Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230004B
00:11 >> Hello and welcome back to 3 a man today live. I don't know about you on that. Have been
00:16 having a great time. And the Lord always good to hear everybody's perspective. And 00:21 that's kind of what we've done. I guess any right? Or maybe a knee. Do Jenner 00:26 theological right or whatever? How you want to say it? You you don't just come up with 00:30 all this stuff over time. You see what other people have written using what the Bible 00:36 says. So and this little book the truth about the Lord's Day, basically, everything 00:40 we're covering is then here. It's not that I thought of it all. But over the years and 00:44 look at what other people have found in written and the truth given. So we put together this 00:49 little book the truth. If you're just joining us, truth about the Lord's Day, this 00:55 Rachel, talk about again just a little bit with just a few minutes ago. But if you're 00:58 just joining us, how you can get this book, you just pay the shipping 250, I thinks $25 01:04 and you can e-mail text us, right? Yes, so well, you can to get the books to call us 01:13 here. >> During on Sabbath hours at 618-627-4651. Or you can go 01:19 online to 3 ABN DOT TV. You can request one free copy. So if you haven't gotten your 01:24 free copy, et, you can just call and that words, if you're not sure you want the whole 01:30 box to get out. You want to read one first. Yes, that's what you do. You get it right? 01:35 >> Yeah. You can get it And then once you read it, you don't want to give it to 01:38 everybody. You know, who doesn't know about the Lord's Day and those who do? 01:42 >> You can, you know, share with them as well because it gives you a biblical 01:49 foundation for your arguments for this Abbott, how you can move that. The said this is 01:54 the 7th day in the Lord's Day is the Sabbath. So you can get these books again by calling 02:04 618-627-4651, or going online. The 3 ABN DOT TV. And if you want to order multiple cases, 02:12 you can do that online or by calling $25 for shipping. You just paying for the shipping. 02:20 $25 for 250 of these That's Real. And honestly, there's we've had I think all we could 02:28 get literally was 2 and a half million. >> Of these and they're 02:31 literally all I about all gone. But we're ordering mourn is taking time ever since 02:38 COVID. It's hard to get things Pei. Thank every a paper shortages for sure. first come 02:46 first served. And so we got more in order, not sure what will be, but we do have some 02:49 here now. So whatever you want long as you pass them out, you know, we just want you to 02:55 share them with people because that's what this is all about. I'm focusing on truth of God's 03:00 word. We do a number of books that we have already the truth about Commandments and think 03:07 writes, out, how Salvation Truth about health fire. Now, the truth about the Lord's 03:10 Day, then the next one get a lot of people don't be upset. They love this. An excellent 03:15 adrift about abortion so that when you're going to say no, why would you pick a political 03:21 subject? No, we're not was taken to the by with my voice you can. If you want to 03:24 politicize that, you can. just going to say what the truth. But what the Bible says about 03:29 that's to come in. The may be the fall whenever so we'll get a low t. Yeah. So where do we 03:37 we left off. We were testament. I think you click perspective, OK, like but I 03:42 did about the same justification for same sex marriage. And right by laced 03:44 with the Sabbath. >> Let's go back to that for a moment. Today. People that 03:51 support same sex marriage. What probably say. Well, let me let me rephrase that cause. 03:59 I don't want to speak for anybody. What is wrong? With marrying? The Waikato staff 04:07 should to be. my point. Satan has made what caught to be and disliked to the point. That 04:19 people are saying. God, you know, I understand what you did. But I don't like that. 04:28 The same thing, the Sabbath to get rid of the Sabbath to say it was change. You've got to 04:33 tell me, first of all, you've got to tell me what's wrong with marriage? want to change 04:40 You've got to come up with a legitimate scriptural argument. What's wrong with 04:44 the Sabbath? But here's the danger. If something's wrong with it, God. Is imperfect. 04:53 Okay. And imperfect. God made a day that because it's imperfect. We've got to get 04:57 rid of it. Now we got preaches today among people animated here preaches. We've got to 05:03 get rid of that week and so heavy excuses. He nailed to the cross because when the 05:08 world was perfect, that was the only thing that wasn't perfect. So he had to get rid 05:14 of it when he died. That's one of the reasons he nailed to the cross. Well, why would you 05:20 nail something that he says? Remember? Well, I remember this happened keep it holy. 05:25 And the only reason is and Brian brought this out. But I want to reiterate it. It's the 05:30 only day that God identifies as it is a sign that run between me and you. They you 05:36 might know that I am the Lord your God. easy kill 21st. Well here says. Moreover, I gave 05:43 them. I said that's to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I'm the 05:47 law to say a It's a sign of holiness. Mike marriage is a sign of holiness between my 05:52 wife and me. The Sabbath as a sign of holiness between God and his people. So why with 06:00 the devil attack it? Here's the reason. It's not a day. He doesn't want there to be any 06:05 sign of The Holiness between the people and God. My got to get rid of this thing that 06:13 makes them holy. Yeah. I've got to get rid of this thing that sanctified sanctify them 06:17 by thy truth. Right I would get rid of the sign of sanctification. They won't be 06:25 satisfied if I could get rid of sign of holiness. They can't be holy. So we have 06:29 preaches nowadays saying the Sabbath is done away with and I asked him right away. Give 06:35 me one reason why something created the perfect environment has to be 06:41 abrogated. Alright, running in the reason why marriage has to be abrogated. So these same 06:45 preacher sits it should say Cod. We surely appreciate you building the world. But 2 06:51 things that you made a mistake on our marriage and this happened as clergy, those who 06:56 follow you were going to help you fix it. congregation that we have this new day of 07:02 worship and we need to do a program. Danny, on we're Sunday worship came 07:07 specifically because and I just give you a hint, this kind of a tease, those who 07:12 instrumental in changing it to the first day of the week. Don't even try to hide. Ryan 07:18 knows that he plays in a those who made the change, instrumental and solidified in 07:23 Christendom. Don't even hide it. We have it all in this little that bus? Plus the 07:27 other one. That's the one that can asked the document? if you want text to text us, I'm 07:37 looking right now. 618-228-3975. If you have questions or comments. 07:42 >> Right now we've had some coming in. But if you want to do yours or you email us live 07:47 at 3 ABN DOT TV live at 3ABN, DOT TV. Those are great points, John. But today I can 07:54 see the world secular people been confused because there's so much crazy stuff out and 08:03 the world. I mean, specially this pronoun stuff. But you have doctors, you have you 08:09 phd's that don't know the difference between a male or female can't define and they 08:13 want they won't now like a new baby. They actually ask and I read this. It was from a I 08:18 don't want to give the wrong university. But as one of those like Harvard, it was 08:22 high and is Harvard. So they asked the doctor on the doctor. Can you tell a 08:27 difference between a boy and girl under bore? And this doctor Wright, the professor, 08:31 the teacher said not really. You can't tell anymore make or say something that stupid? 