3ABN Today Live

Kids Camp Week In Review

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230022B

00:00 [MUSIC]
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00:10 >> Welcome back to 3ABN Thursday night live. We're
00:13 talking about 3ABN, kids camp. You see us here on the set at
00:17 the Worship Center at campaign seen. And I'm in my suit.
00:20 I feel out of sorts, but I had a very handsome. But, you know,
00:23 I did have the opportunity for my hiking boots on sitting over
00:26 now. I just feel like just the odd man out. I'm having a great
00:29 time to time on my hands. But the fire. Yeah, I've seen
00:33 it's been a full fun filled week and praise the Lord that
00:37 were at the end. And then pretty soon the programs will
00:40 be airing on 3 being. But again, what a great week we've
00:43 had here, kids camp.
00:45 >> It's been a real blessing and just seeing the growth.
00:48 I mean, I feel like I'm going to because when you see how
00:51 much children want to give their how to Jesus, you realize
00:57 that's what it's all about. The innocence of it all.
01:00 >> Yeah, no, that's who it was that all. That's right. So if
01:03 you're just now joining us, we're going around to the 7
01:06 different sets here that we experienced to 3ABN kids camp.
01:10 We went to a number of them and we at the break, we're in the
01:13 midst of talking to brother Tim part about 3 and a kids camp
01:16 sing along. So tell us of ICE on the one clip that we aired
01:19 showed Allison.
01:21 >> We're not saying where I am here. That's right. I had
01:23 Allison Spear and she was able to be here for a couple of
01:26 days. It's just nice to have another adult to bounce things
01:30 off of, you know, which I tried to sing a little more than I
01:34 did the first time we did this first time. I was little green
01:39 myself. I so at any rate I was I I had the first time I had
01:43 Aaron will per head. And so he and I had a weak cold, wrote
01:46 some songs together. And that was a lot of fun. And so this
01:50 Allison and in fact, Allison Spear help make some write some
01:54 songs. I have another friend Mark Mathes I think mentioned
01:57 him earlier. And Andrew Greer is a song, wrote a turn,
02:02 Turn, Turn, Turn Your Eyes on Jesus to Jesus and yeah.
02:06 And then I can kind of delved into some solo writing and in
02:09 fact, I without a win and financing said and I needed
02:13 theme song. I actually went back to the the theme song that
02:17 we did for the first time. Well, the reason I would kids
02:22 camp, yeah, I am a child. And so there was this repeat
02:27 the echo kind of thing. And I thought that was what was up.
02:31 What was so good about that song because the kids just
02:35 totally took to it. And so I just tried to copy a little bit
02:40 of the
02:41 the writing. And if you know, as far as how it mainly the
02:44 echoing part, and then I thought, well, that really kind
02:47 of works because when you're in the in the mountains, well,
02:50 especially when you're camping, using echo song 3 in the
02:54 mountains, you hear the Echo. So there was some reasoning
02:56 behind. It doesn't always make sense to anybody else. But it's
02:59 also said to me when then the kids just like I said, you,
03:03 I would hear him come and the thing that everywhere and
03:06 anywhere. So it's it's just a lot of fun to hear that and
03:09 know that they can make up a little lines, whatever. It
03:12 doesn't seem that wherever they are in Illinois and Illinois,
03:16 Iowa, Iowa, you know, it's it's just fun and they will take
03:20 that home with them and much their parents sugar in haha.
03:25 >> They'll continue singing a song. That's what it's about.
03:27 Absolutely. I love it with memories that I have to go into
03:30 kids camp. You know, it is coming home singing the songs.
03:34 And so they're still my heart. I had a bleed. If 2.10, you
03:37 know, I like words. That's one of my things. I just you know,
03:40 I like the crafting of words, but I don't know anything about
03:43 songwriting, but just the gifts that God has given you in
03:46 utilizing those here this week, it's just been amazing to watch
03:50 God use you. What is it like for to see the can singing like
03:54 songs of the Consulate due to write? What's it like? Oh,
03:56 well, it's it's amazing anytime you see.
03:58 >> This is actually working because it's one thing to put
04:01 it down on paper and you know, wonder how will this translate
04:06 and also and God bless you, Francine, she tried to get me
04:11 to get her songs weeks in advance months in advance,
04:16 actually and creative people have this thing. Well, this
04:20 creative percent or more. I don't even know if I call
04:23 myself creative, but I have been called procrastination.
04:27 Haha and it's called the Midnight hour. All of the
04:33 everything starts to work. The of the we'll start to go
04:36 into motion and the words that didn't seem to rhyme 3 months
04:41 ago, all of a sudden those same words, rhyme, 11, 59. So so
04:47 it's funny how that works. And my heart's beating fast.
04:50 I'm thinking I've got to get the song written because these
04:52 guys are going to sing it at. So so, yeah, it's it's great
04:55 them to know that they're seeing it. And then when they
04:57 bring the energy and I was we were talking about the the,
05:01 you know, the the active missing their their energy.
05:04 I think it was like on the 3rd day we had how one little fella
05:11 decided that he was out of energy and he fell asleep and
05:16 that will probably be enduring record during the record
05:19 recording that will pump up here in the blooper role way
05:24 because one of the coaches had to literally pull him off the
05:28 set. And while he slept every day at what didn't wake up
05:33 until they pull them off. And so I'm here, I'm trying to
05:36 maintain this, you know, so that nobody sees what's going
05:39 on over here. Yeah, I did that. I thought actually he might be
05:43 like acting up. And so they were needed to pull him off
05:46 this, you know. So he was sound but he sound asleep. So I
05:50 thought you put him to come out.
05:52 >> Yeah. Great feeling to know your haha flood. Right? Very
06:02 much. Back in to make he was hard to sleep.
06:05 >> I don't. I told the referees the next time that happens,
06:08 it happens again. I'm like just.
06:10 >> Might be a problem because in all. Haha.
06:19 >> Sure. But as far as something as far as the of the
06:22 process already, what was great is that Francine provided the
06:26 that the of themes and then to try to write those songs,
06:31 some of them telling stories that the actual story, some of
06:35 them trying to tell some kind of a and modern day being able
06:41 to relate it in and give you some kind of something to go
06:44 home with beyond just the story because you can always read the
06:47 story in the Bible. But if you have something, even just like
06:50 that song, I sing earlier, take your courage, keep your
06:52 courage. You know, we don't know. The poll said that.
