Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220017B
00:12 hello and welcome back to 3, A B and today LIVE would then have an incredible time. Yeah,
00:17 I'm hearing about Jesus and the lives of people. But you know what's amazing that God 00:23 can use us and he uses. That's in spite of us. No one. We have nothing good. We're 00:28 always filthy rags. Bible says compared to to the Lord, but he's willing to use in spite 00:35 of us. And he says, I-5 be lifted up from this Earth will draw men. so all the way we 00:40 need to do in our White says this beautifully is this. She says their own personal 00:44 testimonies are greatest asset. Well, for people who say, well, I can't give Bible 00:50 studies. We're learning that we can. Thanks to you and thanks to you all were 00:53 learning that we can, but those it's a little shy. Just start out giving your own 00:59 personal testimony. God has done for you. Yvonne, you had a good time. 01:02 >> You know that little song brighten the corner where you are. that's what I think about 01:06 with this. Because wherever were planted, we can brighten that corner. We can share the 01:11 life of Jesus with everyone our sphere of influence. It's so important him. We have 01:20 neighbors. >> Now our neighbors to be getting Chris Show. And so 01:25 Primo and then Moses. John Jay's. But >> but should Haha. But what 01:34 it is is we still have we have families that we can give Bible studies to. We have we 01:40 have all kinds of opportunities and what I'm hearing 01:42 >> from you tonight is that you are using what? What's in your hand? Yeah, you're using 01:52 whats in your hand to share the love of Jesus within your sphere of influence. And 01:54 that's what he expects us to do. >> You did a great segue when 01:58 you said right in the corner where you are Pastor Mark family is just right under all 02:05 the time where we are. as markets. So good to have you here and your lovely wife, 02:08 Dana is here, too. But she's not out on the set with but we say hello to her and we love 02:13 her. And folks, when that when this all the cooking was showing all the food, we 02:16 always think about, you're right, because she's so good that we get such tremendous 02:22 response from 3 ABN for thank you for what you do for the cause of God around the world 02:27 and partnering with 3ABN an a S I mean, it's what it's all about. And so thank you so 02:34 much for being here today. It's a delight always to be with you, Danny. Yeah, I'm 02:38 amazed at his energy. I really this man's Travels as much a morning. Anybody that I know 02:46 and still he seems to have come in. We put him to work when he's hairy round. Reading 02:51 a book somewhere is like one program to the next program to the next, for instance, this 02:56 is late, of course, that night. But did you do anything today or do we let you rest, 02:59 though? You don't get me Haha. >> We've got a new book called True North with about 13 03:07 author is and that taping the chapter is now to program. Say on your new set great one, 03:15 good. Well, anyway, for those of you just joining us we're here with the doctor and a 03:21 doctor. Brian. And so we had then Dylan Donahue made us a little bit ago and maybe 03:26 they'll be back on this half. A should be back, OK? So what we're going to do, we're going 03:30 to go to some music right now. >> And I think we then right after that, we're going to 03:35 come back to you. I love how you kind of let us well are going. Got everybody involved 03:39 is in her enthusiasm and that smile and that something speaking to Lady Love Smith is 03:47 an incredible woman of God as the incredible talent. And she's also one of those that 03:50 when you're around her, you have to be you can't be depressed. You got to be happy 03:55 and excited because of her love for Right now. Lady Love thing for us. 04:01 ♪ ♪ >> asked me why. 04:17 >> I he seen >> can I >> it be 04:33 >> this >> I >> just can't 04:45 >> Because God >> with >> Through the 05:03 >> And >> stay or >> well, these 05:11 ♪ ♪ >> it's. 05:20 >> He's gave the U.S.. >> I >> and 05:37 >> And I >> The ♪ 05:45 ♪ >> Little bits. >> This 05:56 >> plus, ♪ ♪ 06:14 >> he's >> more. ♪ 06:33 >> and praise the Lord. God gave the song Lady Love Smith. One of my favorite, our on all 06:37 the world. We've traveled to with them too. Israel would bend Australia. We've been how 06:47 many mean, I don't you name it just about we travel together and they always in Reggie that 06:52 they just love Jesus so much that we will be in a restaurant eating somewhere 06:57 and and one night we noticed she was gone. They were closing the rest. Are we 07:02 looking for lady? And she was in the kitchen because one of the waitresses had same down 07:08 and she was talking to her about Jesus some 8. So it kind of fits in with we're all 07:11 hearing and here. So again, we're so glad that you're here this hour past market and then 07:18 kind of turn out like what you do want to go. You kind of was a captain. So we're just here 07:23 supporting we want to go and I hope it does speak ill of me. But 07:28 >> you know, one of the things aside this extremely important is the tie that we have to the 07:34 church. You know, it's I became an organization initially to get strength to 07:41 self-supporting ministers, they could have a voice and they were department of the 07:44 Joint conference until about early 1980's. And then the became a division of the North 07:49 American division. The people are the North American division. And I don't take any 07:54 time from these gentlemen that are going to share what happened in Poland and home 07:58 to. But there's a statement I want to read. It's in testimonies, volume 9, but 08:03 says the work of God in this food can never be finished until the men and women 08:09 comprising all membership. Raleigh to the loop. And unite their efforts with those of 08:16 ministers and church offices. And so we're going to be going to see in this section of the 08:21 members in action is seeing how that leadership and its site came together just like 08:31 to alleviate since suffering. And so we're going to hear from Malkin from Brian and 08:37 hopefully Denzel and they're just going to share with us some stories. Okay. Then what 08:40 we're going to do is just bring it around to why we do what we do. What's the making? 