3ABN Today Live

True and False Revivals in the End Times

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230008B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 >> Well, friends, if you just now joining us, we're diving
00:12 into the second hour of 3 begins Thursday night live.
00:16 That's right. We're coming to you live. And we just want to
00:18 say thank you again for joining us, all the who all those who
00:21 have stuck with us through the first hour. We know you've been
00:24 blessed. I've been blessed. We've been blessed here and we
00:27 have so much more to cover in the next hour. And I just want
00:31 to let you know if if you're watching this and you say,
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01:01 over. You can even share the leak of this program with this
01:03 many people as possible of where we left off the last
01:07 hours. We were working our way through looking through the
01:10 scripture at the multiple different characteristics and
01:13 elements of true revival. And we've highlighted a little
01:17 bit of some of the false elements, but we're going to
01:19 dive deeper into that in the second our world would like to
01:22 begin if we can want to just throw it out there really
01:25 quickly. This be reminded of what's in it as we know the
01:29 we're in this revival situation. We're having this
01:31 revival conversation because we have us improbable of SIM has
01:35 separated us from the most high God. And we know that the most
01:39 clearest definition in scripture given for a very
01:42 direct definition of what's him is he's found first, John,
01:45 Chapter 3 verse 4, which tells us that soon as the
01:48 transgression of God's holy law. And so we know that in
01:52 some way form or fashion that's in that separating us is a
01:55 violation. It's a transgression of God's holy law. Now that
01:59 being said, We need a savior. We have our Savior Jesus,
02:03 but we need to be aware of that saver. We need to be a work of
02:06 aware of the work that he wants to do in our lives. We need
02:09 that power of God to draw us in to restore us back and
02:13 reconcile us to Jesus, who we have been separated from
02:17 because of the SIM problem, which now brings up the
02:19 conversation of the Holy Spirit. Because when you watch
02:23 the clips and I've seen all the clips, I've spent a lot of time
02:26 hours watching and we're in researching this Osprey
02:30 revival. Again, just a point of reference were not going off
02:32 Barry of the people of osprey under the bus. We recognize
02:35 that there are probably some really great genuine people who
02:38 are genuinely seeking the Lord with all their heart mind and
02:40 so on that campus and in that particular situation. But we're
02:44 also highlighting that right there along with a genuine
02:47 movement of got spear that may be occurring in some of the
02:49 people's hearts and minds that there is also equally the
02:53 counterfeit spirit. That is the spirit of the devil himself
02:56 that is trying to work to bring about a move in and bring about
02:59 a sensation, a feeling whatever is happening and a lot to
03:04 counterfeit that moving to got to make them think or make them
03:07 feel or suits that they've had an experience with God, will
03:10 they really haven't? In other words, you hear people say all
03:13 the movement of God was powerful in here today. The
03:16 holy spirit was just moved in this room and a mighty way.
03:20 And so you hear people use that language of we're all gathered
03:23 together. We're praying for the outpouring of the holy spirit.
03:26 So God can move this idea that cots here were there and he's
03:30 going to church soup in similar to the day of Pentecost,
03:34 like a rushing muddy when he's going to sweep through the room
03:37 into the hearts and minds and all these people are going to
03:40 have a real genuine revival experience with the Lord.
03:43 Let's start with this question. And that is, first of all,
03:47 what is the Bible reveal in regards to the true genuine
03:52 work of the Holy Spirit? I think that's a great place to
03:54 start because if we can define biblically speaking, what the
03:58 Holy Spirit is, the purpose, the goal, the agenda of God's
04:02 spirit is to come in to move into our life. What is the work
04:06 of the Holy spirit so that we can make sure that we're having
04:08 a genuine expense? Start with Jordan. Yeah, welcome to
04:10 pastoral McCain. I'm sure all turning to John 16, but I'm
04:13 going to start.
04:15 >> I want to in there. I'm going to start and Les Tions 5,
04:18 OK? I have great relations 5 and then we'll go to John 16.
04:22 Yeah, that's a great, a great question. Rise like people
04:25 claim the work of the spirit and there seems to be this happ
04:28 something happening. You know, it's like how can we discern
04:31 between? Is this really the work of the holy Spirit?
04:33 Is it not right? What is our
04:36 what is our test? Our test is right here. This is this is how
04:39 we know if something is genuinely the work that got
04:43 spirit by what is revealed in the word. And so we go to the
04:46 nation's 5.
04:49 We have
04:50 the fruit of the spirit of the year,
04:54 the root of the Holy spirit in a person's life. What will
04:57 that? What will be the evidence is the fruit of got spirit in
05:00 first. 22 a very familiar passage, right?
05:03 But the fruit of the spirit is love the yes, joy peace,
05:07 long suffering or patience, kindness. Goodness,
05:11 faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Yes, OK, he's our
05:18 the fruits of the spirit. Sometimes people say, well,
05:22 it's I had this great emotion so that that was obviously an
05:25 evidence of the holy Spirit. I want to talk about this a
05:28 little more when we talk about the counterfeit aspect. But
05:32 that's there are some things that aren't necessarily
05:34 evidence is for or against the Holy Spirit that this proves
05:38 that is of the whole explore this. It doesn't prove this was
05:40 not of the spirit will talk about that more later. But this
05:43 year,
05:44 the Bible is telling is this is the fruit of the spirit.
05:46 This will be seen if this is really of got spear, there will
05:49 be love,
05:50 genuine love for God and for each other. There will be true.
05:54 Joy, crucial, true joy. There will be peace. There will be
05:58 long suffering patients. There will be kindness and
06:02 goodness.
06:03 >> Faithfulness, gentleness and this last one is key. Yes,
06:07 self contrite. And it's not just a moment. It's not.
06:10 It's not all of these are just like a joy in a moment that he
06:13 said a moment, you know, when God's will when he moves up on
06:16 you. Yeah, truthfully, from a biblical perspective, last
06:19 lasting change.
06:21 >> That's right. And you know, I'm I'm glad you point out
06:23 because when you mentioned it, I think the light went on.
06:27 So Ryan said blank little bit.
06:29 That word. Self-control, south. Yes, self-control.
06:33 That means in control of self run doesn't mean dormant as a
06:37 means. Stoic doesn't mean that frozen but the spirit of God
06:41 and this is such a misunderstanding. People look
06:43 at the deadpan cars and think it was an out of control
06:45 situation. It was not an out of control situation because
06:48 pauses the first contains 14. God is not the author of
06:50 confusion, right? But up, he says and all the churches so
06:54 that they have been a cause is not an out of control. You
06:57 know, it generation and shaking buildings, shaking the head to
07:00 break. I've seen some videos of people. You know, everybody's
07:03 in this motion where I don't know how their head did not
07:06 fall off of them cause it just went in all different
07:08 directions and wrapping themselves and snakes and just
07:11 run up and down the aisles and people on the floor just
07:13 vibrating. And then they just call holy laughter, which
07:16 everybody is literally hysterical and people running
07:18 outside eating grass.
