3ABN Today Live

Children's Evangelism with One Mustard Seed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230020A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to.
00:10 [MUSIC]
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:21 >> Me, too.
00:26 >> Too
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:33 2.
00:37 And
00:42 and
00:44 [MUSIC]
00:47 I want to stand
00:48 [MUSIC]
00:52 2.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:05 [MUSIC]
01:07 >> Hello, I'm Jill Morricone. I just want to welcome you to
01:10 our Thursday night live program. That's right. We're
01:13 coming to you live from our studios here in Southern
01:16 Illinois. And I am delighted about tonight's program.
01:19 If you're young person, this program is for you. If you are
01:23 a parent, this program is for you or maybe and Antti like I
01:28 am this programs for you. If you're a grandparent,
01:31 this program is for you. We have in my opinion, I'm one
01:37 of maybe best most extraordinary people in the
01:43 world dealing with young people and that is rich angular.
01:46 Before we introduce an I'm going to use my co-host,
01:50 she's not sitting next to me. We decided to just kind of
01:53 balance ourselves out around the table. But Francine,
01:56 our general manager here for 3 being kids network is
01:59 co-hosting, even though we're a little ways away. So glad
02:02 you're here tonight. Thank you. I'm delighted to be here,
02:04 especially who a guest as and I can't wait to hear what he has
02:09 to say for this evening. So light. And that's right.
02:12 Rich angular is president of one mustard seed and rich.
02:16 It is a privilege to have you here with us tonight. We'd love
02:20 to here you share. You are creative and gifted and have
02:25 amazing television programs and ideas. So I'm excited about
02:28 tonight.
02:29 >> Thank you very much. I appreciate you guys having me
02:31 on again. It's great to be back every single time we come back
02:33 to it seems like we have a great time talking about how we
02:36 can minister to the kids.
02:38 >> Yeah. Speaking of that wine before we go to the music and
02:42 all that stuff, why did you become involved in kids
02:45 Ministry?
02:46 >> You know, when when I first was coming out of college,
02:50 I was kind of figure out what can I do? What creative thing
02:53 could I do? And that's why I got into architecture
02:55 originally and turns out that when I was practicing as an
02:59 architect for those years, I was not getting the creative
03:02 thrills, but I was hoping that I would get. So then I just got
03:07 really active at church because I found out that serving
03:10 children's ministries youth ministries. You can really pour
03:13 on the creativity. And that's really what needs to be done
03:16 for kids to engage. So it just kind of almost became exciting,
03:19 addicting dislikes, you know, being creative and pouring it
03:22 all into serving on through children's ministry. And then
03:26 it just snowballed. And here we are 30 years later, some other
03:30 number that we pay price and talk about 30 years since
03:34 you've been working with kids. Well, yeah, I think so. It's
03:38 probably a little over 30 years. I've been the Sabbath
03:40 school teacher for 30 something years nonstop for kids. I've
03:45 never been to an adult Sunday school class. Nice. Really.
03:47 This roof have literally been teaching kids at school classes
03:50 now for 30 years in a row. And I love it. And that's where
03:54 I feel like God has called me. And that's where I need to
03:55 serve. Yeah, excitement and energy is contagious for
03:59 everyone to see. So.
04:01 >> Yes, every time I see you with the kids here, you just
04:03 light up though. We appreciate that about you. Appreciate
04:06 that. Yeah, absolutely. The kids love you. I know the kids
04:10 love the programs and I'm not a kid. Maybe I'm a kid at heart,
04:13 but I'm in my office at 3 D and I was telling them just before
04:16 the program, there's like 9 television because we have 9
04:19 television networks and they're all up there on the television
04:22 in my office. And every time you come on, I'm like haha,
04:26 I got to see the program for what's happening. So it's
04:28 exciting in why is it important to do Ministry?
04:32 >> For children? Why does that matter? You know, we often
04:36 lumped kids into this category of like we're waiting for them
04:39 to grow up. And if we kind of treat them, as you know,
04:42 in the wings, waiting for them to become a model to productive
04:45 whatever. And we don't minister them by the time to grow up to
04:48 con you, we have to connect with them while they're young,
04:52 we have to instill all these concepts and ideas while
04:55 they're young, get them convicted before they're 12,
04:57 13,
04:59 because if they're not then by the time they're that age,
05:01 they've really already made a decision. And the decision kind
05:04 of goes into effect by the time they are 18 or 20. But if if,
05:08 if they're not locked in by 12, 13 or so, and it says it's a
05:12 scary statistic, many of them leave the church. So that's why
05:15 I decided I want to put my effort here because this is the
05:19 future and the president of the church as well because they
05:22 bring so much excitement and energy into any setting having,
05:26 you know, kids involved. So.
05:28 >> And I like how you get the kids involved helping the kids
05:32 if that makes sense. Yeah, I've seen you do that as well and at
05:35 pioneer.
05:37 >> Yeah. So you get you get one kid involved and then the next
05:39 one wants to be involved in it. Kind of, you know, snowballs on
05:42 you say it is a great way of getting kids engage, you know,
05:46 the culture now it is has become so much worse. Just like
05:48 just watch. Got to be more in that. You've got to get them
05:51 engaged to got to be involved. You got to interact so anything
05:54 that we can do along those lines. It is important which,
05:57 of course, becomes harder as you get into media because
05:59 media so watching only are listening only so you really
06:03 got up on the creativity to figure out ways to engage them
06:06 and get them to interact.
06:07 >> And you don't want to lose them by the time they're
06:08 teenagers, because if you can get them involved while they're
06:12 young and then hopefully when they're teenagers and they can
06:16 help with the media effect of things, too. So yeah, and then
06:19 we take the teenagers and have them.
06:22 >> Help out in children's ministries, which is what we
06:23 see different years and our children's church. It was the
06:26 teenagers doing the children's Church for the children.
06:29 That was a really nice combination.
06:31 >> That's really powerful. Tonight is all things children.
06:33 It's about creativity. It's about using the head in your
06:37 own home, with your family, with your kids in your church,
06:40 in your community. It's about evangelism for young people.
06:44 It's about connecting with Jesus, which is the most
06:47 important thing we can ever do with our young people. So we
06:51 have some brand new initiatives that Rich is launching. We're
06:55 going to see tonight a trailer this will be toward the end of
06:57 the program of a new movie that is coming out. He's going to
07:01 talk to us about that. We're going to talk about some
07:05 children, Sabha school programs that launches tomorrow on 3
07:09 games to kids network some books podcast, some exciting
07:13 dinosaur adventures in many things that Rich is involved
07:17 with win with one mustard seed. But first, I just want to
07:20 remind you, this is a live program. So we want to take
07:23 your questions as well. Maybe you are a child and you have
07:26 questions or your middle aged or a grandparent. And you have
07:31 questions about young people are children's ministry.
