3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230006B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:06 >> Hello and welcome back to 3 ABN behind the scenes. You
00:09 know, I was like these programs because again, it's all about
00:12 evangelism ands about what God is doing through the ministry
00:15 of 3 a B. And this is an update about what is happening here.
00:19 >> The first hour, it always seems like time speed up and we
00:22 know it doesn't time stays the same. But it seems like the
00:25 time goes by her and this second hour, jewels packed full
00:28 as well. It is indeed. If you missed the first hour, you can
00:31 always go to 3ABN plus DOT TV or YouTube and you can check
00:35 out the first are. We talked about evangelism in Cuba and
00:39 the Ghana and you gonna and Princeton's and throughout the
00:44 United States and abroad and many other aspects of
00:47 evangelism. And this second hour, we've traded out family
00:51 and we have sitting next to Greg and I hear Bruce Chance.
00:54 He's the manager of the donation Center, 3ABN Donation
00:57 Center. And thank you for being here tonight. But to be here
01:00 and we have a lot of fun products in front of you.
01:02 I think we're going to be talking about ways you can help
01:04 support the ministry. We've got like somewhere here. It's
01:06 almost like we're going to eat.
01:07 >> And I'm looking here and I think this year, Bruce, I think
01:10 I see a signature of a Mickey Mantle.
01:12 >> Here. And there's something that's kind of hidden, which
01:14 will show you a little bit right off to the side here,
01:15 some coins and stuff. So we're going to talk about some very
01:18 interesting things here a little later in the program.
01:20 Quite a few good here. Do we do? I was just with you had me
01:23 at 8 hours just thinking we're showing we could go. Could haha
01:29 in around the table. We have Shelly coin and this, of
01:32 course, may be in program development manager to produce
01:34 certain. We're delighted you're here tonight. So it's always
01:37 wonderful to be on with her family. It is the man last but
01:42 not least. We have Jorge hockey around the corner here. At the
01:46 end of the table, Jorge of courses are 3ABN production
01:49 manager and some color on the table. I was thinking we didn't
01:52 mention on the spouses for his wife, Lynette work special for
01:55 Greg and I am surprised and assistant and we're so grateful
01:59 for you and for Lynette. So thank you for being here.
02:02 >> Thank you. So privileged to be here. And so we're going to
02:05 be talking about the they the goodies that are behind the
02:08 scenes to today and the protection department. Do you
02:10 have a busy department? That's for sure. And that's really
02:12 good tennis.
02:14 >> And speaking of spouses, I was going to going back around
02:15 the table, but we Love J D as well. And Shelley's husband ad,
02:19 of course, is manager Pastoral apartment. And then Bruce
02:23 worked with Cammie for many, many years in the donation
02:26 department. I know that she doesn't work. They're currently
02:29 retired. I'm retired, but she did an incredible job as well.
02:33 I get returns too young to retire. Haha.
02:38 >> As you may notice, there's a lot of good humor. A lot of
02:41 good times here is family. And we just also want to say
02:43 thank you for being a part of our 3 ABN family. The first
02:47 tower we're talking of to you and thanking you for your
02:50 prayers and financial support for this ministry. You know,
02:54 when I think about God's word promises in God's word, this
02:57 really a lot of joy and a lot of hope I because God is good
03:01 God.
03:02 He doesn't promise to keep us from the storms of life.
03:05 He's promised to be with us through the storms of life.
03:08 So no matter what you're going through, we want to encourage
03:12 you this evening. They got it on the throne. Got is
03:15 interested in you and God will take care of you and soon and
03:19 very soon Jesus Christ will calm. I look forward to that.
03:22 Little cloud is inscribed in the east growing bigger and
03:25 bigger. And as it gets bigger and bigger, we know that our
03:28 deliverance is drawing nigh so well. We need to hang on and
03:33 the faith. We know that our theme we've mentioned this
03:35 before for this year for 3, 8, in his God is faithful. He's
03:39 always faithful. Let's remember to be faithful ourselves to
03:42 him.
03:43 >> The man, man, we're going to start this hour out with some
03:45 more music have already Tim Parton and Ginger Pictures will
03:49 be back with us. And the song they will be ministering is his
03:53 name is wonderful men.
03:55 [MUSIC]
04:00 [MUSIC]
04:05 [MUSIC]
04:10 >> He's doing is wonderful.
04:14 [MUSIC]
04:18 >> One to 4.
04:19 [MUSIC]
04:23 It is wonderful.
04:26 >> She says mom, I'm.
04:33 >> The guy is so it he.
04:39 >> And just a bit breezy
04:44 [MUSIC]
04:47 one. She says mom, I'm.
04:54 >> When you.
04:59 >> Moore, he is the real h 2, 0, Rahm.
05:05 >> Yeah, it is.
05:09 >> It awed inning is.
05:16 >> Whoa.
05:17 [MUSIC]
05:21 >> To the.
05:26 [MUSIC]
05:30 >> I do.
05:31 [MUSIC]
05:36 This was an a
05:37 [MUSIC]
05:40 >> seasons.
05:41 >> You.
05:46 >> He sees the great shot, too.
05:53 >> The rock fall by the ABS. T.
06:02 >> We know and I.
06:06 >> For.
06:16 >> Oh, yeah is.
06:21 [MUSIC]
06:26 >> She has a lot to love.
06:34 >> He is fun.
06:38 [MUSIC]
06:45 [MUSIC]
06:50 [MUSIC]
06:54 >> And wound. His name is wonderful.
06:59 Thank you, Ginger, and thank you for the 10 part and
07:01 powerful
07:03 worship in music, right? Yes, less. And I'm always
07:07 encourage the ministry and music. So thank you so much for
07:09 sharing.
07:11 Furthermore, a
07:12 you are in charge of production to Big Department. Yes, sir.
