3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230017B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 [MUSIC]
00:11 >> O well, welcome back and 3ABN live and we have to have a
00:17 quick change because we will miss it. Bore nice shirts with
00:21 the logo in the long sleeve and covering the kitchen. So we
00:24 have a fast changing and so on. And my wife change first.
00:28 And then I met your colors. So we're both at the same
00:30 college.
00:32 All those on the all and how much money
00:35 the program with on John McCain in the first don't know.
00:39 I have a whole lot of questions on our cholesterol. Could we
00:43 have won 30 minutes blocked off. You know, those kind of
00:45 shows really demands like a two-hour to second hour's
00:49 question. Asked about we have the cooking demonstration for
00:53 the second hour. So the men we first came on 3ABN.
00:56 >> Back in the day. We have that to our live and they said
01:01 that them cook, let them talk for one hour only and then let
01:05 them go in that kitchen. Yes. How does that? We put all
01:09 the cooking with a lot of lot of people into law today.
01:12 >> Yeah, that's true. Yes, too. So I know I have a lot of
01:14 question, but we'll put our own contact information at the end
01:18 of this program that you can contact us
01:22 a telephone number, a shell number myself, you my address
01:25 as well. So in a way before we do that, I just want to make
01:28 one thing before we start going to the cooking demonstration,
01:31 hunting, one of tests that we can use many tools we can use a
01:35 far as our could have asked for health. One is look at all your
01:40 triglyceride on your left report. Triglycerides trying 3,
01:45 5, 3, fatty acids in Apple tried to track this. Right.
01:49 That's to be under one 50 right under one to 50. That's the
01:53 amount of fat in the blood. Right? Mize is 92 years is 80
01:58 84. So we want to be on the one 50. Also, you can, however,
02:01 are crowded all Doppler where from jail there and act test.
02:06 Your crowd are. We've got 2 arteries in both size. Every
02:09 time. The heartbeat beast by 20% above goes to the brain's
02:12 own. If the COD Army is build up with plaque, chances are the
02:17 hot R Rees also build it with practice. Well, that can be a
02:21 simple test. Then the 3rd test you can do. It's more
02:24 conclusive if the coronary artery, calcium coronary artery
02:29 calcium but an ice pack to score and a scan of the heart
02:34 muscle other corner. Ari's themselves on my corner artery,
02:38 calcium CAC, we give you a number and that number can be a
02:42 low number to be all good. Hard number would be more of a
02:46 plaque buildup was well liked.
02:48 >> On that now in order to be able to enroll at you could
02:51 have to go back and watch it. This program again, just hit
02:54 the tape, the tape and we whine. And it's amazing.
02:57 It's really good because it's just like you're talking about
02:59 that sometime we going to have our test on our blood test on.
03:04 They're not always not less on have blood test. We call a full
03:06 panel. So sometimes you have to request that particular
03:11 testing. Yes, yes, absolutely. Yes. So talk this watch is
03:15 going to be on their 2. Typically with full ocbc.
03:19 This will be their complete blood count will be okay.
03:21 We'll be there. So wow. Yes. Now, you know, a lot of times
03:26 people are always talking about Breakfast Foods Co you've got
03:28 calls about people saying I don't know what the new for
03:30 breakfast this show is actually about breakfast food. Haha
03:36 fastened. So with that in mind, we have some real good
03:39 breakfast foods you're going to be doing, OK? And our very
03:42 first one. Our very first one is actually we're going makes a
03:45 waffle room. Yeah. These are grain waffles. Let's look at
03:50 the ref. Something that still honey.
03:52 It calls for 4 cups of rolled oats
03:56 4 cups of water. One half cup of soy milk, one 4th cup of
04:02 honey,
04:03 one teaspoon of sea, salt. One tablespoon of Vanilla
04:07 Axe track, one half cup of walnuts. Chopped optional.
04:11 One half cup of ce sesame seeds and vegetable cooking spray.
04:17 This is a good recipe because, you know, normal when he
04:21 talking about
04:23 waffles, yes, it's usually white flour and white sugar.
04:27 Refi. I'm all the stuff that, you know, but the law will be
04:30 good. But these waffles on good, too. So we want to work
04:34 all good, die off. So we want to open up here first because
04:39 we're going to make our waffles from scratch. Okay. Haha on.
04:42 What are you go? 4 copies of old fashioned Oats Oak hill
04:47 fast and going, yeah, OK?
04:51 And then we're going to put in the war. We have. We have 4
04:54 cups of the vote and then we have 4 cups of water for now.
04:58 Is that cold? The temperature of that just regular water,
05:01 this regularly come to room temperature or cold? No,
05:05 I don't want to give the hosts a chill like, you know, OK,
05:10 and then we're going to do a half a cup of soy milk.
05:13 >> And if you don't want to sign up, you could minute if
05:15 you don't on out, you can do. I smell if you don't do right
05:18 now on milk, oat milk is out of the market is we can make these
05:24 waffles, J so that the you know, I'm saying, you know,
05:28 sometimes people act out on to that. But I don't like it but
05:30 not the honey go in and got behind me. Okay. I think going
05:34 into may be used for me just a few days ago. I like this
05:37 because it makes a lot of losses to OK, I'll talk about
05:40 that hot second 2. And then we're going to put in the the
05:43 no action, OK,
05:46 and we're going to put in the salt. Now the waffle on is our
05:49 with the heat already. Really. They do put on top on now.
05:53 Let me do this first. Okay. And I'm going to put in the
05:56 wants. All right.
05:58 All right.
06:00 [MUSIC]
06:05 [MUSIC]
06:10 [MUSIC]
06:12 Now and in the
06:14 okay now what if in the walnuts you could what was in the pecan
06:19 son? Whatever you want. This is where the fat is going to
06:21 comment on recipe itself is to help the fact that we need to
06:26 come apart. Okay. On
06:29 [MUSIC]
06:34 [MUSIC]
06:39 now. When you first make this up,
06:42 when you first make it up,
06:44 it's going to be real liquidity.
06:48 But guess what? Because it has. It's it's it's going to get
06:51 real thick, just like regular waffle or pancake batter.
06:55 Alright, going poured in here.
06:58 See how it is right now.
07:06 >> All righty.
