3ABN Today Live

Spotless---The Everlasting Covenant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230032B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 [MUSIC]
00:11 >> Tonight. We're talking about this incredible evangelistic
00:14 opportunity to show leads. Brand-new book, Spotless IX
00:19 appearance in the Everlasting Covenant to righteousness by
00:23 faith. And we've been learning the first hour. If you missed
00:26 it, you can always check out U 2 or 3 bins YouTube account or
00:30 3ABN. Plus, yes, and you can watch it. But we talked about
00:33 the impetus behind the book and how God led her to write it.
00:37 And some of the teachings in the book and incredible study,
00:41 righteousness by faith found from Genesis 3.15, that first
00:45 messianic promise all the way through to revelation. And we
00:50 have an incredible offer tonight we've been talking
00:52 about you can order one case of this book. There's 40 books on
00:57 the case for $35 for the shipping costs that shipping is
01:02 in the United States. We already had some of the the
01:04 first hour say, well, they're overseas and they wanted the
01:07 $35, but it doesn't work that way overseas. That will be a
01:10 little more. But $35 on this incredible team.
01:14 >> Absolutely. And I believe will also allow several cases
01:17 go because some people may have larger groups is not right.
01:20 That's all I think some of this evening ordered more than 2.
01:22 That prices are already some pope asked for their small
01:26 groups. And of course, Joe, you know, can I mean, you can't
01:29 help us see shows enthusiasm, right? It just comes through.
01:33 You know, you're so excited about the message that God has
01:36 given you to put this evangelistic series in a book.
01:40 >> It's your most important book I've ever written. And I
01:43 do believe please don't think I'm I'm just typing this.
01:47 I think this was the purpose for my life.
01:49 >> Yeah. Well, that's powerful. And we praise the Lord for
01:53 technology, Mister Danon Doctor. Yvonne, of course,
01:56 wanted to be here, didn't quite work out this evening, but
01:59 they're able to join us via phone, Mister Danny Doctor.
02:02 Yvonne, are you there via phone?
02:05 We are. All right. Yeah, for it.
02:08 >> We've been watching this program from the beginning.
02:13 Yeah. Trying to get a call and we had some technical problems.
02:17 >> Well, we can hear you clear now.
02:20 >> Praise the Lord. Wonderful. Well, it might. This last week
02:23 I had COVID. I'm past that now a couple of days and he still
02:27 have that or yes, probably be tested negative tomorrow.
02:30 But the Lord blessed and R Health is good were failing.
02:34 Good praise the Lord that show like this. I wanted to I could
02:37 not keep calling in tonight. Both Obama made this may be one
02:42 the most incredible book ever written to have so much
02:46 knowledge. I mean, from the big get anything you want it.
02:50 You've explained from the beginning about the covenants
02:53 and right says that's bad faith in a way that I've never seen
02:57 it done before. And it's so thorough that it's only in a
03:00 way that Shelley could, right? Absolutely. The Lord has
03:04 blessed you and I do believe that every not only every at
03:08 veterans home, but every Christian on people watching
03:11 tonight, every have been a school.
03:14 Everybody should have a copy of this book and I say that not to
03:19 let La but uplift and ISIS and her because the information
03:24 we've been going through this and it's incredible.
03:28 I'm I'm honestly or 280 some-odd. I've never seen
03:32 anything like it, but it's so easy to read and so on track.
03:36 It literally walks you from the beginning
03:39 to the through the 3 Angels messages.
03:42 And it explains that in such a way that is really hard to get
03:46 some time. They've been out of just reading the Bible and last
03:48 year, all are that you broke and that all down.
03:52 And I just have a I just have a question or Graca more want to
03:56 direct this to you. Sure, a van. And I think we're not
04:00 hearing things right. Re rethink that. Yeah. We think
04:04 that because I thought I heard you say you could get 40 of
04:07 these books that are not only great content for great
04:11 quality. We thought we heard you say you can get him 40 for
04:15 $35. If that doesn't sound right, these books good.
04:19 Go for $20.30. $1. A P o. Absolutely. But this is amazing
04:24 and praise the Lord. Somebody stepped up to the plate to help
04:28 defray the cost of I don't I we're so and she's going to
04:32 talk in a minute. We're so thrilled days. I mean, you only
04:35 have 52,000. Some of the little books were done to million.
04:39 They go out quick quickly. So this 52,000 shell is not
04:43 going to last any time. So what we want to do, I feel acts that
04:48 would feel badly spend $35 or 40 of that is because this one
04:54 book is worth 100 times at us. We want to ask people to match.
04:59 Just ladies didn't give $100 for a case for is a war.
05:03 So, you know, and they might do. Several cases will real
05:07 match. We just want one. But we want a star, all of our
05:10 friends, humans given Bibles, that is numerous people and
05:14 these are big, great to walk them through literally the
05:18 Bible. I'm going to say that. And so you it's from that
05:22 they'll cover the new covenant, but mostly on the right to
05:25 some. But they their relationship that we have with
05:28 Jesus Christ. It's going to bring us and help us to be
05:32 ready for the end times that you talk about right near you,
05:36 get them. So I would challenge people now. I think $35
05:41 shipping. You probably can't get a tax. That document to
05:44 give 6, you know 100. You could get 65. I think, Greg. That's
05:47 right. No, you're right.
05:49 Every safer that that's correct. So OK, so they should
05:53 go tonight. I mean, if they don't vote or not, I don't know
05:56 what people are thinking. Honestly, we may not. You know,
06:00 you don't know how many more Rican printed days, but I can't
06:04 over.
06:06 I can't over emphasize the importance of this book and the
06:10 Times in which we're living right now. Not a bomb is trying
06:14 to get in here. Sign a request. Hahaha.
06:20 >> So this work is amazing. You know, showing when I first
06:27 started reading it, it takes to do that and said it.
