Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230009A
00:06 >> I want ♪ >> I
00:50 >> want to ♪ ♪ 01:07 >> Hello, family and friends. Welcome to 3. A B in today. >> All the way live. It is 01:11 Thursday night, Honey. it's pretty cool out here, isn't it? That's right. But the 01:17 program is not going to be cool. It's going to be anything but cool in the sense 01:19 of calm, cool weather. But it's going to be cool in the sense that topic. And so we 01:26 just welcome you that as you're joining us, wherever you joining us from the world, 01:30 this is a program that you do not want to miss. We often look forward to this program. 01:34 Yes, right. That's right. Now have bought 9 guests tonight, 2 hours of a lot of pictures, 01:44 videos. Good. far East testimony, miracle stories Love. Paul sought continues to 01:49 move in a powerful way in this ministry. But before we introduce our guests, want to 01:54 thank you for your prayers and your financial support of this network. As always say, we 01:59 continue going and growing getting ready for the most exciting event over the coming 02:01 of Jesus. Kind of get an amen >> Hand. Let's go ahead and introduce guest tonight. all 02:08 the Honey, want you to just the lady across too. >> Yeah, OK, the Lisa Williams 02:16 definitely OK, tell us about Lisa. Well, my name is Lisa. Haha. 02:21 >> I've been a part of maps for I'm like 18 years and my life has been changed. I've 02:31 seen got to work in ways that. No one can tell me that he's not real loud and I work with 02:39 beautiful people. The most God-fearing loving, talented people. I'm so blessed to be a 02:46 part of this. >> and you, my fellow Jamaican say yes aid in the Haha. 02:57 >> I want this young lady's name when we came out. Always bright smile. What's your 03:02 name? And she talked to say in a symphony, symphony of football. So you small 03:08 symphony? >> Yeah, I play the piano on different instruments and 03:12 sadly, I over a lot of the things that Napster's musically. So a guy just has a 03:16 great sense of humor. >> He gave you the role and the name to go with it. You 03:21 hear a symphony. What are you from? Many places. Haha. >> Barbados, Bermuda and 03:30 Canada. >> man. Yeah, he's okay. I got there. love 03:37 >> and this certainly has an amazing name. >> If raw to. Yeah, my point 03:43 could topple. Yes, OK, that's background. Well, I I came from the GOP a yeah. Yeah. I 03:51 join ups and downs and feel p a that was by contained 17 and he was. 03:59 >> That's came to GOP. And then I was like the first person to tell you, I'm going, 04:05 because I so the testimony and everything and I I so purposes and and that was the life that 04:11 I wanted to leave. And I did in his pick to join and ever since then part of apps. And 04:16 I'm so to have. >> Here international probe island. yes. And next to you 04:24 at least saw this. >> You is Eeli 5th Skinner. I've been a part of for 3 04:30 years in college. I really had a I listen to the song says Give your best to the master. 04:36 Give us the strength of a youth. And I was like, Lord, I really want to give my my 04:43 youth to you. And so as a result, I been and full time and ever since I like that, 04:53 the >> His best of the mask as he a way to you get old, you at 04:57 the Best Value on. >> That's right. so glad to have keep those smiles Haha. 05:04 >> Hey, you save the day. One guy. >> Price. Yes to hit. Tory, 05:13 thank you. going tell us about Hori. Okay, Tories originally from Chicago, Illinois, all 05:24 but I've been involved with naps for. I think it's been more than 20 years now. That 05:26 law, I remember you have not you things. I remember you come here before Oh, yes, And 05:36 so I got involved when I was in college and I just enjoyed it so much. It changed my life 05:42 just the way I think can see people. And so from then on, I was I was addicted and I 05:46 loved. >> you know, you can tell this is going to be a good program. 05:51 I'm excited if you have the capacity to do so you might want to hit record. And if 05:54 you're driving a new car, keep your eyes on the if your home invite your family and friends 06:02 to sit down and enjoy this program because I know that when it's done some other 06:06 person younger as well as older, it's going to be inspired about what God can do 06:10 in a person's life who is on fire for the Lord. always say you either on fire for the 06:17 Lord. you'll be on fire by spent to build 5 for the lawyers and caps on fire for 06:24 the Well, before we dive in we have tonight from news lot, we have a Caribbean guy, Kendall 06:29 Baucus, he's going to share a song. >> Called I will get home 06:33 someday. My panel 07:07 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:22 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:37 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:51 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:07 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:22 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:37 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:51 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:07 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:21 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:37 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:51 ♪ ♪ >> thank you, Kendall. I will 10:03 get home someday. We will get has come set high taking you back to give you cause to go 10:11 forward. And symphony was singing during the next. What have you right now? But what a 10:16 nice on wasn't it? >> It's a beautiful song. It really it makes me emotional 10:22 because it reminds me of some things that I've gone through when I was younger, which 10:26 motivates me for what I'm doing with maps now. Yeah. >> when we found out during 10:32 the during the music that she's married. Yeah, she's more like maybe just 10:42 >> Haha. No. Okay. Let's get into this program. Tory. Yes. What is naps? What is naps? I 10:48 think the song that we just heard so fitting and talking about getting home someday. 