3ABN Today Live

The 1888 Message: Key to the Latter Rain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220023B

00:11 Welcome back to the second hour of this. I'm going you know, sometimes we say there
00:15 were special program this live program from 3ABN and we are waiting for more information
00:23 from our 18 88 message study committee representatives that are here. Tell us really
00:28 quick. What is this 18 88 message study committee? We haven't really mentioned in in
00:36 a nutshell, what is the 18 88 message study committee? Yeah, good question, Basically it's
00:42 it's what the name implies. It's a study group for the 18 There's there's a lot of
00:49 questions of people as we're trying to answer day, what is it a message? And so we want
00:52 to be sort of a resource center. You could say. >> To provide people with
00:57 written materials, audio materials, video materials, evangelist materials, too, to
01:03 take it. If the message understand what it is and then share that with a certain
01:07 people in the church. But also people outside the church. So it's basic a resource center
01:12 for all things like the ATMs, a sort of one-stop shopping. We like to think of it. As for
01:15 for Jones and Wagner's writing, certainly, but also for those who have taken the
01:20 time to study these messages out and sort of synthesize them into more succinct manner
01:24 and okay, we we have a national conference every year this at Southern University
01:31 July. 22 23 and we haven't an eminent guest. Speaker Pastor John didn't see will be and we
01:40 have all those every We also seminars we put on a local church is on those kinds of
01:44 things, OK? So you put on 7 arson, local churches. If a church is interested in in
01:51 coming inviting you to come, how long of a time to they need to separate for them to
01:53 get a good dose. >> Hug of a long weekend is pretty good now. Well, very
02:00 accommodating. If they have 3 or 4 meetings they want, we can squeeze things into that.
02:03 But usually for 5 meetings, you can get a really good flavor for of the message and
02:08 then do some reading on your own to be very, very blessed. Wonderful. Let's go ahead and
02:12 take the time to share a Web Some contact information now, maybe some people may not be
02:18 able to stay by for the for the hope for the hope. we hope you do because you'll be
02:22 blessed. And if you're not able to stay by a police, understand that we will
02:26 rebroadcast this program on Sunday at 03:00PM so that you can watch it again. You know,
02:31 sometimes you have to hear things more than once before they they really get in. And
02:35 some people say what did he say? And they want to see it again because they missed it.
02:40 Yes, sometimes are asking. you hear that what they say now but we're still so they may
02:46 miss something. So we encourage you tell others about this program so they can
02:49 watch the rebroadcast and also received the blessing. So we are talking about the what we
02:57 wanted to share the the the Web page. What is the Web page that you can share with you
03:02 that 18 88 MSC, which stands for 88 message, study committee dot org. So very
03:08 simple. 18 88 message to the committee, MSC Dot Org. Excellent letter So for those
03:15 missing on radio not the numbers. One, 18 yet 1, 8, 8, 8, C dot org and for mess it S
03:24 for study Siefer committee, OK, very good for Sometimes yeah. Here quite well. Okay.
03:29 Very good. So now there's something about the 18 88 messaging when where where you
03:34 expressed the the idea then near miss of the say yes, yes, it can. You speak about that.
03:41 Yes. >> I have. So up to couple of powerful quotes that I did
03:48 want to share and and 1, 1, thing I'll say is that one of the one of the aspects of the
03:57 message that really touched my hut. Has been this concept of the of the save. It. If you
04:05 look for example, at T up to 2, this is 14 to 18. It tells us about that. And even in
04:13 Philip inched up to 2 beginning from those 3 really to this 8. It tells us as
04:19 Christ was stepping down, how close he came to us. But, you know, it's easy to think of
04:25 Jesus since he is God. As you know, he was thirsty. He was tired. He had to sleep you to
04:31 eat and that sort of thing. But listen to what Ellen Weiss is and what the Bible also
04:36 says. The Bible says that Ellen White by some comments to to help us with that. She
04:42 says that it's that Jesus Christ, but he went when he was tempted into the lettuce
04:51 of temptation for 4,000 years. The race had been decreasing in physical strength in mental
04:56 power. And in moral worth. And Christ took upon him. The infirmities of degenerate
05:04 humanity. Only dust. Could he rescue man from the lowest depths of his degradation,
05:11 other places. She said that. And this is mind boggling. She says it would have been at
05:17 almost infinite humiliation for the Senate. Got to take man's Even when Adams stood in
05:24 his innocence in Eden. But Jesus accepted humanity when the race had been weakened by
05:32 4,000 years of sin. And then she says. That got the fog that committed him Christ to
05:41 meet life's perils in common with every human soul to fight the battle as every child. A
05:49 few manatee must fight it at the risk of failure and a loss. That's amazing. She ends
05:56 the clip by saying, listen, oh, heavens and wonder, oh, heavens, it just just an
06:03 amazing concept. This is really what Hebrews heaters to 14 says. It is much that is
06:07 the children have partaken of and blood. He himself. >> Likewise shared in the same
06:13 that through death. He might destroy him who had the power of death. That is the devil
06:17 and released those who through fear of death. We're all their lifetime subject to bondage
06:22 for. He did not give aid 2 angels, but he does give aid to the seed of Abraham. I
06:29 think the way I like to think about this, John, is Jesus understands by experience what
06:33 we go through. Yes, and that's a critical ration has been very helpful for me is if you
06:40 imagine you're a patient going for cancer therapy and you meet the cancer doctor, he
06:44 says, don't worry. I've taken care of thousands of patients. I understand exactly what
06:49 you're going and you go for your first chemotherapy that day and right next to you is
06:53 someone sitting next to that's gone through chemotherapy is having chemotherapy and has
06:55 had all the surgeries. >> Now who knows more what you're going through. The
07:01 doctor who seen thousands of patients or the one sitting next who's actually going
07:04 through the chemotherapy. You're going to care about the one next use actually going
07:08 right. So Jesus is like that patient who's gone through the chemotherapy with us. He's not
07:12 like upon a hill saying, listen, I'm got I understand what you're going through.
