3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220026A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:55 [MUSIC]
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:07 >> hello and welcome to another 3 ABN today Live. We're so glad
01:10 you joined us this evening. We look forward to these 2
01:13 hours with you each week. A lot of fun to spend time with
01:16 our family. And we just want to say again, thank you for your
01:19 prayers for the ministry of 3 ABN and also for your financial
01:24 support. You know, you are making a difference and the
01:27 world and you may say, well, how's that for the Lord?
01:29 Here's your prayers. And also the Lord bless is what you get
01:32 to 3 ABN multiplies it and it reaches the entire world.
01:36 Now tonight Show is going to be a high energy night and also is
01:41 going to be a very informative, not as well.
01:42 >> It will. Our topic is war on cancer and we'll be right to
01:46 that. We have some very intellectual and steamed and
01:51 highly energetic, longstanding friends of the Ministry of 3 D
01:55 and if I were to say John, 10, 10, I have come that they would
01:58 have life and have it more abundantly. Did you think of
02:01 this way? I yes. I can hear the okay. Curtis and Paul Eakins.
02:06 Yes. Yeah. Her too.
02:08 >> Welcome to 3 again today live. So glad to have you here
02:12 in. This is not the first time for to be on 3 again. They've
02:14 been on there just a few top Yahoo. 2 times that.
02:18 >> 10203 haha County. We've got all 3 of the White House now.
02:25 It's been a long this is our second home. It is it is that
02:31 that that we hear I mean, can't believe you driving up here on
02:34 just this weekend.
02:36 The 25 year. Yeah, no, that's incredibly came a couple here
02:41 to disease. Yeah, John and Donna Dahlia,
02:44 there's so much that you can buy right. Became last year.
02:49 He was off for manager of our program. I know that that's
02:54 something that really didn't he his for manager when we
02:58 started. And then here, his older brother, Samuel, just got
03:01 to one years old when. Yes, yeah.
03:05 >> So, Joe, there's a couple things here that com that are
03:07 common, you don't age and neither do they.
03:10 >> The 25 years you would be so good.
03:15 >> Well, you're very kind. But I do. I am getting gray
03:17 hair. So me that sign of age with all the really good where
03:20 you can use in Formula. Hahaha, I knew some form of history and
03:30 I just need to keep that will help, right? Right? Yeah.
03:32 Okay. For some my please say yes, I didn't do that to be a
03:37 little different, but we won't go into that when we started
03:40 it.
03:41 We were just about new to where we were 3 years. So it is
03:46 working out pretty good after all these years. What would you
03:48 say? It's good, OK? I just want to make sure they heard that on
03:51 camera. If you want to say it again, I said I just wanted to
03:55 come and pick her up and just OK.
03:57 >> Wirfs. So I noticed that, Paula, is the abundant living
04:01 center precedent. You know you I was CEO Chris Knox mine,
04:06 how that, you know, the president plans say, you know,
04:10 >> when our father articles of Corporation follow one C 3,
04:14 that's right. Years back in 1990's. Also presidents,
04:17 he's the vice president, right? Right. And so it gone the
04:20 majors. So last year
04:23 they have a new venture coming up, we'll talk about that as
04:26 well. It's going to be focusing all cancer, but living center
04:29 focus on cash, certain a son. And I said to myself, well,
04:32 you know, says it happened to her personally. Yeah.
04:37 And to a female
04:40 and us to one topic that
04:42 it affected her, then
04:46 she really need to be president because this was personal with
04:51 her. And that's one area of health that we know more about
04:54 that in the other. But no diabetes, heart disease,
04:56 but the cancer. So so I went from downstairs, close my
05:00 laptop, wind down this exactly what I do. I said, Honey,
05:04 I need you to stand out. Got out. And that's what I did.
05:07 I went to my path and after goblins to my path and mold,
05:10 the president are true. If you like, you know, you know like
05:15 this, you know, job good form to put you are now the
05:21 president, the abundant living center over to wind down the
05:27 stairs. And I stood there like,
05:30 what? What does that really what's happening in what really
05:39 started? It was like a step so so way. Maybe they can stop.
05:50 Haha O OK? So that they would maybe like to apologize.
05:56 Yeah. So who need to be present? Because we're going to
06:02 be focusing on cash or the industry. It hit a personally
06:05 but hit her because he was diagnosed in 2 survivor.
06:09 So we just really need to switch to roll. So, yes,
06:12 he's president. So congratulations, honey, it warm
06:15 and again, thank you. Yes, you're welcome. You know,
06:17 in both of you are such a team.
06:18 >> And I think that's from the very beginning of a been a
06:21 living. You you guys being on 3. Again, your relationship
06:24 also is an inspiration to many, not only the health message
06:27 that you are present, which is from the Bible, but also I
06:29 think showing relationship, you can have fun. You can work
06:32 together can minister together and oh, what a blessing.
06:35 Yeah. What an incredible blessing. You have been to 3ABN
06:37 staff here personally, but also to the entire world and who
06:41 knows how many people you all have touch. Now, we mentioned
06:44 when talking about cancer this evening and then you all had a
06:47 very real experience with cancer. Be talking about that
06:50 tonight. Maybe you have expressed cancer dealing with
06:53 cancer right now. Know somebody that has cancer. This is a
06:55 program for you this very evening. But before we go to
06:59 that, we have something that Joe and I want to do on behalf
07:02 of 3ABN C and we want to wear the acres. We're talking about
07:07 25 years now. This is a surprise to them. We went back
07:10 into the archives of 3 aetn and we have a really special role
07:14 that we appreciate Brad Walker. You'll know Brad. Yeah. How
07:18 into director and Lynn when's on some other had went to the
07:21 archives, found some stuff, put something together and we want
07:24 to do this, not lifting up. Then this who they are as
07:27 people but the Jesus that is in them and the ministry, the
07:31 minister in that they have done to so many people not only here
07:35 but around the world. Let's go to that special right now.
07:37 This is for you, the Akins.