10:54 And that's really what naps is about. It's about pushing forth this gospel so that we 10:57 can get home someday. >> Knapp says acronym, stands for the National Association 11:04 for the Prevention of Starvation. And it's basically a mission group based in 11:07 Alabama and the Lord is use this group to go around the world to spreading the gospel 11:13 in helping others as much as we can because we really believe that as we help others 11:18 still see the love of God in us. And from there, we can point them to the savior sent 11:24 awful. I like that National Association for the Prevention of Starvation. Yes, Wonderful. 11:31 Wow. >> And you've all you'll have wonderful testimonies, which 11:34 going come up later in the program Lisa, tell us about the children's story. 11:41 >> Well, we have a very special children's story coming all the way from 11:45 Guyana, South America. You can look on the screen. As the video plays. I will tell the 11:48 story. And our story is about obedience. And that's something that we focus with. 11:55 Our children want to promote. Obedience to their parents, to their teachers, to their 12:00 elders because it makes a difference. So there's a young man named Tyler. He was a very 12:06 obedient boy. I'm doctor. Paul said. Young man, I want you to go get the squeezy bottle and 12:12 put it in the bin. And he ran and he put the squeeze the bottle in the bin packed up 12:18 and we headed to Diana, not America. Now, when we're there we encountered a child that 12:25 was very sick. In trouble dehydrated. I sunk was Tyler. Now Doctor Paul said, can you 12:33 go get that squeezy bottle home. >> Got the squeezy bottle 12:36 disinfected. It. That bottle was used to. But some coconut water in so that it can be 12:44 able to rehydrate the baby. And as the the baby was being rehydrated, the energy life. I 12:51 was coming back into the child. And what if Tyler didn't put the bottle in the 12:58 bin? Wow. What if he was But he was obedient. Can you imagine how he felt? 13:04 >> Because he listen to what doctor Paul said. And because the results for that child was 13:11 saved. is the child was better. As you can see, Doctor Malo ministering to that 13:17 child. Now, look at the little the little squeezy looking a lot of that. that's a little. 13:22 But look at look how you look how you look eyes got. >> Put that in there because 13:28 had he not been there the pot, it's a possible that the child would not be here with us 13:31 today. So So he told a story for you. You can definitely see. There are no 13:40 coincidences. That small moment when the when the lawyers newfound courage, 13:42 doctor. >> To say bring that squeeze Squeezy bottle, squeezy it 13:48 became the interim life definitely in a situation that could have been quite. And 13:53 this is what country this is in Guyana, South America Yes. how do you say that up to 2 14:02 when you they're all. So this isn't the Ripon is Allison here at this at this time. But 14:05 it's the baby. Yeah. There goes the baby. >> all. 14:09 >> Well, I'm not. bless them. >> So also. >> And those small big 14:22 blessings come out of Okay. What the snaps presently doing. 14:28 >> So currently maps is working in the Black Belt we're currently working in the 14:33 southern part of Alabama where there is a lot of poverty. There's a lot of health 14:39 disparities. There's a lot of broken families and broken children. 14:45 >> But there's there is hope because God is using people like these young people right 14:51 here to offer love, doing children programs, providing free health care. I'm doing 14:58 reading programs. We're going to talk about that a little bit later where kids are 15:01 graduating and not being able to read. So we're doing that and then feeding them because 15:04 sometimes the kids come. And they're so hungry. And so you can minister to them until, 15:11 you know, they they eat. One has to remember is on after the Emancipation Proclamation 15:18 many of the former slaves went to other states that that we're not tolerating slavery 15:26 as much in order to get their footing and and to grow and but it's places like all the 15:34 black belt that was where slavery was heaviest, the oppression and even after 15:40 there was a loss and we can't slave them, are they just going to automatically value 15:42 them? Well, no, and so these are the children of the slaves never left this area. And so 15:51 so there's so much degradation hair going into and it's like, is this it? Yeah, it's it's 15:58 like it's akin to 3rd world. Yeah, situations and in some instances where us so yeah. 16:07 And even with that, by like even has a book on it. The southern work where she goes 16:10 and talks about. >> That we have a call to go into the Sutherland into the 16:15 south and to minister to the people because like something you say and just like the 16:21 child in the video was starving like for water kids in the South. Our starting for 16:26 love, for food, for all of the above. This is a community where you find children in. 16:33 >> Broken houses, almost every house eagle. It's a broken home. Yes, and you just go 16:42 there and find the father's smoking in the child. Is there you find them smoking in front 16:48 of them. It's it's something apathy along. Yes. And it's even hard for us to describe 16:55 it. It's really Alabama says. So bills. So we have a greens Cuba, Alabama. So few cities, 17:03 if you put a few communities. >> How far is it from Huntsville? 