3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220025B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 >> Well, welcome back to 3ABN behind the scenes. The
00:12 second hour. I know the first hour went by in a hurry.
00:15 We place a musical chairs. But thank you so very much for
00:18 being here with us this evening. We always look forward
00:21 to spending this time with you again. Thanks for being a part
00:23 of our 3.80, in family and speaking of family, Joe,
00:26 we have more on around the table.
00:28 >> We do. It was an exciting first hour just talking about
00:32 our upcoming fall homecoming for we want you to come in
00:36 person. We're very excited about that September. 22
00:39 through 24. And then I'm excited just about 03:00PM plus
00:43 and the aspects for evangelism and the way that we can share
00:48 the gospel through a program or inviting people in your home
00:52 and watching that series in your home. So wonderful aspects
00:56 with 3ABN. Plus, you can just go to Fabian, plus, DOT TV.
01:00 And then those brand new programs coming out with dare
01:03 to dream. There's a lot happening at 3ABN, and the
01:08 second hour, we're going to talk to some more than 3 Min
01:10 family. We have Eldred 80 Quinn who is the past oral manager of
01:15 our pastoral department. And we're just so grateful you
01:19 are here tonight.
01:20 >> This is a fun, fun time. We're going to learn a lot
01:23 and
01:26 we're going to learn law.
01:27 >> Talk about prison ministry, Pastor Department. It's a it's
01:31 a major aspect of 3 things you need to way of touching
01:33 people's lives. And 3 ad is all about evangelism and you get to
01:37 talk to people on the phone on a daily basis and what a
01:40 privilege.
01:41 >> And what a privilege dollars like to say that work on the
01:43 pulse of what's really going on, because we're going to
01:46 actually talk to the people who are on a daily basis. We're
01:48 getting the same kind of what the pluses are in the world
01:51 today. And what are the negatives? I'm going to my
01:53 world, those that
01:56 that are excited than those that are dreading. So, you
02:00 know, it's just so wonderful. It's a wonderful, wonderful
02:04 opportunity to
02:06 share Jesus in the marketplace.
02:08 >> I'm coming around the table. Of course, we have your wife.
02:12 We didn't don't want to neglect to mention Chelsea Clinton,
02:15 who is not with you tonight, but we love her is well coming
02:19 around the table. Pastor John, then Z and of course, your wife
02:23 Missus didn't seem. But Pastor Johnny is the general manager
02:28 of 3ABN, Latino. And we're so grateful you're here tonight.
02:33 >> It's a blessing to be here and we just praise the Lord
02:36 because he continues to do things that you can say praise
02:40 the Lord.
02:42 >> And on a personal night, your note here, oldest son,
02:46 same deal just got married. And earlier this week we had a
02:51 you all put on a beautiful reception for them.
02:54 >> Yes. Can you believe it? The he's married now. Praise
02:58 the Lord. A beautiful young lady. A new mission tell now
03:03 part of the chant Obama D now shut until then see
03:07 maybe a slash and everybody in this hard to believe isn't
03:11 really well. The sun now is married. Hard to believe.
03:14 You know, I was just during the recession and I looked at him.
03:18 He says he was just that a small little guy, you know.
03:21 But now he's I thriving young man that is, you know, waiting
03:28 for the Lord to guide his steps and really is involved in music
03:32 ministry and the Lord is using him so oppressive. Look for
03:36 that.
03:37 >> I'm in coming around the table. Closer to Greg and I
03:40 hear is Bruce Chance who's the manager of 3 Vans Donation
03:44 center and you and your wife and Tammy really started that
03:49 department actually almost 20 years ago when you're around.
03:53 >> Yeah, con gets by.
03:56 >> Where the going to describe in more detail what the
03:59 donation department is all about. You see some of this
04:01 stuff is displayed in front of us. We're going to talk about
04:03 some of those items here in the in a few moments. We're
04:06 blessed. And we've actually you have heard a number of nails
04:09 here at 3.18, into not only been part of the department,
04:12 even part of 3 months since basically the beginning them so
04:15 poured concrete, you know, very footer building.
04:19 >> Yeah, we love and appreciate you and Tammy and just so
04:22 grateful to have you here tonight as well. Thank you.
04:25 >> And before we go to the Postal Department and a prison
04:28 ministry, this just again, talk about can you mentioned
04:30 September? 22 to 24th and a gentleman
04:34 cam is a fun time is that we haven't had an in-person
04:37 campaigning in awhile, OK? You heard that right in person.
04:41 So you can actually come here to 3 avion's worship center and
04:44 join us for camping. What a blessing can be and what it is.
04:47 What does it mean to you? All the things stick out to you
04:49 about having can't meeting here 3 again, Pastor Johnny?
04:52 >> Well, can't meeting. It's a wonderful time tool. Meet some
04:57 of the people that watch 3 D and it just, you know, be
05:00 wonderful. Everyone could come, but we don't have that much
05:02 space, which we did. And, you know, we like to go around
05:08 where where the people are camping in like that. And it's
05:10 a nice experience to see them. And they're very happy to be
05:13 here. And some of them say this is I haven't missed a single
05:17 one school.
05:18 You see some of familiar faces, but the the fellowship not
05:23 suspect of it is also very inspiring because you can watch
05:28 online. Of course you can watch 3 avn can't meeting online.
05:31 But being here seems to amplify the blessing. It is to find a
05:36 man and a fellowship in together. This is just
05:39 wonderful experience.
05:41 >> Well, Uber says it's a great experience to meet some of our
05:44 donors. Yes, and we get a chance to, you know, get a
05:49 little more personal with them and and some of the areas
05:53 around the country. It's very interesting.
05:56 >> True what they bring with them know. That's a good point.
05:58 You know, that's that's really a good point. And it's
06:01 interesting. The theme is meeting our family right and
06:04 family, but you did.
06:06 >> Well, the 2 words that come to my mind number was
06:08 refreshing. Yes, a time of refreshing for all involved.
06:12 You know, people are hungry to hear the word up close and it's
06:16 also a time of renewal. Good. It's amazing.
06:21 It's amazing how people
06:23 you don't know. That know you have you here that want you
06:28 here 10,000 times. And it's so that's a refreshing because the
06:33 face is familiar, you know, but boy, you're searching and your
06:36 crime sailors, a name tag or some place someplace. And of
06:40 course, you see people that you've known your whole life.
06:42 They come in, but an exciting so exciting time we get to do
06:47 if you've never been to 3ABN, it is a true gift just to take
06:51 a tour. Yeah, that's right. Because I mean, you organize
06:54 detours during camp in, don't you? Well on involved? Yes,
06:58 you know, I get
07:00 I get to say, please do this, do this, do this and I sit back
07:04 and kind of watch and then so they get to come into the
07:08 studio coming to the studio. I come throughout through 3ABN
07:12 and it's kind of while like
07:15 this is what we call studio. And this is what they see all
07:20 the time at home as they walk through the door.
