Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230029A
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to. 00:10 >> Many 00:17 [MUSIC] 00:26 >> too. 00:31 [MUSIC] 00:36 >> I'm 00:42 >> and 00:47 >> I want to stand 00:52 too. 00:54 [MUSIC] 00:59 [MUSIC] 01:05 [MUSIC] 01:07 >> Hello and welcome to 3 ABN today live Thursday night. 01:11 All the way. Like when you say I love this and we excited 01:15 about the program, but I want to get into some of my the 01:18 sermon to just say the program, the program again, the programs 01:22 and a preacher. Yeah. Can I get an amen? Haha moment because 01:28 we're going to be talking about a man Adventist Medical 01:30 evangelism network and some of you. I have heard about that 01:35 before, but some of you are being introduced. But the very 01:37 first time it's a two-hour program. We're going to take 01:40 questions in the second hour. 01:42 But the talk about evangelism, including the medical side of 01:47 it, how doctors are coupling with the gospel carrying it 01:53 throughout the world. And I've I've heard about and a man 01:57 we've had problems here before. Yeah, but tonight is going to 01:59 be power, pack and informative. 02:01 And if you can invite someone to join us to watch the 02:04 program, if you listening driving the car because my wife 02:07 works with 3ABN radio, right? Show us as listeners and 02:10 viewers, always so take the time to turn it up 02:14 as you're driving, keep your eyes on the road and your ears 02:16 on the radio. But we're thankful that you are praying 02:20 for us here at 3 ABN. Thank you for your prayers and your 02:23 financial support of this network. As we continue going 02:26 and growing, 02:27 getting ready for the return of Jesus. What a glorious event 02:30 can hardly wait. Looking forward to that. That right. 02:33 But but we do have new 6 will go straight to them. You must 02:36 go to the music and then introduce August. Yeah, kind of 02:39 keep them hanging on a little bit. Yeah. 02:41 >> The music is going to be from 10 part and he's going to 02:44 play and a rendition of Lord. I Lift Your Name on High. 02:48 [MUSIC] 02:53 [MUSIC] 02:59 [MUSIC] 03:04 [MUSIC] 03:09 [MUSIC] 03:14 [MUSIC] 03:19 [MUSIC] 03:24 [MUSIC] 03:29 [MUSIC] 03:34 [MUSIC] 03:39 [MUSIC] 03:44 [MUSIC] 03:49 [MUSIC] 03:54 [MUSIC] 04:00 [MUSIC] 04:05 [MUSIC] 04:10 [MUSIC] 04:15 [MUSIC] 04:20 [MUSIC] 04:25 [MUSIC] 04:30 [MUSIC] 04:32 [MUSIC] 04:37 [MUSIC] 04:42 [MUSIC] 04:47 [MUSIC] 04:52 [MUSIC] 04:57 [MUSIC] 05:03 [MUSIC] 05:08 [MUSIC] 05:13 [MUSIC] 05:18 [MUSIC] 05:23 [MUSIC] 05:28 [MUSIC] 05:32 >> Thank you so much, Tim. You know, they asked me what 05:35 song I said. I'd like L'Oreal if your name on a beautiful 05:39 because that's what this program is all about. Lifting 05:41 the lords name on high. You know, you could be involved in 05:44 work with lawyers not involved in. It is just 05:47 efforts that may produce some results. But how much better 05:50 when COD is in the center of a thank you so much for that 05:53 rendition. And you know, tonight we're going to be 05:55 taking questions in the second hour. Your questions and 05:57 comments. And, you know, when you have doctors in the house, 06:01 I you want to call in or email ticks in your questions to try 06:06 if you want to. If you want to send them in by e-mail, that's 06:09 live at 3 ABN DOT TV live at 3 ABN Dot TV. Well, if you want 06:14 to call them and that 618-228-3975. That's how you 06:19 can text those in 618-228-3975. Let's not keep them so any 06:27 longer. Okay. You want to start okay. The group is there. 06:31 What's the ministry? Amen, right? That's right. Can we get 06:33 an amen? He's my congregation tonight has passed. 06:40 >> Okay to my right is can Simmons yes. And can that tell 06:44 us a little bit about yourself your dentist on? 06:47 >> I am dentistry and oral medicine and I got involved 06:51 with a man about 9 years ago fall yet time is planned. 06:56 But the same age as my son all yes. And it's been a beautiful 06:59 experience going is taking me 07:01 on wonderful journey. And I'm just so happy to be here and to 07:05 share with our viewers and our team. He's the one of one of 07:08 the ministry and God's hand is all in it. Some great to be a 07:12 part to try that. And you have children. I do. I have a son, 07:16 Keenan. He's 8 years old. And I mean, we struggle with 07:20 the tooth brushing by, you know, I'm told that the usual 07:24 fee and so 5,005 was grace. He's he's growing. And my 07:29 prayer is that he becomes more like Jesus every day. And now I 07:33 have. And how you do have a game in accident from you, 07:36 the you'd actually yes, yes to. I was raised in Bermuda and 07:42 lived there most of my life. He just recently relocated to 07:46 Chattanooga, Tennessee, OK? And so we are between the and 07:50 Bermuda. And this is our second visit to 3ABN a few months. 07:54 So some people tell us this is our 3rd him ready to be like to 07:58 hear those words. And you know, yeah, for me and hit me 08:02 introduce its next. Maybe because he has something in 08:04 common. Absolutely doctored. John. Shannon, good to have 08:08 president. You are the 08:10 >> a man president currently? I am yes. Kind of give our 08:13 viewers that may not know you little bit about yourself. 08:16 Sure. So I currently work as a medical oncologist at Loma 08:20 Linda University. 08:21 And that's my alma mater, guided by medical school 08:24 training there as well. So it's nice to kind of come back full 08:27 circle. 08:28 And I've been involved with a man since I was a medical 08:30 student. And I'm happy to say that I am the first game in 08:35 president who was actually meant or by the organization. 08:39 So the organization is seeing the first fruits of that labor 08:42 about later the student ministry also 08:45 happy to serve and a blessing to be here. And good to have 08:48 you back up. Yes, yes. Thank you. 08:52 >> Okay next to you is stop to Roger this. Is it swelled 12th? 08:57 Yes, yes. 08:58 >> Tell us about yourself. Yes, I'm on the faculty at Loma 09:01 Linda University School of Medicine and the pulmonary and 09:04 critical care special sale. So do sleeps, sleep medicine, 09:07 as well as certified and sleep medicine. So a lot of that as 09:11 well. And I've I've been involved with a man out the 09:14 last 3 years through 4 years. And it's been a blessing to me. 09:18 And it's it's it's been it's been wonderful. Well welcome. 09:22 You said sleep medicine, people medicine to sleep or try to 09:28 avoid giving. Show them how they can sleep better without 09:32 Madison and the veterans handling the war. It's good to 09:39 have you, but you veterans. Yeah. Yeah. We love coming and 09:46 thank you so much for inviting us again. Yeah. See, there may 09:49 be there's a chance. You know, we see. UH a a S I have a 09:53 sister. Does the president think I'm in? 09:56 >> With the EU. Haha. 10:00 >> And let's have a few doing sabbath school, Yassin and sigh 10:04 and someone common. She changed. 10:06 >> Who didn't make is going to change. But I was just sister. 10:14 Yeah. But Doctor, Brian, tell us little about your 10:18 background. What kind of medicine, the involvement? 