3 hours and a half 17:08 more south. Yes, you call it the black Belt. Yes. Interesting. Explain that 17:14 briefly. So the black belt is. >> A series of communities ranging from well, it it 17:22 encompasses Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. 17:28 >> And this is it's also overlapping with the Bible Belt. Interestingly and this 17:37 is an area where you have a lot of the, you know, the children of former slaves 17:42 having the stipulation that were describing. But the southern work that book is 17:44 really helpful in describing that area. What their needs are, what we as a church needs 17:49 to do. Philip Heaven with the souls as well. >> And some of this outreach 17:58 happens on Sabbath. Talk about that. Yes, so. >> When we if not all the time 18:06 that people are going to come to your church, we have to bring the church to them and 18:10 the kids when we come to the communities we have like a vbs with them. The case Bible 18:17 school, do arts and crafts. We sing scriptures songs and we definitely feed them. Yeah, 18:23 because they always want the >> We give them spaghetti. Sometimes we teaching them how 18:29 to eat and always give them through and they love food because in the area it's very 18:33 far to get fresh fruits and vegetables. It's almost like a a desert dry and sometimes 18:39 will be in the community. And I'm just a times of day and I remember one time was around 18:44 that 05:00PM. And you're like. >> what have you done today so far? And they're like talkies 18:53 and juice. And and that's it. That's all that they've had. It's talkies. Yes, like chip. 18:59 Think. >> Do you think Cheetos? All but a lot of food colorings. 19:03 Yeah, not. Yeah. It's. >> So they've had all day. >> Yes, I water and sugar. 19:10 Yeah. Just not nutritious know. Yeah. But it's super beautiful because God's given 19:16 us the opportunity to know and have the knowledge of growing our own plants and growing our 19:21 own vegetables. And with that, we're able to share and also teach the children. 19:25 >> How to grow plants for themselves. So we have we've are able to plant over that 19:32 10,000 collars and were able to hand it out should distribute it our communities. 19:42 >> Lines the of testimony. Okay. Okay. So yes. There is a sweet little boy obese. He's 6 19:51 years old was a 6 year-old obese. I it's it's terrible. he swears up and down against 20:00 vegetables. we've been really laboring and so one day after a program that he had that we 20:05 had, he came to and before we drop him home, we stopped by our home and we have our 20:10 garden bed full of kale collards and my husband just snatches up some of those 20:14 leaves and just munch's it goes into the house and he's inch redesign after sees that 20:22 example like, you and so he gives them some. He's like And so as we drop in home 20:30 mother-in-laws next door and we have some callers growing in her backyard like, don't 20:35 worry this more at the house. So he keeps asking for more and more even tell. Right now 20:41 he's actually lost a little bit of weight. He's maxing something we've taught him. 20:45 And you always knocks on the door politely only mother-in-law's door and says. 20:51 >> Excuse ma'am, can I have some color me? Yeah. >> impact is Definitely. And 20:58 he's not only hungering for fruits and vegetables, but we invited him to church and he 21:05 wasn't answering all the questions and that the school and after the appeal was made, 21:09 he was literally jumping in the pool or >> But you, you know, you have 21:16 adopted to the lifestyle, but wow, eating just hungering and thirsting after righteousness, 21:20 that child. >> So, Stephanie, what about those waters song? Yeah, I'm a 21:25 nurse. >> High. these kids in customs to healthy habits, it's not a 21:30 lifestyle. So I do like to write songs. Okay. So I'm I wrote a song for water. Just 21:37 the lyrics are. Well, when you're if you're feeling dry, you should probably have some 21:42 water use is about Probably need to refill some things, you know, have some water the 21:45 courses like. >> Well, do. start my >> You know, OK, sit child 21:58 like fun song and its. They love the song. They sing it. >> All the time. Yeah. the 22:04 aliens, huh? >> Haha. >> I I'm I was part of one of 22:10 the Oakwood choirs. And I was okay there. might want avoid. >> And not tell us about the 22:15 evangelists and that you get involved in. we know that it's door-to-door combat. We have 22:21 to do in relation to evangelism. the frat as our team leader the door-to-door 22:28 combat. I want to have her share testimony of it's a very beautiful one. It's whenever 22:35 you go to the community, the it's something that we do feet go there. We go there. And 22:43 then we share the encouraging Bible verses. Yes, there are so many things that we do when 22:52 we go out to the community for saying we go through Prince Bar and Thompson, Thomas Lane. 23:00 This are the committees that we go to. We reading club we also have fun days, quote, 23:08 whenever we go and there are so many things that we >> so awesome. 