Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL230001B
00:11 >> hello and welcome back to 3 again today live. We're so glad you joined us this
00:15 evening. What a great way to be starting out the year 2023 hard to believe we're actually 00:20 about what, 11 days in 12 days and 12 days. live coming to you live here from 3ABN. And 00:26 we've been talking about the faithfulness of God. How he's been faithfully is faithful. 00:32 We know he's going to continue to be faithful in our lives. We've been asking for your 00:36 prayer request. Your prayers reports how God has been faithful in your life. And 00:40 we've been receiving a lot were just talking to Ian here in the 2 minute break. He's 00:42 the producer for tonight and he said I'm a little bit behind is going to bring us 00:46 the founders. We've got a lot coming in tonight to thank you so much being a part of our 00:50 family. Know this is just fantastic. We're part of the family of God is just great. 00:55 Thank you for the interaction. Hear testimonies of how God is working. Of course in your 01:00 life. >> And when you call or when you email or when you text, if 01:03 you could say the state you're calling. Well, that's one of the country have battered the 01:07 country. Yeah. Nice to see that. There are 3ABN family comes from all over world. 01:14 What a wonderful time to share together to rejoice in God's goodness and to see how he's 01:18 working in our lives. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Other from California Rowena from 01:23 California. I lost a loved one. You want in the past 3 years, Lou, including my 01:31 mother and father. I lost my job, but our gracious learned comforted me in his loving 01:38 embrace during my time of the law. So he has been providing for my needs this past year in 01:44 tomorrow morning. I have a job interview. Great is his. That's right. The I like that. 01:53 You know that you can see here we can have it all caps. His is is faithfulness. 01:58 >> will preview from our interview. >> Absolutely. And Rowena 02:02 you're not alone and you have many family members here on the table, man and at 03:00PM. 02:09 This is from Sean and pray for me having major surgery, money that God be with the doctors 02:15 and all involved in for a healthy recovery will be praying for you. This is 02:19 Camille, pray for my family that we may grow closer in the Lord and pray for my faith to 02:24 grow in. What a great prayer as we start the new Year, ask God to increase and then 02:32 That's what this from Saint Lucia, thank you for calling in from Saint Lucia, asking 02:38 for prayer for his family and healing his daughters having difficulties in school and son 02:42 has a difficult time in his job and asking for prayer to finish his house. So going to 02:48 a lot of things there in Saint Lucia. So too. We should stop and pray for these right now. 02:52 Before we these things. >> Sounds good. do that. Yes, the S. Our loving heavenly 02:59 father. We're hearing of many needs lowered that to us. It's >> amazing. How much suffering 03:09 there is in the world. It's beyond our understanding how you Lord are able to suffer 03:17 along with them, too. And Lord, we know that you are very near to each and every 03:24 person going through some difficulty. You know, they're every tier there. Every hardy. 03:28 And those stocks. Of sadness. And confusion. We pray that you will indeed be very near 03:40 bless the Lord that they may know that you care help them to understand that your love 03:45 for them is beyond their understanding. And Lord, we bring before you. Those that 03:52 need healing those that need comfort, those that need strength, those that meet that 03:56 need to be lifted up from depression those that are struggling May they look back 04:05 and see that you have taken care of them thus far and you will in the future and we pray 04:10 for those that are looking for a job. Guide them to the place that you have for them to 04:15 work. Helping to do their part. That will open the way for you to do your part. And 04:24 having the father we ask for you, too, blessed with wisdom. Those that are confused and 04:29 don't know what to do. And having the father, there is any among us. That is 04:39 considering ending their May they know that Jesus is the way that and the line think 04:47 and that whatever problem they're going through, you have the You have the door 04:51 that you can open. Yes, and there may be doors that you need to shut INS. We pray that 04:57 you will help them to open their hearts to you and that they may see that you can do 05:03 all things and that we you all things are possible. We pray. Heavenly father, for you to 05:10 consider every request that we have received. We may not be able to read them all. But we 05:15 pray that in the effort they have made to send them yes, as you have and we'll read them 05:20 having this. And then you Lord will send you might be a just and mighty things we ask you, 05:26 Heavenly father, for these things and the Holy and blessed name. chief this 05:33 payment. I am. Yes. Ryan? Come to you, something about God's faithfulness in finances. 