3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230011B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 [MUSIC]
00:12 >> Welcome back to our 3ABN behind the scenes. This is the
00:15 second hour. We're playing some musical chairs here, but we
00:19 still have family here and we still have you here. And we're
00:22 delighted with that. We're talking tonight about the
00:25 faithfulness of God and how our God is faithful and how as we
00:29 talk the first hour, he wants us to be faithful to the
00:31 mission. I love how you said that. Mister Denny, the mission
00:35 of what he has called us to do. So we have here, Mister Gagnon,
00:39 Doctor, Yvonne yeas, they both our yeah, we're delighted.
00:44 And coming around the table, we have JT and Shelley Queen.
00:48 We love both you. Of course JD is pastoral department manager
00:52 and Shelley is new program development manager. Improve.
00:55 Let's how they're dressed. You guys are so.
00:58 >> Yeah, hook and Yahoo. You know, I just
01:06 we do end up dressing a lot alike
01:09 and I have to show you get so Marco's nearly so I don't know.
01:13 Haha. But this morning she walked in. She said, what are
01:17 you going to wear to that? And I thought, well, this is
01:20 warmer today
01:21 and then less a little hard cheeses comes up because she
01:24 buys everything in.
01:26 >> Well, no, this was I was sure if I was going to match
01:29 pretty. Okay. Yeah. Who haha remains something to make us
01:37 feel. Okay. Haha. You know, the 3 been behind the scenes
01:40 program is really to us. It's it's praise reports about
01:43 praising God for what
01:45 >> he's done, what he's doing here at the ministry of 3 ABN.
01:49 As Joe mentioned, you are just part of the 3 ad and family.
01:52 It's so wonderful to Bill spend these these 2 hours with you
01:56 each Thursday evening and tell you it just to us, especially
02:01 I'm thinking of can you talk about Candy, when you get to
02:03 meet you all face to face one incredible blessing. Some of
02:06 you may not be able to meet face to face on this Earth.
02:09 We look forward to having a bill to connect with you,
02:11 of course, through the airwaves as television Internet radio,
02:14 such an incredible blessing thinking about the Lords,
02:16 faithfulness and 3ABN, always, I don't know how for how many
02:20 years. Mister Daniels has a theme for each year and this
02:23 year is God is faithful. And I want to just read this
02:27 show's mission it just a couple minutes ago. This is a lamb and
02:30 patients chapter 3 in this to adverse. 22. Yeah, it is of the
02:36 lords mercies that we are not consume because his compassions
02:42 fail not use. They are new every morning.
02:47 >> Great is thy faithfulness. God's faithfulness. Praise the
02:51 Lord and that that word there for Mursi's is has said in the
02:55 Hebrew and it can't be true. Translated into just one in
03:00 English word. It means love, loving kindness, come in and
03:04 faithfulness and it means mercy. It I mean, it is such a
03:09 beautiful word to show who got ideas. Yeah, maybe and then.
03:15 >> God is faithful to us. But then we also need to be
03:18 back to God's sake. I want to be faithful. Are you interested
03:22 in is talking about the first to the during the first hour?
03:25 You know, we're all human. We all make mistakes. Something
03:28 about a righteous man when he falls down the Bible says what
03:30 he what does he do? He gets up, get the appraisal or I think
03:34 about Hebrews. Chapter 11. The fake chapter talks about
03:37 all that. A lot of different main Bible characters. Many of
03:39 them right. All make mistakes. They're always centers. But
03:42 they ask God, especially debut. Think of him. He says God
03:45 created me a clean hearts, right? God wants us. We make
03:47 mistakes and life but we can stand back up as a dog wants to
03:50 do. State wants to stay face down the ground, not getting up
03:54 again because, as you know, get back up. Get back up. I've
03:56 forgiven you. And so I want to just give you that hope today.
03:59 Got a real God is there for you. And he is there to save
04:03 you and I will die. Heart is just, you know, gosh, that's a
04:09 great God. I'm so thankful to be alive. Yes, there's a lot of
04:11 chaos and this earth, you know what? I'm full of encouragement
04:14 and hope because God is the one that we trust.
04:16 >> And the thing about us, it's God that we look to him and say
04:19 when speaking of times encouragement reminds me of
04:21 can't meet. Let's talk about our summer camp meeting,
04:25 which is due in 7 to 10, will have Shelly talk about it.
04:28 But I just want to say we have a lot of interest already in
04:31 camp meeting. I was just talking with Rachel Walshe
04:34 coordinates or camp meeting last week and she said we
04:37 already have a lot of RV spaces already reserved, OK, already
04:42 have you know, we have the b**** and people bring their
04:44 product and stuff that's almost already gone. So people are
04:48 excited about our to any major and in the minors. Tell us
04:52 about it only if he isn't.
04:55 >> We're very thankful to James Rafferty who suggested this
05:00 theme. This is June, the 10th through 7 June, the 7th through
05:06 June, the 10th when state through 7th and it's called
05:11 majoring in the minors. This is major messages from the minor
05:17 prophets. So let me give you the schedule here. It starts
05:23 Wednesday, June, the 7th at 6 o'clock with music. Our and I
05:27 know that's going to be wonderful. Then we have went
05:30 with Fyffes NJ Gala more. Who will be speaking there.
05:33 Topics, salvation is something you know where that's from
05:36 Jonah to 9 and change less. Love from Micah Theresa Malakai
05:43 3, 6, on Thursday. We begin Thursday and Friday we go in
05:48 the mornings afternoons and evenings. So Thursday morning
05:52 we have James Rafferty. Joe Moore County, a faithful
05:56 husband Jose to 20 and resting in his slump. Zephonites 3.17,
06:02 one of my favorite scriptures in the afternoon Dakota Day.
06:07 And Chris, the sea in the afternoon. It is to coded doing
06:14 the Valley of decision. And then living by Christopher
06:19 Hudson, doctor Eric Walsh
06:21 after the music our that evening. We'll do living by
06:25 faith back to 4 when I pull my kids 7, 8,
06:30 on Friday. We have
06:33 in the morning steep while per David Shannon Christopher had
06:37 sent speaking on behold the branch from Zacharias 3 verse
06:43 8. The desire of all nations had guy to 7th
06:47 and the messenger of that have been which just Malakai 3,
06:52 1, Friday evening after the music. Our work we have.
