3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230011A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to.
00:10 >> And
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 >> I want to stand
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello and welcome to another 3ABN today behind the scenes of
01:10 such a blessing to be with you this evening. You know, you're
01:13 part of our 3ABN, family. And we, as we always tell you,
01:16 thank you for your prayers and financial support for your
01:19 ministry, God's ministry, 3ABN, you know, without you. And of
01:24 course, without the Lord, Jesus Christ, 3 been would not be
01:26 able to reach the entire world. And today, Jill, we have some
01:30 phenomenal reports. God is doing amazing things here
01:34 through the ministry of 3 ABN. And I have to tell you, I'm so
01:37 excited. I feel like I'm about to burst. He talked about,
01:42 you know, to think about this, the privilege of being alive
01:44 right now at this moment in Earth's history. It's a
01:48 privilege. I knows a lot of chaos and things going on.
01:51 But you know what we stand on, the word of God is in does and
01:54 we know that you do at home as well. And we have nothing to
01:57 fear for the future because we can look back at how God is
01:59 taking care of us and we know going forward by faith. God is
02:02 going continue to take care of us and thinking again of Isaiah
02:05 43, you know that God knows you by name. Sometimes you may feel
02:10 a little lost out there in the world and thinking that knowing
02:14 sees you, you're not making a difference. But you are God
02:17 sees you. God knows you. He has you here on this Earth
02:21 for a purpose.
02:22 >> The man who has begun a purpose, I was just running
02:24 second. Timothy won. All right, says and this is Paul, of
02:27 course, is a pistol. The last one he ever wrote right before
02:30 he was executed for the Gospel. And this is his son in the
02:34 face. Second, a messy one who has saved us. This is God has
02:37 saved us and he has called us. When is a holy calling. That's
02:41 you. He has called us not according to our own works,
02:46 but according to his own purpose and Grace, which was
02:50 given to us in Christ Jesus before time began. And I just
02:53 think even before time began got had the ministry of 3ABN in
02:57 mind. That's right. God knew that he needed a man that was
03:01 Danny shot would be faithful to the vision all those years ago
03:04 and would walk out that vision. God knew that you would join
03:08 hands with the Ministry of 3ABN hoping to reclaim this gospel
03:13 message to a loss. And I'm world's alert for his faith in
03:16 us and praise the Lord for our family around the table
03:19 tonight. And we're going to trade out second second hour
03:23 would trade guests. So we're going to play musical chairs.
03:26 We have Mister Danny and Doctor Yvonne, so grateful to have
03:29 both here tonight.
03:31 >> Thank you. It's always great to be with family. Absolutely
03:34 living at home as well. And so you're all family to us and
03:38 I say this a lot. And it sounds repetitious, rather, I'm that I
03:42 don't think there's ever been a more exciting time to be
03:45 across. So truly letter literally say when I was when I
03:50 say we but when I was Yahoo,
03:54 Horry County, when I was young, we looked at always study about
04:00 all the prophecies that were still to be fulfilled. Now
04:04 we're living in it. That's right. Yeah, living and we
04:06 don't have to look and say well soon, almost everything a man.
04:10 It's amazing what is happening in and around this world that
04:15 it's it's hard for us to comprehend. But the good news
04:18 is means Jesus is coming soon. Ready or not. That's right.
04:22 So here we have a tool God has given us through 3 ABN. They
04:26 literally reach the world with an and diluted 3 and those
04:29 messages. One would counteract the counterfeit and think we
04:33 want to thank all of you for joining us and all of our
04:35 family here because right now the Lord is just opening.
04:39 And that's what we'll talk about one door after another
04:42 after another has to reach literally the billions of
04:45 people on planet Earth.
04:47 >> And and it's so exciting to see it's 2 to be on this planet
04:53 at this time because we are seeing prophecy
04:56 just being fulfilled before our very eyes. And so some people
04:59 are freed. What's going to happen then? But we have,
05:03 as you say, and we've read the back of the book. So we know
05:06 what's going to happen. The law is let us know what's going to
05:09 happen. And he says he will be with us. So we're excited to be
05:13 here. As you can tell. We're excited with the Lord is doing
05:16 through. This ministry is just so exciting and we just praise
05:20 the lord that.
05:21 >> We can be a part of it. Yeah, I love that. And coming
05:23 around the circle here, I was just thinking we hear from the
05:26 viewers and I was thinking one particular viewer from South
05:28 Africa. He said my favorite program of everything for even
05:32 puts out is behind the scenes, get to meet some of the people
05:36 that I don't always see. I love to get to hear the up
05:39 dates of what's happening in the ministries. So that's
05:42 exciting. So we have Ryan Day here, too, is I always call you
05:47 evangelist and singer one of my favorite singers. But you are
05:51 the general manager of the praise him music network.
05:54 >> And we're just delighted to have him and always a blessing
05:57 to be a part of the behind the scenes and to be a part of the
05:59 special group and reflecting what God is doing here on
06:03 campus here. 3ABN as we're producing powerful programming
06:06 for 3ABN family all around the world.
06:08 >> The men last but not least sitting right next to us.
06:11 Here is our sister Marilyn Durrant and your the manager of
06:15 the call center. And we're so glad to have you here tonight.
06:18 It's a pleasure to be here. I'm happy to be on the program
06:22 with you guys and share some of the products that we have in
06:24 the call center.
06:25 >> The call center than a busy place recently and has talking
06:28 about the folks on truth. Get an update on that.
06:31 Fantastic evangelistic opportunity. But my word and be
06:34 sure some statistics in a little bit. But yeah, that
06:37 places.
06:38 >> A hubbub sets. Haha back to not being a like that, the
06:52 country and so on the farm and not go tell that. But yeah,
06:54 it's a place of activity and it's been that it's yeah,
06:56 a lot of things are happening here at 3 things like Chris,
06:59 I know we're going to talk about the focus on truth.
07:00 It seems like we're shipping out a pallid the days that
07:02 really are wow 1000, though, the POW POW, right?
07:09 >> There's 1800 on 1800. That is now every day. We're
07:16 getting orders and it's amazing stories. That's that's
07:21 incredible. Yeah, as curry.
