3ABN Today Live

Kids Camp Week In Review

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230022A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 I want to stand
00:48 [MUSIC]
00:52 too.
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01:13 >> Everywhere I go. I about though God is to be and
01:29 [MUSIC]
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01:40 >> welcome to 3 Avian live are coming to you from 3 Vince Kids
01:44 Camp set. We've had a fun week, haven't we?
01:47 Yeah. Haha. I don't think we're exhausted early.
01:53 >> All not enough. We have only done 112 kids programs here
01:59 this week at 3ABN. That is a marathon. Usually we might do
02:03 13 programs in a series in a week. We've done 112 programs.
02:09 And tonight we're going to hear about those episodes, the
02:12 series that will be coming out on 3 bands. We're doing
02:15 something. I'm not sure we've ever done this before when live
02:18 patching into very studious.
02:20 >> Yeah, absolutely. You know, we've got 5 different sets we
02:22 have with for studios 3 control rooms. And you know, here on
02:26 the campaign said I feel a little out of place and I'm
02:28 going to sue here on the way. I think waiting that's gone.
02:33 I see animals. Yes, skunk. You know, I just don't think
02:37 that's right. Yeah.
02:39 >> Use tanker.
02:44 >> Haha.
02:46 [MUSIC]
02:48 Haha.
02:52 >> Hey, Tim Tim, that this car has is.
02:55 >> Haha.
03:01 >> How? We're going to talk to a few minutes. But but this is
03:04 a skunk that way. I mean, is it can spray I mean.
03:06 >> Our own Sylvester won't spray the scented using.
03:11 You can and wow.
03:14 >> Also, this is Keith Nelson. He's been with us all week and
03:17 doing critters and creation and you from a lot of animals in.
03:20 >> We packed up the Jeep with 18 critters and headed North.
03:23 Haha.
03:26 >> Well, you know, Mister, we appreciate you being here.
03:28 Little Sylvester. Haha.
03:30 >> Yeah, look, I know. Look at that. Sylvester help to share
03:33 the creator with the kids and that's what it's all about.
03:36 >> And then praise the Lord. You look forward to talking
03:38 more and your wife and the talk about what happened this week.
03:41 >> Supercell, thanks for let me run through next year or so
03:44 about that coming a little stinker. Haha.
03:48 >> Haha, you know, and Francine been it's been an exciting
03:52 week. You know, here we talked about 100 programs. We think
03:55 about all of us at 7 of them. We had 3 control rooms. We have
03:59 what for studios and all this took place within 4 days.
04:03 >> It's amazing. And you know that God had to be in the midst
04:06 of it all because
04:08 you can only make certain things and plan and plan ahead.
04:12 But, you know, and the holy spirit really has to be there.
04:15 And that's what we prayed for. And so I can just see it in the
04:18 kids to that. They so excited about having been here. So.
04:23 >> And you know, we get kids to from all over and that the
04:26 little kid from from Hawaii Track, too.
04:30 >> Yeah, from Florida Care Act but added charge Abdon George
04:34 out Montana. Wow. Yes. So they were coming from all directions
04:39 and that's just amazing. Even Rhode Island. And yeah,
04:42 it's just amazing.
04:44 >> Yeah, absolutely. How many kids are here this week?
04:46 I want to say 78 you my number. That correct it. That's a lot
04:50 of kids a lot of.
04:56 >> And it's been fun, you know, to take an entire crew, really
04:58 kind of 3 been really, in essence, shuts down and aspect
05:02 like a regular jobs are doing. Their one focuses on kids camp
05:04 from like what party control and Shepard earns and
05:08 transporting another registration and everything.
05:11 It's fun. It's like it was. It's a takes a whole village to
05:14 raise a kid. He may have. Yes, yeah.
05:16 >> Absolutely. So we're going to go in like you said to us
05:19 some different sets tonight. We will absolutely intend were
05:22 actually this is on the sing-along set. And I know
05:24 we're going to talk more about the songs and stuff, but this
05:25 is kind of your set even having the kids get. So this is like
05:28 that. And, you know, the second time we've done this and I just
05:32 and knocked out.
05:33 >> At the way that the crew, the whoever is in charge of
05:37 building all the sets and the props they are spot on. And
05:42 this wall back here is the wall that you see on can't meeting.
05:45 That usually has different scenes and it's it's all the
05:48 led wall. But it looks like you could literally walk back
05:52 through the it through their into those woods. And I'm
05:55 scared to actually that's going to Yahoo's running around.
06:00 Yeah, amazing again. Everyone working together to to make it
06:04 excellent for the kids and for the people who are going to be
06:07 watching in the future. It's absolutely great.
06:09 >> And prancing, you did an incredible job. The
06:12 organization it takes to put something like this together
06:15 and the love you have for the kids every morning. She plays
06:18 fun games with the kids as they're coming in. Greg and I
06:21 had the privilege just to greet the parents and kids as they
06:23 came in during every day for their activities in France.
06:27 Things always talking to the kids and spend time. So you
06:30 have such a heart for them. Thank you. It's all about
06:32 Jesus.
06:33 >> So, yeah, a lot of hours of preparation, though, you know.
06:36 And so now you think about all the work it took to make this
06:38 happen now is the post-production. And a lot of
06:41 people have asked me so when we're going to see these
06:43 programs over the next few months, because it takes a
06:45 little bit of time to put these altogether.
06:47 >> It does. It does it. So it's amazing because everybody is
06:52 very supportive. And right from the get-go, from the planning,
06:55 I mean, it does take some planning, but right from the
06:57 get-go, with production with everyone as far as the team and
07:03 planning and how to make the cameras and how to make every
07:06 host feel comfortable. I think that's another, you know,
07:09 aspect of it that there's just so many dimensions that come
07:12 into planning. But it's so much fun and just seeing how much
07:16 the heart for everyone.
07:17 >> You know, there's many things we appreciate about you.
07:19 But one of them, you know, courses, kids, never general
07:21 manager. But you also right there with the kids and that we
07:23 saw in June are able to kind of help around the different
07:26 studios this week. But you're right there, too, with the kids
07:28 with the parents, with the registration at the end of the
07:31 day in just a couple of hours ago because this is live and
07:33 this is live here Thursday night. 3 ADN we may look a
07:36 little tired has been a full fun week, but there are.