06:55 But if he would have been a guy like a motivational speaker on
06:59 the ship, he would have that you would have told those men
07:02 to keep their courage. So, you know, sometimes you have to
07:04 stretch your imagination, put yourself in those situations
07:08 and kind of created.
07:10 >> You know, what's interesting about kids, too, is that
07:12 sometimes they sing the words and they don't know the
07:15 meaning. And then as they get older, they understand the
07:18 meaning and it still sticks with them later on. And I think
07:22 that's where we are making that impact is that and I appreciate
07:26 your dedication. And
07:27 >> the only reason why sometimes I would say, hey,
07:29 tmd have anything. It's because I had all my parents like,
07:34 do you have any like I know he's going to hope that it's
07:38 really you know.
07:39 >> Yeah, you you just want that preparation. But you know what?
07:43 The energy? It's amazing that how quickly the kids picked up
07:47 some really cool. I mean, they were really catchy, really
07:50 engaging. And you just phenomenal. And so praise God
07:53 because he's working for you in.
07:55 >> Just yeah, I was honored to work with such great kids,
07:59 but I will also say that we had a teleprompter. And I you know,
08:02 I don't mean to tell all our secrets. I clearly am. And I
08:06 want to thank my friend CJ Lingle, who saved the day by
08:11 keeping the words rolling on the screen and what was great
08:14 was those kids. They learned the importance of knowing how
08:18 to read has literally singing the song right in a hurry.
08:22 They were singing at the speed, the reading at the speed of the
08:25 song. And so and and yet they were able to put that energy
08:29 even as that meeting, we were running over the song as it
08:31 once and again running through them. Sorry, some of them sound
08:35 like they would be right run over, but we're running through
08:38 them. So I just love kids. And it's just so fun. You put
08:43 him in a situation and they're just like little Bulldogs.
08:46 They're just go for it. You know, they're not shining.
08:48 Yeah. Shining a light. That was it was real. Throw up with
08:51 another song. Come to mind, Tim, I know we did about the
08:54 you know, of there was a so that we did for the very first
08:58 episode, which was the he he made the sea, the creator of
09:02 the sea. And if I can remember, I think the words with he made
09:07 the sea so grand to 7.
09:09 >> Rate the water from the dry, dry land.
09:13 He made the sea so wide so that we could sail to the other side
09:19 and made this so deep so that he could bury all my sons
09:23 beanie.
09:25 >> And all he had to do was simply speak and one to 3 times
09:29 he made the scene and one to 3. He called the C one to 3.
09:35 He walked the sea and on day 3 and made the same.
09:40 >> Yeah. One of the road and I was little surprise.
09:47 I could count want. No, that's a very it's super fun. Yeah.
09:52 A lot of fun.
09:53 >> And and, you know, music such an important part. You
09:55 know, you coursework Mr. Ganesh Open for what, 25,
09:58 30 years and years in a big part of 3 again. So they
10:00 actually have a program with the kids with music is so very
10:04 important. Like you said, Francine, I remember as a kid
10:06 learning scripture with music. And so, you know, time, you
10:09 know, it's like you don't understand everything that then
10:11 as years progressed, it's like, oh, wow. Again, now that make
10:14 sense of music is so very important. Thank you.
10:16 Lieutenant approval to offer to how? Yeah, sure.
10:19 >> We have. Next. We're going back to the main production
10:22 building and this is to do we have Doctor Ryan and Susie
10:25 Hayes. They didn't creation crafts and making creations
10:28 Kratz last time we did kids camp in him. Amazing job.
10:32 So let's first take a look at this role and then we'll talk
10:34 to them.
10:36 >> I think girls are you ready here on the side?
10:39 [MUSIC]
10:43 >> Boom, boom, boom.
10:47 >> Thinking about the anybody. Know what the zero's dad,
10:50 too.
10:51 [MUSIC]
10:56 [MUSIC]
11:01 I am doing and that. All right.
11:04 [MUSIC]
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11:14 [MUSIC]
11:17 All right, Randi,
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11:32 this that give us the boy,
11:36 [MUSIC]
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11:47 I hard sell
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12:03 on the side and now I'm going to start a little bit lower.
12:07 [MUSIC]
12:12 [MUSIC]
12:16 >> I don't know if we're going to come up with the song.
12:17 We better tape it so that we can remember it for all time
12:21 here. I don't know if these guys remember what the tape is,
12:24 but we used to put our music on takes back in the old days
12:29 here. Moses and I.
12:32 >> That's fun. We appreciate the haze. Of course, they did a
12:37 kids camp a number of years ago and came back in the good did
12:40 course creation crashed. And I believe you're there.
12:44 Hayes in the studio a.
12:46 >> Not as. Haha. We're using a hot glue gun or maybe.
12:56 >> You're still crafts. Doing crafts. And what time is at
12:58 909.
13:00 >> We never stop asking all week. We just now we can.
13:03 What is that? Stuck a little out. What's going on with you?
13:06 Sure.
13:07 >> Little embellishment there. And but and so she likes to
13:10 push my buttons. I haha.
13:14 >> I love that. So your regular job, Doctor Ryan Hayes, you're
13:19 a professor of chemistry at Andrews University and yet you
13:22 still have time to come here. 2, 3ABN, and of course, your
13:26 white. Susie, thank you so much for coming. Tell us about the
13:28 crafts even making this week.
13:31 >> Well, thank you so much for having us to. We've had a
13:33 really great time. All of our crafts are paired with a story
13:37 in the Bible.
13:38 And so it gives it a lot of meaning. And I think the kids
13:41 had a lot of fun making these crafts.
13:45 >> Yeah, it was nice to to be here. I have a little bit more
13:48 time in the summer, but honestly, my life that all the
13:52 word, all the planning, all the preparation, getting the
13:55 supplies, thinking it through. And I just come up with a few
14:00 jokes and Kelly.
14:00 >> And haha, I practice at every day he does.
14:09 >> Yes, then creation crafts. So why creation cross from far
14:13 as you know, okay, we're talking about crafts and making
14:15 things within creation. Tell us how you kind of combined that
14:17 together.
14:19 >> Well, you know that the Bible is full of creation.
