3ABN Today Live

April Behind the Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230014B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 >> Hello and welcome back to 3. A B and behind the scenes are
00:12 so glad you joined us this evening and such a blessing to
00:15 spend these 2 hours with you. You're part of the 3ABN,
00:18 family.
00:20 And, you know, John, just here, we've got our teams are on our
00:23 T-shirts that say, go, you know, so used to wearing like
00:26 my white sure and my tie.
00:29 And I'm so used to that. And that's I don't know what
00:33 you guys think about style and things. But before this
00:35 program,
00:37 this shirt on over my white shirt and tie and I said,
00:40 Jill, you know what you think and others in.
00:43 >> We said maybe you can take the shirt and tie where the
00:47 T-shirt.
00:48 >> I spent you know, we do. Yeah, you know, that's true.
00:51 It I thought it was going to be a new style, but I don't know
00:55 to go too well. And then that I thought, you know, I'm kind of
00:58 like match you and then brother Daniel, here he has a white
01:00 shirt, gray suit and blue tie. But it just wasn't ago.
01:04 >> It's nice when you match me. Yeah, I agree. Yes. I mean,
01:07 I met you when that's the better way to put it.
01:09 >> But tell us about the circus that new advances and overall
01:12 talking about advances in that with that's what, 3ABN, is all
01:15 about his evangelism. So this is a new tool.
01:17 >> It is. And this is an evangelistic T-shirt. They just
01:21 came into 3ABN last week, actually, Frank, thanks to
01:24 summer Boyd, she's one of our administrative assistance and
01:27 it was kind of her brain child. You could say there's a graphic
01:31 of it. Thank you. Crew on the front go Ye, which is obviously
01:34 the evangelistic mission of 3ABN you can see on the on the
01:38 sleeve and has our website 3ABN DOT TV and on the back is
01:42 Matthew 28
01:44 18 to 20, which teach baptize disciple and then of course,
01:49 the Web site at the bottom. So this is an incredible
01:51 evangelistic opportunity. You wear the T-shirt anywhere
01:55 you go and people say, what street, what about what does
01:58 go? You mean? What does that mean? And you have the
02:01 opportunity and privilege to tell people about the ministry
02:05 of 3ABN about the gospel. That's right. Now. We also have
02:09 the share cars with turn credible sharing tools. You can
02:12 carry them their business card size. I guess you could say
02:14 yeah, and you can carry them in your purse or in your wallet
02:18 in your pocket. And if someone says what, 3, D and all about,
02:21 you can give them one of the share cards on the fright
02:23 front. It just talks about the different ways. The different
02:28 aspects of the ministry of 3ABN on the backside of gives you
02:31 all the ways that you can watch TV and Sophie to say, how do I
02:36 get this Christian television station? How do I find out more
02:40 about 3ABN? It gives all those ways so we'll send the share
02:43 cards out for free when you can order them. And with the
02:49 T-shirts that is the suggested donation. So you can call us
02:53 right now at the call center at 6, 26, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1,
02:59 You can order your own T-shirts. Your evangelistic 3,
03:03 A B and T shirts or you can always go online there on our
03:07 store. You can go to 3ABN DOT TV. Click on the story cap and
03:10 you can get in now.
03:12 >> Jason, I am you join us now for the second hour. So glad
03:16 that you're here with us. Glad to talk about many
03:19 different aspects of 3 ABN. But I did. I wore this shirt
03:23 and your officers, my white, sure in my tie. And you gave me
03:27 that really nice mayo? And we're very positive. But still
03:31 a high brother may be. We just take the white shirt and tie.
03:34 Haha. I was getting the won't you be my neighbor. Yeah.
03:38 Haha. Haha. Yeah, you know, and evangelism, Jason, you know,
03:43 there's so many different ways that we can do evangelism and I
03:46 know that they are you going to do? I see generation youth for
03:49 Christ. They've been very much and evangelism t-shirts as
03:51 well. Yes, that's where summer has been to a number of gee,
03:54 why season said why didn't we didn't do that? You have some
03:56 type of a statement that then raises the question that some
03:59 will say. So. Tell me about that. Why you wear that shirt?
04:02 >> Yeah, that opportunity. Absolutely. And people can't
04:04 resist reading what your shirt says. It doesn't matter what
04:08 messages on their they can't resist reading it. So, you
04:12 know, having a T-shirt like that, go ye. And then the Bible
04:15 verse on the back. I mean, that's that's powerful. It's
04:18 almost like a silent witness. That's right, folks. That's
04:22 beautiful.
04:23 >> I remember driving down the road when 3 vans trucks were on
04:25 the road. We had a big production truck. We had a
04:27 point trucking on the site is said no trains broadcasting
04:29 network. It was a revelation 14 and I remember stopping at
04:33 rest. Areas are fueling stations and people pumping
04:35 gas, whatever qualms say while driving the truck. And tell me
04:38 about revelation 14. Tell me about the 3 Angels. What is
04:41 that all about? I never heard that before. And so again,
04:43 opportunity as more. Yeah. Yeah.
04:46 >> We have another opportunity this evening to we do. We talk
04:49 the first hour about the focus on Truth Series, which of
04:52 course, was for booklets in that series. Truth About
04:55 Salvation Truth, about 10 Commandments. Truth about the
04:58 Lord's Day in truth about health fire. And we have donors
05:02 who has stepped forward to sponsor the printing of these
05:04 booklets, which means that all you have to pay is $25 for the
05:09 ship. The cost isn't that anywhere in the United States?
05:14 And there's 250 booklets in one case. So you can call us right
05:19 now at 6, 1, 8, 6, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, and say, yes, I want my
05:24 own case and you can get a case of salvation. Our case, the 10
05:28 Commandments are a case, a h*** fire. A case of the Lord's Day
05:31 or you can order them online 3ABN, DOT TV. That's 3ABN Dot
05:37 TV need just click on that. And you can order any booklet
05:41 that you'd like.
05:42 >> Yeah, absolutely. Dan, you're going to come to you
05:44 with a really exciting Evander tool. But before that show,
05:48 we talk first about coming to give us the dates for camping.
05:51 >> Can't many June, the 7th June, the 10th. And we want to
05:55 see you here. It's a live event. If you can't join us,
05:59 it will also be broadcast live. So mark your calendars, June 7
06:03 through June, the 10th made during in the minors and the
06:06 major message is for them.