06:31 This book is just to see.
06:34 It's got so much
06:38 amazing content in it that you extracted all of these
06:43 different biblical principles and true. And it is just so
06:49 rich. Best rich,
06:52 if you're you mind for riches in this book. And when you talk
06:57 about the comments, you know, as as Greg and Joe said,
07:01 you out the company going when talking about from that
07:07 language, you know, you break it down because so many people
07:11 really under the impression that the covenant really is a
07:15 contract between God and people. But what you bring out
07:20 is that God makes and compete with covenant. And that is so
07:25 rich because it then it takes the onus off a bus and pointed
07:30 to the God, the covenant maker.
07:33 And so what a beautiful concept and that Jesus Christ is the
07:40 person he is the everlasting Covenant, the person of Jesus
07:44 Christ. And then so we don't we don't often hear this. We don't
07:49 know this. And as Jill said earlier, so many of us are
07:52 ignorant about the whole covenant idea and righteousness
07:57 by faith and all this. And you break it down
08:01 so beautifully so methodically that anybody can understand it.
08:05 So thank you for that hard work that you put into this book.
08:10 And we know that it was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
08:14 Thank you for being obedient. And then he gets all the glory.
08:19 Haha.
08:20 >> Yet, even even the quality of the book, yes, A but
08:26 get someone the book back on it.
08:29 >> You know, the quality of the it all
08:33 >> popped. It is incredible. And most of all, it's anointed
08:37 the look of what do I do in 87 pages paper for a well, you
08:42 know, people will be it books and what we don't have to all
08:46 along it like that or get page book the Day. Rain an hour.
08:51 So they read an hour tomorrow. Make it something morning
08:54 devoted to want to read. It's good to go all the way
08:57 through, but you do the Bible of the breakup.
09:00 >> First year, any other book. But information here is
09:04 transform it. And that's what we see it because it's
09:08 transforming a person knowing about the and who is to really
09:14 experiencing a relationship with God and beginning to
09:18 understand its love for fall. And and why as human beings,
09:23 I don't know. Why did you read it? Paid all of us. We well,
09:26 but in so beautifully show him as the God of love and here.
09:31 So I'm still having trouble with this is the second hour.
09:34 And every one of these places should be gone.
09:37 >> So for the folks at home.
09:40 >> $35, honestly. And this book through hundreds of pages it
09:44 40, I would put 20 in a case Ellie instead of 40 and still
09:50 $35 or about to get that. That's the right honestly.
09:55 But for 40 days away, present government up all of these
10:00 things to get away, but give it to us. That will play a bit to
10:03 get past this. But you know that place give that number.
10:07 And you, too, every elder, every game and every day can us
10:10 if you know anybody and taking part in church, if you can't
10:14 get hundreds of them, at least get a few boxes and and get
10:19 these people and that or it's going to change your chair and
10:23 thank you, God that everything is going to take. They're going
10:26 to say than to live them, dumping out of everybody's
10:29 mouth. It's like, wow, we've got to do so for the Lord.
10:32 We have to share this large. So.
10:35 >> I want to encourage about we're going to feel a my dad
10:39 used words making up the snake and descend only $35.40,
10:42 books sell them on and they were going to send 100 and
10:45 Amanda asked people watching their go ahead, do think.
10:49 And if you can send $100 or more because of what it said,
10:53 extra can print up more book this Friday. So the idea is to
10:58 keep more books coming. 52,000 may sound like a lot, but it's
11:03 not. That's the book needs to be an RBI Venice home, every
11:08 Christian home in every church. So you get your box your to
11:12 your very and I'm signed, just gone on and on. But people know
11:15 me so well selling. I don't just go on and on like this
11:18 bubble over. But yeah, nation. It is a task that we have
11:24 search warrants. But right now all the time the bubble is
11:27 about to steal, kill and to destroy. He's trying to divide
11:31 this hurricane is because we're taking our eyes off Jesus who
11:34 looked around politics, looking at public events, looking at
11:38 everything in the world we certain except keeping our eyes
11:41 on Jesus. The covenant maker and keeper and threw them are
11:46 right to snus is through him. And so I urge everybody to get
11:50 on the phone. The hope that the bones, our lines of total busy
11:54 right now and you have to hang on for around to get your
11:57 orders tonight. But we are definitely going to send at
12:00 least $100 run box. And if I hear there's any left, we're
12:03 going get some more. But there are people on that and the new.
12:07 But thank you so much talent for writing this and maybe I'm
12:11 a contributor, you know, allow you to do this for the know
12:14 your ministry together. But Ivana not talked about before
12:19 the program. And we said what a legacy should the Lord Terry,
12:22 this one book you've written, leave other books, 7 or 8
12:25 other, but this one book
12:28 we'll go on till Jason's got into a home. Draw people to
12:32 Jesus. Thank you again, so much. Sorry, but I will take so
12:35 much time, but.
12:36 >> No, it's a real privilege and honor to have you. Thank
12:39 you for joining via phone and we're so glad of course that
12:43 you're on your past COVID now feeling better. That's a.
12:46 >> It's encouraging to our hearts. So yes, thank you for
12:48 that. And we agree. Greg Mayer going to for a cab to sew
12:52 masks. Yeah. Haha.
12:56 >> And then you all at home can maps that too. So you can call
12:59 it right now. How centers opened 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4,
13:04 6, 5, 1, And you can say I want to give $100 for a case.
13:09 35 would go for the shipping, of course, and the other 65
13:12 would go for the next for them.
13:14 >> Yes. And then I want to say something that Danny mention
13:17 about the church being split. It's because we don't
13:20 understand right to suspect that if you understand
13:23 righteousness by faith, there will be no leak. Alyssa,
13:28 nobody will think that they can earn their way to and that
13:31 there's no way to earn your habit.