08:39 What I'm saying? I like pressure. It's the because if people are looking to the 08:44 Bible, you're going to be tossed about every wind of doctoring that comes along. I 08:49 was looking up on COVID stuff that just yesterday and it said I was just waiting a long 08:57 and it said for pregnant people this can happen. And that happened like pregnant 09:02 people. Are you talking about pregnant people? I mean, already it's in there. We 09:07 looked definition prone pronouns and in the dictionary now, you know what it says? 09:13 Well, we I just read it to you today that, yeah, yeah. The pronoun. If you look the 09:18 dictionary, you'd say, well, maybe we can go back to Webster. We go back. It will 09:23 have it. Pronoun is used to says for he she it are they? On our way a person can 09:32 identify you. Identify now the dictionaries telling you. Well, that with you're a he 09:39 she it or they whatever you choose or week. That reminds me. I think it was melody and 09:44 my daughter, Melanie sent me this a picture the other day, Ryan, it's a car. It's a blue 09:49 car. You may have seen it and one hole the back quarter panel and obviously been 09:54 wrecked and they were fixed in it. But they'd put in a white one for the time being right. 09:59 But the writing on the outside said this, this a panel of the car identifies is blue to 10:10 believe that it's blue, right? So I mean, you can say whether world is crazy right now. 10:16 That's why we've got to be preaching sticking to the word of God and giving the truth. 10:20 diluted to angels message is one that would counteract the counterfeit because I never 10:25 dreamed in my mind people would be so easily like lambs led to the slaughter of you 10:29 can get people thinking, you know, talking pregnant people talking about this person is 10:34 of a I mean, that says that's as ridiculous as sounds in yet it's happening and people get 10:40 offended if you don't go along with them. So I just say, you know, I'm not going along with 10:45 your fantasies, whatever they are you can do if you want to. But I'm not going don't 10:52 include me in that stuff was not a surprise by the for the time will come when they will 10:55 not endorse sound doctrine. What are and a plane thus saith the So all the multiple 11:02 translations and if you notice show, you seen this, the more translations come out, the 11:07 more they dive into this like a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of 11:10 a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. >> And they stop messing with 11:14 things. And paraphrase, paraphrase of paraphrase and then just somebodys opinion, 11:19 why Ryan's translation of the Bible? John's translated the Bible. No, but you go back to 11:24 the Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic. You begin to see the source of it. But today and 11:29 You-you began the program by saying that's not what the right cause. You know, I could 11:32 I know Ryan is ready. You began the program with the illustration of that man. San 11:39 pick a day. Pick a day. Pick a dame in the world says pick a pick agenda is the same spirit 11:43 yeah, the Devils says pick a gender. The devil says pick a day and what's crazy to me, 11:50 this is where my mind hurts. Why would Christians have a hard time? But something 11:58 created in a perfect to with marriage and the staff at the 2 things that have been under 12:01 attack. The devil started with marriage. Yeah, he's going to end with this happened because 12:05 it will tell why we waited almost a problem that will tell you why he's attacking 12:10 this happen. >> we deal with this to try to answer some of these questions 12:13 in the book. But to answer, people say, but that's Old Testament. You don't really 12:20 hear about the Sabbath in the New Testament Jesus when he was nailed to the cross the 12:26 Sabbath was done away with. Now we celebrate the resurrection of Christ because 12:32 the 10 Commandments, they say I hear people say the time. We're now those across. So 12:36 walk us through that a little bit. Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, just the scripture that 12:41 comes immediately to my mind, just let's let's go to Matthew let's go to Matthew Chapter 5. 12:47 I think that's a great place to start to kind of tied us together. 12:50 >> It's quite interesting when you start talking to some of these people who immediately 12:52 want to say will, first of all the laws doing away with, you know, we're we're under Grace, 12:55 went under the law. This obviously throw the 7th because the part of a lull, 13:00 right gun law. But Jesus made it very clear in Matthew Chapter 5 and starting with 13:07 verse 19, I believe it is tempting a 17 to 19. Do not think that I've come to 13:10 destroy the logie to say. >> The show is a bonus scene and he says don't think that 13:17 I've sure of the option of come due and showed up to just destroy the meant a lot to do 13:19 away with the law. He says I did not come to destroy but to fulfill in that 4 fulfill 13:24 their does not mean to make destroyed, to do away with it simply means that Christ in 13:30 his blood and what he was doing and what he was come to do was he was coming to 13:34 fulfill it. He was the fulfillment because we obviously can't keep that law 13:37 perfectly. He did. But does that mean he done away with it? No. In fact, he confirms 13:41 that in the next verse, he says for sure that I say to you to heaven and Earth pass 13:46 away. One shot or one Tittle will by no means pass a way for pass from the law. Till 13:51 all is fulfilled. OK, heaven on earth won't pass away to always fulfilled as they are 13:57 still Heaven still there? Yes, and it makes it very clear to all far has all been fulfilled 14:03 yet. No one has They're still much in the scripture, much in prophecy that we're still 14:07 looking to be fulfilled. So this is a very testament to the fact that Jesus is showing 14:11 that being look, I'm not coming to do with the law. My law still intact. Now word is 14:16 word is the New Testament evidence come in that the Sabbath, the still intact past 14:19 the cross? Let's go to a Matthew chapter. 24. So when Matthew, let's go to Matthew 14:24 Chapter. 24 want to show this really quickly. So Matthew Chapter, 24 speaking here. And 14:30 it's quite interesting that he's talking about the destruction of Jerusalem is 14:36 also giving the signs of the times and he's telling all of this notice this to his 14:39 leadership to his disciples, those individuals that are going to go on beyond the 14:44 cross beyond the resurrection when Christ as went back to having these are going to be 14:47 wants to establish his church and build the church and built this truth so that people can 14:52 hear the redemptive Planet Christ the gospel of Jesus. Now, surely Jesus and setting 14:58 his disciples down as it sits here at the beginning of the chapter that they all met 15:02 privately at the top of Mount of Olives. And Jesus gives them the signs of the times 15:04 and the signs of the rate of assume return. Surely Jesus once said of guys, you know, 15:11 that's everything. You know, it's going to be done away with when I die. I'm going to 15:12 cancel that out do away with it. What we find is right. The opposite. Notice Matthew 15:18 Chapter, 24 and we're going to look ver or years. We're in Matthew Chapter 24 and we're 15:25 looking at verse. 