07:40 That's right. Because as you know what it looks brash just
07:43 like us. Yeah. Haha. Days like that. Who may be appropriate
07:49 for later? I think I just got myself in the home live
07:52 television. Oh, boy. Haha. Yeah, but I'm just going to see
07:56 a couple of hours ago we said goodbye to the kids. You know,
07:59 there are a few tears are being shed by the young people.
08:01 Tell us a little bit about those are all saying to buy it.
08:04 >> They just wanted to say I'm going to miss my friends and
08:07 thank you and Francine. And if they just what touches my
08:11 heart, the most is seeing how much they love being here.
08:15 And for some of them, we don't know what the situation is at
08:19 home
08:20 and or with their friends. And so this might be something
08:23 that is a turning point. But some of them in a lot of
08:26 parents and a lot of kids say thank you so much because
08:29 you're changing something about how I see things or my life.
08:33 And you can see that their dedication for God is growing
08:37 and that to me, it's worth it all. That's right. And that's
08:41 like Proverbs. 22 6, you know, if you teach and when they're
08:44 young,
08:45 hopefully when they're older, no, you know what will making
08:48 impacts? Here's a look. It's it's a whole like you said.
08:51 It's a whole community that it takes to have.
08:55 >> You know, we appreciate you at home, too, for your prayers
08:57 and continued support of 3 ABN Kids Network. So many of you
09:01 stood with the ministry of 3 again, but also with kids
09:04 network. And we just appreciate it because it takes a lot to
09:08 put 3 been on the air, all the different networks. And so we
09:11 just really thank you, honestly, for your prayers and
09:14 financial support for the ministry. Your ministry of 3,
09:16 a B unlike and Francine was saying he's going make an
09:19 impact in the world.
09:20 >> What we've got a lot of recess to go to. You say
09:23 something that no one was going. There's no telling us
09:26 with the different sets because we have some brand new.
09:29 >> Sneak previews of the upcoming programs were. That's
09:33 right. We're going to show you that tonight. We're going to go
09:35 first to kitchen fun. This is, of course, miss an a an anti
09:40 Linda. They came back. They cooked in the kitchen to get
09:43 the kids and we're going to hear from them. They were
09:47 recording in studio a which is a different building across the
09:49 street. Before we go to that, we want to see a roll. Now,
09:53 this is just put together some clips from recording they did
09:57 this week. So this is programming that you will see
09:59 coming up, brand-new BN. So let's take a look at that
10:02 right now.
10:03 [MUSIC]
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10:46 >> He didn't like this.
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11:26 So this is a start dried park.
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11:56 Haha, I love that she did be it was fate that all of that
12:01 London says even that was love. That one music. Yeah recipe.
12:07 >> The love that. So that was the role of this week from
12:10 kitchen fun. And to Linda Miss End, are you there? Studio a?
12:15 >> You are Holloway. Haha.
12:19 >> That was a fun role. It looks like you had a fun week.
12:24 >> We did a good way. It was amazing.
12:27 >> You like because it's so you said I want to put all of my
12:32 yeah. What a fun week to tell us your experience there with
12:35 kitchen fund. Looks like it. A lot of fun.
12:38 >> We did. We had 10 kids on each set. So every program had
12:44 10 kids and it was just so much fun because we have to keep the
12:49 energy up because we want the kids to love cooking. So we
12:55 have a lot of energy, didn't we? And to live? Well, hen and
13:02 the kids love tasting them. And we had kids who are tasting
13:07 foods. Their parents said.
13:09 >> They could never get them to taste this food and we were
13:12 getting them to taste it. So they were really happy about
13:16 that. And we just really have a lot of fun. And today at our
13:21 last program, they kept coming up and hugging us and saying
13:25 now.
13:26 >> We want to keep could kidding.
13:29 >> So are some of the recipes that you all made this week?
13:32 >> Well, you can see on our set here. These are our little care
13:37 cupcakes and I'm with the band ever. All our recipes are plant
13:41 based. And then we had a very crisp. We had berries in the
13:48 cloud. How do we had veggie burgers? We had traveling
13:51 pancakes. Yeah, we had.
13:55 >> Potatoes, salad. Lettuce wraps. Macaroni salad. In fact,
14:01 one of the girls was so amazing. She said I don't like
14:05 red pepper have to eat him and ice.
14:11 If you just take tiny little taste and and make sure that
14:15 you don't like him and she took it in the mouth and chewed and
14:18 she said.
14:20 >> Haha.
14:25 >> You know, we had the opportunity of a eating lunch
14:28 here because we served lunch to the kids who didn't front scene
14:31 and it was fun. It's got to talk to some of the campers.
14:34 And I asked a camper in about what that made. And they said,
14:36 you know what? We made something without sugar.
14:39 I said you did. Yeah. She said, you know, with the use for
14:42 sweetness and I'm not sure she said they used maple syrup.
14:45 She said it was excellent. I loved it. So there are
14:49 learning new things as well. How to cook and how to cook
14:52 healthy and tastefully to know they had a great time.
14:55 >> We were making a point to teach them how to measure
14:59 and how'd it also how to be their own chefs and create
15:04 their own recipes so that they could really enjoy being in the
15:08 kitchen? Yeah. So it was a lot of fun.
15:11 >> What is really neat to is that it's for camp. And so they
15:15 were making it so that they can go hiking with the food hall
15:18 from so everything that they made was to be able to take in
15:22 their backpacks and go on a hike.
15:23 >> So Salah, absolutely fees and things that's great.
15:28 Carrot cupcakes at bats.
15:30 >> Who want to have some tech haha?
15:37 >> You know, we want to say a miss in the end to end the to
15:39 think you've been a part of 3 been for many years and that we
15:43 just again, thank you so much for again. Coming back. Your
15:46 continued support for the ministry of 3. Then we love you
15:49 both and your family. And just again, thank you for taking the
15:52 time. You know, and Francine, each host had to take a week or
15:54 so off to come here and do these programs. It means a lot.
