3ABN Today Live

1888 Message: The Truth As It Is In Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230018A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 >> I want to.
00:11 >> Many
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00:26 >> too.
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00:37 >> I'm
00:43 and
00:48 I want to stand
00:53 too.
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01:07 >> Hello, I'm sheli conjoined equal and we welcome you to 3 A
01:11 B in LIVE.
01:13 You know, 3 A B and stands for 3 Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:19 Our ministry is built on the 3 Angels messages of revelation
01:25 14 and that message itself. In Revelation, 14, 6, the first
01:32 Angel has the everlasting gospel to take to all the
01:36 world. You know what? The everlasting gospel is
01:39 revelation, 13 8 that she says Christ Islam, who was slain
01:45 from the foundation of the World Hebrews 13 20, but his
01:48 blood is the blood of the Everlasting Covenant and the
01:52 goal of God's Covenant of Righteousness by Faith. The
01:56 Second Corinthians 5.21, that says he made him
02:01 who knew no sand to be sent for us, that we might become the
02:07 righteousness of God in Christ. Jesus,
02:12 the message of righteousness by faith.
02:16 I understood correctly there will be no liberalism
02:21 and there will be no legal. Listen,
02:24 there's only one way, only one path way to salvation. That's
02:29 righteousness by fate. And tonight, we're so excited
02:33 because we're with the directors of the 18 88 miss
02:38 each study, the committee and they are sold out to this messy
02:45 of righteousness by faith. And let me introduce our guest
02:50 for right now. First we have Brian and Lindy shorts, both
02:55 doctors.
02:56 So glad that you're here. Brian, you are the what do you
03:00 do?
03:02 >> The interventional cardiologist in the medical
03:04 director for heart and vascular at that Kettering Medical
03:07 Center in Dayton, Ohio, a man. And then in your spare time,
03:10 you are chairman of the board for the 2 made it necessary to
03:15 avoid.
03:16 >> Lindy, tell us what you do.
03:18 First of all, it is wonderful to be here with both you,
03:21 Shelley and JD. And we want to thank the 3 the an family for
03:25 having us back again. So I'm a physician also at Kettering
03:29 Medical Center of Internal Medicine specialist. I actually
03:32 I'm the director of the residency in internal medicine.
03:35 So I train
03:37 residents to become internal medicine. Doctors hate Scott
03:40 and I'm a member of the advisory board for the 18.
03:44 It misses the new committee and I'm also very proud and happy
03:47 to be married to Brian Schwartz, as you and I make a
03:52 wonderful couple. And then your sister, you brought your
03:56 sister's husband with Yahoo.
04:03 >> And Sacre fog, tell us what you sow. I'm from Boston.
04:06 Then I'm on the director of the cardiac anesthesiology services
04:09 out of one of the hospitals in Boston. That's what I do for my
04:12 day job and a very busy with that. But happy to be here with
04:16 you guys very, very much because we're just so so
04:18 privilege and so blessed and just feel so encourage them a
04:21 chance to share the safety message with with you guys and
04:24 with the broader world.
04:26 >> They made in. So you are the actually the president of the
04:29 18 88 economy.
04:32 I just want to tonight's Miss. Each is called the 18 88.
04:37 It's a message that the truth as it is in Jesus.
04:43 This is my favorite topic because when you understand the
04:47 message of righteousness by faith, you can't help but fall
04:50 in love with God because it really feels the love of God in
04:55 such a special way. And then you know that you want to walk
05:00 in loving obedience and loyalty to the Lord. Before we begin,
05:05 I could go on and on. We I have I'm very appropriate song for
05:11 tonight. We know you love music. We love them. And that
05:14 is going to be bringing is that you see. Can you tell us it
05:18 will.
05:19 >> You are wound up. Not haha.
05:24 >> I want to bring it back to have a little in Christ alone.
05:29 And Jamie George is going to share.
05:32 He's so gifted. We love Jamie. So in Christ alone.
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06:27 >> We.
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06:39 >> And these 2.
06:41 >> This the Mai Mai Stream. My Psalm.
06:49 >> This.
06:56 >> The news sent strong and stop.
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07:13 >> Fat 10. I owe you and the love. Cry highs too.
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07:29 >> In crime
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08:59 >> calls home.
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09:33 >> So kitted out here and play if you are joining us just a
09:38 little later. Special guests tonight are doctors Bob and
09:42 Sacre Mindy and Brian Schwartz. And we are scoring too, have a
09:48 marvelous, a rousing discussion tonight of the meat.
09:51 >> Also, surely this is a live program to our LIVE program 60
09:56 minutes and 60 minutes and we are taking your questions.
10:00 So let me give you is we're going to take them through text
10:03 and that is 6, 1, 8, You can look at the bottom of your
10:06 screen, 618-228-3975. And if you want to e-mail it well,
10:14 then it's live at 3ABN DOT TV.
10:18 >> Please send those questions am absolutely. We're so excited
10:23 about this. So now let me just kick this off and ask you guys
10:28 what happened in 18, 88 that warrants all of this excitement
10:35 and why is it still relevant today?
10:37 >> Who wants to start a? That's a great question.
10:40 I think it's a critical question, actually. I think as
10:42 we if you look at any of God's movements throughout history,
10:46 from from the the Jewish nation to early Christian church to
10:52 the reformation church, there's always been times when God has
10:55 had to sort of keep us on the straight and narrow path and
10:58 where that includes includes our denomination. So our admin
11:02 as pioneers went through something called the great
11:04 disappointment. They're expecting a lot to come.
11:07 It didn't happen, but they weren't detector discourage.
11:10 It pressed ahead. But over time, they began to be very
11:13 sort of sort of
11:16 promoting the truth, but not the truth as it is in Jesus.
11:20 I'm going to be something that talks about them losing side of
11:23 Jesus. So so guy throughout history, whether it's Elijah in
11:26 the Old Testament are Peter and Paul, the New Testament or
11:29 Martin Luther Reformation sent messengers to give additional
11:34 line to get correction to give direction to God's people.
