Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230010B
00:11 Welcome back to the second now of a program that is not only informative, but I'm learning
00:17 a lot of things. Me, too. And I used to mission maybe you go and preach and teach an we're 00:25 seeing that is quite a bit more. we heard from some people that a living in the 00:31 Philippines and there are a lot of different centers. 2 outposts in its international 00:34 and palm us to the medical missions there. And also Jarrett and Heather that on 00:40 their way to head over to the Philippines. So for a an extended period of time. And 00:47 we're looking forward to what God is going to do there. And we found out also there's a 00:52 there's a Texan before you call. I will answer and last year yet speak and I will 00:58 hear. And you know, we saw through this tragedy of March one before the call came. Oh, 01:04 yeah, Khan was saying, yeah, he's looking down the road. Obviously he sees I'm much 01:11 more than we even know is developing we're praying for both of you as you can to go 01:16 there cars been planning your children's future. And without you even knowing about that, 01:23 what you're >> no, I'm also thinking we have been praying for the 01:29 families. Also try. We don't want to forget the pay for them as well as the ones that 01:33 all still nice. And so we want to also lift them up. Yeah, Andrew, he told a very 01:39 touching story his relationship. the unknowing side of the story that's still 01:48 hanging out there. The unknown. Yeah. Okada still a part of Yeah. I want to I want 01:52 to bring back in a palm us because, let me see if I remember it. Okay. know I 02:04 don't Medicaid Ehn started says this is remember you note cards. And and Stephen me 02:14 though, that too. Yeah, we have some focal points about palm Let's walk some of those 02:18 how that. >> How that medical missionary, how that whole 02:21 ministry is unfolding and and at least 7 different areas. Yes. 02:27 >> So we can start with the aviation side of things. you know, Dwayne and Wendy can 02:32 perhaps better to this as well about how you know, God has used a mission aviation. We've 02:38 heard chair earlier, how it's really opened doors. Yes, replaces that. Maybe would 02:42 have had no interest in, you know, someone coming in a really to help them in any 02:47 way. But when there's a time of need, when there's a medical emergency and there's 02:51 no way to reach, you with medical help or there's no opportunity for I'm that 02:59 person to be taken out before they die or maybe before the pregnancy. It's too late when 03:04 you can help people in that way, it creates a level of trust that then you can 03:10 continue working with them and develop. And so as they've continued making connections 03:14 further and further back into the jungles. This is the method that they've used and 03:19 it's been kind just blast and that in such amazing ways. And >> Now we called 9-1-1 for. 03:27 can think that you can even call? do you have an emergency? I was just married. 03:36 Yeah. Yeah. How do you how do you know about these emergency? So 03:40 >> most of those villages have some way to communicate, OK, and it may be radio, maybe 03:46 some other means, but they get the message through. We need some help on evacuation help 03:50 for medical situation here. you know, as remote as they are, it's very difficult, very 03:57 challenging. You can imagine here in the United States, we think it's tragedy. If we need 04:04 to wait 5 minutes for some. Yeah, wow. You know, if the ambulance doesn't show up at 04:09 our doorstep in 5 minutes, we think. Something is wrong you know, in that setting, it can 04:15 be hours days before medical help could arrive. And so when you're in that situation, it 04:24 becomes very critical. And so this service they provide to me is vital to these villages. 04:30 You know, I mean, how it so they're going to get that kind of And the fact that most of 04:36 its given for free, wow, you know, it's a free service. They provide. Yeah, there's 04:40 this idea that Jesus had what we call it disinterested. Been oh, yeah. idea that we do 04:48 things without expecting anything in >> This self sacrificing way 04:53 of Jesus. Still has impacted. driver is still as a tool that God uses to reach people's 05:02 hearts in these villages. And I'm just really been Heather's kind of follow the Palm U.S. 05:10 journey for a while. And she began sharing some things with me and one of the things I've 05:15 been involved in education for about 30 something years running, operating a school as 05:20 well. So a jungle school. I so That's amazing that they actually have stuck schools 05:25 that they're supporting that. Are not accessible any other And the children in the 05:32 schools now. About 200 of these children are served in the schools. 5 school 05:42 scattered out very remote regions where there's no public school education. You 05:46 don't get on a school bus and go to school. So how do they get to is just the village are 05:53 it's the village and surrounding area and they walk. Yes, the way to get 05:58 there right now, teachers getting teachers in and out getting supplies in and out. 06:01 That's where the helicopter comes in. That's where that vital link to bring supplies 06:06 and teachers and empower those schools actually exist is is very that's an important 06:14 compound or the Promise Ministry. I think one of the things, Curtis, that is 06:16 interesting is that God has led this ministry. See, these needs are but not just to see 06:25 them to do something to actually respond to that need to say, OK? We have 06:30 helicopter. They need to school. How do those 2 things get in the same bucket 06:35 together? Well, I think we can do something. Yes. And so jungle schools coming as a 06:42 result of the helicopters ability to get there. To me, that is God working in That 06:46 right? So