3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220036A

00:06 >> I want ♪ >> I
00:50 >> want to ♪ ♪
01:07 >> hello, friends. Welcome to Thursday night all the way live here at 3 apn. And we're
01:12 so glad that you've taken the time to join us for an exciting thought
01:16 mission-driven conditions. You know, we want to just thank you for your prayers and your
01:22 financial support of this network as we continue going and growing, getting ready for
01:25 the most amazing event, the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And we also want
01:30 to thank you. If you've been tuning in for the last couple of weeks. So, yeah, we were on
01:35 Northern California conference. Yes, we conducting the awesome Evangelistic
01:38 series. We thank you for taking the time to tune in and we pray that you are blessed.
01:42 Wasn't that I loved it. I love I love evangelism. Seeing people come to the Lord. A lot
01:50 of work. But hey, we were it's worth it. When we see people give their lives to the Lord.
01:54 And that's what tonight's program is all about. giving lives to the Lord. Not just
01:58 here in America, but all over the world. You know, the commission that the 24 14 and
02:04 this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all
02:09 nations and then the end will tonight. We're talking about creative ways to reach around
02:14 the world. Some people are in areas where the name of Jesus Christ hardly known. They're
02:21 all this watch affected by the Post Christian era, very secular mindset. How do we
02:26 reach people that have that challenge? And then urban centers that are being packed
02:31 the day by day. The challenge of technology and the things that are coming at us. But
02:34 tonight we're going to talk about that and then the dive right into the program with
02:38 our guests know music tonight. We have so much to cover a lot of videos. You don't want to
02:42 turn and you're going to be inspired by this program. Sony introduce our guests tonight,
02:47 start to my right and milder. I good to have you here to my good to be here. Yes. Tell our
02:51 viewers and listeners where you are from and what you do right now. Well, right now, I
02:54 live in Colorado, but I am the assistant to the president General Conference. I try to
03:04 retire, they asked me to come back now in OK thing to have you here and you can not a
03:09 stranger to 3 of, you know, no help. Always good to have used to have.
03:13 >> this program and a matter of fact, way back when Shirley Burton didn't news program
03:18 like, wow, That stating Me. Haha. Wow. And to your right, Rick, could you're a good to
03:25 have you here? Wonderful to be here. And you also tell the audience what you do and where
03:31 you're from. Yeah, I am the communications director for the office of the General
03:37 Conference case. We produce a lot of the mission details that are shown in the church
03:40 is >> I'm originally from Canada, but I in Maryland, but I also
03:45 used to come the way back when I can share the burden right. All right. So now so I had
03:52 early days of Fabian. So, 3ABN dust on you. >> Actually, from studio, you
04:00 definitely is welcome. Good to have you back here. And Gary Krouse, not me not come on
04:04 television. We say another episode from where we carry us right now. Well, good have you
04:11 here. Thank you very much. was unborn when these guys back in 50's. But
04:20 >> And the Australian missionary to the United I love it was Rick and of
04:24 course, Mike was the first director of global mission. And I followed in his
04:27 footsteps, huh? family and I live Washington, D.C., a wow. We want one of our favorite
04:37 programs as is global missions. >> night was kind of we try to
04:41 guess where you are. When we look with bulls are somewhat small he was Yeah, we're here
04:48 tonight to talk about a number of very interesting things. But before we go on his
04:56 birthday, so we want half day on the right. that's right. We pleasure to be here. We want
05:01 to tell your viewing audience that I'm guess that. That's right. Believe Happy birthday.
05:07 Thank you. And you Lourdes good. Yes. You've been serving the Lord faithfully. Praise
05:10 God for your input. And you affect the general conference level and wherever you go, we
05:14 appreciate stability in the chairman. And thank you for that. Well, tonight, we're
05:17 talking about. A number of things will start with a global mission. Mission
05:23 refocus cannot do that to you. Carrie, tell us what is that? You know, this
05:29 >> times when we need to look where we're at and we would not and given stretches down
05:33 the various times in its history back when it first started in North America, it
05:39 sold. Its mission was on the North. America had no concept of reaching well, the world,
05:43 they said, look at all these immigrants coming into America, we can reach them. We
05:45 can fulfill the great commission so they need emission, refocus. Okay. Then
05:51 in the 1980's leaders came together. They look at the world map. They saw this place
05:55 is with the church is strong. Other parts of the world that doesn't even exist. Mike, you
06:01 a part of this process went and they came together, prayed together. And said we need to
06:06 refocus. We need to not just aim for of the Christian denominations. We need to.
06:13 good news with people from other religions, for people, groups from other world views.
06:16 And so we started thinking in terms of people, groups all over the world to stop new
06:22 groups believe and now 30 something years since going mission began. It's time for
06:25 us to gain. are we putting resources where we putting our money out? Personnel? And so
06:33 to not going to be talking about some of those areas, 10, 40 window of an areas and the
06:38 secular growing west of POWs, Christianity. >> by one, anything to the
06:42 well, just, you know, like a few years ago, we did did an analysis on the city's. There
06:48 were 1 million or more well and it just seems like I don't know. 5 years went by and that
06:54 number has gone up by a 3rd. and it's what, 500 and 80 some cities now that are more than
07:03 a million. Of course, some of those are 25 Million. Wow. And that's probably the biggest
07:06 change that we've seen. And of course, when you stop to analyze where Adventist are
07:11 and where they are, not. At area. We are weak. So new mission field it. But there's
07:19 so many effects in the urban centers that, you know, we went from we were raised in
07:23 New York. My wife is from England. But >> whenever whenever we go to
07:26 a large city, we just pause and say how I we're going to reach these people.