05:43 >> I Well, the best way that I could start this segment is by reading a couple of text 05:48 towns. Libyan chapter 4 verse is 1920. This right here really is kind of the thesis 05:54 for everything. I'm about to go through the next few minutes. And that is, it says, 05:58 and my God shall supply all your needs. According to his riches in glory and men across 06:03 Jesus in our response now to our God and father, be glory for ever and Amen. Those 06:11 that's a promise. Yes, there. The Bible is flooded with promises from the almighty God 06:15 who Scott constantly reminding us the no matter what particular situation you may 06:20 be found in. He's always there and he will always provide if only we would trust in him. 06:26 Some chapter 68 verse 19. This is blessed. Be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits. 06:36 I love day put the benefits the gun notices, the God of our Salvation said just love 06:42 that. You know, God has is is definitely. >> Daily loading us with 06:46 benefits. Many times benefits that we may overlook benefits that we may not recognize in 06:52 the moment. you know what? At the end of the day, God just simply says, you know what 06:57 trust in me if you'll trust in me and you'll follow me no matter what particular 07:02 economical status for financial status you may be. And the truth is, we all may 07:04 be in a different different reality. Oftentimes there's people in this world that 07:10 thinking wrongfully kind erroneously that, you know, with 5 abundance the worldly 07:16 abundance and abundant abundant sun, currency or whatever it may be of this 07:21 world that I'm blessed by God. And that's not always the case. And then there's people 07:24 that think that will because I'm just dirt poor, I don't have much are just seem to 07:28 scrape by from day to day, trying to find where my next meal is going to come from. 07:33 The line must be cursed. And that's not always the case. Either. Got meet us where we 07:36 are. He provides for us where were we are no matter what what particular whatever 07:43 particular situation we find ourselves in. You know, I'm constantly reminded of Matthew 07:47 Chapter 6, something that read this entire a pair of passage because it would take a little 07:51 bit. But as I was preparing today and in the past few days, I was pondering this. 07:57 Matthew Chapter 6 is just one of those powerful message to find sermon on the Mount where 08:02 God reminds us, you know what, don't worry about the things that you need in this life 08:07 because I the God of heaven will provide for you. He says right here in the opening 08:11 verses of the segment, which is starting with verse. 25 in Matthew Chapter 16, just 08:15 therefore, I say to you do not worry about your life are what eat or what you will drink one 08:20 or one or about your body or what you will put on. It's not life more than food in the 08:24 body more than clothing. Look at the birds of the air. I love this for the neither so 08:30 read nor gathering to Barnes yet your heavenly father feeds them. He takes care of those 08:35 little because they could take care of themselves, he provides for them, it says, 08:40 and, you know, are you not of more values and which of you, by worrying can add one Cubit 08:47 was stature. You continue down this heels will don't worry about clothing, God. he makes 08:52 these lilies in these flowers, look as abundantly beautiful as they are, as is the God of 08:54 heaven. Also not going to take care a view and then down in verse. 31, therefore, do not 09:00 worry saying what shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we, where for after all 09:04 these things, the gentiles see that says the world, the world seeks after those things. The 09:08 world 6 after these things because they have no hope. They don't believe in the God 09:12 that takes care of us don't believe in the God that provides for them vote. They 09:17 are He still died for them. He loves the money fight for them. It's just for your 09:22 heavenly father knows that you need all these things. We'll seek ye first. The kingdom of 09:27 God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do 09:31 not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow. We'll worry about it home. So it's on things. So 09:36 fish of the day as its own trouble. I love that passage because it reminds me often 09:40 and I'm reminded often of how God has provided for me, even when I undeserving, every 09:46 single one of us are not worthy of his goodness. We're not worthy of of of his of his 09:52 grace. And this case you were talking about dots, faithfulness and finances. I 09:55 can look through all of my life and I can tell you I can I can write a book on all of 10:01 the decisions that I've made financially that that, you know, I don't is I wouldn't 10:06 don't deserve and have not deserved a blessing. I have not deserve anything any of 10:09 the goodness that God has bestowed upon me in my life. But I can tell you right now, 10:13 I look back over the timing and I think of all of bad spot that I put us in a it will 10:20 bite you know, just an educated spending or whatever it may be or just simply a, 10:25 you know, not being trusting in the Lord and not really following his precepts are not 10:29 really following. He's the promises of his word in the councils of his word. But 10:32 through it all and through it all God was faithful. you know, he looked past my 10:40 ignorance in and he saw he sees us who we can be and who we are, which is his children. 10:46 And he's not going to let us hungry. He's not going to let us go in close. He's not going 10:50 to let us go on without our needs being met, especially in these last days. We need to 10:55 trust in him more than ever remember. So it is that same Proverbs chapter 3 versus 5, 10:59 6, trust in the Lord. With all your heart and lean, not on your own understanding in all 11:04 your ways acknowledge and he shall direct your path. It's all about trusting in him when 11:09 we trust in him. I love this. Last less text. Jeremiah Chapter 17 verse a 7, 8, 11:15 blessed is the man who trust in the Lord. Whose hope is in the Lord for he shall be like 11:23 a tree planted by the waters but spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear 11:28 when he comes. But its leaf will be green and will not be anxious. And the year of 11:34 drought cease from yielding fruit. You know, it may not be God's will for all of us to be 11:40 millionaires. It may not be God's will for all of us to have, you know, that big 11:45 massive house with a white picket fence with hundreds of acres around it. I don't on 11:49 this giving a scenario. You know, we think of the American dream when in reality, many of 11:54 us are living an American nightmare. But at the end of the day, Jesus is trust in I'm 12:00 still providing I will still provide if we will trust in him. I think of my life and I 12:05 know that I'm not a millionaire. All the love not also been dirt poor either. 