3ABN Today Live

Setting Captives Free

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220020B

00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:16 >> Welcome back to our program. 3ABN today live with Sheree Peters this evening.
00:21 And once again for the second hour, we just want to remind you that if you weren't
00:28 watching the first hour and you just tuned in, you need to know that this is a very
00:32 sensitive topic. Might not be appropriate for younger age children. So send them off to
00:38 watch kids network. While you watch this program because it contains information that is
00:44 so so so valuable so needed. And we're so thankful that we can. Share the love of Jesus
00:54 to those who have been victimized and sex trafficking because that's what we're
00:57 talking about this evening. >> And Kawhi work all over the world. You know, so I wish I
01:03 could say this was only a problem in this that country, but it's all over the world.
01:08 It's, you know, like 40 50 billion dollar industry. It is just crazy. What's
01:15 happening with the pandemic. Everything is exploded even more so than that. I I got
01:20 hired at the General conference which just for the administers. So I work with
01:24 mission for the cities. And so we get to go in and work with who's on the street. What is
01:29 homelessness? Drug addiction, sex trafficking? What are the needs of people that are
01:34 struggling in that at risk category and I I love it. Not that I love what I see. But I
01:42 love knowing there's a God can change that whole thing. You know. So if anybody wants to
01:47 change, I know that there's a God that does miracles that are beyond what we can even
01:51 imagine. Like, you know, I'm 10 years homeless as a kid. And one day I was standing, I
01:57 was going over to 3ABN in Russia, right? We're working with heroin addiction,
02:02 different people in Russian. I'm Senate standing in Red Square in. You've stood there.
02:07 Looking at the Onion Dome churches and I'm thinking this is just I couldn't get over
02:12 how beautiful it was. The sun was going down and it was just beautiful. Beautiful and God
02:18 says to remember, and I just heard him say didn't like not a impression. Do you remember
02:23 when you were on the streets at age 14, living in a car in South Gate, California, and it
02:28 was 3.30 in the morning. It was freezing cold. There were 4 of us living in that car.
02:33 And I got out and I look down the street and I just cried. And I thought is this going to
02:38 be my life? In Moscow in Red Square? God reminds me of that. And he said when you
02:45 were standing there at that time, I knew that someday you'd be standing right here.
02:52 >> And I thought no So orders are footsteps. He knows where we're at not. He creates the
02:58 the trauma that we've been through because the trauma is incredible for some of us.
03:02 Well, for all of us, we live in a a planet that is filled with sand. But so for some of
03:08 it, the traumas as high. But caught just says, you know, turn it over and I promise
03:11 you, I will walk you out of that trauma. Yeah. And I you know, I just I think it's just
03:18 powerful. It absolutely is. And I want to remind our viewers that for a donation of
03:25 any size you can get this book and the donation is too True. Step Ministries. So don't call
03:34 Center 3ABN call center because that's not the one who is doing this free offer its
03:40 true step Ministries Dot org. And we haven't page for you. Let's put that up. So that our
03:46 viewers can can get can get in contact with Sheree at truth. That ministries P o box 1, 6,
03:54 3, Corinna, Idaho, 8, 3, 6, 3, 4, The phone number is area code 2, 0, 8, 562-8477. I want
04:05 to say that phone number again, 2, 0, 8, 562-8477. Email addresses to step office
04:15 at G Mail dot com. That's true. Step office at G mail dot com and the website is
04:23 true. Step celebrating life Dot org. And I'm just saying this again for our radio
04:30 listeners who are not watching. They're listening on the radio. Again, the email
04:36 address is true. Step G Mail dot com. The website is true. Step celebrating life Dot org
04:43 and the phone number is 2, 0, 8, 5, 6, 2, 8, 4, 7, 7, call them with a donation of any
04:52 size. You can get this book and you also have a drug resource package. about that?
05:01 The drug resource package for people that want to know like what are what are the various
05:04 drugs that are out there? What are the that I need to know in order to help a family member
05:11 or to help myself? What's recovery going to look like is that we have a whole packet
05:16 that will go over every drug from from crack to pot opiates to whatever alcohol.
05:24 >> All of that kind of saw the number one addiction right now. You want to guess what's
05:29 number one, do you think in the world? Now on digital addictions? changing than or
05:37 chemistry? At 60% of the world has a digital addiction. To the point that is changing
05:44 their brain to change. And then summer rewiring we is flatlining. The pleasure
05:48 centers causing and hedonistic disorder. So you feel bored or >> like unless you're online
05:53 unless you're getting those doping mean hits, you are just feeling it. You're flat-lined.
