3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes at 3ABN

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230019B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:10 >> Hello and welcome back to 3, A B and behind the scenes.
00:13 You know, we then just praising the Lord this evening for what
00:16 he is doing through the ministry of 3, a B. And we want
00:19 to just say thank you for being a part of our 3ABN family.
00:22 We look forward to spending these 2 hours with you each
00:25 Thursday night. Now something special about spending time
00:28 with our with our family. And you're definitely part of
00:31 that. Thank you for your prayers and continue financial
00:34 support of this ministry, Gaza Ministry, 3ABN, you know,
00:37 without you without the Lord, Jesus Christ 3ABN would not be
00:40 able to reach the entire world. And tonight we've been talking
00:44 about Saud 3 ABN School of Disciple Ship and we'll be
00:49 talking about 3 bins, new study guys to in this hour as well.
00:52 But Abijah, it's exciting what God is doing.
00:54 >> It is absolutely tonight is the launch of 3 be in school of
00:58 disciple ship. Not that the program launches tonight,
01:01 but the announcement launch tonight we've months. I mean,
01:05 you can go to that website, 3 D unsigned dot org. That's to be
01:11 be inside that org. You can get the application. All the
01:15 information will talk. More about that in the second hour
01:18 is well, you can always call us at the call center
01:21 618-627-4651. We are open tonight at 06:01PM, 8, 67,
01:28 4, 6, 5, 1, We're also talking about the launch of 3 B and
01:33 brand-new 5 aside the guys and they'll be here in 2 weeks.
01:37 They're at the press right now being printed in Asia,
01:40 actually, and they're going to be drop ship to air flighted in
01:44 in time for a camp meetings were going to have him here in
01:47 time, camp meeting? We're very excited about that. Absolutely.
01:50 We've tried it out. Some guests here, Pastor James had to do
01:52 some other things this evening. We still have, of course,
01:54 pass to Ryan Day 3 ABN general manager for the Price in Music
01:59 network and the coordinator for training school in disciple
02:03 ship Women. And next to you in Van Der Valk who is 3, D and
02:07 producer and years stunt coordinator for the TV in
02:11 school and disciple Ship. And we're going to hear more
02:13 about the school of the cyber ship in the second hour.
02:16 Coming around the table. We added a professor, Daniel
02:19 Cameron, who's the assistant manager and our 3, the pastoral
02:23 department. And they all serve behind our brand new 3 D Bible
02:29 study guides. So we'll talk about that. We're so glad
02:31 you're here tonight. Thank you very much.
02:34 >> It's best to spend the time again, like I mentioned,
02:36 the being part of the family here, 3 been talking about what
02:39 God is doing through the ministry of 3 been talking
02:42 about stepping out on faith. You know, you're talking the
02:44 first are right about, you know, the dream, the move
02:46 bought like 5 years ago, you know, and just in God's time,
02:50 you know, always, you know, works out again. We didn't have
02:52 this in our schedule. It's not in any type of budget or
02:55 anything like that. But, you know, when the door opens and
02:57 the time is right, step out. That's right. God bless and
03:01 very excited about that. You know, don't talk about
03:03 advances in the thinking about that shirt.
03:05 >> Let's talk about 3 bins. New go. Yeah. This is our
03:08 newest. He sure I don't know if you can see it says Go Ye,
03:12 which of course is the theme of 3ABN is Go Ye. You can see the
03:15 back there. The graphics is teach baptize disciple and of
03:19 course, is 3 vans verse. Matthew. 28 18 through 20.
03:23 It's got the logo on the sleeve at 3ABN DOT TV as well as on
03:28 the back. These are evangelistic teacher. They are
03:31 as you can wear them. And what are people going to say?
03:34 I think than you've had some experience with the family have
03:37 had a number of people say.
03:38 >> Nice shirt. I like that. And I say, well, hey, I think
03:41 you really enjoy this ministry and give them a sharing card.
03:44 Yeah. And one lady said I'm going to go there and I'm going
03:47 to watch everything I can find. Yeah, you know, that's what
03:50 it's all about. You know, to wear a shirt like this. You're
03:53 like an evangelistic tour. Just walking around. Where is
03:55 your neighborhood going shopping? I think you guys were
03:57 going shopping. Your family was and that's what took place a
04:01 great opportunity because then some will say, hey, so go Ye.
04:04 What is that all about? What I tell ya, why?
04:10 >> Speaking of the sharing cohee care, those call center
04:12 to him. People order them and we send them complimentary to
04:16 you. It just it's like a business card size and it gives
04:19 details about 3 be and how people can watch. Thank you.
04:23 Our crews so fast. They're amazing how people can become
04:26 involved in 3ABN or just watching. Find out about
04:29 champion for themselves. So if you want these T-shirts,
04:32 you can call us right now or if you want the sharing cards and
04:35 you want to utilize that in your community, you can call us
04:38 at 618-627-4651, at 618-627-4651. Or you can order
04:46 them online. That's 3ABN DOT TV and just click on the story
04:50 tab. Right at the top there. CBN DOT TV. Click on the Story
04:54 Tab and you can get those T-shirts for yourself.
04:56 >> You know, these are comfortable shirts, too nice
04:58 ball to church. They are. And I believe the suggested
05:00 donation here in the U.S. is a $20 to think about that.
05:04 And that's not bad at all. It's an average. It's based in
05:06 evangelism tool for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And so that
05:10 includes shipping. That's right. Includes shipping yet
05:13 anywhere here in the United States. A notice someone says
05:15 something through. I think it was through social media.
05:17 Was it that that they received in the Philippines? They'd
05:20 ordered one already. Did the sauce talk about it? I think
05:22 last month and they've already arrived in. There are so
05:24 excited about wearing evangelism 3. Didn't go UT sure
05:28 there. I think in the Philippines. That's right.
05:30 >> Absolutely. We want to go to some okay. We have to sell a
05:34 crawl. And Carlos Santiago with us and the song they will be
05:38 Minister Ng is I surrender all.
05:40 [MUSIC]
05:45 [MUSIC]
05:50 [MUSIC]
05:55 [MUSIC]
05:57 >> To be.
06:03 >> Suwon
06:06 to me
06:17 and drew us to to his room and it is.
06:23 >> To.
06:27 [MUSIC]
06:32 [MUSIC]
06:37 [MUSIC]
06:42 [MUSIC]
06:48 >> We use.
06:50 [MUSIC]
06:53 >> Soooo doom.
06:55 >> You know.
07:00 >> To Stu and
07:07 [MUSIC]
07:10 Stu
07:12 [MUSIC]
07:14 to to
07:28 [MUSIC]
07:34 [MUSIC]
07:39 [MUSIC]
07:44 [MUSIC]
07:46 >> we
07:50 since May.
07:55 >> It's.
08:00 [MUSIC]
08:02 >> Soooo
08:07 soon.
08:12 >> Soon too
08:25 >> I use to.
08:30 [MUSIC]
08:35 [MUSIC]
08:40 [MUSIC]
08:41 >> Mines.
08:45 [MUSIC]
08:50 [MUSIC]
08:55 [MUSIC]
09:00 [MUSIC]
09:03 >> Well, a man and what a beautiful song. Beautiful.