12:09 But, you know, God has provided through and all I can think of as I was preparing 12:12 for this as of contemplating on this with the last few days. And in this new year of 12:18 looking back on how God has been faithful, all I can think of is. 12:28 >> Grady's knife. A is. >> needing to >> Great 12:45 >> is >> 2 good who need from? those words are true. 12:54 >> More now than ever Cause faithfulness just put this question out there to all when 13:03 we are. He's got still faithful when we are not. >> what do you all think? I'm 13:12 just going put out their second chronicle. 6. What does that is we reject? people be 13:23 Jeff? his presence is with us. Always. And let's we've him in the lead. 13:28 >> can cause a lot of calls. >> While she's finding what just quoting, Romans, 5, 8, 13:36 You guys remember Coleman's 5, 8, is unit of this so much they descended that for a 13:42 while. We're But but one thing that I do feel is that we need to remember. 13:48 >> What does help me find that scripture. Somebody second chronicled anyway with 13:54 paraphrase what it? Yes, what it says if know what does it say the Lord is when you while 14:06 you are with him, this is sick. second chronicles 15, too. If you see cam, he will 14:11 be found by But if you force a can, he will forsake you. And the reason I'm bringing this 14:19 up is yes, long as we trusted Lord and seek it. He says he will never leave us. He to 14:28 stay for but sometimes people come to him and just take him for granted and they go off in 14:35 the other direction. >> And they still expect the blessing the Lord to continue 14:39 to puts them. And we just have to remember, God looking for our faithfulness to walk in 14:48 loyalty to him. >> Yeah, that's good. Really good. I'm going to make 14:52 reference to the people of Israel. You know, you look at their history as they were 14:59 going to the desert and God was every day bringing down to them. Yes, they were not being 15:04 faithful every day, but God was still bringing math to them. And the Bible says the 15:10 heat, his for the benefit of that just and the on just so even while this world. If you 15:19 if you put in a scale, how many good people and how many bad people you know God still 15:27 blesses this world so that people have access to the food they need. How many people 15:34 that you would say, oh, no, that's a wicked center. He should. He doesn't deserve to 15:39 be today. But yet the Lord has provided some how some way that that person can eat 15:42 really got. Every single day. God is faithful. The reality is that if God were to judge 15:51 or do things, according to our faithfulness. Just taking the example of eating okay. You 15:59 people have or you are with it today. You're not going to eat today. No, God is God is 16:03 merciful. God behind. >> That's right. I look at that is his common grace 16:08 because you're right. He good 2 is that's what he is a God he seeking I was making 16:15 referenced in that shared is that when we come to him for salvation. Jesus didn't die. 16:26 So for us so that we could live like the devil. And you say people who come to him for 16:31 salvation and say a lot of accepted Christ as my savior and then they turn around and 16:38 walk away from him. And that was my reference because, yes, God is faithful to his 16:45 creation. He is 1, 0, >> You're going to read some of these. Go remain on that. 16:54 Just the scripture making its second Timothy to. That's a good clear faithful faith 16:57 lives. >> He remains safe and cannot deny himself into the 13 he 17:11 joined faithful to his word use. you look at that scripture, that is. 17:14 >> ISIS is and isn't first, John, God. Love And because of this love he is good to 17:24 everyone. I really there's no one has ever lived since. Adam Till now has not received of 17:32 his And it even while people were walking in saying God is merciful, you have you have 17:36 the parable of the lost you can look at this as an individual that lack while 17:42 that person was out there doing whatever they were doing, God will watching over 17:46 them, taking care of them. He's he has withhold himself. You know, he it may be that it 17:53 has mentioned the something that will remain. I think what many people got in 6 blessing 17:59 us and that a reality that all should take into consideration. I I know he 18:03 certainly taste me down. >> you know. >> You know, tonight receiving 18:12 your praise report prayer requests, how God is faithful to you. And if you're seen as 18:17 really like, well, how in the world like contact 3 ABN, several ways you can do it by 18:20 calling the cost of the open tonight, 618-627-4651. You can text. This is 6, 1, 8, 18:28 228-3975. You can also e-mail us live at 3, a B in DOT TV. We're getting word that that 18:35 they're just pouring in. That's great. The JD you mention that there may past or 18:39 joining We don't quite read tonight. We're still going to put it will pray to in the 18:42 lower tiers. Of course, the prayers want to receive them requests. 18:46 >> this is Ghana for Minnesota. Thank you for telling us where you're from. 18:50 Please pray for my body to be This is Brenda from Virginia. She's very sick and need God's 18:58 healing touch and pray for her family. This is pray for us in California who are threatened 19:04 by flooding of homes, churches, schools, especially in the Sacramento, in the Lodi 19:11 area. This my prayer requests for my wife, for healing. She has several medical problems. 19:17 This to stand from Idaho. Jason has a testimony. He in a severe wreck, but he is from 19:27 Saint Lucia. He gives lorry taking on praise God. This is Sarah cant find what is wrong. 19:34 She had stomach problems and needs gods. You >> This one comes from Martha. 