Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220027A
00:06 >> I want ♪
00:55 ♪ ♪ >> friends. Welcome to 01:12 Thursday night live. That's right. We are live from little old Thompsonville, Illinois, 01:16 out in the middle of a cornfield from the 3 Angels Broadcasting network to you. 01:20 We welcome each and every one of you for joining us. We thank you for taking time out 01:24 of your day and this special evening to join us during this to our live. That's right. The 01:29 next 2 hours we've got little light studios in the House. How are you guys doing? Great. 01:36 I'm excited about the 2 hours that we're going to have with our friends from little Light 01:39 studios and again, we want to thank you for your prayers, your love and support a 3, a B 01:44 in ministry because we're all about the gospel. We function here because of our 3ABN 01:49 family, your love and prayers and support that you give to us each and every day. We 01:52 thank you for that. And I want to tell you, get your family, your friends. Everyone 01:58 gathered around at this time because we have the 2 hour power packed just time 02:02 together, which we're going to be talking about. You know, we're going to be talking 02:06 about media. We're going to be talking about Hollywood. We're going to be talking about 02:10 reaching out to youth in the media filled age. How how is that how the devil is trying 02:15 to distract encapsulate the minds of people and pulled away from Jesus, especially 02:20 the young people will be talking with little light studios and what they are 02:23 doing. 2 to battle that has got is using them to share the gospel and to spread the light 02:29 of the good news of Jesus Christ by exposing the enemy's plans that he's using through 02:34 media and how how you and I can also a practice in our lives. The best appropriate 02:40 measures in our own lives. One in regards to media. So we'll be talking about a lot of 02:44 things over the next couple of hours. So please gather around and before I before I forget, 02:50 we're going to be taking questions probably at the end of this first hour and also 02:54 toward the end of the second hour. So there's going to be time for you to send in your 02:58 questions. You may have questions pertaining to what we're talking about tonight 03:03 for the little light studios crew here. And there's 2 ways you can do that. I want to 03:06 tell you really quickly how you can do that. And then we're going to be blessed by 03:10 special musical number. So there's 2 ways the first time firstly is in Texas. You can 03:14 send in your question via text of the numbers there on the screen. 618-228-3975. Again, 03:21 that number is 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. So text in your questions and they'll be 03:28 bringing them out to throughout this live program or you can also email in your 03:33 question, if you so choose. And that is on the screen as well. Live at 3 ABN DOT TV 03:38 again, That's live L I V E at 3ABN DOT TV. So send those questions. We're going to be 03:46 excited to hear the answers that you guys provide for us during this hour. Before we 03:51 get into the meat of our conversation, we're going to be blessed by a special 03:54 musical number of my good friends, Vanessa out, Donna and Ben Jenkins. Beautiful 03:59 people, wonderful people, great musicians and singers, and they're going to be 04:03 bringing us a special musical numbers this time. One of my favorite songs come now found. 04:19 >> and >> And >> Soon, 04:33 >> Seeing that I can >> and >> the 04:43 >> Call >> is >> Teach 05:02 >> the it's ♪ 05:44 >> And ♪ 06:06 >> he >> needs 06:34 >> o 2 06:50 I 07:09 ♪ >> C ♪ 07:46 ♪ ♪ >> a 07:56 >> man, a man. Thank you so much been and Vanessa, such a beautiful song. Thank you guys 08:00 so much for sharing that with us. My name is Ryan Day. I'm your host and so excited 08:05 because we have little light studios with us. And I want to go ahead in just introduce you 08:10 guys, because there may be someone that's not familiar with you when we got a couple 08:13 of new faces with us here today. But I want to start down at the other in here. 08:17 We'll start with Keith Keith Detwiler. You are the little light studios your speaker and 08:22 producer. So tell us a little bit about what you do for a little light studios. That's a 08:25 good >> What a lot of things because we all tend to wear a 08:31 lot of Everybody's kind of a jack of all trades one that could be ordering stuff for 08:38 the office. I could be doing. Research could be headed in a video we could be on set 08:41 filming something you just never know. Everybody is a little OK? So just mold. That 08:46 seems like what we do here. 3 BNA all pick coming together as a family. We just wear 08:50 multiple hats and get the job done. Got you. Alright. Praise the Lord. Scotty Meyer. 08:54 >> You're familiar face. So my brother, tell us what you do for a little light studios. 09:00 >> The same with Keith. I do a little bit of everything. I feel very fortunate to kind of 09:04 be able to be creative, put videos together, kind of be on the right side of things said 09:10 designing you name it's a joy to work with all these guys. They all have special talents. 09:16 Keith, I think, you know, this company have a little easy, but vested in something 09:20 happens like ours is like if we can't figure it out, it's a little button that just says 09:24 Keith on it like Hill. Do it figured out you have a lot of that's awesome. And you're 09:30 that you're the speaker of the director of Studios and >> probably probably have 09:34 heard your voice many times and many times on the DVDs and the program that you guys 09:39 produce. And so we'll talk a little bit more about that a little while. But want to go 09:42 now to your left and talk and to Brad Burnham. Brad, you're the producer, one of the 09:48 producers, I suppose. And what is it specifically that you do for a little light stuff? 09:51 You're well, my background is a 97 helping a lot with the new facilities that we just 09:56 got putting in all the different features that we have there. But also we 10:01 producing. >> Help in designing the sets and putting that together. So 10:04 a lot of different hats and a lot of fun, though. A praise the Lord. All right. Looking 10:08 forward to talk more with your brother. >> And then we have Brittany 10:12 Devereaux and I almost want to say definite role because it's it's it's that friends a name, 10:18 but it's a beautiful name and it's good to have you, Britney. And so what is it 10:22 specifically that you do for a little light state? So mainly what I do donor relations and 10:26 social media managing and so. >> I kind connect what's going in the office and let people 10:33 know outside the office what's going on. And so. >> I'm just managing social 10:37 media, keeping people update on what we're doing, whether it's speaking engagements or 10:40 videos that have come out. And then sometimes I do graphic design as well so that you are 10:48 right now as you guys really do wear multiple hats to pre-load for that. All right, 10:50 Scottie, I'm coming back to you because, again, you know, we we have the wonderful 10:54 blessing of having new viewers all the time. It's someone's watching. 