07:25 Oh, yes, yes. Oh, yes. But that's what chill sits next
07:30 were Craig Sense. That's what Dan Ainge said. Surely no,
07:34 I was just absolutely amazing. Fun times. And it's a fun,
07:37 fun, fun time.
07:39 >> So if you will, go ahead. I'm just going to say and then
07:41 they come out from the back story here, the main production
07:44 building and then there walked over the donation bill there.
07:47 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Good to go there and go
07:49 shopping. Absolutely.
07:52 >> Partin met with the donation center is actually a donation
07:54 center. Bruce, tell us what that is briefly. We'll talk
07:56 about these items later. But what is the donation
07:58 center? Because people think about that like county to give
08:00 a credit card information or other nation, right? But it's a
08:02 little different. Actually. We take physical items and turn
08:06 them into money for the lord's work and now and so we have any
08:10 based or which we're going to get into that a little bit
08:12 lighter. And we advertise on the e-bay store, a lot of these
08:17 gifts that's brought in. And so that way I have other
08:21 avenues that I so are actually also so
08:25 I actually sell the items. Were I get that
08:28 the biggest bang for my buck Yahoo.
08:30 >> And it goes to the Lord's work here. 3ABN was praised,
08:32 offer that, you know, that's a really good point. So and we're
08:35 going to get contact information here in a few
08:37 moments. But if you actually reach out to Bruce and then
08:40 you're coming to camping, you might actually bring some was
08:43 honest with you after you talk to Bruce team is Asher. You
08:45 come into camp in good time. Just bring along with you.
08:47 So we'll talk about some of those details in just a couple
08:50 of minutes. But again, if you want to be spears, the Fed to
08:53 cammy, you also want to be physically fed because we'll
08:55 have free food here. Come to can mean you've got an R v and
08:58 want to know where to camp come to 3, 8, in Camden because we
09:01 have free RV space. You're like man. I want my kids to go to
09:04 some type of meetings come to camp because we have kids
09:07 meetings as well like a beautiful scenery in all of the
09:10 United States. It's unknown or 3 good fall camp. And you are
09:14 invited to come first pitch of feasting number. 23 to through
09:18 24 starting Thursday night, full days and a great
09:22 fellowship. But again, looking forward to them.
09:24 >> And our theme, of course, we talked about the first hour,
09:26 but it's over coming through crime. Thank you. We have an
09:29 income credible lineup of your 3 D and family speakers as well
09:33 as Doctor David Shin and past Whitley. Phipps will be here as
09:36 well. We have news using music of artists who will be blessing
09:41 our Souls. Danny, speaking for church and baby inside a school
09:44 panel sabbath morning. So we're just looking forward to it.
09:46 If you bring your RV, you have to reserve a spot. In Vancouver
09:51 Point, it is first come first served. There's no charge for
09:54 the RV spots, but it is first come first serve. When we run
09:58 out. We run out. So make sure you can e-mail us. The call
10:01 centers not open tonight but you can e-mail us male and 3ABN
10:05 DOT TV. That's male and a I L at 3ABN Dot TV or you can call
10:11 us during regular business hours at 618-627-4651, in just
10:18 say yes. I want to come to camp meeting and I want to reserve
10:22 my RV spot and you'll be put in touch with someone in our call
10:27 center and they will connect you and sign you up for that.
10:30 We also have 10 teams spots available. We have a shower
10:32 house. So it's like I'm being in the state park or something
10:36 where you can, you know, go to the shower house and use the
10:39 facilities there. But you can camp and that's free. We got
10:42 lots of grass mown grass for you to camp and there's also
10:47 area hotels. If you prefer to do that, you can check that out
10:52 as well.
10:53 >> Yeah, fun time. We're going to say something, Bruce about.
10:55 I mean, I was just going say the price of fuel. They might
10:58 want to consider bringing their RV here in hand with us the
11:01 keys.
11:02 >> Let me ask you, this has not happened. Borders has people
11:06 have people that are visited many times over the
11:09 >> last few years. And I have into partly calls all the time,
11:13 want to know if we have any Arby's.
11:15 >> So in other words, they could to bring their RV,
11:17 told her car leave, donated RV to 3, been take the car back
11:20 home or whatever, fly home, why home where they can make pretty
11:23 arrangements if they'd like. You don't want to just saying
11:26 thank you for bringing that up because, you know, this is
11:28 just, you know, because these are people's personal items.
11:30 Absolutely. You know, that means something to them,
11:32 too sentimental value. And they know something that the they
11:35 put their money into. And then when it's turned are donated
11:37 over to 3ABN like you said, you do the best you can to get the
11:40 best bang for the buck. And it goes right into evangelism.
11:44 So we want to provide all kinds of avenues for you to be able
11:47 to support the work of 3ABN
11:50 for the J D I C down there circling some word or sentence.
11:54 There are no. You've got so much to talk about Pastoral
11:56 Ministries Prison ministries. Tell us what's going on.
11:59 There are a lot of us are more say something real quick,
12:01 please.
12:03 >> Big big plus here at 3. A B and this area here. No red
12:06 lights.
12:08 >> Well, just a little blinking stoplight in the eye. He wants
12:12 the ball get to go back to Texas, not get to go through
12:15 Dallas and that type of thing you forget, you know, we're a
12:19 small town. USA are small and oh, what a blessing it is.
12:22 And there was a guest that was in our car just the other day.
12:24 We're driving into Thompsonville from West
12:26 Frankfort in the tops of them and little sign there says 550
12:29 people and they said
12:31 550 people. Is that accurate? I'm like, well, as far as I
12:34 know, yeah, everybody could be a few cows. What we are small
12:39 town USA. But the Lord is doing it things and actually got with
12:42 always amazing to him. People come here, they say, wow,
12:45 look at the core going across the street, the soybeans and
12:48 the satellite dishes, the Internet that's putting the
12:50 gospel out from this spot. Absolutely ordained of God.
12:54 And so a lot of people say we're standing on holy ground
12:56 and we believe that not because us have made it wholly, but
13:00 because the Lord Jesus Christ has made a holy ground. So what
13:04 a privilege and a prison ministry, Pastor Department.
13:08 >> First of all, those 14 of us and pressure ministry. Wow.
13:12 And that's a lot of people that probably do 30 people's
13:15 responsibilities. This is 3ABN is one of these places were God
13:21 gives us the energy to be able to get everything done.
