3ABN Today Live

Prophetic Waymarks: The Gabriel Connection

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230021B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:10 >> Hello, friends. Welcome back to Thursday night live. You
00:12 watching the 3 Angels Broadcasting network. I'm Ryan
00:15 Day your host and it's a blessing to have you joining
00:17 us. We're diving deep into Daniel Chapter 9, the 70 weeks
00:20 prophecy as we're taking on these profit equate marks in
00:23 learning about the Gospel through Bible prophecy and
00:26 where we are in a lot of Bible prophecy. We have told you a
00:30 couple of times and how you can get a copy of Pastor James
00:34 Rafferty's book. That, of course, is entitled the Side of
00:37 the 70 week prophecy and the Gospel of Luke. Just for
00:41 whatever size donation you want to give whatever the latest on
00:44 your heart, you can have this book. It's available to you for
00:47 any size donation, as you can see there. And you simply just
00:50 need to call this phone number that I'm about to give you.
00:54 And that number is 618-627-4651. Let me give it to
00:59 you again. 6, 1, 8, 2, c or 6, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, Call that
01:05 number. And just simply tell them. I want the books I
01:07 written by Pastor James Rafferty will make sure we get
01:10 that to you for whatever donation the Lord has laid up
01:12 on your heart. So that's that also we have told you how you
01:15 can send in your Bible questions. Guess what? We've
01:18 already started getting them in going to read a couple here in
01:20 just a moment to start the second hour here. But if you
01:23 want to send in your Bible questions, there's an easy way
01:25 to do that. Couple quick ways. First off, we want you to text
01:28 in if you choose that option to text in your question, simply
01:31 text your question to 618-228-3975, again, that
01:36 number 618-228-3975. Text it to us or you can email your
01:43 question. It live at 3ABN OTT TV again. That's a live L I V E
01:48 at 3 ABN DOT T V and that send us those questions. You guys
01:52 ready for the first want or are you going to throw it out
01:55 there? This is coming from Jeff from Iowa.
01:58 He says is my understanding, correct? That before Christ
02:02 comes again, his children will be sealed. That's that's his
02:05 question. Will his children still? He says my understanding
02:08 of this is that the children of God will be living daily
02:10 without sitting prior to the second coming of Christ dust.
02:13 This tie into what is meant by God waiting for a people that
02:17 man, a fish just character before Christ will return.
02:20 I do believe that having crushed dwelling in my heart is
02:23 the only way that is possible for fallen mankind to live
02:26 without living. Send her to live without living a simple
02:30 life. Thank you for taking my questions. Thank you, Jeff,
02:33 for sending that question.
02:34 >> Take away, guys. Absolutely. 100 1%. We see this in cautions
02:38 chapter one verse. 26 where Christ in us is the hope of
02:41 glory. We see this in Revelation 10, 7 where the
02:44 mystery of God is going to be finished by the time the 7th
02:46 angel sounds to be sealed with the Holy Spirit means that we
02:50 are filled with the presence of God, the power of God in our
02:53 lives for now send his transgression cause law.
02:56 It includes stealing. It includes committed adultery.
02:59 It includes covering it, includes killing. It includes
03:02 worshipping images, so say I'm going to live a life that is
03:05 worshiping images that's giving glory to God. That is it's
03:08 stealing this since taking God's name in vain. The dissent
03:11 murdering that isn't company. Yes, we all want that. Now.
03:15 At the same time, we recognize that we live in a sinful world
03:17 and we recognize that there are things there. Temptations that
03:20 we fall into is Christians as believers for a just man fall 7
03:24 times and rises again. If any man says he has not, he has no
03:27 sand. He's a liar and the truth from him. It even says he
03:30 hasn't seen him make Scott alive. If we confess our sins,
03:32 he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and do what
03:35 else Cleanse Cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He's
03:37 faithful and just he's the author of the Finisher of
03:40 Faith. A trial is coming to test is coming to God's people
03:43 in the end of time. We'll talk about this revelation. 13 might
03:46 call them are going to test
03:48 no man who refuses that Mark is going to able to buy or sell.
03:52 So you're not going to able to pay phone go anymore. So that's
03:55 going out the window.
03:57 If you have any other media connections, you know, to be
03:59 able to access those anymore, right? Everything earthly is
04:02 going to be cut off. Now we look at that as God's people.
04:05 We look at that as a negative thing. But we've got to start
04:08 looking at as a positive thing. Right when the world is cut off
04:11 from us. It's going to help us to stay focused on Jesus,
04:15 right? That's going to be the final experience of God's
04:17 people. All earthiness is going to cut away and we're going to
04:20 step into an experience that we probably never stepped up to
04:24 that time. And that's what he's talking about. Right? There's a
04:26 lot about the settling of the truth. So we cannot be moved
04:29 seal with the Holy Spirit and able to stand before God
04:33 without a mediator. Alright, one of one point, sir.
04:36 Appreciate that.
04:38 >> And then I don't have anything to that. You good.
04:39 I think it was great. All right. Yeah. The second
04:42 question here, let's get to this one. This person did not
04:45 provide a name, but the person says I know that you have
04:48 understanding of the word of God. Therefore, please explain
04:51 to me why God sanctuary needed cleansing. I'm still confused
04:55 about this. Is this the temple in heaven and why would God
04:58 sanctuary need cleansing if everything up? There's Holy.
05:01 I also do not have the ability to understand this. All right.
05:05 So why the Saints to area and have a need to be clans?
05:09 What's going on here?
05:10 >> Well, the couple versus he was chapter 9. Go ahead and are
05:14 in there. I got that one right here. He was chapter 9 talks
05:17 about now. The whole book of Hebrews is dedicated to how the
05:20 Sentry in Heaven was typified by the one on the Earth.
05:23 It's the great aunt atypical for filming of the Earth,
05:26 the century and service that was all pointing to Jesus
05:28 Christ, his mediation, the heavenly centric. And as Paul
05:31 moves through the book of Hebrews, he gets a chapter 9.
05:34 He explains
05:36 them in the ministry of the priest out work in the in the
05:40 first Earth, the temple and housework and have the temple
05:42 and then goes on to say now verse. 22 and almost all things
05:46 are all by the law approved with blood and without the
05:49 shooting of blood, there's no remission. Rennie says in verse
05:52 23, it was therefore necessary. The patterns of things in
05:56 heaven should be purified with these. But the heavenly things
06:00 themselves with better sacrifices than the white is a
06:04 heavily sanctuary need to be some clams. What is a need to
06:07 be purified with better sacrifices that in other words,
06:10 Christ Jesus because the record of our sins ascends to happen,
06:14 we confess our sins, right? They go to having the record is
06:18 taken to have an yeah. That would confession are since
06:20 hopefully to our heavenly priest not to unearth the
06:22 priest too heavily freeze. So the recognition isn't going
06:25 to some church book anywhere. It's going up into the having
06:27 sanctuary. That's what's being cleansed up. That's what's be
06:30 expunged up there. There's nothing heaven that is an pure
06:33 and holy except for the record of our sins, the sins of her
06:37 rights.
06:38 >> And that meant a lot of guys wanted to cast all of our sins
06:41 into the depths of the sea in order for that to fully take
06:44 place. If you think about it at the cross, you know, you know,
06:46 we understand that Jesus saves us 3, 3, 3, aspects of
06:49 salvation. He saved us through it. You probably heard of the 3
06:53 P's, right? Jesus on the cross. This from the penalty of Sun,
06:57 OK? So we praise God for that. And then Jesus to save us from
07:01 the penalty of sent these us Christ died for my sins.
07:03 So I don't have to die for them. And that's beautiful.
07:06 That's that's very profound and very gorgeous. But what we see
07:09 is that Jesus is also wanted to save us from the presence of
07:12 sin and the power of sun. Now he'll save us from the
07:15 presence of Senate his return. But up until then, we are also
07:19 need to be safe from the power of dissent. Now, the day of
07:22 atonement was a reminder for us to be completely cleansed.
