3ABN Today Live

The Three Angels' Messages

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220018B

00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:14 >> Friends. Welcome back to the second hour of a fire that's out of You know, this
00:21 is a because we on fire for the Lord. You only really have 2 choices to be on fire for
00:25 the Lord. Oh, by the Lord. And we have non-smoking o O is that the people at the end of
00:34 this journey there to see if smoking and non-smoking. Let's all sit in on We would invite
00:38 you to do the very same thing. People often ask me, what do you do? I said I'm a preacher
00:43 that sells life insurance and firing and also have a retirement plan by the grace
00:48 of Jesus. That retirement plan is out of this world. there you go. Welcome back to the
00:52 second now of the most important topic, we believe that the Lord, the most
00:55 important messages given to us the proclamation, the first second and 3rd Angels messages
01:01 of revelation Chapter 14. If you're just joining us us a powerful first hour. But you
01:05 can see that again on the rebroadcast. As you know, it is again, about 2 hours after
01:11 the first live is done. And then on Sunday and then on Tuesday again. So we encourage
01:16 you to catch those if you didn't. And if you missed any of them, if you're just
01:19 joining us on Tuesday, for whatever reason, the miss portions of it, you can also
01:23 go to the 3ABN, YouTube channel. That's right. We can also see the sun rebroadcast
01:29 or 3 ABN. Plus a chance to see it. Is there that app for your phone? We try to make sure
01:32 that you don't miss anything. But as the kids say in New York, you know, miss nothing,
01:37 nothing. So thank you for coming back. But we have been talking about the judgment.
01:42 Allen message in reiterating the importance of the fact that the judgment hours com
01:46 and wine and a woman is going to talk about the timing of the judgment. But let's go
01:49 back to what we just ended a moment ago. Before I do that. Let me just remind our viewers
01:52 and listeners of something we're offering them tonight. We've promised to offer each
01:55 one of you a copy of free copy of the 3 Angels messages in one copy per household. If you
02:04 call that number 618-627-4651. You can get one free copy per household review. It. And in
02:11 the back of the book, it gives you also information on how to order and larger quantities,
02:14 brothers and sisters and friends and neighbors. And if you're Christian or not, this
02:21 is the culminating message of humanity getting ready for the coming of Jesus. It is the
02:25 most vitally important message of the ages as Ryan and Shelley said, the Ryan said
02:30 that and the churches you attended. You never heard this message. Never be at a rate
02:34 that. Yeah, I know. You know what I was. You know, there's good people in all churches.
02:37 We were right. And we're not here to bash of the nominations, but
02:40 >> nonetheless, you know, my experience growing up. I had never heard the 3 just mess
02:43 just never even knew. It was. In fact, when I when I was studying with Evan as I was
02:47 preparing to become a member of the 7 Day Dennis Church. I heard for the first time I
02:50 thought what's this 3 Angels messages and I was introduced boost to this message. The
02:56 first time at the age of 21. And so I've never heard before. Has it ever been
03:00 preach? And so that the same thing with the message of the Sabbath and all of that tied
03:03 to it, you know, for years I you know, the Sabbath was a Jewish thing. To me. It was
03:08 always taught that to Jewish this with the Jews do and where new Crew Testament
03:11 Christians and we don't have to keep the Sabbath. And so I didn't miss certainly kick
03:16 again against it. But he was with within the religious culture. I was raised and this
03:20 evangelical Protestant culture that I was raised up. Pena costal man, the Sabbath was
03:25 nothing to me. It was just like Jewish thing. We're Sunday keeping Christians. But
03:29 then when I picked up the Bible at the age of 17 years old for the first time I
03:32 started studying it for myself. Got open my eyes to that. And it became clear. And
03:37 I I lost jobs because of a loss friendships because of it. But at the end of the day,
03:41 I would rather obey God, the man that right. That's my model. And by the way, you
03:46 need to tell this very short. You read the book that Danny and Shelley really did. The 10
03:52 Commandments was removed. Yeah, it was a mime. And was actually right after I had
03:55 started studying the Sabbath. My dad had started this little non denominational family
04:01 keeping a separate keeping church. And I was still learning about all of it. And
04:05 one day this gentleman came in, he was a guy who was attending archers. He came
04:07 with this massive stack of books and he laid them on the table at the front of the back
04:12 of the church. He said that wants these books you can have go back you know, killing
04:14 through them. And I found this book. It stuck out to me. 10 Commandments, twice removed.
04:19 You know, Danny Shelton, Shelley Quinn, and gonna go home and read this book. And
04:23 so within the next 2 to 3 days, I read through that entire book and it just. That
04:27 was the really the first time I had heard or been introduced to that not only the truth of
04:33 the Sabbath and the Commandments in its completeness, but also it
04:36 introduced to me the 3rd, the first second and 3rd in just missed. Wow, just wouldn't be
04:39 here today without it millions. Thank ease of that book they didn't want to get a
04:47 copy. >> The same number you call for the 3 inches messages book
04:52 that you can also get a copy of that, too. It still leading people into nominations and
04:55 pastors to an understanding. Thank you, Shelly, and thank you, Danny, for working
04:59 diligently on that book. But I want to ask a question if only for the because we've been
05:03 talking about the 7 quite a bit in the first hour and we just go to show you why is a
05:05 sabbath important to you now? >> When God took me through this study and I understood
05:12 about the Sabbath, what makes it so important to me is that's what stopped. I grew up
05:20 in a Sunday keeping New Testament Church. We really didn't read the study. The Old
05:25 Testament. I suddenly stopped my perform a religion. You know. Legalism is not keeping
05:39 God's Commandments. Legalism is trying to earn your way to heaven we were legal list
05:46 right? Yeah, we you know, we tried to I tried to be such a good little girl.
05:52 >> And they never could. And I walked away from the light one shaking my fist in a space
05:55 saying I can't do what you demand that at that time, I when I first said that, I
06:03 believe that he was going to Brittany forever and ever and ever and I couldn't understand
06:08 how he was God of love, but it is God brought me to the sap. Its troop. He opened up. The
06:15 truth about the state. If that etcetera. It's the first time I understood right to suspect
06:23 they could. Please let me say this before we get can turn you on. The 3 Angels mess.
