Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230010A
00:06 >> I want ♪ >> I
00:50 >> want to ♪ ♪ 01:08 >> Hello, >> Friends. Welcome to 3 ABN today live. It is Thursday 01:12 night here at 3ABN thank you for taking the time to join us. I am so glad you're with 01:16 me. >> I'm glad you're with me to make it easy for We are. we're 01:23 a team. We're team, but we are excited about what we'll be talking about tonight. We have 01:26 a lot of pictures, video. >> And a topic that is bitter But I know that when the 01:33 program is done, you'll be inspired is not well encourage. You and direct us 01:37 to how you can be from your home. For more of you joining us from get involved in still 01:43 getting the gospel to go forward in the world. And before we introduce our I just 01:48 want to thank all of you who are watching may be those of you are listening on the radio 01:51 because you are for radio. Yes, thank you for your prayers and your financial 01:57 support of 3ABN, as we continue going and growing, getting ready for the most 02:00 glorious event, what is that? Second coming of our Lord and savior him can fold it. Well, 02:08 you know, we have a lot to cover tonight. And if you can do so, invite someone to sit 02:12 down and watch with you when to pass. Looking to look forward to find faith in what 02:17 God has continued to do. And so tonight I'll begin with gentleman right in front of 02:21 me. Curtis. let me and he always challenge me. Good to have you here. That name. Let 02:29 Curtis, let me back. Tell us briefly for those who may be seeing for the first time who 02:36 you are, what you do where you're from. All right. Well, first and foremost, I'm a 02:43 father and has been to my wife and our 2 children. And we live in Alberta, Canada. 02:49 >> raised our family there and have a business that takes a little bit of my time there 02:54 and electronics and designing manufacturing now. But I'm more involved in missions 03:01 every day in Jul. One is the ministry that we're here to talk about partly about this 03:08 evening and enjoy as a mission, aviation support organization. And so I've been 03:11 part of getting that going and serving in that way. >> It's always good to have 03:17 you here. I know it's going to be always thought provoking and energetic. We've been up 03:21 him Yeah, and he just never without a No, it's fine to fall. Steve Dickman, you very 03:30 much part of family and so many levels. Good to have you back. It's good to be here. 03:34 And for those somebody might be watching saying Steve. Yes. Probably a lot of people in 03:41 vote. I'm president serving as president for outpost Centers international right now praise 03:48 God for that opportunity. It's a it's a global ministry. The focus is on helping lay people 03:55 to do ministry. Well. And used to be president aside Rice and you've been here a number of 04:03 times times. And tonight's program is very important. Glad you're here to talk about 04:06 the topic we're going to be covering. And Jadon have the whole wing Hoeing. Now she's 04:12 his daughter. I came with him. >> Haha and do it. And I'm with him said to special many 04:20 ally surrounded while Jared and have a good to have you here your first time. kind of 04:25 let the audience know a little bit about you. >> Haiti's first, OK? Well. 04:31 >> Jared and I are living in Idaho right now. We're getting ready to launch to the 04:38 Philippines to join promise as missionary. So we're actually working with Angel one 04:42 connection here and in just a few short weeks, we're going to be leaving. And so we're 04:49 just gearing up for that. Lots of excitement in our highs in the children excited. Oh, yes, 04:52 you have to tell. Tell us how many we have 2 children, 2 boys one is 10 and he is his 05:01 name is Steven named after him. Grandpa So and then the other is Daniel. And he's 7. 05:08 >> Wow, they're going have a lot of fun in the Philippines. Yes, learned a lot of things 05:13 sorted and absolutely. And Jared kind of give Yeah, a little bit one to about you. 05:20 >> Well, I met Heather a after that. It's just been. One right after the going size and 05:31 on figuring out what we want to do with our lives and Matt Angel won a couple years ago 05:37 at S I. And also a s I made a decision after that. >> I Hartnett that your 05:48 helicopter pilot. >> I ha ha. I guess that is >> Haha, I got my helicopters 05:53 to take it before I met her so several years ago they're working at a hospital setting 06:02 as a maintenance mechanic. Okay. So I do manage hospital. So, you know, marriage took 06:09 off. >> Her only? Sure. >> Wow. Well, tonight's topic 06:13 and you know what fun about this topic is it's also about the Philippines where my roots 06:18 of from my grandfather's the size, it and well and my mom, I have Filipino. So I've been 06:25 there number of times from late teens to both family there. So, hey, we might even 06:32 call that enjoy on over by the name as original Philip, and only who So I got to the water 06:40 in the Haha, I won't do that. We want to start with why you're here. Let me just go to 06:45 Steve because, you know, we've been. They're in the evidence community in the Evans family. 06:50 It's something has been on the top of our list for some time now. Just lead us into that 06:56 story on March one. there was one of the helicopters that is approved by the pumice 07:03 ministry. Philippines at Venice, Medical Aviation Services. They have 4 bases 07:11 there in the Philippines. But one of the helicopters was on a mission. 2, bring back 07:16 someone who is needing hospitalization services and that helicopter went missing. 