05:58 You're no chemistry. Isn't fire like it should. So we even in our centers right now
06:03 we are. We're covering all of that digital addictions. of course, physical and chemical
06:09 addictions. >> and so how much is this drug kit? I would say that for
06:14 any amount. So for I right again. A donation of any size. >> They can get the book. They
06:22 can get the the the drug information it. >> For a donation to true Step
06:27 Ministries again, contact them. Don't contact for avian about it because we want you
06:33 to be in direct contact with them. The truce that ministries with the
06:39 information. There's a phone number there on your screen to 0, 8, 5, 6, 2, 8, 4, 7, 7,
06:44 call them get your free offer. Well, you offer. It's a special. You know, we we would
06:52 do it for free, but we really are trying to fund these homes once the homes are up and
06:56 running. >> And we already have them. Maybe we can put that the look
06:58 of the homes that once the homes are up and running, we're OK, but we need seed
07:04 moneys and we need funds to put him on the ground. Get like comforters in each home
07:08 and sheets and Taos and all of those kind of thing. Everything. Joe, you have to
07:14 fill the house when you or everything and and all the that happens because we're
07:19 fully accredited salt and licensing. The hiring the teachers going through all of
07:24 that kind of stuff is that we really are looking for people that say, you Gago get a book
07:30 and all send you $500,000 and somebody that can do that is also new $5 every bit helps
07:37 light. But we are also we are looking for somebody that says, man, I really have a
07:40 heart for what you're doing and and let me help you and I was like it when I was
07:45 homeless for 10 years, I could get some money, right? And so now I'm not homeless and I'm
07:52 working for doing the same thing is that, you know, all of these days, kids, people
08:00 that are struggling, these families, these kids are going to have children and those
08:02 children going to have children and we want them to be healthy. We want them to be
08:07 sitting in the church somewhere. You're the voice for the voiceless. You really
08:11 are. I mean, it tell us about how many people that are being trafficked and how many beds
08:18 are available for them. So right now in the United States alone, this kids a year being
08:23 traffic aid and in that holding United States from the government sites, there are
08:30 1644 beds. So so when you call in when these kids get arrested, they're no longer
08:34 looked at as criminals. You wouldn't know that when you see a court case, would still
08:40 think they're being talked to as criminals. But when these kids are arrested, they are
08:44 processed and then put back on the street or put back in the welfare system. And so they're
08:49 victimized again and again and again. So they have to have beds and a half to beds. Each
08:53 one of our staff are trauma certified so that we really look at trauma when we even do
09:00 disciplined with our staff there, 7 steps to discipline and 6 of those are teaching
09:06 the staff how to kind of get themselves together before you discipline a child. So the
09:12 last consequences for the child is one thing. But we try to teach our stuff is never
09:17 make it punitive because they need to be disciplined so much every single day until they
09:21 start to get in and they start working up those steps in the program and the vet all of
09:27 your employees could act. We've had everybody to make sure that they are not
09:31 pedophiles for one. Make sure they're not pedophiles. And you can't guarantee that, but
09:34 you can really do a lot to make sure. But I also want somebody that has a heart
09:40 like, you know, you already have a good, but I would take you haha. But you know what?
09:46 Somebody that has a hearth and another not going to say anything silly because I I was
09:51 so When I first came off the streets up to 10 years and walked into a normal life like
09:56 I had to learn how to read. I had to do a to do all those kind of stopped. But I felt
10:01 like I was like missed. If you walk too fast by me, I would just disappear. So you really
10:07 have have people around these children that that know that they have no idea who they
10:14 are. They have definitely have no idea who they are in Christ. They have no idea how
10:17 to step into their own skin, even with a laugh about his very inappropriate. Their
10:21 jokes are inappropriate and to judge them at all is wrong. Like they could say it's a
10:27 joke and I can say I'm like. Somebody used to like that came to my facility in state
10:33 for 6 months and they say the cuss word for proof. And right everybody got that. So every
10:42 time he said that I never said anything other than I just got back from a health retreat in
10:46 every time you say that were my bows move. And so we need to say, I like and all stop.
10:54 He stopped crossing altogether because I just made a but that it's their language. It's not
11:00 even that they it's just their languages even realize that it's inappropriate. Write it
11:05 in. And I think you bring that out beautifully because if you have no idea you could use
11:12 words that you have no idea or bad word because that's the only word you know for So you
11:17 use that word and then you have to find out. We'll know. Let's use this that of that.
11:22 Let's try that. And so I mean, is this it's it's rewiring this whole digital addiction
11:29 being. I would I would think it's media driven as well like, you know, TV and
11:36 >> over the phones and all of that, you know, people are are paid. I'm really big bucks to
11:45 keep us addicted. Yes. Ride all the way from children. Yeah. And now we're using all
11:50 the digital stuff in schools because of the pandemic. So you've got kids online really
11:54 early and in certain countries that's against the law to get them online that early. So
11:59 unlike France will let you even program to kids under 6 years old because it changes
12:03 their brain chemistry. So when you when you can get into a program like this, not only do
12:09 we want people in the program, but we want to look at good brain House, good physical
12:12 health. Definitely good spiritual health. And so we're rewiring everything. And it's
12:18 just amazing. And the reason the started not long I at home and I'm working for the
12:24 General Conference and, you know, it's just amazing to see what the worldwide church is
12:30 doing. And it's amazing to work with. I get to work with mission for the cities and
12:33 I've been and he's so gracious, like, you know, I I have no sense of hierarchy and
12:40 who to get all that kind of stuff. And he's having to teach me all that stuff. But
12:43 we are really good partners. And so I'm I'm I'm sitting at home and I somebody sent me a
12:48 video and I you should just own open videos, especially if I don't know what it's
12:54 whatever. But I trusted this person that opened the video totes late at night. And it's
12:59 a whole video about the Jeffrey Epstein. you know, him grooming all these kids and
13:07 taken into islands and political leaders from all of world coming in and
13:10 photographed with these kids and >> blackmailed and all that
13:13 kind of soften. And and so I'm watching this and I'm thinking, do I wanna know this
13:20 stuff like, you know, I get to do nice stop at the J I've made. I don't even have to
13:26 hold that stock right? >> And so as I'm looking at this, I'm remembering when at
13:33 one time when I was really young, as you know, is on the street and I and
13:39 >> I I I want to get into all of the different things I've seen. But one time I was
13:42 arrested, I had sold some bogus drugs, too. Some police officers, not me, but the gang
13:48 I was with undercover and undercover officers and we sold Sugar tablet and they
13:56 were supposed to up did you know that they were sure to have a OK, OK? I spent hours
14:02 making little cross on the tops of >> So so when we sold them at
14:08 the House with a drug house. I was staying in leaves and I don't you know, I just think
14:15 what can they do? It's not illegal to sell sugar. That will no matter what cups
14:18 right? And so they came back and I was the only one in the house. I got beat up severely
14:26 they trashed the house. So we're looking for an office. Is Yeah, they and so they
14:30 trashed the house and they were looking for any drugs to arrest me. And so with they
14:35 couldn't find any drugs because we're not. And while we're not stupid, we just sold
14:42 bogus drugs to a little but so have the whole house cleaned out of anything that was
14:47 legit. But we had a water pipe in the middle of the table. So in the 70's, everybody I knew
14:52 had a water pipe in this just a pipe that you can smoke pot out over hash or whatever, OK,
14:58 and they're very decorative. They are cool. Looking at least if your dog have. But
15:03 you're But so they saw that and they arrested me for It had never been used. There was
15:12 no residue on it or anything. But I get arrested and I was really young. And when you're
15:16 in that lifestyle, nobody's going to tell you out like if the not to use or drug money
15:20 to bail you out or you just will sit there and tell your process through. So I'm I'm in
15:26 jail and I'm thinking, OK, I'm going to be here for a while and then I get buildup and I'm
15:32 I'm even to myself. I'm thinking what's up with this? Like and I walk out and
15:36 there's this older guy in a suit that said, I heard about what happened and you getting
15:42 the job and I'm outraged and I just would like to sue the police department there, the
15:48 complex, their apartment building that left them into your house. we're just going
15:53 to sue everybody. And so he takes me to his office in Newport Beach, beautiful
15:59 office. His receptionist was there. I mean, just beautiful. And she takes pictures of all
16:04 the bruising. And as I'm getting ready leave, he says, do you want some money? And I
16:07 thought. Yeah, of course I do. And I'm a streak ends all the sudden it goes from somebody
16:17 trying to help you to somebody that you can play. All right. because that's what I mean.