07:23 >> Talking about souls being reached. This is want to just
07:25 read this. This is amazing. This just came in 2, 3, 8,
07:28 yen and some of you watched 3ABN on YouTube. Watch the
07:31 programs later in. This came in from a person that just a
07:35 couple of weeks ago they were watching the series that was
07:37 recorded a program in 2021. So just a few years ago,
07:42 but this is the power of the Internet and someone doing a
07:44 search. So this came in just a couple of weekends ago starts
07:47 out, OK, exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation
07:51 point. I'm a 63 year-old grandma. I was raised in
07:55 church. I raised my children in church and now they are raising
07:59 their children in church. And I have never heard anything
08:03 like this. I have watched the first hour 3 times
08:08 had to do on the mark of the beast.
08:10 So I watched the first hour 3 times. I'm about to get into
08:14 the second hour and this makes perfect sense. I'm dying to
08:17 know
08:18 what the second hour is going to bring.
08:21 So then then she says this after she watches the second
08:23 hour, she says I'm going to be in deep prayer about this
08:28 Sabbath thing. I will be visiting my first 7th Day
08:31 Adventist Church this coming weekend Long man. Thank you for
08:35 sharing this wealth of knowledge. It has certainly
08:38 made an impact on my life. And there are many, many more
08:43 like this dear lady. They're out there finding truth and
08:47 it's humbling. You know, again, we just say thank you for
08:50 standing with the Ministry of 3ABN, soul like this are being
08:53 reached.
08:54 >> And they thanking rate may be a good time. Yeah, we get a
08:59 lot of people right and over the years and I get him every
09:03 week on by Messenger like face, no, go. And I read to and I
09:09 think you to someone wrote me this week and said I haven't
09:13 senior that hurt my sermon and can't maybe miss said I haven't
09:16 seen you on 3 ABN lately. Are you preaching on another
09:20 network now? Haha. Haha. Yeah. So she was like yes.
09:29 And just looking for some of these, you know, we get a
09:33 letter from as
09:35 >> many times ministers that have read some of the books
09:38 from 10 Commandments, twice removed. That was an impact on
09:41 your life. Is you testimony? But you know, and members and
09:46 people, Christians non-Christians. But I don't
09:49 know that I've read any. It's been any closer to home.
09:53 Then this one for me and I let her tell her own story. But one
09:58 of my got a lot of grandkids, 8 grandkids, but one of my
10:01 granddaughters, the last several years of spiritual is
10:05 gone. A lot of different from Eastern religion, studying a
10:08 lot of different things. And, you know, deciding not
10:12 really knowing. But this past year, she says, you know,
10:15 I want to become a Christian again. She has got to study all
10:18 these other and tried all these other things. And so she got
10:22 bad ties recently. I'm not necessarily in the church,
10:26 but that was a actually a Baptist minister who who
10:30 baptized her just in the Lord because she still reading and
10:34 says, well, I I understand, you know, a lot of things and some
10:39 things I don't. And so she's very honest and very up front.
10:43 I love this baby girl of all my grandkids, but love this one.
10:47 But this she wrote me. We actually went to her baptism on
10:52 Sunday down in Tennessee and she says, I pop and she get
10:57 names or boyfriend. And I just finished reading through your
11:00 book about the Lord's Day. We get everyone just to do when
11:05 the couple weeks ago the Lord's Day we keep the Sabbath.
11:09 But we were never really 100% sure it was something that
11:12 Christian is still supposed to do. Now we see that it is.
11:17 And it is awesome. She puts exclamation mark. She said I've
11:21 read other material on the Sabbath, but they weren't
11:26 always convincing to me. So she said you did a great
11:29 job. Presenting the information, though, and and I
11:33 understand very well. I'll be reading your 10 commandment
11:36 ones next. So great to see your granddaughter, you know,
11:41 say this this little book The Lord's Day. Yeah, you know,
11:44 I've read other stuff, but I never really hit me. But now I
11:48 see it. And I understand that. And she's so excited about it
11:51 and talked to her on the phone. And she's like, well, now we
11:54 really understand this importance of it. And now she's
11:58 reading starting to read the other books we gave or sincere
12:02 each one, you know, the whole series so far. So I praise the
12:05 Lord for that because she's owner prayer list as well as
12:08 all right. I mean, I'm sure you have family to. That's on your
12:11 prayers. Great, great little girl. I always said she never
12:14 had a chance to run because when she and Jesse, her younger
12:17 brother were really young. They lived in the area,
12:21 Maryland. They would come to my house all the time and time.
12:24 They could not brainwashing. Haha. Yeah. So I was down.
12:28 We saw maybe Danny, which is a great grandson and I started
12:32 brainwashing him. He around him in a sense is in Nashville.
12:36 But I would brainwash them. And the fact that PA PA PA PA
12:40 before they were either knew anything. You know, I Love Papa
12:44 Joe. You get in, you know, Papa. So people and say I'd say
12:48 how do you spell pop into a pa piano 2 years? Haha, I didn't
12:54 know she can spell. That's the only thing she could spell has
12:58 always told him how much I love them. Spent so much time with
13:01 them and to be able to to to see, yes, they're changes
13:05 because no matter who we are, we go through our spiritual
13:08 life is individual. That's why no matter how you raise your
13:12 what your dream, where you are, when you meet Jesus, you know,
13:16 in Resurrection Day or if you're alive, when he comes
13:19 back, we're not going to be saying, well, I was raised
13:22 terror or my parents did this rice, water, Biden, what
13:25 decisions that I made. So we're all negotiating live and the
13:30 see this coming around and be so special. I mean, just really
13:34 brings me to tears and yes and see the the sincerity, Anna and
13:40 her love for Jesus now know the speed on Facebook to, you know,
13:45 see, you know, she's writing spiritual thoughts. All of this
13:48 to say that is so so you know that.
13:51 >> Praise the Lord and people are seeking truth. They want to
13:55 know truth. And when they see it when the Lord, the Holy
13:58 Spirit reveals it to them, it resonates with them. And I just
14:02 think it is just such a beautiful thing in these.
14:05 These booklets are such a blessing because they focus on
14:08 the truth as in God's word turn meant.
14:12 >> You know that something special is that about reaching
14:14 family? Yeah. This one were commissioners to reach the
14:17 whole world a while. When it comes to the level, the family,
14:20 that's something extra special resort for them are true.
14:24 You know, I think about the written word. Sometimes people
14:26 say it's all out of date and everything like that. But you
14:29 know what? It's not difference. Young people's live doesn't
14:33 matter your age. No, that's not the word out there to sow the
14:36 seed. And then to the increase PRES award. We're just talking
14:40 today about God's faithfulness, right? About God's goodness.
