Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220021A
00:07 >> I want ♪
00:32 ♪ 00:49 ♪ ♪ ♪ 01:07 >> hello friends and welcome to 3 Avian today lie. My name John Lowe. McCain, thank you 01:12 for taking the time to join us. And my wife is with me. Could have you here. 01:15 >> I'm always happy to be here. We just praise the Lord fee. You all of us in this 01:21 Nuss tune in in Med Effect supporting us. And tonight we have a very exciting program 01:25 as many of, you know. >> In some ways, was still wrestling with COVID. Not as 01:32 tenaciously I used to, I want to let you know for some people COVID stopped their 01:39 world for other people. It And tonight we're going to talk about someone who allowed 01:44 COVID to become the ignition switch in her life because, you know, you can stop all go 01:51 based on the circumstances you tonight, if you're one of those people that are 01:55 wondering, how do you do what you do when circumstances seem to be against you tonight, you 02:01 want to tune in. His program will not tune in, but as you have to do it, you want to go 02:05 ahead hit record because we have an exciting guests. The talks about what God can do if 02:11 a person first has a willing minding and so on. And we know more than to have that vision. 02:17 It's important is the foundation by which everything revolves. lets the people that 02:21 are not always equipped with everything but God qualifies the call. And he also uses the 02:28 gifts and the skills that many of us have. So stay tuned tonight for the program. I 02:33 would give this problem in yeah. I would call it the ignition switch. You know, 02:39 because God knows how ignite. And when God lights a fire, all in the life, in the heart 02:43 of the person. And also for the glory of God. But before we go on on the first, thank 02:47 you for your prayers and your support of 3 ABN. And then as we continue going and growing 02:53 getting way for the coming of the Lord. And we've seen a lot of challenges here, but a lot 02:57 of blessings, a lot of lessons. God is so good and it's so good to know that we 03:02 are living in the last. What winds of time. My sense of time. The closing histories. 03:09 Yes, and God is looking for all the ways possible. So tonight you may be sitting on 03:14 an idea wondering what I do with How do I get? It started? What what does it take me? 03:20 Well, tonight, you will be inspired. You'll be challenged and you'll say, wait a minute, 03:25 God can do that, too. This person's trying to be very, can do the same through our 03:32 lives. But before we introduce our guests, we have some music tonight, honey, by young man 03:37 who always misses wonderfully Scott. Michael Bennett is going to show wonderful song 03:42 called How Deep the father's love. 04:06 >> beyond >> mean >> low. 04:35 >> as >> that >> And sums 04:46 ♪ >> will >> long 05:02 >> same to My >> my and >> just. 05:26 >> Is Grab me. ♪ >> and 05:48 >> there's 06:04 >> why his main Willow. >> is unknown his rooms >> I 06:47 >> as of pay >> that is a >> So 07:05 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:20 ♪ >> thank you so much. Scott was young man grow up and God 07:28 has used his voice for the glory of the kingdom's game. And I'm really excited about 07:32 tonight's program to and the guests is excited to. And I think without any further ado, 07:37 let's go ahead and welcome. Our guests could have your Tiffany able on get happy 07:42 here. So nice to be with you all. Thank you so much for having me. Yes. And where are 07:46 you from? I'm from Maryland. >> Maryland I live in Laurel, Maryland right now. But my 07:52 church home is breath of Life. SDA Church in Fort Washington, Maryland. And that's a very 07:57 appropriate church because she has a breath of life all I love her she wonderful church. 08:03 Wonderful church. Tell us little about your background. So, yeah, hey, I know who, 08:08 yes, some of background kind Well, you've been what you've done. Sure. So basic I'm an 08:16 individual. Of course. I love God. I love spreading his word. I went to Oakwood 08:22 College. My alma mater to love it. Yes. And when I was at Oakwood, I study Web 08:27 development, computer science and that led me to get a job at NASA who came of that it 08:31 was wonderful that then God let me after that to go to Korea to be a missionary for 08:34 almost 10 years, OK, loved it. >> And then after that, you speak Korean for only I do. I 08:41 do is to create little So it's a wild guess. Welcome. Get glad to have you. an People 08:49 just thought the clay interesting interest. Yes, we have Adventist Church. Is this 08:54 who have? Yes, yes, actually, when I was in Korea, I was there with the Adventist 08:58 Church at one of their language institutes. I taught English in the Bible. Then I 09:01 came back to America and I currently have an English Academy online and a You Tube 09:07 Channel. So I had a very interesting journey, OK? And God is with me the entire 09:11 time. So we'll talk about that journey. But that's interesting. Give us a little 09:16 more because after NASA, you catapulted you kind of went left and right. 09:20 >> Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. about this change? >> Sure. So I enjoyed my time 09:25 at NASA had a wonderful boss. Wonderful co-workers. But one day I heard God speaking to me 09:30 and he told me I need you to do something else. to you, Jen, another way. And so I 09:36 left NASA. He led me to go to South Korea to become a missionary. So I went to South 09:43 Korea and I taught English and the Bible and it literally was because of God's leading. And 09:50 while in Korea, I found out that I really enjoyed teaching and I loved teaching God's 09:55 word. I literally fell in love with teaching God's word and making God's word practical to 09:59 everyone. So that's literally how I got to Korea and one year turning to 10 I really 10:06 enjoyed Did you have a lot of students? >> I'd male and female. What's 10:09 the age group? Yes. So I lived there for almost 2 years. And during that time, I taught 10:16 every age group from as young as 4 years old, all the way up to about 80 or 85 years old 10:20 during that time. Yes. So the schedule as an English missionary in South Korea. And 10:26 I know some of my friends are watching and they were also missionaries in South Korea. 