07:27 It was one of the day of cleansing of cleansing the
07:28 sanctuary to completely cleanse us from Austin. And must I add
07:32 to what you said? Exactly. Agree 100%. The record of sun
07:35 is ascending to heaven and Jesus is wanting to do away
07:38 with all send the record itself. You have the book of
07:40 remembrance mentioned in the Bible as well as the book of
07:42 Life in and we're going to be judged. The Bible says out of
07:45 the things contained in the books. Right? So so I don't
07:49 want my record books have having more. Yeah, right.
07:51 I know my record of sin to be in heaven anymore. Ultimately
07:53 in the end, she's going to cleanse that. He's going to
07:56 purge that. But right now sun is continuing right now said to
07:59 me after the crossed its him continue,
08:02 it's people still sitting as people still making mistakes.
08:05 Yes, and that's the problem. Sinuous or blood. And the Old
08:09 Testament injury was coming into the sanctuary 259 days of
08:11 the year. As you mention
08:13 and that God is saying, listen, this this constant shooting,
08:15 a blood of what's happening is because of sand that has to
08:18 eventually stop, which is what the day, but when it was all
08:20 about a cleansing. So I want to add one more versed in this
08:23 first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16. No, you not that you
08:26 are the temple of God and that the spirit of God within you.
08:30 And if any man to file the Temple of God, notice his
08:33 judgment, him Shell, God destroy for the Temple of
08:36 Goddess. Holy which temple ER, right. So so the sanctuary
08:41 Walter Smith's injury was was a type of the there. The
08:45 heavenly, we see that in the New Testament. The sanctuary
08:48 got is also one of the clans is not just the record of Senate
08:51 hasn't.
08:53 >> But he's wanting to cleanse us. Yes, its in internal all
08:55 the sun's coming into our lives. And that's what's so
08:58 beautiful about the cleansing of the sanctuary and that she's
09:00 warning or moves in for months and right. He wants to clean
09:03 all the sanctuaries. All of them phrase alone, OK,
09:07 actually, I have I have one more question here before we
09:09 get right into our study in the reason why I'm asking this one
09:12 is because the answer to this question is what we're about to
09:15 study good right here in India. You know 9, OK? So this person
09:19 to Cynthia from New York, thank you, Cynthia, for submitting
09:21 this. She says, can you explain the 483 years? Plus the 7 years
09:27 that bring us to 400 and 90 years off on so that they use
09:31 if you're driving at because we're Pastor James left off in
09:35 the last hour we were in Luke Chapter 3. We're seeing this
09:38 15th year of the reign of time area Caesar. What you're about
09:41 to see is Master James and Co to. It's going to walk us
09:44 through backwards. Now from the Messiah in the 15th year,
09:48 reign of tide recedes are back and you're going to see how
09:50 that 483 years to develop. And then we'll talk about the 7
09:54 extra years after that. And then take us. Take us away.
09:57 Great question. So we we left off and Daniels are in Luke
10:00 Chapter 3 15th here to bury Caesar. What happens here?
10:03 We just go look at a couple of verses. See what happens here.
10:06 Is it in this year Giannis down baptizing by the Jordan and it
10:09 says here in verse 21 of Luke Chapter 3.
10:13 >> Now when all the people are baptized, it can to pass that
10:15 Jesus also be that ties him praying the heaven was open and
10:20 the Holy Ghost to stand him fondly shaped like a double up
10:22 on him. And a voice came from heaven, which said thou art,
10:26 my beloved son in the I'm well policed in Jesus himself began
10:31 to be about 30 years of age on. All right.
10:35 And then you go to acts Chapter 10 and what is it for you?
10:39 There is a technically 37 contacts. 38. Yes, all right.
10:42 He this force. Yeah. Acts 10 verse 37, 38.
10:46 >> It says that word. I say, you know, not which was
10:48 published, you know, rather, which was published throughout
10:50 old today and and again from galley after the baptism of
10:54 John, which John preached, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
10:57 with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good
11:01 and healing. All that were oppressed of the devil for gone
11:04 was with him.
11:05 >> All right. So this only ton anoint Enright anointed.
11:08 This is the county when it does say got annoyed Jesus Christ
11:11 since got annoyed Jesus of Nazareth because Christ that
11:14 word means the anointing, right, right. You know it.
11:16 It's the similar were to messiah in the Old Testament
11:20 messiah. The prince, the anointed Prince right is Christ
11:24 in the new testament's acts. So this is a fulfillment of the
11:26 prophecy. Now, look at this is the 15th year of Tiberius
11:29 Caesar. We identified that according to the 5th to the
11:32 giveaway for any donation way. Dana, 5, that right. 5
11:35 references tell us that 15th year began in ad 13 as a tie.
11:41 Beers was Cole rule with Augustus. He continued on in
11:45 the 15th. Here we get to 80 27 right in A T 27. The 15th year
11:50 Jesus Christ is anointed or Jesus is Christ did. You could
11:54 say Jesus is anointed, right? He becomes Jesus Christ.
11:58 He becomes the messiah. And when you go to a T 27 and you
12:02 start counting back now, remember 483 year. So we're not
12:05 going to the Old Testament county forward right now.
12:08 We could do that, sir. But we're going to the New
12:10 Testament and the county that, yeah, I love. I love this
12:13 because
12:14 >> you never hear just the way before. I've never heard of
12:15 until I read your book because most of the time is of an
12:18 adjustment. We start with the knowing there for the going
12:21 forth of the command of the storm builder, Islam. So we
12:23 look for that. You know, it's a great way to wonderful way to
12:26 do this. But this is another with a great to to confirm that
12:29 because now you're going go to the 27 TDs. Let's see if we can
12:32 make our way back to that same. Yes, that same day. The knowing
12:35 therefore from the going forth of the COVID 4 bill to move and
12:38 there are several reasons why we want to do this. One of the
12:40 main reasons is because this process is under attack this
12:43 proxies and attack their this hard. The ad.
12:45 >> A weekly goes by that some phone call or e-mail comes in
12:48 on all this is and I was no, no, no. This is talking about
12:50 something else. Now this prophecy, God is giving us more
12:54 light so that we can see how solid this prophecy. Yes,
12:57 right, right. And the other reason is because this process,
13:00 the Senate in Jesus, yeah, right. We are focus of this
13:05 process has to be in Christ. It can't be an asset. Can't be
13:08 in people. It's got to be in Jesus, right? Because if you're
13:11 going to fly to someone else, you're going to find another
13:13 messiah. Right? So Goody 27, the Stark County back for an
13:16 83. Yes, OK, all you do is you get your calculator out and you
13:20 put in 4, 8, 3, right now -27 cents to 27 ad that calls for
13:28 56, right? OK, here's the interesting thing for 56 is
13:33 where is is our them out of this amount of time? You have
13:36 left in the process of 456 years. However, when you go
13:40 backwards from 80 27 when you get to a D one. All right.
13:45 That's 26 the next one. 27 takes you to BC One. There's no
13:49 0 year, right? So now you on BC once you have to add BC One to
13:54 4.56. Right. And when you had the C one for 56, when you come
13:57 to all right, 4, 5, 7, right? Yet it fits perfectly.
14:03 >> The best way to a bus we have seen in a vision in my
14:05 mind, people get confused about this. While there's no year 0,
14:08 there is a period of a year between one BC in one ad.
14:12 >> Switched which accounts for that year that many people
14:14 often miss right when they're using that number line systems.
14:17 So you've got that year, which is a Dior BC one. And you
14:21 simply that's we've led with 27 because you land on 0. You land
14:25 on BBC one night. You had BC one 2 for 56 and got 4.57.