06:58 I'll be speaking. It's the Council of Peace. Saccharine is
07:02 6.13, then Sabbath morning. Of course we start with 7
07:07 school panel. You have the divine worship. You have a
07:10 title yet.
07:11 >> I do. I don't know if I should give it or not. When you
07:14 open to. I think you're right. That's entitled. If I were the
07:18 devil. No. Yeah. That's a good one. I love what I do. If I was
07:24 the temple,
07:27 some people said he is you're not buying a round child of the
07:34 king and child in King. But now the devil has plans. You know,
07:39 we and God had planned salvation. But if I were the
07:43 devil, what would I do right now? What would I be doing to
07:47 make void the law got what? What I'd be doing church?
07:51 What would I be? So we're going to go through some of these
07:54 things and fire the devil and tell the audience of you are
07:57 the devil. What would you do?
07:59 >> Why why would you be to thought provoking faring?
08:05 >> Year plugs. Because if you just want to hear things you
08:08 like, it may not turn out that way. This that I see the we'll
08:15 be blessed.
08:17 >> We know that he's active in knows his time is short.
08:20 7th afternoon. We have Ryan Day and John didn't see time of the
08:25 latter rain. Zechariah 10, one and the first men you Micah for
08:31 8. Then we have that evening. I'm candy Shell can and John
08:36 Lowe, McCain,
08:37 Kenny will be doing then, shall we know in John trouble will
08:41 not rise and they are 1, 7, through 8 were so excited to
08:46 see you. And, you know, it's so beautiful because
08:50 the gospel is all over the Old Testament. And and as we look
08:58 to be minor prophets, that many people really kind of overlook,
09:04 we're going to find the gospel mistakes throughout that the
09:07 message of the Everlasting Covenant God.
09:10 >> With exciting show where where else in the world
09:13 especially in the ad that is world, can you come together
09:17 and I'm glad you we've got the dates moved to June because
09:20 that way to school is out. That's right. You can plan on
09:23 coming for, you know, every day, Wednesday, Thursday,
09:26 Friday, 7th. But where else would you go with all of those
09:29 speakers gathered in one place, the music and have all of this?
09:34 I mean, but I don't know of any other place that you could come
09:37 to get from young to older. I mean, you've got, you know,
09:42 someone not as much experience with great amount of years of
09:45 experience, people who literally traveled around the
09:48 world and have them all the speakers and all concentrating
09:53 on the same topics of
09:56 soon coming of Christ. But what should we be majoring in?
09:59 You know, but literally, I mean, this is an incredible
10:03 that we're going to be able to study the Bible with people
10:07 that have so much experience and so much knowledge. No,
10:10 it's not like you're going somewhere to hear one speaker.
10:13 How many is that night?
10:14 >> I think well as well on 2 cases are 12, 1, 2, 3, 4,
10:19 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
10:25 >> King, 66. And then all well know SAWS. So 7 day Adventists
10:30 Christians, right headed to the right note to the left and to
10:33 the right. I mean, this to me is amazing to get all of these
10:37 folks together and then add a little music to that great
10:41 music. You know, I look forward is going to be a great camp
10:44 meeting so you can make plans because school should be out.
10:47 But then, right, so June 7 through 10. So you want to get
10:51 your spot if you're looking for motor home, what have you?
10:53 There's few places left. But after this program, there
10:56 won't be very many. So you want to do that. You want to make
11:00 plans to be here this whole time.
11:02 >> Yeah. Get our get your hotel reservations. You know, last
11:06 last year I was so amazed that we ask how many people were
11:09 here for the first time. Your pores knew we couldn't
11:12 have an in-person for several years because of COVID.
11:16 But there were a lot of fast times worse last year. So get
11:21 your motel reservations early because though, start perking
11:25 up pretty quickly.
11:26 >> So you just go to our website, 3 ABN Dot TV. Click on
11:31 the camp meeting tab there right at the top. And I'll take
11:34 you to the website about camp meeting. The schedule will be
11:36 there. The hotel recommendations in the area are
11:40 there. You can call us actually right now, if you want to
11:43 reserve your RV spot because that goes to the call center.
11:47 So you can give us a call and say, yes, I want to bring my RV
11:50 people camp. They bring their tense. You don't need any sort
11:53 of reservation for campaign because there's lots of nice
11:55 grass and open flat space and free meals and free. That's
12:00 right. Knees as Melody, I think have an U.S. and them team from
12:04 Black Hills, Health and Education Center. We'll be here
12:07 providing the food for a murder and there's a lot of children's
12:12 programs as well. I love what you said, Mister Danny, about
12:15 bringing young people because young people love camp meeting
12:18 and they have their children's programs and it's just that I'm
12:21 a fellowship.
12:22 >> Yeah, we want to say the Oakwood buses. I missed that
12:24 last year and through the COVID every year they bring one or 2
12:28 more buses of people, you know, and in others the years.
12:32 But hey, we want to get you up here. Also like a always love
12:36 it when we get home.
12:38 >> You know, it's a little piece of heaven. I have the
12:41 fellowship. You get to meet people. A lot of people.
12:45 We've had a number of couples who are married to mandate Camp
12:49 Meade. Maybe they were a little or when or where. We've had a
12:54 lot of over the years. We've seen many hands go up with that
12:58 story. But it's so refreshing, too. Here. The wonderful word
13:03 of the Lord. The beautiful music, free food, good food.
13:08 But the fellowship it so special because people make
13:11 lasting friendship can be.
13:15 >> No doctor. Yvonne in thinking about the family of
13:17 God. Yeah, I and many others can't meeting with Mister
13:20 Dennis mentioning and everybody here. I mean, the powerful
13:23 messages. But then this man, this time together in
13:25 fellowship, it's a great family atmosphere as well. Kids to
13:30 great meetings you the full weather is usually at Southern
13:33 Illinois the time of year. But what a blessing can mean is
13:36 I know he's always was.