08:45 A motivating force and tie that into the 3 inches messages. I think the very, 08:50 very interesting conversations so Time is yours. Well, the 7th, they have a 08:59 >> is concerned about human As we look at the world, we ask ourselves the question, how 09:05 can we alleviate the suffering of our world? I was interested in the opening song that is 09:12 played on this program. You know, I've we give our lives too mend, broken people. And 09:18 that's really the message of Christ. It's the message of the Gospel. How do we reach 09:23 out in the brokenness of our world and share Jesus? Recently with the conflict in 09:30 the Ukraine. And I should mention this that 7th, they have minister concerned. For 09:34 every Russian mother, you lose a son in that war. here is about the fact that that's on 09:43 his We are concerned free Ukrainian refugee. And, you know, there have been 2.5 09:51 million refugees that have come across the Polish border, but 500,000 that have come 09:57 across Hungarian border. And so recently I was invited by the president of the train's 10:07 European division said that they have in us, which includes hungry in Poland. 10:11 With my wife, Cheney to come to give encouragement to our pastors, encourage me 10:15 refugees. Many of our churches are open. These people are displaced. They're living in 10:20 our churches and we're feeding them 3 meals a day for giving them food and our members are 10:29 just opening up their homes with Christian love and many people coming into their 10:33 homes. And so my wife and I were invited to come just at that moment. I was talking to 10:38 one of the S I lead ERs. And they said to me, well, you know, Pastor Mark, we too, are 10:43 planning to do something for these refugees. These displaced people and 10:49 immediately because of our relationship in the past. We began talking about projects. 10:55 S I voted to print magazines of hope and encouragement, both for adults and children 11:04 in the Ukrainian language. The Polish language, an Hungarian et cetera. And we bonded 11:12 together Denso and Bryan traveled with us every evening I would preach a couple 11:19 messages at night. One in. And I think we just came back God that we were home 14 hours and 11:26 then we came out to 3 at the much. We love you. Ha you know. So every evening we're 11:34 in Poland, 5.30. >> I'm preaching is translate to polish. We have a short 11:41 break preaching again, translated into Ukrainian and then my wife was giving health 11:47 presentations on TV for them in Poland. And then. >> We're visiting refugees 11:51 during the day with Brian in visiting. Sometimes we'd have groups of 40 that we would 11:57 meet with and share with them other times personally and listening to their 12:01 heartbreaking stories in a new Brian. We've got some amazing stories. What you share with 12:06 us. >> I would like to just have us play the video Hub Springs 12:11 to life in the U.S. Side Ministry that helped with the printing I think we we have 12:16 that clip. If we could just show that to lay the groundwork and then we can 12:19 start telling some stories. >> The situation in Ukraine was a big surprise all of us. 12:30 We'll located in Poland, the neighboring country. Influenced by so many people, 12:38 refugees coming from Ukraine. Almost 3 million people play now. And as you can imagine, 12:43 they for Ukrainian league pitcher rose very We wanted to respond to this need. When the 12:52 last 3 weeks with 3 to 10, more than copies. So the front line median pay a good example 13:01 of this is that we can by mark May and the Ukrainian and Russian language. Well, the 13:10 same qualities reach especially publication. Brad just for 10's and makes plain 13:14 the situation of the world? And thank you to all our sponsors and a site for making 13:20 this possible. >> And that just illustrates to me some of the miracles 13:28 that were happening even before this crisis started, they were able to stockpile 13:32 paper. They've been stockpiling pair for for the last 12 months or more. They 13:38 have paper all over the Roundup. Ross is that they don't normally have normal. 13:40 It's in a warehouse. The Providence, Ali, they just were impressed to start 13:44 getting as much paper as they can. And now papers not available now. Yes, hard to 13:49 get paper here in the United States. Let alone in Poland, but they're in a sign 2 13:58 brothers, Robert and Victor, they come right early to assign. It's a way that we 14:00 were able to partner with using Pastor Mark in the materials he was able to 14:04 produce. They were able to translate it into Russian and to pull us into Ukraine. And 14:10 that's all over for children and for adults and just talking to refugees that are 14:16 coming back. They just can't get spiritual material. This is picture that's from the 14:24 process of people, the press than those magazines that were being given to children that 14:30 we saw distributed throughout Poland distributed down and hungry, but also being 14:34 distributed new in Ukraine. There are ministers supported by churches with Ford. A look 14:41 at our just in one in Chicago that donated the money for a The church in Warsaw has now 14:48 purchased 10 downs that are going into Ukraine taking supplies, taking type of 14:53 pamphlets and then they bring back refugees with them to the church and in the church. 60 15:01 or more people are being housed in the basement and some of the even in the annex 15:05 to the sanctuary for. You can see the betting packed stacked up in the corners and the 15:13 stack it up during the day. And it's all spread out at night does customer continue 15:20 had the opportunity to just to meet with the refugee after refugee and just hear very 15:26 compelling stories. is at the 7th. They haven't the seminary, which is about 30 15:30 minutes outside of Warsaw, where they've converted classrooms into sleeping 15:35 quarters for children and families. Most of the people there are mothers with their 15:42 children as men had stayed behind this was a picture down in. I'm hungry customer. Can 15:53 you really got really spend some time with the 2 boys and their mother and then these 15:56 are the 2 girls actually, I'm the mother behind and in front as her sister and her 16:03 daughter. I'm their mother is still back in Ukraine in the service. And so just to see 16:11 how people were displaced, but yet keeping their faith their hope. What a cute little story 16:14 about these boys >> what we saw was family separated and mothers. As 16:23 Brian said, Doctor Brian coming across the border themselves. Some of them 7 16:27 hours, some of them. 3 days, some of them 2 weeks to get across took to one family and 16:37 they talk to the children. They said, you know, we stood for 7 hours in the cold, just 16:41 shaking, but the 2 boys in the picture that you just saw these little boys, one is 11 16:46 years old and they came with nothing and they're sleeping in one room in the church with 16:52 their mama. And so I said, did you do when you're back home? He said I love to play soccer. 