07:08 And normally what I do, I let him sit on that this it
07:12 for a while because that's going to get real thick and
07:16 north PETA put into the waffle, aren't it has to be thick like
07:19 a waffle batter for OK? What's going to thicken up and talk
07:22 about that for for how long? We talked for heart sick.
07:26 Okay. Because once again, I guess in the seats, oh, they
07:31 got to do. Number one is if you notice in this recipe, I've not
07:34 used oil and that's because Dhaka use that they're so
07:38 where's the oil going to be coming from the help to make
07:40 this waffle very, very tender is going to be the walnuts.
07:45 Or you can do pecans or and I'm also using sesame seeds because
07:49 sesame seeds were now talking about giving good nutrition to
07:52 the waffles himself, nano that they thought if I make these
07:56 waffles up, cannot put that reckless or from the top of
07:58 that. The answer is absolutely not. Yeah. And healthy waffles,
08:03 you know, healthy top. You don't want no topping. That's
08:06 what I'm talking about. Some say it's all in pure maple
08:09 syrup bore. No, no, no. You put family will be making a sauce
08:12 to go. I saw fit to go with that is yeah, OK, it's not a
08:16 problem. Okay. So this is getting thicker. Say, OK,
08:19 it's getting thicker.
08:20 >> So this need to sit for what may be a minute one minute.
08:24 Okay. Yeah, it will be doing that. I'm not do want to
08:27 mention if we're waiting to hear that. You know, we did the
08:31 and we mentioned, you know, before Redondo first hour to
08:34 helping our confidence we've travelled throughout the South.
08:37 What the Army you Montgomery, who's Peel Nashville, Atlanta,
08:43 to help your confidence.
08:45 It was professionally videotape in Huntsville, Alabama, at the
08:48 male yacht. And we do have a copy of that. Also this right
08:53 here at the
08:55 Huntsville Marriott, downtown Mansfield. And so this to
09:00 Healthy Heart conference DVD. This is to DVD and we talked
09:04 about that.
09:06 There you go. We talk about in the first hour is do we talk
09:11 about cholesterol is on here,
09:13 how to lower high blood pressure without medication.
09:18 Also to Bieber's heart disease, a trio from Triple-A should
09:24 publish an a field as well and a woman in her. So again,
09:29 this is a special offer on our website. Go to Web site is all
09:33 48 95. But today for those who call in the first 20 people to
09:37 call in the end, though, just some.
09:40 >> We've been on 3ABN for 26 years.
09:43 >> So it's a special offer. Just
09:47 26 bucks. That's it special for through those watching this
09:51 program now air supply last. So again, it just wants his
09:56 program. At the end, we give York on taking from the
09:58 information that you need to order this and give you my dear
10:02 Ecclestone number for that. But again, I'm talking about
10:04 cholesterol, blood pressure, a fan and also woman her heart.
10:08 >> I know you're thinking about the fact and not like that.
10:10 The state you making that that conference was really very
10:13 important as lot of people came, that a lot of information
10:16 about was gone. We always say that when it comes to
10:19 information sometime, you just get it from another source.
10:22 Some time you get from watching the news some time for
10:25 magazine. But the bottom line is that you also sometime need
10:29 to do the research yourself and find out what's going on.
10:32 You know, something else that was going on also. So the so we
10:36 kind of talk that this is one of the reason why case. I asked
10:39 that question.
10:40 >> Why not the when you don't oats this fashion? Still we're
10:45 actually using. And as it sits in that water, it gets thicker.
10:49 Alright, so let's just see what's going on. You see old
10:52 takes a look because it's getting what it was for a guy.
10:55 And so I am going to now start to open a lot of money to get
11:00 together that this was a walk on is ready to go. As you can
11:03 see, let's pray that walk on the transfer to a gift. You can
11:06 see a little bit. Yeah, OK, go money. It can move over here.
11:09 Yes, I do. Hope to muscle
11:12 long for
11:16 this is a brand new wife. Laura is a correct? Yes,
11:20 every now and then I go and find myself an item. Yes,
11:23 you need to have
11:24 the items you need it could, John, you do exactly. You got
11:27 it. OK, don't be.
11:30 You can make these while hooked with Sesame Street or you don't
11:34 have to use of the C I like to put them on air as well.
11:36 So we're going to put on a sesame seeds now. What's the
11:39 purpose of doing it? And you know, and also decorations on.
11:43 Okay. Yeah. And also very nutritious. Okay. You can see
11:48 the yeah. Yeah, OK, OK? And now you see what I do. Want to the
11:53 waffles a little bit closer, OK?
11:58 It's still going to be a little bit softer. Yeah, but that's
12:01 okay. Sitting in the center.
12:05 >> Now, really because I know it on television, but that
12:08 could have set for may be a little bit longer to be on
12:11 their recipe when I was. So we just kind of hasten the
12:13 recipe we want for a stake of time with a cup tie for second
12:17 time, OK
12:19 center in the center for sending us. And now I'm like
12:22 that is to that
12:25 K
12:29 excellent. Those sections that are kind of like don't worry
12:32 about it. Just fills in. Okay. Now, you know, this is
12:36 new. I had to walk on his own did to falls and then I see it.
12:41 It's tough when you've got company coming. Oh, yeah,
12:43 holiday going to have to wait for to get the waffles. So then
12:45 we say when we make up,
12:47 get a larger walk on, I just filled the spaces in the spaces
12:52 in but do not overfill.
12:54 Oh, come on the set. OK? Do so. Now we're going to go
12:58 hang yeah. That last one to call you do it is you want to
13:04 really go the next day.
13:05 >> Something is interesting about this particular recipes.
13:08 So you don't think you're going close to close. The Dow closed
13:12 down.
13:18 So what so that is going to cook is going to cook. And one
13:21 of blue light turns completely on the light goes off. That
13:24 means it's ready, OK? So this right now blue is actually
13:27 cooking. So when this blue light goes, we all go off and
13:31 that will stay blue. That means it's ready.
13:33 >> Now, the okay now because of the fact that these are are
13:37 multigrain or are using oats with this, they're going to be
13:40 a take a little bit longer than they would a normal pancake
13:44 batter or you'll see waffle batter in the market. Remember
13:49 because they're they have a lot of extra stuff and that recipe
13:52 itself. But not in this particular 1, 8, You also those
13:55 that use baking powder. No baking powder is in this recipe
13:58 there.