07:22 On the return flight. It had the pilot and a nurse. And the patient and to family members 07:29 of the patients he has and we have a picture there, kind of of of the helicopter him. So 07:36 you know, that's a challenge and thousands of people have been praying for the safe 07:45 return of the pilot and the nurse and they the family members there. it's been, you 07:51 know, some days ago. And there's still questions about what has happened. But we 07:57 believe the God is still even to use this kind of thing. In a way to bring. Awareness to 08:05 the needs there in that area and to the opportunity to even propel the work forward at a 08:17 greater rate. You know, it's these kinds of things can slow down a ministry right? And so 08:21 this is an opportunity for us to draw together to pray together and to look for a way 08:26 forward that would even bring honor to God and propelling his work forward. Wow. Wow. 08:35 you know, we've been praying. I find to be a part of that. One of the prayer joining 08:42 people over community and having John Branch and John Pratt shows on the night I was 08:45 there and we just still praying for the families in. We know the Lord is still in 08:49 charge of this work right so what is the story? The helicopter went down. The 08:56 helicopter went down and, you know, the only thing that has been found some shoes and a 09:05 pillow, basically remnants of something there. And it's just a lot of questions surrounding 09:10 us. So very unknown and kind of unnerving when you don't know what happened him. done a 09:15 lot of searching now understands >> The lying Sonar and things 09:24 like >> And you know, you talked about a lot of different 09:26 groups who have talked about the various ministries have armor DJing that have been 09:30 participating together. But there's been a conglomerates merging now to make sure that 09:34 the mission continues going forward. And one of those C I talk about that for us 09:39 tonight. post centers, international is a kind of family of ministries and that 09:47 family of ministries includes about 260 ministries now scattered in about 70 09:54 something countries The vision of O C I is that there would be a network of late 10:04 ministries in every country of the world. And we're showing the map right now. Yeah, and 10:06 that map kind of shows you the green is areas where we're doing pretty well and getting 10:11 the gospel out. Those red and orange zones are like we really need to do some more 10:17 work And so that's the the essence of O C I is to help lay people engage well and 10:26 support the mission of the 7th Day Adventist Church to get the Gospel to the world. Pick. 10:30 The 3 Angels message is let's get to the whole world so Jesus can come. anybody 10:34 without anything to that. Spain to one remember one of those ministries of O C I. 10:44 >> And if appreciated to the guidance and representation of that that will see eyes 10:47 provided boxing. >> And also palm us talk about common. Yes. So Thomas is 10:55 affiliated with Angel one, OK, so into one is like an organization that serves the 11:03 aviation ministries that are out there. And so they bring best practice. They bring 11:12 safety. They bring accountability to the aviation ministries. And help them with 11:16 some very practical things. Chris, maybe you can just. Yeah. So in Anna catchy way to 11:22 help you remember what Angel One does people Plains and parts. Okay. Okay. And so 11:28 Yeah. Go and that it goes much beyond that summarizes it nicely. And so one started. It 11:35 was during COVID 2021. We couldn't be traveling around. We're involved in different 11:42 mission projects around the world and it was devastating to not be able to travel and 11:45 be involved in those in God just opened up the doors as we had a family staying with 11:51 during that time who had come back from the mission field as pilots that couldn't servant. 11:56 They were just asking how can we continue to serve thing? There are so many things that 12:00 they needed an aircraft and, you know, a fundraising channel and a way to recruit 12:04 other people to join them in training. And so on. And we're just praying. Lord, how could 12:09 we, you know, fill this need? And that's where Angel one came up and got it was just 12:13 amazing how God provided just the right people but had the experience and form the Angel 12:19 one team. And so we serve different mission. Aviation projects like Pam, U.S.. And 12:23 talk a little bit more about that. Yes, so the promise Kurds may be just kind of 12:28 expand that little bit. What is it that promised us so promise has been operating 12:36 Absolutely. In the Philippines going. And Wendy Harris will be joining us here shortly. 12:38 Yes, and we'll learn more about how God is working through their ministry, but 12:41 they've they've been serving in the Philippines for now over 15 years. Well, and it's 12:48 I was just there a few months ago and just amazing to see I went there expecting to see 12:53 Mission aviation, but it went far beyond that. And we'll talk about those things here 12:56 in a minute. But they have continued to work in amazing ways there in the Philippines. 13:03 And, you know, they have 4 different air bases different parts of the Philippines. Very 13:08 difficult places to work in reach. And those are the places that they've been 13:11 serving. A amazing Lee. Wow. So so palm U.S., it's an acronym for Philippine 13:19 Adventist, Medical Aviation Services. Wow, that's saving lives in remote areas. 