Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220017A
00:12 >> I want ♪
00:32 ♪ 00:55 ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to 3 A B 01:09 and today LIVE. Thank you for joining us. As you do each and every day and what privilege 01:14 it is to be living in the closing moments of Earth's history. And Well, it should I 01:20 don't have to introduce everybody knows Yvonne, my wife, Yvonne, Yvonne. Tonight, 01:25 we're going to be blessed. We've already prayed and asked for the anointing of the Holy 01:29 Spirit on this program. we've got it tremendous stories. And really it's all about 01:36 evangelism that snow and some so thankful tonight that we have and we're going to 01:40 introduce in just a moment. people that all have the same goals, the same vision. So 01:45 they are 7th. They haven't us to Christians and members of a s I and so we joined a us I 30 01:53 some years ago. So we're not new kids there. But what a blessing it is. We're going to 01:58 that for those that don't know. We're going to find out what is a U.S. Ivan stands 02:03 for. What about this organization? But I'm excited We're going to have some Skype 02:07 guess that's coming in. We're going to be talking about what's going on in Europe. 02:13 Some trips and the water to start out. We may save a guest or 2 and surprise them. but 02:17 don't you introduce who we have out here right now? Yes, we have doctor Andy Hands 02:24 Hunziker who is aside president gratulation >> They responsibility but a 02:29 great privilege. Indeed. It is a pretty for the opportunity he he saw Hodges, who is Cy 02:39 Weiss, president Communications and Even Valley Institute president. Yes, and 02:43 we have doctor Brian Schwartz and he is men president. Yeah, OK, and we have a surprise, 02:53 too. All right. So well, we want we it is a I think we could probably would have on 02:59 Skype. Yeah. Coming in and out. They're going be joining us here. We wish they were in 03:03 person. You know, we have a dental and nameless. >> And we all are there, 03:10 though. They'll be on your screen a few moments. And Are you doing? All right. We don't 03:17 hear there are a little bit. We'll get it the minute. I hope so. For a that's a cue 03:21 for audio there. Now we've got it OK? All right. So we've got those in the second hour with 03:30 and I'm our and then we'll see who else Leah, we really are so glad that you all are here 03:38 and we want to talk aside. So what we kind of want to do is we want to Ivana maybe we're 03:42 going to right after the song. We're going to kind of turn it over to you, doctor and in you 03:49 just you guys share. You have so many testimonies. And that's really what it's all 03:54 about. Today's evangelism evangelism evangelism, we believe that Jesus coming very 03:58 soon and they have passion and excite. They We talked to them to be a force my So it's about 04:07 music. Scott, Michael Bennett. >> Is going to Go Light your world 04:23 >> Can >> To >> bring the in 04:49 >> home to. >> Rahm, >> to 05:02 >> C >> if >> no. 05:17 >> you all >> too. >> Go 05:32 ♪ >> we're >> Night is 05:56 >> he's been robbed and >> still >> we're on to 06:16 >> see, away. >> The >> no 06:24 >> though. >> to him. to >> show 06:45 ♪ >> family. >> Was So blase thing. Let's 07:01 >> not a >> and then came to the >> you 07:33 >> the >> to >> and 08:05 >> you ♪ ♪ 08:36 >> and then pray >> And we understand that you really like that song. You saw 08:38 it and said could we do that song tonight? I want to do. What did you pick that one? 08:43 >> Well, you know, I saw that song on one of your previous programs, but of the life 08:49 programs, OK, I love the way he sings. I love the woods. It fit with our thing. And so I 08:55 was so happy to hear that was happening because I asked him, can you have that saw this up? 09:01 Asked for the Denny? I thought I hope he says Praising the Lord. I feel much calmer and 09:05 I'm just throw. Thank you so much. playing that. >> We tell you in the audience 09:09 were just here to to to help and to be here to take us in and out. But the program is 09:13 yours. I think you're going to start off with one question for her. 09:17 >> Yeah. Now before start with that question, though. What got you involved with a sign 09:22 the first place. So that's a really good question. First of all, I want to see thank you 09:26 so much for having us on this program. You know, I'm 24 to 3ABN John, I watched a lot of 09:33 3 ABN. I'm just grateful for your ministry. I'm grateful for the partnership between 09:38 its site and 3 ABN. We're thrilled see you at your convention every year. We love 09:43 seeing both of you all of your staff. Julian Grace is just a great ministry is great to to 09:47 work with you all together and like, yeah. you. So I got involved in S before we became 09:58 members of the head. You my brother-in-law and his wife said you've got to, you know, 10:02 come to us thought we paid but never And then we decided to to come to a s I. 10:14 >> And you know, we hood testimonies from people that really I think changed our 10:20 lives. My husband and me. And we recognize that there was so much more that we could do for 10:25 the Lord. And so we kept coming and coming and then finally got involved in in new 10:32 ship. In fact, Lisa is one of the ones that got me involved in leadership. Nissan Donna. 10:36 And that really has kind of instilled in us that desire to in every single aspect of our 10:44 lives will look. You know, vacation, everything, give it all to Jesus. And so it's just 10:51 a it's a ministry that you just cannot help. But the involved, for those who don't 10:57 know aside, what is his history and mission? >> Yes. History is extremely 11:03 important. White says this. She says this in several places. But she says. We have 11:12 nothing. Uh should begin at the beginning. She says in reviewing all past history. 