23:15 >> And it's really cool because not only do we do like physical cause, sometimes we 23:19 can think that it's us doing the work. But in actuality with a lot of prayer and with 23:25 a lot of surrendering our hearts to God. That's where the change change come. And I 23:30 just wanted to share story of this little girl Gabriel. And so for Gabriel, she really has 23:37 a heart for service and wanting to share with others and one said she wanted her, 23:42 her friend to come to church. So that once for one said that she was unable to go for the 23:49 next 7. She said I'm going to pray fast. So my friend can come to church with and sure 23:55 enough when they pulled up, the friend was there and she was able to come and that 24:01 friend and her. They also pray for other kids to come along for reading programs because 24:07 of their prayers. There was a lot of children that specific day that they prayed for these 24:13 2 young children praying for prayer warriors. Kids jumping into the car, got Rios 5. it's 24:24 7. And you >> So the picture we just saw in the middle of a red car. 24:31 >> My One years. She fell on prayers. Regards Fayyad have to have means learn how to 24:38 prevent the cycles. Grown men teaches how to pray. >> The simplicity of the 24:42 parent, a How beautiful that is. >> And then also teaching them 24:45 songs as well as far as >> realizing that in Daniel Daniel preyed and got into 24:53 square. And so we actually taught. >> We're teaching song. So 24:58 them many songs. >> That basing whenever we go to the community is having is 25:05 a wonderful And whenever that So whenever that song its site, you can see that. You 25:17 know why they sing it because it actually brings them light. The catch is saying that. 25:30 >> is a wonderful place. it is and gray. see is a wonderful but I want to on a -0 I wanted 25:57 play and we had a fun day Lee and the Sunday we're knocking on the door and yet their Ford 26:02 on their phone, they probably been inside all day some of them because they don't let 26:05 the kids up for some reason sometimes. And we're just like. 26:10 >> Yes, yeah. balls are going to have some more singing stuff. Just songs were kicking 26:19 the ball around. Yeah, it's just it's like a piece of we're giving them a piece. 26:23 Yeah. So they know the songs and one of the songs that they know is on my God sent his 26:28 angel to shut them out of the Lion. Yeah, it is. >> I think we yes. 26:54 >> so it's just my can be given the motions again right? >> and 61 Yeah. 27:14 >> This is to let them know that it's from the Bible. Has illiteracy is a serious 27:19 problem. Really in the United States, but you know, they didn't let the sleeves read. 27:27 so I'm a lot of people today in the areas that we're working in can't read adults, 27:34 children. There are kids growing up like graduating high school, as you said, not 27:39 able to read or getting a second grade level like just and repaired. We went to a 27:43 board meeting in one county everything was in red at a certain age. Second, 3rd 27:49 grade. Things just dropped. And that's because that's the age where you take off the 27:52 training wheels academically, unite. it's it's really bad. But if we can get God's word 27:57 into the heart, if we can not just teach them how to read the cut to be a love for 28:03 reading, cultivate an insatiable desire to know Then that is that's why the reading 28:11 com man, it's powerful and even one of our we have people from the community, kids from 28:17 the community that have graduated and one of the kids, there's a picture of her 28:22 reading to a child. She came in having problems reading and now in the picture she is 28:31 reading And it's powerful gives is. >> It's amazing. Wow, you're 28:36 like a little dynamo. >> their smiles and their energy and presence is so 28:44 apparent in your life. I Lisa, how do you like working with young lady? 29:01 >> I love that. Reason. Tell us about the Cuba outreach. Yes. So for Cuba outreach, we 29:06 have the opportunity of going into a Sunday church and they provide the facility and they 29:11 bring in kids from their church as well as kids from the community. And so we meet 29:15 on mornings and we bring they come together and we're able to teach them about the Bible. 29:21 Now, a lot of times if you raise in the church, she can take for granted that, you 29:26 know, Bible stories, some of these church kids actually don't really no those that 29:29 many stories, in fact, we actually we do different skits. So we had a skate we're 29:35 doing knowing the arch kit and was pleading for people to come into the ark. So the 29:41 first time some kids came with the second time the pastor's grandson came in and that 29:47 caused the pastor to cry because this is just the skit. They really and also for 29:53 knowing the art, it's not just they don't necessarily know in detail about. He's the second 29:59 coming, but in No in the Ark were able to introduce you second coming. So not only are 30:05 they like, yes, I want these books. I want to be ready. I want to find safety in Jesus 30:12 it was a call Cuba outreach on. That's just where the where it's Not talking about 30:17 Spanish. Haha. >> This isn't so much out of them will make so much of the 30:27 Illinois. We don't know. That's really interesting. You know, these stories are 30:31 infectious. I can see why you enjoy. I can see why you're See our viewers and listeners. 30:40 You didn't know you and in store for this kind of program. We had singing. 