10:58 >> They're hearing a little light studio for the very first time. So tell us a 11:00 little bit about what is little light studios. What do you guys do? What your 11:04 purpose, your goal, your agenda? What is the Lord using a little light studios to do? 11:08 And I know we're going to go into much detail tonight, but tell us a little bit about 11:12 little like stadiums. Sure. We are a media That is really our passion and 11:21 >> took film studies and school ended up working in television for 10 years. I'm 11:25 really it was kind of something that led me astray. And when God, when my heart 11:29 back, I really had a passion to to get involved in. And Christian media and really 11:36 using those gifts talents to spread, you know, God's truth. And so it's been an absolute 11:45 joy. I'm jumping on board. It's like, you know, we've been at this almost 13 years 11:49 now. I 2009, I started. So it's been it's been an awesome journey. And as we've kind of 11:58 really grown, we've really kind of began to build a communication with the youth 12:02 of our church. We felt very passionate about reaching that demographic because sometimes 12:06 they're the least spoken to and it's not because we don't want to. It's just a hard 12:11 demographic to get to Anna. So we just kind of raise their hand and said, Alright, Lord, 12:17 send us, will do it. And now we feel passion to really reach that demographic. Amen. 12:21 And just to just to speak to the fact that you mentioned the youth, we know you're 12:24 primarily trying to reach that. >> That younger crowd, but I 12:27 mean, little light studios exist for everyone, right? Because, you know, we know 12:31 that media addiction and the issues of distraction and all the things that Hollywood is 12:33 doing, it affects everyone, not just the youth, but it seems like it's becoming more 12:37 of a. Primary issue with the people who are just, you know, they're the next generation. 12:44 But we're seeing a a major impact as they've grown up in this media filled age. So 12:48 speak a little bit on that for a moment. >> Well, to kind of like touch 12:52 on a little bit of like, what are these things that recreating? I was very much a 12:57 movie fan. I didn't grow up with a lot of that, but obviously going and then being 13:02 trained in school for that and then ended up in Los Angeles I that was my passion. So I 13:07 really soaked in all the latest and greatest movies. And so when we when we first 13:12 came out, the very first project we ever worked on was was really just picking apart. 13:18 Like what is the message that's coming out of these movies and and more 13:21 specifically like, like reading the Bible. Does that say the same thing is that 13:25 movie? And often when you hold that that Bible up to that piece of media, the real 13:30 quick, there's a stark contrast for sure. But, you know, we say we aim at the 13:35 youth and you're right. The reality of the situation is like a lot of these Hollywood 13:41 things have age that they're that they're, you know, they reach anybody. And so, you 13:46 know, we've we've come across in our ministry, a lot of the elderly that maybe perhaps or 13:51 are stuck at home may have a TV temptation is kind of just it flip through and something 13:56 catches your eye and, you know, I've I've firsthand people that you think would 14:03 never be watching these things, right. And they're engaging in and a lot of this 14:06 modern media. So it's really just trying to educate and teach our church you know, 14:12 using the tools of media. Sure what, what what kind of makes it a good thing. kind of makes 14:15 it a bad thing. I'm an absolute you like you want to see. So you are Argent is 14:22 basically flipping for 8th through 11th. You're right. We want to focus on what the 14:24 Bible says primarily. >> And the good in all things. And that's not what the 14:29 Hollywood is trying right time. Most of the time. It's the opposite. They're trying 14:33 to focus on the stealing the danger, the killing. And that's what really comes to 14:39 come to mind when think of Hollywood. So, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So 14:43 just have to ask for the quickly because we're going to get into Brittany. And and 14:48 Brad Story just a moment how you guys came in because I know you guys are fairly new 14:50 with with little light studios. But I just have to ask this because I don't know 14:55 how >> involved or not the each one of you were, you know, in 14:58 your user going up and watching movies and how you're affected by media, maybe talk 15:03 a little bit about your your personal experience on. Did you? Did you have a a problem 15:08 making that transition from and maybe a media addiction, a movie addiction, a Hollywood, 15:14 you know, addiction to freeing yourself from that because I know like he's got I grew up. 15:20 You know, I wasn't necessarily raised in of and I race in a Christian home. But we were 15:26 completely an educated and had no clue about the power Hollywood, the power of of how 15:33 how the devil is using, you know, TD TV and media movies and social media and all these 15:37 different media outlets to grab the mind and completely just, you know, distracted 15:43 from Christ. And so maybe you guys can speak on your personal. was there a point 15:48 your life or you might have been really engulfed in that and then you learn the truth. 15:51 Was there a? Was or difficulty making a separation from that into where you are now. 16:00 >> Absolutely. I talk about that. What's what's amazing about that is 10 years ago. 16:04 I'd say probably more than that. Now is back in 2010. I think when I when Scotty 16:09 present some amazing, very powerful presentation us and they they they shock me. I 16:15 mean, I was I was so taken aback by what he had showed there that he had taken apart 16:19 bits and pieces of the movie into here. This is actually what you're watching. This is 16:24 what's in there. And I had seen those exact same movies. >> But never even seen the 16:28 scenes that he had put in. Right. And so I realized later that these things are 16:34 affecting me in changing my character. And that's what was holding me back from having 16:38 that closer walk with Jesus Jaeger up that you know, pretty conservative Christian, 16:45 I guess I would say. About 14 years old. My family left the church altogether as over 16:54 something very silly. And it was at that point that the media really came in. And so 17:00 from 14 to 21, that's how we I think fill the void in our life. I remember during that 17:06 time I went to pick up a Bible off the shelf. I wasn't in the habit of reading the Bible for 17:11 myself for a reason. I knew the Bible stories. Sure. When I went to open it up and read 17:17 it, it was just like I'm not really getting anything out of this. It, you know, there is a 17:25 barrier right? And so I put it back on the shelf and I didn't pick it up for years. Now. 17:30 Still have the Bible stories. My mom read these blue books to us and had Yeah. And we 17:36 knew those stories. But I wasn't reading the Bible and really understanding doctrine 17:43 or theology or anything really, very deep. Sure. So I get to college. I'm tested by 17:49 this lady would become my wife one day with this idea. Most people don't know what they 17:53 believe are why they believe it. Right. And so I started thinking and I started 17:58 