3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220026B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 [MUSIC]
00:11 >> Well, welcome back from to 3 been today live and good
00:16 interview with Greg and yeah, that room and all that
00:20 information. They're out to some eye opening statements and
00:22 comments were made and the graphic as well. So we chains
00:27 are close to Thompson away this try keep the blue. So I love my
00:32 wife dressed first then addressed, mess your color.
00:35 So we try to
00:37 dress white student. Yes, all right. So as we mentioned,
00:41 we mention now that all far as increasing your risk of cancer
00:46 post. We mentioned the graphic early in the first hour that
00:50 all 50 grams of meat Re said that the F a temple called big
00:57 size burger of major food store chain's restaurants didn't
01:02 mention any names, but we know who they are. That's about 100
01:05 rounds. Plus right. And then we miss what we're going to show
01:08 you the mistress to what he has 100 grams of processed meat,
01:16 right. We also are grappling with that as well. So let's go
01:19 and I think we can get a close-up of this. Well, the
01:21 with they want the ground's first kind of get a visual.
01:25 What does wander around? So if you go get a zoom lens or
01:28 not, this one grounds. So here we go, folks, let's go with
01:31 this one around so that these are 2 pennies,
01:36 approximately 3.5 ounces. It's approximately one 100
01:43 grounds. All right. And it could be 3.5 ounces of steak or
01:48 chicken. Whatever case may be every little before. If this
01:51 charcoal, broiled or high temperatures, it increases
01:56 their costs in a just a cancer causing Com. Paul, what is
02:00 known to most pop or whatever else I could come means there's
02:03 others out this well, it would increase the risk of here it
02:07 is.
02:08 Castro, the bladder
02:10 breast
02:12 plus state all cancer Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, stomach
02:17 cancers, etcetera, by increasing the meat into into
02:22 your body as well. So this is 100 grams of meat or white.
02:28 It's also what about second and fix? Well, fried chicken fry
02:38 fares also increases. Carson is just as well because at high
02:42 temperatures also increase the risk of cancer as well. Well,
02:47 some people out there to check not just a light pole front.
02:50 Alright. So now that star 50 on 100 ground so ball with me,
02:56 no. The main thing is this isn't just us up to 51%
03:00 increased risk of cancer.
03:02 >> 50 grams of processed meat. Now this may be a opens.
03:08 A lot of people. So they're full. What does that look like?
03:12 All right.
03:14 Then on the huddle one 1 quarter of a hot dog. I like
03:21 not just a big hot dog can be just one, but many huddled.
03:25 1, 1, call know how many people you just 1, 1, quarter had a
03:29 thing. So right. So that's dusts off that there are 50
03:32 grout or now this is not that the grants total distrust that
03:37 the ground by self, right. This just 50 grass by self.
03:42 So each of these are 50 grounds each
03:45 or 3 baloney slices depending on how thick they are. They can
03:52 be pastrami, etcetera, 3 strips of bacon. I mean, so important
03:59 is this can add up to about 72. Increased risk of cancer with
04:05 processed meat was processed meat more dangerous, more cost
04:11 jinek then grounds all red meat
04:16 with classes meet mega factors
04:20 nitrates. All right. To add to the me too good to meet process
04:26 meat deli meat east is color and also prolong this self.
04:31 Lots to do so because of that, that has more caution in
04:35 genetic properties to process me. So folks, let me just
04:40 put it this way.
04:42 If you're really serious
04:44 a ball getting cancer,
04:47 well, if you have cancer, if you're really serious about
04:50 having your castle to return,
04:53 then I was so just eat as much as meat
04:58 and particularly process me as you come possibility 8,
05:04 if we really want to increase your risk of cancer, right?
05:09 So but here's the good news. But not good news here is a
05:13 good nose off and it kind of news talk to people. So I've
05:16 got some good news. So everything you see right here
05:20 while the grounds or it may be there or had to ground all
05:24 processed meat. Oh, baloney. Hot dog priest ripped a bank
05:30 account. Well, gust work. Everything on this table,
05:34 folks, we're not increase your risk of cancer.
05:40 And the reason why
05:42 all these are the meat
05:44 alternative.
05:46 So this is not really
05:48 ground beef. This is not real baloney. This is not a real hot
05:52 dog. These all meet all till soul. These fools do not
05:59 increase.
06:01 >> Your risk of cancer. I think that's why a lot of restaurants
06:03 even help Amido turned his own and menus are today. It's a
06:07 it's a legacy that absolute. Yeah. So and where can I buy
06:10 some of these products? Honey, just briefly, well, mentioning
06:13 any names, will all these all that you're showing us a new
06:16 alternatives, our in our major grocery supermarket stores,
06:20 because everybody's gone to now moving into plant based
06:23 absolute having that alternative available because a
06:25 lot of people are asking for. Yeah. And so all major
06:28 supermarkets before back in the day, we had to go to health
06:30 food stores and and it was high prices. Yes. Now they're all in
06:33 a supermarket. So again, these kind of food for real meat
06:37 increase to prostate breast bladder, kidney cancer. This
06:41 Tomic now hospice and pharma. The current setup just based on
06:46 over 148 met at Dallas's studies combined just so so 2
06:52 years ago. So this is what we don't want. That's why we want
06:56 to emphasize more destruction and plant base cooking. And
07:00 also because these foods right here are your frozen sections,
07:06 right? Dana sold him would not be as high. So and Worcester,
07:12 milligram amount percentage that we're looking for for the
07:14 students go from national number is 15%. Okay. Enough
07:19 public briefing about 15%. So white, 15%.
07:23 >> Go. First of all, the daily value is what you're looking at
07:25 outside of our packaging. And we're noticing that if you
07:28 do to 15% and lower, we also talk about or that we see less
07:32 problems, that high blood pressure to go and things like
07:35 that. So we want to get that number is down and a lot of the
07:38 new stuff coming out and we talked about before on the
07:39 show. Also certain foods that automatically have their
07:42 natural sodium in it. We'll talk about that as well.
07:44 >> They're wanting to someone just brought this to my to me
07:47 before we make the transition. What about pro team about
07:52 protein? So this is part based protein. These meat
07:55 alternatives right here. And because of that, it does
07:58 not stressed out the kidneys. But animal protein animal
08:04 protein stress is all the kidneys puts burden on the
08:07 kidneys and also tissue raise the blood pressure as well.
08:12 And for every group of 50 ground and low protein, lose
08:15 one milligram of cows. And so also it packs are skeletal
08:18 system as well. These fools me our turn to does not do that.