16:20 I'm trained to do that. what I know. Yeah. And so I said, yeah, I need like 300 bucks.
16:25 And he said, OK, so we're going to get millions from this lawsuit and I'll just
16:28 keep track of what I give you. And it would just take it from the top when we win the suit.
16:34 And I thought good so I leave and I get back to where I'm staying and I have now cash. I
16:41 have an attorney that suing for millions everything. Then you're on drugs, right? Oh,
16:48 yeah. So you've got cash that you are going to use? Yeah. Where Absolutely. Wow. Not
16:53 only am I going use it, but I also now have a source that is unending. I mean, when you get
17:00 right, I want. And so he calls me a little while later. How you do it and you need any
17:04 cash. And so for the next 4 months, that's kind of our relationship filling me in on
17:07 the case. And and the cash and at the end of a certain amount of time. And I wish I could
17:13 remember. But when you're on the street who just don't keep track of days, so it could be
17:16 4 months, 6 months, whatever. But at the end of that time, he says I'm sorry, but the
17:20 case has fallen through and we can't sueann. And it's just I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
17:29 And but now I owe him all of this money, right? And now I him this money and I don't
17:36 have a source in the morning. I've literally take independence. Why was to have
17:40 dependent here? And I I've never had to ask anyone else because he just has some
17:43 money. I said, what am I going to do? And he says why I can give you a way to make money
17:53 you can pay me back and you can keep some of it right. And so you had the largest child
17:58 pornography ring in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach area. And and so I am just now stunned
18:05 and I'm watching this whole film on Epstein and I'm remembering that incident in
18:09 my life, which hadn't thought about for years. And I remember I'm just been nom and
18:15 this attorney walking me to the car and driving me to a beautiful house in Laguna
18:20 Beach, right? Beautiful home. And I'm in. It was just for different people in
18:26 legislation. political figures that would come in and out and just buy and sell these kids.
18:33 And he tells me what's going to happen there. And then he says, you know, like I you
18:39 know, I went to the whole of the unknown and I'm not okay with this. And he's like, you
18:42 know, what other choice is to have kind of thing. And he leaves now I'm in this house
18:46 by myself and I locked the doors right? And somebody comes to the door and knocks
18:51 and I just don't answer it. And so they keep knocking. I don't answer it. And then
18:57 pretty soon I hear someone say I know that you're in there right? And I'm thinking I'm
19:02 not answering it. And then I hear the key actually. So I realize it was just holding a
19:07 set up and I'm so young. so he comes teenager at this point, was 18 o early teens are
19:18 waiting. So I'm screaming. I just start screaming and screaming at the top of my
19:21 lungs and he's doing everything you need to shut up. This is going to be OK,
19:26 you're going to be OK, and I just kept screaming. I kept up in the So we cool it is not
19:32 the attorney that comes in. It's the it's I keep screaming. He finally is fed
19:39 up with me and leaves right. So then I make it back to the drug house that I I live in
19:46 but when I'm watching this Epstein video and I realize, you know, these kids me as a
19:53 kid, we are taken and used multiple folks and multiple different venues and nobody's
20:00 paying attention. So I after watching the video, I just I just remember in different
20:07 incidences. One of the first jobs I had working in a club. I remember when they said if I
20:13 wasn't in a prostitute and I have been molested so much life prostitution just going
20:18 to have to shoot me. I just can't do that. And so my alternatives were I had
20:23 different alternatives, running drugs, working in clubs, whatever. And I'm the
20:28 first club. I was working in us 13 years old. And I remember thinking I can't do
20:35 this. And and of people really just kind of yelling yell at you for saying stuff like
20:41 that. And I remember getting up on the platform in this club and I started crying and
20:46 I could not stop crime. And I made more money than anybody else that shift because I was
20:53 a kid and I was crying and they hit every one of the boxes for these fetishes. so
20:59 what I realize that this is my life and so watching that video and remembering those
21:03 things I literally went into shock, couldn't feel my skin. God, what do you want me to do
21:08 with this kind of information? I don't want to be back there. I don't want to feel that
21:11 again. I don't want to be there again. And so within the next 5 days, I told Brad, we
21:17 have a little in-laws apartment and that's the brat. I'm just going to spend the
21:21 next 5 days or so with God. Just disappear down here. I've got I want to study. I want to
21:27 look at things and I and your husband just for those who don't know. Yemen has so
21:33 amazing. He really is an amazing guy. So I started to do some Bible studies. I went
21:39 over to see to see Murray had teaching that he did on Daniel And we're everybody's
21:49 partying. Everybody's doing o*****. Everybody's getting drunk. And the handwriting on
21:53 the wall. God, All yes, that you've been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
21:57 >> And so God takes me to that teaching and then takes me to Daniel 5 and literally looks
22:02 that we are at a day. >> We're we're all party and we're all doing a lot of
22:09 things. And we are found wanting. And so I sigh study that like crazy went to a lot
22:12 of people that hot about down 0, 5 and about God being aware of And then God gives me this
22:21 whole thing to study out. As far as a book, the relentless love of God. And the book was.