13:59 >> That wasn't for them is because we're trying to make it
14:01 home. They want to hold. We don't need that. I knew
14:04 that. I want them to cause those eggs, a part of the
14:06 waffles and so is also.
14:09 >> Think about not using either one of us. This waffle is great
14:13 and it has a real good flavor and you can smell of vanilla,
14:16 aka, small oven. All that coming from right now is
14:18 getting us all together. At the end of our program.
14:21 You will see that because this batter, believe it or not,
14:24 will make 16 waffles around one to even get more. And so you
14:30 say, what am I going to its 16 waffles? Well, what I get ready
14:34 to have my money. All what we do is we make all our waffles
14:37 up at one time. And once they're all done, we take out
14:40 the amount we're going to have for let's say that breakfast so
14:43 that brunch or whatever and even to suffer. If you want to
14:45 go breakfast or use a free meal, we take that out, put
14:48 into a Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer. So guess what,
14:52 when you get ready to go to work on a Monday morning,
14:54 you've got somewhere to go. Real quick. All you got to he's
14:57 going to freeze or take the waffle out. Put it in your
14:59 toaster, toast it and you're ready to go. Okay. So that's a
15:04 real good thing. I really like that can can go on with the
15:07 waffen. I'm going to sit there for hot sector is not ready.
15:11 And so that that we're going to look at our what's going to go
15:14 with that.
15:15 What's going to actually go with that is that we're going
15:17 to go hit on and we're going to do our next recipe, which is a
15:23 blueberry sauce to go over all offices that get the recipe.
15:27 OK? 2 cups of blueberries, 3, 4, cups of orange juice.
15:32 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
15:34 One tablespoon cornstarch
15:39 will come your way. Water has got some. Are we going over my
15:44 watching? Because I want to get messed up while talking.
15:46 So the idea of stone, OK? So now what I'm doing right
15:50 here is I'm actually putting in first my orange juice, OK?
15:54 Now it was just a topping for the waffle. That's right.
15:57 The top of the waffles. Now you have your little gadget.
16:00 Oh, yes. Okay. I like to do that. You grant that in while I
16:03 go head-on and put in the blueberries and the fresh
16:07 blueberries, you can do fresh or you can do
16:09 frozen.
16:13 >> I'm much what table squeeze as much as to squeeze out all
16:17 of its always going to be one-third cop, OK, OK, I'll
16:20 turn this up.
16:24 You've got the waffle over here cooking. So you see the smoke
16:27 coming up can build cooking
16:30 and Hugo weaving fresh and make deuce.
16:36 Cohen says well.
16:38 >> If you think that your your mixture once you make it up in
16:41 arms uses to go into this is on a regular
16:47 on Sweden. So natural of red and orange juice, a fabulous
16:49 squeezed orange juice. Alright, not of concentrate. And so
16:53 that's going to also bring some sweetness to it as well as the
16:56 blueberries themself. Let's say it's kind of out of season and
16:59 the blueberries and not act like they need to act or you
17:01 don't have unfrozen whatever you have little maple served to
17:04 that for some Florida crystals to that if you want a little
17:07 bit more speaking, but because we're doing and of a waffle,
17:12 this really good for us. We don't want to bury it in a
17:15 lot of sugary stuff because, you know, it was all that sugar
17:18 right here on 3, A B and h* Chi Mak, those arteries and the
17:23 heart clean, including your lane. Keep them clean. Yes,
17:27 all right. So this is going to this. What I'm doing now is on
17:30 that. You just stern is up in our codes. You have
17:33 the rest of the orange juice, one-fourth of a cup. And that's
17:37 your one tablespoon of cornstarch that is going to
17:39 make this thick thick, put this Indonesia and a stern test us
17:43 yet going OK, and then just artist sport.
17:51 So this act ask the can that's going make it. That could be
17:55 all of it, OK? I need to give me something
18:05 and usually bring this to a boil for since coming to a boil
18:07 in hot sect there.
18:10 You can also use strawberries.
18:13 We've done a sauce with the strawberries and peaches.
18:16 You can do it. Pineapple,
18:19 whatever you want to do is make sure it is fresh fruit host.
18:24 For bet you go. I'm saying,
18:27 OK, okay, now, want to have you do is I want to have not only
18:31 slowly going into the pot here. Yes,
18:37 all the goodies
18:39 hoops miss her, too.
18:43 So no, this will cook for
18:46 so cook until it actually starts to thicken. And once it
18:49 gets hot enough, it's going to actually picking up on us and
18:51 you're going to see and once it does that the actual cornstarch
18:55 is what's going to make this turn into a sauce.
18:59 OKC is on it now.
19:02 >> So this is going over the waffles and says, go tell them
19:06 now they can cook. These wealth was a whole lot. And can you
19:10 freeze things? Army cook up a good batch of and then freeze,
19:13 are I I said that we are just not paying attention.
19:19 >> Haha, I said I said that yet.
19:22 >> Want to make them all up and you know, and then you're going
19:25 to freeze whatever you're not going to be using. Okay.
19:27 Take him down. You need to go into a toaster. OK? And then
19:30 you can get your bring it back to life. Like his frozen
19:33 waffles. You got in store. Okay. This a part of our
19:37 routine. Bright. Yeah. Sunday morning we have a branch of the
19:43 U.S.. That's all of this of all. This is all of the titles
19:48 and waffles. I think everything that we probably be fiction on
19:51 this. Our recipe is what we normally do every Sunday
19:54 morning for the last. What, 15 but 15 years. It's art. It's
19:59 our time to talk time time. Quite a hard time with
20:01 everything, everybody. And it's just all have that to me that
20:04 they had this to me. Oh, yeah, brunch. And then something
20:06 lighter.
20:07 >> Don't even Vanessa. You can see that is actually getting
20:10 thicker now. Yes. Thickening up because of the corn starch.
20:13 Okay. Look at that. Look at those. Yeah. Look at those.
20:17 And then if you want, you can match a few of them down
20:19 because the blueberries are plop. Yeah. Also helps to make
20:22 the gravy that you're going to actually be using our the sauce
20:25 a grave, but really as a sauce. But it is the list just to go
20:30 with those waffles. Alright. Yeah. Now that we've got right
20:33 here. So now we've got the waffles, OK? We've already made
20:36 a sauce to go over topping waffles.