15:57 It's a huge dedication. And you can see the love from each
16:01 host. That's right. And and especially these 2. So the
16:05 question for both of you, why do young people means so much
16:08 to you? Because you obviously dedicated your life to young
16:10 people. So why do they mean so much to you?
16:14 >> Well, for me, it's they mean so much to be because of the
16:17 high value that God has placed on each child and he loves
16:22 them. And when we look at Jesus, it's just a natural
16:25 thing to to love everybody else. But Jesus says, unless we
16:31 become like little children, we won't even make it to the
16:33 kingdom. And so we can learn a lot from little children.
16:37 There are a lot of fun. They're smart and they've taught me a
16:40 lot. There'd still teaching me a lot, actually. And I agree
16:44 with that, Linda. I mean, Jesus love the children suffer the
16:48 little children to come into may. And it's such a joy to
16:53 work with these children. Some of the things they come up
16:56 with. And, you know, it's just very so loving and they're so
17:01 excited when you take time to actually talk to them and make
17:08 them feel like they're special man. And so it's it's just a
17:12 joy. There's just nothing that can take its place and nowhere.
17:17 I know Linda and I both were thrilled to be a part of 3,
17:21 a B name.
17:22 >> Tell us about some of the equipment that you used on this
17:26 and the programming because that they they want just simple
17:29 things. You had some major like cooking devices. Let's talk
17:33 about that. We did. We had food processors.
17:38 >> And because we don't have a lot because we don't have
17:41 burners for them to cook on. We did electric skillet.
17:45 We did. We talk to them.
17:48 >> And also safety good. And I actually need to have an
17:52 adult with you when you're using these things.
17:55 >> Right. But and we use electric mixtures and the
17:59 assessor. Exactly. Here's one right here. Looking good food
18:03 processors, which was a real challenge. But the kids,
18:08 we're great. You know, they learn and then we get a lot of
18:11 things were if they didn't have a light stuff like the food
18:16 processors and we taught them how to do it by hand and that I
18:22 think they loved too, because then if they didn't have it at
18:26 their house, they could still make it. And they ever almost
18:29 every child said we're going to make this at home. So that's
18:34 good. Yeah, that's what you want.
18:36 >> When we come back because these episodes were so short a
18:39 it seems to me like you had a lot of prep work. And did you
18:41 have several helpers? How many were on your team there?
18:45 We had some amazing haha. Yes.
18:50 >> God really blessed. We had cliche who actually did most
18:56 of, if not. Well, pretty much all of our grocery shopping for
19:00 us because, you know, it's a long drive for us. Francine Dan
19:04 de France team did some 2 and Bob and then we had Ionic and
19:09 her husband, Joshua, and we had on and we had schumake and I
19:17 mean, and who else did we have? It was just enclosure edible.
19:22 And so we couldn't have done it without our team. His it's like
19:27 a full restaurant staff Tim's. Oh, yeah, all that. It came
19:30 even today and helped us and we couldn't have done it without
19:34 our team. Because even with the team like last night to prep
19:39 for the show today and London, I didn't leave the prep kitchen
19:43 until all a quarter to 11. And then, you know, you get up
19:47 at 5 o'clock in the morning and you get back on the set and
19:50 back in the prep kitchen. And.
19:53 >> Yeah, I'm even doing that hand high. She better not
20:00 telling the stories. Haha out of bed 5 in the morning.
20:04 >> I was going to say what I wouldn't give to have been on
20:10 the prep kitchen, although haha.
20:14 >> And honestly, we love our floor Director Donald. Oh,
20:18 yeah. I love saying We love Curtis. I mean, he was amazing
20:22 producer and Louise. I mean, he was in credible director so far
20:27 and I think kids, yes, fun for the kids. We in fact, the kids
20:32 love Donald because he can kind of talk like Donald Duck have
20:37 been surprised Donald and hold him on set during the spill all
20:42 the live taping.
20:43 >> And he man tasty all their food. Haha. Wow. Yes, we we got
20:49 blessed us with an amazing time over here.
20:52 >> Yes, God bless us with both of you. We love you both.
20:55 And we're going to join us on the set. Yeah, a little bit.
20:58 We're going to everybody join us on the phone. And while
21:02 thing, when you get those cupcakes together, we can do
21:04 some where
21:05 >> they're going to bring. These are we at London. We are.
21:08 >> Hewn a few minutes.
21:13 >> That's a lot of fun. Every time I went in that kitchen,
21:16 it was buzzing with love with joy and just plain good signals
21:20 and good cooking is. And then we're going to know we're going
21:25 to Studio B. So this is still in the main production
21:27 building. But we're jumping just across the hall to Studio
21:30 B and your husband, Jason Bergmann hosted a program
21:35 called Ready, Set exploring he was JB Scout. I know it just I
21:39 love that name that noun OJ be Scout me that Jason Bergmann
21:43 Scout, not sure JT Sky Outdoor program for Wilderness. And I
21:47 love that. We're going to look at the role right now and then
21:50 we'll talk to Jason.
21:52 >> Welcome to 3. A B and his camp for Brady said explore
21:58 like that and then told him with
22:03 >> the lead and put it. The other line was out
22:09 [MUSIC]
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22:26 and a lot of time.
22:28 [MUSIC]
22:34 Thank you.
22:38 You just use it. That isn't there
22:41 [MUSIC]
22:44 this time around it and then if you're walking on one 0nd.
22:49 [MUSIC]
22:54 >> Haha, that looks like a lot of fun. Of course, I love
22:59 campaign may not look like it to them in a suit here to
23:01 actually be like my camping gear. But I do love Camping.
23:04 Jason Bergmann year in Studio. B, can you hear us? Yes,
23:07 you can. How are you, sir? I'm well. How are you? Great.
23:10 What a fun set. I have a question for you, Jason Ucr
23:14 fire here. I do. I do that. We build it correctly. Does it
23:17 look close to your instructions? You know, it
23:20 seems very mechanical. You know what? I'm trying to figure out,
23:26 Jason, this, you see this. It looks like smoke, but it's
23:29 not hot. I mean, I'm not really sure you think it's like an
23:31 electrical fire. So why do why don't I come over there?
