3ABN Today Live

The Lord's Day

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220014A

00:00 ♪ >> I want ♪
00:58 ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to
01:11 another 3 ABN behind the scenes program. You know what? I'm excited.
01:15 >> Why are we excited here at 3 ABN with Reagan is all about evangelism. That's one reason.
01:18 >> Another reason is the Lord is King right? have nothing to worry about. He's the one
01:24 that's in control of this world and everything that's going on in it. Another
01:27 Islamic side of this evening is spring has sprung. Spring is springing. you're very good
01:38 at the and southern Illinois and the trees are coming into bloom in the grass is turning
01:44 green and growing taller. Mister Dan the grass. but it's a great time to be alive.
01:50 Spring time to me is just here. We have 4 seasons. I always love spring time
01:55 because it's just a reminder again about new life. New beginnings, right? And to me,
01:58 that is hope, right? Hope that there's a new day. So I don't know whatever's going on in
02:03 your life right now, but God has you here for a reason and a purpose and 3ABN is here for
02:09 a reason and a purpose and that's to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So
02:12 tonight is a pack program. >> That's right. And I was going to say, yes, I did.
02:17 Tonight is I get to sit next >> rest of our family. you know, think about evangelists
02:29 and 3ABN is all about evangelism and night. We're going to hear about
02:32 evangelism. >> In Trinidad and Tobago. Alright, evangelism in Russia.
02:36 Yes. Evangelism in Cuba. And I think I'm Angela some right here as well. Oh, absolutely.
02:42 And that's exciting. And we have a family with us here, Mister Danny Doctor, Yvonne,
02:46 so glad to have you here tonight. And it feels like you are all out to be hosting.
02:53 >> a certain age now where enjoy. told her. And of course, I told you yesterday
03:00 about Gregg said about program upcoming. Yeah, you host and I said a lot and I really love
03:06 just sitting at the other who looked at that and work for 30 years. But now it's kind of
03:13 turned it into work. And I got what you clock and do all that we're just kind of be here and
03:19 few happy to hear the news. Thank you so much. Always for your vision for the ministry
03:23 of 3ABN, you know, you've been faithful to the calling on your life.
03:26 >> And I think about all the souls will be talking about souls that are coming to the
03:29 kingdom because of 3ABN, that's thanks to you. Listen to the call of God on your
03:33 life. So thank you so much for that. That I can honestly say that Vision's never d*****.
03:38 It's only gone brighter Maybe that's part of getting older to show you start looking at
03:40 your life and you know how much time got a lot year on world. And you start saying,
03:48 you know, this world is not my home. I'm just passing treasures are laid up
03:53 somewhere beyond the blue. The Angels back in May from heavens open door and I can't
03:57 feel at home in this world anymore. so when you put great centers reversed what she
04:07 said, no, they just pop into my mind. >> But honestly, what a
04:12 privilege to be living in these close history and what we're seeing happening now,
04:18 the America's people are amazed when they listen to the Miracle Stories. 3ABN, they
04:23 talk about all these their Big America's happen now, daughters June things. It's
04:28 amazing right now. He did what he did to get us going. But it's not like well, we live on
04:32 the past because we're living in today. That's what God is going to be doing tomorrow and
04:37 get this gospel of the kingdom and all the world. And we get to be part of banks to you and
04:43 those without you at home. We couldn't do much yourself. My dad used to support. I convey
04:50 to sick you know. >> Just for you're not a Tony. Much What even we couldn't
04:58 feed us a check and bought with you and everybody joining together. We can. And so
05:04 literally we can reach the world and I counted and opportunity. thank you, Greg,
05:09 in jail for what you do. There are no words. I will say this publicly. There are no words
05:15 that I can possibly form to say. To, to give you and I don't people understand this
05:22 and they're trying to give you credit but say how that you allow the Lord to work through
05:29 you. We credit the Lourdes right. But you are open and you guys are an incredible
05:33 team and water prevent and that's fun to work with you. It's really made where get in
05:38 that position over 2 years. I don't think we've ever had a disagreement No, I literally
05:41 can say we've never had any, OK, great. I don't okay. Gio. You don't do this and rate. I
05:48 mean, it's been fantastic because we're on the same page all of us because and all of
05:54 us here that I don't Johnny's been or 30 some years. I don't guess we have we ever had a
05:56 cross word. I don't when mayor's no. I mean, honestly haven't. That doesn't
06:04 everything is perfect. But I'm saying our vision, yes, now we may have a difference. And
06:07 what kind of food we like, you lot of you do you know whatever. But when it comes to
06:13 the gospel, we're on the same page. We should be with most of our viewers, you watching
06:18 because it's a really it's a really simple things. Jesus said, go ye into all the world
06:25 and and we believe the church we have an end-times message or an end-times people. Its a
06:30 3 angels messages to give to last and I'm world it's a love message. A warning message for
06:36 last a generation people and we've been entrusted with that. And so thanks to you as
06:41 we join together in our vision showing John and all of us, you home des Gospel of the
06:46 kingdom is going into all the world. And so today we're going to get to Yeah, here
06:50 some of that 6 citing it not so exciting to be a part of the ministry.