14:44 This is like a big praise reports behind the scenes
14:46 program years, Mister Danny, and it's just really but with
14:49 God, it is doing what we want to do before we talk about all
14:52 the other things that's happening that are happening
14:54 here 3 again, as we want to go to a song and this is by Jared
14:58 and Hillary Mitchell and Tim, I believe is at the piano.
15:01 But they're singing a song that is very familiar to you at home
15:05 and it is great is thy faithfulness.
15:09 [MUSIC]
15:14 [MUSIC]
15:20 >> Is to MS.
15:28 [MUSIC]
15:31 >> To?
15:39 >> I'm seeing.
15:44 >> Issues
15:46 to.
15:48 [MUSIC]
15:52 >> You know.
15:58 [MUSIC]
16:01 >> And
16:03 [MUSIC]
16:05 I they will name.
16:08 [MUSIC]
16:14 >> C I see.
16:17 [MUSIC]
16:23 >> I.
16:28 [MUSIC]
16:33 [MUSIC]
16:36 [MUSIC]
16:41 [MUSIC]
16:46 [MUSIC]
16:49 [MUSIC]
16:54 [MUSIC]
16:59 >> In the last dance.
17:10 >> And 2 to 2.
17:14 [MUSIC]
17:20 >> See?
17:23 [MUSIC]
17:26 >> I'm a full and
17:29 [MUSIC]
17:32 and C.
17:46 >> Yeah.
17:49 [MUSIC]
17:54 [MUSIC]
17:58 >> '02.
18:03 [MUSIC]
18:08 [MUSIC]
18:13 [MUSIC]
18:14 [MUSIC]
18:19 [MUSIC]
18:24 [MUSIC]
18:29 [MUSIC]
18:37 >> No. And
18:42 [MUSIC]
18:47 [MUSIC]
18:52 [MUSIC]
18:57 [MUSIC]
18:59 >> I'm great is thy faithfulness. I love the
19:04 harmony has. Yeah.
19:06 >> And Hillary, thank you so much. And Tim at the panel.
19:09 That's beautiful. Tonight. We're just celebrating the
19:11 goodness of God, a man and the faithfulness of God. And we
19:14 talked before about some incredible testimonies people
19:18 who have discovered true through programming. They
19:20 watched entry ban or through this little booklets. So let's
19:24 talk about these booklets call center is open tonight and we
19:29 want to encourage you to get these like the leaves of autumn
19:33 by the cases and you can pass them out in your community.
19:38 There's 4 booklets that you all have written that we have the
19:40 truth about the Lord's Day. The truth about Hellfire,
19:43 I'm reaching forward to that. The truth about Hellfire,
19:47 the truth about the 10 Commandments and the truth
19:51 about Salvation. Thank you for that's a great graphic. And all
19:54 of these booklets, the Lord has blessed that people have
19:58 sponsored the preteen of them so that all you have to pay is
20:02 the cost of shipping and how much as the shipping $25.
20:05 >> The U.S. in the U.S. that's current. You know, I want to
20:08 just how many could 250 Nikkei, 250 while the case for 25
20:13 Bucks? Yeah, you know what to do? Something this evening to
20:15 as are calling for these books. The CIS to free offer right now
20:18 right behind the scenes. This to a free offer soon you
20:20 call in for these books and you're ordering them the free
20:23 offer. Tonight is a mister Dan Eastern from Candy. It's a
20:25 really good sermon. You alluded to that earlier about the
20:27 person writing in. We've had a phenomenal response to that to
20:32 all of Camden. But especially that's and that you shared the
20:35 divine worship our at can be elected. That is our free offer
20:38 this evening as well. So Marilyn, the cost of extra busy
20:40 with that Yahoo that maybe don't have DVD players anymore.
20:45 We're finding that now. You can also go to 3ABN plus, you can
20:49 actually find that message there as well. But just a
20:51 fantastic mess is suing.
20:52 >> That's our free offer. Call us right now. Thank you.
20:55 At 6, 1, 8, 627-4651, you can get in any one of these cases
21:01 is only $25 for the ship, right? For 250 booklets.
21:05 In a case you can get a case of salvation or the Lord's Day or
21:09 a case of Hellfire or 10 Commandments. You can get the
21:12 free offer as well. So give us a call. That's right. Or you
21:15 can email us and we can get back in touch with you later.
21:20 The e-mail is live L I V E at 3ABN Dot TV or you can go
21:25 online and you can just order the cases that way. If you go
21:29 online, just go to CBN, DOT TV and you can order that way as
21:32 well as an incredible booklet. One led you to write.
21:36 >> Well, praise the Lord and I'm thankful for a bond,
21:38 you know, helping me. She added it's and then adds things and
21:41 makes it to makes it a more complete book. But I'm I want
21:46 to Sam Surprise A's but and away am Ryan because of all the
21:51 different subjects, one that seems to resonate the most I
21:55 would have picked out.
21:57 It is the subject of Hellfire. I get more comments. More
22:02 responses from people saying thank you so much. I never
22:06 understood how the God of love can torture people forever.
22:10 Right? And that's such a beautiful message that we have
22:13 as a church in. Maybe we've got it too much under a bushel.
22:17 Instead, we're preaching the savants day of the dead and
22:20 some of these things. Maybe we should concentrate mourn for
22:24 the pastor's watching because that's the character of God
22:28 that his stake in the closing moments of Earth's history.
22:30 Yes, Satan is trying to destroy the character of God. And most
22:34 of the Christian churches are gone along with it. You know,
22:38 Johnny B, Goode, Jesus loves you dive. You made a plan of
22:41 salvation for you and a few, you know, give your heart to
22:44 him, you know, take it haven't forever. But Johnny, if you're
22:48 not good, then he's going to burn you forever and ever and
22:53 ever throughout all the ceaseless ages of eternity and
22:56 think of all the people that died 5,000 years ago, are they
23:00 and I held somewhere of fire where there's screamin crying,
23:04 you know, dip the tip of your finger in the water coming.
23:06 Cool my time because of your men and lanes. I mean, how can
23:10 a god of love? So I was talking to a a person from Catholic
23:15 Church the other day. And they said of wondered that myself
23:18 and never really made sense. And most people that we're
23:21 dealing with that are non Adventists are saying, we've
23:24 always wondered about that, but we've never really understood
23:28 it till now. So once people understand one truth, they're
23:31 more open to others. And so I'm really thankful the Lord put
23:35 that on our hearts to really bring that out when written a
23:39 book that thing over 20 years ago, little booklet about it.