20:38 >> Well, I think we need to have some kind of all sausage
20:42 or something, you know, hostage meat alternatives. That would
20:46 be a good thing. You know, OK, sounds good. Something
20:49 the Hazara means endless of a saucer chore.
20:54 >> Yes, yes, the ago something. So let's look then at the
20:57 ingredients on what to do that I'll go ahead and get the Autry
21:00 would fully OK, OK? Alright, right, honey? All right.
21:04 It calls for 2 cups of water,
21:06 5 tablespoons of light. Soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of olive
21:10 oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, one teaspoon, garlic powder.
21:15 One tablespoon of sage grouse one half teaspoon of sea,
21:20 salt,
21:21 2 tablespoons of onion powder one-fourth teaspoon of cayenne
21:26 pepper,
21:27 2 cups of quick oats. And we're going to be adding to that our
21:32 vegetable cooking spray
21:35 while huge
21:37 reading that, honey, I'm good and
21:40 next one here and lay it out for you. I love it.
21:43 I mean, yes, the blueberry sauce is on point on point.
21:49 The thing about the lot of you got to people enrolled in this,
21:52 no cuts here and our next thing just going to be had a hand and
21:57 that's your arrest in any way at my ear kid. Do. Okay,
22:06 OK,
22:08 now this is another one. That is a surprise
22:12 because people are saying, oh, I meant to me, I can make my
22:16 own sauce just from scrap. The answer is, yes, we can.
22:19 Yes. All right. And now this waffles us to still see what's
22:24 happening to them. So far. They are looking for my own
22:27 good.
22:28 Let's take them back so they can listen to this. I saw the
22:32 camera can.
22:33 >> Pick that up there. There you go, OK, that's my hand
22:37 right there. But that's the waffle they do.
22:39 >> All right. Good looking good, if you will, because it
22:42 is finished. You can take that away if you would like to go
22:44 ahead, take off off. Just just take the whole machine, OK,
22:47 I'll do that. Just want to see is for want them to see it as
22:51 well. OK, I'll take this office had not come right back,
22:54 OK, honey, can OK,
22:56 assist
22:59 the so much that you can actually do when you're talking
23:02 about making waffles. You know, we've actually taken mashed
23:05 potatoes and got all the stuff in. And we've put that in off
23:09 on. It is so much you can do with the waffle on, you know,
23:12 so you need to maybe check one of those out something a little
23:14 bit different. I like to change things up so that in all the
23:17 ways looking exact same. Yes, this is another recipe
23:20 that's really, really easy to fix. And it's going to go in.
23:23 They call sausages all I know this recipe. Just go ahead and
23:28 turn it on now.
23:30 Do we need this playful on this one minute that made it to me.
23:35 There we go.
23:38 All right. We're going go ahead and put in our water
23:42 2 cops.
23:43 [MUSIC]
23:46 Now. This recipe as you're making, it is actually going to
23:50 be adding enough. Got a couple things going on here. It's
23:53 going to be things were going to add to it because we want to
23:55 make this a nice flavorful Boston. And would you believe
24:00 that we don't sauce is made with this time. Instant oats.
24:04 Oh, look at this time we did the old fashion omers. Okay.
24:07 Now we're doing instant oats is the second one. So we have a
24:10 lot of ingredients here before we put these out and we're
24:13 going to be adding the of the stuff as well. All right.
24:15 So we're going to start off with that's going on and put in
24:19 are soy sauce, OK?
24:23 Then we're going to put in
24:25 the oil.
24:26 Olive oil can be used, could get a flavor in there. And then
24:30 Curtis was going to get all that in there and all of that
24:35 in there.
24:36 >> Okay. All right. Now I'm going to have you start adding
24:38 things here. And as you're adding,
24:42 I'm going to go ahead on and start stirring, OK? So we've
24:45 already this is going to come to a boil omega that we get to
24:48 the boys the last time we're going to start around and now
24:52 I'm going to have you do different things that go ahead
24:54 and assault. This is optional. If you're using the soy sauce
24:58 light, you don't have to add that extra. But if you want to
25:01 get more flavors and was asked and you want to go ahead and
25:04 put that in all, so we're not going to add the onion powder
25:06 and we're going to invest on the impact. It could have a
25:09 good un.
25:11 It's got a nice evening to it's going OK, and then we're going
25:14 to add in our onion powder, garlic powder guard pull on it
25:21 and then we want to and are telling and seasoning Italian
25:24 sees new.
25:26 This will be good flavor for as long as I can tell that right
25:30 now they're going to add our Honey O K
25:33 when you see that
25:36 should come out onto the oil with it came a pretty good
25:41 at the honey
25:45 and then we're going to add in our sage. This is what really
25:48 goes. Yeah, it's also a waiver yet high enough that it up a
25:53 little bit there.
25:56 I was up the cayenne
25:59 and you know, the kind of go, okay, Cayenne is coming in.
26:02 Cayenne is coming is another kid to a baby. If you don't
26:06 want anything hot, you don't want to. Hi Anne.
26:10 But if it's OK and Sonia for for that, he spoke just got
26:13 that much wind. But that cayenne and then OK,
26:19 now at this point, I know you said, you know, and we're going
26:23 to walk without it is. But I mean, sorry, sauces out is but
26:26 yes, we are. We are. We are. We are okay. That was it comes
26:29 to a boil.
26:30 >> Which one do hot set you can we go into? Is those oaths the
26:33 instant oats were going to start adding in some sense.
26:36 Okay. So bring it over a little bit closer, honey. OK? Not to
26:39 make sure that's good. It is to do so going in.
26:42 >> Take your time. I'm not all of that. One time. I
26:48 Kaye people. I'm okay. Keep on. All right. Okay.
26:54 Okay.
26:56 All right. Keep on and you go.
26:59 >> OK, so we've got to vote and they're now we do know is what
27:03 you want to do is you want to make sure you keep star in
27:05 because we're trying to make this into a base that's going
27:08 to be that of
27:10 Petty's. So you don't want to bring this at a boil or did he
27:15 came to a budget now boy at now and is careful to make sure.