07:32 >> And you look your city or some of those cities not say how do we reach this many
07:36 people There are some cities in the world that really there no ad than us. Well, the
07:42 subsidies of 3 to 5 million people know that no at >> Wow. Wow. really that's a
07:47 challenge. You know what? As we talk about mission refocus, I want to just run this video
07:51 right now. are our viewing audience. An overview mission refocused and why it's
07:57 necessary as we go down to trajectory of time to just say, let's look at this again.
08:01 Here's the video. ♪ ♪
08:17 >> The 7th Day Adventist Commission flame was lit more than 150 years ago. A handful
08:22 of rule towns and villages in Northeast America. Soon that flame was spreading around the
08:28 world. But it only happened because dedicated 7th Day Adventist look beyond their
08:36 own needs. Who will world indeed. Because of 7th Day Adventist who said I will go,
08:43 I will go beyond my home my country. Beyond my language, beyond my own people to light
08:53 the flame. Among those who have never Many of those faithful missionaries gave
09:00 their lives for the salvation of They never came home. >> The 7th Day Adventist
09:07 Church was founded on sacrifice. It grew through sacrifice and will only
09:12 continue to grow through sacrifice. The selfless sacrifice of those who still
09:20 believe that this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world as a witness
09:25 to all nations. 33 years ago, the General Conference annual council voted to document
09:34 entitled Global Strategy of the 7th Day Adventist Church. That document explored the
09:40 mission challenge still facing the church. It opens with these words. The figures are
09:45 start unrelenting world population. 5.3 billion, 7th Day Adventist World
09:53 membership. More than 6 Million. The document outlined a strategy.
10:00 >> To refocus the church's mission. >> To refocus on an reached
10:06 territories and an reached people. Groups to refocus people and funds to reach the
10:11 on reached with hope and plant new groups of Beliebers on new mission from 2 years. That the
10:21 focus was voted the following at the General Conference session in Indianapolis. The
10:26 refocus this call. >> Global mission. >> I don't think we have ever
10:30 said that. To discuss the subject of great and important. That global
10:35 mission. mission stressed. of the care of the message, God's love, the saving grace of
10:47 Christ and the soon living nation in a global mission. The global strategy which
10:52 extends from continent to continent, country to country, City, to city group, the group
10:58 and ultimately person. >> Today as we look at our mission challenge more than 30
11:07 years later, the figures are still start on relenting. We rejoice to see new groups of
11:14 believers planted in the pen for the window in the city. Among other religious groups
11:20 among the secular and post Christian. But the time has come for another mission.
11:26 Refocus a time for aligning our hearts and minds. Our people, our resources.
11:33 >> Our budget to reach the ♪ >> You know, when you look at
11:45 that video, just throw this generally, what do you feel like? What do you think? I
11:48 know. Anyone well as just the encouraging to see all the wonderful things that have
11:55 happened. But you still see that there's billion more people on planet and they
11:59 were. >> In 1990, vote of the mission started. Well, so. We
12:04 just have to humble ourselves before God and say you have a plan. We want to participate
12:08 with you use invited We need to say I will gun. We will do it. And that that initiative
12:15 Mike. >> Yeah, no, I I couldn't more. You know, we have a lot
12:21 more capacity today to reach people. be Example of we we all types of media internet
12:31 and we can talk about those things. But if we really want to be serious. About the
12:39 counsel given by Ellen White. It is also extremely important that each 7th Day Adventist
12:46 member realize that their involvement is essential. That's right. Yes, every
12:51 member involvement am I? >> That's right, Rick, you had anything to that? Maybe had a
12:57 question. >> know. Why did they start this global mission? Why was
13:01 it started? Well, I see why. But haha. >> Well, I I I you know,
13:06 obviously was just the scenario that Gary painted, we looked at the world and we had
13:12 asked a question. where do we still face the challenge of placing a lighthouse? you know
13:24 that the text says in Matthew. >> That she says isn't coming. Until the cost that gospel
13:32 goes to every nation can't jump, you know. And so when you look at that, every nation
13:36 cantor tongue in people, that's pretty specific. Well day, I think they just looked
13:40 at it and there was a a man who deserves a lot of the credit. Charles Taylor doctor
13:48 Charles Taylor, and he did a lot of the original research. you year remember him? I do
13:54 well. he just used to say we we have gone too many places and we just plow into these
14:03 different cultures and world religions. And we try to use the same methods at that. We
14:11 use largely in North America and he said, why don't we go over there? Find out what the
14:15 combination on the lock us. Well, I for we go over the area and and I I just think he
14:20 saying that song and little by little by little Gary. I think it is. It is caught on. That's
14:27 why we run those studies centers. That's right. >> And before goodwill
14:31 mission, we tend to defeat mine in terms of geography and on into country or region. But
14:37 but the mission helped stop thinking more in terms of people, groups, which is a
14:41 very important missing logical concept because you can have a church in a country for 100
14:48 years and it's still in the region. 2% of the population because it's ignoring the
14:52 majority people group. That's so true because you you look at these and as you talk about
14:57 that, the exponential growth. And nowadays, we can't go to one city and say, well,
15:02 everyone in that city is from the same culture. Exactly. >> Like an America where a
15:07 melting pot of gold so alike that expression news, find out the combination to the lock in
15:12 because we're answering questions maybe not being asked And that makes a
15:17 difference in the co 2 emissions, OK? Yes, I think part of the mission refocused
15:20 who is looking at and I we've all grown up thinking this is where the mission field Part
15:26 of this mission. Refocuses. >> As you know, where is it today and has that changed?