14:22 God created got traded everything. And so we wanted to
14:27 put that with
14:29 the crops that we were making. Sure. And so, you know, just so
14:32 it has a lot of meaning. Yeah, and
14:37 >> now they've got so carried of these kids are so creative.
14:39 My wife is so creative and out, just always creating things.
14:43 And and class really does tie into that aspect. And we have
14:48 our own design on what we think the crash and look like.
14:52 And they just put it in the hands of these kids. And
14:54 something else comes out that sometimes maybe was.
14:57 >> I'm not so great and then others a wall. What a great
15:00 idea.
15:02 >> And just see that creative ability that God put in to us
15:05 just for a sheen on a set like this. And the other kids were
15:09 great. And we have a variety of levels of skill. And I usually
15:14 got the ones that we're new at making crassly kind of we kind
15:18 of had similar skill levels. I guess you would say yeah.
15:21 And so we're we're struggling to keep up with says he got on
15:24 a lot of the instruction. So it was a lot of fun.
15:27 >> The both of you did a wonderful job because you kept
15:30 that energy up. And I just like how all of you, well, having
15:34 fun. I mean, you enjoy and with the kids. And I mean, I playing
15:38 might having fun, letting kids be as creative as they wanted
15:41 to be. And, you know, if you could tell one of the crass
15:44 that really stood out to you that the kids really seem to
15:48 dive into because even sometimes I would see some of
15:51 the referees and they'd forget to get the microphone there
15:53 because they're into it as well. Can is there a craft that
15:56 you can think of that really stood out to you?
15:58 >> Yeah, sure. I think so. The kids ended up making these
16:02 night light aquariums. You can see there's a light and this
16:06 had to do with the story of Jonah and the big fish. And so
16:10 what we ended up doing is, well, there's a light on it.
16:13 So it's a night light, but also we put it magnets on it so that
16:18 we'll see if we can get. And if you're able to see that,
16:20 but we can get the fish to move and then also we can get Jonah
16:23 to you.
16:25 >> Haha.
16:27 >> That is yeah. But
16:29 >> you know, maybe something else that we did just kind of
16:32 teaching them some different techniques to different things
16:34 they can use to make art work. This one was the wave painting.
16:38 When Jesus calm the storm, we blended paints with a
16:41 toothbrush. So yeah, the news of the regular paint brush.
16:45 But the toothbrush. And then we also did one where they use
16:49 aluminum foil and they stamped a fire and a ram on there.
16:54 So just kind of using different techniques. We did. A tariff
16:56 paper are won. I could show another one here. This one is
17:01 the reef just showing that God created the seas and it's
17:04 another lineup one. So this one was that they can to.
17:08 >> I was going to the different studios. And I was in one time
17:11 when I think you all the kids are making something look like
17:14 kind of like slime.
17:15 All right. Something it was precious to watch the kids
17:18 expressions as they're like needing this some thoroughly
17:21 enjoyed it and something a little grossed out. Yeah.
17:24 >> It's fine. It's chemistry. We have and get a little bit of
17:26 that. And there we did slime last time. Yeah, we actually go
17:31 around and make slime with kids when we go to some of our
17:34 chemistry programs and as such a big hat and it's so fine.
17:40 And Susie just takes it to another level and some
17:42 creativity put in there. Yeah, the kids really just
17:45 literally got into it. They didn't mind getting slimed.
17:48 And and even though is a little bit icky.
17:51 >> That demand is favorite to say she had that mom is kind of
17:55 like needed way. Do you really have to bring this? Haha?
17:59 Just love this line to I don't think that she's going to ever
18:03 grow out of it.
18:04 >> Haha one every time. Even though we make it a lot of
18:10 said, yeah. And this was the 5. So we actually adds a fish
18:14 beans in it. Yeah.
18:16 >> Pretty good. We also want to just say thank you to both of
18:18 you to because and as soon as you've been a part of 3 been a
18:20 long time, I know that when your kids are little babies and
18:23 want to call him baby is very your honey. Talk to the
18:26 original uplink building. I don't know my how many years
18:28 ago is that 13, 15 11, 11 years ago, a long time the new year.
18:33 Thank you for your long-time support.
18:35 >> You know that. Thank you for all. We had a lot of fun here
18:38 and our kids of almost, you know, growing up on the set and
18:41 was fined that have other kids come up and do all we know your
18:44 kids and they would say their names and and all our I guess,
18:49 you know, the kind of in studying our family.
18:50 >> Haha, I think that Carter, right? He would he start of
18:55 what, 2 years old are on about 4. Yes, 4. Yeah.
18:59 >> And now how tall is? I mean, my goodness, all. Yeah. He's
19:02 way up there to be a raft. You know, just getting involved
19:05 in another level is Hussey and of some. Your kids are
19:09 participating. Also is campers. Yeah, girl that yes, a lot of
19:13 the songs and they love being here. You think they kind of
19:16 get all but the songs that Tim came up like we were seeing and
19:22 they they said, what are we doing a second week next.
19:24 >> Aha there, right, 4.
19:28 >> Yeah, they're ready for and was just the testimony to how
19:31 well the the whole program was put together. So thank you as a
19:35 parent and then thank you as a host, I would just really
19:39 appreciate the organization so we can really do this focus on
19:44 our thing here. So the cast and a lot of the meeting, we we had
19:47 fun just thinking about the meaning at a deeper level as we
19:50 were, you know, planning for each day. And and so that was
19:53 kind of funds. I really appreciated working with this
19:56 young lady right here. So, yeah, it's fun to work
19:59 together.
20:00 >> That's awesome. Thank you both so much. We'll see what
20:02 we're here on the set in just a little bit. And tonight we're
20:05 going now to Studio B, this is still at the main production
20:09 building. But Studio B is the same studio that Jason Bergmann
20:12 has it said on and they would have to switch up the set,
20:15 change the elegy background, put some different things on
20:19 the floor and they rolled up the grass. They did roll up.
20:21 Yeah. And this is it's a club which is exercise. So let's
20:27 take a look at that role right now.
20:28 [MUSIC]
20:34 >> It got heated on. Oh, come on.
20:37 >> Why do you think of that?