07:16 And yes. Think about all that happens in comes out far as the
07:19 3, again, with the media aspect. It's a lot if you have
07:23 a great staff, great department and we thank you for your
07:28 leadership and for yeah. Just to your vision for
07:32 evangelism, Jorge, you came here in 1990,
07:36 and where he was here for a short period of time. That's
07:38 why I left for a while. And then your journey in life
07:41 project back here. And as Joe mentioned, I know your wife,
07:45 as Joe mentioned earlier, is our ministry to the system does
07:48 a fantastic job. And yet what a blessing is on talking to here.
07:52 Axiom got it. This is behind the scenes there. So I forgot
07:55 one important thing before we go into production and that
07:58 Jill, is this really special offer that we talked about?
08:00 The first are somewhat you talk about that.
08:02 >> I was wondering when you're going to. Yeah, yeah. Maybe
08:07 minutes and didn't know. You can call us right now.
08:10 This is available. The pillars off our faith CD. Try. I love
08:15 this project at CBN did it several years ago. But it
08:18 features many of the pillars, the doctrines of our faith and
08:23 7th avenues Christians set to music. Incredible anointed
08:27 music, beautiful songs beautifully done. So for any
08:32 signs donation, this is a special offer tonight for any
08:35 size donation. We will send you this special CD so you can call
08:40 us right now at 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, That number
08:46 again is 618-627-4651. If for any reason. You want to e-mail
08:52 us here. Always welcome to email us at LIVE. L I V E add
08:57 3ABN DOT TV. That's live at 3ABN Dot TV. You can say yes,
09:03 I'd like to become involved or I want to because you have
09:06 questions or you want to donate. We can always contact
09:08 you back and help you with that process. Thank you for
09:12 partnering with the Ministry of 3ABN. Thank you for helping to
09:15 spread this gospel message around the world.
09:18 >> You know, Joe, this is a tremendous project. And,
09:22 you know, this pillars of our faith. And as you mentioned,
09:24 you know, on the south, some of the doctrines, you know,
09:27 the one that's always been just really, of course, I was that
09:29 all of us, I'm sure of lost loved ones, family friends,
09:32 right? And we look forward to Christ's second coming. And I
09:35 really like this song that their brother Reggie Smith
09:39 saying it's I have fixed my mind on another time. Well,
09:43 that song, if you've heard before is on this CD and you
09:47 talk about incurred right decision because we talk about
09:49 this world that we fixed our minds on another time.
09:53 >> All those songs have anointed in messages, only 2
09:57 viable Missy just in their fabulous.
10:00 >> And as Joe mentioned, that the proceeds for any size
10:03 donation will go toward evangelism here at 3. A BSO.
10:07 Thank you in advance for for your support. Some other.
10:10 Alright now coming to you have talked and talked about
10:12 production. What's been going on? I know you just came from
10:14 you. I see not long ago was happening.
10:17 Well, yeah.
10:19 >> There's never we always say there's no never has a dual
10:23 Dana and for the action, the farm and we'll always have some
10:27 new things happening,
10:29 an unexpected things and all kind of good things at the end
10:33 because, you know, I'm in this going a little bit in the
10:37 background here. I e became part of the day and in this
10:42 network when I come to work and there you are at remember
10:45 greatly a few years back. But it was so fun to coach the
10:49 has few years. And I was, you know,
10:53 connection assistant. And then we work the Western expected.
10:59 Is that why what's going to happen that in a year or 2?
11:02 Yes, after that, that that I had, you know, honor and
11:05 privilege to to to pay your position,
11:09 which actually it's really yet the way that you describe this
11:14 is is really true is is yeah,
11:19 a big department within the organization that is that it
11:25 do. You have mentioned this in our time says heart from what
11:29 we do here and good. So this is what as we speak right now,
11:33 we're producing a program. That's right. And we have a
11:36 producer in the control room to cover the victim. Mark, we have
11:40 it it he and then doing the graphics we have as I can and
11:47 they all do room will have that need doing life teaching,
11:51 which is bad. Save us a lot of time because all the little
11:56 things that happened here that need to be fixed. Well, believe
11:59 it or not, those mistakes.
12:01 >> Haha.
12:04 >> So those thing, some being kind of what I attempt to fix
12:08 them.
12:10 I said we goal yes, that save us time. And then we have these
12:14 wonderful coming open, dangerous and that enough,
12:17 what Florida back to this commission and and that we're
12:20 makeup person, Angela and all? Well, I
12:24 we do know who this weekend. The governor of the SEC is a,
12:27 you know, it's kind of don't look now but wonderful coming
12:29 open just that that was following what was going on and
12:33 followed the director side, the detection.
12:36 Look it and that is an everyday in the in the daily bases.
12:40 We
12:41 and finished a program like we have that musician here last
12:46 week and then immediately will go to another one in another
12:51 one in praise the Lord this month so much you will see on
12:54 the air
12:55 what a few new programs in went up and will probably let
12:59 usually too sure about that. But a top every time that we do
13:03 a new program is is a new challenge is a good challenge,
13:06 but that it's different things. Different set, different type
13:10 of content dictates many times. What do what we will do,
13:15 its finest opening bdo openings and they do set the self
13:21 and we had a experiences. So like you mission these also,
13:27 you would say these great congeal that we have a great,
13:32 a great team and that is to do that is in the center of this
13:36 operation. We have people and behind the scenes, everybody I
13:39 am a behind the scenes specials over. Maybe it's a little bit
13:43 and not my my territory. So we're doing a good job.
13:47 But what it is is
13:49 and there's a heat source that creative people that the work
13:53 tirelessly in getting a good images in things that look
13:59 appealing to the viewer son and that's in it. It's sent us a
14:02 whole process. And also we have commitments with other
14:06 organizations. We go on trips. We goal and the event
14:12 just want to show you. You mention shoe Acg way sees that
14:17 and the youth event that it's organized and really at the end
14:24 of every year. And we had for the time, though, we had this
14:29 this possible due to cop it. We didn't do it, but now it's
14:34 coming full speed and fuel production. Again,
14:39 34,000 attendees in there with our cameras and the trikes.
