Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230018B
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC] 00:10 >> Hi, I'm Sally Quinn, JD Plan and we are so glad you're 00:13 joining us for the first or second out. Help Uber here for 00:17 the first. I have a quick disclaimer to make here. 00:21 And our e-mail broadcaster blast e-mail to announce this. 00:26 I mentioned that righteousness by faith rightly understood 00:32 would absolutely get rid of liberalism or legalism. Let me 00:38 explain. I'm not talking politics here. Yeah. Legalism 00:43 is people who are true trying to earn their way to heaven. 00:47 Liberalism in the Christian term is to think that 00:54 Jesus died for me so that I can live like the death. So that's 00:59 what we're saying is if we understand righteousness by 01:03 faith, we see that there's this today. It motivates S 01:08 to walk and loving loyalty and obedience to the white. So I 01:14 apologize for that. If you're just joining us, we have 3 01:18 wonderful gifts tonight we're having a rousing conversation. 01:22 Yeah, we've got doctors, Bob Hunsicker and Lindy and Brian 01:28 Schwartz. We're so glad you are here and we're just going to 01:31 kick this off because I know you've got. So how do you want 01:34 to read this question place? 01:36 >> Some advocates claim the 18 88 best, which is not very 01:40 different from what the reformers believed 01:44 and the evangelicals believe as the righteous about faith 01:48 doctrine. Could you elaborate plays? This is from Mike in 01:52 Georgia, Lou. 01:53 >> I think there's several things we can say some things 01:55 we've already said that. But the part that does overlap 01:59 with the reformers is that what ticks happens in our 02:02 experiences by faith. 02:04 But we've addressed a couple things that are difference. 02:06 Number one, we emphasize what God has done for the whole 02:09 human race. That was not something to the reforms 02:11 emphasized. Their emphasis is on when you believe this is 02:15 what God does. But if the message of sizes 02:17 not just about got has already done something for you before 02:21 you believe it's on that basis of what he's already done for 02:24 every member of the human race that we believe the reformers 02:27 also didn't appreciate that. When we experience faith, 02:30 the faith of Jesus in our lives, that's not just a book 02:33 keeping thing that God does often have. And, you know, 02:36 billions of miles away that something actually has a 02:38 transformation of our heart, no experience. So something 02:41 changes within us when we believe we become doers of the 02:45 law. Yes, as opposed to just having our record cleaned up, 02:49 which is what the reforms we've the records cleaned up. That's 02:52 fine. 02:53 But justification by faith is actually change of heart. 02:55 Something new happens says as second teams of 5 says if any 02:59 man be in Christ nuke, he's a new creature world, but he's a 03:04 new creature. He's not the same person anymore. Things are 03:07 passed away. Behold, all things are becoming, too. Yes, that's 03:10 definitely transformational experience, not just a 03:12 bookkeeping issue. The God dealt with them and help a man. 03:15 And we have a quote that we'd like to to bring up related to 03:18 the 18 80's. 03:19 >> Messages found in testimonies to ministers. 03:22 And we just want to kind of read through this. Quote, 03:26 it really highlights the difference between the the 03:29 reformation and the reformers will wonderful. They did a 03:33 wonderful job. But let's just read through these these quotes 03:35 all the way service. Let me start you off and then we can 03:38 go around to the Lord in his greatness. She sent a most 03:42 precious message to his people to elders, EJ wagga and A T 03:46 Jones. This message was to bring more prominently before 03:50 the loot. The uplifted save you the sacrifice for the sins of 03:55 the whole world. 03:57 >> Yeah. Let me just make 2 points about about that. 04:00 Quote, number one, she didn't just say it was a message from 04:03 God. She didn't even just say was a precious message. 04:07 She said it was a most precious message. She only uses that 04:10 phrase twice on ratings. Only twice, millions and 04:13 millions of workers only were twice. I want to win. The 04:16 second one was. But the most precious message identified 04:19 with what 8 he joins. A duet were saying back in that era. 04:21 Such a critical point. Number 2, if we want to say we start 04:25 of a what is the ha message when L white defines 18 04:29 message, she defines it first and foremost as the uplifting 04:33 savior, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. 04:35 So when she defines UT message, the first thing she calls our 04:38 attention to is the cross of Christ as a sacrifice for the 04:42 sins, not of the believe are only but the second race for 04:45 the sun to the whole world. So that's what she defines the 04:48 2 message against him in critical point of view. 04:51 >> So this next part of that same quote, is it presented 04:53 justification through faith in the search. He invited the 04:57 people to receive the righteousness of Christ, 05:00 which is made manifest in obedience to all the 05:03 commandments of God. 05:06 >> And so clearly, you know, we can see we begin the can begin 05:09 to see a difference between what this message did and what 05:13 the reformers didn't. It invited the people to receive 05:18 the righteousness of Christ was mailed, which isn't. This makes 05:22 them obedient to all the Commandments of God. So the 05:25 intent of the justifying experience that we get through 05:29 the uplifted Seaview accompanying that is obedience, 05:34 the goodness of God. 05:36 >> Users to repentance and also leads us to to obedience 05:39 another way of saying in regard to that question to the red 05:42 regards, the reformers, they would agree that that that 05:45 phase brings the righteous of Christ. But it brings it as a 05:48 covering up of sense, not making one obedient, all 05:52 commands of God. And that's a distinction between reformers 05:55 view just preached by these. 05:57 >> And a TV first buy faith. I think that's illustrative 06:00 really well. And Zechariah chapter 3 that was quashed with 06:03 a high priest is standing before the lard and he's 06:05 worried his filthy garments. Sometimes we have the picture 06:08 that Chris just presses roller ISIS around the filthy 06:11 garments. But 06:13 in this example, he removes the filthy garments and then cover 06:16 some of righteousness Thursday transformation that takes place 06:19 that actually causes us from our sun produces the 06:22 righteousness of Christ mad. You know the word in that 06:25 quote. 