09:06 Absolute powerful. I love the harmony. Thank you so much,
09:09 Carlos and his L a.
09:10 >> I surround Ross Beautiful, great message and saw what a
09:13 great song to I surrender. All trying to be surrendered to
09:17 Jesus Christ includes you at home. And, you know, I think
09:20 about as we surrender ourselves to Jesus Christ a missing like,
09:23 oh, my, that's not a good thing. It's absolutely the best
09:26 thing you could ever knew.
09:28 >> Continue talking about saws school disciple ship. That's
09:30 right. Tonight was about the launch of the 3 B and school of
09:35 disciple ship. So Ryan, what do you just give us a recap?
09:38 Maybe somebody missed the first hour. It can always watch it on
09:41 YouTube or 3 D plus. But give us a recap of what is this
09:44 going to Cyprus?
09:46 >> Absolutely. So this is going to be starting October 6 to 14
09:49 were launching the 3 Indian School of Disciple Ship
09:52 Intensive. This is a 7 day. A excursion through the Bible
09:57 were going to be take taking on many different courses in which
10:00 you're going to be learning how to be a good decide before
10:03 cross, but also learn how to disciple others or make
10:05 disciples for Christ. And, you know, I just want to talk about
10:08 the 3 been school disciple ship s Odi side. That's kind of the
10:12 afternoon movement with. And it actually came about as
10:15 an accident because we didn't actually planet. But as we were
10:18 looking at it side will look at it, just kind of popped out the
10:21 acronym S OD. And in that it fit perfectly because
10:24 oftentimes we see in the Bible when Jesus is communicating,
10:27 the kingdom of God, he often use those nature themes in
10:31 order to communicate, you know, the gospel of the kingdom.
10:35 And so in this case, I'm thinking of purpose like the so
10:37 we're in the week, the tears and, you know, these are the
10:39 fig. So are the purple, a victory that we could
10:41 vine-dressers Jesus often use? These type of teachings were
10:45 using nature and the growing with the planting theme to to
10:49 communicate the gospel of the Kingdom of God. So essentially
10:53 the 3 be in school disciple ship is just that we're coal to
10:56 evading minds for Christ. That's and it's not good at
10:59 cultivating minds for Qwest. What does the Bible say?
11:02 Flipkens tumors? 5, let this mind being new, which is also
11:05 in Christ Jesus. And so essentially a week long
11:08 intensive. And when it's just that it's an intensive. We
11:11 don't want that to be a intimidating because obviously
11:14 we're not going to overwhelm you. But yet the state
11:17 applicants, the students, the participants that come will
11:20 just walk away with an enriching experience of
11:23 learning and growing in Christ how to how to amplify their
11:27 spiritual walk with Christ and then leave with the tools and
11:30 equipped to excel in the field of making disciples on their
11:34 own. So the idea is you come here excited and you leave her
11:37 even more excited than having having learned so much that
11:41 that action will amplify your own experience. And I think
11:44 it's going to be transformative for a lot of people. Yeah,
11:46 so I'm excited about that. And so much a person to person.
11:50 Yes, right here on 3 be on campus. And, you know, we want
11:54 you to go online to apply if you're interested. First,
11:56 just go to the website. Read a little bit about us. You can
11:59 find the the actual the aside handbook right there on the
12:02 website. You can click download. You can pop up there.
12:04 You can read it all. Just alert all the information about it.
12:08 And then of course, we encourage you to go up apply.
12:10 There's a $30 suggested donation fee for the
12:12 application of that go on and apply. And the of course,
12:16 we're taking only 40 applicants this this time around. We plan
12:19 and lord willing to do more. That's for sure. But of course,
12:23 as you apply and if you are accepted and you come here,
12:26 you're going to live here on campus for 7 days. And we'll
12:29 talk probably about the schedule here in just a few
12:31 moments. But it's it's a tight schedule to full schedule,
12:33 but it's going to be exciting event and they're going to
12:36 learn so much and be transformed when you leave
12:38 here, I promise.
12:39 >> We talked the first are about some of the speakers,
12:42 the teachers professors, but our instructors, I'll get the
12:45 word right, Yahoo. I know Pastor James Rafferty teaching
12:49 the one on great controversy in the one on how to study the
12:52 Bible. You're teaching the essentials of the mansions of
12:55 teaching us entrails of evangelism. And I'm also going
12:57 to be leaving out in biblical apologetics.
12:59 >> So that was kind of a big one in the sense that we're
13:01 literally just kind of
13:03 it's not to form on the sense that there's going to be a lot
13:05 of dialogue. We're going to open up for questions. We're
13:07 going to take on some topics. And we're going look at some of
13:10 the tough tech. Some of the tough passage is the people
13:13 deal with in their questions about what does this mean?
13:16 Why did God allow this in? You know what? You know,
13:18 they're just going to be a lot of opportunity to vindicate the
13:21 name and character of God through a bit of a deeper
13:24 biblical study of some of the major doctrines untruths that
13:28 we uphold today, a 7th and that is a Christian. So messily and
13:31 Daniels teaching the one on church history. So I don't know
13:33 if you want to talk just a bit about that trip will be.
13:36 >> As as we go through our Christian likely recognize that
13:39 we did not create what we believe on our own. We're
13:41 standing on the shoulders of people who have gone through
13:44 disappointment and trouble and enthusiasm and made huge
13:48 sacrifices. There's some pivotal turning points in
13:51 church history, Christian Churches, Street and 7th Avenue
13:54 church history that are important to look at. Of course
13:57 you love teaching. I mean, Utah out west for what, 18, 1,
14:01 2, years taught by von, of course, love teaching. This
14:04 again will be an in person event here at 3, a B m, you
14:07 know, in this. I mean, you're involved in production. Your
14:09 producer, you've done a lot of aspects of production. But
14:13 what's unique here is that this is not going to be a live event
14:17 because I'm sure your homes and okay, so tell me again what
14:19 times I can tune into 3 ad in this little unique that way is
14:23 not that it's actually not going to be on 3 been is just
14:25 going to be basically more of its unique setting. Kind may be
14:29 described as with the Senate will be maybe would look like
14:31 in the day you Ryan. Yeah, sure. I mean at that definitely
14:35 is completely different from project is because of
14:38 production can be a little bit. You know, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
14:41 OK, all the lights and everything's a little bit
14:43 different than right.
14:44 >> Now, I mean, we are going to have a schedule for each day,
14:46 which will certainly and the handbook we have that laid out
14:49 where, you know, in the morning, you know, you have
14:51 breakfast, which we will provide and then afterwards
14:53 will have a devotional for that day. And then it all into the
14:56 classes with the things that we discussed. Some of the course
14:59 is that we're going to have like a biblical apologetic them
15:02 and ministry of health officials of evangelism well as
15:05 church history. So we're all these are going to be going and
15:08 incorporated in each day of our studies. But the big thing that
15:12 we really want to highlight is that like we've been saying
15:15 even last hour and this hour, it's going to be the disciple
15:17 ship aspect. That's right. It's not just me. It's not just
15:20 Ryan. All the instructors are involved. We want to make sure
15:23 that we're coming together and were there for the students,
15:25 not just for the class, but even afterwards. Wow, is this
15:28 is a full-time thing. This isn't just, you know, you come
15:30 to the class. You learn some of the aspects that we're going to
15:33 teach that day and OK, go back to your room and that's it for
15:35 the rest. But if you want to talk, if you have questions
15:37 life, you know, issues, whatever it is, we have plenty
15:41 of people that God has just amazingly brought together for
15:44 the school where we can be there for you. So it isn't just
15:47 the knowledge we it's it's about the disciple ship aspect
15:50 and for us to be there with you and to guide you into that next
15:53 step where you can now take everything that you've learned
15:56 from from God's word from what Brian teaches Daniel Theis,
15:59 a pastor James Rafferty teaches all the different structures
16:02 that we have taking all of that and just moving forward where
16:06 you can then disciple others because that's what's
16:09 important. The reset in the first hour, that ripple effect.
