3ABN Today Live

Esther and Last Day Events

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230030A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to.
00:10 >> Many
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 >> I want to stand
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello, I'm showing we have Jake. Well, and we welcome you
01:09 to be A B in life. We're going to have some fun tonight
01:13 downtown. We've been sitting with our guests just laughing,
01:17 having a grand time here. Going to enjoy it, too. Just
01:21 before I introduce our guest, I wanted to read you a scripture
01:25 that I think is perfect for tonight. And you'll see why
01:28 later.
01:30 You know, the story you
01:32 Esther Mordechai comes to Esther in Chapter 4 and verse
01:38 14 tickets for this mess. Ange that Jews are in trouble.
01:43 They're about to be annihilated as to people,
01:47 God has promised an inch. When put Esther in the palace,
01:52 he is procession to her and Mordecai tells her for if you
01:57 remain completely silent at this time, relief and
02:01 deliverance will allow to rise for the juice from another
02:05 place.
02:06 But you and your father's house will perish yet.
02:11 Who knows your pastor,
02:15 whether you have com
02:17 to the kingdom for such a time as this God priests served and
02:24 protected his people through Esther, you know, if I had 2
02:30 titles tonight, I don't know what tonight's title is,
02:33 but I would title our program tonight for such a time as
02:38 this. Let me introduce our special guest, my dear brother,
02:43 Sean Boone struck, who is the speaker director of the Voice
02:47 of Prophecy. We're so glad to have you back.
02:50 >> I'm always amazed that you have me on. I am excited to be
02:54 here. Yeah. And I'm amazed that they let me work at the voice
02:57 of prophecy, too.
02:58 >> Yeah, I'll tell you, you're doing a great job in what we're
03:01 going to do tonight. The first half of the program. It's going
03:07 to be an update on and in its don't just think, oh, this is a
03:10 ministry update.
03:12 What voice of prophecy is doing is laying some groundwork,
03:18 putting out a template that I believe is for such a time as
03:23 this to really fix and our evangelistic outreach. So we'll
03:30 be getting an update and all of their exciting programs.
03:34 But this second hour, Sean is going to share with us teaching
03:40 on the book of Esther name. I'm already fascinated. I can't
03:44 wait to to find and discover all of the things that he's
03:48 been learning.
03:49 >> You like music, right? I love music where certainly
03:54 going to love this.
03:55 >> We're going to be blessed with rich in Lady love and
03:59 they're going to be singing. I will serve thee.
04:03 [MUSIC]
04:08 [MUSIC]
04:13 [MUSIC]
04:17 >> Served.
04:20 [MUSIC]
04:23 >> On the.
04:26 [MUSIC]
04:29 >> You have you.
04:31 [MUSIC]
04:36 [MUSIC]
04:40 >> Was and
04:43 [MUSIC]
04:45 we love you.
04:48 [MUSIC]
04:52 >> You have to
04:57 [MUSIC]
05:02 [MUSIC]
05:05 day.
05:09 >> And you roll can.
05:11 >> The?
05:13 [MUSIC]
05:23 >> You know, all of
05:32 >> is what
05:39 >> you have to.
05:44 [MUSIC]
05:49 [MUSIC]
05:52 >> We use for the.
05:55 [MUSIC]
06:00 [MUSIC]
06:03 >> You have to team.
06:11 >> E E.
06:13 [MUSIC]
06:18 [MUSIC]
06:19 >> And the to the full you.
06:25 >> Me.
06:28 >> You have G you. I.
06:36 >> To you.
06:38 >> We.
06:43 [MUSIC]
06:48 [MUSIC]
06:53 [MUSIC]
06:56 >> You live.
06:58 [MUSIC]
07:00 >> So why
07:02 [MUSIC]
07:07 [MUSIC]
07:15 >> I?
07:21 >> You have. He knew
07:28 [MUSIC]
07:33 [MUSIC]
07:37 he.
07:42 [MUSIC]
07:45 >> To use
07:47 [MUSIC]
07:51 [MUSIC]
07:56 [MUSIC]
08:01 [MUSIC]
08:06 [MUSIC]
08:08 guarantee makes it look easy. Such a beautiful song. Such a
08:12 beautiful mess could have true. If you're joining us just a
08:16 moment like our special guest tonight is Sean Boost. Rahul is
08:20 the speaker director of voice of prophecy. If you are a
08:24 regular fewer, Sean is no
08:28 stranger to you. But what I want to do because I know we
08:31 have so many new few ERs each month with so many new people
08:36 tuning in. I just want Sean Start us off. Tell us little
08:42 bit about
08:43 your testimony. How did God get your attention? How did you end
08:48 up in ministry?
08:49 >> The show's only a couple hours from I I was born in a
08:55 church going home. I had that privilege. I learned to read by
08:58 reading the Bible
08:59 and, you know, the age of 5 hours reading the Bible and I
09:03 got sent to a Christian school.
09:05 Then by about the age of 14 or 15, I throw that all away.
09:09 And I lived is a I don't know how to describe, but I call
09:12 myself a recovering. He even today but rank hedonist.
09:17 I think that's the best way. I don't like going into that
09:20 story because I you know, some people will start saying and I
09:23 did this and I did that and I robbed this bank and I knocked
09:25 over the 7.11 and that I didn't do any of those things. But I
09:31 don't like giving the devil air time and wait for my life.
09:33 And I was like and I know young people will listen to say,
09:36 but he turned out. Okay.
09:38 Yeah, but a lot of my friends are dead. Yeah. And so now with
09:41 that, we won't advertise what it was by about the age of 21.
09:49 I came under the conviction that I was going to be a
09:51 preacher, which is a was a big joke to me because I'm
09:55 terrified of public speaking. I don't like getting up in
09:58 front of the room in speech class. I was taking political
10:01 science, economics and philosophy at college and
10:06 that's what would you like fries with that degree, right?
10:08 Because at the end, that's all you're qualified to do is think
10:10 would you like fries with that? And
10:14 I did a speech class. I couldn't make it more than 2
10:17 minutes without turning beet red and stammering and sitting
10:19 down and and like people say, you want to run for office,
10:22 you want to run for office. We you know, you have to speak,
10:24 right? So one day under this conviction, you're not going to
10:28 run for office. It's just a little voice in the background
10:31 saying that
10:32 and I thought why am to get a run for office or no? You are.