06:26 >> Surety, I just love you. Jay says came to 7.22. says 06:31 that Jesus is the sure T of the covenant. Think of it this way. 06:37 He's the guarantor from God to us. Second Corinthians, one 20 06:42 says all of God's promises are yes and amen in Christ's name. 06:47 But he's also the parent or from us too long because 06:52 Philippians 2.13, says he works in us 2 will and to do he is 06:59 good pleasure. So the 2 aspects of righteousness by faith, 07:03 it's not just justification, but Sanctification is the work 07:09 of a lifetime in men. The men. Yes. 07:12 >> So it goes on and she diagnose is our situation here. 07:16 Sobering diagnosis, but very important. She says many have 07:19 lost site of Jesus tomb. This this reminds me of the 07:23 early Christian Church, right? If you go through the 7 07:26 churches relation chapter 2, 3, the first the first cautionary 07:30 note in that first year of office as they left their first 07:33 love, 07:35 the early church experiences they had was so rich and they 07:37 turned the world upside down. But John says and in rows, 07:40 Jeff or to the left, their first look, she's essentially 07:42 saying to us the same thing happen. She says here many had 07:46 lost sight of Jesus. What's the solution? They needed to have 07:49 have their eyes directed to his divine person, his merits. 07:53 And this change is live for the human family. So again, when 07:56 Ellen White defines you can message she's pointing us back 07:59 to Jesus. Yes, is divine character, his merits in 08:01 exchange for human family. So yes, there was a rough along 08:05 Galatians yesterday. Talk about the horns and Daniel. But the 08:08 first thing she defines it as fixing our eyes on June. 08:11 And that's what's the core the to passage. 08:14 >> Yeah. And then the last part of this, quote, really has to 08:17 do with why we keep looking back. And that is because of 08:21 this part of the quote, it says this. This is the message that 08:25 God commanded to be given to the world. It is the 3rd 08:29 Angeles message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice. 08:33 And that ended the outpouring of the spirit in large measure. 08:37 >> So I want to equate to the masses that Joe's a wetter was 08:41 bringing in the 18 88 era with the 3 angels messages all 08:46 wrapped up together to be combined with the outpouring of 08:49 the holy spirit and letter empowered to give this to the 08:52 whole world 08:53 if that would have happened. 08:55 >> We wouldn't be here today. Yes. So what is the 3rd 08:58 dangerous mayor message 09:02 just released by Fayyad in the 3rd Angels may how to do it 09:06 says come at a babble on medal on this ball and 09:11 we 09:13 worship Florida House. If we understand who years as our 09:18 creator, our Redeemer can make him a blow your mind, 09:22 the creator of the universe who became a man, 09:25 the team of all 09:28 who is all powerful, all knowing 09:32 puts his spirit in us. Romans 8 tells us. 09:35 >> By whom we cry out. Bob 09:38 Father, Papa. 09:40 >> Gadi, God, he wants to be your body moving. So how did 09:46 that? So amazing to me. So so if you have something good 09:51 in the question, but used among the fitting just message, 09:54 let's read the 30 dismiss well, as some people have no idea of 09:57 what you 14, OK? Go ahead. And so are less than 14, 10:02 6. 10:03 >> All the way through 14 and want to read them all. But it's 10:06 3 messages that are brought by 3 angels that starts off with 10:10 the everlasting gospel. That's to go to the world. There's 10:13 what is there a lesson gospel us really the story of geez, 10:15 what he has done is our savior, that Lamb that was laying from 10:18 the very foundation of the world. And it tells us to fear 10:23 God 10:24 for the are of his judgment has come worship him who made 10:28 heaven and Earth. We live in a world now that has distance 10:31 ourselves so far from the creator, the 3 inches messages 10:34 are pointing us back that there is a God who created us and he 10:37 is our creator in there is about to be a judgment. But 10:41 before God 10:43 does the judgment, he sends a message to bring repentance his 10:47 son's the everlasting gospel in right behind that gospel going 10:51 to the whole world, 10:53 which was part of the quote that the 3 inches messages and 10:57 Verity essentially 10:59 is the next most is that the system of the swirl Babel and 11:02 has fallen this corrupt. It's failing. It can't carry 11:06 through. And so that's the second is those message come 11:09 lot available and just as God called ever him out of Babylon 11:13 3,000 years ago, he is calling his last thing. People from 11:17 every church, every religion to come out of this man faults 11:20 system that is failing. The 3rd angels message 11:26 is long but it includes worshiping God avoiding that 11:31 mark of the beast avoiding getting the mark. That tells 11:35 you that you're still in Babel and instead have the seal on 11:38 your forehead, which we believe includes. He puts the seal as a 11:42 day of worship to worship him on his day. That commemorates 11:45 creation in sums it up. What we've been talking about in 11:49 relation to 14 verse 12. Here is the patience of the 11:53 Saints. Here are those who keep the commandments of God in the 11:57 faith, not in Jesus, but the faith of Jesus. It's as if God 12:03 says his everlasting message of the everlasting gospel to the 12:06 world. He warns the world there's going to be judgment. 12:09 He calls his people while he puts on a final demonstration 12:13 of a group of people that will keep his commitments. They 12:17 would rather die then to bring dishonor to God's name. They do 12:24 that because of the faith of Jesus. That is little doubt in 12:27 the they keep every one of his commitments, including the 4th 12:31 commandment that says the South. 12:33 >> Yeah, man, it's impressive that shins that quote by saying 12:37 that this message will be attended with the outpouring of 12:40 the holy spirit, a large measure to the other term we 12:43 would use for, quote, outpointing host large 12:45 measures. Latter rain. Yes. So there's a sense in which we 12:50 could pray a lot for the latter rain, but that prayer is is 12:54 devoid of the message. That's to a company that out putting 12:58 the Holy Spirit, we'll be praying in vain. You need to 13:01 bring together the prayer with the Holy spirit with the 13:04 message of the Holy Spirit is going to send you identified 13:07 that as what Jones and Wagner were presented in that time. 13:10 So we need to I think be sensitive and aware and save. 13:12 I don't know what they were talking about. I need to get in 13:16 for about what they were talking about a new night. 13:18 It's really important. Yeah, exactly. And if that's part of 13:21 what's going to bring a lot of rain, I want to access that 13:24 information to us. 13:25 >> Here's a question that we really need to address because 13:27 it shows the confusion in the loan. 13:30 >> So why was the 18 88 message needed when we have the Bible 13:35 that Jesus Russians buffet from Genesis to revelation? 