3ABN Today Live

Heartwise Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220030A

00:06 >> I want ♪ >> I
00:50 >> want to ♪ ♪
01:08 >> I'm sheli Jaden, quiet and we welcome you to see me AB and today lives. We're coming
01:13 to you live from studio. A we've got doctor in the house. Them not only a doctor, but
01:21 one of our favorite people in the whole wide world. >> Such a beautiful Christian
01:25 man in somebody's day. You know, because he's been doing program called ultimate
01:31 prescription on 3, even 4. I think nearly 15 years. >> years, just by bought. I
01:39 know that I'm so excited to be you. James Marcum here, the speaker director, part Wise
01:46 Ministry shoe are cardiologists live in Tennessee.
01:50 >> You have your beautiful wife, son, you with you today and 32 yet. That's amazing.
01:57 And we just learned that daughter, Kelly has just passed the marshes, graduated
02:04 from college, passed the starting Tuesday is an attorney. And we've got to see
02:08 your son, Jake. It's just so exciting to have you here. >> You knew them when they
02:13 were just little the years. Just flew Yeah, it's it's shocking. When you think about
02:20 15 years that is a long time But Jay, the I have a lot of energy Why? I've been here in
02:30 a few years. You know, the pandemic sort of set things off a little bit and just
02:34 recently, our ministry heart Weiss has grown so much to the pandemic. People wanting
02:41 answers that that God's moved in my heart to not be a full-time cardiologist. Just
02:48 be a part time cardiologist and move more in ministry. And so I'm making that trip
02:54 transition starting August 19th in years past when I came up here, I would work in the
03:01 morning drive up here. Do with 3 A B in live and drive back that night and work the next
03:06 day. So you can imagine no energy. You know, we're going to answer a lot of people's
03:12 questions tonight. So I hope everyone writes in their came specially for cardiology, but
03:18 I'll try some other things. But in the past, sometimes the mind is, you know, when it's
03:21 tired, you're not so sharp. But today, you know, I rested all day long. I since August
03:29 19, I've not had any clinical responsibility. I've just been working on some projects with
03:34 my wife and I've had a lot more time to worship myself. And I think that's been the
03:40 biggest thing that warship yourself but were should worship worship God and the
03:45 word and prayer increase that time. And I'm praying so much that as I make this transition
03:54 I pray to God to give me an outpouring of the holy spirit even more than ever a You
03:58 know, I know when we accept them as our savior, we have the holy spirit in this. But
04:02 but, you know, we've read about as time goes on, how you know, some people is going to
04:07 give Warren, they're going to be able to do greater things for God. And I'm hoping that
04:10 if I can be I'm that type of person that he wants use. I will be available. But if he
04:18 doesn't, I mean, except that, too. And I'll just continue to do whatever he asked me to do
04:25 and be content in that place in case and think that if you're and he's giving you all
04:27 of these capes, you can trust. >> That's its most important thing any of us can do is pray
04:33 daily to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Asked for the ears to hear what God wants us
04:40 to do and it is going to be excited. And I'm I'm so excited for you. You're going
04:46 to be Doctor, Luke? Well, that's that's what I was thinking about. You
04:48 >> You know, Luke. You know, a gentile. Antioch, Syria, you would never thought he would
04:58 met Paul. He met Paul. They got together. He took care of them and they they spread the
05:06 gospel. The team together throughout the whole world. They wrote 2 thirds of the New
05:10 Testament between the 2 they shared and it was a transition for Luke, you know, for being
05:17 a healer to all of a sudden, you know, presenting the gospel. But the mentors he
05:21 had, it was an exciting time for him. And I really admire the life of look, I didn't. I
05:26 just really admire what he was able to accomplish in his life, both as a physician,
05:32 which we know not a whole lot about and then through through his writing of Luke as well as
05:38 acts and knew what I love that Lucas, my favorite gospel because he was a gentile.
05:43 >> And he explained things that some of the Jewish authors just took for granted.
05:51 It. He explains them. So it kind gives out more of the picture into what actually,
05:56 because he was one bright and more he, you know, he described more healings that
06:03 anyone would you expect from a It's just it's had cried historians. Yeah, so I was so.
06:09 >> What we want to tell you tonight before we get to our music during the second hour,
06:13 we're going to be taking your questions and not only questions if you have a car
06:19 guy, all anything to do with the heart. Jim, that Jim Marcum can answer just about
06:25 anything that we found that out. But also if you know, his ministry, we have on 3ABN
06:36 something that we called biblical prescriptions. And this is something that Doctor
06:44 James Marcum really specializes in east focusing on. One word and how the word
06:51 how God can change us. So if you have a favorite biblical prescription yourself. I want
07:00 to give you one right now. And John verse. John starts often says you have it. Pray that
07:11 you may prosper in all things. Nbn health, just as your soul prospers. But boy, there's a
07:21 connection there. If your souls not prospering, if you're not at peace with God,
07:25 you're not going to have good health and good health with that. The prospering of the
07:31 soul doesn't work either. So they go together in tandem. But you text us at 6, 1, 8, 2,
07:41 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, with all of your Bible question. medical questions. And if you have a
07:50 favorite typical prescription that you use that 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Texas in
07:59 cause. That's what we're going to spend the second hour doing or you can e-mail us at Live.
