3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes at 3ABN

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220019B

00:01 [MUSIC]
00:09 >> Hello and welcome back to 3ABN's behind the scenes
00:11 program. It seems like time always speeds up. But I know it's not
00:14 second by second by second. But first, our flew by again,
00:18 praising the Lord for what he is doing through the ministry
00:21 through your ministry. 3ABN B. And we're just so glad you've
00:24 joined us this evening. You're part of our family. You know,
00:26 it's just incredible is to think about our God, right?
00:29 We'll talk about the theme of camp meeting. Focus on God, 3,
00:32 3ABN's theme for this year. Look at God is that God knows
00:36 us by name. You know, He knows you by name.
00:40 You know what? You're never lost to Him, right? Knows
00:44 exactly where you're at the journey that you're on. And
00:47 Wow, He's out there to seek and to safe the lost, you know,
00:50 I was thinking about names and on our pens here, I was just
00:53 noticing babe that I had,
00:55 I don't know if you can see these ink pens here
00:57 There's my initials as GM, because I'm always leaving my
01:00 ink pen somewhere so they know this is Greg's. And I notice
01:03 that actually have your ink pen that has JM so I apologize.
01:06 I think I had your pen and in the in my pocket. But yeah, I got my
01:11 pen back. Yes, so as we're trying to find our ink pens here on
01:13 desk. Yeah, I'm a human being so I'll lose things
01:16 but God, you're never lost to Him. So I want to encourage
01:19 you this evening. That God knows exactly who you are,
01:21 what you're going through. And we're just so glad again
01:25 your part of our family. We know many of you by name,
01:28 but thank you for counting 3ABN, as a as part of your family.
01:31 talking about family, we've added more of our 3ABN family
01:34 to the set. We have. We still have Mr. Danny here and we
01:36 are grateful you're here and happy to be here with, you all.
01:40 >> And Pastor John, who's recovering from the two billion
01:45 hits A month...
01:46 >>I had to get a mint to just balance my blood, and coupled
01:48 with the chocolate, that was just phenomenal to see what
01:51 God is doing. Praise the Lord for that.
01:54 >>Amen. Absolutely. And we added some new family members here.
01:57 We have Jeff Doer who is director of planned giving and
02:00 trust services. And we've been mentioning spouses here tonight
02:03 and your beautiful wife. Charletta is not here tonight,
02:06 but we love and appreciate her as well. And we're just so glad
02:10 you're here tonight.
02:11 >> Well, thank you very much. We love and appreciate you both
02:13 both very much. And it's just a privilege to be here on
02:16 the set with 3ABN to see what's going on behind the
02:19 scenes in the other departments and see how God is touching
02:23 reaching out to the world. Amen.
02:24 >> And you've been in your position here at 3ABN. It's
02:28 over a year now.
02:29 > A year and 3 months. Time does go by in a hurry. It goes by
02:32 in a hurry.
02:34 >> That's wonderful so looking forward to some updates
02:36 what God is doing in and through the Planned, Giving
02:39 and Trust Services Department. Then we have Marilyn here
02:41 sitting next to me trading out with Shelley. Marilyn Durant,
02:44 of course, is the manager of the 3ABN, Call Center. And your
02:48 husband, Eric, is not here tonight, but he works in our
02:51 engineering department and you're just such a blessing in so
02:54 grateful you're here tonight. Thank you. It's a pleasure to
02:57 be here.
02:58 And your staff this evening is kind of busy there at the Call
03:00 Center. Very busy. Ha-ha. It's an exciting place to be.
03:04 I just have to say something about the Call Center because I
03:06 spent a number of wonderful years there at the Call Center.
03:09 And it's just I don't know Marilyn's fantastic is really
03:13 that's like frontline work because you're getting phone
03:15 calls on a daily basis there and then shipping out the
03:18 orders. I see a whole stack of fun things Evangelistic
03:21 items right there in front of you which we're going to
03:23 talk about in a few moments.
03:24 But the call center, what a blessing. Yeah. A lot of
03:26 hard work goes on there. A lot of hard work and I have
03:28 great team behind me that
03:31 does a tremendous job and I'm so grateful to have them on my
03:35 side. Amen.
03:36 >> Amen. We have a great team at the Call Center. How many
03:38 years if you've been there as manager? Oh, my goodness.
03:41 I think it's been I know over 8 years. Wow. Yeah, yes, yes.
03:47 I know. It doesn't seem like it as assistant to Jonathan Babb.
03:51 Jonathan Babb. Right. Yeah.
03:54 And now a manager so it's been a journey
03:58 but a wonderful one. Amen. I love the Call Center because
04:02 we have the opportunity to interact same with Planned Giving
04:05 and Trust Services. You can interact with you at home and
04:09 when you call in with questions or anything we can do to assist
04:13 you it is always a tremendous blessing, absolutely.
04:16 We talked just before we went to the end of last hour about this
04:20 incredible evangelistic opportunity... I'm excited. You
04:24 know, we've been doing the Focus on Truth, zip code mailings and
04:28 case orders, Ten Commandments, Salvation and
04:30 Hellfire. But Mr. Danny your just finishing with a brand new
04:34 one.
04:35 >> We do. And it's called The Lord's Day. All right. And that
04:38 seems to be such a controversial subject and
04:41 everywhere you want to talk to people, if you bring up the
04:44 Sabbath, what have you, they say well I keep the Lord's Day?
04:48 And so I decided why don't we take a look at the Lord's Day
04:52 and let's really go into it as much as we can on common sense
04:56 level, but keep things simple and find out
05:00 is there.
05:01 Does the Lord have a day first, of all, we need to establish
05:05 that if He does have a day,
05:07 what day is it? And so if he wants us to keep that day,
05:14 you know, in fact, he says, remember, and we have the whole
05:16 world wants to forget about it. So many times people say
05:20 why live under the new covenant so I don't, I'm not
05:23 worried about that. I just keep the Lord's Day. And that's in
05:26 honor, the resurrection. And so we've done a study in
05:30 that and I've been
05:31 really excited about this. And I've written a number of
05:34 books and co-wrote the Shelley Quinn and Yvonne helping me with
05:37 that. But the research is just incredible what you can find and
05:41 what you can find, especially with the help of the Internet
05:43 now. And so what we do is we go through, I think it, and in
05:49 fact, we put so much and that we're trying to keep from
05:53 the 48 pages Pacific Press said you've got too much
05:56 information, we don't even
05:57 have room for any pictures. Oh no...If I have to leave
06:00 out some pictures or the word. I think I'd rather leave out
06:03 some pictures and lets pack as much as we can.
06:07 So the Lord's Day, basically, I believe that Yvonne says,
06:14 you know, I really think this is what people need.
06:17 It's an end-times message, we even go into the and the end of
06:20 the 3 Angeles messages briefly as we can, but to get a
06:25 people an understanding of how, you know, God's
06:28 Commandments are still valid today. And so when we say,
06:32 well, the Lord's Day and everyone assumes not everyone.
06:35 But as you know, most of the Christian world that must be
06:38 that Sunday and honor the resurrection. We find out
06:41 there's that's not true at all. But we give the Bible so we go
06:44 through the Sabbath. We show it from a scientific as much as we
06:49 can stand point. Yes. So we we show up from common sense.