21 notice what it says here. It actually number, I'm not averse. 21, 15:32 I'm looking at the part where it says the 7th was the 20 foot 2020. There's 20. That's 15:39 what I was looking for. My I've got this new app and it's all just one from my face that 15:43 each of 21st when it was saying to his disciples and pray that your flight be not 15:47 in the winter down there on the Sabbath. Notice this Jesus is talking future. He's 15:52 talking destruction of Jerusalem. He's telling his disciple something that's 15:55 going to happen in 70 ad. Some 39 years after Jesus has died on the 39 years after she 16:02 supposedly nailed to the cross the right here, he's telling his disciples that he was 16:05 looking forward to the fact that they would still be keeping the Sabbath won 16:09 because he said pray that you don't have to flee on the That's evidence that the 16:12 Indians true. If you look at history that every single person that was delivered from 16:15 that 70, 80 destruction, they fled, drizzle Mist Crush told them and they were all said 16:21 the keepers. If you look at history, every single one of them were keeping the now go 16:26 beyond the cross. Right now we're in. We're in Luke Chapter. 23. Let's go to Luke 16:30 Chapter. 23 and you'll see here. The Jesus has died right? And you would think 16:34 that his disciples, his leadership, even his own mother, who who who knew very 16:39 loose very close to cross, that they would all have heard him at some point say, look, 16:41 when I die, I'm going to lay with the Sabbath. You don't have to keep it anymore 16:46 because there's a new day. We're going to honor the resurrection of the day that I 16:49 was resurrected. The first all of that should have been given right? Notice in the latter 16:54 versus of Luke Chapter. 23 after Jesus had died. It says here and the women. This Luke 17:01 Chapter. 23 inverse. 55 56. It says in the women who had come with him from Galilee followed 17:07 after and they observed the 2 men how his body was laid and then notice first. 56. So they 17:12 just laid his body in the 2. They don't have time to involve finish the embalming 17:18 process. in the completion process, we're going to have to land in the 2 men come back 17:20 later. But notice what it says. It says then they returned unprepared spices and 17:24 fragrant oils and they rested on the Sabbath according to what those blessed the words 17:30 are important. The coming quarter to the when someone comes means as well. The 17:34 Sabbath was done away with and it's different now. Jesus is our 7th year, the 7 to some 17:39 other day or whatever says, according to the Commandment. When you go back to the 17:42 Commandment, Danny, we read it earlier, makes it very clear that the Sabbath of the Lord, 17:44 thy God is on the 7th. >> A day that means that these women, including the mother of 17:51 Jesus, we're talking Mary Madeline, the mother of Jesus on the other. Mary. They went 17:55 back in to prepare those ointment and they refuse to break the Sabbath of the Lord 18:01 and they were. If you don't get the they refused to finish. No anybody. If anybody 18:05 could have been the exception to the rule here, just say, OK, this is the son of the 18:11 living dogs body. Surely we can finish in bombing his body, you know, out of respect 18:14 for the fact that this is the corpse of the living, God, when you you know, we're going 18:17 to put him back in there. We're going to make sure it's all done tightening. they 18:21 wouldn't even finish the process out of respect for the fact that the said the Lord of 18:25 the 7th that died and they refused to break the Sabbath to finish in bombing his body. 18:30 So it says they went back and kept us out of according to the commitment to try. Why has 18:36 that commitment points to the Lord of the Sabbath, which is Jesus Christ question to one 18:42 is from Nevada. What day is the 7th? We've been talking about it, but they want to 18:45 know what day is. It a 7th day. >> Then so we can put that 18:49 together with this one. You also mentioned how can you talk to someone who says the 18:56 Sabbath has been negated because Jesus is our Sabbath and they used a roof or to 19:01 justify this, OK? the difference in words, OK, she bought is to separate, a UF is 19:08 the Lord of the Sabbath. They get the words mixed up. His one Greek word defines the day 19:14 itself and the other one, the Lord of the SAP. But the 70 oath of the show bought. And 19:20 so he is the Lord of the sap. of being the lot of the Sabbath does not negate the 19:24 Sabbath. That's that's that's an oxymoron on the he's the one that created the world. So 19:30 he made he blessed the last day, but it doesn't exist because he exists. You see the 19:35 irony The Sabbath no longer exist because Jesus exists. Then why would he make the 19:39 7th? Well, they existed together creation Bank. You think Jesus doesn't get rid of 19:45 this happened. If that was the case than in Luke Chapter 4 verse 16, why would he while 19:48 he's here? Keep a day. >> When he is the day. so Ryan you're talking about the the. 19:57 >> After the crucifixion. Yeah. And now what happened? Someone says here from 20:01 Arkansas where in the Bible, where were the days of the week name then? Where does it 20:06 say Sunday is the first day of the So how do we know? Sunday is the first day of the week. 20:12 Okay. Very easy want to take you into thinking I had U.S. together. All right. Let's go 20:17 back to Luke Chapter. 23 again. Okay. >> Let's take a look to 23 and 20:22 start with the first 54. We just go. 54. 56 in the 24 0st 1. OK? Now when Jesus body was 20:27 taken down, the Bible says Lou, 23 votes. 54 that day was the preparation and the 7th of 20:32 So we have the preparation mentioned that scripture. This happened after the Okay. 20:37 Because he's coming next. And it says in verse, 56 Ryan read it and they return prepared, 20:44 spices and fragrant oils and they rested the Sabbath. According to the Commandment, 20:48 the 4th commandment, the preparation and the Sabbath mentioned. So chronologically, 20:52 what kind of come next? The 24 of us one now on the first day of the very early in the 21:00 morning, they and certain other women with them came to the tomb bringing the spices, 21:04 which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the 2 men. They went 21:09 in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. So you have you have the preparation. yet 21:15 the 7th. Yeah. The first day motion I would challenge you to tell me what the first day 21:21 of the week as let me show you how it's let me show you how clever the devil is. Okay. The 21:24 very place where Catholicism is rampant and Europe when I was working in New York in the 21:29 1970's. They had a business calendar. They call it the the called the Maritime calendar. 