3ABN Today Live

New Year Rededication: God Is Faithful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230001A

00:06 >> I want ♪ ♪
00:46 >> I >> want to ♪
00:54 ♪ ♪ >> Hello and welcome to 3, A B
01:09 and today live. We're so glad you joined us this evening. We look forward to these 2 hours
01:14 with you because you're part of our 3ABN, family. We want to say happy New Year. This is
01:20 the first live program from our studios here in Thompsonville Slash West
01:25 Frankfort, Illinois, and praise the Lord for another new year. And that July, less
01:29 thinking of our family at home, thinking about how because the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:34 because of you, we were able to make it through 2022. Below provided all of our needs and
01:39 what a blessing. I'm so excited to be alive at this moment history, man.
01:46 Absolutely. And we're so grateful that you are our family at home.
01:48 >> This is a live about the faithfulness of God and God is faithful. This is a time of
01:58 rededication of our lives of our hearts, our families, our ministries, to the Lord Jesus
02:02 Christ. I want to start with the scripture and then we're going to introduce the family
02:06 here. This is Huber's Hebrews. Chapter 10. You probably all know where I'm going. Here is
02:11 10. 23 let us hold fast. The confession of our hope without wavering. For he who promised
02:16 is faithful. Have you seen the faithfulness of God in your life this past year? Do you
02:24 want to serve a God who is faithful? We're going to talk tonight about how God has been
02:29 faithful with our health and our finances in in ministry with families and
02:36 relationships. How God is faithful to his word. And we want to hear from you here.
02:42 The areas that God has been faithful in your life and maybe the areas that you're
02:48 traveling in and that we can pray for you here together as a family, we can pray for you.
02:51 Some excited about this program. >> Oh, yeah, me too. I love.
02:56 We love the interaction with you at home. It's like Joel said this is alive program.
03:00 The call center is open this evening. There's going to be several ways that you can
03:03 reach out to us in here on the set. We're going to bring in the prayer requests. Praise
03:07 reports your testimonies of how God is faithful in your life will be reading them
03:12 right here will be praying over the prayer request will be reading the praise reports
03:16 and we love, of course, can when we can meet you face-to-face where rallies we
03:19 just came from G Y C. But there's also an enjoyment of actually meeting you at home
03:23 via these messages. So there are several ways you can reach out to us. I want to go and
03:29 get that contact information and will introduce our 3 D and family to to you this evening.
03:33 You can do several ways. One is to, of course, the phone number. That's 6, 1, 8,
03:38 627-4651, to get the call center is open. And though just passed the message along
03:43 to us. This evening's that number again, a 618-627-4651. You can also text us, which is
03:48 pretty neat. We've been doing that the last several years on your cell phone. So you can do
03:54 the texting to us and that will get to us 618-228-3975. That's 618-228-3975. And we
04:01 also have e-mails that right that they can reach us. Thus we do.
04:05 >> That's live head 3ABN DOT TV Live L I V E at 3ABN Dot TV. So send in those prayer
04:14 request and those testimonies of honest to God and we're going to read them and pray
04:17 over them here tonight. >> You know, we're talking about prayer requests and J D,
04:23 of course, and your head of the pastoral department and you're going to train over
04:27 some of the upper request that comes in because a lot of times you're up in the
04:29 department, you get to meet the people over the phone lines. But that tonight pray
04:34 with succumbing special. And this what a gift it is that when we pray, we know that he
04:42 is behind you. Ask have has anybody felt that you've been blessed Yeah, and I'm just
04:50 right here. We put my glasses on Monday, right? Yes, I have experienced his faithfulness
04:57 this year and thanks for being on. The program is lessen state. You and your wife,
05:01 Shelly, sitting next to you. It's have both of you on tonight. Oh, we love to be
05:05 here. We're so glad that you're taking this time. >> To share with us. We like
05:10 sharing with you and we love to do your stories and we look forward to your prayer request
05:17 to out the next 2 is pressed around a good to have you on other It's always a blessing
05:22 to be on. >> Thank you, folks for tuning in. Happy New Year and you're
05:26 not going to go anywhere because this is going to be a great, great program. Kind of
05:30 like a praise. The phone is what I see tonight. Haha. >> Yes, in the next few sister
05:36 died Enzi and your husband, Pastor John Donne Z. So good to have both of you on
05:40 tonight. >> Thank you for the invitation. Is a blessing to
05:41 have the opportunity to share hides in God has been so faithful in our life. So he
05:50 continues to be faithful to each one of and a man. Yes, indeed. We can look back in
05:56 2022 and say the Lord has been good. There have been trials difficulty but the Lord has
06:03 trying. Yeah, what a blessing. And you know, as I look around the table here and see all the
06:08 Bible's out to, you know, hanging on to God's work, right? Difficult times in the
06:12 good times. >> God word is stable and always there and course, 3
06:15 again, we believe in the Bible app so that when the word of God and we know that you do as
06:21 well before we get started, we some sad information that we want to pass along to this
06:27 evening. Many of you Pastor Jin He was president here at 3 a for a few years and he
06:35 unfortunately passed away at the end of December. There's a picture of him and we need to
06:41 remember, we're talking about prayers and per request. We need to lift up the Gilley
06:44 family. So you have some information about the services that are coming up.