13:37 >> And the word I love, I love the world. The different
13:41 perspectives that God gives the different speakers and and you
13:45 get to sit and listen and learn. It's just so rich.
13:50 It can't meeting is always a rich time for us because we
13:55 learned so much more and is just the you get to see the
13:58 people who watching because we don't see you ucs, but we don't
14:02 get to see you until you come. And and so it's it's a
14:07 blessing. It's a blessing.
14:08 >> You know, some people have actually inquired about,
14:10 you know, the health aspect in the health risk. So just to let
14:13 you know that if you don't want to be in the crowd there
14:15 spaces, you can spread out a little bit. We have masks
14:17 available for use, feeling like to wear a mask. We also have a
14:20 lot of hand sanitizer stations around as well. So we want to
14:23 provide a very safe environment, very spiritually,
14:26 blessed high time. We already have first always and to say we
14:30 have a first aid station. And so it's good security team.
14:35 One time I like that, those that camp to that's always
14:38 amazing. I like their tent. And I want to just mention this
14:41 to us talking Rachel as well. And she was mentioned about a
14:44 lot of first timers are inquiring about, you know,
14:46 what do we have facility wise? We have a beautiful bathhouse,
14:48 Mister Danny that day and had directed a number of years ago
14:51 and has been a beautiful night showers, men's women's. A nice
14:54 there for those that are in motor homes or if your tent
14:56 camping. So great facilities here. Beautiful view to look
14:59 out that Pond Lake out there in the distance. You can't ask
15:03 ticks so we want you to come 2, 3, a B in Camden in June 7
15:07 through 10. And that's coming said one other thing I'd like
15:10 to mention is that we're going to give tours here 3 BR.
15:13 That's good. And
15:15 >> I mean, most of us,
15:17 I don't know anything about Hollywood, but our equipment
15:19 Harris's passes. Anything Hollywood remember the time
15:23 first time that I came through here, I'm seeing all these
15:25 cameras said how this works. That works. All the different
15:29 angles and everything. Absolutely amazing. It's it's
15:34 little tour, but you'll never forget it. I'm going to take
15:38 those. This is that's good. We may be a little little place
15:42 on the middle of a cornfield, but there's nothing little
15:45 better equipment. Yeah.
15:46 >> Audio as you know, the sound center and we've got call
15:51 center gotten numerous buildings. One of the things
15:54 that people are so surprised when they get or this, I had no
15:57 idea 3ABN, was this big other words? That's right. A couple
16:01 100 acres or more. But all the buildings and facilities that
16:06 we didn't just bill because we wanted to we build them as we
16:08 needed to. That's right. Always looking for expansion,
16:11 but another equipment and what we have in our master control
16:15 as good as you know, it's a CNN or FOX or whomever, because it
16:19 literally is first-rate were able to send signals from here
16:23 around the world may see some amazing.
16:25 >> There's a Lar the if you can't come in person other.
16:29 We love that. But if you can't, you can always watch. You can
16:32 watch. However, you watch 3ABN is the best way to just watch
16:36 TV and join us virtually as far as that way. And we would love
16:40 that as well. As speaking of you as our family, many times
16:45 you call and maybe the call center like you're calling in
16:47 tonight, maybe for any of the products. Merrill's got about
16:49 the first hour or these focus on truth booklet you can call
16:54 us right now. It's only $25 for the shipping cost of one case
17:00 of these booklets, there's 250 booklets an ace. Or you can get
17:04 the focus on truth about the Lord's Day or about Hellfire,
17:07 10 Commandments or salvation. So you can call us right now at
17:12 618-627-4651, that 6, 1, 8, 67, 4, 6, 5, 1, Or you can go
17:19 online. You can order online at 3ABN DOT TV calling in to the
17:25 call. Center is one of the ways you connect with us. Many
17:28 people. Many of you connect with us to our prayer line.
17:31 You say I need prayer in need of someone to pray with me now
17:35 with an issue that I am experiencing and they called A
17:39 T R Pastoral departments and talk to us about that and
17:42 what's happening there.
17:43 >> You know, prayer Ministry
17:46 prayer ministry. Yeah,
17:49 I don't know. Anybody least. I haven't met anybody yet.
17:53 That to doesn't have a problem. We want to maybe there there's
18:00 a problem all over him. I don't know. But they understand that
18:04 there is someone that cares someone that loves them.
18:08 And it's our responsibility
18:11 share with you. If you'd like. And if you'd like, we can take
18:15 it to the king of Kings, we can put it. It's his free time and
18:21 lord increased my faith
18:24 because you have a plan for as you promise that
18:28 we'll take very long to do this. I am so excited, though.
18:33 Remember 22,000
18:37 whenever I mentioned 22,000. That's how many people in our
18:40 little department up Stayers.
18:43 There's a 12 of us. There's 11 of us
18:47 that this little department, 22,000 calls, prayer calls work
18:53 through us. Whether it be someone is calling for the
18:58 exact prayer is perhaps its of that. They can't get through
19:02 and they want to leave a voicemail. We go through all
19:04 the voicemails, perhaps a its so-called that goes into voice
19:09 mail. We don't just let him go out there and fall down.
19:11 We tried our best to keep up with everyone. Let's go there.
19:15 Live up, though. The lead to a request
19:19 letters handled. I don't know how many letters come through.
19:23 Oh, by the way. Thank you for the prayer, the 2 and we're one
19:28 of our people. And also we've now accept text and it's just
19:34 amazing how we see every month with the same or text we turn
19:39 around. I text him back. I just want to quickly share
19:44 most of our per department. We're really excited because
19:48 Daniel Pear and he's here from in this family moved in here
19:52 from Washington and 18 years experience as school teacher.
19:58 >> Smart. I was a teenager, 5, a teacher Walla Walla Valley
20:02 Academy.