06:56 >> That has vision to reach the world and is doing all these different projects.
07:01 Every time I hear about a new project get super excited. Yes, because that's what it's
07:06 all about. And the Lord has given us what we need. And because of you, we can get the
07:14 gospel to the world right now. I mean, it's it's amazing how many new always talk about how
07:18 many miles a minute the >> one in 2003 and the signal. Yeah. Those 22,300 miles to
07:27 space at the speed of light 186,200 miles per second. Yeah. Like 9 different
07:33 satellites around the world comes back down. So the time it leaves here right now,
07:38 anywhere in the world, the farthest place probably from here on Planet Earth is down
07:42 in the homes in less than 3 seconds >> So
07:48 >> when you say that last events will be rapid people so high and uh, you know, Jesus
07:52 coming and they sought in 18, 60. He was coming or whatever, you know. And I said, well,
07:58 how much faster if the world last 1000 years, how much faster could you get the you
08:07 gained a second. So, I mean, so we are there were there and they are around the large
08:11 waiting on his people to stand up to be counted. And that's the thing right now. The
08:16 people have to understand and that's why we do what we do in order to not do not. none of
08:23 us are perfectly understand that. But the gospel is. And so we're promoting and
08:27 diluted. 3 Angeles message is one that would counteract the And thanks to you a multitude
08:34 of people every day here on radio watch on television computers, you know, Internet
08:41 cable all kinds. It would literally around the world. It's amazing.
08:45 >> It is. I'm a Bible open Isaiah 6. And you know, the call of Isaiah and what did he
08:49 say when God called him here? Am I send me? Yeah. And to me, that's the mission in
08:53 commission of 3ABN to go ye into all the world and share the gospel. A new joining
08:57 hands with us to share that gospel to the world. We've got to introduce the rest of her
09:03 family, even though we've been talking about you. leak win whose program development
09:08 manager here in producer at 3 bands. So glad you're here tonight.
09:12 >> Oh, I'm so glad to be here. It's exciting to with the family. It's exciting to be
09:16 with you. And I just want to remind you that God's mercies are new every morning. And
09:21 that's what people find as they watch 03:08PM. Is there call to God his mercies? His
09:27 has said his love for you and for me. And you know what I love about working at 3, a B,
09:33 a every morning. I wake up with purpose. So >> And grown and of course,
09:42 Pastor John Donne, the general manager of Chadian >> And always a joy to have
09:45 you here and excited about reports we're going hear tonight.
09:49 >> Well, it's a blessing to be here. amazing what God is doing and I'm excited because
09:55 you're seeing more and more things take place. Amazing will amen. Before we go into
09:59 all those reports, we have some music we know that you love music as well. Some great
10:04 friends of the ministry. >> Have you personally, Mister de Creme on all of us here.
10:10 And that's Reggie and Lady Love Smith. And they're going to bring us a beautiful song
10:14 this evening entitled I'll never know.
10:33 >> Don't 2 comfrey >> although along >> With this
10:49 >> Why >> you >> live to
10:59 >> you >> use >> and
11:19 >> just >> been >> the
11:39 ♪ ♪ I'm good
11:51 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:35 ♪ ♪ >> a man. Thank you so much,
13:48 Reggie. And they love Smith with a powerful song. love them. And what a blessing.
13:54 history. >> I can't help but seeing the 3rd them a lot. But all I love
14:02 them. And that song is so beautiful. They wrote that song. Did they I think they
14:08 wrote it with a co wrote it but was someone else with Marty Fund a robot?
14:12 >> Yeah. That song is so beautiful. message, what a Incredible. Incredible. Not
14:17 only musicians singers, but you know, Christians from the battle.