27:18 Yeah, could we do not want to vote once again because in some
27:21 knows and we know it's going to grab the water right away if
27:25 they can. Yeah, it's going to thicken. So it's already
27:27 started. That's why you have to keep on star and why you're
27:30 doing it. So it does not stick and burn, OK, this makes about
27:34 18 patties, depending on what size you want. It also makes a
27:38 large wants. And so I don't if you remember one time on our
27:41 program, we actually used a scoop
27:44 and
27:47 >> walking to a school girl. Go to I want to bring us back
27:51 to on the show back that they know that about that.
27:55 So we've got a better school
27:57 because if you recall, I was making his coconut coconut
28:00 macaroon kind of cookies, a real good and I'm crystal plan
28:03 around the scoop and he wind up.
28:07 Okay. I want to break it to scoop up. That's what you're
28:09 trying to say. Hit on that. And hammer was steel. Roland.
28:15 I was so hurt
28:17 for maybe 3 seconds. So, yeah, maybe 4 seconds. But I got over
28:22 it. But okay, yeah. So I'm going to you know, as you know,
28:26 it goes for about 4 minutes.
28:28 You can keep on stern. But you know, because of time once
28:31 again, we're going to show you something different. A moment
28:34 that finish up. I'm going to turn it off,
28:41 OK? And if you can see this, look at the difference of what
28:44 looks like.
28:46 Yeah, okay. Okay. Yes. Okay. Right now. But guess what?
28:50 Over here already.
28:53 That's so you can see it up already. Want to see what it
28:55 looks like with a thick inside. You want to go one spray my
28:58 pants?
29:06 Oh, and I'm going to pay my hands
29:09 because I'm getting so you can make the balls of your hand
29:12 into things you can do. I'm not sure because I made that cold
29:15 so you can see it over to take a scoop
29:18 and you're going to Jessica
29:23 and you can relate to.
29:24 >> Now you made that ahead of time and ahead of time. And you
29:27 have got a new unit is set for a little while because so that
29:30 needs to release it for a little while ago. With they
29:33 have enough time for that to release. It was which I don't
29:35 think the that's OK that from here. This is what it looks
29:38 like. Want to get thick and it didn't use it.
29:41 >> For me is one 30 minutes. Because going to cool down and
29:45 are you can see us CVS. Don't be sorry, don't she was just
29:48 not quite real. Not ready yet. So this is
29:55 something we did hear time for the sake of time. So they can
29:58 see this looks like, hey,
30:01 OK,
30:03 my hands a slippery up right now. So
30:07 because it's supposed to be like a little ball, you can
30:10 just make a bomb.
30:13 Okay.
30:18 You know, you don't need to flatten out a little bit
30:20 religious nominate a okay. All in and out.
30:24 All right. So now we're going to take our
30:35 this conflict.
30:37 >> Can you do with the 4th?
30:43 No, this recipe will make commitee.
30:46 >> Depend on what it was on the size. I guess. Just a melon
30:49 scoop there. Yeah. If you want to be bigger, bigger burgers
30:52 and what you can do is you can actually just use the ice cream
30:55 used to high school. Okay. Let me just look and see if
30:59 anything's happening in here. Just in case.
31:01 No. So there's all kind of remember, do you want us to
31:04 cool down? It needs to cool down. It will actually cool
31:08 down. I always say go away and do something else. It will come
31:11 back to this state is in right now. Nice and thick and then
31:14 you can scoop it a lot easier. We're not going get ourselves
31:17 work up. So we go with that cool down on his own just so
31:20 you can see all the to know was going to look into that.
31:24 You do want more you want to want? Yes, okay. Okay. Now so
31:30 make sure the cameras are okay, honey, make sure you skip into
31:34 the thing, OK?
31:35 >> Yes, dear, OK, make sure the camera is in focus. What was my
31:38 camera right here? OK, make sure isn't focus and not be
31:42 able to do this or 2 times.
31:45 There you go. See my and didn't see that
31:51 due to fork to fret. Not okay. To be exposed to ruin it for
31:55 years. Okay. I'm just just get to hear it for and they do is
32:01 go to the north and that was my wrist to haha. OK?
32:07 >> Not so hard. Babies tenders, just food. Don't, you know,
32:11 don't mess with it. Okay. That's enough. And they do.
32:15 No, I do to be a look into this. Mine
32:18 turn that into a greased hands to come up in his opponent.
32:23 I see it right there all day on it. And then you go. This is
32:27 high tech high. There you go. All right. That's my.
32:31 >> Thank you very much. All right. So
32:34 >> so you feel this pent up and then will this be in the goes
32:38 in the oven at 350 degrees is 15 minutes on one side. And
32:43 about 15 minutes, one of a side to get brown on both sides.
32:46 Dan and program, you get a chance to see the sausage it.
32:49 Yes, indeed, OK? So
32:52 we're going to look at our next recipe.
32:55 >> To go and do that on. We're go ahead and we do recipe
32:59 and then out to be to no good news on table cow could do
33:03 going to the honey. All right.
33:04 >> Festive skillet potatoes. It calls for 3 tablespoons of
33:09 canola oil. 2 medium potatoes, sliced thin to medium, sweet
33:16 potatoes, sliced thin.
33:18 >> One, half medium, onion, chopped one half cup. Green
33:22 peppers, diced, one half cup. Red peppers, diced, one
33:27 teaspoon of garlic powder, one teaspoon of onion powder,
33:32 one teaspoon of sea, salt and one cup of fresh spinach.
33:40 >> This is a real festive color. I know one of our
33:45 favorite one there. We got the oil already going and festival.
33:50 You're going to go ahead and get those together high.
33:53 Just kind of and are we going to get started
33:58 putting in there? Because I want these potatoes. These are
34:00 fun, but as you know, but he's take a while. Yes, to get done.
34:04 But not if you come real thin like this, OK? So I'm gonna go
34:07 ahead and put the first group in.
34:09 [MUSIC]
34:14 [MUSIC]
34:19 [MUSIC]
34:24 [MUSIC]
34:27 [MUSIC]
34:33 >> And so
34:37 we had put in it.
34:39 [MUSIC]
34:44 [MUSIC]
34:47 That's not all about 5 and half of it
34:52 the little bit thicker because they don't know for me.
34:57 Let's move this out the way.