10:36 And I'm sitting on the back porch of my house
10:39 from really blunt about it. I was smoking a cigarette
10:43 staring up at the stars saying I'm going to run for office.
10:46 That's what I meant. No, you're going to be a preacher. So I
10:48 called my girlfriend
10:50 at the time and I said, yeah, I got something to flow past
10:53 year. I'm going to be a preacher.
10:55 And I thought that she would laugh. And she said now I've
10:59 known that since the day I met you all. Yeah, what women are
11:02 so much smarter than we are now like Mary, 30 years in 2 weeks.
11:08 And and I still don't understand my wife. She figured
11:11 me out in 3 minutes flat. 3 minutes flat. And from there,
11:16 I thought, where am I going to go? I started attending church
11:19 is I started going to new believers classes. And I found
11:22 all these churches that didn't believe the Bible is the word
11:24 of God. It was just and I finally said,
11:29 here's the deal. I'm going to the ministry. If you show me
11:31 where the people are that believe what I'm reading in
11:34 scripture and scripture, I'd seen things like revelation 13
11:38 and the beast power. And I, you know, political science major
11:41 started put those dots together. I found the Sabbath
11:43 in the Bible. I sit
11:45 and I knew that night when I said, hey, more show me where
11:48 those people are now going. The ministry. They don't exist.
11:50 And, you know, we're running for office next next month.
11:53 I got an invite to an evangelistic meeting the next
11:55 day. The next day. My brother got a hand bill in the mail.
11:59 And if you're under the age of 40 handbills, how we used to
12:03 have her tied it in the mailbox and people, it's like a flyer.
12:08 And
12:09 in my brother actually I didn't get my brother got the hand
12:13 bill and he said we should go to this should go go to what he
12:16 says. The preacher said preacher, just come on. We can
12:19 heckle. Oh, that sounds like fun. So we went down there to
12:22 heckle the preacher. And 6 weeks later I was in a Baptist
12:24 re. Well, can the church baptized me hired me as their
12:29 associate pastor about a year later? Wow. Yeah. And I started
12:33 giving Bible studies holding evangelist meetings. My first
12:36 evangelist meeting was 3 months after my baptism and hook.
12:39 I've been doing it now for 30 years. Living on the Sawdust
12:42 Trail. Yeah.
12:43 >> And you've been you brought some amazing insight into the
12:47 boys prophecy. We're going to say about that for people who
12:50 don't know. You know,
12:52 I remember that my grandparents listened to the voice of
12:56 prophecy. My mother listen to the voice prophecy. They were
13:01 Church of Christ. But tell us about the history of voice
13:04 prophecy.
13:05 >> HMS Richards was a young man living in Loveland, Colorado,
13:10 where we now live
13:12 and to went into the ministry. He was the first graduate of
13:15 HMS Richards or Camping Academy. He was the very first
13:18 graduate and he came back. The next year is the
13:20 valedictorian. He moves to the Los Angeles area and he gets
13:25 this idea. Maybe we should go on the radio. This new-fangled
13:28 things, a 1920's. So he recorded shows in a chicken
13:32 coop in 1929 and then brought the recordings to KNX radio in
13:37 Los Angeles.
13:38 In those days it was called that have an echo of the air,
13:41 very 1920's radio off radio for why we should go back to that
13:46 kind of radio.
13:47 So tempered UCLA, the air. And then by about 1941, 42,
13:52 they opened the Bible school of the air, and then it became the
13:54 voice of prophecy. And we're about to turn 100 years old
13:57 here and not me. Not not me. I need feels 100 years old,
14:02 but I am not not.
14:04 I'm OK, I'm more than half of that. I almost hold a fair,
14:06 but I'm more than half of 100. But I'm not 100. Okay. So 1929,
14:11 will be 100 years old here in 6 years old. But the voice of
14:15 prophecies become so much more than radioing tells what you
14:19 are currently working on. Well, I just hit 10 years at
14:23 the voice of prophecy. I I I went there in 2013.
14:28 It had fallen into some disrepair. So we re assembled.
14:31 A new team did a lot of praying. And, you know, at its
14:34 peak in the 1970's, it was 170 employees. It was I mean,
14:39 it was a big, big deal. And then it fell into some hard
14:42 times. And when I got there was about 13 people left in that
14:46 pond off a lot of the furniture and equipment. And and I
14:50 thought to myself, you know, I was asked, would you consider
14:52 going here? And I thought I've got to have rocks in my head.
14:54 Look at this place. But then I prayed about that night.
14:57 I mean, the first day I said I'm not going to be peak.
14:59 No way. The Opie voice, a prophecy.
15:02 I'm not going there in the next day I woke up and my wife said
15:05 you're going to go our choice and I have to. Yeah, I know I
15:08 have to go. I mean, the only way to go is up. I mean bets
15:12 yet. So today we're back to 40 employees were working on every
15:16 continent on the planet. And we're really focused now
15:21 not on asking people to support what I do, but focusing on
15:25 churches helping churches win in their communities, lead
15:28 people to Christ grow. And basically we're franchising the
15:33 whole operation. So the churches can become a voice.
15:35 A prophecy outpost called them a Discovery center and and will
15:40 help you what your win.
15:41 >> So when you show your franchising it, what if
15:44 somebody becomes a voice prophesied to 73 center?
15:48 What are they?
15:49 >> They have. Yeah, evangelist a tool that I use. I mean,
15:53 including I wrote a lot of them, not our Bible school,
15:56 but they have I've Angeles tick sermons have been working on
15:59 him for 30 years.
16:01 I've honed them on 6 continents. And I'm just I'm
16:04 given the store away
16:06 because if the Lord doesn't come in my lifetime, I'm I
16:10 don't own any of this anyway. Sure. I spent countless hours
16:13 in my study writing the shows and riding the evangelistic
16:16 series and so on. But I don't own any of that. It's not mine.
16:21 So I want to give it all away because if you know, if I have
16:23 to punch the clock before the Lord comes, I want to leave it
16:27 all behind them that the time has got to be passed in
16:31 America. We love celebrity culture. We love having,
16:34 you know, a handful of our favorite preachers on TV.
16:37 Nothing wrong with that and I can't complain. I'm on TV.
16:39 All are on TV. They have only been in America for 20 years.
16:42 Did you hear what it does sound like a true to you all?
16:47 I want to leave behind the difference. I want to help
16:50 churches. I you know, when I started working in television
16:53 and radio suddenly, I had access to all the best
16:55 equipment, the nicest points.