06:08 >> Mining profits show. Thank you for your organization is
06:11 close to putting all that together. Can you do it for all
06:14 of our Cayman is thank you.
06:15 >> Good jobs. My joy. Before we move to Daniel and the lessons
06:19 that I'm thinking this is putting on the spot. I think he
06:21 set up why 3ABN is producing our very own Bible study
06:27 guides. I know this has been a dream and a vision for many
06:29 years and it's just coming to fruition. In fact, these Bible
06:33 study guides will be out in time for camp meeting. So we
06:36 expect them to be released the first week of June. But talk to
06:40 us. Why are we doing?
06:41 >> Yeah, absolutely no. I'm really excited about the study,
06:43 guys that I know we're going to be talking about all the
06:45 details here. These here. These are just some samples
06:49 that I've got the right here. But these volatile study,
06:51 guys, we send out 2 prisoners, a lot of Bible lessons and we
06:56 send them from other ministries, which there's less
06:58 the study's fantastic, done a great job for many, many years.
07:02 We thought about this for home before we step yet before we
07:06 stepped into administration to talk about 3 D and should do
07:09 their own study guides and several. The reasons is that we
07:12 can customize it to how we would like. But also it's it's
07:16 a way for people then to reach back to 3ABN and for people to
07:20 say, wow, I wonder who put out these guys while K C on the
07:24 back. It says 3 ABN, then it was send people. They want more
07:27 information back to 3 a B. And so just to me, it's a it's
07:30 a good way to point people back to all the content that 3 ad
07:33 and has because we have archives and hours and hours a
07:38 video content to 3 even has produced. So that was really
07:42 neat is that when people are reading something in print,
07:45 then we can send them back to our video page is to you 2 to
07:48 3ABN, plus, we have special QR codes on it. So it's just a way
07:53 the point people back to 3 of you and all the resources that
07:56 we have. So again, it's it's to me, it's it's a tremendous
07:59 opportunity. And we talked about prisoners as well.
08:01 We send out a lot of a lot of studies, a lot of material to
08:04 prison. So these Bob study guides will also go to an
08:08 inmate's those who are incarcerated. Plus, it will be
08:11 available for you at home. If you want to do your own
08:13 Bible studies with them, your your neighbors or your family,
08:17 or you could put the say less than one out. There is even a
08:20 witnessing tool and then just see what happens because the
08:23 opportunity is there for some of the same. And how do I get
08:26 less than 2 wealth? It's pretty easy to do it. We'll talk a
08:28 little bit more about that. But again, it's just a great
08:31 opportunity again, putting the word out there and letting God
08:34 do the increase in men. So.
08:37 >> 3ABN asked for other Daniel parents right to spearhead this
08:42 project. You can say and do the writing on it. And it's a
08:46 tremendous process to be involved in this. But talk to,
08:50 you know, just about the last and it's been exciting to be a
08:52 part of this. I just want to add to it. You know, people
08:54 might say we've got other lessons out there. Why do we
08:57 need another one as it went?
08:59 >> 30 to 20 says so beside all waters doesn't replace anything
09:04 else, but just had another way of sowing seeds. And your
09:07 spirit of prophecy asked the question, why do we need a
09:09 Matthew Mark, Luke and John, because all mines don't think
09:12 alike. So this is another way to reach people good. And the
09:16 hardest part of this project was not deciding what techs to
09:19 use. It was deciding what Texas not to use because the clarity
09:23 of Bible, a doctor in Bible teaching and of the way can
09:27 apply to our lives. It's really it's full. It's ample. There's
09:31 more than enough to lead us to what God wants us to know about
09:34 him and how to follow him. So it has been a collaborative
09:38 project from the start because I've been talking with
09:41 different people and then the things I write go out to other
09:43 people to respond to them. And I have to tell you that
09:47 every time almost every day, literally almost every day as I
09:51 drive home or drive to work or as I go for lunch and back on
09:55 3ABN, radio in the car, whoever's preaching a sermon
09:58 there, he's preaching about the topic usually that I'm writing
10:01 about. Wow, and I I know that that is God's hand at work to
10:05 say, let's make sure to keep them in mind focused and
10:08 directed on our right understanding. But it has been
10:11 like that literally for the past 5 months as I've been
10:14 writing these topics. So where, you know, and as we go along,
10:18 they they you know, I come back to them. I added them a little
10:20 bit. Somebody else give some input and they've gotten better
10:24 and better and clearer and clearer. And I'm I'm just
10:26 overjoyed at what has come of it.
10:29 >> And good. I just add one thing.
10:31 I love the format you chose because, you know, before you
10:35 at home, maybe you feel how I I don't know enough to do a Bible
10:40 study
10:41 this presents in. And I think each one of these lessons is so
10:48 comprehensive, so clear,
10:52 you've got the right to me. He chose some wonderful
10:55 scriptures, good explanations and it goes through this study.
11:00 Then it asks a series of personal questions to apply
11:06 that study. How it will affect you, how you can share it and
11:11 then you come back. I love the summaries. That be the end
11:14 because you come back in each lesson has some race at the
11:19 end. It's one of the
11:22 I believe got sent you here to do his. It's one of the this
11:27 event listing tools, one of the best study guides. I perceive
11:33 it to 5 for fighting.
11:35 >> So we've I've actually been we've given a couple of these
11:38 studies to one of our neighbors who we've been doing Bible
11:41 studies with. We've been using one of the sets that's out
11:43 there. But we substituted one of the ones that has recently
11:46 been written and it's gone very, very well. At one point.
11:50 She had tears in her eyes. As you know, the truth was
11:52 understood. And, you know, as you go through a study,
11:57 especially its for the first time, sometimes you get all of
12:00 this information. It's all fair. And you just what I do
12:02 with all of this. And so that series of questions, usually
12:05 for 5 questions at the end says what does this mean for my life
12:09 today to then get you not just to to list all the truth is
12:13 that you've understood, but to think about how does this
12:15 affect my life? How do I go forward? And with each of those
12:19 sets of questions, they all in the same way. The last question
12:22 ends with who do you know that needs to hear what you have
12:25 learned?
12:26 And then I had a little Bible text in there. I was. I was
12:30 amazed honestly how many Bible techs described going out and
12:34 sharing what you know because you received the truth. The 30
12:38 joules message, the second Angels message, the first
12:40 angles, Angels message probably should go in the other order
12:44 hit all 3 of them. And then that empowers you to say,
12:47 all right, I got this. Somebody else needs to hear about.
