3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes at 3ABN

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230019A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:10 [MUSIC]
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:33 2
00:37 was that in the
00:42 and
00:44 [MUSIC]
00:47 I want to stand
00:49 [MUSIC]
00:53 and 2.
00:55 [MUSIC]
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:05 [MUSIC]
01:07 >> Hello and welcome to another 3 Avian today. Live program are
01:10 so glad you're joining us. You know, Joe, tonight's
01:12 program is called 3 ABN behind the scenes. And we've been
01:16 looking forward to this program in a particular way, very
01:19 excited about this one, are we?
01:21 >> We are indeed we love behind the scenes because we get to
01:23 take you behind the scenes and see what's happening in your
01:27 ministry in the ministry of 3 Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:31 Tonight, we have 2 exciting announcements. Yeah, teams to
01:35 them right out the gate and then we'll talk about them
01:38 during the first and the second hour. You want to make the
01:41 announcement.
01:42 >> Also want to just say thank you for join us in being part
01:44 of our family because, you know, we've been talking about
01:47 this internally. Here is a 3ABN, family. But we want to
01:49 include yes, kind of having a little a family meeting because
01:52 we've been looking forward to this moment. We've been talking
01:55 about 2 particular plans and initiatives. 3 ABN. We're
01:58 getting rid of lost in this evening. So stay tuned. But I
02:02 know that 3 ABN has always been about evangelism and 3ABN is
02:07 not going to stop being about evangelism. And so tonight,
02:11 2 incredible opportunities. How to get involved, how to
02:13 become yeah, involved in evangelism in a really special
02:17 a C I do want to mention. It tells actually we have here
02:19 around the table actually to add some time. So you want to
02:22 play.
02:23 >> So we will just mention them. And then we'll talk about
02:25 the family the first hour. We're going to try out some
02:27 guests the second hour. But the 2 initiatives, the first
02:30 initiative that we're launching here tonight is a 3, a B end
02:34 school of disciple ship intensive. All right. You might
02:38 be saying what in the world is that? Stay tuned for this
02:42 program to find out. And the second hour we're going to be
02:45 talking about the launch of 3, a B ends. Brand-new Bible
02:50 study, guys. Yeah, both of these are about disciple ship.
02:53 Both of these are about evangelism. Both of these are
02:56 about spreading the gospel in sharing that around the world.
02:59 So we're excited about that. Absolutely. And we we have some
03:03 of our family around the table here. We have Ryan Day was the
03:06 price in music network, general manager.
03:09 >> Delighted to have you here tonight. For the men. Always a
03:11 blessing to be a part of the behind the scenes program,
03:14 the live program, any program the 3ABN is putting on. But I
03:17 just want to thank you, my friends for joining us. And I'm
03:20 excited to discuss the new and exciting adventures that we're
03:23 going to be diving into in the school its mission.
03:25 >> Absolutely. And Ryan's taken on the initiative of being in
03:30 charge of the 3, A B in school of decipher ship is the cordon
03:33 here. So we're excited to talk about that sitting next to you
03:36 is the assistant for the team in school of disciple Ship,
03:39 Assistant coordinator. And you're also a producer here at
03:41 03:00PM. This is in Van Der Valk. And we're so delighted to
03:45 have you here tonight, brother.
03:46 >> Thank you. Thank you for having me. I mean, this is
03:48 interesting for me because I'm usually behind the scenes of
03:51 the behind the scenes and here I am and I get to be with you
03:53 all tonight. So it's a blessing. Thank you for having
03:56 me.
03:57 >> Amen. And we have Pastor James Rafferty couldn't be here
04:00 in person. So he's joining us via Skype. And Pastor James,
04:05 you, of course, are 3 and director of disciple Ship.
04:07 And you've been providing a great deal of mentorship and
04:11 support for this brand new initiative. And we're so glad
04:14 you could join us, too.
04:17 >> That would be in jail. Greg Ryan Nguyen, and I'm just
04:20 looking forward to the time we get to talk about side and
04:23 share a little bit of what got us from our hearts. We're
04:27 excited about the school and the benefit of the blessing
04:29 could be to so many people.
04:32 >> Absolutely. In the right. And I think I'm thinking of a
04:35 southern term. You're from Arkansas from West Virginia and
04:37 West Virginia say we're getting ready to bust her son with ex
04:44 times. Really t's everyone about what school disciple ship
04:47 is all about saw absolutely so side. It's an acronym sought
04:51 under the. It's a
04:52 >> very much a intentional. It was actually in the
04:55 beginning. We came up with the name James Von Brunn to my
04:58 attention. He said 3ABN School of Disciple ship Side that fits
05:02 in. So we've kind of worked on that theme. But 3 of the
05:05 in-school disciple ship is just that it's all about making
05:08 disciples for Christ and also teaching instructing guiding
05:12 others to be able to learn how to go on with the training,
05:15 with the understanding of what they've learned and to be able
05:18 to further make disciples for the kingdom of God. So that's
05:21 kind of a quick juiced and understanding of what is truly
05:25 all about evangelism, all about disciple ship. And we're going
05:28 to develop this little bit more as we go along for sure.
05:30 >> You know, something out that's really exciting to run
05:32 is that is going to be and actually in person event right
05:35 here on the campus 3, a B. And I know, Joe, we have some
05:38 of the things want to talk about this evening before
05:40 launch into all the details about the school disciple ship.
05:43 That's right. Because you can become involved in the school
05:46 of decide. Oh, yes, excited to explain the ways that you can
05:49 do that.
05:50 >> But first, I'm going ask Ian to maybe set this up and this
05:54 has to do with one of 3 B and own employees. This is Mister
05:57 Bobby. Does he and his wife, Alice, have been an integral
06:00 part of the ministry for several years. What a blessing
06:03 that they are to somebody as a veteran and he had the
06:06 opportunity to take part in an honor flight out of Marion,
06:10 Illinois, where they flew him up to Washington, D.C., so and
06:16 I know you're a veteran. Talk to us a little bit about
06:18 what the honor flight is and then.
06:20 >> Set up this video that we're going to watch. Yeah,
06:22 absolutely. So honor flights are absolutely incredible
06:26 experience for
06:27 >> for veterans and really what it is. It's an opportunity for
06:31 those who have previously served and they typically start
06:34 with World War, 2 vets and work them their way down or some
06:36 that might be having some illnesses or things like that
06:39 that are critical and now give them a free trip to go to
06:44 Washington, D.C., to visit the monument and these different
06:47 things and now have chaperones with them. And sometimes even
06:50 while I was in the army, we had some of our own soldiers who
06:52 would walk around with them and go with him to the different
06:55 monuments in Washington, D.C.. So it's a really awesome
06:58 opportunity for veterans to just go to the Capitol
07:01 experience, some things that they may not have experienced
07:04 connect with other veterans because, you know, when you've
07:07 been in the service, sometimes people don't don't understand
07:09 certain things. But a veteran understand completely what
07:12 you've gone through, some of the things you've experienced
07:14 and you have that camaraderie with each other. So this video
07:17 here was just a group of us that our wonderful LaDonna
07:20 Terrell, she's coordinated this and set it all up. And it was
07:24 just an incredible experience for us to all be there for Bob
07:26 as he returned back from this flight, which you'll get to see
07:30 the the role of it in just a few moments.