19:40 She's 95 years old and she's all alone. But her church is her The family are family, but 19:49 she's calling because she has problems with their eyes, glaucoma and macular 19:53 degeneration and a mask on her kidneys. So let's remember, Martha, this callers from 19:58 Oregon wants prayer for her son with severe eye problems to be fixed so he can see and 20:03 her eldest son needs prayer for salvation and to know the love of God. This call is from 20:09 Washington State calling for friend who for bypass surgery yesterday. 6 hour-long surgery 20:15 and a very long recovery. Pray that recovery goes well and pray for her brother. This is 20:23 another person from Texas that has very bad depression, just lost his wife and also for 20:28 herself of fibromyalgia. Jansen. Doug is very depressed. Is going to get 20:36 going in for some medical treatment. Please pray for America. Miracle. And this 20:41 person is doing with some mental issues and her sister has cancer so well, so much in 20:48 this in this world that may give songs. 34 for good. Some started for cause. There be 20:54 some buddies. That something. Ossoff, the Lord and he heard good and he delivered me from 21:03 all my fears that goes back to what we were. Family members want to go. He hears. You 21:10 know, he cares and that but >> perhaps need perhaps you need to sink him. it wouldn't 21:19 hurt point that salute line. Let's transition to talking about prayer for ministry. 21:25 >> I ran for dogs. Today's Salinas and Fay from this in ministry show. I talked to us 21:29 about that. Well, first off, I misunderstood the assignment. I thought we talking about 21:37 rededication. So I don't anything for this. >> you know that. And So talk 21:48 rededicate talk about the faithfulness of God. because I have to take stand and 21:56 hopefully wonder of the Lord and every day I think my favorite. Scripture, his 22:04 revelation, 13, 8, that he was the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the drilled 22:12 us what that is. That's the Yes, before God ever created our Earth. That caught head 22:18 made a covenant among themselves say made a plan, one of them with calm down and 22:24 Philippians 2, 5, 8, talks about it. He came down. He humbled himself to take on our 22:32 flash. And what if you come to do? He came to to hide for us Keepers. 13, 20 says that she 22:41 says blood is the blood of the Everlasting Covenant and the goal of the covenant is this 22:46 second Corinthians 5.21. says made him who knew no sine to be sand forest that we might 22:55 become the righteousness of God in Christ And when you think about the thankfulness 23:02 lot, he didn't even you know, you were talking about the Israel lights. Yes, they would 23:09 reject him. That doesn't mean he doesn't calm AF. Do you have 3 cause? He certainly 23:14 chased me down with his left. What ministry when we're talking about faithfulness 23:18 ministry. 2 minister means to serve to minister means. >> To meet someone Snee, you 23:28 know, Jesus it. And Mark, can 45 even the sum of mayhem did not come to be served but to 23:37 serve and to keep life. As a ransom for many. But like I said, he didn't die that we 23:46 could live like the devil. He came to make practiced by faith. And I want to go back 23:53 to the one I read earlier for it for woman who has a problem with their marriage. 23:57 >> When Jesus? Confronted Saul and that the mask and road. Who is out persecuting the 24:10 church. says get ready to call him to speak and minister to the in 40 words of X. 26 for C 24:17 T. What he does is this is the entire gospel of righteousness by fate. Jesus said that he 24:27 was sending Paul to open their eyes to turn dark, missed a lot from Satan's power to the 24:33 power of that is one aspect. If righteousness by faith that justification that he's going 24:43 to bring us forgiveness of sins and turn us away, he says I'm in it that they may 24:48 receive forgiveness is since there's justification and an inheritance among those who 24:54 are sanctified by faith see. So he shows us justification, sanctification and that 25:01 inheritance sanctification of these to be delivered from the power of sand. So we have in 25:09 first thessalonians, one of my favorite promises about faithfulness. He wants. He 25:16 relates to us. Yeah, right. Distance by faith is relational. Turn God wants to 25:26 make. You can write first child ones. 7 if 1, 9, says we will our he will forgive us of 25:33 our sons of we love go. I can't sing like you. >> it says he will cleanse All 25:44 right. That's for arraignment every day. I pray like you or say I pray. Oh, lord caused me 25:52 to hear your loving kindness because meeting or to know your voice. Oh, Lord, lead me 25:59 by your good Fill me with your holy Spirit. made me in the way everlasting created me a 26:06 clean heart. Oh, Lord, I want to be sanctified and he says I'm for system long 5.23. may 26:13 have got a piece that's Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace himself sanctify you 26:20 completely. He's going to separate you from Sen God is holy God is love. He does no 26:27 harm. He cannot see God is slight. He is right. Just and he wants to priest or his 26:37 righteousness ID you. He said May he come about sanctify? You completely may your whole 26:44 spirit soul body be preserved. Blame us at the coming of the Lord. Jesus Christ. He will 26:51 cause faithful who will also do it. I take a few more minutes. I've got some haha. 27:04 >> That was the I need, you know, water haha. >> When we talk about ministry 27:14 and we know that the great commission when Jesus said in Matthew, 28 go there for make 27:21 disciples of all yes. That's right. She teaching them to everything that I commanded 27:25 you. So we think of ministry were all called to be ambassadors for that reporting 27:32 in. We share this gospel of righteousness by to the Lord. Ministering for the Lord. 27:42 We're teaching preaching. There's the oversight of the church, charitable deeds 27:45 cooking for somebody coming to the aid of others. We're not all pastors, some of this work 27:53 in the background. We all have the needs of service that we can do it when we do the Jesus 27:59 what you've done for the least of the shoot that for me. But here's my question. We're 28:05 talking about rededication. Ivory dedicate my life free K to Lord. I know that I am a 28:13 leaky vessel. I asked to be filled every day with the Holy Spirit. My question is, we? So 28:20 busy? With religious activity? That we're making an idol out of my lap of ministry escape. 