20:38 [MUSIC]
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21:24 [MUSIC]
21:28 >> Wow. Hard. Yeah. She did a great job. Yeah. Coach Mills
21:33 and I believe you're there on the set and studio B, yes,
21:36 I am a yes, no. I wonder if it's OK to exercise in like
21:40 10:00PM tonight.
21:43 >> And you want to haha.
21:45 >> You know, I right there. You said if the if you can't
21:47 touch your toes b***** news, I think that some have to do not
21:50 touch my toes tonight. Haha, thank you so much for your
21:55 enthusiasm. And for yeah. Just her love of exercise and
21:59 getting the young people involved and excited about to
22:02 get the blood flowing.
22:04 >> Yeah, it's been a super blessing here and I have had so
22:07 much fun interacting with the kids and doing all the
22:10 different exercises and just trying to get them move in and
22:13 show them that that's a part of what we need to do every day.
22:16 >> And now, no, Sam, you are actually a P e teacher right up
22:20 and runs as it inches academy workout.
22:22 >> Yes, that's true. I've been teaching and academy now for 8
22:27 years. I just finished my 8th year there and it taught
22:30 physical education classes and health as well.
22:32 >> And so we're just so blessed to have you. Thank you for
22:35 being here and just tell us what has it been like for you
22:37 this week with the kids and exercise?
22:40 >> I have had so much fun. I didn't know what to expect.
22:42 This is my first time ever doing anything like this.
22:45 And I didn't know what to expect. So I was told we're
22:49 going to go live. You get one take and that's all you get.
22:52 I just like, okay, I'm going to treat it like when I taught on
22:56 zoom. So we're just going to go forward. And the kids just my
23:01 expectations were like here and they just soared above that
23:05 night was the total got thing. I was praying the whole time
23:08 that that guy would be here and angels were it would protect
23:11 this campus and the kids would be safe and healthy
23:15 and everything to 60 exceeded my expectations.
23:20 >> Yeah, a man. So tell us about some of the exercises
23:22 that the kids that I see a few props there close to. So,
23:24 yes, some of the things they did.
23:26 >> So my focus was to try to figure out a way that they
23:29 could in their homes, whether they're here in studio rat at
23:33 home to try different ways of exercising in a small space and
23:39 to use different things that they may have around the house.
23:41 So like I would use the scarfs and and we would throw them
23:46 around and do jumping jacks on that kind of stuff. You're
23:48 still getting your heart rate up. But the focus is not on
23:50 necessary doing jumping jacks. The focus is on the scarves and
23:55 then we would do some balance work with the beanbags.
23:59 And so you don't have to have to have a bean bag. You can use
24:02 something anything to balance on. But again, the focus is off
24:05 the exercise in on the fun of it. I also tried to use
24:09 different and set of dumbbells. Not everybody can afford.
24:12 Both are expensive. So we use these exercise bands which can
24:16 be pretty cheap and at many different venues to purchase
24:20 them from even if you see, I saw in that intro clip, I was
24:23 using canned goods because anybody can go and have any
24:28 form of resistance and grab some canned goods out of the
24:30 pantry. But I always made sure they asked their parents,
24:33 but for the is dead. But again, it's just ways that they can
24:37 incorporate exercise into their daily lives and get their
24:40 bodies healthy for whatever God has in store for them service
24:44 or just just like I said, keeping healthy.
24:47 >> And so it's great for you coming in. I cannot express my
24:51 gratitude to you coached Mills because you did a phenomenal
24:55 job with clean energy that you had in just the enthusiasm.
24:58 And we could see that you were having a lot of fun and the
25:01 kids excited. They were skipping in coming in and
25:03 before that just before hand and in an age age time you were
25:07 there.
25:09 >> That was one of the biggest things that seem to be your
25:11 take away.
25:12 >> That you felt like the holy Spirit was there.
25:17 >> I just think the having the experience of being here
25:21 >> in just being able to be with these kids in, I don't
25:25 know them. I've never met them before. And they just still
25:28 came in with smiles and they did what I asked them to do,
25:32 even though some of that was crazy. But they still did what
25:36 I asked them to do. And they had it looked like they had
25:38 fun. I had fun with them. I also enjoy getting to know
25:42 the crew and just kind of seeing how the whole process
25:45 goes for filming something like this and everything that goes
25:47 and all the behind the scenes to make me look good, make the
25:52 kids look good and out ultimately to clarify, gotten
25:56 his ministry.
25:57 >> And then, yeah, thank you so very much. We're going to see
26:00 you in just a few minutes over here on the set. So, yeah,
26:02 thank you so much. And we're doing exercise. Poor kids can
26:05 eat them.
26:06 >> Millions jobs and several times and just watched in the
26:09 energy in the U.S..
26:10 >> Susie, as yeah. In fact today I came back and I said I
26:14 think you just sit down and rest after. Haha was so
26:18 energetic fit in a missing John. So.
26:20 >> Thank you as well. And the exercises that I program to
26:23 work just for kids. It can be for any age group that they can
26:26 do at home and you can multiply the sets and do all kinds of
26:29 different repetitions and do it at home and get a good workout
26:33 in. So.
26:34 >> Watch a 3ABN, K kids cut a kids club. And you just yeah,
26:38 there is a lower. Thank you so very much. We'll see you in
26:40 just a couple of minutes. All right. We were Time's
26:43 running out and we've got another studio to go to and
26:45 that's going to be studio D-wis. It is a creation and
26:49 critters.
26:50 >> Critters in creation, writers and creation. Yes.
26:52 Now normally for all the other programs we've been doing
26:56 first, the video, but we're not going to do with this right
26:58 because we're going to play the video at the end this so we
27:01 hope that tooth Nelson and Andrea are there in the studio.
27:05 Are you all in the studio?
27:06 We are. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
27:09 >> How Sylvester the skunk. I know he's run around on the
27:11 set earlier as he's fast asleep.
27:13 >> Or he he wore out. That was that he's tired. He's back
27:17 their nap and right now.
27:19 >> So tell us again, far as where you're from, because you
27:22 have a lot of analysts worry from down there, Florida to
27:23 tell us a little bit about that and about your experience here.
27:26 Kids camp.
27:27 >> Absolutely. And what a privilege it is to be here.
27:30 We're coming up from North Florida's camp Kulluk was yes,
27:33 wildlife sanctuary director down there and we have lions,
27:36 tigers and bears. Oh, my and snakes and snake the snake.