07:32 >> You know, involved when he came back admission to me,
07:35 he said, you know, Greg said all my years and being a
07:36 veteran, he actually never been to Washington, D.C., since a
07:39 memorial. So is really, really so. Yeah, that's not uncommon
07:42 either. So, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much for
07:45 setting that up. So let's go to that role right now.
07:48 >> Here I'm John McCain and this is in Banda Balkan We''re
07:51 3 aetn at the Marion Airport where we are waiting for the
07:56 honor flight to return. You know, the southern Illinois has
08:00 taken the time to recognize veterans that have fought for
08:03 this country and they are returning from Washington,
08:07 D.C., where they were chosen. And we're excited that one of
08:10 those veterans is our very own Bobby's volunteer for 3,
08:13 8, again in the church member at the time to build 7 Avenue
08:16 church. And right next to me is in bed of all. How was it like
08:20 to serve for our country? Just tell me about that.
08:23 Well, first off it, you know, it was an honor. You you become
08:26 part of a brotherhood in a very select few people have actually
08:30 served this country. So.
08:32 >> There's a unity there. And I'm just I'm privileged to
08:34 be here to be able to support our brother, Bobby AIDS and on
08:37 this honor, fine coming back home. And we just want to tell
08:39 them that we love them.
08:41 >> That right. And, you know, this country has been fought
08:43 and fought for by many brave citizens, men and women through
08:47 the years. And it's so good to be able to be here to represent
08:49 them so that them know that we we thank them for their
08:52 service. And I believe that, you know, a lot of stands out
08:55 here. A lot of police presence, lotta, red, white and blue to
08:59 red, white and blue. We believe in that and we love this
09:02 country. And if you are part of I 3ABN family and you a
09:05 veteran, we want to recognize and honor you also for your
09:09 service.
09:10 [MUSIC]
09:14 >> That's yeah. Lauper song for Mister Obama and Mister Bob.
09:18 But we're grateful for his service and we're grateful for
09:21 your service. I think of many other within the ranks of
09:24 comedian who have served and those of you for watching.
09:27 We're grateful for your service for our country as well.
09:30 So that was a special night.
09:31 >> Yeah, you know anything about 3, then we reach
09:33 worldwide and think about all the different countries.
09:36 And those as you're watching, you may be a veteran, but we do
09:38 thank you for your service no matter where it is, what
09:40 country represent. But we just appreciate again, your service,
09:43 not thinking about where in the Lord's Army to our, you know,
09:46 representatives of him to this. We're talking about that this
09:50 evening about being in vans as the representative for the Lord
09:53 Jesus Christ. But again, thank you, Ian, for your service.
09:56 And of course, Mister Bobby others here that you said we
09:58 have here at 3, a B, a.
10:00 >> Absolutely. Another item we just wanted to mention briefly
10:03 as we came back just a couple weeks ago from our very first
10:07 3, a B in Raleigh since COVID before COVID. We're involved in
10:11 rallies often and we would go in. We would go to area
10:14 churches, take up a part of the team and speak and do music and
10:19 just have an incredible time. But this time we were at the
10:22 Auburn City, 7th Day Adventist Church in here. You can see
10:26 some photos there of the offering city church. It was
10:29 there just about a half hour outside of Seattle. Wonderful
10:33 crowd. There were so excited. They came in from Montana and
10:37 Oregon and Washington and they came in took hotels for the
10:41 weekend so that they could meet the 3ABN team be encouraged in
10:45 the blast by what took place. We want to give a special shout
10:48 out to pasture. 0, 5, and his wife Jackie, as well as Pastor
10:53 Corrie. That's the pastoral team there at the church.
10:55 There are so warm and hospitable and welcoming.
10:58 I know Pastor James human receiver there and other
11:02 members of the team and it was a great experience, wasn't.
11:08 >> We really enjoyed it. You know, Gayle Harper was
11:10 there also and she volunteers that 3, D and you know my go
11:15 way back. She was at
11:17 president, the first survivor Preach. Wow. That was in 1980's
11:23 5. Haha
11:25 and her daughter Marcy. I actually taught her Bible when
11:28 she was just a vote.
11:30 All right.
11:31 And March, he ah had kind of
11:35 well it from the lords through the circuit. I just pulled off.
11:40 And at that rally, a pastor, I say Hastert brother Danny
11:46 Shelton. He gave an appeal after his presentation and you
11:51 kind of saw held out a little bit and Marcy came forward and
11:55 it was just a very special moment for my wife and I are
11:58 going back in history. There were able to be up front was
12:01 hurt as she rededicated heart of the lower 70's. Just a
12:04 blessing that rather was such a blessing.
12:05 >> Yeah. Manuel pastor James, of course, Ryan, you've been to
12:09 some rallies, were not able to make it to this one, got some
12:11 other commitments. But the blessing to me are 3ABN family
12:15 doesn't mean it's always encouraging because we talk
12:18 about you being our families. When you go out to these
12:20 rallies, I think about our can't meetings here that we
12:22 have another event sat 3ABN. It's always a blessing to meet
12:26 with you. But I want to talk about rallies to cause you've
12:28 been to some is always well, yeah, I I didn't wasn't able to
12:31 go to this particular one because I was holding my own
12:33 rally and
12:34 >> New Jersey. It was an evangelistic series. But I've
12:37 been to many of these rallies and it's just such a blessing
12:39 to be able to go out into the field and and and see people
12:42 face to face and to to meet those people who watch 7 school
12:45 panel on who are part of our 3ABN family, nor all that we're
12:49 all a family. That's what we want to emphasize that we're
12:51 just normal people like everyone else. And it's good to
12:53 be able to go out there and just be fussy faces, visit,
12:56 talk, chat, you know, answer questions in and, you know,
13:00 just be able to see how Big God's family really is. It's
13:03 amazing thing. And then and Joe, we have several other
13:06 rallies planned are ready for this year and maybe gives the
13:09 places and dates if you have those Joe's got all those
13:11 details.
13:13 >> Yeah, we're heading to New York City. So we'll be in New
13:17 York City on July. 8th is the Sabbath July 8. So we will be
13:23 at the City Tabernacle Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:26 That's on one 50th Street. So if you want the details for
13:30 that, you can go to 3ABN DOT TV and you can go online there and
13:34 just click the news tab and you can get the details for that
13:37 where the parking is where the details are for that Sabha
13:41 school starts 09:30AM, in the morning worship our at 11.
13:44 You're going to feed us a delicious fellowship lunch.
13:47 And the afternoon service of music in testimony starts at
13:51 04:00PM. Now, Jill fought that seems a little light and they
13:54 said we're going to take a long time in church. So I think he's
13:58 going to be a whole day of fellowship and worshiping the
14:01 Lord. So damning of honor going. Ryan Newman, Stephanie,
14:04 will be their pastor John and Geelong McCain. Reggie Lady
14:08 Love Smiths will be going. And Jason in Palm, Anna Bradley
14:12 and in great night. And then a couple weeks later will be in
14:15 Crowley, Texas. This is the Crowley Seventh-day Adventist
14:19 Church. This is July. 22 again, you can go to 3 ABN DOT TV and
14:25 you can get all the details for that. Those going there,
14:28 of course, is standing a van and Greg and I-10 part and will
14:31 be going. Ryan and Stephanie and Jason Francine and Amanda
14:35 Bergman. So we're excited about that. Sabha school at 9,
14:38 30 church at 10. 45 the church is feeding us fellowship,
14:42 lunch and afternoon service will be at 02:00PM. So looking
14:46 forward to a wonderful time of fellowship to gather. So all of
14:51 those details are at 3ABN DOT TV or the call centers open
14:54 tonight. You can give us a call if you'd like as well. And they
14:58 can give you the ladies and gentlemen, there can give you
15:01 those details at 6, 1, 8,
15:03 627-4651. You can give us a call. 6, 1, 8, 6, 2, 7, 4,
15:09 6, 5, point.