10:20 >> So I'm an interventional cardiologist at Kettering 10:25 Health Network contain Ohio. So I work on hearts and because 10:30 of a man to try to reach the heart into it. And. 10:33 >> Haha, that's wonderful. Like spiritually and medically 10:36 that time and move a little it lady. 10:41 >> And I know how a house have been involved in 3 D and it's 10:47 been a bit. So we in and while that goes back. 10:50 >> Many is I'd probably say maybe 15, 17, yes, because 10:56 exercise program, which is way back when I was really young. 11:01 >> Time. But there were things of tell us about your medical. 11:06 >> Yeah, so um, actually, Brian and I have been involved with 11:10 Amen. Some of the founding members of a man for how long 11:15 ago was that 2004, 2004, it and I into medicine physician and I 11:23 am the program director for the residency and into the matter 11:26 is that Kettering and this been a wonderful experience and will 11:30 have some things to share later on. But it's been fabulous. 11:33 >> Yeah. So when we whenever we hear that a man is coming, 11:37 we know that our view is in our listeners are going to get free 11:40 medical advice who are yet to send those questions and that, 11:44 in fact, before the problem even began and the u N and once 11:48 again, that's live at 3 ABN DOT TV. That's how you can e-mail 11:52 them. Or you can text them at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 39. 75. 11:59 That's where you can text those questions. 12:01 >> OK, who wants to tell us what is a man? 12:04 >> I'll just start a little bit with a history of the no guest, 12:08 John de to give us like a current update. But as I 12:11 mentioned, a man was founded right around the year 2004. 12:15 I'm really with a group of physicians that were meeting 12:18 and assigned this all the members in action segment. 12:20 Some thought, you know what, we really need something that the 12:22 specific for health care workers for physicians and 12:25 dentists and other other health care workers. And they really 12:29 just put out a blast email, made a few phone calls and say, 12:33 hey, anybody, that's really interesting and has a passion 12:35 for seeing medical mystery store. We're going to have 12:39 immediate kind of springs and that took place. And in 2004 12:43 promptly in the fall, we had our first conference 12:46 in the very original purpose. Pastor Mark family was yeah, 12:50 intimately involved with mentoring. Us are young people 12:54 back. And haha, 12:57 he's been very, very involved, has remained an adviser to the 13:00 board and he came in Spokane, just talked about not the 13:04 ministry. And we started looking up what materials on 13:07 medical ministry and medical evangelism. It was a group that 13:11 was convicted that our medical practices shouldn't just be a 13:14 job, but it needed to actually be ministry. So we came 13:18 together to inspire each other to find ways to do ministry in 13:22 our in our profession, whatever it is, a dentist has a health 13:26 care worker of any type as a physician. And right off the 13:30 very beginning, we had a the dream of inspiring medical 13:34 students. And so from the very beginning, we started on the 13:37 West Coast. We go back and forth to the East Coast and 13:39 West Coast. But we try to include especially the Loma 13:41 Linda medical students, normal in the dental students. And 13:45 lately, we've been trying to reach out to medical students 13:47 at every campus, but a lot has happened since then. So. 13:51 >> Yeah, and you can kind of tell us what a man does and you 13:53 suggest to you one of the mentors, the result of the 13:57 beginning of a. 13:58 >> I am okay. Condition. The first-fruits up the matter 14:01 into haha. And you know, the men's core purpose has never 14:07 changed and never will change. And that's too motivate, 14:10 equip and train health care professionals to do medical 14:13 ministry. But what we've done is we broaden that because the 14:16 ultimate work is medical ministry work. It's not 14:18 supposed to be relegated to health care workers. And it's a 14:21 work that supposed to be taken up by everyone in the church. 14:24 Because, Ellen, what makes it clear that this is the only 14:27 ministry that will continue until the end of times. And so 14:31 so we feel that health care professionals are uniquely 14:34 positioned to be the tip of that spear to be the catalyst 14:37 for local communities and their churches to help energize the 14:41 base and teach people how to engage in effective medical 14:44 ministry. So that is what a man is is here for to train the 14:48 trainers, if you will, and then to use that to mobilize the 14:51 entire church get involved in this important outreach. 14:55 We also believe it's very important to have a blended 15:00 ministry to combine medicine and ministry. Yeah, because you 15:04 see in this world the stage, it's very trendy to talk about 15:09 health, the world that love to talk about health. And if you 15:11 think about it, the world can do it better than we can. 15:16 When you're talking about plant-based eating or 15:18 exercising, there is a tremendous amount of 15:21 information out there. 15:23 The uniqueness of what we do is that 15:26 the health message isn't entering wedge for the body of 15:30 the gospel to enter through. And if you don't tie those 2 15:34 things together, then the health message becomes a bridge 15:38 to nowhere. Yeah, and it doesn't have its intended 15:40 effect. And so Ellen White actually says that when you 15:43 separate the medical ministry work from the ministry work, 15:48 then there's put on our churches to worst evil that can 15:52 be placed there. And she's not someone who is known to 15:54 exaggerate what she says. It's the worst evil taking 15:57 place in our churches. If you think about it, it's because 15:59 people think that they're doing the lord's work, but they're 16:01 not. So we don't want to just focus on health. We want to 16:04 always say health is a means to an end, not the end itself. 16:07 We're not idolizing life and health itself to the goal of 16:11 life is not to live as long as possible. We're not trying to 16:13 turn 6 centers and healthy centers were trying to make 16:16 dead people live in Christ, man. So that so that is that is 16:20 a core mission. And then everything that we do is that 16:23 the risk of expiring in one generation, if we don't pass on 16:27 that torch, who knows what the Lord will come. But we need to 16:30 inspire the next generation of health care professionals and 16:33 lead people to take up this torch up medical ministry for 16:36 however, long history last and carry that vision forward. 16:39 So that's what a mess about. 