to understand what Jesus is doing right now in haven't. ¤ 00:00:00.56\00:00:09.34 ¤ >> Welcome back. My friends. excited. I know. I keep saying 00:00:09.34\00:00:19.85 it. But you know what? Ministry excite me. Jesus excites me 00:00:19.85\00:00:25.12 truth. And his word. Everything about being a true, genuine Christian excites me. And we 00:00:25.12\00:00:29.99 have saw outreach with us and we're now in our second hour and it's going to be just as great 00:00:29.99\00:00:33.46 if not better than the first one. So we're excited to have Eric with us. For those of you 00:00:33.46\00:00:39.27 who are just now tuning in, we have Eric and we also have one. Will we see that right 00:00:39.27\00:00:46.54 double? Yes, we'll month out of and then we have a job free Saint Hilaire. Yeah, it's a 00:00:46.54\00:00:49.71 it's a blessing to have you guys with us. And we were kind of leaving the first part or 00:00:49.71\00:00:54.32 exceeding the first hour will was was sharing with us. You know what God is doing 00:00:54.32\00:01:02.09 spiritually in regards to the pastoral ministry that you guys are ultimately, you know, 00:01:02.09\00:01:05.53 all that you're doing all of the mingling, all of the meeting, 00:01:05.53\00:01:08.80 the needs of these individuals, you know, all that's great. But yet your ultimate goal is to 00:01:08.80\00:01:12.40 believe these people leave these individuals to Jesus and salutes kind of pick back up 00:01:12.40\00:01:15.47 where you were, have anything you want to finish in regards what you were saying earlier. 00:01:15.47\00:01:21.04 And I 2 versus really stick out to mind when I jus >> almost like an overall what 00:01:21.04\00:01:26.28 we do. and marked 10 verse. 45 Freeman, the son of man did not come to be served but to 00:01:26.28\00:01:37.33 serve and verse goes on. But it's just that part right there. He didn't come to be 00:01:37.33\00:01:43.20 served. 2 search trying you and that concept, though we haven't solved like servant 00:01:43.20\00:01:47.47 hood. Yes, you know, mindset that we're here to serve Regardless. How many times, 00:01:47.47\00:01:51.91 you know, I mean. pressed gives you nowhere. They hope the one thing they have them 00:01:51.91\00:01:58.25 again. again, get to that one day and we've also seen that person. He's now on their 00:01:58.25\00:02:04.69 feet, right? You but just having that heart of Christ where he's just like I came to 00:02:04.69\00:02:08.92 serve regardless of what the situation is, I'm here to serve. And the other verse 00:02:08.92\00:02:15.33 comes to mind is actually a passes. But it's a not match. 00:02:15.33\00:02:20.74 The I got it. >> can I read it? You because actually had this marked here, adding I was going 00:02:20.74\00:02:25.47 to read it at some point because everything that you guys are doing reminds me of this 00:02:25.47\00:02:30.78 passage. This is Matthew chapter. 25. Yeah. And really starts in verse. 31, I want to 00:02:30.78\00:02:36.72 just read this because it's it's one of those passages that just 00:02:36.72\00:02:41.86 get you picture arts, if you're if you truly seeking to be a true, genuine Christian. So 00:02:41.86\00:02:46.33 Matthew, 25 beginning in verse. 31, it says when the son of man comes in his glory and all the 00:02:46.33\00:02:49.13 Holy Angels with him, then he will settlement on the front of his glory. All the nations will 00:02:49.13\00:02:53.84 be gathered before him and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd divides 00:02:53.84\00:02:59.51 his sheep from the goats and he will set the sheep on his right hand. But the goats on 00:02:59.51\00:03:03.35 his left. >> Then the king will say to those on his right hand 00:03:03.35\00:03:06.82 calm, you blessing of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of 00:03:06.82\00:03:12.42 the world. And here's where it gets interesting. He's still talking to the sheep, the 00:03:12.42\00:03:16.49 bliss of the ones that will inherit and what does he say? He says for I was hungry and 00:03:16.49\00:03:20.93 you gave me food I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I 00:03:20.93\00:03:30.31 was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came 00:03:30.31\00:03:36.21 to me then the righteous will answer him saying Lord, when did we see you hungry and 00:03:36.21\00:03:42.02 feed? You are thirsty and give you a drink. When did we see you a stranger and take you in 00:03:42.02\00:03:45.49 or naked and clothe? You or when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you and the 00:03:45.49\00:03:51.83 king will answer and say to surely I say to you in as much as you did it to the one of 00:03:51.83\00:03:56.23 the least of these my brethren, you did it to me. Yes, that's 00:03:56.23\00:04:03.51 powerful. Is that the passage you would think it is hoped? Is that in the the thing about it 00:04:03.51\00:04:06.27 just does things from this passes that. >> Kind out another layer to the passage is that all 00:04:06.27\00:04:15.15 the parables of Jesus gives. And 24 25 yes, this is the only one that's prophetic so when 00:04:15.15\00:04:21.56 you're reading this, you're actually reading about all right. You're reading about 00:04:21.56\00:04:26.73 yourself, you know, because as it in the witness said a man comes in his glory. That 00:04:26.73\00:04:30.07 hasn't happened yet. All right. It's going to happen, right, right? You know, so 00:04:30.07\00:04:33.97 when you're reading this all these other, you know, parables 00:04:33.97\00:04:38.17 leading up to it their all daisy chain together to show how to stay ready, right? You know how 00:04:38.17\00:04:42.54 to be vigilant. But this last one kind of puts that it's directly professor records to 00:04:42.54\00:04:47.55 when he comes when he comes and with what always captivated be 00:04:47.55\00:04:52.55 about this pass is is he doesn't come to his people and say how do you treat my law, right, OK? 00:04:52.55\00:04:58.06 He says, all right. How did you my people? Because I will indicate if you even knew the 00:04:58.06\00:05:02.33 law to begin with the you know, how did you to my people? I was 00:05:02.33\00:05:07.24 hungry. I was to So what I find at least for me growing up. We always Heene and get water. But 00:05:07.24\00:05:15.71 past that. It kind stepping into. Might I that? it reminds me of every single time in the 00:05:15.71\00:05:20.82 book of Revelation where Jesus addresses one of the churches. It's interesting that he could 00:05:20.82\00:05:24.49 have said I know your faith. You know, because Bible makes it clear pulses. We're saved 00:05:24.49\00:05:29.96 by grace through faith, not of works the city mission boost. Yes. But when he gets to the 00:05:29.96\00:05:33.50 churches in in Asia, minor revelation, he says to every one of them, I know you're 00:05:33.50\00:05:38.63 works. I know you're works. I know your work and it begs the question, why? Why not? I know 00:05:38.63\00:05:41.00 your faith for saved by faith and not by. >> Necessarily our 00:05:41.00\00:05:45.37 work will get its the works to tell the story of her face. And that's what you guys are are 00:05:45.37\00:05:48.04 bringing out. That's what you're doing. It. >> Powerful and I 00:05:48.04\00:05:51.21 want and with this this passage. >> And testimony to the church volume Alright chapter the 00:05:51.21\00:06:00.29 churches need. I want to be this little paragraph. Yes, yes. speaking of the church. 00:06:00.29\00:06:11.63 And says it is to provide these opportunities that God has placed among us, the poor, 00:06:11.63\00:06:15.10 the unfortunate the sick and the suffering. They are Chrysler, gusty to his church. 