medical. Aviation medical and now we're point number 3 schools are 06:55 education, Curtis, what's 0.4? >> So we have the Bible work and the Bible workers that are 07:01 now once once in areas established and you have perhaps made a connection 07:06 through the medical services. Then you have a school established. Now there's an 07:11 opportunity now because that trust is built to now, you know, share with them through 07:15 this whole process. But specifically with Bible workers to reach in into these 07:21 these communities and and build so usually a church with them following church's 07:24 planted them in that village or that area. And the work continues. Just going back 07:28 further and further into the jungles. >> I saw on the back onto the 07:33 pitch. You just show that huge, beautiful mountain lavishly, green her. You might 07:37 be flying over But these are places as you pointed out, that you just don't get up in 07:42 the morning and wait for the school bus to pull out now. But then the other thing that 07:46 came to my mind, we talked about the need for personnel on the ground. What about the 07:50 people that are here that says, you know, hey, I'm a teacher, but I want to be 07:57 involved in something outside of my local area. Is there a possibility that teachers 08:00 could also volunteer to How do they know when those needs are? And so I would hope that 08:09 when we finish this program there would be a flurry of people that would say I can 08:15 go, you know, we have this idea what was Jeremiah's response? Oh, I me and the 08:23 church has this initiative called I will go right I think that we need to adjust that to 08:33 the present tense. It's not I will go. We should be say, I'm going I'm on my way and we 08:42 have examples of that on their way the cold what about us? >> But I'm all right. We would 08:53 be left out the picture. No, I don't think so. That right? So teachers, yeah, teachers can 08:58 go there. Challenging. I believe But are their souls to be saved their home? 09:10 >> And, you know, you'll never know. You'll never know the impact until eternity roles. 09:15 You know that that conversation that was taking place, not there. The 09:18 conversation who will call for us. can we send? And I think here I am saying so. I want 09:25 you to think about that. As the program continues to progress because some of you 09:29 may be dormant and say I want to be involved in something that's bigger than me. So 09:34 someone once said, if you if your vision doesn't frighten you, then it's really not a 09:37 real vision. Yeah. And if it doesn't challenge I'm just saying maybe someone can go, 09:43 but they can help financially. What about the financial needs? Also, we'll talk about 09:49 that in a few as financial needs, the practical things that are occurring there. Oh, 09:53 yeah, but point number 4 was wet. Oh, yes, my Bible work. The Bible work with 0.5, the 10:00 radio radio well. So and I'm not sure if if and when you're able to to share about that on 10:06 the seal, let's see if we can get them on it when you could, because they think they've had 10:10 a very collaboration with a WR in the work there. So yes, 20 when welcome back. Yeah, we 10:18 didn't get rid of you. That's why we didn't take it by. But thank you for being patient. 10:23 >> Talk about the radio nee. Why? 43 avian waiting. That's rassmann everyday. Love it. 10:27 But let's talk about some of the ways that radio is impacting your ministry. 10:29 There. And what and the audience to to maybe an expand on that. 10:39 >> Well, there's still a lot of areas all the It. the operators trying to do that 10:51 early not a lot of That race call on. You know, I >> a 11:04 >> so local and the R. >> grade station for is. either. 11:26 >> a >> picture that young man there obviously communicating 11:32 in his language that you up to Paul, their timing up to put that a Say that again. 11:43 >> I said >> Now, how far reaching as the radio station? 11:56 >> a lawful air. Is maybe a white no power. >> And then a lot. hoping to 12:03 get >> about to get out and that it's not, you this. 12:12 >> Wow. not another many dialects in the Philippines, which one primarily is used in 12:17 your area. You use it to call a girly or >> 79 in this But in this 12:29 area, all on every subject and I just >> OK? 12:33 >> So then there's a chance that at the other locations where there are other air 12:37 bases, you can also put a radio station there. Is that correct? 12:41 >> Yeah, OK, wow. One of the other things that was really inspiring to me was not just 12:48 all the things we mentioned so far, but how they've been. >> Bring agriculture into some 12:56 of the different projects I can remember distinctly flying into one of the villages there 13:00 doing was supplies in for the school there and you could see that they were just beginning 13:08 to develop agriculture. The school. It was actually sue a school. have been there for 13:11 about 5 years. They were starting to teach agriculture and to grow food for 13:18 themselves flying in. You saw that there weren't really any gardens or or things, you 13:23 know, being grown for crops around there. But then it was really interesting out another 13:28 island on Poland where where they're right now. it was really interesting flying into 13:33 the school there. You could see now even in the surrounding homes. Now there 13:39 were a garden springing up and they were growing gardens because this had been, you 13:43 know, something that was part of the program that they were, you know, after the after the 13:46 education started, they were growing on the school you know, food for them to eat for 13:53 their lunches and then teaching them how to grow, you know, crops and things. And 13:57 then they were growing that for themselves at their homes. So you could just see over a 14:01 15 year period. How how God had used, you know, this, this different