13:34 But there will also be no one who thinks it grace is cheap
13:39 and there's a license to sin because once you understand
13:45 that this is a relation term, this is how God is relating to
13:51 us. And you know what? He's the most perfect father. What he
13:55 preached acquires Pete hands up his children. It is a
13:59 demonstration of our love for him but got is a ballot
14:05 resetting God and he has boundaries of love. His 10
14:09 Commandments are his charter of rights for his government up a
14:14 lot. And you know what? We knew it transferred into his kingdom
14:20 out of the darkness and into his kingdom. A flight he
14:23 expects shoe.
14:24 >> Need those command than a doctor. Yvonne, thank you again
14:30 for joining us in the closing thoughts you'd like to make and
14:33 before we well with.
14:34 >> We want to get our mall. Okay to get our van. The number
14:39 of Bible studies during the weekend. Some or zoom with
14:44 several people at a time in every one of the people there,
14:47 maybe 10, 15, 20, every one of 8 people need this sum up and
14:52 most of them are not at this. Most of them are some or new
14:56 Christian. Some are just learning debate. I think we're
14:59 better book to give someone a of these people are thinkers,
15:03 their study or they're looking for true. And so that's why
15:07 we're going to be the one book in a $50. Has that about.
15:10 >> Get your share of of them. Get out of action. Haha.
15:16 >> Thank people that the need to hear that, too. I mean,
15:19 that's and we're not. God bless the and the sky fall. What's on
15:25 TV would love you both. Thank you for joining the I J here
15:31 there. Hear the call center is saying that the phones are all
15:35 lit up right now.
15:36 >> They is. They're busy. That's what we're going to.
15:39 All right, hit.
15:43 >> I wanted to kind of expound on something that found shared
15:49 and that is
15:52 to understand the cabinets correctly. You know, in the
15:55 Hebrew, there's only one word for cabinet, its writ
16:01 and it means to bind or to obligate and out of the 240
16:08 time said she's for God. It's also used a few times for
16:11 people.
16:12 And it's kind of like a contract for when it's with
16:16 people. But now
16:18 in Greek there, 2 words for not having it.
16:24 >> One is sin. They case think of it is synthesizing or what
16:29 is the word? I'm trying to synergy. Yes, Sen send fake 8.
16:34 That means a contract or a treaty or partnership
16:40 and it when you use that word implies equality between the
16:45 partners,
16:47 the other word in Greek.
16:49 >> Is he a fake a B and D if they K means a will
16:56 a testament to the expression a
17:01 someones will be a need is one person
17:07 who makes all of the covenant arrangements heels makes all of
17:13 the promises and
17:15 >> holes all of the power.
17:18 >> Over the terms of the cup and it and then invite someone
17:23 to enter an well. Here's what's neat about this story
17:28 during the 400 years of silence between now and may have to
17:33 you.
17:34 72 scholars, Hebrew scholars bk n
17:40 translating the Old Testament into Greek because so many of
17:45 the of the Hebrews or didn't know him through injury.
17:50 And so
17:51 what's interesting, thank worked independently of one
17:55 another. They weren't working together.
17:58 Every one of those 12 scholars fort every time the word for it
18:05 was used for God in the Old Testament.
18:08 Every one of them translated it as D. It's a K when they were
18:14 translated. So what am I saying? Let me be clear because
18:18 I don't want to confuse you.
18:20 Every one of the scholars.
18:23 Hebrew scholars you
18:27 what's the covenant maker
18:31 is the company keeper. He makes all of the promises. He keeps
18:38 all of the promises. And guess what, in the New Testament,
18:41 the New Testament riders always used, do you think as well?
18:47 So that is over. I think it's some 33 times that the term is
18:52 used, but it shows that it's gone. It's gone. It's all to
18:58 help patients belongs to God. That's right. That's not
19:01 anything we can do or add to. It is now on. No. And
19:06 I just met him. One more thing. Casey Bond said it. There is a
19:10 chapter. It's chapter 11 and it's called Jesus Christ is the
19:15 covenant. God had me put in that chapter from Isaiah the
19:20 Gospel of Isaiah doing the for certain songs. I want to read
19:24 you. I say 40 to 6 to 7.
19:27 This is God
19:29 speaking to the messiah
19:34 and he says and this is before them aside this prophecy.
19:37 I the Lord have called you in righteousness and I will hold
19:43 your hand.
19:44 I will keep you. Yeah. And give you
19:49 as a Kevin it to the said it's the height to the gym tyrants
19:56 to open blind ice, to bring out prisoners from the priests and
20:01 those who sit in darkness from the prison-house and then he
20:06 repeat that in the I say a certain song. I say 49 8,
20:13 I will give you as a light to the gym pass. I want to say
20:19 something. We read John 5.46, why? What Jesus said.
20:24 We can't understand Jesus words. If we don't understand
20:27 motion Swartz, Moses
20:30 introduces all of the covenant lined wage. He ate. Let me give
20:36 you some examples. Messiah and the equivalent is Christ.
20:41 That's the anointed one. The son of God Covenant term
20:46 yet. Firstborn is a Kevin Turner. Big gotten is a
20:50 covenant term.
20:52 God as our father. You say Kevin turned kinsman read Emer
20:59 is a covenant term Zein the seed of the woman Seed. We
21:03 follow the story of the sea through this book.
21:06 This Son of Man,
21:09 it's a cap and term
21:12 the serpent.
21:13 It's a covenant term. Lamb of God is the covenant Term.
21:18 High Priest is a coming turnaround. If you don't
21:21 understand how these are used in the Old Testament try you'll
21:25 never understand. She says.
21:27 >> Absolutely. And thinking, oh, the Old Testament. Let's
21:31 talk about whether the everlasting covenant was in
21:33 place before sign. What was the covenant God made with the
21:37 nation of Israel.
