3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230006A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 >> I want to stand
00:52 too.
00:55 [MUSIC]
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello and welcome to 3, A B and today behind the scenes.
01:09 We're so glad you joined us this evening. You know, we look
01:11 4 to spending these 2 hours with you. You know, you're part
01:15 of the 3ABN, family. And as always, we thank you for your
01:18 prayers and financial support for your ministry, for God's
01:22 ministry, 3ABN, and was just amazing shows that, you know,
01:27 these its to think about 3, a B in programs such as these going
01:30 around the world, touching people for eternity and you are
01:34 making a difference at home as well, praying financially
01:36 supporting this ministry. You're making a difference and
01:39 lives are being changed. And I tell you some of the
01:41 fired safe.
01:43 >> Finance. That's not really a word as if one is the most in
01:45 the joy of often the most fun, the most enjoyable.
01:48 >> Aspects of 3 D as a course receiving the letters that come
01:52 in about lives changed the e-mails. We get social media
01:55 posts about how their lives have been changed because of
01:58 this ministry. 3 ABN. It's a great time to be alive in
02:01 Earth's history. A lot of things going on at 3 ABN and
02:04 behind the scenes is a time of just same praise God for what
02:07 he is doing here at the ministry.
02:08 >> And it's all about Eve and has rise. You know, 3ABN has
02:11 been about evangelism since its inception when God called Danny
02:16 Shelton to build a television station that would reach the
02:18 world with the UN dilute. It ranges messages. So what a
02:21 blessing. Tonight we have in vandalism update from countries
02:25 around the world, Cuba and countries in Africa and prison
02:30 ministry. We're going to talk about upcoming programs on 3ABN
02:35 what you can expect to see will be trading out some of the
02:38 family members.
02:39 >> We're talking about these. Yes, I'm going to tell you what
02:41 it is. You have to stay tuned as we'll tell you what this is
02:43 kind of a neat little may call it a gadget that this is an
02:46 amazing advances in 2.
02:47 >> Absolutely. So we have some of the family with us the first
02:50 hour and there will be trading out for second hours. So coming
02:53 around the table here we have doctor, Moses, Primo and
02:56 because of you, 3ABN goes around the world. So thank you
03:00 so much for what you do without you. We just be talking to
03:03 ourselves here. So very grateful. Thank you for being
03:06 here.
03:08 >> God is good to allow men to use whatever he skills and it
03:11 gives me to to help and on 3 been tougher than it does.
03:16 >> Message from a man and that sure appreciate you and your
03:19 beautiful wife on too much. And just good to have you here
03:22 tonight. Coming around the table. We have Pastor John
03:26 Benzie. And speaking of you, we have to mention your beautiful
03:28 wife, a Dalia as well. And we're so grateful that you're
03:32 here, of course, here, general manager of 3ABN, Latino as well
03:36 as director for 3 D in Cuba. And we have some exciting
03:39 updates tonight. Glad you're here.
03:40 >> It's a blessing to be here and to be able to see God doing
03:44 so many things. You say Jesus Christ is coming soon, the
03:48 world and this is getting those 3 angles messages. It's
03:51 amazing.
03:53 >> I'm around the table last but not least here. For first,
03:56 our is our brother Jason Bradley, whose general manager
03:59 of 3 begins Dare to Dream Network. And tonight, I can
04:03 actually say, Jason, we love him and his beautiful wife
04:07 because Jason got married recently. And we're going to
04:10 talk about that tonight were so excited.
04:12 >> I'm so excited. And I love that. You can say that. I have
04:15 a wife now is incredible. Haha, I'm happy to be here.
04:19 >> Lord Lord is good. And as Joe mentioned, of course,
04:22 it's all about evangelism, gentlemen. You know, I think
04:24 about 3 ADN and its reach. Its actually very humbling is
04:28 not to think about going. 24 7, all the different
04:31 network. You're talking about French, talking about Latino
04:34 dare to dream and all the other ones. And even as we rest at
04:37 night, the message is still going out. You'll have heard
04:41 the stories untold the stories about people getting ready to
04:43 commit suicide. We're trying to find hope in the middle of the
04:46 night and they accidentally which we believe is divine.
04:48 Providence come across 3ABN and their lives are changed and
04:53 that the nation is not be part of it.
04:54 >> That's when I talked to some of the vendors of 5 quick
04:58 Mundt. They say you mean that this message is going all
05:03 around the world. So yeah, to 8 satellites of repeating and son
05:07 all haha, any broadcaster that is using 8 satellites to is to
05:14 spread to the the message is so so well now, you know 3 ABN.
05:19 Yeah.
05:20 >> And then they point ask, use or you in downtown Chicago or
05:24 not. We're in the middle of nowhere with Thompsonville.
05:26 >> We're blessed for that. We are very, very blessed and
05:30 absolutely I remember.
05:32 >> When I saw and what they call the admin is review that
05:36 there was a series of program being promoting on the in the
05:41 magazine saying it is written with George found them. Yes,
05:44 and I looked at the schedule and it was on a 06:00AM on
05:47 Sunday morning in Chicago and I sat watching this. I got up
05:50 early in the Sunday morning and I
05:53 when that open of the music started, I was so excited.
05:57 So happy to say, wow, this is amazing. This the 1990's 80's
06:01 saw this. This goes back to the 80's. Yeah. Back to the 80's
06:04 and I was so happy. But you know what?
06:07 After the half hour was in that it's gone. Yeah. And then
06:11 resume some other programming. And I said, no, no, but it was
06:16 as it was amazing to me. They got to wait next week on
06:18 Sunday morning at 06:00AM it will be back. But when I came
06:22 to 3 ABN and I realize t 4 hours a day, yeah, wow. And it
06:29 was it was just miraculous to me that God is doing this.
06:33 It was just 1, 1, channel, one satellite back to now. There's
06:38 channels 8 satellites going around the world is just mind
06:42 boggling to me. Lets us know that God loves this world.
06:45 God loves people
06:47 and he's doing something to reach them. And I'm glad that
06:50 we as a part of it. And I I've just been blessed to be part of
06:53 the game tonight, Joe, we have a special offer that we should
06:57 talk about that special CD.