14:20 >> From front lines for Jesus saw him recently our friends on the the Grammys like on the
14:27 red carpet and all dressed up and well, they both look so good. And I was proud to say,
14:32 look, heres some Christians in on good friends of as they're out there here, 2 Grammys,
14:36 they were nominated with the Gators Forum and Take group of the year. Something it was a
14:45 big guy that you it's actually called and said, should we go to something like this are
14:49 said absolutely, because, you know, as the Lord will put people in your that need to
14:54 hear about him and represents is so they said, well, we know how people feel about because
14:59 it's very secular. I said, look, anytime you get a chance to go or people in shoulders
15:04 with people and and have infant than talking about the I'm definitely would go and
15:11 they didn't glad they did. And they have a number of stories of people that they were able
15:15 to talk to him for is that they were you normally wouldn't get in there. You
15:19 >> Gracious, though, that May called an ask you this. shows their heart. Speaking of
15:30 evangelism in sharing brother, Rodney Reynold is 3ABN representative in Trinidad and
15:35 Tobago. We had the privilege and opportunity I think was 2 years ago.
15:37 >> Just before air in some of the income credible. There's a picture Romney, the incredible
15:44 outreach efforts they have passed out 10 Commandments, twice removed books through
15:50 out the island. They have passed numerous books that have come from here. We're
15:57 getting ready to send the focus on truth, folks there as well. And just this week,
16:04 Rodney, send us of praise woman by the name of Michelle walked into a local 7th Day
16:10 Adventist Church. It was there and let me find port of Spain. Trinidad, if the wood brick,
16:14 7th avenues church, this was April 9. have just last Abbott. She's been watching
16:19 3ABN for a year and a half. She received the book 10 Commandments twice removed in
16:25 her mailbox. There about a year ago. She's been just flip the channels watching 3ABN and
16:30 see so excited about the truth that she's discovery. >> Yeah, she started Bible
16:37 studies and the pastor and the local church just embraced her. And this is just last and
16:42 these type of stories. This is these happen all the And so we're sharing these with you
16:47 because this is behind the scenes, but it's about what God is doing and the sharing
16:50 with you to the you are making an impact. We received the mail just across the office
16:54 from Jilin myself every single day here. Lots of mail comes into the ministry of 3ABN,
16:59 there are so many stories of lives that are changed, but also in those envelopes as
17:05 well comes the support for 3ABN that allows us to go to the world and you're making a
17:09 difference. this lady's life, Michelle and and and what what incursion men?
17:16 >> Traveling over to Russia, talk about Freeman, Russian doctor. Julio, can of his, of
17:19 course, executive director over there. We get reports that's a picture of Doctor.
17:25 Julia, there's billary on the right and the Dean is production manager. He's on
17:31 the left and then that that looks like a as well. She works with the ministration
17:34 there, too. So and there's the incredible building over there that houses, of course, 3ABN
17:41 rush of the conference, the church school. So many things there that we get reports in
17:46 the past that he missed a day. We get reports every week from them and what they're
17:52 accomplishing and doing. And just last week they added another cable system and Brady
17:57 are currently on 547 cable yeah. And that covers 3,000. >> 610 cities and towns. Wow,
18:10 the country of Russia. So the gospel, it's still going forward even under difficult
18:18 circumstances. >> Yeah, thank you so much for calling. In many of you have
18:22 called through. Also social media. You've asked in the letter is how is that? We're
18:29 going in Russia with 3ABN because of all the conflicts happen if Ukraine and
18:33 everything. We want to encourage you that things are going well there. And like Joe
18:35 mentioned, things are still growing and expanding there as well. But we do need to
18:39 remember them in prayer. Our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and everyone else
18:42 that's affected by war that's going on over there right now, too. But Mister Dennis, all
18:49 sister, Julie, you can is always encouraging is that she talking with her. She is is
18:53 hard for my mind to comprehend that this coming month of May will be 30 years show a sense
18:59 Carter invited 3 a we did a joint effort, went on the air. >> Raise the money needed to
19:06 go to Russian hold evangelists. 6 series is there were as many 20,000 people a
19:11 night would come the building on the whole 7,000 in the great city of Nizhny formally
19:16 Gorky and to see, you know, do 3 services a night because the people demanded it and they
19:22 didn't have cars and and most of them couldn't come. Tran said they walked, they they
19:30 they I mean, it was amazing how they got there, but they would be there and the meeting
19:32 would be over, John. And then to end of the meeting that be 1000 outside the doors
19:38 literally saying let us in and people would be with megaphones announcing through
19:43 that glass. It was a sports center. Sorry, the meetings over come back tomorrow night
19:47 and they do. They said no, we we demand to be. And tonight we want to hear about Jesus. I
19:53 mean, amazing. Never forget the the older gentleman probably weren't much older