07:33 You can you know you questions to live L I V E at 3ABN DOT TV.
07:39 That's live. I ve at 3ABN DOT TV or you can pick up your
07:43 phone and you can text us your questions at 618-228-3975,
07:51 that 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5. Before we go any further,
07:57 let's go to the Lord in prayer. Ask his anointing over the
07:59 program. And then Francine O have you introduce our music
08:04 for tonight? But Mitch, what you pay for it? Absolutely.
08:07 >> Dear Lord, we just feel so thankful that you've asked us
08:11 to take care of the children to point them to you and to guide
08:14 them to you, Lord. So we just ask for your help and empower
08:18 us. Give us the ideas, the passion, the creativity,
08:21 to be able to find ways to connect with them in favor of
08:26 guiding them to your feet. Are bless us as we talked today
08:29 about the ideas and things that we can do for your children in
08:33 Jesus name, Amen.
08:37 >> So the song for tonight is I know who holds tomorrow and
08:41 it's an by Kim Parton and Allison Sphere.
08:44 [MUSIC]
08:49 [MUSIC]
08:55 >> I'm about to room.
09:03 >> I just need to you from.
09:07 [MUSIC]
09:12 [MUSIC]
09:15 It's for its guy. Is me too.
09:23 >> And the courage to come.
09:27 >> Real or
09:31 >> the future.
09:34 >> School or I know.
09:38 >> She is say yeah.
09:43 [MUSIC]
09:46 >> Beside school or he know what he is too.
09:57 [MUSIC]
10:05 >> I'll say.
10:07 [MUSIC]
10:10 >> Stan.
10:13 [MUSIC]
10:18 [MUSIC]
10:23 [MUSIC]
10:24 [MUSIC]
10:29 [MUSIC]
10:32 >> I don't know
10:35 about 2 mall room.
10:39 >> You may be.
10:44 >> It.
10:51 >> It's this to is the water.
10:57 >> Who stands by needing?
11:02 >> And the.
11:05 >> That be my for Showtime.
11:08 >> Maybe through.
11:10 [MUSIC]
11:15 [MUSIC]
11:20 >> Space for me to and I'm over by his the.
11:31 >> You need to be.
11:35 >> I love.
11:39 >> I'll see to
11:46 [MUSIC]
11:58 >> 2 balls,
11:59 [MUSIC]
12:04 [MUSIC]
12:07 2 mall room.
12:10 [MUSIC]
12:15 [MUSIC]
12:18 [MUSIC]
12:23 [MUSIC]
12:25 >> And no one's.
12:28 [MUSIC]
12:33 [MUSIC]
12:35 >> Amen. Thank you so much, Tim. Part in Dallas and spare.
12:38 I know who holds my hand and I know who holds tomorrow.
12:42 What an incredible blessing. We're talking tonight with Rich
12:46 Aguilar, a on Francine and I are talking with rich angular,
12:50 a president of one mustard seed, which is all about kids
12:54 ministry. So first of all,
12:56 I just want to ask why you wear that hat and how long you've
13:01 been wearing that.
13:02 >> I haven't taken it off now. And how many years? Who know?
13:06 A lot of people think that I I put on this when I started
13:09 doing ministry. But I've literally been wearing these
13:11 hats for 25 years. It was just the hat that I liked of driven
13:17 my old beat-up jeep for 25 years. And that's just kind of
13:21 who I was.
13:22 So when I started this ministry angle, it's not that I created
13:26 some characters, something that is just kind of who I am.
13:28 I love to be outside since I don't have a whole lot of hair.
13:32 I didn't need to cover. I also don't get fried everywhere I
13:36 went. So, you know, I was thinking of a hat and here's
13:39 just bonus trivia. I was like, OK, new wide brim wide brim.
13:43 Yeah, I need something that doesn't like cover me too much.
13:46 So I like the fold up thing and then I have this thing, which
13:49 is my little straps whenever I'm in a windy location or,
13:53 you know, coming down the mountain or something like
13:55 that, I can put it under my chin and will fly off.
13:58 So, you know, it's a combination of all these things
14:00 that I picked this. This happened 25 years ago. And
14:03 that's a it's just been the same hat, not the exact same.
14:06 That's what have before. I mean, you need and I think a
14:10 hat lifespan is maybe now 8 years may go out. Had we were
14:20 in Cuba.
14:21 And so I took it off or something. And one of the
14:23 ladies are we're on a mission trip and one of the ladies like
14:26 you're at dirty
14:28 and sees a lot of cleanup for. And so she took it for a day
14:31 which you can give it back. It was so clean that she
14:34 literally shred it own because there was some cleaning it on
14:37 like Stone this. Here's your had a player like what's left
14:42 of your head that you knew hat, it does build character.
14:47 And at Wright has the story happening around the heads of
14:51 in or out of love that. So tell us about Cuba. Before we jump
14:54 into what we're talking about tonight to tell us about Cuba,
14:56 what you do need human. Yeah. So Anderson had a me had gone
14:59 on a mission trip. And I I was asked to be one of the
15:01 chaperones. And since I've been to Cuba several times, my wife
15:03 is Cuban. My mamas Cubans. So they said they may be great
15:07 to bring rental on.
15:08 I could interpret I can kind of lead one of the groups. And so
15:11 we spent a couple weeks working in Cuba on the in the city of
15:15 14.
15:16 >> That s****. I so how many languages do you speak? I speak
15:19 3 languages, OK? I also speak Spanish and French. Wow.
15:23 That's pretty impressive. Ha. How's my family, too?
15:27 >> Yeah. So my wife event. Why said of Cuban descent?
15:30 And then I have 2 boys that are now in college. You're
15:33 attending Andrews University and I'm excited for them
15:36 because next year they're going to go study in France and learn
15:38 a 3rd language. So good on them that 6 IAEA.
15:42 >> And tell us your ministry takes you really globally
15:44 travel all over the world. So tell us about some of the
15:47 places you've been.
15:48 >> Some of those traits. Yeah. So it does require a lot
15:51 of travel because we decided from the beginning that we
15:54 really wanted to be a global ministry, not just focus on one
15:57 spot or in one language, even so that's taking needed to
16:01 travel quite a bit as I do events. But also a lot of our
16:04 travel has to do with filming. You know, as one of the things
16:07 I love to do in our filming is to shoot on location.
16:11 And I love to talk to kids about adventure and nature.
16:13 And we've got to see all these places and experience them.
16:16 So, you know, I was blessed from an early age to travel a
16:19 lot. And I was kind of keenly aware that a lot of kids just
16:23 don't get the opportunity to travel to all these places also
16:25 commit. Could I bring them
16:27 to these places with no. So my shooting style has always
16:31 been like you're right there with me. I want to go climb
16:34 this thing. We're going to see this thing. We're doing it
16:36 together. It's not just me talking, you know, whatever.