21:39 So they began changing the day in Europe making Monday. The first day of the But you can 21:45 find that chronologically because the entire world, this isn't even the Catholic 21:48 Church. The entire world celebrates the event. Call. Good Friday And he's just 21:56 spend it on bus. The day between Good Friday is the preparation he says son. Is 21:59 that a crossroads? No, no denial that nobody would deny that. Good Friday. Ash 22:07 Wednesday. Good Friday, Easter Sunday. We don't observe that. A 7 day Adventists, but we 22:11 recognize the fact that Christ rose on the first day the week is an undeniable fact. What 22:14 day is that the whole world that honors the resurrection does it on the first day of 22:18 the Easter's Sunday Easter Good Friday was the day between that and the only time 22:23 it's called Holy is during what they called in the Catholic World. Holy they call 22:28 it Holy Saturday. Once a year, but it's holy Saturday every week. But well, just have to 22:36 add to that just for a So so clearly put in John Chapter 19, and it makes it very clear 22:40 that the day that Jesus died on. >> Was the 6th day in the call 22:44 is says it right there the 19 years. I think it was in that next there, John Chapter 19, 22:48 it says that was preparation day preparation day. We just read it from Exodus. Chapter 22:54 16 was the 6th day and so were person I want just want to dress with. This person says 22:58 here in this isn't anything to the person who wrote this in because I'm very much. Thank 23:01 you for submitting your question. It is certainly open the door for us to bring 23:05 clarity. But when we ask questions like this one in the Bible doesn't say, you know, 23:09 Sunday Monday, Tuesday was a because what ultimately lead someone to think in terms of 23:13 that is, well, if you can't prove to be from the Bible, the specific days Sunday, 23:17 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, it leads people in their own 23:22 minding their own night ideology in their own twisted logic. They want to say, well, 23:26 because it doesn't explicitly say that. Well, then we don't really know what day the 23:30 Sabbath is. Therefore, we can pick and choose which day works best for The problem 23:34 with that is this. Notice what you're doing there. What is the commitment of the Lord say 23:40 an Exodus chapter? 21 of those was the very first word of Exodus Chapter 20 verse 8. 23:45 Remember, so got us telling the world, remember this day, don't forget it. But yet when 23:51 we us when we us answer questions like this, like, how do we know that some the same 23:57 Saturday that we have today is the same Saturday, the Jesus How do we know which days of 24:01 the week are really could do we really know Kuz Tuesday could be the 7th Wednesday 24:05 could be the saboteur Thursday could be the 7th when we start coming up with these loopholes 24:10 around trying to keep the Biblical Sabbath. What what we're actually doing is we're 24:14 implying that got got it wrong. They got light because you've got says, remember, and 24:21 he expects you to remember, is he going to allow the world to forget? Is he going to allow 24:25 the world to unfold in such a way that, you know, we become so dilution or or lost in the 24:32 somehow got allow blunt heart donors for something like this to happen. Going allow the 24:36 entire world to fall asleep for several days. People start randomly waking up at 24:41 different times. On day is it? just think with I don't think that somehow gets lost in the 24:45 at all. What we're saying when we asked these questions of how do we know that Saturday? 24:50 07:00AM. We know the same Saturday we have the day is the Sabbath, the Jesus 24:54 Kiplinger. How do we know that, you know this and money to do if it doesn't say the 24:57 Bible there, nobody really knows. We just pick a day when we say those things. What 25:00 we're seeing is got we know that you told us to remember that you made a mistake in not 25:04 realizing that the whole world would forget and that we would get lost in it all. And then 25:09 the very day you want us to remember is the day that all the world completely lost and 25:14 which day it is, God doesn't make mistakes. God said, remember because that 7 day 25:19 weekly cycle has never changed. And so even though they're not explicitly Sunday, 25:24 Monday, Tuesday, you can find the history of some 41 years before Jesus was born. Julius 25:28 Caesar is the one that brought about the naming of the day Sunday for the day of the sun. 25:31 Their number one Sunday at T that they were shipped to you Monday. Got of the moon 25:36 Tuesday. And so for that, all after these different Roman gods that they worship, but 25:40 it's interesting that in the water at that time before him after even still to this very 25:45 day and more than 260 languages in the world, most every single country with the 25:50 exception of a few calls their Littrell 7th Day. >> Sabbath right. Manish 25:56 solvable. I mean, you govern any spent. It's a model because they know that that's 26:01 the day the world hasn't lost it. The devil. She's trying to cause confusion. clearly we 26:06 have a whole chapter is about the change of the Sabbath who attempted to change it. And 26:09 what about the calendar? >> We even have hear about their Royal Observatory, 26:16 Greenwich, England, but they have to on that and all of this about time could time be 26:21 lost. Could the days of the week the change? So we put this and then we lot of what 26:27 you said. So cameras across U.S. to when we talk kind of fast and maybe you're not used 26:34 to. But those answers are a lot of those 2 right here. And this little book that that's 26:38 free for you. If you want to let me let me go back to this. The highest in the very 26:44 beginning about this, this confusion. That's why today and some states people don't 26:47 know what gender they >> It's the same spirit we can you see with the devil is 26:51 doing. If I don't know what gender I am. How can know what day of the week it is? Yes, 26:57 the same spirit we've got. And this is symbol of Babylon confusion. The confusion that 27:03 exist today. That's why revelation talks about Babylon is falling. This fallen 27:07 because the church today has become largely a place of entertainment and not skip 27:10 scriptural integrity. The time will come and they will not address on doctrine. But there 27:14 are 7 reasons why we know that the first day of the week is Sunday and the 7th year that 27:17 we can Saturday. First of all, if you if you confused about that, find yourself a J**, 27:23 they've been around a long and tell them they may have rejected Jesus, but they never 27:31 forgot I have to go the opium with the Ethiopian unit. That's the second nation 27:35 that's been keeping the Sabbath the longer than the Jews themselves. How possible? 27:37 Because when Philip found the Ethiopian unique in the desert and baptized him. Ethiopia. 27:43 They call it. Kwame is day the baby's day. In Ethiopia. The second nation on Earth that's 27:51 been keeping the Sabbath as long as the Jews and they identified that is so you've 27:57 got to give it all the Jews because they know what the 7th day. But here's the irony, 28:03 Danny, I think you put this in your book. I think you people are not confused about what 28:07 day it is Sunday. Yeah, they know it's the first day the week. That's why they go on 28:14 that day. confusion. Yes. So I said let's go to church on the first day of the week. They 28:19 know exactly what they mean. That's why the majority world we put the Catholic Church has 28:23 been keeping it for, you know, after the first second century 3rd century ad. 28:28 >> You're not convinced the Catholic that Sunday. He's not the first day of the week. You 28:31 won't convince a J** that Saturday is not to 7 days a week all of this has been 28:37 going on for a long time. So. >> And they call it apostolic tradition in the convert 28:42 catechism of Catholic doctrine. They said the Sunday celebration. Is the lords of 28:49 the Lord's Day, which they call it that they said Sunday is the day on which the past 28:55 chemistry a celebrated in light of apostolic tradition of follow this tradition of 28:59 15. 