06:54 Yeah, we try to hit every way that we possibly can.
06:58 So what I do and the Lord impressed me to do this, Jeff and
07:03 I started doing it several years ago, what I do when I write a
07:06 book like this is I get people, I say, well, you know, hey,
07:10 I'm a 7th-day Adventist Christian I've got to be, I need somebody
07:14 objective if I right to interview and say, hey, read us
07:18 or send it my writing, say read this and say that's right.
07:21 But I say why don't I send this to Baptists, to Methodists to
07:26 Pentecostals, people friends of mine and many of them pastors.
07:30 So I'll send it and I did this one. And it's amazing what we
07:34 get back. And I mean, I'm talking about Baptist pastors.
07:37 Even someone informally is this church of other
07:40 denominations. So now we've initiated Bible studies and
07:44 then they even get Pastor John involved with one of
07:48 these ministers. But I said let me send it to the people that I
07:52 basically know that are not 7th Day Adventist. And this is
07:57 on the Lord's Day, which, of course is going to go to the 7th
08:00 Day Sabbath. And let me see how they, you know, no, no, don't
08:04 print it first. And then they say where you didn't answer
08:07 this question or that so they sent me back. They'll say, well,
08:10 I agree with most of it, but I don't think we really have to
08:13 keep the Sabbath because it's just a rest, you know, so they
08:17 give me their idea was just kind of a general rest and others
08:20 say, well, they were nailed to the cross and others say,
08:23 well, you're missing the whole point. It's legalism, you know,
08:26 keeping the Sabbath is legalism so I'm able to take all of
08:31 those questions. And then I'll answer them and then I send them
08:34 back. So to these pastors that's in the back and say,
08:37 OK, now, where where'd I need to go. So sometimes they'll
08:41 wright back. And then some like on this last three wrote me,
08:45 pastors for over 40 years said our eyes have been opened.
08:48 Now we finally get it. After all of these years, we finally
08:52 get it so like on this one, one says, but, you know, keeping
08:56 the Sabbath is legalism, we're not about legalism anymore,
09:00 Every Sabbath you keep that Sabbath, that old law that every
09:05 Sabbath is legalism. So I said, well, let me ask you a question.
09:09 You go to church every Sunday, right? So yes, I say it
09:13 because you say you go to church Sabbath you're trying to
09:15 work your way into heaven. So I said well, you go twice on
09:18 Sunday, right, go to church morning and evening is
09:22 that legalism? Oh, well, no.
09:26 I said well why not? Sounds like you're trying to work your
09:28 way into heaven, right? Well no, I never really thought about it,
09:32 I said, well, why is it if I keep the Sabbath the day the Lord
09:35 said the keep, the 7th day of the week and I keep the day
09:40 he said, remember to keep I mean, legalism. But you all
09:43 say, well, I don't you know, I'm not in the legalism...
09:47 But you do. You worship that day on your own day.
09:51 And a day that actually the Catholic Church is we find out
09:54 through our studies and they're bold enough to at least say,
09:57 I respect that. So what we find out, I do have some things from
10:02 Rome's challenge and things were Rome where the Catholic
10:05 Church that I don't have in some of the other books where they
10:09 themselves are challenging Protestants because they say
10:13 well Protestant means to protest. What are you
10:16 protesting, Catholicism? So you all say your Protestants
10:19 and they actually say all Protestants, all major
10:24 Protestant with the exception of 7th Day Adventist, it says,
10:28 you know, are not really Protestants, because you follow
10:31 us in spite of yourself when you keep Sunday the first day
10:34 of the week, holy. And so I use a lot of this. So we use from
10:39 what their writings we use, as I said, science, what we can
10:43 figure out then people say to me, but you'd never know
10:47 which days the Sabbath. And I say why not? Well, because how
10:50 do you know when even if you want to keep it any day,
10:54 the days and weeks are all messed up? And I said, well,
10:57 what makes you think that? Well, how do? Who kept in Jacob's time
11:01 and, you know, back in Exodus and all of the things people
11:05 haven't forgotten the timing. So I say it was really pretty
11:08 easy and I use illustration here in the book. It's pretty easy.
11:12 I asked the question in the book. Do you think Jesus was
11:16 present at creation?
11:18 What would do? We all absolutely, Hebrews 1 and John 1 and
11:23 rested on the 7th day at the end of the six-day creation
11:27 week. Okay. Now let's fast forward a few 1000 years Jesus
11:31 comes to Earth. He's born as a baby. He grows up. He goes to
11:35 church as his custom was in the synagogue, every Sabbath,
11:39 every 7 days 7, which is Saturday. Now, do you think
11:44 that Jesus who was a creator who created the Sabbath now
11:48 he's born on this Earth and is confused. He doesn't know which
11:51 day as Saturday. So he just picks, which is 7th day.
11:55 So he just happens to pick the 7 day. No, of course, if we
11:59 can't trust Jesus on this, we can't trust anybody. Right.
12:02 So now so since we know that Jesus kept the 7th a Sabbath
12:07 time has been kept since then where there's no change in the
12:11 weekly cycle, we show that not only from signed science and
12:15 how the calendar was changed, but not the daily, you
12:19 know, the continued to go. But we also the Catholic Church
12:23 from late first century. They've never forgotten which
12:25 day Sunday. No, the Jews have never forgotten which day is
12:29 Saturday anywhere. You've got end of the way that a lot and
12:31 Israel event, although they've never forgotten. So it almost
12:35 seems like it's so hard. It's harder not to, you know,
12:39 ha-ha. So we try to take common sense questions and we
12:43 answer we go through. So these people are asking me well,
12:46 but this says don't judge me of what to eat or drink and the
12:50 Sabbath. One pastor called us on the phone and he said
12:54 this is ceremonial laws. You know, this is the Sabbath,
12:58 is part of the ceremonial laws. Look at Leviticus. 23.
13:01 Well, you read that and you say interesting. So I said, well,
13:05 what about so these are the type of questions people are
13:08 giving us that our own, you know, people keep the Sabbath,
13:11 probably wouldn't even think about it. But these people are
13:15 people that I know and I know they love the Lord. They're
13:17 trying to find answers. So I said we're really why when did
13:21 ceremonial laws come about, you know, after sin or before sin?
13:26 Well, after sin well, but the Sabbath was here at the end of
13:29 creation. So how could that be a ceremonial law? And we're
13:32 going to keep it heaven Isaiah 66, so if we're going to
13:35 keep it there. Then how is it it a ceremonial law?