13:23 >> Because there's just so much. And that includes
13:26 employees and volunteers, right? A combination way to go
13:29 back to the right.
13:30 >> And people are hungry to work in this particular
13:33 department because they get to mingle with with people,
13:36 you know, that are around the world. It's just amazing.
13:41 Mark, talk about real quick. My I got my broken down into
13:44 passports and I can just go through this quickly. Number
13:47 one is prayer warriors. There's people that pray for people
13:51 praying is so very important because we're looking for
13:54 miracles. There's a people's that can hardly. Well coming up
13:56 to me, just read the bottom line here. This letter right
13:59 here. This came from California.
14:03 I think I was only about 50 years of age when I first was
14:06 impressed to support 3ABN. But now my friends, I'm getting
14:09 close to 80. We've been watching for 30 years. Yeah,
14:13 I have a prayer request. The prayer requests for the
14:16 healing of my swollen feet and ankles and legs a dame.
14:21 It was very serious. I have a very serious health. A problem.
14:27 Somebody is the pride for that man. Yeah,
14:30 but he's been watching for 30 years. He's experienced
14:32 miracles. And so here is calling on have a prayer
14:35 requests. He's got 2 pages here. It took him 3 lives.
14:38 That's what you really want to say. I need some help for
14:42 somebody there that can pray. Here's a letter that was
14:45 addressed to you, Greg. Just a note to thank you. Thank you.
14:50 May be a little bit too late for the loving words. You
14:53 saying helping to take the gospel to the world. Please
14:56 pray for me and my daughter. Her name is Dion. We live
15:00 together. She 52 years old. I take care of her by myself.
15:04 Not really about myself. God is here with us. Please
15:09 pray for us. Respectfully.
15:13 That's who that's part of being a prayer warrior. We have all
15:17 these prayer warriors. Now we're getting request around
15:20 the world around the world. I mean, I'm not saying from New
15:23 York to California, but around the world,
15:28 we have currently the 2503 people that if unrolled
15:33 volunteer news, prayer warriors around the world here, again,
15:37 not just New York to California around the world,
15:41 twice a week we send up prayers request and
15:45 then they take those prayer requests and they pray for
15:48 them. There's no formula here of how to do this. How to do
15:52 this. One is a different relation ship with cheeses.
15:55 But anyway,
15:56 if you have a prayer request,
15:58 just go to our home page. The simplicity of it is go to
16:02 the home page. Top Blue line up there has a word name says past
16:06 oral just touch pass store GAAP brought down and then tell you
16:10 what to do to write in your prayer request.
16:14 I got swell wrinkles. Can you please pray for me being
16:18 submitted? It comes and goes out to our prayers around the
16:21 world.
16:23 >> JD in other ways texting as well. Right? You get it through
16:25 texting which we can put that number up to 618-228-3975,
16:28 and those per request. Make it to you as well. A man.
16:31 >> A man. This is really a very well oiled machine. It is over
16:37 over the years. You we've gone from a Milan, Paul operation
16:41 now to a very sophisticated operation because of all the
16:45 technology that we have is just amazing.
16:47 >> What if someone wants to become a prayer warrior,
16:50 you explain how to submit a prayer requests to finding
16:53 someone to pray for me. But one of someone's watching right now
16:56 are listening on the radio and says I want to become involved.
16:59 I want to get that email twice a week so I can pray for other
17:04 people now need. I want to be a prayer warrior, a man who they
17:07 do that.
17:08 >> Well to do that. Go right back to the home page. Look up
17:11 on that. Top blue line up there says Pastoral, go down. It says
17:16 want to be a prayer Warrior k and fill it out. Great. Now we
17:20 do vet that. I think vetting is very important. We just don't
17:24 want any and I'm saying this with respect. We just don't
17:28 want to Tom, D*** and Harry, you know, just because of a
17:32 I've been working with this over here and I want to worship
17:35 over here. You know, we're looking for sincere. People
17:37 have a relationship with the Lord
17:39 that to spirit will guide you. That's right. But anyway,
17:43 there's how you become its under that same on brawl.
17:47 Okay. He's got questions, answers and or same umbrella.
17:51 This very fine oil machine. Whatever departments you won't
17:55 even find real quick
17:57 projects, real quick projects.
18:01 What we're so excited right now and we've talked about this
18:03 before and we are we are making progress as our new phone
18:08 system. Yeah, right now we're in the installation process.
18:13 There's a lot of people here. 150 people here that I mean,
18:16 we have 150 phones, but we've got pretty close to it.
18:19 Excuse me. And we've got to be able to everybody's got their
18:24 own little phones. And so that's all being installed
18:27 right now. That's very sophisticated. This is not back
18:30 whenever I was growing up. Hello the by now, those buttons
18:34 to push. You know, there's this. There's that. And
18:36 everything has so Har says it takes a while just to learn a
18:41 thing. But anyway, now we're going to were vote and the
18:44 installation process that we're going to get into the
18:46 practical. That means KJ. They were going to, of course,
18:49 missed a job to do this.
18:51 But then it gets very sophisticated in that
18:55 we can actually have prayer warriors in the field that are
18:58 working remotely.
19:01 I I'm you know it real quick
19:05 pant hive one jump all over the pie type. You cannot give God.
19:09 Yeah,
19:10 we have a lot of people are calling in right now. We try to
19:14 get as many causes weekends coming in. If we had more
19:17 prayer warriors out there, people that can actually prove
19:20 remotely, we're going to have more people calling in. That
19:23 means there's going to be more people is going to have
19:25 swelling, ankles that can actually run races. Now is that
19:29 it just wall? Okay.
19:31 And so
19:32 that's the project that we're working right now. Prayer
19:35 journal
19:37 Christian are called in. This is strictly for are
19:40 incarcerated commissioner called and he says, listen,
19:43 we all have a prayer journal like I like to channel my
19:46 prayers are like to see the progress of what the lords
19:48 doing in my in my life. And so we looked up. We had this.
19:53 This is a small when you know that we had say 10, 15 years
19:56 ago. But we check this thing out. Hey, I think this may
20:01 could be done. And so basically 4 of our
20:06 very ambitious people,
20:08 our us in Jenin jonelle ones that they got busy on this
20:12 because now the person or something may come under the
20:15 SEAL, the the
20:19 they're they're they have a different directive that us.
20:22 >> That certain guidelines, the things they can and cannot
20:24 taken to the prison. For instance, you can't have the
20:26 staples in the book. Exactly are you can't have the coil
20:29 things like that. So the book is bound special so it can go
20:32 into the prison system. Yes.
20:34 >> But anyway, this is got 350 to 365 days in it.