06:31 Beaches. The foundation is the everlasting gospel. It makes no sense to preach a judgment
06:37 warning to someone who doesn't already fear God and have an all and respect who doesn't
06:45 already glorify God and worship him. And when you recognize this creator, God,
06:49 we're supposed to worship is the one who came to this Earth took on our flash. That's what
06:56 people need a year. And then they'll be prepared. Did for the warning. That is coming
07:04 and it's just so important. You can not preach to 3 angels without preaching the gospel
07:12 right to try raise a lot for that. And Ryan, just in a you know, he's like you said, you
07:18 raise you to know about the 7th. Yeah, you know, the Sabbath, you know, it's
07:21 personal. It's a personal thing. >> Yeah, makes got personal
07:26 guy. It's God saying it's my sign between me and you know, you're my child and then
07:29 you'll know that I'm here. Got God wants to bless. brings a blessing. And that's the thing
07:35 about the 7. It brings a blessing. You don't want to receive a blessing. so the
07:39 Sabbath, this personal to me in the sense that it it's a sign of a relationship that I
07:44 have with my God and the fact that God wants to bless us. He wants us to set that time
07:49 aside to be with him. And so it's a personal, confident, whole thing that I don't keep
07:54 it because I think it's going to earn the salvation. I keep it because I love my God. They
08:00 didn't love And he's given me that gifted. He's blessed me with that gift. And I reject
08:04 that precious gift. That's only for my benefit. The trial would probably work ourselves
08:10 to for That's what's always troubling. When somebody says, oh, the Sabbath is just
08:15 another sign of work. trying to say by works work their way to salvation.
08:17 >> I reiterate if you didn't get it. The only time works has mentioned this in the in
08:22 the 4th Commandment is thou shall not. Do any works? Yes. Let me just say something that
08:26 may have flown past. You. I said the forthcoming and that there are only 10. They're not
08:31 640 the books that show you talked about the books of the covenant. There were over 600
08:37 laws. Some say 6.40, around that range. over 600 laws. But the 10 Commandments are only
08:45 10. They were not night and they were not suggestions. Now before we go on because we're
08:49 going to talk about who the judges and all these different aspects, but Ryan, I want you
08:51 to go to Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse. 22 and I want you to see very carefully because a
08:58 lot of people have been told by their pastors and I know people that have been saying,
09:03 well, the Sabbath is definitely a part of the ceremony. A law. No. There was
09:07 ceremonial said that's the word Sabbath. Mean simply observance. There many
09:14 ceremonial sabbaths talk about in Leviticus chapter. and the biggest help to 23. The lot
09:16 also includes the Sabbath of creation, but there was all the way she's off in the day
09:21 of atonement. The the Showbread, the feast of Tabernacles, all these
09:25 different fees that were temporary. But look at what the Bible says about the 10
09:29 Commandments. After they are written in Deuteronomy 5 ERs. 22, this is the treatment to
09:36 the children that came out of the land of Egypt. I-5 first. 22 these words. The Lord spoke
09:43 to all your assembly. >> And the mountain from the midst of the fire. The cloud
09:48 and the thick darkness with a loud voice. And he added no more and he wrote them on 2
09:54 tablets of stone and gave them to me. >> How much of no Moore? 10 to
10:02 take up 2 tablets of stone. He added No more. So if anybody says to you all, but the
10:09 ceremonies but added not to these table to sell, right, that they were added to the
10:11 books. Yes, but not to the tablets of stone and you never fine the Sabbath itself.
10:18 Personify called to be a part of the law of Moses Wright. The Bible refers to that. In
10:22 the end of it isn't a Romney. The law of Moses, the books of the law of Moses, the 10
10:29 Commandments. These are the laws of gods, right? The Commandments of God. The
10:32 called The deck a lot for reason. 10 and did God want us to remember them? How many
10:40 things ahead? >> Have 10 God wanted us to remember them and what data
10:45 the bless. That's right. The 77th. Yeah. By the way, this is just extra credit. No place
10:53 in humanity. Can you find a seven-day week except in the Bible? That's right. You
10:59 can't. The moon doesn't rotate. On any cycle of sevens. The sun doesn't go up
11:06 on cycle to 7. Every 24 hours. You get the 4 cycles of the moon full 3 quarter have one
11:10 quarter. That's the whole soul Moon, right? You've got that demand is 65 days. A year, 12
11:14 months for season. But you cannot look at heavens and fined 7 days. The only place
11:20 where the una the U.S. or Christian, the only place you can find 7 days in the Bible.
11:25 That's right. And the number 7 is God's perfect numbers, right? So don't try to delete
11:28 the last day and still say you worshiping God because you'll end up ignoring the very day
11:33 he blessed and end up with a six-day creation week and then you're not a because
11:36 Christians on are you against creation? >> Could I add something? I
11:40 mentioned this, but I was talk that the Commandments were nailed across, OK? In
11:44 Deuteronomy. 31. 26 Deuteronomy is I repeat enlarge of the book at the
11:51 company. That's right. And it is now considered the book at the lot. The book at the
11:54 Covenant and God told Moses to set it in a side pocket. It had blessings for obedience,
12:01 but things have obedience has always been pathway to God's blessing, but then it had
12:09 curses. If they disobeyed any said I'm setting this did on May. 31 26 as a against you.
12:15 It was on the outside of the arc showing that it was not permanent temporary. Now
12:24 cautions to 14. Yes, cold as you mentioned, about the ceremonial 7, which were all
12:29 part of the ceremony, a law cautions to 4 teens talking about she says wiped out the
12:38 handwriting of requirements. That was us. What was out there as a witness against.
12:43 That's right, was contrary to us. He took it out of the way, mailing it to the cross.
12:50 Basically patients to 15 says the same thing, but least show you what he's talking about.
12:56 Okay and contacts. So let no one judge you in food or drink. You know, all those
13:05 ceremonial last first 4 to or 16 had food and drink offerings or regarding a
13:11 festival or rain, new moon or SAB S to word the ceremonial said this because he says
13:22 those were shadow of things to calm, but the substances of Christ try ceremonial of
13:29 Passover Christ is our Paso it again. So everything about these various ceremonies.