13:40 you know. And again, we always go back to the only
13:44 commandment that said, remember, is the only one people forget,
13:47 I won't go into all of it. But I'm just telling you,
13:49 we're trying to what made me so and Yvonne too, we're so excited
13:54 about this. We're getting to answer questions that people
13:58 outside who were used to dealing with and knowing and
14:02 worshipping with their real questions. Well, yeah,
14:05 we understand is just a rest a we don't believe, you
14:09 know, and now we get to take those wright that in the book to
14:13 answer those questions. Yeah. What happens at the end of the
14:16 books? We have people saying, you know what, I finally get
14:19 it. I never understood. Thank you for including me. So not
14:24 everybody does. But we've had a number of them who have said
14:28 and these are pastors for over 40 years said thank you so
14:32 much. We finally get it. We never got it all these
14:34 years. Also, praise the Lord. So the opportunity now we run
14:38 into big problem, Greg. And that is printing because
14:43 there's hardly any paper to be gotten. There's a shortage is a
14:46 shortage. There's no shortage paper around the world. Well,
14:50 the Devils out to... I always say that Lord says
14:54 going, the devil says stop. So if we want to see whose side
14:57 somebody is on anybody trying to stop the gospel and that's
15:00 not on God's side, right. So Jesus says go and all
15:03 the world, how you gonna do it when there's a shortage
15:06 worldwide and people can't. Our own printing presses, you know,
15:10 in the church can't get very much paper and it's amazing
15:14 They got enough to print some, but not enough.
15:17 Last year we printed six million, two million a piece of these books
15:21 Yeah. So we're trying to get the paper and there's no way to
15:24 get. Well. The Lord led may right to a company who says
15:27 there are international company and they said we can do it and
15:31 we can get it to you and it costs them more than it did
15:34 last year. But everything costs more. If you haven't noticed,
15:36 go the gas station or go to the grocery store and you'll find
15:40 out. But it still to me, unbelievably cheap and the
15:43 shipping from Asia all the way over. But they're doing it
15:48 and they're putting it together is taking us a little longer to
15:51 get it. But it's amazing. So we're going to be able to
15:53 get two and a half million of these things printed up.
15:57 And so when we get them, what I've done it with the Lord's
16:00 blessings, is we've got people to sponsor the most of this,
16:05 the most of this, I'm saying people to sponsor the most of
16:08 it. Why so we can give the books away. We don't sell the
16:12 book so we give them away.
16:14 And this year what we're doing and we all can get into that.
16:17 But we're going to the get people back so now we're out
16:21 to ball games and doing all the stuff we did before so now
16:24 and pass some books out again. So instead of doing the ZIP
16:27 codes where we're sending boxes, but it has to be a whole
16:32 box of 250 right, Marilyn, per box. And so people can
16:36 order these. Now, this is a pre-deal because this is
16:39 going to be 2 or 3 months. I'm glad you said late summer
16:42 or Fall because we're really dependent on the ship
16:45 setting out in San Francisco Bay.
16:47 Yes, all these places where the books are coming in are papers
16:50 coming in all the materials. But it is being done the devil
16:54 is a defeated foe because of the matter how hard he tried to
16:57 stop things with COVID through television. We get our
17:01 audiences grow now because people are staying home.
17:04 That's right. They couldn't get out.
17:06 People couldn't go out and have passed out books.
17:07 But now they could say well send the ZIP codes. Now we're
17:10 back to we can go out and pass out books which is good for us
17:13 and that's what we really need to do. It was to get out and
17:17 make contact with people know if you don't want to get close
17:20 social distance, wear your mask, you can hand the book.
17:23 So this book is called The Lord's Day. We're going to get
17:26 out by itself, not in a group because we think there's going
17:29 to be a need for millions.
17:33 taking orders tonight is to premature because you'll be mad
17:36 at me in a few weeks. But if you think you want to be a part of
17:41 this in order for your church, Greg can tell you how much that
17:45 will be and Jill, you guys can get into those figures,
17:48 but at least we'll know, put your name on the list. So when
17:51 they come because we think they're all going to be last
17:54 year, we moved six Million so we're getting two and a half.
17:56 So we want to make sure that you get a chance and tell them how
18:01 reasonable it is. Because other people put up the money to do
18:05 this. You're basically just don't pay the shipping. I mean,
18:08 and we're having to estimate it because July they're taking up.
18:12 The postage is going up. Right, yeah correct? We're
18:15 trying to estimate that in the cost so...
18:17 >> We are because that way it helps you build to figure out
18:20 home right about what's coming along the opportunity
18:22 you have. And like Mr. Danny mentioned, this is by the case.
18:26 So you can actually order these books the Lord's Day by the
18:29 case, Lord willing 250. That's the plan in each box. That's
18:34 we're planning on. And the suggested donation is $25
18:37 shipped anywhere here in the United States.
18:40 For 250 books for 250.
18:42 So if you do the quick math, that's what about $0.10 per
18:46 booklet. I mean, that's absolutely amazing. Like Mr.
18:47 Danny said someone, several donors stepped forward to help
18:51 pay for the printing. But you just have to pay for the
18:54 postage to your house. And this is a fantastic opportunity.
18:58 These are the other ones, the 10 Commandments and Salvation.
19:01 and Hell Fire but think about this taking books and going out and
19:04 put them down and let's say, I guess I can say this on live
19:07 TV, right? And like rest areas, gas stations, or you can
19:11 actually, hand them to somebody that you say you're pumping gas,
19:13 door to door, but a pumping gas to see some would say,
19:16 hey, you know what you get talking about End Times. Here's
19:19 a little book. There are so many opportunities to
19:22 evangelize and to share Jesus. And this is something that I've
19:25 done recently. And is this really I know it's been eye
19:28 opening for me. It's been a faith journey for me. And that
19:31 is I've been praying to God and saying, God,
19:33 give me an opportunity today to share you with somebody else
19:36 that I don't even know. And do you know it's absolutely
19:38 fantastic. It's fun now because God will drop someone in your
19:42 lap so to speak. It's a phone call you're out and about that.
19:46 God will say here is this person that I want you to share
19:49 the love of Jesus with and you just pray for God to open these
19:53 opportunities. Well an opportunity is to actually pass
19:55 these books out. So $25 suggested donation. Jill has all
19:59 these details she can rattle them off much better than me
20:02 on how you go about doing this. You know the details Mr. Danny,
20:05 of course on how to do this. The Call Center is open tonight.
20:08 Yes, that's right. So call us right now.
20:10 >> At 618-627-4651. Again, we're not taking those preorders
20:15 because it's not available for a few months because we're
20:21 in the printing process right now. However, you can call and
20:23 say, hey, I think my church would be interested or
20:26 maybe they'd like 5 cases or we might like 10 cases. Are we
20:30 just kind of get that idea of what people are looking at
20:33 right now as you can give us a call 618-627-4651, and maybe
20:39 Marilyn you want to add some- thing to that? putting you on
20:42 the spot here but...Or you can also send us an email, that's
20:46 good and I get those e-mails myself and so I'll be happy to
20:50 answer them and give you any information that you need.
20:53 What would the email address be? Mail at 3ABN,org.
20:58 >> And I want to say a big thank you to Pacific Press
21:01 because they printed one's last year. Didn't have enough paper
21:04 to print this many but they putting it all together
21:08 for us and doing all the covers all the editing, all of
21:11 them literally putting it, the whole thing together and able
21:14 to print a couple of 100,000 this point. Hopefully, later they'll
21:17 get more paper and they can do more. But they do an incredible
21:21 job working with Del Galucia? And I mean, his crew is
21:24 just...they're amazing people and when they
21:27 get on the job, they do it and it's beautiful and the designs
21:31 they come up with, we just suggest things and they show you
21:34 covers and if you don't like this, you want us to
21:36 change to this.