16:39 So because of that. And because I thought it was great to show
16:42 the says all these places, this waterfall, this mountain,
16:45 this glacier, whatever it is, that's also brought along part
16:49 of the traveling as well. And of course, trying to
16:51 capture that on camera so that I can share that
16:55 here on 3 men.
16:56 >> It makes it come alive and it gives a picture because like
17:00 we've heard pictures 1000 words. So you doing it on
17:04 location, makes it really real and imagining what it is like.
17:08 Yeah.
17:09 >> And it's kind of funny because I've had kids can walk
17:10 up to me is like
17:11 do you do all that on the screen? Haha. I was really
17:20 impressed when he was snowboarding down a Mount Hood
17:23 was yeah. With plenty wipe out my 4 sons.
17:27 >> Have a hard time. Just downhill skiing. I can imagine
17:31 like filming in still trying to snow like that.
17:34 >> I mean, the good thing about the these adventures in these
17:36 plays they go, you're going to get some bumps and scratches
17:38 along the way. But that's all part of that. And that shows
17:42 that you're human. You fall down, you make mistakes and you
17:44 get up and keep going.
17:46 >> I absolutely so let's talk about Kids Bible Zone, which is
17:50 your savage school lesson for kids. And this launches
17:54 tomorrow on are feeding kids network. But first of all,
17:57 walk us through what departments about.
17:59 >> Yes, so basically obviously on Sabbath, there's different
18:03 classes. And so we've created a show and that's been running
18:08 about 3 years tomorrow. We launch here on 3 Indians kids
18:10 network. But the whole point is that it's a way to prepare our
18:14 kids with that weeks. 7 school lesson, a review of the lesson.
18:19 So we're specifically focusing on the primary lesson, which is
18:22 one age group, which would be 06:00AM to 09:00AM. Yep,
18:25 69. So they have their lesson, which they get every week.
18:27 So we basically produce a brand new show every weekend, kind of
18:32 funny because I've been asked by people is like so how long
18:35 their season, you know, because a lot of show those 13 of those
18:38 like I'd like to talk about 50 10 seasons or so the yeah.
18:44 And then guess what, next year we do it over again. A lot of
18:48 Yahoo work and we've done think we're like around 160 episodes.
18:53 So we're just really excited that we get the opportunity now
18:55 to share that here and that kids can come into the Sabbath.
19:00 And, you know, highlighting a hopefully they've been
19:02 following the lesson throughout the week. But now it's kind of
19:04 like the cherry on top where they get that just really dive
19:08 into a fun show that features and highlights.
19:10 >> All the things that they they learned in that week's
19:12 lesson. Yes, what we have a teaser for that. Let's take a
19:15 look at that and then we'll talk more about it.
19:18 >> Hello, everyone. And welcome to the show today. We're
19:21 checking out the primary 7 school lesson for 6/3/2023
19:26 ready to get in the zone. Let's go.
19:29 [MUSIC]
19:34 [MUSIC]
19:39 >> I'm like, of course, we should probably check and see
19:41 where that is our map. Let's go to the mat.
19:45 Here's what he is and why do babies come?
19:49 [MUSIC]
19:51 >> Right now I'm in Vilnius. Lithuania. Couple are playing
19:56 [MUSIC]
19:58 the cool thing about this glacier exit glacier here in
20:01 Alaska.
20:03 Sure feel protected when they're in here.
20:07 These are happy game. Well, we have made it here too. And car
20:11 wash in Cambodia. Just to think that somebody is that live
20:15 there. Go to question number.
20:17 >> Hello and welcome to break it down. You are on the air
20:20 [MUSIC]
20:22 because people die with the region and taken up to heaven.
20:25 >> Something make something got made. Super zoom it.
20:30 >> By over hers and I very important rises. So.
20:34 >> Let's all repeat it together. Look, he is coming
20:38 with the clouds. It's time to be amazed by our creator God.
20:43 We'll see you next time.
20:44 [MUSIC]
20:49 [MUSIC]
20:54 >> Wow, I want to go back to primary. Look at all the places
20:59 you go and how you bring that in the questions and
21:02 how long does it take to foment a person?
21:05 >> Well, a lot of different pieces. Yeah, and of course,
21:07 there's the a couple of the segments in each episode which
21:10 we shoot on location. So in that particular episode,
21:12 which is the one for this coming 7th and we shot in
21:16 Lithuania and so well on that particular trip will obviously
21:19 shoot a whole bunch. So upcoming episodes feature,
21:22 Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Finland. So each week as we go,
21:27 you know, will feature each one of these locations. And then,
21:30 of course, by the time we travel around again, we're
21:33 going to be shooting some in Hawaii here soon. So as I
21:37 travel, I try to capture all these places that we can
21:40 feature in our lessons.
21:43 >> That's good teaching points for sure. Yeah. So if you ever
21:46 interest Ed at Central Time, this is at 7.30, Friday
21:50 evenings and then on Saturday and at 11:00AM in the morning.
21:53 So that's the central time. But so hopefully you can find
21:57 these
21:59 kids, Bible sons.
22:00 >> So it launches tomorrow night 07:30PM, Central,
22:03 correct? You can watch right here. Not right here because
22:06 this is parent network and but you can watch the 3 D A V and
22:09 kids that work at 7.30 tomorrow night or you said was an
22:13 11:00AM. that morning? That's exciting.
22:16 >> That we get ready for their lesson. Of course, the cool
22:20 thing is that since these alleged church lessons that
22:22 they're preparing for, so it's it's pretty comprehensive.
22:24 And it goes through a four-year sequence for the primaries.
22:27 So they cover quite a bit of material. And it's it's pretty
22:30 exciting going week by week and making sure we don't miss a
22:33 single one of the topics in episodes that they they talk
22:35 about.
22:36 >> Absolutely. So all of this is available as well. Your
22:38 website is all right. All the details for that one. Yeah,
22:41 this is C dot.
22:42 >> Almost see. The up is our main Web site. And of course,
22:46 we run several different ministries, which we'll be
22:48 talking about tonight. But from there, you can definitely link
22:50 up to all the other various Web sites of the Kids. Bible Zone
22:54 has its own website as well. So you can go right there.
22:57 And that's where we can interact because if you saw the
23:00 little trailer, there's moments where kids can participate.
23:03 They send in the little welcome and they send in the little
23:05 brain teasers or different activities. So the website is
23:09 where we interact with them for the show. A lot of can get
23:12 involved. That special like we were talking about earlier,
23:15 got to get them involved. It can be a one-way street.
23:17 We have to figure out how to create an engagement because
23:20 then now we have a chance to teach them.
23:21 >> Yes, absolutely. We want you to be involved tonight as well.