34:58 [MUSIC]
35:03 [MUSIC]
35:13 >> Sweet potatoes, white potatoes together and do this
35:19 what I'm saying.
35:20 >> Some time to start at the foundation of our special
35:25 Sunday morning brunch.
35:28 We are still up. There is still going to say, OK,
35:34 I'm going to put it
35:35 the it all.
35:38 We put the lid on it.
35:40 >> Because it's a sweet potatoes and white potatoes and
35:43 it takes a walk in to get done. But if you come in, it won't
35:46 take as long. Alright, put a lid on top of them because the
35:49 other ingredients is which could have a sharper. Yeah,
35:52 he's going to go into this is going to be the red pepper,
35:55 green pepper
35:57 and then also we got on and this time like this evening is
36:00 actually going to go on. This recipe are right. And so
36:03 is getting itself together. Purses cut out for me.
36:07 When we use this recipe, we let this get tender. Then we add
36:11 the other vegetables to it. And the last thing we do is we
36:14 put in the chopped spinach for color with nutrition. All this
36:19 makes a wonderful me. I know that people normally just like
36:22 to do regular potatoes and don't even think about putting
36:25 a sweet potato with him. What do these come easy?
36:27 Go you way too. You see what this looks like at the end of
36:30 our program.
36:31 >> I was a question. Do the potatoes and sweet potatoes
36:35 cook at the same rate?
36:37 >> No details on cook longer along with what was right.
36:41 And this is not just a red light to use our fate. Well,
36:45 it may take longer than other soft detain, okay, but he's
36:49 making potato salad potatoes have the different
36:51 personalities as the holiday cooking. What they cook will
36:53 cause for the baby. But hate actually takes longer to cook.
36:56 Then the se us off that age you can make maybe take us out.
37:00 Something with all I see are right. So all we're doing is
37:02 we're just coating cutting it with the oil.
37:06 Now you want to see the front desk has now got the job until
37:10 just tender, OK, starting July, what? Well, I would say about
37:14 maybe 10 minutes or so. Your sternum, his turn. Okay.
37:18 So let's stop putting in this audience and enjoy. This is
37:22 where the plane was coming in as well.
37:26 Hey, yummy. Yummy.
37:28 How many on? Hey, all right. And wrong in and then we're
37:33 going to stir in the different covers ridden
37:37 green. Yes,
37:41 well, some more like their old on 2 goals here,
37:48 very colorful this year.
37:50 And you through with the cooking. I mean, the talking
37:53 contain all that. Okay. All right.
37:58 Feel nice and festive. This looks nice color once again,
38:02 the best way to find out whether they're done as you can
38:04 just take a 4 can stick it into the actual potato itself.
38:08 But once you put the cover on it is going to cause a sweat.
38:11 Now we're going going on and sprinkle on the seasons.
38:13 We got the onion powder, garlic powder,
38:16 sprinkle them in now.
38:18 >> And why not a new so it can go next on. Now's a good time
38:22 to answer that question. What I'm doing this mistake and
38:24 you know, and don't be so all want me to go on my own
38:28 question as talk about, OK, so a new song is nothing more than
38:34 a saw to it
38:37 and going so as not to more than salt it.
38:39 >> Garlic because I've been living with you for 29 years.
38:43 Yes, that's correct. Yes. And you get a real good job on
38:46 that. I think every month using that the flavor. Yeah, you can
38:49 see that the coloring is coming in really pros years. Cooking
38:52 down now, right is also cutting down. And then once I put a lid
38:56 on now because of the fact that I want them to see done
38:59 finished product, a fresh spinach is what I'm going to
39:02 help him put on also as well. It's going to wither and
39:05 because the fact of the moisture is in the details of
39:07 stuff going off, but you'll get a chance to see what the cause
39:09 of coloring we're talking about. When you put the spinach
39:13 on top all, look at that.
39:18 Now. That's fresh, fresh, fresh spinach, OK? It's going to go
39:22 down as the finish cooking.
39:24 So after that, you put the top on and on top of that warm
39:29 summer until the potatoes become soft, OK to lie about
39:32 what, 2 minutes or so. Yeah, let's go. Oh, OK, that's a lie
39:37 about that. Our lives. I was a moment.
39:40 Stick a fork in. If it's actually tender, then he's
39:43 ready for it to go good. This is another real good dish?
39:47 Good vitamins and minerals. An X and s. So I know you're
39:51 saying.
39:53 >> Does she want to fix any kind of deserve something
39:55 sweet.
39:56 >> We've already done that with a blueberry stuffed over those
39:58 waffles. But we've got to we've got to yeah, we're going to go
40:02 to our very next rest. What are you doing on? Look at the next
40:04 race. Look at the been okay. All right. Try cherries and
40:11 maple scones.
40:12 >> He calls for one cup of whole wheat flour one cup upon
40:17 bleached flour with the German one teaspoon of sea, salt.
40:22 One 3rd cup of soy. Margarine one-half cup of cherries try
40:28 chopped one half cup of soy milk,
40:31 3 tablespoons of maple syrup. One tablespoon baking powder.
40:36 That's aluminum for E.
40:40 All right.
40:42 >> This is another good one. Okay. There's your recipes
40:45 going real well over there.
40:47 I can hear them and I can smell how wonderful they smell,
40:51 OK? We have a larger bowl that I can make some limited to a
40:56 few minutes ago. I thought I had put it down already,
40:58 but I did not OK. And so you can see that we have a
41:01 combination,
41:02 some real good.
41:04 >> Combination of things going to go into the scone all about
41:06 you. But I love scones scones we've done before on a show,
41:11 different combination of scones raisin scones dates cones.
41:15 This one here is dried cherries cone. So I like to make
41:18 different combinations of them as well. They're not there will
41:21 be back in a biscuit family, but because of the fact we're
41:24 adding more like sugar maple served for Florida crystals to
41:27 it and those dried cherries, which last week it makes into
41:31 >> a desert more than it does. Let's say a regular breakfast
41:35 biscuit, OK? All right, south, that's good. That that took a
41:40 while to find that. But I found that you found it. You did it.
41:43 You doesn't do. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. To add in whole
41:47 wheat flour, OK, there's a whole week
41:51 and would then go into that and and we start with the germ.