15:34 You know, is it places are as people? >> Yeah, I always like to to a
15:39 a think of global mission. There's always good news to report. But there's also
15:46 concern to report. >> We it will give examples today of taking this message
15:55 to too many places in the world. >> But there are multiple.
16:00 >> Times that number of places that we haven't been hit. That shows you how many countries
16:04 we have been well tuned in how many probably around 2.40, yes, 8 or something like that.
16:12 Countries now is the How many countries are we in? Well, probably a presence. Some type
16:19 of the president's right to tonight. I think, yeah, probably something like that
16:21 where we're still about. A 17 to 20 off. It depends. It depends on what they the
16:28 United Nations counts. political Hey, we're talking He that's another thing. And
16:34 if we look at the list, I think about 21 to 24. But they do countries and areas that
16:40 her from the territories. >> That's why was interesting at the last General Conference
16:43 session. It was so sobering at the very end when they had all the flags on the stage and
16:48 people said no, why did they come up last and is that these are the places that we still
16:53 have not entered and some people misunderstood and reacted to that is why don't
16:58 they have a flag from the Vatican? There was that there are people, as Paul said,
17:01 create the Saints in Rome. You know, there are people all over the world that need to
17:05 know Christ. was interesting. We are in Rome on we at church. Do we have? yes, we do
17:15 to OK, not invented in city It's not OK. >> That's how spot the long
17:21 necks. But what what who wants to tell us what all the long Rick kicks b***. Haha.
17:28 >> Well, this is a tribal group and this is classic example of when you look at
17:32 where people think the mission field is it is there. But you're talking fairly small
17:38 groups of When you look at some of these people or groups that are millions in or some
17:44 of these people curse in certain countries that are millions that are still under
17:48 aged. But along this is what we all think of us as the classic mission
17:53 >> Where in the world is along that located. They're in the border of of Thailand and
18:01 Burma. Myanmar. Well, that's because today we see that and Africa along that. So I think
18:06 that people can agree this Okay. That's interesting. We would be with NBA and part of
18:10 the place that you mentioned. What specific, what makes them a challenge to reach our? We
18:21 are actually able to reach I think there a cultural interest because they still
18:28 maintain some of that. Although some people say that. Tourism perpetuates that
18:36 practice So but we are reaching some of these groups. I'm one of the things in
18:40 country like Thailand is we reach sometimes these small groups, but we're not touching
18:47 the majority population through OK, let's look at this video about the long I think
18:51 that would give us some more insight and to what this name means and how it applies to
18:55 the people that we're talking about. >> Myanmar is rich in culture,
19:02 resources and people also known as Burma. Myanmar has a population of almost
19:10 54 million, 90% of whom are Buddhist. Some of the hardest to reach people. Groups here
19:15 are tribal groups. Let's journey to the north to see how education at a dedicated
19:22 global mission pioneer are sparking hope among tribal group called the Canyon.
19:26 >> don't mean to have sonam is my I'm satellite thing. I'm 35 years old and I'm working as a
19:37 global mission pioneer in pulled out alive. These please don't ask on top was of people
19:44 here are tribal people and the tribes known ask Kenya, has >> Traditional ways of sharing
19:51 the gospel are rarely effective in these communities, perhaps that's
19:55 why Chris focused on people and their needs first. This is the example saliva follows.
20:03 >> It's not difficult for me to approach I simply make a visitation that house to visit
20:07 to the people and talk to them and also make friends with them.
20:14 >> So lies wife Cook has a nursing background together. They teach the children of
20:18 this village and also look after the sick. In an area such as this education is one
20:25 of the best ways to introduce Christ principles and teachings. With the teaching
20:32 aids that I have I surf the children. I share with them basic education in this area,
20:38 too. In the canyon tried. It's not easy to convince parents to send their children to
20:45 school because they need their children to help work. The fields after some line cost 10
20:51 time earning their trust and explaining the benefits of education for their children's
20:55 future. The parents allow their children to attend school. The couple knew they
21:00 would need to nurture their relationships with these parents.
21:05 >> Right now my wife teaches to preschool. As we render the service of the people that we
21:13 continue to build their confidence and their trust in in what we are doing.
21:19 >> This involves listening to the community's concerns and being aware of their feelings
21:24 since enrollment cost can be challenging to pay for the global mission. Pioneer
21:29 couple. Make sure education is available for everyone. Parents appreciate this and
21:34 begin to notice that their children returned home with much better attitudes. Over
21:41 time. A number of parents help wanted to know more about the power that lies behind this
21:45 amazing life. Changing school. One such parent is Mo. The reason I want to do the common
21:55 advantageous because of the many good things I learned from my children, the admin to
22:01 school, part of the fans alike. The truth of scripture and the love of God. As I
22:05 learned from my children, I became convinced that I should common at and T's like him.