13:41 >> It's a very good question. You know that I'm a I mean, 13:45 it was a Bible messages to other got their message out 13:48 about 18. 88 message is not something that these been made 13:53 up. You know, they were suspending bar. I just wrote a 13:56 book on, right, just you'll mining and I'm doing a series 14:00 on it soon. 14:01 And it isn't a mass siege that Jones and Wagner made up. 14:07 It was from Bible study. So that's why it was needed is 14:11 because so many people don't study their 5 most so many 14:15 people do under state. Here's a quote from a fun little as a 14:20 Christian education, great truths. 14:22 >> The have lain unheated in unseen since the day of 14:26 Pentecost partisan from God's word in their native purity. 14:31 To those who truly love God, the Holy Spirit will reveal 14:35 truths that have faded from the mine. It will also reveal 14:39 truths that are entirely new. 14:41 >> The path of that I just will go brighter and brighter to 14:44 love. Coming days, it said. 14:46 >> During the dark ages, these truths have been have been 14:49 lost. The reformer started bringing them one by one by 14:52 one. It's the combination of the very last days, though, 14:55 that brings them all together united with the sanctuary 14:58 message. It produces a people that will do exactly what 15:02 revelation 14 12 says keep his commitments. Yeah. Then have 15:06 the faith of James and 15:07 >> I'm just going along and that you could use that same 15:10 competition for a lot. Who cares about what Luther said? 15:12 We have the Bible because, well, why says we have the 15:15 Bible who cares about what any of us? We've got the Bible, 15:17 but no scriptures of private interpretation to that. So so 15:21 when we win got inspire specific people like online 15:25 Jones winner to study their bibles to bring out certain 15:27 truths. I want to access that information. Just like when you 15:31 write a book, commissioner, I want to access that 15:33 information. It's not to supplant the Bible. It's to 15:36 help us in our conversation to bring clarity to those who came 15:39 in. And there's no question she says that many had lost sight 15:42 of Jesus. Now she was not speaking. 15:45 >> To the wound, she was speaking to the 7th Day 15:47 Adventists, believe us that they had lost sight of Jesus. 15:51 So because of that God, but oftentimes being a prophet or a 15:55 message messages to bring us to where we're supposed to be in. 15:59 And that's how wagon Jones and Ellen White fit into the 16:03 picture. We had lost sight of do this. She said we had peace 16:06 the law until we were dry as the hills of Gilboa. We need to 16:09 get back to Jesus. And so this message and Ellen White there 16:13 are over the there are hundreds of endorsements to the message 16:17 that was brought by Jones and Wagner by Ellen White, hundreds 16:21 of vendors over 400 afford to do so. So this is significant 16:25 on white. The prophet of our church saw in the message, 16:29 something vital clarified some new ways of putting things that 16:34 would crystallize the truth of the gospel. And and it was 16:38 necessary at that time. 16:40 A man is in men. 16:42 >> Here's a very precious question. One that I love. 16:46 I love your heart. Do I do have been a pair 16:52 they've written in and said how can I surrendered? My whole 16:55 will to the Lord. Jesus forgave my sense, but falling short 17:00 again away again. I don't want to be lost in forever. 17:03 Separated from him. Help me, please. 17:06 >> I can. I can relate to that experience. I I think we 17:09 probably all can on some level of this. And as I look at my 17:13 own experience 17:15 are the things that have moved me forward and given me hope 17:19 and encouragement and 17:21 to one degree or another, you know, healing and success in 17:23 the Christian experience, the Bible only gives us ultimately 17:26 one solution. It's the goodness of God. And yes, that leads to 17:30 repentance. It's it's the beauty of God's character. 17:33 He was trapped. 12 says it this way, says Lay aside every 17:36 weight when so much as you can set you. 17:39 Well, that sounds well hot. That's not a dog team task, 17:42 right? Lay aside every weight and the sandwiches as well. 17:46 How am I going to do that? We goes on as he's looking unto 17:49 Jesus, the author and finish up our hands in my experience and 17:53 the experience of everyone I've encountered that that has made 17:57 progress and Christian experience and a lot of us like 17:59 me are 3 steps forward. 2 steps back. Kind of all I can only 18:02 all I do not yet, but the times I see progress, it's when my 18:06 eyes are fixed on GM. When I when I'm processing the beauty 18:09 of his character reveals God the father to me what he's done 18:12 in mercy and forgiveness to me. So so this individual who is 18:16 struggling, a struggle that I can relate to 18:19 keep your eyes fixed an Jesus through the eyes fixed on Jesus 18:23 and you will feel and experience progress. Then 18:26 there's a practical story that 18:30 real-life story that happened in the Bible with Mary 18:32 Magdalen. 18:33 >> That Jesus said and she had fallen so many times 7 times. 18:39 She's 17 and says what it says. 18:41 And you always kept working with the forgiving him. But the 18:46 important thing he said was that 18:48 wherever the gospel is preached, 18:51 what Mary did at the end should a company the preaching of the 18:55 gospel. 18:57 So we see that 18:59 she was weak. She keeps running. Talk about we'll get 19:03 into something that we don't know. So Mary Magdalen 19:06 she was led into the sun. Looks like by go. I think it 19:10 was. And 19:12 Jesus Christ Cup forgiving hood. She kept falling back 19:15 into sent. And so finally, the hot was so broken 19:19 by the love of Christ and his repeated 19:23 tend to reaching out to be giving the sun's not condemning 19:27 who but could be to draw to him. 19:31 Love that push. Use the good shepherd that takes the 19:34 initiative to go and find that lost sheep. He was assistant in 19:38 going after may never give up on. And finally, she was the 19:42 only one that got it. And she spent all she had in buying 19:47 that 19:48 John of Alabaster point best to anoint him for his burial for 19:52 years with a year's wages. The the Thanksgiving that get 19:56 out of a hot was as a response of the goodness of God. 20:01 So all of us have the same struggle. But as we continue, 20:05 she is, is that there's a there's a quote that Ellen 20:08 White has 20:10 hanging on the cross Christ was the gospel and she urges us to 20:14 keep our eyes looking up to Jesus because in so doing he 20:18 will, he will empty ourselves initially of self empty 20:23 ourselves of every desire to serve ourselves and and to do 20:26 bad things and will eventually be cleanse. So 20:31 you don't want to work out our salvation. We want to trust God 20:35 that he will never let us go. He will always strive with us. 20:39 And he he has. He said, you never leave stuff, sickest. 