15:11 >> Yeah, Amen. Saw was a blessing and I'm thinking about
15:14 a three-man committee that's coming up soon. Second hour.
15:17 Going to get some more detail. But that's coming up. That is
15:20 just next month. Yeah. June 7 through 10 and again, that's an
15:24 in-person 3ABN, cammy. So just come on down. We're always glad
15:28 to see you. We still have a few RV spots left unavailable.
15:33 Don't we're just a few. Yes, we have also some tent camp.
15:36 And if you like to do that, there's some hotels in the
15:38 local area. But 3, a B n's summer spring camp is just
15:42 around the corner. Before we get started. Talking about
15:45 school disciple ship was up. I open in prayer. You know,
15:48 we're just excited about, again, God's leading we can.
15:51 We're going to talk a little bit about the history. You
15:54 know, as you look back over the the story of 3ABN, and how God
15:58 has led. Mister Dan has been always a strong supporter of
16:01 when God opens the door, you better just stepped through.
16:03 Got to provide. The funds will provide the way. And then you
16:06 see how God has blessed the ministry of 3 a B. And so
16:09 again, we're just I'm just so excited to have to be honest
16:12 with you, because we've been talking about this for a few
16:14 months, even for maybe a couple of years. And it's like to talk
16:17 about now can talk about. I want to talk about it now,
16:19 but just not quite yet. But tonight's the night. So you're
16:22 going to hear some really exciting news, but them Pastor
16:24 James U.S. Open in prayer this evening.
16:28 >> Father in Heaven. Thank you so much for this opportunity to
16:32 share with our viewers, the vision you given to 3ABN as
16:35 they continue to expand and grow. As we see your hand
16:38 working in this ministry in our lives, we're just thankful for
16:43 everything you have been doing and continue to do be with us
16:47 now, fathers in the Holy spirit to guide our hearts and words
16:50 and the minds and hearts of each one. That's in the 2
16:53 ships. Great news about site
16:55 and that's taking place. And she said she's a state.
17:01 >> And there's a learning as we talk about 3 D hands, brand-new
17:06 school of disciple ship intensive. It's a one-week
17:10 in-person intensive taking place this fall. Let's go back
17:13 and get a little history and right. I think the Lord put it
17:17 on your heart, the vision for this several years ago. So talk
17:20 to us about how that came about.
17:22 >> Absolutely. Well, I think all of this starts kind of with
17:25 my journey back in 2012, 2013, as I was preparing a major life
17:31 transition from freshly graduating college education
17:35 major and the Lord just put on my my wife's heart, Stephanie,
17:39 in my heart that we wanted to be full in full-time ministry.
17:42 And so how that was going to happen. We didn't know. But we
17:44 wanted to be into involved in evangelism in some way, form or
17:47 fashion lone behold the Lord open the door for us to attend
17:50 the amazing facts, interventionism and then and so
17:54 got to give a shout out to my fall class of 2013 Abaco.
17:58 You know, we we with their myself, my brother, our wives
18:02 and our friend, Jordan. More now. Evangelist also for
18:06 amazing fact. My brother, amazing facts. Evangelist,
18:08 we all went there just again with the mindset of more.
18:12 We don't know what door you're going to open. We don't know
18:14 what it is that you want us to do. But we know that being
18:18 bench warmers is not an option. We were going to we want to be
18:20 involved, want to be out there spreading the good news in the
18:23 Gospel and learn how to become disciples for Jesus Christ to
18:26 do something about our faith. And so that's where our journey
18:29 being in. It lit a fire was already on fire, but it was
18:32 like they just Bello the arguments that what is it?
18:34 What's the little those yellows are those the they just below
18:37 that fire just bill? I mean, you just ignited in us. And so
18:41 that's kind of where my by journey began after Cole really
18:44 taught me, showed me what it truly means to be a disciple
18:47 for Jesus and helping put evangelism in its proper
18:51 perspective, the mission of what we're called to do and who
18:54 were called to be from Jesus Christ. And so from that moment
18:57 on, I just knew I love ask this is it's just always been in my
19:00 heart and soul. Fast forward now on the 5 years of
19:04 evangelism on the road out there as a full-time
19:06 evangelists. But the Lord Open the door for me to come to 3
19:08 ATS and I'll never forget, in fact, by the way, next week on
19:12 the first is going to be one exactly 5 years. I've been here
19:16 3 B a yeah. Haha official paperwork on 6/1/2018, but
19:24 anyways just coming here. And I remember my very first
19:27 week here gaining any van invited us over to their house.
19:30 And again, this is my kind of my very, very first visit with
19:33 2 with a rather than in the van and getting to know them.
19:36 And I think JD and showing was there was there was a house
19:39 full of people in and we just got to talking amongst
19:42 ourselves and just chatting about different ministry
19:44 opportunities. And I don't know what overcame me, but right
19:46 there in Danny's living room. I was like, you know what
19:49 I you know, it's tell about after Cohen, my journey,
19:51 I said, you know what? I think 3ABN could really benefit.
19:54 And I think of others would benefit if week 3 of you could
19:57 start their own eventually, some school of sometimes.
20:00 And, you know, I I was kind of the most respected somebody
20:04 like Dan, you're someone to say, well, you know, know it.
20:06 But Danny was very overlooking a that's a great idea. Perhaps.
20:09 You know, if it's the Lord's will it will happen fast for a
20:12 couple years. Haha, I let that kind of resonate my my heart.
20:16 You had become the president at this time. The any kind of
20:19 handed over the day-to-day president trying to get used to
20:21 you. So came that time or had to kind of muster up the
20:25 courage to just to give you a call and say, hey, can we set
20:27 up a meeting? We did get into your office? I had this little
20:30 pamphlet. I had may not pose a little proposal. And I just
20:34 give it to you. And we talked, I think from a couple that we
20:36 did. And again, it was just amazing because Grace is,
20:39 you know, I don't know what the future holds, but we're
20:41 definitely open to doing something like this. But
20:43 perhaps maybe right now is not the best time. But, you know,
20:46 let's develop this as we go along then COVID hit. It was
20:49 like, yeah, what we can do anything during COVID but in
20:53 the aftermath of COVID snow, we're talking 2021 into 2022,
20:58 we revisit that conversation. I think Pastor James, he came
21:01 on board them on board. And of course, Pastor James having had
21:04 to the experience in and start helping to start to rise School
21:09 of Angeles and him dealing with that and also raising up and
21:14 starting the ministry thereof like bears. It was just
21:16 powerful to have his influence and his his helping and
21:20 mentorship in developing this. We met with U a again. And then
21:24 before, you know, it was like, you know what, let's move
21:26 forward with the sea. Let's see what God is going to do.
21:29 So that's kind of a little bit of the history. And at first it
21:31 kind of was the 3, a B in school of evangelism. But then
21:34 as we do this myself and and and and James started talking
21:38 amongst each other, we decided, you know what this is the
21:40 school of disciple ship were to make disciples. And so that it
21:43 kind of brings me to the Bible are our Bible Commission was
21:46 famous words yet. Matthew Chapter? 28, what did Jesus say
21:50 as he was preparing to go back to the father? He came. This
21:52 final words has great commission to his disciples to
21:56 his church to us. And he says right there in Matthew. 28
21:59 versus 18 to 20.