08:06 That's L I V E live. 3 A B in dot TP and we're going to put it. Doctor Jim, hot seat next
08:20 hour and let him answer all of your questions. But before we kick and we've got so much to
08:25 get to tonight, J D We all love Music star music tonight. Well, our music tonight is
08:33 from Ginger Pictures >> pitchers P I T C H E R a S and Tim Parton and this no one
08:39 cared. Ever cared for me like I love this song. It's a big, beautiful. Yes, ginger
08:47 pictures and Tim part.
09:04 >> I would love to tell you what I think of >> Since I phoned him a
09:13 >> So kind and >> I would tell you how he changed my life.
09:21 >> Complete. >> he did that no other friend.
09:32 >> all my was full of sand. >> When >> And my heart.
09:40 >> Was full of misery and >> then she placed. >> He's loving, around me.
09:55 >> Now he leads new way. >> I should >> I
10:19 >> you so. >> on. >> I the MS.
10:47 >> wow. >> know >> me love
11:11 >> is >> and as >> take the
11:26 >> in this. ♪ >> He
11:43 ♪ ♪ >> Just
11:59 >> beautiful. So that is one of my favorite songs. And I think that that calls for for
12:04 right now before we begin. So JT with paper tonight. >> Fathers, we come to you in
12:10 the name of Jesus father. We thank you, Lord. Thank you that your and our hearts.
12:14 Thank you. That her mind. Father, we do want to make your priority. All that we
12:21 just about the Holy Spirit to be the center of all tonight. Other bless those topics that
12:26 we're going to be talking about and know that this many hurting people out there.
12:29 There's a lot of healthy people out. There are the father. We're all going to
12:33 feel good. We're all going to be in the center of your will. Well to be with us. We invite
12:38 you and went back be in charge of all. With that. Good. Thank you to them into Now. want to
12:48 just once again remind you because I don't want this second hour to sneak up on you
12:52 not get your questions in. If you have questions, any kind Hart question, medical
13:00 questions you can text us at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, or you can email to live Life
13:11 E E. 3ABN Ott TV and the second hour we are going to 10 take all the questions of what
13:24 Doctor James Marcum. I calling Jim were friends from a long time and he will give you some
13:30 quality answers. I'm sure. But also, you know, his ministry, he believes prescriptions,
13:40 taking a scripture that we can quote over our lives plant in our heart count on return to
13:46 God, in his words, not return void. And so if you have particular favorite biblical
13:54 prescription that you use. Tex those saying or email them because we'd like to share
14:00 those. >> One thing that have learned about Jim over the years
14:05 because we've done this prior 6, 7, times. Is that the way your mind works extremely
14:11 practical. Yes, so you're not out there grab and these words are this long, you know, and
14:17 Cano will. What does that really made? You have a way to bring it in. Simplifying it
14:21 and getting the point across. So please, if you do have questions, please send the men
14:27 because we're all going to be educated. >> The man they may also there
14:31 might be out there. They just want us to pray for them. A man just to pray and to
14:37 encourage and to give hope. And sometimes, you know, the hope comes from the biblical
14:44 prescriptions day just by watching this and praying. We want to pray with you and be
14:47 with you in minister you tonight. So that may be tonight. You'll have something
14:53 special be of the Holy Spirit that happens in your life that you'll be reassured that your
14:58 healing is secure. But sometimes we just don't know when where are how? Yes,
15:07 >> To kick off. I know you have a little one-minute video that kind of explains some
15:12 difficult prescriptions for. Well, a lot of people in health. You know, they think
15:17 it might all of the about the lifestyle with a modern medicine and treatments. And
15:23 those things are important ingredients, including the things we put in our brains.
15:26 >> But I found out the key to health is Christ came out. If you don't have that, you're
15:32 not going to have healing and the rest really doesn't matter. But when you have that
15:38 just that itself changes your physiology changes your epigenetics, bring some
15:44 element of physical healing as well as the turtle healing. He's watching. This clip will
15:50 help explain this a little bit in greater detail. Okay. Hi, I'm Doctor James Market. And
16:00 as a practicing cardiologist, I evaluate patients who are suffering from chronic
16:04 diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, mental health problems and
16:09 pain. Many patients attempt to improve their health by taking a pill, adding a supplement
16:13 for even trying a fad diet. >> Does this sound like someone you know? Yes, so I
16:19 want you to consider sharing a new approach to chronic health problems, a biblical Our team
16:25 has developed a 7 week Bible study, difficult prescriptions for life. This program uses
16:32 biblical principles backed by science to move you and your loved ones towards health. One
16:36 step at a time. A biblical prescription changes the physiology of the entire body
16:43 without side throughout my years of practice, I found that this approach treats the
16:48 cause and not just the symptoms with God's help lasting change is possible.