23:42 But, you know, we praise God will give him the credit but
23:47 were amazed to what's happening. And I know Marilyn,
23:49 you no, I in the last year. So since these event out here
23:54 and a half since we started in mind, you know, have any idea
23:57 how many and circulation right now?
24:01 >> Almost 7 million, 7 mayor. Yeah, that's right. Yeah.
24:06 And that's how much has gone out. So between all the books?
24:10 >> Well, for is a while for these before the Salvation Army
24:14 and commends Lawrence and Hellfire. Almost 7 Million.
24:17 To be honest.
24:19 >> Yeah. Haha to see the semi truck backing up to the call.
24:22 Center and loaded. Yeah. Untimely cars going back out
24:27 because individuals are getting the books. 25 $1 for a case
24:30 here in the U.S. right. Amazing. Yeah, we actually had
24:33 to reorder because we had a couple million of each of the
24:36 first 3.
24:38 >> And then I think those were gone and we re order. And I
24:40 think we've got those recently to a semi loads of those.
24:45 But again, have to say thank you to those of you supporting
24:48 you printing because that makes them free because it's not
24:52 about selling them. But it's about getting them in the hands
24:55 of people who need to know true that people if we ever needed
24:59 to know about truth. It's today. That's right. Because
25:01 there's so much confusion out there. I mean, people are so
25:05 messed up and confuses beyond what I ever would have dreamed
25:10 even a few years ago when you have doctors and places like
25:14 Harvard who can't tell the difference, say they don't know
25:16 the difference between a male and a female when they're born
25:19 something wrong by right and wrong all gone. That's or these
25:24 people they're so worried about been, you know, you want to be
25:28 politically correct that you take the don't flow to babies
25:32 and you can tell which runs a male and female out, you should
25:35 be fired. I mean, how can you be a doctor not be a special
25:38 day news? Well, nowadays, we really don't know what what
25:41 gender they are. I mean, that's how messed up. I'm just using
25:45 that as one example that this world it is. And it's time for
25:48 us as Christians and 7th avenues krista's stand up and
25:53 love people enough to tell them the truth. And things like
25:56 these books is not the only thing you can do. There's all
25:59 kinds of books. But we're just particularly talking about
26:02 these and what we've seen happening. And so thank you for
26:05 those of you who, you know, finance them, basically,
26:08 you bought them. And now for the rest of the everybody is
26:11 saying, hey, for $25, you get 250, you're only paying the
26:16 shipping. So there's no cause they're not been sold. There
26:19 are literally being put out in some of these are special
26:21 donors have given bigger amounts of money to make this
26:25 happen so that we can get this message out to the last and I'm
26:29 world. That's one way great. We can counteract the
26:32 counterfeit by putting truth out there. When you see what
26:37 you know, people living their lives on social justice putting
26:41 that is their God rather than the Bible while social justice
26:45 is important. And, you know, it's not like we've forgotten
26:49 about
26:50 the specific doctrines of specific. You know, that's
26:53 specific to the Adventist Church from Army, getting the
26:56 pillars of our faith right now were out chasing all kinds of.
27:00 >> You know, what would you call while on the some good
27:04 haha.
27:07 >> And focusing on what the truth really is with the
27:11 allowing ourselves to get side tracked. So it's not only good
27:14 for the non ad than us. I think our young people in our
27:16 churches should have some of these simple. Yeah. 48 pages.
27:20 You can read them and learn ourselves because a lot of our
27:25 own kids don't even know what they're into. You know? Yeah,
27:29 yeah.
27:30 >> Many people are looking for truth. I think about you
27:32 mentioned Hellfire. You get a lot of positive. Yeah. It's
27:34 about the booklet and what's at the school quarterly wasn't
27:37 talking about death. It was a couple of quarters ago.
27:44 >> Hope it was time to die in the 4th quarter 2022.
27:49 >> Probably some. I don't know if you noticed the, you know,
27:51 some of the YouTube comments when that was posted to
27:53 YouTube. Some of the comments that are coming in from those
27:55 that are finding truth about what happens when you die.
27:57 What that tells you is that that is being searched a lot on
28:01 Google because Google Fi do different, you know, topics.
28:04 So we're receiving a lot of comments when people are just
28:06 searching for what happens when you die and they were finding 3
28:09 been stabbed. School panel just putting in the Commons like,
28:12 wow, I've never heard this before. This is amazing about
28:15 this more. I'm talking comment after comment after comment for
28:18 that whole quarter on death. So it tells you people are
28:20 looking for trim. So like you mentioned, just asked us to put
28:23 the truth out there. So this is a great opportunity. Joe,
28:26 you can again mentioned how people can get these little
28:28 booklets this evening. But what a great opportunity. Their
28:31 various short read 20 my glasses. I think 48 right here
28:35 next to me, he pages me
28:38 her sitting on pages. Each one beautifully done, very tracked
28:48 when the inside with all the different graphics of that fog
28:51 is not too small that I still do need glasses, but I could
28:54 read them. I know that he tracked of a great, a great
28:59 idol, a great cover and all you Duchenne to set them down at
29:02 you all the places you go, grocery store gas station,
29:06 rest stops, just put them down. And then Gaza one is going to
29:09 be that person along his thinking. Wow,
29:11 I'm so stressed out. I know Grandma died. I think star last
29:14 night. I don't really know. And then boom, they may come
29:17 across that track that you put down like will look at that.
29:20 That's the divine appointment. So this evening, great
29:23 opportunity. 25 $1. How does that happen?
29:25 >> $25 for the shipping in the United States rights overseas.
29:29 You have to ask us for that shipping costs, but you just
29:31 give us a call right now. 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5,
29:36 1, The call center is open and Pastore is open as well.
29:39 That's 1, 8, 6 to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, You can go online to 3ABN
29:45 DOT TV and you can disorder. Maybe you can get through the
29:48 lines right now and they're falling in his order going 3ABN
29:51 dot TV and you can order the cases of books that way or if
29:55 for whatever reason you want to e-mail us now will have to
29:58 respond to you. But you can always e-mail us at Live L I V
30:02 E at 3 ABN DOT TV. We love to hear from you. You're part of
30:07 our family. Thank you for partnering with us evangelistic
30:11 Lee to spread these books and the truth in God's word like
30:15 that leaves about me.
30:16 >> You know, Greg, one of the things that just hit me this
30:19 last week when we visited this, a church is not an Adventist
30:23 church.