20:42 He has a hold of her head. And the thing is we don't have 20:44 a hold of his hand. He's got a hold of our hand. He won't let 20:47 us go. 20:49 >> And then invest encourage meant for and one quote, 20:52 that has always been encouraging to me. She's all 20:54 right. As we shall often. Yes, we shall often 20:59 have to fall at the feet of Jesus for mistakes and errors. 21:03 But even we were overcome. We are not cast off for second, 21:07 my God. 21:08 So as we're as we're moving in the Christian experience, 21:10 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, not God's ideal, but that's 21:13 where we're at many times were not cast offer for second, 21:15 my God. 21:17 >> I I would like to add for this precious few. I'm not sure 21:20 if you're a man or a woman. God gave me 3 steps, too. 21:26 How to follow him first you hit. It will all go bad. 21:31 You've got to know God. If you want to sue, read into that 21:34 what you've got to understand Islam. So as you get into the 21:38 word and you see what a wonderful God, how wise he is, 21:43 how kind how loving 21:45 you will fall in love with him. The second step is stop 21:50 rejecting his slime and submit to his will. That's that's the 21:55 decision you you're making tow line up 21:59 in God's will. 22:01 But the 3rd step 22:02 he's got to yield to the holy Spirit. Let him lead. Pray 22:09 every day. Jesus said Luc Luc 11 9 22:13 ask and keep on asking, see, can keep on seeking knocking. 22:16 Keep fun. Not good. And then he says first 13, 22:20 if you being evil now, how to keep good gifts to you. Just 22:24 how much more will the heavenly father get the Holy Spirit to 22:28 those who ask can keep on asking, do that first thing in 22:31 the morning. Let God be God. 22:34 He will work out your own salvation. 22:38 >> But not in your own stream for it's God who works in you, 22:41 too, will introduce can let me give us information again. 22:44 Real quick. Can they show the show? It's base with us live 22:48 program so you can send in your questions if you want to tax 22:51 them. It's 618-228-3975, 22:57 618-228-3975. If you want to e-mail it. It's live at 3 ABN 23:05 DOT TV place and the man live at 3 A B and T V. 23:10 >> OK, I want to get this person that I want to jump back 23:13 to the 18 88 study committee. 23:16 How did this a statistic to who? How did it change your 23:21 life? 23:24 >> So a group of 7 thing ever to this 3rd or 4th hitter, 23:27 4th generation. But 23:31 growing up with my understanding, I was always I 23:35 would say performance-based some all of us that are route 23:38 yes of legalism, that it will be rooted out. But we just have 23:42 this feeling that I have to do something to guys favor 23:45 in the there are times it's like you mentioned that when I 23:48 went to academy decided this is the year. I'm going to finally 23:51 be perfect. But I'm going to 23:53 get involved. Said the school was doing everything they could 23:56 in very certainly realize that I don't have it within me to do 23:59 that. That's right. And I didn't up point see guys 24:04 pursuing me, but still felt that I needed to pursue him. 24:08 Finally, I actually was haven't has once I got my acceptance to 24:14 medical school at Loma Linda 24:16 believing that I'm I'm not good enough. I can't do this. 24:20 Religion is for people have a lot more willpower than I have 24:24 on time. Hopeless us to believe the Bible is true. Still 24:28 believe that these doctors are true, but I couldn't make it 24:32 work for me. It wasn't until I heard a message that there is a 24:36 good shepherd, sticky afternoon, a message of a GAAP 24:39 and that God loves me more than he loves himself, that he would 24:42 come all the way down to where I am in die on a cross for my 24:47 son that it broke my heart. And I realize that that's a God 24:52 that 24:54 the pursuing me that I have to worship to have to get her to. 24:58 And it's a long story how I came back. It could take the 25:01 whole rest of the hour. But since understanding this 25:05 message, it was during that interim at studded with 25:10 Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims and different people just 25:13 looking for truth. But finally coming back in understanding 25:16 this messes like this is what I've been missing. 25:19 >> It is the dynamite of the gospel has been awful. Yeah, 25:24 has 25:25 empowered me. It has given me hope. It has allowed me to 25:29 understand why we're still here. 7th Ave interest in this 25:32 world 100 plus years since this message was given and has 25:37 caused me to want to go anywhere around the world, 25:40 that would invite me to come to share this, that our own 25:43 expense because we have to tell the world about this and then 25:47 anybody else want to share experience. 25:49 >> Yeah, I mean, my mind was slightly different. The Bryans 25:52 I was sort of sliding out, 25:55 served through ignorance. I guess you could say I was 25:58 busy with school and sports and social life and I wasn't I 26:03 wasn't way out there, you know, taken drugs or whatever like 26:06 that or party or whatever. But there there was no personal 26:10 individual appreciation for what a load of done for me. 26:14 Passion. You know, I grew up. I want a prayer meeting with 2 26:18 weeks of prayer, went to church, 26:22 the culture the life around. I was just sort of slowly in 26:25 retrospect, you can see sort of slowly easing my way out. 26:28 And my mom was attending a Tea Conference of the Camp Cedar 26:34 Falls, which is a youth camp in California. And it was during 26:37 Thanksgiving holiday. 26:39 And so you want to be a good sign to all go with him all the 26:41 time is good. Because like all at that time, I was going to 26:44 that. 26:45 And the thing that struck me first was actually the history 26:47 surprisingly was the history of of 18 because it gave me an 26:50 explanation for why we're still here, too. 26:53 And all of a sudden I heard on the edge is coming soon. 26:55 He's coming soon just come soon. And he was someone saying 26:58 Jesus could have come in in our history. If we've been response 27:02 and that caught my attention and then over time, I began to 27:04 actually contact the message. And then White says my heart 27:08 was strangely warm. Also, I'm going to be pushing the actual 27:11 content of messages to shun history. And again, not that 27:16 I'm far from perfect. Mentioned 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. 27:19 But this is what has kept me engaged. Is that keep me 27:22 believe in the 7th Day Adventist Church believing in 27:24 the leadership in missions, something of a church. 27:27 >> In a way that nothing else I've encountered has been in 27:29 it. Let me say one thing to clarify because somebody is out 27:32 there going to be me believing in the 7th and then right. 