65 Pope Reggio. Claim that the Bible, that tradition was above the Bible. Maybe that is 29:07 a revelation, tradition. I said this in the beginning that you may have missed it. 29:12 The concrete of Aaron does not dry overnight. It takes a long time to dry. The lie of the 29:16 Sabbath. Was laid. When the Sabbath was made. Just like the lie that people don't die 29:25 was established from the time that Satan was cast out. But it took years to perpetrated. 29:30 And now today, people saying, well, and here's the here's a very and undeniable fact. 29:38 People say this happened is not mentioned in the New Testament. And the King James 29:42 version. This happens mention 60 Times in the new that is in the new king. James version is 29:48 mentioned 57 times in comparison to only 12 references to the first day. 29:52 >> 8 of those have to do with the resurrection. Sony have for opportunities to find a 29:54 new day of worship. One has to do with the collection that was picked up for Those who in 29:59 Jerusalem and famine and Paul said, let everyone of you last side has got prospered first 30:06 2016. 0st 1. So this is like the Salvation Army coming around to pick up money and 30:11 pick up goods so that when I come, he said that there will be no collecting when I come. 30:15 Not when you come to church. When I come to pick it up, we didn't at first with the in 16 30:18 the next 20 and verse 7. The Bible's talked about they broke on the first day the but 30:24 acts as an versus they broke bread every day. That's what the New Testament Church. We 30:29 call that small group worship nowadays. So so having an evangelistic series on the 30:36 first of the week doesn't sanctified because only God can make something wholly. 30:38 That's the other thing is you find the other reference they have is at 24 7 and then they 30:45 said the disciples gather on the first day of the week. Well, if you read why they 30:49 gather Jesus, they had not known. Jesus was raised when Jesus Rose, he told Mary, Go 30:54 tell my disciples would meet me. They were hiding for fear of the Jews, not having a 31:01 worship service, Jesus up here in the Mitten said to them, peace be still no peace be 31:05 unto you ye. So they were not having a worship service. They said they just kill Lord was 31:09 going happen with no hiding for fear that uses the only 3 chances. You have establish a 31:13 new day of worship. But here's why you couldn't because you can establish something but 31:20 you can't on a stab lish what God has done. That's what less blessed forever. And nothing 31:23 shall be added to it. We're taking away from it. That's OK, that's fine. What's going 31:28 through your mind? But your heart, she ha Harding why there's so much going on here. 31:34 But always got plenty to say. this is I mean, I'm just I'm soaking all of this in and I'm 31:40 just really blessed by it. And I I'm realizing that. >> So much of this is covered 31:45 in this little book trial questions that you might have the concerns, the challenges 31:51 all are covered and how did it get changed? Who did it? >> You know, and who is taking 31:55 credit for the change and then their Protestant leaders who are saying no, it was, you 31:59 know, that they feel. >> And it's the 7th set. The 7th day is the But that's what 32:07 you get. The 7th is the 7th December. But so you want this little book. You can get it 32:13 for free requested. Call 6, 1, 8, >> 627-4651, or email us now. 32:21 I that know you can go online to 3ABN that TVs windy jail here. 32:30 >> Now, Yahoo online at 3ABN. >> That TV and you can order cases of these for just $25. 32:38 You can have a case of 250. You can give the to so many Christians who need to know 32:43 the truth about Lord today they want they are hungering for truth. Give them this 32:48 little book. It's a Bible study in this book. >> Yeah. Got gets the credit 32:53 for it. And people have gone. You know, before us this past and information that we 32:58 gather. And, you know, when you write a song, nobody writes a totally new song. You 33:03 know, gospel song, You you take from here and there and truth that you find you but 33:07 together songs and that's way. So we're not taking credit for the book. We give God the 33:12 credit that he gives us truth. He says if we search for will find it, you know, a search 33:18 for all of our heart will find the truth. So also now the call center is open. So you 33:22 can order tonight. It's open for about 25 minutes or more. If you haven't ordered your 33:28 books just color O would you say caller call or go online or go online, OK, the way? 33:37 >> And order. But what since phones are open? You might as well call to order and to make 33:42 sure there's some books left. There will be eventually be some more coming. 33:45 >> But hopefully they'll be enough to take all your orders tonight, OK, we had a couple 33:49 Someone asked Ryan, would you they know you haven't always been an advantage. So would 33:55 you give a little bit of your testimony? So people out here will say, hey, you know, it's 34:00 not like I was raised this way Fry. You learned it from sinking. Yeah. Just all get a 34:04 real quick just version of my story. You know, I my family and I were very devoted 34:08 Sunday, keeping Christians for many, many years. I was. >> I was a Sunday keeping 34:12 Christian for almost 20 years of my life. my dad was a, you know, Costa preacher raised 34:19 pentecostalism, but also as I was going on my own personal journey of learning Truth, God 34:24 would leave me not just, you know, pentecostalism, but I want to study with bad distant 34:29 Methodist and and Catholics and Church of Christ in many different non denominational 34:32 churches on my search for truth. And, you know, just really quickly because there's 34:37 a lot to the lot of details to the story. But, you know, years ago, my dad brought this 34:41 truth to my dad and mom the truth of the When I was just a little boy and where they had 34:46 heard from us through this series that had aired on this network. I'm Ali, we're doing 34:52 this big series on this network called 3 ABM. Parents heard that series and it just 34:59 how my my dad to searching the scriptures and studying and he was watching all these videos 35:03 from Kenneth Cox and Martin Mark family, which 3ABN it produced an and so but fast 35:08 forward now to my time, you know, my dad and mom kind of got a church for a little 35:12 while and I didn't know where else to go. But to Sunday church, I kept going until one 35:18 day. One of those tapes that had been produced by this network called 3 a tapes in a 35:25 pastor, Mark Finley, given us sermon on the Sabbath and it just kind of spark in me. 35:30 >> What what if with this? Well, what what if we've missed this? 35:34 >> And I remember it led me on a journey just to start digging and searching. And 35:37 while I had started to see it kind of a story, these questions the back of my mind 35:41 like. >> I just don't know things to start making Central Sabbath 35:45 and it doesn't really matter. Well, my dad got this idea of one day to start our own 7th 35:50 keeping church novel, still struggling with the whole Sabbath thing. He said you 35:54 don't want to start of 7. Keep aside at my dad was convinced we're building and doing all 35:59 this different. You know, there work on the on the church that where we 36:01 purchased, you know, renovating a painting all the stuff. Well, this guy