30:25 The pastor got up and said, no, we want you to be sure and
30:28 come, you know, for the next several nights, I do know is
30:31 Wednesday night through Sunday night, whatever, because we're
30:35 studying the second coming of Christ praise and it hit me.
30:39 That's one of the books were riding right now is one 0nd
30:43 coming of Christ. It's kind of like maybe folks at home get
30:47 the the addresses of any church in your area, whether it's 50
30:51 mile radius and send a few of these to these churches has
30:56 this pastor is looking for information and sell. He said
31:00 we're starting the second coming to really understand the
31:04 second coming of Christ. And we knew that particular
31:07 church. They didn't really have the real understanding. But it
31:10 is a very honest sky. And really you can tell he's
31:13 sincere. And I thought, wow, we should have if we had to book
31:16 right then with handed it to him. And we didn't. And we
31:20 should have because so you may want to think about that
31:23 individually or your church getting a list of all the
31:26 churches in your area, maybe just sending a few set of these
31:32 to each church and see what happens. I think the Lord to
31:35 bless that.
31:36 >> And I love the I m really want to say thank you to you
31:40 and your crew. Yeah. A great job as our plans to use the
31:43 word hub of maybe we can kind of activity. Yeah. I just think
31:47 about the terms of the call centre been so busy but praise
31:49 the Lord for that because you've caught the vision.
31:51 You're excited about evangelism. And so there is
31:54 little for that weather on this. This go to you now.
31:57 I know that last week you're recording some programs at 3
32:00 ABN. Yes, music to go in network and so excited about
32:05 what's happening with the Presa Music Network. We have just
32:09 that we have begun.
32:10 >> A recording brand new episode of our new brand new
32:13 flagship program entitled Praise him Now. And We have
32:18 we've actually got some images of just some of the this what
32:21 the set looks like. Look at that. Our good friend Robbie Di
32:26 and her friends say sorry has helped us design that Mark.
32:29 It's so so good to be back on this pardoned a paid role,
32:35 not on the whole hits and he's a fantastic violinist. We had
32:38 Mister Matt Forte Morton with the song One Day and and there
32:43 I am with a Clayton Muniz. The things the vice president
32:47 of heart. It was the called the e-mail in Valley. There you go.
32:52 That's the second. And then there's myself and Tim that I
32:54 just feel so great to be back on the set, making new music
32:57 prey some now we're hoping Lord willing to be launching May
33:01 1st. And so you're hearing it first right now, May 1st in and
33:05 we're excited about all the brand new episode is going to
33:08 be releasing weekly. This will be a new episode each and every
33:11 week that we're releasing it for our new flagship program.
33:14 And if that's not, we're not stopping. Just there were also
33:16 going to be producing new content, but we're getting it
33:18 out there. So just be patient with us. We're excited about
33:21 the future of praise him. And, you know, just want to say
33:24 for the record, you know, many people may not take music
33:27 ministry, very serious. But, you know, music has a powerful
33:30 way of reaching people that maybe the spoken word does not.
33:33 And then there's someone I get messages all the time from
33:36 people just get a solid history where someone posted in said
33:39 they posted the praise him using a network, a YouTube
33:42 channel and said if you don't have this on in your home,
33:45 you're missing a blessing. And I had the second that
33:47 because there's someone at home right now that's hurting them.
33:50 They're going through some stuff. They're struggling.
33:52 And yet maybe what a spoken word or or a sermon may not
33:57 reach them. They can hear a song about the Gospel, about
34:00 the goodness of God it over and reached them. And so that's
34:02 what the praise him music network is all about. We're
34:05 here to praise him and to bring glory to him.
34:08 >> As our 3 Angels messages says to bring glory to him
34:11 because he is worthy testify, there is also blessed me
34:14 because in my office I have all the networks in my office.
34:17 I can see them all going live of all the same time. But the
34:21 only audio feet I get is praise him network. I have just kind
34:25 of seeing their own low. Just you know what I ground,
34:27 you know, sometimes just kind of resting something Mister
34:29 Day. I'm thinking about something praying to God and
34:31 boom, I hear music in the Bakken on turn it up and like
34:33 all praise God, perfect timing is exactly what I need. The
34:36 message and song and music is so very hard. So thank you.
34:40 Movie. Yes, touched and bless the Lord.
34:42 >> Just just think it was only what was that for years or so
34:45 ago that Tim Parton called and said there's a guy that's one
34:49 of the record here to studio and 5 years that his Fiat was
34:54 names. Ryan debut, no muss and no, I don't. He said, well,
34:59 he's won the to, you know, city can record. And the you know,
35:03 I'm going to meet with him and I think was on a Friday when
35:07 there were like mine. But there's a on a Friday. And I
35:11 said, well, let me know what you think, you know. And so
35:14 afterwards, I didn't hear from him. I called him later in the
35:17 evening and I said, did you meet with the Ryan Day and he
35:20 suggested acidity saying saying within he said, yeah, he did
35:25 it. I said, right and hit him is just, you know, it's just
35:30 like this almost monotone. Yeah, I did it. I said, well,
35:33 what are these got a gift of music or Z? You know what he
35:37 said? Yeah, and say does. And so I'm like so I said,
35:42 well, give me an idea what he sounds like a mean ranges.
35:45 That was David felt good. And I gave it may mean David
35:53 Phelps said I've heard saying no more night know this.
35:56 You know this great saying there. He said, yeah, he's he's
35:59 in that range. And I said, no, you're not just kidding.
36:02 They are. He said.
36:03 >> No, he's an incredible his vision for well, then we find
36:08 out and after Cohen is also a preacher. And and so it worked
36:12 then to be a great fit for what you call it. 70 shows to
36:16 humbling to be considered in that same conversation as David
36:19 false. David Phelps, my favorite singer. But to be here
36:23 when I was your favorite. Haha. Other than me. There you
36:27 go.
36:28 >> Haha.
36:35 >> Great time as a family friend of a credible singer,
36:38 of course. But the fact that you came to the studio just you
36:43 say, well, let me see if I can record an out and said now
36:46 you're you're leaving out. You're in charge of managing
36:49 the whole music network. Got to him and were, yeah,
36:53 it's a blessing, was very humbled and honored to
36:56 >> be a part of this ministry and never in a million years
36:58 would have the vision envision myself here at 3ABN sitting at
37:02 this table having this conversation and just being a
37:05 been a part of me and to lead out and to press him using
37:07 network. It's a tremendous honor and it's something we
37:10 don't take lightly. It's a high privilege and we want to thank
37:14 each and everyone of you for supporting and will you know
37:16 what Sen send us a request in to suggestions. We want to make
37:19 it the best that we possibly can so that your blessing to
37:22 others that you share the network within the music with
37:25 our blessed us with your brother run, isn't that
37:27 important coming back to do some more your favor? All.