27:35 A suspect faith is the message of the Bible from Genesis to 27:39 revelation. The 18 88 this age is just lifting this miss a 27:44 chance. Bible students who were expounding you, people read 27:49 commentaries all the time. Think of it as a commentary on 27:53 righteousness to pay. But tell me how does the indeed you have 27:57 a purse? I just I just yet. 27:59 >> So mine was different. I 28:02 was born, right? A 7th. But so I I was always a 7th day 28:08 Adventists. My dad was a in the weekend for the West Indies 28:12 immigrant to this country. 28:15 I always knew I would never leave the church. I was going 28:20 always be a 7th Day Adventist. 28:22 Yeah, that is my new was essentially the Gospel of John. 28:26 I knew nothing about the cleansing of the century. 28:29 Hadn't read Ellen White 28:31 and nothing about the niche of Christ in the nearness of the 28:34 savior. 28:35 And I met Brian and as we he asked me a lot of questions 28:39 about what I knew, although I was lifelong Adventist. I 28:42 didn't have as to any of the stuff he asked me. 28:44 And as we got to studying the 18 88 message, 28:48 the content of the message in several areas and particularly 28:53 in the area of the nearness of the Savior and the cross of 28:56 Christ, 28:58 I have not understood it to that debt ever. 29:02 It does create a fire in my belly and and I cannot let it 29:05 go. And so I just praise the Lord for the message because I 29:10 had the wood. If God is powerful, as you understand 29:14 this message, this becomes a living document. It transforms 29:18 your life. You will. 29:19 >> Yeah, yes, you know, I always there's I believe it. 29:23 How I came to the same number. The way there's a saying 29:26 we learn to teach and we teach to learn too. It was 29:31 interesting why was writing this book on Righteousness, 29:34 Spectate. There's things have been teaching over the last 20 29:39 years 29:40 but pulling it all together. When you said fire in your 29:43 belly at at the risk of being misunderstood. 29:48 The love I feel for the Lord. 29:51 Sometimes I just almost too good. I mean, I am so in love 29:56 with the Lord mowing it altogether. It's just like I 30:00 stated he is the he is the God of our righteousness and 30:05 outstanding. Holy wonder of what he started. But now let's 30:10 talk about the 18 88 miss it. How should this affect our 30:16 >> out reach a knife and chins, too. 30:19 You know, we touched a little bit before. I think there's 2 30:22 things that that I like to emphasize when we when we have 30:25 to this question, number one was the motivational component. 30:28 The 18 message was meant to restructure. The reason we do 30:32 religion. The reason we do ads into some reason we do 30:35 Christianity 30:36 from from merely a desire that I get this poor skin 30:40 and owns up into heaven 30:42 to a concern for the vindication of God, the 30:45 vindication of Jesus, that I would be more concerned about 30:48 him getting his reward. The about me getting my record. 30:51 So are evangelists stick sort of focus isn't so much about 30:55 what I get. But what can I do for Jesus? 30:58 Number 2 will have to shoulder to. He's also got has done 31:02 something for the whole world. Yes. So when we're talking to 31:05 the world, we're not telling them if you believe then God 31:09 will do this for you. We're telling them got as our again, 31:12 this incredible thing for you. He's given new life. He's given 31:16 you. You truth is giving you the gift of faith is giving you 31:19 all these things in your experience. Your response is 31:21 just an appreciation for all those gifts that he's already 31:23 given to you. It's going to change that motivational 31:25 compose site. That's how I see it. Reshaping our evangelism. 31:30 Another way. Thing you this is is there's a difference between 31:33 the truth 31:34 and the truth as it is in Jesus name. Amen. So there's there's 31:38 established truth, right? This is the right day. That's 31:41 the wrong day. But there's also the Sabbath as it is in Jesus 31:44 is a day of rest, the day of relationship with the community 31:47 of growth in our appreciation for him. And each one of the 31:50 doctrinal pieces of the advent of puzzle can be the truth as 31:54 well. But they can be enhanced and framed in the truth as it 31:58 is in Jesus. So the 18 a message was meant to frame all 32:01 of our doctor truce as they are in jeez, yeah. And that would 32:05 take more time to delineate. But every one of those 32:07 doctrines as one of those trees in the Bible can be framed as 32:10 troops as they are in Jesus. And that's, 32:12 >> you know, it's a says seems to me like this is what the 3 32:15 angels message is all about says, hey, I love you so much. 32:18 I do. Let me remind you of something new. This is what's 32:22 ahead of you. Yeah, 32:25 so and then listen, it's one of your stories you've been 32:28 touched and that's and that's what's motivating this be here. 32:32 Yeah, absolutely. No. Motivates 3ABN, yeah, it was. 32:37 >> And to Bob's 0.2 Ella Mai says that all of our doctrines 32:42 have to be 32:44 scented in the cross of Christ. They have influence and power 32:48 as they're connected to that game of Christ, the uplifted 32:51 savings. So we have to in Evan to, as my thing could be help 32:54 us to be able to figure out how do all these doctrines fit 32:59 together, the uplifted savior presented like that. They 33:03 become compelling be. 33:04 >> You know, I need to say something because somebody is 33:07 watching and you've heard the name Alan White off. And she 33:10 was one of the 33:13 young people who helped begin this movement. She had the gift 33:17 of prophecy. Ellen White always said that she was just a lesser 33:23 light. We were talking about tears that pointed to the 33:27 greater light, what she wrote 33:31 from the Bible and we follow 33:35 the Scriptures 7th Day Adventists. We believe 33:41 the Bible. 33:43 She does not contradict the 5. Let me say something. I didn't 33:47 grow up that cause. I grew up a minute. You talk about legal. 33:52 Listen. I grew up in the New Testament Church, but we were 33:56 trying to work our way to heaven it. And I'm going to 33:59 tell you any church, any religion that tries to work 34:06 their way to heaven. That's a false religion. Yes, 34:10 Laika Liz, but obedience us not to take a listen, 34:14 feeding its its left. 34:17 And so 34:18 when I found the Lord 34:21 I over, when I found the 7th Day Adventist church, 34:25 he party tell me the truth of the 7th in the state of the day 34:28 to all of these things out preaching it would have taken 34:31 it. And then all the sudden the turn on 3ABN the side. 34:35 I thought I was the only but 34:39 the reason I joined this church is because they preach more 34:45 Bibles to school in any other church. I know in a 5 pound one 34:49 that top more I would join in. But I've not seen anyone the 34:53 sticks to the Bible the way we do it, OK? So 34:56 let's take a little emphasis on what does what does that, 35:02 the purpose of the 18 88 steady committee, Lou. 35:07 >> So it was formed 35:09 in the 1980's by really group of Lehman, the past several 35:13 pastors to come together in really study in-depth. This 35:20 message, 35:21 the they were convicted was really important and might 35:25 actually be key to 35:28 understanding is in allowing the holy spirit to be port up 35:32 in our day. 35:33 And so the to date Mister Study come, it is a group of people 35:38 they get together routinely several times a year to 35:41 actually study the message together. 