07:20 This is not this move. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn't
07:24 move that way. Let's look at John 16 and Jordan is going to
07:27 give us a look at John 16. The Bible says this
07:29 beautifully, John 16 and first 13. This is however, one he the
07:35 spirit of truth has come. He will guide you into all
07:38 truth. That's one of them. The evidence is of the spirit
07:41 of God is he's guiding you this. He's not confusing you.
07:45 He's not causing this outburst of display that people say all
07:49 he's in the spirit. No, that's gloss that. Well, that's
07:52 Glosson. Well, yeah, right, right. That is this
07:54 intelligible on explainable tang that coming out of the
07:59 evangelical move. You could talk about that briefly because
08:02 you see that in display.
08:03 >> Yeah, absolutely. So we're in. We're kind of getting into
08:05 Santa going to spend some time talking about the false
08:08 manifestations of of a counterfeit version of what the
08:12 to the enemy is doing. But absolutely. I mean, what we're
08:15 what we're touching on here is we have to make sure that we
08:17 are
08:18 in alignment and we are receiving the true spirit of
08:22 the Lord and the enemy wants to counter for that. One of the
08:25 ways that he does that is with this colossal earlier or this
08:27 false battling in incoherent syllables that they call
08:31 tongues. But of course, Paul never refer to it has tones.
08:34 It was just confusion. It's why say God is not the author of
08:37 confusion. And so, you know, again, the gyrating, the
08:40 shaking and just recently I was watching or reading an article
08:43 written by a pastor who was referencing the Oscar revival
08:46 and even the revival to he if he that he had 2 years ago,
08:49 some 45 years before. And this particular pastors talk about
08:52 how he knew he had received the true holy spirit of God because
08:56 he felt electricity moved through his body and he
09:00 couldn't control his limbs. And he's the guy just yet.
09:03 That's not I'm not I'm not laughing at that in a
09:06 disrespectful way. It's just it's baffling to me because
09:10 when you read the scripture, nowhere in the Bible, do you
09:12 find that when the true holy spirit was given or received by
09:16 someone never a moment where they lost control of
09:19 themselves? Jordan just read for us that when the true Holy
09:22 Spirit comes a boy new you are you have self control. Another
09:26 word uaf a better more former control of yourself and what
09:30 you did before because now the Holy Spirit is giving you that
09:33 power versus when somebody claims that they have received
09:37 and they lose control of their limbs and I start shaking and
09:39 gyrating. And speaking of these incoherent syllables and and
09:42 babbling in these, you know, false tones that really
09:45 languages, but just no words at all and claimed that to be the
09:48 work of the Lord. That is one of the number one indications,
09:51 my friends, that you're not dealing with the true spirit of
09:53 God, that is a spirit of confusion. That is a spirit,
09:57 allying spirit, a deceptive spirit. Even when Jesus,
10:00 I think of it on the day of resurrection. When he entered
10:03 the room, the disciples were they're fearful for their lives
10:06 because I thought the same Jews that murder Jesus is going to
10:09 come after them. She says, enters the room and he sees
10:11 that they're just on edge, the fearful they're just they're in
10:13 there. Having anxiety isn't there. They're on edge. And
10:15 Jesus says to them receive the Holy Spirit.
10:19 And he briefed the Holy Spirit upon them. These brothers
10:22 didn't lose the whole of themselves. And, you know,
10:25 none of that didn't happen on the day of Pentecost either.
10:27 No, no, he said peace be with you try to breed the holy
10:31 spirit upon them. And that's what the Holy Spirit brings us
10:34 peace, joy. And of course, as we read their self-control,
10:38 as I just touched on that as pastor making brought out.
10:40 And
10:41 >> and as as he read the text here in Verse 13, the Spirit of
10:43 Truth will guide you into all truth. Yes, so an evidence that
10:47 this is it got us got spears really working in in me.
10:51 I will be led to the truth is the truth. Jesus says in John
10:56 17 that the word is truth. That's right. Someone 19 the
11:00 law. It is true. All right. All right. So this is this is
11:04 this is going to be
11:06 a very clear, true evidence of God's spirit in our life that
11:09 we will have a hunger and a thirst to know what this says.
11:12 One teaches and we will be guided by the spirit into the
11:17 truth, then verse 14 trying to another evidence here.
11:21 I'm speaking of the spear. Jesus says he will glorify me
11:27 for he will take of what is mine and declare it to you.
11:30 This is this is again, a key evidence that we are deep
11:33 shared, but we're just filling out more here. The work of the
11:35 spirit in our life is that the spirit
11:40 focus is on Christ. Yes, it will glorify me. That's what
11:45 this beard as he points to Christ and our focus and
11:48 attention is on him, his work, what he's accomplished to use,
11:53 what he's doing now in heaven on our behalf of this is what
11:56 the spirit will do in our hearts. This will be the the
11:59 theme of our life when got spirit is at work and why
12:02 that's keys because again, sometimes in
12:06 people can get the wrong idea that if the holy spirit working
12:09 and they always talk about the Holy spirit and thus the Holy
12:12 Spirit in the Holy Spirit, the focus of the Holy Spirit is not
12:14 on the Holy Spirit. That focus of the Holy Spirit is to turn
12:18 our eyes to crime. That's right. That's right.
12:20 >> I love that. So just to do a really quick recapture my
12:22 friends and I want to turn passed a law making loose.
12:25 What we've discovered here. I want to even add John Chapter
12:27 14 here. Just a couple of showers back because in verse,
12:30 26 Jesus is. But the help of the holy spirit and the father
12:33 will send them my name. He will teach you all things. He will
12:36 bring all things to remember and things that I've said to
12:39 you again, pointing back to Jesus Christ. But just to screw
12:42 quick, quick summation of what we studied so far in John 14 in
12:46 John 16. Number one, the Holy Spirit will teach you all
12:49 things. We will bring to you the word of the Lord. He will
12:51 always bring to your memory God's will. We find that there.
12:54 And in John Chapter 14 verse. 26 the 3rd point here, he will
12:58 reprove the world of sin according to John Chapter 8 or
13:01 16 verse 8. And then of course, he will guide you into all.
13:04 Truth is pastor looking brought out in John Chapter 16 and
13:07 verse 13 and then also there in John 16. 0st 14 is as Jordan
13:11 brought out. He will always Gore 5 crushed by revealing his
13:15 character. That is the character of Christ, the will
13:17 of Christ to you. That's the goal of the Holy Spirit.
13:19 That is the one now with that. With that with that linger,
13:22 that information, we have that truth special in the king.
13:26 What we now do with that? We're talking about the devil
13:28 now counterfeit. He was to counterfeit that true holy
13:31 Spirit. That's doing all that work to draw Sta Christ to
13:35 draws to the truth of his word. Now, how does the devil
13:38 counterfeit that and how can we know what signs do we look for?
13:42 What are some of the ways we talked about the glaceau Ali,
13:44 we've talked about the emotions of what are some other ways
13:46 that the devil might counterfeit. The holy Spirit is
13:50 leading us to troops.
13:51 >> Attitude to truth attitude toward Scots law. All right.
