3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220029A

00:13 >> I want ♪ >> I
00:50 >> want to ♪ ♪
01:07 >> Hello, friends. We have arrived to that time. Of course, I'm talking about 3
01:12 ABN Thursday night Live. My name is Ryan Day and we're so blessed that you're joining us
01:17 from wherever you are around the world, because, yes, we're coming to you live from
01:24 Thompsonville, Illinois, West Frankfort, Illinois. We have to include both we're kind of
01:27 in a little spot between the out in the middle of a cornfield in southern
01:31 Illinois. But I'll tell you, in the middle of this cornfield tonight, we're going
01:35 to be throwing down some incredible Bible study. I've got my brother from another
01:43 mother Chester, James Love you. My brother. It's good to have you back in and the in in
01:49 your hear you. >> You know, you're here. You when you fly and many, many
01:54 times through you almost moved place. I'm still part of the family, you receive your are a
02:01 blessing to this ministry. And we just thank you, my brother, for all that you do and tell
02:06 us a little bit because there's probably someone watching right now that
02:09 doesn't know who Pastor James Rafferty is and what you do for 3ABN. So tell us a little
02:14 bit about that. We are blessed to be part of the 3ABN team in the 3ABN family. We've been
02:18 here for about a year in a few months starting May of 2021 and director of disciple Ship
02:26 Ministry, which is basically coming alongside mentoring, passing on what I've learned
02:31 ministry encouraging people Bible studies with people individually, small groups, et
02:35 cetera. And of course, all the different programs that we do with a question asked this in
02:39 and lives in Canada meetings and everything else. So my wife is working part time for
02:45 like there's any like That's where you start. We're used to it. She's working part time
02:50 for 3ABN. She works part-time as a registered dietician, nutritionist and functional
02:53 medicine. And she is doing health talks and health research and writing health
03:01 articles she's one of these men shape. Yeah. Brings a little appraisal. Well, you
03:04 know, when you guys come in and spending their here several weeks out of the year
03:08 and it's just a blessing to have you. When you come in my brother, you're part of the
03:11 team tonight, my friends. Let me tell you what I have here. But we got here. We've got the
03:18 word of God, Bible, you're going to need this. Okay. If you don't have with you, go
03:22 find your Bible where it is in the house and bring it back, sit down and get ready because
03:27 we're going to go on an incredible excursion through God's word.
03:30 >> We're going to be diving deep into Bible prophecy. Tonight before we're going
03:34 have a song in just a few moments that we're going to be blessed by some wonderful
03:37 music. But before we do, let me set this up to kind of explain to you what's
03:42 happening. So a few months ago, Pastor afternoon, I had the wonderful privilege of
03:46 starting a program. This is kind of still the beginning of a program that you and I
03:50 started a few months ago called what is the calm, prophetic way? My prosthetic
03:56 waymarks and the last program. If you haven't seen it, just go look it up on YouTube or
04:00 find it on 3ABN. Plus. But the profit of Waymarks program from last time from a few
04:04 months ago, we kind of just took a survey of Bible prophecy from Daniel in
04:09 revelation. We kind of hit all of the main bullet points of all of the major prophecies.
04:13 And then it wasn't, I think maybe not even a week or 2. After that, I get a phone call
04:17 from pastor after he said brother we've got we've got to go back through all of these
04:20 prophecies except this time. Give it to our live down a little wind down and go deeper
04:27 into each one of those individual profit chapters in profit. A topic. So we're
04:33 starting with Daniel to tonight. We're going to be in Daniel, too. So if you had
04:37 questions about Daniel, too, and this is just a little bit, but he's want to toss it to
04:41 you right now to set us up. You for Daniel to talking about you'll get this kind of
04:45 an overview of what it is we're going to be starting tonight. Well, we're going to
04:47 be looking at one of the most significant prophecies ever given to through a human
04:55 being. And what's really interesting is who God gives the prophecy to write. And
05:01 it's interesting because he doesn't give it to one of his people. And then you have to
05:05 ask the question, why does he give it to a gentile, right? All right. And then you have
05:07 to ask the question >> Why did Daniel, what's Daniel doing in captivity in
05:13 the first place? Like why did he even got even let him go there? You know, what's the
05:18 purpose, right, Kay? And why was Daniel included with this decree to kill all the wise
05:22 battle on? >> When he was even part of the weizmann about on yet,
05:25 right? Right. So these kinds of questions we still about. And we're encouraging our
05:30 viewers, please send in your questions. We'd love to answer questions. We're going go
05:32 through this process, the but we know that your students of the Bible or that you're new
05:36 to the Bible or that you're somewhere in between and you have questions you'd like to
05:40 ask. And we've been at this for a few years and we love to share with you the knowledge
05:43 that we have in the things that we know. Absolutely that speaking of questions, we're
05:46 going to tell you right now, in fact, get your your PIN your pencil, something the
05:51 right with maybe pick up your cell phone next to you and get ready to record this number.
05:54 There it is. >> If you want to text in your question, you need to send
05:58 that to 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, That number again is 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5,
06:08 You can text us your questions or there's another option. There's only 2 options
06:13 tonight, by the way, to send in your questions, either text or as it's if you see on your
06:16 screen there, you can e-mail us your questions as well. It's life that's L I V E at 3
06:22 a being in DOT TV again, that's alive at 3, a B in DOT TV. So text in send us an
06:32 email. Whichever one you prefer. We're going to bring this back up a couple of time.
06:34 Maybe 3 or 4 more times tonight to remind you of how you can send those questions.
06:39 But as we get deeper into the study over the next hour in 2 hours, actually, perhaps
06:43 there's a question that comes to your mind, your heart that you really want an answer to.
06:48 I want to put Pastor James Rafferty on the spot for you tonight because he's got all
06:51 the answers. Haha, actually the word of God has answers. But that phrase a little we're
06:55 going to get into those. But Daniel, to get your Bible, get your friends together. We're
07:01 going to be diving into this as soon as we get finished with this powerful, powerful
07:06 song that is coming to us from our brother Lake Jones. And of course, we have a friend Tim
07:10 partner on the piano and man, this brother's voice, something late. Jones has an
07:16 incredible voice. God has blessed him so much. And of course, my friend Tim Pardon.
07:20 I mean that in my opinion, the best pianist in the world, I love them to death. Such a
07:23 humble guy and they're going to be bringing us one of my favorite songs written by one
07:27 of my favorite gospel song, a songwriters. And the song is that sounds like home to me.