20:00 may now. he's probably 7 day at the time. It and I remember that was beating on the glass
20:08 megaphone. So asked a translator no joy at that point. So I said what he's
20:11 saying because they're saying go away with it and had 2 meetings, no more meetings
20:16 tonight come tomorrow night. You'll have to wait. Beating and screaming in Russian. I
20:21 said what's he saying, please? Let's go over there. So we listened through. She said he
20:25 said we've been waiting 73 years to hear about Jesus and enough let us. And good
20:35 doesn't it, though, with that 7,000 out? >> you know, and so 30 years
20:41 is this is the anniversary of since we went there and then shortly after that, after 2532
20:47 baptisms was able to build, the Lord opened up the doors to buy a facility Russian 73
20:56 years. And no one no foreigners ever owned any property. Most people then
21:00 known property that Boris Nemtsov, the governor opened it up. They called him the
21:04 most Democratic governor and all of that. The ex Soviet Union. And so he opened up the
21:11 doors and 3 ABM was one of the he allowed 13 companies to foreign companies to purchase
21:17 a property at that time and like 2 or 3 years later, we were the only one still and
21:23 business. 30 years later. We're still there operating as you want to sell a tea of
21:28 several 100,000 Square Feet Conference. Shares that with us. I mean, it's amazing
21:33 facility. Thousands and thousands of people all across the ex Soviet Union can watch
21:39 a 3 ABN Russia. And so we have studios there. But sister JoJo can now that was bad ties. Use
21:46 the professor of English, her special day and then sticks was a course English, the
21:54 doctors. And so doctor, Joy, you came to the meetings just to hear the much she said was
22:01 English language, though, John Carter, nice differently. >> understood him. But at the
22:09 university there that language quick sidetracked, a university came to me and
22:14 said, could we get you to come to language university department. We we want to take
22:20 you and I said take me what I said. Oh, just reading a book. And I said you got in they oh,
22:26 yes. So they gave me some Hochul wary fan or some, you know, Tom Sawyer Little book
22:32 and they put me in a little and they did so afterwards. I said through the translator,
22:36 why are we doing this? And they said, well, John Carter's die like we we understand we
22:43 know American dialects. Well, we know the Southern. We know the Midwestern. We know the,
22:47 you know, the different areas, the New York, the eastern, but yours is on sounds a little
22:58 southern, but we're not really is. And so we want to we want to study So that's fun. and
23:07 one more to start out. I would INS if you want want to do well, I grew up around here
23:13 say and unions And that's one of the things. One, a star to speak in public. They had to
23:17 do away with you. Can't you know, instead of you all do all of you depending where you
23:20 are like you all so we always say unions mean Young's come people leave the Italians
23:27 come, you know. And so they didn't even understand what that meant.
23:32 >> Neither did. I Haha. I have said that in a long time and just locally. They all that to
23:38 my my sister still does that. I think. But I got away from that. But anyway, what a
23:44 privilege to be there and the Lord Open up these doors. Joey was baptized and her brother
23:49 was a great support for 3, a man many years and sadly and thing 2015, he was
23:55 assassinated there in Red Square was. so. >> But Julia, thank you for
24:00 what you do for the cause of God. And I mean, all of these years, 30 years, she so
24:05 faithful. And I've always said, if I could count everybody I've ever met in my
24:09 life at that end of the biggest a spiritually in many ways, Joe, you would be on the
24:14 one hand because that's the kind of person that she is individual and her willingness
24:20 and say hello to momma to on to an inch to about it. What's happening over there now? The
24:28 Lord Open up the doors. We were concerned about what was happening. Yes, because every
24:35 month we send money from you to Russia to help keep it going. That's right. And so we
24:40 were trying to get it before the banks closed. We were able to get enough. Greg, you tell
24:44 us to the end of the year to the end of the year to the end of 2022, so praise the Lord
24:48 because like Mister Denny said, you just send it on a monthly basis. And so, yeah,
24:52 we just stepped out of faith. The money was their right. And just let's just send it in
24:56 just in case and sure enough praise the Lord. It made it there just what just in the
25:04 nick of led. Tell us a little bit about that. You know, that's a miracle, too. So in
25:07 the latter part of 2021, we had had a need there in 3 of in Russia to put an led wall
25:15 up now in led was like what you see on the 3ABN stage or behind Sabha school panel.
25:20 Basically it's a massive TV, right? It's a huge TV. So there are 3 even Russia. They
25:24 had a need for that as well because they had storage issues with said they needed
25:27 to expand a little bit. So a donor stepped forward at the end of 2021. Said what are the
25:32 needs of 3 been Russia? We said, oh, they could use an led wall. So the purchase was
25:36 made at the end of 2021, we had no idea of the sanctions and the cost inflation. There
25:42 is going sky high as well. So again, just what in the nick of time they led Wall was
25:48 purchased, a donor stepped forward and it's on order and should be there shortly again.