16:57 >> And you can get 7 week Bible study, biblical prescriptions for life by
17:02 going to their website, which is typical prescriptions dot com or been vocal
17:08 prescriptions for life dot com. But prescription stop com and you can. You've written
17:16 several books. Tell us about. >> You know, years ago I wrote some 10 Dale's, our publisher,
17:24 one is called Ultimate Prescription. Yes. And then another one was called
17:28 medicines it kill. And I wrote some other ones before that as well. I'm working on a new
17:35 one. It's more control. Less fear, reversing heart disease. One step at a time. And I
17:44 think you can imagine what the first steps going to be. A man, the step that's going to
17:48 take everyone no matter where they're at the they can be in the worst shape in the world.
17:54 But if they take that step with Christ to them, they know that healing will come to
17:59 their body at some point. So I'm working on that book as well right now. Not that I
18:04 have a little more free time, but I felt that there was a need. Years ago to have sort
18:10 of this biblical approach. Using the place for modern medicine. You know, modern
18:17 medicine is great at treating symptoms we can replace parts of the worn out. If my eyes
18:23 are seeing good, I don't mind wearing sunglasses. My heart's going to slow. I want a
18:28 pacemaker. My knees worn out. You know, we have the technology to give you a new
18:32 knee. So there's a place for modern medicine and there's also a huge prep place for
18:39 lifestyle medicine, whether it be eating better. Moving better, having better posture,
18:44 which on sort of weak at so people might see me slumping. So I'm sorry about that social
18:49 things that we always have to work on. But it's it's God that gives us the power and
18:55 the ability to see those things. And sometimes we might work our whole life and he
19:00 never give us the victory. Paul had some problems and got to sometimes got allows us to
19:07 have problems. So we keep coming to him so he can heal us internally. So why we are
19:12 allowed to have these things happen, whether it be a hurt spying or broken shoulder
19:17 years that don't work or cancer or a heart attack. Sometimes we just don't
19:23 understand. But when we do have a biblical approach, we turn it over to our Lord and
19:27 savior and move. Let him work in us. Then we're doing things the right reasons. You know,
19:34 you can eat perfect. You can exercise perfect. You can sleep. Perfect. But if you do
19:37 it to glorify yourself. You're not going to. That's not what words that. So, yeah. So we
19:45 have to do things for the right reasons to the power of the Holy Spirit, recognizing
19:48 that we're never going to be perfect. That's why we need a savior. And we we have to
19:53 understand that that God works in us a different speeds. Each one of us are so different,
20:00 genetically and inputs of changes differently. So we have to be flexible with
20:05 ourselves and not beat ourselves up too much. It lots of patients that beat
20:07 themselves up constantly. >> You hit him on a word. We need fear. But I want to say
20:15 one thing, what I have found is is the best paying manager and when you're in severe
20:22 pain, when you start lifestyle of Thanksgiving and praise. Just have that piece and that
20:31 hope from him. And that's something that it's amazing how I can take pain
20:38 medication, to everything. And I've been through some pretty serious that the physiology
20:43 all things give. Thanks. >> Yes, phrase we make and orphans. We make chemical
20:52 called oxytocin. Ours are inflammation goes down and nobody adrenaline levels are
20:56 improved. Cortisol level goes to. So there's real physiology. So in public
21:02 prescriptions, the body really does You know, wish we could. You know, some people say,
21:07 well, let me just have a pill of praise 3 times a day. No, you know what doesn't work
21:12 that way? It's it's got to the Holy Spirit. Changing us to understand. And we want to
21:18 praise God because we want to glorify him because we get it. We understand the key to
21:22 health. We understand the key to life. We understand that this Earth is really not our
21:27 home. We're just passing through and we have some some a mission why we're passing
21:34 through. But we don't have in all the stuff that's going on. We were going to be concerned
21:38 about it. But we know what to do with our fears. Our anxieties cause. Remember.
21:42 Since Timothy God did not create a spirit of fear. That's right. And anxiety that
21:47 ages and damages the body. It celebrates the aging process. So let's say JD was going to
21:53 get old at 100. Okay. If he has a lot of fear and anxiety and stress his jeans might
22:03 change mutate, he might have a symptom much earlier in life. And so so all of this
22:08 slow-down, genetic aging as well as changing our physiology. So these biblical
22:13 prescriptions not only heal us from turn, Ali, but there's physiologic changes today that
22:20 help us, especially in chronic diseases and slowing down 8 aging. But if I'm bleeding to
22:26 death, I want God to be with me as well as someone that can tie off the bleeder. you know,
22:31 is a place for modern medicine, but it's working all together. And that's what we
22:34 tried to do in biblical prescriptions for life. We've made this 7 week study
22:41 available to individuals in churches. Churches are using it in small group settings and
22:48 I've gone to several and had chick Austin, they'll start in their church and it's this
22:52 type of mentality. This type of theory that goes into it and what happens. We using it
22:59 as an evangelist, a tool to go to your neighbors and say, hey, listen, you want to lose
23:02 a few pounds, get off a few medicines. When you come to my house for for 7 weeks and
23:06 learn about biblical prescriptions. Well, I don't believe in the Bible. I don't
23:10 believe this will just give it a chance. You know, so we're making this available. Many
23:16 people have improve their health, not so much by making a lot of changes, but
23:22 sometimes the most thing that helped us, they realize that Christ is the real healer. He
23:27 meant that the doctor is not, you know, that's what they realize. And once they come to
23:33 that realization and they received the power of the Holy Spirit, leading them in their
23:38 health. Then things changed dramatically, which is a biblical prescription. I want
23:44 to Proverbs 3, 6, Yes, a man and all things including health. Everything. In all
23:53 things acknowledge me and I will direct your paths and that comes from health. And
23:58 sometimes we depend too much on doctors too much on hospitals, too much of the
24:02 media too much. What we're seeing in the Internet, too much of what our friends are
24:06 recommending, that we don't start with the key in all things acknowledge him and
24:13 he's going to help director past the right people. The right healers, the path that
24:15 you need to go on. Well, it seems it seems what I'm I'm hearing. There's a big
24:21 picture. Yes, there is a big picture now. There life is layered. It seems like. And so
24:30 we make. Maybe this will help. Maybe you do have good genes that and and 7 center. But the
24:39 big picture. Come from the creator. And if we start with the creator and then allow him
24:49 to add to those layers that he created the first place we've got something was really build
24:54 That is absolutely right on. And that's what people need to focus on. You know, a lot of
24:59 people know this, but they don't focus on it. They know what deep town, but it takes
25:06 intentionality it taking is making this, you know, you know, the time I spend with
25:10 God and Bible study daily, plugging into these biblical prescriptions. When we start
25:15 hearing all these voices that say you're not good enough, you're going to die, you're
25:19 going to get sick. This isn't going to work. You know, the evil one puts voices. We have
25:24 biblical promises that are changing our neural pathways. And if we put those in us, we
25:28 have a way of armor rise showing him Second Corinthians. One 20 says that.