10:30 The schedule is from morning to evening and we have a break in between and we talk the 10:35 viable, of course, to students that were interested in learning more. And then we 10:38 taught English as well. So, yes, it was very, very interesting. what happened 10:43 that to you left it there and came back to the U.S.? So it's very interesting. So while I 10:48 was in South Korea, I was a missionary teacher. But I also I also studied at a university 10:54 in Korea, which is why can speak Korean and I got a master's degree in art. 11:00 Getting ready to come back to Maryland to come back to America asked Scott, what do 11:04 you want me to do? That's something that has been bailing theme in my Not my 11:10 will, but thy will endure what mean. And I asked Scott, what do you want me to do? Do you 11:13 want me to teach art? Based on my major based on my degree or would you like me to continue 11:19 teaching English because of that time I was teaching English on YouTube helping 11:23 students and it seemed to be growing. So for about a week I fasted and prayed and asked 11:28 God what he wanted me to do. And by the end of that week, he said I need you to go. The 11:33 YouTube rap. There was no money at that time. I wasn't making any money. So I have to 11:37 come home and at that time I was in my early 30's and I told my the minute you look 11:44 like you're in your late had a lot. My students don't know how old I am. 11:54 >> Secret. But on my way site spoke of my parents and I said this is the way God is leading 11:59 me and I praise God for godly parents and they understood they have watch, including my 12:04 entire life. And I knew that when God spoke in my life, I followed it wasn't about me. 12:08 So my parents were amazing and they let me hit. You can stay with us as long as you need. 12:13 And so I came back home and I decided to continue moving forward with the YouTube 12:19 channel teaching English and I'm still doing it now. I don't live at home anymore. 12:24 Got of Yes. That's what brought me back to America and let me in the direction of 12:28 teaching English online. Now, just people were going to for that. One of audience know 12:32 that's listening and watching that tonight will be taking questions. 12:35 >> And I know that after you start hearing Tiffany unwrap, what we're laying the 12:40 foundation for. You can have some questions. So you can call those questions. And if 12:43 you want to text and then 2, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, once again, 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. 12:50 Or if you want to e-mail those to live at 3 ABN DOT TV. That's live at 3 ABN DOT TV. 12:59 And we'll be taking those questions in the second. Now. But it's interesting to hear 13:04 about somebody teaching in Korea. And I have to kind of back pedal a little bit. Did 13:09 you learn Korean before you went to Korea? >> I did not. But prior to 13:13 going to Korea, there is a quote from Nelson Mandela and he said teach someone 13:19 something in a language they know and they hear it here, teach it in the language. 13:23 That's their own their mother tongue and they hear it here. So prior to going to Korea, I 13:27 promised God that I would not come back until I spoke because I felt like if I 13:31 wanted to reach Korean people and help them understand God's word, I needed to understand 13:35 their language. So I did not speak Korean when I went there. When I got there. That 13:40 was my main goal. My main purpose to learn their language and it's a 13:46 challenging language because their grammar is totally opposite of English. But after 13:50 learning Korean, I started to understand the people so much more. 13:55 >> And >> it gave me a greater appreciation for Jesus and how 13:56 he came to this earth and related to us on a personal level. Now, can you write 14:03 increase? Yes, I actually in my grad school, I was always been Korean like my degree 14:08 that I got at the university. I was only speaking Korean the entire time. So when you got 14:14 back, I know how important Sabha school classes are set. A school classes. You. 14:17 >> You into Iraq with the people a class you learn. It's so nice. Now when you came 14:25 back home. >> Did you saw this happen? School class? 14:29 >> I did. And that's very interesting. So. Being a missionary for almost 10 years 14:34 in Korea almost every day having the opportunity to tell individuals about God and his 14:39 love and before I went to Korea, I say I wasn't evidence bubble because my family was 7 14:46 dead dentist. I went to 7 schools my entire life. Praise God. I appreciate the 14:52 education I had. But Korea was my first time being around individuals that were atheist 14:58 that individuals that didn't in God. I'm requesting a fuse and so many different people 15:05 that were not quote, unquote, like me. You're actually And it made me really relate to 15:09 people more and try to break down the Bible in a certain way. So when I came back to 15:12 Maryland after being. Given so many opportunities to spread God's word. I felt like 15:16 something was missing. I couldn't just not be a mission. I couldn't just sit 15:22 back and listen. I wanted to acted and spread God's word and teach God's word. So I 15:28 spoke to our Sabha school leader at that time. I said, hey, I'd like to start a 15:33 class. But at the time I wanted to start a Bible study class at the Sabbath school 15:38 time. I want us to dive deeper into the word because what I realized was even though you 15:44 may Christian Christian, it doesn't mean that you necessarily understand God's 15:48 word and how to apply it. And I had fallen in love with God's word and I wanted to 15:53 make it real. So I asked about to start a class to the yes, Tiffany, of course. So I 15:56 started the class and I also started at 9.45. I didn't start at 9.15 because I felt 16:04 that there were a group of people that wanted to come. They want to study. But 9.15, 16:08 if you have a little children, see the desire is there. But the time is just a little 16:14 tricky. Yes, so I chose 09:45AM. I started the class all and that feeling started 16:19 to come back. The feeling I had in Korea of teaching God's word and seeing God's word 16:24 come to life. So I was super happy. And I felt like everyone again, is my church 16:29 family. We're all learning so much about God's word together. So yes, now some 16:32 people are not. >> I mean, it's amazing, but there's some people not 16:39 familia at how YouTube works. I mean, they may look up videos improves YouTube. And 16:44 with all due to the universe, you can learn so many things. But in the interactive weight, 16:47 just talk about what made you go online and on. But let me just reverse a little bit here 16:55 because something happened that forced you to go online. Let's talk about that before 17:01 we talk about the specifics of sure to operate. >> So when I was in Korea as a 17:06 missionary English teacher, again, that's what I realized. I had a passion for teaching. 17:12 I love to see someone understand whatever it is. Understand a concept or an 17:14 idea and they gain confidence. Yeah. So what happened is prior to starting the YouTube 17:21 Channel, my boss at the time at the institute was working and he said Tiffany. We have 17:25 this group of students. They went through our entire program, but they still want 17:29 to study in this. But we don't have a program. Can you develop one? I said sure. No 17:33 problem. I'll do that. And I developed a program for the Advanced English students. 