studying for myself and it was then I started, you know, really understanding. Hey, 18:03 there's there's things in the Bible. I don't know things I need to know. So a period of 18:08 time goes by. You know, we're married. I'm working and I was working a second shift job. 18:14 Sure. And I was getting home late because second shift is over at 10 o'clock and where I 18:18 worked and I was staying Upto 01:02AM, in the morning watching a television program 18:22 that I never watch when it was in, sees it like when it was on when it was a thing. But it 18:30 intrigued me. I went back and watched all the episodes later. I mean, binge watch 18:33 who, you know, have the zone after episode after episode. And I thought, you know, it 18:38 was during this time that God started to kind of played my mind a little bit because I 18:42 had to struggle. I really knew that God wanted me to work in some kind of ministry capacity 18:50 right? I had to change things in my life. And one of them was media spoke that very 18:59 clearly change what you're eating change, what you're watching but wanting to move 19:01 anywhere. Any change in that order? And then when I see the information, then it. Yeah, 19:08 it's very clear. And now I have the opportunity to teach my children. The reasons that 19:13 I learned again from the same presentations of Bradshaw. Same guy, same place right. 19:20 Same information. And it was very it was very impactful. I had the reason that I needed 19:26 right and I think people need a reason. It's easy to be. It's easy to be addicted to. 19:32 Thank And you know, during that time when when it was coming in, I mean, you name 19:38 it. We've probably seen it. We've got to the video store as a family walk in any any 19:43 given week and be like all the newest latest. Whatever's on a shelter 100 titles. Sina Sina, 19:48 Sina I mean, you could just go in and we've seen it all. And then you find you're going 19:51 back to the old stuff. What with what we've not seen? You know, at this top affects your 19:58 character. And I think that's exactly what he what he was saying in this. And I think 20:01 it's fascinating that just like you, my my testimony was that someone had to step 20:06 forward and say Brad, this is not the way this is not you not doing things right. This 20:12 is not according to what you believe in the Bible. And I had to had to kick back a 20:17 little bit. I think you had a similar experience for you. You had your wife, you watch 20:20 the for Ye. And I wouldn't say it was like really hard because when God is working on 20:25 your harsher. So the other thing like and part of like my eating habits and So I worked. 20:32 I worked a at the university teaching at the time is going to school and teaching the 20:37 same time and in lab I was teaching Kathleen's a like a big no, no and chemistry lab. 20:45 This is it at all to turnaround agenda to carcinogen. you know, all 20:48 these things right? But I was drinking caffeine. Okay. I remember 1 one class period. I 20:56 downed a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew in a single class period. That's a lot of 21:03 caffeine in your system or Mountain Dew is you typically on the higher end of effect. 21:07 Sure, because we tested that lab. We would find out which are the ones have the most 21:10 caffeine. And so I I and or conviction, I pray this prayer, Lord, I want to quit. 21:16 I just don't headaches because I know can cause God made it easy on me. I recognizing you 21:22 change something. God made it really easy on me. I quit cold turkey. No headaches ever 21:26 present So in that sense when the other things come, it was easy because caught it already 21:32 laid the groundwork from my heart. Absolutely. I think that bringing up an 21:39 interesting point, though, that that to me is fascinating. After doing this 21:41 for a decade and a half almost. >> In traveling around and 21:44 trying to teach and educate because I mean, look at the stories I was I was I grew up 21:48 in the Christian church, read my Bible. I understand intellectually a lot about the 21:54 Bible and was easily led astray. Same sort of thing. We're not trying to say. I 21:57 want to be rebellious and and therefore, I'm just watching all this terrible stuff. It 22:04 just creeps into life in the fabric of society is built around this. And so I think 22:09 there's a lot of well-meaning people that get caught in these and they don't recognize 22:14 that even though it's just entertainment, it's got a message for you. Yes, and now 22:20 message is very much so often. Officers are on much and a agenda with with Hollywood 22:25 these days. I'm just you know, I'll tell you, I have a TV. I have certain streaming 22:31 services and you know me my life to do. You know, we try to practice this much we can 22:37 to safeguard ourselves, but I'm amazed every once in a while. But now, you know, this 22:41 will read something about a show and you think it's real innocent. And it's, you know, 22:44 it's got a good review is supposed to be clean. >> But they still sneak in 22:48 this particular, you know, agenda items that come completely, you know, against 22:52 God's plan to completely against God's will. And it's just the subtlety of it. It 22:57 just amazes me. And I know we're going to talk a little bit more about this. I want to 22:59 take just as just a moment. I know you were going to talk so much more about. We'll get a 23:05 little bit deeper. We'll talk about what you guys are doing, focusing on the youth and all 23:07 of that in just a moment. But I want to remind you, this is an opportunity for you to send 23:11 in your questions. If you have questions pertaining to media, media addiction or anything 23:16 that we're talking about tonight in regards to how dare you, you know, making an 23:21 effort to reach the youth and to inform and educate the youth about what media is 23:27 doing and the different media outlets. This is opportunity for you to send in your 23:31 questions and they're going to answer your questions, whatever that is. And so that 23:34 being the case. But there's 2 ways you can do that. You can send in your questions via 23:39 text. And that number is 618-228-3975, just pay. Take your phone right now to snap a 23:45 picture that write this down. Make a mental note. 618-228-3975, ticks in your 23:52 question or you can email your question. And that e-mail address is live at 3, a B in 23:58 DOT TV again, that slight l I V E at 3 ABN DOT TV. So send us your questions in to this 24:06 first hour. We're going to try to take a few and we're going to take more in the second 24:09 hour as well. I want to just press the pause button on our in-depth conversation. Doesn't 24:12 know what's what we've come to talk about. But I want to get into the story of Britney in 24:16 and bred here because I know you guys are kind of the newest people on the block 24:20 here, but the Lord is using you to a mighty way to help out former point form of a 24:27 great connection with a little light studios and and part of the team in reaching the world 24:31 with this message. And so, Brad, want to start with you because I knew when I first 24:36 saw you grow guy looks familiar and right before we started the program tonight, 24:40 you said you know what, you look familiar? Did you go to And I remember when I was at 24:45 APCO, you are one of the I T guys. They're an amazing facts. But now the Lord has 24:49 brought you. >> 2 little lies, studio. So let's talk about your story, 24:54 man and how you got connected with a little light studios. Orwell actually started a long 24:58 time ago before it even started amazing facts and Thanks for almost 10 years. 