13:27 Absolutely. And touching lives for a man. Well, now you mentioned we're going to have 13:31 Dwayne and Wendy Harris joining us here in a little bit via Skype. Yes. but let's 13:36 talk we do. We have the video, the promise video to show now. It wasn't just that. Yeah, we 13:43 common introductory video and then we'll be talking to them more in detail about what's 13:45 happening, OK? Look at this video right after that. We'll share with you the purpose is 13:52 that this is connected to here's the video. ♪ 14:00 ♪ ♪ ♪ 14:15 >> 5.60, to 70% of our flights are emergency medical flights and come to calls from 14:27 commissioners or in the mountains that are working back to news areas we tried a 14:33 assess, you know, if this is truly a emergency, that means a medical evacuation to 14:42 hospital because obviously it's expensive to aircraft. >> Apollo Ohno, natives in the 14:50 mountains and near the mountains have a really poor situation. They have very few 14:57 resources if they have any problems or emergencies, really not much that they can 15:03 do. They really know if they're just die in the mountains or if there's some 15:07 missionaries around that can help them, then have some hope. They don't even have 15:13 enough money. Usually to get to the hospital. So, you know, 2040, pesos our $2 to even get 15:20 try to call to get transportation to the hospital. They can't afford 15:23 that oftentimes or they can afford that they can borrow some money. They'll get to the 15:26 hospital and then >> they can't afford the medicines. 15:30 ♪ >> in for thou and the groups of people that we're reaching 15:43 we have little under the garlic speaking. Well, the pianos. 15:47 >> We also are reaching up into the mountains. >> Well, as with education, 15:52 but medical work. The other Their plans are more often going across Sulu Sea here. So 16:05 it's very overwhelming just to know how to reach groups. >> Last for medical stuff. 16:20 People. >> You know, they have absolutely no line and medical 16:26 evacuation of the helicopter and the thousands of dollars in the U.S.. But 16:32 >> you know, we we don't try to charge thing or expect anything from Renee its cars 16:40 minutes a full and supporting and providing for this, you operating when we bring 16:48 patients in the helicopter from the mountains or we helped how innovation to the 16:55 hospital. Almost always. We will be taking complete care for them. So their medicine 16:59 and sometimes they can understand got chance they for They don't have Hans their 17:07 food and blankets Many things that they will need while they're in the So we help them 17:14 with all of those >> wow, that was a just kind of summarize and a lot of what 17:21 we saw I get that state. Yeah. So Thomas is a ministry operated by lay people on a 17:31 faith basis. This is not somebody that's sitting behind their writing checks all the 17:35 time to say you just go out and do what you need to do and will sustain you this. These 17:41 are people who believe God, he's literally called them to go out and be self-sustaining. 17:49 And Weiss, a self-sustaining sustained by faith in their efforts. Now, CI has. Hundreds 17:57 of ministries like this scattered all over the world. So there are ministries that 18:00 are focused on health work lifestyle, education, their ministries that are focused on 18:06 helping orphans you know, we have orphanages scattered all over the world that are 18:13 helping young people. We have ministries that are focused on media. Printing materials in 18:21 getting it out to other people out general, just and it's stunning when you think about 18:27 it that lead people are going out on their own dollar as it were by faith to establish 18:34 these kinds of ministries. I fear for me was like farms, too. Stu is one of CI 18:41 ministries. And I know they've been here to 3ABN they've been featured here. you know, 18:46 Greece basically working among. Populations that really need to be brought up. That 18:52 wholesome life. Bringing abundant life to families that are in and poverty and 19:00 distress. So those are the kinds of things that are happening in the field. Under 19:05 CI umbrella bombs to we have. Well, what is her name Joy cough and joy. She had we have 19:11 a radio program comes to also wonderful program. She came hand to some recordings from 19:19 Yes, a great work doing. I know for those of us will here in America. We have missions 19:25 and And we think, well, it's just mostly from preaching in getting Handbills and but it's 19:30 a lot more than that. Its agriculture construction farming. It's teaching people 19:35 how to build. the major focus of it is. I mean, I was surprised when you CIA is all 19:43 over the world. I was thinking it was just concentrating just a few countries, but the 19:49 footprint as well as the eye is expanding day by day. Yes, and a lot of it is supported 19:53 by the viewers and listeners. But you also mentioned that there's some people that are 19:56 in the field could use the term was was it self supporting self supporting it? 20:03 That means they have gone out by faith. I said, Lord, I believe you're going to supply 20:07 minded, OK? I'm going to go here and do this. And Heather and Jared, in fact, are an 20:12 example of that. By faith and we'll talk to them or a little later about this. How did they 20:19 get in this situation? How to God lead them to this, OK? But now very interesting how God 20:26 leads people into ministry that is really a a walk of faith. Wow. He went at that, 20:34 yeah, that's very much the way that promise operates. And again. 