13:36 We're pointing to Christ. This is what got nailed to to the. It was not the 10 Commandments
13:44 N even the Catholic Church who changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. Even
13:51 the Catholic Church you can't find a single scripture in the Bible where God change the
13:58 date of worship and by the way, thank you so much for that chilly because there are
14:03 many people that say when you read >> cautions to verse 14 to 16,
14:07 there's the evidence. Yeah, He nailed them to the cross. He nailed all the ceremonial said
14:14 absolutely. But the day he blessed at the end of creation week before son into the
14:18 world. Let me repeat that again before son into the world. So it's in end of the
14:23 world. Would there be a need to get rid of the last day of the week? messed up I'm going
14:27 to the cynical here. Scott saying, you know, I really messed up by blessing the last
14:32 day of the week. I need to get rid of it now. I don't want you to take that as a cynical
14:37 statement. belittling that, in fact, is what is being told by pastors when they say we don't
14:42 have to keep the day that God said, remember, now, watch this. Doctor, Luke says,
14:47 remember, lot's wife, how many of us would say the doctor, Luke, who says remember lot's
14:52 wife, what is the caution? When got whole lot's wife to leave Saddam and tomorrow.
14:57 Don't look back what happened. She looked back and turn to a pillar of salt. Should we turn
15:02 back and look back when God says leave past behind you? Absolutely not. So nobody
15:07 would argue that we should remember. Lot's wife, the example is profound. Now.
15:12 That's just what don't want to get your point. Don't get okay. to let the news I won't
15:17 let know. Remember the creator in the days of you, you think Yes, these 12.
15:21 >> What pastor can you find today that will say young people, they don't need to
15:24 know the Lord. I can't find one. But we won't argue with Solomon. All we want argue
15:30 with Doctor Luke and they both said remember the creator, remember, Lot's wife, but God
15:35 says remember the sap of the day to keep it. Holy and clergy say remember, Solomon,
15:40 remember, look, but you better forget. Remember the Sabbath. Who, fact is behind that.
15:46 That's a sate tannic suggestion. If your pastor says forget the SAP and got
15:52 remember, you to decide whose side you're going to stand because she passed or can't
15:56 get you to the kingdom. But God can on to make that point very clear. And then is about
16:02 the ceremonies. >> You know this. This is about the Sabbath. So it that
16:05 and not come back to the Sarah It? What one of the most convincing scriptures for me.
16:12 >> Was when I got to Isaiah 66 Okays talking about the new heavens and the new earth he's
16:19 talking about his new covenant people in there. And he says. >> And verse. 22 ISIS. 66. 22
16:28 as the new heavens and the new earth which I shall make shall remain before me. So show your
16:33 descendants and your name remain. It should come to pass from one Newman to another
16:37 from one set is to another. >> All flesh shall come to worship before me. In the new
16:47 that right. And then he says. And well, anyway, he says you go forth and look at the
16:54 corpses, the man who transgress against me. So >> they they're going to be
17:00 the ashes. But and it's it's so exciting to me. I love what you said. It's all about. It's
17:05 a personal thing. It is a personal relationship with them.
17:09 >> And just to close the door on this ceremonial ideology could just put the cherry on
17:12 the icing on this. You can go for it last chapter of the Bible revelation. 22, OK,
17:18 first 14, if you're in doubt, you know, about keeping all of God's commands, the 10
17:22 Commandments looting the 7th right here. Blessed are those who do his commandments that
17:28 they may have right to the Tree of Life and may enter through the gates into the
17:34 city. We don't work our way to heaven by keeping the commitments. But you certainly
17:37 can't say that you're going to get into the Kingdom of heaven. By the end, the
17:41 commitment breaker has got people be a commitment, keep keeping people. And on that
17:44 note, Pastor, I know we're transitioning judgment. It's by the law of God that we are
17:50 judged, OK, James, Chapter 2 verse 12, so speak to Speak and so do as those who will be
17:54 judged by the law of liberty. So let's go ahead. And this one last week because Sheri
18:00 Shelley, but the point that really needs to be laid to rest in reference to the
18:04 ceremonies was a lot of people say, well, says Sarah, but it's a sad that sand foods and
18:09 meats and drinks very quickly. Ryan Hebrews, 9. We're going to be just 3 verses in
18:14 Hebrews, 10 verse one, Shelley. He was 9 Ryan verse one k and verse 2 and first 9
18:23 and verse 10. He was chapter 9 verse one into a that indeed, even the first come the
18:30 covenant had ordinances of divine service is an earthly sanctuary. And those are
18:32 sanctuary. Okay. Now verse 9.10 now. Okay. First 9.10. It it was symbolic for the
18:39 present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which cannot make him
18:46 who performed. The service is perfect in regard to the conscience became concerned
18:50 only with foods and drinks, various washings and fleshly ordinances imposed until the
18:55 time of reformation. OK, until and then Shelley, he was 10 verse one. He produced an
19:01 inverse one for the law. Having a shadow of the good things to come.
19:06 >> And not the very image of the things you can never with the same sacrifices which they
19:12 offer continually year by year. Make those who approach perfect. That's right. He says
19:18 is the body casts the shadow. That's right. He's worked types, symbolic. That's right.
19:25 So the blood that they said he says that isn't possible for the bubbles and goes to take
19:28 away sent. But >> it is not impossible for the blood of cheese. And those
19:34 annual said this could fall on any day of the week. That right? So this is something
19:41 please understand the difference between Sabbath Capital S.
19:45 >> And the annual sadness, the annual said this. We're part of the ceremony, a law that
19:51 nailed to the cross and out of the cross. Now, let's dive into the judgment we have
19:54 about about 40 minutes. That's an appropriate way. let's go. Who is the judgment of people
19:59 say, wow, fear God and get going to him. >> For the judgments come
20:05 Brian Dodge on tap to fine Who is edge? A lot of people thought hand Jesus has begun.
20:09 His father. To not condemn us. No, there's no adversarial relationship that there's a
20:16 fight in the God of the hood. If you say be lost John 5, we have to re John 5 verses. 22
20:23 24 because this to me not what are these checks, man? It just it excites me about the
20:27 judgment because we think of judgment. We think of doom and gloom but terrified.
20:31 >> But here it is. Good news, John 5.22. Jesus, as for the father judge's no one.
20:36 >> But has committed all judgment to the sun. But then you have a tie verse. 24 that
20:41 this is most assuredly I say to you. He hears my word and believes in him who has sent
20:45 me has everlasting life and shall not coming to judgment, but his pass from death into
20:50 life. >> Look at Jesus is your is your is your attorney you lose
20:56 a case, a nutshell, the first John 4.17, for someone with it. We're going to show you
21:02 Heaven has loaded the court in your favor. That's right. That's right. is the judge
21:06 first, John, 4.17. >> Love has been perfected among us in this that we may
21:11 have boldness in the day of judgment as he is, so are we and this world?