11:36 So to you as it were was a time when God said us, listen,
11:40 I want to keep you on the straight and narrow. Here's
11:42 additional lights and you guys can grow up into the measure,
11:45 the stature, the fullness of Christ. And as throughout
11:47 history, he sends messengers people that are specially
11:50 receptive and appreciative of what he wants to communicate
11:54 and the team you happen to be too young gentleman named E T
11:56 Jones needs a wagon. Young gentleman there, 20's 30's.
12:00 It that were responsive, intercepted them bible students
12:02 and communicated or church additional like the God had for
12:05 us. And it's something it's been a huge blessing to so many
12:08 since then. And what was that additional light?
12:11 >> Well, there's a lot we're going to talk about that whole
12:13 time. But it all bottom line is the bottom line. It rephrase
12:17 that.
12:19 >> Truth to the truth as it is in Jesus. It was a message
12:21 about the righteousness of Christ on the character of God,
12:25 the beauty of his character, the chaos and the love of God
12:27 for each one of us. What he's done for each one of us now,
12:30 sometimes people get caught up in talking about, well, they
12:33 talked about the horns and Daniel, they talked about the
12:36 long galatians and those are all issues. But those were
12:38 superficial issues from the fundamental issue that was
12:41 going on. There was God was trying to bring us to
12:43 repentance, to mature a team to the point where he could
12:46 resolve this whole controversy become a second time that was
12:49 going on underneath a superficial kinds of issues.
12:52 >> And and so you know what it was said that you the heart of
12:54 what was being presented was uplifted say, yeah, so uplifted
12:58 savior is I think that would summarize what you said.
13:02 That was the focus of everything. And when we of
13:05 uplift the savior, would Jesus say he would drop all to
13:09 himself? And I truly believe, as you know, this is my
13:14 favorite top. Yeah, haha. But I truly believe that if we
13:19 understand this truth
13:22 and if we will see fall so much love with the more that we will
13:27 be sold out for the Lord. And I believe if we prot,
13:31 yes, this truth, as we're called to do
13:36 the eternal light of God's love and humility will open people's
13:41 eyes and we'll see people coming into from other
13:44 religions, not just Christianity, but if people
13:47 understand who the person of Jesus Christ is, I think it
13:52 will be world changing. Now, this is an interesting thing
13:56 that I'm going to ask you because I had heard it said
14:02 some people think to look
14:05 to the 18 88 minutes. Each
14:08 is like we are looking backward in history.
14:13 I don't see it that way myself. But
14:16 how do you feel about when someone has a makes a comment
14:20 like this to you? How do you respond?
14:22 >> Now there's a couple things about that was over 100 years
14:26 ago. And it does seem like a long time in our short time
14:30 frame. But, you know, if we don't learn from our history,
14:32 we're destined to repeat it.
14:34 As we look back in history since Jesus walked in this
14:38 world, there's really been to
14:40 incredible watershed moments where the holy Spirit was
14:44 poured out there. Early rain with the apostles and the
14:47 latter, a that Ellen White, Dana fide was being poured out
14:51 as part of this message. And so
14:55 what Martin Luther did was incredible, what the reformers
14:57 that was incredible. But here was an anti message that was to
15:01 be united with the power of the Holy Spirit, the outpouring of
15:06 the letter, and that was to prepare people to give us those
15:09 that would warn the whole world and to uplift Christ as the
15:13 savior of the world that would draw everyone to repentance.
15:16 And so we have to ask the question, if that was all part
15:19 of the U.S.
15:20 and we're still here, there must be something that we've
15:24 missed that we need to look back at or we could be
15:27 repeating the same
15:28 belief jus like the Jews had when they refused or this
15:32 relates to when they refused to cross over
15:35 the Jordan River and the Cain and it had to wander in the
15:38 wilderness for 40 years as a possible. We, too, have been
15:42 wondering over and over again, the Bible tells us.
15:45 >> To remember, yes. Remember, remember, as Ryan said, if we
15:49 do remember, history are doomed to repeat it. One of our
15:52 advocates found or says that by looking back to our history,
15:56 we can see the lords leading and is teaching our past
15:58 history. Nothing to fear for the future she says, except so
16:02 there's a caution fearing for the future, except as we forget
16:05 the largely teaching our past history. So as we move forward,
16:08 we need to look back in to enable us to move forward.
16:10 I would say yeah, and I believe that.
16:13 >> The the righteousness by faith miss each is the message
16:18 of the hour because this is a this is the only way that we
16:23 will really got can capture people's hearts mended. You
16:27 know, I think we also believe and I think that's already been
16:29 alluded to that this message was designed by God to be the
16:34 loud cry message that brings on the lever. Absolutely. And so
16:37 we believe that this message is key to the latter rain. I think
16:40 the reason that we're so committed to the message and
16:43 passion about it in and teach about it, every opportunity we
16:46 get is that we believe that there is something in this
16:49 message
16:50 that will bring on the latter rain. You know, Ellen White
16:54 said that after it was actually even before the 18 88 John
16:58 Conference session. But she has said several times I forgot the
17:03 exact date when the first of these maybe 18, 52. And she
17:06 said first time that Christ could've come air this week.
17:10 Prescott compare this. So which means that Christ wants to come
17:14 back
17:15 and there's something in this message. I think that that I
17:18 believe he's going to work out his plan, but but he needs us
17:22 to participate with him. And I think presenting a mess
17:25 is that he said
17:26 Ellen White would bring on the outpouring of the holy spirit.
17:31 She says in large measure,
17:33 I want can take to be a time for me to take quick story.
17:37 Absolutely moved to Texas
17:39 and we moved to the central part of Texas where the family
17:42 farm was got their 5 year drought. There were cracks in
17:46 the ground and that were 3 inches across. And I don't know
17:50 how date.
17:51 And so I joined my voice to the chorus of people who work.