20:36 >> These are ministries that are working. Alongside supporting the work of the 20:42 church there, not sustained by the church and any of the salaries or anything or not 20:46 coming from the church. These are self-supporting, truly independent. But independent 20:50 in the fact that there and financially independent. But they work in every way 20:55 supporting the work of the 7th around the world. >> Kind of like Be Right? Not 21:02 to not funded by the church, but support of exactly. you one body but many parts of all 21:09 working together for the same cause. >> Now, do you have 5 orcas? 21:13 >> Yes, and it well. So. Some of our ministries have Bible workers. Mostly I doesn't all 21:21 have Bible workers directly, right? But we have ministries that. Their function is to go 21:28 to local areas. Think about this. The gospel needs to be taken to what every every 21:35 every every candidate, every time tried, every people. Now I only speak one language, OK, 21:41 mostly. on a good day. I do OK with but line, which is I don't so one of the things CI 21:49 believes is that we should find the people that are closest to the problem so if 21:54 there are people that understand language and culture in a certain area, we 21:59 should train them a man and use them. So we have training institutions scattered across 22:02 the world that are training missionaries that already know the culture already know the 22:10 language and they can go out and begin to minister and it's not as financially. 22:17 Problematic as bring someone from the U.S. into another country, teaching the 22:22 language, teaching the culture, those kinds of things that just have to happen. If 22:25 you're going ministry, kind of hesitate to call on Jadon have to learning the language as 22:34 you ready for the to. Haha. But but you know what's nice about that is there are people 22:40 that understand the culture because that's where they're born. That's with a raised So 22:45 you have a supportive on people that invested not only in helping in the community. 22:47 But in many cases their community. Yeah, that benefits from the work that they're 22:52 doing in those particular areas of world. One by Jared and I mean, not that would 23:00 wane. And Wendy Harris to join us. Yes, I will have a Skype connection with us about and 23:03 tell us about them while they connect us 20. Wendy, Welcome. Good at Tonight. Can you hear 23:11 at that? Oh, Good. So, Chris, maybe just share a little bit about the Philippines. Pretty 23:20 big plays lot. I lot island spread oat and very small islands that, you know, don't 23:25 some of them don't even have enough space for runways. So you have a very 23:29 >> you know, the only way to access them, perhaps by boat and an honor and a bad day 23:34 that that's pretty difficult to do. Even, you know, to access my boat. And so you 23:39 have all of these different islands and some of them as will share is, you know, as 23:44 you can see on the map here, very spread out. Pam, U.S. has continued to expand their 23:49 footprint throughout the various islands of the Philippines. You'll see 4 23:53 bases called out there in the map. And when you're joining us right now from the air base 23:58 at Paulo on OK, very glad that they can join us this evening. But these these bases are 24:05 strategically located in places where there are very difficult to reach areas. So 24:10 this is areas that are jungles, where it's very mountainous. Sometimes several 24:14 days to hike in and out of these locations. But perhaps anywhere between 10 minutes 24:20 to, you know, an aircraft distance whether to fixed wing or airplane or helicopter. And 24:26 so they're able to then reach. I mean, we talk about the 3 angels message every nation 24:33 kindred talking people and some of these people have no access to even a radio TV 24:38 anything like that. And so the only way to reach them is to go in person and, you know, 24:42 the aircraft really helped make that possible. But that's just the beginning of that. 24:46 Aircraft are what they used to get there. But then Thomas operates different schools, 24:50 different health initiatives. Wow. Yeah. Agriculture Bible were training on going to talk 24:56 a little bit about Okay. When you hear? >> Well, that's good wine and 25:00 Wendy back and listen see they can connect with them once again. Welcome back and went 25:06 and Wendy, what time is it there where you are right now? I think that's the question. 25:10 Everybody wants an answer to you may what day is it? >> morning, 9.30, in the 25:16 morning morning. Wow. Well, thank you for joining us. I'm let Steve. Well, how long have 25:22 you been in the Philippines? Yes. >> care 16 years back here. 25:32 >> That okay. So then the next natural question is, do you speak the language? One of 25:37 them? >> all wish so this area, right where we moment fresh 25:47 start. It and I understand about the war National >> Yeah. What about you doin? 25:58 >> with U Haha. >> Well, Phyllis, what do you do Because you've been, as you 26:03 said, for a number of years. >> What is your function there? and allow and my Santa 26:09 correctly? I I think so. Okay. >> Started What off for 16 years God could their planes. 26:35 Yeah. Way to fix to a face is 3 are just want hear. You're a >> Now, are you away? Go 26:55 ahead. Continue. So a air route. >> Areas. 27:06 >> Support industries that are out there working. >> Support There's not recall. 