37:29 Absolutely. So we have Tim on the schedule come in a couple
37:33 of times and in the year to record multiple.
37:36 >> New episodes of that. So he's going to be coming back
37:38 as all of that. And I want to go back to praise him now for
37:41 just a moment. I know you referenced it. Launches May 1st
37:45 on pricing music network were also carrying on the parent
37:48 network. And that launches on Sabbath May 6 at 02:00PM.
37:53 So and you can watch both networks and you can see it.
37:57 >> Talk just a little bit about the format price. Now, it's not
38:00 just singing, but you have a little interview. Yeah, so,
38:03 you know, we will obviously want the focus to be on music
38:05 and obviously praising him to music. But the concept of the
38:08 first part of the program we simply do is just a small
38:11 sit-down interview, just to kind of get to know the each
38:13 artist little bit better, a little bit of their background
38:15 so that, you know, who they are, where they come from and
38:17 how they've, you know, come come as far as long as they
38:20 have in their music ministry, learn a little bit more about
38:22 their music ministry. What God is doing through them, then we
38:25 will have a second segment where we kind of just the,
38:28 you know, let her hair down. I guess you could say in and
38:30 it's kind of just a really nice improv of Light Hearted Segment
38:34 where we literally put some of our guest on the spot, liked
38:38 him. He loves to be put on the spot for the most part. And we
38:41 do like a little improv section where we take a song and we
38:44 just we just we don't practice it. We don't prepare for it.
38:48 It's to show that sometimes this musicians and singers and
38:50 any been in the situation. Yvonne, you've been in this
38:52 situation many times. We sometimes get put on the spot
38:55 to have to praise him on the spot, not really prepared and
38:59 ready, not having practice, not having. You know, sometimes he
39:01 is a musician. You have to do that. We we fit in some of
39:04 those segments in there and just a creative segment just
39:07 that come together and do something special with our
39:09 guests just off the cuff a it's a really fun light-hearted
39:13 segment that we can also have fun. And just, you know,
39:16 just praise God with with smile, with laughter. It's
39:18 good. Good to laugh and have fun. But yet we also the 3rd
39:21 segment we in each program with the special musical number by
39:25 the artists themselves, a song of their choice that has bless
39:27 them and that they want to blessed. So it's really focused
39:30 on the musical aspect and to highlight the artists and their
39:33 music ministry as well.
39:34 >> So that is fun. And when that happens to me, it's one of
39:38 put us on the spot. A city. That's great. Yvonne saying
39:41 yeah.
39:42 >> Haha. I love is on those. Haha.
39:50 >> And yeah, great. It's great. Thank you both. Drive what
39:55 you're doing though. Again, thank you, Mister Dan, because
39:57 music has been near and dear to your heart since you're a
40:00 little kid. Yeah. And and then I know with 3ABN has been a big
40:04 part of 3 again ever since the beginning.
40:06 >> And there's a way that we got in churches to talk about 3
40:10 and I got thrown out of a few. But I want to start talking
40:14 about when preachers like as I was talking about, you know,
40:18 where they're saying and melody and they would she was
40:21 13 or 14, whatever.
40:24 So we are in California
40:25 talking.
40:27 We know about the ministry singing excuse me. And so then
40:32 at some point,
40:33 you know, I started in large impress me to build a
40:35 television station to reach the world about 5 or 10 minutes.
40:40 And then all of a sudden this preachers in the back.
40:43 >> Haha.
40:47 >> That is what made a stop. Haha stop. So they said,
40:57 well, okay.
40:58 >> I said, well, we'll take a little break and we'll you
41:01 know, I assume they're going to take up an offering. So he
41:05 motion a bag. So I went, he said, now, listen, you know,
41:08 I got you here for music. But this stuff about building a
41:12 television station reached a world that's never going to
41:14 happen. I don't want to expose the my people that kind of
41:18 stuff he said, no, you know, as I look back, I kind of don't
41:21 blame me. I mean, you know, on 33 years old and partner,
41:24 but rain out singing with my daughter. And we're part time,
41:28 you know, out here, new say we're going to build. He said,
41:31 look, we're out here in California. We have that.
41:34 He can't do that. They're only doing certain programs. And so,
41:38 you know, you're welcome to go back, but stick to singing.
41:41 I don't want to hear anymore your story. So I've found that.
41:44 >> Has was thought it was a big story. Said no, don't do it.
41:52 But,
41:53 >> you know, we had one man who years later we were at his
41:55 church in Florida 2 years later, said 2 us called out of
42:00 the blue and said I've got, you know, 300 and nearly 400 acres
42:04 of property that I want to donate to 3ABN when we went to
42:09 get her story and I think we have it on video, some he said
42:13 I was your biggest enemy for the first 15 years because when
42:17 you came to our church and people got excited, I told
42:21 everybody this never going to work. This will never happen
42:23 news guys, that partners don't know how to do this. And he
42:27 said later, I became legally blind. So I set front of the TV
42:31 and watched or listened for years and the holy spirit.
42:35 So convicted him and said, you know, what can I do to help?
42:39 Because 3 ABN now is reaching the world. And I was so totally
42:42 wrong. So he said, I'm me, put this interest. And and I want
42:46 to work with 3 ABN. So no later. But as I look back and I
42:50 listened, I don't blame people sometimes for saying, you know,
42:54 no, you shouldn't be out for, you know, I get are people
42:59 excited about some will never happen, but praise the Lord he
43:02 blesses us in spite of.
43:05 >> Would you Marilyn? I'm thinking Mister Danny, about
43:07 God's faithfulness again. Yes, oh, God has been faithful
43:10 to the ministry, had a yen because you've been faithful
43:13 right to him and that call on your life and that commission.