21:38 >> I mean, Pacific Press thumbs up because they've done a
21:42 good job working with us so far. Pastor John, let me go back
21:45 to the title of the booklet In the Relevance of it
21:47 for today because Danny made a lot of statements that are so
21:50 appropriate. When we look at the confusion that exists in
21:53 Christianity today, the Lord's Day,
21:56 there's only one question, is it or isn't it the Lord's Day?
22:01 If it is, then we all should keep it. If it isn't, then we
22:04 should follow what the Bible says. And we're not trying to
22:07 come up with any kind of a scheme or try to confuse people
22:12 in Christianity. But because the confusion exists, there are
22:15 so many reasons. I appreciate the fact that Danny says okay,
22:18 you observe it. You go to church on Sunday. You've been
22:20 keeping it. You're a pastor. Let us know what your positions
22:23 are. So this is not a book written to embarrass anyone.
22:26 Not to say, if God's word says it, then we should all keep it.
22:30 If Sunday is the right day to keep, then we all should be keeping
22:33 it. All right. If Sabbath is the right day, then we all
22:36 should because it's not about what we decide. It's about what
22:39 the Lord says. An amazing the Sabbath starts with the phrase
22:42 or word. Remember, you know, when Luke said, remember,
22:46 lot's wife there's not a pastor out there that will
22:49 argue with that. When
22:50 Solomon, the wise men said, remember, the creator in the
22:52 days of youth is not a single passage that would young folk
22:55 You need to forget about the creator while you're young. It's
22:57 good. Now everybody would say remember Solomon, what he said.
23:00 Everybody was a dream of what Luke says. Don't look back.
23:04 I'm blown away as a pastor that God says remember the Sabbath
23:08 that keep it holy and clergy and prelate
23:11 too many to count, say forget it. So this book is a reminder
23:16 to remember what God said to remember and then to eliminate
23:21 the reasons why
23:22 for confusion or not.
23:25 Where did the phrase the lords to come from, you know, Exodus
23:28 the Sabbath it the 7th day is a Sabbath of the Lord. Your God
23:31 Exodus 20:10, Isaiah 58: 13. The Lord says He calls the
23:35 Sabbath, my holy day. The math in Mark 2:27, 28,
23:39 He says I am the Lord of the Sabbath. So from Old to New
23:43 Testament. He continues to say, that the Sabbath is my day and lastly
23:47 I'll throw it back to you on this one before sin entered the
23:50 world. God did something, He used 6 days to create the world.
23:55 He did not create anything physical on the last day,
23:58 but he created something that cannot be burned up.
24:02 cannot be broken down, cannot be destroyed
24:04 because it has spiritual dimensions as God is spiritual,
24:08 So is the Sabbath. The only day of the week he blessed was the
24:11 last one, the 7th the day He blessed it. He sanctified it, He
24:15 made it holy any He rested and then he said this is the reason
24:19 why I want you to keep it. Yeah. And Ezekiel says it's a
24:21 sign between God and us that we might know that He's the God
24:26 that sanctified us.
24:27 So the Lord's Day is a call to Christians is a call to
24:31 Christian leaders as a call to church leaders. People that
24:34 attend church that love the Lord. Like Jeff in Charletta
24:36 perfect examples. I was just thinking that. That was a
24:40 quandary in your life for many years was yes, yes, we're
24:43 Sunday, keepers, right, for many years.
24:45 >> If it wouldn't have been for 3ABN coming into our home,
24:48 we would have never even known the difference.
24:50 >> Yes, and I remember Charletta telling us the story she said how
24:53 she got her first. And Jeff, she's like me really honest.
24:58 Ha-ha, right? Absolutely. Pulled his coat tail and sat
25:02 down even your father law, right? Yeah. Is it pastor?
25:05 No, you know, her sister's... yeah, father-in-law. Yes. And she
25:09 told me about once he was sitting at dinner once and
25:12 his and yet your sister's father-in-law's wife was
25:16 sitting right next to Charletta. and she said now if you don't
25:19 know what day is the 7th day, just look at the calendar,
25:22 she said oh, oh. Ha-ha. She told us she's been watching 3ABN.
25:25 >> That's right. Okay. So this is what we're talking about.
25:28 People like Jeff in Charletta, people like Chris and Mike
25:30 Cavaness and the numbers go on and on, people that simply said,
25:35 I love the Lord. I just want to know what He wants me to do.
25:38 Danny, Thank you for this book. It's time to...
25:41 >> It's a blessing to us in writing it because it just
25:44 reaffirms and you get so much new information because you see
25:48 how people think and what it takes to reach people,
25:52 outside our, regular arenas. We might say, so these people,
25:56 I just got an email from one of the pastors and a pastor for 40
26:00 years. He just said the other day you've
26:05 you hit my heart strings, you've hit my heart string.
26:10 I'm very, very open. I've learned a lot. I'm not all the
26:14 way there, but he said I'm willing to talk and I'm willing
26:18 to I just want to do what Jesus wants me to do this. This is a
26:23 pastor for many years. Wow, that's so not no, not a 7th-Day
26:28 Adventist. So give us the nomination. But I'm saying
26:31 because these people we do it in a good. Yeah. Not likely to
26:34 show you wrong. Whatever I'm like, look, we're friends.
26:37 We're good enough friends that you can trust me and I trust
26:40 you. So, I'm writing this book, but I don't want to put
26:42 anything out that's not true. So it is not true or if I miss
26:45 quoting the Scriptures, I want to know about it. If I'm not
26:49 answering your questions and they do so I've got about 8 people
26:52 in their writing me. So answer those and I send it back to
26:56 they'll say. Well, that helps. But I did have this
26:58 question. So when they say who wrote the book, I say non-
27:02 Adventist. Ha-ha, I just put it together.
27:07 >> So, again, the Lord given us an opportunity. I'm so
27:11 excited about this booklet that Mr. Danny is giving us the
27:13 manuscript. We've looked at it. Pastor John, you commented on
27:15 it as well. But the fantastic little booklet all packed into
27:19 48 pages and the very end because if somebody is reading
27:22 this while want to find out more information has ways that
27:25 they can watch 3ABN. So it's also that evangelistic
27:28 tool as well. We encourage you to call the Call Center
27:31 this evening. Marilyn's here with us, the manager of
27:33 the Call Center. But it's a 618-627-4651, because we shared
27:37 a lot of information with you this evening if you just want
27:40 more information like what I can order tonight, what's
27:42 available? They can share all the information with you when
27:45 it will be available. And we're so excited again about the
27:48 opportunity. It's all about evangelism. God wants us to sow
27:51 the seed. And one way to do that is to put the literature
27:53 out there. People will come across His message, His truth and
27:57 their lives will be changed for eternity.
28:00 >> And lastly, please ask me the title the Lord's Day.
28:04 Yes. If I wrote a book, the Sabbath, not too many people
28:07 would pick up. Good point. Right. Yeah. So the Lord's
28:12 Day is like, okay. I'm going to read this. I want to find
28:15 more information about the Lord's Day. Because I've met some
28:18 of these Adventist's or somebody and they're always talk about
28:20 Sabbath, I want to find out
28:22 about the Lord's Day so they read it.