20:03 >> Smart Young man that loves the Lord and the way he's he's
20:07 our new assistant manager. And I'm just so proud that that
20:12 I've got somebody to go to.
20:14 >> Daniel knows the Bible really well. He's in charge of
20:20 our new bible studies. Yes, I want to talk about that.
20:25 That's even modest that he got a mean. And wow, we've always
20:29 wanted to. They would have wanted the series.
20:31 >> Yes, and NJ Day when you need someone with more
20:35 seniority and someone that you really got more experience,
20:38 you can go talk to clog Turner who is 103.
20:42 >> Has do takes calls. Yeah. Yeah. And he is a true
20:50 inspiration. Yeah. It's a long life to find someone that
20:55 you have not think it was. I'm not advocating you have
21:00 people that listen
21:03 what you heard, caller, my looks and called yeah. We have
21:07 pastoral devault for every morning
21:10 and we cannot get through our our devotional called. What do
21:14 you think? 25 words or less. He comes right and he's able to
21:18 take that complex question and separate fined. 25 words or not
21:23 think of that help.
21:25 Hopefully if I can stand the aches and pains of 103 have
21:30 just part of the
21:32 part of the woods, some that he had.
21:33 >> And he is this and rebut. Yeah, I'm sure that pastor turn
21:37 or me, you could imagine 60 years ago he was Mike and
21:43 grandma has about 11 years old. Wow. And I was one of those
21:49 the 200 kids that came down and he was the conference. So he
21:53 would come down. They put him over all the camp. We have
21:56 beautiful camp down there little grassy. And so we didn't
22:01 always mind and learned the best because I'm glad he didn't
22:03 remember. Lacy doesn't tell all maybe.
22:07 >> Haha, I was yourself. Well, no, I mean, I was just
22:15 head to head and some up and you say you've got and so we
22:18 can set still. I was always move in and do it whatever.
22:21 But Mister Turner had so much patients with us that my dad,
22:26 I remember my dad saying to him because the kids are like that
22:29 be he's trying to teach in a tie knots and there and we're
22:32 all like a a my dad said that man's going lead to 100 100 via
22:39 100 because nothing seems to bother him. He's got more
22:42 patients. He said that that may I just go down the line and
22:45 just be, you know, haha, just get him open up and about not
22:49 caught. He would to now listen, their boys that had all this
22:52 patient, Harry is my dad was right. My dad died a long time
22:56 ago that Outer Turner 100 and 3 years over. What a great man.
23:01 What a great leader. He was back then because he always.
23:04 >> I was like a team Marshal Kelly. I'm known for loving
23:07 people and it always erring on the side of mercy. Yeah.
23:10 Is memories. Just amazing. It is in fact he can.
23:14 >> Brings your name up or was the last word to use this free
23:18 man? He's fast. Haha, I'm out. I just say you're over here one
23:25 minute. Then you're over here will forte.
23:28 >> All the the kid to his hair and they're in or out of.
23:33 But gradually Smith always said he couldn't sit still. Yeah.
23:37 I always got in trouble for being on the go all the time.
23:41 >> So anyway, we have Daniel Pear and our department
23:43 Mitchell when Donald and Joel Bryan.
23:46 >> Daniel Morricone. He works mornings and he's quite a
23:51 blessing. You know how that related to you all go. That's
23:55 my dad. Hair is here. Yeah. So thanks to about 10 miles
24:00 down the road so well. And he is so precious. He really is a
24:03 precious man and he does a lot of pastors. Harvey, is he that
24:07 Iran Berg called Turner and Turner? Yeah, I'm going to go
24:12 there. All right. I love each other and that's right.
24:16 >> And then prison ministries. We have for special people that
24:20 I'm not really going to names for different reasons been but
24:23 they do a great job. We send out for 1000 Bibles last year
24:28 and more 1000 bottles and that's strictly for the arts
24:33 are rated. Yeah, I'm busy, busy, busy people. And why one
24:38 thing that I'd like to for you to help me with that.
24:41 If they would like to send and funds far babbles her grandma
24:46 Bibles or Andrew Study Bibles. What's the code?
24:50 >> I don't know. But I'm counting on the control room to
24:53 text me with that. Look that up next to me, that code in just a
24:57 moment. But and you can go to CBN, Dot TV and scroll down.
25:00 It would just say prison ministry and they'll give us
25:03 the code in just a moment. But it has incredible ministry
25:07 to be able to reach out to those who are incarcerated and
25:11 who need Jesus tomb.
25:12 >> And, you know, the wonderful thing about priest ministry,
25:15 it's not just they're sending Bible and literature, but
25:19 you're answering all of these letters that come in for that
25:22 price. They're answering Bible questions for the prisoners.
25:27 And it's amazing. JT will bring home letters from now, you
25:31 know, with pray for different people. And it's amazing how
25:34 many people's lives are being changed and they're like,
25:38 oh.
25:39 >> Free. I may be behind bars. Yeah. Yeah. It's just
25:43 wonderful. Simplify real quick with some 12,000 articles last
25:48 laugh.
25:49 >> You know, he says a litter alike steps crash. Great
25:51 controversy. This can focus on truth booklet. Yes, absolutely.
25:56 >> Thank you so much. And he's producing right now. It is cut
25:59 fun code for 36. So you just go to 3 ABN DOT TV and you scroll
26:05 down and prison ministry code is 436. So you just enter that
26:09 or you can send us a check and just say, I want this to go to
26:12 prison ministry and will know exactly goes on code for 36 or
26:16 you can call.
26:18 >> And we'll be happy to do that as well. Absolutely not.
26:20 Just like to say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you right now
26:22 because there are a lot of people that contribute to
26:27 prison ministries.
26:28 >> And I think don't hesitate to call his mom your finest and
26:32 say thank you, JD for your leadership and for the team
26:34 that you have the prayer line. I believe Mister Danny, your
26:38 mom might have been one of the first ones to answer the
26:40 purples that came in way back in the absolutely. And we've
26:44 had of her line ever sense.