07:15 Well, that's true. But Jesus came down to where we are and understands what we go through
07:21 by experience. That's a critical aid that we need to be able to share with the
07:24 world, whatever you're going through, Jesus knows what you're going through by
07:29 experience from his own personal experience. Wonderful technical, very much we'll so
07:34 much to cover. So we are going to move quickly to. >> The 18 88 concept of the
07:41 covenants. >> Now who's going to help us Well, I think I mean, one up
07:48 this way, the Old Covenant understanding is I make promises to God about what I'm
07:52 going to do. The new covenant is believing his promises to me in just a nutshell. That's
07:58 what say. The new coming as believe in God's promises to meet the oil companies be
08:02 making promises to him. And we know that our promises and our New Year's resolutions, as one
08:08 author says like Ropes of and we know how we know how sturdy and dependable rip of sand is.
08:13 You can't your finger is out. You can grab it. So so the new covenant is God's promise that
08:19 as believing those wonderful promises, coming as our problems, which are not very
08:21 stable thank you so much. And something else who would like to add to It's very, very
08:27 good. So this is this is a topic this this was one of the issues actually the far right
08:34 before the 18 88 General conference session that came up. so first of all. There is
08:43 one covenant. It's the Everlasting Covenant and every single covenant. Is related
08:50 and connected to that Everlasting Covenant. So as Paul writes about the covers,
08:55 for example, he writes about them in galatians and again in Hebrews. So in Galatians he's
09:00 really speaking. What Bob spoke about, the experience and the experience. If the
09:04 experience you have is I'm going to to do my best to be good as opposed to God is the
09:12 one who's going to write the long There's an experience of works as opposed to experience
09:18 of faith. And that's what Paul is talked about in the epistle. See speaking about
09:23 Experian Chile. How do people understand God's request of a store for obedience and so
09:29 forth. He's the one who's going to do right as long the hot now in Hebrews he's
09:34 speaking about the reality of the ceremonies in the Old Testament and Testament that
09:42 replanting to the coming of Jesus Christ. She's not saying that that was bad. He's just
09:46 saying that they planted forward DeJesus coming in the messiah and so forth. But
09:52 basically the covers this experience aspect, which means that I can have it all
09:57 covered. Experience today. In the New Testament, the oil in the Old Testament, many of the
10:04 pick of the patriarchs had a new covenant experience because they trusted God. Yes,
10:11 so it really has to do with who I trust. God. Am I doing this by faith? That's the new
10:16 coverage experience. It's not a question of time but experience. covenant present
10:22 in the Old Testament and the New Testament. And today you just met the same thing. Just
10:29 gets back to the question, motivation and want to make you think, OK, I'm
10:31 >> White says this that just because on the surface, a new covenant come Christian may
10:36 look very similar. They're both sort of following the rules. You might say. I come
10:40 experience this way. Those who keep the Commandments of God from a sense of obligation
10:45 merely because it required to do so. Do get do not obey so if I'm doing religion, if I'm
10:51 doing Christianity out of a sense of obligation, it's a bird. I'm supposed to that
10:57 snow come very good. But Jesus is trying to lead us to completely different
11:02 experience where it's out of a sense of obligation, but a sense of appreciation. I see
11:04 what God has done for me. And I want to respond with obedience and appreciation.
11:10 This is the love of God that we keep his commandments in his commandments are not
11:15 burdensome. That's right. So we might to keep his commandments. But if they're
11:18 burdensome, were locked in to know coming experience, a new COVID experience is yeah, we
11:21 love got keep his commandments and you know what? They're not a burden and not an obligation
11:25 there. Not to have to experience that. I want to experience very, very
11:29 different at you. I don't know. You might. Consider also the idea of a soldier. Why is
11:34 this why this to soldier obey the sergeants and those that are above the miss it because
11:39 they love them right haha. >> No. >> And there's a difference
11:45 that you think of the D a the experience of a husband wife. Wind wife says. Can you please
11:52 do this for me and the husband will do it because not because he's going to be in trouble if
11:58 he Haha, that should be the reason because he loves her. Yeah. And so this is a
12:06 different motivation. Absolutely, yes. And so you're talking about covenant, the
12:08 idea of wow, if I don't obey the Commandments yes, God is going to fear of punishment.
12:15 Fear, punishment? Yeah. hope of reward we knew kind of motivation is a sense of
12:21 attraction. Juices, beautiful. Geez is attractive. A man that we we call them command month.
12:28 But this was really in the Hebrew language got coming down in proposing marriage.
12:32 These are like, this is like a wedding bell and we can see these as this is what he
12:37 promises to have happen. If we love him, you're not going to have any other gods before
12:43 him. You're not going to commit adultery. You're not going to commit murder. These
12:48 are promises that he promises to fulfill innocent. And that's why I'm here is that
12:52 says that there's a better covenant the based on better promises. And here is a versus
13:00 for now. He has obtained a much more excellent ministry as much as he. There's also
13:05 mediator of a better covenant which was established on better promises. What better
13:09 promises could they be established on? Not the people say all that. The Lord said we
13:15 will do. It's based on the promises of what she's try that what I promise I will
13:20 fulfill in you. And that's why he says that is going to write the longer heart So you were,
13:27 you know, you are talking about your experience where you you had this sense that
13:31 you are lost? I was Explain to us the difference of your fear that you were lost. And then
13:41 when you find out that within minutes to Christ, I am not last too. What? What was the
13:45 difference for you? Yeah, I grew up believing that at some point I would do something to
13:52 disappoint. God. And therefore he would have to let me go because I didn't have what it
13:58 took. I could look at. I can look at people. shouldn't do this. But as as naive and
14:06 immature Christians, we often look at other people. That's right. Now I could look at
14:11 some people that I fell. They have it together and what they've got way more faith and
14:16 they've got way more willpower than I have. And I can look at a lot of other. Christians and
14:23 haven't us that. We're just going along with it and living a life of hypocrisy. And I
14:25 didn't want to do that. But I also knew that I couldn't do with those people that had all
14:31 the well power that because I didn't have that kind of will power and I needed a power
14:34 outside of myself. And so it was the understanding of the that says in realizing that
14:42 crisis pursuing me that he has this love that will never let me go. That is his promises.