27:17 here is that we score. Yeah, guy's open up our for us to be working 3 as well through the 27:29 use of the air route. >> Now you fly and you also out are you also become a can 27:35 act that maintain the planes? >> Grab >> Do a lot of bills itself as 27:49 well. >> I had a chance to look at one videos. I know you giving 27:54 us updates as to what was taking place there since March. One of the missing 27:57 helicopter. it something we're trying to wrap our minds around and continue to pray 28:05 about. some of the region's that that you fly too. What's the farthest point that you 28:10 fly to from the location at your base where you're located? 28:19 >> With their flight to get further out 100 But proper, where it was kind of for for 28:34 us that we go that us wave after there was about a mile from where 28:41 >> okay. Yes, Wendy. >> I just said do. And maybe you could just share a little 28:55 bit. I know we have a couple of pictures about the aviation side of things, but just open 29:00 that up for us a little bit. A couple airplanes, a couple of how do you see that as we the 29:09 being a key element of the ministry there. know you kind of mentioned that a little 29:15 bit. But just from your view, how is that key to keeping the ministry really functioning 29:18 there? >> Well, air around her >> do door. with saying that 29:35 you go. know full You they want their say it will 2 off. the last possible outwards 29:47 really all breaks down barriers or, you know, share spiritual with a ball. It 29:58 Through out. People in other things as well. That provides an master that it's a little 30:16 outside So last for. Do Florence. >> Doing thank you for sharing 30:34 about that. But tell us a little bit. And I know when your primary things is the 30:39 medical. What kind of things do you face there and how does that? I can imagine that 30:47 really being a significant key is you're trying to open people's hearts that right 30:52 ministering to them and that medical way. >> Yeah, little. 31:04 >> So they are medical Yeah, that. ♪ 31:14 You know, just like it is for a one all love that I hated it. 31:21 >> Those that spiritual yeah, make where a lot of medical issues that are out there. 31:31 Also. 2, how the case my we're just lifestyle small building here that for. 31:51 >> You know, those at >> spiritual things. >> a too. 32:05 >> So what are some of the greater needs that you have there, if you would to say, 32:09 well, based on our day by day challenges, what would you say would be higher on the list of 32:13 needs? >> more or light a match aerial okay. We'll talk about 32:30 human resources because I know there are people that come to volunteer there. There are 32:33 people that are being trained in the local sites. But let's start with human resources. 32:38 What would you say? It takes to run the kind of operation that you have right Apollo on. 32:47 >> People wise? >> Well, it a longer you're out working for an is there 32:58 you know, all seem like there's financial That that the latter. A factor as we 33:08 know communicate, you for whatever direction it may were we're seeing out long It a 33:20 ball you know, is and that you know, people there says, you know, it workers, experience, 33:38 you know, helped us over food. All that van is able know stand, to create or executed. 33:54 face a new building a K shares for the school's I just finished school. Building, a 34:06 staff that were still out of the that had more so just kind of out we people that are to 34:19 why goals here, Yeah, So there's a lot of things that weren't a but where able 34:31 years. >> Let me ask one question. I know, because my wife and I 34:35 see things from different perspectives at times. The most the most part I can tell 34:40 she's thinking she could tell that I'm thinking, but what about from your perspective, 34:44 Wendy, what are some of the challenges that you see may be paramount? 34:51 >> As as human or anything. >> You could. You could choose a category. 35:01 >> Yeah, is. I mean, it's actually it's always people that we need to. And said 35:07 skills or because? >> they all we have thought, you from and a lot of and they 35:24 >> We don't mentors and people and because want act or project. they're doing great 35:35 job But then he over areas are >> A ministry so many things going on, more people. 35:44 >> Well, I think the good news is with this program tonight, I think we're going to be 35:50 stimulating in the minds of and listen some people might be saying, hey, how can I get 35:52 there? And when can I go? Just talk about some of those. How do people get there and wants 35:56 to volunteer ratio? I mean, just kind of give you an idea of how that happens. So if 36:03 someone wants to go literally to the Philippines help this specific ministry, they can 36:10 connect either CI arrange a one or directly to that ministry and say I've got some 36:15 skills. I believe God is calling me. I'd like to see what's available here just 36:21 recently. I think there are 4 different positions that were posted on CI as specific needs 36:30 there in the Philippines. And so there's a variety of ways people can get there. Heather 36:35 and Jarret are here tonight. Yeah, they're they're starting a journey. Know they're in the 36:39 middle of their in there. I'm not sure how you want there on the journey. We're on the They 36:45 have tickets to go to the Philippines. >> That actually they had 36:50 before this helicopter went missing at that. Wow. So God had set them up. You might say 36:56 to go and help there even before this situation occurred. yeah, yeah. You have 37:04 a very capable son-inlaw who God the scale that is needed right away. Just tell our 37:12 audience about this. We talked about this briefly before the program, but the timing is 37:16 definitely providential. Yes, it is. He could have been more amazing. We planned talk about 37:22 that. The call and your planning and now and knowing where you're headed. 