26:45 >> Yeah, we have word that was great start and stream out out
26:49 a little shack when we had one phone and one line and then
26:52 when we got inside, we and that up with I think 4 or 5 lines
26:56 for a while and we've got a few more. Yeah, they would. Every
26:58 time we do live programs, especially they want bring in
27:02 people and people from the church would volunteer in an
27:05 area and then it kind of grew and grew and grew from there to
27:08 week got her own pastoral department, Pastor Rick and
27:13 yeah, bends in.
27:15 >> You know, number of people that's been growing ever since
27:18 round about thinking about resources to you just touched
27:21 on briefly. The 3 been Bible study, guys allegedly talk on
27:24 that. That's something really exciting. We've had for years.
27:27 Many people. Many of you have said why doesn't 3ABN have
27:30 their own Bible study guys, more kind of had on our list.
27:33 We kind of put on one of the front burners and a pastoral
27:36 team and Daniel Pear and working h*** o* this by God's
27:40 grace. They will be available in time for can't meeting that.
27:43 Yeah. Yeah. The Bible study guys are pretty amazing facts.
27:46 Amazing facts has great Bible study guys, but we send those
27:50 to prison. So be sending these new ones out to the prisoners.
27:53 >> Using them encouraging new at how that I have. I will
27:56 study group said just a really powerful series. It is
27:59 incredible and we'll be talking about it more appealing behind
28:02 the scenes, but it will be coming out.
28:04 >> Meantime, for can't meeting is called 03:00PM by the city
28:07 guides looking higher. The first 14, our focus on topics
28:13 like the great controversy, salvation by faith through
28:15 Jesus, the authority of the word of God and the law of God.
28:21 This savvis marriage and the family creation. What happens
28:25 when you die? How the second coming? Many of those believe
28:29 that we hold from the word of God. It's going to come in a
28:33 two-part series. So this is part one which is study guides
28:37 one to 14.
28:38 Then we'll be coming later with 15 through 26. 0, it's a
28:42 complete comprehensive study. Daniels done an amazing job.
28:46 He is a great communicator. The way the thought progression
28:51 is and it's it's going to be a great studies or excited about.
28:54 >> And yet many of our pastoral department has been going to
28:56 have them reviewing them, has been in just a great effort.
28:59 So we're very excited about.
29:01 >> I had a chance to see one of the today and because I was in
29:06 the office for today, I had the chance to see one. It's
29:10 wonderful and wonderful as comprehensive. It's simple
29:14 enough. You know that you can use it with anyone. And so I'm
29:18 really excited about.
29:20 >> Yeah, and that's the question and answer is yes
29:23 format that format, as you don't have to send it in the
29:25 way for to come back at them. Yes, question. And so it's
29:29 going to be in print by.
29:31 >> Online as well as your will. So we'll be able to because a
29:34 lot of people just will do things from that as well.
29:37 So the phones or whatever.
29:39 >> Okay. Great. So we can add. But wait, there's more. So yes,
29:43 ones with QR codes. You know, it's funny. Little code,
29:45 the squiggly little lines. They call those QR codes,
29:48 the bq Arcos and to lessen as you can scan that QR code.
29:51 If you have a smartphone and it will then take you to our new
29:53 Bible answers website will be short videos on that topic with
29:56 more comprehensive miss answers. Let's say this
30:00 happened.
30:01 >> And that sort of thing. So actually take them back to
30:03 3. Then we can actually watch video content continue to that
30:06 particular topic cells. So that option will be available in one
30:10 day. I know we're we're training our guests in just a
30:13 moment. We're going to a song. But before we do, Shelley,
30:15 talk to us about your brand new programs and bought lists
30:19 recording talks about that. I and
30:23 it it's hard to talk about it without sounding like I'm
30:26 bragging, but I'm not bragging. I'm saying this is all glory to
30:30 God. When I first began, I I wrote the book and a book,
30:35 a companion book for the series
30:38 got impressed Upon My Mind one morning as I was praying before
30:42 it began John 5.46.
30:45 and 47 were Jesus said
30:48 if you do not believe most his words, you will not believe my
30:54 words. Thank God began this whole thing with a good deal of
31:00 time in the Old Testament and going to genesis. And I was
31:04 like really nor does he want to do. And I see now why we see in
31:09 June assist Fish. 2300 years of the world, God's interactions
31:16 with humanity. There's so much that we miss skip over in
31:21 Genesis. But what this theories series, it's called Spotless.
31:26 The Everlasting Covenant
31:29 helps develop and infinity focused to understand that the
31:34 everlasting covenant was made among the godhead
31:37 before our world. And her was grace was there. And then God
31:44 introduces sit in the in the Garden of Eden and then it
31:48 begins to progressively on fold. And one thing that I'm
31:54 excited about is as we study most, his writings, we will
31:59 learn covenant language if we don't understand God's company
32:04 language that most us introduce you will never understand the
32:08 Ministry of Jesus. I have to say this
32:14 when you finish and really see
32:16 who he is, what east end,
32:19 you will stand in a homely wonder what,
32:26 oh, God he is and what he's done and you will see how
32:29 relevant the Old Testament is to us today. And that got us
32:34 the same
32:35 yesterday today. And it is hard efforts, beautiful, Syria.
32:41 >> I think we have a little bureau video of you on the set
32:45 and that right now to that video up. But that's amazing.
32:50 Beautiful said I love this that. Yeah. And it's based off
32:54 of your book. You can see with Jesus, you know, in the effort
32:57 holding a glam and
32:58 >> like them very much. And thank you, Shelly, thank you
33:01 for the Times. Take a lot of time to put this together.
33:03 You know, but what a powerful series.
33:05 >> Powerful book going. I'm just excited that Joe asked me
33:09 to do this series. Well, as that's what? Yeah, there's a
33:12 lot of time to do. So. Thank you for looking forward to
33:14 addition launch that will be launching this year later this
33:17 year or early fall late summer early fall with in conjunction
33:21 with the book. So thank you so much.