30:45 learned some songs about and it's it's it's great as I could see this not a job to, 30:51 you it's a mission. On talk about this mission as you've been part of that mission for 30:56 a number of uses, what's can't what's kept you on board for 20 years? And we go back to 31:01 the diving in the program here. I for me, it's just giving me purpose by making an 31:08 you know, a lot of times when you grow up, you see people who can sing. You see people 31:12 can preach people who are. >> Excellent speakers like man. Those are the people 31:17 doing vandalism. I don't do that stuff. I guess we'll just sit here. But then when you 31:20 find out great, everybody has a purpose got called. Everybody given us gifts and 31:28 talents. And so through this ministry got developed my gifts and talents just loving 31:33 to plug in court. And, you even that I love to drive, those are things that God is 31:38 able to use to make an impact. >> Even for just being a guy. Yes, that is something that's 31:45 so crucial. Sometimes when go into these communities, I have one kid around my neck all one 31:52 on each leg and they're that attention because they don't get that positive impact in 31:58 their life. Wow. And so, of course, that's something that you're like if that's all I 32:03 need to do is show up. And now they're open to be presenting to them the love of As we now 32:06 open the scriptures and they're just someone who is positive in my Whatever you 32:11 want to say, remind you doesn't mind When we go to Africa. 32:17 >> We've been there many times and the children, all I just love them. They're like you 32:21 said they're all over you and I bring Bring little >> things and share with them. 32:26 And I it's just a joy and it's ministry also is in its ministry. You come back home 32:33 to front. Yeah. You come back home. Transform you say oh, wow. Yeah, we have so much. 32:37 Yes. >> but just to effect now in the in the black belt I'm glad 32:43 explained that. That's an area that has had a lot of lot has resistant drug, a growth that 32:51 now you're plowing. You're breaking up to follow ground and still diving into that 32:58 into the fabric of that community in the lives of the people that's making a 33:01 difference. >> What about Thomas Lane full could share with The Yeah. 33:10 like I described before. It's a place where you find so many broken families and many 33:16 patients children. But you're so so whenever you see them, just know that. Future's going 33:25 to so being going there and being. A person who can actually change the future. 33:33 can actually bring light. That doesn't mean it's a that's our side is off its Intel's we 33:41 bring them to the center. That's our center. So. So you so it testimony in about, oh, 33:48 yeah. So. There is a granny in the Well, shes being protect at some point she doesn't want 34:02 a lake. There are so many grandchildren that house who are like fully naked, 2 dozen 34:09 close. Cruz doesn't gave proper treatment thing whenever you doesn't. They 34:15 don't smell good. And you know that they're not getting the good treatment. And whenever 34:21 we want to get into that house to talk to them, she doesn't allow us. She does that. And 34:28 yes, so but we had a breakthrough comes. we just last JSO. 34:39 >> As we're giving the encouraging Bible promises because, you know, one SOS 34:42 another plows and yes, time it takes time. Yes, just last week. She lets yes, she how 34:51 thick the kits it's like Yes, for the program. It's it's amazing. It's not only her, 34:57 but the mother was there. >> And and >> everybody in low us to have 35:02 the kids. And that was the first time that we had the children happened was that 35:09 there was one time Gabe encouraging Bible verses and we saw the kids and they're 35:12 like. >> And all the grandmother was like after she was like, go 35:19 away. But like we just want to show some encouraging Bible verses. Just take a second 35:22 communi this with you. >> She's like, okay, fine. All read time. She's trying to 35:26 take some candies from the baby's cause choking hazard >> but but they're not 35:31 listening to her. So I step in like. >> What is that? Can you tell 35:36 me what color this candy? It's Wow. It's that she does this. It's in my hand now. Why is 35:45 She's discreetly taking up the other candies and the kids don't see. She's exploring the 35:49 Bible verses and distracting the children, join their faces. And I know Pat. 35:55 >> Haha I'm sorry, moment the crime was so the change, though, the DEA and send the 36:02 children because shes shows fighting with them just to get the cundy home. 36:07 >> Yes. But meme that that woman, they just let it go. Yeah, it's just so amazing. 36:12 Like we're seeing the transformation of the child, the children. It started with 36:16 play and then it transformed into a children's program being able to share about 36:19 Jesus and then it transform into summer camp, then transformed into them coming 36:24 to our school, like just like the little changes like you could like, you can go out. 36:28 You can share the love and just to see the kids transformation like it is, 36:33 it's so funny because give it to me. >> And it's like give it to me 36:40 deeply >> No, they didn't really know for the but the will to see 36:48 the transformation on. There's one little girl, one little girl. That's dear to my heart. 36:53 I remember seeing it when we're doing a children program. just not kept. You 36:58 know, she had crest in our eyes and just her hair was not done. And it just really like, 37:03 I want her to come to our school like I want her, you know, and it's just so amazing 37:10 because she's at our school now and just be able to see her and to just know that 37:14 she's learning more about God and and she really I really see the transformation she 37:19 shares when others don't share with her and she gives the biggest hugs. Haha. Get 37:25 biggest in just to be able to know that. Yeah, we're like got answered prayer life. Yes, 37:33 that's same issue. >> You know, I like your settle tenacity like this. I 37:40 caught that early where literally trying to keep the children safe because of the 37:49 wallowing candy and kept them distracted while safe very, very clever. And the prayer 38:00 that working with this little girl like that illustration, Comey that, Candy, Haha 38:07 Maisie. How? >> breaking up. These things that have settled in like dust 38:12 over their lives for a long, long time us and and you're showing them something that 38:15 they haven't known. >> So let's just talk about the manners and etiquette 38:20 because another part of that, what you do. >> And then they have such a 38:23 low estimate of themselves. You walk around and you see just simply and how they 38:28 dress. It. It's just it's not. And it's like, man, not even just that. But how they talk 38:37 to one and how they talk to their kids cursing have their kids. And it's like man, they. 38:43 It's part of the culture to have to load the steam yourself. 