14:45 And that requires a lot of
14:49 landing in Dade different aspect of the production
14:54 when the coup goals in the trip. In the end, it's
14:58 always unknown and will was praying the God would protect
15:03 us. You know, everything's going to be OK because we know
15:07 that we're there going that to serve our Lord and savior in
15:12 share and use the guns that were there to also broadcast
15:16 gaunt and that will touch of the people's car.
15:19 So I want to show you a little experience said that. So I want
15:25 viewers can can see what I'm talking about,
15:28 especially coming about that guy, the patients that they
15:31 did, gun whole attitude that we have and the show we just sold
15:36 it whichever way we can
15:38 and the flexibility we were and they
15:42 a trip to Phoenix, Arizona for a to a C a D up with them.
15:49 You bike last week of December and probably everybody knows
15:53 what happened in that need off that last week of the year.
15:58 A lot of flying. The airline cited that
16:03 we can do it so doubt since of thousands of the people in
16:09 thousands of flights. What class counsel among those where
16:12 you to Kansas's bill, they've been under way. So the crews
16:18 going to the airport in 3 minivans,
16:22 too many bounce in the bigger pickle.
16:25 All of them with a patient, too. The board that airplane.
16:29 And I like an hour before I said getting fixed. I was in
16:33 another day of Puerto waiting for my flight
16:37 telling me I want flights being canceled. What do we do?
16:41 And you know, talking to people, you're talking entire
16:43 team. A lot of people. Yeah, we're looking at you believe
16:49 that our
16:50 15 over 15 PM we have 50 or so
16:55 Seoul. They said, okay, we have an idea. What is your idea?
17:01 What do we send the drivers in one of the advance back home?
17:06 It would take 2 of the mass with pilot missing together.
17:09 And we continued driving to Phoenix. A Nissan that was just
17:13 24 hours away from. So my whatever. But that's almost a
17:16 California haha. Why they were going to Nashville airport.
17:24 And from that point to Phoenix is 24 24 hour police. So so,
17:31 but we need to be that 2 more at this time to start setting
17:35 up because of legal anytime later than that,
17:39 there's a whole chain of events that's going to affect
17:43 emphasis. One of the main ones being we may not be a live
17:45 broadcast starting Wednesday night from Phoenix, Arizona,
17:48 who were always think you need in Wednesday night's not going
17:52 to happen in. Well,
17:54 this ad a humid around it. But you both of you says,
17:57 well, let me think about this. Think about it. But let's do it
18:01 and well, we have through the night we didn't we didn't have
18:04 any problem with drivers. We have a 15 driver said
18:07 butter, but it was going to be a nonstop. Yeah. When the show
18:11 we you and with everybody
18:14 that cold and a little bit of a that experience. So you can see
18:18 this period that is behind these wonderful group people in
18:21 production. So if ad, the production and that control
18:24 from half that view ready will win the show with you right
18:27 now. So here we are.
18:29 >> It is
18:31 to 52 and the afternoon
18:34 and our flights have been canceled
18:37 and now we're going to die. So this is driving up the road.
18:47 >> We've got Tony
18:51 [MUSIC]
18:56 [MUSIC]
19:01 [MUSIC]
19:08 the same day.
19:10 >> Well, the stretching exercises.
19:16 So there we are.
19:17 We have 19 hours to go. Still.
19:19 [MUSIC]
19:22 These are the survivors in the back.
19:25 I just over here just so sleeping. And Jamie looking
19:29 beautiful as always.
19:30 What is
19:32 it? Maps
19:34 [MUSIC]
19:39 [MUSIC]
19:44 [MUSIC]
19:49 [MUSIC]
19:51 60 hours left?
19:54 See, I read about that much
19:56 here where I learned quickly
20:00 [MUSIC]
20:05 [MUSIC]
20:10 [MUSIC]
20:15 [MUSIC]
20:20 [MUSIC]
20:25 [MUSIC]
20:32 [MUSIC]
20:37 [MUSIC]
20:44 [MUSIC]
20:49 [MUSIC]
20:54 [MUSIC]
20:59 [MUSIC]
21:04 [MUSIC]
21:10 [MUSIC]
21:21 >> too, too.
21:34 >> Foods.
21:38 >> Too.
21:46 >> Wow. Amen. Praise the Lord that the crew arrives safely.
21:50 And I like that at the end. Jorge, I know you talk about
21:52 the editor who put this together. But for one reason,
21:55 right? As far as driving through the night, 24 hours.
21:59 Plus to get there for one reason, right, that again,
22:02 to spread the gospel. And you saw there a little snippet of a
22:04 program that was going on with a great way to and the video.
22:07 But Jones, I think about the dedication of the team
22:11 sacrifice because the well, yeah, flights canceled and
22:14 there is no way we're driving. But the pressure was on and I
22:17 appreciate the dedication and purpose in the heart beat and
22:21 that comes from the leadership. So thank you again, Horry for
22:24 that. But again, I'm just thank you to the staff and to the
22:26 crew production team.
22:28 >> A man, we have the best team in the world. I say this so
22:31 many times. I believe our production team are the most
22:34 creative, gifted people and test so grateful for what they
22:37 do for the ministry and that dedication to drive 24 hours
22:42 straight and then show up and not even check into the hotel,
22:45 but go right to work because we had to go live in just that
22:48 sacrifice and dedication, so grateful for and they do this
22:52 all the time. I don't mean they drive 24 hours straight all the
22:54 time. But there's dedication in, you know, that's true in
22:57 every department within the ministry of the 3ABN. And I'm
23:01 so grateful for that.
23:02 >> You know, and I like that video, too, because it just
23:04 again, it shows or the fun because this is, you know,
23:07 this is long. I mean, you've been under pressure to get to a
23:10 certain place and drive through the night plans change. But the
23:13 video I showed some fun stuff. You know, there's some that has
23:16 been a wife's, you know, traveling there together,
23:18 some of them. You've got some teams that way on your staff
23:20 and just the fun time to try to pass the time, you know,
23:23 to make man, that's a lot of the situation but still find
23:26 the positivity. Positive news in the situation would have.