16:41 >> Yeah, I like that as a pastime cut the phrase help 16:43 that people live in Christ to whom. And when I talked to 16:46 physically dead people but specially disabled people that 16:49 are dead and Sen and so many people about picking up on this 16:53 because, you know, the world is very health conscious. It was a 16:56 time that, you know, hamburgers and cheeseburgers like that 17:00 died, Sadie, this standard American diet. 17:04 But now people are becoming so much more health conscious 17:07 because as you said, and I like this, we're not trying to make 17:10 healthy centers into long living Senator Sanders and 17:14 healthy centers, right? Wouldn't right. We're not 17:16 trying to make healthy centers. Yeah. We're trying to get 17:19 people and entering wedge into the cost and I like that when 17:22 people are healthy, how instrumental it isn't, any 17:25 party can respond to this. That the first thing in the 17:28 book of Daniel that's talked about even he's the impact of 17:31 clean living. Even in an adverse environment, you can 17:35 still serve God through a healthy life, which, in fact, 17:39 became the stepping stone to open a beacon has his eyes to 17:42 the ministry that Daniel and he wasn't already known about the 17:47 people of the world. The Bible says a wise the people of light 17:50 and shouldn't be too. That's right. So you're doing 17:53 something that's a little more progressive than just saying, 17:56 OK, the in that area and blocked although restaurants, 18:02 especially in big cities in half. Yeah. You can find you 18:04 and me. Yeah. I don't know that veganism. 18:07 >> Due on to Ross TV. Obama. Yeah. But that there are long. 18:13 Yeah. 18:15 >> Looking for the gun? Yes, every kind. And it doesn't 18:17 really into Sturgis side of it is often not connected because 18:20 the people that are flat out not just be very candid 18:22 Satanists or a ball or, you know, new Agers who just have 18:26 no good time at all to point a healthy. But they embrace that 18:30 health message train right down to and that's the counterfeit 18:33 when you removed the spiritual out of it. But health message 18:37 tried anything any of you want to add to this? We want you 18:40 guys to be just a wonderful fixture here, which you already 18:42 are. 18:43 >> Being a part of a man. How do you see as he looked? 18:45 Well, yeah, I mean, I look at the human body like like a car 18:51 in the sense so you can get fixated on nutrition, which is 18:54 the cast that you put in the car. But let's not forget that 18:57 you've got to rotate the tires. You've got to change the oil. 19:01 You've got to change the air filter. And so let's look at, 19:04 you know, the entire range of things, not not not just 19:06 nutrition, but also exercise 19:09 water sunlight. One of the things that's really become 19:13 important to me as I've studied with my background, sleep 19:16 medicine. But also 19:18 and in terms of the ICU is the lack of of sunlight that we 19:23 weekend as human beings. You know, we can talk about 19:26 this may be in our second hour, we talk about questions, 19:29 93% of our lives. We spend inside wind and we used to get 19:34 a lot of of infrared radiation when we were outside. Now, 19:40 we have led bulbs which really snow near infrared radiation. 19:43 And we have windows the block near infrared radiation. 19:47 You know, White says that the sun is as a doctor. Yeah, 19:50 the sun is a physician says get outside into the warmth of the 19:54 sun. You pale and sickly ones and enjoy the health and 19:58 healing power of the sun. You know, and I look back at 20:02 all of the things that happened in the last 3 or 4 years. 20:05 And then I look back at what happened in 1918 and what we 20:07 were doing in the northeast and the sanitarium. Is there a 20:10 doctor while Wells ruble to the president of the college 20:13 Medical Evangelists wrote this up and it has trees in life and 20:18 health and 5/1/1919, set. You know, this is our this is 20:21 an opportunity to show the world what we as a dentists 20:24 understand about the health message. We are getting people 20:27 outside. I just recently talked to a neurosurgeon. 20:31 She was a practicing. She trained up in Seattle and she 20:34 was talking about a county hospital that she worked and 20:36 that was built 100 years ago. They said that there's a 20:39 solarium where they would put patients outside and get some 20:42 of the sun and the sun. And, you know, if you look at our 20:45 our life today, society, we get up, we go to our car, which is 20:50 in our garage. We drive to our work, which is in a parking 20:53 garage. We go to our office. The sun goes down. We come 20:55 back. So so don't don't fixate, too. And we're not doing that. 20:59 But their diet does have a role. But remember, let's 21:03 change the tires. That's the air filter that all of us, 21:06 though. 21:07 >> Yeah, I think a big key is we're realizing more and more 21:11 that most of the diseases that we treat every day, heart 21:14 disease, cancer or other things 21:16 after very route, actually have a spiritual cause. You and 21:20 we've all gone to great medical schools and we've learned the 21:24 best scientific techniques, 21:26 but we didn't necessarily learn how to address those underlying 21:29 causes. Eating disorders, sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes. 21:34 Many of these things are just people feeding I need in their 21:38 life and I don't know what it is. And unless we can tap into 21:41 the underlying cause, recognize the hurt the disconnection. 21:47 They have to just connection with God and with their fellow 21:49 man in treat that we're not getting to the root of the 21:53 problem. We're just prescribing a pill and trying to do a quick 21:56 fix. And I'm getting involved with a man and thinking about 22:00 this in a much deeper way been connected. Back to our app into 22:03 Sarah tons of medical mystery. Hes really connect to those 22:06 things. And so I think it's a lot more than just being on a 22:09 plant based diet. It's addressing people spiritual 22:12 needs at their core. 22:14 >> But right now, yeah, just wanted to add to that really 22:17 helping people to make that change. Thank you. Said the 22:20 world is is really talking about this health. Massive for 22:23 so many people feel like I can't do anything. And part of 22:26 that is helping them meet Jesus. Who is the pollen to us? 22:31 And that's a huge thing because people think they have to do it 22:33 by themselves or if they're sick, they've come too far. 22:36 My introducing them to a loving savior. He's masterful new can 22:41 help them to make those changes is really key, too. 22:44 >> That's right. That abundant life and the life and have a 22:46 more abundant. Yeah. Also like what you said about staying 22:51 indoors because high wire that there's no windows where I 22:54 work. So I have to go outside. Yeah. And every day, twice a 22:58 day, just to get that some light go for a walk. It's more 23:02 important to you when you said that. I thought about my life 23:04 every day. I mean, I think about every day she said what 23:06 he done on the computers. And when you do, he said, 23:08 you know, get outside and walk. And it's like right there. 23:13 And I have completely in charge of my own times yesterday that 23:18 I had to get this document and I can get this flyer that I got 23:20 to get this at this moment. All the parent, 23:23 she comes to what she said. Were you she said, come walking 23:27 or you walk into. We have this app called Life 3.62. Here 23:31 moving life. 23:32 >> He likes to kahului no movement. Then my watch 23:39 sometimes says you can do it, get out of time to stand. 