Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220035A
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to. 00:10 >> And 00:17 [MUSIC] 00:26 >> too. 00:31 [MUSIC] 00:36 >> I'm 00:42 >> and 00:47 >> I want to stand 00:52 too. 00:54 [MUSIC] 00:59 [MUSIC] 01:06 >> Hello and welcome to 3 ABN today live. We're so glad that 01:09 you joined us this evening. We always look forward to 01:11 spending these 2 hours with you each Thursday evening. And why 01:16 is that? Well, one reason is because you're part of the 01:19 3ABN, family. It's always great for you to come into our living 01:23 room here at the 3 again set. But in a sense, we're kind of 01:25 coming into your living room or wherever you're watching or 01:28 listening to 3 ABN. But we want to say thank you for your 01:31 prayers and financial support of this ministry, 3 ABN because 01:36 we are able to reach the entire world because of you. And of 01:39 course, we thank the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the captain of the 01:42 ship. But this is what we call a behind the scenes program. 01:45 There's a lot going on and you can see the tables got quite a 01:48 few things on it. We've got to a packed 2 hours and this could 01:52 be a fun time. 01:53 >> It is. I love behind the scenes because your family and 01:56 we love you. You are part of the family and we love to do 01:59 updates. You know, we hear from uncertain gentleman from South 02:03 Africa and he writes, and he always says behind the scenes 02:06 are my favorite programs because I love to see what's 02:09 going on at 3ABN. And tonight we're going to Skype and with 02:13 Pastor John on the second direct hear about what's 02:16 happening with eventually to the West Coast. We have updates 02:20 from Mexico in evangelism there. We have updates from 02:23 some of our networks. We're going to hear what happened 02:25 that can't meeting. We have special roles and just a good 02:29 time to share what's going on in your ministry. Yeah, 02:32 absolutely. You know, 3ABN. 02:34 >> We know is here for such a time as this. You think about 02:38 the chaos that's happened in the world, but we know that we 02:42 can stand on the word of God. And as you know, you've been a 02:45 long time viewer listening to 3ABN 3 Aydin preaches the and I 02:49 love the truth from the Bible. This is not 3 a B n's religion. 02:52 It's coming from the word of God is right. Here we are. 02:55 38 years just about at 3. Ben has been in existence since 02:58 November 14 is when God impress Mister Danny to start a 03:02 television station that would reach the world. And 38 years 03:06 later, we're still in existence going strong and going forward. 03:09 So many projects to talk about, you know, it's hard to believe 03:12 rocks in the fall of the year. It's kind of a cooler. And this 03:16 week we've had some hard frosts and actually picked and apple 03:21 from our apple tree. You know, when you get that frost and 03:24 it's kind of pain that this morning, yes, very good. 03:25 He shared it. Haha, little Apple, but yet we can't let 03:31 that happen. Yes, it was good. But, you know, this time of 03:33 year and we have introduced our family of Jason Bergmann run 03:35 across. He actually has honey bees that to their house and 03:39 they harvested met, as I say, harvested honey. Yes. And he 03:43 shared some with a son. Jason Francine, that is excellent. 03:46 Honey, you have. 03:47 >> Good, honey bees. Yeah, we you know, we we decide to sit 03:52 down and watch him a little bit how great they're doing every 03:57 year. We decided to just share the view that they has so. 04:01 >> Well, this was a first year. They add they have 04:04 personalities and it's fun watching them and they have a 04:08 fly in and run into each other and whatnot and shake it off 04:11 and. 04:13 >> Well, they're happy these because it is good, honey. 04:14 That's right. 04:15 >> Course. Jason Bergman's or CFO and treasurer here for a 04:20 ban and his wife. Francine on Francine, his kids network 04:24 general manager. And we're going to be getting some 04:26 updates. Both you Sow. Thank you both for being here. 04:28 Thank you. To privilege of coming around the table. 04:32 We have Brian de evangelists Friday and Saturday school 04:35 hours introduce him as a singer in Israel because this is about 04:39 behind the scenes program. So this is a behind the scenes 04:41 tidbit 04:42 when you're around Ryan, he sings all the time. When we 04:46 come off. The says that, you know, that's that's cool. 04:49 We have all these different dressing rooms because we got 04:51 to put on a different jacket for the next program and Ryans 04:54 and they're saying in a way and you can hear I'm walking down 04:57 the hall singing. I love to hear you sing brought gift both 05:01 with the word of God and with singing and Ryan is our new 3 D 05:07 and praise him music network and generally manager, we 05:11 announced this. Of course it can't meeting. We've talked 05:13 about it, but we wanted to talk some about that here tonight as 05:16 well. Tim Partner, of course, launched the network. What's 05:21 here? 6 years did an incredible job. We loved him. And some of 05:25 you are saying we're not going to seat him anymore, but that's 05:28 not true because he'll be coming back and helping us with 05:31 different projects. In fact, he's out in California right 05:34 now playing for John McCain series, but he's helping us 05:37 with different. I think we'll be doing another season. 05:39 Your favorites time. It was another things. But Ryan, 05:42 God has called you for this position. And I think the gifts 05:46 and abilities he's giving you. He's standing you up for that 05:50 and we're so proud of you, men, thank you so much as a 05:52 privilege and honor to be here. 05:54 >> And to be interested to to lead out for praise him. 05:57 Yeah, it's been a, you know, a good transition to because 06:00 Menuhin Tim, I mean, you guys are buddies. That's right. 06:02 You know, so that transition, you know, it's just been it's 06:05 been smooth and like a Joe was mentioning, of course, temps 06:07 coming back to me and you guys been working to get that 06:10 exciting projects in the works to and then. That's right. 06:12 Absolutely. In fact, I remember the day the day I heard that 06:16 Tim was going to be stepping away. Of course, I didn't know 06:19 all the details. I just had heard. They know. And I think 06:22 I'm I'm I'm not a very emotionally personally. I'm 06:25 emotional moments. But when I had heard just the initial 06:29 announcement or the initial news that Tim was going to be 06:32 stepping away and, you know, doing new things with this 06:34 talent, I think cry like a baby. Haha do, too. But then I 06:40 found out that I know he's not going anywhere. It will be 06:42 coming back. And so it's just Tim's. My buddy is my friend. 