Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220023A
00:07 >> I want ♪
00:55 ♪ ♪ >> hello, welcome to 3ABN 01:10 today live. And my name is John. Didn't see a joy and blessing to be with you during 01:15 these 2 hours. And we have a wonderful program and they may be a life changing program. So 01:20 we hope you are able to tune in for the 2 hours that we will be on the air with you in 01:27 which you will have the opportunity to send in your questions. Make comments. And 01:31 we encourage you to do so so you can get a thorough understanding. I want you to 01:35 listen to the title for this program. It is the 18 88 message key to the latter 01:44 rain. Is that important to you should be his should be and I would like to introduce now 01:48 our guests that are with us and part of the 18 88 message study committee. We have the 01:54 President Robert Welcome. Thank you, John. Really good to be here. It's just a 02:00 blessing to to share this with you guys. And you guys been such a blessing to us over 02:03 time to really appreciative of being with you. >> Thank you. Thank you. It's 02:06 a blessing to have you here. And we know everyone that will listen. You'll be able to say 02:12 that when this program is over, actually, we have 3 doctors with us. Robert is a 02:17 doctor. We asked Doctor Linda Swartz as well. Welcome. Thank you. John is privilege to be 02:22 here. And we really pray that this program. >> Is indeed a blessing to 02:25 many that will watch Amen. And we have doctor Brian Schwartz, welcome as well. Well, thank 02:31 you very much. very good to be back. Thank Some of our viewers, of course, will 02:37 recognize your those on radio. You'll just have to imagine what he haha. Well, we are 02:42 blessed to have this opportunity with you and it's an opportunity for you to 02:47 connect with us. And if you do not have the 3 Avian plus app, please do yourself a favor and 02:53 get it because you we are able to watch all of the inch annals. You can even learn a 02:59 new language you can French and learn Russian and you can learn Spanish. So we have 03:04 those channels as well. Children's Channel, a music channel. plenty of programs 03:13 for you to watch online as well with the 3 A B and plus app. You can use it on your 03:17 phone. You can use on a tablet. And you can even go online and find that we've 03:21 been plus app. So do yourself a favor and go there and participate and be blessed. 03:29 And before we continue, we like to go to the Lord in prayer and we remind you the 03:33 you can be a part of the be administered by being a prayer warrior. What this a prayer 03:40 warrior do. Frey, of And we also send you a small list of some of the prayer requests to 03:45 come in and we praise the Lord that we have prayer warriors, man in almost every country in 03:49 the world. least one in every country in the world. Many here, of course, in the U.S. 03:55 and we are grateful for the prayer warriors because they pray for their requests and 03:59 soul. You can easily sign up by going to the and Web page and participate in praying for 04:05 others. And when you pray for others, you are also blasting that you approach God's 04:09 throne. And when you approach got Holy Angels draw near to you. And so it's a blessing to 04:16 pray for others. And this is water. Pretty warriors tell us as well. please join us in 04:22 prayer as we asked the Lord to lead this program. So that it's a blessing not only to 04:27 you, but those be on your your walls beyond and all around the world. That skull to the 04:30 learning from. Our loving heavenly father. We come before your throne of grace in 04:37 Jesus name. And we thank you, Lord for 3, a B, a thank you for what you have done through 04:45 this ministry, reaching around the We pray lord that as we are participating in this 04:51 program, you will bless us with Holy Spirit and bless guest and lest also all those 04:55 that joined in from wherever they may be in this world. There are people watching from 05:00 all walks of life facing different challenges, different trials, different 05:04 difficulties. Some are perplexed. Some do not have answers. And we thank you, 05:11 Lord, that you are available. 24 hours a day, we pray that this program will bring 05:15 inspiration. We'll bring conviction and will draw people to Jesus Christ. Lord, 05:19 we present to you the prayer requests to have come in. You know them all. You know, each 05:26 one by name, you know, every every situation and Lord, you know, those getting weak 05:34 getting weaker some may be almost ready to give up, give them courage, give them 05:39 strength, helped him to continue looking unto Jesus. The author and finisher of our 05:43 Feet. And then Lord, there may be some that are facing illness and they may be ready 05:47 to be healed. Some must wait a little longer for those that are ready, less than what 05:54 heating for those the most weight, help them to continue trusting you and help them to 06:00 know how they can cooperate with you in the healing process. We ask you, Lord. 06:04 Also that has this program. Goes minute by minute. Had the joy and the blessing of the 06:12 Lord will accompany it. And then we ask in Jesus, Holy. Last name. Amen. Amen. Well, 06:19 we would like to ask one of you to share a scripture. That is a blessing to you. Maybe 06:27 this week. What scripture, perhaps you may want to look at a purse, a memory. A 06:32 blessing from this week from this week. Well, I do have a script or actually OK. 06:39 >> And actually, this is a scripture that is so powerful because it's one of the of the 06:44 scriptures that really expresses one of the main concepts of the 18 88 message. 06:51 If you call it Dennis and Romans Romans. 1, step to 5. And I'll just read the 6 and 06:58 they'll just kind of maybe go to 8.10 a little bit. But it says that. Romans, it's the 07:05 says that for Wendy was still without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. 07:14 And then for this age says, but God demonstrates his on love toward us in that while 07:17 he was still son knows Christ died for us. And then if those 10, if when we were enemies, 07:27 we were reconciled to God through the death of his son. Much having been reconciled. 07:32 We shall be saved by his life. then Romans chapter 5, Rob Bishop to Yes, wonderful. 