3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220025A

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01:04 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Live Thursday night
01:10 live program behind the scenes program are so glad that you
01:13 joined us this evening and we look forward to spending these
01:15 2 hours with you. One of the reasons is because you're part
01:18 of our families, wherever you're joining us, whether it's
01:20 in your living room or maybe you're driving in your car,
01:23 listening to 3ABN radio. We're so glad to join us this
01:26 evening. And just thank you so much for your prayers and
01:29 financial support for the ministry of 3ABN know without
01:32 you 3ABN would not be able to reach the world with the gospel
01:36 during these times. So thank you so very much for being a
01:38 part of our family. You know, Joe, these programs always go
01:41 by her in tonight is no exception because it is a
01:44 packed program.
01:46 >> But what's happening at the ministry 3, when it is in top
01:49 on the list is 3ABN camp meeting for in-person. We're
01:53 going to give you all the details for what's coming with
01:56 that. We're going to get an update with 3ABN dare to dream
01:59 and what's happening in 3 D amp loss and how you can watch
02:03 programs on demand. Anytime we're going hear about 3ABN
02:07 Cuba and 3ABN donation center and I think 3ABN
02:11 pastoral department through the ministry and much more. So I
02:15 mix cited that you're joining us. Grateful that you're part
02:19 of the 3ABN, family.
02:21 >> And glad that we have for 3 D and family here to absolutely
02:24 is going to musical chairs being played as we call it
02:26 here. Some people changing places in the course. Mister
02:29 Dan in Doctor van or use the on some of these programs, but
02:31 they're traveling. We're not able to be with us this
02:33 evening. But again, they send their greetings to you as well
02:37 here at the table. I should say in our living room table,
02:40 Pastor John right. We can kind of consider the Indians living
02:43 room. Thank you so very much for being with us. Pastor John
02:45 Paul. It was here. I know it's going to be a packed program,
02:48 but a very informative. And and so I've got my seat belt has
02:53 good sitting next to you is Ricky Carter. Good to have you
02:55 on, sir. As a bigger thanks for having me. Your views the
02:58 behind the scenes on those the behind the scenes program.
03:00 We're behind the a lot of what is your role with the 3 been
03:04 their dream. 3ABN their dreams. Video editor.
03:08 >> Do a little 3ABN such as well. But I am
03:12 this guy's be letter.
03:13 >> He's incredibly creative, wonderful graphics and opens an
03:21 end a teen. He helps us with parent network to. I think
03:23 you've done a few things for kids network and you even hosts
03:27 some barbecue in a program to some other programs for us up.
03:29 >> We're going to have a good dad, you know, for those that
03:32 watch 3ABN I believe, Rick, you've done the special little
03:36 S bumps between the hours, right? You see the little our
03:38 prayer requests to do that to the 3 been per request that
03:41 come up on the screen. Yes. Serve prayer requests the next.
03:44 That's right. Good night as well. I do to keep busy.
03:47 Thank you. Yes, it is a blessing to use my talents for
03:49 the Lord in this ministry was a
03:53 we're working really in the last days of Earth's history.
03:56 And if I can use these talents to for the gospel and that's a
04:00 two-hander, that's right. And then to that event.
04:03 >> And for those who don't know, you just live
04:04 introduction, your families here with you to see, you know,
04:07 you've been part of 3 been for many years, but you moved here
04:09 a couple years ago. Yes, and your family is here to tell us
04:12 about your family.
04:13 >> Yes, what my wife and I we moved here during COVID my 2020
04:18 and that shows you have a look at work. You're able to sell
04:20 her house. Find one here moved here and we've got 5 boys were
04:26 empty nesters. Okay. And our boys are out of the house and
04:29 we've got my father's living with us and my niece is live
04:32 with us and her daughter. So we've got a nice full house
04:35 right now. We want to praise God that we we can use our home
04:38 is a blessing for others and then.
04:39 >> And your niece would be Kelly show. She's right here in
04:42 the studio and we love really shows. Well, what a gift she is
04:45 in the everybody was great. Great family here was very
04:53 blessed.
04:54 >> And then sitting next to you, of course, is adjacent
04:55 valley. So good to have you here with us, sir.
04:57 >> Now, it's great to be here. I'm excited about what we're
04:59 going to be discussing discussing. And, you know,
05:03 we are living in the last days of Earth's history. And we can
05:06 see that by just turning on the news and watching how morality
05:11 has shifted and slipped. And, you know, people are
05:15 calling evil good and good evil. So yeah, is this.
05:18 >> Are very, very important times to be spreading the
05:21 gospel and doing a great job as the manager, their dream
05:24 Network. And it's a pressing into the darkness and, you
05:27 know, night with the light of Jesus. And it's just a blessing
05:31 to be a part of the ministry of 3ABN. We're going to go to some
05:33 music. You're in just a minute. And it's a powerful song and
05:36 title because he lives. But before we go to that, I want to
05:39 read the scripture passage on. I want you to just comment.
05:42 I think about the Times you're talking about this, Jane,
05:45 that we're living in. This comes from Isaiah Chapter.
05:48 43 and the last part of verse one says fear not
05:52 for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name.
05:57 You are my do not the world around. You may seem like it's
06:03 falling apart.
06:05 The scripture says fear not Jesus knows you by name.
06:10 That's encouraging. Right? So those things may look dark
06:12 and dismal around. You don't worry, God is in charge.
06:15 You have nothing to fear for the future except you forget
06:18 how God has led you in the past. Pastor John, speak to
06:21 someone a home right now because they're world may be
06:23 falling apart around them with the world made is we look at
06:26 the news as Jason just mentioned, very negative.
06:29 But there's hope, right? We have something to look
06:31 forward to someone to hang on to.
06:33 >> One right. One said no matter how bad the storm is,
06:36 it has to pass over some time and so
06:40 UMass to set yourself the question, why does God allow
06:42 storms? Well, just be a brief story. My wife and I were
06:45 traveling to a to Miami, Florida.
06:48 Back in 1987 clash in 1983 right on the heels of our
06:54 wedding. We were traveling down to visit family
06:57 and leaving Orlando. Going to Miami.
07:00 I saw something that never seen before. This black wall who
07:03 wowed the cloud look like the cloud and just come to the
07:06 highway. And I said, oh,
07:10 so that's a Florida storm.
07:13 Well, we couldn't go around it because we're on the highway.
07:16 We couldn't stop because all the traffic is moving. We drove
07:19 through it
07:21 and it was so heavy that rain was coming in the seals or car
07:25 while we almost hit a motorcycle loaded.