20:38 And with each day, there's a scripture. I put my first time
20:42 here, 7, 1922, please, Lord allow
20:46 well good seem to be planted and the to the viewers heart
20:49 today
20:50 behind behind the screen program. Thank you, Lauren.
20:54 For prayer requests journal book that you furnish pressure
20:58 9.
20:59 >> So this journal is actually coming out of the 3, 8, in
21:01 prison ministry department. And yeah to yeah. Yes. As a
21:04 nurse. Yes, the Lord.
21:06 >> I remember a time and we also send Bibles and provide
21:09 literature's far as with the prison ministry department,
21:12 iris and her team. I don't know if that's where you're going
21:14 next, but.
21:16 >> Well, that's exactly what we do. I mean, to be honest with
21:20 you, I did not bring a piece of paper with my book and kind of
21:22 pretty well tell you. In the last 4 months we've set up
21:26 close to 800 Bible's mom, which is a lot. It is being that
21:32 we're living in pandemic times. Okay before
21:37 COVID hit, we were sending out $1000 a month on believable.
21:43 But anyway, we're doing that. We've sent out over 6,000
21:45 pieces of literature
21:48 and then and the last for a month. And so is this amazing.
21:52 People are hungry for Jesus people. War warning to know.
21:57 Why do why do I believe in what I believe in?
22:01 >> And so we do have the resources to to take people by
22:05 the handsome what they're requesting everything and
22:08 they're blessed. We're blessed.
22:11 >> We believe that Jesus is coming soon and that and if he
22:15 indeed is coming soon, you're going to be ready, you know,
22:19 cash training. You know? Yeah, you show up a little bit
22:22 like you just missed it, right?
22:26 >> Yeah. As prison ministries, a powerful aspect of the
22:29 pastoral department. It's a department I know with COVID.
22:32 It's it's been a little bit challenging. I think for some
22:34 of the inmates do they get correspondence back and forth.
22:36 But I'm expecting that to just explode here in a good way as
22:40 the pandemic regulations are loosened. So, yes, yes, I'm on
22:47 point number 4, JT is because is that right? So make sure you
22:50 know, it's all well. All right. You know.
22:52 >> I go back to this. I think that I think that most all
22:56 people that claim to be Christians that through the end
23:00 of the holy spirit working in their life, they're hungry and
23:03 thirsty to find something to do in. And if that if that shoe
23:07 fits,
23:09 get in touch with 3 been working to find a place for
23:12 you, there you go. You know, we certainly don't have the
23:14 housing for by the move here,
23:17 but we certainly know how to work the phone system,
23:19 everything so that you can work remotely. And this note,
23:23 Allen, then
23:24 taking these baby steps, then as you mature as you have the
23:29 experience that you take bigger steps, bigger steps. And then,
23:34 you know,
23:35 I don't know, John, you can explain this better not can
23:37 about the jewels in the crown.
23:40 And I'm not saying that. That's the reason I'm a
23:42 Christian because I want a bunch of jewels in the crown
23:45 question because I love Jesus or n. But I do think that I'm
23:51 just like everybody else out.
23:53 >> But that would look nice up there. So it. But the bottom
23:57 line is, is that if you have a hunger and thirst for juices,
24:00 3, a B in there at the place and their growth that we're
24:05 ready to take the next step in because she's a says it's a.
24:11 >> Yeah. And people can call in end.
24:14 We have passers that praying with you and your needs.
24:18 Now you can email in your prayer requests. That was your
24:20 first point. JD. As far as the prayer warriors indefinitely.
24:24 Those will be prayed over by our prayer warriors every week.
24:27 But you can also
24:29 all in. And if you say, I just really need to pray with
24:33 someone and have someone pray for me right now, we're not a
24:37 counseling service, but we pray with our family at home.
24:41 It's right. And so definitely that is an option you can call
24:44 us anytime during business hours and Lord willing, this
24:47 will be extended as we extend that phone system that JD
24:51 talked about, we get more volunteers around the world to
24:54 cover some of those other time zones. But right now, you can
24:57 just call us anytime during business hours, 618-627-4651.
25:02 And we want to pray with you.
25:04 >> And I want to give one shout out real quick because
25:07 pastor called Turner, You know, we've been talking about this
25:12 phone system for quite a while, but sometimes it just
25:15 takes that extra little grunt. You noted that extra little bit
25:19 of energy to get that rock move over a little bit. And he just
25:23 happened to show up at the right time. He prays for people
25:26 except 102 years old. You know this pastor. So he's had lots
25:31 of lots of experience as loss of Houston, an assist. And so
25:36 he has helped us so much and getting this phone system in
25:40 place because he is a visionary is, you know, Greg is a
25:44 visionary. So I mean, it's just nice to see a room full of
25:48 vision or because he's very active. I mean, this could
25:52 happen. This can happen, you know.
25:54 >> And so I appreciate that. That's an inspiration at 102
25:57 years of age, right? He's still visionary and thinking of new
26:00 ways. And he told me at 102, he's a Greg time is of an
26:03 essence. He said we need to get this project rolling. And that
26:06 was the one project about the phones, talking about the
26:08 phones being brand-new. This is what's so neat is that we
26:11 actually are upgrading to newer technology began. At the same
26:14 time, we're actually saving money. So that which is really
26:17 amazing. So reaching more newer technology. But talk is cheap
26:20 for the world's old system was so present or for that? Yeah,
26:24 we have interesting. And yes, it is. Yes. Thank you so much
26:27 for what you're doing. You and your team. Yes, some great
26:31 thing. Heartbeat at the Kohl Center also is another
26:33 department and talk to people on a daily basis and what an
26:37 incredible, a blessing it is to interact with you yet, Bruce,
26:41 you also interact with people. I couldn't quite often on the
26:44 phone and then a lot of times in person. So again, a summit
26:48 just tuning in. Tell us about the donation department what
26:50 that is. And then we'll just talk briefly about what we have
26:52 here in front of us.
26:55 >> I guess I should get in the way. The best way to contact
26:58 me. Okay is a phone is 618-627-4651,
27:06 extension, 3, 0, 7, 8, and or you can email me.
27:13 Bruce
27:15 DOT Chance
27:17 3, a B in
27:20 Dot org.
27:21 That's the best way to contact me. If you have an item that
27:24 you want to donate, the best thing to do is to call us or
27:27 e-mail me with what you have so we can discuss what you have
27:31 and whether we can use it or not. And the shipping costs
27:35 will you know it quite to.
27:39 >> We don't want somebody to pay more for shipping than what
27:41 we could get her out of the items. So in other words,
27:43 if I'm home, I don't just say, OK, I'm just going to send it
27:46 to Bruce. I need to call call you first. That's for this
27:49 scenario. Yes, it is.