07:39 >> Hi, I'm Paul Akins. And today we're going to do some
07:43 recipes like tofu, you know, tofu, right? It's going to be
07:46 recipe for our cholesterol free that free sugar-free,
07:50 calorie-free. You don't want to miss this one.
07:52 >> We now welcome back. Now we go to the best Parker says
07:56 part.
07:57 >> Just my favorite part. Now, we don't just love to
07:59 cook, but we love to cook and talk about good nutrition.
08:02 So we talk about lifestyle changes. You want to understand
08:05 that God is very much involved in your head and how you take
08:09 and use honey.
08:10 >> That tells me that God is powerful. God is also
08:15 he just spoke,
08:17 got a powerful. Also. God created a beautiful creation.
08:24 >> What are you ready for that? Or a soy noodle. They're all
08:28 out there. They're all out there going to cook a
08:30 >> being a Tia Bank going to do a strawberry milkshake. All
08:35 right. And we're going to do tofu. Vegetable stir fried Oreo
08:39 cookie. I want to end with a cheesecake which carries on.
08:43 >> That sounds right now with most of the crew have even
08:46 already. Haha.
08:50 [MUSIC]
08:53 >> Walk in memory lane, OK? We love you both. I think
08:57 abundant living is probably the longest running program.
09:01 3. It is the size. The flagship programs, the threes and salute
09:05 you giving of your time. Oh yeah. Your talent, your
09:08 energy. And really want to bring this out. We have a
09:11 special plaque.
09:12 >> Oh, yeah. Memory of take it out of here. Thanks so much.
09:17 >> This is 25 years of service. I don't know if we can see
09:21 this. Well, I read it presented to Curtis, Paula Akins. The
09:24 thief does not come except destroy. I have come that they
09:30 may have washed and that they may have it more abundantly.
09:35 Thank you for encouraging our viewers to live the abundant
09:38 life throughout the years went by 3.
09:42 >> Now with all the crew for a looping over wash, I want to
09:44 get up and give it to them and give them a hug. So if we can
09:46 just yet take that and I think we are. We love you. Got to
09:49 have you guys. Thank you so much. Thank you, Stacey.
09:53 That's our okay. Thank you. Say to that.
09:59 >> All right.
10:00 Well, we're going to finish the show.
10:04 >> Well, you know, it's about ministry. And the ministry,
10:07 as you all know, is not always easy. All right. Has its
10:11 challenges cancers. When we talk about this evening,
10:14 as you know what, you all as well and the but again, the
10:16 ministry miss about souls for the kingdom of God right now.
10:19 And why have you will stay to ministry for so many years?
10:22 Right? Because of souls because of making a difference in
10:25 somebody's life, right? What did they get? Those pitcher to?
10:28 They went on Facebook. Okay. Yeah. So it says there are
10:34 there's lots of fun rolls and you start going back to the
10:38 about the more you love to go ahead of time. But yeah,
10:45 had to come out. This is a this is not a delayed reaction of
10:48 cutting onions. Haha. So we surprise you that that. But
10:53 thank you to the crew that put all that together that shows
10:56 the care that the crew have for you all to know. So anyway,
10:59 Mister Gagnon, doctor van, send their regards to because your
11:02 program, of course, is made in a major impact in the history
11:05 of 3.
11:07 >> I think the main thing and it was just so grateful that
11:09 I'm God has put us in this ministry. And the thing is that
11:12 we just we just hate to see people hurting, you know,
11:16 and we know that if there's anything we can do that,
11:19 change their lives, to make them feel better. And the main
11:23 person you are and those guys. That's right. If we can get got
11:26 in our lives, it just makes a difference. And we're just so
11:29 grateful. Just so grateful to be used in a minister to be
11:33 able to share is spreading.
11:35 >> Okay, honey, OK, could be because I'm trying to keep from
11:43 doing the heavy a scene of the crime. OK? I'm trying to hold
11:47 back because that's what I want to go. And I'm just trying to
11:50 hold back. So if you want to stop tearing haha cannot group.
11:55 Maybe we'll go to a song while we really we come out will be
12:00 ready. Has 3 minutes. Happy. Good. Okay. What we just want
12:06 you all to know. We love you very much. We know you
12:08 sacrifice. 25 years of travel. Yeah. Hours in the car. Our
12:13 preparation, 10 hours doing that preparation on behalf of
12:17 not just the ministries medium, but you home our viewers.
12:20 You have been blast and cost because of the ministry of the
12:24 Akins. And we know that they at home our standing in for are
12:28 saying we're so grateful for. Thank you. So right now we're
12:32 going to a special song. Ginger Pictures and Tim Parton
12:35 will be playing the piano. They would be ministering.
12:39 His name is wonderful, man.
12:41 [MUSIC]
12:46 [MUSIC]
12:51 [MUSIC]
12:57 >> He's doing is wonderful.
13:02 [MUSIC]
13:06 >> It's wonderful.
13:07 [MUSIC]
13:11 >> It is wonderful.
13:13 >> She needs us.
13:21 The EU is so.
13:23 >> ID be.
13:26 >> A bit breezy
13:31 [MUSIC]
13:35 one. She says mom
13:46 >> Moore. He is the grid. H though, Rahm.
13:53 >> Oh, yeah, is.
13:57 >> Is.
14:05 [MUSIC]
14:09 >> To the.
14:14 [MUSIC]
14:17 >> I do know.
14:19 [MUSIC]
14:23 >> This was.
14:25 [MUSIC]
14:27 >> The zones
14:34 >> he sees. The great should too.
14:41 >> The rock of I yeah has t.
14:51 [MUSIC]
15:04 >> Oh, yeah is.
15:08 [MUSIC]
15:13 >> She is a U.S. law.
15:21 >> He is we.
15:33 [MUSIC]
15:38 [MUSIC]
15:42 >> Thank you, Ginger and Tim Pardon. What a fitting song.
15:45 His name is wonderful, right?