25:01 But I started out in a in Hawaii doing a start-up company when I fell away a 25:08 little bit from the Lord and I decided you, I really need to study this stuff better. I 25:12 need to get back on him to go to after Co understands amazing program after MS. It 25:18 really is like drinking through a fire hose. I went through that and he was doing 25:25 presentations there. I thought he was just some guy in the crowd that was help me try to 25:27 figure out some audio problem because there's always something that comes up. Every 25:31 time you try to present something good for the rest of the media sayings working in 25:35 the background, the rise trying to do something. >> So so well, as we're done 25:39 doing this, setback on the front row and I sat back and then he got up on stage at the 25:43 O this guy's the presenter. And so let me sit there in the front row and absorb 25:49 everything. He was saying, sure through that experience. I ended up putting my resume 25:52 on Pastor Doug Bachelor's desk and some of the people in the company. They called me later 25:57 and up spending about 10 years at the company. I my wife there and membership in a lot 26:04 going Ended up ended up saying, you know what? It's time for me to come back home 26:07 to Tennessee. Sure where I live, where my wife has family has God, God's work in this 26:12 all out long before I even knew it. And Scotty had just moved from Paradise. 26:18 California to Tennessee. It is right call, Scott. Yes, it's got to I want to move back to 26:23 Tennessee. What do you think? He said come work with me. I have a little bit to add to 26:27 that, too, because Brad has semi kind of. >> Worked with. That's the way 26:32 back in the beginning of our ministry because if you remember, he had seen these 26:38 presentations and he like I made you guys a trailer and all of us and sends me this 26:44 trailer thing was like a Hollywood I mean, it looks like we had made this film 26:48 this amazing production and he was like excited about it. there you go. So he's kind of 26:53 had some interaction with our ministry over the years and he's made videos sent into us. 26:58 And just, you know, here it made a video that's just like what you guys make and why he 27:02 got. So it's fun to have him aboard. it took 10 years. Hey, man, it's always great to have 27:11 the new talent and you guys do such amazing job with what you do. There. Seeing a lot of 27:14 your content and and you're not just tonight. He guy, I mean, the orders placed to 27:20 just particular talent upon you to be able to communicate and share the word of seeing a 27:24 few of the programs. You and Mike, you've done us mothers and you guys are great 27:28 speakers and >> the road is giving a gift to communicate recent work for 27:31 that. But now we got to transition to Britney. Britney is the new. She's down her 27:36 shaken first live experience. >> But the it's OK, it's OK, the Lord's through. Haha. So 27:43 Britney, tell us your story. How in the world did you get connected to little light 27:47 studios? >> Yeah, I think it's crazy because we all have like these 27:52 God intervenes stories of how we got here. I actually was a student missionary in Hong 27:56 Kong when I found out about little light studios. Well, I was staying at the college 28:02 that they had out there. And during vespers, one of the youth pastors was just showing 28:07 one of the videos, things about this NIE. >> I had. 28:12 >> I mean, I I always felt called to but get away from and just kind of like spend 28:18 less time on it because I mean, for me, it was social media. I was like scrolling 28:22 all day long. Watching TV all day long been is watching all day long as the site. If God 28:28 were to read my life back to me, is this a really all that he's going to see us like? all 28:34 I'm doing is just scrolling and I could be spending that time with him. And I feel like 28:39 I was just like spiritual asleep at the moment and seeing that video kind of well 28:43 coming up. And then it just became part of my sabbath morning routine. Since I was 28:49 13 hours ahead. So it wouldn't be a bike, 7th mornings. A led light would come out. And so I 28:54 remember just like getting more into the ministry. And I'm just kind of watching 28:57 their stuff. And I remember just I'm trying to follow them on social media. It was like 29:04 God, like I would love to help social media so you could like you and me. It's all there. 29:07 >> But the awesome. But it is not your plan. I'm OK and so up coming back. And I had a 29:12 year left to graduate college and then like one random Sunday, I went to the 29:18 bookstore. It's like a used bookstore. One, my favorites in Tennessee and all I'm 29:24 looking through the free book spin and all I hear is someone behind me Sadie's. Have they 29:28 seen the great controversy books and there and I was like and I look back. It was 29:37 >> You I know you and I was like no, that I see you on the late studio. 29:41 >> We just talked for a little bit. And then I was asking if they had internships. And so 29:44 then I ended up stopping by the office and then it just kind of led to a job like at 29:51 the perfect time. Sounds about right so Hong Kong. >> Praise the Lord. Livin the 29:58 dream but a dream praise. The Lord knows literally. I mean, in this case, you know, God 30:01 places us, you know, where we need to be. And you guys are a great team. So praise praise 30:07 the Lord for what you guys are doing. So OK, so I've got to get back to now what what we 30:09 were talking about before, because you know, I see, you know, we're going talk about 30:15 the youth because your particular focus for you guys have shifted her focus to this 30:20 younger demographic, this younger age group in May. I see it. I I get it and you 30:28 know, being, you know, working with with kids and my wife's a teacher and saw I've seen the 30:32 effect of media on the younger generations and it's amazing because how how do how does 30:37 the Bible it often seems like I asked this question sometimes how is how is the 30:42 Bible going to compete with Harry Potter? How's the Bible going to be with Lord of the 30:45 Rings or Marvel or, you know, all the Hollywood is stalling out there these days. Now. You 30:48 and I from a more mature Christian perspective. We can't we can't imagine you 30:54 need your drama or you need your action. You you know, whatever it is you need like 30:59 the Bible is full of that stuff so I can go to there I'm in tune with that. I can get 31:03 my fix in my high on action and drama. All that from the scriptures. But the Hollywood 31:08 seems to to enemy is using Hollywood to just captive 8 and to just steal away the 31:12 minds of our youth. And so. Let's talk about why you're choosing at this point to 31:19 focus on the use. And that is just from your own perspective as the ones who are working on 31:23 on on reaching the minds of the youth. Let's let's transition to the 31:26 conversation. I really think I'm if I kind of look back over where where did I depart 31:34 from? And as I started kind of engage in watching these, it was in my teen years. 