14:29 Right. It's beautiful yet. So clear. And so look this
14:33 story. And thank you, Luke. Thank you so much for putting
14:35 these dates in here. You don't find these days, John finds
14:38 day, some are going to find a state matter the 15th year time
14:41 period, Caesar and Augustus Caesar that, you know, the tax
14:44 going forth and, you know, Marriott, great, which coming
14:47 in, of course, to Bethlehem where they could be censored.
14:49 And and you don't find any of that. And then, of course,
14:53 Luke, the author of and here's a little bit of, you know,
14:57 what it what we call that a little bit of added information
15:00 on what so the person who wrote most of the New Testament is
15:06 Paul. Look,
15:10 Luke Rowe more words. Paul is out in the book. Paul Hands
15:18 Down the right words. But the words, look, that's right.
15:21 And he's a story it. So he's writing a book of I mean,
15:24 look, just 70 versus 8 and then you go to Axe. He is the author
15:28 acts. So he's the one that's connecting these 2 stories
15:31 connecting the history right here. He's also connecting the
15:34 annoying teen which took place in action up to 10, 37, 30 in
15:38 19 of the Messiah and that he's doing it for a reason. And I
15:41 think he knows that. I think we've kind of lost sight of
15:43 this. He knows this because Paul over and over again says
15:47 this in the appointed time in the set time and the time and
15:52 prophetic time, whatever strike that set time or nighttime,
15:55 Paul, use that phrase over and over again in due time. Christ
15:58 died for our sins right and time. Right. So now we've got
16:02 the 483 we've got one week left
16:04 for 93 takes us to the beginning of the ministry of
16:09 crises, about 30 years of age, right? We know Christ dies when
16:13 he's 33 years. We know he does ministry for 3 and a half
16:15 years. So that's the 1st half of the last week of the 70
16:21 weeks. And then we've got a 2nd half of that last week. That's
16:23 going to take us to 83 for a while.
16:26 That's what sets that's where the process awful. Now, we've
16:28 got to go back to Daniel 9 and look at what's taking place in
16:31 the context of these first. Is that follow?
16:33 >> Right, because what often confuses people forget spent
16:35 some time on this just for a couple of minutes. Yes, is
16:37 looking fuses people. Is that 7 weeks of 62 weeks? Yes, you
16:40 know, they redid knowing there are no therefore flow,
16:42 therefore, from the going forth of the commander Stormville
16:44 Jerusalem. But aside the prince, there shall be 7 weeks
16:48 down. And 62, which many talks like that, right? There's a
16:51 reason why that's there. What's the reason? Well,
16:54 the reason is because it took the it took is real appear to
16:57 49 years to build the temple itself. And so that was for
17:01 inaction. The walls of the city to separate the 2 of them are
17:03 so that prop that time because we go back, it's if you go back
17:06 to do over there to Daniel Chapter 9, debtor, try to jump
17:09 quickly here. If you look at the actual verse in verse,
17:12 25 it says no, therefore understand the from the going
17:14 forth, the commander restore and build Jerusalem, right key
17:17 to re Stuart and build a result. Many people will find a
17:21 decree other given by, you know, I think even by what is
17:26 it to Mars or Ursa Cyrus or the other is the first to my the
17:30 commission from the mine. They'll go to those particular
17:35 instances where there's a decree given there was always
17:37 with the rebuild the temple here. That's what he's talking
17:39 about. But the key here in verse 25 is there's has to be a
17:42 complete restoration and rebuilding. So there's a
17:46 difference between full restoration and rebuilding.
17:49 You can rebuild something all day long. But what was taken
17:52 away from the result was not just of their buildings were
17:54 torn down, not just that their walls were torn down a job and
17:56 their son, their entire from an independent statehood was
18:00 ripped apart. And so that that independent statehood of
18:04 Jerusalem is now. And it is what has to be reestablished in
18:07 Jerusalem here. And that's what it's talking about. And so
18:10 it says there should be 7 weeks. And 62, it's if you
18:14 study historically the 7 weeks, Theresa, why that came first is
18:18 because 49 year, 7 times, 7.49, years, it took them 49 years to
18:23 rebuild the temple and reestablish Jerusalem as an
18:26 independent study isn't isn't as city as an independent
18:28 statehood. And so that was the accounts for the 7 weeks.
18:32 And so this pope totally makes sense because now what's left
18:35 in this particular verse, the threescore into the 62 weeks.
18:40 Now, again, I'm not trying to jump ahead, but if you look at
18:42 versed at the beginning portion verse, 26, it says and after
18:46 the 62 weeks, Messiah shall be cut off but not from self.
18:51 That confuses a lot of times what they were in a second,
18:53 62 weeks. I thought us I was a cut off until after 4 and a 3.
18:58 Exactly 906, to 9 weeks. Well, again, the Dos 62,
19:02 which is what it says are after the 62 weeks that the flash
19:05 will be cut off the 7 weeks have already happened. The
19:07 restoration of Drews were at what's left over before Messiah
19:10 comes 62 weeks. It's after that intermittent period there,
19:14 62 weeks. The Messiah shows up and it's after that that he's
19:18 cut off and we'll talk about that just a moment. Yes,
19:20 that's a quick explanation of why that I was given their 7
19:24 weeks in 62 weeks. Then the messiah Shell com, powerful,
19:28 powerful 0.2.
19:30 >> And 26 is going to be one of the most misunderstood versus
19:32 because it's talking about the prince that's going to come and
19:35 a lot of people fly that either too
19:38 and to Christ or someone else even too. So when you look at
19:42 the verse here, let's just look at the end with the idea of
19:45 saying treatments I saint side after 3 score in 2 weeks,
19:49 messiah, be cut off but not for himself. Beautiful verse right
19:52 there. So that's talking about Jesus Christ. That's what
19:55 contacts of this hole. That's the subject matter here.
19:57 Jesus Christ. He's going to cut off that were cut off as use
20:00 the Old Testament New Testament. It designates what
20:03 happens to a wicked person who is a lost right? Jesus Christ
20:06 is forsaken and got us. It's pointing to the experience.
20:10 The tasty tasty. We're told the second death, right? He tasted
20:13 after all men here is chapter 2, verse 9, 1, thing to a
20:16 connection to go back to the Sentra connection, even though
20:18 because anyone who did not take their sins to the sanctuary was
20:22 cut off was cut off. All right, Jessica, from the camp, they
20:25 were cut off from salvation because they did not humble
20:28 themselves to bring their sins to the blood of the lamb into
20:31 the picture. So this is where we see Christ as our subs to
20:34 ensure the Swiss it. We see crimes not just dying for us,
20:38 but Dion has us because he becomes the second, Adam.
20:40 So he steps into our place. He legally can do that because
20:43 he's part of the human rights. So you can take the consequence
20:45 of human race upon himself to should come up on the first
20:48 Adam. But they come up on the second and Jesus Christ and
20:51 then it goes on. The rest is for say, and the people of the
20:54 prince that she'll come. Now, this is going now again,
20:56 just like this before in the previous first. It's going now
20:59 to talk about the sanctuaries, talking about the city after
21:02 Jesus Christ is cut off, but not for himself. This going to
21:05 be a prince is going to come.
21:06 It's going to be people that's going to come or are they going
21:08 to they're going to destroy the city in the century. That's
21:11 what Jesus talked about in Matthew. 24 in the morning said
21:14 Caruso is let him and that's not going one stone of to put
21:17 another should not be torn down your city. Your sanctuaries
21:20 left your temples that and you desolate. Every stone is going
21:22 to be thrown down. Read the book of Daniel, the people of
21:25 the Prince that calm. That's 87 on the nation of desolation.
21:28 Yes, the rock band or the abomination of desolation stand
21:31 in. The home is spoken by the Prophet, Daniel. This is yes,
21:34 I cured a new 9. This is right. This is also wanted to add
21:36 here. You mentioned this already, but a lot of people
21:39 miss this literary point here. This is what's important to
21:41 also understand, Herman uniquely how to
21:44 >> peace apart, what you're studying prophetically because
21:46 not everything is written in a chronological sequence, even
21:50 though there is a sense of chronology here. There's a
21:52 literary device used here which we've already established.