13:56 All eyes 8.16, bind up the testimony sealed the lawman,
14:01 my disciples, that Old Testament to Cyprus. People
14:03 think the new test MS only pace disciple ship was found bind up
14:07 the testimony, seal all my disciples as a 20 to the lawn
14:11 to the testimony if they speak, not according to this board is
14:14 because there is no light in right. So the devil study that
14:17 he said, okay, the law and the testimony, that's the Jewish
14:22 nation, they've got the long the testimony. So they honor
14:25 the Sabbath. But what happened to the Jews? And I want you to
14:28 grab this.
14:30 When Jesus came,
14:31 the Jews rejected the Christ of the 7th.
14:38 Yeah, I must say it's slowly. The Jews rejected the Christ of
14:42 the Sabbath. The Jews rejected the Christ of the law. OK
14:47 today,
14:48 Christianity rejects the law of the Christ. Today, Christianity
14:53 rejects the Sabbath of the crime. How odd it is. The Jews
14:58 rejected the cries of the Sabbath. Christianity Today
15:01 rejects the Sabbath of the Christ is the same thing just
15:04 turned around. Yes. So any revival that says, OK, I know
15:09 the laws has remember the Sabbath day to keep it. Holy,
15:12 Not me, right.
15:13 It is exactly what Satan did 2000 years ago because the Jews
15:17 had the Sabbath but not today. Evangelical, the evangelical
15:21 world, which is not Protestant. Notice where Protestant is not.
15:25 We don't talk about Protestantism any longer,
15:28 but evangelical as of now the talking about the Christian
15:30 nationalism brain, another far right, crazy left, whatever.
15:34 Well, whatever side of the room you want to put it on is just
15:36 ridiculous.
15:38 The the Christ of the law
15:41 was rejected in Jesus Day. The law of the Christ has
15:44 rejected today. So there has to be some substitute and was one
15:48 of the examples of the substitute. Let's go to the
15:50 bucket. First Kings and I'm gonna have have Jordan look at
15:53 this. Not the first kings and look at an example of the time
15:58 when.
15:59 >> Elijah nailed the nail on the head. All right.
16:03 >> Okay. We'll go to first Kings chapter 18 and you
16:06 remember going back
16:09 going back to the whole issue of Elijah
16:12 first is first on Chapter 18 and we're looking for some
16:18 17, 18 Kasab. So here's the foundation. So it shows up
16:22 because they haven't just been looking for him. Right? And he
16:26 shows an assist.
16:27 Tell a tell, have here, right?
16:32 First 14
16:34 and the 7 of the Ahab says
16:37 and now you say go tell you, I'm asked, allies is here.
16:40 He will kill me.
16:42 You see that 1814 for and like I said, no. As a lot of hose
16:46 lives before whom I stand, I will surely present myself to
16:50 him today.
16:51 So but I want to meet Ahab and told him and they have went to
16:55 meet Elijah. So look at what lies and says look at what they
16:58 have said to Elijah for 17 good. That happened when a have
17:03 saw Elijah that I have said to him
17:06 is that you troubler of Israel. Okay. Now watches
17:10 you're causing trouble. What was Elijah, what their lives
17:15 are responding and by saying, OK, go and remember, they have
17:18 was now in a in a in a coalition of false prophets,
17:22 right
17:23 prof Reza Asher and they. All right. All right. Look at
17:27 reverse 18, Jordan and he answered.
17:31 >> I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's House
17:35 have in that. You have forsaken the command homes of the Lord.
17:41 >> And have followed the bales. Notice what's happening today?
17:45 Yeah, OK now first on 2 versus 3 in 4 k Foxx and how quickly
17:49 can you get there? Which so to say we know it by heart.
17:52 Yeah, OK, first onto first 3, 4, by we know that we know if
17:57 we keep his commandments, he who say it, I know and keep it
18:00 not as come and this is a lie and the truth is not in him to
18:03 the same tests in the day of Elijah
18:07 is the same test today. That's why I say a 16 to the lawn to
18:10 the testimony if they speak, not according to this one,
18:12 just because there's no light in them. Let's go back to it.
18:15 So when Jews when Jesus came to the Jews in his day, the devil
18:19 said, haha.
18:21 Yeah, they do have the Sabbath,
18:23 but they're not going make any room for chases, one of them.
18:26 So they rejected the Jesus of the Sabbath today. Christianity
18:31 claims to be a Jesus movement, but they reject the Sabbath of
18:35 the Jesus. And yeah,
18:40 I would say yeah, the commandments here as we see the
18:43 work of the Holy Spirit to convict of sending you just
18:45 said it right.
18:46 Weiss in breaking the 10 Commandments. There is a
18:48 question of God's law. He can. He will guide you into truth.
18:52 The word is not only truth but the Bible says and someone 19
18:55 that the law. Is it true? Yeah. So this is the work of
18:59 the spear bringing us to a place.
19:01 >> Of being convicted in seeing the light of the law. And if we
19:04 neglect the law, the long the gospel go hand in hand and this
19:08 is why Christ had to die on the cross is because the law could
19:11 not be changed. It cannot be done away with. And so this
19:14 revival is the gospel. It is cries. But with that, it's so
19:18 mingled. You can't have the Gospel without God's law.
19:22 You know, and I want to see kind of say this that
19:26 as we think about the counterfeit, here's we're
19:29 talking about some of the the counterfeits that we see.
19:32 I would say that some of them, as you just mentioned, the
19:34 running around with snakes and things,
19:36 people who are Christians, we have some what I did. They know
19:39 that that's not it. You know, OK, OK, to a large degree.
19:43 Some people are deceived by. But still, you know, I would
19:45 say some for more level head would say, okay, that's clearly
19:48 not it. But but Satan's counterfeit. He's got multiple
19:52 shade. Yes. Oh, yeah, he does. Yeah. He's got multiple shades.
19:56 And in some of them are very I mean, it's very, very close.
19:59 When you look at that list there in Galatians 5
20:02 Satan can bring a false peace. Yeah, because we can make you
20:07 feel peace. And yet you've not really confess your sins and
20:11 receive the peace that comes from forgiveness we've got,
20:13 but he can give you a false joy. Yeah.
20:16 >> You know, and you know this, I mean, it just to provide some
20:18 scripts ravenous for there's some people may be watching now
20:21 saying, no, no shaving kit, because I actually had people
20:23 tell me that saving can't bring a false beast. But yet you see
20:27 this in second, 3rd, first Thessalonians chapter 5 when
20:30 Paul writes, You know, but at the time the season spread and
20:32 you have no need to rush a right to you for yourselves,
20:34 know, perfectly that the day of the north so comes at the
20:36 tonight for when they say peace and safety is not talking about
20:40 the same. He's not talking about those who are in a saving
20:42 with the China price. He's talking about the law or she's
20:45 been the last and these individuals who are lost are
20:47 not hearing to God's law. They're not in a relationship
20:50 with Christ and therefore notice what they're still
20:52 saying, though. Peace and safety place of safety. What is
20:55 that? False confidence come from the devil himself, right?
20:58 So it's.
20:59 >> It can be and he can do this. He can. He can have this
21:02 false so close, you know, but again, how do we determine if
21:06 that joy is from God, right? Or if it's not, again, we go
21:09 back to these bases is founded on the these biblical things.
21:12 And I'm being led to confess my sins. And I think the truth is
21:16 it being grounded in the word and the gospel? Absolutely.