17:37 It's a Tiffany. You can do whatever you want. I said, OK, no worries. Over 2 months, I 17:41 have a special group of students, Korean students that could speak English. Well, but 17:44 they just wanted to continue sighting. And I specifically taught them certain things 17:50 that we learn high school or a grad school or college on how to give a how to give a speech 17:56 without looking at note 10 minutes. But in period of time, when I talked for 2 18:00 months and every single student was able to do it at the end of 2, every student I 18:04 had students that were in their 20's teams that were in their 60's. And at the 18:08 beginning, they could not even speak for a minute without looking at something. Yeah, 18:11 that's the bad part of toasts masses. I actually did participating tells One time 18:18 when I was after college, I was a great, great organ. Excellent. it is. 18:25 >> So a lot after seeing what happened. And again, it was all about the transformation 18:27 in the students, their confidence and how proud they were of themselves. And I 18:32 realized I want more people to experience this. So at that time U 2 was getting popular, 18:41 right? So I said if I can help this group of students about 10 students, I can help 18:44 initially was just for Korean students that I was aiming at. So I started the YouTube 18:48 channel again with the goal of helping more people understand and be able to gain 18:53 confidence. Senator me that I started the YouTube channel. Wow. So you what have teach 18:59 inside the school? He came back to teach inside the school. 19:02 >> Now the age group of your students fuss at the school. What were they? 19:06 >> So in Korea, I wasn't teaching status quo. What I can bring that back home. 19:10 Honestly, my initial was the 30 that was my initial target. But what happened again, it 19:19 wasn't closed, but I felt like that was the group that wasn't necessarily being reached as 19:23 much, which is why change the time to 9.45? Yes. But what happened was? Every I started 19:29 getting 30 year olds, 40, 50, 60, every age was joining. And I realize that. Everyone wants 19:37 to understand God's word and everyone wants to be able to apply God's word practically 19:42 to their So. Instead of being about if you want to understand God's word more, if 19:49 you want to also give your opinion and your ideas come to class. So we had a great time 19:53 together and I think you can tell I'm very passionate about what I do. And I also that God 20:00 is amazing. You know, you can have fun and have a good time talking about his words. I 20:03 think that's what incursions of the calm. And I also encourage the the dialogue as 20:08 well. Wow. Now what about the But was it like for you during the pandemic? That was very 20:14 interesting. So I started the Sabbath school class about. I think it was 2 months before 20:19 the pandemic of 2022. Start and yeah, hadn't been doing it. Maybe about 2 or 3 months. 20:24 Maybe and the pandemic hit. Now, remember, I started the Sabbath school class because 20:29 something was missing. I wanted to spread God's word pandemic. And I went to God, 20:35 my God, why give me this opportunity to once again, teacher word and now we're not 20:39 even in church It was at that time. I love God so much because he prepares you for 20:46 something you don't know. And got overhead. Tiffany, remember, you started your 20:52 YouTube channel and I have been teaching at that time on you. Tube been at least about 20:57 a year. I think what a year or more. So I was comfortable for the camera. I was able to, you 21:03 know, work things. It was simple for me to online and God said I need you to give 21:07 110% to me same way you give 102% to your English students online. He said time for you. 21:16 Take your class online so that literally have the Sabbath school class went online and 21:18 on. I think there's a clip showing like when I want to see that transitional stages 21:26 us that clip of how Tiffany got started and >> you talk about your 21:33 enthusiasm grew out that this is a 30nd video out. >> Good morning. And happy 21:41 Every one I am Tiffany Clay Ward and I love studying the word of God with God's people. 21:48 Now we are going to have an awesome time today. The wait for you guys to come and join 21:54 him. Let me know your testimony. You know, last week we talked about the power of a 21:59 testimony and I really had a wonderful week and shared so many testimonies. Why her 22:06 testimony from others. And I was able to talk to others about my testimony as well. 22:13 Oh, on Tuesday. hazing. That's that's tracked it to that, right? 22:21 >> It's funny. looking at it now again, because my energy is if the next level now. But 22:25 I was comfortable at that time. But again, it was the kind of the beginning of the 22:29 pandemic. Some just getting east, OK, now we have Sabha school online. So it's 22:32 interesting when you see the current that clip and how changed a little bit, you can 22:37 tell my energy increase the company Bility also increased as well. So and as a techie, I 22:44 recognize some of the equipment that you use that won't talk about that year. 22:47 >> People have different styles, but put the package together yourself. Yes, be 22:53 able to go online and you not only you began on you to the 10 to transition to Facebook. 22:58 Talk about that. Before we go to the next clip. Sure. Yes. So again, you to was my 23:03 English language classes. So do you right now. >> But I chose Facebook is 23:06 very interesting because I had a conversation with God because I had 2 choices, 23:12 Facebook or YouTube and it would have made more sense to go to YouTube. That's the 23:15 platform I use on a regular basis right? But for some reason, God led me to Facebook 23:21 and I'm still on Facebook to this day and it's not that I can't go to you, too. But 23:26 every time I think about going to you, too, because I've been asked that many times what has 23:30 happened with our Facebook Sabha school live. I called a family. Okay. Everyone knows 23:35 everyone. And when you come on, you know, hey, where is this person? We haven't seen 23:39 them yet. I feel like Facebook has become a family. So that's why I moved to Facebook and 23:44 I'm still >> I love that. We have Bible studies. Also on Wednesdays. 23:50 And it's like a family. Yes, and you do. You get connected with So true. Expect certain 23:57 people to show up. Yes, you don't. You actually call and we whole dynamic. The family. 24:04 You get too used to people. >> Yes, it makes a big difference. I think that's 24:09 another thing that draws people back. They feel like again, with the pandemic. 