16:59 I was on one of the Ukrainian soccer teams, OK? So teeny an I talk to Lisa took. Let's get 17:03 that boy, a soccer ball. So we gave the pastors of money the little boys la face just lit 17:12 up. You know, I think a soccer but they come with nothing traumatized bombs falling all 17:20 around the Bodies lying in the streets and hearing the explosions of But it's amazing 17:29 to see the outpouring of love of 7th day. It just the willingness to go the second 17:34 mile the 3rd mile to to provide food to provide clothing in one of the 17:40 churches we were in in Warsaw, for example, they to craft program with the children 17:45 could learn crafts during the day they have to to programs for the children and to see 17:50 this compassion. This Ministry of Christ for people that are have been displaced is really 17:58 remarkable. And it is so yeah, I was just very impressed to see how church members have 18:03 been opening up their homes for sometimes 2, 3 or 4 families to stay with them in 18:06 their homes are much smaller than ours. >> Over over in the European 18:11 countries. So they're using the church's. They're using their homes, their housing 18:15 people, and they're doing it. Cheerfully. It's easy to get burned out. When you're 18:21 hearing these kind of stories day in and day out. I have the opportunity actually spend a 18:25 couple hours counseling with. I'm one of the caretakers at the church who's been just 18:34 giving him his wife just giving their whole day and night just to be with the 18:37 refugees. He actually suffering depression and had been in the medical word for 3 18:43 or 4 days, getting treated for the overwhelming depression from hearing the stories. I 18:47 felt bad that you we could we can go in with her stories that would just tear your 18:52 heart apart. But yeah, we can go back to our hotel room and ultimately we can come back to 18:56 United States. But the people in Poland and hungry and the surrounding countries, they're 19:00 living with us day after day after day. The thing that I also thought that was 19:07 impressive. It is there were actually some Russian refuges Ukrainian refugees and their 19:13 meeting together in the same church worshipping together. Now that some of oven to us 19:18 and they're also not of interest that have been directed to that church. There 19:20 was a couple we interviewed at the cemetery who had. Driven past takes gone through 19:28 checkpoints, taken days to drive across the country their car, couldn't go any farther. 19:33 And then they were actually picked up by a van and taken to the Adventist Church in the 19:37 loop over on the western part of Ukraine. They spent 3 weeks there. The people in that 19:40 church. Give them blankets. They give them food. They gave them closing. And then after 19:47 that can get the right papers together, it was safe enough. They brought him across the 19:49 border in the other refugees that the oven to seminary. They're not out to us, but she 19:58 spoke pretty good English since he said. I just want you to know that the people of 20:01 your church are like kind of like, 0, zones. But she just said there is those they have 20:09 Mister to us. She didn't know anything about dozen before that. But her heart was very, 20:14 very touched. was just the incredible story and story after story like that. There's 20:17 one that I think a story that Denzel could tell about a lady who spent 21 days. House down 20:24 in the basement of one of the buildings. 2 of them outside of Kim. I'm not able to come 20:29 up not able to see the sun. I'm not knowing whether it was night or day. No electricity, 20:36 heat or powers can just see her breath. She was there with 160 of her neighbors. And when 20:44 the bombs start falling, the neighbors are come are the quarter where she was and we 20:47 want you to pray for us. God is with you and we feel safe when you're biased and she 20:52 would actually get Bible studies. He would read the Bible in the morning and read 20:56 the Bible in the evening. But she talked about the sound of to talk that Jesus was coming 20:59 again. She is being bombarded her life's been turned upside down. Her apartment building 21:04 has been levels. He has nothing but a little sets. All. And she's yet what this 21:08 interior neighbors. It was just incredible. And probably it does well as on does. It 21:12 was particularly touched by the story because we were able to talk to her about what her 21:17 knees were and maybe does look uncertain. The rest of that story here. Thank you, Brian. 21:21 >> And no food. >> You can hear me. yeah, it was a very touching story 21:27 listening to this lady. Be able to Bible studies to share the Bible to pray with the 21:36 people and people literally they're in. They were so scared. People die down there 21:40 from heart It was so scared. They were so scared. But the thing that impressed me the 21:45 most is I was so touched by her ministry and what you've been doing, I asked or is 21:49 there anything you need? And she said that, sir, that's not right there. The lady there, 21:56 lady there. She says that there's is there anything you need? And she said she looked 21:59 at me and she goes, you know, I got a plane ticket. I'm going to go into groups, go to 22:04 my daughters to live with my daughter. But what I really like to do is I really like to 22:10 help their ministry in Brazil because that's where she's going. Could you help with the 22:13 ministry and Brazil? And I was so touched needless to we help their ministry and Brazil. was 22:22 such a blessing to be able to see with that. The the of these people in the caring 22:28 that they had. people is you when I asked one per one group, I said how many people, 22:35 how many people are seeing your home and he goes, everybody refugees in their 22:42 own. We're all taking care, the and they're giving all they can. You know, we went to 22:49 their their where their where their plane, the food, they don't have a lot themselves. 