21:54 It's it's an ad AB AB great advice. So the first part of
21:58 verse, 26, it's parallel to the first part of Hearst 27 as the
22:03 B portion or the second part of Hearst. 26 is paralleled with
22:06 the B portion or the second part of Hearst 27. So in other
22:09 words, because Messiahs cut off in that. That's because of the
22:14 people rejected him. The result of that is that the prints
22:16 people to the prince was to come are going to bring
22:18 deflation. Right. Same thing with her. 27 because the comfy
22:22 companies confirmed many for one week but in the middle of
22:24 the week he show bringing in to sacrifice and offerings that's
22:27 cross. The result of that is, of course, what assistant first
22:30 even into this confirmation which is a term and is poured
22:33 out on the debt service. Sosa showing a result, a kind
22:37 of a cause and effect.
22:38 >> Yeah, AB AB literary device here and I didn't mean to jump
22:41 ahead. I just wanted to stay at that. Again. The desolate used
22:44 go to Matthew Chapter 20 for a 3 and verse 3. It behold a few
22:47 houses that fund you desolate
22:49 the ice and you shall not see hints for teachers say blesses
22:52 he becomes the name of the Lord, right? Right. So that's
22:54 the desolate that takes place. And then it's left under the
22:57 desk, in other words, because Jesus Christ fulfilled all of
23:01 the ceremony law, right? Because he's the pass over land
23:05 because he's a full that they don't need a temple anymore,
23:07 right? But got holes out because he wants them to accept
23:10 and understand this truths. We hold out, go to Jerusalem
23:14 first, go to G first and some air in the most part of you've
23:17 got so 40 years he holds out for 40 years until 87 and the
23:21 disciples are preaching teaching in Jerusalem. But
23:23 finally, this Prince comes the Romans come they destroy the
23:27 sanctuary to destroy the city. The end there. I was over the
23:29 flood blood flow down the temple steps like water and
23:35 Desolations were determined. Titus said not one storms that
23:37 upon other because what happened was a fire sprung up
23:41 in the sanctuary that was lined with gold run. All the school
23:44 began to melt, go down in between the cracks of the
23:46 Temple Stones and those moments when all that gold, they just
23:50 they uplifted everyone of those stones. Not one stone was left
23:53 up on another. So desolations were determined parallel.
23:57 Matthew timing verse 27 and he Jesus to confront. See a lot of
24:01 people with this first and they say, oh, he that's the princes
24:04 coming. Yeah, he's going to none. And you've got to go back
24:07 to the ABB ABB, which is all through these versus 24.
24:10 25. 26 27. Yeah. All of this is Christ. All of this crisis will
24:13 for the first part pending up on him was the first trick.
24:16 Right? Thanks, Ron Frey sanctuary.
24:18 >> But I want to jump to the code here being because I know
24:20 you as evangelists, we've all dealt with this a lot. And that
24:23 is what you touch on this just for a moment.
24:25 I can't count on my hands, told how many times I've hurt
24:29 someone or I've read in a book
24:32 presentation. I've been in a Bible study in the past when I
24:35 was going to Sunday keeping churches,
24:38 which not all, but the vast majority them hold what's
24:40 called a futurist interpretation of prophecy
24:43 and the woman's take up too much time. But I just want to
24:46 develop this. This is this is a powerful moment. There may be
24:48 someone watching right now. That's it's been this is new to
24:51 me. I'm not never seen these verses in that way because how
24:54 you have interpreted these verses is maybe depending upon
24:58 something that is called often called the gap theory. And so
25:02 Dakota, I want to come to use an evangelist because you get a
25:05 lot of questions on the road. We I've got a lot of question
25:07 the road especially pertaining to this right here.
25:11 This is completely 100% dependable crush fulfillment.
25:15 But yet
25:16 there's people out there or not. When I see people, a large
25:19 chunk of Christianity out there that takes versus 26 27 and
25:23 they apply this not to Christ, but to anti Christ developed
25:28 that for a moment. Why did they do that? And what's the problem
25:31 with that? What's the problem with with inserting an anti
25:33 crushed here and not Christ himself?
25:36 Well, first of all, it's not consistent with the what we're
25:39 seeing, the whole of scripture here from versus 24 onward to
25:42 to teach that
25:44 this ties 2 different time periods makes no sense, period.
25:47 If you just look at it and you're reading it for what it
25:49 says, right, the only reason why people get those ideologies
25:52 is based on what a lot of people reading books or what
25:55 they heard here. Some, you know, evangelical
25:58 pastor or evangelists that might say something related to
26:02 prophecy, that this is speaking of the anti Christ power.
26:05 But what I simply say to them is that where in the world that
26:08 we see the term anti Christ or anything that's related to and
26:11 to Christ right here, and of course, they they never can
26:14 prove that from anywhere. But if you if you look at the
26:16 passengers and what is actually saying when it says here and
26:19 and verse, 26 and after 3 scored 2 weeks of the messiah
26:22 be cut off, but not for himself and the people of the prince
26:26 that she'll come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary.
26:28 >> And the end thereof shall be with the flood and the and the
26:31 end of the war. Desolations are determined and he speaking of
26:34 the one in context, this is the Messiah. Shell confirmed the
26:37 Covent with many for one week and in the midst of the week
26:40 cause the soccer about the all ablation to cease for the
26:43 overspreading. The abomination is he should make it desolate.
26:46 Now, let me just stop there before. Because if you keep
26:47 reading, sometimes you get these words, you know what?
26:50 But what we're seeing is that a lot of people, they believe
26:53 that this
26:54 that this time period that is speaking of that this this is
26:56 sacrifice an oblation that ceasing they they tend to think
27:00 that this is speaking of a nasty little character and
27:02 history and called in Tyco CEP. If he's right and they get this
27:05 idea because in talking up his knees, he he stopped morning
27:09 worship in the evening worship for the Jewish people in any
27:11 created some issues for them historically, OK. But but the
27:14 problem here is that
27:16 this is speaking of aside the prince, which we know that
27:19 there's only one anointed, right, right. And it's not a
27:22 talk is pivoting, right. And let's let's just be clear
27:25 here that we can make, you know that this is this. This power
27:28 that is speaking of is actually going to be related to the end
27:31 of time. Is that if you study Daniel 17 year, wait member,
27:34 we talked about this little one power that would be casting
27:37 down the sanctuary and that would be trying to win would be
27:40 practicing. He would be prospering and it what he was
27:44 doing had to do with the sanctuary. So when people are
27:46 starting to go 7, 8, they oftentimes will make the
27:49 mistake of thinking that the little one power and Daniel 8
27:51 is really, really tough. Talk is the 5th unease front.
27:53 And actually it's implied if you go and study Daniel chapter
27:56 8, it says such daily sacrifices. And that's a town
27:59 outside few, which is that supplied. It's it's it's it's
28:02 it's not in the original, right. And so anytime you your
28:05 son about when you see a tele size word, it's letting you
28:08 know, that's not in the original Greek and Hebrew and
28:11 they the the translators here, the of the Bible that was
28:14 translating this in whatever language, you know, where the
28:16 king, James or whatever, whatever language they're
28:18 trying to translate or whatever Bible company to try to
28:21 translate these, they oftentimes will will apply what
28:23 they think it might be talking about, right? It will supply
28:26 those. That also is let you know, they think that this is
28:28 speaking of, you know, sacrifice, daily sacrifices
28:32 that's being taken away, which they think this is going to
28:34 hike its spread are interest. You of this must be a tax hike
28:38 and 5th innings. But we know it's not because if you study
28:41 Daniel 17 away and you go into today or not, which we just
28:43 proved beginning the day, no 9 in Daniel a disconnect, right?
28:46 And you can't you can't separate the 2 chapters.