25:35 >> All of God's promises are yes. And a man in Christ chases. So when you are in
25:44 Christ, you, you know, it shuns says that we've been blessed with every spiritual
25:49 blessing in the heavenly rounds in Christ. And I think talk to us for just a second
25:57 about stress. What stress does to the body cause? I've In my lifetime. I've never seen such
26:04 a failed society. And I think that that's wreaking havoc on people's bodies.
26:14 >> Well, anytime we go against our original design. There's going to put some stress on
26:20 the body and a lot of people have stressed that they don't even see. You might know about
26:25 the stress at work. But what about the stress of not drinking enough water every
26:30 day? What about the stress of not sleeping? Well at night, what about the stress of not
26:36 having balance in relationships? What about the stress that staying on these
26:42 mobile devices all the time and having buzzing and looking on it? Clearly, 24 7. What
26:48 about being too busy with running around and not having time to process information?
26:54 My wife is reading a book about someone that says, you know, when we have all this
26:58 inputs from everywhere, the media, this it's it's damaging our ability to think. And
27:03 whenever we can't thank well, it puts stress on the brain and the brain to something
27:10 called down shifts. We go to our let's stay alive. Part of the brain, the selfish part of
27:14 the brain. And that's not the part we communicate with God. That's a selfish. Let's stay
27:19 alive. So stressed stimulates those neural pathways. Just go in that direction. We make
27:23 chemicals like adrenaline in quarters, all which fellow accelerate aging causes all
27:30 sorts of health problems like your blood pressure information, it accelerates
27:35 all this process. And yet our society even more so since the pandemic that stressed
27:41 everyone out and just talking about, it has stressed everyone out. Now we have we
27:46 since the pandemic started, we had that YouTube channel called biblical prescriptions
27:51 on YouTube. That became very popular. Now we talked about the pandemic because everyone
27:56 was interested in that. But my real focus was by JD said getting to the see the big
28:02 picture. The big picture is Jesus. That's the solution to all of our problems. That's
28:09 the key to health. That's what we need to focus on first. And in acknowledging him all these
28:13 other things are going to be added to to you. So so that sort of one things from our
28:21 prescriptions on YouTube and people, we still make them every week. You to everyone
28:26 loves you you know, we have you know, people we can tell where they're coming from, how
28:31 long they're staying, what they're interested in is what's too long? What's too
28:36 short? People arc that could be need to a lot of people give you the thumb down and
28:39 say that you're crazy. But that's okay. You know, you just have to put it out there
28:44 and trust that God will impress those to the holy Spirit who he wants to to, to
28:49 to touch. But so stressed is one of the major issues we have not only in health, but
28:55 in our relationship with our savior. >> You know, and I think of
28:59 Isaiah 26th rework guide says that he promises if we keep our eyes focused on him.
29:07 Trusting him. That he will. Campus perfect pace. He'll keep us in perfect peace. And
29:18 I'll tell you when you've got your eyes focused on the Lord and, you know, I'm just going
29:22 to say something. If you don't stand. >> In all. Of what God has
29:29 done for you and continues to do for you then you don't know the Lloyd. And as really to
29:38 understand who he is and you stand in awe of him. Everything else by comparison.
29:46 But >> that piece is something that, you know. When you go
29:51 through, think some people look at to say how can you smile through this? How can
29:55 you be in peace? It's that's the Holy Spirit. God is working. You knew giving you a
30:04 piece that transcends understanding your stress levels. Just strip.