23:29 What a blessing. So Corey Wren. Yes, I'm a
23:33 >> praise. The Lord for all this. A beautiful group.
23:36 People that are so the 8th inning kittens. Yes, the bus,
23:40 right? Horton Park. That's right. That's right. I'm a
23:43 little like to give credit to Tyler Walker would just be the
23:47 to get that. This is so creative. So thank you, Tyler
23:51 and then will thank you and thank you for your support in
23:54 for being able to work here. That so many things. I know
23:57 that we want to talk about future production. So yes,
23:59 I I am honor again to to be surrounded by such a good
24:05 dedicate, a group of men.
24:08 >> Not to. And I want to say this to, you know, I try not to
24:10 worry. I just Tony, are really working on it, you know,
24:13 giving everything to God. But, you know, when you know
24:16 that the staff is driving through the night, yeah,
24:18 your worry. I know they're not my kids. But Joan, I still was
24:21 like man as part of the team. And you know that there's a
24:23 risk. Yes, and you know, the dedication is there and we want
24:27 to say thank you because we receive letters, e-mails,
24:30 phone calls and you say we pray for 3.80, and then every day.
24:34 Yeah, the great for 3 but every day. So thank you for that
24:36 because we believe the Angels are flying right along, you
24:38 know, protecting keeping major mishaps have been getting a
24:42 stardust in men.
24:44 >> We're going to transition here. We take the first hour.
24:46 We talked about unshackle purpose and season 2 of
24:50 unshackle purpose with let me vague and Jason Bradley that
24:53 will be launching here very shortly on 3 ABM. But let's
24:57 talk about some of the other brand new programs good that
25:00 have either just launched or are getting ready to launch.
25:04 I think Pastor Mark Family had a program. Yes. Let's talk
25:07 about that. He and his wife, 2 different programs. Yeah.
25:10 And they both launched already in the month of February.
25:14 So let's start there and then we'll go to March in some
25:16 upcoming programs. Sure. Yes, Buster Mike Feeley and
25:20 he's a wife came to get that.
25:22 >> And misty me came to do a a
25:26 >> health, healthy, healthy choice held, enjoy eating.
25:30 It's called to a healthy eating. That's right.
25:34 >> In a festive family said war, I've since I'm going to be
25:36 there helping him out of it. But I still want to do
25:39 something in his these think to raise the Newark. We set up
25:43 another studio set for him. So it he recorded a serious
25:49 gold. It or not to use was moderate. So this program,
25:54 is that really a very interesting approach to a
25:59 different Bible topics. That was a it was what did you
26:02 already in the on the air? But this a very, very good,
26:04 good content. And that's when the sun again to let you know
26:07 that in the air.
26:09 >> Yeah. I knew we had debt. Pastor Steve Conway and his
26:11 wife, Tamra. You won't want to miss this program is called
26:16 when we talk and they are so transparent. This in our
26:20 marriages probe relationship. It's not just for married
26:23 people. It's for relationships. They're so transparent and
26:28 authentic. And I'll tell you, the crew all loved it in the
26:33 editor said this is probably one of the best programs that
26:36 we've ever done. So that's a fabulous new program. That will
26:40 be.
26:41 >> It's a launches March 1st. So that program launch is
26:44 Wednesday, March 1st at 06:00PM Central. And they're so fun
26:49 that not so much their precious precious people. And let's talk
26:53 about spot lists. Your a new program to Shelley just started
26:57 recording this as well last week. So talk to us about
27:00 spotless and the last to come in
27:03 spotless. The Everlasting Covenant.
27:07 >> It's the greatest story ever told because it's his story.
27:13 What the Lord it it's interesting got gave me a title
27:17 for a book 5 years ago. It was spotless. The Everlasting
27:20 Covenant. And you know how difficult it is to find a
27:25 a trademark. Well, Joe asked me if I would like to do a series
27:31 on the cabinets and I'm going, yeah, I've already got the
27:34 title in the trademark was available. I was wise. But
27:39 what it does to keep issue. All I did was go in and I
27:44 lifted the story. A prediction from Genesis to revelation
27:50 and it keeps you a bird's eye view of the story of the
27:56 Messiah from Genesis to revelation. But it built up.
28:00 I was really fascinated the first day. I what I would do is
28:04 get up to 10 weeks off from work and I get up and I pray.
28:08 And during my prayer time, what took me to John Chapter 5
28:14 versus 46.7.
28:17 And he here's what she's said
28:21 for. If you believe Moses, you it. Believe me. Well, he wrote
28:28 about me. Well, Most starts Genesis, right?
28:31 But the list, Jesus says, if you do not believe his
28:35 writings, how do you believe my words? So he implies we will
28:41 never understand that. She says unless we understand most is
28:47 right next. It was so interesting because a hit and
28:50 plan to spend that time in Genesis and I would be writing
28:54 a way that I think I learned is is she leaving ISIS? And then I
28:59 saw because what happens that the series is going to build
29:05 what most status God through. Moses
29:10 teaches us his covenant Langley's his covenant terms
29:15 like First Born Son of God, the preeminent one, the big got it
29:21 and we see these covenant terms and we learn this language that
29:27 prepares us as we go through. We're going to find out that
29:33 this bills to wear when you understand covenant language,
29:38 you're going to get in intimate picture of Jesus Christ.
29:44 So it's
29:45 I think it's a series that will minister to many people.
29:52 It's because there's a lot of people who don't think the Old
29:55 Testament is relevant and they'll never understand
29:59 chooses new. We've got here. Here's the interesting and
30:03 they'll stop on this.