22:53 know, they need help, but financially is that we're able to help them somewhat a little 22:57 bit anyway into helping them with their financial needs. But the panel and talk about 23:01 is what the literature is. One of the things that we talked about. When asked over and 23:06 over again, what are their needs? They really said they really need. As we know, the 23:11 breakup of the family is Pastor Finley and brightest spoke about, but they also 23:16 their spiritual And so we're brainstorming what we can do to help. And we came up with 23:21 that idea of a children's book. We have this idea executive committee. We're 23:29 talking about. And Mark Sister, Sandra, actually, there's a picture of Jesus 23:32 still cares. She we called her on an evening and she wrote the script during the evening 23:39 and it was completed the next Then we talked to Justin Lars and he printed 15 new art 23:45 pieces, including the cover and did less than 2 weeks. So in less than 3 weeks, we're 23:51 able to print it. These children's books that we were reprinted we printed 70,000 23:57 copies of it so far. We just OK yesterday to print another 50,000 because they going out. 24:06 and then we also work with Pastor Finley Ana, on the program. You can see the 24:12 magazine for the adults on that side. And that is a to hope again. there we know are 24:24 pretty more of that polish, into Hungarian it to you created and also into Russian. 24:30 Yeah. So reaching all the people all those in that. What he mentioned to you saw a 24:38 living springs is done a great job with their pretty neatly printed. They got paper had 24:44 tied the door, really bless their ministry and they're really committed team that is 24:48 really doing working. They're working 24 6 to get that done. You can see some of the 24:54 pictures of what they're doing there and they have printed the as you mentioned over 95 25:03 9 million, 500 odd pages so far. And yesterday are going to print an additional 6,500 25:10 plus pages. That River bridge in the next week or were really blessed. That or is 25:15 that family has come together given to this project. We want to thank each and every one of 25:18 them. And we're you know, we're limited by the funds that we get to Brett we can 25:25 print more. One thing we have phone from this area is people are coming into this country. 25:32 Their stand for 5 days, maybe 3 days and then they go off to visit other people. So there's 25:38 a Ukrainian population in Spain. There's one in Germany. There's what all the major 25:44 cities throughout Europe. So as a result of that, we're working with our division to 25:49 be able to get those those papers to the Ukrainians and to the in their where they're 25:57 located throughout Europe. And so we're really excited about this project is really great. 26:04 Working together. You know, I really love firmly believe that we are able to from a 26:09 concept to completion in less than 3 weeks. I mean, that's just amazing. Because the Lord 26:15 and ever he multiplies we were together for him. So it's a real blessing to see the work 26:19 been going on. Not over there. And we need to pray for a the war we need to create for both 26:27 sides of the war because people are hurting all both sides of conflict in and, you 26:34 know, we just want them to know Jesus and know that there's something better 26:38 coming very, very soon him. And now I've gotten to know our viewers pretty well over 26:44 the >> Nearly 38 years. >> And right now you set this 26:49 thing up there. People at home saying how can I And maybe there's people who are 26:54 impressed. You're sitting home right now and you feel like maybe the Lord wants me to to 26:58 give some money to help in the printing more help and and the overall work of the God of 27:03 evangelism. And so I can ask as president of uh, yes, I may be. What about the folks that 27:10 are watching right now? If they want to make a donation? Who did they make the check to 27:15 to help was all of this tremendous work that's going on. And thank you, mark, for 27:19 writing all that putting that together double. >> Yes, you know the book 27:24 Inside, I wish we'd shown the it's it's actually beautiful. The graphics that last just it 27:28 was fantastic. But all you have to do is go to the S I Ministries DOT Org website. 27:33 There's a donate button it will drop down and we'll see just donate to whatever. But o 27:39 see Ukraine project. Click on that and you can donate that way or you can send a check 2 27:46 or address in Patuxent Woodss in Colombia. place. And but then just see Ukraine project 27:55 on it. Okay at all. The funds 100% go to the book. Nothing else. We get nothing out of 28:01 it. So except seeing people relieved of suffering, which is a huge blessing to us. So 28:07 yes, I ministries dot org. The donate tab and drop down. You know, I was so impressed. 28:13 Well, we were in. >> Ukraine, Poland and Hungary with the deep hunger to 28:21 spiritual hunger of people and the desire to have a new life to my wife t needed health 28:28 programs each evening and hungry. those programs was so well received the in then I 28:36 preached. They were sent via streaming and we had 20 30,000 views. Scores of people in 28:43 Ukraine. We were translated into Russian. Into Chinese because Us-chinese contingent 28:50 there earlier in 2, the Ukrainian language into Hungarian polish and to see 28:57 the spiritual hunger and the desire to know Christ and there was one pastor's wife 29:04 had been his pastor. Who? The pastor stayed to minister to his flock and he stayed 29:13 because his son could not believe he was not of a sufficient age where he was 29:16 able to leave thing. Ukrainian government head kept all. There's a picture of the yeah. 29:24 Yeah. They had kept all young men between 16 and 60 had to stay in the country. So this 29:31 pastor chose to stay with his 19 year-old son in the midst of a war zone she came out 29:36 with her other 2 children. As we talked to her. The thing that she said is just so long 29:43 to be with my family. I just long to be together. And so I thought about that Russian and 29:51 Ukrainian eastern European Hungarian and Polish. We're all part of the family God is 29:56 made of one blood donations. And I thought today's the ultimate day when all of 30:02 Christ children would be home. have that longing for home in our hearts. Yes, and I know 30:09 that tonight, even our viewers, we have that long for home. A place with no more 30:14 sickness are suffering are hard their death, where war will be no more. And that's 30:17 the whole conclusion of the Bible. And as we travel together with Denzel and with 30:24 the Bryan and do with my wife, that was our our major mission, our primary mission. 