15:47 It's all about Jesus. And that's what the agents have
15:49 been all about all the years of ministry. And we again, pray
15:52 for many more good, healthy, happy years of ministry for
15:56 both of you. But again, thank you so much for being here this
15:58 evening. I know our topic is about cancer, and I want to go
16:02 back actually a just a little bit and say when they came to
16:05 3, 8, BN numbers a couple of years into your ministry here,
16:09 I was a brand new camera operator at the 99 at the
16:13 original building. And I remember I was so excited
16:16 because I had the privilege. We didn't have a gym that was
16:18 getting the food shots. We had a camera on a high platform and
16:21 we could shoot down on the food and they put me on that camera
16:24 and it was so fun. But there's a problem when you're a pie.
16:27 All the wonderful aroma float up. So cloud of all the great
16:32 cooking. So no exception here right there. It's there.
16:36 We're going to cooking. Yeah, the second hour here as well,
16:39 right? You're going to cook at all.
16:40 >> We re going to have you guys come on a set like at the tail
16:43 end of OK, we do. Oh, honey, you know, I can her intense and
16:50 you know it. You know, Breen has be with you. Yeah, I want
16:53 to be absolutely yes. Thank you for that here. So we don't.
17:00 So let's dive into the topic. Then tonight, cancer. Yeah,
17:03 we want to get started. Haha. Yeah, it's a heavy duty.
17:07 I do want to talk about tonight. Was that important the
17:10 title war on cancer? Let me just preface this.
17:15 I want people to know everybody to know that God. Here's a
17:19 loving God,
17:21 a patient guy, a long suffering gotten who enjoys
17:29 Carmody?
17:30 No disruption.
17:32 So was something disrupt.
17:35 Goss Hominy
17:38 with something creates chaos.
17:41 God gives to a point where God's hand is push where
17:47 he had to do something about that and to restore harmony.
17:52 This is what happened in heaven for us to Lucifer.
18:00 Really disrupt the harmony in heaven
18:03 to a port rig. All at hand was forced.
18:07 What about assessing rotation? 12 or 7
18:11 there was or or heaven and have a it got to a point where
18:18 enough is enough, something that could be down and what
18:23 Crist Alter said and now
18:26 story retention pay 17 great book to says that this office
18:31 says
18:32 that Angels were Marshall in companies. And when come any
18:37 angel over East company, I mean, this is an actual
18:40 physical ward or war means activity, commotion, there was
18:45 war. And this first phase of the kicked out
18:49 fast forward
18:51 in the late 1960's
18:55 cash was getting out of hand.
18:58 So Richard Nixon
19:00 in 1971,
19:02 just over 50 years ago, particularly or lung cancer.
19:09 It was increasing in Christian, right.
19:12 President Richard Nixon declared war on cancer. 1971.
19:20 Wow, just over 50 years ago, really worn long cancer in
19:26 particular because it was getting out of hand that due to
19:31 the smoking or other causes exactly like us, then
19:36 bring it on your own talk show radios, all TV news show the
19:40 movie, whatever
19:42 it was. Nothing for people to be smoking on the set, you
19:46 know, trying to Carson, whatever you people that get,
19:48 come on this open straight right there, TV, you know,
19:52 we're not you don't want to see that now, but there was still
19:54 prevalent.
19:56 And so he could clear warm Castor. And the last 50 plus
20:00 years, some 19 billion dollars has been spent
20:07 on fighting the war on cancer. Well said Bill 19 to Le Billion
20:13 dollars spent to fight the war on.
20:19 So the question is,
20:21 are we winning the war
20:24 on cancer? That's the question. Is all that money? Yeah,
20:27 when I mean, just last year, another 5.6 billion added to
20:32 that. I mean, just keeps rolling. I mean, really?
20:34 So
20:35 let's go to our first graphic, OK, out to be just perfect.
20:40 To put it put on the screen.
20:42 This may seem
20:44 contradictory or even confusing the graphic. What you're about
20:49 to see. So we'll look at it. I'm going to explain it here we
20:52 are right now. Here we go to walk cancer. So the blue line
20:57 there it is.
20:59 Cancer death. Ray, as you see that blue light, yes, just
21:03 going down. Yes, that is the best way to determine whether
21:07 or not
21:08 we're winning the war on cash, but not this is based on death
21:11 based on a group of 100,000 people. Well, my pen Saul which
21:16 won a group of 1000 people. You look at based on the death
21:19 rate. Okay. That's a death rate. So that's going down.
21:21 Yes. Like the other line. Yeah. But now that go to the
21:24 graphic again, let's look at the other line. The Red one,
21:29 the right one. That one is going. Oh, yeah, my mom.
21:32 That's the number of people dying from cancer.
21:38 Yeah. So I got to look for jail. Haha. Yes. Stickers off
21:43 Green explained that, OK, because how is it that the
21:47 death rate of cancer is going down dry with just the way to
21:53 determine whether or not we win the war on cancer,
21:56 but at the same time, the number of people dying, folk,
22:01 how service going up? It's gone. Well, I don't understand
22:04 that. I don't either. It's just one here. We help you to
22:08 explain that. Okay. Good. All right. So number one,
22:13 like I said before,
22:16 the death rate is based on 100,000 people. How many die
22:20 within that 100,000 people? Well, the appeal storm was one
22:24 of 1000 people to look at this trip. So fresh foods in certain
22:29 states in this nation,
22:32 cancer is the number one cause of death in certain states in
22:36 this nation. Wow,
22:38 Kentucky don't want no more cause of death and heart
22:41 disease is cast is a really yeah depends on which state you
22:44 look at this group, one of 1000 people to look at. All right.
22:48 So but but the point is, is that
22:51 the reason why that death rate is going down primarily due to
22:56 long cancer?
23:00 >> Because more a people
23:03 we're now being stopped, the smoking right, stop-smoking
23:06 clinics and right, you know, all this smoke and all these
23:10 clans, I mean, American Cancer Society has it stopped smoking
23:14 clinic online. My so more people are not small P s much
23:19 now. And now. I mean, who came to smoke in restaurants and
23:24 malls, et cetera. Just older Rica saw ladies smoking
23:28 cigarette in the parking lot.