37:26 >> Yes, so we became interested in the ministry. That promise is doing there in 37:31 the Philippines in 2021. And so we've been following their ministry and all of the things 37:37 that they've been doing, therefore, since that time and we started working towards how 37:44 could we maybe get involved and became even more serious about it within the last 6 to 37:50 8 months and filled out application and started working actually with Angel 37:56 The ministry has been very instrumental in actually helping us to get everything 37:59 set up so that we can do this. But as they mentioned Thomas is 100% volunteer based 38:08 organization. And so, you know, we had. Been wanting for me. I'm a physician assistant 38:16 wanting to cut back on my work and felt the Lord calling me to do that. Okay. iris 38:24 resisting that you know, being a physician assistant. It's a well paying job and 38:31 >> so, you know, I was battling with the Lord and I felt him saying put your feet 38:35 in the Jordan and all take care of it. And so I said, well, I don't know the Lord. 38:41 Do you really mean that? And so battled from sometime in 2021? Probably until just a 38:47 couple of months ago. And finally had said all partially obey you, Lord. Let go to one 38:52 day a week. Okay. yeah, I got that will be the the week before. That schedule is to 38:58 start. I felt the Lord saying. That's not enough. Wow. And so I bows and prayed that the 39:05 Lord he basically called me to that point to say, do you trust me enough to just let me 39:11 worry about all these things you're worrying about. That's And so I cried and I wept and 39:19 I said, yes, Lord, I'm willing to surrender that to you. And so later that day came to 39:23 Jerry and I said, Honey, the Lord is calling me to give this up 100%. And you know, 39:32 you're right. Yeah. He said. >> That's great. and he's ready. 39:43 >> And so. >> We have had some road block, something standing in 39:45 our way in terms of training and and all of that. But 8 days from the time that I 39:52 surrendered my job, we got it notification that Thomas said we could really use you in 39:58 April and May. Could you come and we said, yeah, let's let's do this. Let's make it happen. 40:05 And so, you know, the largest really began to work after >> we got out of the way and a 40:11 man and >> what about your children? How do they feel about this? 40:15 They're They are. They are excited about fresh fruit and particularly coconuts. They 40:24 keep wind by coconuts and the store. And I say you don't know what a Coke and 40:33 >> Exactly. >> So they're excited. They Yeah. 40:37 >> We're excited as a family and just seeing large hand is really an about you as a 40:42 father. How did you feel about this? >> Well, I felt better before 40:46 the helicopter went missing. You know that this was everything was good. Worf. You 40:52 know, we're going downstream. They're going to do mission service, of course, from a 40:55 very young age. I had tried to impart this to her, And so on early had to as a father cut a 41:06 few strings. She went served in Korea for years. Definition areas to that kind of thing. 41:11 And so I had cut a few strings them. But now this is like permanent almost kind of 41:16 thing. And then the job is has some rest to it as you can Yeah. And so it's a journey 41:27 still to understand. But I believe God has led them. And I'm 100% behind them trying to 41:31 encourage them and help them any way I can to go and serve where God has called them. So, 41:38 you know, not alone. That's why have from Jared. Yeah, Jarrett. You have a skill that 41:44 is definitely needed. Yeah. How appropriate that I'm talk about that 41:49 >> so I am a helicopter pilot commercially rated. Well, I got my certificate back in and 41:57 just haven't been really using And I met Heather and we start going to as I. that's where 42:06 I'm Dwayne. talked with him. You know, once. The following year we met Angel won and 42:15 talking them a little bit more. And I kind of sparked. New life that maybe we can get 42:22 off the ground start flying, OK, prepare you for a few years. Yeah. Along. 42:28 >> A few years. Yeah. Haha. >> And in light of in light of what happened in March as 42:36 we're listening Dwayne Talk about the need, he said we need pilots and some of the 42:40 places that are difficult to reach. I think you mentioned that some of the places that 42:46 too small to even have a runway. That's The the second option is the helicopter. So 42:50 have you been to allow in yet? >> I have So this will be I've been out of the country but 42:58 this will be a long term. >> Okay. There helicopter helicopter waiting for you to 43:06 fly. I hope so. Talk about that's true. Wow. >> so God's timing is always 43:14 divine moment. And it's nice to know God understands a struggle and sometimes things 43:19 come to a plane with a lot comfortable right where I am. I going to really ask me to do 43:24 that. They'll without comfort. there where you are. But I know that God open the door 43:28 for Poulter. Yes, we'll be praying for your children when they come back. They will be 43:33 jury in tell us a little bit about down. We'll bring you back in but about Tom Andrew 43:40 Hosford. Curtis. Andrew Hosford actually is kind of instrumental in in part of he 43:50 was one of the people >> that had studying to be a mission pilot and he was 43:57 wrapping up his his time at the school that he was at. And we met at a it was a nasty 44:04 people meeting this would have been 2019 October 2019 and he just started a, you know, 44:10 sharing how