30:30 We listened a lot. We met with groups of refugees. We met with the individuals week 30:38 literally cried with them in our hearts were broken, would go back to our room every 30:41 night would say what devastation. But our major goal was to give them hope, 30:48 that there's hope something beyond this world that beyond the problems of life and the 30:52 difficulties of life in the heart aches of life, there's a crisis that wants to be with 30:57 you Christ. It will strengthen you to every trial. But in Jesus, who's coming Jesus, who 31:04 will come to solve the problems of this society. And he is the great Prince of 31:09 peace. And we pray for peace. We long for peace. Our hearts are broken over war. But we 31:15 know that the ultimate piece is going to come when Jesus, the prince of peace returns. 31:21 the thing I think I came home thinking, is that going through a crisis like what 31:24 these people have done? >> Either strengthens your faith that reveals how deep it 31:31 or it can weaken your faith. But it reveals your faith. >> One of the leaders of the 31:35 church and hungry stated to us that, you know, one of the things that the refugees are 31:42 doing is encouraging our members and surrounding countries to realize that they 31:45 need to have their faith grounded. They're actually inspiring the churches that 31:49 are taking care of them to have a deeper relationship with Jesus as these people 31:54 have had nothing else to hang on to. But Jesus, they have no earthly possessions, maybe us 31:59 out. So maybe a few. This is a clothing. And it's just before we transition. There's another 32:04 way that people can amen. They haven't us medical vandalism. That work is Co sponsoring a 32:11 mission trip along with Southern University to Romania, June 6 in June 14. 32:16 We're still in need of physicians and health care professionals to help 32:22 volunteer to come on. The comes for him weekly or the other. So put an address a s a 32:29 men S D ADA Org. You'll see the opportunity to volunteer. So that's another way to get 32:33 involved in to keep going back. And a man may be sponsoring other trips as 32:39 well. So check in on the men. Yes to dot or one of the things past March. told me the 32:44 other day I heard you right. >> That really have thought about it. Numerous times. You 32:49 said their churches. Removing taking out their seats and taking out and everything in 32:59 order to bring people in to help them like that's what church really is. that's what 33:06 the loving Jay-Z is. The living Jay-Z's remains not so we well, let's don't disturb 33:11 our pews disturb or, you know, our whole system in our savage school classrooms. 33:14 >> But you say over there that there you saw people, let's move them out. We've got to 33:17 bring people in. That's to me is rightly representing juice. You know, it's interesting 33:24 story union president in a poll and told us. >> That there are churches in 33:31 the Ukraine Adventist churches that become refugee sites. So there are so many refugees 33:37 that had one church, a number of churches, in fact, they had to move the pews out. As you 33:41 said, the refugees came in and the members then met in homes on Sabbath, right. You know, 33:49 I've got one amazing story about the Budapest Central Church that church is taking 33:56 in refugees, of course, and we don't call them refugees. And so we call them because these 34:02 are our guests. You know, these are our guests. The God sent Yeah, OK, I want to take 34:06 you back to 1943. Second World War. The Budapest Central Church today is taking in 34:13 refugees. But during the second World War. Housed Jewish individuals that were 34:21 fleeing from the Nazis regime. It has a large plaque on the wall. It's been awarded by 34:27 Israel and there's a tree planted for the pastor of that church. So he hid these. Jews 34:34 in the Baptists tree and covered it up with the board. He hid them in the recesses of 34:43 the church. So they told us the story. One day he's preaching and 2 SS soldiers 34:50 came in with a German Shepherd on Sabbath morning to look for these Jews. So he's preaching. 34:56 He walked out of the pope that he said, how dare you bring that dog into the house of the 35:06 Lord. Turned around and walked Haha. So this is this spirit. is this spirit of God's people 35:13 then and hold this for Jesus, storm beautiful. And, you know, I think this is just 35:20 such you can go on and on with all these stories. >> I think the question 35:25 arises, why are we doing what we're doing? What is your we talked about it together and, 35:33 you know, as I mentioned at the beginning, history is so important. And I was 35:38 discussing past month, by the way, I love this man. He is he's what I call my wing man. 35:46 And so I'm just go through the sitting next to me to be tonight is just a blessing. 35:51 But he's my official mentor. And I just really a pretty slow for past a But, you know, 35:57 history is important and windy. Read the story. The history of s I. 36:02 >> What sometimes does not get told and I think speaks to what you're talking about is 36:06 the gospel that moved and they met. In October of 18. 