06:50 >> Absolutely. All the Gilley was president of 3ABN from 2007 to 2015. So for 8 years
06:56 he served as president of this ministry. love and prayers go to his precious wife, Camille
07:04 and the children and grandchildren know that we're standing with you with this
07:07 time of loss and pain, there will be a memorial service for elder Gilley held at the
07:14 Dallas First 7th Day Adventist Church is on Sabbath February 4. So just I know people have
07:21 been asking about that and asking about the service. So just want to let you know that
07:24 will be held Sabbath. Every 4 at the Dallas first church and he was here a long time. I
07:30 know Ryan was not did not serve with him, but the rest of you all know him look.
07:37 >> Jim was a fun person. We go back to 1960. I do the math. It's a long, time remember
07:47 1960, Jim was 3 years older than May. So he and Kumail they were kind of that ideal
07:53 He was handsome. She was beautiful. He was a great athlete. So we were always
08:01 playing against each other with different on different teams and everything. I have
08:05 fond memories of him. And then years later he went to Israel. I think 45 time something like
08:15 that is that some great tours there. Great herds. And Shelly and I had the pros are going
08:19 to number of times and whatever. Jim did he put everything he had into it? And
08:26 what I love about Camille, she was always right there beside him. they were just kind of
08:30 walking hand in hand just everywhere. So heart certainly goes out to
08:37 >> Losses. But I do a show was a good man. >> You know, Jim had a
08:44 personality that larger than life. mean, you knew when he entered the right? What some
08:49 of you may not know at home is even when he was businessman. He did evangelistic series
08:59 every year and funded whole thing and it was a family affair. He had the whole
09:04 family fall. That's right. Hey, he had an evangelist since Hart in and he had a
09:12 great love for the Lord. And we had some good times together yet.
09:18 >> You know, past again I appreciated him because I remember the first time that I
09:24 have to go to his office to present something I didn't know him. So I was wondering
09:31 how that will turn now because, you know, here 3ABN, you present projects that are
09:39 steps of faith and just wonder how he was going to this. So I went in there and I not a
09:45 knock on the door to door was opened. By the way. Now, most of the time the door was open
09:50 and I said, I'm sorry that you have on it. John, come on. And I always have time for you
09:55 coming in. And so I went in and I really looked at me, presented the project and he
10:02 responded in such a way that it seemed like a handing the baton. You know that any and a
10:10 leader of previewing for many years and said, let's step out in faith and this the Lord
10:16 will bless and sure enough color did last. So I appreciate him. Not only not
10:20 only because of his leadership, but he he was someone you could easily talk
10:24 and he would listen to you. give you really a person that loved the Lord. And was
10:32 faithful. You know, to the very last, you know, taking people to Israel. And that's
10:35 that. Fulfilled for some people dream to go the way he explained it to me, he found a
10:45 guides that knew their stuff. You know, they could talk to you about the lands and the
10:49 place is in such a way that you'll come back now enriched and with new interest in
10:59 reading God's Yeah, yeah. Well, I pace alive have. >> Been part of the team. One
11:06 pass recovery. What's with us? This precedent and case roughly wife, Camille and her
11:13 wonderful having to do with hospitality and their children. The grand my out to
11:22 them. And when we heard him we texted been communicated but I think the lawyer for their
11:30 leadership for the laughter is that we had
11:47 and John nice mustache is gone because the pastor are off.
11:50 >> 3, a B, a World magazine. It's available online. So >> people can go to the
11:55 website created and that TV and pastor Gilley saw his must Pastor Gilley wrote on the
12:02 magazine got Milk. >> Every time I think about Pastor Gilley.
12:14 >> I remember good belly laugh that we have together at side at Any we have fun We're a
12:23 that we have this hope that it will in that family table and chair so many other
12:31 >> You know, that's going to the faithfulness of God, you know that talking about
12:34 tonight. We have faith that Christ will come again and avoid this world of sin
12:39 sickness and said this will be behind us. And so again, we think of it was mentioned
12:44 already about his evangelistic harden and he and his family made a tremendous impact in
12:50 the world And we need to remember them prayer. You know, as we launch into
12:55 tonight's topic, it's a New Year's Rededication and God is faithful is our topic. If
13:00 you're just joining us this evening is going to be a time of interaction with you
13:03 talking about because Fay from Houston family financed the word of God. But before we
13:08 start, want to go to some music and that we always watches that the music
13:12 actually 10 Parton run data. >> one of my favorite songs that Tim does, which is God's
13:18 been good to me. That's just a signature of Tim Parton and the message in that song is so
13:23 powerful and this song is actually Ryan and Tim Together doing God's been good now.