07:29 What I learned, something that I would encourage you with.
07:32 If you just hold on and go through the storm,
07:35 our car was cleaner than it had been. The entire trip has not
07:40 storm literally water blasted every sign of dirt. Even the
07:46 line with the show's the windshield wipers trials,
07:48 you know, that was gone. And so the Lord may allow
07:51 storms in your life with storms to surround you not to threaten
07:55 your existence, but to clean up something that may be in your
07:58 life. That's good. So I encourage you to hold on to God
08:01 allows it. There's a divine purpose behind it. It was so
08:04 don't be fearful of the storms that don't directly affect you.
08:07 But in Florida, loud storms to come to your home until life,
08:10 there may be some reason something that he wants to
08:13 clean up and get right to live through its hold on. When the
08:16 storm is done, you'll be cleaner than you were before
08:18 Cayman. Pastor John, thank you.
08:21 >> What a wonderful analogy. We're going to our song now.
08:24 This is Moses Brown. He's an incredible ministry, an
08:28 incredible voice and hard for God. The song he will be
08:30 bringing is because he lives.
08:33 [MUSIC]
08:38 [MUSIC]
08:43 [MUSIC]
08:48 >> Was it too?
08:51 [MUSIC]
08:53 >> They call and she says.
08:59 >> Came to
09:01 [MUSIC]
09:03 U and '02.
09:07 [MUSIC]
09:09 >> And
09:14 >> to.
09:19 >> The great is there to just the room.
09:25 I say to us
09:30 foods
09:35 I can face.
09:36 >> To.
09:40 >> Big coal's, too.
09:45 >> All foods go on?
09:50 No, yes, no.
09:55 >> We all love to to or
10:03 >> to U.S..
10:06 >> Call you to use.
10:09 [MUSIC]
10:11 >> 1, 2,
10:15 >> I'm just glad to
10:21 wow my life.
10:27 >> You'll want to.
10:31 >> And as that
10:34 [MUSIC]
10:36 is a way to 2.
10:42 >> I law all know that my lawyer to sue
10:52 to can face.
10:59 >> Room
11:02 the goals like.
11:08 >> All to go.
11:14 I know. Yes, I know all the polls.
11:24 >> Were to call.
11:33 [MUSIC]
11:35 >> Oh, God it is.
11:37 [MUSIC]
11:39 You can too.
11:45 >> Polls, too.
11:48 [MUSIC]
11:54 >> No, no.
12:00 >> The whole I were those 2.
12:10 Yeah, I can see war.
12:15 We all were to just
12:22 >> it all.
12:25 [MUSIC]
12:30 [MUSIC]
12:34 [MUSIC]
12:39 >> Hey, man, praise the Lord. I tell you what I just he
12:41 ministers doesn't mean you're really seeing is and what an
12:44 incredible song, too, because he lives goes right along what
12:48 you're saying just before the music pressure, John, right in
12:50 because he lives to COVID can face tomorrow. Yes. So there is
12:54 good in. So thank you all the Brown and yet again, what one
12:58 for music. I want to just share this with you. Before we talk
13:01 about camping, we love hearing from you at home and you're
13:05 just part of our family. And I know that many of you
13:07 support the ministry of 3, again, through your prayers and
13:10 financial support and always like to read a few letters.
13:12 Some that come in here about people's lives are being
13:14 changed because of you, your prayers and financial support
13:17 for 3 D and this is a really.
13:19 >> Before you read the letter, I just want to make an
13:21 observation that you are very sick. Seasoned season season.
13:26 I'm only this is your first time. I think I've the set
13:29 using your reading glasses. Well, I'm so proud of you will.
13:32 You know, I just kind of put it on to it for the my entire
13:36 life. But thanks for pointing that out. We've been this is an
13:39 internal discussion for several years because he struggled so
13:42 to read close and I'm like you should get reading glasses.
13:44 No, I don't need to be on time. So encourage so most perfect
13:48 vision with that small on. It's been a struggle. So now
13:55 I'm so proud e.
13:56 >> Well, I've been asking them to make my print larger and
13:59 larger on these cars. And so, you know, then it gets so
14:01 blurry. But yes, anyway, I'm still getting used to it little
14:04 bit dizzy, like when I do this. And I'm still you have a nose
14:06 for some of us. No big deal. But for me, it's you know,
14:08 well, but anyway, now that I feel a little embarrassed have
14:14 seen so great letter here from York says, Amen. This is the
14:20 truth. According to God's holy word. This morning, my brother
14:24 called me and said our mother
14:26 who has been dead for 36 years now came to him last night with
14:31 the message just for him. The Lord knew that I would need
14:34 to save. This video is talking about a video that he walked on
14:38 3. Again, I said to my brother it is not true. Then I shared
14:42 Pastor John Loma Kings video on the Big Lie. Please pray that
14:46 my brother will watch this with the guidance of the Holy Spirit
14:49 revealed the truth to him. And so this gentleman is saying
14:53 just in the nick of time, he found this video. The pastor
14:56 John had put out and hear the mother visited. His brother had
15:00 been dead for 36 years is all I just saw this video here.
15:03 Let me share this with you by surprise aboard. This is and by
15:08 the way, just for those who live in these videos about.
15:11 >> The lie of the immortal soul. Yeah, that the dead don't
15:14 continue. So if there's any kind of experience he's having
15:17 it is what the Bible calls a familiar spirit. That's right.
15:21 But Satan has known, you know, is that your mother look like
15:23 I've had experiences like this where the people have called
15:26 and said, my mother's visiting me.
15:27 >> And I'm nervous and I'm afraid and it was not your mom.
15:30 That's right. That's an evil spirit. A familiar experience.
15:33 And this is a whole mess is that you put together. That's
15:34 what you can find it on YouTube as well and to implement
15:37 written. Plus, we'll talk about that minutes, right? Okay.
15:40 This is another good one here. This is from Jerry. This is Gob
15:43 blessed 3ABN for your TV ministry. I'm known at church
15:47 as the guy 3 been brought to become the 7th after this.
15:50 So basically became an avid is because of 3ABN love your
15:53 programs. And this is the best one yet. Thanks and God bless.