23:24 You can send in your questions for rich. He can be on the hot
23:27 seat here tonight or maybe of prayer needs for your young
23:31 people or grandkids or maybe your young person just seeking
23:35 prayer seeking God's direction in your life. You can text us
23:40 your questions. Pick up your cell phone. And Texas is
23:43 618-228-3975, at 618-228-3975. Or you can email us Life L I V
23:52 E at 3ABN DOT TV and we would love to interact with you and
23:57 hear from you. So I noticed sums up what was the guy's name
24:00 was? And so what was his name on that? Obama ends up on.
24:03 And so they're on every segment. Is that right? That's
24:07 right.
24:08 >> So their job in the episode is a, you know, this talk show
24:11 thing. But they've heard the Bible story that's featured in
24:14 this that particular weeks, a lesson. And so their job is to
24:18 break it down. So they react and they taken calls and they
24:21 just kind of have a fund breaking down the story.
24:24 And, of course, you know, once you watch an episode, you'll
24:26 probably see that humor is a key part of that because humor
24:30 is a wonderful tool for engaging kids. So we get to be
24:33 humorous. We get to be silly. And and that's one of the
24:36 segments that we we get to do both of us.
24:38 >> They get to remember these questions and comments tonight.
24:42 I find out that sometimes the kids repeat some of those
24:44 saying aha, had kids walk up the man, you know,
24:49 >> years later and they'll tell me what I said in a video that
24:53 so how you say and what you saying. Very memorable. These
24:56 kids are just punches.
24:57 >> Yeah, absolutely. So since it's a four-year cycle, does
25:00 that mean another year? You have a complete cycle done and
25:03 then it starts or what's your what's your long-term goal?
25:06 Well, theoretically, that would be correct.
25:08 >> I'm the only thing is the church is preparing to launch a
25:11 new primary. Good material here and about a year and half.
25:16 Yeah. So that means all be having to start from scratch
25:19 again
25:20 with with the new curriculum that preparing why which is
25:23 okay because there's nothing wrong with improving and
25:25 bettering the material. So I'm I'm excited by making it
25:29 relevant. Yeah, exactly. And it's an opportunity to
25:31 freshen something up and you change it because
25:35 instead of just watching something that's 10 years old.
25:37 It's always way more exciting. If you can watch something
25:39 that's fresh of them. Yeah.
25:41 >> This is absolutely so. This just came in and thank you
25:43 so much for sending the sun. This is my kids just finished
25:46 watching the mysterious no, 30 minutes ago. It's one of their
25:49 favorite movie. So we're excited to see the new trailer.
25:52 We recently saw you a couple weeks ago at your dinosaur
25:56 encounter and Kalamazoo mice, an easy kill had a question for
25:59 you. He wanted to know how people and the Dinosaurs Co
26:03 existence. So this leads us into the second segment of the
26:06 show tonight, which is about you dinosaur encounters.
26:09 So this is easy kill wants to know 100 people in dinosaurs
26:13 coexist.
26:14 >> Yeah, it's a great question and it's a great topic. And the
26:17 reason why we even do this event, which we started
26:20 probably about 6 or 7 years ago touring the show was because
26:24 the kids had so many questions on this topic and also because
26:28 if you really think about it, that the dinosaur topic in
26:30 general is very one-sided on our planet. When most people
26:34 hear about dinosaurs, it is always pretty much one view the
26:37 millions of years ago. They evolved over millions of years
26:41 and that there is no god.
26:42 So these 3 things are just ingrained in the kids
26:45 everywhere they look because it's on TV movies, books,
26:48 school everywhere. It's this one-sided topic, which if you
26:52 really think about it and you interpret it's a direct attack
26:55 on God and the Bible. So we tend to tackle this topic,
27:00 which
27:01 unfortunately is not often
27:04 addressed enough and within the church setting,
27:07 leaving kids with questions, leaving kids with doubts.
27:10 And as you get more involved with children's ministries,
27:13 that is one of the most dangerous things you could
27:15 havoc and have doubts that fester questions that go
27:19 unanswered. Just huge problem. So I'm a firm believer that
27:23 even if we don't have every single answer, we've got to
27:26 bring it up. We've got to talk about you got to get out in the
27:28 open. Talk about what we do know and what we don't know.
27:32 And with the dinosaur topic, there's a lot we don't know.
27:34 But this event that we've been touring now for like 6 or 7
27:37 years we've done shows and probably about 120 cities over
27:42 5 or 6 countries
27:44 basically takes a 90 minute stage show and on packs.
27:48 A lot of the evidence that we see in the bible in nature and
27:51 history in nature and, you know, all these places,
27:55 literature and get us to come to an understanding of when
27:58 they live. And, you know, yes, how did they come by? You know
28:02 what happened to them? So we do unpack all these questions and
28:05 answers. Eagles question directly. One of the parts of
28:09 the show pretty much kind of gives us a strong clue of the
28:12 coexisting part, which is the belief that the flood happened.
28:17 It's usually prominent story in the Bible, right? And this
28:22 event that would have buried and flooded the whole world.
28:26 So buried all the creatures buried all of that plants and
28:29 animals. Why we see so many fossils why we see so many
28:31 things buried under the ground, including dinosaurs, which
28:35 takes us back to the basic concept that at least we would
28:38 know for sure that at the time of the flood dinosaurs would
28:42 have a life. Yeah, because not only them everything on the
28:45 planet buried in layers on the ground, whether like I said it
28:48 was animals, dinosaurs, birds, trees, plants, whatever.
28:52 It's all Barry neatly underground by some sort of
28:56 global water catastrophe. So just by doing a little bit
29:00 of math, we can see that a co exist. It would appear that at
29:03 least up till the moment of the flood they were going to sting.
29:06 >> I really like how you engage the young people and especially
29:12 you even make honors for like the the pathfinders, for
29:16 example, and I think adventures as well. But what I find
29:19 interesting is that it's also adults because sometimes I get
29:23 questions even on dinosaurs. And it's the doll said also
29:26 have questions. And if I think about it, even my my
29:29 grandparents, they grew up thinking dinosaurs didn't even
29:32 exist. And now we have all this, you know, new science and
29:36 science may change, but God's word never changes. And so we
29:40 know that we can
29:41 use the Bible as tests where the snow.
29:44 >> And of course, the next step is to then get the word out.
29:46 And that's part of the work that we try to do as a
29:48 ministry. How do we engage the kids on the topic? So that's
29:51 why we do the live shows. We have episodes on different
29:55 TV, no programs or whatever to address the topic. So the movie
30:01 which will be premiering the trailer for later also hints in
30:04 that direction. I don't talk about it yet, but also created
30:07 with that specific thing in mind is to help kids become
30:10 well versed at explaining something, especially when they
30:13 get Townsend public. So they need to be able to intelligent
30:16 and respond and be able to understand. And the interesting
30:20 thing about our events, sometimes we literally get 4
30:22 year-old 5 year-old where on and they're not going
30:25 understand every single tiny detail of what we're talking
30:28 about. But if I can just get them to understand 10% of 20%
30:32 of it, it's the beginning of being in, you know, involved
30:36 and, you know, knowledgeable on the topic so that they see
30:39 that. Yeah, we're talking about this. Yeah, there's evidence,
30:43 you know, in favor of the younger and God, the creator
30:46 that is real that, you know, push back against the
30:48 aleutians. All these concepts are important even from a very
30:51 young age.