06:45 And he in you can't really replace him. So that's not the 06:47 idea here. But just a tremendous blessing and looking 06:51 for to working with him again in the future. They meant, 06:53 yes, there's a lot. 06:54 >> And we're going get some updates. Praise him. And what 06:56 God's put Ryan's Hart and his wife, Stephanie, is serving as 07:00 his administrative assistant. So you get some updates on that 07:02 coming around the table. My dad now, Katie Quick. 07:07 I call him dad and this is the truth. Un Shelly liked second 07:11 set of parents to us. He is, of course, pastoral department 07:16 manager does an incredible job as you have a heart for people. 07:20 They have a heart for ministry and evangelism this ministry in 07:23 particular. And so glad you're here tonight, King. 07:26 >> As I guess we've all heard thousands of times his could. 07:31 Haha, I just find myself Senate growth the time. 07:36 No, I remember when I first came here, I felt so 07:39 inadequate. I mean, you know, any time you go someplace new, 07:42 its form 07:43 and your little hesitant. And so I had the EBT beach just 07:47 like everybody else knows his start and how you're supposed 07:50 to do this and do this and do this and wait a minute here. 07:54 And it is getting complicated. 07:56 And then Roy Ewing, she was a she was kind of a mentor, 08:00 but that particular time 08:02 and she says Cheney, what you come to my office, please all 08:05 go in the principal's office. And then here, 3 hours she 08:09 worked in past oral. She worked in past or beautiful lady 08:14 and 08:15 to show you seem a little anxious, 08:18 you don't need to be anxious. 08:21 God doesn't make mistakes. So you're here because 08:25 this is part of the planet he asked for your life. Wow, 08:30 please, if you if you've got someone of sanctions and 08:34 and you can see some good in them, share that with them, 08:38 it doesn't take spring training and to not rise to give them 08:42 affirmation. 08:44 And I just thought, Wow, 08:46 thank you. And you know things the next call that came in, 08:51 I felt much more secure because when I was long Raisel Orleans 08:56 turn this boat by himself. So thank you, Roy. 08:59 Of course. Thank you to these. 09:02 >> You know, the Lord is looking for people that are 09:03 willing to serve where he calls, right. And then he quips 09:06 us, you know, for that job he's given to us and we want to 09:10 encourage you at home. Thank you, JD from mention that 09:12 because maybe a home, you're like, well, I don't know my 09:14 purposes and I don't know what I can do for the Lord. You know 09:17 what, God has us here for a reason and a purpose. And you 09:20 may think that whatever you're doing to share Jesus is simple. 09:23 It's not because you're making a difference in somebody else's 09:27 life for eternity. And that's just absolutely absolutely 09:31 incredible. And I'm always encouraged by that. I was 09:33 talking a few minutes ago about all the chaos that's happening 09:35 in the world. And that's where 3 D and is present in truth and 09:38 encouragement and hope to a world that just doesn't maybe 09:41 nowhere to turn to. And I think that's just the incredible 09:44 privilege that all of us have. You know, we all love music, 09:48 right? We're talking about music. And as we were coming 09:50 out of this program, we're mentioning that the special 09:52 music, we have to go to his Lake Jones. Yes, the gentleman 09:55 has a gift. Doesn't brother can saying, oh, it is lovely 10:00 Jones's voice, a man. Yes. So that's we're getting ready 10:02 here. We want to go to a special song. He did something 10:05 about that name. And I believe Tim is also company on the 10:08 piano man. 10:09 [MUSIC] 10:14 [MUSIC] 10:19 [MUSIC] 10:22 >> Sure, she seem sure. 10:29 >> To whom does. 10:33 >> Food is just 10:40 >> to you. 10:46 >> I asked to see you. She is. 10:55 >> We like to foods. 10:59 >> Too. 11:07 >> It's easy. 11:12 >> She knows. 11:16 >> And 11:23 >> 0, 2, 11:28 [MUSIC] 11:30 >> The time. 11:34 >> We are has. 11:39 >> What is so I mean? 11:45 [MUSIC] 11:48 >> You. 11:51 [MUSIC] 11:54 >> East. 12:03 >> Chum. 12:08 >> Rifi. 12:12 >> I just would uniformly to use. 12:17 >> Well, the uniform the same thing. 12:22 >> I would you the full name. 12:32 >> We asked. 12:43 [MUSIC] 12:47 >> We will is to world. 12:55 >> I'm waiting to 13:08 >> and 13:15 >> one of the game. 13:20 [MUSIC] 13:23 >> I 13:26 >> and mean means we. 13:46 >> Signings. 13:59 >> So 14:02 the pre. 14:06 [MUSIC] 14:08 >> And 14:12 [MUSIC] 14:17 [MUSIC] 14:19 too. 14:29 >> And lo Mein 14:50 [MUSIC] 14:55 >> I mean, what 15:18 [MUSIC] 15:25 >> use tools, Hill. 15:29 >> Hmmm. 15:33 >> There's mean. 15:37 [MUSIC] 15:42 [MUSIC] 15:44 >> And we. 15:46 [MUSIC] 15:51 [MUSIC] 15:56 [MUSIC] 16:01 >> And there has a large Lauren having church here are we are 16:05 indeed. I love it when. 16:07 >> When music ministers, yes, I know you can listen to music. 16:10 And sometimes it's just music, but sometimes is the anointing 16:13 of the Holy Spirit is Ministry of the church. And that's what 16:17 we just had with. 16:19 >> Thank you both with a powerful message in that song. 16:21 And I take it this behind the scenes program is always a 16:24 blessing. And I know that Mister Danon Doctor Yvonne, 16:26 sends their greetings to you as well at home are all part of 16:30 the 3ABN, family. 16:31 We're talking about the family. I'm thinking about 3 ABN fall 16:35 homecoming, everyone. Yeah. And by the U.S. in-house 16:40 audience to yes. What a blessing for those of you that 16:45 we're able to make. It was fantastic to have you and house 16:49 and of course, for those you that we're able to make it. 16:51 But join us on this. No radio or watching online on 16:54 television. What a blessing to have you join us as well. 16:57 What a blessing wasn't other and have that energy. And what 17:01 I noticed it can't get into is that we haven't been together 17:05 like that in the 3 years now to be back together again. It was 17:09 literally like a reunion and the energy. The Holy Spirit was 17:13 there. It was powerful. 17:15 >> It was a really powerful joy. I enjoyed. I'm one of the 17:19 speaker said, well, how many people are new? Yeah, this and 17:24 most of them or knew it was really amazing what you would 17:27 think that after 2 years, all of the prior people would come 17:30 back. But it was really nice to see that a lot of new faces, 17:34 a man and they were. 17:36 >> Praising the Lord. It was just a good time. It was I like 17:38 the energy of the kids, because all the kids were finally, 17:42 some of them were reconnecting with the kids that they had 17:45 seen prior years. And they had shot up. I mean, they grew so 17:48 fast, you know, but they were so excited to be there. And the 17:51 crass, what not? I mean, just the energy was there. 