00:06:15.10\00:06:23.01 they are not to be cared for us and they are to be cared for as he would care for them 00:06:23.01\00:06:28.75 in this way. God takes away the droughts and purifies the gold gives us that culture of 00:06:28.75\00:06:34.22 heart and character which we And so the question we always ask ourselves is how are we 00:06:34.22\00:06:40.30 treating legacy of Jesus? And for while, you know, I beautiful 00:06:40.30\00:06:44.93 thing about those quick common for job >> Is this? You know, I believe there was very there 00:06:44.93\00:06:50.04 was a lot of intentionality in the order that Jesus said this. It said these things and 00:06:50.04\00:06:54.81 food and drink. It's easy. That's what a lot of people stop, right? Yeah. But then 00:06:54.81\00:07:00.75 you go took me and clothe me. That's that's kind of another But now you go to visited me 00:07:00.75\00:07:04.95 when I was sick. And imprison, you came to me now, this relationship, right? And it's 00:07:04.95\00:07:12.06 it's it's a progression. I I feel like that's kind of how this is Christ method right 00:07:12.06\00:07:18.97 This is exactly that. What you read earlier, in the end, the tax in the bar will tax right 00:07:18.97\00:07:21.94 here across my fellow. So yeah, beautiful. remember. Yeah. All 00:07:21.94\00:07:29.71 right. So yeah. >> Tell us a little bit about really quickly how you got involved with salt 00:07:29.71\00:07:33.42 and then share with us what God has been using you to do in regards to ministry and 00:07:33.42\00:07:37.52 ministering to the spiritual needs of those. Yeah, I'm not around the time. Saw first 00:07:37.52\00:07:40.66 started. I was there. You know that those 2 or after I guess a little after they were, you 00:07:40.66\00:07:51.80 know, as one of the people that were getting and helping out. And just, you know, serve 00:07:51.80\00:07:59.34 I guess says, you know, you're not as valuable so was there getting involved with and 00:07:59.34\00:08:07.82 becoming the the treasure. On her back in the day. >> Yeah. 00:08:07.82\00:08:20.43 20st treasure >> Were and then? I I left Orlando. Ice when I when I graduated from UCF and 00:08:20.43\00:08:29.07 stuff like that. But I always felt like this desire and need to go to All right. I just felt 00:08:29.07\00:08:35.41 like Kabul saying, go out there. I'm kind of going out there 00:08:35.41\00:08:42.85 >> I who's out led go out there for a little bit of that time. My name I was I went my 00:08:42.85\00:08:49.16 first thing was >> So while I was there and some life experiences, I just 00:08:49.16\00:08:55.33 started doing a lot of missionary things. I went to Korea for a year, came back 00:08:55.33\00:08:59.87 and I felt God telling me to go to Andrews to study the I was there that I went to Peru 00:08:59.87\00:09:05.01 for year. Now he's doing like missionary things here. And there here in back and forth 00:09:05.01\00:09:11.51 Orlando a little bit like wasn't home as much when I did. Sometimes touch base with 00:09:11.51\00:09:16.05 Eric Catch up a little bit here and there. You know me. Well, one time he came back. 00:09:16.05\00:09:28.43 he's like Kennedy need So just, you know, count them here and 00:09:28.43\00:09:33.47 there and down. >> Last year. >> I at the seminary I don't I don't think at the moment. We 00:09:33.47\00:09:43.14 had kind of talked about, you maybe coming back to our site. It was a little but I was 00:09:43.14\00:09:49.38 actually supposed to go Kansas like work and that this church to stop That kind of fell 00:09:49.38\00:09:57.16 through politics and all that stuff. so. But then God, God is so interesting how he 00:09:57.16\00:10:01.70 always like. He lets you know that a man I've been there all along. I guess what happened 00:10:01.70\00:10:11.94 11 years ago when you had sex that heart and at 0 for me and you were just young guy out 00:10:11.94\00:10:16.21 there doing your thing. That wasn't for not liking it. poly even till now. Yes. So you 00:10:16.21\00:10:25.32 after graduate from seminary and things just kind of his fallen through. You know, you 00:10:25.32\00:10:30.03 just in this moment in this space flight, OK? >> have a job 00:10:30.03\00:10:36.83 and have a wife doing that. You know, you didn't like that was I knew kind of you feel, you know, 00:10:36.83\00:10:40.90 you feel like us like a shadow. I can you just. >> You feel 00:10:40.90\00:10:49.88 unseen and you know, and then got just opens up some doors and a New York start talking. And 00:10:49.88\00:10:55.15 yeah, and God led me, you know, back to us all. The crazy thing is that the way I was feeling I 00:10:55.15\00:11:01.72 had to now minister to the to the same people who so in a sense feel that way. Who are I 00:11:01.72\00:11:07.46 guess, shadows of society, right? running. Yeah. You know, and I had to step in 00:11:07.46\00:11:13.90 there. You know, as as a a long time, my brother here. You know, 00:11:13.90\00:11:18.44 stepping into someone's I guess, trauma every day. You know that we don't talk about that. Like 00:11:18.44\00:11:23.04 other side of it right now. Like it's nice for doing like a lot of great stuff. That 00:11:23.04\00:11:27.55 that you're dealing your diet. Yeah. Real stuff. To chaos every day. You know, it's not 00:11:27.55\00:11:32.85 bite. >> I get to meet you on Saturday. We do call de Vive 00:11:32.85\00:11:38.46 or affair 1, yeah. And then I'm out for the week, you know, touch here. And there. 00:11:38.46\00:11:42.96 But it's like every day, you know, and all these are people. are dealing with some 00:11:42.96\00:11:48.57 sort of things have experiencing. And for me personally, I just realized 00:11:48.57\00:11:51.77 that. And like I'm not really that are like you like I like one step away. You know, like 00:11:51.77\00:12:00.95 because when I hear the stories when we talk about Christ meant 00:12:00.95\00:12:05.52 that alone, I think what crisis saying through that is is it's crazy because I was going to 00:12:05.52\00:12:09.99 mention that earlier. So I know that the spirit was doing its thing. Was it's about value. 00:12:09.99\00:12:15.26 price method alone. It is seeing people from the jump, you desiring their What do you 00:12:15.26\00:12:24.61 want give me? You know, there's that there's that there's that 00:12:24.61\00:12:27.81 line, that famous line like that. I think it's correct me as a people don't hear about how 00:12:27.81\00:12:37.59 much can how much you know how they know whole late. There's another little thing for a shirt 00:12:37.59\00:12:45.46 for Saul over over 1000 people do care about how much you know until they know how much you 00:12:45.46\00:12:49.26 can. Exactly. And that's what you know. >> Savor mingle with 00:12:49.26\00:12:53.67 men is what it is. I think it's starting out just yesterday here 00:12:53.67\00:12:56.60 about you. >> And I've seen So through my time there, as of recent, like God is like ICU, 00:12:56.60\00:13:04.78 you know, I know, you know, the to back, but I you right. >> but 00:13:04.78\00:13:10.02 but in an awesome, though, yeah, and I mean to interrupt you, but I'm just yeah popped in my mind. 00:13:10.02\00:13:14.32 like to share. Sometimes it's when we're going through some stuff ourselves. Yeah, they got 00:13:14.32\00:13:19.06 will ask us to minister someone that's going to to reach us. Oh, yes, you know, kind of 00:13:19.06\00:13:25.77 sounds weird because I know I got to get I got to clean up first. I got to us to fix 00:13:25.77\00:13:30.51 before I go out there trying. But sometimes God works in mysterious ways like that. 00:13:30.51\00:13:32.94 Like >> I know you're going through some stuff. I see. I see 00:13:32.94\00:13:38.11 what you've been dealing with You're going through the her minister. This person is 00:13:38.11\00:13:42.02 something Yeah. And in your mission, this person is you almost kind of fill in the in 00:13:42.02\00:13:44.99 the mix least I have in the past But I I I need to be clean to. I 00:13:44.99\00:13:51.13 need to be a need to be worked on as well or I need this area in my life to be to be to be 00:13:51.13\00:13:56.16 right. But but hear what you're saying, Yeah, I've been there. I understand it a sense. And just 00:13:56.16\00:14:00.50 to add to that, compound it because >> a lot of the staff, you know, we come in with the 00:14:00.50\00:14:05.71 things that, you know, we're dealing with some having, like almost like family said man 00:14:05.71\00:14:08.04 and like all of these things and it's just so awesome. Just to see how God is walking 00:14:08.04\00:14:14.82 alongside me as I walk alongside our brothers and sisters. You 00:14:14.82\00:14:23.32 know, so I'm just showing up being in that space is Khan is really. He's really been taking 00:14:23.32\00:14:29.20 care of me allow. and and and our brothers and sisters have been doing the same for me like 00:14:29.20\00:14:34.70 it's been like this mutual ministry. yeah. We should doing studies may speak a word there. 