25:55 Praise the Lord for that. Also, are trying to finish the control room. Sister Julia,
26:00 who felt impressed late last year as well to we need to finish this. We need to get
26:03 this done. We need to get the equipment. She flew over here with some of the team met with
26:08 Doctor Moses. They flew back with some of the equipment and again, just in the nick of
26:12 time because of the almost impossible now to get that same equipment for the same
26:17 price. So even if he even a vehicle as well, I know, yeah, they had a vehicle that was
26:20 literally rusting away and they also need to go to churches to promote 3ABN
26:25 Russia to be able to pick people up from the airport to a lot of their projects. So
26:30 again, a donor stepped forward. Thanks to you. You may be watching tonight said,
26:33 you know what? I feel impressed to give money for new vehicle and that vehicles
26:38 purchased in pretty much. You can find a new vehicle there at all in Russia right now,
26:41 just in the nick of time. And they provided for 3. Again, Russia is encouraging. You
26:46 know, when we hear the stories, we see how God is working, we're sharing these
26:51 with you not to pat ourselves on the back, but to encourage you as well. God is in
26:55 control, step out in faith, do what he's asking you to do. And he will take care of all
26:57 these things. I I'm encouraged. You've lived this mister Dan East since the
27:03 beginning, 38 years for Joe and myself were just young chickens, right? myself and
27:18 the But anyway, you know, to see what for us to be experiencing it.
27:23 >> experienced and he's experience. Oh, there you with the inexperienced, you were
27:34 haha, you can if you can jump out of the whole al Qaeda climax. Haha. But for if you
27:43 talk about a walk of faith and you talk about encouraging to see God's in all of the all of
27:49 these things that are happening here. It's encouraging very encouraging
27:51 to see the funds come in. >> Because we don't know where these funds are coming from
27:55 the goddess and he's using you as a vessel to spread the gospel to world. I encourage
27:59 everyone to do what the lords impressing you to do no matter what it feels like Sounds like
28:04 no matter who's in your air. >> Saying no, I can honestly saying, look to you and before
28:10 God and say, if I can do anything that I wanted to do and my whole life, I would do
28:16 exactly down when it can. 3 ABN into ministry is now a lot of things in my life. lot of
28:23 junk summit abroad on myself. Some of it. The Dell doesn't like those on the battlefield.
28:27 So all of that stuff, no one. All of that that I've been through weather brought on the
28:33 sell 4 are dead nor the devil that I still would do exactly what I've done as far as
28:39 taking been a part of 3ABN, taking that call and build a television station to reach
28:42 the world because there's nothing like it. I never once people say, you know, about
28:48 working here, you know that in the last several years, you know, you retired us in on
28:54 that retired And when you're going to retire some I kind of work. You don't. Yeah. And kuz
28:58 I how do you retire from something that you and where you never worked?
29:03 >> But I never considered what I've done has been this last nearly 38 years as work. it's
29:09 just every day. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm Jill, such a great organizer.
29:13 You raised the Lord. You are a man like me. I have no idea. Just wake up and whatever
29:19 happens happens and somehow same stall intention is to go forward. Take the Gospel. Know
29:26 you want to do that God has called us to go. You and all the world. is on the go. So 3,
29:30 a B in Russia is doing great stances. So and I encourage people I wrote a little thing
29:38 on Facebook and courage. People don't get too involved. And who's right and who's
29:44 wrong? That's good. Is Russia wrong as Ukraine you know what? Who causes? We don't
29:50 know. We only hear media and media and say what they want to say. We don't know all
29:55 that. We know as we have brothers and sisters. >> On both sides that are not
30:00 just their around the world. That's right that we don't care about. doesn't make the
30:05 news every day. But things that are happening and people are being killed and political
30:09 by, you know, good point. Is it going political? I mean, groups around the world. And
30:14 our job is just to pray. And the Lord help us to reach as many as we can protect these
30:20 people. There's a reason for what is happening. Many of those people going to Poland
30:25 right now talk to Mark family. He's on the way over to Poland and the church with immigrants
30:30 to support, you know, idea is maybe what turns out to something terrible for people
30:36 will be introduced to Jesus and maybe they weren't before. So all of this, then God 10.
30:40 So please, let's don't get on and start saying all of this country is bad. This is bad.
30:45 You did it. We don't really know all of that. All. It's our responsibility to pray for
30:50 our brothers and sisters around the world. It's good for God's blessings and that
30:53 we together discuss with the kingdom can go and to all the work we've been talking about
31:01 what Trinidad and Tobago talking about 3ABN Russia. Let's go to 3 a B in Cuba.
31:08 Pastor John, exciting things are happening there. You have some amazing pictures to show
31:10 us to about a bathtub. >> I thought I would be showing haha.
31:19 >> Well, God is blessing in a wonderful way. And we want to praise the Lord because to me
31:23 is truly a miracle that the Lord opened the door for 3 that he know to get into Cuba.