21:21 >> At first, John, to verse one challenge first, John, to one Little children. These
21:31 things I write to you so that you may not stand and if anyone since we have an
21:36 advocate with the father, she Christ, OK, so not I want you to gravel. We just told you
21:44 what the Bible just revealed that we told you. But we verbalize what the Bible
21:46 taught us. >> Jesus is the judge. That's right. And Jesus is the
21:51 lawyer. >> How can you lose a what he is? You advocate.
21:58 >> Hey, you're judging That's why does a spur to particular story that was told and the 7
22:05 churches? Jesus said, I will give you a white stone with a new name on it try to go. I
22:12 study this as a young preacher not to what light stone and I came to find out in the Roman
22:19 courts whenever it by any person was when the jury could decide whether they were
22:22 guilty or innocent. The split jury, it was up to the defendant to determine his or
22:27 her own killed. They put a pouch with a leather covering on it. Inside was a black
22:32 stone in a white stone. Can you imagine how nervous she would be if you stand before
22:38 the court and you not to determine whether or not you're going to be crucified
22:41 or you can walk home rhyme and the determination is you put your head in a bag 5, let's
22:46 make a deal. And one of them could be freed and the other one could be. Snail to the How
22:53 nervous would you be? But Jesus as wait a minute. I'm going to give you a white
23:04 stone with a new name on Not only am I going to make you not only I'm going to clear
23:10 you exonerated, but I'm gonna change your identity. So he gives the defendant of White
23:18 Stone with the with the new name on and the reaches into the bag. The stone is already
23:20 in his hand and the whole court. Yes, some people that can wait for this president to
23:25 be crucified. He opens his Hanna says. exonerated set free. Shelley, the beauty of
23:35 the righteousness of Jesus is the white still? She's a spice. The righteous. So he
23:42 says I write to you that you may not send, but when you walk in with Christ, but if
23:44 you do send that is if you tumble into sent a few, if you have a slip up here and there
23:48 he says if anyone said we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ, the Righteous
23:53 and Shelley praise God, we us entering the entire Just messages in the person of
23:58 chases. Hebrew 7.22. Says that Jesus. >> Is the surety of the
24:03 cabinet. And here's what I like. That means he's our Karen Torre, but he is at the
24:09 right hand of the father as our mediator as our advocate. He is the assurance of all
24:20 God's promises to us. Second one, 20 says all God's promises, sir. Yes, in a man
24:25 in Christ, Jesus. But he's also the assurance of our behavior to God because
24:33 Philippians 2.13, says he works in a U.S. to will and to to the good pleasure. God's
24:42 good pleasure. So as I started the first hour and said, hey, John, 15, 5 to part for me,
24:49 you can do not think. This whole 3 Angels message preaching the everlasting
24:56 gospel is saying deeper faith could be unique to come unto me. And when you up, Biden may
25:07 be. That's his part he does. All right, because he says what Philippians 4.13, I can
25:14 do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So Christ is doing all our part is to
25:20 come 2 of 5 to turn to remain. But I want to read this first, John, 4 because part of
25:27 abiding. Listen to this. First, John 4.24. now he who keeps his commandments abides
25:33 in him. Yes, just as he in hand. So when we keep his commandments were staying
25:40 connected to the vine and he is in us and it says by this, we know that he abides in us
25:48 by holy Spirit. Whom he has given us Romans 5, 8, poor says Sullivan to our Our the
25:59 Holy Spirit. Thank you, Praise God. That is a good holiday appraisal of that.
26:05 >> All right. I'm going to be an opportunity to put the timing of the judgment
26:06 together. Yes, so it's it's important for us to understand the timing, because, you know,
26:10 I I I grew up and was being taught that to, you know, we're talking about the
26:15 judgment timing that, you know, judgment happens immediately when you die or if
26:19 the end of the world, you know, there's not judgment until then. But if we look at
26:23 simply just the chapter here, I know that you can always read the book of revelation in
26:27 chronological order because there's always a repeat in large and God is always going
26:32 back and forth to different aspects of of the the message, but it but chapter 14 in and
26:36 of itself. There's a sense of chronology here and we were studying the 3. Just message
26:39 us when you read revelation, chapter 14 verses 6 through 12. You're getting the first
26:45 second, 30 just messages. But what happens immediately after the 30 joules message has been
26:51 delivered the first second and 3rd in just messages have been delivered to the world. Notice
26:54 first, 14, this is that I looked and behold a white cloud and on the clouds that
26:58 one like the son of man having on his head, a Golden crown and in his hand, a sharp
27:03 sickle. What's being described here touch this is this is judgment. This is this thing.
27:09 This is the Jesus Christ coming back to get his people. In fact, first, 15 assists and
27:14 another angel came out of the temple crime with allowed Bush to him said on the cloud,
27:17 thrust in your circle and reap for the time has come for you to re notice how the word re
27:22 keeps it for you to reap the harvest of the earth is right. And he was set on the cloud
27:28 thrust in the sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped. Notice how you can
27:32 reap Alyssa decision's been made that right. You don't know who the really the right
27:37 just look at. But Christ is coming back in this scene immediately after the 3 just
27:40 messages and he is reaping, which means a decision must have been made, OK? So now go
27:45 back up to the first thing. Just message. Your notice. The key of the key word is given
27:49 much for 7. >> Fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his
27:51 judgment. James version says is cone. That means it's here. It's all right. And this is
28:00 prior to the second coming of Jesus. We just read the numbers. 14 now tie that to a
28:04 couple other text which gets me excited. And that is, of course, revelation chapter. 22
28:11 and verse 12. believe it is relationship to 22 verse 12 Jesus as and behold. I'm
28:16 coming quickly. My reward is with me to give everyone according to his work try. So
28:21 if Jesus Christ is coming back with the reward, what does that imply as we just read?
28:26 Therein revelation 14, 7 as we just read their relationship to 14 for 14, 15. That implies
28:31 that the judgment is happening right now prior to the second coming of Jesus, which means
28:36 when Jesus comes back, the decisions made the decision. The final decisions made,
28:41 which means right now we're living right, as we're speaking now in God's last
28:45 day, judgment out work. To your point. When Jesus returns, he already knows
28:53 who's going to be safe and who's going to be John 5.28, he says.