17:55 >> Tell us about the kids means on Francine because of the 17:59 adults, of course, have their own meetings and also over 18:01 coming through Christ. But what was the focus and the theme of 18:04 the children's meanings of 18:05 >> what happened? We try to correlate very similarly to the 18:08 adults, for example. And so we talked about Moses and some 18:12 other in Jeh job and Joseph and other Pete characters that had 18:16 to overcome obstacles as well and naps did a wonderful job 18:21 with the older ones. And then we had Sasha Thomas and she's 18:24 even holding her little son while she's teaching in the 18:29 evening programs in just the energy and the enthusiasm of 18:32 everyone that was there and from the leadership. And I got 18:36 to to help out a little bit and talking with the kids and even 18:40 going outside with them and telling stories. But you know 18:42 what the they love that kids see from the staff makes a big 18:48 difference. And they I so eager to come back and they are also 18:52 other ones encouraging their parents to come again. So I 18:56 just I appreciate the support of the ABN and all of you at 19:00 home. I'm making that dedication to 2 19:04 facilitate yeah. And and telling other people about kids 19:08 that we had a kids program and so hopefully in the future you 19:12 can bring your kids and and have a wonderful program 19:14 because onset with we had like 57 kids. So that's a lot. 19:18 71 was. So that wasn't good. Good, good amount. So coming up 19:23 with crass and t-shirts, of course, you always like more. 19:26 I we always could make for a more casual like just like 19:30 heaven is not going to be. 19:32 >> There's no who was known was no limit on the amount of kids 19:35 that we would like to say so and we love the ages 2. And 19:38 then there's this one gentleman. His name is Jim 19:41 Murray was last night. Jim's Good Ol Boy. 19:44 There's Wyoming. 19:46 >> Yeah, Jim, his but I don't know. 6 months. 8 months ago we 19:51 started calling can heading scobey live and go to the live. 19:55 Yes, Jim's going to be like I'm going to be there. And so I 19:59 guess so. Let's just say maybe about 4, 5, days for started. 20:03 He called again. I'm on my way. That's right. Pray pray, 20:07 honestly, for me, I got an old truck. Radar is lit, 20:11 but he's got an old truck, but he can text store in there 20:17 someplace, I guess. But a way, not ever. 100 miles. Keep Ryan 20:23 trucks get louder, Courson. 20:28 It was a blessing to say Jim here. Yes, that's right. 20:31 Or not. So, yeah, he was here for all that. Candy was here 20:34 for all in our RV park. 20:36 >> Yeah, absolutely. Out. Praise the Lord. You know. 20:39 So and Lord willing, we're going to have for our spring 20:41 camping in-house audience as well. And we should actually 20:44 put those dates out there. I was looking here, my phone 20:47 and my phone. I have June 7 through 10 of 2023. So mark 20:52 that down your counter and Francine was talking about 20:55 kids, you can take a lot more kids because like you said to 20:57 have 50 plus have fall can mean is really a large kids group 21:01 because the school's in session and there's a lot of things 21:03 happening with families. So to have that many so come 21:07 spring. Wow. Yeah. Just come on in and fill up 3 against 21:11 facilities. Here are looking for it. 2 core spring can be 21:13 but we have a role. They want to go to that. The crew put 21:15 together just a little synopsis of candidates. Let's go to that 21:19 right now. There were comments some more about camping after 21:21 this role. 21:23 >> What an absolutely beautiful Saturday we're having here at 21:26 3ABN fall homecoming. It's incredible. Isn't it actually 21:29 have people here live in the audience for this camp? And we 21:33 haven't had one like this in 3 years. And what an incredibly 21:36 high 7th, powerful messages and 3 ABN Campion is always a very 21:41 special blessing for each one of us. And all those attending 21:44 here is so so great to interact with our 3, 8, the end. 21:47 >> Family and I really think about this is a foretaste of 21:50 what heaven will be. I know I love that. I love the 21:53 interaction with our 3 D and family. What a blessing they've 21:57 come from all over. The have met people from Wyoming, 22:00 Texas and Florida and Georgia and Arkansas all over the 22:04 country who love the ministry of 3ABN. But more than that, 22:07 he left the word of God. The love that the word is 22:10 presented here and the music and what an incredible we just 22:14 came from church. What a high service. Mister Danny Shelton, 22:17 the Lord used him in powerful way and now they're coming out 22:21 and we're getting ready for lunch. 22:22 >> Yeah, that's true. Not only fed spiritual, but also fed 22:27 physically as well. Just off to my right over here. We have the 22:30 beautiful RV park. We've had great children's meetings here 22:34 at 3ABN, campy and think about all the food, the hard work, 22:37 the melody in the entire staff of put in here for camping. 22:41 And, you know, I think about just the time a fellowship, 22:44 its great right, because it's encouraging to be together. 22:48 Something new that we had this year is a prayer and talk to us 22:52 about the prayer room here. 22:53 >> We're doing the prayer room each morning and I love it. 22:57 I had the opportunity and privilege to going yesterday 23:00 and pray with the team and this is led by Donald Owen and 23:03 Daniel Parent and Dallas. Well, they're in there praying 23:06 and the people come in just get on our knees before God and ask 23:11 for forgiveness of sin. Ask for cleansing. Praise him for who 23:15 he is and what he's done. I just think just a special 23:18 thank you to the production team and what a great job they 23:22 have done from the graphics and the background to the opens to 23:27 everything that's taken place during this camp meeting. 23:30 And we've had tours of the production building and play in 23:34 giving Interest Service seminar. So it's been a high 23:37 week. 23:38 >> Yeah, absolutely. Always. We look forward to it on our 23:39 calendar. We always look forward to Camden. This seems 23:42 like all too fast. It's behind us. But then we can hang on to 23:45 these memories. What we've learned here at camp and we can 23:47 take back for local churches and communities and share what 23:51 we've learned here with others around us. Thank you so much 23:54 for being a part of our family being a part of 3 ATMs. Fall 23:57 homecoming can't meeting. 24:00 >> We wanted to give you a sneak peek at some really nice 24:03 to see behind the scenes on a behind the scenes program. 24:06 And you can see what actually is taking place out. Can't 24:09 meeting see some of those roles. Of course, on screen. 