35:43 The Tamest study Committee gets together to have an annual 35:46 conference 35:47 which is actually coming up in July very soon at Southern 35:51 Methodist University for this year. 35:54 >> In we put a lot of that race was the it? Well, there are 15 36:01 Wednesday through 7th July 12 through 15 July 12 through 15 36:05 other has university and southern added too soon. 36:10 If somebody wants to register for that, what did they do? 36:13 You can just come. But if you'd like more information about it, 36:16 you can look at the website 18 88 in a C dot org. 36:22 It must be missing word OK to this extends up on the screen. 36:26 Video came out. Let me just a little bit more what Brian was 36:29 saying. 36:32 >> The Commission study committee is what the name 36:34 says. It's an 18 message study group. People are starting and 36:39 we want our ministry to be sort of a a one-stop shopping place 36:43 as it were for all the matters related to the message, Jones 36:47 and wagons material, whites, commentary on that material, 36:50 the bible basis for that material, those who have sort 36:53 of synthesize that message in 2 different places. 36:56 So so if someone, you know, reads about 80 missions, 36:59 one, I want to know more about that. I I think you need to 37:01 understand more about that, quote, the most precious muster 37:04 to we try and be sort of a one-stop shopping place as it 37:07 were for all the materials, study, materials, audio 37:11 materials, video materials for some of the access to study 37:14 what that 18 gospel message is. What what does it mean to say 37:17 that that's part of the 30 inches message? What does that 37:19 mean? So we're trying to be a resource center to provide all 37:22 the mature those instances. Now you guys don't just study. 37:25 You have an outreach to tell us about that. Yeah. 37:29 >> We we have we all have jobs where everybody have. We have 37:35 like one and action of an employee and she does an 37:41 incredible job. Awesome. 37:43 So this ministry really is we're run by very busy people, 37:48 interestingly, and I don't know how this happened, but maybe I 37:51 do know 37:54 a lot of the people involved with the committee are 37:57 physicians. So we have pastors and physicians and some other 38:02 people in a loss of laypeople. And so we all have jobs that we 38:07 do. But we also 38:10 going to speak. 38:12 So we'll do weekend seminars, different places. And I know 38:15 that, you know, Bob has done a lot of things. I'm preaching 38:20 different places. My husband, I have done a lot of this is that 38:23 expense cheddar on expense on our own time on a vacation 38:26 time, which is awesome. And this evangelist out Meechan, 38:30 I think we'll have that we think is that we can show to so 38:32 that it's really, you know, there's a hunger for the gospel 38:35 around the world. Yes, I almost feel like the hunger is greater 38:38 in some other parts of want some time right here. 38:41 >> But now we have some people we work with overseas building 38:44 in East Africa. And we were invite over there recently to 38:48 give some outreach series at the University of Nairobi. 38:52 That's the largest public university in East Africa. 38:56 And there was some people over there who had been exposed 18 38:59 message. They wanted to have some of us come over and get 39:01 some presentations at the university to secular 39:04 university, but they're very open to having people speak on. 39:07 Spiritual religious themes were invited there to give a 39:09 weeklong series of meetings at the University of Nairobi and 39:13 myself and Brian, in a couple other people, Michael Duncan 39:17 and the people, one of them to give presentations at the 39:20 university area, very positive springs. I was very impressed 39:23 with the young people. There's your college age kids and their 39:27 questions were so articulate and so fought full. I said, 39:31 I don't usually hear these kind of questions in Sabha school in 39:33 America. Very father. Well, rather well study, but we had a 39:37 really positive experience of a fam and the shared some 39:40 literature with them and strong blessing. So so we try and 39:43 travel were invited around the world on Philippines, other 39:46 places. Yes, to to share this message with the France, 39:49 even France to share the message. I live moved from the 39:53 city. 39:54 >> Here is a Christian. Can you explain to part justification 40:02 as explained in Matthew 18? This is from Scott 40:06 from Tennessee, who, 40:09 Matthew 18. 40:11 You give a versus there. And you know, just Matthew 18 40:15 two-part justification. That's them. 40:17 >> A little puzzled 5 at my side. Probably wouldn't. 40:20 I don't week maybe look at 18. I wouldn't a purse. I wouldn't 40:23 talk of a two-part justification. I would talk 40:26 about a justification that God has given to each one of us and 40:31 that we experience when we have faith, there's only one 40:35 justification. The one that got has has actuated for each one 40:39 of us by virtue of what Jesus did on the cross, that when we 40:43 when we have faith, when we appreciate what that gift was. 40:46 >> Then we experience around real and that just ensure 40:49 happes he was referring more to the 2 asked pics of 40:52 righteousness by faith which is justification in 40:55 Sanctification. I'll tell you what 40:58 the cup acts. 26 18 41:02 when Paul 41:04 that Jesus on the road to Damascus. Jesus said I am 41:10 sending you. Kara Sea Affairs says he did say it that way. 41:14 But he said I'm sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes 41:21 to turn them from darkness to light, to turn them from the 41:25 power of Satan to God that they may receive an inheritance. 41:32 Among those who are sanctified by faith in me, 41:37 you've got it the whole gospel right there that what God, 41:42 his stud, he justifies his. He turns his from the power of 41:46 Satan to God, just and we received this inheritance, 41:51 which will be our glorification 41:54 by those who are sanctified by faith in me. So there is the 41:59 aspect of justification by faith and sanctification by 42:05 faith eventually glorification. Haha. Okay. So do you have 42:12 another question? I know. Let's see. This one says 42:16 doesn't God justify us when we accept Jesus as their savior? 