11:20 Having traveled over every step of advanced to a present standing. I can say this 11:23 praise gone. As I see what God has wrought. I am filled with astonishment and with 11:31 confidence. In Christ as Leda, we have nothing to fear for the future except as we should 11:40 forget the way the law has led us and is teaching in all past We're now a strong people. She 11:46 says. And, you know, I think that if we PSI members forget our history, which is steeped 11:54 in Madison College. In fact, too, people who have great regard for, by the way, it's 12:00 the other was the first president of its side. And he was a physician. I'm a 12:03 physician and I don't even pretend to be able to fill the shoes. But I just find that 12:09 connection helpful to me. But these 2 men is P t mcguigan. We're led by the Lord through 12:18 Dylan Plate when they went down the river and they saw this horrible property that 12:24 they thought was useless. And the interesting thing about is they wrestle with the Lord on 12:30 it, but they call it the there at that time of Gethsemane. And they came out of that and 12:34 they said we are in again tune to to end. So he says we are in it. voluntarily. And they 12:45 began to seeing it began to sing U.S. office faith of all fathers living still no will 12:53 be true to veto death. What a song to sign And so this is this is the way we feel we 12:59 will be true to the till and that means that we will die to self and out of its of its 13:07 side. Several different units around the country point. Then that's the convention. So in 13:13 1947, it's I was formed as as a ministry and involve just self-supporting ministries 13:21 businesspeople in 1979 caught the vision of Les driven work for the Lord. And so then that 13:27 name got changed. 2 association by that Adventist Lehman Citizen interest was 13:34 association for self-supporting institutions changed at the Muslim and 13:39 services industries. So that's why some of us are now involved and passionate side 13:44 and just really enthusiastic to serve. For us. and from a white really caught my 13:50 attention. My first one was 1985. >> Really? Well, I was really 13:59 young. took me. There I'm just getting word that, They sky Montana and you. But what was 14:06 so amazing because >> each of us and so many of us and at home. We all know 14:11 what I'm talking about. We're so involved in our own ministry, our own work that we 14:20 forget. There are 7,000 others haven't been there needs to bail and so well, the sun you 14:25 get together and here's all these people and everybody's in little huddles and 14:29 everybody's and praise the Lord. Look what happened. And this happened. So to me, the 14:35 stories people who sharing their faith in the marketplace asides mission, those stories, 14:41 there's nothing that can replace him. The money can't There's no other joy that you 14:45 can have in serving the Lord and saying God work in my day and is that sometimes 14:53 mysterious waiting, but he does it. So now it's your when every all ready to start 14:58 giving us some of these great stories where we're ready to hear them. All right. 15:01 >> Well, you know, we are going to have a fun evening tonight. We're going to show 15:04 lots of testimonies. Lisa is going to shift first. Lisa is involved with supporting 15:12 Ministry work and she'll ship first. And then Brian will share and then we'll have 15:17 dental if he's on. We'll have some share. And then back you share, OK, After that. But 15:22 it's or take tunes. >> Well, I got involved assign 1999 a few years after you and 15:29 I got involved because made he invents June. Yeah. Many, many people who grow up in a 7th 15:45 day Adventist. >> Families generation from times. They don't know why 15:47 their 7th day Adventists. You know, we were just it because our parents, our grandparents 15:54 act. And so I left the church for about 22 years. Not because I was mad or angry or 16:00 anything. It's just I really got into my career. Okay. then at some point I my father 16:07 asked me to come back into Minnesota. And help with this business since I did. And Don 16:14 dental had been trying to get asked to come to cipher a while, you know, and my candy 16:23 didn't but I want it was the most amazing experience. My father was very involved with 16:27 the vandalism going up. So I'd KHON 2, hundreds, not hundreds at least 10 event just means 16:34 calling up OK? But when I went there. It was the first youth for Jesus. And I think that 16:42 our young people like myself don't know why there had sit the church. It's not really 16:46 relevant to them. But our church was founded by young people. And it's going to be 16:52 finished by young I firmly believe that. And so, yes, I started this program where 16:58 they put you on the front lines of so many. And when you use experience. People getting 17:07 Bible studies to people and God's word actually changing their lives when they take 17:11 bags of alcohol and and cigarettes and all those things out of people's homes 17:16 and then they watch people's lives change and then they get baptized into into the church. 17:24 They understand their part in the last day work and they also understand that the 7th 17:31 Day Adventist Church is the remnant church and we have a if D***. Duty and commission 17:39 to well anyway, I was I I had my conversion experience there. And so, yes, I played a 17:47 big part in my conversion experience and then I was doing a lot of mission worked 17:53 aside, doing movie to new beginnings, DVD training around the world. I I I get 17:59 motion sickness. I'm not a good traveler. And so got tired of traveling all over 18:04 the place. And I wanted to. Sir full time. And so I told God, you know. Finding a place 18:14 and I wanted to serve full time in and he did. And I think when God calls you to a 18:21 specific place, no matter what other people say because people are like all your 18:26 making such a big sacrifice in. I'll tell you, I've been at Eden Valley for 12 years 18:32 and I