07:39 Anyone want to comment about any of those >> I think it's a significant 07:42 that. Paul there outlines 3 of our universal conditions. Ungodly centers and without 07:52 strength Jesus and God didn't wait for us to come to him and respond. He said, well, you're 07:56 in that condition. I'm going to die for and do something for the race that significant. 08:00 All 3 of those situations raise humanities. And so he didn't wait for us. chased us 08:05 down That has been food for thought that can carry you for a long time. Just consider 08:10 considering those tree there says really they are. You know how they say power packed. 08:17 Yeah. Well, we like to share music with you. And I call a musical offering. And we're 08:25 going to have a song entitled The Lord's Prayer and You will here the blessing of music to 08:31 Jonathan Kassab Asik. 09:11 ♪ >> and >> use 09:30 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:43 ♪ >> and >> what is. 10:19 ♪ >> And not >> Well, 10:35 ♪ ♪ >> From 10:50 >> 2 He what ♪ ♪ 11:16 ♪ ♪ ♪ 11:34 ♪ ♪ ♪ 11:55 ♪ ♪ ♪ 12:11 ♪ ♪ >> thank you so much. Thank 12:23 you, Jonathan. Beautiful music. If you do not know how to contact and contact us, you 12:28 can look him up on Facebook and you will find him very easily. We like to go back. 12:35 You know, we entitle this D 18 88 message. The key to the latter rain and got people. I 12:41 waiting for the latter. A But now you're saying the 18 88 messages to key to the 12:46 lettering and maybe we missed something. So we need to find out. What is this 18 88 12:51 message? It. Why is it important? You're talking about 18 88 over 100 years So 12:58 what was happening in 18? 88 and why is that important today? Yeah, I think that's a 13:05 critical question, If you go back and salvation history, just how God is interact with 13:08 people over time when he sees a critical need in his people, he always sends messengers. 13:15 Yes, the Old Testament was Jeremiah Isaiah, all the profits that. 13:19 >> What kind of critical times in history, God's people to present a that would revive 13:23 them that would lead them to repentance. And a very, very similar thing happened our 13:29 remnant church, something of a church in that period of 18. 88 a as looking at our 13:35 condition, our situation, the Lord told her there's a time for great revival needed here. 13:40 One place she says I'm the greatest and most urgent all our needs as a revival to 13:45 columnist to seek. This should be our first work that was in 18 87. And then shortly after 13:51 that, if too many apps General conference was a time when God sent to young men. One, a 13:57 physician, one, a pastor to Jones and AJ Wagner to present what Ellen White would later 14:04 identify as allowed crisis hurting jewel and the beginning of all that rain. 14:08 And it's the content of that message. That is a lot of rain and is meant to come of power. 14:11 As we look at evidence, history, you can see the revival reformation or Pence 14:16 that came after that. That time is very, very significant. Amen. Amen. So 14:20 what really happened? I mean, you had this. >> 18 the meetings of 18, 88. 14:27 What were the result of the meeting? I mean, it wasn't it just another time of meeting 14:34 people, people meeting together. what what made it? What made it different? 14:38 >> Now we have just gone through a general conference session. So this was one of 14:42 the general conference meetings were delegates would come in from all around. They 14:44 haven't a swirl of those days and there was preparatory work that preceded effect on weight 14:50 had written. A letter to every single delegate back in August and September through 2 or 3 14:59 months before the actual meeting, helping them to prepare their hearts to put 15:03 aside their differences to ask for the outpouring of the holy spirit and to be actually 15:05 praying so that that could happen. And then during those meetings. I'm sure there was a 15:12 lot of business that was done like we do in our general conference sessions. But there 15:17 was also a lot of time committed to study in presentations and a lot of the 15:23 presentations were made by these 2 young men that Bob just mentioned are wider. 15:30 Another who was older years at this point would just sit back and talk about how her heart 15:35 was just raise. We warmed and say we just sit back and and glow and be so happy about 15:38 that. We we have proceedings of the General sessions, but we don't have the word for 15:47 word presentations written down so what we do know is that there was a period of 15:53 time right before 18 88 starting probably in 18. 86 in going through the next 10 15:59 years. So a decade of time were Joe's and Wagner and others took this message all 16:03 around the world to anyone to Australia, 2, California, just everywhere. And as Bob 16:14 mentioned, in places where they went, revivals were breaking out over Bibles on 16:17 college campuses that Battle Creek and South Lancaster there were miraculous healings 16:23 occurring in. There was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit being poured out. Wow. 16:26 Praise the Lord. So yeah. You're saying this with a life changing. OK? 16:33 >> And I think one of the issues also leading up to speed in a line of a quote, 16:38 but leading up to this issue, the church did have challenges. None of chose 16:45 between. You may be leadership in and some of the messages and so forth. I think that was 16:49 a coffee unity. I think that's what we need to really look for. This message unifies. So 16:53 I'm looking at this. I think this is very helpful. It says that we have nothing to fear 16:58 for the future except as we shelf to get the way the Lord has led us. And his teaching 17:05 in all past history. So as many as we talk about some of these issues, it's not that we 17:11 are, you know, dredging up things that are difficult. But as we look back, we won't make 17:17 the same mistakes as we appreciate, you know, look on the so there was definitely 17:22 some dialogue 80 Jones has some of the leadership and that related to the covenants 17:29 and some other issues that were going on that was threatening to really divide 17:32 the church. And this message was Ellen White was so passionate about this. She 17:37 knew it would unify. And so that's I think what what was going on leading up to the job 17:44 conference session? What issues that could potentially divide the church. And she 17:48 wanted to bring some hominy to delegates and like okay. So I've heard this name several 17:54 times. >> And knowing that our audience is not on percent 7, 17:57 the evidence UPS Union Ellen White was Ellen White. Well, I think a lot of us understand 18:08 again that God uses people to speak to his people, to speak to the white. 