28:24 So there's a purpose in naming it the Lord's Day because
28:27 people want to find out and I think it will get a lot more
28:31 people that will be open if you're passing it out and it
28:34 said, 7th-day Sabbath, you know there's. Oh well, I don't.
28:37 But it's the Lord's day.
28:38 O well, let me see that I keep the Lord's Day. Absolutely.
28:41 So hopefully. Yes, great title. I know.
28:44 I love that. Thank you so much for following the leading in
28:47 and unction of the Holy Spirit and writing the book for it.
28:49 That's right beautiful cover for it too. I'm excited about
28:51 how God is going to use it. Evangelistically, it's $25 for
28:55 a case of these and we'll be shipping them out from the Call
28:59 Center. Keep in mind, it's probably a couple months away
29:02 before we have the books in house 250 books, 250 booklets
29:06 in one case and suggested donation of $25 and that will
29:10 cover the cost of the shipping for those booklets to you.
29:14 speaking of evangelistic tools and ways that we can share
29:17 Many times we don't often talk
29:20 about the resources that we have
29:22 available at 3ABN you can go to our online store and you can
29:27 look at news, go 3ABN.tv, click on the store and you can
29:31 look at some of the options that we have. But Marilyn,
29:33 you have some evangelistic tools here. I do. Why don't
29:36 you talk to us about kind of things that we have available.
29:38 >> Yes, I bought a few samples, but there are many products at
29:42 the call center offers. And if we don't have it, we'd like you
29:47 to shop our store, but will be happy to help you find whatever
29:50 you need. And so
29:53 I brought a few samples. We've talked about Focus on
29:56 Truth and this is a great tool when you're out and about just
30:00 handing it out. It's so easy. We've got some share carts.
30:04 You can put this, in your wallet,
30:08 in your purse,
30:10 hand them out to anyone that you feel you want to share how
30:14 to watch 3 ABN.
30:16 >> I love that on the back. I see we have a graphic of it
30:18 up now. Great job crew. I love that on the back you can see
30:21 all the different ways to. That's right. Yeah. So if
30:24 people want to know more information about 3ABN you
30:27 can say all this is how you can watch 3ABN this is how
30:30 you can learn more.
30:31 That's right. I love it. And it's easy.
30:35 So, super easy like business cards. Yeah. So it can fit in
30:39 your wallet. That's right. And then people can order quantities
30:43 with this? We do have quantities. We can send you up to 250 at
30:47 one time. And how much does it cost for that? These are free.
30:51 These are free. Yeah! You know, I think I heard the phone line.
30:56 So these are free. So this is a way that you can
31:02 connect with 3ABN for free. We will send
31:05 you up to 250 at one time. That's right. No cost to you
31:09 and you can pass these out. You can mail them when you send
31:12 your bills back. That's right. Just a little. Yeah,
31:16 yeah, I'm sorry.
31:20 >> And then Pastor Lomacang, he wrote Three Angels' Message and
31:23 we just offered this last Thursday and it went well make
31:29 it went really well. So this Pastor John, give us a
31:33 one minute summary of the Three Angels Message. Yeah,
31:36 pretty much.
31:37 About the same length, about 46 to 48 pages. It's a summary Bible
31:40 only because people need to understand 3ABN what is that?
31:44 3 Angels' Messages, undiluted 3 Angels Messages. And so this
31:48 book gives you a snippet, a summary of what those messages
31:51 are and how relevant they are. You cannot disconnected from
31:54 the sad, but you can disconnect the Sabbath from the 3 Angels
31:57 Messages. So in a partnership it covers specifically,
32:00 what are those messages and why are they so relevant?
32:03 These are the last 3 messages
32:05 that are given to the world to get the world
32:07 ready for the coming of Jesus. All of Christianity should know
32:11 about these messages because it's for every nation, tribe,
32:13 tongue, and people and once again, it's a small booklet
32:18 with Bible only.
32:19 And we've sent out hundreds of thousands of those.
32:21 We try to college students to business people and my wife and
32:25 I travel on the airplane on ships wherever we go, people,
32:28 it's so small. They say I'd be glad to read that.
32:31 and we want to make sure that as...evangelism
32:34 is the key Danny and I know about that, we want to make
32:36 sure that God has given us a responsibility to get the world
32:39 ready for the coming of the Lord and the 3 angel's messages
32:43 as Ryan Day once said he did not hear about that until he became
32:46 an Adventist because it's a message that's not preached in
32:49 most churches because they don't believe that beyond
32:52 Revelation chapter four the church is going to be on earth,
32:54 the whole other topic.
32:56 So it's often ignored and these are not literally 3 angels,
32:59 but the Angels represent the importance of the message for
33:03 the entire world. So you understand that.
33:05 >> And at the very end of it and also gives you ways of how
33:08 you can get in touch with 3ABN. It does, I see that right here.
33:10 at the end. Ways to watch, so this booklet is available.
33:14 We can send one booklet for free, so if you'd like one
33:18 just to see what it's all about. Send one for free.
33:20 And if they want to case tell us about that. If you would
33:22 like to order case, it's $60 per case. And that covers the
33:27 printing and the shipping costs. That's right. So it's very
33:31 economical and I encourage anyone to get it because it's
33:34 just it's an easy way to share God's word many but out you
33:39 got. So we've got this.
33:42 We've got the Prayer and Praise Journal. I love this book, it
33:48 has were 30 days of prayer and it coincides with a song and
33:54 you can put your prayer request in it and then you can write
33:57 your praise report in it as well. And this is a great gift
34:01 for anyone that's may be going through some trials and
34:05 tribulations. You can give this to them and they can write down
34:08 and journal what they're going through. And then it also comes
34:12 with a CD, 2 CDs. And so the songs that are in the Prayer
34:17 and Praise Journal are on the CD. So you can listen.
34:20 >> You can listen to the CD. You can look at your journal.
34:23 You can read you can study. That's right? And you can pray
34:26 and talk to God. Yes.
34:28 >> And how much was the suggested donation of these?
34:31 So the journal is only $5. But if you want the whole set
34:36 it's 10, OK? So that's really economical 2 CDs and the
34:40 Prayer and Praise Journal.
34:41 Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up because we're
34:43 not really selling anything because there's suggested
34:46 donation. That's right.
34:47 Even the books we're just talking about the boxes the $25.
34:50 >> Wouldn't cover a fraction of the book, that's really
34:54 just paying shipping. So that shipping from here to
34:57 your house that's all, the books are free. Yeah. So and these
35:01 are suggested... That's right. donations and so.
35:04 Yeah. So and I have another Prayer Journal here, you can just
35:08 write your prayers in here and this is $1.25, really.
35:13 Suggested donation, suggested donation and this is a
35:18 great gift. If you want to give it to someone,
35:20 I love that. I filled up several of those.
35:22 Have you. This is very popular among the viewers,
35:26 we get a lot of requests for those. Cinda Sanner,
35:30 She wrote an amazing book, A Message of Hope and Comfort.