31:29 You know that the pandemic was coming and we were already moving forward in this and
31:34 even through the we had to find a way to get there. And the Lord blessed for us to be
31:40 able to go there and take our programming because right now downloading our programming is
31:47 is just just can't do it. So now we were able to take the hard drives over there. Every
31:55 week. Our programming has been available on that Cuban TV package where the people take
32:01 their thumb drive or hard drive and purchase programming and the package for those that
32:06 are may be hearing this for the first time. There's no cable television in Cuba.
32:11 There are 4 television channels that are run by the government and they put on
32:13 there their programming. but as people as what we said before, people always want so
32:23 that's has been successful for and that what they the TV package because they get
32:29 programming international programming and put it on on hard drives and they sell it
32:33 to people. So people are looking for this every week. They want something new. So
32:38 every week we have new programming go on there from Latino in competition with
32:44 movies and soap operas and secular music. Our programming is there and is making an
32:50 already about people being baptized. I think we're ready for the backed up. Now. we
32:58 >> Well, this is not the best of this is a back to school in a church. Yes, and this man
33:02 was baptized because of the programming of 3ABN Latino in Cuba. Thank you. But here's
33:09 the bath tub area and that they have to they want to a remote area. They didn't have
33:12 a that will pull their so they'd. >> I took a bath tub and
33:15 baptized. This man. They decorated with some Make it a little better look plays a
33:21 large and so marvelous, marvelous things that are happening because of the
33:25 Permian. These are this is pastor at CNN. And then this. He is with the Director
33:32 Women's Ministries and the secretary of Women's Ministries because these
33:36 ladies are using our Bible reading programs to other other ladies know about the
33:43 Bible. Some of them have never read the Bible. >> Or even heard the Bible.
33:47 Now they are hearing it well, and they are showing interest and Bible studies are taking
33:52 place and people are being baptized after that. I see that. And this he's sending
33:58 pictures, huh? Often this is what we're doing. As a matter of fact, they had a can't
34:06 meeting and they named it. His words, our life home based on our program. Yeah, because it
34:14 has has such an impact and bringing people to Jesus. So this is another marvelous
34:18 thing that's taking place. And we just praise the Lord and, you know, I told time a lot of
34:22 lady, I'm a was watching 3 Latino programming. And she went into the church and was
34:33 sweeping asking. >> Please pray for my son. He please pray for my son. He's
34:36 having such a difficult time. He's in danger. >> this lady was like her. All
34:43 right. I wouldn't be surprised if other people all around Cuba because the package is
34:48 available in. >> Every single city in it's it's a miracle. It really a
34:55 miracle. You know, you think about the past and people being put in jail for
35:00 preaching the gospel and things like that and Lourdes opening.
35:04 >> Doors over there, the seven-day it says, has been growing throughout the years.
35:10 But now we believe this kind take in a powerful way because you have the the powerful
35:16 instrument of television and I'm reminded of Thomas L but Addison. Oh, yeah. He what he
35:25 knew he was dead. They they he's one of the people that have been given has been given
35:29 credit for inventing the camera and he called the city called the D A the camera of
35:35 moving picture. Something along this way. He said this. There's nothing like the
35:41 camera moving in pictures to mold the mind of Man. Wow. So when you think about the world
35:49 has taken the film camera to bring corruption, but we're bringing salvation. that
35:56 instrument that really God has seeing fit to allow this to happen. And for the purpose of
36:03 bringing the Gospel imagine 3, 8, in this on television for over 30 years. Gospel going
36:09 all around the world and like Denny said, wow. By the time you bring 2 or 3 times, the
36:18 signal has from the and this is incredible, incredible miracle that 24 hours a day,
36:21 people RB transform brother. Jonah isn't. >> Isn't 3ABN, the only
36:30 Christian that work. >> we were the first Christian television network on the
36:37 package. And, you know, some got is doing something even with one of the administrators
36:42 and he has given permission to use his name. >> So I'm going to mention his
36:46 name. This is an administrator on the pat on the package. >> His name is Joe Biden. and
36:51 July knees. Hist. He's it's like got his waking him up to realize that he can do
36:59 something to help the people of Cuba. He had been busy for several years. Just secular
37:04 programming putting secular programming on. And now the 3ABN that he now has come on.
37:10 His wife said this is the best thing that has happened to the package. You've got this is
37:16 wonderful. He's. >> just excited him. He began to watch the programming with
37:19 her and he said, I don't want anything to do anymore with the secular the package.
37:23 Really? I want to dedicate myself 100% so helping people know about Jesus. So he's he's
37:30 created a new religious package. So and we are at the very top of that. The other
37:36 other groups can come in now. But we're at the very top the way he has a range. The first
37:43 things is 3 of Latino so. He doesn't want anything to do with the other one. All right.