42:21 Maybe there's a confusion. What we're saying. Great. 42:26 >> Yeah, I think I think of are still in the red in rev. 42:29 I'm certain Romans chapter 5 verse 18 talks about a 42:31 justification of life. Yes. So essentially in the Garden of 42:37 Eden, God shield us from the consequence of our Sunday. 42:41 That was a justification of why God gave us life that we didn't 42:45 deserve. And the by Lee's that were justification for that 42:48 experience that that occurred right there at their place in 42:51 the Bible says God is not counting our sins against us. 42:54 If Lord should Mark Iniquities who should stand. These are all 42:57 aspects of of of God not holding against us. The things 43:01 we've done to them. I will use the word justification for 43:04 that. Not holding our sins against this, not county men's 43:06 sins against them. 43:08 Now, one week when we believe what were essentially doing is 43:12 appreciating understanding discerning and having faith in 43:15 what God has already done for us. So it changes something in 43:19 my heart but doesn't change anything in God's heart. 43:22 I'm so justification by faith is a change in God's attitude 43:25 towards me to change my attitude towards God. Yes, 43:28 it's an appreciation what he's already done for you. I think 43:31 that's an important distinction. That's why the 43:32 priest question saying what about the 2 justifications? 43:35 I don't think that's the best way to look at the whole way. 43:37 The Bible says it. God has been relating to us with the stance 43:41 of justification because we deserved it because we're 43:44 worthy of it because we needed it. And then we appreciate that 43:47 stance that he's had towards us justification. Then we 43:50 experience justification by faith. It's really an 43:54 experience of what he's already house are going to assume. 43:56 It's just going back to. 43:58 >> Second Corinthians 5 that we've yeah, what a couple 44:01 times. But look, so look at verse 18. All things are of God 44:05 who has reconciled us to him himself through Jesus Christ 44:10 and has given us the Ministry of Reconciliation. That is that 44:15 God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not 44:20 imputing their trust, fesses to them and has committed to us 44:25 the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors 44:29 for Christ. We miss Miss already earlier as 3rd as 44:32 though God we're pleading through us. We implore you on 44:36 Christ behalf be reconciled to God in this passes. We see that 44:41 God has already been reconciled to us. He's done that through 44:45 his son. I'm enjoying himself to the human race, but bonds 44:48 that will never be broken. And now he threw us is pleading 44:52 to the world pleading to everyone that we have contact 44:54 with. Will you be reconciled to God who has already been 44:58 reconciled to God takes the initiative and so with 45:02 justification, anything we do experience justification by 45:07 faith. It's always a response to what God has already done. 45:11 If we're going to experience reconciliation is already a 45:14 it's always a response to what God has already done and 45:17 reconciling us to help the case. 45:20 Here's question. 45:22 >> It's interesting. Kind of a splitting haircuts question, 45:26 too, 45:27 isn't fixing our eyes from Jesus work righteousness by 45:32 works. 45:35 Well, since by beholding to become change 45:39 to Joe has an interesting position that sort of gets to 45:42 decide. 45:43 >> He says using illustration of a man who's drowning in the 45:46 water and gets thrown a life preserver and and and the guy 45:52 grabbed my friend gets hauled in and Jones knows. 45:55 Is there any sense in which the the the guiding saved from 45:59 drowning by Life Reserve is doing something himself to save 46:02 themselves? So, you know, write the salvation is all in that I 46:06 don't recognize you drowning throws in the life preserver 46:08 and reels in. There's no merit. And the fact that he he holds 46:12 onto a life or death. So so I I think that sort of a misnomer 46:17 of what what's going well and patients. 46:20 >> First 8 46:22 Paul writes for by Grace, you have been saved through faith, 46:26 not that not of yourselves and the gift of God, not ports, 46:32 lest anyone should boost. But now listen to their stand 46:36 for. We are his workmanship. We're cots, work of art 46:40 created in Christ. Jesus for could work. So which God 46:47 prepared before hand 46:50 that we should walk in them? 46:53 This understand this. When I sit righteousness by faith 46:57 rightly understood 46:59 it will do away with legalism. Legalism is thinking you can 47:03 earn your way to have it. No salvation is to gift. 47:07 There's nothing you could do to earn it. You have to open your 47:11 heart. Receive it. Grace wrote the check. Your faith will take 47:15 to the bank. 47:18 It is more than just knowing that I lost my train of thought 47:23 there. Chris, my mind went away. 47:26 What did I just say? What? Scripture was a huge defeat. 47:29 Yeah. So this idea of leak a list now of liberalism. I'm not 47:36 using this in a political police understand 47:39 in the church. We have people who say 47:44 the way by 2 since I don't have to do a thing with the by 47:50 Jesus. I would definitely disagree with you. He Bruce. 47:54 5, 9, says he became the author of Eternal Salvation to All Hu 48:00 All day. If you love my community, if you love me, 48:03 keep my Commandments. It's a matter of entering into 48:07 covenant on. Give you a good example. 48:10 Genesis 15, 6 Abraham believed God. 48:15 He was a counted, right? Just my state. 48:19 14 years later in Genesis. 17 got comes before done. 48:23 He says 48:24 I am the Lord your God 48:27 walk before me and be perfectly ones. See God we miss 48:33 understand 48:36 holy God, if we think get it and I always tell people this, 48:41 she says did not die for you so that you can live like the 48:45 devil. He came to destroy the works of his death. He came to 48:49 set you free. 48:50 >> Yeah. The worst of the devil are keeping us and slaved it's 48:54 causing disease. What? Why wouldn't we want to be set free 48:57 from those things? So something to hold on to one of the thing 49:01 that may I don't know what the question, what? 49:04 >> What is on the line? The question, is it possible and do 49:07 some people think the Behold II is not like do you like he did? 49:11 The beholding is appreciating him to allow him to do the work 49:15 in us that he wants to do. And then when he's left it up, 49:18 yes, either on the cross or in our lives to other people. 