06:59 >> We do indeed this CD. If you're familiar with 3ABN at
07:03 all, you would be familiar with the pillars of our faith
07:06 project, which we did several years ago. Yes, I love this and
07:11 deals with the doctrines of our faith talks about the sadness
07:15 and the sanctuary. And I fix my mind. On another time we've
07:19 heard Reggie Smith saying this, he sang into the General
07:21 Conference session. Wonderful songs here. So this CD we're
07:27 making available tonight as a special offer for any size
07:31 donation. Oh, well, that's right. Whatever donation you
07:34 want to give to the Ministry of 3 D and we're going to be
07:37 talking tonight about a lot of different projects and ways you
07:40 can partner with us. So any size donation, we will send you
07:45 this CD pillars of our fate. So you can call us right now at
07:50 618-627-4651. That number again is 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6,
07:57 5, 1, Or you can always e-mail us if for whatever reason you
08:01 can't get through and that number, you want to e-mail us.
08:03 You can e-mail us at Life. L I V E at 3ABN Dot TV and just
08:09 say, yes, I want this special project and I want to donate
08:13 and we can connect with you that way. So it's an incredible
08:16 project. Greg and I have been in the car. We listen to it a
08:19 lot. I'm just beautiful songs, beautiful melodies and reminds
08:23 us of the pillars of our faith.
08:26 >> And then it's a great evangelist until, you know,
08:28 music is a one-way of worshiping. The Lord. And I
08:31 know this project has blessed many people through the years
08:34 like Jill said, this is a special offer for any size
08:37 donation. Of course, the funds then will go to help evangelism
08:40 100% here at 3ABN.
08:43 >> But speaking of music, I'm thinking a brother to
08:45 important. We have a special music going to go to right now.
08:47 We do. We have ginger pictures and in part on, I'm Tim,
08:51 of course, on the piano and they'll be ministering
08:53 together. The song. No one ever cared for me like Jesus.
08:57 [MUSIC]
09:02 [MUSIC]
09:08 >> I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus since I
09:15 phoned him a friend. So kind and room.
09:22 I would tell you how he changed my life completely. E
09:30 he did something that no other friend.
09:34 >> And
09:37 >> all my life was full of sand when Jesus too. And my heart
09:46 was full of misery.
09:47 >> We will.
09:51 >> Then Jesus team placed.
09:54 >> He's loving, owns around me.
10:00 >> Now he leads be a new way.
10:04 >> Should go.
10:09 >> No.
10:13 >> And to whom?
10:18 >> I see.
10:21 [MUSIC]
10:23 >> And you know.
10:27 >> And so.
10:30 >> Was
10:35 >> on.
10:37 >> I was doing the same and MS.
10:44 >> We?
10:49 >> Oh, wow.
10:52 >> He too. Is E.
10:57 >> To?
11:01 >> No one for me to love thy she.
11:13 >> There's no so.
11:18 >> I'm
11:20 >> as we.
11:23 >> Well, Wong.
11:27 >> I just can't take this team
11:31 and are in this.
11:34 >> We?
11:37 [MUSIC]
11:45 >> He too.
11:52 >> The 2.
12:00 [MUSIC]
12:05 >> Well, thank you very much for the 10 pardoned sister
12:10 Ginger. What a great song. What a great message and song.
12:13 Beautiful harm. And no one ever cared for me like Jesus.
12:18 And no one ever cared for you
12:20 like Jesus. I think about that great song. A Jesus loves me
12:23 this I know for the Bible, right tells me. So I just want
12:28 to read it. So just thinking about this, this comes from a
12:30 Romans chapter 8 and a well-known versus versus 38.
12:35 39 says for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor
12:40 angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor
12:44 things to come
12:46 nor height nor depth nor any other creature show be able to
12:50 what separate us from the love of God.
12:54 Beautiful promise, right? That's a promise from because
12:56 we're so
12:57 being cursed. God is on in charges and he is on the throne
13:01 and we have nothing to worry about. He's with us through all
13:04 things and talking about your challenges in life. We've had
13:07 several lawsuits here at the 3, a B in a family. One that just
13:11 happened really just this week, doctor, you know, well,
13:13 everyone I think does here and that's Clarence Larson. And he
13:17 was I want to say with the first engineers here, 3 ABN was
13:21 there with Mister Danny when they were looking for the 3
13:23 phase power at the uplink and that he was there to help get 3
13:26 ABN on the air did along with the down links. And then
13:29 doctor, you came in around 1990, Clarence is here. He was
13:33 kind of transition out. And then you took over Director
13:36 broadcasting engineering, but her brother, Clarence Larson,
13:39 he passed away just a few days ago. So remember, remember the
13:44 family for money? Yes, go ahead. Claire's Larson. If you
13:48 watch the 3 D and Miracle story, right?
13:50 >> He is there in a key point in the experience of Danny
13:55 Shelton. Time figure all this out because then you didn't
13:57 know anything about broadcasting. And when they
13:59 went to visit a a TV station and Clarence had because giving
14:04 them a tour,
14:05 he he was giving them a tour and then heat decides to take
14:09 them to a room that was in construction. And he says,
14:13 I feel compelled to tell you that an uplink station could be
14:17 built
14:18 pix amount Miles east. And it's a month miles north of here.
14:23 And then he says, oh, what an uplink station. Haha, you know,
14:27 no one in a police station in how far do you want to go with
14:30 this channel? And then he set the world? Yeah, the nothing
14:33 station you can reach the world because they send signals to
14:36 satellites. Then he didn't know anything about a clans begin
14:39 the process of helping them to understand that with satellite,
14:42 you can use the world and we got to the 8 its running
14:45 lights. And so he's a key part. And I eventually started
14:48 working at 3ABN. I guy that loved the Lord and will want to
14:53 do his part to to help reach the world and then and then he
14:56 and Tammy Larson Cammy Clark. They got married a number of
14:59 years ago. So keep Tammy and prayer. But a bill that cleared
15:02 to suffer some health, your shoes at the end. We talked
15:05 with Tammy a few days ago and we all look forward to the
15:09 crisis in return and the second coming jumbled together with
15:12 their own links stations.