12:49 So let's talk about the topics and how many are in the first
12:52 set, how many lessons in the pokey there for 14 in the first
12:55 set and then there will be 12 in a second set. And if you
12:59 take you through the 3 Angels messages, essentially, we begin
13:04 by following not rigidly, but the order of what happens in
13:07 revelation, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And so the everlasting gospel,
13:14 which begins with the great controversy in the origin of
13:17 sand and then the story of Jesus. And we've got to get the
13:20 story of Jesus from the start to see you see the problem and
13:24 the solution.
13:25 >> So let's number one is the great controversy. Number 2,
13:27 2, was on the solution, the everlasting gospel salvation.
13:31 >> And then fear God and give glory to him. And so we begin
13:35 to fear God by understanding what he's revealed and soak
13:38 lesson number 3 takes us through the word of God and
13:41 number 4 on the law of God
13:43 and then give glory to him begins to take us into the
13:48 understanding of the Holy spirit empowerment of a life
13:51 that lives that has lived in holiness walking with Jesus
13:54 dwelling with tennis. All right. I think that's just an
13:58 important topic to have so close to the beginning that God
14:01 makes it possible to do whatever he asks anything.
14:04 He asks him powers
14:06 and then right after that, that's lesson number 5, number
14:09 6, 7, deal with the family and God loves families and their
14:14 families struggling all over the world that they need to
14:17 know the hope that God has this is a part of giving glory to
14:20 him. And then the lesson number 7, is that right? 7 is on
14:25 health. So you haven't a healthy you is as the title.
14:29 And there's such such beautiful illustrations and go a long
14:31 time looking at one of my all right. So I hope the U and
14:36 going through the 30 to 3 inches messages for the hour of
14:39 his judgment has come. And so then we deal with the judgment
14:42 and worship him who created the heavens and the earth in the
14:46 season, the spring of springs of water so that we deal with
14:49 creation in number 9 and the Sabbath in number 10, which is
14:53 one of my favorite lessons. And I hope it's one of yours,
14:57 too. And that's number and number 10 and then number 11 12
15:03 and begin to deal with some of the some of the ways that the
15:06 Bible has been twisted and misunderstood. So we deal with
15:09 death and h*** number 11 12 number 13 deals with the
15:14 church, God's church. The way that that he works through his
15:17 body of believers and leading us to number 14, the end of the
15:21 first set, the second coming. And at the end, the last
15:25 question is question response to the last question of each
15:29 lesson takes you to the second coming deals with the promise
15:33 of Jesus is returning soon because that's what we are.
15:36 We're aiming everybody tort.
15:40 >> So is this like a correspondence school? No,
15:43 that's right. Not a correspondent schools. So I
15:46 love that up. So how did how the format you will?
15:48 >> You can work your way through the lessons. Many times
15:52 the Bible verses are printed right there. But in the
15:54 explanations there's there's sometimes a location where we
15:57 just put the reference in parentheses to let people go
16:01 back to the scriptures and look them up. So instead of trying
16:05 to, you know, that a lot of people can maybe have extra
16:08 questions or objections that they've heard, that we can't
16:11 address everything in such a short format. So we have on the
16:14 back of each one that QR code, which is going to say, if you
16:19 want to know more or if you've got questions about about what
16:22 this, you know, what this means more then scanned the QR code
16:27 will take you to our 3ABN Bible answers website to a place that
16:31 is dedicated to that topic. It will be additional articles
16:34 and stream primary questions hand the is on the topic.
16:39 I think that's a great tool.
16:41 >> A man you've done such an amazing job was I've had the
16:44 privilege of reading all of them all the first 14 and what
16:48 an incredible job. Daniel is an anointed teacher. You taught
16:53 high school Bible at Walla Walla Valley. Academy was 18
16:57 years. Yes, it mirrors the team. And so God has given them
17:00 a gift for communication and gift for making things clear
17:03 from the word. So the studies are insightful. They're
17:06 interesting and biblically solid. So we're excited.
17:10 And if you look inside, I don't know if you can see this is
17:12 less than 3, which is called God's textbook for living.
17:16 This is the one on the word of God. And if we get a shot of
17:20 this, if I open it up here, you can see there is the living
17:23 word literally growing. We have an introduction and then you
17:26 can see there's a question. There's a Bible verse and
17:28 there's an answer and this is the pattern for each one of the
17:32 lessons. The question, the vibe of hers, comprehensive answer.
17:37 You can see there's some features some hopeful
17:40 throughout
17:41 we get to the section you are talking about, Sally, which is
17:44 what does this mean for my life today? You can fill this out
17:49 and then you go back here. What is the good news for me in
17:52 this topic? And then at the end, we have the summary points
17:56 for the summary of the lesson in on the back. It's going to
17:59 be a resource that you can order from 3ABN this resources,
18:02 3, D and Bible reading guide the resources, going to
18:05 correlate with whatever the topic it some time since the 3
18:08 D program, sometimes it will be a resource that we have.
18:12 And then, of course, the QR code that you want to talk
18:14 about. So what an amazing resources it will be available.
18:18 Downloadable on our website as well come June. So you can
18:22 actually download a PDF. You could fill out the answers
18:26 there on your computer. You can print it. It will be like an 8
18:30 and half by 11 sheet and its printed or you can order the
18:34 use from the call center. You can order them for in your
18:39 church or in your community to be able to give personal Bible
18:42 studies. And as Greg mentioned, we also want to use it for
18:44 Prince absolute. So they're they're not available quite yet
18:48 but say we'll be ready to get the first week of June. Yeah,
18:51 whew. Could it after the questions? You've got the
18:54 summary points to bring people back coast when you learn true.
18:59 Sometimes it's like
19:01 but I love the summary points because all the said he preach
19:05 your focus back to that could use.
19:08 >> I use that good Bible number 7. So at the very end, you've
19:12 read it all through. And, you know, you understood it,
19:14 but
19:16 Chi Chi grasp it all. And so 7 simple statements that
19:19 summarize the whole truth. A simple way to say, yes,
19:22 this is what I learned. This is what God's word teaches.
19:24 I love it.