22:11 And now I >> Seemingly small. But finally, important beginnings
22:19 like this, encouraged to lie and other global mission. Pioneers like him to continue
22:21 their work. >> only reason I'm here is to share with them the love of
22:29 God and the truth about God. >> We'll time out. >> Police prefer the holy
22:38 spirit to touch their So their hearts will become stopped asked to come close to And as
22:45 we will push them the truth as we know see that thank you so much for supporting here in
22:57 town, the >> For more information about how you can make an impact go
23:04 to www dot global Dash mission Dot org. >> Well, that's very
23:11 interesting. We recognize one of the school's OK then that we were able But interesting
23:16 to see that to. >> How? What about the it? You're not tempted to use.
23:26 >> all those missionaries COVID Global mission Piney isn't. The church plant is so
23:31 they lay people. >> Who dedicate a year 2 years, 5 years would have it
23:37 too. Go to a new area and you people group to start anew that believes in. The
23:43 principals, all they need to be as close as possible to the cultural group that tried to
23:48 reach. So as much as possible, they come from that culture. know that they speak the
23:52 language. They know what to say. What not to say. But the same food they did, they would
23:56 live at the same socioeconomic level and they receive a small living stipend. And they just
24:02 have one go start a new group of believers. >> Well, that's interesting.
24:06 Yeah. I mean, that's when you think about missions. We. We think will who's being trained
24:11 to learn the language, but how much more effective it is. That's somebody who was raised
24:16 in the culture that, you know, it's a perfect example. This video of what we were talking
24:23 about earlier. >> I don't know how many of you ever heard Eri b hair?
24:27 Yes, ever hear him to Yeah. Well, when you finish listening to Eric B here, you
24:34 would think that the work in Burma was almost finished because he would tell mission
24:38 stories and whatever and what have. Well, you know, the real the real facts are that Eric
24:44 be here work for tribal groups that were per Ifill to the real central Burma Valley. And
24:49 so what happened? We came here at all the camp meetings, people. Well, the work's going
24:55 well for almost finished in Burma. 90% of the people live in the central Burma Valley
25:01 come out of it completely different world religion we we had a lot of very big
25:08 challenges remain well, you know, when you mention that there was a statue there and
25:14 one of the schools in law in are that tolls, it tells a story about Eric be here on in
25:18 the city and for that. >> But it's very interesting when you go over that you're
25:21 driving through the country, just getting to some of these locations. You see such
25:25 diversity from the city to the country it's it's a project. tell us not by my strength
25:34 because that's something that we think about how going to be completed. like to address
25:36 that. >> This is >> global mission pioneer and
25:47 these are the people that go in and work in the they live among the people. When you
25:51 talk about Christ method, the first step is mingling. That's right. And and when confidence
25:57 meeting needs. And so that's of the mission pioneers that's that's the beauty of the
26:00 piney. And because they're following Jesus in calm ocean omission, living among those
26:06 people playing soccer with the kids working in the rice fields. Just making those
26:12 connections, camaraderie, building a camaraderie there in a so that they could say,
26:16 well, these are not people that are coming in here trying to direct us to their cultural
26:20 believe very He mingles with the much sun. >> Anything would have to
26:23 that? Yeah, no, I and the way have been have a concept in global mission from very early
26:32 on. Mike started the program in 1993, was just but it's it's thought that well, as
26:39 just based on the the fact that you want to try to reduce. The barriers that.
26:47 That you have to overcome to communicate. Yeah. Well, language and culture and where
26:53 you're from and how you look in it it eliminates a lot of those. So you have to refocus
26:59 the Exactly. Is now focus now, when we think about not by my strengths, I'm my mind comes
27:08 to Zachariah, not. no. By pounding on my spirit. >> And we have a small video
27:12 that talks about that. How that impact, how people are not relying on to strength
27:17 alone, but not only their cultural connection, but the presence of powerful Lord.
27:22 Yes. Watch this video. ♪ >> We have would weighing in
27:34 the community. Nor their needs. What made them? What would that IDs? Diaz them?
27:41 Word is opinion. What is your cards? So we have the right thing. All guard included
27:46 exhibition. ♪ >> It's my passion and team do
27:56 lot of product I have seen an arm signifies of could eyes to died for us. And he get with
28:05 that much 20's and this. That's why I decided have 5 years to his.
28:11 >> County. ♪ >> And this is the plays we
28:18 had a lot of was not completed. That wind is messes a wasn't it started. So I
28:24 decided to come to this because that them that is no one is who can do that he and
28:32 MS is. And I see the new dog this up. I decided to is tied to Just coming them mid
28:40 friendship with them there and we have the right to down farther.
28:45 >> Not unknown. So like maize be have make said come And when people this seeing all
28:48 these communities and the the they want to appreciate us, they want to join with us.