13:32 >> Got ♪ >> lately, I've been looking
13:38 back. >> all this winding road. To old familiar markers.
13:47 >> all the mercies known. I know it may be so simple. But it's more than a cliche.
14:00 There's no better way kill you. >> to see
14:08 >> It's >> Good. But >> feel blessed my wildest
14:21 When I go to sleep each >> Though I've had share of She is I could.
14:34 >> Well, it >> It's >> the times replay an eye can
14:47 see. I've cried some bitter 2 years. >> But I felt his arms around
14:54 me. raised my greatest fears. See, I've had more gains than losses.
15:05 >> And I know than hurt. >> Is grace. >> I rolled down on me.
15:14 ♪ >> good? >> and I feel blessed beyond
15:30 wildest dreams. When I go the beach NY. And vice chair of our
15:38 >> I wouldn't change >> for through it ♪
15:48 >> it. ♪ >> So
15:55 ♪ >> time and thank you so much for that. Tom, Tim, that song,
16:05 it's beautiful. God has been good at writing has gotten good in your life. What a
16:12 powerful song. I said before it was Ryan and Tim and we discovered is the song played
16:16 that it was a worship our that Ryan intended together. But was by 10 when a powerful.
16:20 thank you >> But the message, brother Ryan, there's no power over
16:26 Him can sing that song. a song. Is for the first time ever heard that song is just
16:30 one of those so that you never forget. And it's so true because it reflects the
16:37 biblical message the through all the hard times to all the difficulties through all the
16:41 trials, you know, many of us as we're going to discuss tonight, I'm sure it's going
16:45 to come up. You know, we're going to. Often have to walk through those valleys of the
16:49 shadow of death and were often have to experience some of those deep, dark midnight of
16:56 despair some of the great challenges and trials of this life has to to dishes. But
16:59 through it all, is always good. good. He is he will remain the good could come of
17:07 the U.S. person learning what a night as an interactive program with you at home.
17:13 >> And we want to know how God's been good in your life or maybe you've got a prayer
17:17 requests and looks like we even have some. Thank you, Ian. Thank you's our producer
17:20 this evening. We've actually got some station prayer requests, testimonies coming
17:22 in already tonight. But you can several ways. The call center is open to nice. You
17:28 can call us 618-627-4651. The call center will be happy to send those over to us. You can
17:33 also text us on your mobile device that 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. You can also e-mail us. That's
17:41 live at 3 ABN DOT TV live at tea. But what we've got coming in already and what are you
17:49 missing? 32 testimony. All right. And they have health. So it's a perfect segue going
17:54 into misses as it was we these and then maybe we can pray over these over the program
17:57 together and then we jump into that. This is >> Jose and from New York. I
18:02 want to share the latest manifestation of God's love and While present. My wife was
18:07 recently diagnosed with breast cancer. We were devastated. We ask God to please spare my
18:14 chemotherapy. And it was possible. Every time we look read about it. But thanks to
18:18 God's faithfulness, she was spared well from a Senate of spread to other parts of body
18:23 and return of cancer was so low. We know only God can do that. They keeps his pre.
18:32 >> well, yeah. >> this one is from Richard. Please pray for my friend who
18:37 has Parkinson's disease and he needs encouragement for his wife. let's go to the Lord in
18:43 prayer for these and praise for that. That's right. Shelley, you want to pray for
18:47 us >> Our boys, heavenly father, we come to you tonight with
18:56 Thanksgiving in a heart for all of your goodness, you are such God. You're such a
19:00 faithful. Got it right. What we praise you for who you are. We praise shoe. For. She says
19:08 for the Holy Spirit, for your word. And we praise you, father for what you've in
19:13 hosts a and one U.S. life we ask in the Jesus father that. Everyone. Call sign your We'll
19:27 find you to be Jehovah for offer there. Hey, there we pray in the name of Jesus
19:33 Pritchard. We just lift this young man to you. We don't know his age. The father, we
19:42 thank you all things are possible with in Parkinson's is a difficult it's it's a
19:51 very difficult diagnosis. But I just ask in the name chases, but you will multiply your
19:59 grace own life. Phyllis hardly helping to draw new to in New to And we just praise you,
20:09 father for who you are we thank you. We love you in name a man
20:20 >> Present Lord. What a blessing to think about talking to the creator God.
20:23 and this incredible. I also want to extend you want to mention this early and then
20:28 for God. Mister Danny Shelton, Doctor Yvonne Lewis. Also Shelton is send their New
20:33 Year's greetings to you as well. They would have been here on the set, but they're
20:36 traveling back here to 3 ABN. So anyway, they send their greetings to you. And they're
20:42 definitely a part of the ministry of 3 So the bus work hand-in-hand with them as
20:46 well. Sister didn't see. Got cause faithfulness and health. Talk to us about that with on
20:54 your heart. >> You my heart is filled with prey is an aberration. Yes, at
21:03 times we come to a situation where we feel one way fee of such mercy of such blessings.