88. After the General Conference 36:15 session again attended that session and they became friends through Ellen White 36:21 and they met in her home and she taught them the message of Russian spy And if you read 36:30 the book Medicine goes beautiful farm. Which is about is I his ship s I. There are 36:36 12 references in there to that, right? Just by faith and a That Joel Conference knee. 36:42 And it's interesting how they attributed the success of their ministry. As we know the 36:49 E fathered at least 50 units different self-supporting stations around the whole 36:54 country. Why? Because they had, as they described that light of that message of 37:01 righteousness by faith. Khweis is behind them, guiding the book begins that way and it 37:08 ends that way. So there was something it wasn't. And when you see the the the the impact 37:13 of the work that they did, something was guiding them. It was that the Holy Spirit was 37:19 put out at that time and that 3 angels messages, which we're told is the message of 37:27 justification by faith and Verity was what guided them. And so as we transition, we're 37:31 going to have kind of a little conversation about what is it about the gospel that makes us 37:40 want to do even more and more and more for Jesus Christ. What is it? And so we're going 37:44 to have that discussion in past. Mock will. We'll kind of lead us in that. And it's 37:48 going to be amazing conversation. You know, I read a statement earlier today. In 37:55 included one of the messages I preached here on 3ABN. >> From David Livingston, 38:04 great missionary to Africa. You know, for many, many years missionary doctor, he told 38:06 about the fact that people would come to him and say Doctor Livingston, this is 38:11 such a sacrifice for you to go to Africa. And his comment was I've never made a sacrifice. 38:18 When I think about the sacrifice of Jesus, the and I think for me, one of the 38:22 things that the trip has done is reinforced in my mind. The reality of Second Corinthians 38:30 chapter as AnM. The scripture says that the first 14 for the love of Christ constrains us. 38:43 That word constrains, of course, means prompts motivates The love Christ 38:48 compels it's a very strong word. You know, it compels us forward. And so to me, the 38:56 motivation for all witness. Is the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary's That Christ is 39:04 redeemed to me by his grace. I'm a child of God adopted into the family of gaunt. And 39:09 if Christ is stunned that for me, his love motivates me to reach out and touch somebody 39:16 else with the gospel. So I think you have to say always that the cross is the major 39:19 motivator for with this and the cross motivates us. Lead others to the Christ that we 39:28 know when we know Christ his love resound set our hearts overflows from our hearts that 39:36 touch others, Brian. That's Yeah. One. >> When this even this crisis 39:43 began in Ukraine, that many of us felt like why are people doing this? And I begin to 39:47 realize, you know, I just started praying for the leaders on both sides. God use 39:55 Daniel to rich the beacon as or who was conquering his people and causing 39:59 displacement of families. Just like what's going on now and then. Yeah, those slaves that 40:04 were taking their said Brett Knese Second-and-goal and Daniel himself had the 40:07 opportunity to witness. God was able to take somebody who was the conqueror of the 40:12 world, put him out to pasture, so to speak, to learn of him. 2 at the very end of his life, 40:19 he could testify that God was the true God just begin to realize that I shouldn't be 40:27 having a girl, my heart toward what anyone does. I need to be praying for all people. I need 40:33 to those patients that are less than desirable as Jesus died for them. Yeah, I need to 40:39 see those people that are suffering eastern Europe. Jesus died for every last one 40:43 of them. considering what Jesus gave up. All the heavily rounds to come in to rescue 40:49 me. How can I not put my resources and my time my working time, my vacation time 40:59 all my time to be doing has worked to reach others. Then that I had open with us tech 41:05 stuff for us do. That would be the perfect tux because that toughens up the love of Christ 41:10 come tells us the low for him. And that's really what the message of rushed us by faith 41:18 that came to our church over 100 years ago. And did it inspired? Again in Southern 41:24 want to begin ministries that have had other ministries pop up all around the world as a 41:29 result, it's what motivated listeners to go all around the world. I'm convinced more than 41:35 ever that God wants to bring that message. The message of Christ and his right. Just 41:40 this back to our church in this very day that I have high hopes for the general 41:44 conference session were delegates are coming for all around the world that this has 41:49 to be a corporate process that we as a church are praying for the outpouring of the latter 41:54 am. And I believe that looking at the events that are happening right now now is the 41:58 time that God wants to pour out his holy spirit and I would invite every viewer, 42:05 everyone to begin praying that God would be able to do that in our day. Miss that. Right 42:11 away. And so they have really great hopes for what's about to happen as we come together 42:16 as a church. God wants to do something powerful and blessing of God is on the go. 42:21 That's right. Says Go ye into all the world. And I can tell from H one. And then Dylan, 42:24 Donna. >> And everybody that that that's Mark said. Of course, 42:28 it goes back to the cross. But what privilege. It is. An honor and opportunity to be 42:35 able to witness for the Lord. And think as we said earlier, that he uses this in spite you 42:38 know, >> as we think about the crisis in the world today, 42:46 this world is on very, very shaky footing. look at the economy of the world. many 42:51 economists are predicting that there will be some very dire consequences in the future. 42:56 You look at the natural disasters that are taking place around the world, the 43:02 uncertainty of political affairs in the world, but conflicts the wars. When you 43:06 look at all of that, a COVID and the devastation that it has caused in the And you 43:14 begin to look at all that and you begin to say we are on the knife edge of eternity. and 43:20 that this is a time when the hearts of men and women are being opened by the spirit. 