33:23 >> This is your wheelhouse to term. I know it usually is a
33:28 sports term, you know, and you will house. But you've been
33:31 this been a burden years for many, many, many, many years
33:35 about the covenants and understanding of and how it
33:39 relates to us today. It's unclear. Shelley is an
33:42 incredible gift for writing a zing author. And you will
33:46 understand that if you
33:48 >> read it, you'll understand what you write. You know,
33:50 that that the interesting thing is that Lord kept impress me,
33:54 keep sentence, structure simple to keep this simple. And you
33:59 know what it's like to write in a simple form. And it's a lot
34:03 more difficult, actually. But this is the kind of program
34:08 and the book that it doesn't matter what your level of local
34:12 knowledge is, you could be a pastor. And I guarantee you'll
34:16 find fresh insights in this. You may not know the story of
34:20 salvation or understand who God really is. But as you go
34:25 through this God, I give him all the court. All I did was
34:30 just follow his lead. But he laid it out in such a way that
34:35 we see the UK got this make contracts with his people,
34:40 God's covenant that are not a contract you got makes all the
34:45 promises. He keeps all the promises that the person of
34:49 Jesus Christ, he is the everlasting covenant. And as
34:54 you see this, I've had a number of people who've read the book
34:57 and they said the same thing.
35:00 Once you see it,
35:02 you never read the Bible the same way again, because it
35:07 opens your mind your perspective. It gives you an
35:10 infinity focus on God and you look at him through the
35:15 objective lens of these love and all of the said everything
35:20 else in the Bible.
35:21 >> Falls in place. A great student of the word whether she
35:27 forward to this. Thank you both for being here tonight. We love
35:30 you are going to trade out guest now with Francine.
35:33 But we're going to do that during the song. We have Darren
35:35 Hillary Mitchell back with us. Good Tim Hart in at the piano
35:38 and the song they will be ministering is what a beautiful
35:42 name.
35:43 [MUSIC]
35:48 [MUSIC]
35:53 [MUSIC]
35:58 >> Picky.
36:01 >> One plan
36:02 [MUSIC]
36:04 most.
36:09 >> We we shouldn't.
36:14 >> We know why.
36:18 >> I'm good enough. And
36:29 it
36:34 what a beautiful. I think her beautiful. She
36:49 [MUSIC]
36:53 it didn't long.
36:58 >> To.
37:06 >> All
37:11 [MUSIC]
37:16 [MUSIC]
37:17 and from the hmmm.
37:31 And
37:34 I think
37:39 [MUSIC]
37:48 we
37:52 [MUSIC]
37:57 [MUSIC]
38:01 >> could not whole team
38:06 the failed to all this fall.
38:08 >> Seeing?
38:14 >> We
38:19 all
38:27 [MUSIC]
38:32 I know we law
38:37 [MUSIC]
38:44 [MUSIC]
38:50 [MUSIC]
38:55 [MUSIC]
39:00 [MUSIC]
39:05 I mean, think and said, hey, is what I love.
39:16 [MUSIC]
39:21 >> Hello
39:23 [MUSIC]
39:28 [MUSIC]
39:33 [MUSIC]
39:36 [MUSIC]
39:41 [MUSIC]
39:46 [MUSIC]
39:50 [MUSIC]
39:55 [MUSIC]
40:08 >> it is what
40:12 >> he is. But she too.
40:27 [MUSIC]
40:33 >> A man prays. Laura, thank you so very much for the
40:35 powerful music. What a great lyric to that is. Yeah. About
40:40 the name of Jesus.
40:41 >> Every knee shall bow reason for that beautiful traded out.
40:46 More family here tonight. We have on front scene with us.
40:49 We're delighted to have you here. You, of course, are kids
40:52 network general manager and your other half. Jason, it is
40:56 our CFO and we're just so glad that you're here tonight.
40:59 Sorry, Jason is not here, but delighted to have you here
41:01 tonight.
41:02 >> I'm it's a privilege to be here and and talk about kids
41:05 off course. Can you know I have to say that in Isaiah 53 0st
41:11 13, if you want to look at it, it says all your children
41:14 should be taught by the Lloyd. Any great Shelby, a piece of
41:18 your children and you were talking about faithfulness
41:21 earlier. Yes, and you know how God is faithful because we as
41:25 parents, we mess up and yet God is always faithful. And he was
41:30 the 2. And and so when we are talking about being a light in
41:35 the world, and of course, we have crafts like like this one
41:38 of a White House. But, you know, Jesus wants to bring
41:41 light into the room and he is there for all of us. And I know
41:45 Shelley was talking about camp meeting and have caused all of,
41:50 you know, that there is a kids section will have 4 classes.
41:53 And so we want you to bring your kids. We have some fun
41:57 programs as well. And it's going to be also majoring in
42:01 the mine majoring in the minors. So so I like all the
42:04 ways that info will have some of the same themes. So like I
42:07 always say, I was hoping that God is faithful and they're
42:10 like Joe has something to get our attention sometimes.
42:14 And like Joan complaining doesn't do any good. Haha,
42:19 as we all take turns and complaining, hoping to have
42:22 something like that just for the kids. And again,
42:26 I have fond memories of camp eating. Oh, yeah, and kids.
42:30 I mean, I know that some of them have related with each
42:33 other because of camp meeting. They made friends and they
42:37 actually do Bible study online with a friend after haha.
42:42 So that's powerful. We don't know what kind of feedback
42:45 Shelley plant this is from our 3 being can't make her at kids
42:48 have never acted. They've bonded by and some of them on a
42:51 recording as well. So, yeah, it's a huge thing. We don't
42:55 know what kind of testimony we're bringing in. So and then
43:00 I want to talk about some of our recordings that we've done.
43:04 We've done kids express, and we've had some kids from the
43:08 Philippines and from inland and Australia. So it hasn't just
43:14 been locally in the United States, but I'm thankful that
43:18 they've been able to participate via Skype. Oh,
43:20 good. So that's powerful because a lot of them I being
43:25 able to see, hey, it's not just what's happening here in the
43:29 United States, but they also learning more about the world.