22:01 He says all 40 has been given to me in heaven and on Earth.
22:04 And here's the commission's first 19 go, therefore and make
22:08 disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
22:11 the father and of the son of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
22:14 to observe all things that I have commanded you. And lo I am
22:17 with you always even to the end of year that I love that ending
22:20 because it lets me know that Jesus, you've given us this
22:23 great commission. We don't have a clue. We don't know what
22:25 we're doing. But with your guidance with your help with
22:28 you, with us in the Holy Spirit leading us, we can fulfill that
22:31 commission. And so the 3, a B in school, a disciple ship is
22:35 has been berthed in. It's it's it. We're just we're so excited
22:39 about what's God's going to do.
22:41 >> In this amazing opportunity. We have all the details of the
22:44 date and everything. We're going to share those with you
22:45 in just a few moments. But Pastor James, go to your
22:48 testimony, your involvement, school evangelism school
22:50 disciple ship now and then we'll come to you, too. So we
22:53 have Pastor James.
22:56 >> So really excited about this. We've been I've been
22:58 involved in schools from the time. I first became a 7th day
23:02 Adventists 1985. I learned how to study the Bible. And it
23:07 really has impacted my life in ways that I don't even know.
23:11 All I know is that the fact that I mean ministry indictment
23:14 right now can be traced back to learning how to study the
23:18 Bible. And I had to go some to the course a couple of times
23:21 just to really get a handle on. And before I knew it, we were
23:25 developing a school at like theirs ministry. It was a very
23:29 short 2 week intensive. It was called the Bible says stepped
23:34 asked by Wilson School and we had to lay it aside for a
23:37 while. But fast forward, like you mentioned, Brian, to arise
23:41 arise was up and running when it joined or merged with like
23:44 theirs. In 2011, I just kind of stepped into a teaching
23:49 position in the school, learned a lot administratively learned
23:53 a lot as another school developed in Australia under
23:56 the rise umbrella and then that led into a disciple ship
24:02 position with the rise and that is following up with people
24:06 personally individually and so read that to the table. In
24:10 other words, what we were trying to do here is not just
24:13 having a school that's instructing but a school that
24:17 when we come alongside people, we help people to cycle people.
24:21 I know one week isn't enough time for all of that. You know,
24:25 cycling that is needed. All the destruction is needed, but it's
24:28 a start. That's where we're starting.
24:30 And I just can't emphasize enough to those that are
24:33 listening. What a difference it will make in your lives to
24:37 learn the basics in this school of disciple ship intensive the
24:43 basics of how to stay. The Bible are basic message
24:46 evangelism and then being able to so just draw close to some
24:52 of these instructors and learn from their experience. And the
24:56 persons that I think of when I think about this are found in
24:59 in Second Timothy Chapter.
25:01 >> 2 and of course, first team to carry not just Florida for
25:05 us for a study to show myself a prude and the God of overwork
25:09 and that he is not to be ashamed, rightly divide the
25:11 word of truth. But I want to start in verse one. Timothy is
25:16 basically a son of Paul in a sense of spiritual son, Thou.
25:20 Therefore, Paula, speaking to Timothy Thou there for my son,
25:23 be strong and agrees that is in Christ Jesus and the things
25:27 which you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same
25:31 commit to faithful man who should be able to teach others.
25:34 Also, I think about this hall is teaching Timothy. He's
25:38 teaching Timothy Scott leads things. That's that he himself
25:42 has said that things that haven't yet heard of other
25:44 faithful man. And he said, I want you now to be able to
25:47 teach those to others so that they can teach to others and
25:51 that verse 3 you can endure. Hardness is a good soldier of
25:55 Christ. A whole chapter is really informative, goes on to
25:58 talk about
25:59 the Church of God, which is the ground and pillar of the
26:02 troops. So sometimes you think of the church is a building.
26:05 It's much more than a billion people got his warning to raise
26:08 up an army of people that are grounded in the truth who are
26:11 able to receive and then teach others can grow cots kingdom,
26:16 which is people grow God's kingdom. And as Brian was
26:19 sharing theirs in a message of 28. So we are absolutely full
26:24 blown busting. That seems excited about this school and
26:29 all that we believe God is going to serve it.
26:31 >> Yeah. Men, tell us in your journey toast to your
26:35 testimony. Why are you excited about school disciple ship?
26:38 Well,
26:39 prior to this being announcer, me having any knowledge that we
26:42 were, you know, thinking about starting a disciple ship.
26:45 I went to the amazing facts center of vandalism as well and
26:49 also shout out the class of twenty-twenty to our haha.
26:54 But I remember when we are, you did a year we had a day of
26:59 prayer. Yes, and I remember you mentioned you mentioned
27:01 something about, you know, we're looking into the future
27:03 about starting a school. Vandalism are disciple ship.
27:06 And when you said I wasn't sure if I heard you correctly.
27:09 So it wasn't maybe like a week or so later I came to office
27:12 and asked if you had a moment to talk and you did and I
27:16 clarified with your new go. Absolutely. We do want to start
27:19 a school disciple ship with 3 ABN right there. And right then
27:24 and there I said, I want to be a part of it. And any capacity
27:27 does not matter. I just want to be involved and then AF Crow
27:31 came. And that was just incredible. So for me, having
27:34 gone to a school like Ryan and having been a part of something
27:37 like that in what it can do for you, because I it it wasn't
27:41 just a blessing for me to see what I needed to know and to
27:44 learn and to grow spiritually. But let me know how much more
27:48 but the world needs Jesus. How much more this? You know,
27:52 they need to know his love. They need to know is
27:54 compassion. They need to know that we offer given that he has
27:56 come for all of us and green. So when that happened, I was
28:00 fully on board. I think hair falls, you know, cleaning rooms
28:03 that matter. I just wanted to be a part of it and some way,
28:06 shape or form. And, you know, not long after that. I think
28:09 everybody kind of talk about undecided. Yeah, it would be
28:12 okay for me to join the team up so I can ask for, you know,
28:15 better mentors with with Ryan and James. It's just I'm
28:18 excited to be a part of this because I know the ripple
28:21 effect. It can have not just on people's lives, but then when
28:24 they go forth and share what they have learned, not just
28:27 knowledge wise, but also within them, spiritually.
28:30 >> What they can share with others and it's just going to
28:32 be and so impactful person or gasoline. I like the
28:35 illustration mission far as the ripple. No, because as a kid
28:37 had farm ponds and we throw a stone out there and you watch
28:40 that ripple starts all right. Get bigger and bigger and
28:42 bigger. And again, that's all about advances because about
28:45 train you not just about one dollars, but how to be a
28:47 disciple and how to disciple others. Go back to your
28:50 community, your church and make a difference for the Lord Jesus
28:53 Christ. So this school disciple ship is another avenue, 3 ABN
28:57 evangelism to reach the entire world. Let's talk about than
29:00 some of the details. Just withdrawn. Start with you.
29:03 Share the details. But what this will look like.
29:05 >> Absolutely. Well, obviously, you know, the the main purpose
29:08 of this is to make disciples. We can't emphasize that enough.
29:11 And this is an intense intensive. Obviously, this is a
29:13 seven-day intensive. Yeah. This is going to give you the
29:15 date snow. We're looking at October 6 through 14, 2023.