19:26 >> Couple of the points that I want to bring out is, you know,
19:28 says little blank spot right here at the bottom of each and
19:31 will be on east lesson. That is that we've had some people to
19:34 pass a while. Some your literature be nice. If you left
19:36 a little spot for your church or for you to put a contact
19:39 information like your local 7th Avenue church on how some if
19:42 they pick this up, let's say you just laid it down for
19:44 someone to pick up in the fix it up. They've enjoyed the
19:46 study and say who do I contact course 3ABN. But also if your
19:49 churches, there's we have a little spot for that. Also,
19:52 these 14 lessons. This is just a mock-up because, again,
19:55 these are not printed yet. This is a really nice quality
19:58 little and look at all. 14 lessons will come in as a
20:01 complete set of the nicely designed front and back and
20:05 today you can seal it and actually will probably ship it
20:08 to you in this envelope. It's a nice way to store your
20:11 Bible lessons as well. So that all come together as a pack of
20:14 14. And you were just so excited about the opportunities
20:17 that God's going to provide for the brother, Daniel, for these
20:21 lessons to go out and who knows who? But he does. And he
20:24 certainly does. Our job is to put him out there. It's just
20:27 it's a privilege to be a part of it. And then to let others
20:30 be a part of it is well sharing them with people and absolutely
20:34 no.
20:35 >> So to go ahead, we have I'm just thinking we need to change
20:37 out. Yeah, that's true. We have a lot for the second. We go a
20:40 whole. How are just and it's not that I am so excited about
20:44 the Bible study guides but we're going to be trading out.
20:47 Thank you, Shelly, for being here tonight. And Danielle,
20:50 thank you for being part of the 3ABN family and what you both
20:53 bring to them. It's a privilege and thank you. Show it to thank
20:56 you. So we're going to try out during the music and we have
20:58 another part of the 3 D and family who will be here with
21:01 us. This is Reggie Smith in the song he will be sharing is I
21:04 will still trust.
21:06 [MUSIC]
21:11 [MUSIC]
21:16 [MUSIC]
21:21 [MUSIC]
21:26 [MUSIC]
21:30 >> To.
21:35 >> To.
21:38 >> If the and
21:42 >> Ken.
21:45 >> If a
21:48 [MUSIC]
21:53 >> list due to a wrist.
21:56 [MUSIC]
22:00 >> We give money to this room.
22:05 Bush to me.
22:07 >> If my own is
22:15 from the
22:18 >> to is this world.
22:23 >> Just to.
22:26 >> You need to?
22:29 >> That we turn to
22:37 from
22:42 [MUSIC]
22:47 [MUSIC]
22:49 I will.
22:51 [MUSIC]
22:55 >> And the to.
23:03 >> So wheels to a u N
23:20 >> when my days all
23:25 [MUSIC]
23:28 and must throw to
23:33 is
23:36 when I slip in 2.
23:39 [MUSIC]
23:45 >> We used to.
23:47 [MUSIC]
23:51 >> I'm.
23:55 [MUSIC]
23:57 >> We'll get through
24:00 [MUSIC]
24:05 [MUSIC]
24:10 [MUSIC]
24:12 [MUSIC]
24:17 [MUSIC]
24:19 from you.
24:20 [MUSIC]
24:25 [MUSIC]
24:30 [MUSIC]
24:39 >> So
24:42 >> so wheels to 2.
24:45 [MUSIC]
24:50 >> All other outreach.
24:54 [MUSIC]
24:59 [MUSIC]
25:00 >> To.
25:03 [MUSIC]
25:08 [MUSIC]
25:13 [MUSIC]
25:18 [MUSIC]
25:20 >> A man. Wow. Thank you, brother. Reggie does give them
25:23 a great gift for music. But what a great message and song
25:26 to I will still trust the Lord no matter what.
25:29 >> Praise God. That's one of my favorite songs he does I think
25:31 is I was still trust them. Love that song. We played some
25:34 musical chairs during that week and we have some more than 3
25:37 being family here. Of course, we still have Jason Bradley
25:40 because we haven't really heard from Yahoo. Lighted to have you
25:43 here as general manager of DARE to dream. It's great to be here
25:47 coming around the table. We have misses Dalia Dan Zaha.
25:52 Yeah, it's just my fun pet name for you. But of Pastor Johnny
25:56 can't be here tonight. So we are delighted. We're going to
25:59 have you both together. But we still have his better half here
26:06 representing training. Let the network by thank you for the
26:08 opportunity to Lourdes.
26:10 >> Utilizing this tool for his glory. So we want to share some
26:14 great news.
26:15 >> Men upcoming around the table here we have Jeff Dore,
26:19 who is director of planned giving interest services here
26:22 at 3ABN over to some delighted to have you here tonight.
26:24 Well, it's a it's a pleasure.
26:26 >> Always a pleasure to get to talk around the table and to
26:29 share things that's going on a plan giving with our viewers
26:32 are 3 V and family. And yes, yeah. Keep point. You brought
26:35 up as our 3 Avian family, Jeff. Yes, you know, now you've been
26:38 in the department now for my 2 years. Plus, yes, yes, and you
26:43 met a lot of people meant a lot of wonderful people all over
26:45 the United States. Yes, you know, I think something that's
26:49 so beautiful. And the question is, does EU pastor Johnny been
26:52 a part of ministry for going way back in? But you know,
26:55 a lot of people comment.
26:56 >> That 3 ad and is my family. Yeah. Yeah. People that are
27:00 housebound. We are their only family. Yes, yes. Support
27:04 industry. Just that aspect. I remember receiving a phone
27:07 call
27:08 >> of a daughter whose mother was some bedridden in Puerto
27:14 Rico. And she says, my mother says to not touch that
27:18 television, leave it alone and that and she says 3ABN is her
27:25 lifeline her life. 24 7. And of course, we rejoice in
27:29 hearing the Lloyds words because it brings hope reminds
27:33 us of his promises and he fulfills his promises. So its
27:37 host.
27:38 >> And yeah, one of the blessing, whether Jason
27:41 Bradley, Joe mentioned that the the general manager of Dare to
27:44 Dream Network. So we're going to talk about some updates.
27:46 Ask you some of that is what's going on and that network.
27:48 But tell us about 3 ABM plus in 3 D on YouTube because exciting
27:53 things are happening there as well. And it's all about
27:55 evangelism. Yes. Absolutely. As your shirt. Sago. Yeah.
27:59 Haha. Yeah. It wasn't. He searched what you can get the
28:04 call of the cotton. The unite its call centers open tonight,
28:07 right? 618-627-4651. To be happy to help you out the
28:12 season. Get 3 beneath and says I'm sure, right?