30:52 >> Yeah, the vitally important. I wrote down something that you
30:55 talked about. I really liked about how it's important to
30:57 talk about doubt.
30:59 You know, so many times we think, oh, I shouldn't think
31:01 that or I should question that. And I think then did you grow?
31:04 They fester as you talked about this and getting in the open
31:07 and being able to explore. So that's really healthy.
31:10 >> Yeah, that's that's necessary. So, you know,
31:13 I'd like to encourage the parents. If you get an
31:14 opportunity to talk to your kids about something that they
31:17 just need information on instead of trying to sweep it
31:20 under the carpet, it's important to just, you know,
31:22 bring it out in the open. If you don't know the answer to
31:24 every single thing. That's OK.
31:26 >> That game. But you're talking about it. You don't
31:27 want kids to feel like they can't ask a question that that
31:32 could do more and more damage anything. And, you know,
31:35 I'm so thankful that my daughter will ask me any
31:37 question is like no question should be buried in it. We
31:41 can't answer that question. It's being honest and say,
31:43 I honestly, I don't know. But I'll help you look for it
31:47 to light like let's look up the ante to gathers, though.
31:50 I like that.
31:51 >> Yeah, that mind frame. So we're going we're going
31:54 continue touring. Yeah. Talk about the upcoming Tory one was
31:57 right about that.
31:58 >> So it's interesting because we've done the show on the West
32:01 Coast, but we've done what I call the flying version,
32:05 which it's enough year that we can put on an airplane and they
32:08 do shows there. But in reality, the full-blown version of the
32:12 show takes a whole trailer that we have to bring that I can say
32:17 here.
32:18 >> Haha.
32:23 >> But the idea is to finally bring the full version of the
32:26 of the show to the West Coast, which I've never done before.
32:29 Wow, it was at the drive out there, which means that the
32:31 whole trailer. So we are currently working with about 8
32:35 or 9 different conferences over there to bring the show to
32:38 about 30 different cities fall. So we've got a big tour lined
32:42 up. So if you're anywhere from like Salt Lake City to Boise,
32:46 to Seattle, all the way down to La California, Oregon and
32:50 California, Oregon, and even into Arizona. And I think we're
32:54 finishing up in New Mexico in West Texas. Oh, it's a big C
32:59 has a big tour is a big tour. So we hope to be able to help a
33:03 lot of kids get answers and adults as well. As you said,
33:06 a lot of adults are super curious about the topic as
33:08 well. Only been wondering literally for decades. So
33:10 hopefully we can bring some answers and some clarity and
33:13 bill faith that the end of the day that's really also want to
33:15 do is build face on that. Any time we get an opportunity
33:19 to reduce doubts, it's the equivalent of building fake.
33:23 >> So that one must ID C dot com is the good place for you
33:26 to actually see the schedules.
33:29 >> For these encounters up. So again, if you go to the main
33:32 website, you scroll down and you'll see are linked to the
33:34 dial encounter website. And once we have the dates from,
33:38 they'll be posted on there. They're not there right now
33:41 because we're still locking in the last 8 events. But soon I'd
33:45 say the next few weeks a detour will be officially set.
33:48 >> So this means you have a heads up, which is exciting.
33:50 So you go to one must earn C dot com and you check it every
33:53 week until the day that are launched and solidified.
33:57 And then, you know, there you have a trailer for this.
33:59 So let's take a look at that right now.
34:01 [MUSIC]
34:06 [MUSIC]
34:11 [MUSIC]
34:16 [MUSIC]
34:21 [MUSIC]
34:23 >> Join rich angular as we explore evidence from signs
34:27 nature history
34:28 [MUSIC]
34:31 happened to the dinosaurs. When did they
34:34 did? They really evolve over music?
34:36 What is the least?
34:38 [MUSIC]
34:43 [MUSIC]
34:45 >> I'd like to invite you and your family or to join us.
34:48 Biden based on the story of a as we ask questions and search
34:53 for the
34:55 and everyone gets 3 D glasses.
34:58 >> I hope to see you soon.
34:59 [MUSIC]
35:03 Well, I think we answer our question. I think you can see
35:06 that is solve them.
35:08 >> You still need to go to the show through the tahini because
35:13 the 3 D glasses obviously is for a portion of the event that
35:16 we have.
35:17 >> So we had him out of the beginning when kids in
35:18 everybody's coming in. But it's so funny because everybody is
35:21 wearing them at the beginning of this. So the first thing
35:23 that I got to say to you guys look great, but you don't have
35:26 to wear. Yeah. Haha. So excited to be there. They're so excited
35:30 that the we're doing something unique and special for kids.
35:33 And that's part of the goal of what we're trying to do is we
35:35 do want to communicate to the kids that
35:38 we love them, that the church loves them and that we're doing
35:40 special events for them and that we're helping them wrestle
35:42 with topics that normally they don't get enough answers with.
35:45 So we really go out of our way to make it to a pretty fun
35:49 event. As you can see, the trailer. Good tips.
35:52 >> I really like that for sure. And so you have a lot more
35:56 lined up after that after the West Coast.
35:59 >> Yes, so right now we are talking to a Texas for the
36:04 eastern half of Texas, which in Texas conference to do a
36:06 continuation of the tour which would now be early 2024 so
36:11 February Sun, a Texas, obviously is a big state.
36:15 So if you live in Texas coming out in about a year.
36:19 >> That's super exciting. So we just got a text. And
36:22 here's another question. Why didn't the dinosaurs go
36:25 into the Ark and be saved from the fund? We've talked about.
36:30 They probably coexisted right, right before the flood. But why
36:33 didn't they go in and why were they safe?
36:35 >> So am I telling them that you guys are going to come to
36:38 the event? That is for sure? You know, and this is the
36:44 definitely fits into one of those questions that we don't
36:47 fully no good if they were on the ark or not.
36:51 And there's a huge assumption within a lot of groups that
36:54 they were not on the arc.
36:56 And it stems from some of the allergy wise writings where she
36:59 writes about related topics. But if you actually explore the
37:03 passengers in detail in context and the entire couple of
37:08 paragraphs, it is not as clear as a lot of people think that
37:12 they definitely were not on the arc. I think it's generally
37:15 accepted that that people think it just wasn't on the arc.