23:30 It seems so out of place, but not 50 years ago for more
23:35 people are not smoking. So the 4th, this less cancer left
23:40 Castor and long cast left death and lung cancer. So it could
23:45 take the does of lung cancer the out of the way to Yemen.
23:51 There's certain cancers death rate is increased, which can be
23:57 prostate, wow, urine and liver cancers. Those cancers are
24:02 increasing. But the overall scope because the lung cancer
24:06 is decreased because most people are smoking. The overall
24:10 death rate is decreasing alight. So but
24:14 >> out of 100,100 1000 pairs on with 100,000, you know, they
24:19 just look at the blue line that can be deceiving. The real
24:22 number is the red line then to be looking at well.
24:24 >> The death, the row reason why the death rate is because
24:28 because lung cancer death rate in the current, yes, most shoes
24:33 impact both cancer overall. But now let's go to that
24:38 graphic one more time one, make sure we look at this.
24:41 All main concern is
24:43 not that the death rate is declining and the blue line
24:46 that's good.
24:47 You take the lung cancer and inquiry is that blue line would
24:52 now look the same rights but the bread line that's
24:56 increasing every single day. Like, for instance,
25:01 at the end of this interview, Greg in jail,
25:05 60 people have died of cancer. 60? Yeah, one at the end of
25:09 this first all we're going to do one out of 50 people.
25:14 We're going to die now. That's in the United States. Yes,
25:16 the United States into it's not the word. Yeah. Within this
25:20 first hour, 240 people will be diagnosed with cancer.
25:26 Diagnosed in this first all were of interview. Wow. All
25:32 right. Today at the end of the day, 1500 people diagnosed with
25:36 cancer. So more people are dying from cancer, right?
25:41 Every single day. And so with the other mom did need to be
25:45 something where we want to put more emphasis on prevention.
25:51 That's the saying goes, I'll say this. You probably can
25:54 finish this
25:55 and out prevention is worth a pound of cure. These people are
26:01 just blown me away. Gaza, just simply amazing what we've been
26:07 watching your program for. 25 haha. The 3ABN one may want
26:15 to keep these 2. Haha, thank you for the record. So the
26:19 thing is that, yes, the death rate is going down, but the
26:23 number of cancer overall wow, is increasing. Prostate,
26:28 liver and human cast. Certain is increasing far to death for
26:34 his concern. So we get more calls from mom cast that in
26:38 other calls over the well, let me just a typical cause.
26:41 And most recently we see it calls when someone was like
26:45 stage one very beginning of cancer.
26:47 >> We are now actually getting calls of people with stage 4
26:51 and phase 4 is the metastatic cancer, which means they're
26:53 going to pass any of already had chemo and radiation.
26:57 So they're actually being sent home. That is the one that
26:59 really gets us there being sent home base is nothing else they
27:02 can do. And so the calls are coming in. The more we hear.
27:06 And then we get a chance to just ask them, you know,
27:08 would you consider center already calling? Would you
27:11 consider this? And every part that we talk to people about
27:15 any disease, they have specifically cancer. We that
27:18 asked the question, how do you feel about God?
27:21 Well, you would God let stimulation. And then we have
27:24 been getting a Bible
27:26 and then we asked them, we have put and we asked him to read to
27:28 us. I don't want to read to people because when your region
27:31 and their their minds everywhere, right? But they
27:34 have to really understand that good. Then they need to write
27:36 down, have prayer for them. And I'm just here to say the
27:40 blessings of what God has done, God has shown himself to be
27:43 worthy. And because we have people who we now can actually
27:47 clarify that they've actually gone through different things.
27:50 And they've talked to God and they've changed their
27:52 lifestyles and they're still alive. They're still OK.
27:56 And so we just got to fall. Just got a text message before
27:58 we came here, one of our friends that just went to
28:01 Danville and now she's going in for her last treatment. They
28:05 everything is OK, prisons. All right. So, you know,
28:07 we get it's just it's amazing. It's just amazing to watch God
28:11 do his thing.
28:12 >> That's all. So the reason why this topic the war on
28:14 cancer? Yeah, that needs to be a war. But the war need to be
28:17 also on
28:19 prevention of a man. Yes, no or person. His diagnosis. Go right
28:23 ahead. You know, when you talk about prevention, are we
28:25 talking about dying?
28:26 >> What are we talking about? Exercise? Are we talk about a
28:29 mile long because you referenced God. Are we talking
28:33 about screening for cancer? What does prevention me?
28:36 Everything. Everything. You know, we just had passing more.
28:40 Yes.
28:41 >> So it everything you have just read. What's more since
28:44 this is all about 28 minutes left. What we want to do is
28:48 this kind of 0 in on diet, but the screens and all that kind
28:53 of thing as well. So but go based on one could change.
28:57 The journal called the Journal of Epidemiology 2019 state that
29:04 passer
29:05 what has the highest clinic,
29:09 social and economic burden on all human diseases. Cancers.
29:15 Number WOW has the most burden. Yeah. Economically. Wow.
29:20 Socially and clinically dead any other disease? No, because
29:25 of impact a half assists ITN. The treatment of some dough
29:29 sound effects of treatments, that kind of thing. So it has
29:32 so shoes burden this is tied to. So so what's it? Your
29:38 mission, our Jill, that we're going to zoom in on nutrition.
29:41 Okay. Let me just say this. And I think have to put this
29:44 book in so through Alabama and we relive Jess 2 months ago.
29:51 Haha. So my wife about Arena where we go years now is down
29:57 the best, the best place to live.
30:00 >> In the country. That is really it's just been seriously
30:03 of David, OK? Didn't know that. Just not in our opinion yet.
30:09 This is according to U.S. News and World Report live from the
30:13 report every year. The best cities to live based on set
30:17 criteria. His son Bill, though, was what I thought. Talk of the
30:22 way. Haha. Here you are based on economics and social and in
30:31 all the kind of crime on a while. So yeah, it's about 2,
30:35 2, months ago, Alabama Sabonis live.
30:39 >> And I mean, this is not booming is exploding. Wow.