24:12 You just watched the programming, but it's nice to 24:14 see behind the scenes special thanks to our production team 24:17 for the incredible job that you did putting this role together, 24:21 doing the recording and then putting that together. So 24:24 special thanks to them. 24:25 >> What was your thoughts from campaigning, right? Oh, man. 24:29 I mean, first of all, we already said it, but to see 24:31 people sitting in the seats, it just it was just amazing, 24:36 you know, to be able to interact with God's people. 24:37 Again, you know, we've been here doing the Lord's work over 24:40 the last 3 years, speaking mostly to cameras, but to see 24:43 people come in your 3ABN family and to be able to skip the go 24:48 home and spend time with them. I had the wonderful privilege 24:50 of of joining JD in the pastoral team on giving tours, 24:55 you know, so I got to connect with the people on a personal 24:57 level and and show them the behind the scenes of the 24:59 studios here that we use 3ABN to record. And it was just 25:03 such. 25:05 I mean, to to say, it's a blessing is an understatement. 25:07 I mean, you can't find the words to describe it because 25:09 that when the weekend's over you, you know, you're you're 25:12 you're tired a little tired because you've been, you know, 25:14 going. But yet you kind of feel sad because everyone is leaving 25:18 and India will just be together which cause people to such a 25:20 tremendous blessing. The music, the sermons, the theme 25:23 overcoming Christ Wow, overcome through overnight and through 25:26 Christ. Yes, what can we overcoming through crisis? 25:29 It was just it was amazing. It was amazing. And Mister Dan, 25:32 his message to a 7th. Yeah, wow. Case of you have and I 25:36 don't know who's watching right now. But if you haven't seen 25:39 Pastor Danielle de Niese message, my goodness it it was 25:44 just trying to avoid. It was one of those sermons that is 25:47 for such a time as this is needed and in for some people, 25:51 especially in the in the culture that we live in a it's 25:54 not a politically correct sermon. It's one of those 25:55 sermons that in straight from the Bible. And and it's needed 25:59 for our time. And I mean, when you're listening to it, you 26:02 just know like, wow, this is going to create some shock 26:05 waves. But I mean, just nothing but positivity has come from 26:08 it. And it's just a blessing to be able to hear someone like 26:11 Danny stand up in the last days, it during a time and take 26:14 on a very sensitive topic. It was a tremendous blessing 26:17 and it was based on the and diluted truth of God's word in. 26:21 >> And that's what freedom is all about. Absolutely no chance 26:23 of that. To me, that's the beautiful thing is because 26:25 that's why 3 men began was to present in and diluted. 3 26:29 angels message is one that would counteract the 26:31 counterfeit the entire world. That was the the mandate, 26:34 the mission of 3ABN. And for 38 years, we have sought to remain 26:39 faithful to that mission. I was so proud. And if I can 26:43 say that of someone who's older than man, who is a mentor to 26:45 me, but I was still so proud of him for the balanced way with 26:50 which he presented the word of God. You know, we're living in 26:55 the last days in the last days. That will be scoffers in the 26:58 last days. That would be hair seats in the last days. There 27:01 will be people who call good evil, an evil good and they 27:04 will be deceased. Sap. Shouldn't that creeps even into 27:09 God's remnant church? And Danny had the courage to say what the 27:14 word of God. And we're so blasting grateful for that. 27:18 We're hearing from many of you. I I've received phone calls and 27:21 e-mails and letters from people who said thank you, 3ABN for 27:26 standing for the word of God. So we're just so grateful for 27:30 that. And it's not Danny. I know it than you were here. 27:32 He'd say it's not him. It's that he was obedient to what 27:36 the Lord placed on his heart to share. And that's the thing is 27:39 we need to walk in that obedience to God says, say a 27:43 word in season. We need to not be afraid to speak that word in 27:48 season. 27:48 >> And he was the first to admit 27:52 I walked a pair of got behind the microphone and I was still 27:57 and this I say 27:59 whether Russia go forward with this, that the holy Spirit kept 28:03 telling me, go forward with this word. And this is this is 28:08 a a word, a message, a sermon this normally given behind 28:13 closed doors. So it does take a person with a lot of 28:19 we'll be able to step out and and 28:23 >> speak as plainly this plainly as he did on this 28:27 particular com that his faith and his court courage come from 28:30 the Lord. Yeah, that's who hears relies upon. And so, 28:34 yeah, we're just tremendously blessed as you're mentioning. 28:36 Others here, too. The positivity from you at home on 28:40 the messages. Just been a fantastic. And thank you so 28:42 much for your prayers. You know, we're all in this thing 28:44 together, right? We're all going for with the same goal. 28:47 So again, thank you for your support of this ministry. 28:50 You know, we have an incredible platform and we take it very 28:53 seriously. We believe in standing on the word of God. 28:56 The truth is found in his words, you are reading writing. 28:59 And so you know what a blessing. And I'm thinking 29:02 about the sermon because some people may say, wow, I missed, 29:04 can't meeting. How do I get a hold of serve and Jason when it 29:08 come to you because I'm thinking of 3 of them. Plus, 29:10 but let me mention this first because you can also get a DVD 29:12 copy. And yes, people still get divvies. We've had a lot of 29:15 people more during this particular message from camp 29:18 and even the entire can't be said is available on DVD set in 29:22 the set form. But you can also get just his message on DVD. 29:26 You can call the call center 618-627-4651, during regular 29:30 business hours. I believe you can or the DVD online. I don't 29:34 know if it's quite there yet, but it is up there to order the 29:36 DVD online. 29:37 >> 3ABN DOT TV KK can order a DVD is online and off. 29:41 >> Perfect for you can go to you to YouTube is one way or 29:44 also 3 been. Plus Jason, tell us about 3 A B M Plus when I 29:48 was so excited to talk about 3 D and plus a man, it's been a 29:52 real blessing. One of the main things I just love about 3ABN 29:55 plus is that if you weren't there to listen either live or 30:01 watching on TV, you can go back and watch it again. So what is 30:07 on demand? So 3ABN? Plus, is that platform for on-demand? 30:11 Okay. So you can get on your phone 30:14 or other devices and you can just go to the app store if you 30:18 don't have it. And it's the 3 ABM Apple emblem with the Green 30:22 Plus sign and it's free and it's free not to speaking like 30:32 wife. Try to haha. So, yeah, it's a great opportunity. 