21:39 >> They need to go back because I want to finish something and
21:42 kind of language
21:44 when
21:46 in this kind of ties into what you're saying
21:49 first, born in Kevin Language, it's a position of pre minutes.
21:54 The got means chosen for covenant person with a purpose,
21:58 son of God. Get this. Listen up. Let your heirs tingle some
22:04 of God raeford to humans
22:08 who are chosen for God's covenant purposes.
22:13 So in Exodus for 22 23,
22:17 we've got
22:19 Moses being sent to Pharaoh and God says tell tell Pharaoh that
22:24 says Lord is true is my son.
22:28 >> Yeah, Ivan, it language yes. My first born and they weren't
22:33 the first nation but they were chosen for covenant purpose.
22:38 >> He says
22:41 my son.
22:42 >> Go so that he may serve me then in Deuteronomy 30 to 18.
22:48 He's he's telling the people of the rock could be get you
22:53 your unmindful. So God
22:56 they were the big got none
22:58 of God. That means they were chosen for covenant purpose
23:03 and he says of the God who P got you. You are and mindful
23:08 you have forgotten to God who fathered 2. Do you see where
23:12 I'm going with this when we use the term?
23:17 >> And you've got to watch the series. You've got to read the
23:20 book because this is going to do never take anything that
23:23 some preacher says are teachers say as unless it can be backed
23:27 up by the Bible.
23:29 What I'm going to say, I don't have time to explain to you
23:32 from the Bible
23:34 right now, but it's in the book. It's in the series.
23:39 Jesus Christ
23:44 was known as the son of God.
23:47 He became the son of God.
23:50 When he was incarnated.
23:54 He was sent the son of God until he was incarnated.
23:58 Prove sits in the book
24:02 when we think that he is in the b**** of the father in means
24:06 he's in the closest relationship with what
24:09 Jesus Christ did, not issue forth from the father. Thank
24:13 you. Jesus Christ, our creator, what's not himself created?
24:18 That's right. And it is only as you understand the covenant
24:23 language and an issue. Follow this throughout the whole Bible
24:28 that you see when it says that he was the only be gotten.
24:33 That's what I seek was called the only be got none of
24:36 Abraham.
24:37 >> Paper him hit 8 sons. But I sic wasn't. He was the
24:41 case and said, yeah, he was change. He was chosen for the
24:45 covenant purposes and all the company blessings with flow
24:49 through the same for Jesus. Jesus was considered the lamb
24:54 slain from the foundation of the world. He didn't become the
24:58 lamb slain Tooley was crucified. So you see where I'm
25:02 going with that. He's that as you understand the message of
25:08 God's redemption, as you understand all of this, then
25:13 you understand this is why Jesus said, if you understand
25:16 most it, you're not going to understand my words. So now to
25:20 your point, this really revolutionary, you know,
25:23 it really is surely cause we don't teach that in the church.
25:27 And yet we say we'll Christ was eternal in Christ was not
25:31 created. We understand that. We don't teach it from this
25:34 perspective. And I think understanding it from that way
25:37 with the covenant language, it's revolutionary it. It
25:40 really opens up your eyes to what really happened.
25:44 >> And they added in, you know, let me here's I got a list.
25:48 Here's Cabinet terms. Good Jesus is identified by Kevin
25:52 terms. He's the scene of the woman who became the last of
25:55 the first Adam was called the son of God. The last album is
25:58 called the son of God. He became the son of the man and
26:02 the son of man. It's only used once in reference to Christ in
26:09 the Old Testament and Daniel 7.13, when he comes before the
26:13 ancient of days, some Pham was his favorite title for himself.
26:17 He became the covenant Son of God in Heat. So the second
26:24 person of the got to see all 3 members of the godhead.
26:29 It may participate in the plan of salvation to OU. Paul says
26:34 Grace was given to us before that before time big. And so
26:39 what happened is they discussed among themselves. He's not
26:43 second in power or authority is just a second to be revealed.
26:47 So we should all go up to it.
26:50 And then it's he is the only begotten because he's unique.
26:55 One of a kind. He's the 5th.
26:57 >> Firstborn overall creation because he created he has pre
27:01 minutes. He's the turn. Ali pledge Lamb of God ease arc
27:04 Cannes man read a mark and we had to have ace a divine human
27:10 relative to need to stand in our placed. He's the savior who
27:14 Radev Phi. Do you know Moses will get to the coming of the
27:18 most is ratified the old CA Bennett with the blood of
27:22 balls.
27:23 >> Jesus ratified the everlasting covenant with his
27:26 own blase Haese the new high priest who he finished his work
27:32 on. Have you know, and here's what I hear all the time.
27:35 Just one little line to get always writes to me, she says
27:39 you are. She says you are, you know, you can't talk about
27:45 Jesus is as I'm not through with his work. He said is
27:49 finished. We do said it was finished on the cross. He was
27:53 referring to his earthly war. Yeah. And then he immediately
27:56 send it. He is our high priest and we can come boldly before
28:01 hand. He's this is the
28:05 he's the Lord who is the author of Salvation for all who obey
28:09 him. That's what the Brits by $0.9.
28:12 But he's the shura t the parent or the cause of the covenant
28:16 because he's a guarantor from God to us. First Corinthians,
28:21 one, 20, all of God's promises are yes, and I'm in Christ
28:24 Jesus,
28:25 but he's also the guarantor. Provide us to God because he
28:30 works in a stolen. Do his good pleasure. I just love it.
28:34 >> So he's Emmanuel God with us.
28:39 Okay. Now what then was to have been in place to look is worth
28:45 it just for that. I mean, just that concept and that
28:48 understanding of Christ.