29:20 That's October 6 through 14, 2023 and during the seven-day
29:24 intensive work and it just kind of turn on the fire hydrant and
29:28 and what in a good way, not an overwhelming. I'm going to be
29:32 overwhelmed. But I think when you come to those of you who
29:35 apply and who come to be a part of this are going to be
29:38 tremendously blessed because the idea of making disciples is
29:42 not again, just coming in gathering information. This
29:45 isn't just about being instructed, you know, in
29:48 learning information, but rather coming in taking that
29:51 information and learning how to be equipped with it, to go out
29:54 and be a disciple, be a strong spiritual decide before Christ,
29:58 but then go out and further make Disciples for Christ,
30:01 which the evangelism aspect comes in as well. So we called
30:04 we our goal is to is to establish what is called the 3
30:08 e's. And that's something I really like about this city.
30:11 It's to edify students edify to equip into excel. So 5 students
30:15 with invigorating Bible study instruction, of course, to
30:19 equip them to be able to preach and to understand, to preach in
30:23 live out the 3 angels messages to the world and also to excel
30:27 in further making disciples for Jesus Christ. And so that's
30:31 kind of a general understanding of what our goal is in terms of
30:35 what we're trying to achieve here. But in terms of details,
30:38 there's a lot to discuss in terms of details. Yes, we know
30:41 people, lots of people have questions about how this is
30:43 going to go on. First of all, we want to discuss courses will
30:47 start their love. That was, of course, isn't what you would
30:49 learn if you're coming. Absolutely. So first and
30:52 foremost as we go through this list, of course, is I'm going
30:54 to read them off. He really, really clearly we can kind of
30:56 just describe each one. The Gospel is is this is all of
31:00 these courses are saturated with the Gospel. Our number one
31:03 goal is to uplift Jesus. Our number one goal, any any
31:06 goal of a should be the goal of any disciple ship school.
31:09 And that's certainly what we achieved with AF Co. I'm sure
31:11 that's exactly what arise achieves when they when they
31:14 teach their instruction to give instruction there to school.
31:17 But we're going to be looking at courses such as how to study
31:20 the Bible or very own. Pastor James Rafferty is going to be
31:23 taking of the students to an in-depth course on how to
31:26 properly study the Bible. How can your faith grow again?
31:30 The Bible says a faith comes by hearing the hearing by the
31:33 word. How can your faith truly grow into that mature in this
31:37 that you wanted to if you don't know how to actually rightly
31:40 divide the word of truth. And that's what Pastor James
31:42 Rafferty is going to be taking us through. And that's course
31:45 of how to study the bible. And of course, he's going to be
31:48 using scripture, the writings of l and wide. And he's going
31:51 to be an in incorporating great biblical Herman Unix and how to
31:54 make the Bible come alive and really be able to retain and
31:57 understand, you know, that the great themes of scripture.
32:01 Well, so you have a class on apologetics. Now this class is
32:05 going to be this is going to be a big one because this is an
32:08 opportunity for students to get involved. This is an
32:11 opportunity for students. All of these classes. We
32:13 encourage our students to ask questions of what but the
32:16 biblical apologetics is definitely one of those where,
32:19 you know, we have questions. We have those tough questions.
32:22 And sometimes it's not always easy to answer. One of the
32:25 greatest aspects of becoming a more mature disciple for Christ
32:30 is being able to ask those tough questions and receive
32:33 answers to those tough questions. And so we're going
32:36 to be looking at all of the major fundamental biblical
32:39 doctrines movement will obviously cover all 28 of them
32:42 in the seven-day intensive, but some of the major ones and a
32:45 lot of the questions, a lot of the challenging texting
32:48 passages surrounding those individual doctrines. They will
32:52 provide an opportunity for students to be able to engage
32:55 in some dialogue, some in be able to challenge them as well
32:59 and how to be able to understand the message, but
33:02 also how to be able to share that message as well. And of
33:05 course, at the center of this is, as we've learned from this
33:08 is why does that all of these troops are powerful, but with
33:11 but they in and of themselves hold no power if it's not
33:14 taught from the perspective of the cross. And so we're always
33:17 going to try to keep Jesus at the center because he is the
33:20 the epicenter of it all. We'll have a class, A talk on
33:23 church history by our very own Daniel, a pastor, Daniel
33:26 parent. And we're excited. We call him Doctor Daniel Perry
33:29 because he's just that sees a surge in when it comes to
33:32 teaching. And I think this is right down his alley. He's
33:34 going to be breaking down the church. History is going to get
33:38 into Adventist Church history. And how will the church came
33:41 about how the 70 and this movement came about and in in
33:44 helping us understand our mission as a people here in
33:47 these last days, a pastor James Rafferty's also going to be
33:49 taking on a course entitled the great controversy. So this is
33:54 what I love about him. I've been through some of the
33:56 courses of arise online and I love how they take that that
34:00 debt the step back and they look at the aerial narrative,
34:03 the overarching story of scripture and this great
34:07 controversy theme is just embedded all throughout.
34:10 And so many people fail to understand many of the major
34:13 teachings and aspects and elements of scripture because
34:17 they don't understand the very store, the very near to of
34:20 scripture and that great controversy theme that's found
34:23 from Genesis to revelation. So Pastor Rafferty is going to
34:26 be teaching a class on that in past. Give you an opportunity
34:29 here in a second to kind of develop some thoughts on your
34:32 on your classes. Miss Reese ear after he is going to be
34:35 teaching a class on a contender made for health. So we're going
34:39 to be looking at the gospels, right arm of the right on the
34:42 Gospel, a health reform and in the importance of the health
34:46 message in these last days, in the importance of health in
34:49 general and how in order for us to be able to serve. God is
34:52 great disciples. We need to learn how to not only take care
34:54 of ourselves, but also be able to help others and teach others
34:58 how they can take care of themselves as well. So an
35:00 entire but wonderful class on health. And then we have
35:03 central's of evangelism. Plus, we can't leave that out,
35:06 right when we learn all of this great stuff. We get all
35:09 impacting here and we're so excited about it. But you know
35:12 what, if we don't go out and share it with someone else and
35:14 it's not just going on in telling someone but doing it in
35:18 the right way. So sharing in in a methodical and tactful way
35:22 that's going to reach the heart and draw people to Jesus rather
35:25 than you know, you sometimes we can take this truth and we can
35:27 use it in a way. That's very, you know, you can hard harsh
35:32 and sometimes we can kind of chill people with it or push
35:34 them away with this entrails of evangelism is going to be for
35:37 the purpose of helping others understand how to share that
35:41 message appropriately. So that's kind of a general
35:43 breakdown of the forces that we're going to be sharing love
35:46 that those are powerful courses and
35:48 >> excellent teachers. You know, I just think it 3ABN,
35:51 we have gifted annoying to teachers. Pastor Ryan, a
35:55 pastor, James Rafferty, Daniel Perry, and we have received I
36:00 know Pastor John Lowe, McCain's on staff here, and we would
36:04 have been in this school, but he's actually traveling for
36:07 several weeks throughout the month of October. So we're not
36:09 able to include him in this particular school, but we will
36:12 in an upcoming. So, yeah, let's talk a little bit about some of
36:15 the nuts and bolts like what's the website? How come people
36:19 apply and how much does it cost? How how does that work?