18:13 >> If you study for material that and tremendous harmony with the Bible, she some of 18:17 that we feel has a special gift to give us insight and understanding starting out 18:21 above the Bible, a lesser like the point is to the greater light. But her role has been 18:26 to to exalt the Bible exalt the And so some of that that had experience and found the 18:33 Adventist Church was able to direct our attention to was most critically for us to pay 18:35 attention to. We have sort of a summit of quote that she wrote book called testimonies 18:41 to ministers as to what is the minister said that really sort of summarizes what was 18:45 happening, 80 88, what that what the concerns were and what Jones and Wagner's 18:48 message was that was specifically to help us move past those issues, OK? So this 18:53 is something that we will see on the screen. Yes, something you're going to read. See, 18:55 we'll see on the screen in a very good, OK, let's see them that. So this is the 19:02 description here. What was going on that time says the Lord and his great mercy sent 19:06 a most precious message to his people through elders, Wagner and Jones. And she's going on 19:11 talk about what the purpose of content this message was. This message was to bring more 19:15 prominently before the world, the uplifted savior, the sacrifice for the sins of the 19:21 whole world. No, she's not just a believer, but for the whole world. It presented 19:25 justification through faith in the surety. It invited the people to receive the right 19:29 distance of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience to all the Commandments of God. 19:36 Many had lost sight of here. She's putting the finger on where our problem, what she's 19:39 doing and diagnostic exercise here. Many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have 19:44 their eyes directed to his divine person. His merits and his change list. Love for the 19:50 human family identified there. What we need to have our attention. Yes, I'm going to 19:54 be elevated understanding. Now she's going to describe the effect of this message. This 19:58 is the message that got be given to the world. Their reference Matthew. 24 14, the 20:04 Gospel It is the 30 inches message, which is to be proclaim with a loud voice. 20:08 That's a reference to the 4th Angel relation 18 and also and here's a lot of rain, a part 20:12 of it coming in here. And that ended with the outpouring of the spirit and a large 20:17 measure. Amen. So the state which is really tying together what our issues we're we've 20:23 got many lost sight of Jesus and what the solution isn't solution was a message about 20:26 Jesus made direct our attention back in that way. And she says, what's the 20:29 effect of that message? It's going to go to the whole world and it could be attended. The 20:32 outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a large measure. One of statement, they're wonderful, 20:36 wonderful statement. Well, before we continue, I'd like to bring to the attention of 20:41 our viewers and listeners. >> How you make contact us if you already have a question, 20:45 you're welcome to send it in. And I like to give you a hand. Some questions have already 20:52 come in. So get yours in so that it can be asked and you don't list miss out on having 20:56 your questions answered. So how will you be able to participate? And we put on my 21:01 glasses to make sure I have the yes. The number is 618-228-3975. This is a new 21:08 number from a sigh. I have to 618-228-3975, to text. Your question in some people prefer 21:15 to text and to is providing this number for you to be able to text your question in once 21:21 again, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Now we have the direct line and you can use our 21:29 direct line number is 6, 1, 8, 6, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, 6, one, a 6 to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, And that 21:38 618-627-4651. You can also email your question very easily at live at 3 ABN DOT TV 21:45 live at 3ABN, DOT TV. >> One more time live at 3ABN DOT TV. Get your question in. 21:53 We probably an hour and a half less than an hour and a half to be able to complete the 21:58 mission of getting you all the information you need so that you will be hungering to be 22:04 able to learn more about the 18 88 message because it is a life transforming message. 22:09 Your life will never be the same. You'll find that Jesus is a personal savior. You'll 22:14 find that you can have victory through Jesus Christ and be ready to meet You can't get 22:22 that anywhere else. You can go to the store purchase this. You can't go get it inside a 22:27 gift box and it's in the Holy Scriptures we have here, our guests that are going to be 22:33 able to share some highlights. This am going to Highland some high highlights of some of the 22:39 things that took place in 18. 88. Some scriptures to help you along the way, because 22:46 this is vitally important. We're talking about the key to the latter rate. So that 22:49 should wait a minute with me. The key to the lettering. We need to know that we need to 22:54 know that. So praise the Lord that you're here. You know, some people might say 18 88 23:01 when the year 2022 why look back? Why? Why would that be import? Can we just look 23:06 forward? >> And Wolf, from where we are forward, you're saying this is 23:11 important tonight, you know, based on what we're saying about the title, the South, I 23:15 think is a vital important. I think the Mets and the coat that we if we don't look back 23:20 to our history, it's very important to do that. But the thing that comes to my mind is 23:26 when the tone of Israel had cross over the Red Sea. They're gonna Mount Sinai. 23:32 They were being prepared to go directly into the promised land, but because of their 23:36 unbelief and because of idol worship and because of their refusal to to trust God his 23:45 word into believe the report of the 10 full of spies as opposed to the 2 true spies. 