41:54 >> Okay, please and east. You can both good night's rest
41:58 of the storm and we're going to add in the salt only
42:02 and we're going to in the baking pan a little afraid.
42:05 The move free again and also to record grocery store devoted
42:09 grocery stores. But it's over here real quick there.
42:12 This just like that down a bit there
42:17 registers up a little bit and kind.
42:22 This is a real good recipe.
42:24 >> Now, most the time when you get scones once again scones
42:27 are you done with white flour? Oh, yeah. Yeah. We're gonna
42:31 make some changes up because once again we're changing up
42:34 our lifestyle. A lot of times people ask me questions about
42:38 I would like to go vegetarian but don't have any recipes.
42:41 I don't know what the changeover believe it or not,
42:45 other than a few items that we usually eat of. People eat,
42:49 OK,
42:50 that's not necessarily really good for them. But
42:54 >> the Lord is awesome because he's actually giving me ideas
42:57 of stuff to. We can replace out like the scallions. Mike,
43:00 the waffles, like the blueberry sauce, like the softest from
43:03 scratch. So you can really do it. If you really want to do
43:07 it, OK to do if you want to do it.
43:09 >> Got it wrong. This you have and the art of cooking. That is
43:13 a talent. You know, we mission in the first hour live there.
43:18 Also the Laureus mentions that cooking is worth
43:23 TN Talent team. All right. This actually bookal 10
43:27 talents. Our life is so therefore you have that gift
43:30 and I'm glad to you are my Brian is it just isn't from the
43:34 earth.
43:36 >> I want to put the dried cherries in.
43:39 They're going to be coated with a flower as well. What? Nobody
43:44 that's going to find money because I want to see that you
43:46 have the option, the
43:50 the board for me to actually make this book, couldn't
43:53 believe what I can use a cutting board shortly or it
43:57 could be clear can be dollars. I'd be right back. OK, OK?
44:03 But hey, there's a carry on over there. They are looking
44:06 good. This smelling good. You know, it's coming down.
44:09 But I think that's fine. That's fine, OK? So now at this
44:13 point, but I'm going to do if you would, Curtis, I would like
44:15 to take
44:17 this is the maple syrup, OK? And this is the soy. One of
44:20 those to get for me to get a
44:25 put them together from that into this matter,
44:28 make a better out of it all.
44:32 And like I said, the decorative you can do April cots around
44:36 the holiday time. I do a combination of the cherries.
44:38 You can do all kind of things to make this a real good.
44:43 I just arise can make you like it wasn't. You know, it was a
44:48 close. I know. I know.
44:52 So I'm going it very slowly.
44:55 >> Begin to well at this and let me let me do you want to
44:59 it? Yeah. Could you saw first on this one? Okay. Haha.
45:04 All right. So we're going to slowly add in
45:07 because we're going to make a down.
45:10 >> Also, you near Olympia? No.
45:13 >> I've got my pan over then. No, we don't need to own up.
45:15 And how about that? You can use your fingers and some we have
45:18 to get all I have to get my hands dirty. Okay. So let's
45:23 turn it up. Look at this is actually making
45:26 a batter. And then I said before, if you don't have
45:29 enough, let's say, for instance, that, you know,
45:31 because we don't plant based cooking a lot of times, things
45:34 don't respond exact same way they do. When you have your
45:38 other things you're buying at the store making from scratch.
45:41 So what you learn that the method of how to work with it
45:45 like
45:46 >> the hundley's flower and like the whole wheat flour,
45:48 OK?
45:50 >> Then you can say, OK, you know, I can provide that.
45:51 I can change it up because the bottom line is that we want to
45:54 eat healthy. We want to eat healthy. We want to keep from
45:57 getting those major killer diseases that come from eating.
46:02 >> Improper foods and the main thing is without sacrificing
46:07 taste. That is the bottom line. It could be healthy, but it is
46:09 nasty and nobody can buy in to have to be healthy without
46:14 sacrificing taste
46:15 and you're not in the kitchen fire for helping to save that
46:19 one play doesn't cost a lot. Now I'm saying and what add a
46:22 little more flour to this, OK? I want to do to be a little bit
46:26 thicker. Just put in there.
46:31 Not everyone will rest. We have to do this right. I want to
46:33 kind of quick and fast coming quick and fair. Okay. So see
46:36 how it's coming together. All. Yes. Okay. Now Seahawks
46:40 coming together. Remember now.
46:41 >> With the changing out your flowers using things different,
46:44 it doesn't mean you're not going to get exactly what you
46:47 want, but you got to work with it and you can see that on
46:50 really well. Now I'm going to take a little bit spray on my
46:53 hands.
46:54 So this is where it gets tricky is where you stick, OK?
46:58 >> All right. And then I want to grab it out.
47:02 Do you have enough Lawler? Oh, yeah, OK, now what you can
47:05 do is I want a little bit of flour on that board. Yes,
47:14 a little bit more than that.
47:21 How about the that's enough?
47:22 OK, give me a little more in here. I want to be a little
47:25 more. A little thicker. The thicker.
47:29 Okay. That's enough. That's enough enough,
47:34 OK? My member play around with it. Not a problem. Don't let
47:39 yourself get stressed out. Okay. You want to get a certain
47:43 texture. You want to be able to hold it.
47:45 And that's what we're doing now. Now that I've got it
47:49 might turn into a fall.
47:52 Okay. And I to have around tray like their current rate of go,
47:55 okay.
48:01 Thus it will be the alma do with money a little bit.
48:06 I say 5 times
48:08 one, Bob, I don't know. It just might find work for me, OK?
48:14 And this is look at that,
48:16 OK? So now, you know, well, you know, deep and move out the way
48:20 they could use some bring ever were.
48:23 And you will a little bit spray on that on the pitch got yes,
48:27 a little sprint pulled up and out like that in spring.
48:30 Okay. We have made a circle.
48:32 And with this in mind, if they do
48:36 okay, are we going to do is lay it down and we're going to pass
48:40 it into a cycle. Be OK and this will make 12th of the Zani
48:46 said, not not. Yes, it will. It's going make 12th
48:52 and I got my knife.
48:55 What am I?
49:00 And we're going to turn my toes. But his offer me, honey,
49:02 what's going on? Just turn it off, OK? Because last moment to
49:05 smelling good off. All take this year for the way. Okay.