15:14 >> And he was already at that time older than me. But he was
15:20 always up early. We would stay building dolling stations and
15:26 2, 11 o'clock at night. Wow. And then we'll look for 1000 or
15:30 so. He had a tremendous energy, very hard-working, very smart
15:36 and engineer. He knew how to make it happen. Yeah. You know
15:41 all about advances in right and the Lord. Yeah.
15:44 >> And the in the process of time P he was a Baptist but he
15:48 became a 70 app and it's being involved and just at the
15:51 station and I remember being his office when 3 ABN was
15:56 deciding to go on a second set. I want going on a second
15:59 satellite.
16:00 He goes soft. He's he chuckled and eagles.
16:05 He says to when you see us going on the satellites
16:10 pack, your bags said actually banks why?
16:14 Because we're going home with Jesus. So that was in his heart
16:17 to see the signaling around the world. And
16:21 >> God used him into a gully in starting 3 when I'm right there
16:25 beside me and helping to get this signal to the world.
16:29 I'm so grateful for his legacy. I just think of all the people
16:33 will be in the kingdom of heaven as a result of his
16:36 giving as a result of his sacrifice. It was just a
16:39 wonderful person. He and Tammy were close neighbors to Greg
16:42 and I for many years and just really appreciate him. So our
16:46 thoughts and prayers are with Tammy and the rest of the
16:48 family during this difficult time.
16:50 >> And we're speaking with Mister Danny. He was able to be
16:52 on this program. We're talking with him earlier this week.
16:54 And of course, he was also very sad about the passing of the
16:57 clearest arson because, again, very instrumental in getting 3
17:00 again up and going another last we talked about before. That
17:04 was the and of 2022. And that was a pastor, Jim Gilley.
17:09 He passed away. The memorial service was earlier this month
17:12 at the Dallas for 7th avenues to church there in Texas.
17:16 And of course, many of you had a chance maybe to tune into
17:19 that live feed from the church. But Mister Daniels, you've
17:23 heard on some of the programs had he was going to attend the
17:26 memorial service, but because he had COVID he and Doctor
17:29 Yvonne and praise the Lord their past COVID now and doing
17:32 well. So we praise the Lord for that. But they had recorded a
17:35 special condolences for the family and for this memorial
17:40 service. So we want to play that right now that was
17:42 actually air there at Pastor. Jim, give his memorial service
17:45 for Mister Danny and Doctor Yvonne.
17:48 >> Kamil and family. I just want to thank you for allowing
17:51 a van and made the part of this memorial for our friend and
17:55 brother Jim Delany. It was our intentions to be there. But
17:59 Yvonne and I are just getting over COVID ourselves. In fact,
18:02 we've had almost 3 weeks and finally tested negative but
18:06 still have a few issues, but we're going forward. And so
18:10 otherwise we would be there with you and Yvonne. This is a
18:14 sad time. Yeah, the memorials, we look back over the lives and
18:18 commemorate what people have done. But still yet our hearts
18:22 are sad and we want to look forward as Jim would have us to
18:27 do. He always said, keep on keeping on. So I know that's
18:30 what he wanted would want to family. And all of us to do is
18:33 keep going forward is he was such a special guy with humor
18:37 and
18:39 >> he would. My office was right across from his and
18:41 sometimes I would go into his office and we would just laugh
18:44 and talk about things and then Camille would make us berga and
18:50 could it is. And yeah, just this great. So
18:55 we really appreciate you, Camille and the family and know
18:59 that you're in our prayers because we know that it is a
19:03 tremendous loss.
19:04 >> We want to thank you guys for the sacrifices you made
19:07 coming to 3 a B. And when we really needed June for Jim to
19:11 take that step to come here, he always said I'm just here to
19:14 lift up your hands. I'm here to support the vision. It's
19:18 already there. And that meant so much to me in any really
19:22 did. Jim was number one and only friend that encourage or
19:26 yes, I always encourage to someone or do a song in a
19:29 minute that he encouraged me to do. I wrote this little song
19:33 and we did a number of music projects. Well, Jim Kamil were
19:37 here and he wanted me to do a nice again. That's the song
19:41 wouldn't really fit in with the rest of them. He said, No,
19:44 I love that song really want you to do it. And we put on a
19:47 project and it's heaven mean home to me. And so he
19:52 encouraged no matter what direction we were going,
19:55 he would always encourage snowing that the blessing of
19:59 God is on the go. So we could look back as many of you
20:02 couldn't talk to so many great times that we had together.
20:07 There's leadership here at 3ABN, the time when I really
20:10 needed him 3ABN slash 3 ABN really needed him for about 10
20:15 years. What a blessing that both of you are and Kumail.
20:19 We love you and your entire family and we're praying for
20:22 you also.
20:25 >> I'm longing for letting me see you.
20:29 >> I never, but it's a way.
20:34 >> And that I owe my home.
20:38 >> And
20:40 where the sun into the law
20:46 and the minutes than and.
20:53 >> And so to me.
20:59 [MUSIC]
21:02 >> Be home to me, too.
21:08 [MUSIC]
21:11 >> Where Jesus to one of the 2. And there's no dime.
21:22 >> Up to.
21:24 Yes. So
21:27 and come and
21:30 >> the that's why and
21:33 >> means home.
21:36 [MUSIC]
21:38 >> And you know this thing with it all and
21:41 >> what it that will be, too when my he is, you know.
21:49 >> And I'm on Page 2.
21:55 >> One who say to me by name when he takes me to I and needs
22:05 me that wanted to already a day that that be a great day.
22:19 >> There's no dime. He up to.
22:25 >> This old too.
22:28 >> And compared to that's why and and means home to unity.
22:43 [MUSIC]
22:45 >> God bless you. Camille and family were praying for you if
22:48 you need is for anything. Please give us a buzz and will
22:52 be there for you. Thank you and God bless.
23:02 >> And thank you so much, Mister Gagnon, Doctor, Yvonne,
23:05 powerful and no Camille, that and the rest of the family,
23:09 our faults and our prayers are with you during this difficult
23:13 time. A loss, right that we love you and that the TV and
23:16 family is here for you as well.