24:13 Again, it's slowly going away. But during the pandemic, people felt isolated, separate 24:19 that emissions. That also was one of my goals. I want people to feel even though you're 24:22 sitting in front of a screen, I'm going to say everyone's name might put a comment on 24:27 the screen. I say the name of the person to live in the like you matter that you are 24:31 important. And I think that makes a big difference. Then people come back and it 24:35 doesn't birthday. Always sing. Happy birthday. Someone has something that happened 24:39 testimony. I try to remember little things about everyone to make everyone feel special 24:44 because this class is about all of us in for those are watching again that they're in 24:49 the class. I told him like, Hey, guys, watch are in the interview because it's not 24:52 about me. It's about our class Yeah. Our class. >> How many people of a so it 25:02 fluctuates again. Now the churches are starting to open up a mic coming around like 25:06 56. 57 the right? So I've people tell me, I logged into my whole family watches. shows 25:13 one person the entire family watching. So the numbers again. There hovering around. 25:21 56, far as the right on God is really good that I I praise God and it's it's never about 25:26 the numbers because I can't really see the numbers while teaching right eye for that 25:29 will tell me after they got as good. This is the number that join today. But in the 25:34 connections. >> Don't represent the actual numbers. There was a 25:36 connection to portals like one window. But you look at that window, a lot of people exact. 25:42 said the whole family to happen to us at church, right? That's true. Yeah. You've got 25:45 like you to connections, but then you have a lot of you to subscribers. Talk about that. 25:49 >> So the YouTube subscribers is for like my English students came out this 25:52 absolute last. But what has happened is very interesting. Again, I mentioned before that 25:57 before I left Korea, God told me to do the You Tube Channel, OK? And I was in discussions 26:02 with God because I love Ministry to God. How how am I going to teach English and 26:08 also spreads are words that don't you worry about it? Do what I'm telling you to do. I 26:11 said, okay, I'll do that. You Tube Channel. And when I started the Sabbath school 26:16 live class at students by in the students coming to class because like, hey, teacher, 26:19 Tiffany, want to see you. I want to buy Muslim bases Yeah. So many students that are my 26:27 English students also come and join the Sabbath school live class as well. And every time 26:30 God is saying all I need you to do is do the work I've called you to do. And I'm 26:35 going to do the rest. So it's really strengthened my relationship with God and 26:41 trusting his voice and the Holy Spirit's leading. So it's been a blessing. I think. As 26:44 we watch the second clip, you'll be able to see you're the development hasn't same 26:50 wording. I'm Tiffany Clay War and I love sitting Gaza where we've got people. But you'll 26:54 tell a little bit the energy in And of course, the studio chains, as you recognize props 27:06 to Cannes and everybody else. But check out this clip. Yeah. And Tiffany is going to show 27:09 you the dynamics first her earliest stages. >> And where she's really 27:14 comfortable right now. Check it out. >> Good morning. And happy 7th 27:21 family. I am Tiffany Clay Warren and I studying the letter. Word of God with God's 27:29 people family. We are back together again and we are going to go deeper into God's 27:35 word and learned so much more. So I hope you are excited as you're coming in and say good 27:41 morning. Say happy 7th and let us know how good got has been to you. 27:50 >> microphone are using the shore. >> No, I'm actually using the 27:54 road OK, sure is an amazing company. But actually with the road because of their road, 28:01 castor, that's new year together. I put it together when still with those of you 28:06 are tech The case and has Sony camera. gold microphones. >> greatest. Good to know that 28:14 you have that ability and not saying that females don't, but it's really good to meet a 28:19 female who has the technical. Yes, I did it. My wife is a techie. Yes, she's becoming 28:25 more but that I'm more like the camera lenses. And yeah, aperture and what kind of from 28:32 ministry and its from minister. That's the key, not just the gadgets, but the 28:37 portal through which you minister now want to walk through some of something to I 28:43 know I want to walk some of the specifics because you don't just grab your sabha 28:48 school lesson and go online. Don't talk about preparation. One of the things about I'm a 28:56 part of toast Masses. Pryor proper prior preparation prevents poor brother. 29:06 >> Oh, this is yes. Talk about operation is significant is very important. So those that 29:14 know me well know that I'm a very organized individual and I like to put my best foot 29:19 forward and everything that I do. And that goes back to what God said. Tiffany, I need you 29:22 to. >> Give 110% to the ministry. I'm calling into with the 29:25 status quo. Live class. So just to give you a basic breakdown. So I do run my own 29:30 business, which is the English side, which keeps me busy. So in order to prepare for 29:35 Sabbath school, I'm an early bird, but I normally get up around 04:00AM and I'll study, 29:37 but it takes time to step takes over an hour to study one lesson that the review it 29:43 again because when you're teaching something you have to make sure first, you 29:47 understand that the Holy Spirit. Explain it to you. You have to go back over and asked 29:50 the Holy Spirit to show you practical ways of breaking information down to those that 29:56 will be teaching. So that's the process throughout the week. And then on Saturday 29:58 morning, I normally get between 3 or 04:00AM. and I have to spend the time I have 30:04 drawings will see that clip soon as well. Where I sketch out every single slide that 30:09 I'm going to create. And again, that goes back to the arts. I okay. yes, this is 30:13 exactly what it Corey boarding. Yes. So every every week I have designs for every 30:20 slice, again, it goes back to 110%. I want to make sure that I'm giving the best to those 30:25 that are coming to class because that fosters understanding and it makes the 30:29 class visually they will be engaged and then also with understand information. So 30:35 Saturday mornings I did on Sabbath mornings. I actually spend about. So 04:00AM to 30:41 9.45 so that the long period of time a break in between that designed lies and again 30:45 because I wanted to be the best experience for those coming to the class. So even 30:50 though it's our class being that I'm the one on the camera showing the visuals, I want to 30:53 make sure everyone enjoys and understands when you can put something and make it simple 30:57 and a graphic, everyone can understand and to do one lesson you will you take Sabha 31:03 school. You know, I know you spent hours. >> yeah. On your lesson study 31:10 and preparation has said he and the whole team, those 2 and it makes a difference. And 31:14 I like the fact we're going to see some of the graphics that you have to work on because 31:17 just storyboard is giving you the flow. Zach, help you understand the trajectory. 