27:40 Haha, Anderson,
27:43 a lot of animals that we allow children to interact with.
27:47 And I have a great team down there. The help that I want to
27:50 say. Thank you to to help get us packed and ready for this
27:52 journey and for this ministry. And it's been a lot of fun
27:56 doing it.
27:57 >> Yes, it S yes. So tell us about your experience, a kids
28:00 camp. I you know, I appreciate creation a lot. I I not really
28:04 fond of snakes, but I see you holding a snake there to tell
28:07 us about the snake and then your experience here.
28:09 >> This is sunny. He is a super pass. Still ball python.
28:14 Wow. Look, that's why he's got the bright colors on him.
28:19 Usually they're more brown
28:21 and
28:23 he's just a really cool snake.
28:25 >> And so tell me that the kid and you're very brave. He's
28:30 very brave. Had 9 on the TV crew. Yeah, Tim, I'm thankful
28:36 that the snow it's not going to start can't get it out right
28:39 across the state versus Asahi. Help the kids reactions far as
28:46 here kids camp. Maybe it's the first time they've even seen
28:49 animals like this in real life. So tell us about their
28:51 experience in your experience, right? So these, by the way,
28:54 these young people had some fantastic questions. They were
28:57 very smart and they knew how to engage not only with the
29:00 animals, but with the right questions.
29:02 >> And they they asked adaptation questions. They
29:05 asked about life span and all kinds of neat things. And that
29:10 allowed us to make connections, I believe, with the creator and
29:14 that open doorways with these children in there
29:18 thinking in their thought processes to appreciate the
29:21 creator a little more and some of the young people, they just
29:25 really wanted to hold them. They couldn't get enough of it.
29:27 They kept asking, can we hold this snake or that's like there
29:30 was no fear and they were ready for him to have some other
29:34 critters are with you. We do say so right over here. I'm
29:37 starting over. Here is a PAC man Frog. And that is a
29:42 carnivorous fraud that the students got a kick out of
29:44 learning about from South America. And it's kind of hard
29:48 to see these little critters, but we have some aquatic
29:51 turtles from the southeast here that hideout and their shell
29:55 and a beautiful milk snake. This this is a play Glenn Milk
30:00 snake from down near Honduras, Mexico, along and another
30:05 little PAC Man Frog. This one's a girl and a and a little
30:09 female leopard gecko that Hales all the way from Pakistan,
30:15 some unique regions of the country. And even in Florida,
30:18 we have the corn snake. So does the snakes probably wouldn't
30:23 get along. But the little corn snake was a great lesson for
30:26 the young people to respect the local
30:30 flora and fauna in their area. And we have this is
30:34 interesting. People think it's just an empty cage. Yeah,
30:37 and that my animal got away. But the truth is that if I were
30:41 to dig around in here and I hope you didn't get away,
30:44 brother.
30:45 >> One here.
30:46 >> Well, what is that? One just shed? And that's us and boa all
30:50 the way from Kenya, Africa. And that was just finishing
30:55 setting and will let her be. And
30:58 I will look for the other when they're also weeded sums
31:02 presentations on fossils
31:05 from Noah's flood.
31:07 >> And from the time period there where megalodon sharks,
31:11 teeth horse teeth. There's the other sand Bola and some gems
31:17 to represent all of the beautiful gyms and and
31:21 beautiful stones. That is the foundation for the new
31:25 Jerusalem of which Amethyst is one. And this is a large
31:30 specimen of an assist camp clock wound.
31:33 >> Well, we just appreciate you coming bringing all the animals
31:36 we know you have to, because it's again, a live program here
31:38 at 3ABN, you're getting on the road traveling all day
31:41 tomorrow, Friday, I think the 1000 miles. And then you do
31:44 something with his it 100 kids on Sabbath. I believe it is.
31:47 And so you have a sure thing up their camp cloche. What?
31:50 So you're going to see you in a couple of minutes. You're going
31:52 to go to the role that he didn't go to and show the
31:54 experience of the campers here at the kids camp.
32:12 >> Welcome to kids. Camp critters and creation. You guys
32:16 like animals too?
32:18 Absolutely. Of course,
32:21 [MUSIC]
32:26 [MUSIC]
32:31 that canyon can enjoy living under the sand 20 hours of the
32:37 day and that in just 2
32:38 [MUSIC]
32:43 [MUSIC]
32:47 >> the Scot gets a frame or he
32:51 handspring.
32:53 When you get afraid,
32:55 you can.
32:58 Thanks for coming. Boys and girls. We hope you had a good
33:01 time and we'll see you next time.
33:03 [MUSIC]
33:08 >> Wow. How low can we have added to the kids camp family
33:13 hosts? You've got the news that we know that. Haha,
33:20 I think they're all here.
33:22 Thank you, Michael Young can for just to get the last
33:27 president is here to make it happen to go. But a lot of fun
33:30 that clip there of all the fun with all the animals. Did you
33:33 all see some of the animals? Did you see some of those
33:35 animals hold the snakes? And if you hold the snakes or
33:37 anything, yes, didn't he was like, no, you know, I don't
33:42 know that I would the snake. Yeah. Haha. How about the Scott
33:46 is? You'll see the skunk use. Scott. Did you pet it and you
33:51 held? Wow. You did too.
33:54 Yeah. The smell bad to the skunk. Smell bad. We've had a
33:58 fun time here. This week is for sure. So we're so blessed to go
34:02 to work with each one of you. Thank you again for being a
34:04 part of this great endeavor. 112 programs.
34:10 Does it feel like 101 used in the?
34:12 >> Haha.
34:20 >> Has a feel like you to 16 in 4 days? Yeah. Haha. Thanks for
34:26 being honest. But we've got some treats right here to read
34:30 some treats. These just came out of the oven, the law.
34:35 >> So these are not props. This is real food. This is real
34:39 so we can have someone at the end of the program are.
34:41 >> Absolutely. He could have a little bit now. Yahoo probably
34:45 could on the phone to talk but as I E.
34:47 >> Before we eat and what it would sing a song to. Yeah,
34:52 I have a fun song when we have a whole bunch of animals and
34:55 we're waiting for everybody to come on the set and then we all
34:57 sing together.
35:00 >> And then here's the out.