17:55 Why out to the Lord for Rain. JD was out of town one night.
18:00 I heard the PD pattern on the tin roof and then all of a
18:03 sudden it was just became a gully washers column in the
18:07 teens. I I looked outside the window. You couldn't even see 3
18:11 feet in front of you because of how
18:14 still the rain was coming to us. Folks. I could hardly sleep
18:18 because I want to go out. See what a difference it made
18:22 next morning when out
18:24 ground was just as our didn't rise. That was before
18:29 what it happened. All the water, the ground was so hard.
18:32 The water had run off and our tanks. That's what we call
18:35 ponds, Texas, but our tanks that caught water. But there
18:39 was nothing in the Lord spoke. I mean, you know what? He said
18:43 justice. It is in the physical. So shall it be in the spirit
18:47 now, if we have not been influence by the Holy Spirit,
18:54 the Bible study Ince inch surrendering to God.
18:58 When the latter rain is pouring out, it will run off our to our
19:02 backs like water off a duck's back. Yeah. So it's something
19:07 that if this message which is everlasting gospel, I mean it
19:13 it's introduced in Genesis is 5th at 3.15, minutes throughout
19:17 revelation. So if we don't pay attention to this message that
19:23 was brought in, we're in trouble. So let's talk about
19:26 what are some of that points that Wagner in Jones.
19:32 >> Made in this 18 88 missing? What made their missing unique?
19:37 Yeah.
19:39 >> I'm a one point we should start I think is is that if the
19:41 message emphasizes not just what God did for the believer
19:45 that we focus a lot on that as Christians, what God has done
19:48 for the whole human race, a man with a couple versus here to
19:51 bring this out, things we don't really think about very often.
19:53 They are 3 or 4 versus and sort of quick succession to bring
19:55 this out.
19:57 Here's first Timothy for 10. We trust the living God,
20:00 who is the savior of all men, especially those who believe.
20:06 So Jesus isn't just the savior of the believer. He's the
20:10 savior of the whole world. Now, they may not know that
20:12 many now believe it, but he still their savior today.
20:15 Now this comes up a bunch of dancers first, John, 4.14,
20:18 and we have seen and testified that the father has sent the
20:21 sun has saviour of
20:24 the world. So again, the by was bring out the cause, not just
20:28 the savior of the believer, but he's a savor the whole world.
20:31 Now, here's John 4.42. This is after the woman to well
20:35 experience. She invites. She's back to the town there in
20:37 some area and you speak to them for a couple days. At the end
20:40 of that experience, the minister mayor come to her and
20:43 say, we believe not just based on what you said, but we've
20:47 what we've seen and they say this, we believe not because of
20:50 thy saying speak about the well for we have heard him Jesus
20:54 ourselves and though that this is indeed the the Christ,
20:58 the savior of
21:00 the world. So the message is 18 message was trying to bring out
21:04 was not just the Jesus is the savior of you when you believe
21:07 that Jesus went out and save you before you believe that?
21:10 I mean, everyone is going to happen. No, no, but Jesus right
21:14 now today is everybody savior. If it wasn't for what Jesus had
21:18 done, nobody would have life, atheist, Christian, but a
21:22 Muslim Buddhist, everyone today has life today because of what
21:25 Jesus has done it. So starting with one of the our message
21:28 isn't.
21:29 >> If you believe, yeah, then he'll be your saviour. And our
21:32 message is Jesus as your savior from say, believe it. It does
21:36 mean if you Billy first he would do something for you,
21:41 right? He is already done something for you. Believe it.
21:45 >> It has to be that way because all of us are so rich
21:49 and so miserably last that there's nothing we can do to
21:52 initiate or salvation. And the Romans 5 in the first part
21:57 hoping to. But I'm going I'm going to go to this. But if you
22:01 go to the we're all here, but Hicks where we were still
22:05 without strength,
22:07 somebody without straight can't do anything to rescue
22:09 themselves in due time. Christ died for the golly force in
22:13 that while we were still centers and verse 8, why we
22:16 were enemies. We were as far away from guy. We were
22:20 alienated from God. We didn't we wouldn't even know or
22:24 condition if he hadn't come to rescue us first. And so
22:29 the good news is that they really emphasize that is that
22:32 God has to be the in this year of everything regarding
22:35 salvation and struck with the fact that every other religion
22:40 in the world,
22:41 every pagan, religion, Buddhism, every religion has
22:46 the idea that we have to do something to make ourselves
22:49 right for so that we can except us and and Catholicism. Martin
22:54 Luther when he saw that text and Romans, one was on Disney's
22:58 climbing pilots staircase and realizing no righteousnesses by
23:03 faith and it's got as the initiator of all things the
23:07 end. The thing that really strikes me is what is always
23:11 got his initiative or we are the responder. We love him
23:14 because he first loved us. That's the goodness of God that
23:19 leads us to repentance. You. We experienced justification by
23:23 faith because he has justified us. He is the savior of all the
23:26 world and therefore we can experience of a response.
23:30 So let's hope.
23:32 >> Paz Baja, one out here is saying what you mean,
23:35 justification by faith and what is just and then I think that
23:39 >> I I I'm going to this is beautiful. And I want people to
23:42 know that this concept will save your life. And but because
23:47 Brian mentioned Polish staircase, if you want to look
23:50 at contrasts
23:52 between what the 18 88 messages with teaching and Ellen White
23:56 as well with teaching compared to, you know, most religions,
24:02 it was palace to kiss is a good example. Contracting to the
24:07 Shepard who's reaching down for sheep that is lost. So in
24:11 Polish tickets, they're climbing, trying to reach to
24:14 God,
24:15 whereas with the sheep that is lost, that can't do anything to
24:18 save itself with the ship and looking for the sheep and does
24:21 not give up until he finds it. And that's what's important
24:24 about Gore's initiative. But it did what every something
24:28 this is. My JB thought that Shelley was excited top.