15:56 This is a barbecue in that he'd been watching and we have many
16:01 more. This is a really the one that came in. This is a kind of
16:04 a long letter. But the person says here we pray for you 3 AB
16:09 and every day and all of you without you all, we would be
16:13 alone. We're both seniors and tried to keep on cleaning a
16:17 church to make money to support 3ABN and ourselves. Please pray
16:23 for us. Police asked Jesus to keep us strong so we can keep
16:28 supporting his deer cause. We love you all, Fred and Mia
16:33 Mia. So I tell you, there's so many people out there just like
16:36 them to sacrifice. Yeah, 3ABN continue to broadcast around
16:41 the world. So thank you so much. Being a part of our
16:43 family. Hope anchors do as much
16:45 >> as encouraged us to. And I just want to say thank you,
16:48 Fred, and need to thank you for your support. Thank you for
16:51 your sacrifice. And each one of you for being part of the 3ABN,
16:55 family we referenced can't meetings. Coming up, all is
16:59 calm and that it begins to Kamber. 22 through. 24, those
17:04 are the dates for camp meeting September. 22 through 24,
17:09 you can check out 3 being can't meeting dot TV for all of the
17:13 details. But this pastor, John.
17:15 >> It's going to be an in-person camp meeting to first
17:18 time since COVID. I'm excited. That mean it's been a long time
17:22 coming and we're encouraging you to come
17:24 in person no longer do they have to watch Thanksgiving on
17:28 television hit the front with that was because of how
17:31 wonderful it looks. Just can't taste and we'll be able to
17:33 going to be with a taste and see the Lourdes good man and a
17:36 hug each other and fellowship one with another. But what a
17:39 wonderful theme over coming through Christ and looking at
17:42 the lineup come mentioned a few names, you know, Christ
17:46 overcome the past. When the Phipps and Doctor David Shinn
17:49 overcoming Temptation,
17:51 John Dempsey overcoming send James Rafferty, overcoming
17:54 relationship issues, overcoming doubt, County Shelton jail
17:58 overcoming apathy. Well, what a powerful topping the another
18:02 one over. I'm Dylan overcoming cultural conundrums. All sure
18:06 that we know what that means because it sounds. So what on
18:09 Earth is set and we have a number of other overcoming a
18:13 legal is overcoming liberalism, Shelley and Ryan and then and
18:17 with all that coming by his spirit. And so and then what a
18:20 theme, you know, revelation is replete with the phrase to him
18:24 who overcomes it, mentions that to the 7 churches. And then it
18:27 mentions that it brings it back in again later on in the book
18:30 of Revelation. So we cannot overcome. We're going to talk
18:33 about how to overcome, obviously by the blood of the
18:35 lamb by the one of our testimony. But I'll be talking
18:38 about on a broader sense. What is overcoming look like
18:42 and how can you know whether or not you are becoming whether or
18:44 not you just a boat without an or
18:47 going a long way, but going nowhere.
18:50 This has sometimes the church is filled with activity,
18:52 but it's like a luxury ship with no runner, but we're
18:56 moving around the ocean in the ocean is massive and media
18:58 looks a ministry look, NASA, but we're going nowhere how to
19:03 know the difference between activity and effectiveness in
19:06 proliferating gospel saw talk about that.
19:09 And should I talk about maybe what this cultural can say?
19:13 You know, this is an interesting term. I'll be
19:15 talking about them. The cultural conundrums we face
19:19 also cognitive dissonance and Jillian Dialectic
19:24 that you may not have heard before. But what's happening is
19:27 a conundrum is in fact,
19:29 the question how to develop and maintain an organizational
19:34 culture
19:36 that will facilitate and effective delivery of its
19:39 message and maintenance of this mission. What's happening in
19:42 the church today? We're facing this continual proliferation of
19:46 external stimulus. For example, we have
19:50 societal confusion. We need that to be defined news
19:56 network. Yeah, we have a political manipulation and we
20:00 have the influx, the continual influx of social media. What
20:04 that does is it creates this cultural conundrum, also known
20:08 as cognitive dissonance, which in fact, information is coming
20:12 in so quickly so rapidly that we're not able even to
20:15 assimilate that
20:16 and we end up more confused rather than clear. And but what
20:20 I want to say and talk about this in the message that's not
20:23 and that's not an intentional. That's intentional. Yeah,
20:26 right. So what's happening today and the intention is not
20:29 to make society more confusing. Well, the you the news, more
20:32 conflicting on social media. A more invasive invasive well
20:39 was not the work of aces intrusive, but the real purpose
20:44 behind it is to create confusion so that the church
20:47 loses its message and mission so much talk about how to
20:53 maintain that because we are going through an organizational
20:57 shift. I mean, we could see that in the church, but we're
21:00 also going through a methodology ship.
21:03 But this should not change our message and it should not
21:07 change our mission. So how do we maintain the effectiveness
21:11 of our mission and message in a society that's changing in a
21:15 church that's changing? How do we maintain the same message
21:20 in a changing society saw all get into the death of that and
21:24 more detail. So to come, the conundrum is what we're facing.
21:28 And then finally overcoming by his spirit and well, I think
21:31 that sounds self explanatory, but stay tuned. But the rest of
21:35 the story.
21:36 >> Them and I'm looking forward to that message already.
21:39 Yeah. This whet our appetite. Yeah. We want you to come in
21:43 person for our fall homecoming. It's an incredible same over
21:49 coming through Christ and each one of the sermons, the pastor
21:52 John already reference. We're going to have anointed
21:54 musicians who will be coming. We'll be here. We will have our
21:57 Sabbath school panel and Mister Danny Shelton will be rain,
22:01 the Divine worship services as well as all the other speakers
22:04 that Pastor John mention
22:06 now a couple things of House keeping business. We could say
22:09 if you have an RV and you want to come and bring your RV,
22:14 we have free RV spaces available. It's always first
22:18 come first serve meaning we only have so many available.
22:23 We also have free 10 sites and that is really first come
22:27 always served. Think so. We have plenty of grass.
22:31 So I don't think we're going to run out of space for campsites.
22:34 There's also area motels that our hotels that you can book in
22:38 Marion and other places. So we have many options for
22:42 that. So if you would like to reserve your RV spot, that's
22:46 the most critical. Make sure you can either email us at male
22:51 and a I L at 3ABN Dot TV. That e-mail address again is
22:56 male at 3ABN Dot TV, or you can call us during regular business
23:02 hours right now. Tonight, the call center is not open,
23:06 but you can call us during regular business hours.