14:49 His promise that he will produce a righteous life in me. If I only cooperate with
14:53 him by face he is the initiator of faith. He is the author in the finisher of
15:01 Faith the Bible says my faith, but the word Maya supply. He is the author of Faith and My
15:09 Faith is just a response to the faith that he has already initiated. It's an answering
15:14 Fay, the answering faith of the believer that then believes what got us said.
15:18 He's not going to do this apart from my cooperation. He's not going to bypass my
15:23 well. He's not going to go override my decision. I could literally fly him out of my
15:29 life. But in the end a fine last. It's not because of anything that he did not do.
15:35 That's because I didn't believe his promises. And I gave up on him and didn't
15:39 believe how good the good news really was. So talking to a doctor, Robert, you know, the
15:45 idea what, what's what is easier to be or to be what he said to be lost to sate. Yeah,
15:55 the question is, are we going to look to our experience to answer that question?
16:00 >> Are we look to a Jesus said answer that question. And that's a critical difference.
16:03 Yes, Jesus says that we may not believe this bright faces the victory, but we Jesus as
16:09 my yoke is easy and my burden is lions right? Just as because he's a neighbor. Now.
16:14 Now we look at our experience and we say, well, it seems so challenging sometimes. But
16:19 when we understand and believe the gospel, that's when it becomes easy in life. When
16:24 we're struggling and old covenant experiences when we're struggling with wrong
16:29 that's when becomes a burden and very heavy seconds. 5.14, a second is 5.14, and 15 says
16:35 this. The love of Christ constrains motivates me or moves me for because we judge
16:41 the U.S. that one died for all that all died. So Jesus as the son for died for the whole
16:48 world, not believe or not, just a Christian out of the heavens, but Jesus died for
16:51 the whole world. He is the savior of the world. Then it goes on and talk about the
16:54 response to that. With the love of Christmas trains. Me because we have one died from
17:01 an all died and he did die. That those who live should no longer live for themselves,
17:05 but for him and loved him and gave him of them. Yeah. So when we understand and believe
17:10 the good news as it really is, that's when the motivation becomes, becomes, as he says
17:15 that as Britain is easy and a light that that's why Paul can stand before a and say that it
17:20 was hard to kick against the all was on this. We could say the broad road that leads to
17:25 destruction, but it was a hard road. He was constantly getting reminders of his
17:31 concerts. >> And I don't remember Bob might. But a White House
17:34 statement that on the Broadwater Road is paved woods stumbling blocks, things that
17:39 will slow us down and make a hard to continue on that path. And even though the road to
17:42 heaven is a narrow road now, way. Yeah, it has. She calls it of Joy. Thanks to inspire
17:49 us along the way. we could we could. We can look back around and 6 so we can ask the
17:55 question what stronger? The flash or the got to be the spirit that overcomes the
18:03 flush. And so although that's not been my experience my whole life. As Bob mentioned,
18:08 when I claim that by faith, we then see that we can let victorious life and that God
18:12 will have an overcoming people You know, when you look at John 3.16, you seem to if you
18:18 look at it, you seem to. Understand that all can be say because got a D well, he says
18:27 as the God so loved the world that whosoever believes in him.
18:31 >> Shall not perish but have everlasting life. All can be safe. Is that a true
18:34 statement? Can all be saved? Yeah, absolutely. Because, you know, you just mentioned is it
18:40 easier to be saved? He to be lost. A lot of times. Brown's alluding to to Matthew where
18:46 it talks about the broad road and the narrow road. A White says that some may conclude is
18:52 don't conclude, though, that the Broadway is the easy way all on the way God has made it
18:57 hard for the he doesn't headstrong to destroy themselves. Yes.
19:00 >> John 12 says that if I lifted up, I will draw all men. And to me. So there's an
19:05 active influence being exerted by got on the whole human race to draw them to themselves.
19:09 like the lights. Every man that comes into the world. That's right. Yes. So every
19:14 man has been given a measure faith the light from in some way, shape or form is coming
19:18 to every man planet Earth and man, woman and child on Planet Earth and the Holy Spirit is
19:23 influencing every single person on this planet Earth to be safe to be OK? And they
19:28 kick against the p*****, OK, as he doing somebody resisting. somebody has to
19:35 resist to be safe to The cross is like a magnet. ever had an MRI but it makes it was is a
19:41 big a big Mac is based on this. >> Before you go in there, you
19:44 have to get rid of all your metallic object as you walk in there, your belts going to fly
19:49 off your Pentagon, iPhones going to shoot over them back. Laws like that right? Got to
19:54 love is like that. As love is drown. You like that magnet and only those who resist that
19:58 love. Those who lost loved the darkness. We're told they don't. They hate the light and
20:02 love the darkness. That's what's going to be God's love is making it hard for the has
20:07 tried to destroy them. So I in the judgment. It will be crystal clear that God's
20:12 intent was that everyone? yeah. Amen. That was the individual. Yes, that refuse
20:18 to believe that that will then be lost. And so it doesn't mean that everyone is going to
20:24 be and having means is is that what the 2 messages teaching God's intent is that everyone
20:28 with he said we're still in a bounce. Graced has just about to say what But to say that,
20:38 yeah, yes is marvelous to say yes, we're sending race the race much more about this. And
20:42 Wagner says it doesn't say it. It might abound more bounce a little more, maybe just about
20:48 more. He says in a bounce much Morris that, wow, that's powerful.