35:02 This is these are these are animal center. We pass. If we
35:07 have to have some mikes or do we have they that they're all
35:10 might OK? That's right. That's what this hurts isn't units.
35:15 That's it with that one here. Yeah, but it looks, but it's
35:18 going to spread them out because this is a song about a
35:22 Noah's ark. They were. Let me see what he is saying that some
35:27 Portnoy. So we've got to know what he saw. Some of that.
35:30 Let's do it now. You have. So you know what, Russo?
35:34 So these are the sounds whenever I point whenever the
35:37 all say it in the song and then that's when you're supposed to
35:41 make the sound. When you say the rooster, right? Oh, my to
35:45 be sure. And it's strong. What if I can crow ou? Well,
35:49 you don't want to you don't want to disappoint, OK? Well,
35:52 let's run a team like Celtic were on a lie. Yes, so you're
35:56 going to go ahead
35:58 a long, long time ago as the everybody, you know, God told
36:04 Noah Build yourself and art
36:08 for 40 days and nights, the rain was quite a fright.
36:13 The animals nearly tore the arc of hard to let go.
36:18 All the Ducks went black. The Cal went.
36:22 >> The rooster. Haha.
36:25 >> Tom Hatcher raised an awful Rao.
36:30 The little Big.
36:33 >> Billy goat time.
36:36 >> The Bullfrog said biggest rain we ever had.
36:39 >> Haha Noah's Ark is that all the horses and cattle
36:47 birds of the air and
36:49 >> has the long year donkey was there. What's the donkey say?
36:55 Everybody?
36:56 >> Is this great. The Ducks went back. The cows went to the
37:04 rooster.
37:06 >> What time they had on is are you better believe it is what
37:12 time they had on was.
37:15 [MUSIC]
37:18 >> I was just one of the song of the kids. Just law. Haha.
37:24 That's on what that was. And that's an old traditional
37:27 haha Uncle Noah's Ark. I did a few tweaks. But you know,
37:31 okay. Yeah. It was a lot of fun. Yeah, it was great.
37:33 Just brought the rooster well.
37:36 >> Higher. Haha on the road together here by the fire.
37:48 >> Jason, now the over from the other said, you know, you're
37:51 talking about the electrical fire because you're tell anyone
37:53 how to build real fires. We have thus far. I worked
37:55 really h*** o* it.
37:57 >> Haha, I think for an indoor, a kind of apparatus, I think
38:01 this is a great way to share that fires can happen inside.
38:08 >> Speech. That's right. Yeah. Haha.
38:14 >> Yeah. Good. Well said it was said to all stayed warm by the
38:18 fire kids.
38:19 [MUSIC]
38:22 >> Where supposed to pretend the hulls? What if we didn't
38:28 exercise? Is there an exercise that we can do online? Haha,
38:32 I think we need to just do some stretching baja.
38:35 >> Exercise. Few years.
38:43 >> Stretching would be of. Haha.
38:47 >> Haha.
38:50 Haha.
38:51 >> What is something somewhat conducive? Because like I mean,
38:54 I'm thinking, oh, you can do anything, everybody. I don't
38:57 know my kids. You would remember some. We did some
38:59 shoulder stack a right outside her, right? What's behind you?
39:08 Yeah. Centrist the other direction and look to you.
39:12 >> Some of us a little older might get a little crack.
39:15 Haha.
39:17 >> That's a very good. Yeah. Yes. It let a snake going.
39:21 We could all.
39:22 >> He ate cupcakes. Why? Haha.
39:34 >> Have you loved animals since you're a little kid or oh,
39:37 yes. Is born in Brazil. The missionary parents and my
39:40 father actually tripped over on the way to work and brought
39:42 home. So it all started there. Haha.
39:46 >> I just want to say how amazed I was that you were able
39:49 to answer the question so well. And so so again, it's a
39:54 testimony to the knowledge, knowledge that off each of the
39:59 future of us have in this room. So this wasn't just some fly by
40:04 night crew. You know, everybody was smart about everything is
40:08 very knowledgeable. Very kudos to you all the awesome.
40:12 >> So tell us about the Bible then. So you do like this quite
40:15 a bit. Go around to different schools and Bible reenactments.
40:18 You and your team, Daniel and Sasha and the rest.
40:21 >> He just started.
40:28 >> Haha, great job, you know, like and France's mess. You
40:32 know, you can just feel the holy spirit here because again,
40:33 we're trying to teach the young people about the Bible is not
40:36 only young people still are people, too. So thank you.
40:39 It takes a lot of people to put all of that together. Know
40:42 that's really true. And they had that little treasure chest.
40:45 I don't think we show that as part of the clip that tell us a
40:49 little bit about that. Each each Bible story, there was a
40:51 treasure chest Bible chest and a little clue in there that we
40:55 talk about and it would introduce the story. I think of
40:58 the last one. We had a crown that talked about what you wear
41:01 on your heads and God has a crown that he wants to give to
41:05 each of us.
41:06 >> And and and so doctor Cannon, Sammy, how did you all
41:11 get roped into this is actually planning on coming in asking,
41:15 were you planning on this before you think?
41:19 >> I'm a yes.
41:21 They give us a little notice. We're planning to actually go
41:24 on a mission trip to Mexico
41:27 and Tom fashioned. Our offense is the message. And you're
41:30 like,
41:31 well, we have plans and are on the fly.
41:35 Yeah. Come to L a.
41:36 >> Haha.
41:40 [MUSIC]
41:43 >> Yeah. You all did a great job. Really? Bringing the Bible
41:47 the life is.
41:51 >> Talk that cooks? Yes. He's the eating area. I know
41:57 you can smell the smell of cake. There's plenty for you to
42:00 eat and there's more.
42:02 >> Backstage. All right. Well, that's great. I think
42:05 those at home would like to test these out, too. So that's
42:09 the privilege of being Harry kiss cam, right? Yeah. Mention
42:13 Leslie in. You also had.
42:17 >> It was like I I you know, it's so hard when you're,
42:21 you know, throwing out names. Yeah. It's like Leslie Cobb was
42:26 amazing. I couldn't. I mean, she was just amazing. She works
42:30 so hard right along with this every single day. So.
42:34 >> Thank you said us and thank you Leslee.