28:49 You see that. There's a lot of passages that a lot of versus
28:52 that that make it makes it clear that the this little one
28:55 powers extending to the time of day and right and that's that's
28:58 the main point in a lot of people can miss this. When I
29:01 study this when when I studied in a chapter 9, just when you
29:04 look at first 27 this to me, this is the most clears Tex.
29:08 MC confirms that this is speaking of Jesus when he says
29:10 he shall confirmed the covenant with many for one week one
29:13 Jesus came in. What year
29:16 ad thought? Well, what what? What the end of the Georgia 83
29:19 years was. What year? A 28 to 27, right. How long is left in
29:24 the 70 weak profits one week, one week, one week, one night,
29:27 one week. So the a sideshow confirm a common with many for
29:31 one week. Right? And this is in the midst of the week. He shall
29:35 calls the sacrifice an oblation to seize will hold on a second.
29:39 What was what he brought it out? He was earlier in the
29:42 blood of goats. Cats. Rams lambs doesn't do anything
29:45 right. Like that's not the purpose. It's pointing to the
29:47 main purpose, right? Which is crops, right. So what we see
29:50 happening here is that in the middle of the week now week is
29:53 as we know it 7 days, right? Right. But we know a day about
29:56 the process. According to seek a forensics in numbers, 14 34 a
29:59 day is equivalent to a year. So you got 7 years left in this
30:03 prophecy. We don't come to the fortune. 83 years aside,
30:06 the print shows a Jesus baptism. He's anointed which
30:09 has brought all that out in the middle of the week. What we see
30:12 happening? Oh, well, yeah. 3 and a half years later.
30:16 Yep. 27 ad. This was the fall of 27. Do yes. When Christ was
30:20 anointed? Yes. Like 3 and a half years live. The brings us
30:23 to the spring of 31 a dean and then 31 ad how and asked and
30:28 asked people this and a lot of people to study anything about
30:31 Prosser said about they know this question. They know the
30:33 answer. This question. That is
30:35 how long was Jesus is earthly public ministry
30:38 publicly threeand-a-half years. 3 and a half years. Not what's
30:41 what's half of 7?
30:42 >> 3 and a half in the middle of the week. Yes. Shaka from
30:45 Obama. Yes. Yeah. In the middle of it.
30:48 >> So perfectly he it's a cycle. We'll bring it in to
30:52 sacrifice an oblation. Yeah. And what happened in the
30:55 sanctuary?
30:57 >> What was torn? A veil of the temple is torn from top to
31:00 bottom. Bottom tot from top to bottom Christ on the cross and
31:04 then he was the Passover last night. Just.
31:06 >> Everything fits together. Everything's everything's so
31:09 the COTA brought us the spin. He addressed the Predators the
31:11 same time, as you know, was awake and in good type because
31:14 the Tigers, but he doesn't extend to the time of the end
31:16 run. And that's Daniel 17. 0, 8, or 9. This power, right?
31:20 If you're looking at your seven-day, it's extending to
31:22 the top of the time of that. Now, let's let slip slipping as
31:24 a pastor. Then pastor effort talk about this. Now you get
31:27 those. So yes, absolutely extends to the time of the M
31:30 and this is actually where we stand. As we take this last
31:33 week. We kind of football carry it to the to the end of time
31:38 and that last week that 7 years now 3 and a half of 3 and a
31:42 half, this is where the yes, the sacrifice and the newly
31:46 rebuilt temple will be established. But it will be
31:49 ceased from the anti Christ who, again, is causing the
31:53 sacrifice to Beijing to see again, this gap, 3 that we
31:55 mentioned above are again, the exactly the idea. Let's look at
31:59 this first first. 27, OK? So.
32:01 >> Here's here's a key. When you look at first 27, he should
32:04 confirm the coming with me for one week. And by the way,
32:06 Hebrews chapter 2 tells us that that was first confirmed Mike
32:09 Rice and then by his disciples, right for that for that 2nd
32:12 half of that one week, a 77 year period, cause that price
32:15 inflation seas and for the spread of a bomb, a nation's,
32:18 he's going make a desolate so crisis, your temples left and
32:21 you desolate and within a generation is temples going
32:24 down, which we already looked at the previous first. And then
32:27 it says even until the consummation that determine
32:30 should be put up on the desolate. So to the
32:32 consummation that cause some issues to the very end of time
32:35 right now,
32:40 what is sitting on the temple site right now in Jerusalem?
32:45 What is seen on the temple site don't want to tell it committed
32:48 over the rock to rock it end. That site is really I mean,
32:54 owns
32:55 in that sense. Yeah. Well, the the the Jews have given it to
32:59 the most news in the sense that right they can go under the
33:01 Muslims are because there's 1 billion plus Muslims, right?
33:05 And that's the most holy site on the whole plan of earth.
33:07 Right? And there's no way that you're going to be able to take
33:10 that dome of the rock off. You're not going to take that
33:12 mosque off that site and put a temple on the site is just not
33:15 just going to get it. If you look at it geographically,
33:18 I did a study on this.
33:19 >> That dome of the rock is literally sitting where the
33:23 most holy place would have said. That's right. The Tim,
33:27 it's right there.
33:28 >> It's right to remove the same place. They ram sacrifice
33:31 us and say, oh, he was going to a crisis, a needed purpose.
33:34 And so what you have theirs, you have God
33:39 allowing history to confirm Bible prophecy. Yes, that's
33:44 what we do for us. First look at the Bob Ross, the owner of
33:46 5. She says, oh, it's going to lead us to the very end of
33:48 time. The temple's never going to be built again, right?
33:50 Temperature never going to be built in. This will probably
33:52 sell love. Now we look at history. We say
33:54 all look, because let me just say this. Let's just be honest
33:57 with our viewers, OK, everyone, just it's just a few honest.
34:00 If there was no do with if there was no mosque there,
34:04 what would be there right now? What went into a newly
34:07 revealed? Absolutely that I mean, some of said the temple
34:10 is ready to get the the Stones, everything's ready. They're
34:14 just waiting for that moment when they can do that. And the
34:17 whole was looking to that event shows what he's looking at,
34:20 that even Muslims are looking to cause the most of us believe
34:23 Jesus is returning to the north, get he's coming through
34:26 that gate where they have a cemetery right there. That's
34:28 their gate. So everyone's looking in the Middle East even
34:31 joke. The whole words look at the Middle East and we're
34:34 looking to Bible prophecy. And that's why we're told in
34:37 relation to what's going to see because they're all looking to
34:40 something that isn't actually going to happen.
34:43 >> Right. This is where the your your future us get this
34:46 false. 7 years of tribulation. They have to go to the last
34:50 week of Daniel 70 weeks lift. But but they have to cut it off
34:55 and separate that last week from the other 6 to 9 weeks of
34:58 which the Bible gives you absolutely no indication to do
35:00 there and get the Bible says that 7, you're cut off in the
35:03 2200. All in all we do. We do believe that we don't lose any
35:05 cover, but we do believe that the 7th is cut off from the
35:08 snow, the 7. Yeah. How can you do that? You know, Bible verse
35:11 of that whatsoever. So we're taking a lot of liberties here.
35:14 But even history, even current events, even what we see in the
35:18 Middle East.
35:19 >> God is saying, hey, I've got this. I've got the city settled
35:21 up. If you ever see something like that happens, it's the
35:24 end. If that temple, if anything got put in that dome
35:27 of the rock that would look like it, we're we're done.
35:30 It's finished. It's it's what the consummation right there,
35:33 right? That's what the way we read this 5 versus way rebound
35:36 prophecy.
35:38 >> Absolutely. So is Chris powerful. That's why I just
35:39 want to give up which one another shout out here.