23:19 Transitioning to happy top. Yeah, there you go. Jason
23:23 Bradley reference that the very beginning of the program that
23:26 you are now among the married because we referenced you
23:29 beautiful wife to talk to us about Palmetto. I'm Wendy.
23:33 >> Yes, yes, yes. Well, leading up to it. I mean, it's it was a
23:37 crazy story. I knew we're going to have a great marriage
23:40 because of some of the obstacles that we face. So I
23:44 went to Nashville, Tennessee on the way there. I stopped and
23:48 got gas. I ended up standing in gasoline. Oh, my word. Yeah.
23:52 They didn't have any cones up or anything like this. I get to
23:55 Nashville, Tennessee. Snowing like God. Why gasoline check
23:58 into a hotel. I put my stuff in there. I go to the mall to buy
24:02 some new shoes because there's no way I'm traveling an oath
24:05 and then I come back, get something to eat. And, you
24:09 know, I had been praying for God to allow me to minister to
24:13 someone to reach somebody to witness.
24:16 And I had been praying with palm that.
24:18 And so I get back to the room like he doesn't work. I go to
24:22 the front desk and they give me a new key. I go back to the
24:25 room. I open the door and there's some guy in his pajamas
24:29 in my room on the other bid and he did it. I could tell he'd
24:34 been there for a little while since I've been gone. And so we
24:37 kind of look at each other. And then I look at the door to
24:40 see if I have the right room number. And I see my stuff
24:43 sitting over there and we'll look at each other and we're
24:45 trying to figure out what that what needs to happen here.
24:48 And so we ended up getting it figured out. You know, you've
24:51 got to be careful what you pray for. I didn't expect God to
24:54 drop some guy off. And Marc Cooper hit a witness to,
24:57 but I shared the 3 be an app with him and everything.
25:00 And it was just as it was really good. I spoke to his mom
25:03 even and she downloaded the app and SOS was a great witnesses.
25:07 So he got a different room and you've got a different room.
25:09 All absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. 100 1%. So what happened was he
25:15 was an employee of the large resort across the street
25:18 snowstorm. They were putting their employees up and they had
25:22 them 2 to a room. So he thought I work for the company
25:25 and I was like, nah, I don't work. Yeah. So, yeah. We get
25:30 that squared away and I got a separate room and all of that
25:33 stuff. The next morning I woke up, flights were canceled and
25:38 my flight was super early. So I'm texting my wife. Her
25:41 flight was really early as well. She was on the line.
25:44 All you are headed your way. Beyonce, thank you. And south
25:49 hours texting her and she was like, how would you feel about
25:51 going to Atlanta? I was like for one to as he was like,
25:55 well, there's their flights available out there.
25:57 So it's like, okay. So I go to try and hop in the car.
26:02 My door is frozen. The driver's side doors, frozen side climb
26:06 over through the passenger side. And I'm I'm on the way
26:09 and this the first flight get on the second flight and I'm
26:12 supposed to connect with her in Florida so we could fly to the
26:15 Bahamas to get married. I'd like to get married now.
26:18 Yeah, beautiful, huh? So I I get to the airport
26:23 and the problem is this flight is going to put me in too late
26:26 to make it a in Florida to connect with her. So God
26:31 delayed the flight from Florida
26:35 from 04:00PM to 06:00PM from 06:00PM to 07:00PM. And I made
26:42 the flight with my then fiance and made it. We've got to
26:46 travel together to the Bahamas and she is. And then credible
26:51 woman says a proverbs. 31 woman and I am so thankful and we
26:55 actually have some pictures of her. Okay. And that we can take
26:58 a look at that's on the signing their marriage license there.
27:04 The good things to you. Yes, yes. And make it official
27:07 helpful. What I see is a sweetheart. And so for families
27:15 from the Bahamas, yes, correct, correct. How did you meet if I
27:19 we met as I am, we were just like very intentional since a
27:24 fire was. We talked every single day and God was with us
27:29 throughout the whole process. And what does she do? This is a
27:33 traveling medical lab scientist. I can't wait for her
27:36 to come home. I've been visiting her and I can't wait
27:40 for her to come come home just station somewhere else. And so
27:44 I'm looking forward to.
27:45 >> To her return, to finish out of contract and had. And then I
27:48 come in here. But the we've had the opportunity, her very nice
27:52 young lady. And you guys make a great couple for the Lord that
27:56 we're really excited.
27:57 >> And you need to meet her sometime when she's actually
27:59 officially moved here to Southern Illinois. I know you
28:02 see on a program with Jason so you get to make comment as
28:05 well. Yeah. Haha.
28:08 >> You know special glow. Yeah. Haha Sur Mer is marriage
28:12 is great. And when you're married to the right one.
28:14 Yeah. Haha. That is a good point when God is in at very
28:20 true.
28:21 >> Well, earlier we're talking about a course evangelism with
28:23 3 minutes, all about evangelism and was holding up this little
28:26 on gadget here, Doctor, Motel U.S. passage and then see what
28:30 this little gadget is all about, because this has to do
28:33 with 3 being Cuban. Again, another amazing opportunity.
28:36 But tell us what this is doctor, Mo.
28:39 >> Well, looking a little gadget thing. Yeah. It's
28:41 actually called it down Goal K and that you love this on the
28:46 HDMI inputs of your TV set. Okay. The inside I have a
28:53 report of the
28:56 while. The 500 programs for Latino. Wow. And that I use
29:02 this is small. My hero. That is a little as the cards
29:08 and I can put about 500 programs here or I can use a
29:13 different one that they can go up to 1000 programs now and the
29:18 uncertainty is dongle
29:20 and the people can use the internal has the same software
29:25 that is designed for that prisons. I can adopt to use the
29:32 dongle and that people don't even need the Internet
29:36 connection. So they can actually just to play this
29:40 programs. And the idea is whenever they have a Internet
29:46 connection, guess what I put in here that ISD ATV software and
29:53 they they connected to the Internet. It has a 2 bands of a
29:56 Wi-Fi and you connect to the Internet and you can watch all
30:02 the Ministries Mall streaming is James in a high definition.