27:51 >> So what is the donation department in case it was just
27:54 joining us right now. So what is all together? Okay. It
27:57 if the department takes and physical donations
28:01 and then we turn them into money for the Lord's work,
28:03 100% of the proceeds goes into all of the good works of 3ABN,
28:08 around the world which you can see and when people come to
28:10 camp meeting, they can see where the money goes. That's
28:13 where I'm absolutely some of these items here. These are
28:15 actual items that people have donated, right. This is just a
28:17 sampling. This is just a sample of what we start here. So this
28:21 what's in this here? Actually, we get several sterling silver
28:25 pieces open this up and that's a set. So someone has actually
28:30 silverware as Sterling uses. Erling is the key.
28:35 If it's starling, what many people ask me this? How do I
28:38 know if a starling are not not necessarily because it
28:41 tarnishes because plate will tarnish if it's over play but
28:45 the weight of
28:46 almost 99.9% of the time it will be the safes Ste R l
28:52 standing for Sterling or it will be 9,
28:56 2, 5,
28:57 that stands for the percentages. Starling. It's
29:00 over.
29:01 >> So if you're wondering, have a question you can always reach
29:02 out to Bruce. That's where the contact ahead of time is over
29:05 this morning's very important. So we have here than it looks
29:08 like we have a watch and it looks like some rings here.
29:11 So some people then donate their personal jewelry.
29:14 Absolutely. And
29:15 >> this is a gold and diamond. Watch this one. Right. And
29:19 people don't use watches much anymore, right?
29:25 But we always will accept any kind of goals item. And of
29:29 course, this one is diamond-studded. Some of the
29:33 other jewelry on there is a is a go rings. 14 karat gold
29:38 rings.
29:39 They're actually the one in the Stan or that is plateau here.
29:43 That is a platinum diamond ring. Half carat diamond ring.
29:46 While
29:48 of course there's a necklace. There's a bracelet and there's
29:51 another for the logo. 14 care, a health care.
29:55 >> You know, heres, as I think about the items that people are
29:57 donating. You know, this is obviously an item, but a lot of
29:59 these items are very personal to them to the was a great
30:02 grandma or something with a 10 pound until they absolutely
30:05 want to better determine to lord's work.
30:09 >> Many people, you know, and hair these these the jewelry,
30:14 a lot of people get rid of it when they joined the church,
30:17 there's just lots of avenues and it's a great resource for
30:22 the donations to.
30:24 >> What about the looking here at this? It's a no. I'm not
30:26 good with the porcelain or what is that? Your that is a Dalton
30:30 figuring.
30:31 >> Okay. And it's it's porcelain. Okay. So I can't
30:36 tell you a whole lot about that. The girls actually deal
30:39 with Marty, your staff, that kind of those talk to items.
30:43 But the they tell me that this is a that that is
30:48 good item to get in that we can regular cell and internet sales
30:52 easily. They'll sit on a shelf. We don't have a lot of storage
30:55 space as you know that. So we need to move things quickly.
30:59 >> In some of these items are sold through e-bay and some of
31:02 them are sold through individual jewelers. Are people
31:05 that you work with? I have.
31:07 >> Individual vendors and individuals that come in.
31:11 I have
31:14 we have the based or that one that we're going to get to.
31:18 And we still items on their bike. I said I so different,
31:22 several different avenues. And after 20 years, I have a
31:26 pretty good understand real to sell it and how to sell it to
31:31 get the most that we can out. Of course, we have to deal with
31:34 current market value prices, which the go fluctuates all the
31:38 time, spot gold spots over. So it fluctuates by that,
31:43 you know, by the day, actually by the hour and just walk in
31:46 all of that. So we track all that to get to be good stewards
31:49 of the lord's work. So what about in this a little display
31:53 case here? What we have here
31:55 so they pulled into this one. Here are the the school board.
31:58 Yeah. There you go to. That is a that is a go. Chinese panda
32:03 hat. That is a Chinese panda.
32:07 Half an ounce. OK? Gold? Half ounce gold. It's 9,
32:11 9, 9, pier. Wow. Okay. So somebody doing something to
32:15 hone coins are pure because they're also saw and somebody
32:18 donated this. They did okay. Looks like says this. So was
32:22 that bring approximately in today's market? That's half
32:26 ounce. Okay. Today's market, the spot. But I looked at right
32:30 for come on is 17.
32:33 22 on this. That's a spot price, which is a bullion
32:36 market price per ounce while so this is a half out so about it
32:41 would be worth more than half of that because this is a
32:45 collector coins rise not just for the gold more premium than
32:48 just the gold in a while. What you said, 1772 to 71 in 20
32:54 $1722 today. It was up to 19. It's something plus a cup a
33:01 month or so ago. It fluctuates back and for us, we've got some
33:05 silver here. Looks like, yeah, that's a gold. I mean, us
33:08 silver Bar, one ounce bar, 9, 9, 9, pier. Those are
33:14 commemorative bars and these coins also that you see and
33:17 hear their silver, their commemorative coins. Actually,
33:21 this one I'm looking at, you hold this one. That's a that's
33:25 a Chinese man that's up and silver silver downs. We look at
33:30 the goal one earlier in the U.S. the Silver one version.
33:35 And again, these are all donated items.
33:37 >> They are says a wealth of information. I don't know if
33:40 you notice that just the sense I'm just sitting back as he's
33:42 talking. He knows his business. He's done it for years. It's
33:46 like almost like a walking encyclopedia. And, you know,
33:49 like you have a knowledge of what the value is and where
33:53 best to salads. So what a tremendous blessing. Thank you.
33:56 >> I've had to learn it to be good stewards of these eyes are
33:59 I kind of got thrown into the far you have to learn quickly
34:05 and or and especially with these items. And this is what
34:10 special brews twos as some people maybe don't have a check
34:13 that they can write out to 03:00AM that this has been
34:15 passed along through the generations or they have a
34:17 collection of themselves like, wow, you know, this is one way
34:20 we can support the minister and another item there. Yeah.
34:23 This one up. This is a okay, nice. This is a bill Montclair
34:28 in an okay. There you go and great. We get several musical
34:32 instruments the that we can readily cell use leave if
34:36 they're good shape.
34:39 It's just have you. I love items ares from the time that
34:43 went through the years. I was like I was telling you earlier
34:48 we had a violin. It was
34:51 very poor condition. I mean, the strings is all off of it.
34:55 It was just really poor it. If you have seen it in a garage
34:58 sale, I Whitney gave $10 for wow. And it said on our show
35:02 for a couple years when we first started, I didn't know
35:04 anything about violence. Will I sent it to of of Island?