00:14:34.70\00:14:40.54 Speaking things to us Christ is a listener. You know, yes, is to us here. Yes, you know, 00:14:40.54\00:14:47.42 he heels, you know, the broken heart and he buys up the So as he's doing through us. You 00:14:47.42\00:14:56.69 know, they're doing that to us as well as I listen to certain stories online because 00:14:56.69\00:15:01.06 sometimes you you're in the situation every day in and the reality is I my question like 00:15:01.06\00:15:05.03 that, you hear like. >> You seem like maybe you should be here or 00:15:05.03\00:15:11.07 but it's when you hear the story and you're like, OK, and sometimes God just wants us to 00:15:11.07\00:15:19.28 listen. Yes, sometimes that's where we're called to because there's someone who will never 00:15:19.28\00:15:22.38 come to a Bible but they'll share their heart out about some stuff or they want me to 00:15:22.38\00:15:26.86 pray for them or want to break. You know about and it's just been amazing do that to 00:15:26.86\00:15:34.00 see that so much so that some of our friends have asked for, you know, one-on-one studies, 00:15:34.00\00:15:38.97 right? So we've opened up some time. We do that. Our group study every day. Yeah, we've 00:15:38.97\00:15:43.04 been doing some one-on-one studies in the mornings and that's been special. Powerful. 00:15:43.04\00:15:48.44 Yeah. The other thing I want to mention that thank God gave us opportunity to do was to. I 00:15:48.44\00:15:55.62 think you talked about briefly about and you said it to about the the role of a pastor. So 00:15:55.62\00:16:02.26 sometimes, you know, you're out on this pedestal. But got a opportunity to kind of 00:16:02.26\00:16:07.76 normalized that kind of show that we see each other. I level writes, Yes. So one of 00:16:07.76\00:16:11.90 the things that we did was something call saw obvious live McCain. I was just an 00:16:11.90\00:16:18.01 amazing where we we had to performances for our friends like we just show them like, 00:16:18.01\00:16:27.42 you we would love to entertain you. You know, like you deserve that to you deserve to 00:16:27.42\00:16:31.92 go to a show. You deserve to see artists use to be terrorized you 00:16:31.92\00:16:38.96 know, that land. There's a lot of talent. Yeah. And that's the other thing. Like you have 00:16:38.96\00:16:43.67 talents and gifts. So you deserve to put that on display. Sure. Sure. So here's the space 00:16:43.67\00:16:47.87 for us to do that. And it's not an event where we were just standing on the side. You 00:16:47.87\00:16:52.94 know, as as it passes, we were there with that involve. And and so much so that after what 00:16:52.94\00:16:58.11 are we doing? Another one like I can't wait to be a part of that and if there it's their 00:16:58.11\00:17:06.22 right dancing, just having a nice right? They've advanced and, you know, it's just it 00:17:06.22\00:17:11.36 was just so so sweet. You know, and I think there's a little bridge. The chasm that 00:17:11.36\00:17:16.30 was already being. I'm kind of bridged has a got a lot of you know, to be there work with 00:17:16.30\00:17:23.54 them awesome thing. There is a present on. That's amazing, man. Yeah. Thank you for 00:17:23.54\00:17:31.21 sharing your heart, fellows. let's go back to Eric, let's let's let's kind of backtrack 00:17:31.21\00:17:34.98 a little bit back into because you guys are setting up these. >> These mobile units. Yeah, 00:17:34.98\00:17:43.96 that. >> I have become common. I guess the bread and butter of 00:17:43.96\00:17:45.93 what you guys are doing on a day-to-day basis ministering to people's needs. Tell us a 00:17:45.93\00:17:48.10 little bit more about that. Yes, you know, the funny thing is about all that is, you 00:17:48.10\00:17:55.77 know, it is mobile >> the city of Orlando have been trying to 00:17:55.77\00:17:59.11 get a drop-in center for a building. But every time they would try to do it, they're 00:17:59.11\00:18:04.48 always be something that we come up or the local businesses would say no. The citizens with say 00:18:04.48\00:18:09.68 no. So us being on wheels actually was able we were able to get around that organically 00:18:09.68\00:18:15.89 without even realizing that we're meeting the needs of what the city had been looking 00:18:15.89\00:18:19.19 for for a while. you're doing in the mobile way. So but yeah, in 2021 we launched in 00:18:19.19\00:18:26.00 April. So, you know, we launch a speech or care program in that March of 2021. in an 00:18:26.00\00:18:30.81 April 2021, is only watch a laundry trailer. So has 6 Washington, 6 stars and seen 00:18:30.81\00:18:34.44 in the video earlier. I'm the mayor came out. The city commissioners, you know, bunch 00:18:34.44\00:18:40.55 of local leaders, someone from the House of Representatives was was around and they did a 00:18:40.55\00:18:44.72 ribbon cutting nice. It was called the mayor talking was a huge blessing. the mayor 00:18:44.72\00:18:49.82 surprise us that day and actually made a proclamation that every April 15th be 00:18:49.82\00:18:56.33 solved and you've got your own so it's April. What? April 15, April 15 even have to put that 00:18:56.33\00:19:07.41 money note. Yeah. So April 15, I'm gonna miss you. Glad we saw. thing is is it we didn't 00:19:07.41\00:19:13.21 just put salt. They put salt in the acronym service and love together. Good. Oh, man. 00:19:13.21\00:19:17.05 That's so cool. >> So it was that was You know, you're doing 00:19:17.05\00:19:21.19 something right for the Lord. >> Yeah. When you win the community 00:19:21.19\00:19:25.83 gives you your own day. that's pretty cool, especially in our culture. It's a modern culture, 00:19:25.83\00:19:31.47 a living. That's a big deal there. That's awesome. It's an honor So so we added more 00:19:31.47\00:19:38.47 services. We hadn't mail services in a lot of our friends to have addresses. So, 00:19:38.47\00:19:40.78 you know, in order for them to get their Social Security cards, are there there a lot 00:19:40.78\00:19:45.78 of times we lose those things. I in order for them to get their security checks. You 00:19:45.78\00:19:48.75 know, get a job. They need to be able to put an address down. So we have a little over 00:19:48.75\00:19:54.89 600 using us for male. So they'll come up and get their will receive their mail. Will 00:19:54.89\00:19:59.26 mark in the system like John has 3 piece of mail when John comes up to the window, the 00:19:59.26\00:20:04.10 register, it will say next is named history piece of mail waiting for him. We'll just go 00:20:04.10\00:20:07.87 and get that mail and give it to charging stations. A lot of our friends will have a place 00:20:07.87\00:20:12.81 to charge their phones. So we have an outside locker charging station that they can 00:20:12.81\00:20:16.81 use at their own risk or when they come to check in to get ready for the shower. We will 00:20:16.81\00:20:21.18 take their phone and charger for them inside the building. Yeah, it's it's really we, you 00:20:21.18\00:20:27.52 know, and these are not things that we just came up with out of nowhere. I mean, like the 00:20:27.52\00:20:31.96 mail services. I mean, you know, a client came and said they help 00:20:31.96\00:20:37.47 with mail and it came became 5.10 than 100, 500. Going. Oh. Yeah. Postal Service? Going on 00:20:37.47\00:20:50.91 >> So so that was that was big. And then we started to finally 00:20:50.91\00:20:54.82 because, you know, shelters and housing start to get for me just kept growing. You know, Santa. 