16:11 Yeah, you know, we don't want to just to come here and then
16:13 go home and then just sit on it and not do anything with what
16:16 you what you learned. We want you to come here, take that
16:19 information and then move forward and share it with
16:21 others both publicly and what you learn both personal.
16:25 Yeah. And then that's huge. Yeah. So excellent. No, it was
16:29 just, you know, so that it's going to be your typical
16:31 classroom, okay settings that you're going to be involved in,
16:34 which will be here on the 3 be on campus. And then like I said
16:37 afterwards, it's open to whatever it is that you want to
16:40 talk about and and disciple. And, you know, that's
16:43 excellent.
16:45 >> I just want to emphasize, while there is a, you know,
16:46 an academic element to this in the sense that it is a school,
16:49 we're going to have instruction. There are probably
16:51 some group assignments assignments during class.
16:53 We we are actually are going to do our best to try to eliminate
16:57 as much homework as possible so that our students have that
17:00 academic experience. But yet, I like to emphasize that to be
17:03 more of a spiritual academic experience, because it's not
17:06 going to be flooded with heavy, heavy complex, you know,
17:09 hard assignments where you have to write papers and all these
17:12 other things. But there will be an academic element. But yet
17:15 it's we're going to emphasize the spiritual, the disciple
17:18 ship aspect more, no more camaraderie between the
17:22 students and the in the instructors. And as he
17:24 emphasized very clearly after class hours, we'll let the
17:28 students basically take what they've learned during that day
17:32 or during those those days that they've been here and they can
17:34 break when the afternoon school pray just relax or if they want
17:38 to find an instructor that is available at that time with
17:40 that myself or Pastor James or in or if it's a pastor, Daniel,
17:45 in this case, they will be able to ask questions will have
17:48 small group sessions and you'll be able to counsel be able to
17:51 just, you know, really go a little deeper in some of the
17:54 things that maybe we were able to discuss in class. And so if
17:57 sizing that one-on-one time, that small group time, but also
18:01 in the classes, not making it to overwhelming into heavily
18:05 academic that it takes away from the spiritual aspect that
18:09 we're we're shooting for.
18:10 >> Okay. Yeah. So maybe someone right now than it may be you
18:13 that saying, you know what? So I'm just like a baby.
18:16 I'm not even been baptized. I know this may be 77 to even
18:20 have to be an avenue store. Maybe gusting. This is all I've
18:23 taken. Those cars have got a Ph D I mean, tell us where you
18:26 have it initially trying to go for somebody coming are open to
18:29 anybody coming.
18:30 >> I would say all of that. Sometimes we say, oh, no,
18:35 that's not for me, rhino. Yes, it's going to be your year
18:38 to mandated or you feel. I don't know fun titled the
18:40 word. But like I got this and I don't need that. So either end
18:43 of the spectrum can learn.
18:45 >> I think no matter where you're at, I mean, if you think
18:47 you know what, all of you don't, you know, and you're
18:51 going when you come to this class, you could have a PhD in.
18:53 You're going to come here and you're going to grow in ways
18:56 that you probably never thought possible. God is going to use
18:58 the time that you have here and be able to take you to, you
19:02 know, another level to learn something new, something maybe
19:05 didn't realize before. I mean, I'm sure everybody here has
19:08 been in ministry could say it doesn't give. I've heard even
19:10 passed a law making say so many times. You know, he's been in
19:12 the ministry for 30 plus years and he still learn something.
19:16 So and then we want to have those that are experienced ones
19:19 that are grounded, the ones that are rooted, being able to
19:21 learn how to disciple. And that is those who may not be as
19:24 experience or may have. So those basic fundamental
19:27 questions that they didn't know before. But now we have the
19:30 instructors and those who are experienced in the class.
19:32 That's good. I think a very good well-rounded classes.
19:35 What's really going to benefit the whole entire experience?
19:40 >> Osgood made a comment on is just going to say, you know,
19:42 I remember my time in AF 2. And then we had an array of
19:45 different ages of different backgrounds, of all ages.
19:48 And so, you know, some of us that were there that had a
19:50 little bit more knowledge. We're actually able to practice
19:53 that disciple ship aspect on some of the other students who
19:56 didn't know as much as it was really an awesome time to be
19:59 able to spend time with your classmates as well as learn the
20:03 offense structures were when I went for there to help, even
20:07 some of us that were a little bit more advanced knowledge
20:09 because we had questions. I have questions, you know,
20:11 about things that I just didn't understand and they were there
20:14 for me. And so that's what we want to be. We want to we want
20:16 to open up an experience that is for all ages, all different
20:19 backgrounds and knowledge is so that when you calm there
20:22 something for you that when you leave, you're not the same,
20:25 you're not the same or different and improved from
20:28 when you first came.
20:29 >> I can tell you from when I was in and after we have an 18
20:33 year-old several 18 year-olds and we had a 96 year-old was
20:38 your class. That was Mike hole. So right. And you could see
20:42 just, you know, you would think, well, how are they going
20:44 to relate to each other? How how is this 96 year-old
20:46 going to be that relate to an 18 year-old? And you would be
20:49 surprising amount of just world, you know, knowledge,
20:52 things that he grew up and the experiences that he's had and
20:56 all the things that he could impart sure, not even just to
20:59 the to the students, but even the instructors as well.
21:02 He was imparting knowledge and inspiring others. I remember we
21:05 did a we're going out handing out
21:09 the great controversy and he went out just like everybody
21:12 else. And he was inspiring those around him. We like,
21:15 well, if he can do it, why can't I do it? Sure. So it
21:18 doesn't matter. Tina 96, come on. You know, haha, I love it.
21:22 Let's talk about then the schedule because we talk about
21:24 this. But in October.
21:26 >> It's October 6, October 6 through 14. Yeah. That starts
21:29 on Friday. Kind of interesting. So walk us through that and
21:31 maybe would look like in a day. Yeah, absolutely. So it's
21:34 literally the week after fall camp meeting. So we're going to
21:37 be starting on the 6th. And so again, we would encourage you
21:39 to go to 3ABN S O D DOT org. That's our Web site 3 AB inside
21:45 as Sodhi Dot Org. And you can actually see the handbook,
21:49 the official handbook there that has all of this
21:51 information in it. But there's a section in there that says
21:53 schedule and we're going to start on a Friday, meaning that
21:57 they're not not not necessarily instruction on Friday, but
22:00 we're going to welcome everyone into it. We're going to use
22:02 about probably 09:00AM to 05:00PM to check people in on
22:04 that Friday. The 6th will have a fellowship dinner that
22:07 evening, a Vesper service which Pastor James Rafferty's going
22:10 to be doing something special there and then Sabbath morning
22:13 will have a special divine worship, our which I will
22:15 present that morning. And then we come back in the evening for
22:18 kind of a meet and greet fellowship dinner again.