20:51 >> You know, you think about it and really it it brings everybody the understanding.
20:58 Well, I can't be saved because some from Dominican Haha, I can be saved my
21:08 >> culture we're always hungry people. You know, because there.
21:11 >> People identify different cultures and different things. But everyone can be saved. And
21:17 that's marvelous as beautiful that we do have full list people struggle with sends
21:21 that our our culture, we think on forgivable. Yes, and there is no unforgiveable cent.
21:27 There is nothing that Jesus has come. >> All the way down to the
21:29 level to say from he is powerful to set anyone free. >> The men just the for you.
21:36 Those questions that haha. I that where where Sen about Grace does much more abound.
21:44 That was at the end of after Paul laid out what God has done for every loose and he's
21:51 provided reconciliation and justification and salvation for every single person. And
21:56 in case you had any doubt, he says. Where Sen abounded Grace did much more abound, So there
22:04 is no excuse not to accept all that he's given to us already in Christ.
22:10 >> A man. so we're sharing good news that people in U.S. some people are are under the
22:15 idea all. I can not be say And even those that can look at their past and say all what I
22:23 have done, I can not be saying so. You're saying, yes, absolutely. Yes. A man is a
22:28 look what we have. Some questions have come in and this one is from Glendale,
22:33 Arizona. Carl says how hast the 18 88 message affect the your understanding of
22:39 justification? Contrast that with Sanctification who like to tackle I'm looking at
22:48 rather haha, you know, I think. Those are Latin words. okay. But basically, if I want
22:54 to make it very, very simple, justification is making me a better person and
23:00 sanctification is growing into that experience. >> So basically, as as Wagner
23:05 and Jones would say it. Sanctification is just ongoing justification. It's just it's
23:12 just the application of face it. The beginning of my experience in the application
23:15 of faith throughout mount going experience. In the expense of justification. I
23:19 experience an actual change of heart. God isn't just doing a book keeping thing up in
23:23 heaven, right? It's OK, center's price said the Sinners Prayer. Now God has to
23:28 adjust the books up in heaven and basically the same kind of person. But you know, now is
23:34 that no justification is an actual change in heart. It's an actual change in mind that
23:38 experience. And then all I do stress testing of patients is the growth and that change of
23:43 heart lie. And it's clear both God is doing both. He said he's doing in each person
23:46 both. >> So that both justification, he doesn't justify in and
23:49 leave us to now. Go ahead and sanctify yourself. He is actively involved in both.
23:55 >> So you're saying to me that. Gotten not saying, OK, I have salvation here for you
24:01 coming. Get it. Yes, that's why you have you have to make it here somehow. And the
24:07 Devils trying to stop you from getting there. know, you're saying that, like we say in
24:09 the last cheap who had the see this shepherd looking for the law. She asked and the
24:15 willing, you know, it's interesting when you do sorry to interrupt you. God is
24:22 willing to empty, haven't? yeah, if necessary. talk about that.
24:29 >> And he will begin the work. The Bible says he will complete the much and that's
24:32 the sanctification process. A Well, another question and this one, this person a knows
24:37 a little bit of history. And from Arizona as Arizona's winning Are you going to
24:48 mention the Blair bill T Jones thought excellent we should mention that center. So in the
24:55 context of the 18 jar that you have to kind of put yourself back in these people's time,
25:00 right? Yes, so they're looking for this and come just like we are. And they recognize
25:04 there's issues in the church need to be dealt with. And that was per safety message.
25:08 But as a backdrop for that, there was an actual Sunday law before Congress called the
25:12 Blair Sunday bill that was going to advance a Sunday observance at the expense of
25:14 servants. After Minneapolis, 80 Jones goes to Washington, D.C., to speak before the
25:21 Senate committee. That is considering that Bill and his his presentations were so good
25:28 that many of the other presenters who are opposing this course any bill ceded
25:31 their time to Jones to continue to respond and oppose that Senate bill. But you can
25:35 see God was preparing our people for this final crisis that was coming You know,
25:41 things are beginning to wrap up potentially right for the latter and was about to be
25:45 poured out the Senate bills before Congress. Things were about to wrap up the wound.
25:49 And that is and that's happened. But it's going to happen again. going to happen
25:53 again. But by 19 O what stated that we may have to remain in this world many more years
25:58 because of insubordination. >> There was a battle going on between faith and I And by the
26:05 way, you know the what you're saying if you want to look into more history on this the
26:11 intern and there are archives said the government has, yeah, you can look up the
26:16 participation of 80 Jones and find this is very, very interesting. There's a really
26:21 good on the history of the 18 era by a young man named Rhonda Fields why they issues
26:26 called return of the latter rain. >> Oh, yes. It's fairly big
26:32 book that it took a full and comprehensive. And it's it's it's also take a soap opera.
26:36 But it's a page Turner. You think history is a page Turner, but it's a page.
26:40 Turner is called return all this history with a very, very fascinating reading. Well, we
26:44 have a lot to cover, but I think this is the last time I'm going to mention the
26:49 >> phone number, contact information so that you can send your question before.
26:51 It's too late. We're coming down to the time when it's almost too late with you.
27:00 number again that you can text your question in. We're looking at 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8,
27:07 3, 9, 7, 5, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, We say it one more time. 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. You
27:12 can also email at LIVE AT TV live at 3 ABN DOT TV. >> Live at 3ABN, DOT TV. Send
27:24 in your questions now before too late. So we are we're just praising the Lord because this
27:32 is a a fast-moving >> program here where we're talking about the aging it
27:39 message and the key to the latter rain. We have to get to before. It's all over here.