28:14 >> All right. That's that's another form of evangelism
28:17 right there. Just wearing that shirt. But we have so many
28:20 different forms. 3ABN, plus is an excellent platform for
28:24 sharing and spreading the gospel. And so praise God for
28:27 technology because I have a way where I can show you better
28:30 than I can tell you how to navigate through the screens
28:34 and all of that. And with anything, there are perks to
28:39 membership, right? So of course, we we give access to
28:43 our content for free. You can watch all the videos and
28:45 everything like that. But there are some benefits to signing up
28:48 and becoming a member and membership is free. We have
28:52 over 2500 videos on demand. But with the membership,
28:57 though, you can add to your favorites, you have this option
29:02 here. Let me let me just show you the screen here. What we've
29:04 got going. Okay. If we can try not to click on anything so it
29:08 doesn't play to watch. Watch the screen right now.
29:12 Absolutely. Yeah. So we have here 3 ABN, the parent network,
29:16 the new C 3ABN, proclaimed. These are all live streaming.
29:20 Absolutely. 3, A B and their Green 3 be an international
29:24 3ABN, praise him. 3 ABN Kids, Network 3 being Latino Network,
29:29 3ABN Russian network and 3, a B in France, a network. And then
29:32 we have radio. You can go and listen to the radio. We've got
29:36 the Music Channel here, A 3, A B in radio AT T KNOW 3, A B in
29:41 Australia, radio 3, A B in Russian networks. And then we
29:44 have this featured section which features some of the
29:46 latest content that's been added to the app. And you can
29:50 scroll through and you can click on that as well. We've
29:54 got unshackled purpose there. That looks like family worship.
29:58 We've got praise him music network, a program. I praise
30:01 him now. Then we also have where the the the section video
30:06 on demand. So we see we have when we talk
30:10 and I'm actually signed into my account so that I can show you.
30:15 Let's click on that and we'll scroll down here. Let's say,
30:19 I want to add this is a favorite. I just click on this
30:21 little heart here. And then what that does when I back out
30:25 of here and click on account, you can click on favorites.
30:30 And then I just favorited the Hole play list, their names.
30:33 So and then you see I have a purpose to favorite there as
30:37 well. Another cool feature that people might want to take
30:41 advantage of is this auto play. So if you click auto play,
30:45 what that means, what that does is you have one video will be
30:49 playing. And then at the end of that video, it will give you a
30:53 little countdown and it will go to the next video that follows
30:57 that. So you don't have to click play on every single
31:00 video or and I just keep going through and you can keep
31:03 getting the gospel. We so we have all these programs.
31:07 These this is 3 ABN, the parent networks on demand. You can
31:12 click see all and you can scroll down and you'll see more
31:16 of the programs that are on here.
31:19 >> And each one of those pitchers represents an entire
31:22 series. Yeah, there could be multiple programs within each
31:25 one of those. Absolutely.
31:27 >> And then you click that. You go down here. Scroll down
31:30 here and you've got 3, A B and their dream. You have 3 a B in
31:33 praising music net worth Reading Kids Network 3, again,
31:36 Australian or International 3, a B in Russian that work and
31:40 all of that. And so you can scroll through and watch your
31:43 favorites on on them and their the other thing that's cool
31:48 about this 3, A B and plus is that you can share programs.
31:51 Now. I I don't want to click on the program again because it
31:55 may start playing, but he take a risk. Let's see what happens
32:00 here, OK? We're going to re one that hopefully nothing plays.
32:05 But then we have you can't see it at the moment. But there's a
32:10 hearing on the press that there we go. So now you can click
32:13 share off. And then if you click on that share, it will
32:16 pull up your text messages or, you know, different people.
32:19 You can text it to e-mail it or share it on on your social
32:23 media platform as well. So this is a powerful resource, not
32:28 that exists with thousands and thousands of wonderful programs
32:32 that point people to Christ. And we're adding to it weekly.
32:35 Absolutely. And I was absolutely exciting measures.
32:39 >> And we talked the first hour about 3ABN in Hindi and
32:42 everything was he's so just a couple of weeks, we'll be able
32:46 to have all those languages available. And
32:49 >> and which is beautiful now we still have a YouTube as
32:53 well. We have 3 bins, YouTube channel and see if I can
32:56 navigate to that. Let's see here.
33:01 3ABN, YouTube channel. This is beautiful, too. We want a lot
33:06 of people want people to go to 3ABN plus we want them to see
33:09 that. But we also want people to subscribe to the 3ABN
33:13 YouTube channel. And there's so many different things that
33:16 affect the algorithm
33:18 so that these videos pop up on people's theater or playlist or
33:23 or not not play list but that see the videos. Yeah, though.
33:27 And then they can click on it. They can watch the videos.
33:30 It's shareable content. So it's digital evangelism.
33:34 And the beautiful thing is they don't have to be intentional
33:38 necessary fairly about ending up on 3 ABN. They can stumble
33:43 across these videos. And so our viewers and listeners can to us
33:48 and making these just right in front of the public by spending
33:53 more time watching the programs by sharing the programs by
33:57 leaving comments by, you know, sharing this with 2 or 3 of
34:01 their friends. And so that will help boost these videos up and
34:05 that will help get the gospel in front of more eyes. That may
34:08 not step into a church, but they may hear a message that
34:12 leads them.
34:13 >> Right to the baptismal pool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's
34:18 fantastic. And again, just other tools, more evangelism
34:21 and again, 3 men were just putting it out there. And then
34:24 the Lord leads people to all these different avenues
34:26 treatment. Plus 3 venue to yells about even dare to dream.
34:29 >> All right. There's are a lot I know a lot, but there's been
34:32 so many exciting things taking place. We just finished
34:35 recording a new program called Imperative Life Lessons.
34:38 And we have an open while showing a little bit. But
34:42 imperative life lessons. You think something important,
34:46 you know, I need. And then this is an important life lesson.
34:51 And there's nothing that's more important than something that's
34:54 going to impact your effect for eternity. And so these life
34:59 lessons come from the word of God. Pastor Ryan Johnson,
35:02 he's a pastor out of the Nevada, Utah caught 7 Day
35:06 Adventists conference and he shares some powerful, powerful
35:10 messages with powerful illustrations that really hit
35:14 home. And so with I'd love for us to take a look at that open.
35:18 Lets do that now.