22:20 Get to know each other a little bit more now set with more on
22:23 that site, the tops of those 7, 7, 102, 7 day of the year.
22:26 So right here we have our media's right where Pastor Low
22:29 McCain is the head pastor here. Also, everything's going to be
22:31 conducted here at the Wilson Center and then Sunday morning,
22:35 October 8, this is when we begin our regular day. So
22:40 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
22:43 each day will begin at 07:00AM breakfast will have start the
22:47 day with a great healthy breakfast and then also
22:49 following that would be a morning worship session in
22:51 which you also are going to get to hear from some of your
22:54 favorite 3ABN speakers like Greg Angel Morricone Shelley
22:57 Quinn will try to get the Danny Shelton is available to him in
23:01 there to do some morning devotion and worship topics
23:04 also in is going to be speaking. So it's going to be a
23:06 great time and then from 08:00AM to 12:00PM. Each day we
23:09 get right into instruction. So for instance, the first day
23:12 of classes on Sunday, the 8th we have from 08:00AM she's been
23:18 a all the way through the 12. We have the great controversy
23:20 by Pastor James Rafferty. And then the afternoon we take
23:22 a lunch of 12, have a one-hour lunch comeback. And then where
23:26 we dive right into the health ministry's with receive
23:28 Rafferty. And so basically morning instruction, good
23:31 lunch. And then classes will end each day around 05:00PM.
23:35 And then after 05:05PM, on, you're on your own, you can go
23:38 do what you want to go rest. You can go probably going to
23:42 walk the beautiful if that's the 3 ab and o and yahoo.
23:47 So beautiful and quiet and peaceful. We have tons of
23:50 wildlife use. Go enjoy. It's a beautiful time of year to an
23:53 act. Talk over. So beautiful to leaves are turning on and off.
23:56 So beautiful here and so or you can meet up with one of the
23:59 instructors are going make ourselves available. Like we
24:01 said after classes and of course, go to bed at a decent
24:04 time in this repeat that until all the way through until
24:08 Friday afternoon, which will have a vesper service and then
24:11 Sabbath. We finish things off with a presentation of
24:13 certificates. For those who graduate, who are tender
24:15 graduated. Just going to be a great, great power. Packed week
24:20 of intensive study learning.
24:23 >> And disciple ship growth. We mentioned the first hour.
24:26 I just want to reiterate this. I know you mentioned where a
24:28 pastor gunned when McCain's church as far as at the
24:31 Thompsonville 7th damaged church. He would be involved in
24:34 the 18 and instructing in speaking, but he's actually
24:37 traveling during that time in October. So we will be having
24:41 upcoming intense us where we can include him and other
24:43 speakers during that time. So it'll be a nice rotating
24:47 stable of speakers that are not that's the right way at.
24:51 But instructors lineup of speakers and the matter where
24:54 thank you. So let's just talk briefly. There's 2 different
24:57 options as far as with the fees. So you have where the
25:02 tuition is covered, where your housing's covered. You can stay
25:05 in the 3 being guest apartments, which are fully
25:08 furnished or there's an option. If you bring your own RV or you
25:12 want to stay in a hotel or you want to camp. So there's 2
25:14 different pricing structure, easy and what's that?
25:16 >> Yes, so far the first option like you mentioned, where we
25:19 will housing and those also provide food for you for
25:22 breakfast and lunch. That option is $400 suggested
25:25 donation. And if you choose option 2, which is where you
25:29 bring your own RV or camper, we have sites for that. We we can
25:32 help you set up for that option. It would be $250
25:36 suggested donation whether you choose option. One more option
25:39 to there is a $30 suggested donation application fee.
25:42 So whichever one works out best for you. Just choose one of
25:45 those options and we'll get to set up.
25:48 >> And we have sponsorships available. Just want to mention
25:52 that to we mentioned this the first hour. But you might be
25:54 saying, well, I can't come to the school, a disciple ship,
25:57 but I can pray and we solicit your prayers or you might be
26:00 saying I want to sponsor a student or I want to help
26:04 someone or help support the school. So if you go to 3 ABN
26:07 DOT TV, click on the donate. Have we have to fund codes
26:11 already set up. One is for the school in disciple ship and
26:15 that will go to support the needs of the school, the other
26:17 one just as worthy student. And that would be to sponsor or
26:21 help a student who maybe can't afford the tuition costs or the
26:24 housing costs in says I need help and we want to create a
26:27 worthy student. Fun for that. So that's how you can become
26:30 involved. If you're not able to attend, you can become
26:33 involved. You can help sponsor other students so that they can
26:37 come in their lives can be changed and transformed.
26:39 >> I'm a man, you know, that the commission for all of us to
26:43 come from the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew, 28, to go Ye,
26:47 you know, into all the world, I think about Mister Danny
26:49 Shelton. That was the impression that he received
26:52 from the Holy Spirit to do that. 38 39 years ago. And so
26:57 to us, this is just another avenue that 3 being can go.
27:00 You go ye into all the world is to the school of disciple ship
27:02 like been talked about the last hour and a half or so is
27:06 basically making disciples making disciples. You can have
27:09 one on one contact. I think that's really critical because
27:12 3, it is all about evangelism. There's some people talk about
27:15 like, well, you know, the questions brought of them.
27:17 Just be honest with you on this. We're family, right,
27:19 talking about this is like, you know, we don't want to lose the
27:21 vision that 3 does given that God gave to 3 being about being
27:25 all about advances in going into all the world. So doing
27:28 the school disciple ship. We don't want to be
27:29 distraction. We think it's an enhancement. What, 3ABN,
27:32 is all about and go ye into all the world to equip you to
27:35 provide tools for you to encourage you to go back to
27:38 your area and be ago you and your sphere of influence.
27:42 So that's why we're so excited about this opportunity. The
27:46 lords is again, open the door. So thank you for being on board
27:49 and being excited about it with us for supporting this
27:52 endeavor. We don't see it being just a one-time thing. So what
27:55 you heard tonight, it's kind of the the really the inaugural,
27:58 the charter one. We contend one-week intensive. Yes,
28:03 we're talking about, but we know that God is going to
28:06 provide ways we can continue to do this. And this is going to
28:08 just go and grow and grow. Rowe Rowe going grow. I'm
28:12 getting kind of tongue tied on side about Assad. That's right.
28:15 That's where the logo to. I'm just so film and I know you
28:18 talk about the Bible study guys, too. But you know,
28:21 God is just working in marvelous ways. I can't begin
28:24 to tell you all the miracles that continue to happen here.