49:10 All right. And then we just now when you're cutting this,
49:12 you're not going to take all the way down to the an all
49:14 right. You just actually making the
49:18 just dents in it. So can break at the very end like it needs
49:22 to. I know you said there's no way she will get 12 out of the
49:25 day. Yes, I am. Now we have baking powder and baking
49:27 powder. And this is well.
49:30 And so
49:32 we're making
49:33 not all the way through.
49:35 >> He he
49:38 okay. Now this goals in 400 degrees for 15 minutes away.
49:44 Okay.
49:45 Looks good, baby. And they will see this ADN program as well
49:50 comes OK?
49:51 >> So you want me to put this in the oven and now we get the
49:55 Congress to ask why want to go ahead and read the next recipe
49:59 and not get the ingredients up here as well as cable? Sounds
50:03 good. Alright? Alright. Alright.
50:05 >> As Strawberry smoothie, it calls for one cup of its tow
50:10 foods. Soft one-half cup of orange juice. One cup of frozen
50:16 strawberries and one teaspoon of vanilla.
50:20 >> Vanilla flavoring? Alright, here we go.
50:27 >> OK, do I get that off? My hands there where I was
50:32 fixing that up.
50:34 This is another real good us movie. Yet another thing
50:37 sometime people do. Also
50:40 this. Also another option for us.
50:44 Not the case
50:47 cause. Alright, you're going to put that on your department
50:51 working. Yeah, a south. Good sounds good.
50:55 It is ready to go where I want to put in our first thing,
50:58 which is that a year?
51:00 >> We've got bailey tofu. Why tofu coming in now? This is
51:05 the soft tofu cough. All I saw you don't need toward a part of
51:09 it. I'm going to get out or just after tofu focused got
51:13 times, just everything else is going. All right. All right.
51:19 They're going to put on juice in there with that. Wants to
51:21 sit next.
51:23 We're going to put the frozen strawberries. And with that all
51:26 could be gone in
51:28 and this frozen. But people I step back
51:33 the step that OK, the put that all. All right.
51:39 >> Put the lid on this. That happens. Let rip with 2 of the
51:43 2, Tim, the tool man high.
51:47 [MUSIC]
51:52 [MUSIC]
51:57 [MUSIC]
52:02 [MUSIC]
52:04 Okay. We're just going to go ahead and spend during that one
52:06 more time. More time. That's okay. Want open and U.S. open.
52:11 >> Spin it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not. When Obama has to look
52:16 at one of them had what? They don't want to go there and
52:21 go.
52:22 [MUSIC]
52:26 [MUSIC]
52:29 >> All right. Okay. Lets see the seamlessly. The seems to
52:34 want to get those. Oh, yes. Okay.
52:38 And okay. That was good. Yeah. Okay. I thought that was
52:42 good. Okay. All right. One more time and we will know all this
52:46 money on it.
52:48 >> For folks to get that, you'll get your pen and paper
52:51 ready to go cause. I will give you our contact information is
52:54 coming up
52:56 and not let it go.
52:59 So after redo this,
53:02 I'll go with our contact information
53:06 and that will work
53:07 accident. There you go.
53:11 I can see this is going to be good right here, baby. Yes,
53:14 okay.
53:16 >> All right. I'm good with that in mind. You know what?
53:19 We've got a little bit more, but best to spend that one of
53:22 them want to look up a little more than just a little bit
53:24 more a little bit because he wants to sit in there that you
53:26 go.
53:28 >> A little bit more
53:32 and on this one, too.
53:35 All K
53:38 why
53:39 get that up? People in.
53:46 >> And as we're wrapping up, we're going to do contact
53:48 information as well. So this is great on it. And what I read
53:52 that will bring, although this is on the table cave. So in a
53:55 way we have just a few minutes now. So at this time on redraw
53:59 contact information, abundant living center,
54:04 that's pure box.
54:06 >> 2, 8, 7, 3,
54:09 Huntsville,
54:10 Alabama, 3, 5, 8, 0, 4,
54:15 My sale personal sale is 2, 5, 6,
54:20 6, 8, 3, 5, 1, 9, 8, dash, 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 3,
54:29 5, 1, 9, 8, Or you can order products online, et abundant
54:35 living center dot net. That's abundant living center dot net
54:42 or you can email us at
54:44 educate at abundant living center dot net, educate
54:51 abundant living center, dot net.
54:55 All right.
54:56 So it's a good one. Yes, some good one. And a call that
55:00 number and order are any DVD Zaw, Healthy heart poverty that
55:04 we have now available at the special price of law. 26 95 in
55:09 cost $3 shipping. Haleigh or my wife cookbook. Bridget and
55:13 cooking made easy
55:15 or global. But to turn cooking, made easy as well. Order online
55:19 or just simply call might still become process that would as
55:21 well. So now we how the breakfast and we can go wrong
55:25 and should people what we did today? He did.
55:28 >> We did waffles. Yes. The sesame seed with Golden Brown
55:33 blueberry sauce for the time being the top of the walk.
55:37 A very good team, all breakfast patties or look at their along.
55:41 And you know, this Russia is yes. Then we did scalloped
55:45 potatoes. But with this time, a white tent and sweet potato
55:49 combination both together together on the same to get
55:52 them to say this one talk. I all right. And then we did
55:56 cherry scones scones Cherry Maple Scholar Michael School
56:00 saying that's what I'm saying going to say. They're going to
56:03 end and we got a smoothie. Yeah, this movie with a soy
56:08 milk and tofu and also used to all the reasons are. And so so
56:12 we've got to seconds left and also maybe can sample not
56:16 everything but what a view of some strong to eat and what
56:21 would have just gone. Baby. Okay. This Lincoln, you hooked
56:23 on the list. This list scone. Yes. Okay. Just get this a lot.
56:27 >> But yeah, okay. I got one eye on the clock and one eye on
56:32 the scone.
56:39 >> Okay. That went down. We'll go with the one that will
56:42 maybe maybe I should try a piece of it also was. Well,
56:46 let me take a piece because you don't go beyond just a few
56:48 seconds. A lot of noise there to close down up because comes
56:54 on the same. John tune into this is that com that guy might
57:00 have life
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57:03 more abundantly
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Revised 2023-05-11