have not made one sacrifice. always always provided. And he ended it. And 18:40 when you listen to guide annual no matter what the circumstances you're going to 18:47 be the happiest try, you know, like Abraham, I'm sure he left a very comfortable home. And 18:53 when to this wilderness. But look, look and his legacy. You know. And so God always has a 19:03 calling for for. Young people. And what I found working with you for Jesus for 15 years is 19:13 that if you set the standard this high for them, they'll v-chip. Okay. You know, they 19:19 preach. They do children's program day. Thanks. I think I have some pictures. If they 19:27 can put them But, you know, these young people. Let's see. So that's one of our young 19:34 people preaching next one. This is a group that we went to Battle Creek when we read 19:42 use for Jesus in Grand Rapids and they painted all the fencing is stuff around 19:48 elamites graven and things like that. This was a health care that we did in the in the 19:54 park and then the next one. Yes, this is interesting. You know, my brother, Brian 20:02 Hamilton. Yes. Oh, yeah. You guys know how many years? Yes, yes, okay. He's really 20:04 involved. His prison ministries. And so he asked us to do this and we put together 20:10 1400. Grocery sacks full of goodies. That another one of your, your partner, some 20:18 Christmas behind bars, Christmas behead by staff. So he brought a truck load. Yeah. 20:22 And our kids did it in 3 hours and he was so shocked. But we took it to the prison and we 20:30 shared and that it was it was an amazing experience for the kids. And so when when kids 20:35 and then the next one is that class, I think. If they put it anyway, so we teach the kids. 20:41 We mentor the kids. They give Bible studies. They preach. They do everything. And I 20:48 think it's a really important part of a s I that we invest in our young people. Yes, and 20:55 actually at the convention, the children's meetings are the best, you know, and and 20:59 I've heard this that we spend more money on the children's division programs, then we do. 21:05 And the adult program it. And so, you S I for me is very and so it it's played a big part. 21:14 In. Well, falling in love with God with Jesus and what he did and really understanding what 21:22 he did. How did that on The View you know, I went to the first thing that I mean, 21:29 they've entrusted meeting Orlando. It was the most chaotic, disorganized thing 21:34 you've ever probably don't >> But tonight it was like I heard those messages my whole 21:40 life. It was like I was Harry for the first time and I truly started understanding what 21:48 Jesus actually did. You know, in coming to this world. And not just a $0.25 but living 21:56 that life, you know, to And it was it was a a conversion experience, like I said. So it 22:05 yes. Oh, yes, I has had a big part in my in my walk with God. 22:12 >> And now before we move on, we were. This is your time. This is your moment. this is 22:17 your moment to tell. People may be watching that. Don't know about it in alley. Oh, 22:24 GOPro >> Thank you so Even Valley Institute, a wellness this 22:30 year is our 60th anniversary. Thanks 60th anniversary we have aspects to our ministry. 22:40 We have a lifestyle center, of course. you're ca Murray came yes D came. and so. We also 22:52 have a huge organic gardening program. And we are putting up more greenhouses. We're going 22:59 to have a one week intensive garden experience June 12 through 19th. Okay. And during 23:06 that week if you come, should cop and you've got to learn how to Pat seat. You learn how 23:13 to to put them transplant. It put him in the ground, cultivate harvest and market. 23:19 It want >> have pretty So get lots of sleep before you because 23:29 you're not going to be sleeping hutch it's it's that we have a farm program. 23:32 >> And, you know, it's really important because food scarcity is going to it. So we 23:38 want to teach as many people to grow their own food. Besides that, we have medical 23:43 missionary training program. We have missions around the world have been started by our 23:48 students. More are former staff and many countries. Yeah. And so we keep busy. 23:56 Thank you for coming. Is All right. Thank you for the Yeah. >> And Brian White, you going 24:01 go after you? I think that we have some time, OK? So. >> I learned sigh and what it 24:10 actually came close to fund Columbus, Ohio, which is in the Mid 1990's. And it was 24:16 just incredibly inspiring to hear stories see young people engaged. just being encouraged 24:24 to think of ways that we could actually be ministers. And so I'm a I got involved. church 24:31 doing things like five-day stop-smoking series and helping out with chip programs 24:38 and doing things like that. Not all saw every year trying to take a trip overseas, 24:41 usually to Africa. But the Russia and other places around the world. out of a us I 24:49 started the ministry that represent many of medical evangelism that work. And that 24:56 was really a group of physicians and dentists that have been meeting together in 25:00 an aside for years have been getting involved in that certain Christ in the 25:03 marketplace. But we met with Pastor family who's going to be the second hour. it just 25:10 convicted me that up to that point, my work was my work and I go to the hospital and I 25:17 treat patients. And that was how I earn money so that I could go on trips with how I 25:20 could spend time. I'm doing ministry in our church in the evening or on the weekends and 25:25 things like that. A man just radically challenged me to make my practice a So no 25:35 longer was that my work. It's easy as a physician to get burned out. It's easy to just 25:42 get into the Monday of trying to see enough patients to meet the bills and deal with the 25:47 insurance companies All those things are not real. The fun part of medicine right? Taking 25:53 care of patients from seeing