28:27 How God continue to provide for the ministry of 3ABN thanks to
28:31 you. We know the you are sacrificing to make this
28:34 ministry go forward. We see a day in and day out. Yes,
28:37 we know the expenses are going up and it seems like income is
28:40 not coming in to keep up right with the expenses. But God
28:43 continues to provided he can to provide for you. We get those
28:47 letters, phone calls, e-mails from you and your sharing how
28:51 God is is is providing for you. You know what that does for us
28:55 that encourages us because we know it's the same God the year
28:58 that provide a fuse providing for this ministry. And we're
29:01 all going for one goal and that's for Christ's Oon return
29:04 to bring as many people with us to the kingdom of God. So time
29:08 is short. Things are wrapping up. We don't have much time
29:11 left. And so the Lord is coming soon. You will. And I'm just
29:14 excited. Excited. Getting ready to preach. I like the in the
29:19 first our nose, not proper English. But you know, back in
29:21 the southern states, we say busted down just about to bust
29:24 them. So excited. Yeah, I'm just so excited to be honest
29:29 with you about what God is doing. And yeah, just.
29:31 >> It's hard to be on board with the 21 men. I think being
29:34 headed. Yeah about. Yeah. Yeah. There's one thing that
29:38 I'm just not sure if I made clear and I want to make good
29:40 that you are watching have a full understanding whether you
29:43 choose option one option, too. We would do provide food for
29:47 you. So you will be provided breakfast and lunch with
29:50 whichever you choose either option. One option. That's a
29:52 great point. Rough occasion. It covers tuition and food for
29:56 both. Just one includes housing and one. That's not there's a
29:59 lot of resources that we haven't talked all the details
30:01 that will be provided to you either free of charge with a
30:04 major discount. Also tending to her was. So let's switch gears,
30:08 talk about 3 D and was starting to breath.
30:11 Okay. Yeah. Something new another together because of.
30:17 >> And in sharing the gospel the truth and the word of God
30:22 with the last and dine world. As you know, we have an active
30:24 prison ministry. These Bible study guides are going to
30:27 prisoners free of charge that they can study. These 5 study
30:30 guides will be used with the school of disciple ship.
30:33 These Fatah. Sunny skies can be used in your community, in your
30:36 church, with your neighbors and with your friends. And we want
30:40 them distributed widely. So Daniel, talk to us about the
30:44 overall you could say our team theme. We have the first set
30:48 and done which is lessons one to 14. Let's put up that
30:50 graphic right now. We can take a look at that lessons. One
30:53 through 14. You can see all 14 of them there and they're
30:57 available not right now because they're being shipped to us,
31:01 but they'll be available in time for camp meetings 2 weeks
31:04 and just talk to us little bit about the scene and what the
31:07 people can find in the 5 setting.
31:09 >> So on each one, you're going to see it says 3, a B in Bible
31:12 study guides and has a 2 word kind of subtitle there that
31:15 says looking higher, directing our attention to something that
31:18 is happening in heaven, particularly the spreading of
31:22 the 3 Angels messages and then some people might ask, why do
31:25 we need a new set of Bible study, guys, aren't there other
31:28 good ones out there? Yes, quarter other good ones and
31:32 they should continue to use them. But Isaiah 30 to 20 said
31:35 blessed. Are you who? So beside all water is good. So we're to
31:40 find new ways to continue taking God's word and putting
31:43 it in the language of people. And so this is going to reach
31:46 people that wouldn't have been reached. Otherwise, it's going
31:49 to be another encouragement to people who might say I couldn't
31:52 ever give someone a Bible study. I don't know enough
31:54 about the Bible as well. I'll tell you what, this is one
31:57 of those tools that you can say, let me open it up and
32:00 either on your own or with somebody else, walk through
32:03 what the Bible teaches. And so what we've tried to do here and
32:07 there's no perfect way. I'll tell you, I put I created a
32:11 chart and I put the the organizational structure of
32:14 each of these Bible study, guys that I could find even some old
32:17 ones. And what I discovered is that they're all different.
32:20 There's a few things that tend to be unified. Other some
32:23 things that tend to be talked about earlier in some that tend
32:26 to talk about later. But there is no one right way. So we have
32:29 tried to follow the 3 Angels messages and what we find in
32:33 those 3 Angels messages. And Ryan, I talked about this
32:36 and he said, I've always I've always thought to be a great
32:39 thing to do to to give an evangelist presentation and
32:43 give the order based on the 3 angels messages and a little
32:45 light bulb lit up. And I thought,
32:47 plus, that's the conversation. And I told him, you know,
32:51 >> the 3 just mess just coming in to stink order. You can't
32:54 spree cam presented out of order because there's a
32:55 specific a line of thought, their son, what would we
32:58 present of the gospel in the order? The 3 just messages and
33:02 >> it will raise no within that, though, there's some
33:06 there's some room to move a few things around, but we start
33:09 with the everlasting gospel. And so you have the story of
33:13 sin and salvation. Why did everything go wrong? And and
33:18 how does God feel about that? And it's all in the Bible.
33:22 And of course, with any Bible study guide, there's a limited
33:24 number of things you can say a limited number of of Bible
33:27 texts that you can use. But but there's so much more this just
33:31 it's just an introduction. And then from this introduction
33:35 of sand, we talk about the story of salvation. So as soon
33:38 as we can we start talking about Jesus. Yeah, that's good.
33:40 Because that's the thing we want to talk about. He's the
33:43 one we want to talk about most. And from then we moved to fear
33:47 God and give glory to him and fearing God is is the context
33:51 of obedience to his law out of love. So once we talk about
33:56 once we know Jesus, then we can see the law of love that that
33:59 he lived out for us and God revealed and given to glory to
34:03 him would be the lifestyle. So what does this do in my
34:05 life? And we and we chose several different areas to
34:09 focus on. But, you know, every part of our life, every part of
34:12 our relationships, every part of our our management of our
34:15 money, every every part of of what we do, he's giving glory
34:18 to God or at least it should be or could be given glorying on.
34:22 >> I have number 5. I'm not interrupting you. This is
34:25 giving glory to God. This is in that section cause as you
34:27 mention, number one is the great conference battle for
34:30 you. Number 2 is Salvation. Love never gives up. Number 3
34:35 is God's textbook for living. The word of God. Number 4 is
34:40 the law of God. God's law of love for liberty, an unholy
34:44 number 5. That's what I was getting to that the power to
34:47 change. And this one is focused specifically on the journey of
34:51 saying patient power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, and young
34:55 life and the Christian, then we go at number 6 is on marriage
35:00 and the family.
35:01 >> Number 6 is marriage and the family. Thank you. Haha.
35:04 I don't have a list here in front of me. Yeah. And you
35:07 know, they're doing great. Yeah, there. You know, that's
35:10 the first relationships we have. And sometimes some of the
35:12 hardest relationships we have in the ones with that have some
35:15 of the richest blessings, that gun shows what he's like.
35:19 The number 7 dealing with a healthy, you know, more than
35:23 just physical health, our spiritual health, all tied in
35:27 together and got as good things for us as the Bible teaches us
35:30 a lot on that topic.
35:31 >> And then we go to number 8, which is the pre admin Judge
35:35 Mario was called when all is said and done. It all said and
35:38 done for the hour of his judgment.
35:40 >> Has come of it is. So there are maybe you wonder, you know,
35:46 how how does God, no, how does God, no, the hearts of men.