31:39 >> And I was I was trained in in the Bible. mean, there wasn't a Sabbath that I did 31:43 not miss going to church is a family. And so I had the information. But then as these 31:48 things started competing, I'm really the truth got choked out by the fascination with 31:54 the entertainment and and as I got older and I think one of the things that I gravitated 32:03 to with superheroes, yeah, I'm you know, they have ritual kind of conversations going on 32:07 in these movies there about the end of the world and and, you know, this war going to 32:14 cosmic war many You know? yeah. So the Devils, really clever. I think he gets this 32:20 to identify because that's why we watch the movies that we want. Right, Weise, find 32:24 something that we are identifying with in there. So I had all in religious ideas 32:30 and then I just gravitated quickly made the switch. Sure the problem then be can when 32:34 ICE really started coming back, reading the Bible with my own eyes and seen the 32:40 information to be like. Did he just say that? And then it's like, wait, what does the 32:43 Bible say about this? And as I really started to even just uncovered just a few things 32:49 like superheroes, Greek and Roman gods right, that Superman is That man is the 32:54 Haiti's man is Neptune hair flashes, Hermes. These are say these things you think in said 33:05 interrupt, right? I mean some legitimacy to what you're saying. You're not just saying 33:08 this because you you have pieced together, but because the 33:10 >> authors of it have actually told us that they are Greek and Roman gods handed down to 33:15 us. And this is not a new problem. This is like Satan has no new tricks, right? just 33:21 perfect. Do you how he's getting this in there? He's tripped up culture sense Egypt 33:27 syndrome and this and that with the same they just get repackage to us today. Right? 33:33 So when when I kind of really started, you know, mulling over this because of my own 33:37 fascination with this, I think it was just turning around and teaching them and then seen, 33:43 you know what, if we can open their eyes to this had an early enough age right then 33:49 hopefully we will see them continue to to want to have gotten their life and not just 33:54 be walking out the door. And and you know, many don't come back. Tiller. comeback ever. 34:01 So I think that the target is really we've got to give them this last. This is the reason 34:07 why this book is in Prime right here and let's get him. Let's get weakens to this 34:13 reality right now. I believe Jesus is coming soon. Sure. you know, that's that's what 34:17 drives us for our passion. No, absolutely. I can relate to what you're saying because, 34:20 you know, when you think about it, a lot of people of all ages are affected by, you 34:24 know, the media today. >> But, you know, meant most of us, at least a few was 34:28 sitting at this table. You know, we've lived in a time, maybe as children are 34:32 youngsters, but we lived at a time when there was still social media when there was no 34:35 cell phone, these are things that was introduced to us. So I look at like my parents, my 34:39 grandparents, you know, the the older generations, the vast majority of their lives, 34:43 they lived without these things. And it's just been introduced to them. You know, 34:48 as you know, middle aged or older adults. But yet the youth of today, I mean, these 34:54 these kids are growing up being bombarded from one years old, 2 with IPads and cell 34:58 phones and, you know, animated television series and movies and all these things so that 35:03 they're growing up. They they don't know life without me. They don't know life without 35:07 Hollywood, without television, without cell phones, without social media. And so I could I 35:11 totally get the focus of these our next generations. These are the generations it's going 35:15 to be the next church right? And so we have to do something. And so you know but 35:20 how do we reach? >> That's the How do we reach part of the problem is what's 35:25 your normal right? All right. Whatever your normal is to you, you don't know any 35:33 different right? So you just kind of plot along you think of the children of Israel. 35:36 They were in generations of young people that grew up and they never knew anything but 35:40 being a slave. And tell, you know, the into those 400 years and they're delivered now. 35:48 They know the difference and what it's like to be a slave and what it's like to be free 35:52 right? I like what it says in acts 26 verse 18 because this is it's like. In it. You know? 36:00 Yeah, in caps leading the gospel. Sure. It says. To open their eyes in order to turn 36:07 them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God that they might receive 36:13 forgiveness of sins and in Herrin among those who are sanctified by faith in that's 36:19 what our work is about. All right. That's what that's what Jesus came to do for all of us 36:25 is to open our eyes and free us from cent. And you're never going to find that in any 36:31 other They don't have the power and they don't have the right. To do that. They don't 36:38 have the authority. So all they can do is is to give you a doper mean you know, that's 36:45 it. They can give you a maybe a feel-good feeling, but they can free you from We have to 36:50 get people to understand that they're broken. They're going to come to that point 36:55 eventually and they they will get to the point where they're they're broken and they're 36:58 going to realize that thing that they see on TV as an offer them anything. And now 37:04 they need something they need to feel fill that void in some way. What's going to fill that 37:10 void? Only Jesus can truly feel that Right? Absolutely. And I think something that we 37:17 aim to do is like sky. So we know that crisis coming soon. But we also want to prepare 37:23 the youth to the influencers for highs, not the influence, right? And we're called to be 37:28 set apart. And so what we're really wanting is for people to be Disciples, York highs 37:32 into. >> You know, like Stan set apart to be an example because 37:36 we are bombarded with all these negative examples through media. There's a 37:40 message being delivered to us. But how are you going to counter that? You know, how 37:44 are you going to stand in the way and do something different? Show a better way 37:46 of life, even if you're the only one doing in your area. You know, absolutely. Sue, 37:50 like what you said there. We want to make them disciples so that they can change. You 37:55 know, this, this whole dynamic of what's happening in our world today. 