16:58 And I remembered as a pastor. I didn't have any of that.
17:01 And so I'm giving it away.
17:03 >> Well, you know, that's the new New Testament model is that
17:08 the pastor? The person is supposed to be true training up
17:13 the people. You know, I think one of the problems with our
17:17 church
17:18 and I'm I'm not talking about some day I've been spent.
17:21 Many churches is that the Christian Church today
17:25 kind of expect the pastor do everything it that's not
17:29 biblical. So what you're doing is training the churches to do
17:35 the evangelists, to do the teaching and then they develop
17:40 a real bond with the people they're reaching out to.
17:43 You said something interesting to me and cream that you don't
17:47 preach it to city until you've worked for 3 years.
17:52 >> What do you cause? Because this idea that you can pull
17:55 into a town to get up front and preach in baptize a bunch of
18:00 people, you'll baptize some you always do
18:04 but hits my conviction that we don't convert people. There is
18:07 no way for me to convert anybody ever said Current is
18:11 chapter 2 makes it clear that the natural man doesn't
18:13 understand these things. So, you know, if our idea of
18:17 witnessing in preaching evangelism is converting
18:19 people, you're going to fail.
18:21 So what I want to do is I want to turn over every stone in
18:24 that city and find the people that God is currently
18:27 converting.
18:28 They will come to Christ and they will join the church.
18:31 There are I mean, anybody who thinks about it at home.
18:34 Think about this. When you came to Christ that preacher,
18:37 that Bible instructor, whoever it was, that wasn't the first
18:41 time you are interested. Now, I know you can see that
18:44 God lead you sometimes over many years to the point where
18:47 you are ready to hear that stuff.
18:49 Our job is to get into a town,
18:51 find those people that's a 3 year process and will turn over
18:55 every stone U-turn on every Fossett and town hoping just
18:59 for a couple of drips of water out of each of them because if
19:02 you turn them all on, you get a flood and in the process,
19:06 we want to show churches this will lead to success. There are
19:09 people everywhere are ready to come home right now. You've
19:13 been focused on trying to convince people in argue them
19:16 into the kingdom.
19:18 That's the reason you're failing. Want to go find those
19:20 that are convinced,
19:22 but he go find them and show them where you are. And
19:24 suddenly when we changed our attitude about that in my own
19:28 evangelist ministry, we watched our results go up 5.10 fold
19:32 overnight, 5.10 fold overnight.
19:34 >> And then, you know, you mentioned you are in Rome and
19:37 after you when you're leaving that and when I say he
19:41 mentioned this was in the green room, you said that one of the
19:45 ladies of the church came to you and say it, she was crying,
19:48 but I'm happy tears. And she said
19:52 I just realize something.
19:55 >> Sean, thanks for coming. It was very nice. But we didn't
19:58 need year.
19:59 And I thought that tip, that is exactly what we're after the
20:02 voice of prophecy. You don't need a ringer to come to town.
20:06 You know, there are people who have dedicated their lives to
20:09 evangelism and because they live in every single day,
20:12 it can be a useful experience to have them come. But if
20:15 you've been waiting for 20 years for an evangelist to show
20:17 up, you're not doing God's will. A new dog wants to use
20:20 you. And so we're investing everything we've gotten to
20:23 showing you how that might happen.
20:25 >> And how you can win. Even so you're working on some
20:28 projects. You've got an event coming up in October. Tell us
20:31 about it.
20:32 >> October. Yeah, we're on up. Give a little background.
20:37 We run about the oldest Bible school in the world. The
20:40 Discover Bible School. We've got 2,200 active schools in
20:44 North America and more around the world. And we're just
20:48 created a new set of lessons on the book of Daniel Lewis called
20:52 Focus on Daniel. That would be, hey, control room. Give me
20:56 photo 9. Give me photos. Can you bring up photo 9?
21:00 There it is. There they are so pretty and I didn't do the art.
21:04 But the brand new series on the book of Daniel and okay,
21:08 that was a good show. Let people come to my website to
21:11 find the rest of it.
21:13 You know, put my ugly face backup for half a second.
21:16 So,
21:17 you know, the new lessons are coming out and we're going to
21:19 have a special evening October, the 13th. It's Friday. The 13th
21:24 which makes me smile like to do the Lord's will on Friday.
21:27 The 13th and y'all can stream this yourself. You can get your
21:31 friends to watch it. It will be 75 to 90 minutes on the state
21:35 of the world as it is right now and why it is the way it is and
21:40 what it says about the moment that we're living in. And it's
21:43 designed to help your friends become interested in doing the
21:46 studies with you. So that evening's called ups evil.
21:51 And I brought a trailer. Would you like to see you at a
21:54 road? Here's what that looks like. It's video want. Let's
21:57 roll that beautiful footage. Haha
21:59 [MUSIC]
22:04 [MUSIC]
22:10 war in Vietnam.
22:11 [MUSIC]
22:16 [MUSIC]
22:21 [MUSIC]
22:24 [MUSIC]
22:29 >> Concerns about the deadly coronavirus in the U.S. economy
22:33 is slowing. There are people who
22:36 [MUSIC]
22:39 >> the country at all land sea.
22:41 [MUSIC]
22:46 [MUSIC]
22:51 [MUSIC]
22:56 [MUSIC]
23:01 [MUSIC]
23:04 >> We're going to have to tune in now for that one. How do you
23:07 not to now? I have to. Yeah. And that's designed y'all can
23:11 watching at home. You can run at near church. You can play it
23:13 wherever you want to invite somebody. And but the goal is
23:17 that they're going to want to take Bible studies with you
23:19 when it's over. Okay. So if they go to boys prophecies up,
23:23 this one's easy go-to upheaval event dot com up. He believe in
23:26 dot com and everything you need to know is there all the times
23:30 and times up to everything, OK?
23:32 >> OK, so now you have any other special event that you're
23:36 in the planning stages for it.
23:38 >> Yeah, it about once a year, sometimes as long as 18 months,
23:42 we put out a little documentary series for churches to show on
23:46 one topic and we've done a few of these like who was
23:49 Constantine? How did he change western Christianity for parts
23:52 and who are the early Celtic Christians? Why did they keep
23:55 the Sabbath and some of these? So a lot of historical
23:58 documentaries, but we're shifting just a little bit.