sequence of ways of 14:09 reaching people and how it was actually being lived out in the lives as as they continue 14:14 their work done, need farms to haha. Well, I think farms to could still be a help to and 14:20 encouraging them, you know, because its kind that holistic approach. But and no. think 14:24 when you think >> growing culture that looks like lettuce. That was a 14:32 pretty cause. That was that was that one of the air bases that wasn't a on the projects 14:37 they they also grow a lot of their own food so that they can sustain, you know, the the 14:41 families that are supporting the project as well. And so that's what you saw in the 14:44 picture there. I can imagine how healthy Kia probably know GM, that snow 14:50 >> Nice. air, good rain, a lush and green there. probably no Wal-Mart for any known 14:57 local distances that they get their food. So it may be joining. Many of can speak to 15:03 that yet. Why? And when D, how do get groceries? How do you keep your grocery grocery 15:10 flowing there in our ish where you are. >> also car and there are a 15:19 nearby are air bases that proud me and others based. >> hour or so far, our 3 hours 15:29 to get matters. Rice and peas, we >> It really here. 15:35 >> How many people the island there? >> Sure bought for 15:49 >> But now let me let's talk about some of the things that you can't grow. What where 15:53 they get eggs and they're now can there all the other items to they well livestock. I 16:02 don't know today on stock chickens. There are. How did they do that? 16:07 >> There's a colder if shaken. other thing >> of 16:22 >> Well, you I just about if they're going factors. Waters long get girls here are out 16:36 us. Yes, or got fresh here around, you know, or the >> That really adds to the 16:47 health of the people also because when you talk about medical, I know that will not 16:52 lot of natural things are being used what are some of the ways that you're 16:57 incorporating the natural resources you have in the fruits and vegetables? Are you 17:01 teaching people how to use that for health purposes? So >> Yeah, get the it's people 17:16 have all this stuff yet. They're not using for. There is a way too much why 17:26 opportunity it is for. You know, available. People are, you know, there is that and 17:42 it's actually are there is. very little interest you know that I getting worse and worse 17:51 and more. >> You know, manufactured products available. 17:59 >> It come shame that all various >> Wow. O praise the Lord that 18:04 you have more natural than you do have process because something to look at the area. 18:08 We have a process, the natural but thankful we're live in the country to. But the storms 18:12 into far away. And we'll come back to you in just a moment here. and the other component 18:19 construction instruction was quite a I mean, if you can imagine you've gotten an air 18:23 base so you know, you you have unique needs there mean that their craft nor are very 18:28 valuable and need to be protected from weather and storms and, you know, have a 18:32 place to work on them to do repairs and >> annual maintenance. And so 18:36 on that. And so you just being built that, yeah, there's a school there. So construction 18:40 and building. There is a very broad term. There are so many needs. There's the air bases, 18:44 their schools churches are another thing as they've as they've expanded the work and 18:50 even in the lowland areas where there is more populated, there's a tremendous need for 18:54 churches. And so perhaps doing you can share a little bit with us about the role forming 18:58 machine the God provided for you and the team there to be able to expand the church 19:05 building, work their If you're there to talk about that, the the construction that the 19:08 provisions to God made. >> For you for you be able to expand on the construction 19:13 needs. >> to operation May track now, yes. So that's not use over 19:29 here. yes. >> Pretty rare. >> Mo offensive manner, which 19:37 is very 2 tie. >> So we're love that guy trying 19:47 >> Perfect training to build a working know sure replicate. know, for. cost to place you 20:06 know, block so sure well over here go off you fraction of time too Baker, right? wrong 20:18 way. of the Bill. play, you know, Floyd clothes sure. So out people know what they're 20:32 getting >> Also the construction needs. So there are. Yeah. So 20:38 you have the as doing was just talking with the steel building this and then you 20:44 have, of course, the schools that we talked about. We saw a picture of that. So as you 20:48 establish a school in an area, there needs to be a building to to have the classes. And 20:53 and it was it was really amazing to go and visit some of those schools and see and 20:57 and really to build the school would be very difficult without the helicopters 21:02 bringing materials But I mean, you could have a small school that would maybe be. Built in 21:08 a way that maybe one last too long. But, you know, bringing materials in tin Roof, you 21:13 know, some of the key components of a building. It's just been so neat to see how 21:18 several schools have been in the very remote areas by using the aircraft, the helicopters 21:25 to bring bring a lot of the stuff I get this school supplies. Yeah, that's we're 21:29 going hear about that a little bit. That is a very, you know, important need so, you know, 21:33 we of course, have the building itself, but then school supplies and other 21:36 things even related. We talked about health earlier. Things like toothpaste and 21:40 toothbrushes. You know, so you can you can go bringing the, you know, dental team. But if 21:46 there's not the ability to continue doing ongoing, you know, rushing and so on, that 21:51 could be a problem as well. So that is a great need that exists right now is, you know, 21:56 areas of supplies. And so Dan, getting the supplies there, but