28:55 They want to she can have decided to can for these people. And now we have
29:00 getting people. ♪ ♪
29:14 ♪ So the Plains, have bride from longtime give us a friend in
29:26 the D this evening's students. People coming from. just for this business to get done on
29:34 its and they just money just on the busy conformation. So this bill is cent of want to
29:43 many people who the added by the city. So we're it, the radical only for the locks,
29:49 not for the money, not for other things. So people they have seen the genuine. I love
29:55 the gender, the and the of So that's why they like it. the naked than they like the
30:02 getting was we had pitching and pitching the life. So many people. I have seen that. It's
30:10 not me or to my my eye on as planned. It's the holy speed. That's the God. a king in
30:16 behind and friend all heist. So I pretty much excited and happy and I want to take
30:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
30:40 ♪ >> You know, not by my strength. I heard him say that
30:48 I could see what's happening. It's not just by my effort, by the work of the homes near
30:53 yes, for the word of the Lord is group of L Zachariah for 6. That's interesting because now
30:58 what location? But the speed with envy. Much of that was just high tide was an Indian
31:04 or than in the northern and That's why they haven't sweat It will ask you thinking about
31:10 that because the weather generally in India's hot the different regions in the end,
31:14 it cold. Tell us about the 10. 41 do it. You know, years ago I heard about that will move
31:21 you itself. A new conference. We had a missionary. Yeah. Scott, Chris got drizzle. A
31:26 Northern California conference was one of the younger past as he and his wife went to
31:31 participate in the mission is in the 10. 41 don't just talk about that. The changes that
31:33 take took place over the years. There. >> Yes, the 10. 41 the is a is
31:38 a description of the region that stretches from North West Africa through the Middle East
31:43 Asia. So it's like 10 degrees north of the equator at the bottom 40 degrees north of the
31:50 top. And a way to summarize this region because in this relatively small geographical
31:55 area, 60% of the world's population lives James to 60's, the says and most of
32:01 those people have not even heard the name of Jesus. So when you're talking about
32:06 mission challenges, this has to be right up there. Among the top level because in that
32:11 window you have extreme poverty. You also have extreme wealth. You have come in this
32:17 country's you have different democratic countries. You have a range of people, but this is
32:21 also the home of the major will religions who historically we as at Venice
32:27 have not connected with. So that's why it's a challenge. And some of those religions
32:30 will be what is to put this What is known in do resume is long and it was and you just
32:36 that. And it that? I don't think that. yeah, it's kind of it's a religion where looking
32:48 to the spirit world, you wake up in the morning and your task is to keep the good
32:52 spirits The bad spirits have keep the good spirits happy and you live your life
32:57 accordingly. Part hardly. >> Any thing you do all day. His is said and without
33:05 thinking of that, live in their house, they walk down the ladder. You walk down a
33:12 certain way. You hold your silverware, certain whale, you work in the fields a certain
33:16 way in front of your house. You have 2 bowls. One has chicken blood. One has dog
33:21 blood. One of peace is good spirits. One up, he says the evil spirits and their whole
33:28 life is lived in fear. Can you imagine when they find out how about And there they realize
33:35 there is no half the world to communicate to freedom. I mean, you can imagine that.
33:42 Wow. >> about taking Christ to the island What is that taking
33:45 Christ to the island? Because we have a video about >> So this is another of
33:53 mission pioneer. You know, when we're talking about the 10 for the window, we're
33:55 talking about a lot of very, very places mountain villages, but also major cities and also
34:01 out the islands. And so we'll go out on the water with them, OK, let's go to the water.
34:05 Still, it. >> Larry is a cheerful person. This pile of hospitality help
34:13 him make friends and mingle with people. Got called to serve as a global mission.
34:19 Play new and village in the not too This district is considered entered area for
34:24 the 7th Day Adventist Church and many people are hungry for the Larry received approval
34:31 from government officials and the village leaders to work here. The first thing he did
34:35 it was visit every family in the community to become friends with them. As with
34:41 many other small islands. Most people here work as Fisher. >> Larry loves to be out on
34:46 the water with the fisherman helping them feed their families. He has found that by
34:51 implementing Christ method of ministry people allow him into their daily lives. Planting
34:58 fruits and vegetables is not common practice in this area. Larry saw this as an
35:02 opportunity to meet people's needs. He created a to teach the community how to start
35:09 small gardens or farms around their houses. >> The goal was to provide
35:13 some of their vegetables, chiles and other daily foods. Larry always starts the
35:18 programs with worship and prayer. But the farmers group is just one of his methods
35:25 about he also helps the community by distributing news close to that, which makes the
35:27 variant. Since this island is so remote and far from the main act, medical care is hard
35:34 to access. Malaria is a threat here. High blood pressure and cholesterol are some of the
35:41 common health challenges. >> Larry helps out by providing free health checkups
35:46 and basic medical treatment to community members. People are so grateful for what he's
35:50 doing for One day, one of the farmers group members were He's one of the members who
35:58 came regularly to worship discussions and group interested in the Larry to
36:03 care until he was fully recovered. The family raised the Lord because of his kinds.
36:11 This family has asked Larry to continue visiting them to pray and share more about the
36:14 truth, especially more about this out. Please pray for the work that Larry is doing in
36:20 this newly entered area in Tunisia, pray that more people will open their hearts and
36:25 being ready for the second coming of Jesus. Thank you for supporting global mission
36:31 efforts to send pioneers like Larry into an entered areas of the work.
36:36 ♪ >> You know, the more we watch these videos, we begin to say
36:45 how how big the world is, how small it is taking a technologically. It's small.