22:28 >> How do you teach somebody like Epstein someday like this attorney, somebody like that's
22:33 buying and selling kids that there's repentance. There's a God that actually wants right
22:39 now. This is not a time for judgment. This is a time for repentance. And so he was
22:44 literally as I'm writing things down. His litter may saying I'm calling everyone to
22:46 repentance, not just the victim, but also the perpetrator. And I and I just
22:52 couldn't get over the fact that we have a God that so gracious that we're the cent.
22:59 We are hurting each other in ways that are unbelievable. And God says, please look at
23:04 me. Yes, please trust me. And I am overwhelmed by that. And I found a quote Marilyn
23:10 Monroe, actress and she says that Hollywood will give you $1000 for a kiss and $0.5 for
23:17 your soul. And I thought that's exactly is that we have to realize that God is Rick,
23:26 really that good year? Your soul or who you are is invaluable to gone. And yet
23:31 for entertainment industry and for a lot of industries, it's worth nothing is like we could
23:35 care less. We just really want to use you. And as I'm going to this whole thing, I'm I'm
23:43 looking at, you know, what does God want me to know about the obscene tape about the sex
23:49 trafficking, about the kids that are being used all over the world. and what can one
23:56 person do, right? What can one person do? And I felt the weight of that. And it isn't
24:01 just one person. We are all called to do whatever we can for whatever group that you're
24:07 passionate about. For me, it's these kids because I was these kids. And so I had to look at,
24:12 OK, I'm writing. The chapter titles of the book in the Stuff God has given me. And
24:19 even he gave me the cover design right? And the cover design was girl a bunch of
24:27 people at a concert. So the lighting and its misty and everybody's dressed loose and
24:31 they're all party in and on both sides of the stage are those big screens, right? And
24:38 the screen on the screen is that saying in Daniel 5, which meant only Christians would
24:45 actually know right. And only people that have studied that that handwriting on the wall.
24:50 And so that's on there. And the girl singer, the rock star jumps out in the audience and
24:55 she's crowd surfing, right? So that's the cover. And I don't have any money. So remember
25:00 that if you want to send times, I don't have any money. And I prayed like God, you
25:06 have to find somebody that's an artist that does illustrations because the
25:08 cover is going to be it has to be done. Well. And so within a few hours, someone calls me
25:16 and their sisters, a book designer. And so they called me in and put us in touch. And
25:20 she has a book designed for me the next day. Here's a here's a rough thing. And so God is
25:26 that got everything together. And and so I I'm just looking at all of this stuff and I'm
25:32 looking at writing this book and I'm looking at he's calling the pensions to the
25:37 world, a rule that out of control, right? Like right before Noah's time out of
25:41 control way. And yet, he says, should we do think this is just for them? And I said,
25:46 well, yes, and he said no. The church's crowd surfing. That we are. We are out of time in
25:54 history. We can walk by kids like this and make judgments rather it and then develop
26:02 writing. And so really what he said is he's calling repentance, not only
26:06 repentance a people, then an obvious, an but that people are in almost its neglect full
26:14 center to get signing omission. Yes, I mean, by omission. And he's just saying
26:17 is I want you to make sure that when you write this is that the call is for all of
26:21 And this is no time in history just to play church or even to do church really well there
26:29 are people dying all around. You and we can walk by and make a judgment of the girl
26:34 that has a really short skirt. When I came into the Adventist Church, I had a little laced
26:40 top short skirt and that Tom, jury all fake arm. It was pathetic. I thought I was all
26:47 and, you know, just walking in and walking into the house of God for the first time I was
26:52 overwhelmed with joy and the look I got on a lot of people's faces are what are
26:55 you doing here? >> Instead >> of instead of welcoming you
27:01 and saying, you know, welcome and and letting you since when you look around, you can see
27:08 nobody else was just like that. Maybe, you know, or weren't sure. It was a poor
27:11 church. >> So you know, you you come in there and
27:18 >> on your own, you would come to the realization that, oh, wow, the gunman address like
27:23 everyone else on that. So, you know, you could on your own under the action of the Holy
27:28 Spirit. Of course, make those decisions. But for them to just look at you, like what
27:33 are you doing here and over the numbers I know from you is over the years I have and just
27:38 being able to say is that at this day in age, if we are going to put in that out to
27:44 the community and bring people in, they are going to look, they're going to be a you
27:50 know, and they are they're going to so so that got me to stand up. Begin to look at
27:55 what am I doing? Like working with the General Conference is amazing. We put a program
28:03 together for frontline workers, some with all our camps all over the United
28:06 States has called celebrating life with the front lines serving those that are saving
28:09 us. >> For police officers, firefighters, hospital workers
28:14 that have been just exhausted through the pandemic and the riot and all that kind of
28:18 stuff and just doing fun camps to reunite them with their families and friends. And so
28:22 when I got to write that program so fun because they do see said write something. We
28:25 don't have already. And I thought, okay, you know, and I have a friend that's a police
28:30 officer in Baltimore that has seen horrible things that has PTSD because of that. So we
28:36 wrote that program and those are fun to do. But after that happened with the ends seeing