21:19 This is how we are able to detect whether these
21:23 these things that we're receiving are truly from God or
21:26 if they're truly not an
21:28 so. Yeah, the counterfeit is he has multiple shades of it.
21:32 And we want to talk about some of these things. That's just a
21:35 couple of there. I get a great emotion
21:38 as you we've touched on it before.
21:41 But what we see this in juices day, there was great emotion on
21:45 the day when he had that triumphal entry, right? Right
21:49 on that document. He was shouting. This is the Christ he
21:51 does. I mean, you can imagine the joy that was there, the
21:54 expression. But then just a few days later,
21:58 that same crowd, a lot of them were crying crews across the 5,
22:01 him Christopher stuff. I am so great emotion doesn't prove
22:04 necessarily that it is from got spirit. As you said, there is
22:07 great joy. We wind got spirit is there. There is joy. We read
22:11 in the book of acts that when the Disciples when preach the
22:14 gospel, there was great joy in the city, right? So emotion can
22:19 be used by the enemy right now. It also is the true work of
22:22 God. Again, how do we discern we have to go back to the
22:24 evidence is that we're looking at? That's one more that I
22:27 think of is. And this is we can want to flesh this out. We want
22:32 to be clear on this one physical effects. All right,
22:36 physical effects. We talked about some of these right
22:38 moving around all crazy and all that. But but there are times
22:41 we see in scripture, especially when profits have a deep
22:44 experience with got wind. When Daniel saw that vision,
22:46 he was overwhelming. He passed out right now. He fell on the
22:50 floor, right? Right. Same thing with John the revelator.
22:52 He passed out as well in the presence of Christ. Right under
22:55 that deep experience, we see this. And even Ellen White's
22:58 experience by one of the testimonies, there are certain
23:01 times in those meetings where she was overcome with the glory
23:03 of God. And she she was she passed out, right? So just
23:07 because someone has a physical manifestation
23:10 doesn't necessarily mean it's not from God. Now there's a
23:13 distinction between these physical manifestation. We want
23:15 to talk about that now a little bit. Yes,
23:19 so go ahead. I got to something I want to establish before we
23:22 get really deeply into their because I feel like we're
23:24 hitting some really good here.
23:26 >> I just want to stab because some of you at home and say I'm
23:28 just not seeing this idea of the devil having the power to
23:31 bring about a false revival. Let me read a couple of quotes
23:34 from you or to you from what this first one comes from.
23:37 The great controversy page for 64. And then there's another
23:40 one here from slick messages, volume 2 page, 59. So the one
23:44 from the great controversy page for 64. This of these words,
23:46 powerful words.
23:48 It says before the final visitation of God's judgment
23:50 upon the Earth, there will be among the people of the Lord
23:54 such a revival of primitive godliness.
23:56 >> As has never been witness since Apostolic Times. So is
23:59 there going to be a true major outpouring of got spit in the
24:03 last days? Absolutely. We see this, Joel and we'll probably
24:06 get to Joel to go to join just a little bit. But it says here
24:09 it says the spirit in power of God will be poured out upon his
24:12 children. At that time, many will separate themselves from
24:16 those churches in which the love of this world has
24:19 supplanted love for God and his word. Many both of ministers
24:23 and people will gladly accept these great truths, which got
24:27 his calls to be proclaimed at this time to prepare people for
24:30 the lords. Second going. So it's going to happen.
24:33 But before it does,
24:36 this is the enemy of souls desires to hinder this word,
24:40 contrite and before the time
24:42 for such a move but shall come,
24:46 he will endeavor to prevent it by introducing a counter fit in
24:51 those churches which he can bring under his deceptive
24:54 power. He will make it up here. The gods special blessing is
24:59 poured out that right there will be manifest what is
25:02 thought to be great religious interest. Multitudes will exalt
25:06 it. God is working marvelously for them. When the work is that
25:11 of another spirit that right under religious guys, Satan
25:16 will seek to extend his influence over the Christian
25:19 world and then tack on that selected missed just for him to
25:22 pitch 59, which says young men and women will be lifted up and
25:26 will regard themselves as wonderfully favored call to do
25:29 some great things. There will be conversions position.
25:33 There will be conversions many after a peculiar order but pay
25:37 will not bear the divine signature in more and more and
25:42 more immorality will come in and extravagance and many will
25:46 make ship wreck face was a powerful statements. The really
25:51 solidify exactly what we've been talking about but handed
25:54 off to you, pastor, let's talk about this. Fossil was
25:56 developed us a little bit more, this false movement.
25:59 >> Of of the spirit of Satan, rather than a spirit of God.
26:02 So right after Elijah reveals back to have no, I'm not the
26:05 problem. You have forsaken the Commandments of God. Today,
26:08 the Christian World clergy
26:11 too many to count have told their members over and over
26:14 consuls been out of the cross. The Sabbath. Now to the cross.
26:18 Why would you call people to revival if the very thing that
26:21 shows they need revival doesn't exist. If
26:25 if the laws nailed to the cross, what do you call them to
26:28 revive from Ryan Brunn from what from emotion? Because the
26:31 very thing that defines you need revival doesn't exist any
26:35 longer. Right? The very thing that defines your allegiance to
26:38 God has been nailed to the cross. So what is the new
26:40 allegiance to got emotion? That's what they thought about
26:43 on the Mount Carmel. Look at first contempt 18 because after
26:47 the lies you told have you have to say can cause commitments,
26:50 notice what they want to prove. And I want to show you
26:53 something here. What what happened here is Satan is
26:55 seeking to count a fit because you find that continually
26:59 throughout Scripture.
27:00 Simon tomorrow got rain down fire
27:03 Anderson was disobedient rain down fire.
27:07 Now Kamel another example depended Cos COVID times as a
27:10 fire. Going to see that again relationship that he noticed it
27:14 first kinship to 18
27:17 and verse 20 file SOT. They're well versed. 24 we very
27:20 quickly. He lays the conditions, therefore let them
27:23 give us 2 balls and let them choose one both for themselves
27:28 and cut it in pieces and let out on the wood and put it no
27:31 fire under it. And I will prepare the other ball and laid
27:34 on the wood put and put no fire under it. The new then verse.
27:39 24, you call in the name of your gods and I will call on
27:43 the name of the Lord and the God who answers by what I fire.
27:47 He is God. So all the people answered and said, oh, it's
27:50 well, I do that. Look at the next verse, Chris. 25 26.
27:55 Yeah. But yeah, I got it says no. I just said to the prophets
27:58 of bail.
27:59 >> Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first
28:02 for you before you are many and call on the name of your God,
28:06 but put no fire under it. So they took this verse.
28:09 26. So they took the bull which was given to them and they
28:13 prepared it and called on the name of bail from morning.
28:16 Even till noon saying bail, hear us. But there was no
28:20 voice. No one answered. Then they leapt about the altar
28:25 which they had made.
28:26 >> Now, watch this. I'm just going make a comparison.
28:28 Here is a something that I saw this mile point referenced.