08:23 So again, they're all available. So that's the good
08:25 news. All these are available. Has a good mouth feel a good
08:29 texture, a good taste as well. So the media turn tools that
08:32 they are the closest stores and the remedy available. So
08:35 therefore, I really don't want to take nothing away from you a
08:39 list. We give you something in this place.
08:42 >> Here it is as well. And that's why this program is
08:45 going to be a good one. Also, has the option could on
08:48 plant-based cooking? Yes, let's look at what we're going to be
08:50 fixing
08:52 today that all right. Let's go with the high. We're not going
08:55 to hate sausage and red bean Taco Bay is OK and we're doing
09:01 a carrot and pineapple salad and we're going to do our no
09:07 bake vanilla cheesecake and we're going to and with that
09:11 strawberry topping for that, she's okay. Yes, I said that
09:18 cheesecake. Believe it or not, was the cheese cake that we
09:21 actually used on our very first program on 3 a beat and we did
09:28 a New York hi grand plaque or Kress Cheesecake like that.
09:33 People love. I'm a lover of the New York Cheesecake Hawk.
09:37 That's we're going to have at the end of our program as well
09:40 that this is the easy one. And we try also do recipes and
09:43 people are county used to so things that there are things
09:47 that you are. You calling a super food to talk about that
09:50 earlier. And this is one of those we like this recipe
09:53 because, in fact, it has things in it that you're used to.
09:56 And so we're going to go to the first actual ingredients for
10:01 this particular recipe.
10:05 It's a sauces. Red bean taco big it calls for one package of
10:10 mock sausage. One cup of onions, chopped 2 cans of diced
10:15 tomatoes. One can of red beans drained a half. A cup of water.
10:21 One package of taco seasoning mix one 10 ounce bag of taco
10:26 chips. 1, 1, half cup of sowing cheddar cheese shredded and one
10:32 cup of soy sour cream. And we're not going to do anything
10:36 other than garnish it with.
10:38 So went rah needs and we got our cooking spray with us.
10:43 Well below. Usually not a good thing on the all the people
10:48 polled, his old, you've got going on ready to go. And also
10:51 we have are cutting board because you're going to kind of
10:53 the army. You have one or both that already out. I only met,
10:57 OK, we'll get the color and I will talk about you while
10:59 you're gone because normally, you know, whatever he really
11:01 goes away, that gives me a chance to talk. But he's kind
11:04 of quick and fast. So he's come back so anyway, hey, honey,
11:08 okay, what what is and is anything that's going on?
11:13 And I'm OK, I have to rely on a camera crew OK with it. I might
11:17 just say I don't want to do. Is this a smooth that over a
11:20 look over and we're going to move over that also. She's
11:24 okay. I got everything else here and you're going to be
11:27 getting from a ready. We're going to have you chop up that
11:30 those
11:31 to make the onions for me. If you will do that, OK?
11:34 I need to have my little contrite at one. Let's try.
11:37 This one went off. I okay. We got chopped up the onions
11:40 and what he's doing that let's go hit on check cars that is
11:44 make sure everything is working like it needs to and it is
11:47 I turn it down low that, you know, as I sit sausage, this is
11:52 actually also new stuff on a market. They used to have
11:56 nothing but the ground beef crumbles. Now they've come out
11:59 with the sausage crumbles and sauces. Basically the thing,
12:03 the main thing with sausages that it actually has that saved
12:06 it. All right, which makes it had that kind of a sausage kind
12:09 of flavor. And that was actually an era as well.
12:12 We also have I think that, OK, we also have our so cheddar
12:17 cheese and I switch out of cheese. Doesn't look like
12:19 regular cheese. Yes, it does. But it is a soy base. It has no
12:23 cholesterol whatsoever and as well. Well, still haven't just
12:26 new and even mocked Taco seasoning. This total seasons
12:30 out now that have low sodium count in the taco seasoning.
12:36 So look at this. He was going on. A lot of people are on
12:38 board trying to change things out to the Americans eating
12:42 habits. So with that in mind a little bit more fine or that's
12:46 good. Okay. I already put more oil in. All right. I'm going to
12:49 hit on and get my my my pants straight. One hot second.
12:53 Have you put that those onions in there, OK? We've got a 9 by
12:56 13 glass dish are going to do with this one here. I'm going
12:59 to h*** and put mice freight in now. All righty. So it's
13:03 already spread to fundraise. Also, Marc Raimondi found be
13:07 told this is not it's not going to add to the cancer risk is
13:12 not going to add to the risk not to add to the risk. Let's
13:14 get this going now because we have a couple things are going
13:17 to hear. What I'm going to do is I'm going to actually put
13:19 the onions in, okay, go ahead, Salters on guns
13:23 and we're going to add to ground beef to its Kirsten.
13:25 You go head on. I think it's about ready to didn't want to
13:30 write. Let's get that special Cohen.
13:35 So we got the onions and we used to host a translucent.
13:38 Now, the one thing I like about the things that are out,
13:41 the alternative, the alternative meat items already
13:44 cooked.
13:46 So therefore, you have to worry about long cooking like you
13:48 would if you were doing meet so the ground, this is the sausage
13:52 crumble. And once we get this going just a hot second,
13:55 what we do this on the table and I'm going to put that right
13:57 there. I want to give you this right here because over here
14:01 also have another
14:04 a sauce pan and Ines sauce pan. I'm going to be adding a couple
14:08 things. Number one is going to go ahead and put in my
14:11 dice, tomatoes,
14:13 current. And then I also want to put into that if you give me
14:17 those red beans, I want to put the red beans in this with a
14:21 rare kidney being. You know, they just it being a very
14:23 bright red beans, OK? Can you guys are going to be a darker
14:26 him long? Right arm got COVID beings going in as well.
14:29 And then we're going to go ahead and put in the war.
14:32 Okay. That's going to go in as well.
14:35 You want to some time you get your diced tomatoes. It has his
14:38 own sauce going on. And you can just say that instead of using
14:42 regular water, you can use the FIA juice from the earth to
14:47 make up your diced tomatoes also as well. All right.
14:49 So that whole that getting us moving on here and we're going
14:53 to go ahead on and stir. And
14:56 >> that's all we know is just the sauces crosses on this so
15:00 many on the market now. I mean this and no rain. And yet you
15:05 have a lot to choose from folks. Yes, so you don't really
15:07 have to
15:08 rely on just one sort of so many sauces out there on the
15:11 market in your regular grocery stores in your frozen section.