00:20:54.82\00:20:59.65 >> We decided to start building our own permanent supportive 00:20:59.65\00:21:03.09 housing units from shipping containers. So working on that, the first one we I was talking 00:21:03.09\00:21:06.80 him the other day will be done the 1st quarter of next year. And so that was another huge And 00:21:06.80\00:21:15.97 so 2021 was was a big, big year for us. Got really We knew we start out that year, praying 00:21:15.97\00:21:21.08 as a team saying God. We want to raise a million dollars this 00:21:21.08\00:21:28.38 year and it wasn't because, you know, the the only reason was because we realize the line 00:21:28.38\00:21:32.49 graph of our impact is directly proportionate to that line graph of the money race. I 00:21:32.49\00:21:36.59 mean, that's just the reality of We said we we want to raise this out at the very end of 00:21:36.59\00:21:41.73 the year where 950,000 and out of nowhere, I don't know if it was a may visit today. Be a 00:21:41.73\00:21:48.40 viewer. I don't know, but I don't know where we get $100,000 at and we definitely 00:21:48.40\00:21:57.28 know is a seven-day average. a Christian gift, you know. and so praise. so that put us 00:21:57.28\00:22:03.39 right over that amount and got and and then 2022, you know, has been has been rough. You 00:22:03.39\00:22:10.49 know, we've been seen a lot more women with children. yeah. I mean can sleeping in 00:22:10.49\00:22:18.07 their cars this this past Saturday. We did outreach right after the hurricane come 00:22:18.07\00:22:22.97 through for Orlando and, you know, we had to new mothers com with 2 little kids. You 00:22:22.97\00:22:28.51 know, one of them gets, I guess had takes medication is like a 00:22:28.51\00:22:33.58 like a hole in the stomach for like a 2 to go to feed this child and and their their sleep 00:22:33.58\00:22:41.19 in to, you know, feeling to be it right. And so, you know, we're seeing this constantly and 00:22:41.19\00:22:46.19 it's been it's it's been a lot. you know, where we're always seeking to you asking God to 00:22:46.19\00:22:51.53 help us to to grow. So we can continue to me the needs of the community. yes. So that's 00:22:51.53\00:23:01.14 that's been tough. So and and, you know, on top of that, you know, we we've been getting a 00:23:01.14\00:23:04.01 lot of requests from churches that want to duplicate the model. What we're doing here 00:23:04.01\00:23:09.48 in their city and their church. Yes. And we actually that's a part you know, will 00:23:09.48\00:23:14.29 linger on joffrey's role is to to kind of help make that happen. The S O S weekend. So 00:23:14.29\00:23:21.63 let's have a video before we talk any further about me. We're going to play the video 00:23:21.63\00:23:25.13 first. Absolutely. So this video just give us quick breakdown of 00:23:25.13\00:23:28.57 it. It's it's going to tell us about T S O S weekend. So it the first season of service weekend, 00:23:28.57\00:23:33.68 OK, will actually go out to a church, introduce all to the church as a whole. And then 00:23:33.68\00:23:36.91 come up with a plan with them to duplicate it in their city. So yes, man, that's awesome. 00:23:36.91\00:23:42.12 Let's go to that video clip right now. >> So is a season of 00:23:42.12\00:23:48.62 service and pretty much reaching out to other communities of the church in state out of state. 00:23:48.62\00:23:54.60 I'm really just not wanting to partner up with salt and start something like salt in the 00:23:54.60\00:23:58.67 community to help they can >> This is a practical way. Gives us a place to start. So 00:23:58.67\00:24:06.24 I think that's a beautiful ministry to look at and that we can definitely model what 00:24:06.24\00:24:11.05 our church wants to do here in this local community and in Contra Costa County and have 00:24:11.05\00:24:15.98 great success with the Ministry of the Lord and and helping people. I just pray 00:24:15.98\00:24:22.06 God that salt already has a template working model for the things that we want to do. And 00:24:22.06\00:24:30.03 what I've learned is that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. I think one of the key 00:24:30.03\00:24:35.24 things that I'm taking one just do it just right. It doesn't hurt to try. Doesn't 00:24:35.24\00:24:38.61 hurt to, you know, to do it, just do it. >> learn from those 00:24:38.61\00:24:41.98 experiences. And we're just so grateful for salt. It. I have given us platform to be able 00:24:41.98\00:24:46.11 to to just go writing it with some things behind her back. You know, just thinking about 00:24:46.11\00:24:53.09 we don't know what we're doing, but God does. we're just going to trust with that. 00:24:53.09\00:25:00.46 >> Individually, we can make little changes. But changes will situation with these 00:25:00.46\00:25:04.53 people? And we have as an organization. So I think acting 00:25:04.53\00:25:12.27 collectively this >> So my thoughts on the outcome of this trip is actually extremely 00:25:12.27\00:25:15.88 positive. I'm coming in scene. The hard stuff like was already working in the people's hearts. 00:25:15.88\00:25:23.22 There was already a sense of. wanted to do something for the community, just not known how 00:25:23.22\00:25:28.62 this started. And so coming in, it was really just sharing testimony, sharing the stories 00:25:28.62\00:25:35.23 sharing how we could build something like here and the outcome And I think when when 00:25:35.23\00:25:41.54 Eric was preaching and he shares. The question of what want to be committed to. This 00:25:41.54\00:25:47.84 must stand up and be a part of this scene. The whole Turkestan 00:25:47.84\00:25:52.65 was number one. Amazing. But then coming Sunday morning, which is like the real test 00:25:52.65\00:25:56.52 comes in the morning and seen the whole room full tables at the whole table school people 00:25:56.52\00:26:02.72 that are willing and committed to be a part of it was definitely a success for me. It 00:26:02.72\00:26:09.86 might. >> We have learned so much. First of all, we are excited about the enthusiasm of 00:26:09.86\00:26:13.87 our community to do something in the greater community. We've learned saw outreach really 00:26:13.87\00:26:20.48 has a template for us to follow. We don't have to reinvent the 00:26:20.48\00:26:24.91 wheel. We can partner up with them and the men toward be taught be shown what what is the 00:26:24.91\00:26:33.42 best way to to reach the I'm sheltered in our community. So that's weekends. We mainly 00:26:33.42\00:26:42.40 because we've got so many churches outside of the state of 00:26:42.40\00:26:46.33 Florida. >> That we're requesting a to learn how to duplicate salt outreach in their 00:26:46.33\00:26:51.97 church. And so we realize many times it's just a small group of people that maybe have that 00:26:51.97\00:26:57.75 interest. But we develop that's West weekend so that we can come out and power the whole church 00:26:57.75\00:27:03.22 to be a part of that. And to and to catch the same vision as that small group so that 00:27:03.22\00:27:10.39 together the church can can come together combined their resources, their experience to 00:27:10.39\00:27:16.23 duplicate this in their city. So we will come. We will do a series of seminars and even a 00:27:16.23\00:27:24.84 workshop to go through the practical next steps for them to 00:27:24.84\00:27:30.41 start it and start impacting on the unsheltered in their 00:27:30.41\00:27:39.29 community. ¤ >> Wow. So so so this weekend's walk us through this. Could you show up on 00:27:39.29\00:27:44.06 site and you're training these people? You're living the through what it means to salt 00:27:44.06\00:27:48.80 rector in their community. Tell us a little about how that So we come in and we kind 00:27:48.80\00:27:55.87 of have a series of servants based off of Matthew. 25, okay. You know, going to the 00:27:55.87\00:28:00.64 parables right ended with, you talking about what we discussed 00:28:00.64\00:28:03.85 the 5, but really digging in. >> To see like logically like, okay. This is a reason why we 00:28:03.85\00:28:08.58 should be going out, right? You know, this is like this is biblical truth Christians. You 00:28:08.58\00:28:12.95 know, the word of God, though, the written word of God leading us to the living. Word 00:28:12.95\00:28:17.29 of God, Jesus Christ like this is what he did. So this is why we should be doing is setting 00:28:17.29\00:28:22.06 out to the community. So having church outside of the 4 walls. And that we kind of 00:28:22.06\00:28:25.93 have a queue in a as well. Khan discussing kind of really just opening up, you know, the 00:28:25.93\00:28:30.87 whole weekend, which is there to just pour out, you know, just try this. you know, we've 00:28:30.87\00:28:35.18 we've been doing this for years. You we've been doing so. So there's a lot of things 00:28:35.18\00:28:38.75 that we've learned to do right and not to do again. we take all 00:28:38.75\00:28:46.32 that knowledge and experience coming in out this. And so after we go through, like the series 00:28:46.32\00:28:50.26 of sermons, you know, in discussions in the Q and A's, it leads up to or Sunday workshop. 