42:38 >> He's quite a challenge to put all these rescues ago
42:41 because you have to get all the like the salt. Whatever else
42:44 you have flour furry trust in each of those tables for the
42:46 kids. There's not much turnaround time.
42:48 >> No, not at all, but turned around and but also even
42:52 creating the recipes.
42:55 And Francine said she wanted everything to be transportable.
43:00 >> O, that's good. So you just for a picnic or a camping trip.
43:04 So it's the individual ingredients or just or the his
43:09 product. Right? So that's why some of the names are really
43:12 creative life traveling pancakes. Haha.
43:16 >> Haha and
43:21 >> very crisp in a jar. And you know, so it was I was trying to
43:26 create things. Linda and I were trying to create things that
43:30 you can take with you so great that would hand over and saw it
43:33 was absolutely couple. Things really worked hard pulling this
43:37 off. Well, it was a team. Haha.
43:42 >> Haha, I told them with the theme was and I said what you
43:46 do, what you want to do because I realize it was a almost an
43:49 impossible job like to do 16 different was that the kids can
43:52 take with them. And and thank you again because that made it
43:55 real for the kids. Well, the challenges.
43:59 >> One, it was a challenge to do all recipes that you could
44:04 get take and go. But also the challenge was
44:08 to make things that the kids would like. Yeah, absolutely.
44:13 No kid friendly. Yes. Plant based and kid friendly. And
44:17 that's good. So it was thanks and friends.
44:20 >> Haha.
44:31 >> So the draft and so around us easier to make the crossing
44:34 that would really fit with the theme each one of the stories
44:36 then.
44:37 >> Yeah, talking early AC and then we did the mountain ones.
44:41 It's Hard mountain theme for all. So we tried to stick with
44:44 the Bible story that went.
44:46 >> You know that that went along with it and when you come
44:49 up with the ideas?
44:50 >> Well, I do a lot of Googling haha, you know, and if I have
44:54 an idea of, you know, this five-story and then, you know,
44:58 I look for something that fits that. And then, you know,
45:01 some of the preparation behind it is how much to have to
45:04 prepare ahead of time. You know, like because we're only a
45:08 lot of so much time and we try to get to finished product.
45:11 And so, you know, it's just trying to, you know, see how
45:14 much we need to do ahead of time to prepare. And.
45:17 >> Haha.
45:21 >> We have a little test audience at home that a girl is
45:24 what do you think? You know, you think that would be fun to
45:28 do so. It's nice to have, you know, have the kids campers
45:31 right there right there.
45:32 >> I did. I did have to do that. To which one do you like
45:35 that? Or which one fits? Which would you prefer to do
45:38 that kind of known? Also for the dad jokes to you kind of
45:41 put those. And now.
45:42 >> He just sort of happened last time. Yeah, we're here.
45:49 >> And kind of fell in and get the kids excited. And you know
45:52 that your brain just makes these connections that you just
45:55 have to share with the world.
45:56 >> Funny and haha.
46:01 >> And what really kind of helped me was that that camera
46:04 crew last time. All these guys on the set their their last.
46:09 >> I'm doing the right thing from the kids. Haha.
46:17 >> And then this year, though, you know, we had a bunch of
46:21 young ladies on the cameras, which is really cool. Not too
46:24 much in the dad jokes, though.
46:26 >> Little inspiration. Haha.
46:30 >> You know, a number of people, you know, helping out
46:35 and during the breaks, I would get if at a few extra money,
46:39 OK? Yeah, I mean, you know, we go around and we do some talks
46:43 with science in chemistry and things. And and it's really
46:45 cool because a lot of kids recognize us from creation
46:48 craft. All we watch all of the creation Cason in your. We like
46:53 the dad jokes and the jokes and stuff on there and and then who
46:58 is no, no, she seemed to know a lot of the job.
47:04 >> Here is my little assistant year Joe Colleges. And so when
47:12 I retire, you know, I think we've got some. I was very
47:16 impressed program right on Target.
47:20 >> You know, hate that inspired me to say one more thing that
47:24 that impressed me is when we're doing these crafts, you know,
47:26 we have a certain set of instructions. I think it's
47:28 adults. We kind of put our brains in a box and this is the
47:31 way it has to work and the kids think outside of the box and
47:35 they re doing all of these fun things. And even after what I
47:38 was looking at, the craft was like, that was a really cool
47:40 idea was really need. You know, people putting stands on stuff
47:43 that we're you know, we're hanging frames. And.
47:46 >> Yeah, just 30 tip that he was just amazing. We're now
47:50 that's a whole nother. 16 creation. Crest pro. Out that
47:53 people can learn. New dad. Joke.
47:55 >> Right. Haha. Haha.
48:10 >> He thought the talk a little bit about. I know you have been
48:12 a principal and now I'm here and incredible teacher. You and
48:16 your wife are both teach. But just talk to us. I know we
48:19 talked just a little bit about their love of animals from
48:22 childhood, but talk to us about what you do.
48:24 >> Right. So its busy season now at Camp Co Aqua. This is
48:28 the summer time. And there's, you know, hundreds of kids
48:30 there. And it was very gracious of the camp to let me sneak
48:34 away and do this program with you and I've really enjoyed it.
48:36 We had a fun time. We have the shovel these animals into one
48:40 vehicle. I have baby cougar back at the sanctuary and I
48:45 have some young bobcat's that I would have loved to have
48:47 brought, but they just would have made excellent traveling
48:51 companions. Haha ones we did bring I think did capture the
48:56 kids attention. And that was the point is, is the point the
48:59 kids to the creator? And that's what we the camp and I both
49:01 show that mission of putting the creator back in this center
49:06 focused time with family and kids, and we're all God's
49:09 children. And so the children of all ages will come in and
49:12 hold this khankan and pet and interact with the animals.
49:15 And we have a chance to tell him how God designed that
49:17 animal and how much more he loves them. And you can see it
49:22 in the kids eyes and they really enjoyed the animals.
49:25 And that's what we're about is is connecting science. We're
49:28 both biology majors in meeting at Southern had missed
49:31 university when it was maybe southern matrimonial.
49:34 >> Haha. So then we're in.