23:49 They decided that they could not. They did not want to enter in and they had to 23:55 wander in the wilderness for another 40 years. What the Bible calls a whole generation 24:00 water to the water just because of their own belief. And I think it's really 24:04 interesting that Moses who led them during that whole 40 years was now standing across 24:11 the Jordan looking over and at that time he knew he wasn't going to go over, but he began 24:17 to prepare the people to be ready to go across in. He recounted their history. In 24:24 fact, recount of their history is that it was their own history, talking about how 24:26 they are a stiffnecked people that they didn't deserve God's blessing, that they were the 24:31 least of the least. But it's because God loves you that he's going to do this for you. 24:35 And he built up their faith. He told them the stories about how God had led them in the 24:39 past. He really gave them a message that prepared them to be ready to cross over. And I 24:44 believe that's what happened in 18. 88. And I believe because it's the key to the 24:48 outpouring of the latter rain. Back we belief just as the children of Israel believe and 24:56 we have a wandering in the wilderness to the tone of Israel than wandering in the 24:59 wilderness. The key is to go back to our history and they go back to it described as a 25:05 most precious message. It still that that terms reflecting what Mary Magdalene 25:13 didn't pouring up, the alabaster a message that is most process big just because 25:19 of her almost 400 and Doris months, more than anything else that she ever got 25:25 enthusiastic about. There's something super important finally important even for our 25:28 day. Wow, this is this is fantastic. I want to say something because I think it 25:37 was a 1988. Ah, I was listening to some cassette tapes, new. 25:43 >> And there several individuals on the cassette tapes. They were speaking. You 25:46 might have to explain what about to you know what that is for those 2 days. All of us. 25:56 This generation. Yeah, it takes for the old way by which you could listen to either or 26:02 audio whether it be it was build. I tunes like, Well, there there, Alex. Anderson, 26:11 I'm Martin case Short and Robert J Wieland and I something was brought out. 26:18 That was very interesting to me because they seem to say that Wagner and Jones did not 26:28 have a meeting together to discuss what even a say in meeting with you in a present 26:31 for. They were independently studying independently, praying independently 26:36 preparing for their part and their participation. But it seemed as if the Lord was 26:42 using and they were bringing a harmonious message gathering his. Is that what you hurt as 26:51 well or just covered? Yeah, absolutely. In fact this that you can read back in their 26:55 writings and they said, you know, we didn't collude on this. We just we're starting 26:57 our own together. >> And the Lord is leading them. And of the Lord was 27:00 leading Yes, yeah. If you go really story and EJ his father was one of the evidence. Jh 27:10 Wagner, Gatwick. And so so group is a preacher's kid, so to speak. And in the early 18 27:13 80's had an experience. He was listening to Alan Light speak on the West Coast and he had 27:21 an experience that he felt was measure he saw in his mind as a speaker speaking Jesus 27:24 crucified for him. Yes, in a way that he never never appreciated that before. And 27:30 he came away from that experience saying I have one goal in life that is and 27:35 whatever and studying winner in preaching where I'm doing and memories. Officials in his 27:38 ministry. Whenever I'm doing, I want to weave the cross of Christ into that experience is 27:43 alert and we can see that as he fulfilled that commitment to the Lord to himself in her 27:49 quote there. This message was to bring more prom before the world. The uplifted saviors. 27:52 Yes, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He was fulfilling that commitment 27:57 to get message, that that this is all about uplifting Jesus before the world. 28:01 >> I make one comment about that because as you are speaking, John, I was thinking 28:03 about. gun is experience in that tent he he felt like he was alone in the room that it 28:13 was just him and the uplifted save. and throughout his entire life. Even when he. 28:21 even have been following Christ anymore. That experience in the tent went 28:26 with him to his grave. Well, and it has such an impact on him that that one thing the 28:31 uplifted save. You. That Christ at him personally. Winnie. It's just best to 28:39 Seoul throughout his whole life. And that's the power of the message. One thing, too. I 28:43 just want to quick on bike was listening to the to the to the 2 of them. She would make 28:50 comments and comments like this I could for the first time the views of did Wagner. 28:58 She said the same thing by John. She said that people didn't believe her. But she 29:03 said they would giving the message for this time off for the last So that's why she it 29:09 was It was so clear as they presented. So. >> That was every fiber of my 29:16 being. yes, amen. Amen to that repeatedly. She says these gentlemen give the trumpet a 29:20 certain sound. This is God's message to the church later to see just endorsement after 29:25 endorsement and that that has motivated us to say what she had such an intense desire and 29:31 endorsement this. I want to understand what this is and that's basically the purpose 29:33 of 18 message study committee is to be a resource center for people to have the access to 29:40 study what Jones Wagner saying endorsement and others have synthesize that message. There 29:45 were other presenters during the ATF 8 meetings. But the ones that appear to 29:52 >> have opened their hearts for Lord's needing a yes, I don't know about the others 29:56 because these are the ones to standing out a state. A new identified these 2 asked the 30:02 messengers anything 88. Yeah, of course. He was also presenting during that time 30:05 she was. So this seemed to be the Lord had, you know, the Lord, a Lourdes that he brings 30:11 people together and compliments. Yes and brings out a message that needed for 30:17 the time. Exactly. And so this happening 18 old. How about if we dedicate some time to bring 30:25 out what was unique? Yes, about the 18, 80 a message and why was his so appealing to 30:30 PBS? Why were lies being transformed? What is it about it? Yeah, that transforms 30:34 