23:45 >> And that's important aspect there, too, is is that when we 23:48 say we need to get some exercise, the things that come 23:50 into our mind are the things that are fed to us in the in 23:53 the media, which is these people that are buff or, 23:56 you know, or just looking and they're in a gym in there 23:58 helping our that's that's actually I think that's 24:01 actually more harmful than beneficial and doing very low 24:05 impact. Low exercise is tremendously beneficial. 24:10 And if you're doing it outside, you're not only getting the 24:13 benefit of the sun. Also getting the benefit of the 24:15 fresh air. There's even there's even studies that show that 24:18 that there are substances that come off of trees and plants 24:21 that are actually beneficial for immune system. So you get 24:24 the package deal. 24:25 >> When you go outside and you do this, we've got trees out 24:28 here of anything we have. Haha, you lie just been public 24:33 review. Haha, that's true. I don't need to get walking 24:36 cause sometimes. One of the one of the misconceptions is that 24:39 because the person is not a way slamming tend to think that 24:42 that person is healthy now. But the body knows the 24:45 difference. Quite analogy, put the car and move on to the 24:48 clinics now, OK? Because we have a video we want to show in 24:51 just a moment, but kind of give us some understanding of the 24:53 clinics. Both John O'Brien, Doctor Shan, are Brian could 24:57 bring this up with us. 24:59 >> Yeah, so, you know, one of the things that a man have 25:02 really become famous for is what we call him an free 25:05 clocks. 25:06 And there really grew out. It wasn't something we plan to 25:10 do, but it really just grew out of a need back in 2010 when the 25:13 Earth, the big earthquake hit Haiti. I think there are many 25:16 leaders of the general conference of one of the annual 25:19 councils that when they came through, there was some talk 25:23 about what can we do? Can we send the pastor family being 25:26 connected with a man and his daughter? I'm actually working 25:29 for a man. But hey, what? We have a connection to some 25:32 positions. We haven't put together a team. We haven't 25:35 thought about doing this. But just on the spur of the 25:37 moment, less than 24 to 48 hours, a team of doctors from a 25:41 man went down to Haiti. I'll get out of that. We started 25:44 doing some international kind of mission trips. 25:48 There was a a a group going around the country doing free 25:53 health clinics and different stadiums and different 25:56 communities where there's a lot of underserved population doing 25:59 don't to work into medical work. And we started thinking 26:03 about it that, hey, why don't we engage our members to do 26:07 that? Why don't we get students engaged in doing free medical 26:11 care and the bigger need is actually for vision care and 26:15 dental care. A lot of people can get health health care and 26:19 we do cover the whole spectrum. But men begin putting together 26:23 a dental equipment, visit equipment and medical equipment 26:26 into a van into a big truck, taking it to different places 26:29 around the country in doing what we call the men free 26:32 clinics and plow. That was that was really started in the other 26:35 early 26:36 right after the earthquake, 2011, 2012 immobilizing the 26:40 medicine mobilizing diminishment. It energizes 26:43 churches and energizes volunteers and it gets 26:46 positions that may not have been actually connected with 26:51 having to do not much care. I reconnected and get excited 26:54 about the mission. And so there's a lot of new things 26:57 happening with Clarkson all and that's John de doctor sent to 27:00 give you an update on that. 27:02 >> So we we find that the clinics are natural after you 27:05 through which people can experience the practicality of 27:08 medical ministry. Yes, if it's a theory for most people, 27:11 they care about it. The give lip service to it. They say it 27:13 sounds great. 27:14 How do we do it? And especially for medical professionals. 27:18 He gives them a natural outlet to come and serve. And we say 27:21 we have these free clinics that were running coming, volunteer 27:24 talents and your time. 27:26 And the important emphasis that we're placing is that we want 27:28 the clinic's be run out of churches. We want the church to 27:32 be the central focus. We don't want the health care to be the 27:34 central focus, OK, throw nice event and then we disappear. 27:37 And then, you know, come what may they can decide what to do. 27:41 We want to medical care to provide 27:44 the community opportunity to come and visit the church 27:47 friend, the church members who serve as volunteers for these 27:50 clinics. And then the church will then expose the community 27:53 to the other services. It offers health healthy cooking 27:57 classes. Yeah, depression recovery programs, exercise 28:01 programs, Bible studies hand so that the members of the 28:05 community learned that the church exists gets used to 28:08 coming back there for other things. And eventually they end 28:10 up in Bible study, some worship services and lives are changed. 28:13 So that is the purpose of these clinics to try people there. 28:17 So now, 28:18 well, pre-covid our our vision and our focus has changed 28:23 somewhat post-covid because now we're emphasizing the follow up 28:28 more than ever before. We when we start organizing a clinic at 28:31 a church, we come in from the beginning telling that we need 28:34 to have a follow-up plan for all the goodwill. You're going 28:36 to generate the community, OK, all the Bible study, contacts, 28:39 all the healthy cooking class contacts. How are you going to 28:42 follow up on them? How are you going to make the most of these 28:45 opportunities that the Lord is giving you to impact our 28:47 community and not take that for granted or leave it up to 28:50 chance? So a man has recently partnered because this emphasis 28:54 on church is very important. We partnered with the Mission 28:57 Conference 28:58 to help subsidize the cost of clinics were churches because 29:02 even though the clinics are free for the people who come to 29:04 get health care but not free to show why there's a lot of costs 29:07 involved. And if approximate cost about $30,000 to run a an 29:11 average size clinic, someone is putting that bill. Well, 29:15 because of the price tag, many Clinton, many churches find 29:17 that they can't afford to host an event. So we have worked 29:20 with the Michigan Conference to help defray a lot of that cost. 29:24 The man is helping to defray the costs as well. So we've 29:26 committed to doing 10 clinics over the next calendar year 29:29 with the Michigan Conference. And so lots of smaller churches 29:33 are now able to participate in this program. They're excited 29:35 because in the past they wouldn't have been able to host 29:38 a clinic like this, OK? And if this model turns out to be 29:42 successful, we want to duplicate it in other 29:44 conferences across the country because we believe the best 29:47 path forward is to work with the conferences and the church 29:51 is to create a partnership that enable see stings to be widely 29:54 disseminated. Wow. So you thinking about the Illinois 29:57 this week? 29:58 >> Which should have shared the floor. Haha. Well, the nice 30:04 thing about it, I want to. 30:06 >> Closer to St. Louis, one of the church into that in a 30:10 facility and I heard about it and I was going to wow, what a 30:13 wonderful outreach to people from the community was just 30:15 coming in. And that's what we want to be able to do here. 30:19 All we have the perfect facility for it. But I want our 30:22 viewers to look at this video. And if you're driving or your 30:26 radio, you hear what some of that. But this video is kind of 30:31 introduced as to what we're going to see in this video. 