35:08 Had it sent to a violent maker? Actually, one of the artists
35:11 that comes here, the place of island in for me and call me
35:15 back in long story short. We got 9,000 out of the Long
35:19 Island. I want to say I want to you've got violins out there
35:25 that with us. That's a rare violent because we've had lots
35:28 of islands. It's worth $100 shirt and sometimes the cases
35:33 and the bowl. It's worth more than the violin was on the
35:37 night by what?
35:38 >> What it's made out of. So the key is to reach out to
35:41 Bruce ahead of TIME is put your contact information back up
35:44 again because there's a phone number. And then the extension,
35:46 which is 618-627-4651. Then you see the extension right there
35:51 at the bottom of your screen. That's key 3, 0, 7, 30's,
35:55 78 or you can e-mail which you mentioned. That's another way
35:58 to contact you, which is Bruce DOT chance at 3ABN, o***.
36:02 That's another way to reach you. And and I like what you
36:05 said to be also with Reagan also except Arby's. What else
36:09 we do cars. I remember one time someone donated a little sports
36:13 car. 3 been to which we? Yeah, yeah, I do.
36:17 >> Really good items that we take, of course is coin Silver
36:21 Star Li any type of sterling items go platinum diamonds,
36:27 gold, Diamond watches, watches, motorhomes Arby's, you know,
36:33 musical instruments. This is just to name a few of the type
36:37 items that we that we do well with. And like I said, they
36:41 will quickly turn them over which I had to
36:45 really shuffle to bring these find if you hear is items to
36:48 bring on air because I sell them so quickly as soon as I
36:51 get this. So we talk about the e-bay.
36:54 >> That's what I was just thinking because we want to
36:56 show you way. They put together to Tory so that you can see and
37:00 walk through 3 B and Eve a website. So let's put that up.
37:04 Bruce, you can talk to us about that about what we're seeing
37:07 here. Okay. Okay.
37:10 >> As you can see go to 3ABN Dot Org. The main web page.
37:14 The top right patch on donate.
37:17 Scroll down to 3ABN gift shop. Yeah.
37:21 And then punched the e-bay store tab in your there.
37:25 >> Yeah, we're just a little demo there. He is very simple
37:28 action to do that. So the key is go up there at the top and
37:30 click on. You said donate.
37:32 >> Yes, don't click on. Donate that. Get you started and then
37:36 scroll down. Go down to the 3ABN, gift shop and then punch
37:41 on the little square that says he based or tab and you're
37:45 their you're their store. We usually run. We run anywhere
37:50 from 100 to 200 items on their every week while all usually.
37:55 >> You know, it's interesting because a few years ago
37:59 somebody sent in
38:01 piece of gold.
38:04 She said that somebody that she knew
38:07 in Honduras. I think it was stumble. The funding gold mine.
38:12 She thought she said this. We had this evaluate is 18
38:16 karat gold. So I brought it to Bruce and he, of course,
38:22 to evaluate it. And the idea was that 3 men will go there
38:25 and see if we can get this gold
38:27 out of there. And as I said to myself, you know, what's the
38:30 possibility that we will have access to a gold mind that
38:35 would really give a push to getting equipment we need and
38:38 buying TV channels to get the golf ball quicker. And as that
38:43 was going to my mind,
38:45 I said to myself known for giving us a faith ministry,
38:49 having access to all this money may not be the best things
38:53 faith Ministry, right, while that was going on. He
38:56 eventually came back and say, well, John, got it.
38:59 This figured out. It's what they call.
39:01 >> Fool's gold. He wasn't. The real thing was it was pie
39:07 or not. Okay. You know what's needed because God uses all
39:10 avenues and he's using you to support the ministry of 3ABN.
39:14 So again, when we've mentioned this from time to time, many of
39:17 you say I didn't even know we can do that. So that's why we
39:19 took a little bit of time here on the behind the scenes with
39:22 Bruce, because it is a busy department and, you know,
39:24 just letting you be aware again, like Mister Dan is
39:27 always said through the years, whatever the Holy Spirit is
39:29 impressing you to give or to donate. That's where we need it
39:32 because we know that you have a connection with God like Pastor
39:36 John Duns the same. All of this is turned around everybody
39:38 saying to further the gospel to the entire world. And you think
39:42 about the times that we're living in very challenging
39:45 times in the world. But the gospel light is going out
39:49 through 3ABN one of the avenues and reaching the world through
39:52 is at 9 network's correct. It's a live radio networks and
39:57 we get in those letters. You're reading some of them.
39:59 JD. We read some of the first hour about lives that are
40:02 changed. And so what an incredible opportunity. Wow,
40:06 to share the love of Jesus in these times.
40:09 >> And the men speaking of sharing the love of Jesus,
40:12 new reminds me of you bought it right. We launched with 3 being
40:15 Cuba. 3 being launched on the packages. The first ever
40:19 Christian television, the package, they're in Cuba.
40:23 This was June of 2021. So just over one year ago, we already
40:30 have baptisms. We already have pictures and video footage pass
40:34 to Johnny is going actually next week back to Cuba. But
40:38 when you give us an update on what the Lord is doing there in
40:41 Cuba.
40:42 >> I just want to say this again because some people may
40:45 not know. You know, we have new viewers and all the time.
40:48 So what is the 3ABN, participation and the Cuban TV
40:52 package? There is no cable television in Cuba. They just
40:56 does not exist. And the other option is, hey, people are
40:59 streaming, though, they people can buy some equipment and they
41:02 can stream things. Well, Internet, it's expensive.
41:05 And that is it's not everywhere. So that's not the
41:07 best option yet for most people, the majority, the
41:11 people. So the it's been over 10 years that
41:17 some individuals in Cuba have
41:21 done this for the people and they make it available in every
41:25 single city in Cuba. People go to the places where they sell
41:29 the package. And in fact, some of these people go door to door
41:33 selling the package and so people by the program and they
41:37 want and they have movies, soap operas, news can comedies and
41:43 all these type of things were very, very low price. So
41:47 it's a miracle that we are on their. You know, I've been
41:51 doing done some research in the past. You know, communism was
41:55 advancing rapidly in the 50's 60's even when there's one
42:00 coming as it started. But 50's 60's, it was moving quickly.
42:03 There were 40 countries that were communist in the coming.
42:06 This idea for the most part for the most part is an idea of,
42:11 you know, God is not in part of our our society. They pretty
42:15 much promote atheism, but
42:19 the gusts will have to go everywhere to a single country
42:22 nation, tongue and people. And so communism has been going
42:27 down.