15:16 Is that correct? Info for selling season? Just need of,
15:20 you know, and a lot of us was Sloppy Joes or middle makes law
15:24 Fi Joes out of it. You can make, you know, patties out of
15:28 it. Yes, you can make meat loaf. Sound of it, right?
15:31 We do all of that. We do all of that. So I'm just so glad.
15:34 Because like I said before, when we first on 3ABN 5 years
15:38 ago, and yeah, you did. All of these things were not even
15:42 available. No, yeah, no. And they're conscious also
15:45 about the fact we want to lower sodium. You know, we don't want
15:48 that. No cholesterol and all you have that on the euro.
15:51 And now a lot of packed actually have on the air the
15:54 gun plant base yet, which means no, no, no, and no chase.
15:58 >> And a pro to selected questions. The protein is
16:01 comparable to or 2 off. The lead pro have salute league.
16:05 So you don't lose anything with the plant. Protein was a small,
16:09 healthier. Then animal protein alight. Just go straight out to
16:13 kick up a little bit.
16:15 >> They won't turn down. Okay. So, you know, we got our
16:17 babies and we got also the water and we also have the
16:20 diced tomatoes, an ear as well. Are we talking about the
16:23 cheddar cheese? So what we're going to do right now, I'm
16:26 waiting for that to almost almost 3, 1, to hit like this
16:30 off.
16:32 We're going to not smell a smell already. Yes, okay.
16:35 I love yeah. On television camera crews have a hard time
16:38 right now. Now we're going to take the potato chips. I
16:42 remember once again and you know, people often say some
16:45 time we meet people and on election stuff, they'll say,
16:48 oh, it's easy for you incurred as you guys, you know, you're
16:51 you're in that heard here in a health messages. So, you know,
16:55 you probably never ate is kind of stuff. Well, let me tell
16:57 you, number, I don't know from where I'm from Philadelphia.
17:02 I grew up one of 10 children. I'm the second dose of 10
17:06 children and we ate everything that wasn't nailed down to the
17:09 floor. We could catch it barbecue. It's too it fry it.
17:13 We ate it. And when I became a Christian start learning about
17:17 my family and taking care of our bodies and stuff, things
17:20 started changing up. And so who would have ever guessed always
17:22 say, God, I just knew he was going. Who would have ever
17:26 thought to who would ever thought who, you know? And so
17:29 with that in mind, it was a transitioning. So I just got
17:32 finished messing about the taco. I mean that to chips.
17:35 Yeah, I remember when I used to be a serious.
17:39 But hey, the chip girl. Oh, yeah. But with that touches,
17:42 my view changes make which if you name it, I did all that.
17:45 But I started first on a tortilla chips in a place of
17:47 regular potato chips. That was not working. But guess what?
17:50 After a period of time, I begin to relish that. So actually,
17:53 we do. The trick teaches these 13 ships I love because we'll
17:57 be going to do with these Curtis. We're actually going to
17:59 take these tips and we're going to
18:01 problem. Let me say this to that, you know, f with a change
18:06 in our diet, folks that we have about 9,000 pace for 4 now,
18:11 com, 9,000.
18:13 >> They change reason, right? By every 10 to 14 days. So
18:16 about a couple weeks or so. We begin to turn rose, more
18:19 wholesome die at that pace. Ball's began to change
18:22 our olfactory nerve tissue to smell a chance to buy every
18:25 month. So now for us,
18:29 we can't even stand the taste of fresh food and the smell of
18:35 it. The smell is just not saying to us. So that changed
18:38 with the help of those spare, you can make that transition
18:42 and to reduce our risk of cancer and other diseases as
18:45 well. So it's just part of Vasco 2 days, real failure,
18:48 diabetes, overweight, obesity, etcetera.
18:52 So so I taco seasoning is actually going in here. We are
18:57 just going to really apples asked to.
18:59 >> This is going to add. So we're going to the taco
19:02 seasoning it with the dice tomatoes and also davitt beans.
19:05 As mentioned earlier, you could use a kidney bean as well.
19:08 Kind of like this with tickle in here, OK, you can actually
19:12 do a black being. Whatever beings we know. We know we talk
19:15 plant phase. One of the key players plant bays is the being
19:19 Kingdom. Mo Yan know you're OK with it from all right. So
19:23 that's going just cook for just a hot second, because maybe the
19:26 tomatoes, sorry, ready, OK, the beans have already been cooked.
19:30 There can now once again branch to assault off the asbestos.
19:34 All right. All right. Now I'm back to where I was OK to tears
19:38 you up. So the 2 chip in and you can do is just a 10 ounce
19:42 bag, OK, OK, this is based on a comic form across for you.
19:45 I like that. So you got to put that and move.
19:49 You know what?
19:50 I want to try a little bit about that. You can get your
19:53 hands off.
19:55 Okay. See, you know, you funny to you what we do not want and
19:58 just want to I don't know if I even said I'm not going to get
20:01 myself a whole.
20:03 >> War. So what is going to be a long ride home after this
20:06 could be last?
20:07 [MUSIC]
20:11 >> The camera going on that while Paul or Amy K highest
20:18 crumble in your hands? Yes, dear, OK? So we got that are
20:23 ready to do it that way.
20:25 All right, OK, so this is going to go for a few minutes.
20:28 This is kind of going to give us that that's the sauce is
20:31 gone, caused the chips
20:33 get soggy, which is kind of forming across on us now,
20:37 check this out. I want to move to stop.
20:39 I'm going to move my pan over,
20:44 OK? So that was from out just a few minutes. Just a few
20:47 minutes. Why and what I'm going to do, I'm going to actually
20:50 take now, although I do want to add that the yes news and the
20:56 U.S. folks, let me say this. We've done this many times over
21:01 the years. Couldn't SOS couldn't classes, etcetera.
21:05 And people have actually a sample, all food and a health
21:10 realize within minutes.
21:13 >> This is not me. And we don't come in. The Wake County
21:16 teacher flew this wallow the food. Then we tell them,
21:20 oh, by the way, that was not real. Me would never guess.
21:25 >> So again, don't let people know ahead of time. Good
21:28 feeling. No. Let them know ahead of time. You know,
21:31 we have air too, OK?
21:33 I'm not going to like this. So don't say nothing and fix
21:37 the 3rd time on this. 62 O K,
21:40 OK? So we go. We go out to eat people's homes. They always
21:43 say.