49:40 >> Bidding for jobs. But we enjoy. She teaches now at a
49:43 school that is right on the camp Camp. Cullen will create
49:47 and and the wildlife sanctuary director, where we enjoy
49:51 opening every sabbath, not only to the guests to the thousands
49:55 of guests that come to the camp,
49:57 but then we do a 2 o'clock program in the center of
50:00 interaction and explanation of creation and the that that's
50:05 fun and then.
50:06 >> Also, kids, do you see with an injured shoulder there?
50:10 What is that? It's a lizard.
50:13 >> It's about a year to drag. You know, dragons are I know
50:16 there. There really are dragons. Haha and how they can
50:19 they get they get about the 30 inches long and they do it.
50:23 Good evening. And they're pretty smart. Well-recognized
50:26 names and faces Pat Sullivan come to the door bill when it
50:28 rings like a dog now.
50:30 >> Haha. That's isn't didn't know that. I think I like
50:34 Ginger.
50:36 >> Haha.
50:39 >> Well, now bright and all the brouhaha 100.
50:44 >> His name is me. You say hi to me. You know, yeah, he likes
50:50 that. He's he when he's pretty chill is in the new year in the
50:55 right and what you need to.
50:57 >> Hasten, are you getting ready to go out to get out of
51:03 that? What you call it again, that little wasn't. Are you
51:06 glad that I let you know, actually, I was thinking about
51:09 going to work with it. You know.
51:10 >> One now being in it, you know, 2 days in a row that I
51:17 think it's a great opportunity.
51:19 >> I thank you, Jason, for, you know, teaching young people
51:21 again for the outdoor skills, you know, because something
51:23 really important to get the lessons that can be learned,
51:25 you know, in nature. And I was in watching, you know, if
51:27 you're talking the young people there. So if so excited,
51:30 you're the backpack. There are a lot of fun things inside of
51:33 it, right? And you have to wait with flashlights rope. Oh,
51:36 yeah. We hadn't like little things comes. Yeah. So yeah,
51:41 I had lent but that was for starting the fire was for
51:44 starting a fire. Yeah. Yeah. I want to we tried to get the
51:48 kids to find as much wind as they could in their pockets.
51:51 Yahoo. Yeah, I like that. And then use that as a farce.
51:54 Absolutely kind of wilderness survival. It is.
51:57 >> You know, sometimes you got to make decisions on the fly.
51:59 That's right. And it's good to think about it before hand.
52:02 So when you get into situations, you can react
52:05 quickly.
52:06 >> And I like to how you also brought in like, you know,
52:07 remember, creator, God writes Where a situation that you're
52:10 in, you know, you can always look to God for source of
52:11 strength and survival at its cheeses first. Yeah, yeah.
52:15 >> First alert. And and you've got went on the set. We saw
52:18 that shows a microphone and I don't think she had a Yahoo.
52:24 >> How did you know that was coming her that daddy daughter
52:34 relationship with haha activity that causes like down by.
52:41 Did you make of the?
52:44 >> I'm so Francine. I know that, you know, you work really
52:46 hard with the team, you know, to bring us together. Got about
52:48 4 minutes left and just, you know, a minute or 2. What's on
52:52 your hard here is this is all come together and knows a lot
52:54 of post-production for goes on the air. But just kind of tell
52:57 us what's on your heart here.
52:58 >> All I can say is thank you, Lord, working this all out.
53:02 And for all the parents, the staff,
53:06 the volunteers. I mean, there's so many people. They were like
53:10 at least 56 people. We've asked to help behind the scenes.
53:14 I mean, like we said, p**** patrol and whatever. I mean,
53:18 we had everybody there. And it's just
53:21 thank you. And from the bottom of my heart, because, again,
53:24 it's these young people that are making the future you for
53:30 who God is in the picture of what God looks like 2 others.
53:34 So again,
53:36 thank you for your dedication. And hopefully you get to see
53:40 some fun here on the set. And hopefully there will be
53:43 another opportunity sometime in the future because we always
53:47 want to. It's all about Jesus.
53:50 >> Thank you, everyone. Thank you know scene. Yeah. We really
53:54 interesting the way also talk about the the We call not the
53:58 uniforms that Jonah blank like that. The garments that like
54:01 Daniels wearing like Diaz wherein cost. Thank you.
54:04 That's the word I'm thinking of a 10:00PM tonight. Haha.
54:08 So these are not things you keep in your closet. Yeah,
54:10 I do need a cupcake donut.
54:11 >> Haha.
54:20 >> So then this process because it's couple minutes left.
54:22 These are not causing that you have in your closet. So.
54:24 >> Tell us how the Lord has provided all the costumes for
54:26 us. Well, I have to say, again, it's a lot of volunteers that
54:29 have made these costumes in its people, even dedicating some
54:33 fabric to make it better than their time on it. There's just
54:37 a lot and so was trying to build up these costumes so that
54:40 we have more outfits for different sizes and ages.
54:44 And and again, it's just you see how guys just provides.
54:49 >> Everything that we need just in time. I remember another
54:52 song from another kid's camp just in time and down.
54:57 >> Yeah, thank you. Yeah. The lords providing more act
55:00 this way. So again, we just want to say thank you. Thank
55:02 you for passing up the Coke. A sweeper. All right. Now we're
55:05 going to try to see the song every goes. Haha, I'm also
55:11 going to I'm a okay. Haha. Thank you, mom. Haha. But
55:16 again, we just want to say thank you for your prayers and
55:18 continue financial support for the ministry of 3ABN for the
55:22 networks such as 3 been kids network. You know, these young
55:26 people, they're making a difference already and the
55:28 world, a lot of people talk about young people be in the
55:30 future, but also the president right now. So making a
55:32 difference. So thank you so very much again for your
55:35 prayers and financial support for the ministry of 3 Avian.
55:38 Thank you for believing. Yes, that's a good people.
55:40 That's what? Yeah. And the ministry believing young
55:43 people. Yes, we go out singing the song.
55:46 >> I'm everywhere.
55:49 [MUSIC]
55:54 [MUSIC]
55:57 >> We've got.
56:02 >> I go saying All we can know what the next was. That was
56:12 another one
56:14 everywhere.
56:16 >> Go
56:20 about it.
56:24 [MUSIC]
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56:52 [MUSIC]
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57:01 [MUSIC]
57:04 >> All right. Yeah, we love you to buy everyone. A
57:11 [MUSIC]
57:16 [MUSIC]
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Revised 2023-06-30