28:31 It's true. Okay. How long has this was very reviving going
28:35 on. According to the according to the recent report, I read
28:39 144 hours,
28:42 OK, they said, is dying down. Now, one of the food of this
28:45 revival,
28:47 it's subsiding now, many days 140 pounds to it in 50
28:50 different colleges descending on a spring at that local
28:53 campus. What are what are the result of that? Because what
28:56 Elijah saying to them is much time as you need, keep calling
28:59 of God and they did it for morning to noon to 2 the
29:02 evening sacrifice. And what are they saying? It was 26 here.
29:05 So bail. But there was no voice. No one answered. They
29:08 leap about the also which they had made. And so we have all
29:11 this. You look at the very videos, look at yourself.
29:14 People leaping about the altar, but is God responding? If God,
29:19 I was responding in a very real way. You would see something
29:23 following that revivals don't die down. That's right. The
29:26 vials continue. This reformation is a turning to God
29:29 as a repentance of sin. Yes. All right. Joining us on all
29:31 that is there. But I don't see that. Yeah. What was it was
29:34 finally subsided. The camps back to normal. Now there's
29:37 never a back to normal in a real revival. It turns a nation
29:41 inside out for the purpose of Exalting caught read the rest
29:44 of this Jordan. And this is go back to this. So now we're up
29:47 to verse 30 high-end on Versa. 20 Ryan did the first. 26 now
29:51 focal 27 to 30, OK,
29:54 27 and it's obviously the key. And so it was at noon that
29:58 allies you mocked them and said
30:01 >> a cry aloud for he is a God. Either he's meditating or he's
30:05 busy or he's on a journey or perhaps he's sleeping and must
30:09 be awake and worse. 28. So they cried aloud and cut themselves.
30:14 So as was their custom with knives and lances into the
30:19 blood gushed out on them.
30:22 And when midday was passed,
30:25 they prophesied until the time of the evening of the offering
30:29 of the evening sacrifice. But there was no voice.
30:33 No one answered. No one paid tension. Notice what? What
30:39 what's what with the people calling on day after day after
30:41 day after that?
30:43 >> They're waiting for God to respond, right? Right. If God
30:45 respond, why that why would there be a die down that God
30:48 doesn't? It doesn't revival doesn't die down. 5 continues
30:52 to it. It's like a pebble in the pond. It resonates and air
30:55 changes. Do we see this nation coming back to righteousness?
30:59 >> No, no, we don't see that. But now notice what allies who
31:02 didn't want to. Can we continue waiting there, George, 30?
31:05 Yes. Then a license at all. The people come near to me.
31:10 So all the people came near to him and he repaired the altar
31:13 of the Lord that was broken down. Pause.
31:16 >> Of the great point. There you go. Haha.
31:19 >> What did he do? You prepare the first to call them. He
31:22 could. He said come to me. Same thing. Moses said the for
31:25 the Lords. I'd come to me. Right? Provide was calling
31:28 people back to the one who is leading them to got come to me
31:31 and what you seek to do. Repair the altar of the Lord
31:34 which is broken down. Okay. I cannot miss it. Go to Isaiah
31:38 Chapter
31:39 a 58 to 58. Isaiah 58. Okay. He repaired the altar of the
31:45 Lord that was broken down in every revival. Something is
31:49 repaired. Now you may remember I said earlier in the days of
31:52 Jesus, they rejected the Jesus of the Sabbath. Today they're
31:56 rejecting the Sabbath of the Jesus. Isaiah 58 0st 12 13.
32:00 Okay. Anyone of you that you're here. Isaiah Chapter 58.
32:03 >> Versus 12 13 assists those from among you shall build up
32:07 the old waste places. You show rise up the foundations of many
32:12 generations and you shall be called the repairer of the
32:15 breach. The restorer of streets to do well in repair. Rise up.
32:19 >> Rebuild, right. That's what Elijah did. Yes. Look at the
32:23 next post. What are they talking about? Repairing
32:25 restoring raising up and rebuilding.
32:27 >> She's got speaking. If you turn away your foot from the
32:29 Sabbath from doing your pleasure on my only day and
32:32 called the Sabbath of Delight the Holy Day of the Lord,
32:34 Honorable and show honor him not doing your own ways nor
32:38 finding your own pleasure. More speaking your own words
32:42 and then look at the promise in the promised a new shuttle like
32:45 yourself in the Lord and I will cause you to ride on the high
32:48 heels of the Earth and feed you with the heritage of Jacob,
32:50 your father.
32:52 >> The mouth of the Lord has spoken. So in every revival,
32:54 something's rebuilt, or repaired restored and raised
32:56 up. And so once again in Jesus Day, they rejected the Jesus of
33:00 the Sabbath. Today they're rejecting the sabbath of the
33:03 cheese. So so you know, the text by heart. Quite a force
33:07 revelation,
33:08 12 of 17 and a dragon.
33:11 >> Was wroth are angry with the woman and you want to make war
33:14 with the rest of her offspring of the remnant of her seed.
33:17 >> Which keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony.
33:21 Jesus put it like just say, you have to say can the commandment
33:25 and in the end of the book, what's the issue of the
33:28 Commandments of God, if any revival does not include a
33:31 turning back to the Commandments of God, that's why
33:33 right earlier in Deuteronomy, if you would return, he said if
33:37 you would return to me if you return to me and keep my
33:40 commandments and do them. That was what got asked the
33:43 people of Israel to do. That's what God is asking why
33:45 Christian church today.
33:47 >> The same. We want to return to you. But that come and
33:49 nothing would have gone that far. I don't see that happening
33:52 in the surviving. Absolutely any. Would that go along with
33:55 the same story? We just read an and first King Chapter 18.
33:58 I love how he goes on to say choose you this day. You will
34:01 serve its all about worship. It's all about who you serve.
34:04 But notice it's not about just a declaration. No, you know,
34:07 these people aren't standing around the office, got a well.
34:09 We'll just declared that all they had to make a conscious
34:12 choice, a decision to forsake their old ways. In other words,
34:15 renounced their bails, renounced their false gods and
34:18 then their life had to come along accordingly in reforming
34:22 and changing. And there had to be a permanent change. But as
34:25 you're reading all this, the couple of texts come into my
34:28 mind because we're talking about a false movement.
34:31 Obviously, we know that the devil it has means of working
34:34 miracles and signs and wonders to deceive, even if it were
34:37 possible as that city that were possible, even the very,
34:40 very elect in the last days. So the devil is going to see a
34:43 lot of people. And even obviously John writes there in
34:46 first John Chapter 4 verse one which we've referenced, and
34:49 that is, you know,
34:50 >> it's the spirits whether they room got what we have to
34:52 test them. And we have to make an examination of what we have
34:55 to put that to the test because there is a counterfeiting.
34:57 You need to make sure that you're not being deceived by
35:00 the counterfeit. We know this to be the case because we get a
35:02 few text here. First, Timothy Chapter 4 verse is one 2 0st
35:06 Timothy Chapter 4 verses one 2. What does the Bible say?
35:10 It is now the spirit expressly says that in the latter times
35:12 we're talking about the last days of trial. We're not living
35:15 in the last days. We're living in these latter times. Right
35:17 here it is. Now the spirits is the Holy Spirit expressly says
35:21 that in the latter time, some will depart from the faith
35:24 giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of
35:27 demons.