30:08 I'm very good quality of programming that some all that
30:13 John explain about the the How are they planning to use this
30:17 in Cuba because
30:19 he's made so small that there's no one in your pocket and you
30:23 go to your neighbors and just ministry by showing all those
30:29 programs that 3 appeal has.
30:32 >> So has 2 ways that it can be used. You can use it without
30:35 the Internet with the 500 programs that are already
30:37 downloaded on there or you can plug it into the Internet and
30:41 you can live stream. Is that right? Right?
30:43 >> And also if you want off to you watch all the 500 programs
30:47 and you don't want to them anymore, you can erase them and
30:51 that you can download the go-to somewhere that they have is a
30:54 good Internet connection. And you can download in the
30:58 record more new programs as well. And then.
31:01 >> You know, to Pastor John is so people are very familiar
31:04 with the project in Cuba because we're talking about the
31:05 package, right, which is the kind of a thumb drive. So why
31:09 is this exciting opportunity was an exciting opportunity for
31:12 Cuba because this is plus more right? Plus the package.
31:16 This is something completely different. Yes, good.
31:20 The package, which is programming. 3ABN has a an
31:25 agreement with the organizers of the package that allows us
31:30 to be in every single city in Cuba while that's and people
31:34 can go with van their drive or their hard drive and by our
31:39 programming, because
31:43 that's part of the way the package works. People by
31:45 programs. The package was organize many years ago.
31:51 People authorized by the Cuban government to have they have
31:55 been given permission to have access to the Internet
31:58 and download the day down low programs. Movies, television
32:02 shows comedies, all secular programming, but they gave us
32:06 the opportunity to put Christian programming on the
32:08 package. Of course, we have to pay for it every month. And
32:11 that's why we want to thank each and every one of them in
32:13 dad allows us every week a new bachelor programming goes into
32:17 the package and people have an opportunity to see a
32:20 programming.
32:22 And but we're only allowed to put a like about 18 gigabytes
32:26 to 18 to 20 gigabytes programming there per per
32:29 month, per week, over week for week. And the blessing is that
32:35 that same price win the Christian package was
32:39 developed. We are also on both. Yeah. So we are in 2 different
32:44 packages in Cuba for the same price for the same price,
32:47 none. And so that still needs to go on because the average
32:51 individual because most upset when people have access to the
32:54 Internet, now Internet is available in a limited capacity
32:58 in Cuba.
33:00 And most people cannot afford it.
33:02 And sometimes some people they save up and they can go online
33:08 and coming and they they they kind of Russian the time and
33:12 say this watch one hour a week, something you know, so it's
33:17 very limited and is not very fast. So it's not accessible to
33:20 the average person.
33:22 So this is why the package is so important. And this is why
33:26 I'm like the organizes a package told me and I may have
33:29 mentioned this before. They said the best way to get a
33:32 message to people in Cuba is to the package. He even even say
33:37 local television knows all the the 4 channels in Cuba that
33:41 people get with the little antenna,
33:43 the government run stalls and you can get on those and on
33:48 those channels. So that's why we're asking you to pray to the
33:51 Lord, to bless us with a TV channel, which is something
33:54 that, you know, the little were caught in his due time. But
33:58 so that still needs to go on because the secular minded
34:01 people, yeah, need to know that this option is available now.
34:05 This dongle is a different project specifically for
34:09 churches. That's right. Because we already have a test running
34:16 with because we have several months ago we put some programs
34:20 on a hard drive which is different than the dongle that
34:24 is. We have about 6 churches using our programming to do
34:29 evangelism. So this is different than the programming
34:33 on the package because we have we gave them harder with more
34:35 programming now. Why is this better? I'll tell you in a
34:39 moment. Haha. So this is a test and we already have the process
34:44 going for evangelists indies to 6 churches beginning in the
34:49 month of June. So good even listed meetings, evangelistic
34:54 meetings Monday, 6 churches Gooden. And I I already heard
34:57 that one of these Bible workers because we're all so thank you
35:00 so much for helping us to get some Bible workers. One Bible
35:04 worker already has 8. That was 2 weeks ago. 18 people, one
35:08 that he is getting ready for back to. Yes, wow. So this is
35:13 this is something that is exciting. And we have people
35:16 they have are 3ABN flyers and they're going from place to
35:20 place talking to the people of all 3 avn and then go and get 3
35:25 Indian on the package. And but also they're inviting them to
35:28 Bible studies because once they are interested in what they see
35:31 in the package, the church has more and they have programming
35:35 that we at this point.
35:37 I cannot put on the package more in-depth program, but it's
35:40 on this new. But it's on the new notes on the Donald.
35:44 What's good programming. That is more specific to
35:47 doctrines that we want people to now more information and a 3
35:51 and just messages and we have because the government is
35:56 watching what you're doing on the packet. You see. But the
35:58 church is in a different capacity. You it within the
36:00 church and the dongle allows the church to be able to tailor
36:05 an event is to programming. We have event is to campaigns
36:09 on the dongle. We have health program, something that would
36:11 children's programming on the dongle and all of these things
36:14 are allowing the church
36:16 to have something attracting that really know the other
36:20 churches don't half. So this is going to quit. The church is in
36:24 a more powerful way to be able to do Bible studies and reach
36:28 the community faster.
36:30 >> Many dongles or we order in or how many churches are there
36:33 with the size of the project.
36:34 >> Now the wear on and 1000 for the beginning batch. One other
36:41 thing that I want to say about the package, a Johnny is for
36:46 tiny as I've been here. 3 been 31 years wound in the
36:51 beginning. I was going to introduce 3 ABN to people and I
36:57 had to work hard to 2 explain that to a show and the people
37:03 was not interest to me, but after explaining off their show
37:09 and after playing back to be when we go to a cable company
37:14 or even go to the Sackler Place, um, one AI having a
37:18 haircut or any place in the Wal-Mart? Talk about all I work
37:23 for 3, a B as a I heard about the 3 a bin. So people are
37:28 already getting the message and getting familiar with. And so
37:34 now the people that are watching on the package and
37:38 that they see one program a week, 3, 8, BN, whenever they
37:42 hear about this, they are going up one to 2 and I learned more
37:47 about the course. And then the one they learn they like
37:51 acquire one, the Holy Spirit. That will just do the work.