28:42 tape is that I really started to look at the amount of child trafficking, the amount of to
28:51 these kids, the amount of like I work with the organization called Gap grandparents as
28:56 parents, 40 a million kids are being raised. 45 million kids are being raised by
29:02 grandparents because their parents are in jail or rehab. Right? And so you've got all
29:07 of these at-risk folks that are just prime for trafficking. And so I'm I'm so
29:12 then all the sudden it was just praying. God, I don't know how to make a difference
29:18 here. and I think the homes are the way that's making the difference, realizing that we
29:24 need to be licensed and accredited. We need to kind of combined with other people,
29:28 other organizations and the more it's happening Yvonne. I just feel like. I feel like
29:35 I'm got himself is my partner. You know what I mean? I see all of these doors opening
29:42 that, you know, would not open naturally. Absolutely that their supernatural
29:49 intervention. >> Because this is his this is God's war. So how many homes
29:53 are you trying to establish right now? maybe as we talk, they can put the some of the
30:00 homes. We got the first 2. One 8 for Basque, OK? And this is the one that you're looking at
30:08 now and it is on 6 acres. And so we'll have like a green room and some horses and
30:13 >> you have a teacher there. This the adult home that you're looking at in the adult
30:18 for for women that have kids selected. A woman is trying to figure out what to do. She's
30:24 aged out of all the systems, but she has 2 or 3 kids in that room. That place has 15
30:30 rooms and and the rooms are set up where they all have their own thermostat. They'll
30:36 hold their own bathroom and the area that is common area is the living room and the
30:40 kitchen and that kind of thing classrooms. And it they're just beautiful. And they're
30:48 they're brand new and God put us in touch with somebody that has 10 homes. We want to put 8
30:52 of them on the ground. I'm the first one is on the ground and 3 within 3 months. That will
31:00 receiving kids. And then we also are putting together multimedia center so that we
31:05 can start to and resources. And last show you some of the resources for children. Yeah,
31:09 yes, please. And the children's program is I rewrote steps to Christ. You
31:15 know that. Yeah. And subsequent Recovery Edition, did I tell you it's right in
31:18 the element to states by the original. No. Put it right next to I cried all day So
31:25 this is a children's version is called skips to Jesus and all of the characters in this
31:31 animation are at characters. so the shepherd is is walking the first to the high places
31:38 into her recovery. Once she gets to the place of recovery, she comes back and ministers
31:45 to the But I'll show are animator and a little bit about what we're doing with
31:50 our children's resource. How good. Let's take a look. >> Can't stand the way my
31:59 family teats me and make me feel so mad us but I guess right.
32:07 >> No one could ever love me. >> Look at you. >> I don't even know me.
32:15 >> I love you. >> Sure, you do. >> This in no less a
32:24 self-paced. But I think the snow left. It's nice and tea chases me. I cell he says as
32:35 of last year. ♪ ♪
32:52 >> crashes. So explain that a little bit so when I first got into recovery wrote a book
32:56 called Heinz Field on High Place. Yes, and I loved it and I love much afraid. And her
33:00 trying to find the shepherd and because I was so lost, I got a lot encouragement, but
33:08 that the shepherd constantly to change her life. And so when I wanted to do an
33:14 animation for these kids is I called the trustees out of Israel that own hands feet on
33:21 play high places. And I said I don't have a dime. So remember if you've got it. so I don't
33:25 have a dime. But I'd like to animate this story. And so he kind of laughed. And he said,
33:31 why would we give you permission? Animate the story. You have a And I said I could
33:38 write a story about much afraid more better than anyone on the planet because I know
33:43 her, you know, and I know these kids and I know these kids that are lost. And I told
33:47 him my story. My testimony and he goes to the board of directors, tells them that
33:54 story and they give me full permission for like 2 bucks So so we started to animate the
34:00 story in the story is brought up to current time. So it's kind done a gaming addictions,
34:06 broken homes on bullying in line. All of that kind of stuff that kids would deal
34:10 with in each one is a small segment in animation with kind a curriculum that goes with
34:18 that. So we have one 90 minute just full movie of that or we have different that you can
34:25 use in the school are different segments that you can use at your church when
34:28 you do with this population. And so we're developing for are at risk kids. But we also
34:35 are allowing the people that we housed in these at risk homes they need something to
34:42 do in some things to learn as a vocation. So they work in the studio that we are
34:47 building, but their work in the studio and they develop resources, whether it's their
34:52 own testimony to go to juvenile hall and talk to someone or whether you know,
34:57 we have a green that we're putting on the ground and we're raising organic foods
35:02 and we contract with hospice. And so these kids have to learn to do outreach. And so
35:07 they take food to people that are dying in the community. And so we're trying to kind of
35:11 network and this project kind. I'm speed is one of the projects that we're working on
35:17 as far as teaching graphics illustration, animation added all of that kind of stuff to
35:25 the kids that we work with. But we want at the end to have something that will help other
35:31 that are struggling that will watch these characters and walk along their recovery with
35:36 That is so amazing. So what so one of the things that you're offering to the that the
35:44 residents there at the homes. >> Is vocational training in media.