24:01 And my associate Speaker, Alex Rodriguez's just putting the
24:05 final touches on something that will roll out in April on
24:09 mental health because it's probably the biggest crisis in
24:13 the Western world right now. You know how to deal with
24:16 anxiety and depression. And we've got a generation
24:19 that doesn't have a lot of coping mechanisms for dealing
24:22 with anxiety. And so we're going to show, but there are
24:25 ways to beat this. And there are and there are spiritual
24:29 component sic and give you peace of mind and that that one
24:33 recalling mind fit it will be for parts that remained fit,
24:36 mind fit, kind of like getting your mind in order and sweeping
24:40 it up. And and I've got a trailer for that one, too.
24:44 Wouldn't you know it? And I forget which one guys? I think
24:47 video 3, I'll show you a little flavor of what that's going to
24:50 be like. Okay.
24:54 >> Anxiety, depression, trauma which way everyone will
24:58 experience it. It's not moral failure.
25:02 [MUSIC]
25:04 One beside you recognize cannolis and get the others.
25:09 I where we find find the freeze.
25:13 >> 30 minutes just constantly put on.
25:17 Who cares are close.
25:20 >> And there's the emotional part
25:22 when firms are signals.
25:25 First up.
25:26 [MUSIC]
25:31 [MUSIC]
25:32 >> Some mates me beyond because this is really hitting a place
25:39 on earth. That's in our society. Today. We EU council
25:42 with so many people who are anxious.
25:46 >> But we probably get, you know, 5.10, calls every day
25:49 during things. And let's go.
25:52 >> Yeah, but tell us about the process because this is a
25:56 little different than your typical. This isn't just read
26:00 Isaiah 26 0st 3 that that God will keep you in perfect peace.
26:06 If you keep your mind focused on this is going into a level
26:11 of depth that will really reach people who are hurting.
26:16 >> And you have phd's you've been traveling all over this.
26:20 Want to be, Alex. I can't take a lot of credit for this,
26:22 but my associate Alex Rodriguez's put this one
26:25 together. I said would you be willing to work on this?
26:28 He loves health and health is not just physical health,
26:31 mental health come here and play and it's a real problem
26:33 now. So we reached out to the brightest minds in America,
26:38 the phd's that work on this and some of them praise the Lord
26:42 after a lot of prayer, they should not a religious program.
26:44 But this is important enough that I'm willing to appear in
26:48 this and help people because we do have a tidal wave of of
26:53 mental illness going on right now and people don't have the
26:56 coping mechanisms. So this will be for parts in the idea is
26:59 that you can play this in your church. It's a 30 minute video
27:03 for different evenings or you can do it. Sabbath morning to
27:07 you. Go Thursday night, Friday night, Sabbath morning, but do
27:09 4 sessions, half an hour of professional. You know, we we
27:13 put a lot of effort into what we want the church to be proud
27:17 of what it looks like. So it doesn't look like it was,
27:20 you know, made it home in 1952. But, you know, we put a lot of
27:25 effort into it so that it can compete with anything your
27:27 friends are watching on Netflix or are, you know, Amazon Prime
27:32 and then the ideas that you have a 45 minute study that you
27:35 can lead to discussions. So if you're in the local
27:37 church, you can leave that group and a group discussion.
27:42 And the idea being that by the time we get tonight, number 4,
27:46 we're inviting that audience as we've done with all the short
27:49 series to stay behind and start taking weekly Bible studies
27:52 with the church to go even deeper. In that case, we have a
27:56 special series of lessons that deal with mental health,
28:01 how to find peace of mind had a deal with anxiety and
28:04 depression, anger and some of those things. So there's a
28:07 special set of lessons that follow-up and the ideas for the
28:11 community to meet you in your church and start studying with
28:15 you become a part of the church community because they're
28:17 finding hope for the first time they met. So do you also have
28:21 the special website for? Yeah it I'm glad you asked.
28:24 That would be mined 50 event, dot-com mind fit event dot com
28:29 and yesterday that website was down. So please, if you get no,
28:32 it's working again. I checked just before we walk out here.
28:35 Somebody attacked it and that no more used to that in this
28:39 world. But yeah, and mind fit event dot com and you can
28:44 figure out how you can participate. In fact, you have
28:46 to train on their feet. Yeah. Yeah. And there are 4 trailers
28:50 that you can watch their. I mean, we'll just give you all
28:52 the trailers you you want and what we're going to do next
28:55 week, September 19, unless you're watching this after
28:58 September 19 and we're really running this, then you're too
29:02 late. But September 19, we're going hold a webinar.
29:05 >> Online, you can go to mindful to vent dot com and
29:09 find out about that and we'll show you how to use it and no,
29:14 yeah, that's right. Mind fit event dot com
29:17 event to come.
29:19 >> Thinking there? No, that's right. I thought maybe that was
29:21 for a people. Know this is on the 19th. This is from mine fit
29:25 and Alexan are going to sit down and show you what the
29:27 program is, how to use it in the church had a lead people to
29:31 Christ and so on.
29:32 >> That's I love this idea because this is something that
29:38 we're not doing enough to touch on. And, you know,
29:42 mental health
29:44 is a a a
29:46 topic that you can get anybody to participate on everybody.
29:51 Scott's write some kind of an idea about that. But now
29:56 there's more. I love what you do. What Jeanne is to a need
30:01 for the EU with discovery. Not tell us about it.
30:05 >> Discovery Mountain God has blessed that I married really
30:10 well. Yeah, I totally married up and you're watching tonight.
30:14 I hope I'm not. You are watching tonight, Babe. I know
30:17 that the caller, babe, on 3 of you say you're watching
30:21 and to Discover Mountain was born in her heart. She's always
30:25 had a heart for young people.
30:27 And Discovery Mountain is sort of a radio adventure for kids
30:33 and she's recording season 27 right now.
30:39 A season is a series of shows. It's not necessarily a whole
30:43 year like it used to be back in. So there's 2 or 3 seasons
30:46 in a year. She's doing season 27 on the parable of The Lost
30:49 Sheep. What I love about this is kids
30:53 are addicted to a program. Parents actually use this
30:56 saying, look, you can listen when you clean your room and
30:59 the kids going clean the room
31:01 and Gina, so faithful, if it comes to scripture, it's right
31:05 out of scripture. There's no monkeying around with it.
31:08 There's no making it silly. We remember when our kids were
31:11 little bit some of that, you know, Christian products
31:14 available for kids would sort of trivialize parts of the
31:17 Bible story. There's a lot of fun in the story. That's fine.