07:51 >> on. >> last >> well, stream of His
08:23 >> he's >> sounds >> right 4.
08:44 >> We will e >> deals. Will it >> see of his grace.
09:09 >> will like, ♪ >> lead
09:31 >> lead, it's made >> race >> says
10:00 >> used be the >> to >> and one way or on.
10:19 >> need
10:36 >> The >> will the his and to all with we will like to well,
10:57 thank we knew the as his >> Live this too. >> a
11:20 ♪ ♪ >> A made a full. Thank you,
11:38 Lake Jones and my brother, Tim part. Thank you guys so much for that beautiful song. Wow.
11:42 >> That's one of my favorites written by Aaron Wilbur, my good friend. Aaron will burn
11:46 is resting in Jesus now, but he's written some of the best in gospel music and just such
11:51 a blessing to hear that again. Thank you guys so much. >> All right. Here we are, my
11:57 friends. If you're just now tuning in, you're watching 3 ABM Thursday night live.
12:02 That's right. We're coming to you live right now. As we're speaking, we're in studio and
12:07 we have Pastor James Rafferty with us. And we're about to dive deep into the Bible were
12:12 going to be taking a profit journey through the second chapter of Daniel. before we
12:20 pray, cousin or going to pray before we get into the study. But I just want to ask you
12:22 real quickly, a pastor Rafferty. Many people have asked this question,
12:26 especially those who probably are for a little bit familiar with Bible prophecy had this
12:31 question before. Why? Why should we start with Daniel to why? Why Daniel, too? Well,
12:35 there are a number of reasons why Daniel to is really significant. I'm going to give
12:38 you one. You may never have heard before. Okay. If you have are not. All right. And
12:44 it has to do with a couple questions that I asked you to begin with. The reason why we
12:49 need to start with Daniel to this because Daniel 2 shows the world, the God is
12:54 interested in them even when his church is not just unpack that a little bit. Her on a K
13:00 K God's people, Israel were supposed to be a light to the gentiles. They were supposed
13:05 to be sharing the beautiful gospel, the beautiful hope of messiah with the world. And
13:10 they did. All right. They close themselves into themselves and in order for
13:15 got to reach the Gentile world, he had to allow them to go into captivity. I call it
13:20 Captive Angeles. OK, alright, The dream that was given 2 in Daniel to was not given to
13:29 Daniels was not given to one of God's people. It was given to even King, right, right,
13:32 right. And God is expressing got a showing. In fact, the whole 1st half of the book of
13:38 Daniel isn't written Heber's mix. Come tonight. Yeah. Danny Lush a God is showing his care
13:44 and his love for the entire world. You could say that the picture that we have in
13:47 Daniel, too, is a picture. >> That reflects John Chapter 3 verse 16 cars of the world.
13:54 The game's only got McCain has through you. I want the whole world to know that that's the
14:00 reason that may be. We don't hear all the tiger, but it's one that I think is very Ali.
14:02 That's a great point. And, you know, I find it, you know, and then my years of experience in
14:08 study, we do not just with that. That but I was raised at finish just like you weren't.
14:10 >> And you know, so many people will find in the misinterpreting or
14:15 misunderstanding future Bible prof prophecy events or further prosthetic chapters
14:21 that were going to study. You know, Daniel 7 and a new 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, you know,
14:26 revelation chapter 12, 13, 14, as you go on. They they attend to misinterpret some of the
14:31 major aspects of those chapters based on the fact that they get Daniel to wrong
14:34 or they simply don't study it appropriately. And so I'm excited. I'm excited to be
14:41 able to study and to revisit this powerful chapter. So get ready. My friends were about
14:44 to dive deep into this right now. Pastor referee, will she have a prayer for? Some will
14:49 get started. Towns Goodlett Spring father and him. We just want to thank you for this
14:51 opportunity to open your word. You've asked us to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us to
14:56 guide us to teach us instruct us to convict us to comfort us.
15:02 >> We're praying right now for ourselves for all those who are listing for those who will
15:04 be listing. We're asking you that promise will be for Phil tonight. Not only in us, but
15:10 also in every single person that is going to be listening to this broadcast. This
15:15 message. We're also asking for that you would cleanse us that you would make us vessels that
15:20 could be used to communicate the love in truth and the Gospel Jesus Christ through
15:25 these prophecies to those who are listening so guide and direct this program bless each
15:30 component of it. We pray we get into your hands ourselves and your hands are views into
15:33 your hands in Jesus name mean that. >> Amen. Amen. Amen.
15:40 >> Just a little bit of a background as we begin to set up Daniel chapter to the
15:44 children of his room. With Moses, Mount Sinai. God establishes coming up between
15:50 him and people says I want you to be my my holy people. My brought chosen people, my
15:56 royal nation, my my kingdom of priest. as you said, they were to be a light to the world and
16:00 right there at Mount Sinai got says, look, if you will be my voice to keep my covenant and
16:04 you'll be my special chosen people to go in. Take this gospel can take this good news
16:09 and what change the world, right. But unfortunately, the Bible records shows us and we
16:12 find this all the way through the Old Testament. It's flooded with more than 840
16:18 years of rebellion on the martyrdom of Israel. Also from Mount Sinai to the time that
16:23 we see is real falling into this babylonian captivity. It's about 140 years. You want
16:27 to talk about Grace. You want to talk about patience and compassion. God did everything
16:32 he could to wake up Israel and multiple occasions. But now we we find Israel many, many of
16:41 the people of Israel, including a young man and his 3 friends. But young man by
16:45 the name of Daniel, Daniel, probably a teenager, at least a young man being carried off
16:50 with his 3 friends. And me showing that Saraya and they find themselves in an
16:55 interesting predicament. But now we come to Daniel Chapter 2 and maybe something you want
16:58 to add to this. But set us up for entering into the study on Daniel too. Well, the first
17:05 thing that we see in the context of Daniel Chapter 2 is the Cross of Calvary, OK,
17:09 Alright, Fine. Philippians chapter 2. >> The Bible tells us in
17:12 versus 5, 6, 7, 8, that Christ did not consider something to be grasped on to be equal with
17:19 God. humbled himself right? He came in the form of a man, the form of a servant. He helped
17:24 himself to death. Even the death of the cross. That's what we see in Daniel Chapter
17:28 one. When you think about God in the context of Christianity, we think of a
17:33 sovereign got an all powerful God, a God. They can do whatever he wants. And what
17:36 does he do with his people? He lets them be taken captive to Babylon. That is reflection on
17:42 him. That's reflection his character member. Moses prayed.