28:57 >> Do not marvel at this. The hours coming when all who are grades will hear his voice.
29:02 Some will come forward to the resurrection of life. That's the first resurrection. And
29:08 then 1000 years later, according to revelation, some will come forward to the rest
29:13 of come forward to the resurrection of debt. So you can say and some people get
29:20 upset about term of investigative genuine. But I believe that it God is
29:24 looking. pause. If I sit in a garage one day out of the week, does that make me a
29:34 Christian? I mean, I have a car. No. I sit in church one day out of the week. Does that
29:44 make me a Christian? Absolutely no. Say in first Peter 5.17, it says time has
29:50 come for speed of 4. 74 17 says the time has come for judgment too big and that the
29:53 House of God. >> God is looking down for those who profess to be
30:01 Christians and it says if it begins with us first and what will be the end of those who
30:06 do bay those who do not obey or are ready can but when he calms, he has made the
30:15 determination of those who profess to be Christians and some are going to say, boy, do
30:22 we not prophesying you name. It would not do this. Matthew 7.21. it it. And he's going to
30:29 say, go away from me. I never knew you. You who? >> Practice lawlessness.
30:37 Because he says the only people that are going to enter into the kingdom are those who
30:41 do the or that's right. So that's been determined when he comes back.
30:48 >> And and am glad you brought up first P to 4 for 17, 18 exist. The time has come put
30:52 judgment to begin at the House of God. So why does begin to the House of God is because
30:57 those are the ones that profess to know him. That's right. If if you if you OK, we
31:01 don't, I don't have children have shown you have children. So this may not be the best
31:05 example. But if you have children in your household in your car keys and missing, I'm
31:08 going to on the block. And as the neighbors with your car keys are now we're going to be
31:12 hey, Mike. Susan, did you see my car keys? You begin a new high if some money has been
31:19 stolen from you wanted to ask the people on the bus driving by one of my money. No, he
31:22 began at your house. So the question is those who profess to know God, yes, he says they
31:30 profess to know me, I think is Titus to 12. Check it out for me. He says they profess to
31:35 know me, but in the works, they deny me being abominable and disqualified for every
31:39 good work. I think it's the tightest too. So check out that specifically there. They
31:42 profess to know him. So he is the key. Those who profess to know God their lives must be
31:47 in harmony with their profession. So that's why the judgment is not that that's
31:52 why begins at the House of God. But you know what? Scott's not doing it for his
31:58 say. >> You know, knows he already knows who is genuine and who
32:04 is not. The judgment is for our sake so that when we go. The 1000 years that we spend
32:11 in heaven. We're researching the records. Got us going to show us. Here's the record.
32:15 This is why sister so and so that you thought was so sweet, didn't make it to here. So the
32:28 judgment is 10 for our benefit for the benefit of the Angels watching a lot. God is not
32:35 someone who is just an autocrat. He has heavenly councils. He should, you know,
32:41 he given everybody free will. So he kind he shares. He leased the Earth to us.
32:48 People. So he shares he governance with us. That's right. And that's times one
32:56 16. Yes, yes. Titus one, 16. >> With the virus has they profess to know me? But it
33:01 works. They deny me so she talked about that in Matthew 7 for 21 to 23. Haven't we done?
33:07 Haven't we done? Haven't we done? Many wonderful works. Cast out demons, prophesied.
33:12 He's it, haven't we done? So there are many people that doing things for Christ but
33:14 don't know him. And he says and not only do they not know him, he says what's the
33:19 indication that they know him? Shelley said it again. First, John Chapter 2 verse for he
33:23 who says I know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar. And the truth is not in
33:29 him. Isaiah 8 for 16 seal the law among my disciples. Yes. So it's very clear on April
33:36 20. >> You know, to the lawn to the testimony, if they speak,
33:39 not according to this point is because there is no light in them. The Bible clearly
33:44 indicates how you can know whether a person is saying they know him, whether they
33:46 really do genuine, you know, Christ. But I need to dive into this and let me make a
33:50 very important point. We're not going to get the time to treat battle is fallen and the
33:55 mark of the beast and all that in this program, we made to a more complete version later on
34:00 and even more of this. But we want to establish a couple of things about the judgment.
34:05 Now. We first set of starting at the House of God live because those are the ones
34:07 profess to know him. Let's look at some of the things that stick with the standard
34:10 of judgment. But the standard judge is going to be it, please. Yes, he said to 12%,
34:15 13 to 14. Did you make one up? You want to make a point before we go to that right on
34:20 following following. Okay with please. Yes. This chap to 12 Ares 13 14 and then Shelley,
34:27 yes, we're going to have you go to James to verse 12. Okay. So please. Yes. East. Up to 12
34:36 13, first 13 4.14, it says let us to the conclusion of the whole matter.
34:40 >> Fear God and keep his commandments and a marine for the new King James version.
34:43 This is for this man's all like the King James version, because it says for this is
34:47 the whole duty of man. Yes. And then it goes on the same verse 14 for God will bring
34:51 every working to judgment, including every secret thing. Whether good or evil right?
34:58 >> So there are people that live. They people that say things but they live the
35:00 secret lives. Yes. Watch out the Secret life unit because what's done in secret will be
35:07 shot up from the mountaintop. So you've got understand. That's why it's important to
35:11 confession of sins for secure sins and you have mercy. A lot of Christians live. Double the
35:18 Lord doesn't want you to live that double life. If you say one thing in public and
35:20 another thing in secret, it's going to come out in the judgment with every secret
35:24 thing, whether it is good weather evil and I'm sheli James to verse 12 James to
35:31 first. Well, to first. Well, yes. >> So speak and so do. It's
35:38 those. >> Who will be judged by the law of the liberty.