35:50 And so this teaches us not only how God is our Jesus in our
35:53 advocate, but what is our role in the time that we're living
35:56 right now in the Bible is filled with truth about this
36:00 from start to finish. And then you have number 9 for 9 cosmic
36:04 beginnings were 9. Here it is nationwide. Hold up was mixed
36:08 against. Yes, beautiful covered. Alright. And then
36:11 creation leads us to number 10, which is on the Sabbath because
36:15 you can't you can't talk about the Sabbath without the
36:18 creator. They go hand in hand. All right. I know that we've
36:22 been talking about that in our our cyber school lessons to the
36:26 speaker and, you know, kind of and one thought that came to me
36:29 the other day. What is that trying to convince somebody of
36:32 the Sabbath who doesn't believe in a creator is like trying to
36:34 convince somebody who is and who doesn't believe in cars
36:38 that afford is better than a Chevy.
36:39 >> Got to get to the creator first and then the sap, right?
36:44 All right. So that's number 10. And then number 11 and stated
36:47 the day, okay, Hall delivered from death delivered from
36:52 death.
36:53 >> And so when we talk about when we when the Bible talks
36:56 about death, it's not just a doctrinal statement, but here's
36:58 what to believe. It's a deliverance statement that
37:01 says, You're, you know, I want you to understand the truth.
37:05 So you can understand the solution. And so as you can see
37:09 in every step of the way, Jesus Christ is central because he is
37:12 the solution, they're 9. And number 12, I think you have
37:16 there and the administration this graphic and I've I wasn't
37:19 responsible for any of these graphics and all disappear.
37:22 All right, when h*** love up. All right. Because the picture
37:28 says it all. The wrath of God was extinguished when when it
37:34 completes its purpose that that we are we are long each of us
37:38 for the day when Sen is gone. And
37:42 and it's not a continuous. The thing that goes on for ever
37:45 and ever. But it comes to a conclusion. That's number 12,
37:48 2 more number 13 is the church, the church? You know you.
37:52 Yeah, that all of this leads us to take the truth of God's word
37:57 and say where is where is he leading me to and the church.
38:01 It is God's arm here in the world. We're God, somebody
38:05 we're we're working out and living out in sharing that ruse
38:08 from God's word. And then number 14, this is the last one
38:12 of the first said is the second coming to a man that, Reza,
38:16 we're all looking. Yeah, I know. I am yes in the Bible.
38:19 Certainly has a lot to say from Genesis on through to
38:22 revelation. It's true. And that was so, Dana, tell us about the
38:25 format. Then the these lessons far as question and search to
38:29 fill in the Blake, you know, just tell us about what some
38:31 would find on the inside. So we know that we're not going
38:35 to be able to interact with people that we're sending these
38:38 especially to prisons. And so this is a question and answer
38:41 format. But there's no place in the question and answer part 2,
38:45 right answers because for many people, there's not going to be
38:48 someone sitting by their side explaining. Here's here's what
38:52 this means. And so the the explanations are fairly
38:55 detailed. They are that there's your short and simple, but
38:58 their thorough.
39:00 >> They're very comprehensive. I think you did an excellent
39:02 job with a theology of making it clear and concise and but
39:06 yet comprehend something really explains it. So you have a
39:09 question. You have the Bible verse and then you have your
39:12 explanations. So if you don't know what the verse means,
39:15 you can see that so that we did our best to it to have each
39:18 question flow one to the next. So there's a logical
39:21 progression.
39:22 >> And kind of anticipate what kind of question might somebody
39:25 ask and then put that there for them? And sometimes people
39:27 don't know what to ask. And so you ask these questions and you
39:31 realize that the scripture is logical that the progression of
39:35 God spot does make sense.
39:38 And so you work your way through usually 17 or 18
39:41 questions with sometimes one or 2, sometimes a few more Bible
39:45 Texan response. And then there will be some text below that in
39:50 a different color that the offer some explanation. And
39:54 then sometimes a few other Bible techs in the explanation
39:57 that a layer really, really more than adequate groundwork.
40:00 Understand. Here's here's a good foundation to begin your
40:03 study because there's more that you could continue to to learn
40:06 beyond this.
40:07 >> Yeah. And then every section has what does this mean for my
40:10 life today? And this is where you have an opportunity to and
40:15 to answer those questions into its practical person.
40:19 >> There's no right or wrong answer to these necessarily.
40:22 But they do they prompt you to then think about what you've
40:25 read. And one thing that we did here is that the last question
40:30 of each of the what does this mean for my life section asks
40:33 this question right here, who do you know that needs to hear
40:37 what you have learned? Because when you're you know, we think
40:40 about disciple ship, which we've been talking about,
40:42 it's not just I gain information, but then assurance
40:46 each one of us know somebody in our life that we can in a small
40:50 way or a large way, say a bet I could help help them see
40:54 something that I just learned.
40:56 >> And then that at the very and this one, every lesson has
40:59 this. It says, what is the good news for me in this one is the
41:03 power of the Holy Spirit, but it depends it could be. What is
41:05 the good news for me in death and you think is the good news
41:08 in death. What is the good news for me and Hal or the second
41:11 coming? And so it's very insightful to take that
41:15 particular truth from the word of God and find out what is the
41:18 good news.
41:19 >> And each of those good new statements are paired with a
41:22 statement from Scripture. So you can see all this good
41:25 news comes from God's own work. So, for example, want to read
41:29 one there you see when Daniels. So we have a we have here.
41:33 Lesson number 12 when h*** burns up. Okay. And so good
41:36 news. Number one, God takes no pleasure in suffering or death.
41:41 And that is good news. You don't want to serve a God who
41:44 says, oh, I can't wait to get them. All right. So the text
41:47 here says the Lord is longsuffering toward us.
41:50 Not willing that any should perish, but that all should
41:53 come to repentance. Second, Peter, 3 verse night. Yeah.
41:56 So some of them have just maybe 4, 5, and others of them.
41:59 This one here has 8 on this page. And then the last part of
42:03 the lesson is a lesson summary, 7 statements. So take the whole
42:08 that the whole lesson, everything we've learned here
42:10 and put it into 7 simple statements that they're not
42:14 necessarily things to memorize. But to a quick overview,
42:18 I know sometimes I read something and I read if you're
42:21 like, wow, that was good will.
42:23 >> What haha had, not that we're not thinking, but as you
42:30 can get a whole lot of things that you've just learned.
42:33 >> And how do you put it all together in a concise way to
42:36 those 7 statements do?
42:37 >> So often so we can talk in a moment about the back back in
42:41 the resources available for each lesson as well as the
42:44 video that goes along with the U.S. right before we do.
42:47 I just want to encourage you. You can order these right now
42:51 at the center of the national offer. There's actually several
42:55 offers. Let me make sure I get all this straight lesson.
42:58 Number one we send complimentary. So if you want
43:01 to see what the last looks like, if you just say, oh,
43:03 I'm interested in lesson right now, you can call 618-627-4651.
43:09 And we'll send you the first last and the battle for you,
43:11 which is about the great controversy we send that free.
43:14 You can also go online and download mall all 14 of the
43:20 lessons and its fill a bowl. In other words, that one
43:23 section where Daniel said, you can write your answers. You can
43:25 actually write that online so you can download all 14 of the
43:30 lessons and you can print them at home. You can utilize them
43:32 that way. But we have a special they come in amazing set.