28:50 >> Yeah, that's power for sure. We should talk about how they
28:52 can get this book tonight, but I want it yes, before she
28:54 talked about sauna and stuff. But I want to just mention to
28:57 show is really far as important. A lot of people are
28:59 are confused thinking that Jesus was created my resume.
29:04 And so you dress that, you know, absent because that is I
29:07 hate to say that that the all just kind of sweeping across a
29:10 number of churches.
29:11 >> And so and there's there's more people who are questioning
29:15 the holy spirit as the person that I have to you. By the time
29:18 you finish this book, if you do see that there are 3 people I
29:23 mean throughout, you know, both it. I mean, Christ is so
29:27 present all and this is why it's somebody coming. Boy,
29:29 this is the perfect gift to give to a J**, especially to to
29:35 read about the servant. And I say, but if if you look at how
29:40 Happy President Christ he's introduced in the Old
29:43 Testament, he's revealed in the new same with the Holy Spirit.
29:47 He's introduced in the Old Testament and he's active
29:51 throughout the Old Testament. Then he's repealed in the new.
29:55 I just think this is going to.
29:57 >> I'm shocked when I see what's being taught. And yes,
30:00 I'm shocked. Yeah, because Jesus was not created. No,
30:03 no. She was not to be created course. We don't believe that
30:06 was. Yeah, yeah.
30:07 >> Yeah. I know. We want to talk about how to get the book
30:09 tonight. I was thinking I'm going Sinai. Yeah. I got 26
30:13 minutes left. So can you talk about how we can get the book,
30:15 though? You can call us. Maryland said that the phone
30:18 lines are busy hair, but please have patience with us and we
30:22 will get to as soon as we can give us a call. 618-627-4651,
30:29 at 618-627-4651. This is to order your own case. I'm Sheli
30:36 Quinn's latest book spotless experiencing the Everlasting
30:40 Covenant to Righteousness by Faith. Not those 40 books in
30:43 the case as we talked before. The cost for shipping in the
30:48 United States is $35 for a case. But we want to encourage
30:52 you to do with this matching that Danny talked about send
30:56 $100 and $35 ago for the shipping and then the rest of
31:00 the money. We'll go to support the second printing of yeah.
31:04 So that we can get more of that. And if you it said more
31:07 than
31:08 >> I just 52,000, that's all we have first come first serve and
31:09 they're going to go quick like Mister Downey said he'd be
31:12 shocked if they don't all go tonight and it looks like
31:14 they're going really, really fast. So praise the Lord for
31:16 that show him. All right. You want to touch on the Sinai?
31:20 You are OK?
31:21 >> Let me let me back up. Was the everlasting covenant in
31:25 place before Mount Sinai? Absolutely. You know what most
31:29 people don't realize. Genesis Chapter one through 11 covers
31:34 2000 years of history and 11 chapters. It covers creation
31:41 the fall, the flood and the dispersion. How much?
31:46 How much detail do you think if you cut all of this distilled
31:52 into 11 chapters? It's not a lot due to a lot of good stuff
31:56 in there. But then we look at Genesis 12 through 50 is
32:02 covering. There's 300 years there on the patriarchs
32:06 in Genesis. 3.15,
32:08 got introduces.
32:11 He's addressing Satan and he says, I want to put him in a
32:15 tiff between you and the woman between your seat in her seat,
32:19 Hugh, he will Bush your head. You'll questions, too.
32:23 And that short.
32:26 I mean, there's the whole plan of salvation right there.
32:31 Then what we see is that
32:35 Abraham in Genesis, 15, 6, we see the righteousness by faith.
32:39 All right.
32:41 It is clear. And this book will make it crystal clear that the
32:47 patriarchs kept the 10 Commandments of God. Yeah,
32:50 that's great. I mean, the 10 Commandments and let me tell
32:54 you something else, God, because he's a fair God because
32:58 he gave this coven it of life to Adam and Eve. And when he
33:04 did, he told them this, you know, got gave us free will to
33:10 what a gift it is. But
33:12 he told Adam and Eve you can see from any of these other
33:17 trees, hundreds of trees in the in the Garden of Eden
33:22 just don't eat from this one intriguing and the tree of the
33:26 knowledge of good and evil. You know what it is,
33:29 CNN.
33:31 This is our son. Nature
33:33 is trying to be your own God and trying to D side. What's
33:38 good for you or what's bad for you?
33:42 Jesus became Sam for us. It's not just since not just
33:48 breaking the Commandments. It's trying to make up your
33:52 mind. You're trying to act independently of got so
33:57 when Adam and Eve sand
34:00 they lost their spiritual
34:03 got told me they lost or spiritual virginity. We changed
34:07 it in the book, 2 spiritual innocence because maybe that
34:11 was too strong a term. I think it it explains that include bit
34:15 better. Once that's loss. There's no restoring it.
34:18 There's no way that man could have ever saved himself.
34:21 Isaiah 64 6 is here. That fast. We can do. All of our
34:27 righteousness is like filthy rags before the Lord. So now
34:31 let's get through this cause. I see your time is going going
34:34 quick. What happens
34:37 when what people
34:39 Miss
34:41 Genesis INS
34:44 the
34:45 he put children have just going down into Egypt and we CJ Cup
34:49 dying. Then we sit INS with ice and I mean, take up in just a
34:55 bit.
34:57 The first chapter of excuses like
35:00 a summary of about 300 years right there.
35:04 But in Exodus to 24, this is what people miss Exodus to.