36:23 >> OK, well, first and foremost, if you want to find
36:25 out a lot of the information, it's going to be on the website
36:28 which you can go to which is 3 D and S O D DOT org. If you
36:33 come across something you don't understand your you want a
36:35 little bit more information. You can always e-mail us at
36:38 contact Sodhi at 3ABN Dot org. So those are the 2 ways that
36:43 you can kind of get some basic information from us. But when
36:47 you have on the website, you need to go on there and you
36:49 need to apply. And as you go through the application,
36:54 you'll see it on there. There is a $30 suggested donation
36:57 application fee and but there are 2 options as far as
37:01 attending the school. So there's 2 different tuitions
37:04 that are set up for. And what you can do is there is one for
37:08 $400. If you need housing that we can housing here at 3,
37:12 a B. And we're also going to be providing no meals for for
37:16 people that want to come here for breakfast. And
37:19 >> but it's a lunch and dinner. Well, actually, it's going to
37:21 be breakfast and lunch break. That's riker their own dinner
37:25 because they want to go out and do something to be together.
37:27 So we get an opportunity for that.
37:28 >> Right. So if you need housing, there's a cost for
37:31 that. And it's $400 suggested donation for the course.
37:34 Otherwise. If you can house yourself, maybe you want to
37:37 bring an RV or you want to stay in a hotel that's up to you.
37:39 Whatever it is that you want to do. The cost for that would be
37:43 $250 suggested donation. But if there's things that you
37:46 don't see on the website or in the application process and
37:49 you're still on shore and your e-mail that you can also call
37:52 us because our call centers open tonight. So we're always
37:56 open through Monday through Thursday to normal business
37:58 hours. Also, you can contact us at 618-627-4651. So if you have
38:04 any other questions, any concerns that kind of the nuts
38:07 and bolts, the nitty-gritty of it? So yeah, just reach out to
38:11 us will be more than happy to help you.
38:13 >> Yeah, absolutely. I appreciate all 3 of you,
38:14 gentlemen, your vision and your time and your organization make
38:18 all this happen. Remember, we're talking about it earlier
38:20 this year about let's make it happen when we schedule our
38:24 schedule 3. But he's actually pack are working on stuff for
38:27 2020 for 2025. And so it's easy to say, well, you know, let's
38:30 do this cool to be a disciple ship, you know, next year or
38:33 the following year. Something like that is like, no, this
38:35 make it happen this year. Well,
38:37 house people on campus Coven ordeal because the housing here
38:40 are 3 avn news for like speakers that come in. Those
38:43 are on programs and that sort of things. There's been a lot
38:46 of juggling. But, you know, the Lord worked all that out.
38:49 >> And this is happening and to help me out on this, I think is
38:52 it one week after our fall camp the week after fall camp media
38:55 at all, Candy, we have one week we turn everything around and
38:59 we get right Friday night, October 6, 3 Min School,
39:02 a disciple ship intensive launches.
39:04 >> So tell me a little bit about the housing says pardon
39:06 to be some question for somebody like when you meet
39:08 housing, what does that mean? You're talking like a place to
39:10 put my tent.
39:11 >> Are you talking like haha over my head with the flush
39:14 toilet out where you know how that works. But that would be
39:16 option to $250, right? Yeah, right.
39:21 >> But explain a little bit more cause some people to know
39:23 that the transportation aspect, the food, you know, what type
39:25 of food you talking like, you know, a peanut butter and jelly
39:28 sandwiches or you know what, what's what's happening here?
39:30 Because this, you know, yes, with some of thinking about
39:32 coming to windows, actually, as much as I'd love peanut butter,
39:34 jelly sandwiches. And but yet, so as far as the housing
39:38 aspect, if they come here with, you know, like you mentioned,
39:41 we have to be in housing where a lot of times we bring our
39:43 speakers and are singers and musicians. And so if you want
39:46 to come here, well, our house you there's a kitchen in their
39:49 bathroom and their everything that you need.
39:51 >> Lennon's provided the sheds or on the who they are. They're
39:56 beautiful apartments.
39:57 >> So it's not, you know, a motel or in, you know,
40:01 something that's run down or anything like that. It's it's
40:03 very nice. Housing are going to everything that you need to be
40:07 here for it. But as far as if like I mentioned with option 2,
40:11 if you do want to, you know, camp out because I know where
40:14 we might have some people here for that camp meeting. That's
40:16 right. It's a over, you know, and maybe they want to stay and
40:18 take the class right after who knows, you know, but they can
40:21 camp they can bring their RV good. We do have sites for
40:24 that. They can hook up so, but they will have everything taken
40:27 care of as far as housing. And then we will have the feels
40:31 like we mentioned before. Well, its vegetarian meals.
40:34 That's right. So it's and they're going to be fantastic
40:36 made by our very own Kim Wolf. Wolf, a new team she came here
40:40 to to this thompsonville area, not all that long ago. And let
40:44 me tell you, she's been a blessing to the church and
40:46 she's been a blessing, the 3ABN. And I know she's going to
40:49 be incredible as far as you know, coordinating all of this
40:52 cooking because it's going to be a lot of mouths to feed us
40:55 and she's going to do a wonderful job.
40:57 >> And the pressure, James, when I come to you, because
41:01 there have been some talk early on about, yes, we do is
41:03 virtually rights make everything was virtual, a
41:05 virtual. This virtual that we've in this virtual can't is
41:08 because people can come here in person. But tell us the
41:11 importance of why this is important for action to have an
41:14 in person event. Let's talk about that 9, 0, run and talked
41:17 about some of your courses. Some talk to us about that as
41:19 well.
41:21 >> Yeah, just coming alongside people actually got back to
41:24 return from court here last week. It's a school 10 month
41:27 school in Pennsylvania conference in the first year
41:30 that I did that schools for years ago. It was, you know,
41:34 the Internet. And so it wasn't on site and what a difference
41:39 it makes when you're is there in person. This is the reason
41:42 why not only you teaching the classes, but
41:46 this interaction takes place like right now I want to screen
41:50 and I'm watching all of that fund interaction you guys are
41:53 having and I'm just back here kind of in fall but not
41:57 involved, so to speak. And that's the way it is in school
42:00 situation. If you're just watching on a screen, you're
42:03 involved in getting information, but you're not
42:05 getting the experience. And I just want to say that probably
42:09 50% of your learning and growing and maturing. It's
42:16 going to be in your experience during the school, rubbing
42:19 shoulders of people interacting with people, not just with the
42:23 teachers, but also with your fellow classmates. Bonding
42:26 takes place. There you connect with people. Some of those
42:29 connections are going to be a the terminal in the sense that
42:33 you can make friends during the school and you're going to stay
42:36 in contact to encourage one another and help one another
42:38 and pray for one another. But then you have the actual
42:42 ability in interaction and asking questions and what we're
42:47 going to be doing. You know, Ryan, myself, you all feel very
42:50 strongly about this. And of course, we'll pass this on to
42:53 all of our instructors. It's not just about class time.
42:57 So we're going to have time out of class for each one of us is
42:59 going to be available. And we want to say there's always
43:02 going to be someone available outside of class. Talk to you
43:06 to pray with, to interact with, to share, you know, to to get
43:09 more to get as much as you can out of this whole experience.
43:12 So we're really seeing the importance. I remember not to
43:16 ski. This example. I don't know. You know, not for sake of
43:20 the 7 yourselves together is what keeps Chapter 10 says.
43:23 And I I remember after COVID the first time we were back in
43:27 church actually removed to a location right now the for 7th.