30:38 One thing that's really great that you can utilize this app. 30:43 If you have a Bible study and you want to talk about a 30:46 particular subject that may interest the rest of your 30:50 group, you can go and search in this app and then review it and 30:55 then even share it with your roof. And that's right. A great 30:58 opportunity that you don't have to wait for something. You can 31:01 just pull it up on your phone, 31:03 whether it be an Apple phone or an Android phone. But you can 31:07 just watch that. I'm going to do the searches. So the camp 31:12 meeting that? Yeah, and you can watch all the programs on the 31:15 camp meeting, all the programs, all the growing number. That's 31:17 right. It's amazing. So and all of like savage school is all 31:21 there. So if you missed one day or 2 programs, you can go back 31:26 and watch it. It's a great opportunity. And like we're 31:30 talking about Dane sermon Excellence and I encourage you 31:33 to watch it. It's right on 3ABN plus. 31:37 >> And I know that's great. You know, so you get all the 31:39 life each to all of our networks are on their mind. 31:42 Plus. 31:43 >> Modi, Omaha, all 5 review streaming all 9 TV streaming 31:48 and then all the on demand. And each one of the network's 31:50 has programming on demand that you can watch, which is 31:53 incredible. 31:55 >> So what one of the different ways to watch? Yes. So that's 31:57 good and was on fire. Go, Jake, you've heard about Yahoo. 32:01 You know, it's kind of my stewardship thing, too, because 32:04 the more we get the shared, the more people get to understand 32:07 who chooses and that truth that we're here to share certain 32:12 Amazon Fire. There's Apple TV, mom, Roku, good. And, you know, 32:17 you can buy a Roku little device and put in your TV if 32:20 you're don't have a smart TV and they're like $30 or $40, 32:26 your Android phones or your apple phones and then your TV, 32:31 most TV, stay calm, Smart TV's 32:34 and they'll have apps on them. And also you can find the 3 be 32:38 an app and 3ABN plus where you can go on demand and find these 32:44 programs. 24 7. And not only do we have the linear channels 32:48 that are up top 32:50 the 9 linear channels. And that's the channels that are on 32:54 24 7, 3, 165 days a year. But then we have the on demand. 33:00 So you can search and figure out programs that you want to 33:03 watch and then listen to them and then share them. Let other 33:06 people know that this is here. So 3ABN, plus, it's on all the 33:11 devices. So it's easy to find. 33:13 >> And I have to say that they're sometimes some mature 33:16 audience that don't have Internet. And so even if they 33:19 don't, that's I mean, like you said, calling the call center. 33:22 But some of them also have and on the phone like they have in 33:27 an ad or something on the phone and they're timid about finding 33:31 somebody to help them. Well, I mean, there's different. 33:34 I mean, that's something that we need to talk about a little 33:36 bit because some of these mature audience want to know. 33:39 How do I get that like, oh, this is, you know, exciting, 33:43 but I yeah, I want that connection. So even calling the 33:47 call Santa, maybe some of us can help. We cannot make that 33:50 connection. And even because I've gotten some that your 33:53 phone calls and, you know, just guiding them a little bit. 33:56 I know here at 3ABN what we're trying to help us, if they 33:59 don't have family members that can help. And they also have 34:01 kids programs, kids programs that ha newest one you can 34:07 watch the on demand is absolutely. And so a lot of the 34:10 kids, you know, they're watching it on the iPad, 34:12 you know, for for a a little bit of time. Not a whole hour, 34:15 maybe. But I mean, that's a phenomenal way. They can watch 34:19 what they want. And if something's going, they can 34:21 flip it around because their attention span is not as long. 34:24 And that's why some of our programs are showing up. 34:26 But that's another thing to keep in mind that don't be 34:30 intimidated by these acts like some of you have them, but you 34:34 find it in to help. 34:36 >> So what an absolutely amazing as you're reading all 34:39 the all of these, 34:41 you get all these avenue should know for saving 3 ABN 34:46 and then I've heard the story so many times. Let's go back. 34:48 38 years. They had this. They're sitting there, got it. 34:53 Finally, given the signal out with a giant 10 foot dish and 34:58 then there was the phone rung 35:00 that couldn't find the foam because that all the structure 35:03 around, you know, and here we've got in that 10 game or 35:08 big business than this right here. 35:12 I think we've said this before. God is could write. Yes, 35:17 I mean, we're just trying to stay in step with the plan that 35:22 he has. No. So winners words here that you're pronouncing. 35:28 I heard the word mature. 35:30 >> I identified with that. I don't know if you were 35:33 talking about Yahoo too far behind. So, yeah, you heard it 35:38 here for haha. 35:41 >> You know that you go, you know, is going to say, though, 35:43 you know, we encourage is Jason was saying no to download the 35:45 app. If you don't have the 3 AB an AB just going down load is 35:48 very simple like France. He said it doesn't cost 35:51 anything. The video on demand is just really powerful. 35:52 Lot of people like the Bible qna programs and, you know, 35:55 its rapid pace. And so the beautiful thing, a video on 35:59 demand. As you can pause, you can rewind you can hit play 36:02 again. You can pause that we can right. All of the notes 36:06 down. So that's just another beautiful thing of the video on 36:10 demand and 3 of them. Plus, we in courage you to do that. 36:12 The other neat thing about 3 a B plus is that you can download 36:16 the video. So in other words, yes, download. 36:18 >> You can't made. Yes, Ron, tell us about downloading was 36:21 the man was also like I I mean, I just literally said here 36:24 cause I just got this new iPad for ministry purpose and 36:27 mother, one kind of want to put it. So as you guys were talking 36:30 about, you know, I have all the I 3ABN plus some iPhone, 36:32 but I've yet to download it on my that moment at-bat. 36:35 >> So I just downloaded it. It's beautiful. And it will be 36:38 see that on the television screen. But it's just it's 36:40 beautiful as you as you can see there. You have all of this. 36:43 If I hold it up here, you had you literally have all of the 36:45 major networks. 