35:19 [MUSIC]
35:24 [MUSIC]
35:29 [MUSIC]
35:34 [MUSIC]
35:37 >> Well, that's a nice catchy open. It is. I love music.
35:40 And I love the light house there. And that's the lowest
35:43 price guide. The Open to the new program. Yes, yes, the open
35:46 to the new program and
35:47 >> people may be thinking, well, why did you choose a
35:50 lighthouse? Will some chapter one, 19 verse 105, says your
35:53 word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. And when we
35:56 think about the light house, what what are 2 main things
36:00 that the White House as well? It serves as a navigational aid
36:04 and it also warns or or warns boats of dangerous areas and,
36:10 you know, perilous situations. And so we want to warn people
36:15 of impending danger. We want to share the good news of Jesus
36:19 Christ and we want to put it in a format where it's digestible.
36:22 It's a 30 minute program and it it will stick with them.
36:27 We actually have a clip from good program where Pastor Ryan
36:31 Johnson is sharing us story from when he was preaching.
36:35 I believe it was in the Philippines, OK? All right.
36:37 Let's go to that clip right now.
36:39 I was finishing up
36:41 and avenge a listed crusade
36:43 in the Philippines
36:47 and the way things go. There was a typhoon right there
36:50 over the area and awesome odious
36:53 and I was preaching with
36:55 an old soldier. He's deceased now,
36:58 Pastor Arthur Bushnell
37:00 and we were going back and forth and the rains came down.
37:04 Oh, my and the floods came up. I remember preaching one
37:08 evening. It was raining so hard that as I was preaching a large
37:12 bullfrog just hopped right down the aisle. You know, right down
37:16 the middle. Audi felt comfortable. Okay. That's an
37:19 appeal to everybody needs eases, go on down friends.
37:23 But this particular evening,
37:25 Pastor Bushnell's voice was failing them.
37:28 And he said to me said Preacher,
37:31 I don't know if I can do this. And if the rain continues,
37:35 sound like that, you know,
37:37 and so you've got this pastor or you've got this, we're
37:41 praying for you. So we get up front and surely enough
37:45 as it always is. When the truth is coming out, the devil is
37:49 busy and it rained and it rained. The rain was going
37:52 down. It was like the rain was going sideways and the old
37:56 preacher was standing there having trouble with his voice.
37:59 All that moisture in bad weather was getting to him and
38:02 we were sitting out there in the congregation praying and
38:06 the man said this.
38:09 He just stepped forward and he said,
38:11 father,
38:13 I'm going ask you to hold the rain
38:17 until I finish my sermon
38:20 and he stepped back and I'm thinking.
38:22 >> Really, you're not going to cushion that with, you know,
38:24 not my will. But thy will know the preacher had faith and
38:28 don't, you know, while I was sitting there beside a lady who
38:31 didn't speak English, it was as if a master controller had his
38:37 hand on the k*** of the storm, turned it down down down.
38:41 And before my very eyes, the storm stopped and the preacher
38:45 preaching and the people came down and gave their lives to
38:48 Jesus. I saw the dance,
38:52 but one that evidence
38:54 that brought the people down,
38:57 it was their relationship with God.
39:00 That storm was affirmation.
39:03 The relationship was confirmation
39:06 and that is how
39:07 >> we walk in these last days.
39:10 >> And many of them would be a powerful series Master Rian
39:14 Johnson. I love that story. One incredible story that will
39:17 kind of a speaker and thank you, Jason, for your leadership
39:20 would dare to dream. When do we expect to launch to have a
39:22 launch date for the program? Not an exact date but we're
39:24 looking at in the month of June a couple months. Yes, yeah.
39:29 >> So there's a lower. Thank you so much. What you're doing
39:31 with the DARE to Dream Network. Lot of new things in the works.
39:35 Not a new program in coming out.
39:37 >> Praise the Lord Salute Lee. Speaking of networks were
39:39 coming around the table to Missus, Dan Z. So talk to us
39:42 about 3 being Latino camp meeting coming up. Yeah,
39:45 it's coming up. So thank you, Mister and Miss Mud economy.
39:50 It is exciting to see how the Lord works and it is exciting
39:54 to see how the Lord provides and every day our staff we get
39:59 together and we thank them or for our viewers, it's Voto
40:03 Latino community. It's receiving the programming and
40:08 lives are being changed and chest. In this day, I received
40:12 an e-mail with a picture and same with the following
40:15 message. I want to encourage UAW. He don't see us all
40:19 watching you. But your programming have made such a
40:23 great, big difference. So please, thank everyone. This is
40:26 my picture in the Baptists mobile any she's live about
40:32 pastor baptizing here. And that is very heartwarming bank
40:36 because, yes, we don't see the faces, but we work by faith
40:40 because Scott's work, that's not return point. There's fruit
40:43 to your labor joining with our labor here and we cannot do it
40:48 without you. At home are 3ABN world family. So this event
40:53 it's going to take place in the one and only Spanish church in
40:56 St. Louis, Missouri. It takes place on the 17th through the
41:00 20th of May and the name of the series this week, 30 at the
41:04 U.S.. But I'm setting could be still. So as you can see,
41:07 says event of a stick campaign victory and hope in Christ for
41:12 a world in need of peace as you can see on your screen. So for
41:16 this, we have a variety of speakers. I'm the pastor of
41:22 that church relates the story as to how they got that church.
41:27 And this church has been in destruction and the U.S.
41:30 decaying feel well for 15 years. So it's not in the
41:35 market for $200,000. And but this group has been on the
41:40 works since early 90's. The something of a niche group
41:43 became a company, then a church or formal church. They've gone
41:47 through fort for 5 pastors and now he's faster. And the
41:51 members are ready to purchase at a church building because
41:54 the group is growing 150 members. So grace got. So these
41:59 members have been collecting donations for their church
42:02 building. So this church buildings, $200,000, and they
42:05 don't have the budget. So they said, OK, let's offer 100,000
42:09 and they accepted 100,000 building one, not only that,
42:15 I must tell you that he has been evaluated price value of
42:19 8 million dollars. So they have a cut to the temple. The main
42:25 temple ensure sanctuary. Thank you. My Spanish remain
42:29 missionary about sanctuary accommodates 600 people.