21:44 >> I want you to come to our home and and bring it to bring
21:47 always say, bring a dish some honey. Savoring morning one day
21:49 at a sickly. Bring a dish. So I like to 9 by 13. They go a
21:52 long way. Me quite a bit of a people in the crowd as well.
21:55 Now at this point, all we're going to do is we're going to
21:58 take this mixture
22:00 >> right here and we're going to put it right over top of
22:05 that. He had ships. Okay, here we go away.
22:11 >> It's not a smell. Yes, I do know. Haha.
22:14 I mean,
22:17 so in the name of the game is to actually cover.
22:20 We hope this. Yes, heavy.
22:23 Thank you. Remember now you say to you, you married him and I
22:27 was around a gotcha, OK? You got me. I got you to OK,
22:30 so we're going to hit on and put this on.
22:34 And I know is that pretty West? Look at that close call us
22:36 together. So not to finish. You're going to make this in my
22:40 baking in the oven at 350 degrees. Okay. And about 30
22:45 minutes is ready to think about it. This way is almost ready.
22:47 Anyhow when you come his way. So you don't want to help this
22:50 season. This time on the Cwam orchestra is already season
22:54 after that Sunday mornings at the heat it up and you do that
22:57 and is ready to go. So one of things I do with this one here
23:01 before Murray actually serve it up. You will notice that we
23:03 have this cheese here. Okay. I have 2 things that she's
23:07 here. One of them. You can do either on the bottom. Right?
23:10 On top of your chips. Okay. Okay. Or you can do that on the
23:14 top portion of your chips and we're going to hit on him.
23:16 No doubt.
23:17 I have that going to go ahead on a little bit.
23:20 >> Kate, thank you. Should not yield to yet. One of those to
23:24 one of them can go on the bottom and one can go on top.
23:27 I want to remind him of that, OK? So one on the bout of well,
23:30 we should we should have, but we know a lot so since
23:34 personally, head on up, go ahead with it.
23:37 >> So what goes on the bottom? But just don't do this. But,
23:42 OK, you can go going top Naamua put one on Nevada, copper,
23:46 zinc tablets that you're just passing. And then the be meat
23:49 mixture that and then then the cheese, another layer to zone
23:54 time that she's with. And so make sure you you've both got
23:57 that park. Yeah, I got that. And we'll show you also to end
24:01 the program hall. This looks as well. But this is a real good
24:04 when you can see how it looks like there incurs, you know,
24:07 you don't have to put a little room for anything on top of it
24:10 is going to go straight into the oven at 350 degrees for
24:12 about 30 minutes. So you will see this when we bring this to
24:16 an and that is our red. The okay. I was really good.
24:21 Honey are right. You want to head put that in the ongoing.
24:23 Put this in the open up and down aisles.
24:27 All righty. Then we go into our next one. We go into our care.
24:31 It said it. So let's look at these. How bring the food out
24:36 the next trail County. Good. Alright it.
24:38 >> All right. So the carrots islet Kara Pineapple sound it 4
24:43 cups of shredded carrots. One half cup of raisins.
24:47 3, 4, cups of crushed pineapple. 3, 4, cups of
24:52 chopped, pecans and 3, 4, cops of soy. Mayo, nays. Oh, my
24:58 goodness. This is another good one. Another good one other
25:01 good one. And, you know, we're talking all about the whole
25:03 thing plant based. We talk about cancer. We talk about the
25:06 food. We're actually using the tomatoes and beans. And now
25:09 we've got the carrots and these all being used on this program
25:13 because all plant base and they're all good and delicious.
25:17 That's the name of the game. That's what we like. So let's
25:19 look at this one. We've already got everything done. You've got
25:21 a carrot or a shred it. And by the way, okay, sometime people
25:26 sick.
25:27 >> I don't have time, Paula, for all that cutting up and
25:30 chopping off and stuff we don't OK so we try to find easier
25:33 ways to get things and talk to people stuff as we're doing
25:36 that. Okay. So there are shredded carrots already on the
25:38 market. What you've got to worry about the okay, some have
25:41 with this recipe is real quick and easy. Not the kind of goes
25:44 and so we're going to put in the pineapple cape are right
25:47 now. Pineapple. It is wrong, June. It's all in June. That's
25:51 why no not heavy. Sarpy owns your girl. Kate had repaired.
25:56 You say he's a pineapple $2 after the well, why they're
26:00 going to put in the raisins. All right. Let's get those in
26:03 there.
26:05 The cusp own got the raisins. Also put this one here, kind of
26:09 kind of moving back and forth for me. All right, candy,
26:11 don't stir it up.
26:13 This has a little possessed who doesn't know salad other than
26:17 just or rhino iceberg and what tomatoes and cucumbers,
26:22 whatever now, you know.
26:24 >> We made people sometimes will say, well, I'm not doing
26:26 it. Can the canned pineapple because, OK, that's what I
26:29 said. The pineapple now comes in its own juices going to use.
26:33 So you can use that. But if you want to take a whole pineapple,
26:35 cut it all down and do your thing.
26:38 >> Okay. Okay. This try make it easy for UFO kind. Easy for all
26:43 right. Now going to put the puck on Sun arcade. Sprinkle in
26:45 please on.
26:47 And I love these. We can go there. We got those in as well
26:54 because
26:55 >> once we get all this done, we should put in a refrigerator
26:58 and chill for a couple hours before we serve it up.
27:00 >> I just think about 200 that I know when this aside, no one
27:04 knew a diagnosis, but next month to be was 16 years 16 you
27:11 up? I think they're going to make a baby. I think you want
27:13 to. And when the first thing we did to the day after she was
27:19 diagnosed, we start with the the care and use other things,
27:23 too. Though buyout told this is my favorite. Yes. Vitamin A
27:27 have to boost a new system. The new true fields neutrophils
27:32 contain about 2% of white most Elton 2 fields in about 3
27:35 months to let it work.
27:38 Could the cancer to her neutrophils white blood cell
27:41 count actually doubled. And then next, 3 months are cycle
27:45 of a donor laps old. But yeah, this is very are powerful.
27:49 Very good for that.
27:50 >> And so now you've got the now. This is you ready for
27:54 this? This is male names done. So I OK?
27:59 >> Mail in a zoom, a male to call him a on a believe it or
28:03 not. There's a male name mail and there's another one is an a
28:07 on a they'll next be done with.