35:43 >> Can I add one more day while you're doing that? Mark? 16 6, 0, go ahead. Bryant
35:46 catch. >> When of that, what I wanted to add to this is in this 3
35:53 angels message when it we're not going to have time, as you said to go through it all. As
36:01 he gives us the street Angels based on the Everlasting Covenant. He's telling us if
36:07 you trust in Christ, you are going to be able to overcome if you trust in Christ. Here's
36:15 the warning. But don't worry about the judgment judgment. This vapor of the people. But
36:20 in first. >> 12. Revelation, 14, 12 as he goes through any talks
36:30 about the indictment at the Beast and those who received his smart, which this is what
36:37 I'm saying. It's calling us to closer relationship. Many inset all by saying here is
36:43 the patients of the Saints. This is New Testament end of Time. Said right here are
36:48 those who the Commandments of God. And the faith. Chase us. This is I mean, it's it's tied
36:58 up. You can unravel this. You can't. You can't separate obedience to Commandments
37:06 you've got you've got to Smith. That's right. And do it is impossible. But now let me
37:10 just make a statement before Ryan Reith march up to 16, 16. >> On to make a very, very
37:15 clear, you know that John, 3.16, we all know that that whosoever believeth in him
37:17 should not perish. That means that those who don't believe will parish. That's right. But
37:23 now look at Matt March up to 16 16. It shows why these 2 categories exist. 16, 16 march
37:30 after 16 for 16 says he believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who does not
37:35 believe will be Okay. So if you don't believe what's going to happen, that is it OK? So
37:42 what I have to be examined. So if you don't believe, will you get the house of God? No, no,
37:47 you know, there's no need for an examination of the last right? There's no need already
37:53 condemned. >> big We're talking about the judgment that happens before
37:59 he returned. Exactly. They another judgment, I great white jet. So we talk about
38:04 that in the book at the White Throne judgment that happens at the second resurrection.
38:07 Yeah, that's revelation. Chapter 20. They come up on the breath of the earth and
38:10 everyone is not found written in the book of Life. It's going to be in that judgment.
38:14 And we're going to talk about that will hit that techs in just a moment. But let me make
38:18 the point very clearly there's no need to judge those who never expressed a desire to
38:22 know Jesus. you say to the drunk it. So so so let me see what you do when you talk
38:27 about right, there's no connection to Christ. So we're not trying to find any
38:32 salvation in their lives by their works because salvation is not by works. It is a gift
38:36 of God. Not a book says anyone should both, but he's examining our lives so very
38:41 quickly. Now, let's go to Matthew 12 Ares. 36 37 and Shelley Second Corinthians 5
38:46 and verse 10. The question is what is the judging? What is the Lord judging? Okay.
38:51 Matthew, 12 36 37. Alright, I have that here. It says. But I say to you that for every idle
38:56 word, man, maced may speak. >> They will give account of it in the day of judgment for,
39:01 by your words, you will be justified. And by your words, you will be condemned. Well,
39:06 so that's to the Christian. How do you speak? What kind of words ease, right? What comes
39:12 out the amount? That's why Jesus said to the terrace ease when they were talking about
39:15 food and the law does not remove that the requirements of eating clean foods, but he
39:19 they focus so much on that. He said the snow was coming. It's was going in your belly desk
39:24 polluting use what's coming out of your mouth. And so sometimes it's not what we're
39:28 not what we're eating, but what's eating So watch out in your conversation. How you
39:32 speak is going to be judge every idle word. And then Shelley Second Corinthians, 5
39:36 Ares 10 second Corinthians, 5.10. We must all appear before the judgment seat of
39:42 Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body.
39:47 >> According to what he has stand, whether good or bad? basically the judgment we're
39:53 talking about this is a fruit And then that's actually emphasize that because I had
39:58 many people, there's many evangelical Christians and I was raised to believe this is
40:04 well, I mean, >> That was a big production back in the day called
40:07 Heaven's Gate's Hills. Flames you travel all over. Got all these churches not remember.
40:10 That made a huge impression on me as a child because it conveys that production came
40:14 to my church. They put on that play in the idea is as soon as you die, you immediately find
40:19 yourself in the presence of God, good or bad, evil or good because you've got to stand in
40:24 that long line of all those people who are dying in passing into the heavens with
40:27 a guy or at the second coming of Jesus, you're going to find yourself in that standing in a
40:32 long line because, again, they take this verse here very literal to mean that we're
40:37 literally embodied going to stand before, you know, God in his actual thrown and then
40:40 Jesus is going to find your name in the Lamb's book of Life or he's not. And if
40:44 you're not is going to cash in the hill or if you know it so that there was a twisted
40:48 scene, pictured him painted him a month. But this particular verse and I think
40:51 Pauline repeats it in. >> I think moments 14 verse 10 when he talks about we shall
40:56 all appear or stand before the judgment seat of Christ. But the key word here that I have
41:00 to emphasize, it says here that each one may receive notice the things that are
41:05 done in the body that this is talking about the record or it's like a movie like I was
41:11 going through example here. When you watch that famous video of John F Kennedy City
41:16 sitting in that convertible, if he makes the corner there in Dallas, you can look at
41:19 that and say in the video he's alive. live in that video. But now we're watching it in a
41:25 time when he's actually not alive. He's did. The same thing is a similar to the to
41:30 the record of heaven as they got us. What he's got the record front of us. He's
41:33 looking at the record of when we were alive and that in since he's looking at the
41:37 record when we were live in our body doing the deed saying the words living it out and
41:42 he's in. That is how we are appearing before the judgment seat of Christ, not physically
41:46 in the body because remember when Jesus comes back with already established, the
41:49 judgments already decided the sheep and the goats are decided the wheat in the tent.
41:54 That's the necessity of those repairable is White told they'll be at U.S. the
41:59 separation of the sheep and the goats. The week. The tears that is already decided by the
42:02 time Jesus returns, which is why he's has his reward with him to give, according to our
42:07 works. And anybody who believes that you're going to be standing in line as soon as
42:13 you die. >> They don't know it. It's a false pagan belief of the
42:17 immortal Soul. First Committee, 6.16 says. God alone is in mortal and it is
42:23 in first Corinthians 5th. 51 to 57 that we find out that when he returns, we're not
42:35 going to be standing in line because he comes back. He makes a shout all who are in
42:40 their voice and their great right to are going to raise up to life. And it says that at
42:45 that moment in the twinkling of an eye were all change and the more dope puts on
42:51 immortality that corruption. This is this. And then the wicked second facility they
42:57 were destroyed by the brightness of this coming that suggest sparkling on them. Now
43:02 that day, those who wicket or alive when Christ returns, they're not going to heaven to
43:06 stand in a long line. You know, one by one walking up to Jesus and he pulls out the
43:10 books. >> Oh, I don't see your name here. All Jesus shirt you. And
43:13 then they the Heaven's Gate Hills So gee, the Shirley check it again. It's got to be
43:17 in there. Sorry, I don't know. I know. I don't see it here. >> Cash them in the outer
43:24 darkness. And you hear the wailing and gnashing of It's it's it's it's it's pathetic.