42:34 He's got that little cherry mahogany. You know what's in
42:36 stuff like that? So and he's got a smaller chapel that
42:40 accommodates 200 people. So I love the fact that the
42:44 pastor is
42:46 he loves to gossip. I'd love to Lloyd and he's not a pastor
42:49 that tells you how to do it, but shows you how to they have
42:54 6 small groups going on right now that they need in different
42:57 homes. And there are 30 people on taken Bible studies, but 120
43:02 are interested in. I'm learning more about the libel. So we're
43:08 coming to the the St. Louis area and we are praying that
43:12 the live broadcast will be received when say 17th of May.
43:17 We start at 06:30PM in the evening. If you have bilingual
43:21 friends, please share the information. We have flyers
43:24 this you can see on the screen. We have graphics and we can
43:27 e-mail. You can e-mail your VR forward at the fryer or just go
43:31 to the 3 been Latino DOT TV Web site and you can get it from
43:34 there. But I want to say that we have 23 programs and we have
43:40 music. And you know what's beautiful to see. And then
43:44 Meyer is how the largest says the marriage unit. You are a
43:48 minister at home. You have been called and we have been called.
43:52 So that's why we have the go. Ye. Are you willing to go grab
43:56 your husband, grab your wife and coal ye because it's
44:00 beautiful to see ministry the music and how they can share
44:04 their experiences in crisis. So, yeah, that's what we have
44:08 as far as the programming, which like to hear some music.
44:11 >> I was just thinking, speaking of music, have a
44:13 couple, a husband wife team. Yes, that will be providing
44:16 some of the music for a series, so much fuss about them.
44:19 And then we want to hear a clip from their music, OK? He has a
44:22 tremendous testimony. He's got a heart for Jesus and then as a
44:26 humble spirit and I'm humbled to hear.
44:29 >> Such beautiful testimony. He was asked by the Cuban
44:33 government to represent the country with this plane
44:37 throughout nationwide and they promised him everything
44:40 vehicle, transportation, home p salary and not he says, you
44:45 know, thank you for everything. But
44:48 the Lord gave me this talent and I want to use it to glorify
44:51 God. So I turned down that secular opportunity. Just use
44:56 his hands fingers, this talent to praise the lard to music.
45:00 >> And so this is a clip they were here at the end some time
45:04 ago. And we're going to play a clip from the song. No More
45:06 Night.
45:08 [MUSIC]
45:12 [MUSIC]
45:17 [MUSIC]
45:22 [MUSIC]
45:27 [MUSIC]
45:32 [MUSIC]
45:37 [MUSIC]
45:42 [MUSIC]
45:47 [MUSIC]
45:52 [MUSIC]
45:57 [MUSIC]
46:02 [MUSIC]
46:07 [MUSIC]
46:12 [MUSIC]
46:17 [MUSIC]
46:22 [MUSIC]
46:27 [MUSIC]
46:32 [MUSIC]
46:37 [MUSIC]
46:42 [MUSIC]
46:47 [MUSIC]
46:52 [MUSIC]
46:55 >> Wow. I mean and then held a couple things. Yeah. They have
46:57 a beautiful tone. I love them with the violence over there at
47:01 the Latino Community. St. Louis. Yeah. Some of the
47:03 musicians that's right. Misses dizzy. Then some of the
47:06 speakers that will be there and a sure thing through the area
47:09 made a stop by. Yes.
47:10 >> I want to tell you one thing I go to market place to
47:14 purchase some items. One day I want to make a place and I
47:18 purchased an item. I went to a home to get this key port and
47:23 she says
47:24 >> 3 a B in Omaha who think you do you?
47:30 >> I I I love your programming in in shoes that some of the
47:34 events that was watching the programming on 3, a B a so in
47:38 St. Louis, like know that there's a community out there.
47:41 They can share the goodness of this event, a list of Chris.
47:44 So the 17th through the 20th of May, we have Doctor Manion
47:48 Medina who is a professor of Hebrew in AAC Oakwood
47:53 University. And also our viewers really love him.
47:57 And also pastor some U.S. mash. He's traveling from California.
48:02 He's to be in Louisiana buster. No rent, though, but with that,
48:06 and he's from Fairmont City Church, which is half hour
48:08 away. And this the only 2 Spanish churches. So that
48:11 community is also that Richards also sharing the flyers and
48:15 their community. I'm doctor or pastor Cardinal stem it.
48:19 He is still Hispanic coordinator for the Iowa
48:22 Missouri Conference. Pastor. Congressman, you also we know
48:26 him because I think that yes, doctor to name only as she is a
48:31 Bible worker, a chaplain. And also she works at the
48:35 metropolitan some of the evidence academy in Puerto Rico
48:38 and just cry. And then from there, that's among some of the
48:42 people push you over to their aid speakers and the local
48:46 church and not church. Pastor, what I did and his wife,
48:50 John and myself.
48:51 >> And the musicians. So someone is says, hey, I know
48:54 someone is close by the St. Louis where they may be
48:56 traveling through. They can go to 3 been the team's website
48:58 and find the address of the flight surgeon, OK, this and a
49:01 schedule of the everything. Very good for that. So it's
49:04 like a month away. It is.
49:06 >> Yes, we're excited for that. And I mean series no and
49:10 passage on into an amazing job. Thank you both on this race.
49:14 Got a race that thank you for your support in all your
49:16 prayers. And if I may, I want to say a special. Thank you to
49:19 someone very special. I've never met this person before,
49:23 but I want to say thank you, Angela Garcia for watching him
49:29 and being part of her 3, a B in family as well. You have a
49:32 choice to change the channel, but you all have chosen to stay
49:35 tuned and enjoy the blessings of my guests for you. And I
49:38 have received this beautiful Bible because she heard part of
49:45 my testimony and I want you to write it in journalism during a
49:50 Bible. I'm sad. And I'm also I want to thank you from the
49:53 bottom of my height in. I will still want to, you know,
49:57 right on it. But that's what the sport. So thank you to
49:59 beautiful. But thank you.
50:01 >> And that's precious staff are coming to, you know,
50:04 how the whole cake for a plane giving and trust services.
50:06 So talk to us about some of the documents said 3ABN has
50:10 available and some of the ways people can partner with 3 D an
50:14 evangelistic Ali.
50:15 >> Yes, absolutely.
50:17 First off, Psalms 107, 0st. 37 says so your seed let your
50:23 vineyard so you have a bountiful harvest. So we're
50:27 responsible not only for our time that we spent here on the
50:30 earth, but for the people this coming after we need to set up
50:34 a legacy in place. And we've been very busy. There's a lot
50:38 of uncertainty in the world right now. And people have been
50:41 wondering, what should I do with my money? We're sure that
50:43 they can put it. What's what's a safe place to put? And
50:47 there've been several things that has assistant changed in
50:51 that. In the past year the president signed, I knew act is
50:55 called the Secure to act that allows people to transfer money
50:59 out of their. I R a into a charitable gift annuity.