00:28:50.26\00:28:55.60 So the so you get the spiritual yeah. Known Sunday bringing the practical. Yeah, it has to be 00:28:55.60\00:29:02.27 practical. Of You know, you mentioned something a little earlier was like okay, a lot 00:29:02.27\00:29:06.94 about studies. But you step onto the streets that's ready to live 00:29:06.94\00:29:09.71 without because up until that point, it's theory. But Yeah, it's feared that very sounds 00:29:09.71\00:29:15.58 good. Sounds good, but we need to see it in action. But you need to step out and make sure I 00:29:15.58\00:29:19.45 like to sit. >> And one of the things that we do before hand is 00:29:19.45\00:29:23.69 getting in contact with the Let's say, for example, was the county here. This Franklin 00:29:23.69\00:29:29.76 County, Franklin County. So does you know, we discussed located at let's look at Franklin 00:29:29.76\00:29:34.74 County. I was put up all the data that we can find on Franklin County, OK, and begin 00:29:34.74\00:29:39.64 to just shift to the data and see how can we then best, you know, help those the next 00:29:39.64\00:29:44.68 pleasing homelessness. What are the gaps that we can fill? Because that's a starting point 00:29:44.68\00:29:48.85 for the church to For word, you know, and then surveys stepping 00:29:48.85\00:29:55.76 into let me let me jump in for said. One thing I want to mention is we are very big on 00:29:55.76\00:30:01.46 data. >> Yes, because we believe data is also key in helping to end homelessness and that's 00:30:01.46\00:30:06.17 why we present data for the local community in that and that that Comey were in that 00:30:06.17\00:30:09.74 we're doing. That's what we do. This. But also like we've we've like our data and and 00:30:09.74\00:30:18.28 have proven that this model works. So like from August of 2020, their March of 2022, we 00:30:18.28\00:30:23.89 found out that we've been involved in helping to end homelessness for over 1000 00:30:23.89\00:30:26.42 people. And we found out that there was a direct correlation between how often they visited 00:30:26.42\00:30:32.93 us and how likely their homeless this would end. So over 50% of 00:30:32.93\00:30:38.53 those people coming to this is data that you're collecting the work over time that you guys 00:30:38.53\00:30:43.17 have done So. So so over 50% of those 1000 people were business 2 or 3 times a week 00:30:43.17\00:30:47.98 and has frequency went down. So did the percentage of people moving on numbers don't 00:30:47.98\00:30:52.41 do live. So so what that tells me, the bottom line is relationship. It's key to 00:30:52.41\00:30:57.39 helping. And yes, the more often a calm. The more likely so. So 00:30:57.39\00:31:03.22 that's why that's that's a key part. That's really what we emphasize here is that for a 00:31:03.22\00:31:08.10 relationship pass Oh, yeah. That's what we emphasize doing. So this weekend, it's the 00:31:08.10\00:31:12.97 relationship. There's no skipping. Yes, you might not OK if we're going to feed. 00:31:12.97\00:31:17.51 Yeah, the cause because a lot of water clothing and this cause because praise God for 00:31:17.51\00:31:20.81 our. >> Our our Martha's right God for Martha's that are to go 00:31:20.81\00:31:28.02 get as you know, that their they'll give their blood, sweat and tears to do all of 00:31:28.02\00:31:33.32 the, you know, the the the the the setting up of the planning, 00:31:33.32\00:31:37.09 whatever. But you know, you you also need with that someone to actually go forth and put into 00:31:37.09\00:31:44.20 action and in and make it happen. it's a praise God for all of those people that didn't 00:31:44.20\00:31:47.47 give give their efforts in their time, too, to work collectively together. But at the end of 00:31:47.47\00:31:50.31 the day, we can set up. Yeah, but if we're not actually putting it into action, it's 00:31:50.31\00:31:54.91 it's important. We do that a different so. So that's that's so as we can pretty much 00:31:54.91\00:31:58.61 consistent. It's like, okay, we're coming in preaching Friday night Saturday is Imus 00:31:58.61\00:32:04.55 in the morning and night Cumin and between Sunday we do a workshop. I'm just really in 00:32:04.55\00:32:10.26 the work that we're really trying develop. Okay. These are the next steps that we 00:32:10.26\00:32:13.19 would take if we were in your county. Yes, if you're trying develop something like salt 00:32:13.19\00:32:17.53 here in Franklin County, this is a step that we would take And then we also kind of at 00:32:17.53\00:32:22.47 the table. Everybody's input comes in. You know, people begin to share. What can we 00:32:22.47\00:32:27.64 do? Can we kind of just work through this plan steps now? Then we are as we go as we 00:32:27.64\00:32:33.82 depart ways but never depart from the presence of the Lord. We leave the steps to you 00:32:33.82\00:32:38.52 right? It's up to you. Hey, listen, I'm here for you, but I can't choose for you, right? 00:32:38.52\00:32:42.99 So are we are you guys going to I mean, just take the next step? You and luckily, a good 00:32:42.99\00:32:49.06 example of the video that we get to see. We saw is a church in Pleasant Hill right for the 00:32:49.06\00:32:56.30 bus out. So as weekend we went to the host that program and everything worked with them 00:32:56.30\00:33:00.58 and they decided to run with raised fight. If you watch the video, if you can play back 00:33:00.58\00:33:04.15 and watch it again, the footage that you see of them, he's actually their first 00:33:04.15\00:33:10.45 outreach first time, you know of them taking those steps. And I I'm putting it into 00:33:10.45\00:33:12.85 action. They've raised 40,000 toward the shower trailer Crane's And that is a loss So 00:33:12.85\00:33:20.33 all and the goal sometimes happens is is bias. So as we can churches now begin to, for 00:33:20.33\00:33:25.07 example, like the Hill. Okay. We want to become now an outpost right? You know, yeah, 00:33:25.07\00:33:31.37 that's definitely something that only one dive into that more. But something that we 00:33:31.37\00:33:35.48 see a transitioning Yeah. So job for your you're involved in this weekend. So tell us a 00:33:35.48\00:33:40.52 bit about your experience and, you importance of doing something like this. Yeah, I 00:33:40.52\00:33:50.03 mainly involved in outposts >> which is really awesome because 00:33:50.03\00:33:56.16 there are some churches that really want to get involved in is there's a way for them to do 00:33:56.16\00:34:03.20 so using some of the salt resources and equipment may be a discounted rate. Sure. there are 00:34:03.20\00:34:08.24 different levels to to becoming an outpost, right. so right now 00:34:08.24\00:34:14.95 we have a few. We have one. We go to Tampa every second Saturday out of the month to 00:34:14.95\00:34:20.02 about from Orlando based in Orlando. Tempers about maybe like 2 hours and some change 00:34:20.02\00:34:22.66 from in Daytona. We go there every 4th. Saturday and to our in change from, I guess so. How 00:34:22.66\00:34:31.27 can we, you know, show up to where you're at? Also minister to the people in your city while 00:34:31.27\00:34:37.74 maybe not doing everything that you know we're doing, but remembering like bring the 00:34:37.74\00:34:42.41 shower trailer to and also to Daytona. clothing underwear, different things. So through 00:34:42.41\00:34:52.39 this site processors like 6 levels of becoming to for that post and hopefully, you know, 00:34:52.39\00:34:58.49 as time progresses. One of these A-plus centers can become their 00:34:58.49\00:35:05.00 own independent. You know, they service Yeah, that's that's the goal. That's the plants. Like 00:35:05.00\00:35:11.21 sure. Like church planting. Yeah. They you know what? And it's kind of like, well, where 00:35:11.21\00:35:15.24 we're at where we're at now. We're right now, place called the Christian Service Center. 00:35:15.24\00:35:18.31 Yeah, and we started to operate there with a drop-in center services and it was an 00:35:18.31\00:35:20.62 August 2020. >> But I'm not because the city sees that a 00:35:20.62\00:35:26.92 drop-in center works now that that location has gotten, the Christian service has a grant 00:35:26.92\00:35:31.59 to help build a drop-in center building on their property. So now once they build that, you 00:35:31.59\00:35:39.27 know, they they've agreed to them. They talk to hiring us to run the building. They 00:35:39.27\00:35:42.97 don't want to reinvent the wheel. You know, hey, you guys this already, but then we can 00:35:42.97\00:35:46.74 now take our trailers to go somewhere else, you know, and and staff trying to duplicate 00:35:46.74\00:35:51.38 this another absolutely places. Yeah, I mean, so let's missionary work. That's the 00:35:51.38\00:35:55.85 concept of missionary work going established. >> The method, the, 00:35:55.85\00:35:59.12 you know, the outpost in this case. And then once they're not healthy, that's running. 