23:34 Not help you build one. Haha. That's what we need. We need an
23:38 expert to come over here. But yeah, there's a shot of the
23:40 fire. Jason, great job with this. Ready set explore.
23:44 Tell us about your program that we saw just a little snippet of
23:47 it. But tell us about what we learned this week.
23:49 >> So, you know, one of the missions and goals for ready
23:52 said explore is to get kids prepared for visiting the
23:57 nature that God has blessed us with and then and it's so nice
24:01 when you can get out into nature, but being prepared to
24:05 enjoy the scenes and the experiences not only by sight,
24:09 but smell
24:11 and just have an awesome experience in nature. You know,
24:15 jeez is he went out into nature to, you know, have a
24:19 relationship with his heavenly father and just to get away and
24:23 that solitude. And and that's what this ready said explore
24:28 was supposed to do was to get kids ready to enjoy and be
24:32 prepared. So when they got in nature,
24:35 they didn't have to worry about the things that they didn't
24:37 have. But they had 2 things in order to enjoy what God made
24:41 for us.
24:43 I love that. What were some of the things that you talk the
24:45 kids this week? It looks like you're learning how to start a
24:47 fire. Yeah, we we we still tried to start 5, 5, and then
24:51 had to put it out with water and shot by accident. I miss
24:55 and I got a and she was such a good sport. So we had a great
25:01 time. We talked about, you know, how to make a water
25:06 filter. You know, if you don't have a filter,
25:10 what do you do in nature to be able to recycle water or make
25:15 water available for drinking? We did things like learn about
25:21 different types of berries that we can eat or different type of
25:23 plants or even trees that you can partake of and not get
25:29 sick.
25:31 What else do we learn? We learned how to get ready to
25:36 explore with ace staff or a stick.
25:40 You know, Jesus talked about getting his disciples ready to
25:47 be disciples to all the people around them. And he said the
25:51 only thing that I want you to bring is a staff. And so we
25:55 help the the kids said, make a staff. So they were ready to be
26:00 disciples for Jesus and then.
26:02 >> You know, and Francine, so this is your husband here.
26:04 Jason Bergmann told me about his attire there. I mean,
26:06 yeah, the outfit that he has a I mean, I know it was through
26:10 it.
26:11 >> And it is yeah, there was some discussion on this.
26:16 It was in and it's not a good lay D-San. Am I saying it might
26:21 Jason, you're doing and it's it's in Germany as they wear
26:26 them. And so because he was also talking about the
26:29 mountains that on the last 8. And so he thought, well,
26:33 maybe I should wear this and he thought of his mom, his mom
26:36 would have loved it. And and more like, I'm not sure.
26:40 And so he talked to his staff and they said, oh, yes, you
26:43 need to get it. You need to get in. So it took a little
26:46 convincing event. Fancy may.
26:48 >> When we all like it now. So Jason, do Yodel when you
26:55 have that outfit on Jason to yodel and are you going all
26:57 deny it? I I do not think so.
27:04 >> Thank you for the invite. Haha stealing from the music
27:09 that would have literally stolen the show that I want to
27:12 do that. And haha.
27:15 >> Yes, Jason, so I know, you know, because you're a 3 then,
27:18 of course, E f and and so you're an accountant. So it's
27:22 like, oh, wow. So, Jason, he really likes camping. And you
27:24 do actually, personally, this is actually a hobby of yours
27:27 being outside in nature. Like you're talking about all
27:29 this gear is kind of passion of your. So tell us about teaching
27:32 that and teaching young people this. Tell us about that.
27:35 >> Well, they say that you should get out of your comfort
27:38 zone, but I think I went way farther than that, you know,
27:42 being in nature and climbing mountains, enjoying what God
27:47 has made, gives us a great experience and who got is in
27:51 his character. But, you know, it was great, too,
27:56 understand how young people look at nature and to be able
28:02 to encourage them to, you know, not get scared about nature to
28:06 enjoy nature. And I you know, my my name is in German means
28:12 mountain man.
28:13 >> Out and burden for men.
28:16 >> Beth Mon. And so Bergen means mountain in German,
28:20 of course, man means man. And so I guess Francine thought
28:24 that I would be a good fit for our what she wanted to do.
28:28 And it was exciting. It was a lot of fun. I was very scared,
28:34 you know, building content and then sharing it, you know,
28:37 on TV. But it is made it fun with me. We had a great time.
28:43 It was a group effort. And we just we just enjoyed
28:49 learning how to prepare learning different things that
28:51 you can partake of in nature and have fun doing it. And,
28:56 you know, go ahead.
28:57 >> I just can't say we had the opportunity to, you know,
28:59 to go around the different studios in here. You did an
29:02 incredible job. Jason Garrett, I was interesting and I
29:05 thought, oh, I want to get out there and I want to, you know,
29:07 explore. So talk a little bit about the set to your set.
29:11 Looks amazing. I love how it looks and talk to us a little
29:15 bit about that. And then we had to change out the set during
29:17 the day, which was amazing to see somebody in there and stuff
29:21 backpacks.
29:22 >> So, yes, so I'm with you know, the crew here is just
29:25 awesome. They they were able to get it down in like 10 minutes
29:28 or less. The change out and very talented people. Caesar
29:33 was an amazing guy that created this background here. And you
29:38 can see the trees moving. And I you know, that mountain
29:42 right behind me. You know, I'm I'm ready to go. And yeah,
29:48 some climbing. So if you don't see me and haha.
29:53 >> Haha, you're going to be climbing the.
29:57 >> But now it was. It was a lot of fun. You know, the sets
30:01 Robbie, D and the rest of the staff. They just an amazing job
30:04 on creating this.
30:06 You know, my my basic job was creating the con 10 and I did
30:11 get some help from Francine, which thank you, Francine,
30:14 for helping me. But, you know, talking about nature being out
30:18 in nature. I think it it helps balance a person. You know,
30:23 we can get so busy doing our jobs and so stressed out.