31:21 But with the Bible strictly faithful and what's happened
31:24 with this thing,
31:26 you guys that exploded, we we knew it would go well. But
31:30 we've got hundreds of thousands of kids all over the world
31:33 writing in Lori that I've got hundreds of thousands,
31:36 including China. It's one of our top markets is China.
31:41 Kids are listening to Discovery Mountain, another religious
31:46 organization lose over the Hill for me in Salt Lake City.
31:50 And you all know, I mean, they just asked, could we put this
31:54 on all of our digital distribution platforms to share
31:57 with all of our kids all over the world? How Mennonite groups
32:01 in Brazil saying can we get this translated into plot
32:03 Deutsch and from South Africa saying we really need this an
32:07 offer comments. It's it's gone global. And so now Jeanne and
32:13 canned, the PATHFINDERS hip have paired up and Gene is
32:16 hosting the big camper E in Gillette. Wyoming next year.
32:20 So you know how they have a desk. It's kind of like the
32:22 Thanksgiving Day Parade. You always got a couple people
32:24 at the desk telling the audience what's going on.
32:27 That's going to be Discovery Mountain describing the camper
32:30 E for the world market. So they paired up 50,000 kids. Go on
32:34 Gillette, Wyoming. That is they have hope Gillette's ready.
32:39 You know, haha, well, 50,000 your Wal-Mart can support all
32:45 those people, but
32:46 so it's gone. So so well, I think brought a picture
32:51 picture, 8 news from this season's production as Jake.
32:55 He's played by Ruben and Amanda. And we get a lot of
32:58 volunteers in the community to come in and voice these
33:01 different characters. And we've got people voicing characters
33:03 all over the world. One girl in Ireland joins us every month to
33:07 I mean, this has gone global and we're really excited
33:10 because these kids are coming to Christ.
33:14 >> And man him and we're proud of you chain.
33:17 >> Praise God for you guys turned and I heard it the other
33:20 day and my goodness, you get caught up in it. That is
33:25 exciting.
33:26 >> Yeah, unfortunately, though I play chaplain Simon in that
33:29 show and it's a bit part. I figured out what's going on.
33:33 I I show up maybe once
33:36 in a season for about 3 minutes and they keep shipping my
33:39 character off to Afghanistan. I know how bad. And so, you
33:43 know, it's like, yeah, OK, chaplain Simons going to get
33:46 written out of the thing. Apparently I speak.
33:48 >> It's kind of focus on gym for me. It has tell us how you
33:54 will they get married and I know you have to be tough.
33:57 >> Daughters tell we do they are beautiful daughters and
34:00 that you can thank Jeanne for that. Because I mean, look at
34:03 this. You know,
34:04 you have daughters it look like this put me in a dress coming.
34:07 And so now they we do have 2 beautiful daughters. I met Gene
34:11 for her father.
34:14 This was in my pre Christian days. So you'll pardon the
34:17 story a little bit. But I had a buddy. You said, hey, you got
34:20 to meet Rick. I don't want to wreck. We're driving around
34:23 town in his beat-up old car were in college. She said,
34:25 I got to meet RICK'S on that, Rick. And
34:28 and Rick, here's the truth of the story. Come on to my house.
34:31 You know it because he had just bought a case of beer. So we
34:34 sat in the living room and that again, I was not I don't do
34:37 this now. This is 30
34:40 4 years ago.
34:43 And
34:45 and over Rick shoulder, I see a photo on a on a sofa table of
34:49 the pretty nice girl I've ever seen. And suddenly I don't care
34:53 or Rick saying anymore can still see his lips moving on
34:55 them. So I don't hear what he's saying and wonders a break and
34:59 what he's talking about. I said
35:03 that your daughter,
35:05 you wish you could have seen the look on his face. 19 brings
35:07 the enemy right into the house. You know,
35:10 it's like, yes, my daughter.
35:12 She she home. It's like, yeah, well, can I meet her?
35:19 Yes. So she came upstairs. They called for her. She stuck
35:22 her head around the corner thinking that's one of dad's
35:24 old friends. Now here's here. Here's what really happened,
35:27 Jeanne, about 3 under the bus and took a look and realized 19
35:31 ran downstairs and got all that Donald. Yeah. And came back
35:35 upstairs. So I knew I was in good. But she had a boyfriend.
35:39 She's 18 had a boyfriend. You've got to wait 3 weeks.
35:41 It will be over. So I was going away for a few weeks anyway.
35:45 Came back called her
35:47 and it's been game on ever since. Our first date
35:51 was 34 years ago, September 7, just a few days ago, I took her
35:55 to means Chinese food, which has now been Jim for health
35:58 violations. It's been burned to the ground. But I think all
36:01 those that here's what, hey, a dream girl is worth a little
36:04 bit of, you know.
36:06 >> Yeah, but now you you both became the 7th day. Yeah,
36:12 we do this together.
36:13 >> The air we did evangelist meetings the same one where my
36:16 brother got the hand. Bill. I want night one. Gene didn't
36:20 go and I came back and said you've got it. You've got to
36:22 come. Listen to this. It's everything that that I've been
36:25 studying and and more. And she came and she didn't miss any
36:29 after that. And we were baptized together on one arm.
36:32 The guy was a pastor. A 6 foot 5 I discovered is a pastor.
36:36 Don't do this and Leicester 6 foot 5. You're going to lose
36:39 people. But he put us both on one arm and under the water
36:42 together. We lost him this year. I was preaching
36:48 in Calgary and evangelist meeting. And when I got off the
36:51 platform, I got the call. Dawn is gone and on no bond.
36:56 I I was pleased anyway. He taught me how to do this.
36:59 He he had me hold my first evangelist meeting by calling
37:02 me
37:03 he said about you and I do it together.
37:06 I said, OK, you know, I don't like getting up front. But if
37:09 we're doing it together will be a good support. And at the last
37:12 minute, Don, I know you're asleep in Jesus and you can
37:14 hear me. But when we get to heaven, I have an argument with
37:17 yeah. At the last minute a week out, he goes, I forgot I'm
37:21 supposed to be in the Ukraine
37:23 and so you're going to have to do it. I should know. We're
37:25 canceling says already advertised. I'm leaving.
37:28 >> He threw me under the bus and I've been hooked ever
37:31 sense. You know what's funny? Yeah. I was just thinking about
37:35 what you read that stuff home on the past or you're talking
37:41 about. You're 6 foot 5. Yeah. We had a much shorter pastor
37:46 trying to get as high as 6 foot 3. Has he got it down there?