28:08 >> Grape seed oil has also done with soy. So these are new news
28:13 on the issue and you'd be surprised some of your name
28:17 brand Man, XYZ and salad dressings that you're used to
28:20 having. How about that going plant base? I got to look at
28:24 the label and you will see it will have on air. This is plant
28:27 based, OK, mayonnaise, mayonnaise, all of that,
28:30 OK, we're going go ahead and put that in nexis. So many
28:33 things now on the market for.
28:37 >> There's no excuse, because before, you know, years ago,
28:40 we have to make a whole lot of things from scratch to do it.
28:43 And because people can still do that, make your burgers from
28:46 scratch from what the Browns will be means. And we have all
28:50 the all that those who want to do that, but then also don't
28:55 modern with a modern Millie. What will you know? There's a
28:58 lot of people now who want to make a change, but they say
29:00 they don't have the time to alert. Yeah, we have a new
29:03 group of peace, a group out there. You know, our daughter
29:06 has really done a lot of plant based foods as well. And so
29:10 younger groups are now coming into a lot more plant based.
29:14 All right. Yes, so you can see now that no, don't take that
29:17 away because I want to get all the good all the goodies that
29:20 can get in here and then you're going to start up a little bit.
29:22 So you can get this all incorporate it as you can see
29:25 here. This is so pretty. And it tastes so good. So good.
29:29 Okay. Got some extra us. Thank you. All right. So we're
29:34 going to stir it until we get all together seasoned and we're
29:39 going to put that back. I said in a refrigerator, the plastic
29:42 over top of it and a man, then the man is so so a man sawyer,
29:47 ABC man is so good news on the mark. They actually will soak
29:51 into the car, carrots and some. So this us it can sit in every
29:56 Trump doesn't set a couple hours and just a couple hours.
29:59 Also care. Celtics are cool. Okay. Okay. So yeah. That's all
30:04 I can tell. There's going to be a good one because you got the
30:06 but the raisins. Yeah. Because I now call the pineapple
30:11 happens. We'll have a nice flavor tennis. Where ons are in
30:13 the. Okay. Okay. Great. So you have adequately as you can see.
30:18 Look at that. He has a real nice yes to it. It is very,
30:22 very pretty and has it on the air. And sometimes when I'm
30:25 serving us, I would actually serve it up
30:27 on a green leaf lettuce. So in that orange kind of
30:31 comedy show, huh? So once again, at the end of the
30:34 program, you will see the finished product on that one.
30:37 I know in Gregory going by Greg Angel to come up near that in
30:40 our program and 2, I don't know, maybe a sample food or,
30:45 you know, well, it's going to come too late. You know?
30:48 So we're going to talk to look at it, though. And they can
30:50 take a plane home,
30:52 put something in the play or just take a look. They can play
30:55 a plate home. Food went to school with 2. It started on
30:58 the plate. Yes, okay. Yeah, right. So here we go way down
31:02 now to this one as you read this online off and get the
31:05 next trey arrest. OK to do that on the right thing, right?
31:09 So this one isn't no bake. No big vanilla cheesecake.
31:13 >> The calls for 2 cups of grand crack or qualms because
31:17 for one half cup of soy, margarine, 2 containers of
31:21 silken tofu extra from one tablespoon of vanilla
31:25 flavoring, one tablespoon of honey, 1, 8, ounce soy cream
31:31 cheese. 2 packages of vanilla pudding mix.
31:36 This has a topping 2 and we'll do that hopping in a hot
31:38 second.
31:40 >> Let's go ahead and get this part of it. Taken care of.
31:41 You do that. I think you need to process on this. We're going
31:44 to be possible to. And we've got some new things that we've
31:46 added to that. 2, there's 2 things. New ones may be new to
31:51 a lot of people here. Get this out and then I'll get the what
31:56 the food pressures leading officer.
31:59 >> The food processors. 24 right now, OK? And now want to
32:02 introduce a new stock. Remember talking Plant base. Okay.
32:05 So how about I think a couple shows before we did the program
32:09 showing about that Whole Foods. Remember, I said there's
32:11 certain tofu the to match up with certain foods so this so
32:15 can soak in soft tofu. This is what you're actually going to
32:19 be seeing. The silken soft. Just good here. And you can see
32:22 that the Scot that sheen to it. Look at that.
32:26 It's got his silky soft satin texture. Alright, that's going
32:32 to do it. It is just cheese cake. And guess what? We are
32:35 now introducing also how about a soy cream she's on. The other
32:42 thing is, you know, the kid that is no. You believe excuse
32:46 that? Oh, I know it all out there. This is the cream cheese
32:49 that is soy based and is now on the market as well as lot of
32:53 other companies are actually go on doing is well, OK? So we're
32:57 adding that new and then also have a thing about putting
32:59 mixes are a lot of phone calls, OK? Very first time we did our
33:03 our cheese cake. We had a company. It was actually making
33:06 the putting yeah, we did it no longer a change that now.
33:10 And so people call me a lot on that as well. What I tell him
33:13 to do if you have a health food store or even some of your
33:16 supermarkets, they have a section called plant based
33:19 foods. They now have come out with certain kinds of putting
33:23 mixes that you can use. It doesn't have all that should
33:26 win. And why other things, too. How about some of your regular
33:30 putting mixes now have on the side of the package? No high
33:33 fructose corn syrup use in its packaging. So we've come a long
33:37 ways. We've come a long ways. Alright.
33:40 >> So with this one and it would not. Let me say this in
33:42 grocery stores of Bass sometimes has a label. Health
33:46 foods just appears on the different different a grocery
33:49 store, right? Yeah, OK, I'm just going to take this is up 2
33:53 of the AM
33:55 Extra from now. This is the sole contest comes on a box.
33:59 Yes, it comes in about 2, 1, to come to water comes in strikes.
34:02 Now, if you can, even the district that all around in
34:04 near the appreciate that could be all right.
34:07 >> And once again, just get attention to your your putting
34:10 mixes. They're out there on the market as well. People kind of
34:13 surprise. And I tell him with what you might want to look at.
34:15 Look for taking down a little bit lower, honey, because pop
34:18 in. Yeah.
34:20 So give us Bono. Let me just
34:23 there you go. This evenly make a positive thing. And one
34:26 doesn't even actually just kind of
34:29 makes a smooth or is this going around? One of the things that
34:32 I get phone calls about, people asked me if they're making any
34:35 kind of dessert, can used a blender instead of the food
34:39 processor. And I say no, because we need to have that
34:42 space as her conference. It's a win at blade, goes
34:45 around. It breaks it down and makes its move. OK, you can't
34:48 get that when you're actually trying to do it with a blender
34:52 because you need that consistency and that's the
34:54 airspace. Curse is going to go ahead. Do that, women hold up,
34:57 hold it up.