27:44 And so at the idea it came up of corporate repentance. Where did that come from? And why is
27:51 it important? >> So let's go back to you. Let's go back to the Jews that
27:59 crucified Christ. So the Jewish nation, the Romans were part of that. But today, if
28:06 you were of Jewish heritage and you grew believing Judaism, you know, I come to
28:15 you in that Jesus is the only way you in order to get past that stumbling block. You have
28:23 to accept something happened back 2000 years ago that I must accept that happen. That
28:28 in my Week crucified Christ or we were a part of that. There's no way to get to that
28:34 without experiencing repentance. The idea of corporate repentance came up
28:38 in recognizing that one. The lore with his great mercy was sending a most precious
28:46 message that would have prepared a people to be ready to meet the events of the day.
28:52 Sunday. Laws are already in Congress. The world is right. There is a little bit of a
28:58 wall before we're going to experience a World War. There were times ready for the
29:04 Gospel to go to the world and God gave it to his people in most precious metals that was
29:09 posted to given to the world. Yes. And by 19 O one, the prophet says we may have to
29:15 remain in this for many more years because of in some part, the nation. Calls for a
29:19 response of repentance. Now we can all say, hey, what's that got to do with us? We were
29:25 there. But just as Moses at the edge of the promised land after the children of Israel
29:30 but water for 40 years says that was because of your own belief. You could not enter
29:35 and those people were children who weren't even born yet. But yet he caused them to identify
29:40 with their forefathers, who responded by Unbelief. If we don't for what our forefathers
29:48 experience, we're going to repeat the very same thing. And so because I don't want to
29:52 miss out on the latter rain in my generation. I want to recover this message. I want
30:00 to experience repentance. Corporate repentance is not a resolution that's not calling
30:03 for the church to make son. It's for me as an individual, 7th Abbott, us to recognize
30:10 that. But by the grace of God, I would crucify Christ just as that used to. But by the grace
30:15 of God, I would be just like those Israelites who refuse to enter and because of them
30:22 believe just but by the grace of God, I would be just like some of the early Abbott as
30:29 pioneers who harden their hearts and belief refused to cross into the modern day.
30:33 Jordan. And so corporate Penta says calling us to the to the need to repentance. says that
30:39 as our experience deepens, we will continually experience a deepening repentance. Yeah,
30:46 repentance isn't a dirty word. It's actually the way of freeing us up to receive the
30:50 Gospel. >> And and good example of this in the bubble. The summer
30:54 examples of this couple repentance in the Bible. But Daniel Chapter 9 is one of the
31:00 And Daniel, you know, he could have pointed to his people and said, you know, you guys did
31:04 these bad things. But he said I'm in battle and because not about them because of you, I
31:09 didn't do it. But as he began to to talk to God he was misunderstanding the 2300 a
31:16 prophecy. He you know, we have sinned. We have done wickedly. We needed the heated U.S.
31:24 events. The new have we heated us to us. Shema face and and so he in could is as if he was
31:34 standing with his people. Repenting corporately for that current predicament and he did
31:43 nothing. You're talking about Daniel and Daniel Chapter 9. >> There's nothing in the
31:49 Bible that shows one was faithful. fives with his people and their that he
31:56 doesn't in the context of recognizing that there is a time prophecy that be being
32:01 fulfilled. Yes, that there is a time prophecy that says that after 7 weeks, also 70 70
32:06 years was the temple is going to be restored in the was going to be rebuilt. And he's
32:10 looking at not seeing that. And so he starts prying a prayer of repentance. Yes, we
32:15 have a time prophecy that says this is the last days. 2300 days. And so we as a people,
32:21 if we recognize that, can we start a den a fine with the sins of our fathers and
32:26 repenting of them so that we will be ready for that time. Prophecy will be fulfilled.
32:30 And that's the court that month. The history looking back don't want to repeat that
32:34 history to the way the got his little son taught to sew. So that's what I think this is
32:37 all about. This this is a very good example. You percent that with Daniel, there's another
32:42 one with the Prophet Samuel. But yes, yes of time. We're not going to go there.
32:47 >> A very powerful understandings that we have some responsibility call it.
32:51 And if I can give a modern example repentance like the expressive repentance is a par
32:58 full tool for healing relations. So work this week and going to a church to
33:05 others to different people in the church have had a falling out.
33:08 >> And I was talking to my brother about the sun. I actually told him, I said, you
33:11 know, this is something that's not going to actually be fixed. Until Jesus comes. And
33:17 I stopped myself and thought, no, you know For Jesus to be able to come. There has to be
33:21 a healing of these kind of relationships. And the thing that is going to do is when we
33:29 experience repentance. I I'm also the president. They haven't this medical
33:32 evangelism network back many years ago when it was getting started. I'm in the very first
33:37 year, the very first conference we had a conference for Pastor Mark Family, Kim,
33:41 and that would physicians and dentists. And I just felt impressed to stand up in to
33:45 confess. Myself, but also on behalf of the other physicians and dentists there to say
33:53 family. I would like to ask you as a representative of the General conference, I'd like
33:57 to ask your forgiveness for us as physicians and dentists not entering into the midst of the
34:02 church and being more engaged. And as I did that, there were multiple people behind me and
34:08 all Romney saying, amen, amen. Amen. Amen. My colleagues dentists and physicians were
34:16 experiencing in identifying with the very same thing that I was confessing. That is an
34:19 example of corporate repentance. Well, now the amazing thing to me and I've
34:24 seen this happen over and over and over as the other family then immediately said, look on
34:29 behalf of General conference, which should be confessing to you because we have it. Would
34:32 you? And we should be encouraging physicians and dentists and we can do that
34:37 better. And out of that, we now have a and dentist organization that is tightly
34:41 met with the leadership of our church pastors and physicians working together. That's what
34:47 corporate repentance as an experience will do to our modern day church. A man has
34:51 had one thing. think it allows us to look at everyone we encounter and never look at
34:55 some say how could you do that? Yes, because we recognize that whatever they
34:59 did we could do. we have the same age. But by the grace of God, I would do so. So there's
35:04 there's no one we're going to need that we in any way feel superior to because we
35:08 recognize what's in their heart is also what's in our heart is only by the grace of
35:12 God that were delivered from those things. So so there's no superiority. And second of his
35:19 5 says we regard no one. According to the flash like a look at the heroin addict. I
35:22 can look at somebody steeped in the greatest of all sons and but by the grace of God,
35:26 that would be me. So I can look at them would love with highs of company can never say
35:31 to them. How could you do that? Yeah. They want say that they won't feel come down by
35:35 someone who approaches them with us sort of a protest. Corporate Pence's an
35:42 evangelist well, we must. Present these questions here this one is from David.