37:51 >> They're both going to I. Yeah.
37:56 >> But it's in. It's OK to laugh at these kind of thing
37:59 called the laughs.
38:02 It's interesting to me that
38:05 you have
38:07 an aversion to public meetings. You don't like to speak.
38:11 You really kind of a person that appreciate solitude and
38:15 privacy.
38:16 >> How and this may be here. When I read about Elijah have
38:21 gone off and sitting in the cave, I'm thinking why is that
38:24 such a problem? That sounds.
38:25 >> Really nice but half fascinating that God, it has
38:30 taken you and put 2 in the position.
38:35 I bet you're an eye and that he has made you so successful.
38:39 Do you see that any fighting got can use anyone who swim
38:43 like he used to speak? I mean, it's just amazing to me.
38:49 >> You know, you don't fun just anybody every day that could
38:54 just make you fall down, laughing hard as can be.
38:58 So there's this comedic side to you. That area is very a lot of
39:03 trouble. And then they're says, Pastor side to you, that can
39:07 turn right around and make you cry.
39:10 So, boy, you're on both ends of the spectrum and there's just
39:15 too.
39:16 >> God usual, by the way, that's kind of you. I I do
39:21 maintain this. Folks have if I can do this, anybody can do it
39:24 literally.
39:25 I wasn't taught to do this. I mean, yeah, I I went to the
39:28 cemetery seminary
39:30 and I did all that stuff.
39:36 I don't know. You put yourself in God's hands mean he'll use
39:39 you and I know full well when I see people accepting Christ,
39:42 it's not because I preach such a fine sermon. And that is a
39:45 fact.
39:46 As matter of fact, sometimes when I'm done preaching,
39:48 I'm thinking that was pretty good, 0 results. Other times I
39:53 walk off the platform and I'm thinking what that disaster,
39:57 what and on mitigated disaster and bearish to Lord. I'm so
40:02 sorry.
40:03 And then the decision start pouring in. And Scott saying,
40:06 hey, you know, you're not doing any of this writing and none of
40:09 it, none of it
40:11 and all it takes is to put yourself in God's hands.
40:14 Yeah, I'm terrified of public speaking. I I can handle it
40:18 opening night before a campaign. I mean literally
40:21 backstage retching into a garbage can because I can't
40:24 bear the thought of walking out there in front of all those
40:26 people. Their friends. Yeah. You know, do it much your
40:29 socks. Yeah. And my sock feet. I go barefoot effect. Get away
40:33 with it. I go in my boxer shorts if I could get away.
40:36 But yeah, I would.
40:39 But you know, it relaxes me. I had a back surgery. No 7
40:43 taking the shoes off. Just feels better. Yeah. There's 3
40:46 reasons. I do that
40:48 one. My back feels better. That also feels really good and
40:51 cowboy boots. Somehow that giant he'll feels awesome.
40:55 Number 2, I once fell off the stage preaching and I was
41:00 saying no word of a lie. VI word is a lamp unto my and I
41:05 didn't get the word feet. I fell right into the front row
41:08 and it's something you did that on purpose on it. Her way too
41:11 much. You knew that on purpose and it was embarrassing
41:15 with my shoes off. I can feel the edge of the stage because I
41:19 just keep getting closer to folks in closer to folks in the
41:22 bright lights. I want to see manner who's under conviction
41:25 here. Somebody really come to Christ.
41:28 And so with my socks on, I could feel the edge of the
41:30 stage. Number 3, others for reasons. Number 3, I have to an
41:35 even feet ones in 11, one to 9 and half of all I buy it.
41:39 You know, 10 and a half shoe and don't wear. So that's you
41:42 know, that's how you solve that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And
41:45 that's a number 4. Take your shoes off and I'm at home with
41:48 my friends. I'm not on stage. They've been outscored yet
41:51 relaxed me so strict. But then on the positive side, as you
41:55 were mentioning earlier,
41:57 >> there's probably not a better thing in the world to
42:00 see another person that whenever they get the picture
42:05 of who Jesus is.
42:07 >> You can see it. You can see the moment it happens. You
42:10 know, you don't do it. Anybody again. We talked about this a
42:13 moment ago. If you think you're converting people, you're not,
42:16 you know, you're there when God's converting them, that's
42:19 what's happening. And that privilege, people say to me all
42:22 the time, Sean, what about all those miracles in the Gospels
42:26 and in the book of Acts, how come we don't see those
42:28 anymore? We do. The fact is that God doesn't perform
42:32 miracles to entertain the Saints. That's not what it's
42:35 for. I mean, there are places you can go where they pretend
42:37 that's how it works. And you can have, you know, a big nanny
42:41 and do what you want there. But God doesn't perform
42:44 miracles to entertain us. He performs miracles to save
42:47 his lost children. And it's going on every day. I see stuff
42:51 that you only read about in the book of acts. I see people
42:54 healed overnight, but I see I see the impossible happen all
42:59 the time. He and the biggest miracle of all
43:03 the impossible Bility have a nice break center turning into
43:07 a saint in front of your eyes. And you know, you don't do
43:10 that. I didn't do that. Now. God has enough work to do on
43:13 me. I can't fix other people.
43:16 >> And I think it's very important that people hear what
43:18 you just said because some people don't know the power of
43:21 thought.
43:23 >> Well, in some people think that we're out there. You know,
43:25 it's not our job to save anybody. We plant the seed.
43:29 God does the water in God as the convicting the Holy Spirit
43:33 is the one who bring someone under the power now, do we do
43:37 we pray and ask for God's anointing improving message?
43:41 Absolutely.
43:42 We try to give a balance message from scripture and then
43:45 it's God who's doing the work in.
43:48 So it is there anything else I don't want we've got. Yeah,
43:52 let's talk more about before we I know the second hour we're
43:56 going to sit. We're going to some Bible study. We do have a
43:59 fun time in the second hour as we do Bible study on the book
44:02 of Esther Park.
44:04 But is there something else that I don't want you to go
44:07 said, oh, I forgot tell him that this house so much.
44:11 I could go for hours. But again, you know, we're here.
44:15 >> To help your church grow.
44:17 It can happen. I don't care. How did you think your about
44:21 churches? I don't care. How did you think your community is how
44:25 impossible it bullet is right now in recent years up and
44:28 taking meetings in the most impossible cities on Earth for
44:32 one reason. If it works there, it works everywhere. And there
44:36 are people ready to come to Christ in your community.