30:07 >> What about love? Words love for than this? You know me and Jeremiah. 31. Yes, I've loved
30:15 you with an everlasting love. He's telling what how he feels toward us. How do we
30:21 reciprocate? How important is that? Does that affect your hormones anyway, your your
30:29 yeah are. Do we know that studies have shown that when you give hugs and when you
30:33 feel affectionate oxytocin levels, endorphin levels go up. The stress levels go down.
30:38 >> And you know the love, I think in stress that the biblical prescription, I like
30:46 to give my patients to is Matthew 11. 28 come unto me. All you that labor under heavy
30:54 laden that stress to me and that was stress way back then before some of the things
30:56 we've had now. And I. We'll give you that rest that you talked about. And that's that
31:03 the path to love. I don't know if we can understand love without. Communing and coming
31:09 to the savior and in doing these things. I think it's a lifetime of trying to
31:15 understand these things, but all of them bring healing at some time. It's just whether
31:20 that healings going to happen in heaven. Were some of that healing will happen on Earth.
31:26 But the big picture, JD is just what you said before is that's the big picture is
31:30 knowing that that when you walk with the Lord, that's the key to health is Christ. And
31:35 that's what I think we need to keep talking about. And that's one of the goals on biblical
31:39 prescriptions for life. we had one church not too long ago that did this and it did this
31:48 with his study. This was a church of God church. Are we taking it to all different? Do
31:53 nominate letting them know and some some some people never thought about their health as
31:57 a spiritual issue as a spiritual gifts as a spiritual, you know, thing to
32:03 work with. But we shared this with a pastor. I want to share that clip with us right now.
32:09 OK? So this is Pastor Calvin. Yeah. Pastor Calvin, we'll see that.
32:15 >> A pastor killed in lead pastor of the West. More Church of God. I think we
32:20 around 7 to 800 people that involve themselves in small groups that what's more we
32:25 felt like this fit so well with our disciple ship model the people to biblical took
32:31 the values of biblical prescriptions and took the the topping some scripture where
32:35 health was as an issue. And surprisingly iPhone, there are far more places than what I
32:40 had really giving attention to. And so I basically took the pulpit and sought to
32:45 streamline that into the focus groups and build that bridge publicly. The curriculum
32:51 ability the the not only will that have made our church stronger. I thought that I
32:56 think it brings a level of awareness that God does have a heart for us. Physically 4
33:01 bodies. He created our bodies and we have groups that were so excited about this. They
33:05 ask if they could continue on it. I think it's made me much more of of health personally
33:13 had to take personal some of the teaching change some heating habits and that's
33:19 that's not always easy to take one little step at a time. And so getting out of the light a
33:24 little more doing little exercising drinking far more water. Those were things that
33:28 were very meaningful to me on a personal level. Having Doctor Markham is a
33:31 specialist. Behind the program and presenting it brought real validity to it. There's a need
33:39 for all of us to understand. When we talk about stewardship, we talk about
33:43 money. We talk stewarding, our businesses, our homes. We talk about stewardship. A lot, I
33:50 think without adding hills to that. We're missing a major, major biblical principle who
33:57 are missing of the heart of our Lord. If a church who will embrace the concept for a
34:03 period of time, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks over. They want to customize the program. I think
34:09 it's very beneficial and I think they'll see results based on what it's done for
34:14 what's more. I could I can highly recommend it. >> So so do me a favor. Tell
34:19 us a little more about the 7 week program. Break that down just a little bit because this
34:26 is a fantastic evangelistic tour. >> Yeah, well, it's great for
34:30 people that want to witness to other people because it's not complicated. Gay. This follows
34:35 the same format. I made a video for each week to go that they can watch a video, a
34:41 small group of people 5 to 10 get together. And they said the videos coming out of that.
34:46 They watch the video first and they work through one week at a time, though it can be
34:51 longer and K and they work through these principles. These biblical principles for
34:57 health. But when I want, you know, so we like we spend one week on water. You know, the
35:02 importance of water in hydration, but but but but before that, we talk about the
35:09 living water. Yes, we talk about nutrition principles of nutrition, but we also talk
35:16 more importantly about the bread of life. So we work through those giving people
35:22 simple steps, no matter where they're at. Okay, no matter where they're at. But but the
35:26 key to this all is it's. It leads Christ in worship at each step of the way. And the
35:35 last the last 6, 7 weeks. We talk about things like we talk about the ports of mental
35:42 health and then we also talk about in week 7, how worship? Connects us to the ultimate
35:49 position and importance of worship in our physical health and getting rest and worship
35:55 together. So so it works through it. So it's a great way to get people in the word
36:00 understanding that the word is also practical. But the word in Christ is is a healing
36:07 powers. Well, it is ever and everybody should probably pretty close to being on the
36:11 same page. What better health? Yeah. You know, wanting to be able to take the breath out
36:18 without, you know, bending over. >> So I mean, I can see that
36:23 from a practical practicality. certainly does make sense. >> So let's tell people real
36:28 quickly again, how to cut this. And I assume your other books are also available on
36:32 the same site. including for kids. We have one for kids to many, many one of this.