walks in 36:05 one day from the community. It was a guy was going to be attending. The church isn't, 36:09 you know, guy that my dad grew up with and he walks into massive. books in his hands 36:16 and he's not out off his religious books and animal I'm just gonna leave him up here 36:19 for anybody who wants them. And I went through started pairing through the books. And 36:23 I found this one. Look at said 10 Commandments, twice removed by Danny Shelton. Chilly clear 36:28 which I didn't know who world. Danny Shelton and Shelley Quinn worth. but I thought 36:33 interesting to come. Take a read it and I'm going through it. And it just it just was 36:39 confirming more want to be back to the Bible. And I would be a started creating those. I 36:43 had a bad that that book was bleeding red and yellow. rain. Boeing now I was just going 36:49 through it and it had all of the historical sources to back it up. And by the way, this 36:52 book that you you would be getting this focus on true. It is a very concentrated juice 36:58 version of all of its incentive to come in removed all of the resources, all of 37:02 the sources, every side. It's not just a phenomenal book. And so I read that book and it 37:05 launched to me on a journey of she's continuing to study one doctrine. After another tool. 37:11 I had to come to the conclusion that, you know what the 7th day is this have 37:14 Saturday is the 7th and then it. Let me the question when a second, if we got that wrong, 37:19 if I've got the rule. >> How does not have the rest of the world not see this as 37:23 the so clear in the Bible and then it led me to think wait a second. If the gods were God's 37:28 word says that the 7th a Sabbath is the 7th of the Lord. It all these church, 37:32 several Shirley Lord has a people out there that are keeping the Sabbath. And I 37:37 started searching and searching until I found that there was his church called 37:39 the 7th Day Adventist Church that upheld all of the 10 Commandments of God that was 37:44 preaching the and diluted 3 just messages to the world. And there's no question about 37:49 it. I came to my dad one day and dad, I'm going to be a part of this church. We 37:52 believe most of what they teach anyways. It's backed by the Bible. And I started 37:57 taking all of that message is I learned in the 10 Commandments twice removed. 37:58 That was my starting journey. >> And I started teaching getting sharing it with as 38:04 many people as possible. And of course, everything just snowballed from there crazy 38:08 He's from reading that book and watching this incredible work that network for my life, 38:15 my family's life and it will transform yours. To my friends. If you're just tuning 38:22 in more and watch programs testimony and there's a bond. someone has a little rebuttal 38:27 for Isaiah 58. Yeah, about that logo passage answer this. What is the difference between 38:32 working at home? >> And working at church for pot? Look, is it OK for people 38:37 who work at churches and pot look work? >> Part of the ministry just 38:40 like the work of the deacon on salmon. >> That depends on what he's 38:44 doing at home. If he's at home feeding and doing things not monetarily rewarded or the 38:52 Bible used the word in this way. lot of people fall short. The word in the Bible. The 38:56 word work is actually a shorter version of the actual translation. It's serve. I'll 39:01 work what the Bible prohibits is. Service work, right? Meaning? That's why since thou 39:10 know thy son know that I've gotten dime and servant north, I made servant not like Adam 39:13 with a stranger that is within I Kate, but it doesn't prohibit. I Some just recently 39:18 called Jesus The Sabbath and the Jews you find on YouTube, which which addresses this 39:23 issue. The difference between work. Service. Now, when you up creating a meal for people 39:30 Gavin Lux app of. That's not work. any more than a person is hungry. They have a need 39:39 and that need is provided. But here's here's proper sabbaths out proper sample. 39:44 Preparation. We're not saying and this is this is the way the Bible pointed out. And I 39:49 love the story and Exodus brings that out. The Lord said to them, I've given you 6 39:57 days. Alright, gather twice as much on the 6th the It's called the preparation day for 40:03 reason. So let's use our church is a prime example. This we have fellowship lunch, 40:08 every Sabbath. The majority of that food is made on Friday, is warming up morning. So it's 40:13 not Cole. We don't say bring out bringing a salary. Bring broccoli cream. All the canned 40:21 food are going to cut all the stuff. know. >> The Sabbath is not a day to 40:26 be burdensome. That's right. And that's what the Lord was trying to illustrate to the 40:29 Hebrews when they were coming out of Israel out of Egypt. Don't make this happen. The 40:34 burden and to people today have made Sabbath observance, they say will by observing the 40:39 Sabbath. It's a The law call the night accident. Isaiah 50 what he called the ad coal 40:46 Mines in the home Lord. A delight right? How could something so beautiful? Be a 40:52 burden. And so the difference between a few home painting, but cutting your fixing your 40:56 motor that's survived for That's not that could be They that's what is. Cut. All that 41:02 out. And I could be a prime example. If you married. Take out your husband or your wife 41:09 on the anniversary and bring a stack of mail with you. while you're at dinner and your wife 41:13 would say. Is a sign of show has been on the go through all of our mail. Check out a See 41:22 how much that we Honey, this anniversary. That's okay. Because how much how much is 41:26 in the bank? No, you would do that to your God wants to set out to be a special time with 41:33 the world is shut off and you and communion Kwan And but the most iconic and go had a 41:42 tornado. >> And myself and a number of other people from the church 41:48 were out all day with their chainsaws. You go. 0, 1, of the ladies was out here just 41:51 not too far mile from where we are the tree. It fell on top of her house and literally 41:58 blocked or fell down was almost through the front door. So we went out and we chopped 42:03 all that up and was able to get her door fixed. And we worked all day. Somebody said, 42:07 well, you have miniseries boost be working as an AU. We're serving. Thank We're not 42:13 that it's a good on the sabbaths, right? And so we're serving. So that's that's a 42:18 great answer. There someone getting hurt. By the way, Danny and the answer to 42:22 support what you just said because we had that strong line when that tore trees up 42:24 in our area. Matthew 12, U.S. 11 12. What man is there among you? Who has one sheet if it 42:31 falls into the pit on the Sabbath will not lay. >> Hold of it and left it out 42:35 or how much most valuable Dan, then as a mandate to sheep, the people are in jeopardy. If 42:40 they need help house on fire trees, Brook, that's what we're talking Lifting the 42:47 burden of others. Yes, is a delightful day, but it be spent in seclusion. 42:51 >> Not talk. Not going to impressive right? The Jews have made it a burden. You 42:56 don't follow the ways Jews honored. Follow the way that Jesus honored. And I want to 42:59 thank this viewer. They m they said clarify what I said. This am. 43:05 >> Danny says were saved by serving the Lord were saved by Grace. First of all, not say 43:10 by works were saved by Grace Amona. It said would would that be works and not grace. 