30:44 I mean, really. So what with them on
30:48 the diet?
30:50 There is a 10 year study, Don,
30:55 in our home state,
30:57 a University of Alabama
31:00 in Birmingham
31:02 School to tell you a big hug, their 10 year study on cancer
31:07 mortality
31:09 and death. Well, you know, death rates are far ask adult
31:13 cancers concern white. And so this is based on 22,041 people
31:20 clout 10 year. Okay. Good. That is several dias and their
31:26 impact on cancer. 10 years. You're a big universe, Alabama.
31:32 And so of all the dogs out there, we're not going to try
31:36 next slide and we'll see what this research is says so far.
31:41 Officials concerned that this is not complementary since we
31:44 live in the South Co
31:47 the
31:48 so di it well as associated with the
31:57 mortality
31:59 with nearly a 2 fold increase.
32:03 >> Risk just to come from into journal of cancer cells around
32:10 diet diet. That's crazy. What is the southern diet
32:14 enough? That's why I want you to Axe Minnehaha. If somebody
32:20 says I live in Washington state that I'm good. I'm not in the
32:22 south in the northwest, right, right. So that's why I what I
32:26 would want to do. The act, of course, known as you can fall
32:28 through. So what is the southern diet? All right.
32:31 So that based on this research, 10 years, 22,000 people,
32:35 41 the son and I look at several Dias. It was those are
32:39 guys that consists of a lot of meat.
32:43 Oregon may interesting
32:46 fried food, numb and I have to be to do with me just fried
32:52 foods and sugary drinks really now. That's the cold soda and
32:59 diet. One person we met. One person said some time ago.
33:03 We live in in Huntsville now. Self, refi. Everything. This is
33:07 even the salad. He really just it's just a bit to try and make
33:13 organ meats and sugary drinks that die there in packs.
33:19 Cancer rate death rate more than any other die. They look
33:25 down while wearing it.
33:27 >> It doesn't really matter than, you know, once you made a
33:29 statement about people who live in Washington somewhere else.
33:31 And that means that diet, whether you are a southerner or
33:34 not, is still the diet that goes around the world yet.
33:37 So just complete yet Ziad and live in California night that a
33:42 sudden that you'd want to live in the south on me. So by who?
33:46 >> You know, system that diet, there's going to increase
33:50 cancer risk to fold.
33:52 >> Yes, that's amazing. Wow. Incredible. Yeah, that's
33:56 amazing. So the nutrition that really is the starting point
33:59 foundational, isn't it?
34:00 >> Yes, yes. So I don't go to the max graphic. Okay. All
34:06 right. So this one of the full disown this graphic. Let me
34:10 just preface this. First of all,
34:14 certain studies
34:16 our good when we look at a farce with I had to deal with
34:20 relationship to cancer. All right. Certain studies and look
34:23 at the result
34:25 that study asked moist wrath when there's several studies
34:30 combined.
34:32 We get the results, right? So you have one study results
34:36 show that, okay. That's something it may help result of
34:39 5 studies together with the results are even more strength
34:44 in just one study by self. Now that makes sense. This
34:47 study is to meant to analysis, which is several studies.
34:52 Good come by. And the results of that study
34:56 those studies, this is not just 5 studies together.
35:00 This is not just 20 studies together.
35:03 This is the result of 17 to rules studies while come by and
35:10 the results. 72 studies on cancer and die relationship to
35:15 death for a while. So let's see based on this meta-analysis of
35:20 72 studies come by nahla school to the screen. Let's see what
35:25 it says. The foreign desk CAS is concerned.
35:29 Here it is. All right. Full chemistry. Just last year,
35:33 100 grams, a day of red meat.
35:38 They can 50 grams. A day of processed meat was associated
35:45 with up to 51% and 72% higher cancer risk respectively.
35:55 >> Wow. All right. So let me just come out with that.
35:59 If you are here, wow.
36:03 West, 100 grams of red meat.
36:07 All right. So
36:09 without mentioning any major food store chain's restaurants,
36:15 just think of off the top 3 rest walk to store things,
36:19 right? That was fast food, fast food, right? So people are we
36:23 have that in my case,
36:26 all those restaurants there, Lars second, sure,
36:30 hamburger,
36:33 it is just over 100 grams reeling now, right? So you can
36:39 take any of those fast food restaurants,
36:42 their signature marceca Cerberus Kerr, wherever that is
36:47 and probably have idea what that is. That's just over one
36:52 100 grams of beef. Sure. Well, all right. Without
36:57 mentioning night, all right. Some like 110, 120 Excedrin.
37:05 So you held one of those burgers
37:08 cross
37:10 French fries.
37:12 His wife, food.
37:18 Wow, is to rest up. You know, we on this, then why? That's
37:23 what people are dying from cancer.
37:26 >> Every day and is increasing at an increasing rate at the
37:30 end of this program, they would be 60 people who have died of
37:34 cancer
37:35 because of that.
37:36 >> All right. That that's really heavy. Yeah. What is
37:39 someone saying? But I like my coke. I want my fried okra or
37:42 my fried green tomatoes. I want my steak. What can I do?
37:47 I mean, what can I can I still eat something bad that is
37:51 pleasing but yet won't increase the risk of cancer.
37:54 >> They say this is where did die. It comes to honey.
37:58 You have such a great big boy. You had a Yahoo. I'm telling
38:03 you so big. So I think is this.