21:10 We don't measure up or Lloyd. That's just me, you know. But I want to tell our friends at
21:21 home. They are very special to the Lloyd and Haven't for you. Marry me and the hope that we
21:27 have in Christ. I know that he is faithful place Please promise us. And it comes to a
21:35 time where we hear got swayed and oh, yes, another sermon, another nugget another. This
21:43 mother dad. But when it become personal? One for you digest it. When do you make it your
21:47 own when to you? She rejoicing that psych. Why didn't this register in my head before?
21:57 Right? I'd like to this verse real quick in someone all too. First one in 2. He says hear
22:12 my Lloyd and that my cry come to you do not hide your face from me in that they might
22:21 trouble the incline ear to me. I'm in the day that I call and threw me early. I believe that
22:29 everyone that goes to a health issue. This is their prayer well. You know, don't turn
22:36 your face for me, Lloyd. I need your healing right now. need you to work in my favor.
22:41 I am filled with hope and I'm filled with praise. But I need to see your hand moving about
22:49 as good and sometimes we don't see hand of the Lord moving. Right. But that's when we have
22:54 to say I have to trust. Got emptied have informed me. I get goose bumps? Just thinking
23:01 about My life has not been a perfect life. I've not been, you Goody Goody 2 shoes like
23:09 they say. And at times I say Lloyd White Union cyst insist embassy my life. Why do you
23:16 insist? Well, because his law office it doesn't matter where you been. If you come to the
23:23 Lloyd, they will take us. You are and he will not leave. You se foam to try avoid.
23:34 >> I felt And the law road since has sustained me in his I have felt a warm the fuss
23:39 hand to cover me from my head to my toes. >> I don't know which
23:44 experience to share with you. I fat different experiences where the Lord has, ma'am, if
23:52 as this is great enough for me and I make who joined us all for me. I cannot give up. I
24:00 have to continue. I have to ask people to pray for me. I have to.
24:04 >> Connect with believers. And then a lot of times we think of one person if that one
24:10 person could come with me and would call me or text me or are spend time with me. I'm
24:16 going to be OK, but you know what? We're all going through our We're all going through
24:22 all I needs and the shot me. I am sufficient men. Wow. Yes, I am the great I What are you?
24:31 Why are you focusing on your family are? Why are you focusing in and whatever
24:38 anybody else can do for you when I am your all right. I don't want to cry during this
24:47 because I want to race the that it's OK to cry ran into. Yes, they're asked.
24:57 >> My moles, recent journey. I almost died 5 times. I can you believe that Ryan I can't John
25:07 things. life without his wife. >> Haha. Lourdes She could say Well, I mean, if if you just
25:27 heard a home, you could have died 5 times. Yeah, this is actually recent.
25:32 >> Yes, they last week sent um, I didn't know that I almost died 5 times. But after
25:37 I got home, I like almost tied 5 times. Sunny. It dawned on me, but and people might say,
25:46 what do you mean? You've got almost a 5 time. Well, we travel to and to be off to of
25:52 the City. It is above 1700 feet above sea 1000. Through it.
26:05 >> anyhow, I have had issues with my lines. I didn't realize until one of the
26:11 doctor said and he approached me and he had this concern looking his size. And I'm
26:20 looking at him seriously, except just tell me whatever you got to tell me. Yeah, I'm
26:25 I'm trying to figure out to keep human life to keep you going. I'm like I didn't know
26:31 was so The lowest my oxygen level and was okay? The the first EKG that I had indicated
26:47 that I had a heart attack. But all the tests shows, but my heart is in perfect condition
26:54 right? What it showed my I had to blood clots to my I had no idea. first night we landed in
27:09 Mexico in hotel. I have told my husband I feel short of trying suppress. I'm going to
27:16 sit in a reclining. sleep there. So that one in the morning I wake up for air.
27:26 >> And unlike Lloyds safe, make just might be Cried out to you. I am crying out to
27:31 Save me. Take me out of this circle. You know, if you will miss me up and breathing or in
27:40 Loy, please. And all of a sudden like. Thank you, Jesus, thank you. And then see
27:46 sleeping. I'm not going to wake him up to tell him this out. Tell him in the morning
27:51 like grab the pillows and more So I can sit in a better angle. And
27:58 >> about an hour later, another one of those things happen.
28:05 >> I don't know what is happening, but my life in your hands. I'm going to trust you
28:08 through this. I know we have any bunch of this crusade and Satan. It's upset. You know,
28:13 it was during the time of the date and a celebration that they have to do that. You
28:18 know, they were celebrating death all over the place. And here we are.
28:23 >> Free The Gospel. And he wanted to distract. Yeah. I said John you are a modern day
28:30 job. >> You know, you're the speaker Satan does not like
28:36 what you're doing. And and Satan looks for ways to protect in discouraging the
28:39 family. Irwin percent anyhow fast forward. When I thought to those second ER, they said
28:49 we might have to into bait I I don't think that's like that idea. And he says I'm trying
28:56 to keep you a life. And I said, well, let's try, you know, other things. My brother
29:02 scene to aid. And he died in December of 2021. you know these things. But you know
29:11 what? He died in the Lord, you know, because the Lord gave us opportunities to talk to my
29:18 brother and bring him back to Christ and manned by faith. We know that he has he made
29:25 amends with Deloitte. So the other to say Moines ING House in a Friday Tuesday morning.