35:28 Notice how that comes together. Notice how come they don't.
35:31 Don't miss that point. My friends, the devil is not out
35:34 to just give you an emotional experience. Of course he wants
35:37 to make you feel good and make you have an emotional expects.
35:40 But he wants this emotional experience and he wants this.
35:44 This overwhelming sense of had God just moved through me.
35:48 He wants that to be that coupled with a pad powered with
35:51 or are tacked on to that, a response from you to reject the
35:56 truth of God's word, the reject the doctrines of God so that
35:59 you accept doctrines of demons and then it goes on to say
36:02 speaking, lies and hypocrisy having their conscious seared
36:06 with a hot iron.
36:08 That is where Paul talks about in second, Timothy versus a 3,
36:11 a chapter 3 verse 5. We talked about the list, this long list
36:15 of how the people will be in the latter days, you know,
36:17 disobedient to parents and all these other things. And at the
36:19 very end, he says have been tough form of godliness.
36:22 >> But denying its power to having a form of godliness but
36:26 denying its power going Jordan.
36:28 >> Yeah, I was thinking of I was thinking of James Chapter 4
36:32 of of what you said about having
36:35 the wind got really brings revival and again, it leads to
36:37 reformation. We said this a change of life when he comes
36:40 near like Isaiah saw one God came near. Isaiah saw himself
36:44 as a man of unclean lips and not just the people anymore.
36:47 He was he included when he saw the glory in holiness of God.
36:51 But in James for starting in verse 4
36:55 and James is speaking very straight and love to the
36:58 people. And yes, here again, this is this is the sequence of
37:01 how we can experience survival, but also what it will lead to
37:05 and what are the conditions here, James, for 4
37:09 adult or as an adult or says, do you not know that friendship
37:12 with the world, his him, that he would got its hatred with
37:16 God, whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world,
37:20 makes himself an enemy of got well, but then he goes on
37:26 or do you think that the scripture says in vain, the
37:28 spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously, but he gives more
37:32 grace. Therefore, he says God resist the proud, but gives
37:36 grace to the right combo there. That's that connection again.
37:39 And then here's the process for 7,
37:42 therefore submit to God
37:44 resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God
37:50 and he will draw near to. You often lends your hands.
37:54 You centers
37:56 and purifier hearts. The double minded. A ment and mourn and
38:01 weep. Let your laughter be turned
38:04 to morning and your joy to gloom,
38:07 humble yourselves in the side of the Lord.
38:10 And then the result will be he will.
38:13 >> Lyft, you like too much can be said on the passage, but it
38:16 speaks for itself, not salute Lee. I mean, I just want to
38:18 draw attention to the fact that before you can resist the
38:21 devil, you have to submit a comment that Smith and a lot of
38:23 people's idea of submitting to the Lord is just just, you
38:26 know, declaration again. Just okay, Lord, I'm submitting
38:28 to you open myself up to you. But yet there's things in your
38:31 life. There are there might be friendship a dollar and a good
38:34 friendship of the world doctrines of demons that you're
38:36 holding onto again, things that are not in accordance in
38:39 harmony with God's word to you have to learn to surrender to
38:43 and bring yourself to a point to where you say, Laura,
38:46 I don't make me not fully understand them now, but this
38:48 is the truth anymore. And I want this to be in my life.
38:51 I want my life to be in harmony with men. Will. That's that
38:54 submission process. Therefore submit to God resist the devil
38:57 and he will sleep for. You are free from you. That submission
39:00 to God is not just the declaration, OK, Laura? Dawn,
39:03 I'm surrendering. I'm declaring no this sometimes it's a
39:06 process of allowing the holy spirit to do the work on you
39:10 that you have been previously clinching the have been
39:14 previously resisting and allowing the holy spirit to
39:17 work with you.
39:18 >> And so now the question I'd like to turn to now is what we
39:20 do in light of this revival, took a lot of the generation
39:23 where revival is taking place, not in a complete way now.
39:26 God works. And I was so glad we point this out once again,
39:29 not talking about the people putting there. We're talking
39:32 about some of these moments where Satan takes advantage of
39:35 people who are honest and sincere. There are many people
39:38 that are seeking for the Lord. And he, you know, Joel says
39:41 that in Joel 2 acts, chapter one says it should come to
39:44 pass. In the last days, I will pour out my spirit and off
39:47 flash. The old men shall dream dreams of him in South visions.
39:51 All my men, 7 inmates 7, I will part my spirit in those days.
39:55 So the outpouring of the holy spirit is evident. It's obvious
39:57 he's going to happen in the last days. Who knows that the
40:01 enemy knows that. But Jesus said in Matthew, 24 14 and this
40:05 gospel of the kingdom shall be preaching all the world.
40:07 So I think that what we need to do that now from this point,
40:10 what can we do in light of the fact the aisle, the people of
40:13 God? And I like the fact that you talked about this briefly.
40:15 I don't he said on air or not, but some of some math and some
40:19 are friends with there was the Asbury viable and was among the
40:22 crowds. And I think you should share some about that planting
40:26 some see the truth so that the sincere hearts you can find
40:30 something that gives them stability is and not just
40:32 because it died down is no longer going on. Absolutely
40:35 happens after that.
40:36 >> Yeah. When we think about it coming to a close, as we think
40:40 about how can we experience this true revival, talk about
40:43 the nature of it and what does it look like in the true work
40:46 of the Holy spirit and how close the counterfeit can be?
40:50 How can we experience that we're seeing in some of these
40:53 techs here? I mean, the techs are very clear. Boy, think
40:57 about revival is if revival is an extraordinary work of God,
41:00 either an individual or group of people doing his work of
41:04 converting centers or bringing new life and vigor to his
41:06 people,
41:08 that is, again, very similar to what God does all the time
41:12 right of convicting people and bring them to new life, but
41:15 just done an extraordinary way. So if if there's similar in
41:18 their nature,
41:19 what we have to ask ourselves, how does God bring about
41:21 conversion in a person's life? It's through these means that
41:24 we've been talking about red meat or tells us is by the word
41:27 of God that we are born again. Do we want to experience
41:32 revival in our own hearts and our own lives?
41:35 We need to begin diving more into this book. You know,
41:39 we're busy and this life and we can to go like this even if we
41:42 know what we read it before. But to get into the word,
41:46 yes, for the purpose of getting to know Christ and seeing him
41:49 and loving human being with him getting into the war. This is a
41:53 key way of how we can experience revival in our own
41:56 heart. I want to say this before we talk about more point
41:58 is that when people heard about the revival, I heard some
42:01 people say that I want to go there, right? I want to go
42:04 there so I can experience it. But but the reality is that God
42:06 can bring revival right where your hats, right, that I love
42:09 that to a specific location where this thing is happening.
42:12 But you can have got come to you and experience God for
42:17 yourself by the means that he's given us. Yes. And so the word
42:20 getting more into the word of God. Yes, this is one great way
42:24 of how we can McGinnis experience of for ourselves and
42:27 our churches to have revival.