43:32 Yeah. And and so it gives them a a big picture of who Jesus
43:36 is. Biden is express. You mentioned that program has
43:39 expressed relief and program at your flagship program, but it
43:42 is with someone. So for those of you that haven't watched it,
43:45 it is where kids are talking about a little bit about the
43:48 community, how they are witnessing for Christ and then
43:52 specifically a character development that they're
43:54 lining. But what's really powerful is is that kids have
43:58 been e-mailing and and asking questions like has Scott struck
44:03 anyone with lightning? What does it mean to Pat O? Well,
44:09 pets being haven't or,
44:13 you know, they they they just asked so many questions and
44:15 some of them are even willing to give their birthday money
44:19 to support kids network. And so that's amazing to see
44:23 how much they're buying into what's happening and so much so
44:29 that we've also done. So we've had at least 42 recordings of
44:33 those. We have a right not a whole year yet. That's come
44:37 just a few have just a little bit. Last has actually aired
44:40 yet because we're trying to stay ahead of it. But another
44:43 thing with Jesus, my light, we went to Sarah Hughes to and
44:46 that's begun airing. And I'm really appreciate that. People
44:50 saw value in some of our programs so much so that
44:53 somebody even wanted to sponsor that in their local now in
44:57 their TV's Nation. Yeah, that's that's huge. She added worry.
45:01 That is huge in. So, you know, I can they saw a need in their
45:05 community and they wanted to support it. And by doing so
45:09 more is being reached out. And that's why we value so much
45:11 of what you're doing.
45:13 But the biggest highlight I have to talk about is kids can
45:17 and so for we're excited about that. And that's happening in
45:20 June. 26 to the 29th. So that's coming up. And that is coming
45:24 very quickly. And space is limited. But again, that is a
45:27 big, huge
45:30 financial
45:31 and ever. I mean, this took it. This takes all of the ABM to
45:35 support it. And it's been more than 4 years have been 4 years
45:39 since we've had the last one. So this is going to be
45:41 something that I see a huge blessing. A lot of kids have
45:45 already signed up, but there's still some room. So you can
45:49 e-mail us here at the ad and kids DOT TV. You can go to our
45:52 website and you can actually fill in an application right
45:56 then and there. So that's an easy way to do it. What is kids
45:59 can so for those of you that don't know, this is where we
46:02 bring in kids from all over. And I actually had someone from
46:06 Hawaii, someone the mansion's South Africa is thinking about
46:10 coming. I I don't know if they're coming, but it there's
46:13 plans to be made. They come for them. But but that coming for
46:17 the whole way. So this is 4 days of intense, all and maybe
46:22 end helping do 7 different programs program series series.
46:28 Yes, thank you. Program series with and a day for those 4
46:33 days. So that means the kids were OK to 7 different stupor
46:38 studios during that time. So we have a little video that
46:41 we can show you here. And while I'm talking you through it.
46:45 But we have some of those videos where they are with this
46:48 is creation, crass, for example, with Susie and Ryan
46:51 Hayes. And that's all about crash. And that's all about
46:53 crafts. And then we have kitchen find within that.
46:56 All right. And the kids have a blast cooking in the kitchen.
46:59 Yeah. And then we have several other things like Bible jams
47:04 sing along with Tim part and he's coming and we're delighted
47:08 to have a common thing with the gets. And he's creating new
47:11 socks may for each of those days. So that's going to be
47:14 powerful. And what working on somebody bringing in some
47:19 nature. It was still working on that high to allow that and
47:23 something like a survival preparation room, mom. So
47:27 that's going to be in new and we have fit club that you will
47:31 see soon airing with his exercise, which is exercise.
47:36 No, thank you. Thank you.
47:38 >> So the kids come in and they but for those few days there on
47:44 programs that are going to air on the network, it's
47:47 >> all day. It is from 8 o'clock in the morning and
47:50 we're asking them to sign up at 7.45 till 5.30. So it's a full
47:54 day of rotations and which they get to do every one of those
47:59 segments and seeing it as God is with us from the depths of
48:02 the sea to the highest mountains. And so every race
48:05 story is going to tie and 2, either the first 8 by the ocean
48:09 side way we can learn about Jesus or stories in the Bible
48:14 and then others in the mountains. What ages are we
48:17 talking? So we're talking about ages 7 to 12. So if you know
48:20 anybody from 7 to 12, we'd like to invite you to sign up.
48:23 And we provide Lynn Trite during it. Relaunch and
48:27 campsites are available. Free of charge, which is
48:30 thanks, thankfully for the ABM or they can find a local hotel
48:35 so we won't have enough Cavs houses for everyone. But we we
48:38 invite you to do another camp out. So in the kids are divided
48:42 up into teams, right and groups. And they have 2
48:45 chaperones a piece to make sure that there safe and they're
48:48 protected and they have a good time going through, right?
48:51 Yes, that's absolutely. So the parents can come or do they
48:54 just drop the kids off for a week? Are they? Well, fans can
48:56 calmly asking them to sign in. And that's good. And we always
48:59 looking for volunteers. So, again, we were always looking
49:02 for help with that. So that is a definitely a big plus that,
49:06 yes, the kids can be involved. And we're looking for a lot of
49:09 help, a lot of big productions. So it's going to be a lot of
49:13 fun and a lot of kids the last time I will have to say that
49:18 really touched my heart is several of them were crying,
49:21 not the they were kind because they didn't want to leave.
49:24 They saw Jesus, everybody in the team here. And I have to
49:29 say that the people that in production that were helping
49:34 out doing it the last time
49:36 they felt so moved in, so
49:40 realizing that the big mission for Christ is really all about
49:43 the kids in a future. And I have to say that the whole
49:47 staff everyone was so involved in just gave it their all its.
49:52 It's a busy week, but also
49:56 a lot of memories you had. And I will tell you that we're
50:00 on our knees right now.
50:02 I'm praying about this because it's a lot going on. But we're
50:05 looking at topics. You know how God is always with us. And we
50:09 want kids to always remember that God is always with us.