38:06 >> We know with the super foods of everybody has Super Foods
38:09 they grew up with. These are things they had when they were
38:11 living with their mom and daddy and when a group become adults
38:14 ago still eat that way. So are the thing is it was a super
38:18 food that you like. So odd thing is a study to super foods
38:21 of different groups like her said the South has a different
38:24 super food group than someone in North has a different suit,
38:27 food group. So when we look at that and my job is to how can
38:31 we then fix of food that looks like acts like smells like
38:35 economically to what they're used to having. And this is
38:39 where the gracious God comes in. Remember when we first
38:42 started doing programming before we even got on 3ABN when
38:46 I asked the father as he was changing my diet out on from
38:49 the north. So I ate all that stuff. Tucker says talk about
38:51 and more. And so when he sought changing my diet out and say
38:55 what I had to move out the way I was like, how is that going
38:58 to work? And honestly, he said on the creator of all things,
39:02 I can show you what to do well, and in the kitchen was when he
39:05 began developing the meat patties and although the french
39:09 fries and stuff, so we learned how to do the things that
39:12 people still like, you know, healthier format. So we got
39:16 them when it comes to stuff. I just got a message from
39:19 someone a few months ago asking me about that corn bread I make
39:23 or break talk or breathe out. Try to use that healthy stuff
39:26 in my corner. It breaks all a part of a we've got to talk
39:29 about how to keep that going break. And so we just say so
39:33 far it has huge. What is a Super Foods you eat with?
39:36 You still love today. Oak Harbor is one for sure. We will
39:39 see cornbread with that. You're a lasagna. Let's
39:47 terminal so so did. My thing is when we go away on a trip to
39:51 Bermuda, the Bahamas where we're going, my thing is the
39:54 study when they call us what is a super food, some of your
39:57 group and therefore, I'm going to take to them. They're Super
40:01 foods. And that's why so successful now, every now that
40:04 someone will say we want those American for that, we're not
40:07 going to bring those. But we do bring them. We do bring down.
40:09 But the bottom line is that where main thing is, where are
40:12 the people at? Yeah, and how can we change it now? Some
40:15 things you really cannot change, OK, but you can come
40:18 very close to it. And before when we used to have to make
40:22 everything from scratch, we're just so grateful because this
40:25 is really a paradise for anybody who wants to go vegan
40:28 vegetarian because we now have all these companies fighting
40:30 with each other, trying to be on top of it. I'm not going to
40:33 call you names out. But once again, they're helping us now.
40:36 You can now tell people how to go and get things even when
40:39 you're dining out. Well, not asked to stop their dining out,
40:43 but when we have seen it, we've seen it. The healing done with
40:46 people have changed their lifestyle lifestyle, along with
40:50 the thumb of nutrition as well.
40:52 >> So is always hope because there's somebody that's a home
40:54 right now saying my goodness, I have had Miko, I've had my
40:58 french fries and a burger for 440 years. My body's probably
41:02 shot. There's no hope, Miles. There's always hope so. They
41:05 can be reversed into a little bit. Yeah. And just because you
41:09 may eat a high meat diet, fried foods and coke, etcetera.
41:14 >> Doesn't mean that you want to get cancer. That's right.
41:15 And those who don't eat those things while walking can just
41:19 like we're in a seat belt. So if you're wearing a seat
41:22 belt, you get into all of the accident.
41:27 It does that mean that we're the seatbelt would guarantee
41:30 that you will not get hurt. That's a good point. Is simply
41:32 reduce your risk of getting hurt, hoping are accident.
41:36 When she Belton, you still get her to actually dive boats
41:40 right to rest is severely low my way to thought. So these
41:44 kind of things did I put this guy just by putting on a
41:49 seatbelt, right? So therefore, it reduced the risk of getting
41:53 hurt now sold. But those restaurants that people were
41:57 thinking, oh, yeah, this in your mind that I was in those
42:01 voters. Yes,
42:02 those same last won. A lot of people think in all. They also
42:07 held meat alternatives are also now on their menu without
42:13 mentioning any names. So this is like not mainstream boasts a
42:17 restaurant. Also house options me less was on a burger,
42:22 but it's meat list of options as well. Sodus best 50. So if
42:27 you go ahead, yes, exactly. They're eliminating for now.
42:32 The other graphic don't own a graphic. Also says
42:36 50 grams a day process. Me. Yeah. Can be up to 72% risk of
42:44 cancer. Right process me is even worse than the red meat.
42:49 Wow.
42:51 Process me now we go into the culture.
42:54 I'm going to demonstrate what 50 grams of processed meat look
43:02 like. OK? Wow. So we're talking about baloney salami ham so
43:09 they can just saw was just hot dog. What the U.S. 50 grams of
43:14 processed because you've got to buy treats, right? So the
43:17 second hour you're going to you're going to call out,
43:19 demonstrating into the cash. And so therefore, people is too
43:22 good. Looks tonight like go ahead.
43:25 >> No, so then so then we also have some special things that
43:28 we've done
43:29 to actually increase the information because our main
43:32 thing with the people is the right now, they're already
43:34 going to a disease. So they're they're looking for answers.
43:38 Yeah, so our thing is says demand your commanding them
43:41 were like, are you willing to make some changes set in if
43:46 they're not willing that we're not going to go anywhere but
43:48 they'll say, yes, I'm willing. Then we then go to work,
43:52 trying to show them how they can change things out. Like
43:54 once again, the French fries, we have an oven baked French
43:58 fry you can make in of and I think you hurt yourself and
44:03 making french fries and the chips to go a long way. At the
44:06 same thing with the burger. We got the burger going on.
44:09 Even when it comes to dining out. We're program 1.3 BN
44:12 called dining out. People say what you do when you're out on
44:14 the stream. How do you get you get quality at lunch time.
44:17 What are you going to do? And we actually have named the
44:19 restaurant. What you can get at those restaurants that are
44:22 plant based. Our new word is not vegetarian. Does not.
44:26 The guest told yeah, those words really turned people.
44:29 All right. The new term out there now it's called Plant
44:32 Beijing plant based. All right, right? Answer fighting the good
44:36 news. Yes. So what about our our thing? Because at times
44:40 movie, I see that. So therefore, now. So let me just
44:43 say this. So
44:45 >> I'm really Huntsville, Alabama. I'm just wrote.
44:48 A woman caught one of the best places to live is not one.
44:53 0, it is easy. But number 1, 1,
44:59 they are really ill.
45:01 The Clearview.
45:02 >> Cancer is to to if the Premier Cancer Institute in the
45:08 region. Well, I don't know about what you need to develop.
45:10 HEPA come all around me is at the cutting edge. We're clear.