28:32 We are doing it without it. The presence and the power of God. The answer shifts to 28:37 that. In revelation, Tree 20. We see a picture. She says he's standing outside the door 28:47 of a lukewarm church. He is not King Hunt to war, but to come the end. I will you. I 28:56 will fellow ship with you. And I think that what we need to realize is that often we put 29:05 she sits on the outside song. Want to talk to about this in Exodus 19, 6 when he had 29:11 rescued Hebrew children. He called them all to be kingdom of priests and they said no, 29:17 thanks. So he had to. Race up the priesthood to minister to the Lord. Will you know what 29:25 first, Peter, 2, 9, to see you and I. Part of a chosen generation special people are 29:36 called reclaim his praises. I want to share something with you that I want. Us to all put 29:46 on the top of our priority list. We must first minister to the Lord. Before we can 29:54 minister for the Lord. That's good. It's good. 3.23. Says whatever you do. Do it. Hardly 30:05 as to the not to mean it in X 13, too. They are ministering to the Lord, it says is in a 30:14 the infested the holy Spirit said to this group of disciples, separate. To me 30:23 Barnabas and solve for the work which I call them. Then having fasted and prayed and 30:28 laid hands on them. They sent them away pope with a 2 week. To minister to the Lord. They 30:36 were ministering to the north to minister to the lords like the levitical priest. He is to 30:44 enter into skates with Thanksgiving and that reminds us we all of our blessings. We 30:50 will not take his blessings for granted. It is all raise the Lord. Bless the Lord O 30:57 myself, forget not all of this Then we enter into his courts with praise and as we praise 31:04 him, you know what happened? He's been we're ministering to the Lord just like that. Where 31:11 priests were kingdom of priest and what happened is I gave them Hart to respond to him 31:19 because they recognized who he was. How do you minister to the Lord Siakam first? See Kim 31:26 first thing in the morning to in 5th you 6.33. seek and his righteousness first, the like 31:38 King David, who said in Psalm 63, 0, Lord, you, oh, my God early will icq. He says my 31:46 soul thirsts for you in drive Thursday land where there is no water. He went when God 31:53 said to him, say to my face, what does it mean to seek God's face you're seeking his 31:59 presence? You know, some people pray hits, Lord, I need this, this this this got says 32:05 come to me to know me. What we want to do is we want to trust in the Lord and his 32:14 faithfulness in paper 7.22, he said that he Jesus Christ is the surety of this covenant. 32:23 This everlasting Covenant upright by faith. He's our high priest. He calls us to 32:30 come 7.25. Before his throne grace to find mercy and grace in a time need judo. Half to 32:42 make legal for the You can't go for the Lord, but I'm going to stop because want to give 32:49 somebody else. But a chance just remember. When he says that he's going to Santa is 32:56 completely. He's going to make us spotless with the coming of the Lord. first testimony is 33:05 5.20, forces. He who call is faithful and he will do it. He will complete. That could 33:14 work. He has speak. And then, you know, so ministry to the Lord, him fill you up to every 33:21 day. Then you can minister I'm glad you misunderstood the assignment. 33:35 >> greatly dedication. Thank you for sending in your prayer request. Thank Mike for 33:38 sending in longer phrase reports. They're coming in. This is. 33:43 >> Now he would like prayer. She's experiencing paralysis from her waist to her wow. 33:48 She's thankful for 3ABN and she lives in Jamaica. So we're praying for you to write. 33:54 Jasmine from New York came across 3 band during COVID and he's been watching ever sense. 33:59 She is sense. Re committed her life to God. Pray for her daughter and her for family 34:04 that they find God's word and give their life completely to him. Pray for Ali. She's a 34:10 serious health condition for 10 years mind. Pray for healing. Please pray for my 34:15 grand daughter, Jasmine. She's in prison. She's given our heart to the Lord in prison is 34:23 participating in worship pray she will get out and continue to worship and serve the Lord. 34:27 Angela from Jamaica loves these testimonies this evening, loves the program. 34:34 Pray for the family of her co-worker who just passed away and her mom, her family, who 34:40 lost sisters to cancer, pray for a burger and her family that they would receive the 34:45 holy Cow >> so many coming in this evening will go to another 34:51 time for right here in just another minute for 2 Min read, a couple more per request 34:54 press reports that have come in this evening says please pray for Joyce and also her 35:00 birthday is on the 20th of January. Should be 90 years old. Where this us Daphne from 35:07 Maryland wants to give God praise for healing. Sister Dalia. Her powerful testimony 35:12 this evening has magnified my faith in God be a family. A deer, 3, D and family and 35:19 blessed by the testimony tonight of misses dizzy. >> Tonight I'm asking for 35:23 prayers for salvation for my family, especially my daughter with addictions. please pray 35:30 for my health and This is anonymous from New York City. This person or daughter has 35:35 COVID Mary from Oklahoma or daughter has COVID. She can't seem to get past it. Just a 35:38 few more here. This person do with the marriage issue. Another one is please pray for 35:45 my family members currently in hospital with tack a card in an Susan, like to say, thank 35:51 you to 3 been for helping her be in touch with her savior. He watches 3 ABN almost every 35:58 evening in 3, a B has made a big difference in her life. Praise God and birth of from 36:02 Arizona would like prayer for her asthma and kidney issues and a lingering cold and 36:08 another person name a Joyce would lie prayer for her family and children. Her 36:11 daughter has surgery needs healing. So yes, so many have a few more. 36:15 >> Coming in barber from Canada, pray for all people to come to know. Jeanne Moos, Rd 36:20 says pray for my mother admitted to ICU with congestive heart internal 36:24 bleeding, pray that she'll have assurance of This is Antoinette from Las Vegas. 