24:34 This is a psychic soaking. So so in terms of the
24:37 initiative and this is one area, I think that really does
24:40 need to be clear fact. I think it's such amazing news. The
24:43 Gospel is better than we think it is. It's because God is out
24:46 looking for. So just looking well matched up to 5. Brian
24:49 read 6, 8, in 10 about
24:53 being without strengthen gardening. Without strength
24:55 means you can't do anything. You set your helpless.
24:59 But there's something in and show us about justification.
25:02 And the question is, and this is where
25:06 possible you possibility for some confusion. And it is what
25:10 is it exactly that Christ did for us? So in verse 12, it
25:15 simply says this. They're full justice through one man,
25:20 Tion entered the loot and U.S. death spread too. All men,
25:24 your Romans, 5 most up to 5 was 12 because all sent the stops
25:29 and thinks about it for a while. Then has a several texts
25:32 of prevent. This is the other words. He explains it, but it
25:37 doesn't get back to Bush 12 until this 18. So let's just
25:41 look at this 18. The NAFTA was 18 and they look at look at the
25:45 17th and I want to read something that wag and talked
25:47 about.
25:50 So that's 12 says that off all mend the deaths pecked on that
25:54 because all cent and then in verse 18, he says their full at
25:58 the end of the Perth. This at the end of the parenthesis.
26:00 That's right front at the end of the threat, this their full
26:03 as through one man's offense, judgment came to all men
26:09 resulting in
26:11 condemnation, even so through one man's right, just act.
26:16 And that right just act is the cross of Christ to one man is
26:21 right. Just act
26:25 to all men and my publicist all meant to all men resulting in.
26:32 I can skip one with to avoid confusion, which is a result in
26:35 life.
26:36 The Bible does say resulted in justification of life. So the
26:40 question is, what does that mean? Does that mean everyone
26:42 is going to have an Lou?
26:44 It doesn't mean everyone is going to heaven. So let me just
26:47 being wagged into commenting on these 2 buses.
26:52 He says the condom mission, that death passed up on all
26:56 men. That's what he said and judgment came upon all meant to
27:00 condemnation. Then he addresses the idea of justification of
27:05 life. And he says by the righteousness of one of the
27:09 free gift, it came up on all men and 2 justification of
27:14 life. He quotes that then he says this. There is no
27:17 exception here
27:20 as the condemnation came upon all. So the justification comes
27:25 upon all Christ has tasted death for every man he's given
27:30 himself for all ne. He's given himself to every meant the free
27:35 gift has come up on all the fact that it is a free gift is
27:39 evidence that there is no exception. It is effect if a
27:44 plan to get it in the Bible that the gift of right just as
27:47 Nest and life in Christ has come to every minute. The
27:51 there's not the slightest reason why every man that has
27:54 ever lived should not be saved on to turn left except
27:57 that they would not have it so many. She's been the gift so
28:01 offered freely. So that's why the 17 Paul says for it by one
28:06 man's offense, death reigned through the one much all those
28:10 who receive the abundance of grace and if the gift of
28:14 righteousness or rain through life. So
28:17 the gift is come
28:19 everybody now so many spoon it. We fuse it. But if you receive
28:24 it.
28:25 >> You'll have eternal life. So let me break it down.
28:27 Just something a little simpler to understand it home.
28:34 Our creator, God
28:37 humbled himself to become a man he took on their flesh to
28:41 become the son of man in the covenant son of God
28:46 was obedient to the point. If death on the cross when
28:49 Christ died on the cross,
28:53 we say the word justify this is a legal word that a heavenly
28:59 judge
29:00 either is going to pronounce s guilty or not guilty. Justified
29:07 condemned. So if we are come dammed, that means we did not
29:13 receive the freakin. Yes, this way, if we are justified debt
29:17 means the blood of Christ cover star stance and God, it's he
29:21 looks down. There's no forensic evidence because we've accepted
29:25 this freak. If that's offered to all and just to be justified
29:30 means
29:32 to be declared not guilty. You're acquitted a fierce and
29:37 so justification by righteousness, the
29:42 righteousness
29:44 by faith in Christ.
29:47 Yeah. And it is a failed bill to off. Yes, but you look so P
29:51 and C.
29:53 >> No, I was just going to comment. Lynn White articulate
29:55 this in a couple different ways. But one that's meant a
29:57 lot to me is where she says with his own blood. Jesus
30:01 Christ signed the Emancipation Papers and she does not have
30:05 the believer only but of the race we need to essentially at
30:08 the cross with his own. But he didn't just sign the Freedom
30:11 Papers, the legal freedom for the believe only but for the
30:13 whole race. That's something we don't think about a lot as we
30:16 think about what God has done for the believer. We don't
30:18 appreciate what God has done for the whole world. The place
30:21 she says it this way. Never one saint or sinner. It's his daily
30:26 bread, but he is nourished by the body and blood of Christ on
30:29 the Cross of Christ is stamped on every water. Spring is
30:32 manifested in every loaf of bread. What she's saying there
30:35 she saying every single person on this planet
30:38 saint or sinner believer, Unbeliever atheist or theorist,
30:42 but Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, any religious world, they're
30:46 all benefiting from the cross of Christ. So are evangelists
30:50 to pitch an isn't just if you do this, if you do this,
30:54 then God will do for you to our evangelism is got has already
30:58 done all of this for you. Believe it. Appreciate it.
31:02 Received a very different motivational realities right in
31:05 the first one. I'm grasping for something for my own security
31:08 in the other one. I'm expressing appreciation to got
31:11 40's already done for me. I think that's a critical
31:14 difference that when we realize what price with their you're
31:18 quoting a sense, Ali Philippians 2 as Jesus. Yes,
31:20 up down these steps.
31:22 >> Down to the point of death, even the death of a crossed.
31:25 Yeah. So we realize what Jesus went through in the cross.
31:28 It will melt your heart that we will see what it costume to
31:32 justify the whole rest. And at that point we respond are her
31:37 is united with his when we express justification by faith,
31:40 a man that is an experience that transforms our life.