45:14 Yes, so they there and we've been volunteers there for 15
45:18 years. Heavy, really to people going through treatment given
45:21 want blank isn't about to test out. New jokes is one. Haha.
45:26 So but yeah, I would defer their 15 year. And so we talked
45:31 to had a meeting with the chief operating officer last week.
45:37 Hi, Michelle. I think that in there. So she should withdraw
45:41 because only could you ask so what they do to reduce their
45:46 risk of lung cancer. They also do recall is a dental screening
45:52 where you may go and what cask and for war gallbladder.
45:58 There's a knowledge on the long. Let me follow that,
46:01 OK? So only for Arkansas in as a nation, does that more by
46:05 doing it now? Okay and away. So they gave us a call. And
46:08 >> and quickly said with that, the call that we got from could
46:12 be cast as you to a far as doing some cooking shows,
46:15 honey. So we had to change out of the individuals who overall
46:18 volunteers and when she change out, another woman took her
46:21 place.
46:23 >> And when she took the place, they called us in and they want
46:25 to talk to Kirsten, I and the first thing he said was we
46:27 would like to do some cooking shows a clear view Cancer
46:30 Institute play no cooking shows when they said that. I said,
46:35 wait a minute. I'm just thinking of my head cancer.
46:38 I don't know that he didn't say it. Now is that now we only
46:42 cook plant base rent. Okay.
46:45 >> And so she said that no, no problem, no problem, no
46:47 Yahoo's. She said whatever we're going to do. Some shows
46:51 like this shows with you guys on that.
46:53 >> Because he said that I was being on race to watching you
46:56 guys cooking well, and he did so.
47:04 >> We said, all right. So we've got everything set up. They had
47:06 a place for us to go into the foods. They did everything you
47:09 do. And so.
47:10 >> We're going to show that when are we not yet. So we
47:12 somehow taped 6 does really brief cooking shows on Quibi
47:17 Cancer Institute's website. Often Reber wrote that. The
47:20 Good news is our trio came in the 32nd the role. So good.
47:24 You got road at this time, OK? Let's go to that.
47:30 >> Hey, folks. Welcome to cooking for Clearview Curry.
47:35 The meals that controlled. That's why my name is Curtis
47:39 Akins. I'm a member of loose and a natural pass. Former
47:42 employee at the Huntsville Hospital 2 years, indigestion
47:45 in the last 7 years as neural surgery, that brain and spinal
47:48 cord.
47:50 >> What about the self? And I called in and we're so glad to
47:53 be with you. I'm a nutritionist on the food solace from Dennis
47:56 Rader. Also they can to somebody who I think you're
48:02 going to make a baby. I think you're going to pull through.
48:04 Yes, all right.
48:05 >> The little ball souls are redo, couldn't class you could
48:07 do so throughout the nation. Canada in tribute to the last
48:10 29 years, who also hosts a program called Abundant Living
48:14 is to live talk show airs on 3 Angels broadcasting network of
48:18 over 24 years. But now we're cooking.
48:21 >> For clear who this is a mini series or meal plan. And that's
48:26 why milk and honey, let's talk about that. Let's kind of tease
48:29 of people just a little bit. You have got to watch the
48:32 series because we might start off with a breakfast menu.
48:35 Moon this. We're going to go to a much new commercial, OK with
48:40 and not down. Flat out. Not down. Drag out now. That means
48:45 good. Yeah, OK for interpretation. I want to get
48:47 almost up together. So you want to say by when the program I
48:52 can't wait, baby.
48:55 [MUSIC]
48:59 >> So has done that in the first asked the question.
49:03 They said, I said, well, I really don't have a kitchen for
49:06 that kind of thing is will find, you could just and they
49:09 said, and they want to do for programs. And it just so
49:11 happened that was right around this time for Thanksgiving and
49:14 Christmas. Well, so they actually for for programs.
49:17 And then we say it is said, what about Thanksgiving and
49:19 Christmas, these a full cancer people who are going through
49:21 cancer. This is on your premier site and so people can go and
49:25 see that see what's going on. And there's also on YouTube as
49:28 well. And we've been getting hits from saying, Oh, my
49:31 goodness, we can do. We can think and consider plant based
49:34 evening. So workers one-man show because I got to keep
49:37 those seas going to use it.
49:38 >> Could get footwork. Clearview. Haha. Really,
49:43 Holly and no other cancer institutes route cooking
49:46 instruction.
49:48 >> In the country, I mean, almost not existent. This is no
49:51 credible opportunity. They got his own free will because like
49:54 you said, this is where the cutting as institutions.
49:56 Yeah. On cancer and here you all are. Yeah. Presenting plan
50:00 to allow a man in the south and heart of the castle del.
50:05 Yeah, he's a man is just amazing. So in a way.
50:09 >> So Lord, so we we all we would just really help people
50:14 of those men diagnosed saw preventive cancer. We have a
50:18 special that we're going to all from. This is a controlling
50:22 cancer conference that we did there. Huntsville, Alabama,
50:25 at the merry out to all were profess to be tape on to the
50:30 days of all cancer and a food. Some of the things that we
50:33 talked about, what causes castor part will come Kohl's,
50:37 herbal medicine, etcetera, bomb a pastor. He's on here as well.
50:42 Talking about the dog to spiritual impact and so as call
50:46 control any cancer conference. All right now. So this can be a
50:51 special on the go ahead to actress role for my phone
50:55 number. You're going to wrap site with mission as well.
50:58 But just 48 95. But for today, because his 25 years on 3.
51:06 But haha top of my head about 25 haha. Wow. Like so they get
51:15 to 2. And even the set was like 20 left to become star. Going
51:20 to digital, OK? Why don't we go out? And then those sort of
51:23 that when you call the first 25 call, too, was also we
51:28 partnership with the American into 2 off cancer research.
51:33 This is one of the most all respected pastor institutions,
51:37 not just United States, but in the entire world. When it comes
51:41 to nutrition, wow and cancer. I mean, as a whole lot layout
51:46 here, Fars four-to-five toll all full toll 5 will come up.
51:51 I heart base passer foods.