35:01 So he's got a spin that around
35:03 and then around
35:05 West Bend it,
35:06 [MUSIC]
35:11 [MUSIC]
35:13 you're not what you want to go in and you want to go head on
35:16 and make sure you move all this down and around this time we're
35:20 going to use the on button, OK, that's been around a
35:37 now in order for this to be a cheesecake is going to have
35:39 that same kind of texture. We're now at this point going
35:42 to go ahead and add in
35:46 cream, Chilean cities, cream, cheese, economy that around
35:50 even at around as well.
35:51 >> Yeah, it's it's hard because and then I can spread around
35:57 actually gets there.
35:58 >> So cream cheese. That's the name of the game. All right.
36:01 You don't notice the texture of this is changing already
36:04 because of that, OK?
36:06 All the goodies.
36:07 >> The ideas, the recipe we do
36:11 25 years ago. This to say it.
36:16 But the same, isn't it a little different?
36:18 [MUSIC]
36:23 [MUSIC]
36:28 [MUSIC]
36:31 >> Now what's happening is being incorporated. You can see
36:33 there's a Texas junior college on their own. You can see on
36:36 this. And what we're going to do now is we're going to add
36:38 and as he spends at this next time, we're going to add in a
36:41 vanilla
36:42 and we're also going to add in the honey. All right. So go
36:46 ahead and keep the spending. Yes. Haha,
36:49 [MUSIC]
36:54 [MUSIC]
36:59 [MUSIC]
37:04 [MUSIC]
37:09 [MUSIC]
37:14 [MUSIC]
37:19 [MUSIC]
37:24 [MUSIC]
37:26 OK, look at this. Just look at the stroke and now they can all
37:30 see how it cleanly. That is. All right. You can see it's
37:33 actually good. Yeah. That texture there, texture. Yeah.
37:37 Now it's still too soft, though, to be a cheesecake
37:41 because Micah putting like this is where the putting mixes
37:44 coming. What's going to happen? Even put the top back on her
37:47 adding 2 packages. Now, you know, we talk about this before
37:50 and I bring this up again. Whenever you're doing, you're
37:52 putting mixes depending on where you're getting from and
37:55 how you're using the whatever.
37:56 >> We always say you want to have a little bit of soy milk
37:59 or almond milk or rice. Milk on the side. Just in case you're
38:03 putting mixes. Get too thick. All right. So we're going to
38:06 use this month. We're going to see how we go. All right.
38:09 Turn it on
38:11 [MUSIC]
38:16 [MUSIC]
38:21 [MUSIC]
38:26 [MUSIC]
38:32 now. The pudding mix. Of course, these are instant
38:34 putting mixes. And so with that in mind, you're going to see
38:37 how dark that flavor is. Vanilla flavors, vanilla,
38:40 an opaque? No, but not to worry about putting this in the oven,
38:44 folks. No bail right now. Let's go ahead. Spending and
38:48 poker and I will decide what I want to add. Other other
38:50 putting that,
38:51 [MUSIC]
38:56 [MUSIC]
39:00 okay. You're going no, OK, 2 things. Number one is the box
39:04 that I brought him on. The NOAA putting mix is for 6 serving of
39:08 the pudding mix where and when you buy at the store, you're
39:10 going to buy the one and we have 4. So that's a double that
39:14 I have here. And so that's the like the texture of Hollis
39:16 looking was going to go with that one. OK? Cool by the
39:19 double to. All right. Now where is let's get that our pan out
39:25 because I want to talk about the Pan.
39:26 >> Oh, yeah. It was all set off on the
39:31 table over there. That might be OK and get the now. We will
39:34 keep this here that when you pour this into the ground,
39:37 crack were OK, let me go ahead and get off the set and get
39:40 that and bring about real. Okay. All right. All right.
39:43 So remember now about your putting mixes now, guess what?
39:46 The first time on the show we actually did it.
39:49 A lemon shipped his cake.
39:51 >> And this one is all now have been Ella one because we've got
39:54 a special caught toppings going to go on top of that. And so
39:59 where is that hand?
40:02 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, there you go to K O K grant occur.
40:08 Cluster bomb with already done it right across and that's
40:11 okay. For time's sake. It is a spring form pan. Look at that,
40:16 Chris. What we do with spending one more time. One more time to
40:19 go ahead on put it in there.
40:21 >> Well, it's nice and thick now. So that was just one
40:24 pudding mix packet. This is a double when going to a single
40:28 okay to feel for just one double O K.
40:30 >> Okay. All right. All right. So with this in mind.
40:35 >> I look at that. Look at that. Look at that. So now
40:38 we're just going to go ahead and put into that pan.
40:42 Look at how his coming down have. Is that NEO? We're at.
40:45 >> Ha ha.
40:47 We've already done that cross
40:49 do cross ahead of time.
40:51 And the reason for that, too, is because you want to make
40:54 sure that the cross is cool when you put the creamy.
40:59 >> So now this is not going to a vote were not hit on a of an
41:03 not turntable and a utility bill. Whoa, this is to what,
41:08 3 sleeves? No, I don't just chills overnight overnight.
41:11 Yeah. OK, that this got to do between cream cheese and also
41:14 the pudding mix. OK? It's going make it thicker. Yeah, right?
41:18 Yeah.
41:19 >> The no one is not always as thick as the one with lemon
41:22 because lemon actually helps things quickly and get thick,
41:24 OK? All right. But but it's still going to be the so.
41:29 >> Not not get all the good because, you know, I'll be
41:32 looking to bowl. So just do something for my fingers just
41:36 to do something about it
41:40 next. Finger notice. And I just know that are that was good.
41:45 Now, no need to go in Cricket Council that one now. So now
41:50 what we did is 25 years ago
41:52 was that with that woman, no break, that isn't obey. Big
41:56 lemon at the time among. So now we're going to do is
41:59 we're going just moving around in the pan itself.
42:05 Now, this spring, even warm of cam that can be purchase any.
42:10 Yeah, it does. We have your pants are going to be purchased
42:13 for right to you, OK? You want to even me. Just make sure you
42:16 distribute it evenly in their old man. Okay.
42:22 Hat
42:24 I live
42:27 and this is take our son. Don't get all the goodies into
42:30 this.