also having the supplies 22:02 to give in. So we'll hear more about opportunities, how you can support and supply those 22:07 needs and you're going to be teaching your children school. And yeah. 22:11 >> They home school now. Yes, they are at their home school now. And so we'll be 22:15 continuing their home schooling, education and >> excited include the come 22:21 across cultural experiences that will be available there. It's been really neat because 22:24 we've been following the Palm U.S. journeys through some of the social media outlets that 22:32 they have their and our kids have been able to watch that, too. You know, and they would 22:37 >> say, well, we showed that video with a helicopter or to see what those kids were doing 22:42 in that video. You know, so they've really been engaging and it's been great to have 22:47 them engaged in that process and really looking forward now to seeing does that mean we're 22:52 going to get to go where we saw in that and they saw Dwayne and windy. All those 22:59 are think going to meeting in the Philippines, you know, and so, oh, yeah, been exciting to 23:04 be able to follow that journey. And, you know, we just have a passion now even 23:08 more than ever to see those needs that are empty, be films for. 23:13 >> Well, it's amazing how the law is making that happen. Yeah. And you know, as you 23:16 listening to Dwayne Explain, I heard a sound. I want to explain to the One radio was 23:20 cycle passing 3ABN. It was probably a plane tie right there in the Philippines in 23:31 the South, a million and and that's not of motorcycle. That's the plane that shows 23:36 right there, and the location where ministries happening all day long. It's amazing. Talk 23:41 now. We cover the 7. The missionary She aviation Medical education, Bible, 23:47 Agriculture, radio construction. Very holistic, holistic approach, 7 ministry, 23:55 all 7. That's complete number. perfect. That's a beautiful number 10. And it is God's, 24:01 you know, God signature was hitting. My wife looked forgot signature and 7 is definitely 24:04 that. But now this young man by the name Andrew Hosford, how does how does he fit into 24:13 I want kind of talk about Andrew here and then we're going to have a video that 24:17 will show about him. Andrew Hosford was the video we showed just a few yes ago, 24:21 Pat, right. And so Andrew is currently he might have been the pilot taking off and the 24:25 plane that we just heard there and he's serving at the airbase there and call So 24:31 >> The Chris, the video that kind of gives the lays out the supplies and some of these 24:35 really detailed needs. >> I think into one was noted that It's so James with James 24:42 as part of our came from Angel one. And he's been been a the pollen based there now for 24:47 several weeks. >> And so he he shared with us by video here. The the needs 24:52 that he saw. So he's coming in, you know, and an observing the different needs. And he's 24:57 going to share a little bit with a U.S. about that, OK, this time about a 2 minute 25:01 video and James will share, we just talked about, sit back and enjoy. 25:10 >> My name is James a psychotherapist were that works with engine one? We are. 25:15 And I've missed. Aviation support ministry and I provide mentorship and disciple ship 25:22 for teams that are around the world. I was not prepared to see things firsthand. When I 25:28 came to the Philippines. I was astounded at how they have been able to do so much with 25:36 so little. From watching. Pilots flying to remote areas to do medevacs 25:47 >> areas that quite frankly, no one should be able to land a helicopter or plane. I just 25:51 want to talk about the needs of the Philippines here for a moment. There are very 25:54 tangible. Supplies that are needed. So things like school books, textbooks They they 26:03 really don't have much in the mountains. It's amazing to see what the teachers are able to 26:07 do with how little they have. We also need medical supplies for the nurses and doctors, 26:17 they really stretch. But they have as far as they can go. And I think that would be 26:22 incredibly valuable to get some more supplies as well as dental supplies. They're 26:28 teaching dental care in the mountains no one has toothbrushes or tooth paste. 26:32 So that's essential. They also need. For the mission Their needs for servicing their 26:43 airplanes from oil to fuel to U.S. parts and supplies. That's a big need. But above 26:51 and beyond what the actual tangible needs. Art, there's a huge need for missionaries. 26:57 They are stretched and there's they're providing amazing service for everyone. But 27:03 there's need for more pilots mechanics to service. Those plans for nurses to provide 27:12 that medical care. Doctors or dentist. There definitely is a need for more teachers. But 27:20 above and beyond all of those, there's also a need for builders to come out and well, 27:26 some of the essential buildings that are needed to house some of these 27:28 missionaries there truly is a need for pretty much everything and if you're 27:35 considering being a missionary, I can't think of a better place to serve. Then 27:39 here in the Philippines. experience is so rich and so valuable as well as needed. I 27:47 just really believe they would be serving God at the highest calling. that's that is 27:56 inspiring to what God is doing. >> Through James's life there. 28:00 He's he's they're presently right on on his way home actually several weeks. I'm 28:06 just helping kind of work through the. >> The tragedy of what's just 28:11 happened. So is part of Angel ones team in works in a, you know, helping support, you 28:16 know, teams growing in a healthy way, any kind of support in terms of counseling 28:22 and things like that. And so that's part of what James has been doing there for the last 28:26 several weeks supporting a, you know, when we talk about we talk about the phrase 28:31 self-supporting, but we also know that, you know, when you've when Jared and have a 28:35 goes, he's going to be a launching need only because what the determined. 