30:27 But sometimes when you get out in nature and talk about it,
30:31 >> you just have that piece and you get to really experience
30:34 cheese and a new and different way. And then, you know,
30:37 that's great, great lessons. And, you know, I'm feeling like
30:39 round nature here on the set with the worst of center,
30:41 too. We're out here on a chur and camping the campfire and I
30:45 do enjoy being outside as well. There is something to be.
30:48 I mean, you get feels like you get closer to God. Absolutely.
30:51 So it's a next to me. Book to the Bible. It's right. It's
30:54 right. Thank you, Jason. Yes, thank you so much. We'll
30:56 see you in a few minutes over here, too. I know we're going
30:58 to the hole group over here at the end of a thank you, Jason.
31:02 Thank you. All right.
31:04 >> We're going next. This is in this building where the rights
31:07 to DOD, which is the studio. Just mind here. We had a couple
31:11 programs in there and Bible gyms. James is amazing because
31:15 it gets to explore the word of God and the stories now,
31:18 Jason reference. Francine, before we go to this, the the
31:21 sea creatures in the mountains. So tell us maybe the over
31:25 arching theme for kids camp because we kind of explore the
31:27 sweet one.
31:29 >> Yeah, you know, I wanted I realize that several kids
31:33 I wanted to know if God really heard them.
31:36 >> It's got really with me. Does he really care about me?
31:40 And so that was kind is the reason for developing this kind
31:44 of overall theme is that God is everywhere night. Appreciate
31:47 him coming up with writing the song because that's an amazing
31:50 talent. And and just saying that God is with you, no matter
31:54 at the depths of the sea to the highest mountain in. So we
31:58 wanted to know that God is always with you and that you
32:01 are special to him. And so that was the overview. And so all
32:04 the storylines, the first 8 we're doing with the the oceans
32:09 so that the water and then the mountain.
32:11 >> Some of those stories would be like what, Jonah? Maybe?
32:14 Yeah, it was.
32:15 >> Lee and human creation and we actually wanted to and with
32:19 have been.
32:21 >> You know, looking at the new Jerusalem and that God is
32:23 fitting us and guiding us to be with him free time.
32:28 >> And so by the gyms with incredible team over there and
32:31 we'll talk to them in just a moment. But first, we want to
32:34 see a clip from 5 attempts.
32:38 >> Hello, boys and girls will come to.
32:44 Do you want to find out what's going to happen in this story?
32:49 >> He went to sleep but something was about to happen.
32:53 What was a U.S.?
32:58 >> Haha.
33:02 [MUSIC]
33:07 [MUSIC]
33:11 >> You think of that?
33:13 >> Oh, yeah. They thought they were going to die and they had
33:17 2 choices.
33:18 They could trust the word of God that he was to get it taken
33:22 them to the other side or they could have. What do you think
33:27 they decided to do that?
33:29 [MUSIC]
33:34 [MUSIC]
33:40 I will was not a belt like they were going to die, but they
33:46 need and under move and lightning fast and they saw,
33:50 but he at least got that uses within the bounds.
33:55 [MUSIC]
34:00 [MUSIC]
34:05 [MUSIC]
34:10 >> What are you doing? This? Kick my b*** and it's good for
34:15 your shot of the daylight is like trying to stay from God.
34:18 It's not going to work.
34:19 >> Every story in the Bible is a blessing from God. And I
34:22 can't wait for the next one to see you next time.
34:25 [MUSIC]
34:30 >> And need to share with his run from his shot. What a great
34:38 and look up to class. You know.
34:40 >> Before we talk to the crew back down, the said, you know,
34:42 and France in this is all this. All the to all the programs are
34:45 miracles series. But this has had a particular challenge for
34:47 this private gyms and God worked a miracle there.
34:49 >> He did tell us just briefly what happened here in the will
34:51 talk to them there on the set, right? Well, I have to say
34:54 that, Randi, Michelle.
34:55 >> Snow put in a lot of effort into this, and I cannot thank
34:59 them because they actually help right a lot of it and gave it
35:03 as well as adrenaline Sasha. And they gave their heart and
35:06 soul to it. And unfortunately, how the snow family was unable
35:10 to actually record with as at the lab and at the last minute.
35:14 And so they held team just filled in. And it's amazing
35:18 again,
35:19 we can make plans and sometimes Scott's has things change.
35:24 And in spite of it, I mean, you see guys character and you see
35:28 the Holy Spirit, you know, most of it. And so it's again,
35:30 it's just an awesome team. And he just puts everybody in
35:34 place to be able to support these kids raising to see.
35:38 >> Yes, it is an amazing job. Let's go to stud you D and see
35:40 if we can see the team there and will introduce everybody.
35:43 They're out.
35:45 >> I will jobs.
35:48 >> I don't know if you're expecting this. Many of them
35:50 here trying to see was looking at a screen. I think that the
35:57 roads on the ground not sacher on the left is that let's go
36:00 down the introduce yourselves wall. I'm drought, Thomas.
36:04 >> I'm such a time as on Sasha. Haha, I'm Noah Thomas and Ali
36:09 pairing. I'm Daniel parent and I'm be apparent
36:12 and banking
36:15 Brighton. I'm tuning keying in on this. The move to graft.
36:19 >> And semi the craft.
36:21 >> All right. You all are such an amazing team. Did an
36:24 incredible job. So talk to us about what it was like creating
36:29 those stories and then acting them out for the kids.
36:33 >> Well, the route was the writer that he can start by
36:36 what it was like to create.
36:37 >> I have for me, it's it's really taking the mine into the
36:41 stories and placing yourself into the scenes. It's something
36:45 amazing about especially writing for children because
36:48 you're impacting their mines, which are just like sponges.
36:51 And for me, I played Peter and a lot of the stories
36:56 and I enjoyed it was authentic particular story that we did.
37:00 That was about a man. Jesus walked on the water. And for
37:03 me, I drew out of that, that each of us in our experience
37:07 can essentially spiritual walk on water. And so that I feel
37:11 that children are learning that lesson at this age was very
37:15 impactful for them. Yes, and I.