35:35 Yeah. I love this book. It has wonderful graphics
35:39 in there and words of encouragement. She took all the
35:42 pictures she did take all the pictures. They are and
35:45 there are scriptures in here. Yes.
35:46 >> And if you don't know who Cinda Sanner is, she's part
35:49 of Tiny Tots, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
35:53 Fantastic job, oh yes, absolutely. And we should
35:56 hold this up here so you can see
35:57 some of these... look at these beautiful pictures
36:00 and photos. I understand she took them all and then put the
36:03 scriptures that correlates really with the photo.
36:06 Fantastic. We've received some phenomenal. Actually people
36:09 reaching out to us and saying we have been so blessed.
36:12 So encouraged this would be like a gift book. This would be
36:15 be...Coffee Table, put it in your living room.
36:19 And yeah, or just to give to someone
36:22 that is going through some- thing like a trial in their life.
36:23 Yeah right. In Messages of Hope and Comfort, she's such
36:28 an encourager. She is. Such and encourage or and so she
36:33 would send us these pictures and Bible scriptures for the last
36:37 two or three years, I guess. And we were all saying
36:40 >> why don't you put those into a book? She's like, well,
36:43 I'll just give them to you. I'm happy to use them. And I mean,
36:47 it's incred... it's beautiful. And I want to just say to this
36:50 as far as Cinda's heart and her husband, Joel, too, is that
36:55 the proceeds from this book Go to Help kids?
36:59 >> Kid's Network here at 3ABN. That shows their heart. So a
37:02 tremendous man. Just the heart from ministry,
37:05 you've known Cinda since she was...Baby.
37:06 >> Yeah, ha-ha... But just fantastic. But this is a great
37:12 book. One of our newer books. It is one of our newer books.
37:15 And along with that, she did cards gift... Note cards.
37:20 Note cards. Yes. Thank you. Love that. Yeah, and beautiful
37:24 pictures and on the back you can write a little
37:27 note and drop it in the mail and just to say I'm thinking of you
37:31 and it's very encouraging. So, yeah, and these are very
37:35 popular. They go very well. So and that's a suggested
37:40 donation of $10 for the cards. I love that. And let's go
37:44 through just a couple more here. And then she also has a
37:48 Tiny Tots Cook Book. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And this is
37:52 great for the kids when they're in the kitchen with a mom and
37:56 dad cooking.
37:58 >> Yeah, this is fun and it's actually the pages I believe
38:01 are quite kid-proof. So they're doing a recipe and they get
38:04 a little dough or something, you can just kind of wipe it off.
38:08 >> Yeah. These are all recipes that kids can do with their
38:11 parents in the kitchen 70 recipes...Is there 70 in here?
38:16 Yeah. Oh, my. Wow.
38:17 And these are recipes that have been done in the Tiny Tots
38:19 Kitchen. That's right. With the program on 3ABN. Yeah.
38:22 Yeah. So that's great. You can get 2 for $40 suggested
38:26 donation. So you can share with friends. So and then
38:31 what just do one more. But
38:35 the depression book, I know that there have been people
38:39 that have been struggling. And I think this is a great
38:42 book to read. It's quick and easy. And if you're ever
38:45 feeling like you're alone, it gives you comfort and what to
38:50 look for the signs and how to get help. And you know, we
38:55 the last couple of years with COVID. Yeah, people have
38:58 struggles and isolated, isolated. They have problems with that.
39:01 And so this would be a great book to have. And so there's
39:06 tons of resources tonight.
39:09 >> So call us right now is that you like any one of these?
39:11 And you'd like to use them in your own spiritual journey and
39:14 walk with God, maybe you'd like to share them with someone else
39:18 and encourage them in their own journey. Maybe you want to point
39:21 them to the truth in God's word or encourage them to get in the
39:25 kitchen and prepare some wonderful, delicious, healthy
39:29 plant-based meals, whatever options there's we have a lot
39:32 of options. So call us at 618-627-4651 and we'll be
39:38 happy to walk you through any number of these or
39:40 something else, 618-627-4651. Or you can always go to our
39:46 website. That's 3ABN.TV. Click on the online store and
39:52 you can browse to your heart's content and what a tremendous
39:56 blessing because these are evangelist tools. These are
40:00 sharing tools that you can take not only for yourself or your
40:04 family, but to share with your neighbors, your co-workers with
40:08 people maybe who are struggling right now and need some
40:11 encouragement from Jesus.
40:14 >> Thank you, Marilyn, for the work you're doing there.
40:15 And the team that I know are busy right now, especially as
40:18 we mentioned these little cards, right? You can get a
40:21 whole pack. Just not right. Yes, sure can. So, yeah,
40:24 it was all about evangelism. That's with 3ABN is all
40:28 about and I don't know if you're aware of this. I don't
40:31 know. Maybe you don't watch DVDs anymore. Seems like
40:33 everything is online and file base, but you'd also can get
40:36 DVDs on. Well, most of 3ABN's programs you can actually order
40:40 through the Call Center as well. 3ABN we want to be
40:43 a resource, a resource that they can use to help spread
40:47 the gospel around the world. And it's just exciting times
40:50 that we're living in. And, Jeff, I tell you what, it's
40:54 it's neat. You know, I think about your journey and
40:57 how your life was changed. Well, certainly, there was some
41:01 donor, that gave funds that kept 3ABN on the air and you were
41:04 able to tune into our local network here, which is was a
41:08 radio first? WDQN? No, it was over the air,
41:10 okay out of Johnston City
41:12 channel 15. Yes, and you stumbled across
41:15 it providentially here, well, that it is the rest is history.
41:19 And I think about your depart- ment Planned Giving and Trust,
41:22 tell us a little bit about what's going on there. What's
41:24 on your heart this evening?
41:26 >> Well, you know, Planned Giving and Trust Services,
41:27 your legacy matters. And, you know, that's kind of what we're
41:30 talking about here tonight is we're trying to take and open
41:34 in the world their hearts to the Lord advise, tell them,
41:38 you know, the Lord's Day, it's the Sabbath yeah, it's not
41:41 Sunday, but where you're where your treasure is, there, your
41:45 heart will be also. So, you know, we need to take
41:49 and we have to take a supply
41:51 funding for 3ABN in the future. What we're talking
41:54 about this evening is supplying the funds today to keep the
41:59 we have got people that are donating their real estate.
42:03 We had a family in a state west of here
42:06 that their mother was in the process of donating some
42:08 property to 3ABN mother died unexpectedly. The family called
42:14 said, you know, mom was wanting to donate this property.
42:17 We're going to go ahead and follow through and donate the
42:20 property of 3ABN. That tells you the heart of the kids then
42:25 you know, they were following mom's love of 3ABN. The kids
42:29 followed as well, praise the Lord. Follow through with moms
42:32 Love and wish for her property. So we'll be able to take that
42:36 property and list it and sell it. Put the funds into
42:40 the operation of 3ABN and we just had another family down
42:44 Florida. The lady passed away. She had a trust with us and we
42:49 were able to get that settled up. And we've got the funds
42:52 back from that sale of that property this last week. Praise
42:55 the Lord. Praise, the Lord. And then we had a precious
42:58 soul that just passed away just recently. And we got word about
43:04 that. And we've got her estate out west. That we're going to be
43:07 handling. Yeah. But, you know, it's these donations from these
43:11 precious souls that establish a trust with 3ABN that are able to
43:16 take a supply much needed funds throughout the years. It
43:20 certainly is. And I've just got a little are reading here
43:23 if it's all right. Please. Yeah. The Legacy of the Good
43:26 Lasts Forever.