23:08 618-627-4651. And you can say I want to reserve my RV spot and
23:14 we will be happy to sign you up. There's no charge it's
23:17 complimentary and speaking of no charge, Melody Cabaniss is
23:20 coming back and cooking for us and the food is complimentary
23:25 as well. So you can come and be spiritually fed and you can be
23:29 physically fed by the food. We're going to have children's
23:32 meetings. Speaking of the food, if you are interested in
23:37 volunteering in the kitchen, we are looking for volunteers,
23:41 especially to help us with the food preparation and cleanup.
23:45 If you're interested in doing that, you can e-mail us again
23:48 mail at 3ABN DOT TV and just say, hey, I'd like to come
23:52 help. That's my ministry. My ministry is serving my
23:55 ministries may be working in the kitchen. I feel like God
23:58 has called me to that and I really want to help with that.
24:00 So just e-mail us mail it 3ABN DOT TV or give us a call.
24:04 618-627-4651. We also have booths space available.
24:10 Different ministries come and bring their booth. That's the
24:13 first time first come first. Let's the warm words come first
24:16 serve. Thank you. I'm getting confused first. Come first
24:19 serve basis. So I'm just email us again if you're interested
24:22 in that as well.
24:24 >> You know, I enjoy Cam is so very much, Jason. I mean,
24:25 it's a blessing. You've been to many can't meetings and it just
24:28 to be there like Pastor John said to again, you get to shake
24:32 your hand. Just to fellowship together is so powerful.
24:36 And I have to say we're so excited. Here are 3 been to be
24:39 able to have an in-house audience, as we say for fall
24:43 homecoming can't meeting and the Jason.
24:46 >> What are your thoughts about can be looking forward to it?
24:47 I know I love it when we're talking about all these
24:50 different ministries and experiences and stuff like
24:53 that, I'm going to participate in the Ministry of Taste
24:55 testing. Okay. Real down the Angels. Well, you see one
25:00 melody. Cavernous arrives on the scene and she starts
25:03 preparing these delicious meals. I got to be around so I
25:06 can taste test that. Yeah, and I know it's going to be
25:09 delicious, but I want to receive those nutrients and
25:12 then I can't wait to hear that ceremony asked. But I love
25:17 can't meeting because we finally get to see everybody
25:21 and not everybody, because not everybody can make it. But we
25:23 get to see a lot of people who support the ministry. And we
25:27 get to hear a lot of great messages that really water are
25:32 sold. And so I'm excited about.
25:34 >> Ricky, you've been to some campaigns are camping before
25:37 having to.
25:38 >> Yes, my wife and I we came for first can't meeting in 2019
25:42 just before COVID just before COVID and we camped in a tent
25:47 as you did 10. And
25:51 we
25:53 what was interesting is that when we came and moved here and
25:57 then the next year, the next year,
25:59 my wife was looking forward to going to camp meet, going to be
26:02 here. We can go to camp meeting. Well, there's no can't
26:05 meeting in person that year, then the next year. But now
26:09 it's going to candy this year. So she's really excited about
26:13 coming to that and be a part of that. We love it for the
26:16 message is for the music and for the fellowship. You love
26:21 being able to visit with people in here. Their testimonies,
26:24 1, 1, talking with him, praying with different people that come
26:28 and it's just a great experience to be here on
26:30 on-site.
26:31 >> Yeah, we're expecting a full house and for those of you that
26:34 have been to campaign before, you know what to expect.
26:37 So it starts Thursday night. And that's that then we have
26:40 some in ours throughout the day on on Friday. And then, of
26:43 course, all day 7th as well. And Joe Mission kids meetings
26:47 of the children's meetings as well. You can. To that end,
26:50 we do have a bath houses by the 3 even worse center. So it's
26:54 just a full experience all day long seminars. There's tours of
26:57 3ABN that take place of well here as well. That's a lot of
27:01 fun getting to me a lot of people. And that's to me a
27:05 foretaste of what heaven. You guys were just looking
27:09 forward to that. Again, the dates are September.
27:11 22 through 24. So make sure if you have an RV that you make a
27:17 reservation and we're looking for the seniors going to come
27:20 really quick.
27:22 >> It was absolutely. And if you're not able to make it for
27:24 whatever reason, the meetings will be broadcast live, so you
27:27 can still
27:28 >> stay home and watch, although we hope that you can
27:31 make. That's right. And you mention the music, too.
27:33 >> You know, if Mister Dan, You're on tonight be talking
27:35 about the music hours. And we're hoping like a raging
27:38 lady. Love can be here in others to be here for the
27:41 music. Always a blessing to only, you know, for sure.
27:44 She talked about 3 been plus, yes. So Ricky, yes, tell us
27:49 about 03:00PM. Plus, because we've talked about we've had a
27:51 few promos that one up on 3 ABM. But if someone says what
27:55 in the world is 3 been, plus, what does that benefit me?
27:57 So tell us with 3 of them. Plus is all about yes, 3 M plus
28:01 we've got.
28:03 >> Many, many programs on the ABM. Plus you can watch it on
28:06 our website. There's over. 2500 programs through being
28:11 produced programs going on our website and to be a plus
28:14 website. You can also see 3ABN plus on Apple TV Roku, Amazon
28:20 Fire. Stick on your iPhone, iOS Android phone, Android TV as
28:27 well. And
28:29 if you're not signed in to 03:00PM, Plus, show you some of
28:33 the things you can view on the ABM Plus.
28:36 >> This is pretty amazing technology. I think that the
28:38 crew can actually logging trucks. They're seen your
28:39 computer right now, right?
28:41 >> I love that. If you're not signed in, you can still see
28:45 plenty of the content. So we've got
28:47 all these different categories. Live TV radio. And in clearing
28:50 of those, yes is a live stream peers for let's go to their
28:53 dreams. So their dream. Here's what's going on right now.
28:57 Salvation symbols and signs. Haha. So you can see that
29:03 program live going on there. We can also go down to the
29:09 radio channel. You click here and you can hear the radio
29:12 channel playing. We've got the bye and download course right
29:15 now. Yeah, we've got different
29:18 categories and one of the categories like here's this
29:20 feature category on the feature category. You've got plenty of
29:24 the different content, the newest content that we have
29:26 out. You can just see here. I can just keep on scrolling
29:30 scrolling. And then let's just look at one of these content
29:33 here matter of fact. Here's one that we did recently
29:37 creative cooking and the topic with this one was pasta night.
29:41 And so here you can watch this program on on 3ABN plus.
29:46 And
29:48 you can also find that you can download the program, see right
29:51 here, which is download the essay that I can click on.