35:50 Bolduc. He says Missus. Why says we need to be more intelligent in regard to the
35:56 century testimony talking 5 page 475. Where is Christ? He has several questions here.
36:04 Where is Christ in the 18 88 viewpoint? Christ is in the most holy place and we have to
36:13 worry about the architecture so much. But the thing that matters about the mostly
36:18 places, the experience of that represent It represents in the old test and what the day of
36:22 atonement was where there's a group of people, quote, afflicting their souls,
36:26 unquote, experiencing repentance and corporate off. Yes. And putting away the
36:30 sins, putting away all the uncleanness and there's there's a synergy between what
36:37 Christ is doing up there and what we're doing down here experience. Yes, if you just
36:42 described it this way, he says Jesus is going down our hearts and bringing up send yes.
36:46 every time you bring something that we have a choice to say, I'd rather have Jesus than
36:49 that. And he puts it in the context of our love for Jesus. He says and every dancing
36:55 Stupples said, rather have Jesus in that. And then Jones says and he'll get to the
36:57 bottom at last, a man I get to the bottom last and that last and whatever's left in our
37:03 hearts will rather have that. That's the most holy place experience that Jesus is
37:08 working through the Holy Spirit, through the Angels to bring to us as individuals and
37:11 as a church entity. there's that. Yeah, go ahead. There's more in the question is
37:17 where's question? The misses viewpoint in the most holy places are advocate and high
37:23 priest, which is what you can hear and it says, I haven't heard. You mentioned that
37:26 perhaps I missed that. very good. You want to add something else? Well, you
37:31 know, the book of Hebrews really addresses this question in death.
37:34 >> But but even so that the new covenant it experience is taking place now in the most
37:39 Holy place where Christ is wanting to write his law in everybody's top. That's the
37:46 new testing. That's the cleansing of the century. Experience is the very first
37:49 item on the new covenant. So the new COVID experience includes that century. Most
37:55 holy Place Ministry of Jesus Christ. Now. Yeah, again, the he was trapped for 12 says one
38:01 of 2 says this lay aside every way, yes, and the sun, which will easily be sets us So
38:07 that's the cleansing of the sanctuary will. How do I do that? have to try harder need
38:11 a jump in effect for 4th and says no. How does that happen? Looking unto Jesus, the author
38:15 and finish of our faith. It's the goodness of God that leads from everything starts with
38:21 God's goodness. What he's done for us, his pursuing us all that starts with that. All
38:25 this other stuff, plenty of the sanctuary. You can experience all comes in
38:30 response to what is who began a good work will faithful to complete it.
38:36 >> I miss that was his work in our lives. That may bring up another point religion. This
38:40 question and a 7th day Adventists. We know the 3 and just messages. And if you look
38:44 at the revelation ship to 14, this 12. It tells us that Here's the patience of the
38:53 Saints here. They who keep the Commandments of God and keep the faith of Jesus. And when
38:58 you look at that, that is the law and the gospel combined so the faith of Jesus in my talks
39:05 about this and and and we we like to talk about the lawn obedience in the command, us
39:11 and everything. I said we preach that. But the faith of Jesus, which I believe is the
39:16 weapon that we need a man in this day. We need the faith of Jesus and but she says the
39:23 faith of Jesus is not understood its hobby. Ph is ignored and she urges the
39:28 church to understand the face of Jesus. and that's another really strong point about
39:35 about the message that came to us is this emphasis that we have on the faith of Jesus
39:40 time is running short. have the question here. >> And I hope I'm pronouncing
39:49 the name, right? Is he I think is be a breonna from Alabama. I love EJ Wagner's book Christ
39:55 and his righteousness. Yes, this part. Of the 18. 88 miss. Yes, yeah, it's it's not for
40:02 sure. But the wind during a team 88 Minneapolis meetings. >> EJ Wagner's wife was taking
40:10 down in shorthand to serve as back in. Those isn't record everybody from record whites
40:13 everybody is But use a record. You meaning what? Transcribed transcribing? Yes. whites
40:21 materials were transcribed. Every else wasn't. But you do. Wagner's wife took down his
40:26 sermons 18, 88. And it's felt to be that that those sermons were put together in crash or
40:28 write us. So that's that's probably as quote, close to 80 message materials were
40:34 present. There is any of the books that we have very good. Very good. But you can you can
40:39 find their material by just doing what they were talking about for the few years before
40:42 and for several years afterwards. And that's really sort of the the corpus of the
40:45 body of the Excellent, excellent. Do we need to we have the time to bring in Ken
40:52 it? I so. Really. If you have a long line with bringing Kenneth one more so there he
40:58 is. We feel you. OK, share You share with us for a couple of minutes about your ministry at
41:07 the public universities and also at the medical school there in Iraq because it in
41:12 America doing evangelism at a public university is felt to be very, very difficult or at
41:17 a medical school. Very difficult apart from Loma Linda. All medical schools or
41:22 secular, and most universities seconds. So tell us, just come in. It's about your ministries
41:25 on on campus. There. the yet that. >> I But this is one of that
41:34 prove to me that God has approved and God you and also parts. Now going open doors.