36:38 >> Except for the U. So it's it's geared for them level. So kids get to go through a study
36:45 as well. And that cause God's heals me. And that's available at the site as well. So
36:50 there's something for the whole family and also, in addition, if people want to
36:56 continue on in worship and with us, there's an app that people can get called biblical
37:00 prescriptions app with the king and 10 minutes of worship every day that can come right
37:05 into their cell phone and they can continue in the physiologic principles that we
37:11 started in biblical prescription. So it's not a one and done. It's it's for a
37:14 lot of It's a total transformation of life. So >> if you would like to access
37:21 any of this, these materials, you can go to biblical prescriptions dot com. local
37:30 prescription stop com and get these this wonderful 7 weeks, Teddy, that I think would pay
37:35 if and you know us, you know, the health message is the right arm of the Gospel, but
37:42 you've got the gospel leading the health news each in its when you you're talking about
37:46 Matthew 11, 28. >> When Jesus gave the great invitation and they said come
37:53 to me, all you labor under handing 89 will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you because
38:00 goodness, light. You know what the people that he was talking to. The Jews, talked about
38:09 their religion as a, you know, but it was the kind of joke that you put over his slave
38:14 that had to carry this heavy load and that Jews had made all of these oral traditions
38:21 that were so difficult make. They took all of the joy out of. Anything to do with God
38:31 and they understood when she's of said. To be, you know, with me, my news light, they
38:39 realized he was talking about a tandem yolk like too say, Carol, oxen are pulling yeah.
38:49 Cart. And so they knew, hey, he's going to walk along side by side. He's going to make it
38:54 easy. It's not a religion. That's just a bunch of do's and don'ts rules rules without
39:04 relationship result in rebellion. Right? So okay. >> What are we sure that X
39:10 number? Oh, yes. you want to get your questions any kind of medical question. And we are
39:17 getting some questions already coming in. I see that there's a lot of hard questions,
39:22 including a cardiologist that's great. If you want your medical questions or if you
39:29 have that particular Bible, first that you use as a biblical prescription, please
39:33 text us at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 9, 7, 5. It said there on the screen 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9,
39:46 7, 5, or send us an email to live AT 3ABN DOT TV and the second hour. That's what we're
39:55 going to do. Tell us about how the key program. I love that you're doing something that
40:04 you bringing down because, you know, these habits, we need to form good habits when we're
40:12 young, not only good health Remember that text train up a child in the way they should.
40:17 And that's why, you know tonight, I want to have a shout out to my mom and dad
40:21 who are watching for Scott County, Tennessee. >> so they trained me up. In
40:27 those ways. They did a good job. When you start young, you know, the neural pathways
40:33 develop. And it's a lot easier than if you get these bad neural pathways will or bad
40:37 habits. However, you want to put it that you have to overcome. And I've seen in the
40:42 last 3 years we talked about stress a lot of mental problems. You know, people are
40:49 suffering. You know, they're out lot of anxiety and all of these inputs, every input we
40:54 put into our brain, whether we realize it or not, changes us every input. So we have to
41:02 start looking at a young age to put positive inputs. And that includes the media. The
41:07 things we watch, the things we hear, the even the people that we associate with. If you if
41:13 you're with some people are saying bad language all the time, it goes in the brain and
41:16 it does something at that. You know, I'm so so all of these inputs change is our physical
41:23 being. And so that's why we wanted to get something parents as get to their kids
41:27 that were on their level. And we've actually done a bunch of 10 minute podcast for Kids as
41:34 well. The talk about them seeing the big picture, which the big picture to them just
41:39 like it for us is Christ and let him direct their pass developing these good habits
41:46 for health and people. Once they start doing these things, they realize that the choices
41:52 they make in health, whether it be mental health with the things they do with the things
41:58 they don't do out of, you know, the all those things, Shelley. It's so exciting
42:03 because when they start doing even little things, they realize, well, I'm war, find
42:05 God. When I drink some fluid every day, I'm glorifying God. When I get enough sleep, I'm
42:11 glorifying God. When I eat a little bit better, it brings glory to God. And that's what
42:15 we're here to do to glorify God. And it's exciting because then things start building.
42:20 And then when people start messing up and do things which we all do. Okay. We all gonna
42:26 make mistakes. But we know where to go. You know, when we make a mistake, you know, we
42:31 don't want this to be haven't got. I mean, a mistake. You know, forgive me. Help me get
42:34 back on the wagon again. Don't let me beat myself up because that accomplishes 0. Let's get
42:41 going again. And it empowers him because they know what their powers coming from. It's
42:45 not coming from within. The can't will themself to do these things. But to the Holy
42:49 Spirit, they're able to glorify God and the relationship starts to grow
42:54 and we need more relationships on. I'm just worried about a world that relationships are
42:59 being torn apart. You know, both, you know where we were isolate ourselves. We go into
43:04 these different worlds. We need to encourage each other be with each have
43:10 relationships. And that's why we did this in person. These things that we do together as
43:15 a groups because everyone needs encouragement. Everyone needs love. You know, we need
43:20 to pull together some of these the evil ones out there trying to destroy our our health. And
43:26 you know what? I have to just say this about connections. >> I believe that many people
43:32 today are living artificially connected. And what I mean by that is we were mall. We sat
43:41 down for that we were doing some Christmas shopping. If you 3 little girls passed by
43:49 probably 16. >> 2 of them having the best time. All they were having a
43:53 good time. >> And one little girl was just on the ticks ticks ticks,
43:57 texting? We went had some lunch in about an hour later. Her come spy the same 3 little
44:04 girls. 2 of them haven't. They're just smiling from ear to ear having so much fun and
44:11 the other low Yeah. So she's it. You know, we are. Can I say this to help? Don't get
44:19 mad at me for saying this. But I think we are training up. He's young generation. To have
44:29 the attention span of a hummingbird. They go from this to this to this and they've
44:35 lost the ability to focus and get into a steady over to it. So we need to sometimes just
44:43 disconnect from all of this artificial staff. Yes, and come to the Lord have time us.