17:46 >> Don't let your people be destroyed in the woman's because what will the rest of
17:50 the nation's think of you, right? Right. So God humbles himself. And Daniel Chapter 2
17:57 when the vessels of the sanctuary taken into the sanctuary, the temples of the
18:02 babylonians that's got humbling himself before the nation's. In a sense, OK? But
18:05 why does God humble themself winds Christ himself? So that he can be lifted up and when
18:09 he's lifted up, all men will be drawn on him. Okay. That's what's going to happen. So
18:15 Daniel, want who are really reflections across? You know, job of the preacher. It's to
18:21 make it across country to Calvary as fast as possible. Okay. And whenever we look at
18:27 prophecy, we need to see west across and this was the Gospel and all right. We already
18:30 touched on one point and that is God loves and you can answer. You know, I never even
18:35 as there is a tyrant, maybe can as it is bad dude, like my whole Cabinet, you guys are
18:40 going down 8. You can interpret my dream that I can't remember. You should be
18:43 able to interpret it right? So that God loves him. God loves the entire babylonian world.
18:49 God is seeking after them. He wants to reach after them. And this is the picture. This is
18:54 the story of the cross of the last possible. Oh, my goodness. I've never I've
18:58 never heard it said like that before. But you were told. But each each one of our major
19:02 true that we study should be taught in the light of the cross. As I love that.
19:06 >> All right. So what are we starting to start with one? Yeah, let's start with Daniel
19:10 Chapter 2 verse one So to have a neighbor says you want to read before we stop, I want to
19:14 give you time to make some points in between all kind of follow up with you. Well,
19:18 let's go all the way through to about verse. 13 know 12, 12 O k so Murray through. And if
19:26 you need to stop me any time that we must Daniel Chapter 2, my friends were going to begin
19:30 in verse one. It's isn't in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar maybe can as
19:35 your dream, the dreams where with his spirit was troubled in his sleep broke from him.
19:43 Then the Keane commanded to call the magicians of the astrologers and the sorcerer's
19:46 in the Chaldeans for the show. The keen, his dreams. So they came and stood before the king
19:50 and the King said to them, I have dreamed a dream in my spirit was trouble to know the
19:57 dream then spoke the Chaldeans to the king of Syria. O King live for ever tell your
20:02 servants the dream. And we will show the interpretation first 5. This is the King
20:07 answered and said to the Chaldeans the thing is gone for me. If you will not make
20:13 known to me the dream with the interpretation thereof, you shall be cut in pieces and
20:19 your houses shall be made. A dunghill. But if you show the dream and the interpretation
20:25 thereof, you shall receive of me. Gifts and rewards and great honor. Therefore, show
20:28 me the dream. And the interpretation thereof. They answered again and said let
20:35 the keen tell his service the dream. And we will show the interpretation of it. The King
20:40 answered and said, I know of certainty that you would gain the time, but you see the
20:45 thing is gone from me because you see the thing is gone for me. But if you will not make
20:50 known to me the dream there is. But one decree for you for you have prepared, lying and
20:56 corrupt words to speak before me till the time be changed. Therefore, tell me the dream.
21:03 And I shall know that you can show me the interpretation thereof. The cow, the INS
21:08 answered before the Keenan said there was not a man up on the earth that can show the
21:13 Kings batter. Therefore, there is no king Lord know ruler that asked such things at any
21:19 magician or straw linger or Chaldean. And it is a rare thing that the king requires
21:24 that there is no other that can show it before the king except the gods whose dwelling
21:28 is not with us verse 12 for this calls. The King was angry and very furious and commanded
21:35 to destroy all the wise Men of Babylon. Wow. And this is a great set up right here. Yes,
21:42 that's a couple of elements here that we need to recognize that relate to us as human
21:45 beings are. The first thing is. >> Life troubles us. Life
21:50 troubles us. The thing about beacon has and he's going to realize very soon. Is this the
21:53 stream that he can't remember troubles him because he did actually know it when he was
22:00 dreaming it. What troubled him about it as we're going to find out is that was a
22:05 revelation of the And the revelation, the future that he saw in these images was bleak,
22:09 right? It wasn't positive. And when you look at humanity today, when you look at the
22:14 world today, I'm speaking from my own experience for the future. Doesn't look that
22:18 great. I mean, I was raised under the umbrella of communism in the USSR was
22:23 raised in London, England, but the USSR loom to begin the world. When I was a young man,
22:28 of course, a lot of young people, they can't relate to that. But I remember thinking,
22:33 well, Mize will party and do whatever because we could be Newt out of existence by
22:35 tomorrow. You know, the whole idea of a future that was filled with hope. Is gone from
22:43 the minds of millions of people in our world today. Even billions of people in our
22:46 world today. This is why God wants to bring this to the forefront dollars to bring to
22:52 the forefront that, you know, even if you're King of Babylon, diffuse your ruler of
22:56 the world, there's a future that is bleak for you and less. I introduced myself to
22:59 you and I give you a picture of something better. All right. So got introduces the
23:03 king in this vision that he can't remember. But troublesome enough, Tori knows
23:07 it's important. Introduces him to this future that's bleak in hopes that he'll be able to in
23:13 time and see something that a number 2. All right. Real quick. Got also wants to help.
23:20 And if you can answer, realize the futility of all of his wise men all all year for us
23:25 and of all the people he trusts right? He thinks these are the good guys that are
23:30 going to help him in there on the side. He realizes they're just a bunch of liars. That's
23:34 right. And they just want to they're just they're just try to figure out how they can lie
23:37 to him a trick and it's all open. And what we're going to realize is in life, the people
23:42 that are closest to us, the people that we could trust the most outside of gotten outside
23:46 of the path of God chooses for us. Those people are really after it's just doggy Dogg.
23:52 Chester Rat Race is just one P person stepping up on another. It's very hard to find a
23:56 faithful friend. Very hard to find someone who puts up for themselves or even put your
24:01 equal with themselves. Right? There's always this selfish motive that lies at the heart
24:06 of human and maybe can as is realizing this. And really it's speaking to us today. So
24:11 troubling thoughts. Trouble is times ahead of us and who can we turn to can rely on? Who
24:16 can we trust? Who can help us? We go through these trying just have to you know, you
24:20 have to just capture the irony of the situation because, you know, again, for 840 years,
24:24 Israel has been, you know, often on being fallen into pasta, see fallen into.