43:26 You know it. don't mean to be judgment are critical. But the truth is we have to stick to
43:30 what the Bible says in the sense. Yes, prior to the second coming of Jesus
43:34 judgment is happening now. And there's no one that will be judged after the second coming
43:39 because the decision has already been made. By the way, let me just remind you again,
43:41 we are covering this in entirety. >> And this book at the 3
43:45 Angels messages and some we talk about the judgment. We talk about the timing of the
43:49 judgment. We focus on the righteousness of Jesus. What does it mean to have Christ is
43:54 our advocate? Want to remind you again, if you call this number on the screen
43:58 618-627-4651. We are offering one free booklet per household. You can get that
44:03 while the program. When you watch this program Weathers on Thursday night or Tuesday, one
44:07 of the time. So maybe in your country you can get a free copy of this book that for
44:11 your household and then you can to use that very same number and order them by the
44:16 box now, but also offering a special. This is a one-time offer this continuing even
44:21 after the program for 200 booklets instead of $2 each which brings up to 400 bucks.
44:27 You can get the entire 200 booklets, but just $60, including shipping in the
44:35 United States rather than this is the message people need to know what we're talking about
44:38 here today. Is treated in detail in this booklet Bible. Only it is the time to let
44:44 people know that we serve a God who has sent Jesus his son to save us. He is our
44:50 advocate. He's a lawyer. He's a judge. He doesn't want any to perish, but that all should
44:55 come to repentance. That is the focal point of the 3 angels messages salvation by
45:00 grace through faith in the righteousness of Christ, which is by Faith.
45:07 >> Shelley, Yeah, I just want to add something because of what you said about standing
45:09 before him. Well, first of all, it. >> you look in revelation 4
45:16 different times. It speaks of this second and hit. It says in revelation 20 and verse
45:24 Pied after the first resurrection where we've already had a pre. I don't
45:27 judge a note. It says the rest of the dead don't live again until the 1000 years or So the
45:37 righteous we spring up in the twinkling of an eye. We are given mortality. But then
45:45 listen to this because there is the time we stand that some stand before the throne during
45:51 the second resurrection right before the great White throne. he says this is chapter 20
45:58 verse 11. I saw a great white throne him who sat on it to space. From who space, the
46:05 heaven and the earth for the wait is there was found no place for them. I saw the dead
46:09 Smalling great standing before God. This is the second resurrection And he says
46:18 another book with soap and it's the book of the Life. And with All the Dead were judged,
46:22 according to the words. Now, look what he says. Inverse 14th. And Haiti's were cast
46:30 into the Lake of Fire. This is the second day of this is. Perishing angle. There's not.
46:37 Internal. The Pence on it describes what it's attached to. If you're talking about
46:46 the 2 for nutty of God. He is being without beginning or and but S**** and Gomorrah. Jude,
46:53 7 says are an example of. >> just on with I was just about to go to that because
47:01 there's 2 years. What you're speaking of his 2 phases to the judge. Yeah, we call the
47:05 investigative judgment which is happening now the hour of his judgment has com. Then
47:09 there's the executive judgment, which is what you're reading here in written
47:13 written written 20 says a second. But you, Mitch, I love that you brought up S**** and
47:15 Gomorrah because a lot of people so will run the word. Investigative is not found in
47:19 scripture. And you're right. While the word investigators like the word millennium's not
47:22 found a scripture, but we know there's 1000 year period there that has represented by
47:25 millennium, even though the word investigative is not there, we see evidence this in
47:31 scripture that I think the purple of Matthew. 22 Matthew, 22 Jesus is the parable of the
47:35 the wedding Feast of the invitation. You know, there's an invitation given for all
47:37 the people to come and ultimately the you know, the first that wave of people, we
47:42 checked the invitations. So he says go onto the highways, the byways and invite as many
47:45 people as possible. And now they're all gathered at the wedding. But notice the father
47:49 comes in and he investigates as to whether or not everyone at the wedding feast has on a
47:56 wedding-garment part of the wedding and he shows up and he sees a man there who doesn't
48:00 have on the wedding he investigated before the wedding. Now we also see this.
48:04 You said S**** and Gomorrah. You go read Genesis, Chapter 18 19 before, you know, was
48:11 talking to Jesus and we see the Christofi there. He's talking to Jesus and Jesus
48:16 tells a bra him. I'm going to go down here and see for myself.
48:21 >> There's an investigation before he reigns fire and brimstone down up on the city.
48:25 You in conversation with a brim and person's home or what if you find 30 right? Just 20
48:31 right. Just Tanner. I just let's just look at end, right? Just people spare the city. He
48:35 says I'm going to go down and see for myself. And here's what's France. Don't miss
48:37 this. There are 3 angels warnings given. That's right. In X, in Genesis, 19, when
48:45 those Angels went into the city to investigate that, right? There was 3 angels that
48:51 3 angels warnings you find in Genesis is 19 where they go to lot of families. You've got to
48:56 get out of here. They didn't get out the first time they come in second time. You've
48:59 got to get out of your get out of the city because Gostin to destroy the city. And finally,
49:03 there comes a 3rd warning and even lot of his family still bit. Listen, the brother of
49:08 the cities that had to grab them by the hands and leave them out of the city to save
49:12 the righteous. The point I'm getting at is that there is evidence of an investigative
49:17 judge matures, 2 phases. And so we see that the investigative part, the hour
49:20 of his judgment is calm. That's what we're reading about here in the first angels
49:23 message. And then, of course, the standing before God, whether we're right, just on
49:27 this case, the wicked will physically stand before the judgment seat of of judgment,
49:34 the great white throne judgment. It that when everybody that's not the book
49:39 of life after your friends are action. They're going to be thrown into the are.
49:42 >> Which is the second death. That's right. When a turtle fire is talking. I'm
49:50 describing a human that is mortal or an object eternal fire means that the fire burns
49:59 until it destroys what and for that, let me read a June 7, Saddam and the more the cities
50:05 around them. Having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after
50:11 strange flash are set forth. This an example suffering the Finn, Yes of the tunnel fire
50:19 of income or a >> on fire today. No, the fire was not put out until it.