30:06 The Old Testament covers 4,000 years of world history. The New
30:10 Testament approximately 100
30:13 a book of Genesis covers. 2300 years of world history in
30:21 the first 11 chapters. This is just 2000 years
30:27 jammed into 11 chapters. We see the fall, the creation,
30:33 the fall of mankind. We see the dispersion and caught in or do
30:38 says his Everlasting Covenant in Genesis, 3 0th teen and then
30:43 he continues through the repeat in in large losses to just draw
30:49 it out and build on it.
30:51 And you know what if we could ever I understand his
30:56 everlasting Covenant of Righteousness by Faith
31:00 Revelation, 13 8 says
31:03 she says Christ was the lambs line from the foundation of the
31:08 World. God had a plan that in the beginning when Sen entered
31:13 and the people of the Old Testament were saved by grace
31:16 through faith and papers. 13 20 says that his blood is a
31:22 lot of the everlasting Covenant. God opened a pathway
31:26 for righteousness by faith when he introduced the substitution
31:30 Arie sacrificial system practice or the garden.
31:35 >> We thing we find that the great exchange. The whole goal
31:40 of the COVID hit his second Corinthians 5.21. That he made
31:45 him who knew no sand. Our creator God who came down,
31:49 took on our flesh, lived a perfect life.
31:53 >> He made him no sand to be sim forced to pay our sun.
31:58 It'll take
32:00 we might become the righteousness of God in Christ
32:03 Jesus. So this is going to open up for many people to
32:10 understand that righteousness by faith
32:14 doesn't
32:16 give us license to stand. We watch God's interactions
32:22 with the patriarchs. We see what happens. But we begin to
32:27 find assurance of salvation when we realize salvation
32:31 belongs to God it it's just so but I could talk all day on
32:36 Soft-top. But it's I want to thank you for asking me to do
32:41 that. I don't know that I I kept going God wanted me to
32:45 write this book, but it's so exciting and so
32:49 >> thrilled to be doing this series scream. And we're so
32:52 excited that you do in this area as well. I always call
32:55 Shelley the Covenant Queen, meaning that you understand
32:58 them in the death of them in the Everlasting Covenant from
33:01 Genesis to revelation and being able to talk about
33:05 righteousness by faith and the work God does in and threw us
33:09 in the men in that. So it's going to be an incredible
33:11 series. We're in the midst of recording it right now. You
33:14 have the book that goes along with it by the same name.
33:18 So there's the book. Thank you. Crew spotless experiencing the
33:22 Everlasting Covenant through Righteousness by Faith. What a
33:26 beautiful.
33:27 >> Cover of that book was excited and this book will be
33:30 available at the 3 leading call center soon. Yes, right.
33:32 I think that we're going to try to launch the program in the
33:35 book the same Time. Perfect. Yeah. Thank you for so much for
33:38 recording this series. Many part. Again, there's going to
33:42 be 17 when our programs is 14 chapters. But the last 3
33:46 chapters are really getting into
33:50 explaining who Christ is and explaining how to enter into a
33:54 covenant relationship with him. So I'm dividing those into
33:58 programs each. That's fantastic.
34:01 >> Yeah, I want to Horry talk about the series. Like was
34:04 Shelley Cousin be because Studio B this week we've been
34:07 busy be again recording the new series that Ryan Day Hughes,
34:12 the manager of our praise and network. It's praise him now,
34:14 right? It's 5 chip program. That's the first recordings of
34:18 that series are happening this week happened. This is
34:21 happening as we speak actually did. Today was a day of fun.
34:27 Probably the last day of the whole of the week follow the
34:29 working week that we did a a
34:32 >> Reavie interest team is saying it makes with above
34:37 ground that is very then very nice and appealing. So did the
34:41 programs that he it with the gifts that the the broad was
34:45 who but the nice a good is talented musicians that the the
34:50 very, very nice.
34:51 >> Thanks programs and talking about the behind the scenes.
34:53 Good Shelly. How could I just want to get the out at 290?
34:57 Because Rodney does a lot of our students. We do. We see how
35:02 he can go from something like this music to it when we talk
35:07 and then, you know, to spotless and he just he so creator,
35:11 it's beautiful. It's important how we pack each the programs
35:17 because they have to have a visual appeal. People are
35:20 flipping through the channel and they see something that's
35:23 appealing. They stop long enough to listen. So we're
35:27 very, very blessed to have such talented. That's for sure.
35:32 >> And I was talking about Studio B because we have the
35:34 LED panels and that technology. And that's we just praise the
35:37 Lord because last week was your set. But because the ladies,
35:40 if you've seen them like you can't meeting, is that big
35:43 giant television, we describe it that way. It's basically
35:45 made of panels about 20 inches by 20 inches, put together like
35:48 Lego blocks are something like that put together. So looks
35:51 like a giant screen. Well, that's the beauty of technology
35:54 or hit because we can record your program like last week and
35:58 the right away. Like you mentioned, Rodney Laney.
36:00 Your son was designed a background couple of key
36:02 strokes, right? Jorge was the background change to bring some
36:05 new elements onto the set.
36:07 >> And without the yeah, you know, having a set of time,
36:10 but you also have to worry about cent store. You know,
36:13 that's been since I've been here set storage. Was that
36:16 because we're used to create.
36:18 >> All this stuff in our cars and shop all these walls and
36:20 painting them and you know, all of that care, the storage
36:23 aspects, Yeah said was to go ahead. Yeah, it's really a is a
36:28 cold set of fiscal set to Woodrow Wilson at the building.
36:32 So, Bruce, we're coming to you because I know I'm talking
36:34 about all the silverware and everything, but talking about
36:36 production were getting too soon. I know you're part one.
36:38 What is all this and what is this stuff? And they were
36:40 getting to it. But let's talk about can't meeting. Yes,
36:43 because or that involves your department. That happens at the
36:45 worship center. This is an in-house in-person events to
36:49 show it. Tell us the title and when that's happening in
36:51 Juneau, you got comments on that.