36:31 Love's 3ABN needs prayer for her sister who won't talk to her. She's 90 and all alone. 36:36 She's afraid should die alone and nobody will know the loneliness is taking a toll on 36:40 her. And when that you are never alone, the Lord Jesus aspire side right now. 36:49 >> Brian, you want to pray for some of let's go to Florida. Father in heaven. 36:55 ♪ >> As I sit at this table tonight, Lord and I here all 37:01 of these. Proquest coming in more just overwhelmed. Even more. So Lord, just in all the 37:11 fact that you. Mission dot and, you know, on Co, you it's people that are hurting. that 37:20 are in pain. People that are into deep fear, anxiety. People that are lonely. Yeah. 37:30 People in morning. People that are. Anxious and afraid of. What's going to happen 37:38 tomorrow. Where the next dollars come in come for the next meal or the next film. 37:47 Father you see on, you know? Yet in your word, you say pray for one Lord. We certainly 37:56 don't have the answers. We call out. Team denies this because we know 38:02 >> Thank you. >> Father, we pray. The faith of the prayer face this. We 38:12 ask that you intervene. >> Yeah. >> Trim it. Hit beautiful, 38:19 comforting spirit, come down into the hearts and minds into the homes of all these who are 38:23 in need. touch for me. Thank you who are in need a peaceful the calmness of your hand to 38:34 your let your people the while this wicked world may be projecting their spirit and 38:44 the spirit of God is being withdrawn slowly each day. That you're still there for 38:49 those who like you. You see. Call out So far. The poor out your spirit, 2. Creating clean 39:01 heart of God. Yes, and right spirit within us. We ask in Jesus holding hands. 39:12 >> you know, somebody we were praying for a someone asked for prayer that. Their loved 39:20 one would have assurance of salvation. If you have a deep question read first, John 39:24 5.10, to 12. The Bible tells us that if we accept the free gift Salvation Ephesians 2, 8, 39:35 3, consistent, we're saved by grace through faith. Not works that we could boost. Yeah. But 39:41 first, John 5.10 says when we come to Christ, if we are in crisis, we have have assurance 39:51 of salvation. It says this is the testimony of God. If you have this 39:58 >> Sure saves. And if you but when I was talking about pay ministry. Just want to say 40:05 this one. think. I remember when. We gave up the business to accept God's call to 40:15 full-time ministry. What the Lord spoke to me. Got stuff made 2 pris into his presence 40:25 in and I've been doing something for the last 8 or 9 months now. That's going back 40:32 into an have that I am journaling, my And so all I'm going to tell you something. 40:40 just it's like I write out a love letter to the Lord. You know, and I would say that 40:45 probably the first 60% Thanksgiving and praise in the next time interceding for it. 40:52 The only thing I'm praying for myself is about change the in restoring his righteousness. I 40:59 remember when God first called us. Ministry. And he I was listening for that. Still 41:07 small voice. And what he said to me. was always before. You put your hand to the powwow. 41:16 In turn back. But he said not this time. I will cup my over your And I can say. That was. 41:28 January. The first 2000 that Lord said that. And he has kept. His hand over. My God is 41:41 a moment. >> God is faithful. That's >> say something like that. 41:50 what we're going through trials and all very difficult to think positively, you know, 41:55 sometimes we an ad from the aches and pains to now which very, very real. But, you the 42:05 Bible's also encourages us in all things, good And through crank you all things and some 42:12 may say, what do you mean? You know, most like? I mean, that freeway. I mean, what the 42:17 Bible says, it's what it means. And life in it. So I want to encourage those that 42:23 are going through trials. Those are sick. This benefits of being sick, benefits of 42:32 going through these trials and you're so what benefits can to possibly, you know, say that 42:37 there is for us. Well, which closer to the like, yeah. Those songs that minister to 42:44 us as we were children and parents. I want to encourage you talk to your children 42:48 about the love of Jesus, about his power to his company. It encourages us to read the 42:56 Bible. It encourages too. Consider the joy of the Lord is my strength and and we will 43:03 make it through it. like I said before, NJ was for 15, he says and a prayer offered in 43:13 faith will make the sick person hole and the Lloyd will raise them up if they have 43:20 sent, they will be So what have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. summer 43:26 stuff. It takes us and forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And he 43:35 ready to receive And this new walk with the Lord 2023. >> And I remember something 43:42 that Clarence Larson said to me when I first started working here. He said every 43:46 call and every letter doesn't represent. One person represents thousands of people 43:53 is correct. And when you know, all of the surface since thousands of people in the 43:57 same situation, yeah. And I caught the attention of assurance of salvation. I said 44:02 to