29:54 There can download this program. But once it comes up
29:58 out, just right, click and I can choose to save saving on my
30:02 desktop
30:03 and give me a place where I can say that to all say that right
30:07 now. But one of the great things about being able to say
30:09 that is if you're someplace, we do have Internet, yes, then
30:12 you'll be able to still watch this program.
30:15 >> And and be with us by like on an airplane sewn others.
30:19 Before I get on the flight, I could download a couple sermon.
30:21 Exactly. You can watch it on the plane and Zach Lee, whether
30:24 it's on your computer, whether it's on your your phone.
30:27 Wow.
30:28 >> What I want to share that program instead of download and
30:30 I say, hey, I got a friend. I really want to share that
30:32 program with thank you for us.
30:34 >> Asking that let's go to another program and hear how
30:36 about this lifestyle medicine want. So if I am in, I can
30:40 share this program, not even being signed in with an
30:44 account, but I click right here to share button and then I can
30:47 copy that link. Put it in my e-mail. Sure it that way.
30:51 Text that I can go to one of the social media sites and
30:54 sheriff there, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn.
30:57 So that's how you can share nice and another thing that you
31:01 can do
31:03 if you here at the site. We've got some of the other
31:06 programs like
31:07 the event of the 6 series we have for past Mark Foley
31:11 Earth's final conflict can. And sometimes when you're
31:15 watching these programs, you want to be able to use the
31:18 study guy that goes along with it. Well, we've got right here
31:21 under resources. We've got all of the study, guys, you can
31:25 download so just click on the download button right here.
31:28 How much does that cost? No, Richard Doherty and no
31:33 charges free. So I can go here to the file, then open it up
31:39 and they're all have
31:41 the file where to go. Here comes it's a little slow here
31:44 it is.
31:45 And then I can go through the study guide that way. You can
31:48 turn it off, you know, as well.
31:50 >> Share it with someone else and you can actually print them
31:52 all can print it. And that was along with the video. So you
31:56 have a study guide to go the video. Exactly. Exactly.
31:59 >> So what about 7 school panic? A lot of feel like
32:01 summer school. Can they watch 3 months of school panel on 3
32:04 been plus I'm sure can now share that with the right here
32:06 is go down to the 3ABN category here or there it is. And
32:11 there's 7 school panel and have all the different ones repair.
32:15 Scroll. I hear this playlist. You can go and choose one of
32:19 the different sounds cool
32:22 videos. You can watch it right here and in the past said pass
32:25 out to schools. Exactly. And you don't have to look at
32:28 this mall. You can expand it. We get little larger. You could
32:32 also make it a little picture in picture
32:35 and it's still while you are on another site doing something
32:40 out of doing something else. Exactly. You can make that
32:43 picture in picture a little bit larger. You can move it over
32:45 here and then you can continue to have to scroll and some
32:49 people they really enjoy
32:52 looking at the past programs of camp meeting. Well, we we have
32:56 that right here on our site. Wow, and I'll show you that.
33:01 >> So there's a lot of programs looking. Let's look at that.
33:04 We have focus this can't meet him again.
33:07 >> You can still order these on DVD. But ma'am, why wait for
33:11 that? You need to get ship. You can get it right here and
33:15 watch any one of those past 3ABN can't meeting programs.
33:19 That's a nice feature, 3 and a half. And so all those things
33:22 have been sharing with you. That's
33:24 when you're not signed in. He had this all this options
33:28 that you can have. But if you are signed him,
33:32 here's some of the features that you can get for that.
33:34 You can continue to watch some medical. Just go ahead and sign
33:37 in now.
33:38 So just get the sign in button. Put in my e-mail. Got saved.
33:43 Log in.
33:46 If I was
33:48 riding the train to come to work and how to do that.
33:50 I look pretty close driving on a train. I could be watching
33:55 salvation symbols and signs that say in then why I get to
34:00 work. I want to continue. Watching row is go to the
34:02 library. It will pick up right where I left off. Know. That's
34:06 a nice feature to be able to continue watching where you
34:08 left off. So here Salvation Son was on one of my favorite
34:11 programs and dare to dream great. This prophecy study so
34:15 you can continue watches. That's a great option to have
34:18 when you're signed in. You can also
34:22 make comments
34:23 go right here and I can say all, oh, wow,
34:29 best. Watch a new type. What I've really fast. Anyway.
34:35 You can send those comments and posts and then and then when
34:39 you're so definitely you can see make favorites. One of the
34:43 programs I like to watch
34:45 on 3ABN is on the the Kids Channel. And it's a science
34:49 program with FINRA with been Roy. And so if I was going down
34:53 here to the kids section,
34:57 could you have on-demand programs for every network?
34:59 Every network? Exactly. There's 3ABN Praise Network is kids
35:02 Network as Australia. So I go here to creation is I can click
35:07 on the favorite button that you can see. Have that ready
35:09 selected. And then when I come back,
35:12 when signed in,
35:13 welcome back to the home screen. I can see hear what I'm
35:16 continuing to watch here. Some of my favorites that are
35:20 that are right there in the second category. So that's
35:22 where you'll be able to see some of the reasons that for
35:26 you was the use. Totally, totally. Another great thing I
35:29 like about being signed in is if I go to visit a friend's
35:33 house and want to witness to them or share with the 3ABN
35:36 plus, well, I can have them download that app onto their
35:39 device, Apple TV, which everyone it is not too long in
35:43 with my count. And then I can share one of the programs I've
35:46 been watching already know that. And so it's a nice
35:49 feature. And there's also some search features. We show you
35:52 that real quick
35:54 here at the top of the screen, we can search by category
35:57 as for DARE to Dream praising Network Kids Network. I can
36:01 also search by a topic, maybe one district by music. Once
36:06 they click on their here, all the different music's videos
36:10 that are there. And if I want to also search by speaker was
36:13 going to clear that filter,
36:15 then I can go where I can hit this filters option here looks
36:21 and searched by speaker like low McCain. Exactly. Pastor
36:24 McCain, they're here. All the videos we have right now for
36:26 past alone. Again, there's going to be more.
36:29 >> Because this is brand-new. And so we're adding to this
36:32 weekly. We will expand into thousands and thousands and
36:35 thousands of programs. Exactly. Exactly. You know, 3 of them is
36:38 all about evangelism men. And so you mentioned multiple
36:41 times, Ricky, about the opportunity to be able to
36:44 share. Yes, talked about with your neighbors or whoever and
36:46 being able to download stuff. Miller share that way with
36:49 other people. To me, this is a great tool. 3 been plus,
36:52 Jason. I mean technology. This is right in your
36:55 wheelhouse as well. But I mean, this is a fantastic tool that
36:58 we have to evangelize. I'm sure.