30:33 >> So this is a video, the summarizes an experience that 30:35 we had, one of the more recent clinics in Calhoun, Georgia. 30:39 It's a great example of a clinic that was a collaborative 30:42 effort between the local church, the conference and lots 30:45 of volunteers. We have multiple churches actually come together 30:48 to host this clinic and we had out of state medical 30:51 practitioners coming volunteer. We had volunteers within the 30:55 church. We have to turn away volunteers because we had too 30:57 many over 200 coming in. We couldn't we couldn't keep 31:01 them all there. And we even had non Christian, Don had been a 31:05 spike has come and help. Yeah. They wanted to be a part 31:07 of this and then they were exposed to the gospel message 31:10 as a result. We like to show you the video. Yeah. What 31:12 happened? I have seen it. 31:18 >> Amid the unimaginable suffering that exists today, 31:22 there are millions looking for some ray of hope. Miss the 31:26 storms looking for relief from their pain and heartache that 31:30 is only increasing. That is what God has called us church 31:34 to be to be the light in the world. He has given us parting 31:38 words to goal, to get active, find the last 10 to their rooms 31:44 and treat them kindly to follow the same here. Adventist 31:49 Medical Evangelism network also known as a man. This is our 31:53 vision to be the entry wedge, to use our free clinics in the 31:57 community to serve and meet their direct needs and share 32:01 the love and tender care of Christ. So what is the 32:05 inexperience all about? You might ask, I'll let Doctor Brad 32:09 Md tell you all about it. 32:11 >> So a man is the one to 3 day clinic. It's completely free 32:15 and open to everybody in the community. And we focus mainly 32:19 on dental care and vision care. But if there's other 32:21 specialties that are willing to donate their services that we 32:25 offer those as well, local providers and different people 32:28 will come from sometimes hours and days to get to the clinic 32:31 to help out in the dental care. They do extractions that you 32:34 carry the feelings they do even oral surgery. If we have an 32:37 oral surgeon that comes in the vision care, we do a free 32:41 glasses for patients. We even have a retinal camera they can 32:44 do right now. Screenings. It's amazing and it's free to 32:47 everybody. 32:48 >> For over a decade, a man has been doing this work and 32:52 serving thousands upon thousands across the country 32:56 and the world. Our focus is to meet the needs of the under 33:00 insured and uninsured communities, bringing doctors, 33:04 pastors, nurses and lay people altogether to touch lives in 33:10 ways that only eternity can fully reveal. Here's a glimpse 33:15 of how we impact the community. 33:17 >> That had been having that hurting in my town. It was 33:20 scraping may my mouth and everything. I did think nobody 33:23 can do anything because I had lost my taste, but I couldn't 33:27 everything changes taste. The town was being cut out. 33:30 Pace assimilating cost like you don't want to talk about 33:33 Banister because, you know, you can't afford it and you just 33:35 keep. Thank him. I'll live with this live with this secret 33:39 smiling at us. Pride about Mike Tyson got play a friend had 33:43 contacted me and said you're going to do in this market 33:45 here. And I was like, wow, we've got to get down there and 33:48 I sat down with him and in 30 minutes case moves all these 33:52 ref ages all fields in this cause. I'm like I can't believe 33:57 this is being done in my life can change when Saturday me I 34:01 looked at my my how they have been like this since radiation 34:04 from cancer had just destroyed the bottom part of my mouth and 34:08 the fact that he go in there and his time, the second blast, 34:11 I know people that sit indoors won't get out because of their 34:14 K that can afford. They won't get out due to their vision. 34:18 Somebodys running dollar Aaron form. 34:20 >> It's made. So by it, some real thought had to be working 34:23 in these papal that pride with may. And everybody that came up 34:27 was so nice and so plays it. I can't wait to go until my 34:30 family and other people about. We have got to work in this 34:33 town here. 70 that vanished. It is. It's been unreal. 34:36 >> These are just a few of the people we've been able to help. 34:40 And it's just the tip of the iceberg. More than just a 34:44 onetime impact. We connect the community with ongoing 34:48 solutions and support. That's why a man works closely with 34:53 the local church to expand the reach and impact the yacht and 34:58 the event. This is what the men free clinic is all about. 35:03 It's about partnering with you as a church to be the face of 35:07 relieving suffering in your local community and building 35:10 relationships for the kingdom. Imagine the lives that your 35:16 community could blast. I imagine the soles that can be 35:20 saved in connection with the spirit of God. Lets partners 35:24 together and be the light in the community. 35:27 [MUSIC] 35:32 [MUSIC] 35:38 >> That gives you an overview not only of the Calhoun Clinic, 35:41 but the focus of a man and how it continues to how we use the 35:45 phrase Madam Office. Eyes take this pattern. Take this method 35:49 into different communities. Kind of just 35:52 overview on what we just looked at. 35:54 >> Yeah. And so you can see the impact that has on both the 35:57 community and the church and the volunteers. So it's a win 36:00 win win situation. And it gives a proof of concept of how 36:04 medical ministry where can act as didn't read much into 36:07 people's hearts. People who would never step foot in a 36:10 church come because of the medical care, but they get much 36:13 more than they bargained for itself. Up at the church is 36:16 energized. 