49:23 Yeah, hope but see him. You can't help but be hold him and 49:26 you have to confront who he is. We behold something and you 49:30 just watched us to see the beauty of his character and the 49:32 beauty of his his character and draws us to him and transform 49:36 does so it's not like the beholden follow do as I do. 49:39 It's that we appreciate our Hossam moved that melted by the 49:44 love of God that he does for us to manage. So it's a response. 49:49 Yes, all right. This is a long one hand. You want to read it 49:52 rather with still got 7 minutes to read this one place. This is 49:56 sweet. 49:57 I have this quote from misses wide. 50:00 >> It seems to be Mike's. It seems to be my experience. 50:04 There are some who are seeking. 50:06 >> Always seeking for the Goodly Pearl Godly Pearl Goodly 50:10 part. Good luck, Pearl. 50:12 But they do not make an entire surrender of the wrong happens. 50:16 They do not diet itself. The cross me live in them. 50:19 Therefore, they do not find that pressures per room. 50:22 They have not overcome unholy ambition and a love for world 50:26 the attractions. 50:27 They do not live to cross and follow crossing the path of 50:30 self-denial and self-sacrifice. 50:33 They never know what it is to have peace and harmony of the 50:37 soul 50:38 for without entire surrender. There is no rest. You know, 50:42 joy, almost Christians yet not only Christians they saying 50:47 near to the kingdom of heaven, 50:50 but they do not enter therein almost but not wholly say needs 50:55 to be not almost wholly last. Yes. So how can I find the 51:00 goodly pearl you? 51:04 >> I just want to mention 51:07 as Allan, what Elway is writing this in the same ship to, 51:10 you know, she talks about this, too, is to appreciate this. 51:13 This parable 51:15 one is that Christ is the Goodly Pearl. 51:19 But what may help us in division 2 recognized the pups. 51:22 A great emphasis may be that we need this to this world. 51:27 Is that good people? And Jesus is the good shepherd looking 51:31 for that good people. I think when we flip it so we recognize 51:34 that God is one in the shoot 51:37 and that we are precious to him. We have a goodly pull that 51:40 allows us to then 51:42 appreciate in the to what he's done for us. So I would just 51:46 I would just flip that so that 51:48 rather than focusing on myself having to to do what appears to 51:54 be difficult, I recognize that to Christ. 51:57 I am a goodly pull and he's out looking for me and he watched 52:01 the transform me. 52:02 Once we get, you know, a lot of times as Christians, we want to 52:06 get ourselves in the driver's seat 52:09 and be the focus of attention. The point of the 18, 80 buses 52:12 is the uplifted save you. 52:14 He is the one that we have to focus on. He's the one who's 52:18 reaching offices, his initiative. This got pay has 52:21 been reaching out to us pursuing us. Let me grab hold 52:24 of that. It not so hot. I think if you focus on that 52:29 rather than looking at ourselves first, look at him. 52:31 It changes how we look at even statements like this. 52:34 >> No, and that, of course, recognizing though that there 52:37 is a struggle that we know there is a struggle or there's 52:39 a surrender that we have to commit to week can't keep one 52:42 front in the world in one foot in Christ. We're going to get 52:45 pulled away. And so there is a surrender of the wall. 52:50 I can't work out miles of a son, but I kinser and I will 52:53 tell him what to do that he who began a good work. 52:57 >> Will be faithful to learned. I'm willing to be made willing 53:00 to. I just wanted to read one more because of the question 53:04 that asked to about obedience or or fiction your eyes on 53:08 Jesus and his work. Please understand obedience, not of 53:12 work. Crews have a shoe and I wanted to read this. I love 53:17 this. 53:18 I say of 48 in verse 18, the system or speaking and Jesus 53:25 own you. 53:27 He did 53:29 my commandments. We got to always had a moral code, 53:32 a flop. You'll find all the 10 Commandments in June. The says 53:36 he's always have a moral code of blood. They want something 53:40 new that was given at Mount Sinai. 53:43 He says all that you hit heated my commandments. Then your 53:47 piece, what it's been like refer to when we walk 53:53 united to the Lord, 53:55 we find peace. We don't have to worry about things but that he 54:00 says 54:01 and your righteousness 54:03 like the waves of the sea, 54:07 again, righteousness is by faith. It is not 54:12 the only justification, praise God for justification, 54:17 but there's the aspect 54:19 of his hips. Sanctify us by today. 54:23 >> There's there's from I like to say it this way in true 54:26 Christian experience. Obedience isn't an obligation. It's an 54:30 inevitability. It. Yeah. So yeah. So when we're 54:34 motivated by the love of Christ Seconds, 5.14 says the love of 54:38 Christ composer constrains and motivate energize removes 54:42 media. When that's your motivational structure, 54:45 business doesn't become an obligation, it becomes 54:47 inevitable outcome. It's so I think I think when we we frame 54:51 obedience in terms of the motivation, it occurs warframe 54:55 in terms of obligation, it's always a mirage. We can never 54:58 quite invest. I'm just an expression of art of the yeah. 55:03 Another poster this we said you can never stamps in out, 55:06 you know, a crowded out. 55:08 >> I sent out with Jesus and he didn't walk a mole. The triad. 55:15 Haha. Okay. We only have a minute left. Tell us one more 55:18 time. You have a conference coming up at. 55:22 >> Andrews unit is worth that. A Southern Adventist University 55:27 and the dates. I'm 12 through 15 to July to well up on the 55:32 screen reading. 55:33 >> 15 and people can just show up more. Can they can go to the 55:39 18? 88. 55:41 >> S and C dot. Oh, man. It's the yeah. So thin that 55:48 they want housing. If they want meals, they said sign up. 55:51 But if they're in the area they want to come. It is hoped is 55:55 that meal tickets also on site just yet. But to plan ahead for 55:58 the book Housing Preservation. And Yeah, the it has been it. 56:04 >> We could talk about what you think. We acted excited to go. 56:08 His son were just a little bit when you talk about this all 56:14 night and all day. But it is such a beautiful top bacon. 56:18 And I want to thank you, Bob Hunsicker, thank you for the 56:21 work that you're doing with the 18 88 Miss Age study committee 56:28 and 56:29 then David, thank you for being here. Brian. You he married. 56:33 Well, haha, it's good to great. Well, thank you for that. 56:40 You know, these are busy doctors, but they love the 56:44 Lord. Mayor says they are 56:47 ambassadors for frankly, not very much our prayer for those 56:53 of you at home is that the grace of our Lord and Savior 56:56 Jesus Christ. I love that. The father and the fellowship 57:00 of the Holy Spirit. 57:01 >> We'll be with you. Always like to be safe and strong 57:07 [MUSIC] 57:12 [MUSIC] 57:17 [MUSIC] 57:22 [MUSIC] 57:27 [MUSIC] 57:32 [MUSIC] 57:37 [MUSIC] |
Revised 2023-05-19