37:00 >> The gospel to others in the absolute. And it's it's a
37:03 noninvasive way. It's like, hey, you know, check out this
37:06 great program. This really a touch me. This really blessed
37:10 me
37:11 and we'll put it out there on social media Senate. And you
37:13 know what, however, you share share it with people. He saw
37:19 the links there that were available. And this it's
37:22 incredible.
37:23 >> Evangelistic series without being an evangelist. That's a
37:27 good host, the series and but now Mark families lessons and
37:31 cover night, but pick them. And and you know, like it's
37:35 good. The series we did in Phoenix on Monday, we have
37:39 similar. You can download the the answer to download the
37:42 lesson plans and follow along. So if you want to be an
37:45 evangelist, you don't have to go to a school to do that.
37:48 You can just happen in your home. Yeah. Invite your
37:51 neighbors, have some something hot, some ships to something
37:55 and say, hey, we're going watch passed a family to not going to
37:58 walk through the lesson with him. So it's great.
38:00 >> Thank you for putting that together. And then a special
38:03 thanks to Adam Dean and his team. They were higher, Leslie
38:07 to make this happen. Entre BN plus, and I know you're showing
38:10 us working with your computer, but the same concept would be
38:13 available myself a yes or on Roku on your TV or on Apple TV
38:20 or your iPad. So you have many different platforms and ways
38:24 that you have the same material.
38:25 >> Exactly. Which is super excited. So how does somebody
38:28 put that on their iPad or computer again? What do they
38:30 need to do?
38:31 >> If you do use it on the computer is go to website 3ABN
38:35 plus
38:36 the TV just head there you can and will be right there right
38:40 there on the Web site. For your phone. You go to the app store.
38:42 Either one
38:43 Android or Apple to Apple's app store search for 3ABN plus,
38:49 download it there. And then when you get to is free to
38:52 download on Apple TV, Roku, Android TV, same thing, go the
38:58 app store. Download it there.
38:59 >> And you can also watch live. Think that's something you
39:03 know, not only on demand, but also live just could not live
39:06 and you'll be connected to the live audience and exactly
39:09 anywhere in the world. Exactly within a connection. Not I
39:12 mention that because sometimes we travel Australian, we could
39:15 not get on Pandora or on. I tunes what we can get on 3ABN
39:21 all over the globe. Use it a lot anywhere in the world.
39:25 From New Guinea to New York. You can get on 3ABN plus.
39:31 >> You know what else? I love about 3ABN plus, if you look at
39:34 some of these other platforms, there's a lot of censorship and
39:37 things that are going on and with I'm calling evil good and
39:42 good evil. When you teach that you can gain the victory over
39:44 certain things. It's Dean. There's an acceptable, you
39:48 know, because it it seems like society is taking a shift where
39:51 they want a bunch of a neighbor's instead of teaching
39:54 that you can gain that victory. So this allows us to have a
39:58 platform where I was going to take these videos down. Yeah.
40:02 So that's that's such a blessing knows point. And there
40:06 are no advertisements that just come up. Yeah. So we encourage
40:13 you if you haven't already to. And like Ricky said, you don't
40:16 have to sign up.
40:18 >> Really, you don't have to register its offer. You just go
40:19 to Roku. Just been for 3 been plus your phone on your
40:23 computer. It's a very simple. A lot of 3 bins programs are on
40:26 YouTube. But to be honest with you, the majority of our
40:29 programs are going to put here on 3 million plus. And so we're
40:32 just looking for ways that that you can actually Van July.
40:35 So let us know if you've been sharing some stuff to 03:00PM
40:38 Plus or YouTube or other ways. Let us know how your
40:41 evangelize. And we always love to hear those stories room.
40:45 >> Absolutely. Shifting gears, let's talk about dare to dream
40:48 Jason and some brand new programs that you have coming
40:51 out. I'm super excited about strategies for strongholds.
40:55 You know, we've been talking about over coming in the
40:58 importance of overcoming with Price. You know, Christ is the
41:02 one that helps us to overcome. And I'd like to share this a
41:06 verse or a couple of verses with us from Romans Chapter 5
41:10 and will start in for 6 here for when we were still without
41:14 strength and time Christ died for the ungodly
41:18 for scarcely for a righteous man. One die yet, perhaps for a
41:22 good man. Someone would even dare to die. But God
41:25 demonstrates his own love toward us. And that while we
41:28 were still sinners, Christ died for us.
41:32 I love that that passage and with the strategies for
41:37 strongholds, what we want to do is we want to provide people
41:40 with tips and strategies to overcome a sin and all that
41:45 we're all faced with temptation. We're all faced
41:48 with different trials and all of that. And the devil studies
41:52 us like he knows what
41:55 everyone's area is and he will try to exploit that. However,
42:00 he can now what strategies for strongholds. There's a very
42:05 transparent, vulnerable component to this program.
42:10 People are sharing their testimonies. People are are
42:13 taking you through some of the darkest hours of of their lives
42:17 and, you know, showing the redemptive and transformative
42:21 power of Christ. And we actually have a clip from the
42:25 program. Now, I'd like to preface this by saying that,
42:29 you know, it is sensitive in nature. There are some things
42:33 that may not be suitable for young children. So, you know,
42:36 theres some of you are listener that has a young child by they
42:40 may want to ask them to leave the room for just a second.
42:42 It's roughly about 2 minutes. Good. And yeah, I'm excited to
42:47 look at Wayne Blakely.
42:49 >> OK, OK, let's go to that role right now.
42:52 >> So when you are faced with the past desires and
42:55 temptations after that honeymoon period, why was it
42:59 that you didn't reach out to coming up industries?
43:02 >> Well, I think first of all, what what happened was I was
43:05 caught off guard with.
43:10 >> Recognizing that I was getting affirmation and
43:13 confirmation from
43:15 from from a a person it out within the denomination who is
43:20 being kind and caring
43:23 and before I knew it in my mind, my focus begin to move
43:29 off of Christ to an earthly reliability on that affirmation
43:34 and that confirmation that it was getting for value and
43:37 purpose in life.