36:18 >> Tell us about the students and the trainees. That's 36:20 another aspect aspect of a man. 36:23 >> It's and so it's a near and dear to my heart because I 36:27 wouldn't be involved with a man and I wouldn't be who I am 36:29 today to support payments. Mentorship when I was a medical 36:32 student, you know, the rigors of medical training these days 36:35 is such that there's a big danger of students becoming 36:38 different people once they graduate to when they started 36:41 because you sacrifice everything on the altar of 36:43 academics and you set the pattern early on, what are the 36:46 chances that you're going to serve the Lord? What a career 36:49 once he finished and a lot of us, a lot of medical people 36:52 feel burned out when you're done with training to have a 36:53 sense of entitlement. Now it's my turn my turn to enjoy my 36:57 life and spend things for me. 37:00 But if you go through medical training with the vision and 37:02 purpose in mind that the Lord wants you to keep everything 37:06 becomes an active service, an act of love. And so a man has a 37:10 passion for finding mentors among its healthcare workers 37:15 who can who can provide this kind of guidance for the next 37:18 generation coming up. And so we have actually a list of mentors 37:21 that students can peruse and request mentorship. We actually 37:26 have events on the Loma Linda campus that connects students 37:29 and mentors. Together. We even have a resource design for 37:33 students for trainees is called. It's a podcast and its 37:36 called so-so the Greek word for healing and also salvation 37:41 because we feel is so so has this is the ultimate objective 37:45 of what we're trying to do as clinicians. But it also 37:48 something that we need to experience ourselves before we 37:50 can try to bring it about someone else's leaving. And so 37:54 this podcast covers all the soft topics that you will never 37:56 hear about in medical school. Like 37:59 how do I deal with failure? How can I know the will of God 38:03 in terms of my career and my correction how to listen to his 38:06 voice among other people. So if people want to check out 38:10 our podcast, you can go to so so beyond dot coms O S O C 38:15 Beyond dot com. You can also find ourselves a podcast on 38:18 Apple Podcasts for Spotify. So that's an exciting 38:21 initiative that we have persons as well. That was 1, 1, s zeal 38:25 is all about. I was thinking too. 38:27 >> Is that an acronym? YEAH. Acronym is an actual word. 38:30 Meaning healing. Yes. Healing. Healing Ministry. Well. 38:34 >> OK, with dock to Simmons? Yes, you want to share with us? 38:39 >> Sure. We just showed you a video of a local clinic. 38:43 Yes, but we have going international. So a man is not 38:48 just a U.S. base chapter God, just like our charge. He has 38:52 taken us across the glue and I've been privileged to be up 38:56 part of that. Last year I went to the inaugural conference in 38:59 Kenya and they were super excited to be won the division 39:04 campus there and be visited live. Lots of students, 39:10 professors be a lot of physicians and dentists, 39:13 a lot of pastors, which was really exciting because they're 39:17 really wanting to put that Mysterio on and medical on 39:21 together and go out and reach the people in the U.S. that 39:26 this is actually a picture of the group. Everybody who was 39:28 there at the conference attending on it was a beautiful 39:31 for they a workshop that they have put together. We thought 39:35 we were going to one thing and we ended up speaking. There 39:37 were a group of us who did a women's clinic, as you know, 39:41 the the situation there with them in equity and manage the 39:45 difference in here. So we had a breakout with women that 39:49 actually had to go another day was it was really, really 39:52 beautiful, really overwhelming to be able to encourage them in 39:55 the faith and their work and their ministry and halt to 39:57 reach the people of Kenya. And we're looking forward to 40:00 this year South America. It's having that on girl 40:04 conference. Yeah. So by God's grace will be getting down to 40:07 Peru in November and the the ministers, then the church, 40:11 they're super excited. They're looking forward to this thing. 40:14 We want to invite your prayers on behalf of the conference. 40:18 Yeah, as well as the attendees that got slack will be 40:21 uplifting and will be done there and then they'll be 40:24 allowed to attend. 40:25 >> Going into all the world to all the other with the 40:27 hospital. 40:29 >> And the medical ministry, yes to Schenn. So a man's reach 40:32 has gone. International soccer Simmons mentioned and we have 40:36 chapters in many countries. We have chapters and Malaysia 40:39 and the Philippines and Indonesia have chapter sent a 40:42 chapter in Australia 40:44 and we have to and recently be opened up a chapter in Uganda 40:49 and Kenya. We have a chapter just recently in the Middle 40:52 East came exactly where for reasons that should be obvious, 40:55 OK? But the Middle East is and North Africa as a region that 40:59 really needs to be reached by the Gospel. And yet we have a 41:01 name in chapter that's functioning there as well. 41:03 And so our goal is to replicate this model everywhere around 41:07 the world and people from other nations want what they see in 41:10 the U.S. to happen in their countries. That's that's 41:13 wonderful. So we could keep track of, you know. 41:17 >> Peru and different happy today mentioned Tunisia. 41:19 Did you say and in East Asia as well, will be drilled into on? 41:24 Yes, this was a good Sunday. You know that the nice thing 41:27 about it, these are places that are very difficult to penetrate 41:30 the gospel. Yes, but we'll cut your coat that people don't 41:33 have concerns about their health. And those are the 41:35 testimonies coming out from these back. But I go overseas 41:38 to these conferences. They're talking about how 41:41 >> the rules and regulations of the land make it illegal to 41:43 proselytize and put lots of roadblocks for ministry. 41:47 But when they have free health care to provide the going to 41:50 rural villages, people come out in droves and they want to know 41:53 why are you doing this for us free? Why? Why do you care so 41:56 much about us? And their hearts are open. They want to listen. 42:00 And that's that's the power of the right arm at work. You 42:03 while you also have a dental clinic cup. 42:05 >> Yes, yes, we do on dentistry. Mike Bryan said 42:08 dentistry and I vision kept how much he has to big areas. 42:13 One of the Navy's in the videos before it makes such a 42:15 difference on for me, that's one of the exciting part to 42:17 participating in events like this because dentistry is such 42:23 an opportunity to see a change of most immediately as and it 42:27 has such a great impact. So it's just a beautiful 42:30 experience and to have that experience with people and for 42:33 them to understand they can't afford this country. But you 42:37 take the time as a professional to do this. It creates an 42:40 opening like if if that's the power of God in that position, 42:44 a dentist life. I want some of that. 42:46 >> And then unify. Nominate those doctors shorts. Tell us 42:49 about the health series trail. A video that we've got a lot. 42:53 >> Yeah, excellent. So with all this 42:56 and it really wanting to engage positions, engage, dentist and 43:03 their practices. But we want to actually give them tools to do 43:05 that and to reach their patients. 