31:21 This is just, you know, questions have just been shot because of school lesson is a 31:26 study that is deep. It really is. And people need to understand it and having that 31:32 passion to teach But also is like a good cook has a great cook and you know, you've got 31:38 to know the ingredients and everything. Their ingredients. Yes, when you put that food on 31:41 the table, cause bread of life, one now and many want to make sure that all the 31:46 ingredients are going to I want some more of that next >> That's why you that's why 31:51 the people have been coming. Talk about that. preparation should some of the strengths. 31:55 You also have praise God. that ties back to when I worked at during my time. And that's I 32:01 was a web designer. So I have a >> Great interest in design 32:06 and making things look beautiful has rightly so with the I love this. So the I 32:13 think shows in the sides right now. so this is the basic layout lessons for one Sabbath 32:19 program. And so I go from Sunday all the way to Thursday. So we'll go to the 32:22 next slide, which will be the one for Sunday. So this is the basic layout. And what I do 32:26 for consistency is the color pattern stays the same for each day. So Sunday always 32:31 have this color pattern. And then the breakdown information may be different based on the 32:35 lesson when we go to Monday, you'll see that Monday has a kind of a lighter purple. And 32:40 these are simple things. But from a design perspective, it's kind of psychologically 32:45 This is consistent. Whenever I see a light purple. We're talking about Monday's lesson. 32:49 So these all things that I'm thinking about. The Holy Spirit is leading for them. 32:53 Will Tuesday's less than I normally stick with kind of a greenish color for the 32:55 background. And I try to put some graphics in. They're not just text and I want to make 33:00 sure it's the spacing is proper. And then we go to Wednesday's lesson. I normally 33:04 have kind of a pinkish color again, varying the colors. But again, it causes individuals 33:09 to kind of want to focus. And then for Thursday, less than I normally stick with kind of a 33:15 brighter But I want to make it again ad. Yes, so people kind of following this is what's 33:20 going to happen. And consistency is very key. But another thing about the class. 33:25 So these are the slides. The way they are set up a nothing about the class is of the 33:27 structure and I was very nice. Thank you so much. I appreciate from a graphic 33:33 ally. Very nice. Easy to read. Not straining on the eye. >> thank you so much. 33:38 >> I feel like I'm along with the visual content. One thing that again, with God's leading 33:43 in the leaning as far as the structure of the class. So I never wanted to be just me 33:47 talking the entire time. >> No one wants to sit listen to someone talk all. This is a 33:53 pastor. That's fine. That's message by. But I wanted the class to feel like we are. You 33:58 learn to get So actually have. And I don't know if people recognize this, but there's 34:04 actually a 3 part at the steps that I follow. The first one is I ask a question and the 34:08 question is apply to life. So I asked the question is not even about the Bible may ask, 34:14 what's your favorite food? So it gets people talking and of Apple's higher and everyone's 34:19 excited. Just talking. Meanwhile, I know that this is going to connect to what we're 34:23 going to talk about on that day and not an arbitrary question. Not relevant line, 34:27 Ali, very relevant, but I feel like Jesus did the exact same thing. You want to connect the 34:32 people's lives. And after we do that, then I say the reason I asked you about that is 34:36 because we're going to look at this Bible verse the Bread of life, something that come 34:40 next. And then we go right to the lesson for that day. So then I teach for about maybe 5 34:46 minutes out teach. And then we'll have a discussion about that portion of the lesson 34:49 that we follow. The same pattern next life application question. Everyone starts 34:53 talking Bible verse. God's work comes in. Next we go back to the lesson I teach for 34:56 about 5 minutes. The discussion. So the class feels like everyone is involved. So 35:03 people enjoy and I hope that they continue to come, of course. But I do that 35:06 purposely because I never want them to feel that just sitting here and I get talk know your 35:11 opinions are important. And I always stop if there's a question. Yes, and I put 35:16 everyone's comment on the screen. Everyone's calm is important. Everyone's thoughts 35:19 are important. So that kind of lead the class. Initially the classes only an hour now, the 35:22 classes. An hour. And 45 minutes. Wow, get in because I want them to talking like this 35:31 is not about me. This is about you last. everyone feels that I hope so. Yes. So again, the 35:34 design is one aspect. The interaction is one aspect in the structure of the court of 35:39 the class is also another aspect. That's that's really because we have we've noticed 35:44 that whenever you do a lot >> in-person Bible study just a Wednesday night Bible study, 35:50 you know, a lot of people call a primitive but wasn't Bible study. People tend to stick 35:54 with it and now, but when you're online, going out and because we want to hear people 35:59 talk. you know, Angie Primes it in the beginning on get ready. but doing the 36:05 beginning. >> We just talk. I asked them about Give us a testimony. 36:09 What's been going on in your life? Things like that and and we get to know the people 36:14 online. You know, we have not met them personally, but we know them them. Brothers 36:19 insisted that in crisis and we have people that would Jehovah witness. 36:24 >> And they talk about their journey into coming into the stunt come from different 36:31 directions. You know, the one he but they come to the farm and the start peaking in. they 36:38 find out about a peek in and they say, wait a minute, then you find you see their 36:42 transformation. Yeah. About some of that that you see. people's lives as you interact 36:47 with them on a continuous basis. >> It's very interesting that 36:51 you asked that question because the majority of individuals that come to the 36:53 class are some of the evidence. But there are others that are not right. But it's 36:57 interesting. The messages that I've received from many from 7 evidence saying, Tiffany, I've 37:02 never studied the Bible in this way. I never knew that I could get this deep into the 37:06 word of got. And these individuals are in their 60's and they've been in a church 37:12 their entire lives like I've never studied the Bible in this much depth. And I've 37:15 gotten so many messages like I'm actually falling in love with God's word again. And I 37:22 think that that's happening again because we're diving deep into God's word and 37:27 finding the practical applications. So the transformations I'm seeing. 