myself, you know, there are so many scriptures to help us understand that. We have 44:10 assurance of salvation in Jesus, right? one of the script just like to share with 44:15 you. He came to seek and to say that which was And this is a script. It too 2 to ponder 44:20 on to think about. He came to seeking to save that, which was lost. I want to read to 44:26 you from John Chapter one. This has been quoted earlier, but maybe there are some new 44:32 people. So he made great John chapter one. And this is here in verse 11 12. He came to his 44:40 home and his own did not receive him. to this. But as many as received him and I'll 44:47 stop there as many as received him. You know, some people are where even concerned. I don't 44:52 know if Jesus were next at me, but this verse says as many as received him. Don't worry 45:00 about. >> If whether or not Jesus is going to receive you, he's 45:05 waiting for you to receive him and notice what happens when you receive him. He says to 45:12 them he gave the right in the system. The King James Risen the past our prime to become 45:18 children of God. And to those who in his name. Wonderful scriptures. Think about that. 45:24 He is just waiting for you to open your heart to him. And also, please remember if you 45:31 come to him, he will not cast you out. That's right. Matter of fact, he. That's according 45:37 to the the parable of the Prodigal son. He will meet to a great way off. So it's focus 45:46 he's a wonderful that we say this for last. Pastor John, who want to talk to us about 45:50 the faithfulness of God's promises and his word. >> Great song. Standing on the 45:57 promise and the God My Savior. So talk to us about how to stand on God's promises and 46:01 his faithfulness. not for some reason. I want to start with this little story. We had an 46:07 opportunity to to meet this gentleman. his sons were famous and rich and because 46:14 his sons were famous and rich, he became a target off people and that we're kidnappers. 46:21 They wanted to make some quick money and they asked for a ransom of 2 million dollars 46:27 that he remembers his I'm going to call him Mario Seoul. What kind of life that live 46:34 before he was taken kidnap? Well, he had a wife, but he didn't pay much attention to 46:41 her because he wanted to have other women. So he was living this type of life and his 46:45 wife. Was also living her life. She would just take off. She'll say to him, I'm going 46:52 on a trip where you going. I think a of friends this time. are you going back? I don't 46:59 know. Wow. And so that's the way they lived. But he was taken. He was kidnapped. And 47:06 when he was he was sure he was going to be put to death. As a matter of fact, because his 47:13 sons were not responding quick enough. They wanted to send him a message. I send them a 47:19 message. So they took one of his finger saying cut part of it off and sent it to them 47:22 all. This is how serious it So at first they were trying to cut his ear off, but he he 47:30 says, if you cut my ear off, you might as well just kill me. In this interview he 47:37 revealed since he was not a believing person. He just heard some things and he 47:43 started to call upon. Things he heard, you Saints, he heard of some saint. So he started 47:51 calling upon Saint and nothing was happening. So then he decided to call a 5. G says he 47:56 had heard of Jesus who had never read the Bible. He heard of Jesus. He says. I think 48:00 that's the the son of God. So he called the find Jesus to save him. And that very day he 48:09 was rescued So he was rescued. I'm a son. This took place in Mexico. And so his sons took 48:15 him away to another, took him, brought him to the U.S. to get him away from that. But here's 48:21 where I want to go because we're talking about the word of God. That's right. Yes, 48:24 they sent him to a psychiatrist because he was traumatized. And even even 48:29 want that. Don't go outside. We something to happen to it. And he was traumatized. Yeah. 48:34 So they took him to psychiatry. He was having for several weeks a few months. 48:39 The psychiatrist eventually says, you know, I I've gone as far as I can with you. If you 48:45 really want your mind to be healed, you've got to read the Bible, not I. Oh, that's good. 48:52 >> Well, say yes, the Bible, it was going to help you in mind. Well, well, OK? He asked 48:58 his son to get him a Bible. He began to read not only he began to read. He was being 49:03 blessed. He began to read. He began to memorize scripture. I mean, this man Knowles, 49:08 chapters of the Bible. I asked him in the interview. Can quote one chapter for us? And 49:15 he quoted this chapter from memory. So the word of God, it has healing and it's powerful. 49:21 And he was tapped, a former stove is quick. Yeah, and they that's right. Read the rest of 49:27 the first. But I want to share some scriptures with you. It's one some 119, 105. Yeah. Some 49:35 people may know that. As I begin to read, you were to say to my feet and I like my path. 49:40 Did you ever wonder why system? I leapt to my feet. Have you ever been in the Oh, 49:47 yeah. Sometimes you want it. See where your feet are heading. So you don't hit 49:51 something or fall into a hole. So the word of God can lead you at close range. What every 49:58 year everyday things the word of God can lead you. But sometimes you need guidance 50:04 for what's the path I need to take. So God's word. Lights your past and you heard 50:11 problems Chapter 3 verse to want to read. If you want to quit that again for 3 verse 5 50:14 trust in the Lord. With all your heart and lean, not on your own understanding in all 50:19 your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct. And then what your fat, what a promise. And 50:24 indeed it is. And, you know, I have to mention this You know, you have some more to the high 50:31 will be out of the quick here. Second, Timothy Chapter 3 verse 16. All scripture is 50:38 given by of God. It is. Of divine was and that somebody