28:40 >> Timeframe, have you determine how long plan on being there? 28:43 >> We're going to be there for at least 2 or 3 years, OK? And then we're going to see how 28:46 the Lord leads from there. So, you know, when God called us to surrender and specifically 28:53 me to leave my job. You know, part of that thought process in my mind was, well, Lord, 28:59 how are we going to provide for our enemies? And the lords? Remind me what about 29:04 the sparrows don't I own all the cattle on 1000 hills and so, you know, we've just seen 29:11 the Lord working through individuals and saying I maybe I'm not able to go at this 29:18 point. My grandma, she's 90 years old. Bless her heart and she hugged me so big. And she 29:24 said, I always dreamed of being a pilot. I wanted to be a missionary in the most 29:31 remote areas and fly a plane and she said so you guys, I want to support you because 29:36 I'm obviously not at the point that I can do that now, but I want to support you. And she 29:40 says, and I want to come see you. Wow. And the Philippines. And it oh, yeah, she's she 29:47 says I'm going to get on a plane. Come see you guys. So we, you know, have support to 29:54 individuals who feel God's calling to support in that way. Some of us are called to 29:58 go and able to go and then others are, you know, fall in God's call and being support. 30:04 And so Angel one has actually partner with us to help us be able to set up a ways that 30:10 people can donate and be a part of not just our mission, but you can go to Angel One's 30:17 website and you can look at all the different aviation ministry said they have and 30:21 you can donate specifically to different aviation industries there. And that's site. 30:27 >> So the holdings project is on the Web site there and you can go to Angel one online dot 30:34 org to see it on the screen there and there you can see the opportunity to support the 30:38 holdings project. Of course, Pam us, as we just talked about and some of the 30:41 different Pam, U.S. families that are there as well as well as a number of other different 30:45 mission. Aviation projects around the world that injure one supports as well. So 30:48 Angel, one online. >> to that for the radio. People didn't see Yeah. 30:56 Thursday, Angel one and one is Andy, not the number one. Nothing to think use some of 31:06 One. Actually, if that the tag line is every nation kindred talking people you know, 31:12 revelation 14, 6. So that's the first thing can do one. That's how well as one that 31:20 will have the heart of the names can earn Warren. It's a beautiful connection because 31:24 it is. Yeah, it's it's it's a mission that will not be done until the Lord returns on the 31:29 and all the world kind of. Up, you know, but I mean, once some warm 31:41 >> going. It's going preach let me just get I want you to get a little bit more specific 31:45 because when you talked about this, some people that are watching listening tonight, my 31:47 say. >> I want to be able to stand behind the whole wing family 31:53 and so that they could make it while they're there share. Some of the ways you talked 31:59 about donating on Angel one online. But anything else that can be done to be more 32:07 supportive of family, calling as missionaries. >> You know, I think certainly 32:12 prayers are solicited and we are going to be on social media and our goal is to share 32:20 what we're doing there because we were so blessed by all of the things that we saw coming 32:25 out of palm us and the Philippines and all the different ministries there. 32:28 >> That we want to be able to get that to other people. And so find us on social media and 32:34 follower counts. There are things that will be a blessing as well. And 32:40 >> consider missions, you know, because we're going to be there in the Philippines 32:42 and we need people, you know, God said pray not so much for the harvest because the 32:51 harvest is great, but he said pray for the labors. And so we are praying for you and 32:58 appealing that you might consider coming. And joining us in ministry there. And if 33:00 not in the Philippines, the world is full of harvest and whole of opportunities. So we 33:08 would prayerfully appeal that people would consider that nice, warm weather. 33:14 >> Looking forward to that. Yeah. From Idaho coming the changing seasons. Yeah, 33:20 there's some yes, there's some needs. We talked about that. We alluded to that in the 33:22 beginning. Part of the program. And we have a helicopter pilots sitting here 33:29 and I we said is 0 helicopter for you to fly. When you go, the news that I hope talk 33:34 about what the needs are what's actually right now on the drawing board. So. If you 33:41 can imagine that we're in a war. Are we in a war at all weekend? We are in a war and 33:46 out Satan. At every opportunity getting his blows in and Jesus described in a 33:57 parable and he said an enemy had done So this loss of this helicopter in my way of 34:06 thinking is Satan attacking God's work right now. If you're in a war. And you lose 34:12 a piece of equipment or soldier. What do you do? You just say, OK, we're going to 34:16 forget it. We're going to go home own. No, you're fighting because the cause is 34:20 important. And in this case. The important cause is getting the gospel to the world. And 34:25 so I think that we need to return. To Satan. Some of God's power. And instead of 34:34 putting one helicopter back there, I think we should put more than one. Okay. And men 34:39 now my mind may be too big. And I'll a big God talk about numbers that could stretch 34:47 imagination. But when a start to say at least 2, I like that. student, at least 2 34:55 helicopter should go in in place of that one. A try. In my mind. I believe God would 35:00 be pleased. If we put new equipment there to try. that was one of the things we 35:07 talked about. Steve, we're just praying about what we know if there's anything we 35:13 could do as this tragedy unfolded and >> just praying about that. 35:15 And Steve called. anything and said, Curtis, you know what? I'm just wondering if there's 35:21 something we can do here to to, you know, put some. Some helicopters back out there. 