36:53 >> Hey, I assume we're very thankful to James Rafferty came
36:58 up with this particular thing. It is majoring in the minor
37:03 site. What we're getting is major messages from the minor
37:06 prophets. This will be a live in-person event, June the 7th
37:12 through June, the 10th. So make your reservations now get their
37:17 job. It gave him. I mean, is it going to let me just give you
37:21 know it given the Lakers in the tile came when the fish will be
37:25 opening on Wednesday night to 7th in his miss each? Well,
37:30 we first have in our music, but then the first mistake is
37:33 salvation of the Lord. From Joan Up to 9,
37:38 the NJ gala. More follows with change. Less love Malakai 3,
37:44 6, now Thursday. We begin in the morning and we've got 3
37:48 messages in the morning. A faithful husband, James Trap
37:53 for the people speak to that. That's from hosts a to 20
37:58 resting and his love is my precious sister Jill Marconi.
38:05 This comes from one of my savers, scriptures, Stephan,
38:08 I 317,
38:12 decoded a Ryan's brother who it is. He's very active at amazing
38:17 facts with their college of eventually, evangelism Dakota
38:22 will be doing the Valley of decision from Joel 3.14,
38:27 that we have a break and that evening again at 6 o'clock you
38:31 seek our
38:32 then living by faith Christopher heads, which so
38:37 many people enjoyed him last time living by faith comes from
38:41 how back to for them. Doctor Eric Walsh. I think we've had
38:48 him on 4, but I had we figured you'd Hamptons what Jay and I
38:55 and this man some call credible. He's going to do when
38:59 I fall. Formica 7, 8, another favorite scripture,
39:04 then steep. Then on Friday in the morning, Steve Walberg
39:09 begins with behold the branch from Zachariah 3 David Shinn
39:15 will do the desirable nations from head guy to 7.
39:20 Again. Christopher Hudson will be doing the messenger of the
39:24 covenant from Malakai 3, 1,
39:27 Then that Friday evening is the council. A piece from the
39:32 saccharine is 6, 13,002 that went and prepare to meet thy
39:37 God, a men's sport. Well, John Carter, I bet that's going to
39:42 be a little bit spicy. Don't show up.
39:44 >> Her he is. And then.
39:48 >> The Sabbath morning we will have or SAP a school panel and
39:52 Danny Shelton both to divine worship. I don't have this
39:56 title yet. Then on Sabbath afternoon, the time of the
40:01 latter rain from Zachariah 10, one with our own Ryan Day.
40:06 Then the first Dominion Micah for with John didn't see
40:12 that evening. Then shall we know with Kenny Shelton and
40:17 draw up a will not rise again. Why 01:07AM, tonight, Jean,
40:23 on the case is going to be wow. Ringing it all together.
40:26 What a great. It's going to be a crime, right? And inspiring.
40:31 >> Can't me. And I'm so excited about it. We already have
40:35 reservations for RV used. We do there coming in already.
40:38 They were just telling me that last week from the call
40:40 centers. So get your spot in early because we only have so
40:44 many available. If you want to come via RV, if you want to
40:49 camp, there is a multitude of tempting places, so you welcome
40:53 to bring your 10th and you can camp anywhere. So if you want
40:56 to reserve your RV spot, you can just call us at 3ABN
41:01 618-627-4651, in say I'm coming to camp meeting and I want to
41:07 get my name on the list for the RV spaces. Melody cavernous
41:11 Marc Anthony and the team for Black Hills will be providing
41:14 food and its compliment. Harry on France teams working
41:19 on the meetings for the children. I believe naps is
41:21 coming back. We have Darrell and Sasha doing some of the
41:24 kids meetings. We have incredible music. People will
41:29 be coming in doing that. The music along with the
41:31 speakers and we just left camp meeting. It's that time too.
41:35 Focus our attention on God and not time to meet you at home in
41:40 spend that time together. People we have production
41:43 center tours and people can go through the donation centers.
41:45 Wilbur's. Sure.
41:46 >> Absolutely. You know, it's a great time of fellowship.
41:49 You know, that's one of the things. A little taste, though.
41:52 And love can meeting and remember fall camp. And we
41:55 asked people raise your hand first time here because we had
41:58 our first in-person a number of years and a lot of you raise
42:01 your hands first time for me to comment at the end. What a
42:04 blessing. So like Joe mentioned, all of us here
42:06 saying it's a blessing to actually build me each one of
42:09 you and to fellowship little taste of heaven alike. The the
42:13 the children's meeting U.S. meeting, too, because we have a
42:16 lot of families that come to 3ABN bring the children some
42:19 really fantastic children's meetings. And then like you
42:22 said, the food is complementary. And what's
42:25 really amazing to us is that Rachel, who's or can't meeting
42:28 coordinator here at 3ABN, she was mentioned to us, I think,
42:31 is that the first of February moved into January. She was
42:34 already getting reservations, which is actually little
42:36 unusual. You don't get that type of response are ready for
42:38 spring summer camp. You call a summer camp meeting. So we
42:41 think it's going to be very full. Very busy can be. So like
42:44 Joel said, call us up 618-627-4651. Tell us your
42:48 coming week in reserve a spot for you. But man, what a
42:51 blessing it. What a great title too. They bring in the minors
42:58 and praise the Lord for that.
43:00 >> We talk donation center. Yes. We've been looking at all
43:03 of this stuff. You've been looking at the silverware,
43:06 Mickey Mantle signature here. Some coins, a baseball player.
43:11 Yeah. First of all, what is the donation for a look at the
43:14 items that people can get a question. What is the donates?
43:16 A good question. The donation center is a.
43:19 >> Another way to support the network and people bring in
43:23 items we tournament the money for the Lord's work. 100 1% of
43:26 the proceeds goes into the good works 3ABN, and then we kind of
43:31 calls actually gifting kind to freeze it, which is pretty neat
43:34 because it's not just like the check or cash is like something
43:38 that may be seeing the chauffeur in a safety deposit
43:41 box, right? It's been called a lot of things that was called
43:43 donation barn for a while. And they didn't like that.