35:50 >> Vocational training in media and were hooking up with. I'd love to because you
35:54 guys have been a part of my journey from the very beginning. I don't think I
35:57 would be doing what I'm doing without the encouragement and the support I've gotten from
36:01 you guys just by being loved over the years. But in in the the media's because that's
36:07 what I know. And that's what these kids know right? And so bringing and structures that
36:13 walk into that whole process. And even the building that we're building has all of the
36:19 studio's downstairs, it has a spiral staircase. It comes and looks into each studio so that
36:24 the kids can watch the production and then go back to the classroom. And so it's
36:29 very interesting. Those kids for the vocational training get a small stipend and when
36:36 they are released to the kids are released with a search, certificate of completion and
36:41 $10,000. So they have money to rent a place or 2. Do we also have a car ministry that will
36:47 give them a car at the time of graduation. And so I'm one of the things is above the
36:54 greenhouse. Is that those that a fully functioning green greenhouse where you're
36:58 selling vegetables and herbs and stuff to the community and those kids get paid for
37:01 working in the greenhouse. They also get paid for one of the homes that I showed you
37:07 with the adult population right in front of that is a convalescent home and that on
37:12 the same property, he's cut the property and sold the backend of. I'm getting the
37:18 CNA for those women with their children, then they can go and get a job there so that
37:23 everybody is getting multiple things and vocational training has to be one of them that
37:28 it's so so walk us through a day in the life of the student. So what happens in in
37:35 this mess? What's the name of the facility for a monarch, monarch and Monarch is you
37:40 know how when a caterpillar goes into the little Yeah, they totally dissolved, right?
37:46 Well, they dissolve a totally does offer a when you look at that, it it looks so crazy
37:49 because this Caterpillar goes in, wraps himself up and then it's almost like liquid. And
37:56 then the butterfly is is then and you can even open that cocoon up to release a
38:02 butterfly sooner because it would die, right? But it has to fight its way out. And so
38:06 the really the same with our kids as they come in there's not much that they know that
38:11 doesn't need to be unlearned white. So even the structure of the home is very
38:16 structured. We have year-round schooling because a lot of times the kids will come and
38:20 they're fairly illiterate. I was functional literate at 23. And so you, you know that you
38:25 are really going to have to come in. So they have Each home has its own teaching
38:31 staff. And so we don't have one. She should. The goes to a home's rhino. So each home has
38:37 its own teaching staff. So they have year-round schooling. So each home has in
38:40 the building itself school. Yes, cool. And so so they don't leave the building and
38:49 go to a school. That school is right there in the building. And if they left the building
38:52 and went to the school, these kids would wreck havoc at your school. And they would be
38:56 abused. No, I mean, on the proper. Like so this this is Yeah. And in the you have the
39:06 rooms where they sleep in a common living room and then there are classroom. We have
39:12 good size class in each House. House a house-by-house that OK? So and we don't share
39:16 staff. And so and we don't even have house parents. Some people believe in House
39:20 parents. >> We don't we have 3 shifts. If you have a house parent,
39:24 they can be manipulated very because these kids, that's all they know. I mean, you really
39:29 have to. So you have 3 ships that come in and everybody does the same thing. So they
39:34 they have they have morning devotions. They have breakfast. They have school
39:39 and then they also have therapy. So you have a therapist and a social worker
39:42 in each home. We don't share those with anybody Each home has its own staff. And so the
39:49 therapist and the groups and the different things that you're running, anger
39:54 management, whatever you're running has that we also have green houses and the
39:58 greenhouse is a is a commercial greenhouse and so that they travel to. So that's
40:02 one of the jobs they travel to the Green They travel to the studio dependent on what they
40:08 wanted. So they have then after school they have their work experiences. Then they
40:14 come back and in you really do have almost every minute. Schedule not because we're so
40:20 mean and then in those stages you come in and the first stages you really are just
40:25 looking for safety. Safety and food. And when I say safety and food when Brad and I first
40:32 got married and I have been cleaner ready for 10 years before I met him is I would
40:36 eat with my played here in my hand here and Brad, at one point laughed. And he said, do
40:42 you think I'm going to steal your food? But it was just so subconscious some of these
40:46 kids are not when somebody in some countries will say the kids change smoke because
40:55 nicotine suppresses a craving for hunger. I mean, you if you're hungry and you can
41:00 smoke or do some drugs, it will create it. Will so pass all that. And so, you know,
41:05 they get to all that stage and then they go through the next where they're starting to self
41:11 initiate, they're getting up and and you have to get up and make your b*** and you have to
41:13 clean up your space and all that kind of stuff. And so you increasing the level
41:20 responsibility and what you've learned. And so we're teaching people how to communicate, how
41:24 to behave, how to eat at a table in my home. Growing up. I never ate at a dining room
41:29 table with anyone. And so when I first joined a church and they had pot like I had, no, I
41:34 was like fish out of water like I don't even know what you guys talk You know, so
41:38 it's like you all of that kind of stuff. So fully a year-round schooling to catch
41:44 them on. They stay for about 2 years. So they have a therapy. They have work-related stuff.
41:49 They get paid to work and that money goes into their account and that account leaves with
41:55 them. And so when they are aged out a lot of times and Faso's at aged out and they
42:01 have no place to go. So they're just victimized again. They end up on the end up in
42:05 relationships. Somebody pick some off and this is my boyfriend. And he loves me in,
42:10 you know, so so you really teaching them to go through the whole process of the
42:14 program and to have a life plan before you leave until they're with somebody that
42:19 Wright had a life plan. What is we're going to look like? What kind of home do you want?
42:25 How the how do you want that home to look what kind of traditions to have all of
42:29 those things that we learned in a normal family? These kids don't learn. And so we're
42:32 trying to cover all of that. And we're covering that with the professional staff with
42:38 getting them caught up on their education. And so when they leave they leave, like I
42:44 said, with $10,000 and this car. And if they come back to mentor the other kids for the
42:48 next few months or 4 or 5 months, they will pay half of their car payment right now
42:54 are insurance pay half of that insurance payment because we want them to come back. We
43:00 want to see how they're doing. We want them to know that this is like a home you can pop in
43:03 and, you know, and the program is just written for success of the East Children and the
43:10 whole program is saying there's a word a Greek word called Chi Chi Osse chaos.