42:30 >> It must be in the work that solar system, the real quick
42:32 comparison so that our viewers and listeners could understand
42:35 the difference between true and false divide is going very
42:37 quickly. True revival. The first thing pray for hot
42:40 revival that some 51 10 prayer should be creating a clean
42:44 heart o God and renew right spirit within me over compared
42:47 to falter viable. These people join the team with a mouth on a
42:50 move, their lips. But the hostile far from me, Matthew,
42:53 15 per se. So the first indication of true a viable his
42:56 heart chain, the Lord it promised in the valley, a dry
43:01 bones. Give you a new heart and put my spirit within you and
43:03 you'll be revived and be a great army on your feet.
43:06 Pray for God to revive your heart first. Yes, your mind to
43:10 create a me a clean heart, right? Heart and mind, Andrew
43:13 been a steadfast. Alright spirit, right? Some people have
43:16 the spirit but not the right one. We're seeing that very
43:19 prevalent is the first thing. Second thing. Pray for true
43:22 humility. If my people who are called by my name will humble
43:25 themselves. Okay. The of the 3rd one here and that's pray
43:30 for humility. Yes, for humility as compared to clashes to 23
43:35 with says they have false humility. So people, you know,
43:39 the humidity that's not moved by the spirit of God. The other
43:42 one, a life of prayer and obedience and pray and seek my
43:46 face. That's compared to pray without obedience. One who
43:50 turns as air from hearing the law even as prayer is an
43:53 abomination. That's false revival. I'm praying I'm
43:55 praying, but I want to hear God's law.
43:58 Let me say that again. I'm praying I'm praying, but I
44:01 don't want anything to do with God's law. Right causes you're
44:04 praying and you want to do anything to have my law,
44:06 even your prayers, an abomination, Proverbs. 28 9.
44:10 The other one is pray for turning away from a life of
44:13 evil. But the second chronicles 7.14, and turn from their
44:17 wicked ways.
44:18 Are the people praying for God to change their way? They live
44:22 the way they do the things they do revival. That's compared to
44:26 no change. Just a form of having a form of godliness but
44:29 denying the power of love. And I think it was joining us
44:32 said about the Holy Spirit. One Holy Spirit comes in.
44:34 Is there a change in your life?
44:38 There is a change. Of course. Haha, you're not a form any
44:42 longer. That's right. He's a true life of change change.
44:45 And then the other one look at as a 55 or 7 being willing.
44:48 I want to say this have Jordan, we this being willing to do
44:51 something being willing to do something. Every true revival
44:55 brings a willingness to do something. Isaiah 55 and verse
44:59 7 or 7
45:01 let the wicked forsake his way.
45:03 >> And the unrighteous man is thoughts. Let him return to the
45:07 Lord and he will have mercy on him and to our God for he will
45:12 abundantly Harden praises. God wants to this guy was
45:15 pardon us. Yeah.
45:17 >> And this is the God of mercy. Yes, but you've got to
45:20 you've got to forsake you away. You've got even seeing
45:23 differently. The on righteous man is thoughts and then God,
45:28 there's that word again, return to the Lord and he will have
45:31 mercy. I like the illustrations it I'm not a mean guy. His
45:37 merciful. What we know compared to
45:40 those who say God's way is not fair. Yeah. He attempted to the
45:44 other one
45:45 act 3.19. This the other one, a sign of true repent, a sign of
45:48 true conversion, a sign of a true a viable acts to 19.
45:52 What is it? This is repent. Therefore, be converted that
45:55 your sense maybe blot it out so that the time's of refreshing
45:58 may come from the presence of the Lord. Notice all the
46:01 differences here. Change of heart humility alive. A prayer
46:05 and obedience turn from their wicked ways being willing to
46:08 forsake you away and accept God's way and God is merciful
46:12 repentance conversion. What's the next one? Did you get the
46:15 out on that turn internal change? Okay. With that one
46:18 internal changes. Some 51 per 6. Behold you.
46:21 >> Desire truth in the end where parts and then the hidden
46:24 part you will make me to know wisdom this right and some 40st
46:28 saint.
46:29 >> Internal change. Our changes being made internally. If
46:34 anybody would know what you would know, if you would,
46:37 you know if you're being changed, of course, of course,
46:40 is going make that change God's coming. But you have to invite
46:43 him in and then something else is going to happen. Talked
46:45 about God's law, some 40 per se. I'd like to do your will.
46:49 Oh, my God. And your law is with in my heart. That's right.
46:54 Well, if you have an issue with Gaza long, you talk about
46:56 revival. It's not revival because Davis and I'm delighted
46:59 to be a will.
47:01 >> The other one is pray for the Holy Spirit's leading to be
47:04 evident in your life. John, 14, 15 16. This. You know, Brian,
47:07 if you love me, I have to just this is just emphasize that it
47:11 will not. We don't we don't keep God's law will seek after
47:14 the commandments because it's just something we do. We do it
47:17 out of love, which is why crisis. If you love me, keep my
47:21 commandments and then hears the response and I will pray to the
47:24 father and he will give you another help or that he may
47:27 abide with you forever. That's right. So the obedience aspect
47:31 of keeping God's Commandments qualifies us. Now the law says
47:35 I can trust you with my holy spirit. Amen, right? Eye
47:38 contract 5, right? He gives the holy spirit to those who obey
47:42 32 in their 30nd ad 5 for certain.
47:45 >> I will give it to those. Who will they know? And the the
47:49 though the last one here is tied at one 16, go there.
47:52 Titus one 16.
47:53 >> And then you, Matthew 7 for 21 to 23 actually have. I was
47:56 going to that because I have the whole passages in the year
47:59 to try this one for one for 16. And this is what we have to be
48:02 cautious about. OK, how does one verse 16? Yet?
48:08 They profess to know God, but in works. They deny him being
48:13 abominable, disobedient and disqualified for every could
48:17 work. So watch out. If you're in the movement as a we know
48:20 God check out the fruit. Yes, that's right. Check out
48:24 the 5th circuit.
48:25 >> You know, the passage comes to mind is we're summing all of
48:27 this up and you're getting into the practical elements of what
48:29 we must do to make sure that we safeguard ourself from this
48:33 counterfeit spirit so that we are over taken because of our
48:37 humbleness and our willingness in our surrender to the holy
48:40 spirit of the Lord.
48:42 My mind goes to Matthew 7. Last words of Jesus gives them
48:46 a sermon on the Mount, OK?
48:48 >> He begins his ministry with these words. He ends the spent
48:51 the day, his ministry with similar words when he gives one
48:54 of his final parables to the purple of the 10 virgins.
48:57 Yes, but that similar key, he begins his ministry with this.
49:00 He ends it with this. But notice this passage from Jesus
49:03 is not everyone who system in this Matthew 7 beginning with
49:06 verse. 21,
49:08 not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord shot into the Kingdom
49:10 of heaven, but he who misses key. Who does the will not
49:16 someone who declares and that someone who just talks about
49:19 who says that someone who does the will of my father in
49:21 heaven, many will say to me in that day, Lord Lord, have we
49:25 not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name
49:28 and an many wonders in your name
49:31 and then I will declare to them. I never knew you depart
49:35 from E U who practice and don't miss this lawlessness. Are you
49:39 who work? Iniquity is the King. James version says now again
49:42 that those those text alone are eye opening to the fact that
49:46 you can declare you can even go as far as to say, I'm doing the
49:50 work of the Lord cast out demons like you don't really
49:54 know him because you don't have it in you. A lot of people will
49:58 stop with those verses. But to me, I have to check on the next
50:00 passage. Yes, Jesus brings the heat just much the stamp,
50:04 the nail in the coffin here when he says these next words,
50:07 he says they're for the has the word. Therefore, here is a
50:10 response to what you just said about those acts, Lord Lord and
50:13 don't know him. He says they're for whoever hears the sayings
50:18 of mine and does them. There's the doing factor again.