37:57 >> But yet. To to make them disciples, they have to be disciples. And so that's what 38:03 the question is. So how does a little light studios? But the mission that got us late on 38:06 your heart? How do you accomplish this? You see the issue. See the problem. You 38:13 see the addiction. You see how the devil is just completely Lombardi. Unwrapping. His 38:18 darkness around the minds of the EU today through Hollywood, through social 38:20 media to all these different media platforms. How what? How has got what is God placed in 38:26 your heart and how what is the function or or the the purpose of the agenda that you guys 38:31 have to address this problem? So through prayer, we are here stepping in front of the 38:36 danger by putting ourselves on YouTube by putting ourselves on the media platforms that 38:41 these primarily young people put themselves on and watch. And so by that they see this 38:47 and they say, hey, there is something better. They said they say there is that these 38:53 watch our programs and our programs point them back to the Bible and say this is the 38:57 inspired word of God. This is the truth and look at what the other part of the problem is 39:04 that exists here. Not just on social media. We don't believe that all media is bad that all 39:10 social media is better. But we do believe there are a lot of bad programs, a lot of bad 39:17 situations on them that dangerous. And so we point those out and put those in the 39:21 way. you know, somebody is in the dark and you're there with him. You can tell them that 39:25 it's dark, But they're not going to the difference. You have to flip the light and 39:31 then they're going to know the difference between light and dark. And that's essentially 39:35 what we're doing is we're flipping a light on which is God's word and saint. 39:40 >> Yeah, that thing over there that's dark. And the way that, you know, that is because of 39:42 God's word right life. >> So kind of a method of how we approach a topic like that 39:49 it when we look at the the way that Jesus approached, trying to share truth in his day, he 39:54 was using things that people were familiar with. Hey, this is this is, you know, the 39:59 Kingdom of heaven is like this plant over here. And oh, yeah, we're a bunch of farmers. So 40:03 we understand what you're talking So we're taking you like pop culture and modern 40:08 current events and topics and it's light. You know, Pixar would the company that made 40:13 toy story right? They meet film called Coco. That was really about the Mexican day 40:19 of the dead. And so because of that film, lots of kids would go and see it and they're 40:24 talking about the state of the dead, that that that there's a spirit world beyond that, 40:28 right? So in a strange way, we're able to take something that's happening in pop 40:33 culture and go backwards with that and go, you know, they're telling you that there's life 40:38 after death right away. But you know what the Bible says about the the dead? No, not 40:44 anything. And not there. So we're teaching the truth of the Bible. really using what's 40:49 going on in the world around us in a crime cents. Amen. Amen. I love that. I love 40:54 that. I just want again remind our viewers at home as we're having this incredible 40:58 discussion. We've got much, much more to talk about >> but I just want to remind 41:02 you how you can send in your questions. We can only answer questions if you send them And 41:06 so we want to take some hopefully by the end of this hour, we have about 16 minutes 41:09 or so before we transition into our second hour, we've got little light studios here. 41:14 They're ready, locked and loaded to answer your questions. Maybe, you know, 41:18 you have questions about the media you're watching or maybe you feel like you are addicted 41:22 to some type of media platform are being affected in a negative way. Maybe you have a 41:27 grandchild or or a child or or someone in your family or friends that you've got spit 41:31 on your heart, you're praying for them. You see that addiction there you see the 41:34 negative influence. Maybe you have questions pertaining whatever it may be, how they 41:38 can break away. Maybe these guys can answer some questions and help, you know, steer you 41:43 in the right direction. So send in those questions. And there's 2 ways you can do that 41:45 first is by text. And so to text you just simply text 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. Again, that 41:52 number is 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. So text us your questions and or you can also send us in 42:00 your questions via e-mail. And that e-mail address is live at 3ABN, Ott TV LIVE at 3ABN DOT 42:09 TV. So send us your questions. They'll be bringing them out to me soon. Hopefully just a 42:14 moment and will start asking you guys, all the questions that our viewers have. But, 42:18 you know, I want I want to transition now, you know, again, you guys have a 42:23 plethora of different programs that the Lord has led you to to produce to help combat 42:28 these lies to help combat this Hollywood agenda. Talk a little bit about kuz. I know 42:32 there's someone that's watching right now that might be like, you know what little 42:34 white students is new to me. What are some of the programs, the topics in the things that 42:38 you guys have made so far created so far that maybe some of our viewers at home might 42:45 be interested in to inform them and educate them on the subject we're talking about 42:48 tonight. So we started out with really dealing with the media topic because that's 42:52 kind of flight. What started this whole thing but are, as people would say, well, you 42:58 know, you guys, you guys talk about all these movies and we don't watch movies are my kids 43:01 don't watch movies, but they really play video games. >> And so you know what you 43:05 guys know about video games. So we would study into the video game topic and found the 43:09 same thing they're putting spiritualism and they're they're attacking the Bible. 43:13 So we put something together about that. Well, then parents would come to us and say, you 43:16 know, we've done a good job, getting our kids not watching movies. And, you know, they 43:20 don't really play video games, but man, I can't get my kit off the phone. What do you 43:25 know about social media? So then we would go back and we were just really do some 43:29 research and the whole, you know, what is this addiction that everybody is walking 43:32 around and nobody can communicate with anybody right? And so we found that, 43:37 you know, we're kind of dealing with these these things that we have currently 43:40 in our world today, either be technology or or those kind of things. So even even as we've 43:46 kind of progressed, we started discussing topics of spiritual really seen. There's so many 43:54 spiritual stick ideas in all of these films and video games and things. And we know that 43:59 the devil is using spiritual in his final masterpiece, deception. So what is he 44:05 preparing to do in that? That's led into a whole range of topics to explore. They're 44:09 they're talking about foes and and and and our governments, you know, now saying that 44:16 they're communicating with aliens and have been for a long time. So we've done a 44:19 project on that. We have. It's incredible. I mean, not only has little light than that, 44:22 but >> I am my own time was studying this stuff. At the 44:25 same time in California. Well, and so both of us with out separately without 44:31 communicating were studying this and going while there is something going on here for 44:33 us, this is out. It's in Congress and they're discussing this right now. 44:39 This is a conspiracy here. Sure. Yeah, absolutely. It's going on here. Absolutely not 44:42 solve the assault of the interview with Interview. But the documentary you guys put 44:45 together like that. It's very eye opening. And so, yeah, it's it's interesting. What 44:48 are some of the programs that you guys have and that that would help individuals with 44:53 these topics of, you know, Hollywood media movies that things like that that might be 44:57 struggling with. We did on the topic of anime, which is Japanese You know, we for 45:04 years kids would would ask us, you know, what do you know about this 45:08 >> You know, it's kind of dissed on cartoon genre that light, you know, just wasn't 45:13 very commonplace. All of a sudden Netflix and the different streaming platforms 45:16 came into into play and kids, you know, had a hard time getting a hold of those kind 45:21 of media productions. But because of Netflix, it's not readily available to everyone. 