43:38 And I began to my relationship with Jesus began to wane a
43:42 little bit. And
43:46 as I began to struggle and let me make sure that the viewer
43:50 noticed that your struggle doesn't always have to be with
43:53 somebody physically. It can be through m***********. It can be
43:57 through pornography. It can be through things that we've used
44:01 as pacifiers and our life prior to meeting Jesus. And so the
44:05 some of those things begin to start happening to me.
44:08 I didn't see transparency in my colleagues and they didn't see
44:13 them as safe people to go to into confide in. And that may
44:17 sound awkward to maybe a church member. But I think if you talk
44:20 to anyone in any kind of ministry within the church,
44:24 we find that it sometimes is difficult to to have that
44:29 or close intimate relationship even with the person that
44:32 you're in ministry with. Sure. Sure.
44:36 >> I think it's also important to mention that when you're a
44:39 ministry leader and you are up front, it's typical that,
44:44 you know, you're going to have, you know, emotional times.
44:47 Are you going to have differences in your on
44:49 religious experience, even though you're up in front and
44:52 representing a ministry with a clear message? And so you kind
44:56 of go through the motions until things kind of click. And
44:59 again, I think that I definitely understand what
45:02 you're talking about when you when you talk about that.
45:05 >> This is going to be a powerful program. It's
45:08 authentic. It's relevant and brings hope. Yes, you know,
45:15 I think the strategies for strongholds. We don't just
45:17 dwell. Okay. We do with issues will have stuff. We do with
45:21 things. But then who do we look to in? Where do we get help and
45:24 how do we come out? When does this launch on dare to dream
45:28 and what are some of the topics that are addressed within the
45:31 series?
45:32 >> Excellent questions. Well, this will launch Wednesday,
45:36 August 17th. It will air 02:00AM. It will air at
45:40 10:00AM. These are these are all Central and 07:00PM
45:45 Central. So some of the topics they deal with last a deal with
45:49 adultery, pornography, m***********, homosexuality,
45:54 sexual identity transgenderism in and they share how that was
46:00 the this gender dysphoria. But now it's it's shifted
46:04 because society has, you know, gone in a different direction.
46:08 And that's why it's so important to stand firm on on
46:11 the word. Got to say, you know, when we read these verses here
46:15 where it says for when we were still without strength and time
46:18 Christ died for them godly, if let's let's take the physical,
46:22 for example, if you want to get strong, you want to build
46:25 muscle and all of that stuff and you don't really know where
46:29 to begin. You get what a personal trainer. That's right,
46:33 right. So our personal trainer for the spiritual this Christ.
46:37 And so so many of these things are found in and the word of
46:41 God, principles and strategies to overcome. Now, you know,
46:46 when you're going through your spiritual journey and maybe you
46:49 fall, maybe you mess up, maybe make a mistake. It's just like
46:53 working out, right? So if you're we're working out and
46:57 you stop working out for a long time, your muscles going to
47:01 what is that going to be? So you're not going to be
47:05 building that muscle. You're not going to be giving your
47:07 body what it needs to develop a model that strength like that.
47:12 So the same thing with our spiritual as we have to stay in
47:15 the word of God may have to stay rooted and grounded
47:18 because we overcome through Christ. But if we stop learning
47:21 and growing in Christ, then there's there's going to be a
47:23 disconnect there. And so the tips and strategies that are
47:27 provided on that program are are very, very powerful.
47:30 And that will move so excited about that.
47:35 >> Just one talk about go back to 3 of them. Plus, as you
47:37 mentioned those times again, it starts August 17 grad. Yes.
47:40 So again, 3 been plus like they can't watch during those times
47:43 live on 3 even dare to dream. They can go through them.
47:45 Plus, what a day or 2 have a fast. They can upload those
47:48 programs and they should be on the same policy. It is a mess
47:51 and
47:52 >> usually have released 30 minutes after it is to and then
47:57 share these programs. You have. So yeah. What a powerful
48:01 series. And thank you so much for having us. Donna says can
48:04 be really good.
48:05 >> Yeah, and he's definitely definitely need to be shared.
48:09 I mean, you look at what they're teaching kids in public
48:12 school at a young age. It's ridiculous. It is. So, you
48:17 know, we need that counter act. The counterfeit you man.
48:20 And that's what this is it's going to do. You know, just
48:24 kind of shifting gears a little bit.
48:27 It's no secret that I love to love. Love. Love was delicious
48:33 food, right? So we have a new series or not a new series,
48:39 but a new season of creative cooking. This is the 3rd season
48:43 of creative cooking features Doctor Helen starter. And it's
48:47 kind of dealing with some diabetic friendly meals.
48:51 Now we have we have a clip where she shares some
48:54 nutritional tips and all of that stuff as well. Yummy.
48:57 >> And not always always did. And always, I always keep
49:02 garlic. Because garlic is so full of nutrition. I go to a
49:07 big warehouse store and I will purchase like the bag of
49:12 garlic, fresh garlic. And I peel the garlic and put garlic
49:17 in every food that I'm making. If I'm cooking something,
49:21 there will be garlic and it somehow. And so the garlic is
49:25 so important to me, because, again, I'm trying to maintain
49:28 my blood pressure. I want my blood pressure to be normal.
49:32 And, you know, here the dare to Dream Network. We're trying to
49:34 promote health and we're trying to maintain health. And that's
49:38 what we're doing with our reverse it program. So we're
49:40 doing all these different kinds of things to make sure that our
49:44 immune systems are nice and strong and that we're able to
49:48 actually live a vibrant and healthy life and who doesn't
49:52 want to live a healthy and vibrant life, especially when
49:54 you can live a healthy, vibrant life. Delicious. Les, this is
50:00 what delicious is all about. So you can use this as a snack.
50:04 You can use it as a lunchtime meal. I've done it as a
50:07 lunchtime meal several times or you can do as a light dinner
50:11 and that will get you through the night and through the rest
50:16 of the morning until it's time to break your fast in the
50:19 morning. So this is a winner. So today we have made 3
50:26 delicious males still incorporating basil and still
50:31 building flavor in the food. That's what we love to do
50:35 because I don't like bland food and most of you don't either
50:38 some people can do it. But I just can't. I love to have
50:42 flavor. And when that flavor comes in the form of what got
50:46 put on the Earth for me to season my food with how cute is
50:49 that? How delicious can that be? So when we talk about
50:54 having foods that are super, this is where super is.
50:58 Everything that grows out of the ground is really super food
51:01 because what makes it a super food is that it's low in
51:03 calories and high in nutrition and all of the things that grow
51:07 out of the ground that have these antioxidants to different
51:12 antioxidants that fight different things that keeps our
51:15 immune system strong is really what's important. So I'm so
51:19 excited to be able to pull it out of the ground.