50:22 I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock
50:28 and the rain descended. The floods came and the winds blew
50:31 and beat on that house and the did not fall for it was founded
50:36 on the rock. That's right. But then he says in verse 26
50:39 27. But everyone who hears the sayings of mine and does not do
50:44 them say this is where false revivals happen. People who
50:47 make declaration to have emotional sensations and
50:49 feelings and experiences. But their life does not tell
50:52 the story of someone who actually does for the Lord who
50:55 actually response to the truth of the Lord. It says and does
50:59 not do them. Jesus as will be like a foolish man who built
51:02 his house on the sand and the rain descended. The floods came
51:06 and the winds blew and beat on that house and it Phil and
51:10 great.
51:11 >> Once it's full. Wow. Good Jordan. Powerful. Yeah, I was
51:15 not go ahead. I I got another thought in my mind. But what
51:19 what? What? What we're seeing here is the difference in
51:22 revivals
51:24 falter vials. They can prophesying his name.
51:28 Do many wonderful works in his name and even cast out demons.
51:33 And I saw the video there. This is a demon being cast out
51:36 survival. And they said because people start to question,
51:40 who is this a revival? Yes, well, that could even happen.
51:43 And the devil says, OK, let's go ahead
51:47 saying whether it's real or not, but he can go ahead
51:50 manifest themself and remove himself to make. It appears
51:52 that the AL got as a present.
51:54 But once again, I say if the power of God is present,
51:57 the requirements of God will not bother you.
52:00 You talked about the benefits of God when you truly are
52:03 revived. The word of God is your joy and God's commandment
52:07 Toyota light. So that was just to tack on to that. Again,
52:11 that's that. That's that this there are some things like
52:13 casting out demons.
52:15 >> It could be the work of the Lord or it could not be.
52:18 That is not. That is not the determining factor, right?
52:22 If that's a true revival or not. And there are there are a
52:24 lot of those. Like I said, there could be great emotion.
52:27 That's not a determining factor knocking. Get your joy survival
52:31 says no, but the enemy can do so the same. These determining
52:35 factors is what we've been talking about being led into
52:38 the truth of God's word in his law, having true change of
52:42 life. And these are the true factors in determining factors.
52:45 If the work is truly of God, when we think about having
52:50 revival in our own experience, just kind of somewhat we just
52:52 said we're talking about
52:54 is to have
52:55 I desire to seek the Lord to be truly humble,
52:59 to be in his word to pray and seek the holy spirit to ask for
53:03 revival. Jesus says you must ask and you are seeing it right
53:06 now. But this is what we've been saying and we've been
53:08 talking about in our own individual experiences. And I
53:12 would say this, too, as far as not just in our own individual
53:14 experiences. But as a church, maybe your church is seeking
53:17 revival. Your people you want to revive will take place in
53:20 your church. You can reach the people in our community is to
53:24 do all these things. Collectively, of course,
53:25 spend more time in prayer, praying about these things.
53:28 Turning to God is James for set. But also I would say
53:32 reading about revivals. Alright, reading a bit being
53:36 specific in our study of scripture going back and
53:39 looking at the revivals that took place in this passage is
53:42 that we talked about this just size, reformation, Hezekiah,
53:45 the book of acts looking at those and going back over them
53:48 and also in history. The great awakening that took place in
53:51 America was to George Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards and others
53:55 studying these revival, the reformation that took place.
53:59 This is also a way that puts our minds on the subject and
54:02 makes us hunger for it. More one, just one more aspect I
54:06 wanted to share their.
54:07 >> I appreciate that for the best or any final thoughts we
54:10 end on per yes. And we have to acknowledge that an age in
54:12 which we live where living at the time where the Delta Devils
54:16 busy. Yes, 7 nations, 16 versus 13 and I saw 3 unclean spirits
54:19 like frost coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the base
54:21 of the post profits for the day, the spirits of demons
54:25 welcoming signs, performing signs that's caught to the
54:28 kings of the Earth and the whole world to gather them to
54:30 the battle of the creative column it living at a gathering
54:33 time. Watch this. The 3 Angels messages on capping the true
54:36 worshippers. The 3 unclean spirit together with the false
54:39 worshippers in the false movement. They're going to be
54:42 great signs and wonders right demons performing these in that
54:47 room movements live conversions repentance, confession
54:50 forgiveness for say King and returning to God. So you've got
54:54 to pray that whichever category these both going to happen,
54:57 but you've got to decide which category going to be an
55:00 absolutely absolutely.
55:02 >> We'll pass along a cane. Jordan Moore, we thank you so
55:04 much. You guys for joining us today and
55:07 for sharing your heart sharing the word helping us to make
55:10 this subject a whole lot more simpler and my friends, we
55:13 would want to thank you for joining us today. We hope that
55:15 this has been a blessing to you and that to some light has been
55:19 shed on the subject of true and false revivals here in these in
55:22 times. We need not be deceived. We need not to be, you know,
55:27 waived by the the winds of doctrine in the winds of this
55:29 world. If we stay rooted and grounded on the rock of Jesus
55:32 Christ and his word,
55:34 then we shall be saved in the end if we persevere in Christ
55:37 and abide in Christ. You know what I thought the last we've
55:40 got about a minute and a half here. I just want to say thank
55:43 you to everyone for joining us and one that we just go out and
55:46 prayer. I think that's an appropriate thing. So just pray
55:48 together and let's bring it
55:50 her father in heaven. Lord,
55:52 would you know that this is a very serious subject. And you
55:56 know, that there is just so much mass confusion because the
56:00 enemy is just attacking. He's attacking. He plays by no
56:03 rules. And you know, that got the father. We know that you
56:07 are so much powerful than the enemy. You are more powerful
56:10 than him. You you are about love and compassion and you are
56:14 a true God of justice and judgment so that you are are
56:18 seeking to safe people. Yeah, not so that they be lost.
56:22 So father, I pray that as we in tonight's program,
56:26 Your Spirit, your true Spirit is just sent out throughout
56:29 this country throughout this world. And all of those who are
56:33 seeking true revival will be drawn to you the true uplifted
56:36 savior, Jesus Christ that we brought back to your word and
56:39 that we have a true genuine revival experience in our
56:43 minds. We praise you and we thank you for this one for your
56:46 wonderful. Could this for your love and your continued grace
56:49 and mercy? And we ask this in Jesus holding, hey, it's in his
56:53 name. We pray.
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56:56 >> God bless you, my friends until next time Saith the Lord.
57:00 Get into the word.
57:02 >> We get into the 3 Angels message just as we're living in
57:05 the last time
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Revised 2023-08-08