45:26 And so we would have young kids young Christian kids in in Christian schools. 45:34 Communicate with our ministry, say I'm starting to hear spirits talking to and now out 45:39 of all the things that we've taken a look at, we hear this time and time and time again. 45:45 We asked the kids, are you watching anime? Yes. So for some reason that's opening a 45:50 door and now the spirits are really starting to communicate with people. So, you know, we 45:56 really feel like it's it's a it's a duty of ours. Knowing what we know to then turn 46:00 around and help these poor young kids who maybe don't know, they think it's trendy 46:06 or a cool front. And so that's another topic that we've been working on. We've started 46:09 making Bible study videos because, yeah, as we started developing things that weren't 46:13 just exposing things. We really notice that, well, maybe they they don't know the 46:19 Bible as well. So let's inspire them to know the Bible. created a whole Bible 46:23 series that was called video Bible studies. And started putting those out. 46:28 >> Yeah. And our our our whole goal here is not to say. >> Hey, this is bad and this 46:31 is bad and this is bad. >> Our goal is to train the young people young and old to 46:38 understand discern what the Bible says about this off bank. Me Bible studies based 46:44 on current events that are actually happening so that it's engaging. It's 46:47 fascinating and we can push out the truth as fast as possible. Absolutely. also we 46:53 started having so we have like different. Program. So we have the documentaries that we 46:58 address like video games and anime. yet the U F O, we also these news, this new segment 47:09 on new to called. I got a question. And so that's where like the audience can 47:14 actually, you know, reach out to us and ask us any media related questions. And so if 47:17 it's something like what is predicted programming or how do I stop watching media? What 47:21 are some other things I can do? Then we make like these short 5 minute videos that 47:27 have a biblical perspective and can give them some practical ways on how to make 47:32 the transition from a grown up with this my whole life. What can I do about it sure. We've 47:35 also done a project on the martial arts. There's, you know, spirituals and that as 47:42 So we did that with Eric Wilson had 25 years of martial arts training. 47:46 >> I was about the time I landed it little. I had 10 years of martial arts 47:48 training. And so we worked on that project made. the first part available on YouTube with 47:56 3. So the truth that you learned about, you know, in the program, you know that you 47:59 guys did in the martial arts. >> With the the years that you are training, did you did you 48:04 experience any of those things yourself? No, I did not. So I would say it's more esoteric 48:12 in nature. So it's kind of like you move up the ladder. The more you know. 48:15 >> So I was at the point where I had gotten my second degree black belt and then the next 48:23 part of my training was learning how tough fight blindfolded. So you you know, 48:31 use I was told, you know, learn to listen for like heart beat Sen okay things and it's 48:38 like, oh, wow, you know, I wonder how I wonder how that's going to work and that's yeah, 48:45 it's it's a it's a fascinating topic. spent a lot of time talking about that. We over. 48:50 She railed that. We also have future projects that were. We've been talking about some 48:52 on the way here. Trans humanism, you know, is is something that we're we're 48:58 passionate about, you know, this next generation have to deal with things like, hey, I 49:02 there's not even about that right now. it's coming into society. How do you deal with 49:07 that? There's lots of questions. There's a whole documentary that will produce 49:15 on spiritualism and technology and the whole whole past history of that. They have a 49:18 very close history like those inventors or into some stuff that you would be surprised at 49:26 now. So there's a lot of future projects. We have lots of work cut out for us to lose 49:29 weight. Our main way to reach our audience really is through the use of YouTube. We've 49:34 created over 400 videos right? >> I mean, they're spanning a wide range of topics we dealt 49:42 with with relationships, gender Those are huge, huge question marks in kids minds 49:48 these days. Sure. media is pumping. You this is what you should think. This is what you 49:54 should think. But this is what we should think, right? Yes. And so, you know, we're really 49:58 trying to just take these even cultural issues, sensitive issues and really point people 50:03 back to the word of just got to question the other day because we've dealt with new 50:09 age a little bit and some of the road in and asked us, you know, I 50:14 >> approached by a Christian and I was asking them a question. They said, well, you 50:19 know, have you looked into these crystals and what these crystals can do for you? And 50:21 he's like. Due to what have you guys done anything about the you know, what would you 50:28 say about that? If somebody was telling me I needed to use crystals and my Christian 50:31 experience you when you say your ministry, you may be focused in that particular 50:37 area that you're going to get the ever. fact that, you know, you mentioned that because I 50:42 recently and I had someone who I know I was telling me a story about one of their 50:47 family members who have incorporated these crystals and how it has you don't have 50:52 some kind of magic, you know, magical spiritual powers, you know. And and and and you know 50:58 it, the spiritual is something that is exploding. Hollywood is using it to to, I mean, 51:03 just encapsulate people's minds into thinking that, you know, there is life beyond and 51:09 it's in everything now. I mean, knee has been in Disney for years on a river all the 51:13 way back to the Hercules movie when Hercules is going down to the underworld retrieve the 51:18 dead soul of his love. Right. And it's like from from a little very little boy, a 51:23 major remember it in that Your we're perspective of, right? You know what that, you know, 51:27 you as a kid, you start to think, oh, maybe that's how it works. 