35:42 Everything that we're studying in terms of the 70 week
35:45 prophecy is him. Pastor Rafferty's book entitled
35:49 Messiah, The 70 Week Prophecy and the Gospel of Luke as we
35:52 have already studied here, that Gospel of Luke Connection to
35:56 Daniel 9 Big April connection. We see there in Luke Chapter 1,
35:59 2, 3, It's it's all right there in terms of the timing in terms
36:03 of the prophecies, the characters that are involved
36:06 and if you want this book and it is a powerful sharing tool
36:10 because there may be someone you may know a friend front,
36:13 maybe that believes differently than what we're presenting
36:15 tonight. You've been convinced you're seeing it from the body.
36:18 So you are my friends to hear this are my my my family or
36:21 whoever might my co-workers up. This is an opportunity for you
36:24 to have a great sharing tool to be able to put this just I
36:27 mean, look, it's it's not even a heavy Reed is just that you
36:29 could read it in in in in less than an hour. I think I read
36:32 this book. I think I learned it from cover to cover like 45
36:35 minutes, but it's powerful because it walks you through
36:38 step by step through this prophecy, through the Bible to
36:42 let the Bible the term itself. So messiah, the 70 prophecy in
36:45 the gospel of Luke, it's available to you right now.
36:48 All you got to do is just cold. And and and whatever donation
36:52 lords live in your heart. Again, this 9 to 11 has there's
36:55 not even a set price and whatever the Lord has led on
36:57 your heart to donate, just simply do that. And that's
37:00 available to you right now. You can have this. You can
37:03 simply go to 3ABN DOT TV in excess of to the website or you
37:06 could call in right now. That number is on your screen
37:09 at 618-627-4651. Again, that number 618-627-4651. Get your
37:18 copy to the I have my copy. You need your copied by
37:21 multiple copies. Get multiple copies of what we need rightly
37:23 to be sharing this powerful tool occur. She might have some
37:27 questions we have about 19 or so minutes. And that's not too
37:30 late. If you have any questions that you want to submit a
37:33 submit your questions and there's 2 ways you can do that.
37:35 You can simply Texas. Your question at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2,
37:39 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Again, that number is 618-228-3975. Text us
37:45 your questions or you can e-mail us your questions at
37:48 Life. Well, I VE at 3 A B in DOT TV again, that's live at
37:53 3ABN, dot TV. So you can still do that. We still have some
37:57 time here. But a pastor, I don't there something that we
38:00 have. We haven't covered yet that you would like to cover if
38:03 you want to do a review.
38:04 >> We've got a few minutes here. So it's somewhat like a
38:07 king cake just like it's going to run the chapter 5. And there
38:09 are a number of versus like this in the New Testament.
38:12 Now, all we want to do for our viewers as we really want to
38:14 nail this down because there is this left behind emphasis the
38:18 week is taken out, thrown into the end of time. And we're
38:21 selling that. We back with a 69 were putting it right where it
38:25 belongs. I was in parks, Don 97, 98 99. I was meeting there
38:29 with pastors, most of the Pentecostal we were going
38:31 through Daniel in one evening. And we want to this prophecy.
38:35 You know, we've got some place where he was coughing up from
38:38 south. These pastors just started standing up and they
38:41 were saying all kinds of things in the Mac is going to cost was
38:44 high. So I said Zika, my translation, what's going on?
38:46 What's going on is going to be upset with me, whatever.
38:48 And they said, no, no, they're pricing low right now, the
38:51 press because I couldn't understand or destroy their
38:53 place in order. And I said what, what's go on to? They've
38:55 never heard anything like this before.
38:57 After that meeting, they came up to me. They said, listen,
38:59 we've never heard anything like this before. We were told that
39:01 this week belongs. In the end of time, it replaced the end of
39:03 Christ. You told supplies to Jesus Christ. I stress the
39:07 Bible's really clear. He's the only one that can make it in a
39:10 sense do is make a transgression is bringing his
39:12 own weather can do that. And they said we'd like you to
39:15 go through this process again tomorrow night. Very slowly.
39:17 Want to ask questions. We want to just want to know. We want
39:20 you to teach us the Ezekiel 4, 6, the numbers, 14 34 we want
39:24 you to teach us about this day for your principal and show how
39:28 this all works. So we went through that you'll test.
39:30 And then I took to the New Testament Romans Chapter 5,
39:33 right? Let's start here in Romans. Chapter 5 and verse 6
39:37 knows what it says here.
39:38 Paul is talking about Jesus Christ. He says for when we
39:41 were yet without strength. I want to stop right there for
39:43 a second.
39:44 We couldn't finish transgression. Yeah. We could
39:47 make an indifference. We could make reconciliation for
39:49 iniquity of could bring unless you're right. That is covenant
39:52 ideology, right? The idea that we're supposed to this Craig
39:55 know and understand that size going for an 83 years, he's the
39:58 one that's going to do all that. You have spoken. We will
40:01 do it right, right versus new Covent. I want to put my lawn
40:03 your heart's in the right time to do that through Christ.
40:05 Your job is to accept Christ and that's your job, right?
40:08 That's your test. And by the way, that's our testing the end
40:10 of time to our testers to accept Christ. And then he puts
40:13 his lawn our hearts. And of course, we are lock keepers
40:15 because of the faith of Jesus because we keep the faith of
40:17 Jesus. So he says then for 6, again, for when we were that
40:21 went without strength, right? In what kind of time due to
40:25 time. That's a set time appointed time. He's referring
40:28 now to the 71 prophecy. Paul's referring to 70 per se. How do
40:31 we know that this keep reek
40:33 in due time? Christ died for the and God and God before
40:36 scarcely for a righteous man and one diet prevention for a
40:38 good man. Someone even dare to diverse. But God commend Missus
40:42 love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died
40:45 for us. Cut off and not for himself, right, right. Right.
40:48 Much more than now being justified by his blood verse 9.
40:51 We should be saved from RAF through him for first. And
40:54 here's the clincher. If when we were enemies, we were
40:58 reconciled to GAAP by the death of his side member. He's going
41:02 to make right reconciliation for him to get it right.
41:06 Every single phrase in Daniel Chapter 9 and verse 24 can be
41:12 found fulfilled in Christ in the New Testament. Every single
41:16 phrase making in of Sen make reconciliation. It could be
41:19 bringing everlast all their everlasting gospel everlasting
41:22 righteousness, right? A motion to the Gospel of Christ where
41:25 it is. The righteousness of God is revealed, right everlasting
41:28 righteousness. So what we're seeing here is not just this
41:31 old testament prophecy that we're trying to apply the day
41:34 for your principal and pies to Christ was baptized. We're seen
41:37 the entire New Testament, just a cup that were due time.
41:40 Just do a little search on that. Our viewers to a little
41:42 search on that do time or and you're going to find used over
41:45 and over. He cries talks about my time has not yet come due
41:48 time, right? Right, right. My time is not yet ready to
41:50 time. All my time has come to talk. He even talks in. Look,
41:53 let let's just look at this. OK, again, we're going go to
41:56 the book of Luke. Now there's 3 chapters that we're going to
41:59 cover later on this waymarks prophetic way more serious and
42:02 we can get Dakota come out here and join us to be great.
42:05 And in Luke we've got chapter. 21 and Matthew got chapter 24
42:10 in market Chapter 13. These are all prophetic chapters in Luke
42:15 Chapter. 21 notice what he says. He's talking about verse
42:19 8. Take he that no man deceive. You write you be not to see
42:23 verse 8 for many will come. My name's and I'm Christ and a
42:27 time draws near. Guess what time that is. Yeah, that's the
42:31 center point of time. That's the very time it's talked about
42:34 in the 70 props. Yes, a cop. It's drawing near people come
42:37 to its dry near the 7. It's it is still needed to make perfect
42:41 sense based off the fact that cross walks out of the temple.
42:44 And.
42:45 >> And Matthew, 23 haven't just Clinton having just, you know,
42:47 turn over the tables, became comes in. You've turned my
42:50 house into a den of thieves. He walks out. Your house is
42:53 left to you, desolate. And then it says the disciples came out.