24:29 >> Pagan worship falling into these. He's in ways and practices and cultures. And
24:34 so, you know, others just off and on again relationship you see got, you know, having to
24:38 redeem them and they fall back into a posse in ridding them of fog and come and now it's
24:43 interesting that, you know, at the end of the state in 40 years, God it's takes a step
24:45 back is OK, you want to even you want to be like to hear that you want to worship like
24:51 the then I'll send you to the epicenter motion due to the mecca of false pagan worship.
24:56 And so now they find themselves in Babylon. And I love what you brought out
25:00 about these. These these magicians, the ledgers. >> You these pagan religions
25:05 in these and this is our world is still flooded with these pagan religions. You know,
25:09 they put so much emphasis on these false cause and it's also a major focus on man,
25:15 Man, Man, man, in wanting to big be got men wanting to rise up.
25:18 >> To be like gods. But yet in contrast, got is going to show through the gospel message
25:25 what sets the Christian God of parties, he's they're actually there for his me He's about to
25:29 be Gore 5. But of course, through this, the message of the cross, we see that the
25:33 Christian God separate and different from all of the other Pagan got surrounding
25:35 all of the other nations around them. This is our himself to become a And so I
25:42 just love this. This contrasting view your God is about to expose the lies of
25:47 Satan. Miss paganism this false worship, this false You know, you can imagine they
25:52 would, you know, throw their fairy dust in the air and make the little signs and, you
25:55 know, can, you know, breed their palms into their visions. But yet God is about
25:58 to expose them exactly for who they are. bunch of aches and maybe can as we're seeing
26:02 right through them. Absolutely seeing right through. Absolutely. And it's
26:05 interesting because when this war lets us down cars there for us, that's right. Even if
26:09 were not his people got is their first people if they will turn to him also there
26:12 for us, he's going to be different if you can answer absolutely. And then I love
26:17 it. I love it starts would. Where would we read on? want to go now. We want to read for
26:20 says 13 all the way down for us 20. >> All right. So let's to 13
26:27 through Versed. 23, it says in the decree went forth at the weizmann should be slain and
26:33 they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain. Then Daniel answered and counseled
26:39 and whisk them too re act. The cap to move the King's Guard which was gone for to Slay the
26:44 Wise Men to Babylon. He answered and said to Arioch the Kings captain, why is the
26:49 decree so hasty from the keen? Then area made the thing known to Daniel. Then Daniel went in
26:56 and desired of the king that he would give him time and that he would show the keen
27:01 the interpretation or 17. Then Daniel went to his house and made a thing known to Michelle
27:08 and as a riot, his companions, that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven
27:13 concerning this secret. Then Daniel and his fellow should not that Daniel, his fellow
27:19 should not perish with the rest of the Wise Men of Babylon. Then what's the
27:23 secret revealed to Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel Bless the God of Heaven.
27:29 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God for ever and ever for wisdom and
27:32 might are his. >> And he changes the Times in the seasons. He removes Kings
27:38 and steps up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to them that no
27:43 understanding he reveals the deep in secret things. He knows what is in the darkness
27:47 and the light dwells with him. I think you in praise you. >> You o God of my fathers who
27:55 has given me wisdom and might it has made known to me now what we desired of you for you
28:01 have now made known to us the Kean's matter 20 for the first. 24 can read that. It
28:09 therefore, Daniel went into area whom the king had ordained to destroy the wise
28:12 men of Avalon. And he went in said dusty him, destroy not the wise men about on. Bring
28:19 me in before the king and I will show to the king the interpretation I mean, many
28:26 people as they to the many people would hear this decree and find out if they were a
28:31 part of this decree that all if you're going to kill, including yourself some of us
28:35 would probably lack a little bit of faith and start looking for a backdoor exit right to
28:39 run out the back door, try to sneak away in save themselves. >> But Daniel turns to egos
28:46 his brothers. We've got a lives are stake here. God has got the answer isn't so they
28:52 they kneel down and they pray. What makes this brother head and need to be. And when we
28:56 say all the time to be like Jesus, and that's the ultimate goal. But, know, I wish that I
29:00 could be have in the Daniel was because he was a powerful man of faith. He was and look
29:04 at this. Look at the way that Daniel handles the situation. So
29:06 >> he goes when he finds out that he's going to be killed with he had a 9 and Michelle
29:12 and has a right be killed with the rest of the weizmann. The battle he was going to say,
29:16 wait a minute when it part of the weizmann about like we didn't get a chance like, hey,
29:21 can we reason with the king here? Look, these guys are the ones to let you down. You
29:24 know, we just got hired into the company. I mean, we've been here about 3 months in
29:29 the company's fall and that's not our full right. He could reason that's not our fault.
29:31 You know, we just came in. >> But what does he do? He said, you know what? What's
29:36 wrong with the king? I mean, what's troubling him? Maybe I can see Daniel is other
29:41 center. Daniel is thinking out of himself. He's thinking toward others. All we need to
29:46 do whatever we find ourselves in a situation where trouble we're with facing death, where
29:51 we're struggling. All we need to do is put ourselves in someone else's place is think
29:56 of how we can help someone else is think of in need that someone else has. Daniel could
30:01 be all consumed with themselves. going die wanted. I just a teenager and his gun
30:05 or what not. But he isn't. He's thinking what's troubling. The king? You know
30:10 what? What's going on in the King's life that he would actually want to kill all his
30:14 cabinet always was. And what what struck Eric Talley with troubling. Okay. Maybe I could
30:17 help. All right. Maybe I can. If that. And here's here's the deal. I think it's just over
30:22 the top. Let me let me go in and talk to the king who wants to kill all the wise men about
30:29 long run. Let me put in to them to get you know, when someone's in a bad who want to
30:36 kill you all, I don't know if I want to go >> But he does. he Daniel and
30:42 this is what he does. I I love this part right here. Daniel. When in design to the king, he
30:48 would give him time that he was show the king interpretation units, Russians
30:52 my face right there, OK, faith. He believes Daniel has a purpose there to be a Daniel
30:59 there to make it known. did have a purpose from there to be a Daniel there to stand
31:03 alone. Did have a purpose from there to make it not. Daniel knows by now. All right, that
31:07 he's there for a reason right? Got seat. This is the interesting thing about the
31:12 whole picture. God promised Israel. Listen, you'll be like gentiles. You'll be the head.