37:56 You know, it would be a new ripping.
38:00 >> Oh, hi. Yeah. I was now I want to say something because
38:03 we still need the support on the package because this is
38:06 reaching the second in mind that people could point.
38:08 Now when the people get the programming on the package,
38:12 they're interested in more. When they go to Seven-day
38:14 Adventist Church, they can get Bible studies but they will be
38:17 able to see all you have more programming from 3 avn and so
38:22 that the church has evangelistic campaigns and more
38:27 in death programming. Let's say there are some some some topics
38:30 that are little sensitive that we cannot put on the package
38:33 were being watched by the government. And so we have to
38:35 we tactful in that in that area at the church,
38:40 they are allowed to do
38:43 a specific programming for the people. So you're going to able
38:46 to put on the dongle all these have Angeles to campaigns,
38:49 freeing just messages more in debt and all these things.
38:52 But right now the Internet is not as easily accessible and
38:56 economical for for the average person. That's why the package
39:00 is a such a a success. Right now. The time will come when
39:05 the Internet will be faster. And this dongle is already
39:09 prepared to be able to connect with 28 BN and stream whatever
39:13 we have here, which is that they'll be prepared. When would
39:16 that be? We don't know, could be year to 3 who knows when to
39:20 buy a house. You know, I've been here, but many times
39:22 several times I tried to connect to the Internet that's
39:25 available to people. You know, here you can connect with
39:27 FaceTime and see people I couldn't do. It will be the had
39:30 to limit myself to audio. So this is what's available to
39:33 the people. But the people that organized the package,
39:36 they have access, they have they pay whatever they have to
39:39 pay to be able to get all of the secular programming on the
39:43 package. So right now, this is a great project to be able to
39:47 reach the people. There are at least 500 churches and there
39:50 are over 2000 small groups, churches inside homes that the
39:56 government has authorized. So there's a great need and
39:59 this is a wonderful tool.
40:00 >> So that's why this didn't go is so important to to get the
40:04 to the homes. And though we are not going to be preaching to
40:08 the choir by just a great game, 3, be letting into the
40:12 churches. We're going to use the church members to go out
40:16 with of those don't go. And they do eventually as well and
40:20 that to bring the people to their homes and this fire to a
40:23 group, a church and that in their homes. Another thing that
40:29 it is the idea. I don't know how you're going to work with
40:34 the conference there. But the idea is to get the sponsors
40:38 year to to buy this dongles and the supply to the church
40:42 members so they can have it for free and be able to go out
40:48 and the minister to the people. So that is they have.
40:52 >> Project. You're right. And this is a tremendous tools
40:54 like a tool in the tool box, so to speak for the local churches
40:58 there. And like you said, is to actually evangelize because
41:02 you're talking about the Bible workers. This one has 18 people
41:06 write ready for baptisms will then need tools. And so this
41:09 Tongo has more program in addition to its on the package,
41:12 more in-depth, like you said. So, Pastor Johnny, how is this
41:16 project is this obviously costs money, you know, everything
41:19 costs money in this role. So how can people support?
41:21 How does this work?
41:23 >> Well, if they are able to, if they win, they send their
41:27 donation said they say for the up the 3, A B and on goal for
41:32 Cuba, you know, specified the dongle because if you say Cuba,
41:36 then we will say is for the package. But if you say dongle,
41:40 how do you spell dongle the best you can?
41:42 >> Who will understand what doctor about that?
41:49 >> Has the Internet system?
41:52 The has programming already on there and has streaming
41:55 capabilities when that time comes.
41:57 >> So how much is it costing for us to build the basically
41:59 give this to free to the church there in Cuba because calls
42:02 this has to get that information? Yes, what is the
42:05 cost for each one of these? We are going to start, though,
42:08 with and a small sizes of for the asked the micro cards and
42:14 that will hold about 500 to programs and the for that one
42:18 is a $70 for that. For everything didn't go that micro
42:24 SD cards of the remote control, which is bigger than that.
42:27 Don't go. Yes, the I R a which is infrared sensor that senses
42:33 the remote control. So the power supply everything for a
42:39 $70 and the internet aspect. If they have Internet to the
42:42 wildfire that's already included because his wife I
42:45 yeah. If we grow late on the for one, not at the weekend,
42:49 double that by going to 1000 program. So with that, the
42:53 bigger a card and that is going to be about $110 for a cause,
42:59 thus the cost for the the as the microchip. It's a very
43:04 expensive and I would you know, this is why the idea of just
43:08 giving hard drives to the churches, it's a good idea.
43:11 But this is a far better and small to yes, absolutely.
43:15 Well, it with the A U.S. B, you still going to need to have a
43:20 device to play back like a computer. Now, if you're going
43:23 to buy a computer, you gonna spend $40500 with us. As you
43:29 said, it's a it's a dream. You know how people are going
43:32 to have a car here. It's a dream to have a computer,
43:35 their wound. Also it is hard to to take to houses where this
43:41 put in your pocket and the nobody even know what you're
43:44 doing with a gun into their TV. Yeah.
43:46 >> You're going to incredible evangelistic opportunity.
43:50 You can join hands with us and 7. The dollars will sponsor one
43:55 of these dongles to go to what her chin community there in
43:58 Cuba or you can sponsor 2 or 10 or 100. That's right. Trying to
44:03 get at least 2000 of these dongles there in Cuba. So you
44:07 can contact us and say, yes, I want to support this project in
44:11 Cuba. You can go online. The 3ABN DOT TV and you just
44:17 click the donate tab right there. And you scroll down fun
44:20 Code 3.38. 338 is the code for Cuba. So that will help support
44:26 the work in Cuba as well for any signs donation. We have our
44:31 special offer tonight for pillars off our faith with send
44:34 you this CD. It's an incredible musical journey through the
44:39 word of God. So you can call us right now for that special
44:42 offer or to support this project in Cuba at 6, 2016,
44:46 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, That number again in 618-627-4651.