51:54 >> At your fingertips. So that goes with this DVD. So you've
51:57 got the entire world right now at their phones or has good.
51:59 Yeah. Better provide the number that they're to call the
52:03 website to go on the schoolyard number. Okay. Yeah. That's put
52:06 the number of those listening as well. Radio, 2, 5, 6,
52:12 >> 6, 8, 3, 5, 1, 9, 8, That number again is 2, 5, 6,
52:18 6, 8, 3, 5, 1, 9, 8, And this is a very limited time. I was
52:26 TV's and also thank you for that. Crime has gone on to help
52:31 people do that. And now.
52:33 >> So I think about that in the last time we came here, we talk
52:35 about the abundant living center. Yeah. Also so t where
52:39 people come to where we are right there in Huntsville and
52:42 Huntsville, Alabama, the best place to live. Haha people more
52:48 people are coming so have to stop there right now. This
52:51 right off to a so with that update on that. This will
52:54 update us on where panel open up our doors before this year's
52:57 overall. Okay at all and gain cooking instruction just a
53:03 little bit about the cooking portion. When we open up our
53:06 doors once again, they will be able.
53:07 >> Where I used to do classes of people sit and watch.
53:10 When the abundant living center, they will actually have
53:12 their stations and they actually cook the food while
53:16 they're with us so they can learn how to always good hands
53:19 on. Yeah, and then go away. We also have also a part of it
53:22 a garden. Then go out and learn how to garden and prepared your
53:25 own stuff. Lemon garden to bring inside and eat as well.
53:29 So educate, educate, educate as the name of our game. We can
53:32 educate them. Now you do know the in educational portion
53:36 there is a spiritual part. Yeah. Haha. So they got to that
53:39 part to say they will also be doing that as well. I want to
53:41 cause a disco with description is one of my favorites. Good
53:45 and curse words at Scotia found at.
53:47 >> Isaiah 26 and verse 3 and above us. And the outlook keep
53:52 him and perfect peas whose mind is stay on the cob, the
53:59 trustee, the trust and 8. So the bottom line is that.
54:02 >> When we're in with God, when we know that he cares for us,
54:05 we know that no matter what happens with all the chaos of
54:08 everything going on around us, gossip, I can give you a piece,
54:11 though. I can give you a piece of sustaining peas, if you
54:14 would just check in with me, asked me what's going on.
54:18 Don't get worked up. Every time something happens. I don't care
54:20 what it looks like. I'm still in charge of everything and I
54:23 will always be in charge of everything. It's like I'm back
54:26 the take you home. And he says, but I want your mind as your
54:29 mind to stay on the not just on will keep you in perfect peace.
54:31 But as your mind, so how do we keep them on state on God could
54:35 quickly get up in the morning. And we thank you for a new day.
54:38 We get up in the morning. We had that divine worship with
54:40 God we get up in the morning with as a matter of fact in our
54:43 family it off and remembers when we get up. Chris are
54:46 praying for all the different people. This is what I say to
54:49 God.
54:50 There's a scripture says if a man a woman has not committed
54:52 sent to death, you can stand in proxy for him. No, yes. And so
54:57 with that, I'm honestly father, all those that have not called
55:00 on you this morning in our family, whatever we're just
55:03 saying, good morning in their place in case you don't speak
55:06 and they'll say anything. He was just an proxy for them
55:09 and say thank you for this day. That was a beautiful so that
55:12 perfect peace and you go, you know, you know, 3ABN talk about
55:16 this all the time. When you are in with the lower, I don't care
55:20 what my cancer things we have been through. It all lies a
55:23 dark, dark tunnels where we thought it's not going to work.
55:27 It is not possible. We had this on realistic faith to know.
55:31 I don't care what it looks like. God is still in charge
55:34 and so it it swells things where he says I stand at the
55:37 intersection of your life. I'm standing there at the
55:40 intersection that my hand out. Yeah. If you would just take my
55:43 hand because you don't know the way north South East or West
55:46 Way, your journey is going to go. Just take my hand. Let me
55:49 take take your hand. And he says on the only one, the only
55:52 one that knows the way through the wilderness. All you have to
55:54 do is follow.
56:02 Mason, that's just 1 7,014. 86 now go to really is
56:08 different. And we're going to hang this.
56:10 >> If I haha, we do have a Web site. Learn more about the been
56:18 living center and opened the door inside the website is
56:22 abundant.
56:23 >> Living center dot net again, abundant living center dot net.
56:29 And those who are we contributed was so great for
56:32 those who are contributing. So I just want to make sure
56:36 people be aware this. We just want to make a difference in
56:38 flatten that curve off.
56:40 >> And certainly, Martin, yes, and I want to mention this to
56:43 thank you for bringing that up, but that they are faith based
56:46 ministry. And so many of you have stood with the Akins
56:49 through the years. Some of your brand new with some of you may
56:52 never have that today. Tonight is the night it actually help
56:55 support them. So with the work that they're doing, not only
56:58 here, 3 ABN, but continued, even when you leave here and go
57:00 back to your ministry there, they're going to marvelous
57:02 work. So we stand behind, of course, the Akins and what
57:05 they're doing. So if you feel impressed with all the Holy
57:07 Spirit impressing you to give this evening, please support
57:10 them because they're doing a fantastic work. Was put that
57:12 website up. They can donate right on the yes side. There's
57:15 a play to your 5. A one. C 3 tax. Yes, absolutely.
57:18 So pretty to look for what you're doing.
57:20 >> A man and I'm excited because the next hour coming
57:24 up, I'm all about food and we're going to get to taste
57:28 some of that food. Yeah, I think both of them that,
57:31 hey, just want to thank you both so much. To have an
57:33 incredible heart from ministry in for people want to encourage
57:36 you at home to stand in support with the contrite financially
57:39 with your prayers. And if you need that help reach out to
57:43 them, I know that they'll be glad to help. You will see you
57:45 in just a couple months
57:46 [MUSIC]
57:51 [MUSIC]
57:56 [MUSIC]


Revised 2022-07-28