37:31 Actually have been within our own family, our own Christian body are owns and that this 37:35 church, see more of those as well. >> The focus studying 37:39 character and I was right. And so so talk about some of the challenge that some of your 37:45 enthusiasm is infectious. >> talk about some of the challenges maybe at the 37:55 beginning and then some of those that you still address. >> So yes, in the very 37:59 beginning, the challenge West going from an in-person classed to an online class 38:03 where you're literally just looking at a camera >> it is challenging as you 38:12 can feed off of people when year one-on-one or when you're in person. When you're again 38:16 sitting in a room by yourself for a period of time. >> There is the challenge of 38:22 trying to show your energy and to kind of transmit that through this camera lens 38:26 another place. What you're talking to. So that was the initial challenge. But again, 38:31 as you saw the transformation, I'm still in a room by myself looking at a camera lens. But 38:37 the feeling is totally different now. And I think what has happened is you 38:39 develop a comfortability, but also the Holy Spirit starts working. You know how the 38:43 Bible? I think in Romans and if we can go there with Romans, I think it's chapter 38:50 one for 16 and Romans chapter one verse 16. It talks about God's word and the Gospels 38:57 being God's power. Yes. So when you start exactly it is for I'm not ashamed of the 39:03 Gospel of Christ for it. Not me not. You is the power of got into salvation to everyone 39:09 that believes to the June first and also to the Greek for 17 for therein is the 39:14 righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written. The just shall live 39:18 by faith. So what happened over time? I realized this is not this is not my work. This 39:24 is your word God. And I'm just a vessel. when you realize who you really are, suddenly you 39:29 showed us kind of go about It's kind of, this is your work. Welcome to Sabha school 39:35 family. So I think that's what happened over time. The challenge being I'm looking at 39:37 a camera lens, but then over time realizing I'm not in this room alone, no, the Angels are 39:44 with leading throughout the class. I think that's what happened. And currently the 39:50 current challenges. so this actually happened about a month before I came here. So 39:55 I've been doing I've been leading this class for about 2 and a half years old started 39:59 in March 2020. You know, churches are opening back up. Yeah, right. About a month 40:03 ago, I said God. Is it time to stop the class? What do you want me to do? Because 40:10 churches are opening in my class. Normally ends around 11, 30. Few in the 11, 30. By 40:14 the time you edit the video and download it, you can get to church and it's almost 40:18 over. So I was going through this period of praying and asking for God's guidance, not 40:24 my will your well as my family to pray. My friends to pray. I said God, what do you want me 40:29 to do? Is it time to stop this class and taken back and to be in person? But people that 40:33 join the class. Every was not in Maryland. People the world today you go and I God, what 40:39 do you want me to Said, I mean, your daughter usually the way you want to. Yes. And 40:45 through that period again, parents praying, sister, praying, friends, praying 40:49 actually wrote this down. I wanted to read it show. One of the quotes white from mine, 40:55 character and Now Arab boycott says that director. Yes, One of my favorite book or a 41:05 powerful setting about character because it's the only thing you can take to 41:07 have exactly care. >> Yes, Why would do in a focus more on character? So 41:12 sure if it's the only thing we're taking. So main study every Wednesday night, that's 41:17 why people in from all different in nominations, president to become 41:20 interested, the evidence. That's because she had a quote, praise God. Yeah. So 41:23 Got images speaking. This is the quote. Okay. >> Take hold with humility and 41:29 zeal to do the work he asks of you. Appreciate every opportunity to do a work that 41:36 will make you a blessing to those around you let it be your determination to do your 41:41 part toward making the place where you are a place that God can approve and bless. And 41:46 with that, I said God, I have my answer. >> Yeah, we'll continue I know 41:54 like members of our class very happy. But again, I was just trying to figure out what to 41:56 do. But remembering the only reason we're here on this Earth is to spread God's word. 42:01 the references that definitely it is my care to personality arm-side and right. The 42:07 number. Okay. But it is mine care to personnel tickets. Volume 2. Okay. We'll check it 42:11 out. But that's phenomenal. Because >> humility, zeal, blessing 42:16 determination and Cod right. Some of those key words fans got look that quote up. Yes, 42:21 powerful. Yeah. Got Really good. He's truly good. So got my answer. And the class will 42:24 continue. exciting. So what are some of the miracle stories talk students that 42:34 sometimes join to the knot at Dennis start seeing transitions and changes taking 42:38 place. >> In their lives. >> So many of the miracle. So 42:43 the student I mentioned earlier, specifically a Muslim one of my favorite students a 42:49 nice all around. Good guy actually is a chemistry professor, ominous countries 42:53 from Morocco he is Muslim and he knew that I was a Christian from the first time that he 42:57 became my students that if something about you, I love tracks. It. I like you too. 43:03 And he was just my student. And then when I started this at a school class, I said, 43:07 you're welcome to join us in. I'm not forcing you. But if you'd like Tiffany, wherever 43:12 you are, I'll be. I want to come. Enjoy your Joined few times he commented when he was 43:18 there. I don't know if we still are not because I can't see it in the names of the 43:23 numbers, what I'm teaching. But he was one individual and then. The majority of the most 43:28 recent miracles have been again with. Other Christians, messaging me privately and 43:34 saying, Tiffany, this class is really an increased. My love for God. This class is help me 43:39 understand God's word. So much more and to be very honest as an individual as a teacher in 43:44 general, my goal is to help someone fall in love with whatever they're studying, to 43:48 make sure they understand it and they can apply to their lives. So when I get those 43:51 messages. It makes me more excited to teach God's word the next week end when there's 43:58 the early morning studying is a little bit of tiredness, exhaustion, it pushes you This 44:03 is for you. Every one sold is saved because of his >> All