36:46 >> Right there. All the program going, Kevin. That's the second 36:49 one right there. You see this as overcoming. Yeah. Downtown 36:52 next. Well, oh, I'm sorry. Push that with that. Okay. 36:56 So if you hit that, okay and then scroll. You go there all 37:01 the years. The program, 2, 3, 4, 5, 37:04 holes like other. So much content on here. And it's just 37:10 awesome. And I love to share features you mentioned because 37:12 you could share this with somebody even encourages them 37:14 to download the app as he sent a video to watch. It will 37:17 courage in the download the app, but it's really, really 37:19 awesome that the download features on here. So, you know, 37:22 there's times that, you know, I you know, I might be somewhere 37:24 where there's not an Internet connection in the beautiful 37:27 thing is you can download this to whatever device you have and 37:30 you list it going on the road in the airport where it is that 37:33 you may not have a very clear signal. So my goodness, 3 being 37:36 plus app is just such a blessing. And it's just a mecca 37:39 database of a cry centered content with all of the major 37:43 networks. And if you don't have 3ABN plus app and you miss now. 37:46 Haha. 37:48 >> I just heard this word or read this word yesterday called 37:51 my kitchen. 37:53 So with this right here, you could become a digital 37:56 missionary. Yeah, I mean, that's a big word. You know, 38:00 it's coming. You just clarify that. I you know, I don't know 38:05 everything. Hold on a second. Haha. 38:10 >> So you think about this? You can be a digital missionary 38:13 hat home. Yeah, that's right. Can sit in your living room. 38:17 You have an iPad or smartphone. Lot of people. Smartphones, 38:19 Roku, right? Easy ways to share. You can share this with 38:22 your friends or with other people like you mentioned. 38:25 It's pretty simple to do. The Sharon is an adjacent. 38:27 Well, absolutely. You know, I think of it as part of our 38:30 stewardship. There you go. You know, we talk about money 38:33 is always considered part of stewardship, but, you know, 38:36 knowing where to get good content and share that content 38:40 is very powerful. Yeah. And so, yeah. I mean, Amazon Fire. 38:45 If we can show that again, Apple TV or Roku your Android 38:49 device or year, Apple, Phone or Android phone. These are great 38:54 tools to share with your neighbors and let them know 38:57 >> how they can get 3 ABN. Francine mentioned the mature, 39:02 the seasoned members. So we're going to go for the senior 39:05 citizens to the young people. So talk to us about kids 39:08 network and sell dates in what's happening with you. 39:11 Something really fun here on the this is one of the 39:14 >> grass for fall says Fall. 40 says he never leaves. 39:19 And, you know, that reminds me of Hebrews, for example, 39:22 says that you contact the without COVID just missed. 39:26 They contend with such things. As you have 4, he himself said 39:30 I will never leave you nor forsake you so boldly saith. 39:33 The Lord is my help. I was not fear. And you know, and that 39:39 was talking about no matter what we can say that God is a 39:44 helper and through this media and he gives you the guy does 39:49 what, how to witness and and the right attitude, I guess is 39:52 what I'm trying to say to witness because we are 39:57 time is of importance to take that opportunity, take that 40:01 opportunity. And that's and that's what kids come into 40:03 play. Even you know, wind may are on digital forms, for 40:08 example, is using your time wisely. And they and we can 40:13 live, by example, like how do we spend our time specifically? 40:16 But there's a lot happening. Kids network, of course, 40:20 some of, you know, of the detectives of truth on these 40:24 weekly Bible studies. I want to call them with craft. And so 40:29 this one happens to be the cuttlefish and I happen to have 40:32 the cuttlefish right. He he. 40:37 >> And then so we have the kids can make the kids can make that 40:40 and we tried to make them where they are 40:43 our crafts, that you can actually download for free 40:46 again and got 3ABN kids that struck a website with 40:50 instructions. And but of course, they have to go with 40:54 thee 5, 0, say, you know, little Bible studies, you could 40:57 do a Q I day. But there's so much happening. And this is an 41:01 ongoing that we are doing weekly and we're getting a lot 41:06 of feedback because Al several kids are 41:09 >> to writing and saying, hey, I'm doing this on Sabbath 41:12 afternoon with some of my friends. So even though there 41:15 is, you know, so many downloads, maybe there is 50600 41:19 in a month while some of them are being produced and copied, 41:23 you know, in in different things. But 41:25 >> so every week just to recap every week we have a craft and 41:30 we have a Bible study. The Bible city has a crossword 41:33 puzzle. Has the crossword puzzles? It answers. It's topic 41:36 Lee based food. So every week you can download this. Yeah. 41:40 And you can follow along with Web site again. 41:43 >> Kids at 3 of us. I that's my email is at 3ABN kids dot TV, 41:48 perfect TV and kids dot TV. And of course, I'm always 41:51 looking for kids helping out and now come to my e-mail and a 41:55 little bit. But we have a lots of things. A lot of kids are 41:59 still excited about the tiny tots cookbook and he has 42:02 another one of the cast. Yes, ginger, I had some of the 42:06 bullet hole craft and we call this our prayer. Why this is 42:12 going to happening with the kids network. But, you know, 42:19 it's really what's it touches my heart. The most is when kids 42:23 write a call 42:25 and say how much they see Jesus, nothing can compare to 42:30 that because they are also influencing adults know when we 42:34 don't even know 42:35 what seeds being planted a month. And here's another thing 42:40 for that prayer. 42:43 And it was talked about. But this is from send us and 42:46 there and that goes with a prayer, why they can put some 42:52 outright messages to encourage other people. But again, 42:55 there's so many crafts up there. 42:57 >> And although the cards, the cookbook and little ginger, 43:01 the little stuff in your hand on that front has Jr a little 43:05 ball in at CBN DOT TV. You just check out our online store, 43:09 3 ABN DOT TV right at the top. There's a button that says 43:12 store, you click on that and it goes and you can see little 43:15 ginger, you can see by for a suggested donation or you can 43:20 see the cookbooks or the the cards or any of the other 43:24 products. 43:25 >> So, yeah, thank you for doing that because they make 43:27 great gifts and that again is being encouraged. 43:32 >> Has softened. It will live. And in that we've haha, you 43:37 know, it's it's a little. 43:38 >> And he was a little card. It says Dear and fancy. My name 43:43 is Riley and 9, 6, and I have a brother and my papa and my baby 43:49 which I think is baby brother. I love your programs. 43:53 >> And all of you, please pray for me. Jesus loves me. Most of 43:59 all, Jesus loves you, OK, watching year programs. And, 44:04 you know, it's things like that that you realize. 