51:02 This is a first time this has ever been available. Whenever
51:06 you put your money in a charitable gift annuity,
51:08 it is a guaranteed interest rate for the remainder of your
51:11 life. If it's to life with husband, wife gets to the
51:15 remaining person spends spouse. So we last threw both lives and
51:21 we just wrote one recently that was for 9.7%. Wow.
51:25 >> So that's a guaranteed interest rate for 9.7% or 9.7%
51:30 in the interest rate would be based on your age when you
51:33 enter into absolutely OK and for the secure to act, you have
51:36 to be 71 half years old.
51:38 >> And there is a Pacific 10, the process you have to go
51:41 through. So if you're an arrest, if you haven't high
51:44 already and you want to take and consider putting it into a
51:48 charitable gift, annuity, contact our office because you
51:51 have to do it in the Pacific way or you will not be. It
51:55 won't be eligible. So make sure you contact the office to get
51:59 the exact process that needs to take place. And there's the
52:01 phone number. They're in a phone number. Guess 888 6,
52:04 4800, OK? And they can reach you or party. When your staff
52:08 dancing trace here myself, we can help them with that.
52:11 Great. And if you're not 7 and a half, and would you like to
52:14 take a support? 3 ABN in to now and in the future. At 65 you
52:19 can start charitable gift annuity rate and the interest
52:22 rate is not 9.7%. 65 your interest rate is based on your
52:26 age. And if it's to life, it's a combined. So trying to take
52:30 until people exactly what it is you need to call. Let us know
52:33 your age is we can figure that information specifically off
52:36 for you.
52:37 But the those the terrible gift annuity hit is guaranteed
52:41 interest. And so you don't have to worry about the fluctuation
52:44 of the stock market slump. And then whenever you do go to
52:47 sleep in Jesus, you're supporting the ministry.
52:50 Here's your sewing. The seeds are planning the gospel so
52:54 others can find this 3 angels message.
52:58 >> You know, Jeff, I think one thing that's really need to is
53:01 that your department also works with I'm going to say younger
53:03 people such as Joe Mice over our 40's. But you have, you
53:06 know, 30's, right? It is not just those that are experienced
53:09 in life, right that you're now working with is actually those
53:11 are also younger. And I know you encourage very much for
53:14 them was. So you've got a young family cause. We know we've got
53:16 young family because you watch the kids programs and stuff,
53:18 right? Jeff and his team are there for you. They can walk
53:20 you through different. I, you know, scenarios are different
53:23 documents that have their Jeff. You may be comment on that.
53:25 And also we encourage you to remember your family member.
53:27 You're a little kid. Yes, stuff.
53:29 >> Procrastination. Most people is that human nature. We
53:33 procrastinate and it's a shame that we do. Most valuable asset
53:38 that most of us are interested with is our children. My wife
53:42 and I whenever we had our second child, we took and had
53:45 our first wilt that time because we want to know who was
53:48 going to take care of our children if something happened.
53:51 That's right. And that is very important. So if you have a
53:53 young family, you need to take and have something set in
53:56 place. There was a young lady that we all know that was hit
54:00 in a parking lot recently and was hurt but not seriously.
54:05 But it could have easily cost her her life. And at that
54:09 particular time, what does she have? Her plans to? She?
54:12 Everything in place are who's going to take care of her
54:15 children. So I mean, we don't want to procrastinate a trust
54:20 ourself Minister trust. We have been taking in dealing with a
54:24 tremendous number of inquiries and people setting up trust
54:27 with us in the past year and they feel that that's time that
54:31 they need to get.
54:32 >> Thanks to place. What is a self-administered trust?
54:34 What does that mean?
54:36 >> A self-administered press. You are this crusty as well as
54:39 the trust or so you are complete control with it.
54:42 A trusted a living document that soon as you signed that
54:45 document, it's alive and functioning. It doesn't wait to
54:48 die like a will because a will does not come into effect until
54:52 after you die. And so the trust is alive. You don't have to
54:56 take and go through the court system. You don't have to go to
54:58 probate. So is private. So it at your passing
55:03 the trust, the trustee at that time, successor trustee takes
55:06 over control of the trust, handle it as you have pretty
55:10 determined in your life how you wanted it to be distributed.
55:15 So it is a very nice document. Keep your family's business in
55:18 private and you know how it's going to be distributed at your
55:22 passing. So, yeah.
55:25 >> Yeah, great. Yeah. We appreciate again, Jeff, when
55:27 you and your team and we put that number up, one more time
55:30 on how to reach Jeff it to or the any of the team. It's 100 a
55:35 6, 4, 8, 0, 0, And that will be happy to answer your questions.
55:39 And just to walk you through a different options that may be
55:41 available to you.
55:42 >> Yeah, just 2 hours ago by quick and I I don't know if we
55:46 can do this. We're going to try to go around the table case to
55:48 a couple seconds someplace because we've got a minute
55:50 left. Just a final thought.
55:52 >> A couple seconds are scrolling through Instagram.
55:54 One-day stumbled upon this atheist video. He said he has
55:57 no respect for Christians who don't share the gospel. And I
56:00 want my mind was blown. But he said, if you know that my life
56:04 could be impacted for eternity and you don't share that with
56:08 me. He was like, I've got no respect if you truly believe
56:12 that. And that just blew my mind. So we need to go. You
56:15 need to share the gospel. And if we don't share our
56:19 testimony of what the Lord is doing for us, then, you know,
56:22 people are not going to learn of that. Great.
56:25 >> Unconditional love and a very good and very tough.
56:29 >> I'll go back to South 107. We have to so good seat and
56:33 then and we have to sown in fertile soil and we have to
56:37 tend it and we have to take and let it grow and mature because
56:41 we don't know where that see that we plan.
56:44 Where is going to take a mature into other Christians.
56:46 >> And time and thank you all so much, Jeff. And this is Dan
56:50 Z and Jason, we're being here tonight being part of the
56:52 stream and family for what you bring to the team and thank you
56:55 for being part of our family. And we want to encourage you to
56:59 know we are all the world to see you next time. The bus
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Revised 2023-04-21