43:07 So right from the very beginning, we thought, how can 43:09 we do this? Can we engage with media? Can we create videos 43:13 that are meaningful that could play in physicians and dentists 43:16 offices, videos that could also be played in a church in the 43:19 video that could be used for health evangelism and sell. 43:24 This dream has been probably 20 years in the making is just 43:27 finally coming to fruition where we're actually creating 43:29 content. 43:30 The video you're going to see is just a little snippet of it. 43:32 But there's now a whole series 13, a plan for over 30 of the 43:37 sort of videos that can play all churches, doctors, offices 43:40 and be educational to patients to matter where we want to play 43:44 the OK, well, let's look at that video right now and see 43:46 how we could implement what this video reveals. 43:49 [MUSIC] 43:54 >> As Christians, we're given the mission of sharing the 43:57 gospel to every nation to find opportunities, to inspire with 44:01 hope and healing. But how do we bridge the gap between the 44:05 physical and spiritual in a world that's becoming 44:08 increasingly secular 44:11 in seeking cutting edge medical advice on how to treat disease 44:14 and live healthy. Many often completely ignore the spiritual 44:18 component, which is essential. To wholesome live at a man we 44:22 believe in changing that 44:24 a man stands for Adventist Medical Evangelism network. 44:28 And our goal is to continue Christ's method of medical 44:31 evangelism by combining physical and spiritual healing. 44:35 And now we've embarked on a new project in this endeavor to 44:39 produce multiple short videos that connect the latest 44:42 scientific medical knowledge with spiritual education, 44:45 showing how it directly impacts are health. These short videos 44:49 will educate the viewer on cutting edge health advice and 44:52 inspire them to connect with God on their journey to a more 44:55 abundant life, the videos will cover a variety of relevant 44:59 topics such as cancer. The effects of forgiveness, gut 45:02 health and more with each video ranging only 5 to 20 minutes in 45:06 length. They are perfect for playing in a medical office 45:09 waiting room instead of wasting time in the waiting room. 45:12 Scrolling social media patients can now receive life changing 45:16 health advice that also points them to Christ. Along with the 45:20 videos we've created reference cards featuring QR codes 45:23 linking to each video. Providers can use these cards 45:26 to prescribe specific videos to patients or they can be used by 45:30 anyone as a witnessing tool to share with family friends and 45:34 colleagues. The video series will be released in sets of 13, 45:38 which makes them excellent for using his health spotlights in 45:41 your local church for a quarter or 2, including Evangelistic 45:44 series. These videos are a game changer because they connect 45:48 spiritual and physical well-being in a short appealing 45:52 way to give scientific credibility to God's laws of 45:56 health and point people to him as the source of life and 46:00 healing. 46:03 [MUSIC] 46:06 >> So if you're interested in getting these videos, that's 46:08 just a teaser have. But the information we're going to be 46:12 at the end of the program will give you the the information 46:15 you need to be able to participate and get those 46:17 videos in your business or even into medical practice. But 46:21 doctor should talk about the annual conference is something 46:24 that is very important as it relates to a man. Yes. So the 46:28 annual conference is the single largest event that the and 46:31 organize. This is where we do the bulk of our training in 46:34 person, training for healthcare professionals. We invite 46:36 ministers and it's a it's a meeting place for people to 46:40 network with like-minded people who are passionate medical 46:42 ministry. So our annual conference is always held in 46:45 the last weekend of October. This year. It's going to be 46:47 October. 26 to 29. Okay. In Indian Wells, California at 46:51 the Hyatt Resort there. And now registration is going live any 46:57 day now. And so if you go to a man STA Dot Org and click on 47:02 conference, you'll see the information you need to sign up 47:06 and get notified when registration is live. So for 47:09 anyone who is remotely interested in medical ministry, 47:12 how to be equipped and inspired, I would invite you to 47:15 go to that Web page and to register to be notified. 47:19 Our conference theme this year is in his presence in some some 47:23 16, 11:00AM. And because we believe that in his the best 47:27 healing to true, only true healing can occur when we bring 47:30 patients into Christ's presence, we have to also bring 47:33 ourselves into his presence, purses providers before we can 47:36 bring about healing and someone else. And so we'd like to play 47:39 for you a video that shows you kind of our conference team. 47:42 It highlights what we're going to discuss at this conference. 47:45 Wonderful. Let's go to that video. 47:47 [MUSIC] 47:52 >> As health care professionals, we are 47:54 constantly on the go attempting to 18 give fix and resolve 47:59 without realizing we may have lost all the action. Whether 48:04 this is helping a patient in need or even focusing on a 48:07 family member, no amount of service. I mean, it's the chaos 48:12 of today's world. There are many questions raised by each 48:15 one of us that do you want answered such as how do I find 48:20 the strength to carry on and how do I stay connected to 48:23 Christ in order to effectively share those around me 48:27 the answer to live in his present. Let's listen to Doctor 48:31 John Shun president of a man as he shares about this upcoming 48:35 year's contest. 48:37 >> Our theme this year is in his presence that comes from 48:41 some 16 11, which says you will show me the path of life in 48:46 your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are 48:49 pleasures forevermore. 48:53 You see we're all engaged in the pursuit. 48:55 >> I've happiness. That's busy healthcare professionals. 48:58 There are so many things that distract us and keep us from 49:02 spending time with that 49:04 and with empty cups, we try to minister to our patients and 49:07 her colleagues at the end result is that we feel burned 49:11 out and the solution 49:13 and it becomes a joyless experience. Therefore, we as 49:16 health care providers must first entry into the presence 49:19 of time with spirits heal. We're our own souls. However, 49:24 before we can find joy and God's presence, there's 49:27 something that we must first 49:29 you see the first part of some 16 11 says you'll show me the 49:33 path of life. 49:35 What this means is that got past is the past 49:39 that leads to light 49:40 and any path that deviates from this will result in focus and 49:45 debt. 49:47 We must move quickly to surrender wills and lives to 49:52 him 49:53 for we can experience a life changing choice of walking with 49:57 and able to be. 49:58 >> And his presence. And as a result of this experience, 50:02 God promises to give us the power that will transform our 50:06 lives and enable us to overcome the things that bind us. 50:10 It is only as we surrender to him and we will experience the 50:14 healing joy of being in his presence and from this place of 50:18 wholeness got promises to give us the power that we need to 50:22 overcome the world and to bring others into his presence. 