43:14 Please clarify. So we can work our way into heaven. Jesus says if you love me, keep my 43:21 commandments, keep his inaction. Word. And it means that we're doing something. 43:27 And so, you know, that's that's something. Then we we talk about this in the book, 43:30 but maybe I don't want to view explain that. Why, you know is it isn't legalism when you 43:38 keep the Commandments, aren't you trying to earn your way into him on the Ryan took the 43:42 first shot and now, yes, some number. No, absolutely not. You know that the Bible makes 43:45 it very clear the as pastor brought out very clearly. >> That the Commandments of 43:50 the of the Lord, it's to it's the love of God that we keep his commands. His first John 43:54 Chapter 5 verse 3. It's the love of God that we keep his commitment to his commitments 43:58 are not burdensome. And so it's actually quite interesting that you have 44:01 people that will say to you will, by by trying to press the 7th for me to try to push 44:06 this this keeping of the 7th on the Pushing works off on me. 44:09 >> In reality, we're not telling you asking you to rest. The Lord is asking you 44:13 to rest, right know where it's actually the world that saying in their twisted convoluted 44:19 way, they're saying, you know, who leave the Sabbath the Sabbath is done away with. We 44:22 don't need the Sabbath. We don't need those works. But yet they're telling people 44:25 that it's OK to work on God's holy day. >> And so nowhere in the 44:29 Bible, does it say that it is legal stick with wrong? In fact, it's quite interesting 44:33 that when you go to Romans chapter one and verse 5, I want to go there. Romans 44:37 chapter one and verse 5. And it's interesting because many people will use that state 44:43 saved by grace through faith, not of works in which most absolutely the notice. Trapped 44:48 Romans chapter one verse 5 notice with Paul writes through him, speaking of 44:52 Christ through whom we have received grace and apostleship. So we received 44:55 that grace were saved by grace. But what is it for? God is saving the spies. Grace 45:01 were receiving grace. What what's supposed to be the response to that grace? It 45:06 says it right here we have through him. We have received Grayson Apostleship for 45:09 obedience to the face. >> You know, right now go to that famous passage that they 45:14 like to use the Fusion chapter 2, and we're going to read versus 8 through 10. Here's 45:18 that passage. So This is a ephesians fusions chapter 2. We're going to reverse his 45:24 tooth right. Notice what it says here. It's just for by grace. You have been saved 45:28 through faith and not of yourselves. It is a gift of God not of works less than 45:32 once a boost. So we're making it very clear. We don't want yourself to have a little work 45:36 are soft. And and we we do not gain salvation to any type of works, but is Sabbath. Keeping 45:41 works is it is. It is his 7th keeping. We don't we don't keep the Sabbath because we 45:44 think that it's going to get us into heaven. We keep this up because we love God. And 45:47 because he has saved despite grace. But notice this guy does not. Air PA does not 45:51 count out. Works at all because notice what he says. He says the same thing and 45:56 that he says in Romans, one verse 5 right here in the Fusion's too. He says not of 46:01 were slit not of works lest anyone shiver boost. But little dis first in this is 46:04 the response to what he just said. He says for we are his workmanship created in Christ. 46:09 Jesus for good works. So notice it's kind of a cause and effect here. It's crushed 46:15 to 70 by Mike by his grace and I'm saved by grace through faith in him that faith that 46:20 genuineness of the faith is going to call something to happen in my life. the 46:24 response that I'm going to give to God is not Lord. How many things can I get by with 46:29 and not have to do in your word? now can I can I find in your word and say, oh, I don't 46:33 have to do Have to do that. I have to do that. No. The real natural response to being 46:37 saved by the grace of God is that Lord, thank you so much for saving me now. Lord, what 46:42 what can I do to please? You know, what can I do to be saved in working for you? But 46:47 what can I do to please you? Because you have saved me the natural response, according to 46:52 James and James makes his very clear in the in the second chapter of James. He goes on 46:56 to say that faith without works is Come to me and tell me all day long. I have faith, 47:00 but you don't help that brother over there. A need that really needs help. Then 47:03 I'm going to see your works in the works is going to tell the story of your faith and that's 47:08 the truth. And so, yes, make to make it very, very clear. The command keeping the 47:12 Commandments does not save you, however, this is going to open up a whole other can of 47:16 worms in and of itself. Even though I'm saying very clear, the bottle makes it very clear 47:22 that the cause of the keeping of commitments does not save you by rejecting the 47:26 Commandments of God. It can keep you from being saved. Right then we know this 47:31 because when you read all the way through the Bible are so many different references to 47:35 this where Jesus is right there in John Chapter 3. And this is the turn a lot that 47:38 they may know use only true God in Jesus Christ who now have said we need to know him 47:42 right for eternal life. How do we know God First, John, Chapter 2 versus 3, 4, hereby. 47:47 We do know if we that we know him. If we keep his commandments, you that says I 47:51 know him and keep. It's not his commandments is a liar in the truth is not in him. And 47:55 then you get over the book of Revelation. My goodness. Not once, not twice, but 3 We see 48:00 the devil is making war with the commandment keeping people. not? Because they 48:04 believe that their saved by the commitments that because these commitment keeping 48:07 people that the Devils making war with, they love Jesus so much. They want to obey him. 48:12 And then you get over the revelation 14 verse 12 says here's the patience of a 48:24 invited revelations. Well, and getting revelation, revelation 12 in revelation Chapter 14 48:30 and the very last chapter of the Bible revelation. 22 verse 14. If you want to make it in 48:36 the came about. So right now I'm speaking to the person home. This is where I'm if I 48:39 if his commitments don't save me than I don't need them, I don't have to keep them. Do 48:43 you want to eat from the tree of life? Do you want to enter through the gates into the 48:46 city to be a part of the saved right through revelation chapter? 22 verse 14. That 48:49 sense. >> Blessed are those to his command. Do have a right to 48:55 the Tree of Life into the gates into the city. >> So you put all this 49:01 together tells the story were not saved by the commands. I'm not saved by the Sabbath. I 49:03 keep the Sabbath because I love him. Okay. It's based love. It's based on the fact 49:09 that you have died from the EU. Should your blood for me? The least I can do as want to 49:12 come together and say dog, want to rest and spend more time with you. 49:19 >> John, I may be a lot left that quickly. Didn't know how Okay. Now let's just bring 49:22 this to Relational League. Make it so relevant that okay. I've been married 39 years 49:29 praise the Lord. I don't do anything for my wife to get her to let me come right? 