42:33 Now, put something on campuses and go on top of it. OK,
42:38 topping OK, and the Dow and sometime I just like that
42:43 evenly distribute it.
42:45 And then guess what? This then is ready to go in the
42:49 refrigerator.
42:50 >> Let's say you say wait a minute. I could to saying
42:52 earlier today I could come coming in tonight and she said
42:55 4 plus hours. She has to have an order for us to work out.
42:58 Guess what, you can take this put plastic over top of it a
43:02 little bit of fall over, put it in a freezer, put in a freezer
43:06 and it will then solidifying get my son hard. So this
43:09 railing ready to serve is ready to go. So you don't have to do
43:12 it overnight. Things or freezer may be just what you can read
43:15 to you a few hours to free the freezer and get hard code.
43:19 So we've got to take that away. Going to go ahead and put that
43:22 up because we're going to move into the last part, which is
43:25 the top in a goes over top old cheese came with. That would
43:28 become the next. You read it. All right. All right. All
43:31 right. So we this was a very simple one is a strawberry
43:34 topping. It calls for one cup of orange juice. One, 16 ounce.
43:39 Pint of strawberries washed sliced in half and 3, 3,
43:44 tablespoons of corn starch. All right. Now, this is the one
43:49 we did when we had our first show was, of course, with that
43:51 in mind, we're going to be using, of course, strawberry
43:55 topping. But you can make topping to do a blueberry
43:58 topping. As a matter of fact, on one of our shows, you ready
44:01 for this. We actually did a banana pudding with the
44:05 bananas, the vanilla cheesecake. We have the banana
44:08 as we head to all the stuff that you put in a regular
44:11 banana pudding up in an ice cream.
44:14 Just be real creative is so much stuff you can do to a
44:17 chocolate sauce on top of it. Well, it just goes on and on
44:21 and on on on. And so not to. But Poppy know that he's Kay
44:27 Cass and we also have a pot that we want to actually cook
44:29 this in as well. What you want a pot for me. Good haha.
44:34 You know, I think of that.
44:36 I love sending him wait. It gets tough
44:39 and he's very good at this. He is they go look at that.
44:43 Look at that.
44:44 All right. So we've got to put that on this, though. And we've
44:47 got fresh strawberries. You're going to be using fresh
44:50 strawberry burst, a start on it and it is for you stand do
44:54 that. I got a fork for you and I'm going to put it in the
44:57 cornstarch assists 3 tablespoons of cornstarch.
44:59 This is for it for this because I'm thinking, yeah, OK, the
45:03 haul that's going to go ahead on getting especially
45:06 you're going to head put that in there.
45:08 >> What I want to do is rock Hall for one cup of orange
45:11 juice. The reason for that is that we're going to use half of
45:13 the orange juice in this recipe to stir it cold into the corn
45:19 starch so we can get thinking we need the other half of it is
45:23 actually going to go into arced gillet are saucepan. Alright,
45:31 Kerr says I use that. I want to turn this on
45:38 because you see these fresh strawberries or
45:41 this is a very good season. This particular time.
45:43 Strawberries are not what is so good. Okay. So what you're
45:46 going to if you're going to add this to your corn starch and
45:50 then you go in just a new way to 40, go into a hole or right,
45:55 stir it up.
45:57 And then what I call a honey? Yeah, OK, stirring up. So you
46:01 should do is take my strawberries like this and I go
46:05 head on and put them into the sauce pan. Look how pretty they
46:08 are. Gorgeous. What? Yeah. All right.
46:17 There's a couple things. A couple things, OK? There's a
46:21 couple things that you can do. You can do the strawberries.
46:24 You can do. Blueberries, you. Strawberry blueberry
46:25 combination, peaches, you name it. Whatever your flavor is,
46:29 you can actually use with the orange juice because we're
46:31 going to use the corn starch and orange juice to thicken up
46:34 this right right here. Okay. So we're bringing us to a boil
46:39 life again. Western.
46:42 I start to get just a very but I said for a start on the
46:45 strawberries, you could be asking for some more. So I
46:47 figured that maybe I should put all the strawberries into the
46:50 actual. So when you feed me one of strawberries, he'd be a hot
46:54 strawberry. Well, I was going to give you the strawberry was
46:57 already cold. Pressed them to take one out. No deal. There
47:00 are ready when they're already doing his thing. See that.
47:03 It's moving along right now, though. What are you trying to
47:05 say? His strawberry at that time? That's true. While
47:09 they're getting the cheesecake, which is finished that Israel
47:12 to try to say that's watching. Okay, I got my dear, OK,
47:14 OK? So we're starting to surround them until we actually
47:18 get it to come to a boil. I remember I love this now,
47:22 by the way, you can also use.
47:24 >> Pineapple juice, how OK? You can do pineapple juice as
47:28 well because pineapple juice, arms juice.
47:31 >> They go very well with your corn starch is really no other
47:34 things. Then it's going to cause some issues. So I just
47:37 say, use the cornstarch come to help that out. Right? And so
47:40 now it's happening. It is.
47:43 It's making that boarding sound.
47:46 And when you're getting ready, you can see a starter when,
47:48 you know, it's time to the orange juice. So usually
47:52 astor's around a little bit. You can kind of tell by looking
47:54 at this in mind, structures, stuff on that, right? The
47:57 bottom line is you want to get the strawberries hot. I make
47:59 sure that this is actually Boyle situations here boarding.
48:02 See her going now. All in. All right. So why was boring
48:06 now? We want to start. It started out and now we're going
48:09 to slowly slowly and in the corn starch and harms choose
48:15 from a team. This is going make a quietly try and get a
48:18 thickening to it that we need to have.
48:21 I just turn around because some of the corn starch got stop.
48:24 Yeah. All right,
48:26 Paolo,
48:36 thank you. All right. See what's going on now. It's going
48:40 to thicken up
48:42 and at T and we're going to put miss out on top of our cheese
48:45 cake. OK? Sometimes I make enough sauce
48:50 so that when I'm really ready to serve the cheesecake up,
48:53 I will cut the cheese cake is sliced. Put on a beautiful
48:56 dessert dish? And then I will pour the strawberry sauce over
49:01 top of it. OK, OK? Yeah. Look at that face sticking up.
49:04 You know, so just what a few minutes of that for a few
49:07 minutes. You want to make sure you keep this low because you
49:10 do not want to burn and it's actually making his own sauce.