31:43 It's not just a little step. It is actually a transformation
31:47 of my mind or I only reconciled to God who has already been
31:51 reconciled is and it is.
31:53 >> Paul says the Fusion's to you were good in your
31:56 transgressed transgressions. I I say it this way. Grace
32:01 wrote the check faith. It takes it to the bank. So guys are the
32:06 root the chest and he's handing it to you just like to yes,
32:09 if you will, just received this gift, didn't un be will be
32:15 transferred into his kingdom and you are justified by faith.
32:21 And then you know what's a quick thought here
32:25 when we study what happened in the Garden of Eden
32:30 as soon as Adam and Eve sand, there was the Scott came in and
32:34 made the announcement of the everlasting gospel and he's
32:38 saying to the serpent, I am going to put immunity pin you
32:42 in the woman you're seen in her seat.
32:46 We'll peruse your head. You're going to see seal. He's talking
32:49 about them aside. Yes, but immediately this is what just
32:54 blows. My mind
32:56 got immediately opened the pathway to restore
33:00 righteousness by faith and through this substitution Arie
33:04 sacrificial system. Yes, that pointed to Jesus Christ.
33:08 So when we're talking about Christ's death on the cross,
33:11 it was for all ages, all the world, all the people, all
33:16 Testament Saints or saviors, looking forward to the coming
33:21 messiah or save looking back and looking at the humid side
33:25 pretty. And there's a sense in which even the whole universe
33:28 is secure because of what Christian.
33:30 >> And I bring this out real quick because this is a live
33:33 program and this is exciting and some of you may have some
33:38 questions.
33:40 What are they talking about? Our I thought this or I thought
33:43 that. So there's 2 ways of getting your questions in here
33:48 and look at the bottom of the screen. If you want to text
33:51 than at 618-228-3975, r if you want to e-mail or them. Well,
33:58 that's live at 3 ABN DOT TV place those questions. And
34:03 because
34:04 you've got some people here that the know their bottled
34:07 heard well Euclid.
34:11 >> It's exciting. So what are some of the of the unique
34:13 points of the 18 88 message?
34:16 >> Well, another one that sort of flows from this is that
34:19 God's love is so influential and so powerful. It actually
34:22 makes it hard for us to be lost and easier to be safe. And that
34:26 sounds like a counter intuitive radical statement, right?
34:30 But remember in Matthew Chapter 11, Jesus says to us, take my
34:34 yoke upon. You talk to you must be hard to take my yoke upon
34:37 you and learn of me for my yoke is easy, not heavy and
34:42 burdensome. It's so terrible to be a Christian are so many
34:45 birds. As now my yoke is easy
34:48 and my burden is light on. So go find rest for your so you
34:51 find rest for your souls. Yes, rather. And Satan paint
34:54 this picture that it's, you know, so hard. It's such a
34:57 difficult thing. It's so burdensome to be a Christian to
35:00 say no, no, no, no. Being a Christian is the easier path
35:04 when your life. I agree when when Paul was on the road to
35:08 Damascus and Jesus came to present himself to him and he's
35:12 in talks with out there, who are you again and says I'm
35:14 Jesus from the persecuted and then uses this interesting.
35:17 70 says it's hard for you to kick against the press. Yeah.
35:21 You're you're doing that hard road. Paul resisting my Holy
35:25 Spirit. Resisting your conscience. That's the hard
35:27 road.
35:28 >> Yeah. Explain that for somebody that too, is some some
35:30 say kicking some translations you're making against the
35:34 preclude some kick. He gives the go. It was explained that
35:37 so people knows what that particular phrase means does
35:42 all jumped in when with had animals to keep the animals,
35:47 the oxen going forward. They had a chain with the ball on
35:52 it. The had all these little metal p***** and it just would
35:56 gently
35:57 bump them and keep them going. But if they kick against the
36:01 p*****, they were going to get one done. And that's what it is
36:04 for us when we
36:06 >> ignore the Holy Spirit. Let's put this in context with
36:09 Paul Paul Paul. When he was saw he
36:12 he had to have times when he was confronted by something
36:16 that challenge him when he's holding the coat so that people
36:19 could stone, Stephen, he had to be looking at Stevens thinking,
36:22 what is it that motivates him to be praying, father, forgive
36:26 them and move ahead to be wearing on him a little by
36:29 little by little these things are prodding him prodding and
36:32 prodding him toward the point where he can have this
36:34 experience. Even. Yeah, his Bible verses the but we don't
36:38 get the son of emphasis.
36:39 >> Where Senate bounds, he said yeah, more much more out there.
36:44 So if we're processing Christian experience from that
36:46 perspective, if we're processing, I failed, I fallen.
36:50 This crisp is difficult not to know.
36:52 We're sitting abounds. Grace does much more about if we
36:56 process that process that never thinking our whole religious
36:59 framework changes grace is more powerful than the holy spirit
37:04 is more powerful than the flash. So enrollments 5 times
37:08 Galatians 5 talks about the flash lasting into the spirit
37:12 and you can't do the things you want to do. A lot of people
37:15 read that. They say all I can do the good things they want to
37:17 because of pressure so strong was no, no, no, no. The holy
37:20 spirit is so strong that your flash can do it. It's one of
37:23 the day the flesh is stronger than the spirit. And so we can
37:26 say with confidence. What in the Christian experience that
37:31 when we understand and believe the gospel, it's easier to be
37:33 safe than it is to be lost and God is grace has made it hard
37:36 for the headless were people that it's because salvation is
37:39 a gift that we say this to you at home.
37:42 >> Adam and Eve with mace. And when cent penetrated God's
37:47 spirit of righteousness,
37:49 there was nothing. They they lost their spiritual innocent
37:53 movie. And once that spiritual innocence, it's just like if we
37:57 lose our physical and since there's no way man can be
38:00 stored and that's why God instituted this substitution
38:04 Arie sacrificial system. He had this planned before the
38:08 World Bank and the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of
38:11 the world. So the point is there's absolutely nothing.