worth it. So. A lot of 44:09 the miracle stories, honestly, more recently have been from Christians who are telling me 44:12 they have a renewed desire to study word and that in and of itself. Makes me happy because 44:19 this is where the powers wow. Well, if people have questions, they can. That's 44:24 right. You can send those questions right. You can text. >> 10 to 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 39 44:31 75 once again, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Or you can email those 2 live at 3ABN, 44:37 OTT TV. That's live at 3 ABN DOT TV. I want to appeal to somebody is listening watching 44:43 right now because in this day of media, I mean, my wife is an iPhone user on an Android 44:50 user. But the platform really is doesn't really matter on the devices today. And I've 44:56 often said this is better to use your device and allow your device to use you and we can 45:02 use those things as you've seen in Tiffany's live cameras are great but allow any 45:08 gadget. You have any ash from that that you have the question. Laura asked to 45:12 Moses. What's that in your hand? And that's the same question that many of us need 45:16 to answer today. What's in your hand, whether it's the fall with the sun iPad with us 45:22 laptop, whatever it is today with the streaming world you don't have to go to a physical 45:28 place all the time to be able to connect. Got on a very powerful level and up. So so 45:35 you may in. We'll give you some information later so that you know how to get in touch 45:38 with Tiffany. But but that's the way, ask God, what would you have me do with that? What 45:45 you have given the access to and how can I use it for the glory of God. And, you know, 45:49 we have this world today, Tiffany, social media to hit again. Social media. One of 45:56 the battles there. When you think about social media because now as a who's Yasmin, 46:02 just anybody would. I want to go here. Tiffany just. >> passionate about what you 46:08 do. Yes. Now, how do you reach the people that are maybe on a different social platform to 46:14 you kind of through advertisements out of that. How do you do that? So, no, I 46:17 don't do any advertising for the Sabbath school. Live >> Praise God for this 46:22 platform. 3 a B m. Quite a few members of our class found out about the class. From the last 46:30 interview, I did hear 3 ABM and they've joined a lot of times. It's word of I just 46:36 every week I'm online Facebook going live and its public. So I haven't done any advertising 46:41 mix. Mainly been word of mouth. People telling other people, hey, come join this 46:44 class. So God has been good. >> Well, and you see the message from a lady and her 46:48 late 66 share with us about that. >> Yes, so that came, I think 46:53 about them in the first year that I was doing the class. I received a message of 7 Davis 46:59 woman. She emailed me too. She sent message on Facebook messages of hate. Tiffany, I 47:02 will say that I really appreciate your class with a price got. Thank you so much. 47:05 So glad you joined. Hopefully you'll come back right. And she's actually the woman that 47:10 I was referring to earlier when I was saying individuals that come to class and say 47:14 they've been adding this their entire life, but they've never studied God's word in this 47:19 way. And she is explained to me that it's just so simple. It makes so much sense. I can 47:23 apply to my life and she was just saying thank you so much. So it really touched me 47:28 because you're in your 60's. And now you're finally coming to an understanding of the 47:33 power of God's work and you're So that part really touched my heart 47:39 >> Wow. when you think about. What you want to do as far as expanding your, you know that 47:47 reach of your ministry. But as some of the things that you have in mind that because I 47:54 know I can tell you not the kind of person says, well, this is it. I reach my final 47:58 frontier. Haha, what is some of the ways that you thinking of maybe even expanding on 48:02 this very platform that you're on. So it's it's funny that you ask that because that was 48:07 also another conversation that I was having with I was going to transition from Facebook to 48:10 YouTube are not so. >> The Facebook live the Sabbath school live. We'll 48:14 stay on Facebook. However, I love talking about God. I love talking about my what I love 48:20 making the Bible real. And I actually love telling stories so white and when to start, 48:26 the channel has not been opened yet, but it Bible stories with Tiffany and what 48:31 on YouTube. And again, it's it's maybe by the time is recorded and somehow it will 48:34 be out. But I want to tell Bible stories and make them relay double and help people 48:40 understand what the stories were. What's happening in the stories and how they can kind 48:45 of imagine what was happening right in our last class we were talking about Joseph. You 48:51 know, I love and we really got into it. And I asked everyone, I said, ladies, I have a 48:56 question. Tell me about the most handsome man you've ever seen. Of course. 49:00 >> I started rolling right? And so we're kind getting it. And we're talking about my 49:06 son. I want you to realize Joseph had all of these men beat shows that was extremely 49:10 hands. And then we talked about Potter for his wife. And we really got into the stories 49:16 of by the time we got to Josephs response. It really at home. Joseph said I don't want 49:19 to sin against God. So I really love telling stories making them real and 49:26 practical. So that's the next step. Honestly, the study to channel Bible stories with 49:31 Tiffany. >> I like that. It's been man enough that the make it today. 49:34 Yes, making it apply today. I know there was one This is from I think. 2 lessons ago 49:45 and he was talking about think it was a lie job. Elijah was the one running away from just 49:47 now. Yes. And we know the story. You know, he's done so much for God. But then as soon 49:53 as Jessica Bell is coming to get him, yeah, he suddenly scared yes or take my life. I 50:00 know he's asking God to take his life and we know the story. But I wanted to make a 50:03 more practical. And I said literally he was asking for God to kill him. He got to the 50:10 point he was so depressed that he couldn't live anymore. And what I wanted to focus on was 50:15 how did God respond to Elijah when he was depressed? And again, we're in the midst of 50:20 the pandemic. Many people were experiencing depression. If many people are experiencing 50:25 2000, how does governor spot and we go through these and to watch how God sent an angel 50:30 the first time. A wake you up just a they're not going to dress. I just want you to eat. 50:37 He let it eat and then go back to sleep. Yes, he didn't tell him get up and stopping to 50:41 press not listen. I understand what you're going through. Take time eat some food less. 50:46 The 2 arrested. The angel came back, including Guinness said now it's time for you to get 50:50 up and move. That's when we talked about it like, listen, God understands when you go 50:56 through something. it's gentle on when he comes back, it time for you to work for me. Yes. 51:03 So those are the things I want to do. Make practical >> Practical and relevant and 51:08 engaging. I like the way have. >> What's the most handsome man. Still say your husband 51:21 but love crazy. like that. You've made it like you said practical. You people enjoy 51:26 the night. That's when the Bible comes to life and then got takes it from there. 