37:18 >> What about you, Daniel? Well, I thought they did an
37:20 excellent job of presenting stories is suitable to the
37:23 children and yet some deep thoughtful messages, life
37:26 changing things that were not. You're not simple versions of
37:29 the story. They really got into the heart of the message.
37:32 Yeah, yeah. And then
37:35 and going around the circle. Any other thoughts?
37:37 >> As spies presenting the stories, it was so much fun to
37:41 do. And I'm just to see the joy that laugh to be able to bring
37:46 to the children. Meadows said the that thought provoking
37:48 names like Daniel mentioned, and I was just so much fun to
37:52 me in the city is and participate with them. And,
37:54 you know, the man them and get to teach them the spiritual
37:57 lessons. You had a lot of fun.
37:59 >> You know, there was a lot of energy in here at certain
38:02 times. And every time you welcome into Bible gyms in the
38:05 place here, ups with a unified shouting all in good to him.
38:10 Good measured, fun. But it was it was very nice. I'll share
38:14 with you. One of the vital gems each each a program. We have a
38:17 Bible, Jim, that we opened. This is the very last one.
38:20 This is second Timothy 4, 8, that says in heaven, a crown is
38:23 waiting for me, which the Lord the righteous judge will give
38:26 to me on the day of his return. I'm and I thought what a great
38:30 message is that we're sharing with with these little kids
38:33 will grow up to be big hits for Jesus again.
38:35 >> What about Doctor Qian and Sammy? What was your
38:38 experience?
38:42 >> Today I got to play Mary Magdalene. And you know,
38:45 when I was in makeup, I said to the artist was that, you know,
38:48 you might want to put some would approve something because
38:52 as I was rehearsing the lines, they really need me. I'm
38:56 especially the part. And she was like 7 demons and God took
38:59 them all. And, you know, he wants to give that to all of
39:02 us. It was just really even for me to have that experience.
39:06 And I was just really grateful. Unit is often seen fan caught
39:09 it the make our plans and got direct our steps. And that is
39:13 so issues with our family being able to be here. We're just so
39:16 grateful and truly blast.
39:19 >> I'm very grateful for all of you. You are just amazing.
39:23 And just to see how all of you work together was phenomenal.
39:26 And again, that's because we have all the direction of
39:30 leading out for whatever God wants us to do and that.
39:33 And thank you so much for your heart.
39:34 >> Yes.
39:37 >> You know, we did. We did stories from the sea and we did
39:39 stories from the mountains. But it was amazing. And through
39:41 that process, we got from creation all the way through
39:44 the mountains. I add all sorts of things. We have the whole be
39:47 attitudes in the middle and the entire 10 Commandments and
39:50 those are things that we need to hear. Yeah. Haha.
39:54 >> Sammy, what about you? I'm not sure we heard from E a.
39:57 >> No, not yet. But Expensed was great in the sense that I
40:01 was able to. One of my favorite stories was Abraham and Isaac
40:06 and just to think what Abraham went through and obviously this
40:09 a re-enactment. But my son was Isaac and I was Abraham and
40:13 even
40:15 in preparation for the pot and even not having enough time.
40:18 And if any of you guys in and around 2 rallies, haha there,
40:22 the writing is that interested when it comes down to the last
40:25 minute like this are just being you just being it was a real
40:30 blessing. And like you said, I truly believe that he spent
40:32 watching to see how even Keane was able to memorize his line.
40:35 But just the impact of to see what Abraham good went through
40:38 from this perspective, it really was meaningful and new
40:42 to myself.
40:43 >> And that took a lot of planning because that was the
40:45 touchy I I would say the most touching story, that we had to
40:50 be very careful that it would be
40:53 Kidd appropriate to say that because that's not an easy tap.
40:57 And, you know, and so why would you know somebody do that?
41:01 And so it was it there. Every story had a really good thought
41:06 provoking message.
41:10 >> Let's talk to a young people there. You kids that are on the
41:12 sets that tell us what you thought. Maybe DIA or someone
41:15 else or what was it like being on the set about with gyms?
41:18 >> I looked how realistic it may feel. You can read stories
41:22 like on the TRANSFIGURATION UC Moses and Elijah and Jesus.
41:26 And it feels like a story. But when you see the relevance
41:28 and the acting out in the fear they had fallen on their knees
41:31 and seeing such a bright light, it, you know, really brought it
41:34 home to really realize what it how powerful got is it just
41:38 brought this story such alive. I really like. How did that?
41:41 >> And the amazing job by sea bright new look like a soldier.
41:44 Haha. What it was like for you, Brian.
41:50 Yeah, there's a story that you like. What was your favorite
41:52 story?
41:54 The Roman soldier.
41:55 [MUSIC]
41:58 >> That none of us can look in each episode to see if they can
42:01 spot Brighton sort. He Lewis had to have a solution.
42:04 >> He was a keen and it's heartening to see on this one
42:08 next. Yeah, yes. What was your favorite team?
42:12 >> I'm Jenna.
42:14 >> Why? Jonah? Yeah. Because of all of this. She and
42:18 enlightening and the rain.
42:20 >> Yeah. At a rate that's fun. And Noah and Allie, we haven't
42:24 heard from you, right?
42:27 What did you think?
42:29 >> My favorite story was one of Jesus walking on water. Yeah.
42:34 Why did you like that? And I don't know. Haha.
42:37 >> It's a powerful story. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. On board.
42:42 >> My favorite story was no wind art and I liked it because
42:49 how it all came together and I like it.
42:54 I like learning my part so that
42:58 let's make it more realistic so that I'll make the Bible come
43:03 alive for other children just like me.
43:06 >> You know your with Mister. Yeah, people some many of these
43:12 people are from 03:00PM right here, OK, to say that you
43:15 really want to blow their cover. You know that there,
43:17 huh? This? I mean, so the talent here is amazing. I
43:23 really I'm just really impressed because I was
43:25 watching from the green room and I'm thinking, well, I've
43:28 never been to Israel, but this is like being right here in the
43:31 in the Bible land, you know, watching these productions
43:34 because it's not a cheesy in my opinion. And they were they
43:38 wouldn't performing with such a professionalism. And the
43:42 emotion was I was feeling it. So I just can't wait to watch
43:47 these when they come out. Wonderful. And.