37:17 But there are a lot of clues
37:20 that would imply that they possibly world the arc and
37:23 evidence that they would have lived after the flood, which if
37:27 they lived after the flood, that would imply they survived
37:30 on the ark somehow.
37:31 So again, nothing yea or nay 100% black and white answers.
37:36 But we do talk about it. That is one of the points that
37:38 we do talk about in the show and explore the different
37:41 angles and possibilities and the what ifs of that question.
37:44 And I always tell when the show is like, you know, I got my
37:47 list of questions that I asked God.
37:49 >> That's like says when the time is a.
37:54 >> Yeah. And see science might change. You know, again,
37:57 how views of what happens. But again, God's word never
38:00 changes. So I'm so thankful that you're willing to even
38:03 attacked these questions that we don't know. The answer is
38:06 yes, you yeah.
38:07 >> Let's see what it does is it increases our faith in the
38:10 validity of the word of God. It discusses creation with
38:14 young people, which is vitally important because were thrown
38:18 at with evolution, you know, from so many different
38:20 directions. So it's really important to bring that to the
38:23 table. And plus, it's fun.
38:25 >> Yeah, you know, I mean, who doesn't want to see that?
38:27 And that's exciting. And just to see, that's the interesting
38:30 thing about it is the topic is also very friendly for
38:32 evangelism. So that's one of the things as we prepare and
38:35 promote and stuff like that is a great opportunity for
38:38 churches and for cities to use this as an evangelistic tool
38:41 because I've heard so many times that it's so hard to get
38:44 visitors to come to church. And it's true and maybe for a
38:48 lot of people that's just a difficult first engagement.
38:51 But if you can bring into this fun show about a topic that
38:53 everybody has questions about, that kids like that, adults
38:56 like you and we get to present creation and these topics in a
38:59 very show friendly type of setting. It's a great
39:03 opportunity to just can that be the first engagement where you
39:07 can talk about something that doesn't necessarily have to be
39:10 as as heavy or religious were. A lot of people would be kind
39:12 of put off by that. But this is kind of a great introductory a
39:17 way that just just open up the topic a little bit and start
39:20 discussing with with friends with people and neighbors who
39:22 ever.
39:23 >> Yeah. Absolutely. And you can get your Pathfinder venture
39:25 honor with the to connect with the right.
39:27 >> Yeah. So there's a Pathfinder, honor. Call
39:28 dinosaurs. I didn't write that one, but I did write the
39:31 adventure a low around or the path for the mentors because
39:35 they didn't have that. And
39:37 I felt that it needed to be there because especially those
39:40 little guys, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, year-olds are just in love.
39:44 Dinosaurs at the age group. Little boys.
39:46 >> Tend to really like soak up all these dinosaurs like they
39:49 seem to know every name of every kind of dinosaur. And
39:52 they like play with them. And I'm like.
39:54 >> How do you know them all? And then even my daughter was
39:57 in there. I knew them all at age 4 and I'm like, wait a
39:59 minute. I don't even know them.
40:02 >> Yeah, they love dinosaurs. Some great opportunity to be
40:05 able to capture that, get their attention through that and then
40:09 be able to break up.
40:10 >> I like how you're bringing the families and because and I
40:13 think I mean, with their families and even if a parent
40:17 is not so gung h* about religious aspects,
40:21 they will be open to what you're saying and ginger
40:24 leading them to consider.
40:25 >> Now all that is powerful. So we talked about Kids Bible
40:28 zone, which launches tomorrow night on achieving kids network
40:32 and of course, has been going 3 years already with primary
40:34 Sabha school and the dinosaur encounter. Now, let's talk
40:37 about my treasures, which all it airs on 3 being kids
40:41 network. But let's talk about that program and we'll see a
40:43 little clip of that.
40:45 So tell us about the program a little bit before one of the
40:48 clubs as well. So it's just not in his head.
40:50 >> Haha.
40:54 >> Has years, of course, is a program we produced. I think
41:00 the first 10 episodes several years ago and they've been
41:02 airing
41:04 and re airing. And we and haha, but we have some good news
41:09 because there are 42 more episodes on the way. So 25 of
41:16 them are just about done. And then I believe the other 17
41:19 are close behind after that. And it's a super exciting to
41:22 finally get some more of that through again and the love the
41:26 have the kids on the show and the involvement and artifacts
41:30 and the stories and learning about geography and being on an
41:33 adventure as we dive into the Bible, which of course we
41:36 promote point is that the Bible is like a treasure chest full
41:40 of amazing things that we can learn about. So it's pretty
41:43 exciting to to finally be.
41:45 >> Providing a little bit more than just the first 10
41:48 episodes. And you've had kids comment that they want to
41:50 participate in Eilat, Reuters. So that's wonderful, too,
41:54 because they have the excitement like I want to be
41:56 there.
41:58 >> Yeah, absolutely no. Yeah, it's exciting. So now let's go
42:00 take a look at that clip of 5 treasures.
42:04 >> First things first. Let's get this question in our
42:06 journey to India.
42:12 A problem with
42:14 Pride. Good question. And yeah.
42:19 >> You know what don't I think have an idea. What bargain
42:22 artifact? You know, I don't foresee what made it. 17 D 17,
42:26 D yeah. I think that will help. I love how we bring our little
42:29 props along our little treasures along and help us
42:32 teach these lessons out of a possible. But there is this is
42:36 a building. It's called the Burj Khalifa. And it's located
42:40 in a city called Dubai in a country called the United Arab
42:44 Emirates.
42:45 >> His building in the world. It is the tallest building in
42:48 the world. Sam, can you show us on the map? We're Dubai is
42:51 sure. You know, it's right. Here it is.
42:54 >> Yeah, that's it.
42:57 >> That's exciting. I want to go over to buy Yahoo. I notice
43:02 that travel is connected in a lot of the videos you do.
43:05 Why is that?
43:06 >> Well, I love to travel. So we I grew up doing a lot of
43:10 traveling and when I got old enough to be able to do some of
43:14 that on my own,
43:16 I found out that if I can combine that with children's
43:19 ministries, it's a great way to get kids attention because at
43:22 the end of the day we're talking about, you know,
43:24 20% are in kids. How do we get their attention?
43:28 Just talking to them is not enough anymore. So any little
43:31 cool and I can use to connect with them to engage them to get
43:34 them excited, which is why there's basically a couple of
43:38 very obvious recurring themes in what I do, which is travel
43:42 and nature adventure. And these are the 3 trifecta tool that I
43:47 used to to try to connect with kids because with woes 3,
43:50 I'm I should be able to kind of present some sort of exciting
43:55 angle or years. You know, nature, of course, is God
43:57 second book. So take a look at these amazing things that God
44:00 has made her. Take a look at these incredible locations and
44:03 this amazing mountain or or whatever. So these are part of
44:07 the tools that I've been able to kind of put my tool belt to
44:10 be able to engage with kids. So traveling then has become a
44:14 big part of that. And since I get a lot of opportunity to
44:17 travel to shoot a do events for a variety of reasons, I try to
44:23 double up. Yes. And if I'm at a place not necessarily to shoot,
44:28 I will make sure that I'm also shooting at that location
44:31 according to a recording. Right. But I can bring back
44:34 footage for one of the various programs that we're working on.