36:50 But reaching into the different people hopes to I mean, I see that. But let's
36:53 talk about we just kind of hinted to the idea with the plans come from to reach into
37:00 the lives of the people at the local level. Yeah. >> So the goodwill Mission
37:03 Pine, church planting projects. We do. It said that the general conference in the
37:10 boardroom and discuss what projects they should be and we should do this than that of a
37:14 and this is a principle that Mike started when he was the first comissioner And that is
37:19 that every project comes from the cross So the local field sees we need to plant. A group
37:25 of believe is here. This is how we're going to do it. They put a plan together. Then it's
37:31 approved by the various levels of the church is not something he's just approved of the
37:35 general conference and then. The funding for that project is should. But the general
37:41 conference by the division, the region of the world that takes of aside from that area
37:46 and then the union and the conference. So everyone is invested in that sense not to
37:50 to General conference project, something we're all invested in together. So it starts with
37:56 the individual So just going to be for you. Started. Mike always used to say he's never
38:01 received a complaint about a global mission project. And I haven't because it's not a
38:08 projects. I like that. They made the most of I was just going to save the reality is
38:11 of the money goes to the General conference. But the money comes from the people
38:17 who want to see mission happen. >> And the 10 for the window
38:22 who want to see Comission pioneers going time raise people, groups and starting
38:24 group. Some flavors. And those are the faithful people who make all of this happened.
38:29 every cent comes from church members. That's what stuff I we did in our churches showed
38:37 it starts with you right into the blessing. Begins here in blessing. Expands out with a
38:39 pebble in the pond. >> Yeah. But every ripple represents another level of
38:44 the church. The conference, the Union to division and then the global work. But it's
38:47 appreciative to hear that the plans. I mean, how do we plan for people that we don't know,
38:54 right? People plans the world change? Yes, and that was in a very I would say God lead
38:59 incentive. it. >> You know, it's a it's program that. People cannot
39:06 take credit for caught because when you go to some of these places, it is a huge
39:16 challenge. And you put a global mission pioneer out there and you think let's see
39:21 now he didn't. He doesn't have a PhD from Anders. he, you know, and start down the list
39:25 of all the think she's not qualified to. Do you blink your eyes and they they have a
39:30 church out there. Look at that and not by my if you don't but it's not not his skill, not my
39:36 skill, but the Holy Spirit prepares territory and I've seen it where it will just
39:43 take the first step. Don't worry about it and it will happen like the what do you
39:50 have in your hand? You know, the little fish, the loaves and fishes, God multiplies
39:54 those blessings. >> But now there are always challenges. We know that this
39:58 work is not going forward without hindrance cross. There's a story Satan couldn't
40:03 touch her. Talk about how that challenges confronted and how was overcome. It was a speech
40:09 Rick. >> As of this is another story about a global mission pioneer
40:14 and her experiences and some of the hardships of said overcome them. The devil tried
40:19 it to stop the work, how God prevailed in man. Look at this story.
40:26 >> When Sarah's husband left her for years ago, she knew she had to find a way to
40:30 support herself. But she didn't know where to look for a chop. She prayed for
40:35 direction and got him pressed her to share his word with the people living around her.
40:40 Sarah began visiting her neighbors and their homes. >> But I prayed for the sick
40:45 and they got well, I prayed for those evil spirits and the spirit one away. I prayed for
40:52 those who couldn't have children and they were able to start a family.
40:57 >> Some people were happy when Sarah visit them. But others didn't like it. One day, Sarah
41:02 visited a family who was worshipping an idol. They demanded that she worship with
41:07 them, but she refused. One young woman angrily plunged Sarah's hand into a pot of
41:13 boiling oil. >> Number I prayed and when I removed my hand from the oil,
41:19 it wasn't burned at all. >> The next day, the young woman's father called Sarah to
41:24 apologize. He asked her to pray for his family. Sarah was happy to uplift this family
41:30 impressed. >> Now they're changed. They have accepted God and they
41:35 worship with us. >> 5 families witnessed Sarah escape serious injury that
41:41 day. They were amazed and they, too, have asked her to pray for them. With the local
41:48 Adventist pastor learned about Sarahs miraculous experience. He told her you need to work
41:52 for God. He offered her position as a global mission pioneer and Sarah eagerly
41:57 accepted it. 4 years later, she still visits families in her community. She prays with
42:06 them and shares literature about Jesus. On she invites a group of women to worship in
42:10 her home. Every Wednesday she hosts a Bible study. There are many widows and orphans in her
42:18 city. And Sarah does all she can to meet their spiritual and physical needs shop and
42:24 buys the women saris or food for their families. >> As a pioneer, it's not only
42:28 about prayer, we're just going to their houses. If I have extra clothes, I want to close
42:35 them. If they need food, I will feed them. It's my duty. >> Sarah is no longer sad that
42:41 her husband abandoned her. After he left. God has given me more strength so that I can
42:48 preach the gospel and tell people that he coming soon. So he is taking care of me.
42:55 >> Sarah asks you to pray for the people of her city. >> I want them to be ready for
43:00 the second coming. I also want to appeal to everyone to be an example to others and served
43:07 them wholeheartedly. >> Sarah has found her greatest joy in being a global
43:12 mission. Pioneer. >> I'm happy and I'm willing to serve God as long as I'm
43:18 alive. Please pray for Sarah. >> And all our global mission, pioneers around the world
43:27 airing the good news of Jesus. Love and soon return. >> You to follow. This is a
43:35 modern Hebrews and the fiery furnace that some hot So that's not something that not
43:43 not burned. That's amazing how God. And then the result of that, she became a global So
43:50 the obstacles of oh, boy, there's so much to cover. What about is it tow killed
43:57 mission? A new mission? >> Yeah. Usual. A few years ago we looked at. Again much
44:05 of the world map and we saw areas of the both of big challenge, one of the
44:09 challenges, Japan with the church to be candid. >> Is It's facing big
44:15 challenges. And so. A concerted was put together with a plan to send
44:22 missionaries to have global mission, pioneers to start centers of influence, too.