29:35 Face needed to contracts. Can you're still in the hospital. I'm still in the hospital. but
29:44 they said you need to sign this paperwork in order to for us to be able to transport you
29:48 to another hospital and half these things. Don T of And I said, OK, county sent said,
29:59 well, she donated a kidney. I donated a kidney. And back in 2001. And I'm not supposed to
30:06 have this contrasts because he's strong too h*** o* the kidneys. So I told John didn't
30:10 see a. We need to continue to take steps to faith and we need to trust him to Lloyd.
30:18 We're surrounded, but by these unbelievers. But that I believe us are praying for
30:24 strike Lloyd. Will the manifest that he has to, you know, pull us through. He will
30:31 part the sea for us. You know, so we went in there the lady says, well, if you feel and
30:42 mean symptoms, anything that, Fred, let me know and I'm going check to do whatever
30:47 chemicals, OK, no problem. And price guide. They finished the They were able to get all the
30:55 images and all the sudden to the ladies, you know, clearing my IV line in all. And she
31:03 says, I'm just tell me if you can swallow. Let me know if you can swallow. Yes, I can
31:08 swallow. Do you feel OK? Yes, I feel fine. And I'm like Lord, you know, we were for
31:16 people to fly to Mexico from May's headquarters. It would be nice for 4 of us to be able
31:22 to fly back John Ducey, carry my ashes on his slaps, you know. So I said Life. Thank
31:31 you. We were able to finish it and she says, how are you doing there? You can. You
31:36 swallow. And I said actually, I feel panning on my lips and then my time like something
31:44 really weird. like a tingling. Yes, tingling. And she says you do. You I say yes, just
31:51 little bit. You know, I feel that. And another nurse ran over to my left side and they
31:57 red dots on my eye and then from a I write a check to my face. I had read about some my
32:05 eyelids, my neck, my face. she says, can you still swaddle? And so, yeah, I can still
32:11 swallow, but I still feel tingly. >> You know? And she says, OK,
32:16 well, we're going minister one of the shot. You're having an allergic reaction. The so. for
32:23 me that shot and she says, how are you doing now? I said I still feel the I still feel my
32:33 lips. My tong. I'm weird. Still there. And all of a things got out of control and
32:43 I could hardly swallow. You can swallow right It's something so simple. But yeah,
32:49 but it felt like I had a golf ball in my You what I can hardly swallow. And I say Her
33:01 tongue was slowing and are low. That my airway. Yes. >> And I try to say could you
33:07 please bring my husband in here? >> And I'm here.
33:11 >> I >> have said we will take this decision trusting you, Lloyd.
33:19 Thos people heard that we're taking a step of faith and your powerful and you're able
33:26 more than able to park the waters for us. So please, Lord manifest your power. Let the
33:32 people see that you It got powerful God that you're alive and on the throne and that you
33:36 care for us show these people that you me and people that you're faithful. And because I
33:46 said they you were able to do this. And I tell my husband bank must take the step of
33:51 faith. I have faith in you such just like Peter was crying out to you, Lord, I am
33:55 crying out to you right now. Hopefully a slower chess S ghost that were running to you
34:01 for healing. You know, please. They came to you for healing just like you heal them.
34:06 Please heal me. I don't want to walk out of this place without knowing that tomorrow.
34:11 Yeah. So you know, is that spread moments? Stay here. Crying out to save Lord,
34:17 please, please. And you think, oh, how dramatic it out. Yeah. Well, let me tell you when
34:22 your life >> and the in danger. And you have seconds they called him
34:30 another doctor to give me a second shot to fight the Action. And the doctor says
34:35 misses them. See, I am Doctor Sewing saw and I am here to just do whatever you need me
34:42 to do. Make you comfortable and yada yada. Mike. Die. Those switches. is my time.
34:50 Help me accept it. We're going to give you another shot. This is a different shot. It would
34:56 be the 3rd shot I still Can talk? He cannot come in here, but we will take you back in
35:04 there in less than 3 minutes, OK? They gave me the shot and praise God, race, God. I know
35:12 the shot has no power. Yeah, but the struggle real. I don't care what the struggle you
35:17 have. I don't care of the finances being faithful to God, right? That's talking
35:24 about what, ever, even God is right there. So it's just deliver. You. And then the
35:30 Lord to deliver it to me. And when I saw my has them tonight, I'm like. I'm here
35:38 and I >> The was merciful honey. through them or did it just
35:49 most seeing every ounce of hope? You know, I was saying all the little songs. Jesus
35:54 loves me this I >> Talk about Satan, right? It's we all have a crossroads.