50:13 >> Thank you for the work that you're doing and what you
50:16 mentioned, the last one kids camp that we did was about 4
50:19 years ago. And so we're looking forward to this one. It is kind
50:22 of like all hands on deck and 3. It's really fun.
50:25 >> All our studios are just buzzing with activity. A lot of
50:28 recordings. When you do the multiplication of how many
50:30 programs. And I think I counted about 11200 107 Inch Date
50:39 again, this is June. 26 to the 29th, OK? Ages 7 to 12.
50:44 >> To 26 to 29. That's amazing. So if someone was watching
50:47 right now and says I want to be part of this and I want to
50:50 become involved head of the e U.
50:52 >> So the best way is probably to go Biden. They can email me.
50:56 But the best is probably doing the application right on the
50:59 line at the AB and kids DOT TV applications right there.
51:03 And then I will be e-mailing you a second questionnaire with
51:08 the more information like T-shirt sizes and different
51:10 things like that. Where are you hoping to stay kind of things
51:13 just to help us plan?
51:15 >> So you tell us about these items they have on the table
51:17 because you also I do. I try to go with those. I love it.
51:22 This is happening right now.
51:24 >> This is every week. Every week we have to do new lessons
51:29 study. It's kind of like a mini bible study and it goes where
51:33 it's not just age specific. It is where kids can study with
51:37 the parents. They can be a little might buy a mini bible
51:40 study and there's some prosperous what puzzles in the
51:44 back. And each one of them have crafts directions. So you'll
51:48 see the craft on the inside. So you'll see for this week
51:52 it's going to be the love bugs. And so you can little kids like
51:56 kicking these things to church, for example, on some of them on
52:00 little more complicated like this wet and again, you can
52:03 print them off free on our website. So, yes, we have
52:06 raccoon eyes. And I really like this month for that in the
52:10 light even like that. So some of them are challenging.
52:15 Sometimes I can get this one tough fly up and other times I
52:19 struggle. So bear with me, I don't know if this one's
52:21 actually going to do something, but
52:23 >> I can fly straight up with a flight for well, I was at that
52:32 weekend. I have to keep tweaking. Yeah, it's not doing.
52:36 I have to tie it at more. But yeah, yeah. Haha. So how
52:44 many to? Yeah. I think you can keep going more. You do it.
52:50 It was stopped. So that haha the craft that are all part of
52:56 the Bible study guides. They go to a study out of the U.S..
53:00 >> It's again. It's out of the ABN kids Dot TV website.
53:03 It's free and you can print them out right from your
53:06 printer. I know some international kids are unable
53:09 to print them from if they don't have a printer, that's
53:12 the only drawback. But then they can follow the directions
53:15 online funds we see if it flies in the I hope so I would not.
53:20 [MUSIC]
53:23 >> Doing a wheelie. Have to keep tweaking this. Why?
53:28 >> Haha. Yeah, but we have fun with them. So and you said that
53:37 it does an amazing job. But, you know, she does. To me,
53:40 it's great to see so many young people on Sabbath afternoon.
53:44 >> E-mailing me and letting me know that they are enjoying a
53:47 Bible study. Sometimes they're choosing to have to go with
53:50 that. And it's sometimes led by kids themselves. It's not
53:53 necessarily that by Dell Curry. We know that we're making a
53:58 difference. We did, however, small is just providing and
54:01 again, God is faithful. And it isn't that we can teach our
54:06 children. It's doing what we can to provide for God to teach
54:10 them.
54:11 >> All right. And that's good. And I love that. So every
54:14 single week.
54:15 >> You have a new craft, a new bible study guide. And you're
54:18 working on putting out a whole book crafts, right?
54:20 >> We are well hoping to get that ready he soon. But yes,
54:25 we're trying to put them all here. And that will be I I
54:28 think teachers I can speak for myself would love to get access
54:32 to a whole craft book of ideas. You know, is that the school
54:35 teacher? Yeah. Yeah. That's that's a goal.
54:38 >> Thank you for what you're doing. A lot of work but is
54:40 making a major difference in the world. So thank you,
54:43 Lord. You do an amazing job. Just want to give you one more
54:45 time. 3 means number where you can contact us for the focus on
54:49 Truth Series. The Truth about the Lord's Day or H*** Fire or
54:55 10 Commandments are more salvation. Thank you. You put
54:58 up that beautiful graphic and sense. Donors have stepped
55:02 forward and sponsor the printing. All you have to do is
55:05 pay for the shipping cost. It's $25 for one case of these
55:10 booklets and there's 250 of them in. Okay. So you call us
55:13 right now at 618-627-4651. That number again is
55:20 618-627-4651, great. Also mentioned the first hour.
55:24 We will send you the free offer. Tonight is Mister Danny
55:27 Sermon from our fall meeting are from this is amazing
55:32 message. So you can ask for that or any of the products
55:34 that we've been talking about here this evening where you can
55:37 go online to 3ABN DOT TV and you can order that way.
55:41 >> Yeah. And then going to have you both. I kind of see you
55:43 guys is our co-host to the part of the obviously the family
55:47 enjoying are here on this. And but that what's on your
55:49 heart and maybe close us out.
55:50 >> Doctor Yvonne, Mister Danny, I'm just excited about what's
55:53 going on with 3ABN in general and with the kids network
55:57 because we see the children being taught
56:00 that is all this other things and then we're going to teach
56:03 them the truth, counteracting the counterfeit and at every
56:06 level so praise the Lord. Amen. Prevent Kids Ministry
56:09 powerful.
56:11 >> Yeah. And I will say that it's the kids that sometimes
56:13 can put these things. I know him and has passed them out to
56:16 our neighbors and they are very responsive.
56:19 >> And to these and yes, a man. Yeah. Thank you for what you
56:23 do. You make it a huge difference here. Reaching so
56:27 many kids around the world for Jesus and we're all excited
56:30 about kids. Count data.
56:32 >> June 26 to the 29th and get contact you how Fabian kids DOT
56:37 TV time is all going for today until we say next time. May the
56:41 Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could
56:44 ever asked the same
56:45 [MUSIC]
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Revised 2023-03-30