35:27 And we were just talking about it. And to your point, Stephen Vogt, you know something new 35:31 or, you know, a lot of times, unfortunately, it's the old worn out aircraft to get sent 35:35 to the mission field. so we said, can we do something better for the Lord? And so 35:40 that's our prayer. Is that now? You know, God will provide so. As you know, 35:45 helicopters don't come cheap. Now and for properly outfitted helicopter for this kind of 35:53 situation. It's about $750,000 K. So 750,000 times, too. We're going to put to him. 36:00 It's about 1.5 million right? You know, humanly speaking sounds like, well, yeah, you 36:08 know Where does that come from? Yeah. But God is able to see is and willing to do more 36:16 than we could ever ask or think or expect dry his depending on us to step out 36:21 and say this is what we're expecting. A man, some chapter, 81. Yes, says I am 36:29 the Lord your God and who brought you out of the land of Egypt? Open your mouth wide 36:34 and I will Philip. Yes, so this is I believe God's design that we should be bold and 36:42 asking God to try for 2 helicopters. The Bible says we have not because we ask 36:49 anything to her is there. I love that. I'm the kind of all flesh. Is there anything too 36:55 hard for me to share? My and the answer is no. >> Now let's talk about what 36:57 kind of helicopter mean. Yeah, you might be able to input on this some time when we say 37:03 helicopter because helicopters, varying, we saw a red helicopter earlier. Is 37:08 that some something along that line? Well, I like her to speak to that because he's the 37:13 guy with the, you know, the aircraft, side of hair it. I'm going to just say whatever 37:20 they want. >> So the red helicopter, which we're going to hear a 37:22 miracle story about how God provided for And then just ask God, you know, if if he he 37:27 demonstrated his faithfulness in that way during one. You're going to share about that 37:32 shortly. But that's a Robinson are. 44 and it was one that was locally registered and 37:35 operated there in the Philippines, an opportunity came up and that helicopter 37:40 serve very for many years. It was up for a rebuild here a couple years ago. And so God 37:46 recently provided for that to be completely rebuilt and put back into commission. Robinson 37:50 are for Robinson are 44. So that's a piston helicopter. there are 66 is the turbine 37:56 version of that. And so as we've, you know, consulted with Pam us on what would be 38:02 the best fit. They felt that one turbine and one piston helicopter sonar. 44 in our 66 38:07 is what we're putting before the Lord and seeing how he provides for that and 38:11 capacity. I can say towing >> So, yeah, I was not aware of all of that and are 44 is a 38:26 4 passenger helicopter and in our 66 has an extra seat depending on the size of the 38:31 person, you can maybe put 5 people in And so the wait is also a You make a pass new 38:37 helicopter as well. And then the altitude and the range and all those things 38:44 >> Yeah, they're suitable for what? What the missions are there in the Philippines and 38:47 the operating costs are low. That's one of the benefits of our 44, of course, there's as 38:50 much bigger helicopters. But there, you know, much more expensive to maintain much 38:55 harder to maintain the terms of doing the work there. And there are 44, you know, served 39:00 very well over the years as being a more affordable and easy to maintain helicopters 39:06 as well. >> So so I like that you brought that up because a lot 39:08 of times people might, you know, when we think helicopter, you know, that 39:12 helicopter tours and cities and we see these helicopter is and I like that. it's good to 39:19 maintain its easy to maintain. It's not expensive to keep in the where some of them that 39:22 are. I'm completely unaware that. But I know that I can tell based on what I'm looking 39:28 at and what you have the feels Yeah, costs vary. So has anything been done are kind of 39:35 encourage people to just jump on to get behind this project. Well, it's been amazing. You 39:41 know, since we talk was about 2 weeks ago, Stephen, you know, it's been amazing to see 39:45 the the response to this. And basically at this point we have. 39:48 >> Half of the money as a matching donation raised for the Hawks. So essentially 39:53 we're halfway there. All right. And so helicopter, 2 helicopters were halfway and 40:01 saw you know, is to consider what we can do to match that and support so that we can put 40:06 those 2 helicopters in the service as soon as possible. Yeah, I don't want that to get 40:10 past because I mean, if you watching you, you probably shaking hands at that. I hear 40:15 him to say a half way there halfway there for that old for that come combined cost of 40:21 also grand. So so and I like that. He said >> we want limited to because 40:30 there's nothing that him. you know, it was one. Why not replace it with 3? There you 40:34 go. If you halfway all righty, then somebody might say, well, we're halfway already. about 40:37 if we just add one more on that? There are people watching this program are 40:40 listening. That might say, hey, I really do need tax write off and I want to be 40:46 able to meet to something that's going make an impact in someone's life. So 750,000, 40:51 following correctly, has already been raised. Touch has a matchup, right? One to one 40:57 case, a one to one. So