44:38 I don't care if you live in Billy Goat junction and there
44:41 are 30 people living in your town. On average, 7% of those
44:44 are ready to come to Christ in any given moment at some 7.
44:47 So.
44:49 >> So if somebody, if a local church elder, our pastors
44:52 watching and they think, OK, this is a direction would like
44:55 to try to to become a discovery sent risk of resellers. That's
45:01 what setting up they do. They just go to the P dot,
45:05 go to the Opie dot com or give us a call. We'll help you get
45:07 started. There's a lot of conferences that have already
45:10 set up to help all their churches do it. So how much is
45:13 this going to cost? How much do they how its next much less in
45:16 trying to do it yourself, OK, much less in trying to do it
45:19 yourself. And we're shooting to have join us were shooting to
45:23 have.
45:24 >> 1000 evangelistic meetings here in the North American
45:26 division were already closing in on the first 400.
45:29 Why and to right now we're in partnership with the Michigan
45:32 Conference are holding something like 80 meetings in
45:35 the month of October. That worse is now live.
45:38 And we've got the whole package. This is not just go
45:40 preaching meeting will help you work the community for 18
45:43 months. 24 months open a Bible school hold some of the short
45:47 series like Mine fit or some of the ones that we've done in the
45:50 past. Put Discovery Mountain out there. We've got a vbs.
45:53 You can run the kids that are listening to it can come to
45:56 your. They can come to Discovery Mountain at your
45:58 church. We've got that. I've got a full message of Angeles
46:02 tick meeting. Once you've been working your community for a
46:04 while, it's it's mind, you know, it's got works on it.
46:07 I wrote it. So it's got issues. It always frail. But it's
46:11 worked for me for 30 years. And we designed it such that
46:14 you can fight your own armor. It's not just the sermons.
46:17 There are notes in there that explain. Here's why you're
46:20 saying what you're saying. Here's how atheists are going
46:24 to hear what you're saying. Here's how Buddhists are going
46:27 to hear what you're saying. Here's the logic behind what
46:30 we're doing so that you can start to get creative, but any
46:33 meaningful way so that you understand why it's working the
46:36 way that it is and and have daily workers meetings with.
46:40 You have done that every morning at 07:00AM. I just get
46:43 online on zoom? Have workers meeting with people that are
46:46 holding evangelist meeting. So we've got that we get the
46:48 Bible School Discovery Mountain, the short series,
46:51 the preaching meetings, absolute follow-up materials so
46:54 that once people join your church, they become
46:56 evangelists.
46:58 The whole package. We're just we want your church to win.
47:01 >> What I love is that you have a successful program. Any does
47:06 duplicate double. You know, that's something that Jesus had
47:11 his disciples who were following him. Did he sent them
47:14 out to do what he was doing? We need to learn to do the same
47:19 to the church and we need to learn that so that
47:22 eventually incident should be a lifestyle. Not just.
47:27 >> Once a year event. Yeah. And you get addicted. You will
47:30 you promise you you'll get addicted. I have a horrible
47:33 analogy. It's terrible. But once the Tigers tasted human
47:37 blood, you have to shoot it because that's all at once.
47:40 Once you see somebody come to Christ, you know, the only way
47:42 to stop horrible people, horrible. A lot about the best
47:46 one I've got. But the only way to stop you after you see
47:49 someone come to Christ is to shoot you because you're just
47:51 going on.
47:52 Here's the issue. We think. And by all means Bible study
47:57 and prayer are essential to Christian growth.
48:00 You can't live without it. I spend 2, 3, hours a day in
48:03 the Bible, usually from 10 at night to one in the morning or
48:06 11 till 2 prayer essential. But if that's all you do,
48:10 lock yourself away in your home with your mood, you will never
48:13 grow as a Christian.
48:15 >> Why you learn to teach, teach to learn you do.
48:18 >> There's a beautiful book that I happen to love called
48:21 Steps to Christ and it's just one of most insightful book
48:23 said overseen and on Page 80. That's how many times I've read
48:26 it
48:28 is she makes this observation. The author that says the only
48:31 way to grow and grace, not one of the ways, but the only way
48:34 is to disinterested Lee work for the benefit of others that
48:37 need. It's not one of the ways. It's the only way suddenly if
48:41 you weren't working, if you're sweating and get 70 with Jesus
48:44 for souls,
48:45 suddenly this Bible makes sense. You're going to come up
48:48 against problems.
48:50 You don't know how to solve. You're going to have to spend a
48:52 lot more time in here in your prayers going to be for others.
48:56 You know, we always worry, am I good enough for my good enough
48:59 in my being sanctified you you are,
49:02 but you're often in the way because your favorite subject
49:05 is, you know, and so you're worried, like, are you carry
49:08 around a checklist on your belt? Am I good enough here?
49:11 My good enough there. And look at that. I haven't custom 3
49:13 years now. No, but you you had an extra helping of dessert
49:17 potluck. I saw, you know, it's like you just go down this list
49:21 and like, OK, God, aren't you lucky to have me
49:24 and God says to use Old Testament language use, take
49:27 yeah, you speak. You think
49:30 when you're absorbed in others
49:34 self is out of the way in God's free to work on you and them.
49:38 That's the only way to grow if your church is dying
49:42 because you're not doing so on end of the day. That's it.
49:45 That's that's it. You just become a social club.
49:49 >> Now they have a lot of people called, you know,
49:51 they're just very confused as is feel like they have no value
49:55 at all. Right. And their love of places that you go and
49:58 volunteer to start off with. Yeah, I could do was get your
50:01 mind off for yourself and your. That's right.
50:04 You know, so I mean, you're taking a step closer because
50:07 you're dealing with the creator. Yeah, that's what
50:10 miracles happen.
50:11 >> They absolutely do. And again, its eyes off of selfie
50:15 goes out of the way and God can do something with you at that
50:17 point.
50:19 And here's the paradox of it. Anyway.
50:21 If you're absorbing that your eyes are on Jesus the whole
50:23 time,
50:25 if your eyes are on you, here's the problem. If you're actually
50:27 getting better, you're going to look worse. It's a paradox.
50:30 The more it is. I remember we were going to renovate a church
50:34 basement about 30 years ago in the first thing we did was put
50:36 in a new light. So this is going to look amazing.