38:16 I say 64 6 is that
38:19 you invest x your best righteousness is like filthy
38:23 rags before the Lord. I used to work so hard trying to be
38:27 perfect for God. And I felt like I had to perform.
38:30 Do I do?
38:32 But when I understood salvation by grace righteousness, my fate
38:37 when I understood it was Scott could work in me, too. Willing
38:40 to do is good pleasure. It was a gift.
38:44 A totally different is OK.
38:46 >> And and and Jesus, you know, when when he was in judge up to
38:50 12,
38:51 he was so sure that that his work would be so compelling
38:57 that he said,
38:59 and I if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all
39:03 peoples to myself when I'm
39:06 and when that when he was on the cross and they would Jerry
39:09 at him, we had at this evidence of the 2 groups to do one
39:13 kicking against the goats and the other one yielding and
39:16 submitting to the love of God. The 2 thieves on the cross.
39:19 The one thief accepted the gift in Christ and the other one
39:23 just kept swearing in and so forth. So but I think the Jesus
39:29 on the cross demonstrated why it is hard to be lost if we
39:33 surrender ourselves, that to the
39:37 condescension.
39:39 >> That he went through. I think it's easy to be safe.
39:42 Kind of a little medical illustration here. Some of us
39:45 have probably had something called an MRI stands for
39:47 magnetic resonance imaging. When you get an MRI, they make
39:50 you take off every single metallic object on your body
39:53 because if you don't, that magnet is so strong. You have a
39:56 pen in your pocket, a little flatter your pocket going to
39:59 the magnitude. If you've got to watch a little actually pull
40:01 your arm into the magnet. God's love is like MRI Mag.
40:06 Yeah. Yeah. You have to resist his love in order to not be
40:10 saved is God's drawing. You will see the Holy Spirit with
40:14 the revelation of his love. His character's goodness to
40:16 drive you to himself. He's like that in my magnet. You have to
40:19 resist that force and we're going to be lost. And that was
40:22 that was with Jones and Wagner were emphasizing to us as a
40:25 church. God's love has made it hard for people to be lost.
40:29 >> And and there's a quote that Ellen White House, I didn't
40:32 bring it. I know you guys know. You know what I want to you is
40:36 the one about
40:37 the last link. The service. The Angels are concerned.
40:41 The last link of some link of sympathy that the Angels had
40:46 first for for loose of food was broken at the crossing. It's
40:49 that powerful. The last link and it was for everyone from
40:54 the hearts of the Angels was erased. Any lawyer to what so
40:57 ever too.
40:58 >> Just to save the world is waiting for the last week of
41:01 sympathy to be broken arms. Yeah, we haven't gotten the
41:04 crosses that powerful move. But
41:06 >> see the thing that people forget sometimes when Jesus
41:09 took on our flash, yes. Did you know that he took that
41:12 flashback to heaven? Yes, it was glorified, but now he sits
41:18 in heaven as the last. Adam, a new representative of mankind
41:25 is our high priest. He says limited himself to yes from
41:31 being on the present except through the Holy Spirit.
41:35 Ephesians 3.17, says he lives in our hearts and by faith
41:39 through the Holy Spirit, but
41:42 not only humiliated himself for a short time like this on
41:46 earth. He's going to have a way. Yes, that's our creative.
41:51 Yes, it's Monday. And was it when you think of that kind of,
41:55 you know, all of us stand and only women on? Yeah, he did.
41:59 And the SA must, you know, in some chipped to 8 my favorite
42:02 sums, he says.
42:05 >> When I consider the heavens the the work a few hands,
42:08 the creation of the thing made. What is meant that you mindful
42:11 of him in on the set of mad that you visit him and that
42:15 visit
42:16 was the incarnation of Jesus Christ do. And his whole
42:20 ministry thought his life and the cross. He was the
42:23 sovereign of the universe, the creator the Almighty created,
42:28 and he humbled himself to come down here and tabernacle with
42:32 human beings who has just in Bloom David's mind as he
42:36 thought about that, and then we should blow our minds to.
42:40 >> All right. As keep going forward here, we've got a
42:42 couple of questions that of men that sneak in here in a minute.
42:45 But
42:46 let's talk about
42:48 the I think the reason that people we checked got slump.
42:53 Well, first, there's a pitiful teaching on Hale who, you know,
42:57 God doesn't want anyone to separate the second death.
43:01 You know, he is not going to I just got to doing certain on
43:04 that today. Every morning, his servant. What does the Bible
43:07 say about how God is is crying out to us?
43:13 Turn turn from their wicked ways. Why should you die
43:17 Tuesday says that, no, you know, God doesn't want anyone
43:21 to be lost as well as Peter. But here's the point.
43:25 I do have a point somewhere. If we don't understand his
43:33 slot, there are people who believe that God is partial.
43:35 Yeah, yeah. The Bible says just the office and per show if we
43:39 don't understand he died
43:42 for you,
43:44 you you are worth nothing less than the price he paid for you
43:48 with his was she a slight lead. That's the value God puts on
43:52 your life.
43:53 So if you don't understand, that's what people reject.
43:57 They think. Oh, I'm not good enough. Not all of us are good.
44:00 And that, yeah, I mean, with none of this, make it
44:05 talk about this,
44:07 the idea of Harper it repentance, because here's the
44:12 question that came and everybody.
44:16 Well, let's go. Let's go through these 3 questions.
44:18 Real quick. If Jesus is the savior of the whole world,
44:21 does that mean everyone will be safe?