them transformed is incredible. So that very a man 25:57 I was challenge just pastor family tells us to just figure out ways that you could have a 26:03 spiritual conversation. With their patients and the us and I really took it to heart to 26:12 just start praying with patients. at first I was like stuttering pick the ones that 26:20 look like you guys >> they were grateful. Well, it was the ones that were. 26:30 Kind of look likes social outcasts, the ones that were looked like they belonged in a 26:35 motorcycle gang. The ones that haven't to church for years that when I say by the way, 26:39 one of the things I offered to do is have a prayer. Would that be OK? They're the ones 26:44 that would just start getting tears in their eyes, that they would start Yeah, I've can 26:48 tell story after story. But I'm just a couple little to do it. So oh, yeah, we have. 26:56 We're all here. All right. you know, I just realize that the can only talk to the people 27:01 that come to the meetings as right everybody comes to my office from all walks of 27:08 right? Could include the homeless guy that takes the bus. That doesn't drive. But I 27:14 also have several people, the runner-up residents of Fortune 500 companies OK, flying 27:18 private jets. I won't rub shoulders with them in the airport. I can't go to their 27:23 community. It's gated there behind probably chauffeured that I don't even buy their 27:28 own groceries, but they come to my office and I have the opportunity to say, hey, by 27:31 the one, by the way, one of the things I offer does have a prayer chief of one of our 27:38 fire departments needed a heart valve work him up for that Dennis Heart by the way. 27:45 One of the things I offer does have a protecting that would be so wonderful, dark shorts 27:48 and he just got tears in his eyes. He just held my hand. And before we went before he 27:55 was going to have is actual surgery again, is that can you pray for me? I said yeah. Of 27:59 Prayer for you. And then about 10 minutes. There's a can you pray for me? One more time you 28:04 could just tell he was so nervous, but that he was clinging to that. So I've got 28:09 to know him know him over the years. Now I see him about once a year just to make sure 28:11 Zavala is working. Well, and it was a year or 2 later that he was 3rd to the last patient 28:17 of the day. He came in. We checked everything out yourselves doing great and 28:23 everything. But by the way, would be OK if I have a permit as you know, Doctor Schwartz 28:27 before you pretty. Can I ask you a question? he asked me, you're a smart guy. Why do you 28:35 believe the Bible is true? >> That turn into a 30 minute conversation. So minor and for 28:42 the first you have 2 more the next year. I said you have any questions. It goes. Well, can 28:48 I ask you spiritual question? >> And this is I said, sure, of But short-term we why do 28:57 you believe in creation to you really believe that God created our world? 29:03 >> And so we just went through that with him and open the Bible and start sharing it 29:05 with you. And I realized he having grown up going to he doesn't know a pastor. There's 29:13 probably nobody knocking on his door. But when he started having questions about the 29:18 Bible and questions about our origins and questions about God, he realized that because 29:22 I'd offered to pray with him. No, that would be safe to ask and I've convicted now that 29:31 every part of our life is a witness, even a forum vacation, even if we're 29:36 shopping, for whatever we're doing, there are opportunities to witness the people. And if 29:41 we can just open the door to a spirited conversation, there's a a world out there waiting 29:46 for that one other patient I is calling Billy. He kind of has a Mohawk kid doesn't have 29:55 sleeves and adjust Looks like a social outcast. He looks like the kind of guy that you 30:00 expect to just be sitting on the computer like a hacker, the home 30:04 >> he doesn't have is just not. >> It's a socially awkward so 30:10 I walked in the Sam's Club go about 3 miles down and turn the corners like, oh, there's 30:17 billet. You know what? He sees somebody that said, I got a couple aisles. Dow little 30:24 voice in my head, says no, go talk to it. So I walk over to Billy who offered to pray with 30:31 office was like, well, yeah, it doesn't do anything for me. But if you want to it's fun. 30:34 So although it does something for me, so I want to do so I will. Yeah. And bill is those 30:41 all Doctor Schwartz who just are talking to me for about 20 minutes. And he said that 30:46 shorts, I don't get it. But you really believe in the Bible and you believe in 30:50 creation. And so there was a 20 minute Bible study in the Middle Sam's club with a guy 30:54 that I almost passed by because, was afraid to. that's just challenge me to realize 31:00 that instead of saying, hey, I I feel for you all keep you in my prayers. that's opportunity 31:06 to say, hey, right now, let me pray with you. Yeah, and it's tells me to do that challenge 31:13 my friends to do that. Does little probably talk about that when he comes up next. 31:16 But it's just been revolutionary to to change my practice into a ministry and a 31:20 U.S. I was the beginning of that and how great that you offer a safe space for people 31:27 asked those questions because as you said, >> excuse me, there's no place 31:31 else to go. We And here you are a practicing physician. To whom they look up and then. 31:40 You are a believer and you believe in creation, not evolution it's to what a 31:48 blessing that is. What a light. Yeah. What a life. And the health message. You given 31:55 for the church doing back now, you know, dates better May 18 63 or whatever. 