44:37 >> So very good now, Bob Treasures errors and Kids
44:40 Network and it airs on treatment, parent network and
44:42 several. So guess how's about that kids network? It airs so
44:45 many times that almost every day.
44:47 >> But I will say on Fridays at 08:45AM, and then at 08:00PM,
44:54 this is again Central Time and then on Sabbath at 03:00PM.
44:58 I'm on the afternoon. So.
45:00 >> Which is why you need another 42. Yeah, haha and
45:04 quite a few. So and and we have to keep in mind that there's
45:09 people in like Australia that how are needed.
45:11 >> Totally different time zone says some of them air like at 3
45:14 o'clock in the morning or, you know, different times like
45:16 that. But yeah, me we're many got to watch out for those
45:19 people on top of the world. Yeah.
45:21 >> Here's another question as this one before and then we'll
45:26 go to the book here. What has been the most exciting
45:29 adventure you have been on and this is kind of connected with
45:33 it. Have you ever been lost on one of your adventures to ever
45:37 get lost? What's the most exciting adventure and did you
45:39 ever get lost?
45:41 >> So probably one of the most exciting adventures with them.
45:44 I know that you guys show the creation case on the network
45:46 quite a bit. And it's a great program. One of the days that
45:49 we had to shoot was to climb Mount Saint Helens, which is a
45:53 volcano in Washington state. And that was an all-day
45:56 adventure and very difficult to pull off. And it's kind of fun
45:59 to watch the episode and its like, oh, this is going up and
46:02 climbing about.
46:03 And, you know, people don't know that it was like the toy
46:06 hour ordeal. It was very painful. It was very difficult
46:10 them out of gear and the amount of stuff that we had to haul up
46:13 that mountain because, you know, and that's one of those
46:15 places. Where did you shoot that on a green screen like no
46:17 haha really do that. It was hard. And we finally made it,
46:22 you know, to the edge of the crater at like 8, 30 at night.
46:26 And of course, people like the stuff. And then, of course,
46:30 I always tell them that we need down in one hour.
46:33 >> How did that happen? The fading us. You're going to
46:36 haha. I know my husband and I haven't tried it. I'm not brave
46:43 enough to sport.
46:45 >> It's a sport, but it's an activity where it's called
46:47 glistening. And you basically sit down on the snow pack
46:51 because at the top, it's it's not. And you basically slide
46:53 all the way down on your bottom.
46:55 Just make sure there's no cliff. That's right. Yeah.
46:58 Rocks the heads. Our guys don't try this at home. Had a guy
47:02 that guy does down because there's these huge boulders as
47:04 you're sliding down the mountain because the top of the
47:07 mountain is really the so all you do sit down and gravity
47:10 takes it down.
47:11 >> So I'd be too scared to tie that. He's too fast for me
47:17 and a half points for last 2. I'm pretty sure I never got
47:20 lost.
47:21 >> Not for too long. I don't think I think I'm pretty good
47:25 being orienta and map re the and so pistol GPS. I hope he's
47:30 going to the press. I don't think I've gotten was for more
47:33 than a minute or 2.
47:34 >> And because my batteries ran out.
47:39 >> But I like how you also include the map because that
47:42 makes it relevant to the kids because I there's so many times
47:46 where we have stories that take place in these
47:49 on 8 places. But if you can't tie it into a map, the kids
47:53 can't even find it on geography or around the globe. I mean,
47:57 what use is it? So it's nice that you've attached it to a
48:00 map. And and the world has become such a global place that
48:04 it's important to not just
48:05 >> focus on your own little bubble. And, you know,
48:08 everything is just like this one spot that I live in a big,
48:11 diverse world. And we need to be open to seeing what it's
48:14 like accepting of the cultures of the differences and and
48:17 embracing that in oftentimes that's portrayed as something
48:20 that horrible. It's different. You're you're the enemy because
48:22 you're different then like now we're going to break that down
48:25 by saying, look at all these other amazing, wonderful
48:27 places. They're just a regular normal in. These are real
48:30 people and God loves him, too. And it's it's cool to be
48:33 different. There's nothing wrong with being different.
48:34 It's cool to have righted God made variety, right? I mean,
48:37 how boring would be if you look exactly the same right toe,
48:40 you know, we celebrate variety, which again is countercultural
48:44 nowadays because often times are different. All that bad.
48:47 So as Christians, we push back on those ideas because we love
48:51 everyone.
48:52 >> Yeah, absolutely. We've got a stack of books here in front
48:54 and I know we carry a lot of your books all center here at
48:58 reviewed and are 3 main call Centre. But one mustard seed
49:01 has produced some incredible evangelist tools for young
49:04 people in the form of books and reading material. So talk to us
49:07 about the books we got here.
49:08 >> Yes, so a couple different styles of writing that you can
49:13 say. So like I mentioned earlier, adventure is one of my
49:17 tools. And so our devotional book, which has been out for
49:19 about 5 years is about 365 of my travel adventures yet or
49:26 rolled into lessons and stories and applications that kids can
49:29 grow from every single day. Nature would be kind of these 2
49:33 and part of my tool box again, ridiculously amazing nature and
49:36 the mud book. This is basically taking a close-up look at the
49:40 gods, amazing nature and just being in all and amazed by the
49:44 detail and the complexity and and again pushed back on
49:48 evolution because of pollution has one believe that everything
49:51 does happen by itself. What explains so much detail and
49:54 complexity and then the story in the adventure is kind of
49:58 what we try to do with our Bible time Adventure series.
50:01 And as you can see, all trying to fan out the 5 books that we
50:05 have in the series right now and the whole Bible time
50:08 adventure concept, you know, trying to go back to this idea
50:12 of how do we get kids to want to read Bible stories because
50:17 historically speaking, Bible stories have always been first
50:20 person, adult point of view.
50:23 Yes, sometimes they're rewritten kids point of view.
50:25 But I was like, okay, you know, how can I use the my creativity
50:30 to come up with a different way of telling kids stories?
50:33 So I came up with this idea of
50:36 writing by will stories from the point of view,
50:39 a couple of kids, fictional kids that were there. Yeah,
50:43 they saw I witness that they were along for the whole ride
50:47 and they saw piece by piece. So we get to see the story from
50:50 kids point of view and is the true Bible story. But we're
50:53 just seeing from the kids point of view, which of course,
50:55 that allows a creative person to write in a bunch of little
50:58 adventures and mysteries and things that they're trying to
51:00 figure out how we can get there. What's going to happen
51:02 to Queen Esther, you know, whatever. So it it really is a
51:06 fun combination way of telling a Bible story from the point of
51:10 view of some kids that were there.