he really hit him in the there were 6 at that time. Other classmates had no 44:16 no real direction or place to go from here. They knew they were trained. They were ready, 44:20 but they just needed some way to connect with mission aviation project to get them, 44:25 you know, prepared for what that specific project would require. Yes, in this case, 44:29 the project that he was originally looking out was a float have vanished. Project 44:35 in Nicaragua. So he needed special training to fly float plane and so in the one, you 44:40 know, helped support him through that and get that off the ground so Andrew continued 44:46 in his time. He went and spent some time in Nicaragua and then well, we'll see is going 44:51 to be a video that and he's going to share shortly describes kind of God's 44:55 journey that you know, to come through that. And so in that experience, he he just saw 45:02 God's calling very clearly to promise as he journeyed through there and he's been 45:08 serving now, I promise for almost a year. so we have been telling story of we have about 45:13 a 6 minute video. Just let's look at what the lawyers suing this ministry that continues 45:17 then >> Well, my name is and your high street and I'm a mission 45:27 pilot was promise. My aviation journey made Mission Aviation journey started when I was 20 45:31 years old. Since that point, I was able to from a one-year program with me airframe and 45:41 powerplant mechanic's license. And then I follow that year with the second year a 45:48 professional flight from that time, my goal was completely towards mission aviation. And 45:53 I was excited for every opportunity. I got to build experience related to When I 46:02 graduated with my 2 year program in aviation, I didn't know where learned was calling 46:07 me to I didn't know what mission organization that would I didn't really know I 46:15 was a brand new candidate for the missions program. at that point, it didn't seem that 46:28 there was any options available for I felt economy get some experience with the 46:31 mission organization and Central America. I was there for 46:36 >> working towards that time program for almost 2 And then during that point in time, I 46:40 felt the letter calling me to some some to various circumstances and that and 46:49 that amount of the name Thomas kept coming up to me. >> And I didn't really 46:55 understand when Thomas Weiss, I I later found out is a mission organization that uses 47:01 mission to spread the gospel to the farthest reaches of the immediately. When I heard I 47:10 knew was calling me to 2022 I joined Thomas officially pilot and and I can say it's been 47:21 the best journey of my life. each of the promise bases incredible. There's lots 47:31 different things happening. This construction. There's obviously aviation and 47:38 mechanics and there different aspects as well like fixing motorcycles and trucks and 47:43 vehicles and maintaining the grounds, make it look like nice before coming to promise 47:53 in the My call to mission aviation was was stronger than anything that I hadn't 47:57 experienced I knew the learned one emission I was the clearest voice I've ever heard 48:07 to And since that time, there's been so many opportunities for the learn to 48:11 confirm that in my mind. training expensive alert provided the funds for I 48:19 didn't have any money, but the letter provided each step of the way. To build beyond 48:24 getting my license is to build experience provided opportunities for me to do it. 48:31 Very inexpensive lease. I was able to continue building my experience. When I came to 48:38 promise the Lord blessed with an amazing She's in areas that also join just a few months We 48:47 dating for almost a year and a and the really works to both of us in many ways, you know, 48:53 ways one of the most caring nurses that ever my She's been an amazing support to the 49:04 people on here in the Maze as well as the community members that come from out of the 49:10 before. Joining from us, he was a up in the mountains too much and So many people were 49:17 touched by her. And so when they came Thomas and work together and you can just see 49:24 that excitement and serving an We're both committed to missions. And just a few weeks 49:33 ago she was on medical helicopter. unfortunately that helicopter never returned. 49:43 still in the process finding answers and seeking as guidance. during that period 49:53 of searching and not knowing what happened or where. My best friend, the A's. the last 50:00 of the helicopter. nation increased Because I know they learned is coming He's 50:09 provided each step of the way. And even though there are setbacks, even though those 50:15 challenges, even though it's has already been given me and our streams to continue Imus 50:24 has been incredible blessing for so many As you can imagine, going to some of the 50:31 islands that promise and taking a You can imagine that being a rough seas that could 50:36 take up to 2 days and some some of places that only take about an hour for us to fly 50:46 the giving us amazing their but they're We've helped so many people. know for me 50:53 personally, just since June of last year when I arrived in the Philippines has flown 400 51:01 hours to this And over 70 medevac flights. has been incredibly merciful and I'm so 51:08 thankful for for all the opportunities to and you want to get involved. And there's 51:13 plenty of ways to do Not a pilot's, even if you're not. And there's there's plenty 51:21 different opportunities get and I'll be playing leads you to that 51:28 ♪ >> well, as you can see, Andrew was not only showing us 51:42 the skills and the abilities in the missions and the ministry he was doing. Ali was 51:46 a but also giving us a recap of his of friend. That was last in the series, a tragedy 51:52 and his good The other pilot, which still there's a mystery as to what you know, we talked 51:59 about. These need to still the timing, as we pointed out Chad and how that's not 52:08 coincidental, cod is opening door 4. And as Steve mentioned, I was just just 52:14 before my life talks to Jared another here. You we chaos in the probably in the program. 