38:47 >> You're grown 14 years-old. You drive in taking care of kids got tattoos and smoking 38:52 and drinking and having to find a job to take care of your siblings, you're grown 38:58 14, 14. So it's such a low estimate that these kids placed upon themselves. They 39:01 don't have. >> The safety that we take for granted order to grow and 39:07 become. So we give him that and and just live for being able to be around something 39:14 that's different just by being able to show how to talk to are just being able the 39:20 exposure of them be able to be in a community where love is that is a transfer. It 39:28 transforms them. You know, like that. That does it for them, you know, and as well as 39:31 correcting. Sometimes it's just the combination and just realizing like, hey. 39:38 >> Is this how MS Symphony speaks? well know, you know, and it's sort of like a calm 39:45 answer, turneth away wrath. And you know, so if you're like this still 39:49 >> Then it's like, whoa, okay to do that. You know, and like. Okay. yes. Exactly. It's 39:55 by example, leading example, >> let's talk about Chloe. >> OK, so cool. We for the 40:09 Chloe joined and one of the communities and she, however, so much humidity. We came with 40:16 her pacifier and their phone and candy and other hand, year's chase, 3 years old. 40:20 Wow, she was yes. So to come to the program and she said she would like. 40:28 >> I want my mom. as you just feel like yeah, she just we would like for us. We counted 40:36 throughout gun ever town now, you know. >> But God, I'm just has been 40:40 doing a number. Her mom. >> Was so open and willing to it. I need my child to come. I 40:47 need my child to come to school. I need her to learn about God and she like her 40:52 mom, but persistent persistent of I need my child to come to your school. And it was so 40:56 beautiful to even just allow having her to be at our school and seeing the transformation 41:03 and her being a real leader with the other kids as well. Yes, and her mother accepted 41:12 the >> And there has been coming to church and desires to 41:16 change her life and style of living and it's just amazing because when you focus on the 41:22 children, the children are living testimony as to the parents and you end up 41:29 changing families. It's how the great controversy talks about in Scandinavia, how the 41:33 children when the spear fill them. They were the ones reaching. The laws came down 41:37 effect of the adults. But the children were filled with the spirit of God. So that's why 41:46 the ministers are so important also leave all that you talk about his evangelism is all of 41:51 this changing lives. It's not preaching sermons, but it's 2 and a through example, 41:55 molding. >> I like the subtlety instead of seeing said Yeah. Just 42:01 dismiss it. Funny speaks What the Americas? What closed in prayer? area said America, 42:12 Yes. >> The young levy, those talking about as far as he was 42:15 an cast and just being able to I prayed and prayed for her to come and now she comes and 42:20 cheap. Something like. >> We see, I love you like that she's so so sweet and 42:27 just being able to have her in my life. Sometimes you think that you're there for them. 42:32 But God-like, they're there for you the change you want to transform u N. 42:37 >> That's where you never really know what's inside of you and to confront with 42:43 situation does not. Nor like talk describing going to some of the homes with his apathy, 42:45 but the children not properly clothed. The hygiene is yeah. Double state and you have to 42:50 now be confronted, OK, lord, how we're going to change this. And God at that moment 42:54 is he's sending you the leading and guiding of the spirit of God. And then when 42:57 you were can tag team. >> Keep the children distracted. trying to save a 43:09 Haha. it's amazing. These are the children when you change them. Now they will change the 43:17 next generation's. Sure. Yes. and it reminds you that the food distribution. 43:21 >> There was a point where it looks like it wasn't going to continue. that the children 43:24 were like we want to do it. And so they they filled in and they're the ones passing out 43:29 the food. They're the ones after a long day from 09:00AM sometimes to sometimes 2, 3 43:36 o'clock in the afternoon. And they're like, no, I'm not. some good news. Taha. Haha. 43:44 Yeah, you know, but they're they're living for others. Now. And it is so powerful to 43:48 see them step into that leadership role like yeah. >> For families. 