43:27 As the glow of the dissenting sun lights up the mountain peaks
43:31 long after the sun itself has sunk behind the hills.
43:35 So the works of the pure, the Holy and the good shed light
43:39 upon the world long after the actors themselves have passed
43:42 away, their works, their words, their example will forever
43:47 live.
43:49 The Righteous shall be an everlasting remembrance. Psalms
43:51 6 and the other was from Patriarchs and Prophets.
43:54 Wow. So are deeds that we're doing today. Something very
43:58 simple that we don't even realize
44:01 will be lasting memories for someone for eternity.
44:04 >> Jeff, I want to speak to that, Mr. Danny witnessed
44:07 this for 38 years. But when you bring those checks over,
44:11 you know, it still touches my heart it's just in the Nick of
44:13 Time. You know, it's just like man, you know, where we're at a
44:17 point, 3ABN, is like, wow, you know, we could be a blessing to
44:19 have some extra funds for projects and you know where to
44:22 keep our the operations day to-day operations and here
44:25 come the checks, right? And this person, this
44:30 is resting in Jesus. Yes. And their works do follow them
44:33 because their sleep, the rest until Jesus comes again.
44:37 But yet what they have put into the Planned Giving and Trust
44:40 Department for 3ABN is blessing others, and continues to bless
44:43 others certainly. Yeah. It's amazing.
44:45 >> And we're expecting another couple checks here, just
44:48 thought we have them today. Another way to bless without
44:51 creating a document with 3ABN. He's put us on as a beneficiary
44:55 of your will or trust wherever it may be.
44:57 A Life Insurance Policy or as P.O.D., payment on
45:01 on death of a bank account. And we had a
45:03 person that passed away and we were notified at we were POD
45:08 on their bank account and we're expecting the check from the
45:11 bank just any day. So there's many ways to you can take a
45:15 supply funds to assist in the ministry.
45:18 >> And people can also when you when you write a document,
45:21 you can also include your children or you can include
45:23 other ministries. You can say, OK, I want to write a document,
45:25 but I want to include whatever. And all those are options or
45:29 possibilities. Right.
45:30 >> Absolutely. We encourage you to include your children.
45:32 You know, some people say will include 3ABN, has our 4th child
45:36 arrives, our 3rd child. But I like that. Yes, so, yes,
45:40 we need to include our family because family is very
45:43 important for all of us. But we also need to take
45:46 include Jesus, Yeah, that's right. You know, it says in
45:49 the Bible, you know,
45:50 where your treasure is, your heart will be also so.
45:53 So we need to take and keep Jesus in the Lord you're
45:57 supposed to take and pay tithe. and then, this very said
46:00 many people don't have a savings or anything for
46:04 retirement. He says 35% of Americans do not have a penny
46:07 saved for retirement. Wow. So we need to take and educate
46:11 our young folks that savings is important. We have to have a
46:16 job we have to take and work but we need to take and
46:19 prepare for ourselves and for the future of the church,
46:22 and for 3ABN. That's right. Amen.
46:26 We appreciate you and your team what you're doing there.
46:28 And so the best way to reach you, I know there's a
46:31 special number that will reach Trust Department. The Trust
46:34 Department has 800 number okay 800-886-4800 or you can take
46:40 and go to trustservices@3abn.org
46:42 or you can go on the website
46:49 is at WWW3abn.tv/ plannedgivingandtrustservices?
46:54 Yeah. It's there. To reach us that way.
46:56 >> Absolutely. You. They got a good job. Okay, I love that.
47:00 I was going to say if that seems too complicated you can
47:03 just go to 3abn.tv.
47:04 >> You just click. There's a tab that says Planned Giving Trust
47:07 Services. You can click the tab as well. But I love that.
47:09 Absolutely. It's very humbling.
47:12 from this side when you see, people that
47:17 many of them know that maybe that's not too far away.
47:22 You know, they're going to go to sleep in the Lord and they
47:24 put 3 ABN down to, we want this to go to 3ABN yes, many of
47:30 those say it, it made big difference in my life. I
47:35 learned about Jesus. I learned about the truth and I want
47:38 to my money to go. You know what's left or my,
47:43 assets of certain things. I want those to go to 3ABN.
47:46 And so, you know, we guard that very carefully and we take it.
47:50 But it's very humbling also that people
47:53 remember him because they can do all sorts of things
47:56 with all that money that they're not shows are so
47:59 serious in seeing the work finished. And 3ABN as part of
48:03 that it's getting everlasting gospel and all the world.
48:07 And so thank you again, so much for what you do for the cause
48:12 of God on this earth. Amen!
48:16 >> Yes, yeah. I mean, you know, I think about those that
48:19 have believed in the ministry of 3ABN you know, since the
48:23 very beginning and some of you are brand new and we hear from
48:26 you as well. And I just want to encourage this evening as
48:29 we're coming down to the end of the second hour of 3ABN Behind
48:32 the Scenes is about reporting to you with the Lord again is
48:34 doing through your ministry. We just love hearing from you
48:39 any way you can contact us. Please, please do that. Call
48:41 the call center this evening. We talked about a lot of
48:43 product or just have some questions about what was talked
48:46 about this evening. Please call the call center. Do you know we
48:48 actually have a 3ABN prayer line. Mr. Danny
48:51 you started that back in the late 80's, right? The yeah.
48:55 The prayer line. We have a pastoral department that will be
48:58 happy to pray with you through out the day.
48:59 We have a lot of resources of course
49:02 here are 3ABN would be happy to help you out.
49:05 And Jeff was talking about the Planned Giving Trust. We have
49:09 Mr. Bruce Chance at the Donation Center, like what is
49:12 that? That's like if you have an RV or a car, maybe some gold
49:16 coins or some jewelry, you can reach out to him. But there's
49:19 many ways that we can all be involved in helping to spread
49:22 the gospel around the world. But again, like I mentioned
49:24 ways we love to hear from you.
49:26 >> You can always e-mail us. That's one way. Call us write a
49:29 letter snail mail. Ha-ha comment online on social Media
49:35 You can comment on YouTube or comment on Facebook or comment
49:39 with Instagram,
49:40 Instagram and connect back with you. I just wanted to mention
49:42 too quickly on Cuba. I reference that the first hour
49:46 and we forgot to even mention that we were hoping to Skype in
49:50 with Pastor John Dinzey, he has been in Cuba this past week.
49:54 He has been there with Luis as well as Elijah, two of our camera
49:59 people, Doctor Chaplain Colonel Hernandez. The 4 of them have
50:02 been in Cuba and we are looking forward with eager anticipation
50:07 to the reports. What's coming back from there? They don't
50:10 have real good Internet so we don't have we can't connect
50:13 with him tonight. But Pastor Johnny, we should be home
50:15 tomorrow, Lord willing. And we look forward to a full report.