43:25 And it's a time when as we are praying as a church and asking God to fill us with his spirit 43:35 because I'm convinced that God can something through us only when he does something to us. 43:40 You he can only do something with us when he does something for us and God's problem is 43:49 not more earthquakes, more famines, more wars. That's not cause problems. God's problem 43:55 is Hollywood. Does he develop a people? Who are so passionate about his love. So 44:03 charmed by his So motivated by the living Christ that they sacrifice their all to go out 44:12 and share the cost of a man. That is the real issue that we're facing 44:18 >> And, you know, as you're saying, that pass to mock, you know, we have the 3 inches 44:21 messages and the second is 2 of the bubble fallen and then revelation says come out of 44:29 the bubble also come out of her. My people, my husband piece to summon a few weeks 44:34 ago. Your church. I made an incredibly 2 very important points. One of which is. Got 44:43 most difficult problem to time with what you're seeing is not necessary to have people come 44:47 out of Babylon. But to get and his own and that really struck me ties to the world that 44:55 things of this world, our strong. Yeah, I like my come foods up. admit it, you and 45:02 when talk about a tent, I think right. you know, but he's calling us to something 45:10 like he called. >> So let him again. And they looked at that dry, place that 45:16 they said was a stinking and he called them to do something. There and just 45:22 getting that out of getting Babylon out of us. The other thing is if we look back in 45:27 history that what made little battle on for its very interesting battle on Phil 45:33 Live 2 about October. 12, a October 7. I think NBC was the day of atonement and we're 45:46 living in that time and going is called his people. To submit to him to be drawn by 45:52 the cross and have him do that work of cleansing in U.S.. Bush will be in a bubble but a 45:59 lot to full use waiting as mock said, Basta Mock said. Not for more earthquakes, more 46:05 wars. He's waiting for a clinched people who reflect his character and just do his 46:10 his buildings. And so, you know, that's one of the things that motivated us as we've 46:15 talked with, the isn't shared over the years that the Gospel, it just come so much 46:21 clear night. I'm the least of all that the Apostle tell you that right now, the Lord has 46:25 so much work to do in me, but praise the Lord. He's promised that he will finish. That was 46:31 she's begun. So I I'm hopeful for myself. so so before battle in Falls, the first 46:37 Angeles method is the everlasting gospel. >> And that's part of what 46:43 this message of Christ in his races. This it's the everlasting gospel, the gospel 46:46 that tells us that beforetime even begin the father and the son class 3rd, his together in 46:52 a pledge that they were going to save man no matter what it costs themselves. That tells 46:58 us that God loves us more than he loved. God loves us more than he loves himself. He's 47:05 willing that he should not exist so that we could have eternal life if we just can 47:11 understand that in realize that at the very close of time, God is looking for 47:16 people who will give that everlasting gospel. People. Not everybody is going to have 47:20 to live in a tent. If you got of. I'm and I'm impressed with Hebrews. Chapter 11 that came 47:27 are able of the very short life. The unit can never saw deaf. Some one around kids 47:34 having no homes, others, I'm like. Solomon and David had beautiful homes were not all 47:42 called to the exact same thing. But we're all call and God is going to use us and God 47:47 is going to use every aside member in their walk of life. Some of them are going to live 47:54 healthy lives. Some are going to suffer cancer and some are going to die. But doing that, 47:59 they're going to testify for God and whatever worked round therein. Some are going to go 48:04 overseas. Some are going to be missing or is right here. oppose like to say that you're 48:10 either a missing this and and you might be a missionary right here in the United 48:15 States. You might be a missionary. >> Right now in a war zone in 48:19 Ukraine, you might be a missionary in Africa but got his. But God is or ever we are 48:27 planted to be missionaries for him. might be in It might be RV. But if God is calling you 48:35 answer the call. This is the time the God leads people to give the everlasting you know, 48:38 to follow up on that. Not only just got call us. >> But God gifts us for the 48:45 whole And so I know there are many viewers here wondering what can I do for Jesus? Well, 48:52 how can I become actively involved? And that's the spirit of a S a the spirit of 48:57 a s I is taking Christ to your marketplace. We first begin by praying that God will lead 49:04 somebody into our life. That we can share his love with. We begin praying for souls. We 49:12 write down the name of the neighbor, the name of the sun, the name of a daughter. We say 49:16 God open the opportunity for me to begin to share with that person. And as the Lord 49:21 impress issue, it may be to bring a loaf of bread, homemade bread. on how to make 49:28 it come to my But >> a loaf of bread into a man with soup whose wife's in the 49:36 hospital. You know that the word may have pressured to go cut some widows, grass. The 49:39 Lord may impression to something private. >> It may be given a book. It 49:44 may be a It may be to give a Bible study in maybe to get involved in a health ministry. 49:49 It may be to get involved in youth ministry. But as we begin praying, the spirit of 49:57 God impress our heart with what he wants us to do. And there's somebody that God is 50:03 going to lead. You to touch with his grace. There's somebody that God is going to 50:09 lead. You personally do to be involved in witness. And the reason we witness it's not 50:16 simply to reach somebody else. But it's for the spirit of God to work in because witnessing 50:24 starves selfishness to death a month. God's big problem is the fallen nature of the human 50:31 heart and move. And so as we begin to pray and you know, you always ask what is the 50:35 motivation of a program like this? Why do we do it too? And I think to me, one of the 50:39 reasons we do programs like this. Is to provide opportunities for other 50:46 people, lay people to see active involvement of the lay people from a s I and they see 50:51 the spiritual life of other laypeople. And they say, you know what? I'm reaching out 50:58 for something more. I want something more fun for with Jesus in my life and they get 51:02 actively involved. 