36:01 We all have our trials. But how much are we clinging to the word of much are we that
36:09 God is there to intercede for you? I'm mask. So we went through that. They sent me to
36:15 the hot to the hotel. I was able to get out and that's a long story in itself. But
36:20 we've got to hotel and I started hemorrhaging. I was hemorrhaging for 5 days. And I
36:28 said, well, Lord. This is what that the issue of experience than the Bible.
36:39 >> Lloyd Jesus just the little faith that I have. Give me more faith. You help me
36:46 believe buddies, Lord by arm can a that far because I was so broken right now. I have no
36:54 hope. >> That's maybe I'm not going to get through this, but you
36:57 don't want to sites my So help me, Lord to not do now. That's right. It's going take my It's
37:07 checked for me if you will just take it. Whatever requires of me. Just take me
37:13 and to your feet. Draw me to the hem of garment. how powerful that? said what a
37:22 beautiful story. This woman with the issue of I have an issue of but I'm I have them
37:31 say And these are shoes. Yes. I don't stretch. You I have in It's right for the little
37:41 faith that I have that he's slowing to multiply. So I am in faith stretching out my
37:50 hand and I want to feel that healing touch >> After we talked to a doctor
37:56 from California. I didn't realize the seriousness of all this, you know, just you're
38:04 hemorrhaging. you know. We'll see what happens. But he. fearing or wear masks inside.
38:13 Look at this as well. This is real. So then chimed in that I need to be a million to it. I
38:21 need to be among that. He says. You want to be of 98. I say yes. We had a brand new
38:29 bottle of olive oil. >> I said there's oil. so hey said I won 9, 2, last bright
38:44 together owing money. So there that he anointed me. We pray together. We songs and we
38:54 decided, you know what, this late that's just rest. And first thing in the morning to
39:01 go to the hospital, he said he doctor, we were talking to said you need to go to the
39:04 hospital right now. >> Yes, yeah. and so. Well that we went to bed. That's
39:12 when Satan was time entombed a mouse. You're going to This is not going to happen. Yeah. So
39:17 I cannot sleep. I walking around in circles. >> How could we forget what
39:23 the Lord has? it's I'm in a blink of an eye. We forget. And all of a sudden it's like
39:32 tormenting me. I was going to it. The Bible says it's their anyone say, come on, you. What
39:38 are we to Yeah, you know what? We don't do it right. >> So price guide I and after
39:46 that, I slept like a baby. And then morning, we headed to hospital and here we are
39:53 racing Jesus, not What a man. Oh, yeah. It a moment. >> For his And I just want to
40:00 say, if you do, >> need to right now, stretch out yeah. The hand of Jesus a
40:08 garment. I love what you saw was great. >> As stretch out your hand
40:13 right now. You need healing right now. You need peace right now. You need to
40:17 deliverance reach out for Jesus. Thank you. >> For sending in your
40:21 request, let's treat a cover right now. This is Robert Huff from Tennessee, lost her son
40:27 at 47 years old of cancer. Well, her sister has Parkinson's and needs prayer.
40:34 And someone else has stage 4 cancer is fighting depression, if not for 3ABN, she would
40:39 have given up. But God is using 3 in the thank you. >> She watches 24 7 to make it
40:54 case. We have some other Perry Quest. They're coming in and a lot of them have to do with a
40:58 health. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. Misses bins. You know, he's got his
41:03 faithful. We know that we're talking about God is faithful. >> He didn't spare you from
41:07 going through all of that. But he was with you through it. Take yeah, there's a Lord.
41:11 Yes, this one here comes from Golding. Perry question says pray for her son's high blood
41:16 pressure. They God will give him wisdom. Her other son has eye problems. This is please
41:21 pray for my niece who is suffering from cancer for over 2 years. The doctors have not
41:26 been diligent in the OK to do it with some health challenges with her. And please pray that
41:31 God has mercy on her because she is in so much pain in her legs. Her name at and then we
41:39 have a testimony per request. My son in law was just diagnosed with a a terminal
41:46 condition. That's a that's a really rough condition Yeah. And though I don't know what
41:49 the future holds. I know who holds the future. God's in charge. He's got this thing.
41:59 There's no name attached to this, but not here will again have a prayer here and a
42:03 little bit. There's a scripture coming to my mind right now.
42:06 >> In Second chapter 12. Paul was praying. And he was a man of faith. Yeah. I mean, he was
42:14 a great man, a fate. But he's praying because he's got this health issue with the one. And
42:21 you pray 3 times. Yeah. And you know, got always Prayer. If it's a spiritual matter,
42:30 it's yes. Oh, If it is another matter hit, it could be the answer is yes. Not now. Or
42:38 maybe even know. But when Paul was praying. Jesus said to him, my grace is sufficient
42:49 for My powers made perfect weakness. He didn't. He know Paul. Sometimes we hear
42:58 marvelous stories. But then I Prince several friends right now praying for who have
43:01 cancer. And, you know, there was one I just knew they going to die is one of the brain for
43:07 up to God's healing. The point is this. We don't see a miracle from the Lord Way.