50:19 We know at the very least six people are ready to have
50:23 been baptized in Cuba as a result of 3ABN Latino being
50:28 on the package, just very, very excited what God is doing.
50:33 And that's because of you joining hands with us 3ABN
50:36 can be the first ever television, Christian television
50:41 allowed into the communist country of Cuba and we're so
50:44 grateful for that privilege and opportunity.
50:47 >> We should also mention our brothers and sisters in that
50:50 3ABN Russia. And also we have of course our brothers and sisters
50:53 in Ukraine, the rest of the part of the world to with all this
50:55 going on over there.
50:57 We've talked with sister Julia here recently and
50:59 their courage is up but just continue to pray for them and
51:02 everything that's going on the situation over there. You know,
51:05 prayer pastor is a mighty thing is that you think about
51:08 talking to the all creator, God,
51:11 you know, times we may feel that it's fruitless,
51:14 but it's not.
51:15 >> True. And we have to keep what's happening in the,
51:18 you know, and Europe and the western part of Europe,
51:22 the eastern part of Europe in our prayers because 3ABN
51:24 Russia is it's existing in a powder keg of
51:29 situation praise God up until this date they're still being
51:33 able to broadcast.
51:34 >> They are and growing. Ha-ha praise the Lord for that.
51:39 You can't do anything against the gospel, you cannot and
51:41 says use everything for it so, no matter what you can't
51:45 hurt it, it is going to go forward, this gospel of the
51:48 kingdom will go. We'll go into all the world and then the
51:52 end I like to say the beginning, really, you know,
51:56 everlasting life. But that's what's amazing thing. So for
52:00 each of us, it's great that you support 3ABN and it's great that
52:03 just send some money. But, you know, the Lord says Go ye all
52:07 the world knows who can some of you can't. You're not able to
52:10 go out your health doesn't allow whatever good point, but
52:13 if you can, it's meeting people letting them see the
52:17 Jesus in you and try to smile just to be there when they need a
52:20 little encouragement need to be there when they need a little
52:23 help. We have someone that we've been talking to that's in,
52:27 according to the doctor's life. You know, it's got a very short
52:32 lived. This is a person that we know and love them.
52:35 But too many details very well known in the community. But
52:39 Yvonne and I count it a privi- lege to be, we're not the same
52:42 denomination church-wise. But you know, as she is, but we have
52:47 the same God. We have the same Jesus. We have the same faith.
52:50 So we're praying for her and she will call because we're not
52:55 part of that and, I Just want to talk to somebody else to get
52:59 some opinions. And so we are able to pray with people and
53:03 the see and there is such a blessing when you get involved.
53:07 And so I'd encourage you to get involved with people in your
53:10 neighborhood and people in your area wherever you can if your
53:13 health permits and you are in a place that you can because
53:16 to me, we may be the only Jesus some people see.
53:21 Yeah, we're not perfect we're imperfect,
53:23 but if Jesus shines out He says if I be lifted up
53:26 from this Earth, will, draw, all men unto me.
53:29 That's right, no pressure John here in the last closing minutes
53:33 here, why don't you give an appeal because there's somebody
53:36 I don't want to miss this opportunity know someone
53:38 may be just not accidentally, but divinely come across 3ABN
53:41 this evening is inspired and God's tugging on the
53:44 heartstrings. So what's what's on your heart pastor?
53:47 >> You know, I believe that if you find this network, it's
53:50 never coincidentally we've had stories throughout the years
53:52 where people have been at the point of almost taking their
53:55 lives and they want to, about to hang
53:57 themselves it's a very gruesome illustration.
53:59 But they kick over the remote and boom right there
54:00 3ABN Mark Finley says just in the nick of time.
54:03 Just in the nick... You're about to end your life
54:05 don't do that. And they have been saved
54:07 by not coincidental that the accident by but the
54:11 into position of God. And so if you're watching this network,
54:15 we encourage you to do one of two things, continue watching
54:18 the network and continue to take seriously what you hear
54:21 because we are committed to the word of God, the and diluted 3
54:24 Angels Messages. If there something that you hear that
54:26 you don't agree with, don't turn us off right a letter and
54:29 say I don't understand that. I don't agree with that.
54:32 And we will do our best by our Pastoral Department,
54:34 or I or Danny Shelton or materials from the Call Center
54:38 will do it whatever we can to clarify what you've heard
54:41 because we believe that if the word of God is clear and we
54:44 stand on it may be as some adjustment we need to do.
54:48 Secondly, share this network with someone else because there
54:51 are people that need to know your neighbor. You may not be
54:53 able to preach are sing, but we are committed to whether it's
54:56 preaching the singing with the children, whether it's cooking
54:59 programs, whatever we do, it's all combined together for an
55:03 undiluted message. And thirdly, we believe that we're living in
55:06 the closing hours of Earth's history. The time that the
55:09 people of God need to say to the world, if there's something
55:11 you have put it in the Lords, hand as Jeff talks about and
55:15 put it in God's hands so that the gospel can go to the world
55:18 effectively and somebody is going make the kingdom because
55:20 of you. So right now we just have a short prayer and ask God
55:24 to guide your mind. Give you wisdom and understanding.
55:26 Thank you. Let's pray.
55:28 Father in Heaven. Thank you for 3ABN for its longevity for
55:32 the vision you gave to Danny, his faithfulness to it and we
55:36 look back and say look at God, as we now say, let's keep
55:40 focusing on God. We pray for Camp Meeting as we talked about
55:43 the messages that are being put together to touch someone's
55:46 heart, the material is being produced. The new book, The
55:49 Lord's Day and also the Truth Series, 3 Angels messages and
55:52 all that we do here. Weather sung all written or preached
55:56 may all the glory go to you? But if you're watching today,
55:58 Father touch the heart. If you're listening on the radio
56:01 touch, the mind of that person maybe know this critical hour
56:04 is the time to turn to Christ. Yeah, that when Jesus comes by
56:08 your grace, we will all be ready. Help us to make that
56:12 decision now so that the end will come with our hearts
56:14 filled with joy.
56:16 >> When we see Jesus in peace your precious name, we pray.
56:19 Amen. Thank you, Mr. Danny, so much for joining us this
56:23 evening it's exciting times. Oh, it is. I wouldn't miss it for
56:26 anything so year after year. It's always amazing, Jill's
56:31 saying this year. Her theme is Look at God. That's right.
56:34 Amazing. Thank you, Pastor John, Jeff, Marilyn, sweetheart,
56:38 it's always good to be on with you. I see your Bible open, why don't
56:40 you take us out. What's on your mind?
56:42 >> Psalm 86. OK? Teach me your way oh, Lord, I will walk in
56:47 Your truth, unite my heart to fear Your name. So I think it's
56:51 become to the closing moments of Earth's history. If you're
56:55 not walking in truth, walk-in truth, make a choice to walk in
56:58 truth, ask God to unite our hearts to praise His name.
57:04 We'll see you again. Bye, bye.
57:05 [MUSIC]


Revised 2022-07-14