44:24 Make. I Mission unusual initiative for Tokyo to start a church planting initiative.
44:33 that's next videos of them. >> What's risk for some major religion in Japan?
44:39 >> Major religion is not just up Many places that make your religion is pen is very fast
44:53 pace. People let is back on his boot is yes. should tell to shut the mom, but I do more
44:59 and more becoming secular, especially large well, it's not somebody recently said I
45:05 want to go to Japan, but they didn't say to go to be a mission. They know to go play
45:07 video games. Yeah. So let's see what the Lord is doing in this unusual place. Very calm
45:14 and very populous city called Tokyo K. ♪
45:21 Cities throughout Northern Asia like Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, and Mamba tar are home
45:27 to millions of people who have not heard the gospel message. >> Reaching these vast cities
45:33 seems daunting and the work insensitive territories is even more difficult to
45:37 measure. Not even one percent of the 230 million people in the northern Asia Pacific
45:41 region are 7th day Adventists. Despite the challenges had been a spray for opportunities
45:47 to share the life of Jesus and his territory. ♪
45:53 The Adventist Church in Japan invited the General conference and the Northern Asia Pacific
45:58 Division to partner with them to create mission unusual. A massive church planting and
46:04 disciple making movement. Since Tokyo is the world's largest city. This movement is
46:10 an ambitious effort working closely with local Japanese church leaders, a team of
46:16 church planting missionaries is on the ground, learning the language and deciding how best
46:21 to share Jesus with the Japanese. The 3 missionary couple spent hours each day
46:27 preparing themselves for the work with in central Tokyo. It's not just population size
46:32 that makes outreach heart. There are many barriers to religion too. The Japanese
46:38 society is largely secular. And many people it here to eastern philosophy. Another
46:44 challenge is overcoming the isolation of the older generation witching out to
46:49 them and showing them compassion can be tricky. Missionaries like Yuri and
46:54 Lice have been creating connections with their neighbors. Simple tasks like
47:00 shopping, visiting the local park and practicing their growing Japanese vocabulary
47:03 with strangers on the street are all opportunities to connect the missionary team
47:09 gathers each Sabbath to pray, study cots, word, eat laugh, shared challenges and seek the
47:15 Holy Spirit together. is a great example of a local church member who has taken
47:21 the spirit of Mission unusual to heart. She uses her home is a place of ministry,
47:26 especially for parents and kids. Some have been introduced to the Bible for
47:30 the first time in her living room. Others have even requested prayer for their
47:35 families. Amazing things are happening in Tokyo with time. The ministry team will grow as
47:41 plans are made to bring in global mission. Pioneers, urban centers of influence,
47:46 volunteers and 10 makers in the future. The challenge of ministering to the world's
47:52 largest city can sometimes seem like too much but God's power can overcome all
47:55 barriers. We ask that you continue to pray for the mission. Unusual church
48:01 planting and disciple making movement. pray that the advantage here. We'll continue
48:06 to develop new creative ways to build connections with those around them. Thank you
48:10 for supporting the mission, offering, which fuels work like this.
48:18 >> Loud chip pan Japan, I think of technology I think of all the things that are
48:24 eventually coming to American some kind of electronic packet member made in Japan made
48:27 Japan. talk to that. What one percent? Why is the challenge so great?
48:38 >> The one percent was referring to that whole Northern region. Number of
48:43 reasons, one is they just have a totally different world view will views to what we here in
48:48 North America. And so the traditional ways that we approach. Mission. When we
48:57 present that to those, is coming from a different perspective. It's meaningless.
49:02 Well, it doesn't connect concert. That's why cross method of ministries. So
49:07 important that we need to take time to listen. We need to to make friends. We need to take
49:11 time to understand before we speak. But because of those challenges, the cultural
49:19 challenges, language, challenges, historical challenges. For to to take
49:25 seed to it, to grow its just it's just people that I think a lot of it too, is that Japan
49:33 takes a look at Christianity. >> Obviously they're observing how it is exercised and how it
49:42 expresses itself. Yes, and I think it's a little bit like a You know, he had when asked
49:49 whether he wanted to become a Christian, he was why would mind being one except for the
49:52 way they live? And I think your pan looks they go well for is this a good trade? You
50:01 know? But when you stop, you know, who was homer to Carton presentation one time he was
50:09 showing, you know, like the challenge he see go down to Papa New Guinea and you have
50:15 one person walk past. You every second. You only have to let 6 seconds go by and one of
50:21 them will be an Adventist. Wow. Wow. I believe that at that time when he did the
50:27 research, they were something like if you're in Japan, Tokyo and they walked by one every
50:34 second. It will be 3 and a half years or something before you would have had been us
50:38 walk by. That is Now we have to refer to Rick Little because it put because of the
50:45 cultural maybe. >> Could you talk in depth? And there's might probably
50:52 knows more than Jen? Yes. There is in Canada. 3rd generation cancer born in
51:03 Canada as well. But it was interesting going to Japan, you know, and
51:05 >> and learning more about what some of the challenges are. And I think culturally
51:10 Japanese do not criticize other people necessarily. You don't. Because it's a shame in
51:17 on the culture. So when we do and we want to talk about our religion, we need to give
51:24 great examples, not criticize necessarily. Theirs is a start because it's not going to open
51:28 that door for you, right? We want to be complimentary >> I like what you're talking
51:36 about, Condi. That was a very interesting story. Why he chose not to Christian. They
51:38 want to see that religion in action. They want to see Christianity in action like
51:43 you said, following cross month alone. And then I think it's finding common areas that
51:49 you can relate on like family. >> Her health or things like that. One of the things
51:55 mentioned there is is the increasing loneliness of the And so, you know, we all as
52:00 people have times and really lonely, if we can minister to them and help them through
52:04 those times. That's the connection. That right makes it different.