43:17 Obviously he doesn't Colin it free situation. We have to trust the Lord. I say 55 says
43:25 cause he's my ways are higher. blaze. My are higher than your thoughts. Sometimes he allows
43:32 people to go to sleep. He says right to in. Nobody asks why he's preventing them from
43:38 trouble. The whole issue comes down trusting in the Lord and the end. His solution because
43:47 if you don't get we're going to pray for healing. Don't get it now. Guess what if you know
43:52 him? Resurrection morning, you'll come up out of that great deals and then. I have 2
44:02 more here that I didn't read before. This is Glen wants prayer for her health.
44:05 >> She has high blood pressure and his damaging her kidneys. And Kareen asked prayer for
44:09 her son, Bruce. He has Colin I to store. I don't know if it's collide us. I'm not Just want
44:17 to encourage you right now. If you have heard quest for health and this is done it
44:19 just gave up powerful testimony of the lords. Healing in the Lords
44:25 Deliverance and the Lord walking with her through the midst And so if you're going
44:30 to experience, if you want to share how God is bringing you healing and deliverance or you
44:33 want us to pray for you. Please call us right now. The live program tonight.
44:42 +1-812-627-4651. Give us a call. We want to hear from you. 6, 1, 8, 627-4651. Or you
44:48 can email us at life has 3ABN DOT TV. That's live LA Ve at 3ABN Dot TV. Or you can text
44:59 us, pick up your cell phone and send us a Texas 6, 1, 8, 228-3975, at 618-228-3975.
45:08 >> say one thing. What a sermon. certainly blessed me and let me to man a man. You
45:24 one my thing and I know I'm time for this. >> you know, in that attitudes
45:32 we see that excess inverse Tree host Chapter 5 of Matthew that are the poor in spirit
45:40 for theirs is the Kingdom of You know there, of course, your point spirit because your
45:45 sake you're struggling with whatever situation. But, you know, through the experiences
45:52 that our family have gone through. 3 of my brothers passed away in less than a
45:56 year and a half and you know, it's interesting how. The Lloyd. His word was not
46:06 returned number one. That is I honestly believe that. The Lord came for me. This piece,
46:14 you Lord, he'll see you. >> Spiritually, mentally emotionally, most important
46:23 healing that we all need is spiritual. Well, yeah, because if we the spiritual healing we
46:31 receive, got we receive. His BU seen the he insists Im blessing our lives right with
46:40 the healing with the patients, with everything that we're asking. But when we are when
46:44 we have set that transformation, spiritually, then all the healing that we
46:51 come fall. The most important is that if you rest in Jesus now, if that is what is best
46:58 for you right now. Then the first face you're going to see is chase us. And when you open
47:03 your eyes and then so is. Just walk with the Lord trust them and take him at his word.
47:12 >> and I think that one of the things used to, one of the things very, very important
47:16 and that is sharing. Yeah, I mean, you know, that's And your faith, you bet. Hartford,
47:26 You it is real. You come and you know, interesting. Oh, sorry, could.
47:31 >> It's interesting while she was having this can with the contrast I was in the waiting
47:37 room, I'm reading a book an ace it. I I'm going to tell you it was not a voice, but it
47:44 a definite message from the Lord. I had already prayed, you know, before all this. But
47:48 I'm reading the book and some of trying to concentrate on trying to understand all of a
47:54 sudden you need to pray for your wife. Wow. pray for my wife. I said. Wait a minute.
48:01 Maybe this is the Lord. I start praying for her it it prayer at the time that was
48:09 needed. If other people were praying. But moments later, this doctor comes. I don't
48:14 know, minute or 2 later. I don't how long it lasts. He comes and he give give me one
48:20 of those talks that. Doctors give you when somebody is in a coma or somebody has passed
48:29 away the way he he talked to me was that when I looked at him very serious and he the
48:34 first words were. Your wife is stable. That tone of voice and the way he was talking
48:42 something serious happened in there. So I just praise the Lord that, you know, he he he
48:48 tries to talk to us. And if we open our eyes to discern his voice, we we should. We should
48:55 make it a prayer every day to say Lord. Blessed me that I mean discern you're leaving
49:00 talking to because we don't know what can happen to us during that And so we should
49:07 be in tune with the Lord we're living in a world that's involved in a great
49:12 controversy between NE. Just keep that in mind. thank you. Thank you.
49:18 >> We're shifting gears now. We're talking about faithfulness. God is faithful.
49:22 Let's go live to our relationships. Our families, and we're moving too. Gadi JB
49:27 here. But as we transition to that, I just want to read this because it goes along with it.
49:32 Pray for my marriage that God will put his shield around my husband and show him truth in
49:37 all things. He is falling back into addiction. God has been faithful and keeping the
49:43 strong and comforted. talk to us about the faithfulness of God family.
49:54 >> This this has become acra. It's not a good. We're back you, Yeah, let's use month.