31:17 You won't be the tail bless you. You're just going to shine fry and Israel just
31:22 falls on their face. I mean, they just let go down. Like you said, over 100 years again
31:26 and again and again in the game. But God's promises never fail meant for those who will
31:31 take hold of them, even if it's only for people out of thousands or hundreds of
31:35 thousands. >> The with me if so, Daniel says, and you say and I say
31:39 and each one of you can say no matter what the rest of this world is doing, no matter what
31:44 this country is doing, no matter what my neighbors are doing, no matter what my
31:47 church is doing, no matter what people around me doing. I'm going to take hold of the
31:51 promises of God. And when you take all the promises of God, he will make sure those
31:56 promises awful feel for you in spite of others. >> So we get ahead of the
31:59 story here. But Daniel becomes the head. Yes, Daniel becomes the lie of Daniel becomes
32:05 everything with his 3 friends that God wanted for the nation of Israel. We are not
32:09 dependent on others for the blessings that God wants to give to us. Absolutely. Amen.
32:14 >> You may just be just tuning in with us right now. You're watching 3, A B in Thursday
32:19 night live and what Daniel, excuse Pastor Rafferty myself. We're talking about Daniel
32:24 Daniel chapter 2 were studying Bible prophecy. This is profit. When March, we're
32:28 looking at God's dream for us. And we're we're just now getting started were impacting
32:32 this verse by verse that my friends, you might have questions. You might have some
32:36 Bible prophecy related questions. Questions pertaining to his great dream.
32:40 This image this to this and the interpretation of this dream and what pertaining to
32:45 our future and all those different things. Whatever your question, maybe you can
32:48 send those in 2 different ways. You can send it by ticks. The numbers right there
32:52 on your screen. 618-228-3975, that again at 6, 1, 8, 228-3975, or you can email
33:02 your questions will take that as well. Live at 3ABN DOT TV. Again, that e-mail address is
33:08 live L I V E at 3ABN DOT TV. So send us those questions were excited to answer those
33:16 questions we're going to get right back to our study here. We're in Daniel Chapter 2. We
33:21 read up to about 24 missile now past 41 years on from here. Here's one of the thing
33:28 that's so amazing. Okay. So Daniel goes into this prayer, you know, prayer meeting with
33:30 his friends. >> And as soon as he gets the answers revealed ensues. He
33:35 gets as the phrases Scott right, right raises got it. So this is all your time right?
33:39 Sometimes we go in, you know, I've for specially as pastors, you know, preachers, teachers,
33:43 evangelists. Sometimes we go into our prayer time with God, we get into the world with God
33:48 and then got shows us something. And it's like all of us and it's You know, all
33:52 of a sudden, my book. You know, it's my message hits. You know, it's my thing, you
33:56 know. And and we attach our name to people attach their names to ministries. And
33:59 that's what I love about. 3ABN 3ABN isn't Anybodys. 3ABN is a facilitator of the ministry
34:06 for everybody. And you know, and that's the way God intended for us to be, which
34:09 vessels with specials. And so Daniels like price, God, he knows he knows this has
34:16 nothing to do with him, right? How do you how's he going to figure this out?
34:20 >> And he is so overwhelmed. Check this out because prayer changes us. Yes, changes. He's
34:25 so well when he goes in to his friends, he says. We need to pray verse 18 that were not
34:31 destroyed with the rest of the wise men about a lot right when comes out a prayer and
34:36 this is the part that's the first I wanted to read. Rice's first thing he says destroy
34:41 not the wise men a battle. You think they would have been saying that destroy not Daniel
34:44 and his friend to take them out by the time. 6 is exactly what they're doing. Yes, yes,
34:49 exactly. But here we have that the essence of what prayer does a human heart it
34:56 continues to transform. It continues to take it higher. Not only does Daniel get the
35:03 request that he had originally and that is that he'll be saying he will be shorter this
35:05 time. He says, you know what? >> Destroyed at the weizmann about on the says this. Bring
35:10 me in the for the king. You get the picture. You're right, right. Don't kill them. Don't
35:14 destroy that. Bring the in before the king all take this chance all step into this He
35:18 knows by faith ago I'm going to step in. I'm going to mediate. I'm going and I'm
35:24 going to I'm not going to it for me. My friends only right? That's selfish. If we're
35:27 thinking, oh, yeah, us Christians. Word. No. I'm going to mediate for them to
35:32 write all those people. All those liars as people are trying to trick you can as
35:37 people are trying to, you know, look, I'm going to ask that their lives be saved.
35:41 Also, that's what a Christian us. That's that Daniel is a type of Christ in that
35:45 situation. is exactly what Jesus did. That's what we're so that all the lines look at
35:47 all the centers. But Jesus stepped in to let me go before the king. pay the father.
35:54 Forgive them. It's the gospel through through city. Daniel is this beautiful picture of
35:58 righteousness by race and that is awesome. Brother. Praise the Lord. All right. So what
36:02 do we go from here? I'm getting I'm getting from getting anxious for that. Now
36:05 we've got to brothers. Now we've got to read the dream. But, you know, we need to do
36:07 first as we do reverses 25 down to 28. OK? 25 versus 25 through 28 and a new 2. Here
36:15 we go. Then area brought in Daniel before the keen in haste and said thus to him, I
36:21 have found a man of the captors of Judah that will make known to the King. The
36:26 interpretation. >> The king answered and said to Daniel whose name was Bill
36:29 tensions are. She's being yes. Petitions are. >> Are you able to make known
36:33 to me the dream which I have seen and the interpretation thereof.
36:37 >> Daniel answered in the presence of the Kenyan said the secret which the king has
36:41 demanded can not the wise moon. The astrologers, the magicians, the Seuss
36:46 soothsayers show to the king. But there is a God in heaven that reveal secrets and makes
36:53 known to the team that we can as or what shall be in the latter days, your dream and
36:59 the vision, the visions of your head up on your bed are these. I love them. I love
37:03 that. Comes in from the note. Again, just to make this point here to most people would have
37:08 run in and have been anxious to say, okay, here's what you dream But yet, Daniels kind of
37:13 like, you know what gotten control of this and he won't walk soon before saying I've
37:17 got to answer. I'm going to reveal this to keen so that he can get all the he stops to
37:25 keep prices the stops to give honor to you know what King out. I don't have the answers.
37:30 But there's a gotten and doesn't. And he has revealed to me.
