,
47:39 as I read the book Adventists home, that was because I didn't
47:41 understand how how relationships are meant to
47:44 operate when you're a Christian and when you when you're
47:46 working in God's way. And so I'm very fresh and new to this.
47:50 And I find myself in this new environment.
47:53 >> What we know is that one music babes over the brain like
47:55 this, like I said, you're learning is increased. It
47:58 stimulates the mcdill a more emotional part of the brain.
48:02 Turns off the reasoning part their studies. Great studies at
48:05 the American Journal Pediatric they have really good articles
48:07 going back to 2006 showing that when children leave listen to
48:11 music with highly sexual content and a far more likely
48:14 to begin to engage in high-risk behaviors earlier than right.
48:19 Fielder who don't. So you?
48:23 >> My that's going to be a powerful program. Present
48:28 truth. What we need in the event. Yes, so important for
48:31 the church, not only the 7th Avenue church but across the
48:34 nominations are even if you're not a Christian. This is an
48:36 important mission.
48:38 >> It launches. Jason is in next weekend there, James.
48:41 Absolutely October 26th next week on their dream. We're
48:44 excited about it. And and you're also going to carry it
48:47 on parent. We started in January and parent praise God
48:50 let things winded and credible job posed to the incredible.
48:55 She actually studied yoga for a while and see praise. God came
49:00 out of that and she shares her experience as well. But we have
49:05 also been busy with unshackled purpose. You know, I'm
49:08 passionate about prison ministry where you're going to
49:10 say something.
49:11 >> No, just the the program. It's again, so timely because
49:18 Satan is using a lot of these things, too. Come in the back
49:22 door. Yeah, you know, and these are entry points for him,
49:26 entertainment and yoga and even a cold. His some kids, a plane
49:33 would review boards and things like that and they don't
49:35 realize what they're doing. So this program is super
49:40 powerful and timely and you're going to get something from it.
49:43 If you watch it, you can definitely get some good
49:46 information about what?
49:48 >> And helps us understand. No one is exempt. Yeah.
49:51 Granddaughter was on their head like a yeah. And she used to be
49:55 on time. You know, kids programs when she was 5,
49:58 6, 7, years old, you know, raise what we call and truth
50:02 going to church. Then she went out and literally all those
50:06 eastern, you know, religions and to do good. And this is a
50:10 missed. Yeah, all kinds of stuff literally was out there.
50:14 I mean, just totally agnostic. What have you? But praise God
50:19 of cam. She's come back to the Lord Noah and testimony and
50:25 even gone a few places and to say, look, Jesus is real.
50:30 This is great. The other is a counterfeit man. I mean,
50:34 she was drawn and all of that new say, how can that happen
50:36 when you're a somebody around, you know, but it can. So you're
50:40 not looking for truth. You know, we can be deceived.
50:43 And so this is a great program, Jason, then and we all know
50:46 that.
50:48 >> So it's this one. We did 13. I want to say 16 16 thank were
50:52 recorded 16 up. So that's great. Yeah. Thank you so much.
50:56 You're welcome. We've also been busy with unshackle purpose
50:59 season 3. Now this is a parent production, but we also wear
51:03 this on their dream as well. And I absolutely love prison
51:07 ministry. I don't believe that anybody is beyond redemption.
51:12 And so as we go into those facilities was share this with
51:16 the men and women that are incarcerated. We actually have
51:19 a clip from the program. I'm from this 3rd season of
51:23 unshackle purpose. And this was a
51:27 >> powerful, powerful season. All right. Let's go to that
51:30 role right now.
51:32 >> I know light.
51:36 >> It was love. I love it.
51:40 I know
51:42 we show what you hear. What was what you look at all. Nobody
51:49 else knew what was going on inside me. And he showed up and
51:53 done some that nothing new to you. And here in the day,
51:59 tell us a line. It doesn't have the local sometimes that there
52:04 is no no matter what's going on.
52:09 >> Why this is that the righteous man, Paul, 7.10,
52:13 what makes man right to State Farm said to us is that he is
52:18 so
52:20 we use in that
52:22 we have in the past. All these stop you from getting back to.
52:29 >> Addiction is as evil enemy and when it consumes you,
52:34 it's hard to get out of. It is great.
52:37 One of my favorite scripture verses is Hebrews. 13 0st 3.