60. Thanks to 31:59 that to give. >> message to the world. I talking to somebody today who 32:04 works with the large printing press. so there may be watching invited him to watch 32:12 tonight. But as we were talking their word some little books is the truth about 32:20 series and do this is called the truth about the Lord's Day. But this company said she 32:27 said my mother one may ask a question, do you know anything about the blue zones? said, 32:33 yeah, she'd been studying in and she was very impressed with the 7th Day Adventist 32:37 from the health perspective. So I mean, what an opportunity in a valley and the use 32:43 doctors that you've able to say, you know, my first mission, truly, the opening 32:49 words is to serve the Lord and I can do it through people that would never otherwise. 32:55 You probably never dare walk up to him on the street and say, hey, you know, start 33:00 talking. But he came to through any open the door. So praise the Lord and wished all 33:03 of our physicians were like you all and everybody had a vision that, you know, God has 33:08 put us where we are for such an hours is to be a witness and share Jesus in the 33:14 marketplace, which is the same one of the things of a right? Amen. 33:18 >> I'm just going to share of a story. No, I don't see Don dentists and is go ahead and 33:24 no. Come on. When you when you look just go this market than employing them. 33:30 >> You know, mock Philly is so influential. I think in all of our lives. I've just several 33:38 stories that came out of assuming that mock Finley gave, OK, got it signed 2008 33:45 to cost visit title of the Salmon. And at the end of the suman, he said. He just over 33:52 the challenging about going door to door century goes. He says he saw this. This will be 33:56 happening the time of the end. Then the question was, did he see you? I remember thinking, 34:01 oh, you didn't see me because I don't do door to door. and it it's true. I At that point. 34:07 I was basically a set of very committed some of the fittest who really was involved 34:14 teaching summer school and do all these things but was not invested. I'm and so we my 34:22 husband, I but I did. My poor husband is private. He doesn't like to bother the neighbors. 34:28 What I figured buzz enables us OK, so we it lost just on a neighborhood evangelism 34:35 project that just has blossomed, OK, I'm going to get in the middle of it during 34:39 COVID might my twin sister Bryant's wife, Linda Schwartz in Mock did a signs of the 34:46 Times magazine together, she did the health. But, you know, the spiritual, you know, when 34:52 we get magazines as some of The Apprentice, we should read them and say not just read 34:57 them, but what am I going to do? But I just read. So the bright idea came to me. I'm 35:00 going make a little hand out and go to the neighbors, pass it out and give health tips, 35:08 including, you know, hockey coach shall lose. you know, eating of up at the start and 35:10 what not. When Ike and you know, this was during COVID. I remember thinking at the time 35:17 before this before I made that decision, there's not going to last very long. I was out 35:21 running one morning and it could to meet all these people. They don't know Jesus. 35:27 took me very deeply. The core of my being. They're going to die without knowing the Lord. 35:32 And so I went back home is a Sabbath morning. I went back There was no church. I typed 35:37 up the thing I cut and pasted. And but and passed out all the neighbors and I got the most 35:43 in the mailbox. Thank you so much for for this information about it. Health and hot and 35:50 coast, cetera, shows and whatnot. At the end of this handout that I gave the 35:56 neighbors. I said wind is over have a cooking school. I've never done a cookie in my 36:01 whole life. I love to cook. I'm a cook, but I have never done a cooking show cooking 36:08 program. I said we'll a cooking school now that was back in March. And I thought 36:13 COVID a physician. I think COVID going over the couple of months. It wasn't. I'm out 36:15 walking one day and then still called and he said I see goes how we do that. I said not so 36:21 good. You know, I want to have a cooking school and you know, I I not going to do this 36:25 because COVID is going on and on and on. And he said cooking school. I said zoom. what you 36:33 know about zoom and what do you know about cooking? And I'm thinking that's just 36:37 preposterous. So we did. And so at this time, I'd like to have my slides come up. I'm 36:44 your son, your home, a center of influence and they have those come up. So we decided. 36:49 And so Don and ends and on and he thought it does. So he's so generous. He said will come 36:52 and help you. So in our home opened a home up to have cooking school. Now this is 36:59 interest and know that he funny this is Brian and dental. They were our they 37:04 will or media Now I know. going maybe we Haha. So we had a hybrid cooking school. 37:14 >> We people online. The first we did was was on zoom. Then we did live streamed my 37:20 brother lows. Go big or go home. So we go big or go home. And so we had lighting 37:28 professional lighting. You can just stop there for no. And we had everything. And what we 37:33 did is we had health So my twin sister did one on food is medicine. Brian did want to 37:40 cut allergy on cutting out things in my husband did one on genetic. So we because it's 37:45 kind of upscale kind of a crowd that we were And so we did this and you can go back 37:50 to pictures now. We had a few of the cooking schools and Don so came and you can see I've 38:00 never do a cooking all of the other things the blender was in the way, also things. But 38:05 my focus was to have Bible That's the way was that this is the food that we're 38:10 showing. We did that keep going through. You can see the beautiful food that we We just 38:15 don't have to do the whole thing. But you can keep scrolling through. This was 38:18 for Christmas And I want to show you this was the most is we did everything we did from 38:24 scratch. We almost but not the House tell. there's hour of and this going to see or does 38:31 it. That was a and that we