said, I want to question right 50:48 about today. No god inspired these people to be we talk about 15, 1600 years for the 50:51 Bible to be put together by different people. And it's Harmon ISIS from the beginning 50:57 to the end. And God is faithful to his promises. There are exceeding great 51:05 promise in the marvelous promises. And I want to read this. The testimony and first 51:10 Kings chapter 8 56. And it says this blessed be the Lord who has given rest to his 51:18 people. Israel, according to all the he promised there has not failed one of all his good 51:27 promised promised through his servant, most. So all these wonderful promise in the Bible 51:33 not won word well read the Bible High life men will rise, learn these wonderful promises 51:45 because not one word will fail. And I can tell you stories about how the Lord has 51:50 blessed us we face difficulties and challenges. Art is faithful. His word is 51:55 faithful reading. It's it has a blessing for you. In a 2023 can be completely different 52:04 than any previous year. If you dedicate time it is silent to your feet and your path and 52:13 you'll be blessed in it. You know, and I really believe this. When you decide to come 52:20 to the Lord A** a learner and you open the scriptures. God's Angels come closer to you. 52:28 Holy Spirit is there to impress you and help you understand the scriptures 52:34 because God is just waiting for last open our hearts so that he can bless idle time is 52:41 short. And he says and what read a few the there's power in the Thank you. Yes. 52:51 >> Pray for Unisys, children and grandchildren. Some are not walking that the Lord pray 52:55 for us. An early stages of cancer. Pray for Eunice who's in pain herself. Pray for 53:03 children in Hudson and to be reconciled to each other into caught talking about family. 53:07 Dennis would like to praise the Lord for sustaining him through 2 bouts of Pray for 53:14 Ana. She's tired and depressed. Pray her husband and children. The Lord would 53:19 bring them to him. Pray for my son. One in my family. This is Marie from Philadelphia. Pray 53:26 for us. We're broken in need of a safe here. man pray for my mother, Pauline. She had a 53:34 stroke and is not doing well. Dorothy is addicted to medicine. The devil is trying 53:38 to take her mind. Pray for her You know, we have some more here from this is from Jeanne. 53:45 >> She's having issues with her This for persons, children. They're calling from 53:51 Maryland Linda. She's having some weakness and stiffness. This person, Sir Rita, is 53:57 dealing with anxiety attacks. >> Joyce, from for that watches 3 then should be 90 K 54:03 S and the hip replacement. There we go. And to pray for guidance for the children and 54:07 this person here just seen all this going on in the world and my daily prayer this past year 54:13 has gone to praying for all the suffering abused, oppressed and helpless and 54:21 hopeless people of the and this is from Reese as well. to Parry Ques, this is Carla from 54:26 Texas. Prayer for my brother. Chalk. >> Jim from Alaska, friend in 54:30 the hospital for surgery doesn't say a name. I lost my wife. I had I had COVID-19. 54:38 But the Lord has brought me through not around that >> I mention one thing, we're 54:47 going to take these prayer request. There will soon we're going to get the pass the next 54:53 week. And we're going to be putting Thank you for Thank you. Thank you, Show right 55:01 that it's a Yeah. Pastor John, thank you very much. Thank you for being on this evening. And 55:05 thank you. joining us at home, we're going go out rain this evening. I just want encourage 55:08 you to you know, God is faithful. That's right. But don't lose your faith in You 55:17 know, I come from West Virginia in the rather steep the dirt roads around my 55:23 house. I would peddle my little bicycles, a little kid. And I would get tired going up 55:28 that Hill struggling to get up the Hill, you know, with the easy thing to do would be to 55:33 turn around and go back down the Hill. >> Don't go back down the 55:36 hill, right? Because I was going up. They're struggling, getting ready to turn around. 55:40 Guess who is right there beside me? My dad, his arm with the back. There's the 55:46 sun. You can do it. So my little legs. They're tired. I don't think Avenue strained 55:51 left. My dad was faithful. He was right. There is like so new legs, a little faster I 55:57 make it to the top. God is faithful. My dad is faithful right? Don't lose your faith. 56:04 It may be easy in the difficult turnarounds and I don't know what's going on the 56:07 faith. Not sure God will strengthen your face. So don't lose faith. You know, we're at 56:12 the end of this world. Don't lose hope. Don't lose is with you. Thank you for being with 56:19 us this evening. Pastor joined this. Go out. Praying this evening, OK? Sure. Our loving 56:25 and wonderful heavenly father. O Lord. We pray that everyone has heard this program will 56:33 taste and see that you are. >> we thank Lord, for all these petitions that have come 56:38 in. They show that there are people that believe in you and I the pending on you, Lord, as 56:45 they are depending on you. We pray that you will bless them, comfort them, strengthen and 56:51 bring healing. For all those that are ready for healing. Now. And for those that must 56:57 wait, help them to understand that you will be with them and give them strength We pray. 57:02 Heavenly father for the finances, for the homes that are in the midst of ISIS. And 57:11 for those that need assurance of salvation Ys minister to them as well. 57:16 >> And Lord, we pray for those that are discouraged pressed and need someone send them 57:22 someone. Lawrence, you have infinite resources. We pray that you will minister to all 57:29 your children and we pray that every request will receive an from We ask a heavenly father 57:35 in the hole and listen to cheese. time. ♪ 57:44 ♪ ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2023-01-14