42:28 There were over 40
42:30 and there's a man that wrote a book called Come Rates a
42:33 history of communism. His name is Robert Service. He says it's
42:37 almost like a contradiction. It's almost unbelievable.
42:40 I that continues or W I day. But is he something similar?
42:45 And he said who would think
42:48 that today you'll be looking at only 6 countries that are
42:52 coming. And while this isn't his book. And so I said to
42:56 myself, you know, this is a sign that Jesus Christ is
43:00 coming. So Mister Haas, the gust will has to go everywhere.
43:03 And so for the first time in history, 3ABN, it's the first
43:07 Christian television channel to be included on the package.
43:10 And so since June of 2021 lives have become a are being
43:15 transformed because they're watching the programming and
43:18 we've shared some videos in the past where people are using our
43:22 programming to do Bible studies. Wind. So update is
43:26 that we have identified 2 churches that are willing to
43:29 become a project where we would provide them with more of our
43:34 programming because Christian programming is new in Cuba if
43:38 it was not available before. So they're going to use our
43:41 programming to do more evangelism projects with we're
43:46 still in the package, but they're going to be using this
43:50 hands on with people, asked our Bible study the health programs
43:53 and about the vandalism event elicit event is to campaigns
43:59 that we have done in the past. So they are going to be using
44:02 this. And this is a wonderful, wonderful opportunity. Of
44:05 course, we have the example of the church in it's called been
44:10 out of the EU, would pass to CNN that they have been using
44:14 one of our programs. That's the gist, the Bible reading
44:17 program. And they have been using that the ladies have been
44:20 using it and they already 6 people have been backed.
44:24 I think we praise the Lord for that. And the pastors sent me a
44:29 few more pictures back to sums. And I say, well, I post also
44:32 more of that money to talk to him about this to get more of
44:37 the story. So this is a wonderful opportunity. And so I
44:42 that we have now to preach the Gospel to me is a sign Jesus
44:48 Christ. That's right. And so this up participation of 3,
44:54 D and on the package has inspired
44:57 one of the main director. So the package and now he has
45:01 decided to form a separate package, which is called
45:05 Majesty translating from Spanish Majesty. And that's the
45:09 name of that package, which is come just religious programming
45:14 now. And this idea other the other religious groups can go
45:20 in there. But 3 even continues to be on the regular package
45:25 because that has a lot. Well, a lot more people and the
45:29 religious package because they have noticed this Christians
45:33 will not buy the package now this because they don't want a
45:37 secular television Sunday. Yes. So now we are going to be
45:41 on both of them. Want to see that as expansion is expected
45:44 to praise the Lord for this opportunity. You have some B
45:47 roll pressure, joy at your most recent trip. Sweet talk.
45:50 Go to you that talking about something has already with a
45:53 sea of the role that and Pastor John, you can comment on what
45:56 we're seeing. This will give you a glimpse of Cuba where
45:58 this is from the air. The guy Solis and Elijah took this big
46:02 in that were already on the road.
46:04 And these you see cars from the 50's there. Look at that thing
46:09 by and you know, as I was walking there in this park,
46:11 I was praying, lord, give us more more people for your
46:15 kingdom in. These are a typical cars that are there. Look at
46:18 that time and what year that's from. And now we're going to
46:22 show you some of the streets of Cuba well, that you can see how
46:25 this is sound. Some of the main taxes. We got into one of the
46:28 cars that, you know, that that's not us passing by that,
46:31 by the way. So anyway, the the the sea is right by there.
46:37 We went to this area. If you look at the this is old old
46:41 fort, they used to protect the island from would-be invaders
46:47 and it's it's still there. So there's are some historic
46:50 things you can see in Cuba and of course, people fishing.
46:53 And this is a sugar cane extracting the juice from the
46:57 sugar cane is a manual machine because Cuba has a lot a lot of
47:03 fruits and this is a machine that it takes to just out.
47:08 We knew that every new trish's typical singers in the streets.
47:12 You know, you see this in New York and other cities, people
47:15 are play their instruments for for donations. Yes, so this,
47:21 of course this. But this partisan a church. Yeah.
47:23 And we were in this church talking to the people. We
47:26 recorded some testimonies and this guy on the left, his name
47:29 is Jorge Donald. He has a Bible worker. He uses our programming
47:34 to bringing the gospel to people. So these people are
47:37 telling the testimonies this is Joplin her. Now he's standing
47:40 in front of the one of the monuments of Cuba. This is a
47:43 monument that okay to 2 D what they call the revolution and
47:47 hear some fruits. Typical of what you see, pineapples
47:51 mangoes lemons. Now this is something you have to go into
47:56 the East Little Townsend, thanks to see this type of city
48:01 life because, you know, if you're downtown, you're going
48:03 to see the nice buildings and things like that. But this is
48:05 real life in Cuba. As you can see, old cars, people passing
48:09 by very busy road. And you can see that some of the buildings
48:14 do need some a paint job. But you can see this
48:17 everywhere. This is a bike taxi, by the way, we're just
48:20 passing by there. And this is very typical psychology.
48:24 Yes, so I don't know. Maybe some of the people watching can
48:28 identify some of these cars. There are some newer cars that
48:31 are coming in a little by little. It's very difficult to
48:34 get a car in Cuba, by the way, very, very difficult and very,
48:37 very expensive. So I want to show this last seen
48:41 romance is of a like you. And there's a couple sunset
48:47 that people can go by the sea and just have a nice relaxing
48:51 time to kill as well. And it's it's a place where you can
48:57 bring the gospel to people and they are open to the gospel.
49:00 Yeah, now, unlike ever before. So it's a prime opportunity.
49:03 I think the Lord opened the door and you know what, you
49:06 might call the nick of time. You know, as we saw that video
49:09 footage of that couple there at the sea.
49:12 So the people walking down the streets of Cuba,
49:15 every one of these people need the Lord, right? It absolutely
49:17 don't know where they are with their relationship with God.
49:20 They could be strong and could be nowhere, not even in
49:22 existence but they need strengthening or they need to
49:25 find out about God hears 3 been on the package in Cuba.
49:29 Absolutely. It's Mister. Dennis says that the 2 hander
49:32 is a Lord or reminds him of 3 been going into Russia. You
49:36 know, the seven-day evidence church for years has been doing
49:39 a wonderful job spreading the gospel. They have mayor and
49:41 other churches as well. Air not the has helped to rebuild some
49:45 churches there. But the reality is there are lot of people that
49:49 are just a few still don't know anything is about religion.