50:31 >> Destroyed them consumed every kid. So that's the word as looking for it, consume
50:36 them. And so we see you can tell this is a topic of passion and we want look to to
50:41 some future programs we could deal with him or entirety. >> The fall of Babylon and the
50:46 mark of the beast and that the whole warning against false worship. But make no mistake
50:50 about it. The purpose of our program today was to him. implore you that the greatest
50:55 event of the ages is soon to come. The return of Jesus. Humanity. Maybe not like they
51:03 won the days of no. They chose to be ignorant. They did not know to the flood came. It
51:07 took them all the way but don't choose to be ignored today. Don't be. Don't choose
51:10 to be stirred because this is a judgment that the world will not escape. It's not going to
51:15 be a 3rd option. Does not going to be some secret. Rapture will talk about that
51:18 and a future program. But here's what I want to say. Clearly we spent an hour
51:23 talking about the judgment, what it meant about false worship, what it means to
51:27 honor God, but it means to be obedient to his commandments in the Sabbath. What he fire
51:32 means its impact, not its process. All these things, a vitally important. Why would
51:37 God judge his church first first, PETA for 17? Because those are the ones who profess
51:40 to know him. He examines their lives, they profess. But does what they do. Examined in the
51:48 examination stand in contrast or harmony with what they That's what the Lord wants to
51:53 know. Do you live what you say? Do you walk the walk of the just talk the That's the
51:58 important thing we have to keep in mind. And then then you receive as as Ryan just
52:04 said, here and I just give it to you, Matthew, 20 to 11. But when the king came to see the
52:09 guess that's the IG investigation, he saw a man there who did not have on the
52:13 wedding comment, but don't miss this. >> He came into the wedding
52:19 face. Christians are invited to the fees. Yes. >> They accepted the
52:24 invitation. They came into the church. They were there sitting with everybody else.
52:26 The sheep and the goat, the wheat and the tears, the foolish unwise versions. But
52:31 he said, wait a minute, verse 12. So he said friend, how did you come in here without a
52:37 wedding-garment and he was There are many people Christians today that don't
52:42 know the righteousness of Jesus is Shelley said, which is by faith alone. There's no
52:46 other kind of righteousness. Yes, if you don't have a right, just relationship with
52:49 Jesus by face by faith, U.S. cents will not be forgiven. They will not be blotted out
52:55 and you will not have bowled us in the day of judgment. We're living in the hour of
52:59 judgment. Mine pointed that out. The ow of judgment is now lives are being investigated.
53:04 Not the week. It's a already condemned those who profess to know cries, friends with
53:08 saying to you, there's no reason to be lost. Very quickly. Only hit something
53:12 about the second Angels message revelation, 14 verse 8. Let's read that Ryan, the
53:16 patients 14 verse 8 and then we're going to show that to you. And in the book that
53:21 itself, it deals with symbolic Babylon. What, in fact, that means let's look at that
53:26 relations Green chapter 14 verse 8. Just look at this graph and another angel
53:31 followed them saying Babylon this fall in this fallen. >> That great city because she
53:36 has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, OK, very quickly.
53:41 Battle fallen fallen fallen already in the eyes of God soon to be followed in the
53:47 eyes of man as you eat. In revelation, chapter 18? >> Verse 2. But what is the
53:51 call revelation? 18 0st for Shelley. Do you know what? Oh, that was nice to have this
53:56 system that is about to fall in the and gaz extending a beautiful called because he
54:00 said in John 10, 16 content 16. I have sheep that an out of this fold. What is the call
54:05 revelation? 18 verse 4? >> I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her.
54:12 My people, let's to sharing her sans and lest you receive a per death. 3 Angels missing
54:19 just don't just think this is something you're to proclaim to others. It is to go to
54:25 every person that means goes to me. It goes to you first, John. 5 12 says that. Here's
54:31 the bottom line. He who has the sun? Has he alive? He who does not does not. But what
54:41 the 3 Angels messages he's trying to call us into deeper relationship of faith with
54:48 Christ Jesus, especially in the high to judge me these these last 2 messages, which I
54:54 know we're going to do some programming on it in the future. Second main just
54:56 messaging 30 message. >> They exist because the world, the vast majority of
55:01 the world has rejected the first angels message. That's right. We spent the bulk of
55:04 our time tonight. My friends talking the first thing, just messages. first thing just
55:08 message. If you comprehend and respond positively to the first angels message, then you
55:11 have no need to respond really to the second or 3rd in just message because you're biting
55:15 in Christ. The second 30 just message exist because those have not responded positively
55:19 to the first angels message. >> And when you consider this fact, you know, God really
55:25 wants these messages out there because this is this right here in for 7 and verse night.
55:29 The 9 it says that it was delivered with the same with a loud voice, the Greek word.
55:33 There's megaphone a that's where we get our English word megaphone. God wants this
55:39 message proclaimed to all of the world to try to let me just make a couple of
55:42 treatments bring up a graphic. >> Some of you may want to know about of the messages on
55:46 my website. Bring that graphic up for me. You can find all 4 messages in its entirety. This
55:52 the rep's website, John Lowe, McCain dot com forward slash 3 angels. If you just go to
55:56 John, we can to Comic-Con. 3 angels. >> All 4 sermons are there.
56:01 You can find the timing of it. And each of the messages dealt with in its entirety. You can
56:05 hear it and then also want to remind you that this program is to let you know that you
56:10 can get a free copy of this book that bring that up very quickly. You can get a free
56:16 copy if you call 618-627-4651. And you can get that free copy during the program being aired
56:23 and then you can also use that very same number to order them by the Bucs. Let me tell you,
56:28 friends, we are excited about this message. You can get 200 books for only 60 Bucks. This
56:33 is the message that must go to the world before the coming of Jesus. I want to thank Shelley
56:39 and Ryan. We're going to a program on these next 2 messages about the fall of
56:44 symbolic Babylon. What does it all mean and the mark of the beast, the image of the beast,
56:49 the number of the beast, the name of the beast. But does it all mean? But suffice it to
56:53 say we are excited that Jesus is coming again. Can we get a name We want you to be ready
57:01 for the coming of the Lord and 3ABN is committed to an and diluted 3 angels messages.
57:05 >> One that will counteract the counterfeit except Jesus Christ.
57:09 >> As your savior, we look forward to seeing you again. ♪
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Revised 2022-05-13