mean this moose in the front from what good. Yeah. It the 38:39 silken tofu. And that's and Garrett is we says all the food, the middle. we love to 38:45 cook by the time we got to this one. You know what? We sell This is what we did and 38:53 then keep going. This was the one I want to stop their We had one for children lost the 39:00 Meanwhile, all I want is to have have a have a Bible study come out of this. I want to 39:07 just pause and say one thing. Having help is very important, not just to get the the food 39:13 done, but because when you fall to at the word of God, they can call you up short and 39:19 say, wait a second backup because what happened was we have all the second enables 39:25 their, you know, business people there. Scientists there, all these people. I 39:29 didn't want to pray before we ate my sister that we are going to have to pray. And I 39:33 thought pretty. And so I did. I said we're going to pray because if I want to get 39:39 Studies, they need to know who we are dry. And so I prayed. And so every single where we 39:43 have that we So we go back to that. That's macaroni and cheese. By the and the deed to 39:52 coach. She's made from potatoes, carrots and had let's east, not Janell And so 40:00 we and some tacos. Donna had some that would call me. But there were one. That's we had 40:06 a quiz for the kids that we have prices. By the way people would come would give them 40:09 prizes. So we said to the kids, what do you think this is made from one board this 40:14 American cheese? We said no. This is this is a pot based cooking school American tasted 40:19 like American neighbors come You know, that was amazing that it too not that way. 40:32 Because then I said to myself, right, I want to do this because I want to have could 40:36 have Bible study I love giving, but I love discussing the Bible. It's my favorite 40:41 thing to so I said I'm done with cooking schools. Time started by But the Bible study 40:49 sort Christmas time. I'm a nice little bags, Christmas bags and I put someone to 40:51 food. I made some cookies. I Russian tea cakes. It's also to different things. Put them 40:57 in a bag with a with our Christmas to, know, we've never done a Christmas letter. 41:00 I don't know what got into me to do the Christmas legit and and be be didn't slip from the 41:06 point of Apologetics. We put the letter in there and invite them for 5 days. And so people 41:12 signed up for the Bible studies. Okay. So we at I mean, I remember running 41:16 around the House. Just delighted. And my husband said, Let's pray has to be 41:22 paid. In fact, the Lord that the goal is met, the state's ongoing. So please pray for 41:27 this. You know, I was I was dumped out of the cooking Exuma or is it will be headed 41:37 was high. But still we had 12 people are home. It was kind of competition. We said the 41:41 first 6 people that signed up because you know what they were doing, the kind of 41:45 policing the causing your neighbor and your your driveway. Yes, but people can 41:48 book it was a neighborhood. And so they do who was inside the event of the the the the 41:54 stories of people to sit on and whatnot. People came in this out, but we 41:59 socially-distant December, though she does people wore masks as you saw and be live 42:02 streamed all. So we said, let's get. Go big or go home website and everything. And we 42:11 put our recipes on there. We had to live stream of the second time colleagues from 42:15 work. We have been likes to be gave them. They could call in the answers to quiz is that we 42:20 gave and what not. But yeah, we did that end. Well, tell you that things should go 42:24 through to get a Bible study, but I'd gone door knocking to got bus Taser that I could 42:29 tell that story a little bit late to fi have time see the time is fleeting ajo way. And 42:35 haven't even half through yet. And was. So that's a And so now it's done individually 42:39 there. If they can. Let's go Give their down and enjoy all there. 42:46 >> We're right. >> All right. They will get you on the monitor here in a 42:51 minute. But meanwhile, you >> There are. Excellent. >> It's good to see all. 43:01 >> no, dear. I As I growled and we're so happy to join you. We would to have that 43:08 their b***. That's what wasn't doing his best. So we felt Yeah, my words, aren't we 43:15 happy about what has been shared tonight? You what happened to us during COVID 43:22 Dems? All you know It was at the scene and never let a crisis go to And we decided 43:28 that we didn't want to take. We want take advantage of the opportunity. 43:33 >> what was going on in our country. You know, I've been on the banking. That's how we 43:37 make are living, you know, but a real jobs telling others about Jesus. And the thing is 43:43 that when I was busy with customers because we had to stay open the whole time 43:48 >> they were fearful. There are afraid. There is a lot of questions. What was going to 43:52 happen in this world and what was going to happen with this virus and everything that went 43:56 on. And so we decided we were going to get involved in that. We're going to do Bible 44:02 studies. So we got involved John branches program that yet online and supported. That is 44:09 a church and interesting thing that happened there is there are only 2 churches in 44:14 Minnesota that did that. So all of a sudden after about 6 months we get we get half of 44:19 the state of Minnesota. >> southern part other part and then someone else took the 44:24 northern part of a people that one request arrival studies. And we said, OK, let's start 44:33 calling. So fortunately, we hired we heard a couple by workers help us and they 44:38 started calling and they got someone who want to Bible study you. 44:40 >> I heard the conversation and I just happened to say to our Bible worker because they 44:46 were living here with us. I said, you know what? I know who could do that? Bible 44:52 study. And she said my