49:53 And I remember we were on a taxi and the text what we have
49:58 to be like over 6 hours with this guy. And I said, have you
50:02 ever read the Bible? He said, no, I've never been the bike
50:05 while. And so I think the opportunity has 6 hours with a
50:08 nice I thought the opportunity to time about the great
50:11 controversy to London. I said human for sharing with you have
50:14 hot why we're in this mess with the bull in the S and so I
50:19 share the the the great controversies when to go to new
50:22 how evil started and shared some things with him and left
50:26 him a little come and meet this little to begin with the goal
50:28 to leave this with you show me, you know, and so opportunity
50:33 side there to spread the gospel and
50:36 3, a B being on the package
50:39 if something God is using and will continue to use to
50:42 transform lives time this summer,
50:45 there is a monthly fee that we have to pay. So we want to
50:48 thank everyone that has helped us up to this point. Your
50:53 prayers and financial support are needed. This is an ongoing
50:55 project and please consider helping because we would like
50:59 to be able to have a studio. We are authorized to have a
51:03 studio by the government one and you come away in one
51:06 Havana. And so this is a step we're considering and we would
51:10 appreciate your your help and that donations come in. Let us
51:14 know. So, yes, go forward with this project because, you know,
51:18 we're going to we're praying. We got invited to pray that the
51:21 Lord will bless us with a TV channel in Cuba. That's right.
51:24 Oh, yeah, that it will be anyone can watch. You know that
51:27 we've got going to do that. You know, you guys going to do
51:29 that and do that. And we have to re to step through just like
51:32 what happened with the package. You know, the opportunity
51:34 rosenborg by faith, right? COVID the starters, like,
51:37 OK, we're going through a new step forward. And and Mister
51:41 Danny always says it's so too. You are evangelism. That's
51:44 we're heartbeat. So thank you so very much for your support.
51:47 Let's consider this. You know that you talk about Russia.
51:49 Yes.
51:51 Where was Russia in 1990? Yeah. Look at now. We have the
51:55 Russian TV channel studio. Yes. And great deals. So we are
52:02 praying for the Lord to bless us with the same thing to
52:04 happen in Russia a tomb.
52:06 >> The thing about reading Cuba launched just over a year ago
52:09 on the secular package, we're the first Christian television
52:13 channel there on the secular package were want to launch
52:16 once this man just even Christian package comes out.
52:20 It's out. It's out there on that. A lot of week and a half
52:23 ago. It's a price, a lowered. So okay, it's out. So we
52:26 launched on those 2. And now, of course, you mentioned
52:29 references studio. Want to do that. That would be incredible
52:33 to get on the regular television there. Talk to us
52:36 about the call center and the plans for that so that people
52:39 can call in locally there in Cuba for call center.
52:43 >> The idea of having a call center in Cuba is a wonderful
52:47 opportunity. We've checked into being able to mail things to
52:50 people
52:51 and that temple her now. And he said, oh, yes, you can
52:54 bring the week and we can mail this from anywhere we can mail
52:57 just anywhere in Cuba and is very inexpensive to mail things
53:02 in Cuba right now. So it's a wonderful opportunity to call.
53:05 Senate would allow us to be able to mail Bible studies to
53:07 people and also to have people answering the phone to pray
53:12 with people coming up to. But it's going to a difficult
53:15 financial time right now. Many countries are cute,
53:18 but it's also going to find this time they're adjusting the
53:21 economic situation. Q A so why are you doing this? Adjusting?
53:25 There's inflation that is shooting up.
53:27 >> Here in the U.S. by the Cuba 6 years and that as well.
53:34 So people need prayer and they need answers and we have
53:39 answers from God's word. And this is one tough act.
53:44 Yeah, absolutely. Praise God for that. And we're so excited
53:47 about what's happening. And again, we do thank you for your
53:49 prayers and financial support for this project. For all the
53:52 projects and 3 been is involved in and to pray for Pastor John,
53:56 is he goes over next week to Cuba, pray for his safety and
53:59 the team is going with him as they try to find a location to
54:02 do a call center another. Yes there. So.
54:04 >> That's not that's that's the mission. Yeah. And then also
54:09 want to say, you know, we're having our 3 via Latino can't
54:12 meeting in the month of August. Thank you for 2, 1, And we have
54:17 all the pastors participating. There's one of the dates.
54:21 The dates are the 20st of August to the 25th of August.
54:27 Okay. Good.
54:30 >> Yeah. And the week after okay. The 21st 2052. Very good.
54:34 >> And then also talking about days coming up, its I 3 been
54:37 will bring. It will be bringing you aside. That's August 3
54:40 through 6 live coverage. So you build to enjoy its eye
54:44 on 3ABN so many things to talk about.
54:46 >> And every Bible opens their scripture that so you're
54:48 thinking about here are just being in this in regards to Q,
54:51 OK, but it's not just in regards to Cuba to regards to
54:54 prison ministry and its good cards, too. Every single one of
54:57 our networks and the gospel that goes forward. This is
55:01 Romans Chapter 10.
55:03 It says how show they call on him and whom they have not
55:07 believed
55:08 and how should they believe in him of whom they have not heard
55:13 and how so they hear without a preacher? Wow. And how should
55:17 they preach unless they are sick cent as it is is written.
55:22 How beautiful our the feet of those who preach the Gospel of
55:27 peace, who bring glad tidings of good news. And I just want
55:31 to say tonight and your feet are beautiful because you join
55:35 hands when the ministry off 3 Ab N and helping too preach the
55:42 Gospel and share the gospel to the world.
55:45 >> Pastor John, thank you so much. That's a grace, Chris fun
55:47 to correct the dates I was. I mentioned the date for some
55:50 of the recording, but we're talking about the 16th to the
55:54 20th of August for the few minutes. You know, can't
55:57 meeting also were 3 by workers that we would like to hire in
56:02 Cuba. And that's another project or yeah, things are
56:05 happening there happen in a hurry. You know, you think
56:08 about the movements will be rapid and the nose Christ is
56:12 preparing to come and we want to be ready and we want to
56:15 bring others with us. Thank you, JD, for being with us this
56:19 evening. And thank you for what you're doing. Pastor John Donne
56:21 Zee. Thank you, sir, for all that you're doing in numbers.
56:23 Thank you. You know, I-2 times are wrapping up quickly and we
56:27 don't know the bout tomorrow, but we're guarantee today in
56:30 the breath that we have, we need to be serving. Jesus is
56:33 sharing that with other. So again, thank you for being a
56:36 part of our family. We want to encourage you
56:39 to study the word of God makes Jesus Christ first in your
56:42 life. Make the study of his word a daily practice for you
56:47 and soon and very soon.
56:48 >> We'll see just coming in the clouds. And Corey, thank you
56:50 for joining us. Is this even God bless you
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Revised 2022-07-21