50:26 So surrender leads to healing, leads to power and this can 50:31 only occur in the presence of God. 50:35 If you want this to be a reality in your life that I 50:38 invite you to join us at this year's Ayman Conference which 50:41 will be held from October. 26 to 29 in Indian Wells, 50:45 California. 50:46 >> A man's focus is to motivate, equip and train all 50:51 healthcare professionals uniting them with pastors and 50:54 members in order to help faith in Christ in the turn. Have you 50:58 ever considered how your dwelling in his presence 51:01 affects your patients, colleague and even your family? 51:05 I full gear. The source of all surrendering pulling in power 51:10 will enable us to do creative things. And you could ever 51:13 imagine we do not want to miss this opportunity to learn how 51:17 to effectively invite others to come in and do well in his 51:21 presence. 51:22 >> My wife and I have been really excited to be a man for 51:26 a lot of reasons, one of which is is being able to connect 51:29 with old friends and to be able to make new friends to have 51:32 so many people around the of so much in common with he spent so 51:36 much of our lives Day to day with folks that maybe we are so 51:39 familiar with from a spiritual aspect or maybe they don't 51:42 stand 51:43 share. The same trouble is that we have the same day-to-day 51:46 worries that we have being in the medical field said to be 51:49 able to meet so many people that are in medicine that have 51:53 spent time overseas, like my wife and I are interested in 51:56 overseas missions. It's been very rejuvenating for it. 52:01 >> I like to be able to have the opportunity to connect with 52:04 people who are very serious about their profession and how 52:08 that is intertwined with a calling. And I feel like I've 52:11 been able to get a perspective that I don't get from anyone in 52:15 the field in my area. We're about, you know, very much 52:19 military and also the Amber Smith is history and care 52:24 without the spiritual aspect, which is something that I feel 52:27 like. It provides a great opportunity to connect with 52:29 people and connect them to Jesus. I I just love hearing 52:33 what I want to do. My own practice. 52:36 >> This year will be having a nice to health care 52:39 professionals and pastors will come together to share how they 52:43 are witnessing to their community. Let's listen. 52:46 And Pastor Mark family gives us more information on how health 52:50 care professionals and pastors teaming together is vital to 52:54 finish the work. 52:55 >> It was 18 years ago that we started the a man conferences 53:00 or one of the purposes at that point was to inspire medical 53:06 professionals, physicians and dentists 53:09 to share Christ with their patients. As time has gone on, 53:14 we have become more acutely aware of the necessity of 53:18 pastors and medical professionals working together. 53:22 Let me give you 3 reasons why I think that they will enrich you 53:26 as a pastor. 53:27 Number one, 53:29 as you would tend, you will find material that will broaden 53:34 your vision in minutes straight. 53:37 You will find seminars that will touch your very soul and 53:43 lead you closer to Christ yourself. Second place. 53:46 You will have that fear of working with ministers and 53:52 doctors and dentists says. 53:54 >> The team that fear you'll find the will of that parade, 53:58 you'll find you develop relationships that really count 54:02 for the kingdom of God. And thirdly, as she was handed the 54:06 minister and medical professionals track, 54:10 you have new ideas, new ways of participating in ministry as 54:16 you attend the and then convocation, your Ministry of 54:18 being Rich. We'll be informed. You'll be inspired and you'll 54:22 get brilliant opportunities 54:26 to witness and minister for Christ in broader way is as 54:29 your vision is enlarged. I hope to see that. 54:33 >> Health care professionals and pastors. Wow. Doctor John E 54:37 on is now going to share even more exciting news about this 54:40 year's upcoming conference. 54:42 >> One of the things that's most favor for me for a man 54:46 that is just one big family. And the conference is an 54:49 opportunity for us to just come together and connect. And so if 54:53 you have a spouse and for children, we would love for 54:57 them to come along to the conference and be a part of the 55:00 children's program where they'll also learn how to be in 55:04 God's presence and to form new friendships. So Sheriff Pyle, 55:09 Sophia, are you guys excited for this year's conference? 55:13 Yes, if you don't have a family and children, you can still 55:18 come and be a part of the greater in family and connect 55:22 with brothers and sisters both in the states and abroad. 55:25 And so we would love to see all of you there. 55:28 >> God and the master physician has shown us over and over 55:31 again that he's proven method. Every new is outlined in the 55:35 next song. 16 11. 55:38 He is ready and willing to work in us. 55:41 >> As well as through arrests, if we will surrender. 55:44 But that surrender is only possible by being in his 55:48 presence. Do wish to give your all to Christ and experience 55:52 the revival that this could be in your life. 55:55 Do you want your colleagues and patients to also know what it 55:58 means to live in his present? 56:01 And so you won't want to miss this year's Ayman Conference in 56:04 Indian Wells, California from October. 26 to 29. 56:09 I will join us as we all learn and grow on our pads to 56:13 surrender pulling power. 56:15 [MUSIC] 56:20 [MUSIC] 56:25 >> Well, you've seen quite a bit about the conference coming 56:28 up later this year, October. TWENTY-SIX to 29 3ABN will be 56:32 there with yeah, amen. Team Broadcasting and participating 56:37 hopefully a week ago. I don't know about that. Thinking about 56:40 it. I don't know. We have an event in the 6. But as you've 56:43 watched there's a donation tap. I'd like to bring up right now 56:46 if you'd like to participate and donating to the Amen 56:49 Ministry we have in U.S. medical evangelism network. 56:52 That's how you can do that. Just scanned a QR code. It will 56:55 take you to the portal where you can be participating in the 56:59 advancement of the medical and the ministry aspects of a man. 57:05 And we all like to thank you for the parts that you play. 57:09 But in the second hour, we're going to take your questions. 57:11 You can send them to live at 3ABN, TV's. That's a lie that 3 57:15 ABN DOT TV. If you'd like to e-mail them. Well, if you want 57:19 to text him 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 39 75. But that we've learned a 57:25 lot of the first out with a lot of questions came in. If you 57:29 want your questions answered not to send in succession. 57:32 Doctor 12 and the Swartz to Doctor Schwartz. 57:35 >> How are you? Don't go away, though. We're just getting 57:39 started. Sending questions asked that. This is your 57:42 opportunity to see you next hour. 57:45 [MUSIC] 57:50 [MUSIC] 57:55 [MUSIC] |
Revised 2023-09-01