52:09 >> Let's talk about church in a year. That very that I had not heard a year.
52:18 >> One of the challenges when you're going into new areas and starting new groups of
52:23 believers is where you worship and very often that it's in the home many times. You can't
52:26 just. Find a ready Bill. Kristen style of church. So you're going to Mongolia. They
52:34 found an interesting solution as to where to worship, OK, let's look at that. How do
52:38 they worship in Mongolia? say this and you'll find out what a year is a church in a year.
52:45 ♪ >> The hills and the Tar Mongolia are covered in Pride,
52:51 Lee colored houses and traditional yurts among goian year is a type of elaborate
52:56 semipermanent tents. The concept has been used for many generations assembling and
53:02 disassembling. Yurt takes only a few hours. They may not seem like they would be very
53:07 sturdy, but can withstand even the worst storms and some areas of Mongolia. Your tsar
53:12 used as places of worship. It's a perfect space to keep warm during the cold winter
53:17 months. But now is a goalie as chief accountant. She uses her your home to host Mongolia's
53:26 only Pathfinder club and a small congregation. But no and her husband Bouchon plan to
53:34 this church has global mission pioneer several years ago. They wanted to create a better
53:39 community for their own kids among the neighborhood children. But no started a
53:42 Bible story. Time which quickly became popular with both the children and the
53:48 adults because of her enthusiasm, creativity and wonderful storytelling. They
53:54 used to attend the Main Adventist Church in the city. As the neighborhood children
53:57 became more involved in their lives. But no and took them along. That soon became a
54:04 problem because the car could only fit so many children. The solution, they decided was to
54:09 start the 7th school in there. You're tall. The weekly services were well attended
54:14 with parents often accompanying their children. This led to a growing
54:18 Pathfinder clock. And then to church services. They are a model church planting team
54:25 connecting with their community in positive ways meeting people's needs. And
54:29 then inviting them to accept Jesus as their savior. The people are responding and the
54:35 church is growing in Mongolia since they started church planting in their
54:40 neighborhood. Dozens of community members have accepted Jesus into their
54:42 hearts and at the baptized. ♪ Please pray for the work in
54:50 this country. In the 10, 40 window pray for global mission. Pioneers like Bono
54:56 and Bouchon to connect with their communities in creative ways and share a message of
55:01 hope you can support the work of global mission. Pioneers by donating on the Global mission
55:06 website. Thank you for supporting mission. ♪
55:15 I make >> Now you know what a year it is. And it looks warm. Yeah,
55:22 looks it looks cozy. Looks comfortable. >> You know, cement They said
55:27 that if it withstands many a strong, I mean. >> What's the general have you
55:32 been in the year before? Many times? >> He has won at But this is
55:41 so interesting. We talk about the work of refocusing. >> That's just highlight. Look
55:46 at what we talked about the first out because we have another hour to go with a lot
55:50 more information videos. But let's just highlight that again. The need to refocus our
55:54 mission for those who may have just joined us. Yeah. What's the need to refocus on mission
55:58 and why do we see that is an imperative? It's just pure social mudgee that any
56:05 organization, Lou can move into maintenance mode. >> Where you maintain what you
56:09 already have and you tend to stop them looking a little bit Inwood looking. It can happen
56:13 to the local church. You can happen with the denominations are from time to time. We need
56:17 to get on on these. We need to come together. We need to play together. We need to plan to
56:20 give them. You need to say what around maybe priorities. we putting our resources
56:26 toward those priorities. So my kids up the strategic planning group for the 7th Adventist
56:34 Church, which is I will go and it actually has kpi key performance indicators just so
56:37 we can keep. We still on track. And so with the mission we still on we still focused
56:45 on reaching a new age. so that's why we're thinking in terms of secular 10. 41,
56:52 though, those are a big mission. We need to refocus to make sure that with. With
56:57 focused on reaching those people. >> 30 seconds before we end
57:01 the hour, Mike, just tell us about that 10. 41 to one more time. Well, the 10, 40 window.
57:07 Dominated by world religions and cultures. That traditionally 7th Day
57:13 Adventist difficulty are leading to an establishing presence or and it's 10
57:21 degrees north of the equator. 40 degrees north and it stretches from the Strait of
57:25 Gibraltar, Spain and Morocco all the way to the eastern Shore, Japan, how well and in
57:32 that window lives more than 60% of the world. But I find out what that means in just a
57:37 moment. Don't go. We're going to talk about how to reach the post Christian all our
57:41 generation ministry in the urban centers. Don't go away. We'll be right back.
57:45 ♪ ♪


Revised 2022-11-04