52:41 Remember those in prison as if you are in prison with them.
52:45 We remember those who are being mistreated as if you felt the
52:48 pain too.
52:49 That's one of the most favorite scripture verses out of the
52:51 word. 31 years old. Now
52:55 with a live edition of welcome. One
52:58 [MUSIC]
53:00 was a long as I see my daughter every night. I miss miss my
53:06 family was my grandmother.
53:08 >> We have Ali father, we thank you so much for eliminating our
53:12 asked by the court,
53:14 giving us your word so that we can study and learn about your
53:18 character and ultimately reflect your character to the
53:21 world.
53:22 >> Whether that's all that's cool, man. That's real. That's
53:27 the power.
53:29 >> Even though I'm incarcerated, I mean, I could
53:32 be negative and dwell on the past. But through through God,
53:37 I found joy. I mean, you can find joy every day you can wake
53:41 up happy and he's got it.
53:48 >> When you do not turn ones you need expert
53:53 will help them deal in general and got principles so that they
54:03 no longer need extra ones because there will be free and
54:07 it is right.
54:09 [MUSIC]
54:12 >> Honor as it is. Give us this day. We forgive those who
54:31 trespass against
54:46 [MUSIC]
54:51 >> wow. Lord, another powerful series unshackled have to hand.
54:56 You just think about prison ministries in how you can
55:00 actually be free wine bars that free in Jesus Christ. And yeah,
55:05 it was always inspired thing about let me they get Christmas
55:08 behind bars. Of course, we work closely with him the series as
55:11 well, Jason. Yes, he does a phenomenal job. And then when
55:14 you say let me turn lows for.
55:16 >> He'll stay there from morning until the next day.
55:19 Haha. I mean, it's it's absolutely incredible. And
55:23 they're so many people that shared so many people that were
55:27 incarcerated, that that shared and what they had to say was so
55:30 powerful. So I hope that our audience well tune in to
55:35 unshackle purpose. The 3rd season is still in the editing
55:38 process. So it's not out there yet.
55:40 >> But when it does come out as definitely a program that you
55:44 don't want to miss, I just want to thank you all at home.
55:47 Thank you, Jason Fortune doing in London with the series,
55:49 but thank you at home for your continued financial support and
55:53 prayers, of course, for 3ABN, prison ministry. You know,
55:56 we continue to send out Bibles, free of charge, literature,
55:59 Bible studies out of these prisoners. We have a very
56:02 thriving prison ministry here at 3. And, of course, unshackle
56:05 purposes is one of those ways that were actually able to
56:08 reach out to other. So thank you so much, Jason. What's on
56:11 your Harbin?
56:12 >> Well, we have just a minute and a half left or trading out
56:15 gas. And that's so great. Fine. Mister Danny Doctor,
56:18 Yvonne Jason Andreasen. You are trading out, but maybe in 30
56:22 seconds. Could you give your thought on Sohn? Because we're
56:25 going to talk about school disciple ship next hour.
56:28 But and you have the opportunity to stop by.
56:30 >> I know it's in God's timing, but I wonder why we didn't know
56:33 before. Incredible. I love going by there and saying the
56:38 people coming and how sincere and how honest and how open and
56:42 yes, seeking truth. No. Thank you, Pastor James and and
56:46 everyone else is involved in this Ryan. Amanda Pastor John
56:49 ever, that means the whole on everybody is an incredible
56:54 opportunity for people.
56:56 And in a time when there's so much confusion come here to
57:00 3ABN be taught by people being mentored by people who have
57:04 experience who love Jesus and who has a vision for the end
57:08 times. I mean, thank you so much. Scott is a great addition
57:12 to the 3, a B ends of Angeles taking outrage to the world.
57:16 >> This is risky. Reesi could give me 15 seconds on your top
57:20 before we go.
57:21 >> I'm just something from your video about the brother who is
57:23 talking about addiction, how it really hold us down. And the
57:26 theme from my the health aspect was conquering the crave.
57:29 And I just think that so important when we think about
57:32 what it means to be a disciple of Christ, he wants to give his
57:34 victory over the crave, which is something we're born with.
57:37 That may manifest.
57:38 >> And addictions in various ways. But Price wants to set us
57:41 free. Many. Thank you so much. Join us next hour. We had a
57:44 whole lot more
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Revised 2023-10-19