44:07 >> There's an impact. But again, that takes an army that 44:10 was about there's nothing that any one of us can do. And it is 44:16 from what's happening in the home team and devoting that 44:19 time. So you might just want that. 44:22 >> We make a big appreciation and there's so much to be 44:25 thankful for because I know falls coming around and it's 44:28 cold and I love fall in the colors. 44:32 But it's the season of 44:35 being grateful. You came out and realizing that the kids to 44:40 make an impact. 44:42 >> And so I'm in. And then what about some new programs that 44:45 are coming out because you have launch? 44:47 >> Kids expressed to us about that. Brand-new poke. That is a 44:51 brand-new program. So we've we have at least 8 of them that 44:55 I'm demand right now. So that's a new program. It still 44:59 starting to call them. And it's called Kid 6 past. But it's an 45:02 axe, a hyphen and then press. And so I'm I'm always looking 45:08 for kids that want to share who Jesus is, how they witnessing 45:12 for Jesus in their community. And then they talk a little bit 45:14 about their character development, how Christ is 45:18 developing the character. And then we have some kids that 45:20 right in and have some questions. And so that's 45:23 another one. So if you know somebody that Watt is a witness 45:27 for Jesus and would like to be participating, my email as kids 45:32 at CBN Dot Org, all you can go to my website again. It's the 45:36 ABM Kids DOT TV. But my email is kids at FIU, BN Dot Org and 45:40 let us know that you want to participate so much it. It 45:44 doesn't matter what age. I'm as long as there may be of 45:47 closer to 16 and younger, but we're trying to get kids, 45:51 but that's to encourage the kids to see what's happening 45:54 around the world. And that is another way that we can 45:57 participate with kids remotely because we have a lot of kids 46:01 like in the Philippines and Nigeria. And 46:06 >> I mean, just all over the world. And it's not just in the 46:08 United States where they can come on the stat and I want 46:11 them to feel like they're part of 46:14 >> TV and on to a lot of grandma. And grandpa is 46:16 watching to hear right. There is a lot of ground lineup as 46:19 and sometimes they're even the ones writing the question. 46:21 >> Has you know, it's the height and it it it for them. 46:28 I feel like they enjoy seeing the kids but also its new its 46:32 and a level that's not so theological you if it's an easy 46:36 way, which the logical is good, what there's a time that. 46:39 But there's other times where you just want to be encouraged. 46:42 And I think that's something that kids bring to life. 46:45 They're not very predictable. Even on my program. You'll see 46:48 that. And I'm not very predictable, but but we have 46:53 fun. And that's the most important to move is that, 46:55 you know, the kids come within days. It was diving into the 46:59 desert at the end of the program, for example. But we 47:01 hope that everybody, if you know somebody that young. 47:06 >> Tell them about Jesus and to just the biggest trade, doing a 47:10 great job, so proud of you and grateful for your leadership 47:14 with kids network what you're doing, what about some of the 47:17 programs that we can look for that you're trying to record in 47:20 2020? 47:22 >> Oh, well, I'm glad you mentioned that when we first 47:23 have one coming up here in November. And that's the 3 47:27 Angels message, 3 angels for kids with Sandra Duran. And 47:30 that's going to be based on a curriculum that hopefully is 47:34 going to be part of the schools as well and talking about that, 47:37 the Angels. But the one thing I'm most excited about that 47:42 he's down on a prayer for some time. And some of you knew 47:46 about the kids camp that we had a few years back and were home 47:50 being that we can do it in June, maybe June. 26 to 29. 47:56 So again, if you know some young person that would like to 47:59 participate, we're looking for you to e-mail me. So I can that 48:03 at kids at 03:00AM dot org. And what's what time? Again, 48:07 that will hoping it's a bit wet. We can't confirm that, 48:10 but we're looking at possibly June. 26 to 29 2023. So be in 48:16 the summer can summer. So I am at that. I can. I have to thank 48:20 the leadership. 48:21 >> Because that takes a whole whole fake army of it's a team 48:25 effort hut. So but that's exciting news that since COVID 48:34 has lifted in kids have been writing in asking so much, 48:38 they want to participate, kids camp and again, they saw Jesus. 48:43 It just like can't meeting some of them cried. They didn't want 48:45 to leave and that makes a difference. 48:50 >> Yeah. Yeah. We appreciate what you're doing. A leadership 48:54 and ministering to young people. As you mentioned, 48:56 there's old or younger. 48:58 >> Hart, the Yahoo. Who use the word experience. Yeah. Oh, 49:06 yeah. You're mention about kids express again. I want to just 49:09 maybe around you can pull it up on yours. But you mentioned the 49:11 program. So they're actually there on demand along 3ABN plus 49:16 Yahoo. Just one there. It is a Casey. So right there on the 49:20 first one that pops up there looks like a programs. They're 49:23 I think it's as soon as it pushed that you'll see all 8. 49:26 So Chris Kids expressing that pop up just like the end. 49:29 If you scroll there they are. Haha. And then there is just my 49:34 light. All the kids programming as well. Just like every 49:38 network. All the programming is that we hear. 49:40 >> Let me share with you talking about behind the 49:43 saying, OK, I don't know this has ever been shared before or 49:47 not. I see our precious little gingerly. Sure can. They're 49:52 free day. One of the wonderful things about 3, 8, BN there's 49:55 every department starts off to have a morning prayer with you. 49:58 See 50:00 there you see in your shot there. 50:02 >> Oh, we love our baby hahah. 50:05 >> Every day every department starts off with morning prayer. 50:08 Yeah, that's right. Well, we're on second Floor Post Road 50:12 Department as well as all the departments. Second poor start 50:15 each morning off with prayer. 50:17 Well, precious little gingers are real precious little to 50:21 injure and the precious little Tranter is. 50:25 >> Kuz mommy it. I hope I'm AMI. Haha. 50:34 And and so. 50:39 >> And pretty insane. She belongs to our prayer group. 50:42 So here comes and press prince soon and guess who she is. 50:46 Right. But precious little baby gingers. Whether I have never 50:52 saying such a precious baby. If she comes up to eat when I 50:56 was probably 20 of us in there, she comes up. She knows exactly 51:00 what to do. She comes down so that I can get my fix for the 51:03 day. Kuzma baby due in the morning in shield. Get get her 51:09 take of JD. That should go right over to right. And 51:13 they're wrong just to do this. I know how they be doing and 51:17 son 51:18 she's now has around the table. I mean, it's absolutely 51:22 amazing, too. We know that I'm on the plane with this coming. 