44:48 Here are your thoughts? Yes. >> And that that's so true. And that's that's sort of the
44:56 message I really want to convey to everyone that's watching. Is that the key to
44:59 health is Christ. And you can have health and internal life right now today when you
45:07 accept him as your Lord and savior you know, you can come into your heart. You have
45:10 communion with God. The power of the Holy Spirit to help you work through these steps that
45:16 we've outlined before. And then when you giving glory to God and you realize that I'm
45:22 part of a wonderful family, I have a wonderful mission. Then life. At least this is a
45:28 little more doable. I never say it's going to be easy because this life sometimes
45:31 could have some curve balls. But God allows us to have those these trials to make us
45:38 stronger to build this up because he's looking at our internal healing and maybe not
45:43 are temporary healing. So he might allow some things that happened genetically,
45:48 especially why do young people get cancer? You know, why do people have the genetic
45:53 conditions and why do we wear out getting older? As many of you know, that's watching
45:58 today. It's not for the faint of heart. take care of lot of people and as they get all the
46:03 same and this is not so easy. So we want to give people tools and hope and the real
46:11 hope today is is in Christ and and that that's that's really what we want to focus on.
46:15 That's what biblical prescriptions and the other things that we do. The Bible
46:19 studies, the worship app, the kids program, the different outreach is the dew. That's
46:24 the real key to health. I feel and sometimes people focus on other things which is great.
46:29 But if we don't have the poor thing inside of us doing things for the right reason.
46:35 Does it matter if we eat the perfect diet doesn't matter for the exercise all day. Who
46:39 are we doing it for doing it for selfish reasons and I would think that if you have
46:47 or if you establish relationship with Christ. >> Then that does open up a
46:52 door that there's less condemnation. Common. condemnation can be
47:01 >> Yeah. >> Because you know, you're always am I good enough? What
47:07 about then? What about that? Because they just really don't understand the forgiveness of
47:12 God. All right. And so here and put your having available here and specially in groups.
47:18 You know, it's a time that have you experienced anything like that. Whatever. And so
47:24 they can grow from there. >> It's a good place to start. And, you know, there's so many
47:29 people out there that that are hurting now days and they they just need. They just need to
47:35 know how to find Jesus. And now they just need this help. >> And I have a favorite. The
47:42 vehicle prescription. I just never thought of it. Yeah, as that. But first of all, what
47:46 you just said was so perfect because Romans, 8 one Paul says there is no condemnation
47:51 for those who are and Christ. That's something very specific to be in Christ. And we to
47:59 submitted to him that yielding yourself to the meeting of the Holy Spirit. But here's my one
48:07 of my favorite typical prescriptions. It's round men's 15. 13. And here's what
48:15 it says. May the God of hope through you with all joy and peace in believing that you
48:26 >> and hope the power of the Holy Spirit. Do you feel lies? Most people in New Hampshire,
48:32 you know, this most people who attempt suicide than reason. They preach that place. Is
48:39 there helpless? Yeah. And quite often I was first out of college, I worked San
48:46 Francisco and there were so many people. We're ready to go over the edge of the bridge.
48:51 And when the police could intervene. And get that person off the ledge by the next They
49:01 no longer wanted to commit suicide. It was just kind of like a wake-up call. Having
49:07 hope. And in the Greek hope is eager expectation having hope is something that you're
49:17 talking the local prescription and there's physiology behind that hope.
49:22 >> There's there's brain changes that happened inside the chemistry of the brain to
49:25 narrow pathways change, which affects how we age the genetics. You know, the things
49:30 that turn on and off genes change. So a lot of that happens in our lives is
49:37 programmable by all of these inputs and I think you hit on the head, JD and Shelley, a
49:41 lot of people, this condemnation, this negativity, this beating ourselves up this
49:49 this, you know, cause because when we do that, when people want relief and that sometimes
49:54 that they pick up bad habits just to get relief from their own brain. You know, they're
50:00 condemning him. Celtics will so bad about so that that they they try to do something to
50:03 relieve the pain and suffering. And sometimes people don't make good
50:06 decisions. So when I have a patient that comes to me with the problem. I always want to
50:10 know. Well, really, you know, sure, yours. You might be drinking too much for taking
50:16 drugs, but you want to back up. Why is this occurring? Why are you hurting your health?