43:56 >> What is this? Yeah, that's the on the warehouse. So that is on our campus. We God is 44:05 blessing. >> And the move is to teach people because we're dealing 44:09 with food. Doesn't situation not having access to fresh produce. And so we're out here 44:15 like Newstart nutrition exercise, but they don't right of access to fresh produce. So 44:20 teaching them how to garden having that things in-house we can distribute as needed for 44:24 our the families of the children to go to our school communities and so on. And so 44:30 on. and this is an avenue because Christ meets people's needs that right? And so he 44:37 sees you're hungry. I'm trying to teach you the side of the 7th day top of the Lord, our 44:41 God. And you're like her decision. It's a practical need, but also it's an 44:47 opportunity there sitting in their cars. We can give out Bible study question answered 44:51 And they fill them out. They love those little pamphlets. All right. I love it. So it's 44:55 just an opportunity to car by car. How you doing today and the goal it especially for me. 45:03 Never leave every car better. Then I found him. And so I find them. I leave them. It's 45:11 an opportunity to bring heaven to them. >> know, Jeff, for those of 45:15 you driving just in case, you know what that sound was was you cannot tell people about 45:28 the this in this starving. Oh, You got to take your their feed them. I talk about talk 45:34 about that. Now we're just reading about children. The generation of children become 45:38 to leaders. Just try it. You might because it starts from the home from the Yeah. And 45:44 and and and when read this devotional just a day or so ago. The entire world, the way 45:49 the world to shape it starts in the home. a child run. Sure. And you guys have been 45:53 countless. I swear that molding didn't really take place the way should. But you 46:02 are interrupting. yes. And building new walls and creating new pads. Yes, you 46:05 talk about the needs now because you guys it you need to at an amazing rate. The 46:10 needs go beyond were. For trying to prevent starvation on different levels. So it's 46:15 not just you're physically starving. Let's give you some food and quicken quickly just 46:22 become the handout organization right? >> there is emotional 46:27 starvation. We talked about how earlier. Pass Christian at their children telling them 46:32 that not worth anything. Teachers saying you're not worth anything and constantly 46:37 being belittled these kids, their highest aspirations, sorek at McDonald's or be 46:42 athletes and suppose. But they don't know that they can be so much. 46:47 >> So many more things. and so. >> It takes love. It takes 46:52 exposure. It takes a safe place. It takes us being chained being Shane yet how to 46:59 not take it personally like sometimes things happen and my pride is wounded, but it's 47:04 like it not about. It's not about me. And what I do, how I correct them becomes their 47:11 inner voice, how they will correct themselves through. Why can't just be like, hey, 47:14 you don't have to, you know, because they have to learn what was it like when Jesus? 47:20 So they're they're growing. The levels of deprivation that Satan has really. It's been 47:26 calculated is throws. That's why we need people who are willing to give of themselves. 47:32 We need people. We need people to be role models. We need teachers. We have social 47:37 workers. We need medical personnel. We need people who are weak and just people to 47:46 show up. example, because during the reading Club. I'm looking for the okay. We have 47:53 some new kids. They're young They would benefit from a okay tours already taken. We like I 48:00 need some negotiate. You're navigating as Yes. >> just if I go to the next 48:04 part about Christian, the Christmas distribution when asked Lisa and maybe Tory the 48:12 I want to say this and make you feel that the haha. >> How do you get us spiritual 48:18 motivation? Because I know you you've been counted different people through the years of 48:22 being mapped. How do you get your spirit, your motivation? went on. 48:26 >> Well, I want to share this going back to the reading club if rat and I where we went 48:32 visiting the schools and we did. We did a black history program at one of the schools 48:36 where we're able to share love, let the kids know that in order to overcome prejudice 48:43 and over to calm the struggle we've got to share. Love This young man came in. He was 48:49 running up to us. I love the program. Could. >> Could you come pick me up? 48:58 Like do you talk to my mom like last week? You can cause my mom. Can you come pick me 49:01 up continue the program. >> They're like, we will we get to and we went, went to 49:05 pick, pick him up. And Karen. I was reading the Bible study because our reading club, you 49:12 know, we do a little incognito's not reading we read a Bible stories to them. 49:17 We want we're praying with them. Symphonies leading out songs about love and stuff 49:20 like it's all spiritual. >> So Karen started reading a story. I think it was about. 49:26 Abraham and basically. He got that light bulb and he was like. God speaks to can got to 49:34 speak to me. Oh, yeah. >> Wow. Lake. You don't know that. I like. 49:42 >> Hand. You know, you get the examples of David and all the different examples in the 49:46 Bible where Samuel and God spoke to Moses said yes, God can speak to you. Had we not 49:52 been there? He would have lost that opportunity to know can speak to him. That inspires 49:58 me. That is need to know that they need to. They're hungering and thirsting after 50:04 righteousness is and if we're not there, if I don't have a beautiful smile, like at and 50:10 get energy, you know, they need to know And that's why we are here. That inspires me to 50:14 keep about you. Tara. >> I mean, it's like Lisa said, it's just the impact 50:19 that you're able to make and it's every day every week these their new testimony is 50:27 coming. I never forget from the 7th outreach. We were doing a lesson on prayer and 50:33 we're talking to the kids about prayer and, you know, we're we're giving some 50:37 examples. Why should create things like that? And one of the kids tells us she same. 50:41 You know, I know that prayer works. She says my mom and dad, they were fighting. One 50:46 of them pulled a knife