51:11 >> So the 5 books and they feature what? 5 different
51:14 officers.
51:16 >> Yes, fire walkers is the story of Elijah and then
51:19 there's fire from this.
51:20 >> I got there on that. Would be sure was a Yahoo.
51:27 >> Then fired early skies. The story of Elijah, yes,
51:30 on Mount Carmel, the Mount Carmel Valley up. And then the
51:33 Queen's crisis is the story of Queen asked answer no flight.
51:36 And then I have made a little change in the series. So now
51:40 I'm writing in series. So the next 2 are actually part one of
51:44 Joseph, which is the favorite son and part 2, which is called
51:49 the Faithful Slave. Yeah. And so part 3 and part 4 are
51:53 about to come out soon, which would complete the story of
51:56 Joseph and then I'm already at this point working on the next
52:00 series. Wow, which I'm not.
52:02 >> I say oh, that's cool. Sorry, haha.
52:08 >> He's going to be at several books on that, too. Yeah,
52:12 I can just be a lot of going on coming.
52:18 >> But hopefully, you know, this creates kind of a fun
52:20 engaging way for kids to interact with the story by
52:22 seeing it. Like I said from the kids point of view, throwing in
52:25 some adventure and some creativity and they can really
52:28 engage with the story.
52:29 >> What I like about what you're doing is there's several
52:32 kids that have written to me
52:34 and said I want to be a writer. I want it how I want to be able
52:38 to write stories and how should I go about it? And so it's nice
52:42 because I can lead them to some of your books or some other
52:45 authors. You know, that give that kind of point of view
52:47 because these are powerful because kids are interested in
52:50 writing to and that helps them with their creativity, even
52:54 when they're writing for school. What not? This is a
52:57 prime example that kids have needed and long for for a long
53:01 time. I would say yeah.
53:02 >> And I've run into lots of kids that just an amazing
53:04 writing talent. We just have to figure out how we can plug them
53:07 in and get them use their talents. And even if you start
53:10 small and then grow and we've we've got to provide
53:13 opportunities for them.
53:14 >> It makes a Bible come alive. You know, when you read that
53:17 and it comes alive in you feel like I could be the kid in that
53:20 story and you see what's happening and we carry these at
53:24 our 3ABN call center. That's right. You can go online 3 be
53:29 in store dot com and you can just order the books right now
53:32 or you can always give us a call during regular business
53:35 hours. And we'd be delighted to get those books in your hands
53:38 and you can share them, which is an incredible blessing.
53:40 I just want to know as we're talking, I'm just thinking
53:43 I have time in a day like you write in your thinking, oh,
53:47 I got this series and I got this other series coming up and
53:50 you're traveling and you're trying to produce. But, you
53:52 know, Sable school episodes and being can you do in dinosaur
53:57 encounters? And
53:58 >> we have gotten the half of which were some of the 1st half
54:01 of the show. Have trouble set when you're a kid. Yeah.
54:07 And from that, I was that.
54:11 >> I remember, you know, I don't live with people. You
54:13 know, when I was a kid and you go to the parent teacher
54:15 conferences in, yeah, this rich guy, he's a, you know,
54:20 overly creative over imagination. That was always
54:23 kind of what with the assessment was. And so
54:25 basically I try to funnel that obviously to give God, Laurin
54:29 put the passion to honoring God. So the gift of creativity
54:34 is something that I feel like that God has given me. And so I
54:38 need to use it. And
54:41 the problem sometimes that's because the you know, and I
54:45 always thought everybody was like that just everybody had
54:47 ideas are really was creative. And then, you know, I remember
54:50 when I was little my mom's like, how do you come up with
54:52 these it?
54:54 >> He was like that are ready to do that. And I I discovered
54:58 later that that's not the case and that the way that my brain
55:02 works, like everybody else is totally different. And for me,
55:04 it says this just non-stop barrage of ideas.
55:09 >> But I think kids in general should be very creative and
55:13 always playing like. And I think that's sometimes where
55:17 some of us adults have hindered the hits because we expect him
55:22 to sit still for X amount of time, especially at school.
55:26 And they need that time to to be playful, to be energetic and
55:30 to be creative. And sometimes we we don't allow them to do
55:34 that. And so I I mean, kudos to you because you've been able to
55:39 channel that.
55:40 >> And and being an inspiration for a lot of kids. So try and
55:43 we try.
55:44 >> And so do you wake up at night with ideas or do you have
55:46 trouble going to sleep at night because it got so many ideas
55:48 going on. It's a problem.
55:50 >> The problem I do wake up at night with ideas and have a you
55:53 know it. The journal got him on my phone. And yeah, I know
55:56 because they sometimes come in the middle of a Dreamer.
55:59 You know, it's kind of funny. Some of the strangest places
56:01 where I get my ideas. For example, the here's a secret
56:03 one of the best places that I get my ideas cutting grass.
56:07 >> We would agree with you. He always says.
56:11 >> When I mow the lawn, Jolie, I just get ideas for and
56:15 whether it's a creative idea or how to solve a problem or how
56:18 to fix something. He always says he loves moment because
56:20 he's minds work.
56:22 >> Yeah, and I know I'm not a lot of people listening to
56:23 father, mowing whatever. But,
56:24 you know, this is my time to just Tully zoned out and my
56:27 mind can be free to just wonder.
56:29 >> And you back out in nature, not having to really think
56:33 you're able to be creative the like them. And for that hour,
56:36 my mind.
56:37 >> Wanders. And it's it's kind of fun coming up with ideas and
56:41 then tried that course you got to remember and run inside
56:43 right now.
56:44 >> One on it's not a bad. Haha. Your grass? Yeah. But
56:50 it's my turn to mobilize.
56:52 >> I'm out there in the middle of the when I got to cut grass.
56:54 Haha. Blowing. Snow plaza has the same effect.
56:58 >> We have a phone another hour coming up of children's
57:01 evangelism with one mustard seed and our very own rich
57:05 angular. A just I've been so blessed the first hour, just
57:08 hearing the stories and seen how God is using new in
57:11 ministry and his creativity. Want to remind you that you can
57:15 text in your questions or Europe. Prayer needs to us here
57:18 tonight at 618-228-3975, at 618-228-3975, or you can email
57:28 us at Life. And I VE at 3ABN DOT TV. We're just getting
57:35 started. I have a whole 2 pages of notes here for tonight.
57:38 So we're just getting started. We have a lot more exciting
57:40 things coming up in the second hour. Don't go anywhere.
57:43 We'll be right
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Revised 2023-06-02