and feel good with geography. Okay. I didn't realize 45:00 actually how far it was a way Hopper was that the vote 2 anyway, don't insult roll that 45:11 for Sunday to go and meet this gentleman it was I out locked apartment as far as that's 45:19 complex. And so basically double came back. He says I can't get in and I said I am 45:25 going to stay in this car and that God will get you and you go back to that and the bandit 45:34 let you in. Who are not in the door and his little startled in risk because of COVID 45:46 everything we like to go outside and goes sure. And so we walked outside and went a 45:50 table and we said there's certain talking. >> And as we talked, he says, 45:54 you know, I really would like to study the Bible. He said, but other review pretty 46:00 strong, he said. But I have 2 questions for you. First of all, you my studying with the 46:03 EC said And I said, no, whatsoever, but idea what I was doing. I think it do want 46:10 to make it to, you know, but I said no, no problem. He said the second thing is this Ellen 46:17 might you know, we I was use that as a hammer. I don't want to. And would you bring light 46:21 very says I really don't think that's a good thing to do. What was stated Bible. But he 46:26 said this is John Bradshaw. He really brought to light to life. So I'm I'm open, but not 46:29 really open about it. Haha. So I said, OK, no problem. So we set up appointment to meet the 46:34 next week, a game, the first Bible study. And so they got my car called a passive, 46:42 really is. That's your family. What are going to give bottles and bricks at this? I don't 46:44 want to do. You know. And so he told very kindly how to do it. And so we did it. And so 46:51 every week I drive up to meet with them and to make a long story short, I tell you, 46:56 though, that a lot of people worked on this. It wasn't just me it is very Call John Bracha 47:02 told makes it the exciting thing about it. But those Bible study, he's pretty poor. 47:08 And so the next week when I Malcolm that he started that meant so much to him. That 47:16 talking to our executive committee and come to find out the and hope that they're 47:20 working with them before as well. And there is another of missions. There's several 47:26 people immigrating from Malcolm through the years for so we went through the 47:31 complete bubble city every week went up to visit him. meant Park bench. You've got 47:35 kind of cold, but that's okay. to make a long story short Eeas re baptize a man. know is 47:44 well, give this Bible study. We have another gentleman or company who at our church, who 47:51 is, by the way, come came into the church to jury ABN and he was 3ABN. It's a long story, 47:56 but it's a really great one. He watched 3ABN and he came into the Cher's. I want to be 48:03 baptized. All right. he actually when I after I sat down and went through is a 48:09 police with them. And I will tell you he knew more than 90% of her at this doing our 48:14 church knew about or really are our fate. Just by watching the law. Well, he's a very 48:20 easy wants to share Jesus everywhere he goes. So unique is repped next week. So we 48:25 went call the place all opening walked up to him, say can you fix my room of that to 48:30 make a long series dirty searcher and Jesus and he asked him to come to church. 48:34 So Brandon comes to church and that we've done is preaching. >> Yes, I was preaching and 48:40 God just impressed me. And he said, you know, Donna, you need to ask if there's anybody 48:45 interested here that would like to have Bible studies that there are people more 48:48 than willing in our church that would like to do that. >> So I did. I ask and all of 48:53 a sudden I saw him shake his hand. Yes. >> I couldn't get off that 48:59 stage. there is somebody that wants to thank my will states. You got to go and and I He 49:10 said yes. And so we started Bible group in in our in my office. 49:18 >> Paul Paul joined is Brandon is Sunday. joined has been some other people long. Wait, 49:24 wasn't, you know, they start for a while and then we're still praying and working with 49:27 them to make a long story short in January and December of last they were baptized 49:40 >> Brandon is Dylan and so that cases to the next. But during that time, 49:44 >> we have been sending, oh, is that what people is is hard to get Bible studies. It's not 49:49 today, right? It's simple get out your credit card call 3 I call it is written given the 49:56 zip code. You want to send the mailer too. mail that mailers out. And within a few weeks 50:02 you're going to get Miller is back saying I want to say the It is that easy to do. We did 50:08 that 3 times in our area as its COVID time. We've really seen. Normally we get to Bible 50:17 studies. We were averaging ID laws we had was like 24 and the eyes was 32 Bible times. 50:24 We did 3 times we we start saying the Bible stay in the Bible with people. we got this 50:32 other gentleman of stay with the J and he's a worse in the Bible with and was really But 50:38 it was I was studying the Bible with him and then all of a sudden, Donna has a cooking 50:42 school. And I said, would you like to come to the cooking school literature? Jingle 50:46 sure. I'd love to come. So he came to cooking school on the funding that it was a Sunday 50:56 Yeah. Wouldn't even know what I'm right. and so we're going we're I'm sure the church he 50:59 he went to school. He says. >> Could can anyone come to your church? Can the would be 51:04 OK if I came to church? And I says, course, we love become a teacher. He said what Amazon 51:08 did you have it? Haha, I said we go to church on Saturday. He okay. And he said, you 51:15 know, it's interesting because we've been talking about a sister who's very spiritual. 51:19 He said, you know, my sister goes to church on Saturday and I go really. And so after a 51:24 talk a little bit more, come to find out. She's so the evidence. 