if someone right now decides. You know, $10,000, right? That 41:08 10,000 goes against the 750 matching. There would be 7.40, left to match, OK? So we want 41:13 to use up all those matching funds that are available. >> So that in the end, we end 41:18 up at our target of 1.5 million and 2 helicopters. However, like you say, I like 41:24 that. Maybe there's somebody watching that just wants to give a helicopter, right? I 41:29 mean there there are people who could do that and probably not miss the money, you know, 41:31 wouldn't be missing to them. They would treated as an investment in God's work, 41:38 right? And so if we ended up with 3 helicopters that would raise the alert, will put them 41:43 to work chorus and look for a few more people. Again, people are an important part of this 41:49 component. So we praise God that, you know, he would do that because that will 41:55 minimize that will shorten the response times in many of these instances on as we 41:59 talked about early in the problem, you don't know when you got to get the call. And 42:03 one of 2 helicopters already out my buddies in crisis. Yeah, we have to wait for the 42:07 helicopter comes back. If it can't be reached by plane well and and and when you think and 42:11 speak to their vision for continuing to expand the work of the 3, 4 mission air bases 42:16 that currently exist. >> Are not there. Just the beginning and God has put on 42:23 doing hard to establishing air bases not only in the Philippines, but other places 42:26 throughout the world. And this is the mission that got put on their hearts. And so do we 42:30 maybe you could just share a little bit with us about When Wendy, are you there? 42:37 >> by the way, thank you for being so patient the kind of turn you off and on. But thank 42:41 you for the continued to be with us. Talk about We've just alluded to what the needs are 42:47 there. But you are on the ground. You are ground 0. You know, exactly. 42:53 >> about the mission. You have the vision. You have. >> For expanding locations. 42:59 And what the viewers and listeners can do to make that a reality. 43:05 >> Well, right now, without 3 main >> course, we wear tear it 43:16 all. >> And then we just out based out there as well. There bad 43:25 kind of. >> Asia, they straight as >> There is a that really like 43:40 that are for, you know, got Moving thing us should tie our work as well. So, you know, 43:59 through their property the works without you know Yeah. We're actually puts the build 44:15 another base or a set Cyrus Areas of this they're self around the world that in mind 44:25 for that. far it does. It's a of know for us just lawsuit or for a spiritual what their 44:39 needs. All right. >> You know, that's night. We're going to pray before the 44:44 program is done. I think that we need to put this month for the Lord prayer, I does not 44:47 ahead of us. But, you know, ask and it shall be given. We've been told if we can get 44:54 that map, I know we put a map up on the screen way early in the program. Want to bring 44:59 that map up Dwayne Mention some areas and on a kind of give the viewers and a chance 45:04 to see how far part that is. He says up allow and you have to the to the bottom. A 45:11 west-southwest wind have Mindanao to the southeast and yet to the size, which is my 45:16 family arch and there to the to the east. And then you have on. So if you think about 45:23 those distances, I don't know measure wise how far that is. But if you have the basin pot 45:29 Palawan and the need comes up and was on in Mindanao, how do you decide which one to be a 45:34 priority? >> Well, you can't. The helicopter is not really going 45:38 to very easily move between those distances. Up next spring air airplane can. So a 45:42 copter is more based where it's based. I mean, for the they do if there's a big 45:48 project, initiative in a certain further island, they'll go there and spend 2 45:52 weeks there and work there to do the work. But it is, you know, helicopters or more for 45:58 the So that OK. So that's why the need exists for for a few more helicopters and air the 46:04 fixed wing airplanes can go further distances. >> So then having a helicopter 46:09 then in Mindanao and have yeses on? Yes, I wanted it to that size. And they also 46:15 mentioned the middle. This middle I don't know if we had a title for that one in the 46:19 map that we just showed there. But what I like that you brought that out in this 46:24 something that came to my mind because you that's a question about fixed wing planes. How 46:28 many >> I 5 currently in operation. Yes. Oh, yeah. 46:33 >> So those are more fit to go from pollen. All within exactly they have pilots. Yes, 46:36 yeah. >> Some some are able to fly both. Okay. So that works as 46:42 well about I? I can not. 5. just do you saw that with what you Haha. yeah, there's 1, 46:53 thing that I think to win could share that would be helpful in helping God 46:56 provided their first win of their first helicopters in the Philippines. Of course. 47:00 >> When doing started the ministry, he brought a helicopter over in a 47:03 container, very small two-seater helicopter while. But the red helicopter that 47:07 we've seen in the pictures here has an amazing story that might be inspiring to our 47:11 listeners. So doing perhaps you could share that with us and how you know, perhaps an 47:15 unlikely supporter stepped up and really help get the the finances together for that red 47:21 helicopter. >> Yeah, we have a lot care to all over. 47:29 >> We're Lee it's just counter ♪ >> It 47:57 >> is 60 want them to 16. I had. >> Could get more or so. 48:05 >> those are it Why are so? >> We didn't have to offer and telling me is know you 48:18 >> I you know, far that I was in couple of years. job are some there's officer. 