42:56 Lord, look at the building, look at the building and Jesus
42:59 terms of says there's coming a time of year should not be one
43:01 stone left up on another and they knew that to be
43:03 destruction. They knew that to be talking about the temple in
43:06 Jerusalem and Jesus is right at the beginning portion of
43:09 Matthew. 24, as they were meeting privately as he's
43:12 giving them the it because they had ask him over the question
43:16 if you read the beginning, Matthew, 24, the question was,
43:18 tell us when these things shall be and that's and the signs of
43:22 the age to come and your return. And so the first
43:26 portion of Matthew, 24 to 21 is referring to Jerusalem,
43:30 Tristan, the destruction of drizzle that they wanted to
43:32 know what when is this going happened before? There's one
43:35 says do not lift up one another. And so if you read the
43:38 1st half,
43:39 >> half of the visit for a six-month twice, verse 6 of the
43:42 21. Yeah, it's going read that does it. And as for these
43:45 things, which you behold, the days will come in which there
43:47 shall not be left one stone upon this not be thrown down.
43:50 Yeah. The massive same mask for 7 which Elise things be what we
43:53 decided they'll come. And and and the things that skews me.
43:57 What sign will there be when these things to come the past
44:01 and verse 8 and he said take he that no man that you beat out
44:04 to sea for many will come in. My name's and I'm cries and the
44:06 time draws near. No, the time is now right. The time not join
44:10 near in the future, right? We're not putting this prophecy
44:12 into the future somewhere. And of course, these verses had
44:16 application of the structures. Some he also that question to
44:19 the end of time from the structures and in the end of
44:22 the world. So we have a perfect fulfillment of these verses
44:25 with the idea of the left behind series with the idea of
44:28 lifting the 7th row. You can put it into the future sent all
44:31 the time is is it had? No, the time is not at the time has
44:34 already been fulfilled, right? Yeah. That's what Luke 21 is
44:38 telling us that that's what Romans chapter 5 times. And I
44:40 think a lot of people miss this because the they don't read
44:44 those flows past those passengers to Bush after
44:47 leading up to
44:49 >> this. This great all of it discourse because if you read
44:52 this is this is the last week of Christ. This is his last
44:55 week of his life before you're going to be nailed to a cross
44:57 what Christ walks out of the temple in Matthew. 24, this is
45:00 just a few days prior to him being nailed to a cross.
45:03 And it's interesting that in Matthew 20 want to quit just
45:06 just to support what we're talking about here. Jesus gives
45:08 the series of parables and every single one of them is in
45:11 connection to pull for pointing out the fact that Israel as a
45:15 nation has been to the pro visionary time period, the
45:17 spoken of unmet, the air in the Daniel 9, but we studied about
45:21 and they refuse to receive Christ as Messiah. Live
45:24 completely missed the point of which in the latter part of the
45:27 few. 21 notice what he says here to the leaders of Israel.
45:30 This is verse 42 and Jesus says to them, have you never read
45:33 the scriptures? The stone, which the builders rejected has
45:36 become the chief cornerstone. This was the lord's doing it is
45:39 marvelous in our eyes. And so he's basically saying to the
45:41 leaders of Israel, if you don't read your registry chers and
45:44 have you not do not know what's going on right now and then in
45:47 verse, 43 says, therefore, city to the kingdom of God will be
45:49 taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits
45:52 thereof while they'll Matthew. 21 Matthew, 22 Matthew 23,
45:56 he's just nailing this downhill and this down with the leaders
45:59 of Israel. You have rejected me. You have rejected me.
46:01 You have rejected me which leads to the letter for letter
46:04 versus of Matthew. 23, which you have called it a few times
46:07 where he says Jerusalem, a Jerusalem, the one who kills
46:09 the profits and stones, those who are sent to her, how often
46:12 do want to get the was children as a as a as a hint, gathers
46:16 her chicks on her wings. But you were not willing
46:18 versed. 38, see your house is left to you. That's what
46:22 desolate. So the result of them rejecting Christ did not
46:27 bringing him in an usher in him in and we've been receiving him
46:31 as the probation 800 given to them was specified that they
46:35 were to do. The result of that was the distillation of
46:38 Jerusalem that came on the wing of abomination as the Bible
46:42 says.
46:43 >> Of course, we know this to be the 70 80 destruction of
46:45 Drews. And with the 70 we process the ends, of course,
46:48 an 80 34 right now. We know this because in acts chapter 7,
46:52 we have Steven being s*****, right? And what we see here
46:55 leading up to the stony of Stephen because we're hitting
46:58 the year. We need to 34 thing what you know, what
47:00 significantly happen, 80 34. Well, what happens is Stephen
47:04 recounts the entire history of this real
47:08 and how stiff neck they are and how they continue to check it.
47:11 What you see here is the same thing that Daniel does when
47:13 that meeting many to flee. A Farsi is written on the on
47:16 the wall here than you goes in before. Bill. She has a new
47:18 council. Hey, yours. Your father got gave in the kingdom
47:21 of God. Did this guy did and you haven't believed. Behold
47:24 your house that I need s let me need to clean up our son and
47:27 you see the same thing in the book of Revelation. In
47:30 Revelation Chapter 12, we begin the last prophetic cycle of the
47:33 4 cycles revelation that churches, the SEALs, the
47:36 trumpets and then the 7 last plagues that prophetic cycle
47:39 that closes probation with the train. Just messages that
47:42 battle on falls at the place come the judges come all that
47:45 revelation. 15 16 said it begins with the revelation 12
47:48 to 14 and was caught doing. Now he summarized in the
47:51 history of the great controversy. He starts with the
47:54 woman. He points out that the child that's born caught up to
47:57 God. That's the birth of Jesus Christ that he goes back to the
48:00 Ward haven't describes where since started how this all took
48:03 place to begin with. And he goes to the woman in the
48:05 wilderness. Publisher of the woman be persecuted by the fees
48:08 comes out by the sea gives that whole history. And this beast,
48:10 of course, connected to that meeting. He goes through the
48:12 whole industry that he moves into the final crisis and then
48:15 talks about the 3 angels messages and it closes up.
48:19 Gration closest probation closes here, 80, 34 with Steven
48:22 Recount of all that history. Probation closes the Bell
48:24 Shazzar counting the history of Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.
48:27 Information closes again. Revelation Revelation 12,
48:30 13, 14. We counting the whole history of the great
48:32 controversy and the final message and then boom, you have
48:35 the 7 last plagues. So we see the same pattern, 12 place
48:38 right here with a closer probation for the nation,
48:41 not for individuals. Now, Paul says, hey, there's still
48:44 there's still rhyme. I'm part of the remnant. I'm not there,
48:47 Jen. There's the watch of Jews that believe and accept
48:51 messiah. Thousands of priests believe and accept the message
48:55 of the messiah. As we see the apostles preachy, Jesus Christ
48:58 and the and the spirit be poured out upon them and the
49:01 defendant cost.
49:03 >> I love that. I love that. We see that even in even with
49:07 even in acts chapter 9. So X 7, Stephen, a s*****, even the
49:12 close of the people who are starting related, the feet of
49:14 young men name Saul Saul in Chapter 8 is out persecuting
49:19 Christians than in Chapter 9. He's on his way to Damascus.
49:23 He has experience with his blinded cast down. He has this
49:27 interesting interesting exchange with
49:31 what with someone he calls Lord. Yes, Lord. And of course,
49:34 what did Jesus say to him as a result of him revealing
49:37 himself? You've been you've been kicking against the gold.
49:39 You've been.
49:41 >> You've been working against me, Paul, come on, get on
49:42 board, brother. And he's converted at the moment.
49:44 Whoa. And so now we're yes. What what do I do notice here
49:48 in Verse 11 of ex Chapter 9. So the Lord said to him a rise
49:52 in go to the street called straight and the choir of the
49:55 House of Judah, son. Actually, let's go down the first 15.