43:47 That works, OK? It's the donation center is the correct
43:50 name. Haha. So tell us about and some of the items and
43:55 Mister Bruce Poke which from the start on that in case of
43:58 time, this is Idaho where items similar to this that are
44:02 sterling silver bring in a good amount for the Lord to our
44:07 care. Many people asked me, have you know if it's sterling
44:12 or not? Yeah,
44:14 on the back of the spoon or the back of the few that spend
44:17 their money better this time, it will either say
44:21 Starling Ste Rl or it will have 9 to 5 printed on it, which is
44:27 the amount of silver that is in Sterling, OK?
44:31 >> Which is pretty amazing. So than actually people then
44:34 have sterling silver where they actually sent it to 3ABN.
44:36 >> That's right. Turn around and sell its been a great
44:38 blessing. We've got a lot of sets over the years. So
44:42 Sterling is the best. Is that right? Startling is the best
44:46 to give you an example. An 8 piece that and Starling would
44:50 probably bring around $900 to date price U.S. market prices
44:55 are close to market fluctuates rang constantly. And but if
45:00 it's not starling and its plate,
45:02 a set like that, probably 40 to $50. So that gives you an idea.
45:08 So they need to really just called up the question like,
45:10 I'm not sure exactly what I have exactly when to call you.
45:13 And how can they reach you would be the number 6, 1,
45:15 8, 6, 2, says and yes, and then my extension is 3, 0, 7.
45:20 I think they put it up on the brink and that's the way to
45:24 contact me or you can contact me through the mail, which is
45:29 Bruce
45:30 DOT chance at 3, a B in
45:33 not work.
45:35 >> And it's all lowercase. So before people at home send
45:38 anything they need to reach out.
45:39 >> Absolutely. That's we've been
45:42 advertising this on on the air for several years now. And it's
45:46 been a great blessing for people to call us and tell us
45:49 what they have. We can talk it over and, you know, see if we
45:52 can use that and because we don't want something set it on
45:55 the shelf for years, we don't have the storage space for for
46:00 for one thing. And but these items that we can move readily
46:04 and help support the ministry. It's a win-win men.
46:08 >> What else the yes, the people sent all kinds of items.
46:10 So this year, I mean, missing those Mickey Mantle of the base
46:12 fare in baseball. It's a baseball player and several
46:15 other names on this. Yeah. What would be something like
46:16 this, someone then I have got this in my wall. The thing of
46:20 it is is with items such as this that those are autograph
46:24 to say the camera can pick it up.
46:26 >> And I think Jonah, the macho left to right, Joe DiMaggio,
46:31 Whitey Ford, Billy Martin. And everybody knows making man
46:35 along the items like this can retrieve it. A good profit for
46:41 for the ministry. But they need to have a C l a certificate of
46:45 authenticity and with the signatures. Okay. All sports
46:50 memorabilia for to retreat. That amount came 12. This is
46:53 incredible. What else? What this here looking for? That is
46:57 ago one-ounce gold
47:01 and it's approved quality coin
47:04 and go. This rocketed up pretty high today. I just checked
47:09 before come over here. So the spot price on go to set today
47:12 as 18, 50 well below. These will retrieval a lot more fun
47:16 that, though, because of what it is gross or approximately.
47:20 You're looking at
47:23 the market today. Probably $2000. Wow. Maybe a little more
47:28 than a lot of money. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do we have
47:31 here?
47:34 I brought these for for a purpose. Okay. Okay.
47:37 Left to right is a Morgan Silver dollar.
47:42 They was submitted from 18 78 to 1920. What you have in 1921.
47:47 Here. And then the next coin is say the silver dollar. They was
47:53 manna from half of 1921. To 1935,
47:57 then you have a walking
47:59 liberty, half dollar. That's a 1942, I think. And then you
48:03 have a Franklin 1958 D
48:07 with the D stands for the Met Mark which is on the riverside.
48:10 Okay. And it's that stands for and the Denver meant. So that's
48:17 what you have in your hand right there. And then it's over
48:20 these U.S. also over and what would the self there talk to my
48:25 30, 30
48:27 15, 15 and that if the coins depend on what condition arrest
48:34 through these these particular point, if there wasn't better
48:36 can, if they they was in better condition, they was bring a
48:39 higher command.
48:41 But then if you go down to these few want to show these,
48:44 you do
48:47 also, I will add 90% of the of the silver is in the coins up
48:52 to 1964,
48:54 and before. Yeah, that's a that's a standard rule of thumb
48:58 19. So you need to remember that because people call me
49:01 about this all the time, 1964, and before our coinage us going
49:06 into his 90% silver and self starting left or right, you
49:10 have in 1964, Kennedy, half,
49:13 they're they're all Kennedy Hass. And then you have a 1965
49:17 Kennedy. Half of this.
49:19 Here's the exception to the rule. I just gave
49:22 1965 through 19. The next one is 1969, those are 40%. So for
49:28 us, there's always exceptions to every rule, OK? And then you
49:32 have a 1971 Kennedy half, which is just clad. And it's just
49:37 $0.50. Yeah.
49:38 >> And for us really knows his business. Yeah. Here thinking,
49:42 wow. Now you're just rattling off what these coins are and
49:45 what does the items are in the value of them? Well,
49:48 >> I expect that with a lot of points for, you know, a lot of
49:51 years and to be good start to the lord's work here. I have to
49:54 know the coins. Actually. There's another point I threw
49:57 in there. That is silver quarter, a quarter 1936,
50:01 over quarter. So once again, it's 64 before. So it's 90%.
50:05 So for a while, that's amazing. And then I see here looks like,
50:10 is that a wristwatch? This is a a
50:13 so some people will send an a S a do they haha. I hope I'm
50:20 pronouncing that correctly. I know she really knows how to
50:22 pronounce it correctly, but that's a diamond and gold each
50:27 year. Ladies with the bill watch and these kind of items
50:32 that we get sent to us, anything with gold or diamond,
50:35 their silver in it with do very well.