35:08 24 says God heard their groaning, a man and God
35:15 remembered his cup and hit with Abraham Isaac and Jacob,
35:21 what Cup and the Everlasting covenant the rest of accidents
35:25 is God working out his everlasting covenant. So what
35:29 God does is what he's got. Remember, stunned me. Hey,
35:34 forgot got members. It's it's got to get something. He's not
35:38 going to take action on its God. Remember said he's ready
35:41 to take action. So what we see is that now he leads them on
35:45 the Exodus. There's a 3 month journey to Mount Sinai. They
35:51 make 4 stops for encampments along the way. They're in my
35:56 RA. Then they're in Islam. And then in the dancer gifts
36:00 and guess what happened sets Genesis 16 when their camp
36:04 there is when God, since the man inputs into the set with
36:08 this? No, they're not his team. Yeah. Exodus 68. They're not
36:14 even to Mount Sinai hit. It shows he expect them to
36:17 keep. Yes, that is the sap and I-70. But then what happened in
36:22 effect before signing? Yeah, it's so then what happens?
36:26 They go on to reference team, which is about a day's journey
36:30 from Mount Sinai. And they're there for a while. Just throw
36:33 brings Moses, wife and son to him there.
36:37 And guess what? Just road as he's watching Moses, judge all
36:41 day long. And he says we need some helpers.
36:45 But you know what? Moses told Jethro in Exodus 18, 16.
36:50 He's saying what do you do it? He says, well, when they have a
36:53 difficulty, they come to me and I judge between one another
36:58 and I might know net
37:00 the statutes, Ogden and the laws skin. What step Tucson
37:06 laws were in place. Then the same ones that Abraham kept
37:11 in Genesis. 26 5 Qadri need to come in because Abraham kept
37:17 the commandments in the laws. So then in the 3rd month to get
37:21 there, they they they get they leave wreck the team and they
37:25 arrive at Mount Sinai. So let me give you just a brief what
37:29 happened in Mount Sinai.
37:31 First Gog appears
37:34 he has them their consecrating them. So now he appears and
37:38 speaks to the whole. Yeah. But you know of all to to put
37:43 what I love is his covenant love language I am or who
37:48 brought you out of Egypt. Wiens like Eagles. You know,
37:52 I mean, it's just so cute. So eat that cute
37:56 then. So all of the people here that then he calls Moses up the
38:01 Mountain Meadows is goes up. What does God gave Moses civil
38:07 social in ceremonial Laws. Beast Feast ace special annual
38:14 sadness. Moses comes down the mountain.
38:17 He repeats all of this. That got his suggested. What's
38:21 happening here. God is about to become the Kenya of Israel.
38:26 He suggesting a Constitution. So Moses comes down, tell some
38:30 of the civil social and ceremonial laws. The people say
38:33 all that he says we will do. Moses writes that
38:38 in a document called the book at the Cabinet
38:41 Moos is then puts up 12 altars
38:46 sacrifices. Sprinkles the blood. He's ratifying the book
38:52 of the COVID. Yeah. That's the hope at that. And in in its its
38:57 something that we see that
39:02 what God did is he layered
39:05 the old Kevin it
39:07 on top of the Everlasting Covenant because this is the
39:11 people who refused to be led by the Holy Spirit. This was peak.
39:16 The Constitution
39:19 of the new nation of is true.
39:21 And the 10 Commandments were at the heart of it just as they
39:24 are at the heart of the new cap in. But the everlasting
39:29 covenant was already in place. I do. I got to say this did
39:33 Moses goes back up the mountain.
39:36 God gives him
39:39 the instructions. First to get some instructions, how to build
39:43 that temple been finally got rights with his own finger in
39:48 stone. And then Moses comes down with the 10 Commandments.
39:52 You know, they get broken goodbye to the second time.
39:54 I mean, he had to renew that. Haven't the company it was
39:57 broken. Moses had to beg the Lord to renew the cup and with
40:02 them
40:03 what happens then this this book at the Law. Most us
40:08 repeats and Enlarges Scott Guide Enlarges in Deuteronomy
40:12 when the second generations at you, the edge of the promised
40:18 land. The first generation didn't get the end of 40 years.
40:21 But at the end of the 40 years and then it's becomes known as
40:25 the book at the law. The book of the Law was placed in a side
40:31 pocket show's temporary. They'd head, you know, that
40:35 curse is that we're against it,
40:37 whereas where the 10 Commandments in the air inside
40:40 the arc because they are the foundation of God's government
40:44 afoot. But it's really fascinating when you re say
40:48 we've all of this together because you see how God works.
40:52 >> I love that, Shelley. I notice that a new book at so
40:54 insightful because I think there's confusion on
40:58 some Christians. What was nailed to the crimes? What was
41:02 done away with when we read Paul's writing, sometimes you
41:05 could be confused. News. 2 know. So is this the book at
41:07 the laws is the 10 Commandments, you know, is the
41:10 fee says what are we talking about here? And I think he did
41:13 an excellent job of explaining and differentiating and Im
41:17 putting that together. That's power. Thank you. Yeah, pres
41:20 award.
41:21 >> We'll have 15 minutes. Can I can I say something that
41:24 I really want to share?
41:27 What role does obedience play in righteousness? Spy case?
41:31 Good question.
41:34 We're distant.
41:36 If you're a Christian, you're destined to become like Jesus
41:39 Romans 8.26. Says a 28. I mean, says that God works all things
41:45 together for good for those who love him and are called
41:47 according to his purpose, that your hope.
41:50 But from his 29 explains how he's working for you. Good for
41:54 those. He for new he predestined to be conformed to
41:58 the image of she says that your distant
42:04 the Bible tells us in Psalm 85 13 that re talking about the
42:10 missile righteousness shogo beef for him and make his
42:14 footsteps pathway. First, John, to 6
42:18 since we must walk is Jesus walked
42:22 first, John, 3, 7, 8, says I don't want anyone to see you
42:28 even though, right? Who says it's by faith. He says only
42:32 those who cracked des righteousness are righteous.
42:37 If you said that's of the devil and Jesus came to destroy the
42:41 works of the devil.