49:34 Because I love her. That's right. That's To say you love the Lord. He says if you love 49:40 me, greatest reason to keep the Commandments his because you love the Lord, the words 49:45 of Jesus. If you love me, keep my commandments. Watch this. I had a lady who I had to come 49:52 from that very thing. She was a apostolic she would do at this time live. Her husband 49:58 didn't go to church at all. She came to my revelations coming on Antioch, California. 50:02 And when I made the appeal, her husband stood as she was concerned. She said pastime 50:07 really concern. My husband said when you made the appeal, he wants to join your churches 50:10 that but you told me to go to church before this, but that's a problem. But he wants to 50:13 keep the Sabbath. And I want to on Sunday. I said, well. That's something that you and 50:21 your husband have to discuss. But it's not. She's 5. I know she's a bit. Let me ask you, 50:25 I'm going to be lost because it'll keep the Sabbath. If you do everything because if you 50:31 do it only because you're not going to be lost, then you doing that. A fear not doing 50:35 enough to love. So husband was going to be baptized the Sabbath and he calmly said 50:40 Aung turned away from my life. could up. Could you give me one a week? I said you have to 50:45 decide we can give you another So anyway. That Friday not to call his wife on the phone. I 50:51 said, huh? I want to talk about As of tomorrow is the last time she said past. I 50:58 don't think I'm going to be lost for not keeping the Sabbath. I love the Lord. I 51:03 said that's why he brought it to you. At this point. push you love him. But let's do 51:09 this. Settle laboring long as the shot comes set. Just let's read John 14, 15 And when 51:14 we're done. Just you and the Lord have a conversation, use a lot. Teach me to love you 51:23 that What is my way, if you love me, keep my commandments, et cetera. Ask the Lord Lord, 51:28 teach me to love you that much. See Christians today. Love the Lord, but they don't 51:34 love them that That's the issue. It is not truth. You have they don't receive a love 51:41 of the truth that they might he is not true. That saves you a lot of the 2 that they might 51:46 be same. And when you love the truth, good, strong delusions. All these meanderings trying 51:50 to get rid of the Sabbath, trying to nail to the cause saying that Sunday is better 51:53 on Sunday at the New Day. >> All that meandering in the maze of mediocrity and 51:58 pondering the pool. Popularity is not going to happen when you simply accept and love the 52:02 truth, timber and number one reason many that I keep do it for my wife, but I do fires 52:08 because I love her not to get into the love me. If love the Lord short by honoring his 52:13 commitment 4 minutes left off. We need at the time has flown by and it is flown by. But we 52:21 didn't have, you know, people who are as passionate about they are Lord 2 brothers here. 52:31 would have less. you, honey, so thankful. And so is fun. This man great. love it. 52:33 >> So you again, you might want to get this booklet on the Lord's Call 618-627-4651, 52:45 or go to us online to 3ABN DOT TV. >> And you can order one case 52:50 of 250 of these booklets for $25. That's in the U.S.. That's just for the shipping 52:57 in the U.S. if you're outside of the U.S., just call us and get the international shipping 53:05 >> Yeah. And for those that this is live, but when it repeats again over the 53:07 weekend, somebody may not always be there. So you can go to the 3 ABN DOT TV or wait. 53:15 Monday and you can always call in 618-627-4651, >> you know, I didn't finish 53:22 that story. Somebody say what happened to the lady? Oh, That next. As the church its have a 53:28 school just early enough because I want to call the baptismal certificates a 53:32 Friday night. >> And she came to me after she came to me, have to a 53:33 school. And she said all Pastor. Because my wife came into office and she said she 53:38 say said no, she's going to. So after school, she can use the past. Get baptized. Thou. 53:48 I said I know he is you. That Every time I go to California. >> She and her husband, 53:53 wherever we are to come out and see us in honor children without ties together. Yeah. 53:58 and that great because she loves and that the only reason if you love them that this 54:02 will take long at all. But I've got to just kind of put the nail in all this right 54:05 here. yes. >> Why would the Lord take away the blessing of the Kind 54:10 of points to him try and then we also will keep it in the new heaven and new Earth. 54:17 That's right. I say of 66. Yeah, 22 23. That's for us. The new heavens and the new 54:21 earth show make shall remain before me says the Lord. So show your descendants, a new 54:25 name shall remain and it shall come to pass the from one new moon to another and from one 54:30 Sabbath to another shell, all flesh come worship him or me or you says the Lord. When the 54:36 disciples came to Jesus in said Jesus teaches how to pray. What was his response? 54:41 father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done. 54:49 >> On Earth as it is have if we're going to keep a Sabbath than having Jesus you might as 54:54 well start practicing right now is not done away with it's a blessing. It points to him 54:58 and we should be honoring it according to the word of God. thank thank you all so much. 55:01 And those of a home for joining us. You know, I have friend several years ago and 55:07 I'd written the book Forgotten Commandment is. And so we read it and he's so well. The 55:12 trouble I have is good. Christian family and his wife, the trouble I have with that. 55:18 The as the sabbaths, you know, he said a lot of Evans played them. Okay. But a Sabbath. 55:23 >> He said you go to church every Saturday and I said, yeah. And so that's to me. 55:29 That's legal Izmir trying to work your way and they haven't. So he said I don't 55:33 try to work my way into heaven. You know, we're free. We're not burdened by the 55:37 commandments. And he began to go into that. And so I said, so you think may go into 55:42 church every sabbath them where got hers legalism and he said, yes, I do. Frank and I 55:47 said, well, do you go to church every Sunday? I said I think I see you every Sunday. 55:52 We're actually neighbors for a while. Every Sunday nights. In fact, you go to church twice 55:57 on Sunday, don't Oh, yes, we do. I said was that Legalism? Are you trying to work your 56:01 way into heaven? You know, why would you you know, I'm saying he's saying we go to church on 56:06 Sabbath. We worship got we're working our way, but he never thought about what you're 56:11 doing. The same thing. So I said, no, I think I would just rather go on the on God's day, 56:18 the no man's You know where a man's day came from and it wasn't a Lord as another 56:22 system will talk about. Pastor John, as you said, for another day so. And in closing 56:30 thoughts. >> I'm just so grateful that the Lord has given us a 7. It 56:33 is. It is relational day. It is the time when we get together with the Lord and 56:38 have kind of a date with the Lord. All right. >> I'm glad thankful for the 56:42 date with you and to God as we move system. And this will mean thing, great shape. Look 56:50 at how beautiful full in Moines for him. All right. And she's beautiful on the inside. 56:58 So are you? I'm sure our time is all gone for today. So until we you next time, Megan 57:03 are richly bless you. Abundantly more than you could ever ask my team. 57:06 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:21 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:37 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:52 ♪ |
Revised 2023-02-10