37:49 He says if you need my help, let me know. But I'm dedicating 100%. I don't even
37:53 want any money from that anymore. And so what helps him is that, you know, the 3 D and
38:01 monthly payment on the package. He says that's enough for me. I don't want any more
38:03 of this because I I just want to transform lives now. this that's change, are 3ABN is on
38:13 2 packages. right. That's a Religious majesty. And also the second one, as well as the
38:17 3 for the same price, credible. And that's off as well.
38:25 >> Look at year. yes. >> I want to go back to his words are life. You mentioned
38:30 that. So this is a television program that came in Latino produces were you sit and read
38:35 the Bible? >> Yes, and I mentioned I think is worth mentioning
38:38 again. I really hesitate in putting that program on because you and they're
38:42 watching movies and they're watching then seeing and soap operas, a Bible reading
38:46 program. And then I remember seeing lot. Yes. And then I remembered my wife. He that is
38:54 he does. That versus says the word of God will never return to And so I said, you know, we
39:00 need to put it on, even have Bibles and and one of the programs to has had the most
39:08 impact is this program it's incredible. His word is alive and So I it's still going on
39:18 every week every week. And we are in the process of starting a call center. It will start
39:25 with one person because people are going to want prayer people. One Bible studies and
39:30 we they want to know where's the church? You know, we want to be able to help them get to
39:32 a 7 and >> So we'll have a local number at the bottom of the
39:38 programming. So when they they watched women, Latino on the package is going to have a
39:40 number, a Cuban number were they call and they can say I want Bible studies or I want
39:47 to find a local church or I want to find more about this. >> There are a few things we
39:51 hesitate to share right now because we don't know why it's happening. But there are
39:54 people looking at our programming in high position. Yeah. In in Cuba and we
40:02 believe it said the impact they will have on them. I'll tell you, there were some
40:06 people that you would not expect because the meetings that pastor her now Temple,
40:11 now has had there were some people that have asked for prayer, but you would never
40:18 imagine. They pray for It was safe. They asked yes, they have. They have been asking
40:24 for prayer. Now I have to tell you, the people of Cuba are having a difficult time. The
40:28 trend of the issue. You know, we had some issues happen here in the bringing in of You saw
40:34 some bear shoulds here in the U.S.. Q A has had the same thing. But Cuba has also
40:43 changed there their currency and they change the structure the salary and prices are
40:49 going up and people are having a difficult time. Many people are leaving Cuba and we are in
40:56 there at a time that people need spiritual strength guidance from the Lord and the
41:00 word of God that can transform their lives. And this is this is what they're finding on the
41:06 available to them every week. And they with joy are getting the package incredible
41:13 America. I mean, it is nothing that because few years ago, impossible.
41:17 >> Yeah, that's right. Just like 30 years ago and possible to go Russian get behind the
41:24 Iron Curtain. look at mean that that's it. And John, what you sharing what you have for
41:31 so many years that I mean, this is new ground. This is different thing. Russia 30
41:36 years ago, Romania, all these countries we ran into right now to be able to to be on the
41:44 air. >> And this country. it is Amazins.
41:49 >> Special thanks to chaplain her now that well, because he's going often to Cuba, he
41:54 had to bring the funds, you know, every month to be able to pay for us to be on the
41:57 package. And he networks and connects with that package and with the government and with
42:03 the church there. So we're grateful for him. And Pastor John, you're getting ready to
42:05 go to Cuba. >> Pat Chapman, her now is going next week and I'm
42:10 waiting for the visa to come in so that we can go with a camera team to bring back some
42:18 more testimonies and some video to give you get a little more glimpse of though,
42:22 incredible work that God is doing. Yes, it is life and then and I think about this,
42:28 too, that 3, 8 in Cuba, we didn't officially launch until June of last year. So less
42:33 than a year. >> Look at the baptisms look at God. this is the tip of the
42:39 iceberg. So to say so to speak, because I mean, there are so many more that will
42:41 coming in to the gospel message because 3 a B in Cuba. Thank you again because you
42:48 caught the vision doctor. Yvonne misses something earlier about being so
42:50 excited, right about all the different things that are happening here. But you also
42:54 get excited. You cast a vision. So thank so very much for that. Should we talk about
43:03 can't meeting? >> interest. As you said, our theme this year is look at God
43:08 and our camp meeting is going to be focus on God. And I have to say this. It was a
43:14 difficult decision that we had to make whether to be virtual our But we still have so much.