42:43 What we see
42:46 John tells us and first on pipe 3, disses love for God that we
42:49 obey his command. That's what we see here.
42:54 The the role of obedience. It's so beautifully. As you
42:59 said earlier, it's just something that comes out of
43:02 this. It didn't straits our love for God and that is
43:07 covenant loyalty. If we do not understand this, we will not
43:15 survive in times.
43:17 >> Well, a serious statement. Yeah, well, yes, no, absolutely
43:22 not. Yeah, prison Lord. And I'm thinking about the you know,
43:25 so many questions that are coming to my mind showing no,
43:28 you're doing a great job. Just summarize in this case,
43:30 the book and you've got the series in these really go hand
43:33 in hand together. Right? So watching the series, get the
43:36 book, too, writing Go well, because the book is going to be
43:38 a lot more effort arrest in this series. Oh, yeah,
43:42 absolutely. Will. One question that comes to mind as far as
43:46 spa, this does it more than explain cause plan of
43:48 redemption. It teaches you to enter into loving covenant
43:51 relationship with God. So what are some of the steps showing?
43:55 >> For that, God gave me 3 simple step-by-step saw like
43:59 that 3. It's so simple. So that's the pen and paper that
44:02 we told you to get earlier. Yeah. And right to free several
44:05 steps because God makes of the covenant promises. He keeps all
44:09 of the covenant promises. He's inviting you to enter into
44:13 a covenant with him. The first step,
44:16 his knowledge. No. The Lord. You've got to know his love,
44:20 his wisdom, his how war. Okay and issue as you
44:26 understand his love wisdom in power,
44:29 you're going to trust him.
44:31 The second step
44:33 stop priests insisting his slog
44:37 and submit to his authority, which got to recognize him as
44:42 our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And the 3rd step
44:46 is yield to the Holy Spirit's leading as our every day,
44:53 way of life. That's it.
44:56 No more. You've got to know him and then you're going to let
44:59 you know, loving. We love him because he first loved that
45:02 stray
45:03 stop resisting Hislop. So many people re sista love of the
45:08 Lord stop resisting Hislop
45:12 submit to his authority and you to the Holy Spirit. I just want
45:16 you to pray every day to be filled with the Holy Spirit in.
45:20 Yeah.
45:21 >> Especially going to step 1, 0, run out time here, but some
45:23 homes as well. How even increase that knowledge?
45:26 So we incur.
45:27 >> How would you do that? Start right here. He open the
45:30 word of God because, yeah, it's for sure. It is. This is really
45:34 this is the word of God and pare phrase format. I mean,
45:37 there's so you know, but but it's it's getting into the word
45:42 and knowing God, do I have to say dish, you could have a
45:47 theological degree and have hid knowledge sharing
45:51 God wants it. But you've got to have that head. You've got to
45:54 see who is first. But as you begin to understand that
45:59 knowing goes from here to here and then it hit, it happens
46:04 when you open a yeah.
46:06 >> And that's where the second step comes in because you have
46:09 the knowledge. But what are you going to do with it? Are you
46:11 can resist that. And and Scott, are you going to submit to his
46:15 authority? Want to mention one more time this opportunity here
46:19 at the end of the program. So if you would like a copy of
46:22 Shelley's book for Yourself, Spotless experiencing the
46:26 Everlasting Covenant through Righteousness by Faith. You can
46:29 call us right now. 618-627-4651, 618-627-4651.
46:38 We encourage you to order these by the cases because the
46:41 printing has already been covered. We have donors who
46:44 have stepped forward and paid for that. So the cost for one
46:47 case, the shipping costs, $35 and you get 40 books in that
46:53 case. So we encourage you, though, tonight you can send
46:55 $100 or even more and that will help sponsor the second
46:59 printing of these books here and what an incredible
47:02 evangelism resource. They can go into churches and pastors
47:06 and homes and communities. You can share them with
47:10 co-workers at work or use them in your Bible study group.
47:13 Use it. I think well, how I'm going to use that and use it in
47:16 my personal devotion and tiny that with Jesus in the morning,
47:21 learn more, gain that knowledge and then stop resisting submit
47:26 to his authority and ask for that in filling of the Holy
47:29 Spirit.
47:30 Shelley, if submissions by grace,
47:34 why do we need to strive to remain in covenant
47:36 relationship? Really gray sweater even strive to do that?
47:39 >> It's good. Jesus told us to in look 13 24 chases said
47:45 strive
47:46 to enter through the narrow gate. For many I say to you,
47:50 we'll seek to enter
47:52 and will not be able in many says Matt in Matthew 7.21,
47:58 not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord
48:01 shall enter the Kingdom of heaven that he who does the
48:05 will of my father see, you've got to understand
48:11 God is going to keep you everything. You need
48:18 a godly life. He is going to empower you with the Holy
48:23 Spirit. He will work in you, too, willing to do. That's what
48:26 Philippians 2.13 says. He promises that he will
48:32 complete the good work. He's begun anew in Philippians 1,
48:36 6, He just got to be
48:39 quit resisting him. You've got go along with his program.
48:44 I want to share something
48:47 as always amaze me about the Cabinet. We find it in Nehemiah
48:53 Deuteronomy. First Cain's Daniel, several places in
48:57 Deuteronomy
48:58 got keeps covering it
49:01 with those who keep covenant with him. And that means that
49:06 you're walking in obedience in love. It's it's obedience
49:09 motivated by love. God is looking for your heart. You
49:14 can't obey your way to have and look at that stuff. Vera sees
49:18 today they had all of these blue laws and all how we can do
49:23 that ourselves today that we pile everything on top of Sao
49:26 Dacian. Many of things are good, but we can't be saved by
49:31 them. So what you want is to understand in this is a hard
49:37 scripture, but I'm going to give you Old Testament and New
49:40 Testament and because it's a wake-up call.