2 came in. >> And the beauty of it and what I'm hearing and it hurt 51:07 all evening is that you can't give what you don't have this right and course at first 51:14 Angel fear of God and give glory to him. Stall about worship. So S I involvement 51:19 because if we're not involved in evangelism, we're just worried about me myself. And 51:24 so joining a s I saying what others are doing and sometimes been encouraged and maybe feel 51:30 like you they headed this way is so that we can think about somebody besides and that we 51:36 literally as you begin to witness, you know, and you see God working in you and through 51:41 you in spite of the it's a very it's like I want to do this again. When Mark we have 51:47 Yeah, I want to give quick test to be that involves all of us. 51:50 >> Just to speak to the power of that. We in his messages as as when we understand it. Has 51:57 that message of Christ in his righteousness, we all were with past affiliate in our 52:03 land. And I was get been given permission to tell the story is going to very short because 52:08 the time has just flown. But you know something when you introduce this another point 52:13 when you introduced to somebody's attention, so pass to mocking introduced often 52:20 because of it was time of Haha. >> And you didn't even know. I 52:34 love the good of a case of building in the middle of an Get back on track. 52:40 >> So he introduced us to a mother and a daughter. And they will not Adventist at the 52:45 time. And so I said Great peach Juice is what happens So I said I'm going to follow up. 52:50 So mock preaches a series. We did some pretty with that mocking. We came back to the 52:56 states and I continued to correspond with her. And give the kind of studies and just 53:01 to together for about a year. She finally got baptized. But, you know, tell you something, 53:06 things were not going so well. You know, it's hard when you come out of absolute atheism 53:10 agnosticism and just the world to all of a sudden conform to adventurism. And I labeled 53:16 with enabled with the and I love her to bits. I called my daughter. She calls me mom. I 53:22 finally said, Lord, I don't know what to do. I sent to the conflict. The ages series, 53:26 many things Fina said, okay, I'm going to center. Material and kind of study through the 53:32 with the on quest to righteousness and that did it. And, you know, today she is a 53:37 medical student at Loma Linda. Alright, she had a really deep conversion experience. And if 53:44 you're watching Weny height, haha, but >> we said we'll bring you 53:50 over to win Mark another self supporting institution. We need to get out of our 53:53 initial. She can have good influences. mushy went unloved that no, she trained at Saint 53:59 Andrews University in Scotland. Now, if you go from Ivan each cut into, we might 54:05 put you to who we my was Ivy League. It was amazing experience that she had. And 54:10 it's all because when pass to mock introduced. Us to to to to her. I said, you know 54:16 something, this someone that needs a friend in Jesus men. So I just launched out in and 54:22 praise the Lord. You know, she's giving Bible study. She loves the Lord and it's just a 54:28 joy to be able to share. And that's all because of going to its side of never even thought 54:34 of it before. But I would have been out in the first place. But yes, we had a good time in 54:40 our lives. That's great things you get to meet other people who had that same drive and 54:46 have that same desire to share Jesus and is just. >> It's really beautiful is a 54:51 great place to network news. It's such a great opportunity. Yeah, we've had the 54:55 opportunity to make. >> Friends that then do ministry together. like not 55:03 just our family members, but also pastor Mark in TV, but also down on could go on and 55:08 on and on. And all traces back to this side. And I just again impressed as a physician, the 55:15 spread of prophecy tells us that the right arm of the Gospel is the health And so 55:21 there's going to be coming down here. The message of Crestor righteousness coupled 55:25 with the opening was that we talked about in the first hour. That's going enlighten 55:29 the world with God's glory. That's happening now. I'm happy to be a part of that. 55:36 >> And you thank you all for being here tonight. And our time is just about gone that 55:39 past. Mark, we have about a minute and a half and there are people that really are 55:45 seeking the Lord to maybe tonight they've been inspired a don't know what the next 55:48 move. Could you just say a prayer for them? I sure will. Father in Heaven. Thank you 55:53 for the opportunity to serve. Thank you for the opportunity through the Cross of Calvary 56:00 and the Love of Christ to reach out and touch others with your grace father. I pray 56:05 for that person was wondering what they want to do, lead them into a deep experience 56:11 with you. If there's anybody hesitating. Lead them in to witness lead them to get 56:19 involved in service in some way. We pray in Christ's name. Amen. 56:25 >> For those of you that we made an offer earlier that want to contribute. You want 56:28 to help to this work and you're saying the printing and the work over and and Europe 56:33 that you can go to the website. One more time with the and side website. It's. 56:38 >> Yes, I'm in a she's got very simple. >> OK, let's just leave that 56:42 up for a few seconds. So you can go to that and you say there's a button and it tells 56:45 you how to donate. You have know the Holy Spirit is it is working on your life. So when 56:51 this program's over just say a little prayer, no matter where you are, few has been my 56:55 buyers. So Lord, what would you have me to do to help in this great work? Well, I hate 56:59 to say it, but our time is all gone. So until we say next time, maybe Lord, richly bless 57:04 you abundantly more than you could ever ♪ 57:12 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:27 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:42 ♪ ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-05-10