43:16 Chaos. Okay. I O S K a our IOS, OK caught Kyra, real and so it's that moment that
43:29 divine moment where everything lines And so we're looking for those divine moments where
43:34 everything lines up with this person sees the value of who they are. They actually know
43:38 they have the skills to do that and they can ask for what they need. And each home is
43:43 about that. The adult home is a little bit different. And that somebody is already aged
43:48 out and they have kids and they don't want to go into treatment and they don't want
43:52 to do anything because they don't. want the state to take their kids are family to take
43:56 their kids. And so we house women and children. And so that the program has a full
44:03 program for kids. daycare kind of kids, but a program because we want to teach them about
44:12 God, the even that one resource that we have with this gifts to Jesus. Yes, we
44:16 wrote us gift to Jesus book Like Steps to Christ, but it's all comic book. And that's all
44:22 of these characters that are talking us about different things and so, you know, those
44:27 kids will be taught about gun Educated. And having the same thing that home has us a
44:34 social worker that home has some therapist at home. Has some teachers. That's just
44:38 amazing to me. So you're really meeting these. Folks was not just children wherever
44:46 they are, which is Jesus is method. By the way, meeting people where ever they are and
44:53 ministering to them at that point at that place. >> So you've got mothers with
44:57 children. >> And need. >> Have a safe place. You've
45:01 got mail so we'll never get it all yet. White white and the of these children who've been
45:07 trafficked who need to be just totally rewired. So you're offering all of this in one
45:15 place. This is this is what a blessing. And the main thing is your offering them Jesus,
45:19 who gives them hope? It some hope. And that is just so they're going to feel loved.
45:26 They're going to feel cherished. Appreciate it. All of the things that they've
45:30 never felt before that they've never received true love not from some perpetrator who had
45:38 absolutely never with true love. Absolutely. And so would a bus. And let's put this, get
45:41 your address that and put your dress back up again, because I I do want people to know how
45:47 to reach a repeat ERs at True Step Ministries P o box one. 63 c*** Idaho, 8, 3, 6, 3, 4,
45:56 The phone number is 2, 0, 8, 562-8477. That's 2, 0, 8, 562-8477. You can e-mail her
46:08 at 2 step office at G Mail dot com or go to the website. You can donate right on the Web
46:13 site right? A true step, celebrating life Dot org. That's true. Step. breading
46:21 live DOT org and any of those of any of those 3 ways call e-mail, go to the website and
46:28 you can donate from there and really. Really support this effort because did you go to
46:35 the website? Huge. There's called the Star Club saving those at risk. Is that
46:39 acronym? >> But saving those at risk, you can join the Star Club for
46:43 anywhere from $10 amount. 25 a month 50 a month or a However, whatever level you want to go
46:51 to. But that gives us and operating budget. And so when somebody says all I have is
46:57 this, I think, man, if 500 people said that we would be we would be good. Yes. So I
47:03 think which is saying, too, which is important, no amount is too small or too large.
47:10 Yeah. So whatever people can afford to do whatever the holy Spirit impresses you to do.
47:17 Support because this effort is so so so necessary. It's so needed. So and when you start
47:24 seeing my husband's a classical musician, yes, and so we're already thinking
47:27 about how do we do a little orchestra and how do we do acquire and how do we teach
47:29 the kids music? Because I really believe that right? Brand healing every one of our
47:36 staff, our trauma certified. So every one of the staff, whether to teacher with
47:41 psychologist, whether it's a staff person that comes in first shift. But everybody has
47:45 a trauma surgeon certification so that we are approaching them in that way. But right,
47:48 brand healing music arts drawing a And so many of these kids, I know many of those who
47:58 are incarcerated, the talent that's in there is just amazing whether it's to sing
48:05 with its drawing, whether it's painting, whatever it is and they're very creative about
48:09 how to get the callers all of that. I mean, there's so much talent.
48:13 >> That's untapped that. And all of this again is building up the self confidence and
48:23 self esteem. It too, in that it gifts and found price at a camp meeting that I was doing
48:28 right. >> And he he's drawn all kinds of like dragons and things
48:32 like that. And so he says, you know, I'm an artist, but this is what I draw. And so I said,
48:38 see you tomorrow. But I want you to look at is DQ. And draw some of that or head? in the
48:46 middle of the wheel and all And so what was really interesting is when he saw
48:49 that you don't have to walk away from the talent, you have.
48:53 >> Let God redirect them. the talent is incredible. And that God gift to give to do with
48:58 that. >> But just don't use it in the way, you know, don't use
49:02 in the way you have, right. But it's it's fun its fun to watch. Like some somebody said
49:08 to me, should we do have any talent and early on. And I just wanted the ball like I do
49:13 not lie. I don't have anything. I don't even have anybody that I just don't have
49:16 anything. And they said, well, what did you do when you're on the street? Unless I sold
49:21 drugs, I did whatever. And so you have good money management took all those really negative
49:27 thing started to flip those. And so you you, you market well, you you're a good time
49:35 or people person, you're a people person. And so as we flip those, there was a part
49:39 of me that I think that the Holy Spirit himself was just saying, you know, you're going
49:44 to be okay. Yeah, and we've got to do that for each one of these kids just to be okay to
49:47 let them know that there's something intrinsically in them that God has placed in
49:53 them that can be honed and nurtured. >> And developed. And I mean,
49:59 that's the name of the game. letting them know that God has a plan for them, that they are
50:04 not trash, that they were not here by mistake that they have purpose and meaning. that's
50:12 just that's just a beautiful thing see. These beautiful little faces you
50:15 >> They can't >> Not not at first, though, because new out. Haha, you
50:21 have to get over that far away. When you start seeing him, he'll it is unbelievable.