49:43 Second chronicles 15, 2. We know how faithful the Lord
49:48 is. We know he says he will never forsake us. That means if
49:52 we remaining company with him.
49:55 Second chronicles 15, too.
49:58 The Lord is with you while you are with him.
50:02 If you see cam he will be found by Hume. But if you forsake
50:08 him,
50:09 he will forsake you. There's no such thing as want safe.
50:13 Always. Yeah. And in second, Timothy 2, 12 13. I want to
50:17 read to you from the amplified.
50:20 If we endure,
50:22 we should also reign with him. If we deny in disowning reject
50:26 him, he will not buy into some reject us. If we are faithless,
50:32 if we do not believe before untrue to him,
50:36 he remains true. He remains faithful to his word
50:42 in his righteous character for he cannot be not himself
50:48 what we're doing tonight.
50:51 Why am I cheer up? This is, you know, I wrote this and that
50:57 2022, we finally have it. Now.
51:01 God wants to mobilize an army of people to get its message
51:06 for it despite faith throughout the world. And and I'm hoping
51:10 many, many people well echo this message. This is a way to
51:16 reach out to people. You love your family Christians, about
51:20 30 nominations. This is a way to even reach. You know,
51:25 if if righteousness by faith, if we tell the story of Jesus,
51:30 right, there would not be all of these walls that are
51:33 barriers that are erected and walled Indy nominations and
51:38 churches. I mean, people of other religions, space world
51:42 face would come to us like this is what God is waiting for is
51:47 us to get this right. So what we hope to do tonight, my
51:53 purpose is writing this book
51:57 to let people know
52:00 how simple. How lovely is that plan of God and to know
52:06 that God is covering it, making Kevin it keeping God
52:14 a whole you've got to do is cooperate. It's a lowered.
52:19 If you can't say my heart is years, I can say it. Now I used
52:22 to say, oh, lord, take it. But now I can say
52:27 my heart,
52:28 the shores. Yeah. I don't think anything could get moved me off
52:34 of that place. Blame.
52:36 >> You know, show that we we know that the Lord inspired you
52:38 to press jus to write this book, you know, and we know
52:43 that many hours because you'd be in communication with us and
52:46 how Satan was attacking.
52:48 >> You know, and you do some data, you have been changed to
52:51 stop chapters. Good. Yes, you did. But, you know.
52:55 >> Seen on scene through because the Holy Spirit led
52:59 them up on your show. And like you mentioned earlier, you feel
53:03 like this was your purpose. That's powerful enough to see
53:06 the emotion. The new phase can hear it in your voice. When you
53:09 mentioned that like, well, this is the reason was to write this
53:13 book. The message that is in here, of course, comes from the
53:16 scripture. But again, as we've done that, as we have
53:18 mentioned, God has given a tremendous gift, Shelley Bill
53:21 that concepts and and I give him all the go. Yes, and making
53:26 a clear and make it plain. So thank you so very much for
53:29 the time he was a gift.
53:31 >> That became the other Gators, JD Queen, because
53:34 you're has I I'm telling you that that's my baby's heart.
53:38 From the time I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning of BP
53:42 saying it would be writing to midnight. Yeah, no long days.
53:45 >> But yeah, we thank you again for for writing this. But we
53:47 want to have a short prayer for the books. Nobody's going out
53:50 because this are starting to go out. The cases are being
53:54 ordered this evening and the books to be distributed to the
53:57 exactly the Lord knows these people. So
53:59 >> I feel like my babies being born. Haha.
54:03 >> He was as it is all over your face. Joe, want to
54:07 preface? Sure. Yes.
54:09 >> Holy father. We come before you in the name of Jesus.
54:12 We praise you because you're caught in because you are love
54:16 because you are good in your whole because you desire to
54:20 enter into covenant relationship with us. Thank
54:24 you. God for the anointing on this book. Thank you for using
54:27 Challis. Thank you for giving her words and wisdom and
54:31 insight into your scripture as she shared in and put it
54:35 together. And thank you for for
54:37 we're helping. Thank you. God for your 19 on this year.
54:41 So
54:42 >> God, we thank you for the people of color and tonight in
54:45 order to cases father in the cases that will be going out
54:49 all over the country and the world. Lord, we pray right now
54:53 for the people, the people who will be receiving these U.S.
54:56 not we ask in the name of Jesus, you know, their hearts,
55:00 you know their walk with you, you know, their struggles,
55:03 father. We pray that as people pass these books that they
55:06 would be given in just the right time in just the right
55:09 way, the EU would prepare the heart's in the soil as it were
55:13 of the people's hearts to receive your message of
55:17 righteousness by faith. The people would know that their
55:20 love, that they would know that you are love and you desire to
55:24 enter into covenant relationship with each one.
55:28 And so father, we commit to this project to you, we bring
55:32 before you the souls who will come to and knowledge of you.
55:36 As a result, we claim their souls for your seeing their
55:40 employees. And we ask that this book. The message in this book
55:44 would go far and wide and that many, many people would come to
55:50 a knowledge if you would be saved in your kingdom at last
55:53 as a result, we pray for the funds for the second printing
55:57 yes book and got that many more people would be able to
56:00 discover this truth this last day. Message truth and we thank
56:06 you in the precious in the holy name of cheese.
56:10 >> So much, Ali, thank you so very much. What a blessing.
56:15 Again, what an incredible book. We want to encourage you to get
56:20 your case. The evangelists for the Lord, your small group used
56:23 these books and in your local group. I'm thinking your church
56:26 in and we know that the Lord is going to bless. Think again
56:30 showing. Thank you. Thank you so much. Right until next time.
56:33 Remember to look to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher
56:38 of our Faith. Goodnight and God Bless you. See you next time
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Revised 2024-09-05