lives because you're saying that revival was taking People were weeping yet where 30:41 confessing sins and surrendering to the Lord and they were never the same. Yes. 30:45 What what's unique about it? >> Can I just say one thing for us, John so I I'm really 30:53 excited that this discussion. This is fantastic. So I came into the message in 1987, 31:00 okay. When I met Brian, a group of 7th Day Adventists several generations of the AF 31:05 and just and one thing I knew for sure I was never leaving this church. I didn't know 31:13 whole lot. There was a lot of depth. I love the gospel of John and I still do today. But 31:18 as we begin to the understudy and Brian was asked me questions about various 31:22 aspects of absenteeism. I knew nothing about them. But when we began to study this 31:29 message, I realize that this is and I've never been the same since 1987. There are 31:36 some truth in this message. They have blessed Maisel and then this clever good. They 31:41 want to share about them. >> Amen. Amen. That I didn't attack on Libya had let me and 31:48 I had almost the exact experience. Yes, she. Europe. I once said the church. I grew 31:54 up on the other side where I grew up knowing that the Adventist Church was true. We 32:01 had a message for the end days that prophecy was being fulfilled. I understood the 32:07 sanctuary, but I did not feel accepted by Jesus or by God. Wow, I grew up just in secure 32:13 knowing that at any point I wouldn't have what it took to fulfill. What I believe that 32:19 time. I was called the to remember going off to an Adventist Academy and Center 32:22 at year. Lord, I'm going to be perfect and I would pray hard. I would study and I would give 32:28 up in despair and by by my second year and haven't U.S. college. I finally had checked 32:34 my mind out thinking that this is true, but I don't have what it takes. I can never be good 32:37 enough to do this in Kabul. Never accept me because I and the problem. And so I don't 32:44 have any assurance of salvation. I had all the doctors and all the truth. 32:51 wasn't until at the very end of my first year medical school. I have. But I believe 32:54 God sent me a personal visit where use those coming in the clouds at 2 in the morning. I 32:59 woke up to some of that. I was sweating. My heart was pounding and I knew I was 33:05 lost. And right then and there I knelt down beside my bed and said, okay, Lord. I'm going to 33:08 start reading my Bible I know you're appealing to me and I know I'm lost and I prayed it. 33:15 Prayer for Penn tents. But then I became twice as much of a legal affairs I had before 33:20 for the next year. And I was up and down going to all kinds of offshoot meetings and some 33:25 of them are completely Almost got swept up into profit called David Kerr us. But has 33:34 he also had a rock band stayed away from it wasn't until I heard this message and heard 33:41 the message that so now playing into one of the unique things is that God is pursuing 33:46 me while Jesus is the good shepherd who is out seeking me what I am lost and running 33:52 away from him have no interest in him. He sends me a personal vision. He wake is my heart. 33:56 He appeals to me. And so the the thing I think that is very unique about this message is 34:04 that God Jesus is the pursuing savior. got as the initiator of everything we didn't. We 34:12 didn't initiate creation. He brought us into this world. We don't love him first and then 34:18 he loves us. We love him because he first on 4. that's the goodness of God that is 34:24 drawing us leading us to repentance. Romans to got is the initiator of everything he 34:32 initiate, sir, justification. He initiates our righteousness. The end. This 34:34 yitzhar even the life we have right now is because God has given it to us and eternal 34:38 life. He has initiated. Amen. All I can do is respond. And if I if I stop fighting him. 34:49 Like Paulk, it's hard to kick against the p***** and your concerts. If I stop fighting 34:52 him, he's going to draw me and leave me. Torre was going to have. And that is a unique 34:56 aspect of this message. doctor, Robert, you have that something. and I just want to 35:02 build on what Brian was saying. A lot of times we think that the salvation 35:09 process is I hear something and then I respond. And then my savior kicks But message 35:14 tells us that Jesus is the savior of the world. yeah. >> If you go to John Chapter 35:19 for the woman to well story right here, she shares her testimony of the people, the 35:21 village at the end of that story. They say now we believe not just because of what you 35:26 said because we've heard them for ourselves. And now we believe that this is the 35:29 Christ, the savior of not a believer, only not the one has responded, but the savior of 35:34 the world man. Now, that's important for a couple of reasons. Number one, we have 35:40 the idea that in the secular world or whatever they think like well got isn't anything 35:43 for me. I don't owe him anything. And now if I happen become a Christian that I owe 35:49 him something. But the message is telling us know every single person on planet Earth 35:53 is already uses for the very life. We have to very existence. A White says it 35:58 this way that every loaf of bread and who every spring of waters stamp with across 36:01 country and then he signed with his own blood. The emancipation Papers not to 36:05 believe are part of the whole So our message to the world isn't just if you believe then 36:09 God will do this for you. Our message is God's already done this for you. A man. 36:16 Appreciate that. Believe it. Trust in him so that the message all about what God has 36:19 already done for you and then the response he's already you're 36:24 >> And that's going make a dish. This is this this message? It really does get us 36:29 all excited. But rummaged up to 5. We've been in the beginning. This is one of the 36:36 seminal. Chapters that really describes guards initiative. So, you know, you always feel 36:44 like if you do something, if you go to him and and repent, then he will do something to 36:48 you. But if you notice the Texan, even at the beginning. It's like and grades of. Of 36:57 not the in harmony with God. So first, it says. That when you will, without strength and 37:04 one of a part of the quote that we didn't mention they had to do with that helpless 37:09 human agent. That's what that the passion testimonies to ministers Page. 92 talks about 37:17 that. He was reaching out to the helpless human agent. And the Bible says that many were 37:22 still without strength in due time. Christ died for the on got me. So this without 37:27 strength and then there's ungodly and then of those 8 but went. But God demonstrates 37:32 his on toward us in that while he was Tilson is. Christ died for us and then in verse 10, 37:39 if were enemies. So it was like without strength and godly sin is and then enemies. 