41:44 India's university's most of them sick and And we happen to have some few. I've been to
41:50 students in those invited his. when when they attend all meetings, maybe during
41:58 holidays when they attended meetings that we do meetings, but they will to college. The
42:05 invite us Washings it will be good to watch and prevent. They invite. many of them
42:12 might is. And we've got realize wants powerful tool. Sometimes the one out or $2 we
42:22 have in the >> The minutes how a time enough to cover everything.
42:28 But everywhere we go, I kind bunch books that I distribute and I've seen these what King
42:34 I mean that that's because after that we because because I need my by my contacts in
42:41 those books. And so he just around for us. >> Can we show a couple those
42:45 pictures just tell us Kenneth what those pictures are there that will show the university
42:50 in the medical school not. >> This is on commission because lasts at freeing them
42:59 up the imprint. We wanted to have go spend weekend in because we get the lines.
43:04 That's that then that what given the books that have been distributing the of those was
43:09 pending what we're So we wanted to have, of course, been weak hand in that tree.
43:14 So I go to a good too. And mess that is out of Jackson guest house to find out how I
43:20 can pay all the nice meet a pasta with a friend of mine. They his second of the chapel
43:27 in one on the by city is. So I tend want to brings me to the guest house, comfortable home
43:37 for meetings. this is not a kindly to you. And to 28 in all, I want to host 2 in my of
43:42 the shot. When we agree and set the date. But we could not. We've that to what we
43:51 don't that print. If last weekend, but he could not sleep because me and say no, I
43:56 want us to do something. But that. just pushes for watch 2 separate and about. So that we
44:06 get the opportunity to invite all the bus surround this June. so anyway, we agreed
44:11 that on F****, I'm sick and all that about you're going to have a go spend weekend in
44:20 Nairobi, Kenya busting and he's going to invite and are going to have a wonderful
44:29 gossip all. We can another another coming up event, which very interesting from to 27 in
44:38 Zimbabwe. We have been having petition technicals been mistake to Zimbabwe. This is
44:44 friend of the Gulf spent called David is organizing an event in Zimbabwe days. to 27.
44:50 I wasn't going to have a I see these and this weekend. Yeah, I'm going down to the cost to
45:04 call so kind and they're going to soon as that goes best cities, some tomorrow and
45:09 maybe fall. I wind up because time is up. There something that's all of us must do. We
45:20 have to share the message kind of go to their website and download the some on and for
45:27 somebody you can just call me is to buy a just a bulk. I know if we had time to tell
45:34 you that whole testimony of my life, how I have experienced the power of the mistake in
45:41 the come commits to buying a book. What's that and distributing somebody, know,
45:46 one thing which is also very interesting opened the but we missed too. Sickened in high
45:57 schools that that's coming up a matter of the central called me and said, what you do
46:02 schools because schools some of the So we down and we have grown a on how we're going to
46:08 reach course to what planning to do is to For the coming convention. I want to by
46:16 Grace, distributing books. Let's jump on or group the books. We want 100 this to
46:24 this young people because the list, something the young people and young for something
46:31 better night because the minds of most people comply with a lot options. But when you
46:37 present that means that your Christ righteousness, impacts of their lives and some of and
46:44 it's all that is going to work and we want to do and I know God, he's going to need this
46:47 in days and then and thank you, appreciate it. Thank you so much. Blessings. Kind of.
46:51 Thank you. Thank you. Now you said there are so see a of the mike on this. Thank you
46:59 because of the that is ahead us. We want to really trust me on my my mind. What your
47:07 vision when when I left my cut yet and we can still some point this. someone we do so
47:13 high, that one point that was sent communes and it with the exception. My finding his
47:23 tools that he was the books, it's a hot in the ball. So what I do this I was to go us,
47:30 it is just to do I said no, I have to go in it. I went the books and with the students
47:38 law. I think that the meeting, in somebody who stopped me and that I'm you haven't 6 that
47:47 continues. What you right now. on every day going watch this manhole in middle. If they're
47:58 getting investment, you can do you mean would be preaching to us my friends preaching that
48:07 you can share up that will change something. Just one meant that can so we can open
48:12 Everybody was leaving more than that. He wants to block on that Christ alone. message.
48:20 Yes, on this. You tease. I going down You need to appeal with disputed the books Cuba
48:28 Adventist School 83 to this in a gun, not Uganda, South Africa, So we are really but
48:34 not with anybody who wants to do this. If you want us to come to us it enough to go or
48:40 if you've to do what want to send us to you India or or village, you can contact us
48:47 and we watch not because that the bread because the ghost that significant through and
48:54 sending us in all the cities, we have one of the and that is in this context and him. And
48:59 thank you. The kind things he feels. He's got a mission. He understood a word. Praise the
49:05 Lord. My God bless your ministry. >> And he opened doors and
49:09 unlike ever before. Thank you so much. Well, you said there are some pictures. Maybe we
49:15 can show them really quick. If you have a couple pictures of the university outreach and
49:20 the medical school area that's a similar they did at a secular medical school. And
49:25 those are mostly not Adventist. A medical students there that were invited to a
49:29 gospel center that they had there. That's a seminar to a secular, you know, this in the
49:33 with the second university. So doing a really wonderful work. They're trying to share do of
49:39 Angela's, not merely get on a doctor's perspective is valuable as that is, but
49:43 really trying to share the gospel on as many places as possible to not having us to
49:48 the secular world. They're having a really, really fruitful experience over
49:50 there. Very encouraging. If you can share many, many more stories. But hey, man, thank
49:55 you so much. Well, there are a few minutes left and can you mention the conference coming
50:04 up. Maybe. Yeah. Do that really quick. It's going that we have one more picture about
50:07 just little. This is our national Part of our ministry is a mess. A study committee
50:14 is national conference. It's going to be Wednesday night July 20 through Sabbath
50:20 evening, July. 23 at Southern Adventist University now our theme this year is the 4th
50:25 Angel. It's interesting. If you look at the advertisement there, there's the planet
50:30 Earth with 3 angels flying around it. And there's a 4th angel coming in from the
50:34 Carter to join them in that 4th Angel Revelation, 18, many times the forgotten Angels.