50:38 >> You know, Bruce, I was thinking about this. We have
50:40 one item down here. So the side of the table and again, just a
50:43 second. But, you know, these are these are people's personal
50:46 mementos. You know? Yeah about that. They are. And we just
50:48 want to say thank you because these are memories. These could
50:51 be from grandma. Grandpa could be something, you know, just as
50:54 even your own personal life that you decide to give.
50:56 And so we know many of you have done that. Thank you for that.
50:58 Because these are memories that you know that people are
51:01 getting. But they're saying, you know, I'm about evangelism.
51:04 I feel the time is short. And I just to impress the holy
51:06 spirit to give this wake up. So that less than what a
51:08 blessing. So I grab this on this. That's right. I'm sure it
51:11 here. Sure. Thank you, Mark. Our director is doing a good
51:14 job. We've got something here in the in the big case.
51:17 >> You see this. What you think that
51:21 I think an instrument. Do you think it's an issue and the
51:23 Yamaha? Yeah. Good job.
51:26 >> So what we have here, that's a Yamaha sex from. Okay.
51:30 So you get musical instrument and then we get as donate quite
51:33 a few. We we we get flutes. We get guitars. We get violins
51:38 trumpets, Trump but I got a truck production abroad.
51:41 It let you play. Oh, no. Not on the set on. Thank you to
51:44 play the so yeah.
51:45 >> High was 10 to HUD.
51:49 >> So musical mission is then people have gone. Absolutely
51:51 well.
51:52 Fantastic. This is.
51:55 >> So there's a lot of different options, you know,
51:57 as far as the sterling. So where are the coins or the
52:00 watches or even jewelry or even panels? Haha, I was 4 years ago
52:06 instrument. That's too big to bring on the set. But we have
52:09 several panels for cell actually absolute lie.
52:12 >> Yeah, and we've had some motorhomes Motor Co motor homes
52:16 vehicles. Actually, I'm going to give you a list of the eye
52:19 at good grief list of the items that we that we use gold
52:24 silver, of course, platinum diamonds, jewelry,
52:29 sterling, silver, anything. Sterling gold and diamond
52:33 watches.
52:34 Vehicles are V's real estate. China and musical instruments
52:40 is a few things on top of the list that we do very well with.
52:44 And I might add that all items that need that our safety and
52:48 need to be in good working order and Leicester scrapped
52:51 for silver or gold price.
52:53 >> Yet against the people of like, oh, well, I think I have
52:55 something again to call the number 618-627-4651, extension,
53:00 3, 0, 7, 8, And you can always, you know, Bruce Dot chance at 3
53:06 even dot org. And you'll be happy to answer the questions
53:09 for years. Just an ad is there as well. And we have had a a
53:12 great asset to the program. Thank you for what you do.
53:16 And you know whether for a double couple blessing. Again,
53:19 we thank you at home for your support in this way. Gifting
53:21 kind 3 d N.
53:23 >> Just want to remind you one more time here at the end of
53:26 the program. We have a special offer if you are interested in
53:30 this CD which is an incredible city, Greg and I have it at
53:33 home pillars of our faith Reavie and put this out several
53:36 years ago. It follows our doctrines through music and I'm
53:40 just anointed project for any size donation. If you want to
53:45 support anything here at the Ministry of 3ABN, we was saying
53:49 you your own copy of the CD that you can listen to him.
53:53 You can share with others. Just call us right now at
53:56 618-627-4651. That number again is 618-627-4651. And we would
54:05 love to get a copy of this for your own home or you can share
54:09 with someone else.
54:11 >> Yeah, amen. You know, in the closing 2 and a half minutes.
54:14 Just so want to talk to each one of you, something they this
54:17 on our show. We will start with you before and then Bruce.
54:19 But you know, the Lord is good. You know where in the end
54:23 times. But I don't know what's on your heart. Something want
54:25 to share with someone at home right now.
54:27 >> If we really understand the Lord and what he's done for us,
54:33 we'll stand in coli wonder of him and we recognize that and
54:40 this is what's exciting about the spotless project. We
54:43 recognize that what got us looking for is a super cold
54:48 relationship of Love. One where we will walk in covenant
54:52 loyalty, motivated by love. We walk in obedience but God is
54:59 so amazing. The is I
55:03 he just I I can't wait to meet him face to face. So what a day
55:07 that will be. Thank you so much, Shelly, Jorge. Yes,
55:10 this.
55:11 >> Verse in the book of Proverbs says says by the truth
55:15 in salad, not wisdom and understanding.
55:20 That's what we're here because we accepted as truth. And we
55:25 are sharing these with everybody. And we know that the
55:30 time is short. So we want to make sure that the truth,
55:34 this is undiluted and then the what's of Danny is and eluded.
55:40 So people can understand completely what the misses,
55:42 just a mild. And that's what production that's trying to
55:46 drum for the content to ward that is in need to know exactly
55:53 what is going on and what are the source of the tools.
55:56 And and thank you, Mary Bruce and 30 seconds with. Yeah,
55:59 I'm
56:01 >> the times that we live in and that
56:04 dealing with the money situation every every day I see
56:08 time folding out how important this
56:12 messages to get out to people to write a man and he's got
56:15 time.
56:16 >> Thank you, Bruce, Shelley and Jorge for being here the
56:19 night. We love you all in such a privilege to work together a
56:22 dozen minutes tree and helping to spread the train. Just
56:25 messages to a loss to 9 world.
56:27 We thank you for being part of the 3. A B and family know that
56:32 we love you.
56:33 >> Know that we pray for, you know that we love to hear from
56:36 you. We love it. When you share what the Lord is doing in your
56:40 life or how this ministry has impacted your life, we're
56:44 working on another project is getting so your stories,
56:47 how the ministry has impacted you in sharing that with the
56:50 world. So look for that coming soon to see you next time
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Revised 2023-02-23