50:21 What's going on inside? And a lot of times it's like you said people are just they feel
50:26 like they're not worth anything. Thank the DOT measuring up the world set
50:32 standards we cannot keep. I don't have any friends. I have these diseases all these
50:37 medicines. And when we're up against this, you need to have solutions. You need to have
50:45 biblical prescriptions promises that fill you up with eagerness and satisfaction and
50:51 knowing where you're going, just not knowing how you're going to get there. But one of
50:54 things that we stress in this as we have to stay connected, the biblical prescriptions
51:01 every single day. You know what? Well, first of all, Isaiah 55 God says my words
51:06 not return Boyd to me, but it accomplishes several purposes for which I sent it.
51:11 >> When you use the word connection, addiction is the opposite of connection. When
51:19 you are addicted, you're with drawn when it ain't it. the Christ Connection. Can cure
51:26 the addiction. Yeah. And I saw that in my own sister. So it is so important that well
51:33 connected to Christ, but even connected with one another in a real meaningful way that I
51:41 think that this might be what you're talking about, looking for a prescription.
51:46 >> Okay. Philippians 4, 8, Yeah. It's for 8. These are things that we should meditate
51:52 rather than the issues of life that are destructive K whatever things are true,
51:58 whatever things are noble. Whatever things are, just things appear, whatever things
52:03 are lovely, whatever things are. Good report. We have there's any if there's
52:09 anything this prayeth praiseworthy meditate on things. But that's good news
52:15 everyone first 2. I don't have an expert right here. How will the let me give it read and to
52:23 give it to because it's you know, we always have that just focusing But what it says is,
52:31 >> things that which you have learned and received and heard and saw in me in Paul was
52:38 talking about in my example, my life, these dew. I know don't be in DC for don't just
52:45 hear the word. Put it into practice. >> And when you do it, what
52:48 happens? He says 10, the God of peace. We'll be with you. Praise the Lord. Now I just
52:56 want repeat one more time. This second hour. That's coming up in a hurry. If you
53:03 have a medical question, if it with board certified cardiologist, hair been
53:12 practicing 30 years, 30 years. >> But then I looked much Got older. I hope so. if you've
53:20 got a medical question. If you have your favorite verse that you use is a bit of a crucial
53:27 prescription. You can share that with us and you can text that to 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 9,
53:36 7, 5, or you can e-mail us at why at 3ABN, DOT TV. >> We've only got a few more
53:46 minutes. I want to also say if anyone's interested in learning about our materials
53:50 and how to get in contact with us couple ways, you know, they can order this through through
53:56 the website and Kate, that we put up already. But if anyone wants to contact me
54:04 personally, now that I'm having more time, I'm going to throw up are some people don't
54:06 use a computer. So we have a mailing address on that. We can write, you know, that all
54:12 talked and we stole. course, van that as well as an email where this is my personal
54:19 view, a heart Wise J M at Yahoo. Dot Com because I have time to might not get to all
54:24 of them. A try to minister to people in this way as well. And also if your church
54:31 organizations out there and want to kick off one of these programs, I now have a little
54:35 more time to travel and, you know, help groups start these programs and motivate people
54:42 into getting into understanding the big picture and health. I love your heart.
54:49 God is made you heart twice. And you know, I what I like to think. I'm a work in progress
54:55 to show. I'll be honest with you. I feel like I'm the worst center in the world. I praise
55:01 the Lord. I see all of these bad things that I do. I see ice look at myself every
55:06 morning and say I'm just horrible person. I have horrible thoughts are too
55:11 proud. I'm just all these things I've But but I know. I know what the solution is and
55:16 I know how to get that. You know, I where to go with that. I go to the promises. And I
55:22 you know, and but but I still, you know that I think. >> You know, Isaiah 60 hours,
55:26 6, he says that all of our righteousness, the very best that Jim marking can do. Jay
55:33 Dequindre showing The greatest thing effort we could make. He said it's like filthy rags
55:41 before the Lord. And you know. Here's the secret. The closer you get too caught. The more
55:49 you wreck a nice their own said. But it's just like when you understand that his whole
55:57 plan of salvation is that we told Le Depend upon him. He says in Romans, 8.13, that if
56:07 we live by the Flash, we're gonna die. By the spirit. By power of the Holy Spirit, we
56:16 put to estates of our flesh. We So it's the Holy Spirit never going force us. I us
56:27 working. It's it's accepting that yoke of Christ. It's us working by the power of the
56:33 Holy Spirit. He works in us to will in the Good pleasure. And, you know, it's just so
56:39 when I see something now, instead of going, oh, woe is me. I'm just going thank you
56:44 or no. You're going to change me. >> There you go. Haha. But you
56:48 don't know how you don't know how quickly. That's true. It's all matters surrendering. It
56:58 surrendering daily news. And, you know, letting the holy spirit like That's the power.
57:00 >> That is the power. Well, we're so excited. We've already got questions here. So
57:08 we're excited to be coming back in just a few minutes. We've got to take a a station
57:12 break. That is by law and they were going to come back. We're going answer your questions.
57:18 We're going and we hope that you will send in some prescriptions as well. And
57:24 we're going to continue with our good friend, Doctor James Mark and I have a question for
57:28 you when we get that. >> Oh, he's going to put on the house.
57:33 >> know what you're on all. I can give you a New as >> Please stay with us. We'll
57:38 be right us. ♪ ♪
57:49 ♪ ♪


Revised 2022-09-02