44:54 >> You know, as a Mister Danny often says, you know, whatever
44:57 the Holy Spirit impresses you to do, you know, we don't
45:00 believe in my sales pitch is are these big con type thing?
45:03 So if the holy Spirit is impressing you to support this
45:06 project again, this is like a kind of where I would like to
45:08 step. The first step was getting the the package they're
45:11 in Cuba, which is going well, that's continuing. But then the
45:13 next step is this dog to give the churches and the local
45:17 evangelist a tool that they can help further the these people's
45:21 their walk with the Lord. So, again, $70 like Doctor
45:25 mentioned, and I met with the gentleman a few weeks ago and
45:29 and by faith were ordering the first batch because this takes
45:33 a little bit of time. And again, as Mister Danny often
45:35 says, you all are movers and shakers. You grab evangelism
45:39 in, you support, you have all these years. So again, we thank
45:42 you in advance for for your support of the special project
45:46 there in Cuba. And as I think about the souls because that's
45:49 what it's all about, it's about souls for the kingdom. It's not
45:52 about trying to get the latest gadget or anything like that.
45:55 Doctor Murray writes about Souls. That's why we're all
45:57 involved. That's why you pray. You support the ministry of
46:00 3ABN because it's about evangelists and think about the
46:03 souls and heaven that someday when Christ comes, some will
46:07 come to say thank you so much for supporting because I'm in
46:11 the kingdom because of what I found out the truth on 3 D and
46:14 3ABN that he knows yes. Excited about this project. Thank you
46:17 for the vision.
46:18 Thank you for the vision and I have to say that last year
46:23 Weast we gave a sample to the union. I showed a sample of ISD
46:27 ATV Union president. I said, do you think this will be and a
46:31 tool that you can use here in Cuba? Oh, absolutely.
46:35 Absolutely. Yes. If you can bring that here, that will be
46:38 wonderful. Yeah. And then yes.
46:40 >> The transition and we want to talk about dare to dream the
46:42 dark. We want to talk about Uganda and Ghana here and times
46:45 get away from us. So let's talk about their dream. Yes, some
46:47 exciting things happening in your network there. Yes,
46:50 yes, you know, one thing that, you know, just from sitting
46:52 here listening to what's been taking place with the wonderful
46:55 ministry of 3 ABN, we see that God is faithful and he is
46:59 spreading the word and he's he's leading people drawing
47:02 people into him that would dare to dream. We've got some
47:05 exciting things taking place. We have some new programs that
47:08 will be coming up, Wolf, in sheep's clothing, hidden in
47:12 plain sight. We've got a plethora digging deeper.
47:17 Now, some of these are working title so that rivals may
47:20 change. But these are some exciting programs now for
47:24 parent and that we're all just recorded some or unshackled
47:29 purpose episodes. And we are excited about that. We go into
47:34 the different jails and prisons and we speak to the men and
47:37 women that are incarcerated and we share with them how God
47:40 wants to unshackle their purpose, you know, imagine
47:44 being incarcerated and year and 2 times bondage, one because
47:48 you're physically in bondage, but too, because their
47:50 spiritual and bond is so we want to go and share the
47:53 message of hope and love and and Jesus Christ with them to
47:57 on.
47:58 >> Shackle that their purpose. And then we actually have a
48:01 trailer from season 2 and I'd love for us to take a look at
48:04 that one. Whenever you're ready and we do this Islam, you have
48:07 a right to rise behind bars. And yes, been first season
48:10 second season. Yeah. So let's go to that role right now.
48:15 >> Did you know that before you were born? Got already ordained
48:18 you for a special purpose. Stay tuned to find out more
48:21 about the divine design.
48:23 [MUSIC]
48:28 >> They want to change work
48:33 because I know no matter how hard and cold the exterior may
48:37 seem. I know that inside.
48:42 >> So we just want to come and share some hope with you and
48:45 let you know that we love you and that Jesus loves to be on
48:50 anybody in this world.
48:53 >> It stated judge or condemn you were to tell you that we
48:56 love you and we understand the situation that you're in.
48:59 [MUSIC]
49:04 [MUSIC]
49:07 >> There was a creator
49:09 we were were thought about. You think about DNA. Think
49:12 about molecules. You think about all of these things.
49:16 We don't share the same fingerprint.
49:19 Think about all of that. If this booklet
49:23 is less complex than the human body,
49:26 how can we not see that we have created, you know, want to
49:30 share a couple of verses well for you formed my inward parts.
49:35 You covered me in my mother's womb.
49:38 I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
49:43 Marvelous. Are your works?
49:46 We got created us.
49:47 >> On purpose, nobody can be you. You are you need.
49:52 You have been
49:54 created and
49:55 >> placed on this Earth
49:57 for a purpose for your guide given purpose.
50:01 >> I had a really bad addiction and I didn't know Christ back
50:05 then. So
50:06 all I did was just getting high and sell drugs to people on
50:10 just live in a bad, bad lifestyle.
50:14 I was sitting there on the floor one day, just praying to
50:16 God, like what was my purpose? You know, when once was and
50:21 like Florida, 20 years is a long time. You know, I sat
50:24 there one night and I just prayed to God. And he just I
50:28 just started reading them. The word
50:30 we're pleased, surrounded with Christ like people. And next
50:35 thing, you know, I'm there with 20 guys it
50:38 and we're all stoner testimonies and Sharon and just
50:42 I'm a mentor for him.
50:44 I'm one guy known as fairly.
50:48 I found my purpose.
50:50 >> That's the power of the Gospel. Is we come to Christ
50:55 you're already created. And in whose image was a human race,
50:58 created
51:00 God's image, CNN intern. And now we inherited this
51:04 nature called sin. Gentlemen. Alls I can say is it's
51:07 unshackled purpose. It's going to bring hope to somebody is
51:11 thinking about shooting. That last shot of fentanyl is
51:13 going. Bring hope to that one out to Holly. This is if I just
51:16 take this whole bottle full of pills and drink this half down
51:19 a Jack Daniels, I don't have to worry about tomorrow.