51:29 >> Maybe that when you die, you just you're like floating in the abyss somewhere. And 51:33 they come out with the toys, right? Go to like, you know what? Little toys and the 51:40 >> Happy meals. you bring it into your own life. You have fun with it. Just a game and 51:45 >> this is another reason why we're aiming at the young Ps, even though it they get a 51:50 blessing from our work. We hear all the time of of people that like as old as me are 51:56 watching it and actually like it's a blessing. What you guys are doing right. But our real 52:00 focus is these young kids for that same primary reason the world understands if you can 52:05 plant those images in an early enough mind, we'll the rest of the life and child. And that's 52:11 why that's why I think Jesus was so protective over children. Listen, if you leave 52:14 this child, the straight, I mean, it would be better something was tied around 52:19 their neck and you are thrown in the sea like that is a harsh thing. Yes, it is. And 52:23 you mentioned saying that from the today goes to show you got a heart towards the that the 52:27 young people the influence of their minds at such young ages. I mean, I could sit here 52:30 and tell you, man, like as an adult in praise, God, you know where God has led me. I'm not 52:37 where I need to be but praise God. I'm not where once was right. But I can. I was just 52:39 talking to someone just a few minutes ago before we started this live. 52:41 >> About how? All of the movies in the, you know, the things that I have seen in my 52:47 lifetime, how it is stuck with me all of these years. And it's like I knew the music in 52:52 the movies. Everything it's like it's just imprinted on your mind. And it's hard to 52:57 just dump that. I mean, there's sometimes feel like my life is full of liked songs. 53:02 And and little little you know, well, from to movie. And it's like, Man, it's so 53:07 powerful. People don't realize that they think it's just it's just innocent move. You're 53:12 just innocent show are innocent video game. That's just innocent social media 53:15 account or whatever it is. You know, it seems and appears in us in the beginning. But it 53:18 turns into this monster that just dominate your mind. And you don't realize that it's 53:23 it's causing major effects on you. That is hard to break. If you let it get out of control, 53:29 you know, the fair is the thought uses parables were just innocent parables, but 53:33 they were proud our full power pack story we remembered until the day in the affected 53:38 society forever. >> And so what I think is most fascinating about that is that 53:41 what we see happening today is saying parables are happening only in visual audible. 53:46 Something in even the lovable formats. Yes. And that's what's being presented in the 53:52 opposite way from the opposite realm. And so that's what we're kind of finding sought 53:56 to give the counterbalance to is powerful. As we're sitting here discussing these these 54:02 phrases in these terms right? Think about how powerful these words are. mean, think about 54:09 how much more important it is to read the stories to the kids to give them this 54:13 picture. So that this sticks in their mind throughout their life. And this is what they he 54:21 absolutely. So we're going we got I mean, we've got about 3 minutes before we transition 54:23 to our second hour. If we take a short break, I have a question. They want to ask you 54:28 guys. We started getting questions in so many tell you at the beginning of the next 54:30 hour, how you can continue to send in your questions. They're going to answer your 54:33 questions here. But I got one here. It's just thank you for the excellent interview. Just 54:37 one key question for all of us who work with young people. Please share your top 3 tips 54:42 with us for helping to cure social media addiction among young people. This comes from 54:48 Doctor Pilgrim from Trinidad and Tobago. All right. So some tips on how to deal with young 54:53 people and social media addiction. Sure. I have kids. He has kids. I'm we know the 54:59 We have phones. They my kids don't have a phone yet. Sure. And it is a fight. And so, you 55:04 know, my trick really is is engage with them, not just let them dock off in the corner. I 55:11 want my kids to go outside to do things with me. Fix things for to go rather than me going 55:18 out and just doing it for you come here with me. Let me show you how to do this. And I 55:21 think the more that we engage with them outside to me, they're going to get the media 55:26 that that's just coming in life, right? Yes, but the more that we can train them to to 55:30 engage with us and not just think of fun as playing around with something, right, right, 55:35 right. What they're looking for is connection. So if you offer them that through 55:39 getting them involved your life, showing that you're involved in your life is 55:41 usually. >> Unfortunately, what most parents do is they have their 55:44 child an iPad and that's it, you know. And so they are having a probably teaching the 55:49 child, OK, I want connection. I'm going to my iPad. I'm going to watch this TV show 55:53 and you're not getting involved in their lives. Yes. >> I heard a minister. Someone 55:56 say one time somebody ask them a question. They were like, you know what? My kid is just, 56:01 you know, that they they just so involved in this, you phone and cell phone, iPad and all 56:04 this different devices. I just don't know like how to how to combat that in the bottom of 56:08 the person's response was, you know what their craving for for attention or craving for. 56:15 >> Some positive, you know, communication what they need more than anything. You that 56:18 they need you as the pair is not putting them in front of the TV stop led the dv babysat 56:24 them stop giving them the iPad, the phone they need to you. They need you to engage 56:27 with them. And so that's kind of what I hear you saying there that we have about a 56:30 minute here to see that something will I think the one of the best ways you can do 56:34 it. I don't have kids like you do, but I have real can pull from my experience. Growing 56:37 up. >> One of best things about my growing-up age was that my 56:43 family, my aunt and uncle, had large properties and I would love to go over there and get 56:48 out and get into those fields. Ride horses right ago. Carter build a fort and through that 56:55 process, we weren't confined to a couch inside a room. We had nothing to do. But the 57:01 inside of our heads and if you're inside your head all day, if you're confined to a 57:04 little box. >> You're gonna find something to do. And it's either not. 57:06 It's not going to be it's not going to be good. And so if you can get out, get out in 57:11 nature, you can focus more on what God has made. Amen. Well, my friends were not through 57:17 with just this engine has just gotten. We've been we've warming up, so not through 57:21 yet. It always to have some questions. >> We're going to answer when 57:24 we come back. We're going to take a short break and just a moment and we want to tell 57:28 you, don't go anywhere, bring your friends, get everybody around. We'll have another 57:32 power packed hour talking about this media, Hollywood and what a little light 57:37 studios is doing to educate us and to inform us of how we can combat the devil's devil's 57:43 agenda. So come back in just a few moments. We'll see you take it. 57:46 ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-08-16