51:29 >> OK? and he didn't know what he had to go. Ask her. >> Anyway, he's studying. What 51:36 makes this even better is the fact that now I Brandon to get with a DJ. And Brandon now is 51:43 giving the Bible studies to AJ Okay and then each assisting with the brand Paul are given 51:50 the Bible studies. So it's really exciting to see how not only are we getting people 51:57 that learned how to get I mean, get Bible safe. Another giving Bible as well. That's 52:02 and I think that's one of the most beautiful things that we have going on. don't get it 52:07 working together. But now beyond that, we've we also very been involved with our 52:14 that One of the things that's happened here is we had aired footage or in Rochester at a 52:20 live event. Well, we decided in does center, which is 20 miles away that we would do it 52:27 via video. And we actually sent out fliers and things like that. And it just so 52:32 happens that we did that. And a lot of people came, we're really, really surprise. You 52:38 know, I think now because what's happening, we need to really look relook at 52:42 everything. It's not business as usual. I think that opportunities to do of of 52:48 opportunities to get Bibles. are more now more than ever. they end up and to to make a 52:55 long story short. We had couples come to our our come to the meetings. They're going 52:59 to one tie one time to make a long story short. They came the whole time. They came to 53:05 the old meetings but the new afterwards we got to visit with a massive move. They'd 53:11 like to say that by longer, yes, some more. what are we doing now? 53:17 >> Well, every Friday night we have a Bible study here in our home and they have been 53:21 joining us and we are just this, sherry. And so this is why we became members of an 53:29 sign because we learn from others how to share Jesus. And I'm telling you, there is 53:34 nothing. Absolutely nothing like sharing Jesus and then and thank you for allowing us 53:42 this opportunity because we get so excited and so passionate about sharing Jesus 53:47 it's hard, not stop. We have about the safety of our bank every week. 53:55 >> On Friday, on Monday morning, Monday afternoon your work. you have Bible say that 53:59 you're doing as well with the within the community as lady. I've got a lot going on. 54:05 >> But you know what? God gives us the time. And I'm just grateful really and truly 54:12 it is size been a huge part of our life and we are so grateful. 54:17 >> We really are some thank you for letting us share. >> Thank you all for being 54:21 here. What? Perfect timing. You must have a clock. We're only down to 3 minutes. just 54:29 like you're setting here in the studio and got the clock, which is So after hearing all 54:32 of this, there may be people watching right now and maybe their answers. What would you 54:37 say the folks at home about to? >> Joining a as I are getting 54:42 to know is Iowa. What could you say in the next couple minutes? Yeah. 12 minutes. You 54:47 know, we had many war stories that would have really inspired people. But, you 54:49 know, there's something in your hand. And there's something that you can do that 54:55 the Lord has in your reach. There might be a talent that you have. There might be 55:00 something that you have that you can do for the Lord. I would invite you to come to or 55:05 S I convention convention is where I mostly became in a joyous to should Jesus Christ. 55:15 We have great speakers. all of us have mentioned Mott family tonight. We're not lifting it 55:20 up as God. We're not. But he's touched our lives in different ways. Each of us differently. 55:27 When you come in, you hear assuming you hit testimonies, believe you me. We're not even 55:32 half through what the time is already gone. But I just encourage you if you have the 55:36 hot for the Lord to come side because you have ideas thrown at you that you didn't even 55:44 think that were possible. You know, one of the things that happen in your neighborhood, 55:46 we noticed a neighbor who was robust of one point then begun to kind of look very different 55:55 can make up for a long story. Short. But he had Lou Gehrig's disease and I went to his home 56:03 and I said, you know, it seems that something is wrong. Many any said, yes, I've got Lou 56:08 Gehrig's disease. I said, what can do for us to do like things eat? He said I love 56:11 beings. I said, oh, I know beans. The beans every Friday we have haystacks it comes to 56:20 his whole got dressed up, came to our home. So if you're having haystacks of someone 56:26 loves beings, invite people to your home, that led to a ministry that my husband is 56:29 involved in with that family know. So they're just a lot of things that you can do. You 56:33 can see somebody that needs Jesus. Don't pass anybody by and frank uncertainty. Like 56:41 you almost did that man. But this need to shoot. So yeah, praise the Lord. Wait. Now we 56:46 only have about. >> Less than a minute. Do we have a Web site? May be that I 56:52 kind of put me on the spot there. People can serious eye. Yes, yes, yes, I'm ministries 56:57 dot org. Okay on that. There are several drop down things. There's membership case. We 57:03 know they are Yeah, there it is. That's it. Tell them when they're gone next come the end 57:07 zone and the next convention case you inspired and want to come here. stories are even 57:11 better than it's going to August 3 to 6. >> Of 2022 in Orlando, 57:18 Florida. Okay at the Rosen, Shingle Creek. We're going to have fantastic speakers. 57:23 >> So we can find more Find out more about it little bit later on. You can always go to 57:27 the website. I can't believe this first hour when you're talking about Jesus enshrined 57:33 this testimony mean time flies when you're having fun what we want you to do as you were 57:38 going to give a bathroom break. who seconds. Maybe minute or 2. And then we 57:43 invite you to come right back for the ♪ 57:50 ♪ |
Revised 2022-05-06