49:13 Look at that.
49:14 >> So now after this is done then,
49:18 >> this could happen yet. This has to cool cool down and
49:21 force it on. And she's OK, OK? All right. Is that look good on
49:25 one. Okay. So that continues on the strawberries because they
49:30 have that border into already. Naturally, they are going to
49:32 start getting see that the picking up of the association
49:35 and changing, right. So basically we've finished up.
49:41 We're going to be doing on that. Okay. Yes, we'll talk
49:44 about again.
49:46 >> The World Castle full. So we talk about the ad for saw
49:50 program about the food that could increase your risk pool.
49:55 We want to do away with those whose only son limit our
49:59 consumption of those foods are white. The red meat, even
50:03 though white beach deep fried foods particularly to learn to
50:08 the deli meats, folks, do these other things that would
50:11 increase our risk of cancer. Me you folks do. Jury is out.
50:18 The jury is an
50:20 the verdict has been read.
50:22 The Joseph kicking off his role in the janitor, turn off the
50:26 lights in the discussion.
50:28 Floods foods increase our risk of cancer among other things as
50:34 well alight. So we want to move more to plant based diet.
50:38 And that a study on the Chin University of Alabama at
50:42 Birmingham School of Public Health. You be there to mention
50:45 about, quote, the sudden dot was the worst guy for us cancer
50:48 risk the best. I of all, the guys mentioned the best diet.
50:53 What the plant based diet has a 23%, your risk of cancer.
51:00 And this what we're doing here and all the other, not just our
51:03 program, love of cooking programs on threes with
51:05 broadcast network as well. So that's why we in for size
51:09 a plant based diet to reduce the risk of cancer to flatten
51:14 the curve. All right. So at the end of this were 120 people
51:21 have died
51:22 of cancer. Over 500 people have been diagnosed at the end of
51:28 this second, all were just double what we don't want.
51:32 So that's why
51:34 these programs are very popper for that for real hard to do
51:37 got rest. So in a way, I think you we'll go to our address
51:42 role. And then we all put all the food on the table, spread
51:45 it out. And then when invite Greer can do to come to close
51:49 out the program with those slightly absolute sitcom,
51:51 let's go to our Ed Droste Road at this time. And then now we
51:55 can go ahead and put the food on the table. So again,
51:58 abundant living center. Alright p o box 2, 8, 7, 3, Huntsville,
52:05 Alabama, 3, 5, 8, 0, 4,
52:08 We're going to go through what that DVD. 25 all special offer
52:12 with the brochure Americans to a cancer research. Just call
52:16 this number 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 3, 5, 1, 9, 8, a game, 2, 5,
52:23 6, 6, 8, 3, 5, 1, 9, 8,
52:28 a wet start to learn more about the been the Lives Center
52:31 hoping to be opening up soon this year but get living center
52:36 dot net of abundant living center dot net logo on their
52:41 more about the center coming up and how you can be a partner
52:44 with us on that. And our e-mail address is
52:48 educate at abundant living center, dot net, educate at
52:53 abundant living center, dot net. All right.
52:57 >> Well, OK, he may continue make and the baby did it.
53:02 Yes, it and so would want cancer fighting foods right
53:07 here.
53:09 So we did a sausage red bean taco Bake.
53:14 >> Okay. Yeah. Along with that, we also have
53:18 yes, correct chips and thus also the sour cream. And we
53:22 also have the sullen truck and then we did. The Kerry said,
53:28 Oh, my goodness high. Now that the best raisins, pecans and a
53:33 soy may owe you.
53:34 >> And then the grand finale. The grand finale with the NL in
53:39 New York cheese cake. No bake off. Let no bank no bait.
53:43 Now put in the fridge or a turn with the strawberry sauce over
53:46 top of it. It's going to lose and down the side. Well,
53:49 you want to go down a size. Just then goes they go not too
53:51 much. Not too much prize.
53:53 >> Yes, all right. Well, program, Honey and I had a good
53:56 interview with a grand jury. You know that by yes. So what
54:00 we want to do, folks, we want to just bring them all or the
54:03 left part of this offense that maybe if the.
54:12 >> You know. So this has been like the longest second hour.
54:14 We've been feeling this food. I'm watching this food being
54:17 prepared. This is fantastic. Cancer-fighting foods. We want
54:21 to let the curve flattened her so well.
54:23 >> I don't know. Maybe that he's gay. What what? What can
54:26 we put in their mouth? Honey, you have any idea what I can
54:29 see. I can see. I don't know.
54:31 >> Haha.
54:34 >> Joe, what are you thinking about right now? I'm thinking
54:37 about the Karen Sow.
54:38 >> Okay. Good choice. But yeah, the help from the he doesn't
54:44 carry as they can try.
54:45 >> Out this year's show.
54:49 >> You know, and it was before the injury for other. Thank you
54:58 for this food. Amen. Amen. Haha her. Haha.
55:07 >> Iceberg lettuce and could cause actual and yeah, I want
55:13 to get those good reliable pine up. You didn't go flavors.
55:19 Well, the answer.
55:20 >> Fire that food bagrham.
55:24 >> At a what do you want to invite you to our but deliver
55:27 sitting when we open up to others at least minimum of 2
55:31 nights, OK member has to write. Maybe I can do 3.
55:35 >> Okay. Haha. We can get in the kitchen. You let us cook.
55:43 We'll see upon them has when you come to a home is all about
55:46 you guys. We want to dine.
55:48 >> You kind. You don't want me to cook. So yeah. When the
55:53 things I was impressed with is that these recipes are not that
55:55 hard. Yeah. People say plant based food can be very
55:58 complicated to prepare. This is not yeah. And the health care
56:03 we eat the lower the grocery experience. Good points.
56:07 A lot of people think it healthier, right? The group has
56:10 spent his entire notice actually lower in the hospital.
56:12 Bills may come down to a little bit to see that the total cost
56:15 of food for the Ducks who got the total. The calls of food
56:20 doesn't stop at the cash register and I think they can
56:23 do on health program. Baby. Haha. Right now I'm looking at
56:27 the Cheesecake. I'm a curl, something air. We'll let them
56:36 take some host since this is in wound 10 o'clock time. So we'll
56:41 look to maybe a slice each of you pick someone with you.
56:45 How about that? Yes, haha
56:50 program. So it's always Don Tennant and Jesus said are calm
56:55 that they might held live
56:58 and everybody.
56:59 >> More of I love you. See you next time
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Revised 2022-07-28