50:39 Our conference this year is focusing on that message of the 4th Angel July 20 to 23.
50:44 And again, we have a couple illustrious guests speaking Pastor John didn't see being
50:51 one of Doctor Michael Hostile, who as an archaeologist and also pastor on Woolsey from
50:58 coming up, ministries will be joining >> Can I have been one quote,
51:03 review, Harrell, quote, This the theme of the meeting really is based on a court
51:07 that's going to come up here. Ellen White said that several have written to me inquired if
51:14 the message of justification by faith is the 3rd in just message. And I've as it is the
51:19 fit in message in Verity so because of that, we have really tried to organize the
51:24 conference so that we the express what the intent of that quote is like meant by
51:30 that in this meeting. So the 4th Angel kind has some loud voice that was mentioned in
51:36 the test. Mice to Mina says, quote, and that's what we want to highlight. I share the of
51:39 sharing the the the Planning Committee. >> Walk us through one of the
51:46 days of the What time the start and what I some of the activities during. Yes. So the
51:50 meetings begin at 8 o'clock with Didn't see. And then there 2 morning in the
51:58 morning. And then there are 2 other talks in the morning. >> Related to some of these
52:02 gust gust princes like the like that the covenants the Cross of Christ of the 7th and
52:11 then in the afternoon there's another talk and then seminars and the seminars. We have 7 as
52:17 that for big it is, for example, first-time attendees getting good overview of the
52:22 message there are also some other areas of up the spiritual life and also rest
52:28 of the scriptures. Doctor Michael Haas will be addressing the issue led to
52:30 the arrest of scripture. So we have the seminars and the evening we have talk in the
52:38 evening. >> I also there's like a round table and there's new and
52:42 wonderful. Yes, there's a very wonderful roundtable on 7th afternoon that people don't
52:46 really want to miss because >> it is it really focuses on the history. Why are we
52:51 talking about aging? 88? This is 2022, as because as we've been talking about, there's
52:57 something that needs to be recovered that Ellen White said is a message for this
53:02 time. So that's where this comes from. >> Well, thank you so We only
53:07 have enough time to get maybe a about a minute or so. A final comment from Robert
53:10 Hunt, SEC. Well, just want to my testimony is that I was one of the hardest demographics
53:17 for the Lord to reach. I grew up a 7th Avenue S Christian, but I think you can definitely
53:24 dropping into the lukewarm go to church. But there's always sports and academics but are
53:30 still going to church. I still thought of myself as a good ad minutes, but the 88 message.
53:34 The history of what God trying to with us is a church and the message of his great love for
53:39 me was really what attracted me out of that condition. And I says that the message of
53:45 Jones and Wagner is God's messed later to see and ears. So something we need to hear
53:48 and can give you the testimonies of about 30 or 40 young adult professional that
53:54 were with us, their Loma Linda that are still to this day. Active support of evangelist
53:59 reminded because of the love for the team message. So one encourage take the time to
54:05 read to study, to learn, to grow. You'll be so as we have all been. We just want to
54:10 share that blessing with you. Doctor Linda Shorts. Yes. >> So some of you a text here.
54:15 And then just comment on my own testimony and his romance chapter one verse 16. And 17.
54:22 And Paul says 4, I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of
54:29 God, the dynamite of God to salvation for everyone for who Billy's for that. You first
54:36 and also for the Greek for in it. That's in the gospel. The righteousness of God is
54:40 revealed from faith to faith. One quick point about that. First of all, the gospels,
54:48 powerful of this mess. Is this a pop in my life personally but I can't let go. But when
54:54 Paul says if from faith to faith. This the 7th Day Adventist Church with this
55:00 message, is the only Christian in Amish that really appreciates the true idea. But
55:04 righteousness by faith, the 5th begins first from the faith of Jesus Christ, but
55:11 includes the answering faith of the believe it so begins from him. That includes the
55:17 believe it. Thank you so much, doctor Brian Schwartz. Final message.
55:22 >> This method to has transformed my life. It's the reason I believe that I have
55:26 stayed in remain faithful. 7,000 We just scratched the surface. I hope what we've
55:33 shared here will just encourage you to dig deeper because this is what I want
55:37 said was the message that God commanded to give to the world. And so the text that I
55:42 was looking at was just revelation, a team, the 4th angel that about a little too.
55:47 I saw another angel coming down with it from having having great authority and the
55:51 earth was lightened and eliminated with his glory. This is when the outpouring of
55:57 the holy spirit comes right now. I believe we're living in the time of the early rain.
56:02 One says it could be falling all around us and we may not know what, but God is waiting.
56:06 The world is ready. The the wars and things going on in the World show us that time is
56:12 short. And the only thing remaining to see is what God's people respond with that. And
56:17 I believe the answer is yes. Thank you so much. I like to bring up the Web page for more
56:22 time before we the leave EU. So 18 88. >> M S Dot org. 18 88 M S C
56:34 dot org. We encourage you to visit the website. There are resources there. There's a ton
56:38 of information. And we hope you have been blessed during this. The program that we have
56:45 together with you. We encourage you to study more and get ready for the sun. We
56:51 turn our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And so as we end, we like to encourage give your
56:56 heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. And you will begin to find peace and happiness that
56:58 begins in this world and continues. >> For thank you for joining
57:03 us. God bless. ♪ ♪
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Revised 2022-07-01