44:25 >> No, and I think that's a good question because these 2
44:28 statements are in Congress. Jesus can be right now the
44:31 savior of the world, right? Everyone is living today
44:35 because of what Jesus has done. He is that you mentioned
44:37 Genesis Chapter 3, right? Jesus doesn't intervene at that
44:41 point. The human race, the system is just bad. I'm
44:43 experienced a consequence. The center right away. The
44:46 humor is not here. So in that instant, when when the land was
44:49 slain from the foundation of the world, Jesus literally save
44:52 the world. So we can all every single person that humans can
44:55 say Jesus as my savior today. Now because God is a gentleman
44:59 he loves and cares about us and for and love is based on
45:02 freedom will hope he gives us the freedom to to not want to
45:05 spend eternity with him. So every doesn't end up in
45:08 heaven. Not because God didn't do enough to save them because
45:11 they reject that they'd rather cease to exist fraternity the
45:14 fraternity with God.
45:16 >> But that the decision was entirely upon them. God has
45:20 made it clear that he has done everything possible to save
45:23 everyone of us. Yes.
45:24 >> Here, here's the way. I'd say he got as they come in
45:26 and making covenant keeping God. He makes all the promises.
45:31 He keeps help the process.
45:33 He invites us. Like I said, Grace wrote the check. Faith
45:38 takes it to the bank. He invites us to enter into
45:41 covenant with him and if we refuse, if we reject his left
45:46 eye, I don't want to be and gotten it with you.
45:49 >> I would like to say it is the reason peaceably won't be
45:52 in heaven is not because God won't let the Mets right.
45:54 It's because they don't want to be there. What is it this way?
45:57 She says the wickets exclusion from heaven is voluntary with
46:01 themselves. Yes, and they want to be and have instead chosen.
46:04 Pat Milton says in Paradise Lost Satan speaking. Satan says
46:08 I'd rather be a king and held in a servant in Heaven. Yeah,
46:12 people are lost. Don't want to serve other people in God's
46:15 kingdom forever. They'd rather cease to exist and have to
46:17 serve other people for the people serve got fraternity.
46:20 >> I think like we said, you know, the majority spend a
46:24 gift. God has given us an incredible gift. But let me
46:27 just read first on 5. So first on up to 5, I'll just give us
46:32 10 movie to this 11.
46:36 What was 12 he who believes in the son of God has the witness
46:42 in himself.
46:43 He who does not believe God has made him a liar because he is
46:48 not believe the testimony that God has given of the sun.
46:53 And this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life.
46:58 Who's the U.S. and this life is in his son.
47:03 He was the son has life.
47:05 He who does not have the sun does not have life.
47:09 I think this is where we have the idea that, you know,
47:12 the testimonies God has given us eternal life. That's the
47:15 fact of the matter. But this eternal life is innocent.
47:18 If you have the same kind of like got the sun, if you have
47:22 sun, you have life. If you don't have the sun, you don't
47:24 have to like the whole council of true for many of the got
47:28 milk commercial, Yahoo.
47:29 >> Yeah. If you look at this and you've got a life and
47:32 you've got to get this, if you missed the question behind of
47:34 goes in there. But the mask does the righteousness of
47:37 Christ in our position in him proceed or depend on our faith
47:41 in Christ. It seems to me genuine faith is only possible
47:46 if God first makes known to me my position in Christ.
47:50 >> Yeah, that's a really good question. So even as subtly we
47:55 can turn righteousness by faith into my faith, doing something
47:59 to change gods attitude toward me. And so
48:04 there's the concept of the faith of Jesus in Sumter,
48:07 Bible, translations of the modern translations translate
48:10 the as faith
48:12 in Jesus, which is putting the emphasis on us, putting our
48:16 faith in Jesus. But the King James has translated that
48:20 correctly when it says it's the faith of Jesus and Jesus lived
48:23 by faith. He is the author of Faith. It was a it was by faith
48:28 that he went to the cross. He could not see through the
48:31 portals of the 2 in yet he decided it made a decision that
48:35 he would trust his father, even though that did not look like
48:38 he would ever exist again. He was one to make that
48:42 sacrifice by faith by faith he saw. So if my faith, my
48:48 salvation and my righteousness depends upon my faith, which is
48:52 weak, it fails,
48:55 that becomes legal isn't in itself, but of my salvation.
48:59 And my righteousness depends upon his fame in because of his
49:03 faith. That causes a heartfelt appreciation to my heart.
49:07 And that response to that day by faith that he gives me that
49:11 that's a perfect faith. That is the faith of Jesus lived out in
49:14 my life. And that's a faith that has never failed.
49:16 >> And that's that's the 30 inches message that this is
49:20 something that you don't to wait or talked about a lot of
49:23 Jesus. And we should have been more emphasis on this because
49:25 it's actually the end of the 3rd Angels message, right
49:28 relation 14 to all says. Here's the patience of the
49:30 Saints here. Are they who keep the Commandments of God and the
49:34 faith? Oh, Jesus. Yeah. Not merely faith in Jesus but they
49:39 keep the faith of you in critical distinction. Yes.
49:42 >> I'm a bit of text. Haha. Sure. And it's galatians
49:47 shifted to was 20 because this concept White says there are
49:50 several quotes up. But White says that we have talked about
49:54 the Commandments of God, but the faith of Jesus has been
49:57 left in a strange land collected. Yes, this neglect,
50:01 but it is up powerful concept and the only way that we can
50:04 live. So Paul says into the place, he says it also and
50:07 Philip inched up to 3 was 89, but English is tempted to those
50:11 20. He says, I have been crucified with Christ. And so I
50:15 think
50:16 first of all, one of the most difficult things we can do is
50:20 to reach to surrender ourselves to Christ crucified with Christ
50:25 deputies.
50:26 You know, we're not in control of arts stuff anymore. So he
50:30 says I've been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who
50:33 live,
50:34 but Christ lives in May and the life which I now live in the
50:38 flesh. I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me and
50:43 give himself for me. So Paula, saying
50:47 the only way I can live is by the faith of the son of God,
50:51 my faith will fail me, but his faith will not. And and faith
50:55 is something he gives to us his faith he gives to us and that
50:59 faith
51:00 is what is alleged to be to be
51:04 to be transformed.