43:31 We can't hear that we had here. Was that your first a church
43:34 was open. We went to church and we begin the fellowship for the
43:38 first time in months. And I remember this. Even then we
43:42 couldn't sing Psalms hymns. We were a lot of the same,
43:45 but we had a mask on. But I remember the first day that we
43:49 say humans together and I literally my eyes started
43:53 leaking and I didn't realize how important in fellowship
43:59 contact and singing and studying together was how much
44:02 it impacts us. And so we're just thinking that this is
44:06 going to be such a powerful experience. This is what we're
44:09 going to need. Computers have their place. I wouldn't even be
44:13 part of this money for war for computers trying to beat us,
44:15 you know, unable to attend. But
44:18 I would love to be sitting at the end of this table in a
44:21 chair in person rather than being on a screen here. And
44:25 it's the same way with the school is going to be a whole
44:28 different level of experience to have an in-person school and
44:31 God is a God is in the baton. And by the way, you know,
44:35 in a sense, you know, God is looking forward to today to the
44:39 day when he is going to do well with us. We're going to see his
44:44 face, not just his reflection in the Bible. We're going to
44:47 see his face in person who is going to say that's going to be
44:52 amazing the way the other then you know what we had so far,
44:56 not that we have so far is great. You know, we want to
44:58 have that relation with God, but to see him in person.
45:01 >> Good knock it out of the park and the and the.
45:04 >> And then some of the courses to a pastor. James, I know is
45:07 going to like a lot of light homework and all kinds of tests
45:10 and exams. And I want to be staying. I try and do all the
45:13 home or tell us little about your courses. Of course,
45:15 the house is actually going to work.
45:18 >> Well, I'll tell you, we were when we first started, I had
45:20 was obvious love revelations. So I was doing, of course
45:23 revelation. That's my book of Revelation. Love Daniel.
45:26 I started thinking about I started thinking about
45:29 how much a simple course and how to stay. The Bible changed
45:33 my life. She is and how important that foundation and
45:37 it makes such a difference. So when I get in my class on
45:41 speaking for the House, a Bible as well as the great conversely
45:44 class,
45:45 the there will be very little homework. We're going to try to
45:48 cover everything in the class. Good. And the reason for that
45:52 is to part number one is I know that for some people it's going
45:57 to take going over this a few times to get down. Once you
46:01 understand how the state of Iowa have all the nuances of
46:03 that figured out,
46:05 you can go anywhere in the Bible with confidence. You can
46:08 look up first the section that read, you can look at Hebrew.
46:12 You can do cross reference e you can study here a little.
46:15 There is little and I want all of that to be done in the
46:17 class. I don't want anyone to feel like on the got to go
46:19 home. They're going to try to figure out, you know, read all
46:22 the stuff that you got all the stuff on the road and come back
46:24 to class to get another letter. I want us to have the question
46:28 answer the interactive, all of the problem solving right there
46:32 in the class. And by the way, some of the students are going
46:35 to contribute to the morning about the students. They're
46:37 going to be asking the questions that may be another
46:39 student would mask. You wouldn't think of or they're
46:42 going to be you do we need to things that are going to be
46:44 beneficial to other students. All that's going to take place
46:47 in the class as far as how to say goodbye. Good.
46:50 >> Man, that's wonderful because that's foundational.
46:52 If you understand how to study the Bible, you can study
46:55 anything within the word of God is right. We probably should
46:57 have done the sooner but we have a promo that it's put
47:00 together. I want to play Ricky did a great job with that.
47:04 He works here at 3ABN and Ryan and the rest of the team that's
47:07 putting that together. But this is just give you a sneak peek
47:10 of the 3ABN School of Deception.
47:13 >> Are you longing for a deeper understanding of the Bible?
47:16 Do you find yourself hungering for a more meaningful Christian
47:19 experience? Perhaps the desire a stronger, more intimate
47:22 relationship with God and to be equipped with the knowledge of
47:25 becoming act. 4 witness for Christ when you need to apply
47:28 for the 3, a B in school. A disciple ship intensive today
47:32 during this week, long intensive people dive deep into
47:34 biblical apologetics, evangelism essentials, health
47:37 Ministries, Church history. And you'll even learn how to
47:40 study the Bible. Like never before.
47:42 This powerful intensive than helping put each student to
47:45 becoming more confident in spill disciple of Christ.
47:48 Join our mission in spreading the everlasting gospel of the 3
47:51 just messages. This is an in person event where students
47:55 will stay on the 3ABN campus to learn more and to apply for the
47:59 3 Indian School disciple Ship Intensive. Visit our website at
48:02 3 A B and S O C DOT org again. That's 3ABN S O D DOT org.
48:08 Apply today spaces with it and don't miss out his life
48:12 changing opportunity.
48:14 >> I love that. Now. Is that apply today? Because space is
48:17 limited. So explain to me what that means, right?
48:20 >> Okay. Yes. So obviously it is, you know, really, truly put
48:26 in that work for true disciple ship. We wish that we could
48:28 spend time with everyone. We wish we could open it up to
48:31 thousands, but obviously space is limited. We want to be able
48:34 to have that true disciple ship time in which we're able to
48:37 spend as instructors as staff members to have that one-on-one
48:40 time or small-group time. And so we're we're we're
48:43 capping it off at 40. And the reason why that is because we
48:47 felt like that wasn't a good number of ballots number to be
48:49 able to for all of us to remain grounded and committed to be
48:53 able to give our time and our effort and not having too much
48:56 too many, too many people, the class, because we have too many
48:58 sometimes, you know, there's just people get also so much
49:02 going on. You're not able to answer all the questions are
49:04 not able to to address people individually in their concerns
49:07 and questions. And so we felt like the others got to be that
49:10 personal connection. Disciple ship is key here. A part of
49:13 disciple ship is being able to counsel to be able to pray
49:16 with, to be able to answer those questions that they need
49:19 in order to gain a much more mature approach to not just the
49:22 mission of what we're called to do and who were called to be,
49:25 but also a much more mature approach to the church, the
49:28 body of Christ in which we are part of an so 40 people as
49:32 we're going to cap it off now, understand we're going to be
49:34 doing Lord willing, you know what, we hope to do many more
49:37 of these. And so if you apply again, and I just want to
49:40 emphasize this also encourage everyone to apply. But
49:43 obviously we're going to be the only taking the 40, but we're
49:46 looking for serious people, serious people that want to
49:49 take their spiritual walk to the next level. Someone who
49:52 says I want to be fully devoted. I I don't want to be a
49:55 bench warmer. I want to be I want to go out there and I want
49:58 to I want to be a disciple for question. I want to make
50:00 disciples for Jesus Christ. And so they were looking for
50:03 the calebs in the in the David's in the, you know,
50:06 the strong men and women of Christ that are ready to say,
50:08 you know what, sitting idle is not an option. Yeah. And so was
50:12 going to be hopefully more opportunities in the future for
50:14 us to do more of these in which if you don't get in this time,
50:17 maybe you'll get in the next time or maybe the time after
50:19 that. But keep trying, keep applying. Ah, but it's going to
50:22 be it's going to be a great spirit. I promise you win with
50:25 the students who come to this school. We are going to leave
50:28 just transformed. I believe that I left after coach
50:31 transformed and then he left and he left after a transfer,
50:35 obviously in and Pastor James experience to the schools into
50:38 his own growth experience. This is a transforming aspect.
50:42 When you become a disciple and then learn how to make
50:45 disciples for Jesus. It's the greatest work in the world.