43:37 I hope they look beautiful. So you can order
43:42 10 of its 10 sets. So that's 10 sets. There's 14 lessons in
43:46 each set for $25. And that includes the Shipping Co cost
43:53 that's in the United States. Now oversee shipping clearly is
43:56 much more. But in the United States, it's a suggested
43:59 donation. You ordered 10 of the sets for just $25. So that
44:05 comes down to 2.50. Is set.
44:06 >> Which is amazing. Haha. And I think production put that
44:10 graphic back up there, too. You can see all the lessons you
44:13 see the beautiful and below that is there as well. And this
44:16 Joe mentioned all 14 of those lessons come inside that
44:19 beautifully designed envelope. And then like Joel said,
44:22 you get 10 of those sets 10, including the 10 of Lopes,
44:26 which is a really nice carrying case, is not just a little then
44:29 that sample of her looking at, right? Absolutely. Yes. So
44:32 yeah. And you see the lessons they're and us all come.
44:36 As she mentioned, 10 of those says for 25 suggested donation.
44:39 25 $1 suggested donation here in the U.S. post a space.
44:42 That's the that's the best deal. So that's what we
44:45 encourage you to to get. Bob was that is going in your
44:48 community, right? Talk to us about this because you're an
44:50 evangelist and I know you encourage churches and places
44:53 you've been to get a set of Bible study guys and go and
44:56 give all the studies. Absolutely side. I've had the
44:58 wonderful privilege, an opportunity.
45:00 >> Preaching all of the world. And of course, when you have a,
45:04 you know, your guests coming, you want to be able to
45:06 obviously preach the gospel in as the leave to be able to put
45:09 something in their hands as they continue to study and
45:11 follow up with by hearing seeing no reading and following
45:15 the end of in-depth study in a Bible study capacity. And so in
45:19 this case, you know, and every single one of my meetings and
45:21 I've distribute hundreds of thousands of of Bible study
45:25 guides over the years. It's an incredible tool to have people
45:28 that return every single night and say, yeah, I heard your
45:31 perspective. I heard the we presented it, but then I went
45:34 home and I read the study got and it just help clarify so
45:37 much because, you know, the preachers not able to preach
45:39 everything in an hour, but yet there's so much more that you
45:42 can cover in that study. Got that you can't preach
45:44 perhaps an hour or so. These are powerful, powerful tools.
45:48 If you're a pastor or you're an evangelist or minister or a
45:52 bottle worker or anyone at elder at your church and you
45:55 want to come to conduct Bible studies, you want to do it and
45:57 then just 6 series of your own. You have the study guides now
46:01 available. You can you can distribute these 2 people to
46:03 follow along in the study with you a long as you're going
46:06 along just as incredible tool to be able to amplify that my
46:09 mum Alison help lead someone to in-depth more deeper
46:13 relationship, which a man? No, absolutely right. I agree
46:15 100%. There's a QR code on the back of each study. I don't
46:19 know if you can see the QR code down here, but.
46:21 >> And it leads to more information about that
46:25 particular studies. So hang on and want to talk to us about
46:29 that because we have a video that goes along with old study.
46:33 And we also have just more information because you're
46:35 going to say, but I want to know more about this topic of
46:38 health. And so to be more information on the website.
46:40 >> Yes, I was I was blessed to be a part of this. And I'm so
46:43 thankful I was because what we did was when you scan this QR
46:47 codes, it's going to take you to our 3ABN by the lancers dot
46:50 com. And that's where you can kind of see any questions that
46:54 you may have. I believe you worked a lot on that as well,
46:56 right? And you know, so those questions that you have,
46:59 it's just a one-stop shop where you can kind of get some
47:03 information on whether it's the Sabbath, the second coming on
47:05 how and these QR codes when you scan them, it'll take you to
47:09 that Web page. And I was a part of of producing these videos
47:13 that we did. So right once again, Ryan was a part of that
47:16 as well as re seeing James and and you are a part of it as
47:19 well as to long. Okay, what's what? It is really a new on on
47:24 these websites. We already have videos that are there, but
47:26 they're from camp meetings and they're from maybe a cyber
47:29 school panel which has great information on it. But there
47:32 are an hour long and sometimes people just don't have an hour
47:34 and they just want to get a quick information. So when they
47:37 scanned it will take a minute. We have a 5 up about a 5 minute
47:39 video that gives down, you know, a comprehensive
47:43 information on that topic. And then when they have time
47:46 later, they can go back and view those those longer videos
47:49 and look, maybe look more in-depth than those questions.
47:52 So it's a wonderful tool. I mean, just taking your phone
47:55 and scanning and it takes you right there. And you have all
47:57 the information at your fingertips now to be able to
48:00 learn and grow and understand that topic, regardless of what
48:03 it is.
48:04 >> With each of these topics, years, questions that people
48:06 would ask that take a while to respond to that couldn't fit in
48:10 here. And so by scanning the QR code, people find questions
48:14 that they've been asking and a good solid biblical response to
48:18 those. So that's one useful thing about this QR code there.
48:21 >> And because it's much more questions, you know,
48:25 absolutely. So price alone, people also might be saying 14
48:29 lessons. There's a lot of things you left out. Yeah.
48:33 >> This is this is only part 1, 1, aft which means there's more
48:39 yet to be yet to come and God is working on minds and hearts
48:43 to impress about the way to write those ones. I think I
48:46 want to make a phone call to the cause.
48:48 >> Haha. Yeah, because you're right. These are these are
48:53 coming is down there at that press right now and we'll have
48:56 that really soon as the 2 week within 2 weeks ago. Encourages
48:59 call us right now in New York. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And like
49:03 we're mentioning, the best deal is the the 10 sets for $25 in
49:07 just a donation that's posted Speight here in the United
49:10 States. And we're trying to make evangelism easy for you
49:14 than your question for you. So these lessons and you may
49:16 have some of the homeless is I've never given a Bible study
49:18 my entire life. I'm not sure I can do it. Can they do it with
49:21 this? Only how we do start?
49:24 >> Well, I can tell you there are many people who have gone
49:26 through something like this to say, I want to push myself to
49:30 to do what God wants me to do. Maybe you cannot put together
49:33 Bible studies on your own before. And there's there's a
49:36 time and a place for that. And you say, well, here's what
49:38 I do. I just I find someone who wants to study and I take a
49:43 copy of this. I give them one and I give myself when we sit
49:46 down together and we read it through to get on into the rest
49:49 is up on our mind ways to explain something fresh.