52:22 How do you feel about it? And you said you felt really good. Until something happened. But 52:27 now. As a father who trust the Lord. You know that God is still leading. Yes, I believe 52:36 really. That the Lord uses all things try to his glory and then and even this tragedy as 52:43 we look at it we say how can anything good come out of well, I believe then if the 52:49 only good thing that came out of it was that my daughter and her husband and family went to 52:54 serve there. It would ignite within their heart passion. That would be worth whatever. 53:03 That you know at this point. Saving people. Is God's mission, saving. People should 53:11 be our mission as well. Right? >> Wow. Now. >> Have you have your 53:17 physician assistant. So the law prepared you? Ahead of time, what you're going to be 53:22 doing? Share with us. What will you be doing while you're there? 53:26 >> Well, I'm primarily going to be supporting my husband and making sure my children 53:30 are being home schooled and getting a good so we'll be taking care of that. And as as 53:37 you've heard, there's opportunities for remote medical clinics and they're 53:41 working on lifestyle medicine, which is a passion that you know, and so I think that 53:45 there will be many opportunities to use that for the Lord services. Well. 53:53 >> This admission fee of children to bill have for the rest of their life and who 53:56 knows? They may be missionaries one day too. We can only hope they'll be 54:02 they'll be starting Keep on the right. >> Yeah. one of the things 54:07 that as I've been thinking about this, one of the things that has impressed me too. 54:12 Take a step further in trying to help do something. There is that right now there's an 54:19 need. There's a huge need that's been left vacant. Bye. People that are not there to 54:26 fill There's there's no one there to fly the supplies to the children in the jungle 54:30 schools. They say, well, they can just take it in. Well, they could help. That's days 54:34 of hiking own. You know, it's hours and hours of hiking to get to some of these remote 54:40 jungle schools. It's the only the only logical way, at least in my mind to serve them is 54:45 through some kind of either helicopter aviation service and to keep it actually active 54:54 where the teachers are being served in. children are being served in. I think that what 5 55:01 schools now 5 schools that are there not nearby anywhere And so, you know, there's this 55:06 this vacuum this they're demanding some additional help now and outpost Centers has a 55:16 you oppose centers dot org, OK? And that Web site people can go and they can see the 55:21 specific calls they put up already. Others will probably be coming and searched the 55:27 field for even other places in the So I believe God can use. The passion that has been 55:33 shown in generated by people paying attention to this. What's to launch mission even 55:40 in other places of the world. But right in a car, as you can, viewing what's been 55:47 happening. But before we and our first hour, just talk about people that are watching 55:51 to listen to the program for her, extend an appeal to those who are maybe thinking about 55:57 some tangible way of helping out and to stop Thomas. Absolutely worth. That's being 56:04 held in the Philippines. So you've heard the needs that exist right Almost every it 56:10 doesn't matter. Really skills God has given you. >> God is giving new skills 56:15 and you're willing to serve. There's an opportunity for you. And so we would like to 56:21 yeah, appeal to those. If if God is calling you if God has put it on your heart and your 56:27 wrestling with that quiet, that came with a would would consider just prayerfully. 56:30 Consider, you know, he's he's got call from you today and put it in God's hands and see 56:35 what he'll if you are are inclined, though CI website is there. If you are involved in 56:41 mission aviation of any kind into one is here to help. And Angel, one online dot org. 56:50 It's where you can go find out more about how you can be involved, specifically mission 56:54 aviation, if that's the calling that God has put on your heart in the skills that 56:57 he's given, you. >> Wow, that's, you know, a name came to my mind. I'm not 57:02 going mention here, but I know someone who, yeah, he's a pilot and just recently said 57:05 I'd love to be involved in some kind of mission work. he and his wife from doctors to 57:12 enable doctors. I think there's opportunity. Yes. live in Washington to date. So, but 57:18 as you've been listening to this first hour, we have quite a bit more to cover the second 57:21 hour as we open Muhsin abroad away. We'll talk again help you see how God can use you 57:30 from your living room, from your home, from your place of employment to be able to reach 57:34 across the world to make a difference in the lives of those. As Steve says, the 57:38 vacancies that are there, God can fill them and you may be the one that you can do 57:43 without. So don't go away. We'll be right back. ♪ 57:51 ♪ |
Revised 2023-03-24