51:31 >> And the pages just jumps out at, you know, what I want to do is a sample because what 51:34 I want you to do, want to go back to some of those individual slides. And I want 51:37 you to sample for our audience now. People on radio and by the way, where all the way 51:44 live. Okay. But you mentioned no live. we speak is going all around the world so on. And I 51:56 want you to kind of take this audience that is listening right now. We'll go back to 52:00 maybe your Monday slight, OK? And if I'm not mistaken, that's the purple one. 52:08 >> Okay. And I'm all ample oak out this lesson. >> Now they can't see your 52:14 face, but, OK, they're listening to you. This kind of go ahead intro this. And and 52:18 it. Yes, okay. All right. we back to me and so to start off this what I would normally do 52:27 is ask individuals if someone were to say, who are you, how they describe In 3 words? Oh, 52:33 and I'd ask people in the class. Hey, how it will. People would probably say I'm 52:40 fine. I'm I'm I'm loving and kind. People would give different words to describe 52:44 themselves or maybe their partner or maybe their father, mother and children. 52:48 >> Then we say, OK, let's go to this verse that tells us God is love. First, John, 4, 52:52 8, then we go directly into the lesson and we go look at verses that. Tell us the 52:59 question who is got us going Hebrews, 12 ERs. 23 come and we go to the verses and as 53:02 we're going to the verses, then I asked them, what are your thoughts on this? First? 53:06 We're seeing that this first says got is this how does that make you feel to understand 53:10 who got is based on this Bible and that's how it didn't pass the test online. And I like 53:17 next question, that real quickly? The next question is, what type of judges got? you 53:22 read that because people nowadays. >> And judging, judge, that's 53:25 a big issue. And then you go through that wonderful. Exactly. Are you finding all I 53:31 want understand that, you know, there is this misunderstanding of who got is 53:35 yes, there And I walk into a realize got as a loving guy. Yeah, God cares about us. So 53:40 when you understand the fundamentals of who when things happen, you won't 53:46 question his lover. I when you understand it is. If I know for example, my family and 53:49 we're close knit family. My parents love me. Love my sister. love us. The death 53:55 with a levels of debt. If something were to happen, I wouldn't question my dad's 53:59 love for me. I wouldn't question my mom's love for me through why? Because I'm 54:04 secure. And I understand my parents love me. So this happened. I don't doubt their 54:09 love for me when we come to an understanding of who God is when things happen, someone 54:16 passes away we don't get the job. We want to know we lose the job we want. We want 54:20 question gods working with you know what got? I don't know why you did that, but I know 54:25 who you are. He and trust you. So it's so important for us to understand who got is and 54:31 remember that no matter what happens, he will not change. Well, I love that because so 54:36 many people got took my mother, my husband, my aisle. Yeah, I would understand. I'm 54:41 not just speaking fluff like I lost my nephew. And I had to understand gonna still go. Was 54:47 he? He was only 5, yes, cancer and there was a period of got. I didn't question of who God 54:56 was. God loved me. Yes, but to God, you know, it's it's hard when. You pray and it doesn't 55:02 come out the way you want it. But that situation took me to another level in my spiritual 55:08 life with God. So do I miss him? Of course. But God has blessed. We have another 55:13 wonderful, nice lover to death as well. But that situation help me to understand who got 55:18 is so much more. So when challenging situations happen, as long as you have the 55:24 foundation, you know, got is you've some questions when things happen. Yes, yeah, I 55:30 had the privilege of interviewing your sister on the radio crossroads program, 55:32 how she lost her. >> It's a strong one and that the lost their son. All of 55:37 that for me to tears. But you have strong parents to raised to in the in the admonition of 55:45 the word of God and in the lot. So you had a great foundation you and to give my 55:52 some. >> Props. Yeah, my parents actually became 7 when I was 55:56 born. I was a baby. They were evidence before. Okay. So I feel like it was a blessing 56:02 and how they as they were studying God's word. Yes, they helped my sister and I 56:05 understand as well. So the practical application of God's word kind of came from them as 56:11 well as they were learning. They helped us understand the practical applications. So 56:15 yes, God bless Wes tonight with some amazing parents. And I'm so happy that brought up 56:20 the way that they did. You see when they came into the church, they fell in love with 56:24 They wanted to spread it. So they are also very passionate about as elder very active as 56:28 well. So >> Well, mind off the U.S. and we have more to come in the 56:33 second out. But I want to remind you because that if I could give this program a 56:37 title, be when God turns a challenge into a ministry. A lot of times people see 56:43 challenges, but it doesn't go anywhere right? But you can tell Clay born yet turned 56:49 challenge of the pandemic and also the diversity of the languages that she's learned. 56:55 She's turned learn how by God's guidance to connect on a relevant level on a on a 57:01 contemporary level on the scriptural level and helping people understand and 57:04 beautiful ways and some of us watching us into the program. I mean, I'm inspired to you 57:09 know, I always look for new things to do always to spread the word, afraid, to speak at 57:14 the we're always looking for new things. And I know you may have some questions if you do. 57:19 those questions that protects them to 6, 1, 8, 2 to 8, 39. 75 or you can email those 2 57:28 live at 3 ABN DOT TV. That's live at 3 ABN DOT TV. He's so questions for Tiffany. Tried 57:33 that too, because you might have equipment not knowing what to do, but going to be 57:37 coming right back for the second hour and you'll find out how God can turn your 57:43 challenge into a ministry in ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-06-17