50:04 >> love. I love. I found myself saying this. You now. he knows. The capital ha. He
50:16 knows he sais. He hears he cares. >> He it's just a reminder.
50:24 Each one of those u N. God said it is not good for men to be alone the Institute of
50:32 Marriage and the Garden of a to families. He told that it believed to be fruitful and
50:37 multiply. So he has blessed the family John won first 12. We become part of God's family
50:49 when we accept Christ me But as many as received him to them, he gave the right to
50:55 become children of So we are children of God to those who believe it is 9. Those who
51:02 were and those who were born but not a blood nor of the will of the flash, nor will
51:07 the will of the will of man. >> But of God, his children, his family. And I would like
51:13 to think that each one of us here, each one of us that are watching. That were his
51:19 children. It tells us in first, John, 3, 1, behold what manner of love the father's
51:22 bestowed on him that we should be called the children of God. Yeah. The children of God, the
51:31 family of So here we have personal issues and the famine. We have family issues.
51:41 We also are blessed by the people that we spend a lot of time with. And that is the
51:47 people that we work Okay. Were we? We're just going to be live a more sell prayer her
51:58 little bit. And we're going to be lifting each one of this these up to him. That's right.
52:02 Because we are members of the church and even on the members of the church, which is our
52:11 family of which I would like to think that we're not afraid of going and telling them that
52:17 we love them, that we heard them and that we pray for them, OK? And so we do that. I
52:24 think that no yeah. oh, yeah, he cares. >> He does. He loves us. and
52:37 what testimony that you just go to prove that it makes no difference. I mean,
52:45 >> I don't know how God is God, okay, but he has a way of corralling everything together
52:52 and to help make a difference in people's lives. I just want to say real quick and then
52:56 going to have a prayer. The things that we look for that we can make a difference
53:03 because God is God who said he's a father takes care of us. And so he assisted us and
53:09 being devoted to teach our children about love relationships. He wants us to
53:14 be praying together as family members. He was there is there to intercede with the family
53:19 members. He is and requesting that we set examples. Now, let's just move over to our
53:25 church because there are times when we're lonely because we forget that there's people
53:29 that care. And so this is where our family comes. AM sometimes the church
53:35 sometimes, you know, the church family might be closer than the biological sometimes
53:40 just because of this you know, we find ourselves we call, please pray for versus, you
53:46 know, someone home that would lock that they were there closed. But we do in our
53:52 church family. I'd like to think that they are sensitive to our issues. And I think
53:57 that our church family is there to encourage each other to share. Scripture promises
54:02 and maybe a a small thing. We have one of our our precious that I had the opportunity
54:07 thank God for this and stepped outside my comfort zone. She knew her lawn mowed
54:18 >> good run. The more could run. The more we ladies, they're there and fact and so
54:26 trapped time when we can just get out and we can just kind being in our own little world.
54:31 You know. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, And we're actually making a positive difference
54:34 in someone's life. And then also, you know, the people we work with. You know, this is a
54:41 time where we need to be expressing gratitude being printed, interested knowing.
54:45 >> Their family and servants said but let's have a prayer far. Are
54:56 >> Good. Thank >> Can I get to scriptures for a quick yes for this woman in
54:59 there. So many people at home when when your family, when you see a family member so
55:06 backsliding, when you see him returning to some kind of a destructive habit claim
55:11 someone, 29 for score that system Lourdes right? He will cut them free from the court.
55:20 The wicket this up rate at 6.26, 0st 18, believe in the cx. 26 first 18. Yes. But it
55:29 says God Jesus is sending Paul to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light
55:35 from say to that, how of thought that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an
55:41 inheritance. Among those who are sanctified by faith in them climax. 26 18 claim
55:48 someone. 29 for sport over U.S.. >> I right and let's not
55:54 forget that he is our rock and our fortress. he is there to leave the time because on this
56:00 night in quick prayer getting ready to assist the 2nd half father. We just want to thank
56:04 you so much, Lord, as we come to you in the name of chases, father, other MPs of fill us
56:10 with 2 large father, you know, or issues, you know, are short a short comings, which we turn
56:15 this over to Lauren increase or faith, knowing that you're there to request in to take
56:19 her hands restrictions have to you. We love you. And we think the name of a just a lot of
56:30 powerful first hour were coming down to than we've talked about the faithfulness
56:32 of God in our health. >> The faithfulness of God in our marriages and homes and
56:36 relationships and families. Want to remind you that the second hour we'll be talking
56:42 about the faithfulness of God and finances in ministry. The faithfulness of gods. We're in
56:47 you can dip penned on the promises in his work please call us text Email us with
56:57 your prayer requests with your praises with your testimonies of how God has been faithful
57:02 in your life, you can call us right now. 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, That number again
57:11 is 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, You can text at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 397-561-8228, 3, 9, 7,
57:25 5, or you can email us at life at 3 up and got TV. That's l I V E at 3ABN DOT TV. Don't go
57:35 Have a full second hour. Coming up of and praise and rededication to our


Revised 2023-01-14