43:16 I think that's the key because God has a purpose for each one
43:20 of us that you at home to in God's faithful to you. He wants
43:24 you to be faithful back to him. So I just thank you for your
43:27 faithfulness of God has been faithful. He's carried this
43:29 ministry through so many things through the years. Yes,
43:32 continue to provide for our needs. I think you have a
43:35 sermon title just in the nick of time and just in the nick of
43:37 time, we've experienced it and it brings tears Mars. Again,
43:40 how God provides for this mystery continues to provide
43:43 for this ministry just in the nick of time talking about,
43:46 you know, my office some time to kind of struggling with some
43:48 stuff thinking about, you know, how this all going to work out.
43:51 And then that musical come across 3ABN, pricing. We need
43:53 to go to the polls. All I got to do is hang on to you and God
43:58 will carry us through the area myself through. That's right.
44:02 That's right. That's right. That's right, Greg. The yes,
44:05 I've been faithful to the message.
44:08 >> Not always been faithful to God, like I wanted to be a make
44:11 many mistakes and mask and many times. But we've been faithful
44:15 to the message, right? He's given us a message. So it's all
44:19 about the message, not the messenger. Yes, so we try.
44:23 We come in to the photo, the cross and say, Lord, forgive
44:27 us, we really messed up. But I believe as long as 3
44:30 being continues to focus on the on the other train, just as one
44:35 would counteract the counterfeit guys going on or
44:37 that, that she's going to bless that. Yeah. And you don't have
44:40 to be perfect as we read through the Bible, not all the
44:43 people that God use were perfect. Yes, right now is
44:46 saying, you know, God will bless an atheist. If he's if
44:50 he's a, you know, takes advantage of fresh air and
44:54 sunshine exercises each right and does all these things to
44:58 live a healthy lifestyle, even though he says he's an atheist,
45:02 God has certain rules and correct in place. And so you
45:06 can take advantage of that. Yeah. And so even somebody is
45:09 not a Christian can enjoy God's blessing. And if they put so
45:13 with us as long as yes, we make mistakes and not on purpose,
45:17 but we do. But it's nothing to do about the individuals.
45:20 We want to give God to credit. The U.S. is in spite of us.
45:23 But our focus is to keep the mask focused on the message
45:28 that God has given us as a network and thank you in jail
45:32 and all of you that you have the same vision that we do and
45:35 taking this message to the world.
45:37 >> Residential or commercial or this man. Let's switch gears.
45:40 We have a lot of things on the table which we knew from the
45:43 very. But this is just a small sample. I guess you could say
45:47 some of the newer products we have at the call center.
45:49 I think sometimes people think, OK, all call the call center on
45:52 good information or I can order these booklets, which we
45:56 encourage you to do right now or the free offer. We talk
45:58 about that. We have a lot of wealth of spiritually,
46:02 enriching material. Some talk leads to nowhere. We do.
46:05 I want to just say, I have to agree with this book, H***
46:09 Fire. You know, this was one of the last books that
46:14 kind of went out the door. And within the last couple of
46:19 months, we had maybe 30 to 40,000 left and they completely
46:23 sold out. And so I truly agree with everyone here that people
46:29 are trying to find the truth. You know, what happens to one
46:32 of my loved ones when they die or, you know, so I want to
46:36 encourage everyone. We've got more in stock foundation and 10
46:40 Commandments and they're going fast. So
46:43 call us order quickly to Trinidad, right? We are worse.
46:49 I'm sending 50,000 of each or books for Trinidad. So that's a
46:56 blessing. Brother. Rodney Ren work. Yeah. Are there
47:01 distributing those? That's right. So I'm looking forward
47:04 to doing that. My fist Yvonne, she's got this book out and I
47:09 don't know if you want to play a little bit about it. But
47:12 it's, you know, if you don't know the truth about.
47:16 >> Yoga, yes, you need to get this book and it's, you know,
47:19 all of these are
47:22 not been easy. Rain man, very encouraging.
47:26 >> Perilous practice is a look at yoga from a Christian
47:28 perspective. Yeah. Groove on show.
47:31 >> There's so many Christians who have gotten involved with
47:33 yoga. Yes, without realizing it spiritual dangers and I've
47:39 talked to different people or starting to look into yo go.
47:43 They were interested in and I thought something needs to be
47:47 done about this because you cannot separate yoga from
47:51 Hinduism and you can be a Christian Hindu.
47:55 >> Has and in doing exactly no such thing as a Christian,
48:02 but so many people don't know that.
48:03 >> And so I wrote this booklet just to explain what the pet
48:08 the perils are. This veritable perils of practicing yoga
48:12 because people think it's just stretching its innocent
48:15 teenager at a church is searches are schools. All
48:19 schools are teaching it. And it's it's like we're it.
48:23 We really need to know once you know, you make the decision
48:27 under the power of the Holy Spirit, pray about it, but you
48:30 need to know what it's all about. And so that booklet.
48:34 >> And it does. It's great to have him available to call
48:36 center. We do. And, you know, if you want to share the
48:40 spokes, we have them in different types of quantity.
48:44 So if you want different quantities to share with your
48:47 family and friends by all means call us and we'll get him out
48:50 for you. Perfect. You can call us right now. 6, 1, 8, 6,
48:55 2, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, 4, this booklet perilous practices or
49:00 any one of the focus on truth booklets for your free offer or
49:03 the other products. So what I hear we have some music here
49:07 and everyone. This is all right. People love you are and
49:15 we we're very blessed to have this available. And if you like
49:20 some of the new in the him a new one coming this year.
49:24 Yeah, hall, we have this one and this is our latest forecast
49:31 up race. And this is a beautiful CD that you can get a
49:36 and.
49:37 >> So Prague was the problem. The orchestra doing some of
49:43 these fabulous hymns May's my my David Clyde saving lives
49:48 really h*** o* the orchestrator edible orchestrator and to get
49:51 involved in this and he actually ask us to get
49:54 involved. It is amazing. It's one of the most fabulous
49:57 orchestrations the mean the CDs or that I've heard in a long
50:03 time. I mean, it is absolutely beautiful. Yes, it is.
50:08 >> And you can see we have some nature footage put together
50:11 with that music 3, a B. And so you might actually be hearing
50:15 some of the new speaker actually. All right, Erin,
50:16 that's OK, it's beautiful. It's a tremendously good ins.
50:20 >> Different songs put together some of these titles here.
50:23 Softly and tenderly, fairest Lord Jesus and the Sea.
50:28 Immortal Invisible. God. Only Wise. Holy Holy. Holy By
50:31 Savior's. Love. Yeah. Many you're right. Yeah. Now found
50:35 to God be the glory when the roll is called up Yonder.
50:37 Yeah. People shocked if they knew how many.