51:06 >> Yeah, yes, I was praying this weekend and I've been
51:10 reading in Daniel all work if need faith. Daniel who was off
51:16 say Daniel had it
51:18 and all of the said. Nice hit.
51:21 >> No hard. The man who greatest day. Yeah. Yeah.
51:26 Earth was the man Christ. Yeah. Or give? Maybe yeah of.
51:32 Yeah, yes, yes. And so that helps put it in perspective.
51:37 Perhaps that
51:39 what we're asking God for us working us. Help us to develop
51:45 that every step of the way. He's yeah. Yeah. Yeahs a faith
51:49 that has never felt yes. Even though it's going through
51:52 the crucible of the worst test that could never be imaginable.
51:56 He has been an Ellen Weiss says.
51:58 >> In the reserve is that by Faith? Weis was the victim.
52:02 Yes, and you don't you don't recognize in gets some money.
52:05 Yes, the the what does she say? The fate of the entire world
52:10 was hanging in the balance is the only by faith whose quest
52:13 was clear to the ground asking to let the cup pass from him
52:17 and heat. If you look at some, 22, he had to recall
52:23 how his father had let him in the past. He grabs hold of
52:26 that. And by face he said, okay, I was surrounded by self
52:31 is so good. But by faith you was the boys said that and
52:34 that's why he pushed up to 12 tells us you have not done
52:37 anything. Christ was striving onto blood. That's the faith of
52:41 Jesus. And then that's the faith he wants to gift us.
52:44 Yeah, and in function.
52:46 >> Here's a question that you hear once in a while. Why are
52:50 we still hear the U.S. is finished the work on the cross?
52:54 >> And that's a great question. Haha, because it's not just to
52:58 work for us. It's a work in the U.S. will.
53:01 >> And then in Windy City finish when he cried out,
53:04 they just finished. He's talking about this plan for the
53:08 for the sacrifice. But as you said, then there is he's
53:14 continuing his ministry 10 in that the crime, yes keepers to
53:19 says he became just like us. He purrs forces. He's
53:22 ministering as our high priest. He invites us to come before
53:27 he's thrown and grace. Go ahead.
53:30 >> What we mentioned earlier that at the cross young-looking
53:37 universe
53:38 had no sympathy whatsoever any longer for the double team.
53:43 But there are many of us here today that still have sympathy.
53:46 Yes, that in in Areva toast, understanding of prophecy.
53:50 We understand that at the very time of the end that we see on
53:54 a 2,300 days, which is an 18. 44, that because the time of
53:57 the end, when Christ does something with his last day,
54:02 people to hold up the character of Christ before the world in
54:05 such a way, the that chain that link will be broken so that we
54:10 won't have sympathy either. And at that point,
54:13 >> they can come to an end. This brings up another
54:15 important point safety message which gets to our motivation.
54:18 You know, why are we doing Christianity? What is it this
54:22 way? It is not the fear of punishment where the hope of
54:25 ever lasting reward Elisa Disciples of Christ. A fellow
54:28 man to hear the saviors voices manifested from manger in
54:32 Bethlehem to coverage cross the hear his voice, the side of him
54:35 tracks through the years. Why should they follow him?
54:37 Yes. And and so so God has made claims about us, right? That
54:43 says they will serve me not just because we're going to get
54:45 a reward for benefits because they love me. They look like
54:48 him. I love my principles. And Satan says no, no, no,
54:51 no. Just like Joe, they're serving you just because what
54:54 they get effect. Jane is saying they're serving you because of
54:57 what they get out of it there surfing for selfish reasons.
55:00 So they're actually doing religion based on my principles
55:05 and God says no, the gospel is so powerful or elation across
55:09 as so powerful. They will serve me and love not their lives to
55:12 the death and its relation to 12. So so the the to minister
55:16 to the Gulf is meant to shift our motivational paradigms for
55:19 one of self-interest and self-preservation to concern
55:23 for God's reputation contents and for those around us.
55:26 And as as Moses said, even if it yet, you know, you I can be
55:30 kept out of God's kingdom if these people can be saved.
55:33 Yes, let me out of the blue. Yeah, I'm a chapter 9, Paula
55:36 said says I'll be a curse for my brother and cries for
55:39 Christ's sake. Yes. So so these are examples throughout
55:42 biblical history where people actually have their motivation
55:45 and if the pain the concern was and for their salvation but for
55:48 God's honor and salvation round, that's what got Jen and
55:51 Ben, what it okay. So we'll have to there's, of course we
55:54 need to share with you because I think the question all these
55:57 aspects of so important.
55:59 >> And in addition to it, this question brings up a very vital
56:03 issue. And that is, is this just reformation theology or is
56:08 it something different? Does it is it Christ our righteousness
56:12 in in time setting? And we have, quote, that would
56:15 demonstrate that that the goal of salvation, the goal of of
56:20 God's work in our lives, it not just to forgive us, but it is a
56:24 clear interest of our righteousness. So what we see
56:28 the reformation with a certain a certain distance. But then
56:32 the message that was given to Ellen White joins in Wagner
56:35 joined that Ruth about justification by faith
56:39 retrospect, 5th Crystal Wright just missed with the end time
56:42 cleansing of the central message. And as we look at
56:44 that, quote, We see how that was join together. So he
56:47 doesn't just want forgiveness center of the pen and he
56:51 watched righteousness to rein in our lives. He wants to rid
56:55 our hearts and minds of any intent or desire to sun.
56:58 And that's what's going on in this hostage. Does that.
57:01 >> Those whole plan is to re store or right, Jess? Yes,
57:07 I can tell that this is Sydney picks up the healthy, Rick's
57:11 getting excited to that. It is a live. You can send us
57:14 your questions at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, or you can
57:22 email us at.
57:23 >> At live at the AB and that TV once again, text
57:28 618-228-3975, to get some more questions here or I live at 3,
57:36 a B in TV. We're going to take just a short break. We'll be
57:40 right back.
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Revised 2023-05-19