00:35:59.12\00:36:05.13 >> Yeah, somewhere else. Our hope is that, you every major City in the U.S. A we'll have. 00:36:05.13\00:36:13.64 It may not just be through us, but some type of mobile drop-in centre. Yes, those who 00:36:13.64\00:36:17.54 are unsheltered, you know, whether it's through us by us or are in partnership or not, 00:36:17.54\00:36:22.91 you know, but that's that's our hope and desire. you know, not not to not necessarily. 00:36:22.91\00:36:29.62 Bring in a negative point here, but when you're doing Solis weekend, give have come 00:36:29.62\00:36:32.02 want someone to >> come and be like work here community are 00:36:32.02\00:36:38.83 that's not going to give her having negative experiences like that. There always seems like 00:36:38.83\00:36:42.46 sometimes or someone there's like, oh, you know what you're saying is not going to work here 00:36:42.46\00:36:46.94 in my community and we have really nice I you're just saying that was someone's like, I mean, 00:36:46.94\00:36:53.81 realistically, I've been here for years or whatever I k That's 00:36:53.81\00:36:59.28 great. You haven't experienced anything like that. that that's why some points to lead with the 00:36:59.28\00:37:01.62 word of God >> as the foundation, because what happens 00:37:01.62\00:37:07.49 is is for me and my thinking, I it's OK, we're stepping into his place. All right. Let's start 00:37:07.49\00:37:10.86 off from the perspective of, you know, the word and then build from there, right? Right. 00:37:10.86\00:37:17.23 Because then the need may be different. I mean, that's why we do the homework That's why 00:37:17.23\00:37:22.37 we do the homework and put the data from, you know, the Franklin. Yes, Franklin 00:37:22.37\00:37:26.64 because we're not going to come here with Orange County right? The data and coming 00:37:26.64\00:37:31.21 into was doing we did in Orange County, right? This is not right. You that's what we 00:37:31.21\00:37:35.28 do. The that I think it's a very important part in doing the homework right. Instead 00:37:35.28\00:37:38.29 just. I think this is what we may need. Yeah, no, I was how Ken, you know, the church 00:37:38.29\00:37:46.86 here, you know, really minister, you know, yes, tailored way. And 00:37:46.86\00:37:53.60 to the community hand, that's One thing too about the Biden, one of the tone of the one Tampa 00:37:53.60\00:37:59.24 obviously and then the Hill in California is that it opens opportunities for churches to 00:37:59.24\00:38:04.48 come together. have right thing to see in Tampa churches and couple different churches 00:38:04.48\00:38:14.66 that probably don't come together for are coming together, right? You know, and 00:38:14.66\00:38:17.93 relationships are being, you know, Bill, should be. That's how it serve that search 00:38:17.93\00:38:23.60 service other. Literally. That's we want want to get people together. I mean, not 00:38:23.60\00:38:28.30 only in bringing community resources together because we 00:38:28.30\00:38:31.07 have. >> I mean, there's a local community resources that come out that we partner with that 00:38:31.07\00:38:34.41 do things that we don't do that. They're expert at Mike. Hey, you 00:38:34.41\00:38:38.65 do this. You work with the UN shelter com that will provide a space for you, you know, and 00:38:38.65\00:38:43.32 then then with the church is providing a space for churches to now come together. You know, 00:38:43.32\00:38:49.96 because unfortunately, you know, sometimes I think what happens is when churches is on, if the 00:38:49.96\00:38:52.46 church has an initiative, other churches are less likely to get involved. You know, 00:38:52.46\00:38:58.83 mom, and even even from the same denomination, sometimes, you And 00:38:58.83\00:39:03.10 so, you know, us providing this kind of neutral umbrella, right? I guess you can say opens doors 00:39:03.10\00:39:10.85 for kick it even more people involved to to to bring resources together. to do more 00:39:10.85\00:39:17.72 the And also with that without post, I'm just kind of touch on what you mentioned. Was that 00:39:17.72\00:39:22.46 like if there's somebody? Well, I've kind of noticed is that the people who when the spaces 00:39:22.46\00:39:28.00 provided like the people who come to upon us. So they really want to be there. Yeah, 00:39:28.00\00:39:30.27 you know, they want to whoever who is ever going to come to an a** West weekend like they 00:39:30.27\00:39:37.17 want this to happen, you know, in the community and they want 00:39:37.17\00:39:42.11 lives. >> To be So it's I hope that we not encounter any people it just kind of It brought that 00:39:42.11\00:39:51.49 up earlier because it seems like we live in a day and age where 00:39:51.49\00:39:54.72 there's always the doubters, you know, the Thomases. That's why. 00:39:54.72\00:39:58.06 Well, you know >> what you're doing. Theirs is great and all. But that's not that particular 00:39:58.06\00:40:00.20 formula is not going to work in our community. then very this all the time, then doesn't work 00:40:00.20\00:40:09.20 What come across in my travels in life, especially in ministry, 00:40:09.20\00:40:15.34 is the ones that usually talk the most to the other. And so it's just like. How about we 00:40:15.34\00:40:23.95 find a you're where you know that something can be done. Yes, appreciate you could be just as 00:40:23.95\00:40:28.19 a way to find something can be Know. And if you do find it, you may be the person call to 00:40:28.19\00:40:34.46 actually step up and do it right. That's that's that's what helped start saw. I mean, when 00:40:34.46\00:40:38.47 Salt first started, I mean, we had saw a. >> Some challenges, 00:40:38.47\00:40:43.51 some some some issues within the church community that that weren't being addressed in one 00:40:43.51\00:40:49.68 scene, consistent ministry being down. We're seeing the churches coming together on a 00:40:49.68\00:40:52.58 regular Yeah, we weren't you know, young adults can as involved in ministry because 00:40:52.58\00:40:58.45 they weren't really in even practical opportunity. So. >> So instead of complaining 00:40:58.45\00:41:02.06 about it, which a lot of people were doing, we're like, well, let's do something about 00:41:02.06\00:41:08.36 it. Yes, let's not. And, you know, you have people that the sale on the lead, the church 00:41:08.36\00:41:11.23 and I'm gonna I'm going to do my own thing because I think I can do about it. I don't think 00:41:11.23\00:41:17.77 that's the solution on solution you know, do what you can while 00:41:17.77\00:41:23.28 working within the confines of the church and maybe inspire the church, you know, don't be a 00:41:23.28\00:41:28.05 church, right? Don't be alive. Right? Lat left the flock. >> Thinking he was going to do 00:41:28.05\00:41:32.82 is old thing and start his own thing. You know, we know where that got him. Yeah. So you 00:41:32.82\00:41:36.39 know, the answer is never to leave the answers to figure it 00:41:36.39\00:41:40.73 out with family. >> Exactly that with an exactly >> And this me, 00:41:40.73\00:41:45.50 I'm just it just came like when Salt first God was doing some amazing things like 3 talk about 00:41:45.50\00:41:53.07 seeing a need. I mean, we saw a need in the hospital and the hospital ministry. We saw a 00:41:53.07\00:41:58.18 need not some housing where kids weren't, you know, maybe being ministered to whatever. 