37:31 >> What you dreamed that's It's so beautiful. In fact, there's a contrast here
37:37 because you see something here is really interesting. Really right, right? Area thought,
37:43 Daniel in before the key in haste, he said unto him. >> I found them at area, if
37:47 you did really what you do, look at the open, what we used to Google. What how did you
37:54 find this, Kyra? It then it must hard You know, we all want to take a little bit of
37:59 Laura and by this time Pretty certain. >> Well, Daniels already gone
38:02 through the process of asking the King of France said or Daniels already said, don't
38:06 share the wise and he's pretty sure the Daniels got the streaming like, OK, I want to
38:10 get on the right I want to get on the Kings. Good side. I want to you have a little bit
38:14 of something from the king. He's going remember me for saying I have found a man. He
38:17 didn't do anything to find right fit into any further. But we like to take a little
38:21 bit of that. Glory belongs to God. And so that kind of sets up for the contrast now
38:26 because when Arioch says that the king's old suddenly king's focus and attention really can
38:31 you interpret the Dream? Yes, I love the way Daniel does this because the first thing
38:37 he does it showed the absolute falsity the the absolute inability of all the weizmann
38:43 about he reminds him. Yeah. The dream that you had, the wise man, the astrologers how
38:50 the none of them can figure it out. You know, it's interesting. Just not enough
38:53 to interrupt you, but just thought of as a part of my head, the spirit of area in
38:58 the situation as well as the other wise men who would have taken that glory reminds me of
39:03 the way Jesus rebuked the that spirit of the pharisees of wanting to be seen by don't
39:10 praise the pharisees. Do to be seen by manner. Don't fast and blurted everybody. You know
39:15 what, Newt in secret and the world toward you in secret. you can see the spirit of
39:18 Daniels brought the opposite of this big it area. Okay. I found him in AM.
39:22 >> You know? And so it's just another lesson tonight that that that God has revealed to
39:26 me that, you know what, we need to humble ourselves. and that, you know, God will
39:29 reward us if we were just some ourselves before him. And one of the way we humble ourselves
39:33 before God is to read stories like this and relate ourselves to dance. So, you know, I want
39:37 to be like him and then on to be like that guy. >> Because Daniel, in this
39:40 situation, he's reminding he's doing something that we find in Romans chapter 3. There's
39:45 not there's no one's good. No, not there's no in the seats have to got. Now Weizmann can
39:49 help you another Anderson, helping you do not want as risking their lives. They not
39:53 intelligent. You can rely upon them. This is another gospel thing. There's no one that can
39:57 help you then. Can you help me, Daniel? Maybe you're going to the right church, maybe use
40:02 of the right card? No, actually, I can't either see a lot of times we say, well,
40:06 that religion is bad and that religion is bad. And that really just down the world's
40:10 all that. But me, you know, I know. So Daniel has the perfect opportunity to put
40:13 himself in the limelight. There's no one on this earth that can help you right? Can
40:17 you help me, Daniel? But there is a God in heaven. The most curious himself goes right
40:22 past himself direct people act. And that's really our job. That's jobs. Preachers
40:28 and teachers as pastors is as Christians. Our job is to bypass ourselves and it's hard
40:30 to do that. Oh, man, I can relate area games and right. But as I read the story, I'm
40:37 like, OK, Daniel, you able to do this. So it's possible it is possible. And this is the
40:41 highest place that we can get to as a Christian to humble ourselves to follow the
40:48 example of Christ in Philippians chapter 2 is the goal for the Christian. Once
40:53 we get to that place, all the sure that comes into our heart when we're not seeking after
40:58 the highest place, anyone when the disciples got to this place, they once did it just
41:02 explore the gospel just exploded, right? Because they concerned about who gets the
41:07 glory. Who gets the credit? Who is in line like you see on the right Jesus to see on
41:09 that? That all went. And when that went, they were man. It's hard get Rose Court. I mean,
41:16 we just oh, you want little bit of that. And the only way they can come is by keeping
41:19 our focus on Christ. Absolutely. So this is the beautiful picks that we see
41:23 it. And before that we can as even here's the tree. He's already He's already like
41:28 while the standing. That's a little bit different. I mean, even area that's a little bit
41:31 different that he would just. Exclude himself in his go directly to God, right? And
41:36 now he's ready for the for the next versus which are the dream itself. We're going to
41:39 see that in verses 29 through 36. All right. Then a chapter 2 versus 29 through. 36.
41:51 First, 29 says as for keen, your thoughts came into your mind up on your bed, what you
41:54 should. What should come to pass hereafter. >> And he that reveal secrets
41:58 makes known to you. What shall come to pass. But as for me, the secret is not revealed to
42:06 me for any wisdom that I have more than anything. Any living thing. But for their sakes,
42:11 that show make known they shall make no the interpretation to the king and
42:15 that you might know the thoughts of your heart. And here's worst. 31. King saw and
42:22 be held a great image. An this great image whose brightness was excellent, stood before
42:28 you and the form thereof was terrible. The images head was a fine gold, its breast and
42:33 its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of brass, its legs of AI and its feet part
42:40 of iron and part of clay, you saw to the stone to a stone was cut out without hands,
42:47 which Smokey image up on its feet that were of iron and the clay and broke them in pieces.
42:54 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold broke into pieces
43:00 together. became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors and the wind
43:05 carried them away that no place was found for them. And the stone that smoke the image
43:09 became a great mountain and feel the whole Earth. This is the dream. And we will tell
43:16 the interpretation thereof before the keen. All right. just have to picture this.
43:20 just have to picture this. Okay. >> Nebuchadnezzar. Can't talk
43:25 right now. You know, there's brothers the like God had to pick his jaws up off the He
43:30 cannot talk right now. Can you imagine? I mean, all right. He I just think about this. You
43:35 have a dream. You know, significant. You can't remember it. You're perplexed
43:42 right? You're telling your friends. Pray for me, man. I had a dream. I can't remember.
43:45 One your friends comes over. He says sit down, Ryan, sit down. I got to tell you
43:49 something. I'm going to tell you dream that you had. All right. need to tell you, I
43:58 have a going to tell you the dream he had. And then he lays it out and you can't remember
44:03 he lays out and as he's laying it out. And you know, you're going to say as a Christian,
44:12 you say that's about thing, right, right. let you go and you have to take in the fact
44:15 that this is not your average dream like most of the time when we have dreams and I know
44:19 people can have weird dreams. I've had weird dreams, dreams woken up from like what the
44:22 world that I just dream. But you think about this is a dream like no other. No one is
44:28 dreaming of an image, a statue with made of different types of metals and elements. No one
44:34 is dreaming of that. And most of the time we dream, you know, there's people in other
44:37 people in our dream in this case. >> He's just dreaming of the
44:39 statue in the short can. And you just have to imagine that this brother was even more
44:46 overwhelmed because secret one thing got allowed him to forget the dream he couldn't.