51:22 It's going bring, whoa.
51:25 >> And for a moment and what a powerful program we're looking
51:29 forward to this. Jason, we love to hear you and let me we'll
51:32 share.
51:33 >> And the rest in the prison there. So this is launching
51:35 soon, right on trend. And yes, launching very soon and March
51:38 actually. And so we're looking forward to that, you know,
51:41 going into these prisons and jails, it's it's amazing to see
51:45 their gratitude. They're grateful for us coming in.
51:48 They're sharing a tangible items with them. We have
51:51 snacks. We have spiritual material, all that. And then we
51:54 share a message of hope.
51:56 But we were at Stark County Jail and they created this Cole
52:01 plaque for us. We inmate's death inmates that they created
52:04 this wonderful placards, 3 ABN plaque. And I was surprised to
52:08 see that they had power tools, but they did a wonderful job
52:13 with it. And and we were so grateful for that. Look at that
52:17 low. I did a great job. Supervise use of power tools.
52:22 Haha. Not just free reign, but yeah, supervise you.
52:26 >> You know, in 3 ABN, we're talk about the analysts system.
52:28 I mean, that actually is and a lot of prisons, that project is
52:31 still going on where that basically a hard drive for
52:34 prisons is there in many jails and prisons facilities
52:37 throughout the United States outside of the United States to
52:40 yes, and we've got some in Canada.
52:42 >> We were working on the Bahamas with cats. Yes, so it's
52:45 it's moving or got a present at an ad and coming up soon as
52:50 well. So it's I just ask that people would keep that project
52:54 in prayer. And if you know someone in a prison ministry,
52:58 please reach out to offend an email to D 2, D at 3ABN,
53:02 TV and I would be happy to get in touch with you. Wow, you go
53:07 ahead. Go ahead.
53:08 >> I'm just going to say or you can support the project.
53:10 You can donate either online or you can call us right now and
53:14 say I want to support the dare to dream hard drive for prison
53:17 initiative. So the so many evangelistic opportunities.
53:20 >> Yeah, absolutely. No. That's fine. It's going to say
53:22 thank you, Jason, for the year knowing and the hats that you
53:24 wear. Here are 3ABN in your heart for evangelism. Praise
53:27 for blessing. Talk to going back to you. This talk about
53:31 Ghana, Africa, Uganda, things are happening there to the
53:34 gospels going out.
53:35 >> Yes, so we were very blast that the government instead of
53:40 giving us just a license to be broadcasting in one channel.
53:45 And they said that we're going to have a digital system that
53:50 the all the broadcasters are going to be in a package and
53:55 that we're going to distribute all over the country well and
53:59 needs this is already happening in Ghana in the west of Africa.
54:03 So it comes from a crime, which is the capital city. But is it
54:09 is distributed in the free to air television station all over
54:14 the country. Praise God. That's millions there. Yes,
54:18 we are not really. I'm responsible for the
54:24 transmitters that the we already burned one with the
54:26 lightning. We are not responsible. We do have to pay
54:30 for the transmission. That's right. But it is a tremendous
54:34 blessing that the we don't have to be there doing that work,
54:37 that same war that is actually being done in Uganda. And we
54:44 have a Stu you there in Uganda yet producing local programs
54:49 and that it is some language like that in Luanda that if
54:55 they produce the programs and they are ready broadcasting it
54:59 and this is not over and the rest of the country's yet,
55:04 but the small villages, they are being liar. And I would say
55:08 in that a month or 2, there should be able to be
55:12 distributed all to this small villages as well.
55:15 >> It's amazing to so many things happened. You know,
55:18 I think about this gospel of the kingdom, so go to the
55:21 entire world, doesn't just say some of the world right now.
55:24 And it's the entire world to think about Africa in Cuban
55:28 prisons, you know, is that its own world itself, United
55:31 States, the rest of world, wherever you're watching or
55:33 listening from the gospels going out, there are new ways
55:35 that are coming up like this dongle aspect. You know,
55:38 the hard drives prison so many different ways. And I just have
55:42 to say that I enjoy being a part of the ministry of 3,
55:44 8, yen because things are happening so fast. There are so
55:47 many opportunities, right, doctor Mo for expansion and
55:50 growth and opportunities of people saying with joy, you get
55:53 them to all of us do like we want 3 D and how do we get 3
55:56 ABN and used to be in my language or this part of the
55:59 world? What about this idea? So yeah, the Lord is working
56:02 into the gospels going quick.
56:03 >> The man I was just thinking in 60 seconds. We've also
56:07 launched in preview. And yeah, that's the exciting. Just 8 of
56:13 our networks are available to talk about that in a few
56:16 seconds.
56:17 >> Just a free veal is a similar idea. The government
56:20 says we're going to create a package and all the channels
56:25 that wanted to pay for that to this tradition, the homes,
56:30 it's about 60 million homes, 2 in the UK. That's a lot of
56:33 home. And I don't watch all this channels on Freeview.
56:38 So we're very blessed because in the first month, actually,
56:42 in the first 2 weeks, we had about 50,000 close to 70,000
56:51 viewers that they were just a learning about 3, 8, BN.
56:55 >> What's so powerful about this is let's like basically
56:57 taken remote control, right? Just going through the channels
57:00 and boom, there's 3 ATM, but not just 3 been parent, but all
57:03 the other channels, the 8th. And we have the logo right
57:06 there in the electronic program guides and that the people can
57:09 actually see it and choose that and lame.
57:11 >> And thank you for working so tirelessly on that doctor.
57:14 Mo, we're excited about those evangelistic opportunities.
57:18 Thank you, Pastor Johnny and Doctor Mo and brother. Jason,
57:21 thank you here with us tonight. Thank you for your heart for
57:24 evangelism and for what you bring to the ministry of 3.
57:28 We have a phone another hour. Coming up, we're going to be
57:31 trading out. Doing musical chairs. You can hear some more
57:35 incredible evangelistic opportunities from your tree.
57:40 [MUSIC]
57:45 [MUSIC]
57:50 [MUSIC]
57:55 [MUSIC]


Revised 2023-02-23