51:26 And every time you see her, she looks so much like 51:30 low to ensure that you just can't keep your hands off over 51:33 because she is so sweet. And so he's a friend of the 51:36 log. 51:37 >> Yeah, I got up and said a prayer on that one because she 51:40 is she has the right disposition man. But, you know, 51:44 that reminds me and that comes around to the attitude again, 51:49 that is it still might from the beginning, you know, and so 51:52 again, with kids, 51:54 whatever we implant or plant the seed and that helps their 51:59 character. And that's I I hate to say that a dog has a 52:04 character but found a way she does. That is that's instilled 52:09 in me the love that everybody shows toward her. Even the ones 52:13 that we have some little kids at the school and some of them 52:18 were very scared. One of them is on our one of them. Parents 52:22 are on our camera right now. Heard a little Todd was so 52:26 scared. I'm ginger. And then at Dow, she thanks for Ginger to 52:31 come and be. 52:32 >> He's good with kids getting everyone to know. He's a 52:36 wonderful representative. 00:03PM. Good team member. 52:41 Yeah, that's true. Higher. Haha. 52:44 >> One again, we're just here talking about behind the 52:47 scenes, what's happening at 3ABN, again, we just thank you 52:49 for being part of the families we're discussing here in our 52:52 3ABN living room as we call it. You know, we're all just here 52:55 together were praising the Lord for what he is doing through 52:57 this ministry. But he's using you as of Feb. 2 powerful is 53:02 that you may think I'm in significant. You are 53:04 significant and your significant gosh is significant 53:07 to us and you're making a difference. Thank you for your 53:09 prayers means a lot and also for your financial support of 53:12 this ministry. I want to read just a couple of things that 53:15 coming. Did you have a commoner to also that will show that 53:17 have come in from you at home? We like it really isn't just 53:20 that. A couple minutes will go to break and we'll be talking 53:22 about some other ways that you can help us with evangelist. 53:25 What do you have there? 53:26 >> Says this came in. This one came in through YouTube. 53:29 It's a comment on YouTube. You know how you can make 53:31 comments back and forth. 53:32 I've never had a single doubt that God is the head of 3ABN in 53:36 April of 2008. It so happened. I used to watch TV in but my 53:41 cable station broke down when it came back on. It was a 53:43 miracle for me instead of TBN came coming back on 3 D and 53:48 replaced it and even now it is a wonder to me how that 53:52 happened. I became an avid us believe are the same month. 53:56 Thanks to the Holy Spirit for the man became my favorite 53:59 station every day. The Lord Jesus be praised for ever more. 54:04 He's got the right result. How can TV and somehow quit? 54:09 And then 3ABN show that's divine. Yeah. Got a hand in 54:13 hand with her. 54:14 >> Think about Travis and we met Travis at camp meeting. 54:16 Yes, you're watching can mean it's amazing as a young man 54:19 that was wondering about revelation and the beast of 54:22 revelations. So where did he go to be on the person? He went to 54:26 YouTube to try find some answers, came across the 54:28 missing facts and then of course, our family and then 54:32 YouTube sent him, which is really cool in the algorithms 54:34 that back in part of you to send 3 ABN and he's been 54:37 watching 3 been ever since he was baptized in June. It was 54:41 June of this year May or June this year. That's thanks to you 54:46 to us putting the message out there and then him looking 54:49 searching and finding truth. And this person here was asking 54:52 what their names and cure carry through with it. I was 54:55 wondering when how this is on this. How this happened, 54:57 right? That's one Providence Ri. God Lord alive and well. 55:02 Yeah. 55:03 >> How TVN would disappear. And in 3 games rhinos at the 55:06 school ban on YouTube. This is surely. 55:08 >> I'm not an avid test but I enjoy how the savage school 55:11 panel teach the word of God. I praise God for them. I listen 55:15 to them and enjoy every moment of the teaching. Praise God 55:18 that parcel. You hear that a lot. Don't you about a lot of? 55:20 Yeah. 55:21 >> So I have the beautiful privilege of traveling 55:23 sometimes throughout the here and I get to go out and do 55:24 concerts and weekend events and so meet meet up with our 3ABN 55:28 family and that's one of the number one comments. Again. 55:31 Praise God for 3 being stabbed school pal. I watch it every 55:33 weekend. Just a blessing to be a part of it. And then to 55:36 receive the blessing in return from the kind comments we give. 55:40 And then 55:41 this again comes from you, too. This is from Sonja. You classes 55:44 are very queue at this time. 55:46 >> Sign of maturity. Haha. Haha. 55:55 >> Well, just you know you well, you know, somebody said 55:58 that they are much as my time. But you know what happened? 56:00 The truth is he's a Walmart classes and I this might I am 56:05 black ones. I don't have them anymore. So at the red ones for 56:07 this program, I have them. So they're haha. This is from 56:12 Sonia going out of business here. Okay. I have gotten 56:15 absolute clarity as pertaining to the state of the dead praise 56:19 the Lord. Thank you. 3 ABN family. And this is a 56:23 particular says another person, Robert and he was watching 56:27 particular sermon on your TV said this is amongst the best 56:29 sermons I've ever heard. I'm closer now to accepting the 56:32 7th avenues church as the truth. So he's finding truth 56:36 through 3ABN on YouTube. This person railings says 3, 56:41 the end. This is where I first heard about the 7th Day 56:44 Sabbath, Lou. And yeah, and it goes on and on. But yet praise 56:48 the Lord. And we're reading these to encourage you. They 56:51 are just here at 3 of them. But this is to encourage you as 56:54 well because we're making a difference in the world would 56:57 have to look forward to Joe in the second hour on a lot. 57:00 >> Right off the gate at the start of the second hour of 57:02 Pastor John Lowe. McCain is going to be joining us via 57:05 Skype there from California. He's been out there doing an 57:08 evangelist to crusade. That's right. The Pleasant Hill 57:12 Seventh-day Adventist Church and we've been watching night 57:16 by night won a tremendous and that's been so we're going to 57:18 get to hear from Pastor John on the ground as it were. And 57:22 we're going to hear next hour as well from JD Impasse. 57:25 Orland Prison Ministry from Ryan as he shares what the 57:29 upcoming events are meant to crazy and Mexico. That's right. 57:32 We're going to get an update from Mexico. So there's a lot 57:35 coming the next hour. Stay tuned. We'll be right 57:39 [MUSIC] 57:44 [MUSIC] 57:49 [MUSIC] |
Revised 2022-10-20