00:41:58.18\00:42:00.88 So we go there. There's there that night. So I'm feeling one of those moments for Hey, if 00:42:00.88\00:42:09.59 you feel that God is calling You know what, whatever it is, the spaces there. And and I 00:42:09.59\00:42:15.80 will, you know, he'll provide room. You provide people 00:42:15.80\00:42:19.93 resources. Yeah. >> All of good stuff. Because look at where salt was to where it is now. 00:42:19.93\00:42:24.57 Yes, you can see from the things we've been talking about. >> I was literally all got. 00:42:24.57\00:42:30.38 Yeah, absolutely. praise the Lord and we that we went through 00:42:30.38\00:42:35.15 years where things were not really moving much like things were like. We're just kind of. 00:42:35.15\00:42:39.15 >> Not not not going to the motions. You know, we're still doing ministry and all that. 00:42:39.15\00:42:42.76 But but there wasn't really much growth. You know, and we it for at least 5 years. Maybe 00:42:42.76\00:42:49.43 we were just kind of in the space where just everything was kind of, you know, the 00:42:49.43\00:42:51.43 same kind of >> routine. But those will probably years of 00:42:51.43\00:42:55.20 growth for you guys. And eventually they were. Oh, yeah, for years, sometimes will. He's 00:42:55.20\00:42:59.37 like, you know what I need to adjust to these brothers and sisters before this thing 00:42:59.37\00:43:04.35 expands It's that usually how it worked. And and his real, like, you know, with with that, it's 00:43:04.35\00:43:07.08 like. You know, when we when we look at when I look at that, you know, I think one of 00:43:07.08\00:43:12.25 the things that happens a lot is. >> When people see things 00:43:12.25\00:43:15.69 are maybe not doing so you know, not not growing. And it's a vision that was put on their 00:43:15.69\00:43:20.73 heart by God. Then like you said, a lot of time to stop, you know, and and if we would 00:43:20.73\00:43:25.17 have stops. Before, I mean, if we we went one was COVID at 20 to 20 tonight. So we want 00:43:25.17\00:43:33.84 almost 9 years, you know, until we really saw where God or is really kind of just 00:43:33.84\00:43:39.58 exploded. All right. Now that the ministry and and so, you know, so might start a Bible 00:43:39.58\00:43:44.02 study and maybe maybe it started out great. And that was only one 00:43:44.02\00:43:49.12 or 2 people coming, you know, and a lot of time we just want to stop ABM. But that is saying 00:43:49.12\00:43:52.06 to keep keep going. that's a vision he put on your heart. If that's something you want to you 00:43:52.06\00:43:57.30 to do than just keep doing it. And you know, another any other minute where the summer 00:43:57.30\00:43:59.30 it's all tears don't show up one day and maybe you're short volunteers is you cooking food 00:43:59.30\00:44:03.47 for 100 people here now, maybe a lot of people might want to stop, but but I think that 00:44:03.47\00:44:08.34 persistent of God has put on your heart. You know, there is no looking back, right? You 00:44:08.34\00:44:13.38 know, I think there's only going forward, you know, I mean, and that's that's always 00:44:13.38\00:44:16.55 been our. Our kind of. How we look at it. Yeah, model in my house is quitting is not an 00:44:16.55\00:44:24.79 option. And putting his own. That's that that that goes but class for my marriage. in 00:44:24.79\00:44:27.96 everything in my life is that, you know what? It may take us some time to maybe some low 00:44:27.96\00:44:33.87 points may be some challenges to maybe moments when it feels like things are just falling 00:44:33.87\00:44:37.91 apart. It in all the fields are breaking loose and everything's 00:44:37.91\00:44:40.01 falling apart. But, >> you know, quitting is never an option 00:44:40.01\00:44:43.04 because God will come through that he will come through if you stick it out and persevere. 00:44:43.04\00:44:47.88 Yeah. And speaking of that, we went through a situation like that recently. So we we just 00:44:47.88\00:44:52.85 this past August, we had a grand promise to us for $700,000. >> it was an and, you know, 00:44:52.85\00:44:59.86 we're expecting at that time. it got delayed and we wouldn't get until January. That money 00:44:59.86\00:45:07.14 was to help us get through the rest of the year. Right. and by that time, we found this 00:45:07.14\00:45:12.71 out. We only had enough cash to get us through the middle of September. And we're like, 00:45:12.71\00:45:20.05 OK, God, we have 2 options. shutdown from October to December. and then, you know, 00:45:20.05\00:45:26.39 during the holiday time, which is which would not have been good and we're serving, you 00:45:26.39\00:45:30.99 know, that thousands of people go without services or we try. And in faith just continue to 00:45:30.99\00:45:37.70 move forward to help us to help provide, you know, right? And we actually what the first 00:45:37.70\00:45:42.64 thing we do is we made a video. And so this this actually we 00:45:42.64\00:45:47.68 have the video here. You can play. All right. Guys can kind of see what kind of the way what 00:45:47.68\00:45:51.78 was going on at that time. All right. All right. Let's check out that video right now. Hello, 00:45:51.78\00:45:56.22 everybody. This is Eric Camry O from Salt Outreach and we need 00:45:56.22\00:46:01.16 your help. >> A grant that we were expecting to receive at about this time has been delayed 00:46:01.16\00:46:05.23 to the beginning of January. What that means is that we are asking for your help to 00:46:05.23\00:46:10.17 provide the funding needed to continue operations until we start to receive So we're 00:46:10.17\00:46:16.34 launching the end of summer fundraiser. Our original goal was to raise 150,000 between 00:46:16.34\00:46:21.54 now and the end of September. But due to a generous donor and the matching grant, every 00:46:21.54\00:46:27.38 dollar you donate will be tripled. $200,000. So we are raising our gold $200,000. 00:46:27.38\00:46:34.86 Now. Together with your help and prayers, we reached this Well, we are making certain 00:46:34.86\00:46:45.73 adjustments on services resources. You offer to save money during this time. You 00:46:45.73\00:46:48.70 want to be minimal. Just last month and Sox 250 new people experiencing homelessness for 00:46:48.70\00:46:56.14 services. Now this month, we more than We thank you for everything already done. 00:46:56.14\00:47:01.52 Reports And study the data. We found that from August 2020 March, were over 1000. we also 00:47:01.52\00:47:16.50 found that the services. >> The more likely they house over leased 2 throws. We'll 00:47:16.50\00:47:30.55 those 1000 people or shower 5 loads of laundry. >> we appreciate all that you 00:47:30.55\00:47:39.15 have done to make this possible because it would not possible to 00:47:39.15\00:47:44.86 donate to this campaign. You can text somersault to 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, or you can donate to any of 00:47:44.86\00:47:48.50 these other Thank you. And keep this all in prayer. We know with God's help, we will 00:47:48.50\00:47:58.44 provide even more than we are asking for. >> Talk to you soon. 00:47:58.44\00:48:01.94 And don't ever hesitate to reach out to me. >> And then praise 00:48:01.94\00:48:06.98 the Lord. Thank you, brother, for your willingness to there. And I know you want to say 00:48:06.98\00:48:10.75 little something about that. Yeah. So you know that that this was probably one of the one of 00:48:10.75\00:48:14.69 the scariest times, you know, and and so, you know, because it wasn't like, you know, if we 00:48:14.69\00:48:20.60 don't raise the money all that we just I mean, there were literally thousands of people 00:48:20.60\00:48:24.23 counting on us. And we we we lost video. >> And about a day 00:48:24.23\00:48:31.47 or 2 later donor was talking to a donor and she said, you know what? All match every dollar for 00:48:31.47\00:48:34.88 dollar up to $200,000. and we're like, you know, a guy that encourage man. All right, 00:48:34.88\00:48:41.15 guys, with us. >> Let's do this. And and over that over like a 5 00:48:41.15\00:48:45.85 to 6 week period through the end of September God used and used a community. Even 3ABN viewers 00:48:45.85\00:48:52.79 that here donating. And we raised about 120,000 which will be triple that is now 00:48:52.79\00:49:00.70 getting it going to get us through the end of the year and will be able to wait until 00:49:00.70\00:49:04.77 background. But we don't want to rely on grants anymore. learned 00:49:04.77\00:49:11.81 lesson you and we lost. A lot of these grants are covid-related pressure COVID COVID. It's, you 00:49:11.81\00:49:15.28 know, going out the door we're really looking for people to become monthly supporters. 