49:58 This is where I was trying to go. There's 15, but the Lord
50:00 said to him go for. He is a chosen vessel of mine to bear
50:03 my name before gentiles and teens in the ears. I love this
50:06 last part and the children of Israel then got give up on the
50:10 children of Israel. Let's clarify that for just a moment
50:12 because I know there's probably someone at home right now,
50:14 Pastor repartee that say all these guys are just teaching a
50:17 replacement theology and our God just let the children of
50:21 Israel going. He doesn't care about them anymore. No doubt
50:23 very much cares and still cares about the children of Israel as
50:27 a nation. They rejected him as a nation.
50:31 They fell into desolation on the wing on the wing of a bomb,
50:34 a nations
50:35 as a nation. They were no longer God's special chosen
50:40 priesthood, his special champions of the world as he
50:43 intended for them to be back next. 19 years with the code
50:46 brought us earlier. Exodus. It skews me not not expat
50:50 Exodus 19, but what we're seeing here is gonna simply
50:53 saying, as and we just read in Matthew, 21, where Jesus as the
50:57 storm, which voters rejected to become the chief cornerstone.
51:00 And this is marvelous in our eyes. And what does he say?
51:02 He says to them, he says, but but I'm I'm going to take the
51:06 gospel of the kingdom should be taken from you and given to a
51:08 nation bearing the fruits thereof. What does that nation
51:11 or any nation anyone now as we see their glaciers chapter 3,
51:15 anyone who is in Christ to whom even though you may not be a
51:18 blood, you anyone who accepts Christ, anyone who was in
51:22 Christ is now able to see of the seat of a brick oven.
51:26 Heirs. According to the prom, Jesus opens it up to the world.
51:29 And so does he leave out Israel of the people? It is another
51:33 one in Israel who accepts Christ and is now still grafted
51:36 into that special chosen priesthood because it says
51:39 right there in verse 15, it says. But Monday before the
51:42 Gentiles Kings in the children of Israel will make that very
51:45 clear. Even sat quietly have any thoughts, bro. I just been
51:49 listening. You guys. Haha.
51:52 >> You know, I honestly I'm not used to studying it from the
51:55 New Testament. My passion is approaching it from the Old
51:57 Testament, right coming into the New Testament. But it's
52:01 I've been listening and learning and seeing this in
52:03 this way of of of showing how we can prove all this from the
52:07 New Testament first and then tracking back because we've got
52:10 some of our our friends and and and Christianity in Christendom
52:13 that will say that. Well, I'm not an Old Testament Christian.
52:15 I'm only a New Testament doing that actually helps and a lot
52:19 of ways. So I just kind of been soaking this up. But, you know,
52:22 I think what I what I really get through all of this is that
52:26 we serve a merciful and a loving God
52:29 who is very long suffering to 2 Oz is the Bible says that he's
52:32 not willing that any should perish, but that all should
52:33 come to repentance. That's right. And he's wanting us to
52:36 see him. He's wanting us to accept him. He's wanting us to
52:40 see that salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. And but I
52:44 want to point backed to an old testament passage for a moment.
52:47 This is one that really stuck out to me because there's some
52:49 people out there this probably wondering in a white,
52:52 you know, why did this all have to happen for his role in
52:55 talking about Israel's rebellion? But I just want to
52:57 highlight this. This versus is in Second chronicles. 36 for
53:00 says 14 to 16.
53:02 It says more overall, the chief of the priests in the people
53:04 transgress very much after all, the abominations of the heathen
53:07 and polluted, the house of the Lord, which he had held in
53:10 Jerusalem. Now we talk about the sanctuary, right? God is
53:12 trying to restore the sanctuary message and his people that was
53:15 supposed to bring about the truthful central message was
53:18 polluting his own hands
53:20 and he says
53:21 and the lord God of their father sent to them by his
53:24 messengers rising of the times and sending because you have
53:27 compassion as people not as dwelling place, but they mock
53:30 the messengers of God, despised his words, misused his profits
53:33 and to the wrath of the Lord rose against his people.
53:36 And then here's the look that the thing that just jumps out
53:38 to me
53:39 till there was no remedy.
53:41 Wow, that is a that's a lie. Can if you think about that,
53:44 like,
53:46 you know, I'm not a parent. I know. James, you said you've
53:48 had children out on the runway walk. We're children less right
53:51 now. But who knows alert might have a plan in the future for
53:54 that. But
53:55 Tiller is no remedy. I know it speaking to parents and
53:59 counseling the parents of talking to different people who
54:01 have children their desires for their children
54:05 to have the best of everything. Yes, to to experience the
54:08 fullness of life checked them. Yeah, I love them to protect
54:11 them to love them. But there comes a time where where some
54:13 of us have those hard children we don't know to do is, you
54:16 know, and sometimes the hardest thing for you to do the parents
54:19 to say that,
54:21 you know, I'm just going to have to let my kid lay in the
54:23 bed that they have because there's no remedy other than
54:27 the prodigal son situation. You know, you have to let them
54:30 acknowledge the fact that they're with the pigs, right.
54:33 And they had so much better when they were with that.
54:35 And you know, and and that's that's really sad. But as I
54:39 look towards the future, the New Testament,
54:42 we see Jesus say something or actually says, Peter, that come
54:45 to Jesus is in Matthew Chapter 18 and a pickup in verse.
54:48 21 Matthew 18. 21 then came Peter him and said Lord Howe
54:52 off show my brother sent against me and I forgive him
54:56 till 7 times and Jesus Saith unto him.
54:59 I say not into the until 7 times but until 70 times 7.
55:04 I love that. Now what? 70 times, 7, 4, 109 years. Yes,
55:09 that's really profound because it's what is that all about?
55:12 It's about the character of God is not to say, listen light.
55:15 He's long. So there is a limit. There is a limit to judgment
55:19 eventually has to happen. But 70 times 7 is a long time
55:23 limit is wind chill is no remedy is asked to limit the
55:26 exact times and there is no limit until there's no remedy.
55:29 And only God knows that only God knows only God knows,
55:31 but that's that's profound that this this whole passage that
55:34 we've been studying this 71 prophecy points to the love and
55:38 forgiveness and the long suffering and the beautiful
55:41 character of Jesus. And at the end of the day, when I look at
55:44 this story and say why would we accept Christ in the right?
55:47 Really? That's powerful. So yeah. Such a powerful point.
55:50 Thank you for sharing that pastor. Yeah.
55:51 >> But traffic we've got about 45 seconds or so here before we
55:55 start sending things off, what would you when your final
55:57 thought here? Well, you know, Paul talks about that nation of
56:00 Israel in Romans Chapter 11. Just want to read that chapter.
56:03 You know, he talks about, I say, has got castoff cast ways.
56:07 People got for that. I'm an Israelite of the scene of a
56:09 friend of the tribe. Benjamin Cars not cast was people chief
56:12 or new.
56:13 And so we need to recognize that God is in earnest with
56:16 every single person shoot gentile, a Muslim, atheist.
56:20 Whoever it is, God is after our hearts. God loves us. And Jesus
56:24 crisis made the ultimate sacrifice for sins or
56:27 transgressions in our iniquities. He's brought an
56:29 everlasting righteousness. And the only thing God is
56:31 asking us to do is not asking us to do anything parcels
56:33 apart, which traps and and try to, you know, haven't he's
56:37 asking us to simply accept the gift that Jesus Christ was
56:40 given to us in his life and in his death, he stepped in to our
56:44 place. He's taken our punishment as us for us and he
56:49 wants us to accept that gift and have everlasting Life.
56:52 And thank you, Pastor Ft. Thank you to go to and thank
56:55 you. My friends at home for joining us is such a blessing
56:57 to study with you. Remember, Jesus was cut off, not for
57:00 himself.
57:02 >> Get your packages
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Revised 2023-10-03