50:48 And it's just it's amazing. That's we're excited about what
50:50 that's going to do. And your wife, Stephanie, serving as the
50:52 registrar. Yeah, as well. So when you fill out those
50:55 applications, it's going to go immediately to the Registrar,
50:57 my wife, Stephanie Day. She's going to be helping to organize
51:00 all of that so that myself and James can begin working through
51:04 the application process isn't.
51:05 >> And selecting students and all that. So so you tell us a
51:08 little bit about the application process them
51:10 because some may say, OK, so we're giving Web size. I don't
51:12 do websites. You know how to get the application for can
51:15 download it. Talked about. Sure. Absolutely. You know,
51:18 if you're if you're not computer savvy and it's
51:20 perfectly fine, good. You can call us here at the call center
51:23 at 6, 1, 8, 627-4651. And if you request an application,
51:28 we can go ahead and we can mail an 2. You will be no charge to
51:31 you will get it to you for free and you can go ahead, fill it
51:34 out and then send it back to us. Yeah, that's great. Or if
51:38 you are computer savvy, just go to get back onto. You can go
51:41 online and you can go to 3ABN S O D DOT org and there will be a
51:46 section in there for the application. You just click on
51:48 that and go through it and you'll be all ready to go and
51:51 set up the beautiful lips and there's a fee for there is a
51:55 fee. There's a fee for the application. There is a $30
51:57 suggested donation fee for the application and the plan is
52:00 right now. If if you're not accepted, like you mentioned,
52:03 the Lord going to be more in the future, will refund that
52:05 money to you that yes, the plan. And then of course,
52:08 talking about again, those different options, $400.
52:10 >> Yes, option one would be the $400 for wheelhouse. You will
52:14 also provide food for you and everything else. An option to
52:17 is if you want to house yourself, you want to bring a
52:18 camper and and do it that way. Then it would only be $250.
52:23 >> I want to talk just a moment because some people are saying
52:25 why can't come in person for whatever reason we encourage
52:28 you to come. We encourage you to apply. We encourage you to
52:31 go to 3ABN side DOT org and check out the the coursework in
52:37 the day's schedule and the teachers and the description in
52:41 the mission statement in download that application.
52:44 But if for whatever reason you're not able to, you can
52:47 still pray for the school, you can pray for people's lives to
52:50 be changed in got to bring the right people to the school.
52:54 You can support financially support either the school or
52:59 we've established a worthy student fund. Maybe there's
53:02 people who want to come and they say, but I can't afford to
53:05 calm all of that process. We want to establish a worthy
53:09 student fund so you can go online right now to 3ABN that
53:14 TV and you can donate if you if you click on the donate tab.
53:19 Scroll down. Fund to code for 91 is just for the school.
53:23 A disciple ship Fund code for 92 is the word the student
53:28 program. And that's to help support other people to come to
53:32 the school for themselves. Or you can always call us at
53:35 3ABN 6, 1, 8, 67, 4, 6, 5, 1, in say, yes, I want to support
53:41 the school. I want to support other people who can come in,
53:44 who can become law.
53:46 >> I just want to speak on that for a moment. You know, this is
53:47 for everyone. This is all ages. And so this is not just for
53:50 young folder. It's not necessarily for that more
53:53 seasoned folks. You know, this is for everyone, anyone,
53:56 there's not an agent and we were there is an age a minimum.
54:00 We will obviously want to start with adults. 18 or older is
54:02 what we're looking for. Not that we discriminate or not,
54:05 that we would even completely came out, maybe a 16 year-old a
54:08 17 or 15 year-old. But that would have to be a special case
54:11 basis to after we've been able to do a little bit of
54:14 background check and to to to look into the situation with
54:16 the young person, but 18 or owners. We're shooting for all
54:20 ages. And I just want to emphasize here that, you know,
54:24 there may be someone right now this is you know what I would
54:26 like. I would like my granddaughter migrants, honor
54:28 my daughter, my whoever, maybe you want to sponsor some of
54:30 this is that opportunity. There's a young person, perhaps
54:33 maybe that needs or you may be have a mother, a father or an
54:36 aunt and uncle, a friend is someone that really needs this
54:39 experience that has expressed a desire to take their spiritual
54:43 walk to the next level.
54:45 SOT is here. What's odd is the place to be. And so 3 be in
54:49 school, disciple ship going appliance. It's a it's going to
54:51 be an incredible experience. And I promise you it's going to
54:54 be life changing forever.
54:56 >> Now, I want to kind of just also say as far as the
54:58 finances,
54:59 one of the things that I was tall because I asked myself the
55:01 same question before I went to Africa, I said, I don't know.
55:04 You know, I can't afford that. There's no way I'm going.
55:06 I'm going to go.
55:07 And actually it was Ryan's brother, Dakota who reached out
55:11 to me and I was talking to him. And he said, well, you know,
55:13 if it's God's will, is God's bill.
55:16 And I kind of just ran with it. I was like, you know what?
55:18 You're right and things kind of worked out and I was able to
55:21 go. So if you want to attend, honestly, if God wants to have
55:24 you here, 3ABN school disciple ship, he will have you here and
55:28 you'll be incredibly blessed.
55:29 >> And and then, yeah, thank you very much. You know,
55:32 Pastor James will be playing some musical chairs here and
55:34 going into the second hour. But I just want to some closing
55:37 thoughts from you to know you will join us on an hour or 2,
55:40 but in the closing thoughts here in the last couple of
55:42 minutes.
55:44 >> Yeah, I just want a second what everyone's been saying,
55:47 especially recognizing that this you cannot put a price on
55:53 and at that, that's going to change your life for God and
55:57 and give you this, the spiritual strength and you're
55:59 going to need and the opportunity you're going to
56:01 need to really solidifies its essence Second, Timothy Chapter
56:05 2, to really be able to study to show yourself to prove so
56:11 God can work out the the time, got to work out the money.
56:14 The most important thing for us is to commit ourselves to him,
56:17 commit ourselves to be students of the word and soldiers for
56:21 him part of his armies last taste and he'll work out all of
56:24 the details trust and for that.
56:26 >> And then thank you so much for joining us. Pastor James,
56:30 thank you for your mentorship. And then with this program,
56:33 you have great a wealth of experience with this. And thank
56:37 you very much for providing that and being here tonight for
56:42 the official launch of S O D 3 being in school of disciple
56:46 ship. They the gentleman had been working hard. I think of
56:49 your weekly or daily meetings. I didn't even know how often
56:52 with Ryan and Ian Impasse again just working together to make
56:56 this happen. And I want to give a special shout out to Adam
56:59 Dean in our publishing team. They did an amazing job
57:02 protecting the West Side, doing the design and working the logo
57:07 and what a great job that they've put together to be able
57:10 to launch this tonight.
57:11 >> And that's a very exciting, you know, it takes a team.
57:14 You're right. It's all part of the 3ABN family, of course,
57:16 you at home. And you mentioned earlier, you know, maybe lords
57:18 land up on your heart, the Holy Spirit upon your heart. I can't
57:22 really 10, but I really want to support support. The school
57:24 disciple ship are actually be a support, a student. They may
57:27 not know their name Bill applies to need help. And we
57:29 say we have some funds for that. Absolutely. So stay with
57:33 us this.
57:34 >> Second hour, we're going to talk more about school, a
57:35 disciple ship that also the brand-new to Bible study guides
57:40 and how you can be
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Revised 2023-05-25