43:49 >> And I appreciate you. Francine, you know, also
43:51 emphasizing the Bible accuracy. Are you talking about that and
43:54 how to tell the story, you know, to just a really good.
43:57 I really appreciate how this was done. I think too many
43:59 people are.
44:01 >> Think that young kids can't handle certain topics and I
44:05 think we'd be little them too much. And so being able to talk
44:09 about some of those how topic says it has to be tactfully
44:12 down.
44:13 >> It is you all the amazing job with the love did the
44:16 stories I got to see just were so impactful biblical solid.
44:20 So thank you all so much. And I know something you won't
44:23 be joining us later, but how you can join us. So thank you
44:26 all for doing an incredible job. Yes, thank you. Thank you.
44:29 >> Yeah, that's really I liked about the stories. You know,
44:33 the said back there and we're going to go, I believe to Jorge
44:35 shortly who's our production manager. That's incredible.
44:38 Said all the sets are really, really amazing and put them all
44:41 together. We appreciate production. We're going to talk
44:43 about them here, you know, just a couple of minutes. But him as
44:47 were a transition to that is their song that you've got that
44:50 comes to mind, you know, that you could just kind of go to
44:52 there. Yeah, right after Jorge. Well, there's a song that we
44:55 did that.
44:56 >> I had the privilege of working with the gentleman down
45:00 in Springfield, Missouri. And this was actually I'm the
45:05 one I'm going to do right now. It is call them out. It's about
45:09 Peter in the came and it up all the other side. He was a man of
45:13 a man. They were out on the boat. I'm sorry. It's taken me
45:16 a little moment because I'm I'm shy. Had cells. Kids always
45:23 talk about. I thought shipwreck myself. Suppose that nothing on
45:28 me. Haha. Well, I'm hiding it.
45:33 >> I mean, so let me think about what cut me off guard.
45:38 Yes, I know that a 20 member there. So many songs. We didn't
45:42 that one out in the shade. Yeah. Become another and not
45:46 just trying to think
45:49 let's go. This is the story. You'll recognize it out on a
45:52 ship. The most all with sailing on the scene.
45:55 It's lonely floated to its way
45:59 on its way to the land of Italy and then violent winds came
46:03 rushing. The sales were stripped and torn
46:06 and lost control of their great ship in the devastating storm.
46:12 [MUSIC]
46:15 Then Paul stood up
46:17 and said my friends take courage, have no feet 4.
46:21 I believe the God I serve will lead us out of here.
46:25 And though our ship may run aground, no say there will be
46:29 lost.
46:30 We're in this boat together. Men no matter what the com AU
46:36 and Paul said,
46:37 your car or is he your courage? God.
46:42 >> The food and.
46:47 >> And to guide. And he knew he would do that.
46:52 >> The 14.
46:55 >> Night and still adrift. They prayed the sun would
46:58 shine, but instead they ran up on some rocks and feared that
47:02 they would die through many dangers toils and snares.
47:06 They had already come.
47:08 We got promised he would rescue them and he saved everyone.
47:13 They all say.
47:14 [MUSIC]
47:17 >> And or is God, would you be a way to guide? And he knew he
47:28 was.
47:32 >> Wow. But yeah. Love lots of fun. Yeah. But you know,
47:39 this was the average haha. That's great. You know, I know
47:45 we're going to talk about the music. You're in a little bit.
47:47 But again, how is all written you wrote, I believe all the
47:50 songs Co Road Sounders to a lot of fun. All right. I believe we
47:55 have. Jorge. Are you there in the studio? D
48:00 yes, I am here waiting for you. Yea. We can see. Yeah, I can
48:04 hear you, but yeah, I can see there and we just appreciate
48:08 what you, of course, your production manager of 3,
48:11 a B, any of an incredible staff. Talk to us just a little
48:14 bit about the set up because it's not only just kids can,
48:16 but you got to set up kids camp and all the post-production.
48:19 A great team.
48:20 >> That's right. Yes, actually. Yeah. That's why I need to
48:23 start with that said there's a great team behind this whole
48:27 production.
48:28 They production department in did defend the areas where it
48:36 is
48:37 completely.
48:40 I will kind of to to do. This is a problem and to just
48:44 make the best out of it. We have 39 production crew that
48:50 were part of this production among directors coming open
48:54 daters.
48:55 Then then people who work in the control rooms and doing
48:59 okay enough
49:01 great things like deal is the the deal or record others and
49:09 the people who are doing that live. 82 that try lot of team
49:14 wore the team. It takes a team to do this now talking about
49:19 what you are seen all around. Yeah. Here. Yeah. There's a
49:22 wide shot. Oh, yeah. Look at that, right. This is an amazing
49:26 him work. A f*** and age request. It cannot be done by
49:31 one person. This a lot of people involved in this
49:34 and first is how walls they're being billed by carpenters in a
49:40 team of carpet just at the tip of the carpenters can not do
49:43 this. If they do have are to start people with the shun on
49:47 how this was where and in Bible Times. Also we need in a team
49:53 fight scene artist that will the cop, the vision of how to
49:58 put it
49:59 all the props wc around. He have different things that
50:02 are going to bring your mind to those Bible times. And there's
50:08 also a sculptor stead will created like this. Well,
50:12 although that you can see here this in little benches and even
50:19 our friend he I don't know if you can see I see a sheep.
50:22 >> Yeah. Haha. Yeah. He made it into a
50:28 around added even the horror and the fallout.
50:35 >> So hey, you're in Studio D which is just you're just
50:38 behind us. And it's just amazing. I wish those your home
50:40 can actually see all this may be it like hers. I view.
50:43 But you also have another set there which we haven't shown
50:45 yet again as part of kids can't. I think the camera can
50:47 pan over maybe can walk. I am going to yeah, have the
50:51 coming of following me and I'm going to cross here.
50:54 >> And we're within this studio D we have another 6 in the
51:00 susceptibility and that's also what's built.