49:53 New words may be an experience from your own life. And this
49:58 this is doable. The hardest part of it is saying, yes,
50:01 I'll do it and you get you get good at it by the Holy spirit
50:08 working through us, Sarah and by saying yes, by being
50:11 willing. So it's a it is doable for anybody. God says I can do
50:16 all things through him who gives me strength and that
50:19 includes sharing his work. So the great thing about
50:22 studies like this is somebody else has done some of that work
50:24 for you. And that's true. Yeah. Thank you so much for the
50:27 time. I know. Yes, just take a little while. But the same time
50:31 it's only been just a few months is actually phenomenally
50:33 fast, too. I mean, that's a lot of information. But together,
50:36 about 5 months looking back, I spent it took about 2 weeks on
50:40 each one. And then after that, there is some more work that
50:42 followed. But the intense writing of each one and it
50:45 wasn't me alone. I mean, there's there's lots of people
50:47 that I talked with him. Yeah, I begin a study and that's all
50:50 right. I've got to got to get out of the office. And so I go
50:53 out walking the beautiful nature, which was wintertime at
50:55 that point and walking through the trees and say, Lord,
50:57 how would you have me to say this? What is it that needs to
51:00 be included and what order should your truth? You know
51:03 what? Heck should I used to sit there and walking and got
51:06 impresses the mind and it puts things there. I remember a
51:10 couple of mornings where my wife selected something to read
51:13 for worship with their kids. And I sat there thinking,
51:16 God, you put that on her heart because it spoke to me and told
51:18 me exactly what I needed that I was wondering about or how to
51:22 say this in a less appraisal or, you know, we're so blessed
51:25 far as in-house room talking about this, the tremendous use
51:29 serviceable or town. The guys given this year, 3 been to go
51:32 to run the ideas like you mentioned, pass so many people
51:35 right here at 3ABN, what a blessing. But thank you for
51:38 your dedication.
51:39 >> And a special thanks to Adam again and his team with the
51:43 it's going to side for ship website. But they did an
51:45 incredible job on the design and the layout of these guides.
51:50 So and Bobby Davis, he works so hard at 18 and so many others
51:54 involved in the process. So that is exciting. We're
51:56 almost done with the second hour. I can pull out of it,
52:00 but we've got to talk about Candy.
52:01 >> We do that right around the corner on the huge event that's
52:05 getting ready to take place right here at 3. A B and an in
52:07 person can be in this June 7 through 10. Mark it on your
52:11 calendars. If you cannot attend in Person. Of course, you can
52:14 always tune in to 3 A B and that starts Wednesday night,
52:17 June 7th, I believe at 06:00PM Central Time with a dynamic
52:22 music hour. And again, what a blessing 3 been Camden is.
52:26 It's majoring in the minors.
52:29 >> And this what major lessons from the minor prophets,
52:31 major lessons from the minor prophets love, which is just an
52:34 amazing thing. So grateful I think was Pastor James Rafferty
52:37 initially came up with that thing and we're excited about
52:40 that. And just looking at every single one of the minor profit
52:43 books, just go through here briefly. We start Wednesday
52:46 evening at 06:00PM, our music, our and then we're going to
52:49 hear from past Whitley Phipps a pass through Jake Allen Moore,
52:53 pastor James Rafferty myself, Dakota Day. Christopher Hudson,
52:57 doctor Eric Walsh. Steve will burn doctor David Shun. I'm
53:02 Doctor Ben Carson will be with us Friday evening. Danny's
53:05 doing the Divine worship our Shell. A Queen Ryan downtown
53:09 bends established a panel. That's right. The Kenny Shelton
53:13 and Pastor John McCain. So just an incredible lineup of
53:17 speakers looking at each one of the minor profits. I'm thinking
53:21 musicians, we have Stephanie Dawn, who will be coming in.
53:24 Tim Parton will be coming in. We have are 3ABN family here.
53:28 Of course, Candy Carson is going to do some music and we
53:32 have some other. So looking forward to that, I just got a
53:36 text from a Rachel who helps coordinate can't meeting for
53:39 us. She said we have one RV space left, which is over by
53:46 the worship center. And we have a couple spaces over here about
53:49 the call centers. So that means we're almost out of RV spaces.
53:53 But if you want to reserve your RV for can't meeting, you can
53:57 still call. We have won over by the worship center and a couple
54:00 over here. So you can call us and just say, yes, I want to
54:03 bring my RV and I can reserve or you can always bring a tent
54:07 and you don't need to reserve for that. You're right to stay
54:09 in a hotel.
54:11 >> Yeah, that's true. You know, if you're 10 teen, we have nice
54:12 bath houses here, too. With hot showers. Don't worry. They're
54:15 not cold. Yeah, it's a it's a great setting. Here has been
54:20 mentioned a lot of people. A lot of you have inquired.
54:23 We found out through Rachel first time and you can and
54:26 trying to figure out what actually is here. It's just a
54:28 great time of fellowship and there's nothing like being
54:30 together in-person there's time Thursday afternoon and Friday.
54:34 If you're not had a 2 or 3, 8, in facilities have the
54:37 opportunity coming here. This studio that we're in right
54:39 now coming to your house. You go through this to the
54:42 studio where stab school panels, which is right next
54:44 door worship our course. The main building also be
54:48 children's meetings. That will be I hear camping, great
54:51 teachers and the Knapp says it isn't right. And of course and
54:55 Francine does a great job coordinating all that. And then
54:57 the food is complimentary as well. Breakfast and lunch.
55:01 That's right. The apathy.
55:03 >> Breakfast, lunch and supper. And that was already here with
55:05 our team and they're already booking. So, yeah, it's an
55:09 exciting time of a fellowship.
55:11 >> Hopefully, Lord willing, we'll have a little. We did
55:12 this for fall camp and we tried again. It's it's a time of
55:15 fellowship, spiritual, no time to spend together as family.
55:18 So at fall camp, and we had a little bonfire out between
55:22 control does in control. You know, we have a lot of
55:24 water here. And so there's no issue about getting out of
55:26 control. So we had and roasted some fun things there over the
55:31 fire. And just a nice time of their fellow should be sitting
55:34 there in the chairs in the evening and just talking and,
55:36 you know, talking about with the Lord's doing your own life,
55:39 just really a great family. Time is too. So bring your
55:42 kids, come on down. Just enjoy a great time, a fellowship,
55:45 specially fed and physically fit as well.
55:47 >> And from a set of time, we are a scheme. Let's go around
55:49 the table and I have a few seconds then. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
55:53 >> It's not risk. It all comes to share with you what my Bible
55:56 is open to okay. Ask and it will be given to you seek and
55:59 you will find knock and it will be open to you. And so when you
56:02 come to the word of God, Bible study guides were no bible
56:06 study guides. God will
56:07 >> respond to a man. What a promise. And I'm just, you
56:10 know, encouraged with the Lord is doing here at 3ABN in the
56:13 ministry here, setting up at the Bible study guides and with
56:16 the school. And you just you have an incredible opportunity
56:19 here to really grow and not only in your own relationship
56:23 with God, but personally with others. And I just I hope,
56:26 but you make it a thought to at least be here and participate
56:29 in the school disciple and
56:31 >> apply for side today. 3 AB an S O D DOT org apply and
56:37 then we'll see you in the fall right through October, right
56:39 hand, man.
56:40 >> So I want to clarify the risky part wasn't that I was
56:43 afraid that they're going to say is not a lot of Taha make
56:47 it. But we did. Haha, I'm just such a privilege to be part of
56:52 the 3 Van Pham was right and enjoying privilege here at
56:54 3ABN. And thank you for joining us this you do every day now
56:59 that we love you and pray for you. We want to see what can be
57:02 done at Saddam or be involved in this positive about that
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Revised 2023-05-25