and the other one in the only thing I could do was go to my room and 50:50 just pray. And she knows that the power of her prayers, the reason everything went that 50:54 the fighting stopped. The parents just kind of they went separate ways just to cool 51:01 down. And so you can only imagine what if we hadn't taught them how to pray. What 51:06 if we have brought this message to them? And so for me, that's the fire that says, 51:10 no, we still have to keep going because there are other kids out there who need to 51:14 hear these messages so that we can save lives and souls. It beautiful man because through 51:19 the years we've seen different people comes at a part of naps. Symphony like a battery 51:28 charger. >> If right even praise God. but let's talk 51:37 >> The Christmas distribution. Yes, West's this year. >> union we went to community 51:44 and there's about 70 kids on about like one block 70, about 70 between 3.12 years old and 51:53 just really were able to share the love through gift as well as we would go out throughout 51:58 the week before also sharing Bible verses and encouraging them and also mingle with them 52:04 to really share that God cares. And we care too. And it's really it's interesting. 52:14 Cause between those ages 3.12, its development. We'll see, you know, like that's when 52:20 they from the character. That's when they won their ideas about life and people on 52:23 the and yeah, >> And >> yes, we're able to form. 52:33 >> This is one test 20 from that same site that's been my face tonight. 52:39 >> Haha. >> But this is one testimony we're going to see which homes 52:43 have children because we're trying to break the ice by bringing just some humble 52:49 toys. Socks, little toys to bikes some collard greens. And we wanted to see what Holmes 52:55 had children. And so this one home we went to 18 year-old man comes to the door and has 53:00 some young siblings and he lets us know this and then like, okay, what can we Perth 53:05 before we go? And he's like, sure. That make them put a shirt on. 53:09 >> And and he was really open to the prayer. so it just lets us know that these kids are 53:17 these open. You go yeah. And places like that. And yes, they're looking at, you 53:23 special is really, really making it ramp. Hence >> hatred and intolerance for 53:28 Christianity is rampant. But here, yes, Scott is provided such a rightness of soil if we 53:34 just need to be there to be there? Yes, And from up, he just testimony, the one that 53:41 it Lisa say you can tell how desperate they are actually listen to the truce. And it's 53:51 not only EJ, but everyone in that community like almost most of them. They want to 53:58 listen. And it's it's different from other places that ups and people don't want 54:01 to listen to. Jay says. >> But here they're to Yeah. >> So tell us about global 54:08 outreach. With our global outreach people who've known apps for a while. I know us 54:16 mostly for international work. That's where we started talking. And that is what has 54:19 led us into the black Belt region where we are. And we I just wanted to let people know 54:24 the global outreach is still happening as well. So we have naps branches operating in 54:30 about 14 different countries. One of them being Opie and it's awesome. Having a front 54:35 to She was the director for Ethiopia Branch. And so now she's come here for training 54:39 and things like that. I know that with our Haiti teen. They actually the Lord sent this 54:44 one all the way up. There was a nonprofit that called our office and said, hey, we have 54:50 some water filters that we're trying to get into Haiti. The boat is at the dock we don't 54:55 have anybody to distribute it all. Do you all know someone who can your group? They're 55:00 distributed now, if you know that area right now, there's a lot of terminal one. things 55:05 are not safe, but because our Knapp's Haiti branch was on the ground, they were able to 55:12 go get the water filtration units and distribute them out into the now with naps. It's 55:18 not just about the water, like, you know, we do want to take care of people's but then 55:23 that was turned into an evangelistic programs as well. We're now it's Bible study. So 55:28 it's like, yes, come for the physical water. We also have living outreach is still going 55:37 on globally. >> We have our groups and Brazil are Group Inc. Diana, 55:40 and I'm just all over the world still functioning, even arm at a gas car group. They 55:45 have started an agricultural program and this program again, is just allowing them 55:51 to reach the community. So when they do the agriculture again, it's not just hey, 55:57 here's physical food. I we want you to take care of yourselves. But now we also 56:01 want to present the gospel We have a video on a show about a minute long. That may 56:06 emphasize that. Yes, e. >> need >> Danielle. We are moderate 56:17 not year and Last year, boss of it that occurs in. But I think have here any or 2 in 56:34 Anna. want to be not No, we going to pull that. is not And that's being You know Of 56:50 missionary from lifted by C I no, I D like to the war. And with bore message off home, 57:03 more people. We are grateful owner, the 4 people the us to serve. 57:15 >> you know, we have about 30 seconds left in first hour. Yeah. 57:21 >> We've enjoyed much. And Tory a chance to. >> 15 seconds or What? What we 57:31 look forward to the to the future for naps as relates to the east. 57:35 >> Young people just continuing to expand and share the gospel wherever we can. 57:40 All right. So don't go away. We're going to share a lot more in the second hour. We'll 57:43 be right back after these short thoughts. ♪ 57:51 ♪ |
Revised 2023-03-17