37:47 God was the one who was reaching out to us. In fact, 10 says if Whitney was still 37:53 it's been what enemies we were reconciled. So got already done so much for us. He died 38:00 for us. You reconciled the will to himself. It wasn't because we went to him. It was 38:08 because of his great love for us that he did this for us and the Indian. Anything enemies. 38:14 You defer his enemies while every single religion in the world, all pagan religions, 38:20 but even many Christian religions. >> Judaism is long. The major 38:25 religions have the idea that we have to do something first, God's favor. And what the 88 38:32 does, that message that was given to the other to church over 100 years ago is that, 38:35 you know, God is out seeking year. He's already initiated. Your salvation. He's already 38:41 given us eternal life. If we have the sun, we have life that life is in Jesus and 38:47 Jesus has been the savior of the world. He is the that God has given you all men That's 38:53 wonderful. So we don't have a parable of the sheep looking for savior looking for the 39:04 last year is U.S. 3rd Time's the Sheep. Any brings to shoot? Yes. what this what 39:08 this does, John, it changes our motivation for the Christian experience. 39:11 >> So so. Typically people do religion to gain personal security. I'm in secure about 39:17 myself. I feel guilt. Therefore, I need to pursue guy, reach out to God. Then 39:21 he'll do something for me. This changes the motivation. This says I've already done 39:28 all this for you. I am your savior already. I've already born all of your sins. Now 39:31 we're responding not as a grasping for personal security, but an appreciation 39:35 for God has already done for me how to patients, how the someone go from the I know I 39:42 have to do >> I know I have to something because that's almost like a 39:47 natural. Somebody at one point in your life has given you a gift. like, but I didn't get 39:55 to get anything for And the person just gave you a gift. Not it. Not really expecting 39:59 anything back, but we think, oh, I have to do something. Yeah. And how do we go from? I 40:05 have to do something to understanding that Christ has already become our senior. 40:11 This this boggling. Yeah. I'm much too good to be true and my heart doesn't want to 40:16 believe that. I have to constantly remind myself that God loves me. He got as 40:21 pursuing the and he's never going to let me go. And he's the one that's going to see me 40:24 through. And when I tell myself that take the focus off myself. 40:27 >> What I have to do and start looking to him who is the author and the finisher of 40:35 Faith he everything. If I start believing that that starts having power my life, I 40:42 start doubting my I start I I forget my own insecurities. mined out and I start focusing 40:47 on Jesus and what he wants to do to transform my life end it in the quote an originally 40:53 given the message was the message of the righteousness of Christ that produces in the 40:59 believer overcoming someone that that is in harmony with the Commandments of God. This 41:06 was a righteousness by faith and the setting of the cleansing of the sanctuary 41:09 that will actually produce a people that ball and love with Christ who pursues them to the 41:15 point where they would give up everything to follow him. That's the power of the U.S. 41:18 to transform a life. Amen. Praise. The Lord you know, it's marvelous to I know where 41:24 you're it's. >> We have many points. We also have to get testimony 41:32 from right. There is something I just want to show another quote about motivations. I 41:36 think motivations a critical component. Ellen White says. >> It's not the fear of 41:40 punishment or the hope of her lasting war. That leaves the disciples of Christ to follow 41:44 him. the motivations are other isn't that it's all about for punishment or she has no, it's 41:50 not the fear of punishment for word she goes on says the disciples of Christ behold the 41:56 Savior and his matches led display from the major of The means of death in the 42:00 conference crossed the side of tracks. They hear his voice and the follow So the 42:06 motivation becomes not grasping for reward for myself, for fear of punishment 42:10 becomes an attractiveness of Jesus. He's so beautiful. He's done so much for me. Already. 42:15 I want to follow him completely different motivation for why we do 42:19 religion. Why we do Christianity. Why we do that. It could. It could produce a 42:23 human being like Moses who sudden large, if you can't save the stiff neck, people 42:28 them block me out of your book. While like Paul who said if I could be a curse for my 42:32 brother and let me be a curse. >> Jesus was a curse for his brother and he took the curse 42:38 is Galatians 3.13, says having become a curse because he was hung on a tree. He went to the 42:44 cross. He is the one that has actually done that. But that's how God's people in the very 42:48 last days. Well. Will lose all of their focus on their own and securities in. They will 42:54 look to Jesus. Who can produce that same sort of response as Moses are as Paul. 43:02 >> A man and I tell a quick story that happened on the way here on the way haha, I know 43:08 that we have that. I don't know what time that is going to become point. 