44:50 He couldn't remember the dream. And now as soon as you can imagine that as soon as
44:54 Daniel saw, the said, the first words you'll king saw. Behold a great image, too. I
45:01 could just immediately hit ball. And then all of the intricate details. It's one
45:03 thing if he would come to him to come said, I think you dreamed of an image, but now
45:10 God has given him all the details. So this is powerful. You have to know that God is
45:14 involved in this and in the interpretation is even more So we take this now back to our
45:18 gospel thing. Yeah, right. And what we realize we get back to a gospel theme is for those of
45:25 you who are God knows things about the falling human being about the fallen natural
45:30 heart. Write that we went when he discovers them to us. We like this must be.
45:36 >> The true God, right when we read the Bible, when you read the Bible and you begin to
45:42 realize that God knows your heart, the God understands the human condition and he knows
45:47 the need that we have a cause. Well, God is doing here is he's he's dealing with the
45:54 trouble that the human condition, the trouble we're in and the need. We have to
45:57 know they need. We have to have some hope the need. We have to understand the future
46:02 got is dealing with that in this experience with the beacon as Earth. This is a
46:07 small picture of the whole human need right? >> The picture of the plan of
46:11 salvation, if you will. And it's going to get even more. Interestingly, as we move into
46:16 the interpretation, get to the end and parts here and that God wants us to know that when
46:20 you read the Bible, God is going to speak to you. Yes, he's going to tell you about
46:25 yourself is going to tell you things that maybe you don't know that you can't remember
46:29 the forgotten but things that you'll be able to resonate with and you start to realize,
46:32 wow, there's a God in heaven and that's got And then speaking on that note, let's
46:37 take a take a moment here to remind our guest if you're just now tuning in with us or
46:41 you, you've been watching over the past few minutes and wondering what the world's
46:44 going on. We're studying. Daniel Chapter 2 were studying Bible prophecy. This is the
46:48 first of many, many, many more to our Bible studies and prophecies that are kind of
46:51 prophecy. That's coming. >> But there's a couple of ways you can send in your
46:55 questions. We can't answer your questions if you don't send them in so you have to
46:59 send them in. Right. And there's 2 ways to do that. The first way is by ticks. So just
47:04 pick up your phone. You might have the answer. Pretend Bible prophecy, dreams or talking
47:08 just a moment about dream. Just a just general comment. But 6, 1, 8, years. The number
47:13 right there on your screen, 618-228-3975. Again, that number 618-228-3975, Texas.
47:23 Your question or you can email us your question as well. If you so choose again, that
47:27 e-mail addresses live L I V E at 3 ABM DOT TV again, that's a live at 3, a B in DOT TV. So
47:35 send us your questions. And here's a going. going to put Pastor James on the spot here
47:41 and send in your questions as well. Let's let's for a moment. Just talk about a
47:46 dream because dreams, right? everyone has dreams, at least know of us have dreams. But I
47:51 know that there's got to be some people that may not be as church may not have ever read
47:55 the Bible. It extensively. I mean, when they hear the word dream, the honor on that
48:02 automatically or skip to in, what do you think? God chose a dream instead of maybe a
48:05 vision because there are there is a difference between dreams and vision. You know, a
48:09 vision. You know, the profit was the division and they go into almost like a trance-like
48:13 state and the breathing is is is is different. And, you know, there's there's do you
48:17 want most like to run an almost like they're But there's interesting details
48:19 pertaining to that. But just speak for a moment because, again, I I meet people all the
48:26 time to take all I had a dream last night in the Lord. I know it was from the Lord and this
48:30 is what I saw. And this is what I think it means. So, you know, speak all never just a
48:35 moment why God gave a dream. And in the last days we're told the people are going to
48:38 receive dreams and to know your your young men shall see visions or old men shall dream
48:41 dreams and but how do we know for sure if we we have received a dream that is from
48:46 the Lord? Well, the title, thus the subtitle for our Program Tonight, You know,
48:50 Prophetic Waymart stand up to 2 God's dream for okay. All right. So one of the reasons
48:57 why God gives Nebuchadnezzar the stream. One of the reasons why God is speaking in against
49:00 through a dream and vision. >> Is because God has chosen you can answer out of all the
49:07 people in the world got its chosen this gentile. He then King right is about ready to
49:11 annihilate his cabin because they can't remember interpret the dream. God has chosen him
49:16 to give him right. His dream for him and us. Okay. The book, Daniel Chapter to the
49:25 Vision of Daniel Chapter 2 is God's dream for us. What I mean by that right? Well, you
49:30 know, earlier we were talking with market who I think the director, right? Project is
49:34 the director and he was talking about, you know, God's dream for a streams. That
49:37 sounds kind of, you know, wishy-washy streams on always certain dreams always come
49:40 true. What's really interesting about this one is Daniel tells him at the end of
49:45 this will get tonight. Okay. To dream a certain, OK, the Khan stream for us is
49:49 different than the dreams that we have front. And when God speaks to us in a dream, it is
49:54 something that is certainly he's got stream for us. can answer. There are kingdoms in
49:59 this world that a rise to going to rise to power. They're going control. They're
50:02 going to be in charge. They're have some time to do some things. But eventually they're
50:08 going to fall because those streams, those kingdoms are based on principles that are
50:15 selfish and self-serving. And we'll see that we know we can as a chapter 3 before right?
50:18 Their self-serving. And then another team's going to you know, a different kingdom. And
50:23 so this kingdom, you know, maybe the pair more right to some or just, you know, and
50:29 they're going to, you know, do away with the they're going to bring judgment on this other
50:32 came in and they're going to But then they're going to eventually become a
50:36 self-serving. Sure, so than in other countries going to come in and they're going to
50:39 actually, you know, they're going to be people are going to be thankful that this other
50:42 kingdoms have been displaced. Another king comes in, but then eventually that can
50:44 become self serving. And so another King was going all that. He was long time.