48:42 >> yeah, whoa. >> We is that, you know, sure, you know, I got another $110 a 48:52 so at towards A place that I get 2 of those good shape that price, too. To poll. 49:21 >> You know how effort >> this was a I think, So I'm waiting over hour December. 49:34 We're out experience I felt I care cleared. I saw this because you know, I pray for 49:52 3, a That show exactly operation yet. you know, a lot said I love that my 1000. the 50:09 4 day 3. warning for day. I got a call from friend in L a there for price your passion 50:22 >> so looked yeah. When goods that they were about $400,000 for it. And are out To 62 50:50 apps. You know, saw out the site now we want I lost them. Well, that's a year off for 51:10 You tracked for a minute. The transaction for not shame for we are doing It was the day 51:26 after from the guy next give me prize. was more. now. But it's changed with the dollars. 51:42 We just change. Raise it. A Just me because it got that. Clearly a 51:53 >> You know, get back it. Just worked since it. >> A man. And then, that's it. 52:03 Now when the need, the Lord said, here's what you have. Ye is that I want to make it 52:09 happen That wasn't our 44 assault on the side helicopter. But 44th OK fly 52:18 that? He's not a man of many words, exactly. Yeah. so we want to pray right now and we 52:25 want to reiterate right now there's 750,000, but that's for matching funds match. And 52:33 you're halfway there. If you're listening carefully, the halfway there actually 52:36 means. That money is available if we match it right. I think that's the key. So if somebody 52:44 gets 10,000, as you said, there will be 7.40, still remaining in her. Somebody 52:51 gets a million for her. Well, I a haha will be happy to be on the way to the Yes, and 52:57 that is right. So let's just pause right now. Before we get down to the closing part of 53:00 the program and asked the Lord to guide is this ball, his father in heaven. Lord, you 53:06 have always supplied are need. You said I will supply all of your need. According to my 53:11 riches in glory. Father, you've seen what happened in March in the heart of the 53:18 still heavy. And we're looking in praying for answers. The Lord in the midst of this 53:23 tragedy, you've opened the door for Jarrett and for Heather to go. And we know 53:29 that when they get there, there's going to be a need for a helicopter. We've heard the 53:34 story of how you provided as Dwayne Share. That Miracle story. A lot to us. It's a 53:40 tremendous miracle. A lot to you. It's just something you think about. happens. You move 53:45 on the hearts of those who are able and familiar with and then you you touch them and 53:50 say here is what is available. Bless my work and the blessings come so long. We 53:57 know the needs are great. They're in plow on was on the sign all the different places 54:02 there with the bases are still a prayer and hope. And we pray for the personnel to. But 54:07 right now we're praying for the funds that are needed in someone watching this program. 54:12 I pray that you reach across the airwaves and the radio and say. That money you've been 54:17 saving up. This is the reason that I've touched your heart. This is the moment to give 54:21 toward this project man so long reach into the heart and life of that individual. Now, 54:24 all those people and it doesn't have to be a large amount, but it could be small 54:28 amounts as we take one byte after another to get rid of this grand cost. And we pray 54:35 that not too long from this airing of this program. We'll hear the good news and never 54:41 another miracle has been performed. So father move in the way that we know you will 54:47 move and the way that you'll surprise our hearts. But in all this, make the blessings 54:51 come to bring glory and honor work in Jesus name. We pray. the rim. Well, you know, I 54:58 tell you, yeah. We're praying for the both of you and your 2 sons. Yeah, that end of the 7 55:04 year-old and going to be they don't know this there are teams of the mission 13 when 55:11 they leave. always good to have you here, could Steve and what encouraging words can you 55:17 leave with our audience before we call tonight? And we're still praying for the 55:23 families. Yes, often this trash March. But start with you, Steve. You know, I think 55:28 from my experience. Got never closes the door, but he opens another one. And I believe 55:36 this is an open door for us. It's an open door for people like Heather and Jared. That 55:41 might going sir. It's an open door for us to pray and it's an open door for those with 55:49 means to help support the work there. Yes, God's work. We'll move forward. And he's given 55:54 us the privilege being a part of that. I'm grateful the God has given me the privilege of 56:01 being part of his I believe he wants to use all of our listening family as well. A 56:06 man, you know, and people that have the capacity to help with this project. I believe God 56:11 will move in their hearts us. And we will see 2 for more in the Philippines soon. What's 56:15 the website? Again? Angel one enjoy online dot org. They can donate there. They can get 56:25 contact information and you and I hosts enters into an outpost centers dot org. A 56:32 case opportunities to volunteer. We praise God for that 10 seconds. Curtis, 56:36 Florida's put it on your heart to join in this ministry through personal service. If 56:41 God is calling you to go. >> Please do not resist that call. If God is calling you to 56:45 support through the, you know, the means that he's given you please allow God to give you 56:53 the joy of experiencing giving. thank you also to do. And Wendy and even Jarrett and 56:58 Heather and all of you who have come. >> Continue praying for this. 57:01 And we know that cod we'll make away until the next time complex 57:06 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:21 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:36 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:51 ♪ |
Revised 2023-03-24