50:40 You're a good laugh. And you know what happened and turn on
50:42 the light tonight. You can see every flaw in the wall and
50:44 every ripping the carpet. It looked worse. Yeah.
50:47 The closer you get to cry in a white the came into the world,
50:51 the worse you look. So if your religion is about fixing
50:55 yourself up, it's a losing day many because
50:59 if you look better in your eyes, you're drifting further
51:02 away. And if you're getting closer, you look less like
51:06 Christ than you did from a distance. You man and the only
51:10 solution eyes off self eyes off self help somebody and a man.
51:16 >> All right. I want to ask you this question to set up for
51:19 next year. Next second hour, OK, get into a bible study.
51:25 He can't promise. I can't promise to be any good what
51:29 we're going to get the college. Yeah, because we were just
51:33 sitting here today with a mouth agape to this. Okay.
51:36 People have heard you say that the books of the Bible, the
51:41 stories of the Bible
51:43 were relevant to the people, obviously to them they were
51:48 written or directed
51:50 but that
51:52 you said there are more relevant to us today. Explain
51:56 which me?
51:58 >> Yeah, they are look the stories that made it into the
52:01 Bible. You know that there's a lot that happened. Even the
52:04 gospel of John said, if we had written down everything Jesus
52:07 did, the books of the world couldn't contain it. So the
52:10 spirit of God pick didn't chose stories that we're evergreen
52:13 for every generation. So they apply to every generation.
52:16 But what I've been noticing now,
52:19 particularly say in the last 10, 15 years
52:22 is that there are a whole bunch of them that are more relevant
52:26 to the final people living on Earth before Jesus comes in any
52:29 other. A couple of examples. Star of Boaz and Ruth,
52:33 everybody loves Boaz, unruly bright. We just we love it.
52:36 Here's a girl. Whos dispossessed. And here comes a
52:39 guy, nice guy,
52:41 Kinsman Redeemer
52:43 and he's a family member and he wants to redeem the girl and
52:48 the land. That should ring a bell and everybody's mind we
52:52 gave this planet away. The bride has been lost.
52:55 We're Ruth Boaz is Christ
52:59 in. Here's what happens. He wants to marry her in the
53:02 worst way, but there's an issue. And what's the issue?
53:06 There's a closer relative
53:08 in our natural state. Quickly. P closer related to Christ are
53:12 closely related to a fallen angel. Men are natural. That's
53:16 good. So where did they go to solve this? They have to go to
53:19 the gate of the city. That's when judgment was held. Yeah,
53:23 it's the judgment shoot changes hands. That's a symbol of
53:27 ownership in the Bible, right? That's why Abraham was told.
53:31 Go for a walk everywhere your foot touches going along to
53:34 you. It's ownership. So the groom goes to the judgment.
53:38 He wants to marry the girl. He promises to marry the girl.
53:41 The groom goes away, goes through the judgment and comes
53:44 back and gets her. What is haha? Boy, that is really what
53:49 is that? Yeah. That is the judgment seen in Daniel Chapter
53:52 7 Christ goes. He's awarded the Kingdom. The son of Man has
53:56 prevailed. He comes in gets the pride that comes in gets the
53:59 bright. There's a few Abraham, another one
54:03 Abraham sitting there playing to memory.
54:05 God shows up Christ does to angels
54:09 and he says I'm going to destroy S**** and Gomorrah
54:13 and what's he doing informing everybody and Abraham says,
54:17 wait a minute, what what? I've got a nephew in their
54:19 Lord. Surely if there were 50, you wouldn't do this. I know
54:23 what kind of God you are. He said I do. And that's what's
54:26 on trial here. The character of God. You know what I have to
54:29 say. I love the way he says it.
54:31 >> Far be it from yeah, hard. I mean, how good old he was so
54:36 close to the Lord that he could say
54:39 far be it from you to destroy the righteous with the wicket.
54:45 That's bold. It is.
54:50 >> Is the issue in heavens judgment it to us. But what's
54:53 the real issue?
54:55 What is God? His Jesus is worthy of his care. It's gone
54:59 on trial. He puts himself on trial. Abraham goes all the way
55:03 down. But what if there were 10 and finally and while they're
55:06 going through the books of judgment to angels, going to
55:08 the wicked city to save everybody that's willing to go
55:11 in the last days on the hour of his judgment is come and 3
55:15 angels going to the wicked city to pull everybody out its for
55:18 the stories foreshadow last day events. They've meant something
55:23 to every generation. But now the moment we're living in,
55:27 it feels like they're more applicable now than they ever
55:30 have been. It's one after the other after the other, even in
55:33 the New Testament, Peter.
55:35 >> You know, it occurs to me.
55:39 We have to have an infinity focus when we are studying the
55:44 Bible. When we look at God's plan of Salvation Grace was
55:49 given to us before time began. So
55:53 we can go through the book at the Bible. And if we understand
55:58 from the thin to pass, asked to the end times all of the sudden
56:02 everything be cans to make sense to us. We're looking
56:07 through the eye's lens. Yeah, love and all of the stories
56:13 really means something to us. So kind of we just have a
56:17 minute left the U.S. and we want you to stay tuned. So I
56:21 wanted to give us a little tease. Tell us what we're going
56:26 to look at about. Esther Hugh been actually studying with a
56:32 rabbi.
56:33 >> No, well, you know, I've been learning from Rabbi Sam
56:35 sitting with the meant I was in his home. I doubt he'd have me
56:39 over. Haha.
56:40 I really won't know. I picked up some tips from a fellow that
56:44 all bring out the next session, but in our next hour, but the
56:49 book of Esther applies again, more to us now than it did even
56:54 in the day when the story happened. There is a last day
56:57 theme in there
56:58 that has given me a whole bunch of peace of mind about no bring
57:02 it on. Whatever happens happens. Jesus comes after
57:04 that. I go home. I got peace of mind about last day problems.
57:08 I think the time of trouble is in the book of Esther. And it's
57:11 good news. It's really good now it's not.
57:13 >> Or use here. So much fun. But this man really does do
57:18 that. The word got around and he is 100% sold out for the
57:25 Lord. So we hope yet you'll stay tuned. First of all,
57:29 don't forget to go to be P dot com. Check out these programs
57:34 said he's been saying what are the events? Real quick mine fit
57:38 event dot com into upheaval event dot com and a papal
57:42 event. We're going to be right back after this short break.
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Revised 2023-09-18