00:49:15.28\00:49:21.69 Yes, now we have actually have some 3ABN viewers right now. They're giving $25 a month. We 00:49:21.69\00:49:25.93 have another viewer giving $100 a month you know, and we have some people that are 00:49:25.93\00:49:30.33 giving $1000 a month, 250 And you know, if if you're if you feel impressed at to help to 00:49:30.33\00:49:41.08 become more sustainable and and, you know, definitely check out 00:49:41.08\00:49:45.35 our Web site Outreach, Dot Org and he could but do slash donate and will be able to your 00:49:45.35\00:49:54.26 vehicle, right? Our donate page, you can become a so that we can kind of get through that and 00:49:54.26\00:49:56.76 we'll have to deal with this again. Yeah, it was. but God God delivered. and he's the 00:49:56.76\00:50:04.37 owner of all the money, Or have we have the faith he would. And 00:50:04.37\00:50:11.77 he did. >> Touching on persistence. Yeah. Definitely want to share >> just as an 00:50:11.77\00:50:18.41 organization being persistent. Yes, but also on the scripture care side where like you being 00:50:18.41\00:50:24.62 persistent with, you know, people walking with, right? You and I got to see it 00:50:24.62\00:50:30.86 firsthand where you're there. You having the conversations, building relationships 00:50:30.86\00:50:35.56 desiring the good and then you see the person they're there. And I know it And like, what 00:50:35.56\00:50:45.91 is what? Where are they, you know, and start to pray for them. And they, you know, they 00:50:45.91\00:50:48.01 come back in I've got to see that the whole transformation one of our brothers and is in 00:50:48.01\00:50:55.45 Christ even baptize him, you know, and transition into housing great see that. But it 00:50:55.45\00:51:04.13 was being persistent. Yes, the persistent energy as star as well. Just that persistent. 00:51:04.13\00:51:09.96 Yeah, the man just really, you know, just showing And just being there for for that for 00:51:09.96\00:51:14.00 that individual. Like in that moment and not allowing, I think it's key to not allow. 00:51:14.00\00:51:21.54 >> Whatever you might I'm like come out, you know, just just right. I'm not going to 00:51:21.54\00:51:27.15 question how this happened, how this happened, how happened, but 00:51:27.15\00:51:29.92 I'm still going to be persistent and absolutely going to be there and show up. yeah, I've seen 00:51:29.92\00:51:36.99 someone, you know, through the time just us listening in hands person now. This person 00:51:36.99\00:51:43.73 go from, you know, maybe using certain things that they shouldn't use certain drugs 00:51:43.73\00:51:48.74 and stuff like to stopping that. You're consistent on a Bible study to in person by 00:51:48.74\00:51:54.38 the state to come in a church with us you know, you just see the progression of this 00:51:54.38\00:51:58.38 individual. And there this guy. >> And I'm looking forward to 00:51:58.38\00:52:01.12 see like what happens. You know, like every time I see this individual or couple of 00:52:01.12\00:52:07.79 them. Yeah, right now, would you have for me today because >> I know, guys. Because 00:52:07.79\00:52:12.69 people come and they black. >> So, you know, in numbers 14 July 00:52:12.69\00:52:19.83 >> yeah. Give me a second to kind of rethink that. you know, 00:52:19.83\00:52:24.87 and as you're encouraging, sometimes you don't think that your words really hold right now 00:52:24.87\00:52:28.78 And maybe you should read through X, Y, Z and the person does it and they come back. And 00:52:28.78\00:52:34.98 question you and you know, as their as their leader, you know, it's and your home and 00:52:34.98\00:52:41.02 like was serious about is to see that. And I think was for me. The most interesting thing 00:52:41.02\00:52:46.86 that experiencing, his is by minutes stirring. Yeah. Without 00:52:46.86\00:52:50.60 them knowing there ministering to me. you know, I love it because when you serve others. 00:52:50.60\00:52:59.51 It's through that service that those same people you're serving in end up in ministering back to 00:52:59.51\00:53:03.41 you in ways that you would never expect. Right? And that's why I love what I do as a 00:53:03.41\00:53:06.41 minister. Is that, you know, we have the wonderful privilege of 00:53:06.41\00:53:10.59 being on 3ABN and projecting this message to the world. But I'll tell you, there's nothing. 00:53:10.59\00:53:13.76 There's no replacement for being in the home being in that person's presence and actually 00:53:13.76\00:53:18.69 connecting with them on a personal level because that's where I get my encouragement. 00:53:18.69\00:53:24.03 That's where, you know, my spirits uplifted to know that, you know what, God still 00:53:24.03\00:53:26.77 working on still at work among his people. She absolutely went. There's there's one 00:53:26.77\00:53:31.41 person that comes to mind as you guys were talking, you know, and 00:53:31.41\00:53:35.18 this person got started service is with us in 2020. You know. >> you know, clothing, food, 00:53:35.18\00:53:42.75 you know, and and we create a relationship with her over time. 00:53:42.75\00:53:47.12 And she had some mobility issues. So she is with a wheelchair. you know, when we 00:53:47.12\00:53:51.46 start Case management program, she starts their case. Managers. Our case managers had had, you 00:53:51.46\00:53:56.26 we're we're helping her through some of these things on, you know, she had been to jail 00:53:56.26\00:54:02.87 They're drug issues. And sometimes she kind of fall back a little bit. Back in the case 00:54:02.87\00:54:09.11 management team would accept her again and say, okay, let's let's 00:54:09.11\00:54:12.68 start from scratch again. Let's do it. Let's do it. Finally, I'm in the 1st quarter this year 00:54:12.68\00:54:18.49 that they would have been struggling to get our Social Security proof and her on her. 00:54:18.49\00:54:22.39 Medicaid for all got approved. And now she's an assisted living home. All 3 meals ruffle for 00:54:22.39\00:54:28.03 ahead time. And and she's she's, you know, and we still visit her, you even after she moved 00:54:28.03\00:54:33.97 moved out, you know, we we visit her. So there's there. It's like that was 2 years, Fred. 00:54:33.97\00:54:40.61 You know, it took time, but God, you know, that has with us. 00:54:40.61\00:54:49.02 Yeah. >> Yeah. It we need to. We need to because it when we talk about some of our clients 00:54:49.02\00:54:53.69 and Michael Mann, they might disappear with that. We think to ourselves like man, that's 00:54:53.69\00:54:57.39 that's what we do to God. So we do. You helps us out of the ground to help us to not have 00:54:57.39\00:55:05.37 the most obvious foot massage session later that the truth. And the truth that we do that 00:55:05.37\00:55:12.67 right yeah. And it kind brings into the like >> level where is 00:55:12.67\00:55:15.78 just like, know, we're all. Here. Yeah, right there. So that not like that's what Christ did, 00:55:15.78\00:55:23.55 right? I mean, he's the king of the universe is there and himself with a towel in the bins 00:55:23.55\00:55:30.03 down to wash the dirty feet of his creator of his creation. Right? I mean, he gets down 00:55:30.03\00:55:34.93 there and Judas Borough. Yeah, yeah, I And that's powerful we've got. We've got about a 00:55:34.93\00:55:38.10 minute and a half year. >> Let's talk about how people can help 00:55:38.10\00:55:41.90 to somebody's home right now that says I'm so encouraged about salt. I want to get 00:55:41.90\00:55:44.97 involved. I want to help in any which way that I can. How can people help solve right now? The 00:55:44.97\00:55:49.48 best way to help if you're in Florida. >> If your Florida come volunteer with us. Come come 00:55:49.48\00:55:55.42 out. You know, we'd love to have you. We have some dedicated 00:55:55.42\00:55:59.69 volunteers are really giving their all toward the organization and helping things 00:55:59.69\00:56:05.93 to move forward. You the other the other thing is we we where we need people. >> 2, you know, 00:56:05.93\00:56:16.54 a gift and and really getting on a monthly basis is really kind of a key thing for us because 00:56:16.54\00:56:20.88 now that now that we're transitioning out of these grass next year, once that $700,000 00:56:20.88\00:56:27.28 Grant runs out, we will have that many more than 2024. Will have no grants. You know, no 00:56:27.28\00:56:30.49 going to craft, right? we're not expecting any so. >> We're 00:56:30.49\00:56:34.82 really looking for that that you help in that area. Let's put it. Becky assault outreach Dot org. 00:56:34.82\00:56:37.73 Slash donate Salt outreach. >> DOT Org slash Tony. My friends. I'm Love salt. Yeah. 00:56:37.73\00:56:44.83 I want to a ministry called Pepper. I love Salt. Morton have anything on this works. I 00:56:44.83\00:56:54.01 didn't know what you guys are doing. We hope that this you've been encouraged. We 00:56:54.01\00:56:59.21 hold the EU, you step out and think to try to do something in your community until next 00:56:59.21\00:57:02.45 time. Thank you for joining us. God bless you all. ¤ 00:57:02.45\00:57:10.83 ¤ ¤ ¤ 00:57:10.83\00:57:25.87 ¤ ¤ ¤ 00:57:25.87\00:57:40.56 ¤ ¤ ¤ 00:57:40.56\00:57:55.60 ¤ 00:57:55.60\00:58:10.69