50:27 Unbelievable is. So how do you know when they're ready to leave? What determines when
50:31 they're ready to lead the There's stages that you have to get through. And so that
50:36 self responsibility, we're you're ownership or count ability for the things that
50:41 you have done. You're writing your life planned. You're you're doing well in school.
50:47 Your your counselor or for work through the Theirs this stages and that one point
50:52 after stage 3 in our program, you have to get peer peer approval, too. So it's not
50:57 that you're just talking to staff about. You're ready for that stage. But all of your
51:02 peers have to say, you know, even when you guys are around and this person is doing well,
51:07 and then once you're at that stage, a vocational stop, your work experience. How are you
51:11 handling money? Could you? We have programs how to handle money had to do savings. You
51:17 know how to do all that kind of stuff because they really have nothing to have So you're
51:21 giving them life skills to when they leave. They know how to write a check or they know
51:27 how to live versus. You know, not known just being dependent on someone who's mistreating
51:34 you. I can't even I hope you can see the joy. I have. Yeah. Knowing that we're going to
51:40 give something real to these kids. Not say good luck will pray for you. Yes, yes, yes.
51:45 Like the book contains right leg. And James, a you see somebody needs a coat. You
51:49 don't say, well, I'll pray that you will be warm. You give them a call give them a
51:53 call. And that's what you doing. You giving them the skills and the way the ways
51:58 for them to function. Absolutely. Well in dependent on the Lord, but not one
52:06 percentage. Are you? Are you going to help? And I say God never has asked me that what
52:10 he says is help the person in front of you right? So I'm not saying in and we'll know
52:16 because we're literally we have ways to track everything that we're doing. We'll
52:22 actually have a 3rd party evaluate the program ineffective and how effective
52:25 it is it because there's not a lot of programs that looking at good brain hills along
52:32 nutrition like we're at Venice. Are you kidding me? For his much as we run from
52:35 the health message, it is needed today more than ever than ever, ever. And so we are
52:41 looking at what there's only other one other program that in Texas, it's called Rehab
52:46 Center that did the whole thing on vegan foods. And he said that rate for recovery
52:51 and they're finding out that, hey, who would've guessed that this works? Well, we would
52:58 again, exactly. So our programs are really heavy on taking care of your body,
53:02 taken care of your brain out, even working with people that will do blood draws no
53:08 chemistry. And yeah, what's your chemicals? What do they look like as you are, sir, Tom
53:14 and and melatonin to and all that kind of stuff. Are you in your front a little bit off?
53:18 And so being able to say that we want to check all that out so that when we actually do
53:22 print something and have something published is that we say this program works because
53:28 of the U.S.. Yeah. And so that other people can ease or take parts of our program are all
53:33 of our program and we literally will train them and and be able to say is here's
53:36 what works for us. If you're going to do the same Remember this? This and this? Yes, all
53:43 that. That's amazing. So what would you say to the person who was being drug traffic
53:47 right now? We have some steps that you've brought like we need to know to to someone who
53:53 is being drug drug traffic. What do they do? How do they get out of it? Well, there's
53:58 definitely numbers you can call OK and places that you can tax and say just how like
54:02 I need help the first thing is what's really crazy is that you are afraid of everybody.
54:11 You know, you can't trust anybody effect of on the screen. We have. You can Tex
54:16 Help. 223-3733. Just say help. Yeah to that number. And that's one of the things even
54:25 on the day that you have the sheet of paper in front of you. Yes. So the theirs,
54:30 there's lines that you can call there's. There's on people that you can phone, OK,
54:34 you could definitely call our ministry and say, you know, and what's really hard right
54:39 now is let's say somebody calls Woody put him. And so that's what I just im begging.
54:48 If anybody has a diamond there watching Yes, you know, because what we're starting
54:54 out with the pilot program is going to be in Idaho because that's where I live in so
54:58 that, you know, 8 homes there. Why? And then plus the studio. Plus the equine Unit or
55:04 adventure unit. And greenhouse. And then the next one is right outside of Brazil
55:10 I'm a graphic designer is South America. So Brazil and the next one is Australia
55:15 because we have a footprint in Australia. And being able to once we get this one running
55:21 in every part of the program. So somebody doesn't have to guess does this work and how
55:26 does it right? Can you But with these kids, the problem for me now is that they don't
55:31 we don't have enough but call someone called the help lines. They're definitely tax and
55:39 they'll put you into an in touch with someone comb the number that from numbers that
55:45 were put to avoid 562-8477. And we'll find a place. But just reach out. Yes, he can do
55:56 it safely. Yes, somebody someone is being trafficked kid for you to go off and
56:01 start talking to them directly. You don't know where their p*** is. You don't know
56:05 what kind who's watching them and you could put them into really some dangerous
56:10 situations. And so being able to to be wise about that, it's not something that you can
56:15 just go up and say, you look like you're not doing well, please help. I'm glad you said
56:21 that because some people would kind of automatically do that. I can't believe our times this
56:27 has been such a blessing. What you were doing is so so so important. And I know that you
56:35 you cannot have heard this and not what to do something. So even though you can't go to
56:40 these places to go to these homes or whatever you can support, you can with what any
56:46 size donation contact to step Ministries. I'm seeing the at the number that was given to
56:53 you and please support asked the Holy Spirit what he would have you to do to support
56:57 this. Thank you so much. Lied. precious jewelry and thank you for being with us. We love
57:05 you. We pray for you and Jesus loves you. God you. ♪
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Revised 2022-06-15