50:50 There's a pattern here that that is an added here. And guess what? That pen is
50:53 continued on down through history, even as we come down to the United States of
50:57 America, which those the land of the free and the home of the brave in land of the free,
51:03 even in this country. Now in Bible prophecy will get to this revelation chapter 13,
51:07 you know, the principles of Islam but speaks like a drag. Okay. Okay. Goss's. But you
51:11 know what? I want you to know that can answer and I want Daniel Tell you this, that
51:13 there is going to come a kingdom that is going to be established and it's going to
51:18 take away all these other kingdoms. It's going to feel the whole Earth and that King
51:22 is going to be a kingdom of justice is going to be king of clubs going to mercy. It's
51:25 going to be team of goodness. It's got not going to be a king and it's going to turn to
51:30 selfishness. So that's going to be God's came and got him a lasting kingdom. And so that's
51:34 my dream to, you know, So that's my dream. For all humans. I want all humanity to
51:38 know that in spite of all the rise and fall of all this, the schemes that seem just become
51:43 selfish. All of that happening over and over and over and over again. There is
51:47 eventually going to be a kingdom. My king is going to be restored to planet Earth.
51:50 We see that relationship to 21. And 22 beautiful, beautiful appreciate that
51:54 response. My brother. All right. So say we we dive into the Internet age, get in the
52:00 interpretation, by the way. All right. So we have about 5 minutes. We can read through
52:03 this and you can kind of us general breakdown, but will probably come back in the
52:07 second hour. My friends, we have a hold of the hour. I'm excited because we get to
52:11 continue on in our study even in the next hour or so. 7.45? >> First, 37 on diverse. 45?
52:15 Here we go. This is King or King of Kings for the God of Heaven has given you a
52:22 kingdom, power and strength and glowing and wherever the children of men do well, the
52:27 beast of the field and the 1000, the heaven he has given into your hand and has made
52:34 you ruler over the mall and you are this head of Goldman. There it is. First. 39 after
52:40 you shower eyes. Another kingdom inferior to you. And another 3rd kingdom of brass
52:45 which show bear rule over all the Earth and the 4th kingdom shall be strong as iron for as
52:51 much as I and breaks in pieces and some dues, all things. And as that breaks, all things
52:58 show that break in pieces and brews verse. 41 and whereas you saw the feet and tolls
53:04 part of potters clay and part of iron. The kingdom shall be divided, but there shall be in
53:10 it of the strength the iron for as much as you saw the iron mixed with my re clay.
53:16 And as the tolls of the feet were part of iron and part of plea. So the kingdom shall be
53:22 partly strong and partly broken. And whereas you saw the iron mixed with my weekly,
53:29 they shall mingled themselves with the seat of men, but they shall not cleave one to
53:33 another. Even as Iran is not mixed with clay. What a stop. 45 45? OK? And in the days of
53:41 these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and
53:46 the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume
53:50 all these things and it shall stand for ever verse. 45 for as much as you saw, that the
53:57 stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and then it broken pieces. The eye
54:03 and the brass, the clay, the silver and the gold, the great God has made known to the keen
54:09 what shall come to pass hereafter and the dream is certain and the interpretation
54:14 there of. >> Wow. There's only one verse that comes to my mind is I'm
54:17 reading. That is God is unfolding. I mean, thousands of years of history here, the
54:24 text that comes to my mind is found in Isaiah Chapter 46 per 9.10 K got to read it. And the
54:30 past 2 years my friends, I mean, if you don't get it here, it is. Remember the
54:34 former things of old Isaiah said ours is riding. This is got speaking for I am God he
54:38 says and there was no other. I am God. And there was none like me firsthand of Isaiah.
54:45 46 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, things that are not yet
54:49 done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. You know, relief
54:55 amazing thing about say a 43 about I say itself. Friends. You really want to think about
55:00 this is that Isaiah was a prophet who lived before the captivity. That of long before
55:07 Daniel and his friends were taken into captivity. as it was prophesied to predict this
55:14 captivity, even talked about the fact that Daniel would be many unit that these young men
55:17 would be made Unix. >> The Bible is the only book of all the major religions in
55:23 the world that is filled with a large too large to filled with prophecy.
55:28 >> Perhaps about a 3rd of the Bible. You know, I'm not sure on that, but a lot of the
55:31 Bible's Philip Roth's the and the prophecies are accurate. There's no other relation that
55:35 dares to do that. And so when God speaks, their have to, you know, 46. 43 46. I think about
55:44 43 when God speaks, their God is putting himself out there, right put himself out there to
55:48 be challenge. He's basically saying, listen, I am there's no god like me. There's no
55:54 religion like mine. There's no there's no word like mine. I can show you what's going to
55:57 happen before it happens. And then you know what's powerful? Because we have about a minute
56:01 a half here and we're going continue our study in the second. Now. French can go
56:04 anywhere. Plus, have already started getting questions. And so we've got questions. We
56:06 come back. >> In the second hour. But what's amazing is what we're
56:11 about to see is just us that text I just read from Isaiah 46, God is about to show us
56:16 Indy that he doesn't dino the end from the beginning that he knows the future. And what's
56:20 amazing is I think of, you know, prior really I mean, on a week by faith we received
56:26 the manuscript will receive diminished the oldest minute script. We have. But yet, you
56:31 know, it wasn't until I was in late 1940's, early 1950's that we have all of those dead sea
56:36 scrolls were found. They do their studies and they find that the scrolls date back
56:40 some 3 for 500 years before Jesus Christ was even born. And guess what book was
56:46 included among those old old manuscripts written 3040500 years before Christ was born.
56:52 The book of Daniel. So what you're about to see some miraculous, my friends got is
56:55 about to reveal the future. And there is someone who wrote it down. We know that was
57:00 Daniel Daniel, the prophet. He recorded it. He put it in his book some 40500 years before
57:07 Jesus is born. And my friends are about to see how just how accurate got God, God's
57:11 visions and God, God's truth really is his. He knows that the in from the beginning,
57:15 we're going to see that. And I further into this gospel message in just a few moments
57:19 of my friends. Don't go anywhere. We're going to come back. We're going to finish
57:23 out this chapter. We're going to ask Pastor James some questions and we encourage you
57:27 to stay with us and send in those Bible questions. Again, 6, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7,
57:33 5, >> Don't go anywhere. Because when we come back in just a
57:36 moment, we're going continue through the book of Daniel Chapter 2.
57:40 >> We're going to look at Daniel's vision and will continue in our study. So
57:43 don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. ♪
57:50 ♪


Revised 2022-08-26