50:40 >> Gospel artists in Christian artist is Prague Symphony
50:44 Orchestra. Yes, we don't. You know, when I fits, I think
50:48 does a lot of his stuff is done by this great orchestra and so
50:51 many people that are very well known. So they're not just like
50:55 some little orcas or someone of their world. We now and
50:59 absolutely just family has a production. They did.
51:03 >> Yes, what else we have. So and, you know, we have other
51:08 music available. We've got to give them glory and cow free.
51:12 So give us a call and will be happy to go over whatever we
51:15 have available and you can order but send us an or she to
51:20 this beautiful. We call it a coffee table book a guest of
51:26 books of scripture and got beautiful pictures along with
51:30 it. And I think it pairs well with her
51:34 carts. Yes. So this is a great gift.
51:38 >> You know the difference as to whether yeah, I mean,
51:42 she is the amazing job.
51:44 >> I want to see if I can hold this up on and off. We can get
51:46 a tight shot of some of the pictures in here. Just allow it
51:49 in front of you so much. You can see that with the
51:52 scripture along with it and I'll just turn the machine.
51:57 And that's what all of the pictures. Yeah, that's so
52:00 amazing. People use in hospitals. People use it when
52:03 there was courage. People use it when they need hope and you
52:06 just need to go back to the word of God and, you know,
52:09 focus on nature is incredible.
52:12 >> Anything more beautiful. Beautiful it together. And the
52:16 arts are actually causing sent in the mail. Come with the cars
52:19 at trial opened. You can send a picture with the scripture,
52:22 encourage somebody that, yeah, right to choose to send those
52:25 to us a few years ago. And I'm like, well, now who took that
52:28 hike? You took all these years. I mean, those are the main
52:34 seeing rain. Of course, it took a lot of travel that just
52:36 didn't happen around Knoxville, where where they live. You
52:39 know, this is around the world and it's just incredible.
52:42 Thank yous ended for now.
52:44 >> I want to mention all these products and many more that are
52:47 available at the call Centre. This really goes to support the
52:49 ministry of 3 abs, though, suggested donations. You can
52:52 call the call center, though, Maryland and the team will
52:55 share with you the suggested donation for these items.
52:57 But these actually go to help support the funds go to
53:00 actually support the Ministry of 3ABN help spread the gospel
53:04 around the world. So, yeah, this is really rise.
53:08 >> And this is yes, this is a beautiful new set that we just
53:12 got its to Andrews. We're going to try and lift them up.
53:16 But it's of the new
53:18 and old.
53:20 This is nest and all testaments and has and the New Testament
53:24 as this one.
53:25 >> And it's a commentary. Set it from Andrews. Yeah,
53:29 beautiful. Yeah. I have this in my library. We have people ask
53:32 all the time. How do you study and what tools do you use out
53:35 of school? Panel. This is one that I use this one of many
53:38 commentaries. But when we're doing that study and were
53:40 wanting to go deeper, we're wanting to understand from
53:43 Herman Deeper Herman new perspective, how to understand
53:45 a Bible passage. The Andrews Bible commentary said if you
53:48 don't have it, you need to end new. It's enough.
53:52 >> Credible. You know, I have in my library our library.
53:55 The green commentary said, you know that one that, yeah,
53:59 baby. Yeah. These are 60's 7th Amis novel coming over. This is
54:02 incredible because it's small. Incomprehensible gives a lot of
54:06 the same material. It's amazing eyes on that. I don't look good
54:10 and raised her hand. She wants to donate to get.
54:14 >> Who leave, though? Yeah, because I'm just you know,
54:21 they're fantastic. Yeah. Haha.
54:23 >> They just arrived at the call center. That's right.
54:26 Yeah, we we actually had one go out yesterday to Japan.
54:32 >> Hello.
54:35 >> It's a wonderful tool. And let's go to quickly have a
54:38 couple of your. Yeah. I've got some children things we have
54:41 ginger and this is great for kids. Precious little ginger.
54:46 Yeah. And we have the coloring activity book. I think this is
54:51 great for the young kids. Keep them occupied in great
54:56 Bible stories inside and I'm rich Acura has some great
55:03 books out now and we've got the Queen's Crisis. This is about
55:09 Esther. Yeah,
55:11 and I'm just some tolls about how to bring kids to Christ.
55:17 And I'm especially in today's world, so many struggles that
55:22 they're going through and questions. And this is a great
55:24 tool for that.
55:27 Some amazing Nature mentor. Yeah, it is it very, very yeah.
55:35 Very colorful inside. And I I really like that book and then
55:39 we've got fire walkers and this is about shot back Miesha and
55:44 Padma Cup. And so that's a great book. And then this is
55:48 another one fire from the sky about a light on Mount Carmel.
55:52 This is about a nice yeah. Great books for kids. I think
55:57 they're good. Especially in the evening. If you're reading
56:00 stories to your children are was a very its grade. Yeah.
56:05 We have one more book down here. Oh, yeah, I forgot about
56:08 this and this is bringer of the dog on and this is from the
56:12 ministry limit. You Leonard lineage. Yeah. Sorry about
56:16 that. And it's about the reformation is and get around
56:22 and does a great job. Powerful said.
56:23 >> Program. And when I went to school with him and just to try
56:27 to to college and yes, Sony have a lot is using his
56:31 ministry. He has money. So he has a book available.
56:33 >> That's right. 3, 8, Dash 3, a man now. And then you can
56:36 visit our store website if you want to order online. All of
56:40 this is available and you have great bibles. We do in front of
56:47 haha. So many wonderful products. So many wonderful.
56:50 >> Evangelistic tools to be able to spread and share the
56:54 gospel. We're going to be the number one more time,
56:56 618-627-4651, at 618-627-4651, R the men and woman at the call
57:06 centre would love to talk to. You would love to share these
57:09 products with you would love to help you gather evangelistic
57:13 tools for yourself that you can share with those in your
57:16 community or you can go to 3ABN DOT TV and you can get many
57:21 things on a story that way for the Ryan in Maryland. I know
57:24 are trading out guests at the end of this hour. Thank you
57:27 both so much for being here. And we have the ability to work
57:30 with both the EU and the grateful for what you bring to
57:32 the minister game there. Sure he meant.
57:35 >> So you don't go away. We'll be right back with some
57:37 amazing praise. The Lord reports and some new 3.18,
57:40 family members here at our table. Stay with us right now.
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Revised 2023-03-30