43:11 >> I'm the only time we argues when I drive getting nervous. >> this time it's not you feel 43:19 good. so I was asked somebody called me this week and asked me to call a lady in another 43:25 country. She is live in. The states is in a foreign country. So I said to myself 43:28 will have time driving over the alcohol. So I called and when she got on the phone, she 43:32 had lots of issues, physical and spiritual issues, an emotional issues as bill to 43:39 the physical problems she was sharing with me. She was very tense and just distraught and 43:48 someone had told to as she was relating situation to another person. Another believe or her 43:55 country. They said you need to try hot. You should be doing more or less what they told to 44:00 being a better view against men. b*** of gun not do you not do everything right? And I 44:05 said, you know something. That's the how God works. God is faithful to you. Regardless 44:09 of what you're doing. He's pushing all the time. You know what's interesting, the spoke 44:14 about what, maybe 30 minutes on the phone and after about 20 minutes, I heard a change 44:18 in her voice. So I said to you saw on election was praise the Lord. She was I more or less 44:27 is just what I Christmas. This is what I could you tell me? You told me that God loves me. 44:32 Even if I'm not falling and doing everything. I said exactly what I said. But she 44:35 repeated to me and I realized that the power of God's initiative. We can't even 44:40 imagine what it's like to someone who is burdened to the sense that they have to do 44:45 something to be more pleasing to God. And now he doesn't leave us there. But that's how 44:51 it starts off So anyway, every We up. >> About 12 minutes or so. I 45:01 think this a good time to bring in the call that we And who are we going to be able to 45:07 talk so can assume it is an associate of it. And if you miss a study committee who's 45:11 been very, very active in literature, distribution and evangelism all over Central 45:15 Africa, Ghana, he lives in Kenya. Does most of his work there? But that's really 45:20 incredible testimonies about about sharing using the 88 gospel principles to do a 45:28 vandalism, OK? So we might have it all the as was for the Havenots church. No, these are 45:32 gospel principles that warm people's heart irrespective of their background and had been 45:35 to some in other Christian nominations or even outside Christian denominations. So 45:39 Kansas joining us from Africans got some incredible stories matter. The court we 45:43 started was said that this is the that God commanded be given to the world that that 45:48 this is going to last, right, that can in action. >> Okay. Very good see if we 45:52 have Kenneth Online already. And so we can talk to him. There we go. You are all the 45:56 way. Where are you now? >> Good morning, >> No. If she is haha. 46:08 >> And money actually just a point that too. >> 5, 0, Haha. Well, well, 46:15 welcome. >> Can a sheriff's the story about the young man who came 46:17 to one of your bible study groups. His dad was a leader and a non nomination. And tell 46:22 us that story about how how you were able to share the gospel. That whole family in 46:27 that church. >> Yes, this is a story of a >> young mind who me in that I 46:34 did read it doing now. >> can. I was season one of the in that'll be. So this 46:44 this guy and acted over the last bend he was on the monument that he gots all the 46:50 principles of the gospel last 2 the presentations. So when he went back home, you broke 46:57 the news to his father that he is joining 7th day. But in the father issues and rejected him 47:03 and sent him away. He the most. He said, I'm going to be he's in the mall and sent him 47:09 away. So can you wait that initial story? He's a on when giving the books. I give the 47:18 book. I'm Glad Tidings. Actually. glad Tidings Glad Tidings to This gentleman. So 47:26 the move Wong, his hot and it's a home. I want to do something new to the Hole. And 47:34 it lists the group could some point where he knew the father? Wouldn't that up to 47:37 the After few weeks the father got hold of the book and read the book and the father was 47:48 like. >> Is this I which is missing. This is not what I have known 47:52 >> about. I want is on for a long So the gospel in that their mind that the heart of 47:58 that old man and that's to speak. The gunman got combat it and is non active as that. 48:05 You the charges in the village and I was invited to was invited to about all this 48:11 online. But after he was in mission, some insight into top 10. So that's one my heart. 48:20 >> Wow. Raised the Lord. President Lord, thank you so much to me. What's in it about 48:22 that story, John, is that the evangelist tool or entering wedge? We can say with that 48:28 young man's father was a leader in on that in a church was a gospel book. Glad 48:33 Tidings is a commentary in the book of Galatians who wrote the book. Yes, EJ Wagner. 48:39 you're right with that. But now we would think, glad Tidings come That sounds kind 48:42 of dry theology, but it's heartwarming truth. That's well, I can say every fiber of 48:46 my being said, I'm at so when this when this not Adventist pastor said well, is this 48:51 would have us believe this is gospel truth. That was what shifted him. Was this out of 48:55 the wasn't stated that in. Most of the things are with the gospel of shifted them 49:00 now, can shares the story some of the vans and you've done in Ghana and we have some 49:04 pictures there of some of the fruits of that minister. You down there in Ghana. 49:08 >> Yeah, that. Let he had. No, no we have in addition to go to God, not and we get to 49:17 something when they asked us to choose. If you do a meeting in deceit he owed in the 49:21 village, the state. >> We asked them to send us to the village religious 49:27 conference. So when you went we need that the something up because we've some some folks. 49:34 That's what we shed read, that congregation and then we were doing at training for that. 49:41 Some gospel on cost during the daytime. And then in the evening we have cities and 49:45 then they also invited some not of interest to come and on that joining the cities that 49:50 come back to. Well, it was successful and that the and all that the CDs we 8 about 2 50:00 zones. I don't think that the to fall Watt none. I have been to school but the I think 50:07 their lives to Christ a man is praise the Lord. Thank you so much. 50:12 >> By the way, very nice. Colorful shirt. So really is. I from Harry Nice. Thank you 50:22 so much. So King has more to share. Yeah, I just want to make a come again, though, 50:27 that it's possible to do evangelism, not merely from a doctrinal perspective, only 50:32 right. But to do of Anderson with the gospel first and then see those doctor Richards for 50:37 lands of the framework of the Gospel. What differentiates the truth from the truth as it 50:43 is in Jesus. And yes, and we need to be sharing the truth as it is in Jesus, whether 50:47 it's the Sabbath stay that whatever it is, we need to share the truth as it is in 50:50 Jesus. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much. Well, I need to once again share with you the 50:55 contact information and I've been told that I missed one. So I need to come back and 51:00 tell what we had before. And plus, add the new one. So we want to encourage you to text 51:06 your a message, your car, your your question comment. 2, the number 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 51:13 7, 5, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, 1, more time, 618-228-3975. Get your 51:21 question in so it can be presented to be answered. We can also e-mail at 3 A B and 51:29 will live AT 3, A B TV live at TV live at the TV TV. >> Well, we have just about 6 51:36 minutes left and there's something about the 18 88 message some focus about. I've 51:41 got the what is Got me and why is that important? All right. So so as I was a medical 51:51 student in my second year, I'm starting my 3rd year. I sometimes spending more time 52:00 studying the Bible and listening going to meetings that I was studying. 52:06 >> Medical school, I was so hungry to try to understand. And friend of Don, who was a 52:12 classmate of mine. And I we would go every weekend to hear different speaker go to a 52:18 different conference and there was finally a conference up a camp Cedar Falls and carried 52:24 out by the vessels study committee that just formed about 2 years earlier in. I 52:28 couldn't go that Friday night. I was on call an orthopedic surgery service. But Don went 52:32 to that meeting. He called me that have cell phones back then. But he called soon as he 52:39 got back. And he said, I just heard something tonight, but I've never heard any of the 52:43 other presentations we've ever gone to. He said I just heard a message on cop a the idea 52:50 that God loves us more, that he loves himself and it was like light bulb went off in my 52:56 brain. But that is what I've been missing. That is what I've been searching for. Jesus 52:59 demonstrated on the cross that he was willing to give up his eternal existence so that I 53:06 could let up. Jesus was willing to die. The second death he experienced the 53:12 second death experience, not knowing all white and deserve ages 7.53 says that he could 53:18 not see through the portals of the 2, but he made a decision that he would save the human 53:27 race no matter the cost to himself. Well, that is a cop I love that. I don't naturally 53:32 have. We don't naturally have. It has to be a gift from him. But God loves me more than I 53:37 love myself. And that's never been able to set >> Amen. And 53:42 >> That is marvelous. Praise the Lord. What what a picture. You know, too. You quoted to 53:46 one of the passages or no passage, quote from Alan, you has been such a blessing to me 53:56 to think that Jesus in his hour of agony and get 70 as he was contemplating giving his 54:01 life for us. He had to make a decision and the decision he made. One of part of this is 54:13 the struggle that we as humans don't understand. The Jesus went through me, went through 54:17 such a struggle. That's why it's called the agony of get Yes, I see you have something 54:23 more to say. Well, what it says that conquered by faith. That's a foreign concept to 54:29 all of us. When we first hear how could God whose divine have faith. But Jesus Socar 54:36 nature. He took our flush. entered into humanity. The humanity that need to be saved 54:43 in. So he was struggling with this. Yes. And so the guard and this was a real struggle, 54:48 something worse than any of us will ever go through 3 times he played with his father. Is 54:54 there any other way? But other way was there. Is there any other way to say, John, into 55:01 say, Bob, save lending, to save me in to save everyone watching and 3 times the 55:06 answer came back. There's no other way. If we understand that he was feeling the weight 55:11 of sin and for the very first time in his life, he'd never encountered this before. But 55:16 their furry first time in his life, he's feeling the separation from caught his 55:19 father who he had always been linked to. And so he was fighting a battle of faith. 55:27 Yes. And so we call that the faith of Jesus. That's right. Faith that has been tested 55:30 through the crystal ball. It has never felt. interesting because the prize mission, one 55:37 of the aspects of the going to it. >> There are several aspects 55:40 to it, too. And one of them is willing to lose your return life somebody else. You know. 55:49 So let me talk about love the the used when got is it a time is flying. But as as a a to 55:55 adopt a as list to God because the kind of love we think about it. So so selfish, but 56:01 one of the greatest things I love about a co-pay is that human love wants to ascend. 56:08 Yes, but God's love wants to dissent and did dissent look at Phillip inched up to 2. You 56:12 see the steps that Christ took in coming down to join himself to humanity. And that's not 56:19 normal me to come join himself to the human race that descending the other thing is 56:24 that at least one of the aspect is that. Our love can be passive but a GAAP. It is 56:31 active. It is pursuing. And so when look at that love that wants to step down and lose, 56:38 let his life. To save somebody else. That is something so unique, I think to 56:44 Christianity in general and to the message that that is one of the things that draws us to 56:50 meet and Christ. And bike out to used to say as night follows day. Day follows 57:00 night, whichever you becomes almost natural that you want to respond to that kind of 57:05 love. But, you know, obedience and faithfulness and so forth, yes. 57:09 >> well, we have done about 30 something seconds left. Sorry, Robert, you didn't have to 57:14 wait for we come back from the break. And so we want to encourage you to stay by for 57:19 another hour of blessing. And we have much more to share with you. This is just getting 57:26 started. about the 18 88 messaging. You cannot leave until you find out why the 18 57:33 88 message is the key to the latter rain. >> So send in your questions. 57:39 Stay by. And we will be right back to continue the blessings of the 18 88 message. We'll 57:44 see in a moment. ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-07-01