51:22 A man was ready to eat.
51:24 >> Yeah, toast. I just Alex Fabulist. Even a 09:00PM at
51:29 night. Highland Side are, of course, is John Standards,
51:34 wife.
51:35 >> There are great ministry team and she does an incredible
51:38 job with that. I'm really looking forward to the new
51:41 season.
51:43 >> Absolutely. I'm too. And those recipes, everybody's the
51:45 trial's first phase of the militias and attrition. And we
51:48 just started the new season. Didn't we just started okay
51:51 that we we just started it. We have some on their dreams,
51:55 YouTube channel, but 3 AB and plus that TV go there and check
52:00 that out those programs and share that as well because some
52:03 of the people need to learn about healthy eating.
52:06 >> Ricky, you at the majority's there to the program's. Yes.
52:09 So what's it like that at all? These programs? A lot of fun.
52:12 It's fun you.
52:14 >> While I'm editing it, I'm also specially this cooking
52:18 what I'm trying to write down some of the recipe and the S
52:21 and M wanted to share with. So my family could have some
52:24 friends and family members who are and I've been it and this
52:28 will be helpful for themselves. It makes it about it coming
52:30 out. And just to be a part of using my talents for the Lord
52:36 is just super exciting
52:38 video editing and designing a.
52:41 >> Anything I can do. The graphics package from these are
52:43 the runs. The lower thirds. All direct. Yes, yes.
52:47 >> What a blessing can also cook. He? Yeah. So would you
52:54 want to like it? Today? Cookie program was put new. Haha.
53:01 Yeah. Be fun. Yeah. Hit. So writing down, you'll be
53:05 sharing your recipe. Thank you. Yes, Rick. Yahoo.
53:12 >> But it wasn't a great family here. We have 3 vmon. Tell us
53:15 what else is going on there. Jason, the to the prison.
53:18 Hard Drive initiative. Good. We're still looking for prison
53:21 ministry volunteers. Currently we have hard drives in Indiana,
53:25 Kentucky. We've got one, Canada. We've got it and
53:29 Colorado, several other places. People got several in Florida.
53:36 I mean, so it's it's taken off. But we want more prison
53:40 volunteers to contact us so that we can get more into the
53:45 present we wanted and every facility, every correctional
53:48 facility and they can contact us. Send us an e-mail at mail
53:52 at 3ABN Dot Org.
53:56 >> Good. You notice a common theme tonight we've been saying
53:58 that email address a law. That means if you want to
54:01 contact us really on any anything here at 3ABN, you just
54:04 e-mail us mail at 3ABN dot TVs in the lower 3rd there. But if
54:08 you do dot org, it will get us to either way works mail at
54:13 3ABN.TV And it's a way we can connect with you. And yeah,
54:17 it comes into a central location and then it's
54:19 forwarded to the appropriate person in the ministry. So it's
54:22 a great way to connect with you as our 3ABN, family.
54:26 >> When I did want to add this, we just added a dare to Dream.
54:30 Prison Ministry volunteer Jim Anderson. And he's doing in
54:34 income, credible job are ready. So and then super excited and
54:38 thankful for his assistance.
54:40 >> And so thankful for Jim Anderson and his mom, they
54:42 moved here and his mom, of course, teaches down at Marion
54:45 at the school and just a great additions of thank you, Jim.
54:48 >> Well, you know, and 3ABN is overcoming the cultural
54:52 conundrum. And that is important to maintain a
54:55 relevance to not lose the message in the method of
54:59 delivery, but to take over the message and the method of
55:02 delivery for purposes that don't restrain it. We have our
55:05 own 3ABN, plus, as you mentioned, we cannot be
55:09 preempted, has sometimes on YouTube and came in like a
55:12 particular content and
55:15 continuing the mission of 30 how many years now to be in
55:18 town. 38 years this November. And the mission has never
55:21 changed during the 3ABN. And I know the the 3, a and
55:25 other 3 inches messages and one that will counteract the
55:28 counterfeit. And here we are 39 years later, still maintaining
55:32 the relevance of the mission to overcoming the cultural
55:35 conundrum. And we know you're switching out chairs the second
55:38 hour, prestigious to tell us again about can be in the last
55:40 couple of minutes. When are the dates and again, what day look
55:43 are right here. Let me tell us it's going to be starts on the
55:47 well, actually, it's September 22nd to September 24th Thursday
55:51 night and we have some great speakers pass. 25th David Chen,
55:55 John Dennis James Traficant can Shelton Jill and I am also
55:59 Shelley Quinn awry and a lot of great music and also sadly
56:04 school panel, which is something that people have said
56:07 all of the world. We binge on 3 vans. Haha, 2 very exciting.
56:12 Can't meeting. And in the context of food you can come
56:15 and taste and see that the lords and the House and food
56:22 will be provided. Also the and seeing his meetings as Joe
56:26 mentioned, maybe talk about some of the details. Again,
56:27 in case someone is interested like I want to come to camp may
56:30 be super excited. So I have to do is check out the Web site.
56:33 I saw it was up before 3 being can't meeting dot TV.
56:37 >> If you want to bring your RV, make sure you e-mail us or
56:41 call us and reserve your spot. It's complimentary, but it's
56:45 first come first serve. There will be free food that you can
56:49 partake of physically. There will be wonderful fellowship.
56:52 There's kids meetings, production center tours.
56:55 And on a personal note, I will not forget the date for can't
56:58 mean because the first state in September 22nd as our 20 year
57:01 anniversary.
57:03 >> Review.
57:09 >> A man. Yeah. What a blessing. Looking forward to
57:11 coming to 3 innings fall Camping. Thank you, Pastor
57:13 John, for being on the run of those Rickie brother. Jason,
57:17 thank you. Always goes by her and me again. Appreciate you
57:19 joining us. Now, we want to remind you, this is just the
57:21 beginning of the to our live one more hour in the second
57:24 hour. We'll be hearing from a JD Quinn, a Pastor Ministries
57:28 Prison ministry will talk about prison ministry. We'll be
57:31 having Bruce a chance talking about the donation center and
57:34 John Donne Z on 3 be in Cuba. So make sure you don't go away.
57:37 Take it really quick break and then come back. We'll see you
57:40 in just a couple moments.
57:42 >>
57:43 [MUSIC]
57:48 [MUSIC]


Revised 2022-07-21