51:03 And then there was a lot of faith put Putin in building
51:06 this. By the end. You probably have seen they structured and
51:10 not the protests. But this time we used his pavilion to show
51:15 their program that we are going to happen overnight and ton to.
51:18 That's where you're going to see a little bit in a little
51:20 bit longer. Well, you're going to see what happened to hear.
51:23 But, yes, this is another said within this us to do we had.
51:28 And for this production off gets Kemp,
51:32 there were 3 control rooms for studios and 7 sic wow. And
51:39 across 39 people, the data only for production but to handle
51:44 big kids to take him from place to place too. B, they have been
51:48 chaperones and and people who are guiding them a ticket.
51:52 It was said an amazing amount of people on board that into
51:56 action. And now this is one part of the great congeal.
51:59 But also now we have to do that post production, which is
52:03 another the part that is important in order to finish
52:07 that and they work. So this is just the beginning.
52:09 >> Thank you for what you do. An amazing job. Jorge, you and
52:13 your team so much to me. The most gifted people in the
52:21 world. They are amazing to put together the sets, the art
52:24 history, the creativity, and then the post-production,
52:28 the trait that. So.
52:29 >> Thank you all. And thank you, Jorge, for your
52:31 leadership. You and think they the dedication and just the
52:34 heart that went into it because they stay late with us. I mean,
52:38 they they put it all. And in just
52:41 I cannot express my gratitude to them as well because they
52:45 have a talent. Each one of them has their special talent within
52:49 production. And you just see it shine through because if
52:52 there's an issue with something, no, just go beyond.
52:55 I mean, you can't you can't kai them. It's like they know what
52:59 to do. And it's just amazing to see them working.
53:02 >> There really is not working together as a team to think
53:04 about all the sets and props. And, you know, Tim, I like what
53:07 you keep worsen on here, too, says like a couple of pieces of
53:10 wood. And yeah, it just gets the camping. Really until I
53:13 think the one great thing I love about this whole crew is
53:16 they're all solution minded.
53:17 >> Yeah. And they all wear a dozen hats. At least I'd love
53:21 to see their hat collection because they really each of
53:24 them where they can shift gears and whatever needs to be done,
53:28 somebody will take up the slack for someone else or that there
53:31 will be no slack because it all gets done. They they know what
53:34 to do.
53:35 >> So one other thing is that case were in the midst of kid,
53:37 can't kids camp this week and they say, hey, you know,
53:40 for the Thursday night Live, which is this program right
53:41 here, they're like, hey, we've got an idea what you guys
53:44 thinks. We all sit down this powwow just like in the midst
53:46 of a busy kids camp, like what if we do this? So in other
53:48 words, to connect all of the studios and the things that
53:51 took a lot of work. So we can appreciate very much your a
53:54 this would have been me if I would have been charged.
53:56 Eyewitness said.
53:57 >> Okay. This week at 3ABN we did such and such good night,
54:01 folks. You know, that would have been I know these people
54:04 go. Yeah. The extra mile is really crazy. And I think,
54:08 okay, y'all don't have to pace yourself to pace yourself.
54:11 You have to go the overachievers. But I but I love
54:14 that. And this is a great too.
54:16 >> Ministry minded evangelism minded that with 3 again is all
54:19 about and pressing. That's why we doing kids. Campus
54:22 evangelism not only for the kids that come but also for the
54:25 programs as they go out over there around the world for
54:27 years to come to make a difference.
54:29 >> And the dedication of the parents as well to think of how
54:32 I mean they were coming on their own funds. Yeah, that's
54:36 true. Then they had to come with their own hotel room.
54:39 I mean, you know, find a place to say. And it's amazing.
54:44 Just the dedication and I can again, I cannot express my
54:47 gratitude and how much it to everyone just had the love of
54:52 Jesus in the other.
54:54 >> I'm looking at the time. I really just in one more
54:56 roles. So there's a role from 10. All right along. So we're
55:01 going to take a look at this right before the end of the
55:04 first hour and we'll talk to him. And then we're talking
55:06 with the big in the second are. But let's look at the full
55:08 right now.
55:10 >> Hey, boys and girls, ladies and gentleman, guys and gals
55:13 around the world we are we are ready to seeing is what we are,
55:16 right, everybody.
55:19 So everybody, let's stand up and let's do this song.
55:22 We know what it is
55:25 and everywhere.
55:27 >> I go out and a low.
55:34 >> We've got E.
55:41 [MUSIC]
55:44 >> Just follow the words and sing along with us.
55:47 [MUSIC]
55:49 >> Jonah Payne.
56:03 >> So I think to marching an Army you need to be standing
56:07 up, right? Yeah.
56:09 >> He would go. Oh, wow.
56:11 >> Degree ride in a carriage to the to and I'm.
56:26 >> And everywhere.
56:28 >> I go. I
56:31 mountain high fell below.
56:35 >> We've got me. He loves me. So
56:42 [MUSIC]
56:47 [MUSIC]
56:48 I go.
56:51 >> I got to go.
56:53 [MUSIC]
56:58 [MUSIC]
57:00 >> You know, it's fun. Yeah, yeah. And you know the energy
57:05 that this year, they they were really they were ready to go.
57:09 Yeah. And that's fun. Because if they're not ready to go,
57:12 it's not as fun but that they were. Yeah, they're really
57:15 willing and hopes to have some of those echo songs. We can
57:18 talk about the songs later. But yes, it was. They were.
57:22 That was the that was the actual vocal of the audio from
57:26 this set right here. We had some Mike's so hidden in the
57:30 room. Yes, sometimes we have to do some what we call
57:33 post-production and have people, people people seeing
57:36 afterwards. I feel it is. But boy, Howdy, they showed up,
57:40 didn't they? They? They really did. And so it's fun and I'm
57:43 keeping the energy up is is important, keeping it? It's
57:47 hard. It's difficult because they are run ragged as much as
57:50 they come around here.
57:51 >> But yeah, it was a lot of fun. So we'll talk more about
57:54 the about second to talk more about the start of the second
57:58 hour. Don't go away. We have so much more. 3ABN kids
58:05 [MUSIC]
58:10 [MUSIC]


Revised 2023-06-30