43:24 The COVID in our area. We decided we didn't want to be a super spreader event. So it is
43:27 a perch will event. But in some ways you'll probably more people will see it. It begins.
43:34 Winston made the 31st runs Saturday as Sabbath June, the 4th Tuesday 8, 30st is that I
43:45 it is stated does begin on Tuesday. If if we start at 6 o'clock, let let me back up.
43:54 Our overarching theme is focused guy man. We're going to talk about God's
44:00 personality, his powered paradise. God plan of salvation Promise maker in
44:05 keeper provider and protector, God is her piece. The presence of God got a passion for
44:13 righteousness, the patience God. Not sure of prophecy and got the perfect tour of our So
44:24 it's overarching theme is focused on God. We have 6 guest speakers coming in past
44:31 to Mark will be coming. Pastor David Shinn. We'll be coming in. Return.
44:37 >> And seeing Murray's going we have someone knew that you may. If you watch at the Miss
44:43 World Radio on 3 AP annual. >> No. Her name, but she's an amazing young lady. And and
44:50 and eventually her name is Kay me she will be coming. Pastor Jake Allen Moore and
44:59 Christopher head since returning. So we've got 6 dynamic guest speakers than
45:05 pastor the McCain J**, James Rafferty. Pastor Kenny? Ryan Day and myself H 9 Tuesday
45:15 through Friday. It is 6 to 9 o'clock on Sabbath. It's basically an all-day event.
45:22 >> Mister Dan is doing that. we're sure this 6, yes. And if I were shipped our b***.
45:29 >> Tell us about the music. Because Tuesday, through Friday, Friday night, every
45:34 night it kicks off with in our view said I love chairman Tell us about we're we're excited
45:41 about that, of course, will have read Gen Lady that we just saw a little bit ago way.
45:46 What would be can't meeting without that those folks been here? All right. We have Chris
45:50 Wilkinson and she's going to bring several players. And Larry are husband and World
45:55 renown orchestrator that's done. >> Everything from Hollywood
45:58 movies too many of our productions. Incredible musician, incredible people.
46:04 They're going to be here doing They were going to have the landing looked brother. Lanny,
46:09 what my favorite all time gospel song writer made amazing song. Surely the
46:16 President's in this place, whatever it takes for my will to break. So he they will be
46:21 here with his group and worried. Of course, we're always glad when she's here,
46:24 too. And so we're going to have those folk hair. We're going to have big Who's with
46:33 the Gators? Lot you the same with Colin big Jayne for beautiful. Incredible voice.
46:39 Of course, my daughter melodies coming up in a Nashville. don't get see her
46:42 too often belly black. What when brothers? It's been what we've been working together
46:48 for 40 years. Bill is going to be here. And so we're going to have some, course, are local
46:53 folk in on the van, John Ryan. So staying some 10, 10 Tammy's, even I think on this
47:00 song or So we're going to have a lot of music so hope I'm not mis and I don't know who all
47:06 on miss things that important to impart. Always on the Without him. I would be very
47:15 Anything I did. I liked they'll go down and just throw out something and he starts
47:19 playing. It even though as Waukee Sta Start. Yeah. I think I Ryan's going here. So
47:23 it's going to be a great time. It is a console each before each sermon. There will be
47:28 some using, you know, we're doing in our age 9 and then for night, yes, So what I want
47:36 to do encourage to its home. Mark your calendars Tuesday May 31st.
47:41 >> Remember to stay through Friday. It is from 6 o'clock with the music hour followed
47:44 by 2 sermons, Sabbath begins on June 4th, 9 o'clock with the said the school lesson.
47:54 Danny will have to define worship and then we go from 2 to 4 and once again from 6
47:58 tonight. I'm excited that. We are. You know, in John, 17 versus 3. Jesus said. This is
48:12 eternal life. They would know you in the one sent last year. We did. Who is Jesus? This is
48:18 focus on got. We need to I understand and know God personally and these kind of
48:27 miss ages help us to build our trust in God, help us to build our faith in God. And I
48:35 believe this is going to beautiful. Inspiring camp meeting that will reach
48:41 >> So I'm happy that normally I want to talk about tone early time to speak about, but
48:48 I've been for weeks has been on my mind, you know, with deals fame with the look at
48:54 God in the nick of time because I want to recount the Lord just been bringing so
49:00 many things over the years. How God shows up just in the nick of time because we're
49:05 always well, where's God and people like, well, I don't know. This happened to me.
49:08 That happened not been answered. My prayer. So we're going to talk about that. You
49:13 know, there's got to answer prayers does not answer prayers. Of course he does.
49:16 Maybe not the way we want, but even when, you Mary thought he and Lancers K 4 days late Air
49:25 move in wrote a song he still on 4 days late. And so God is always there. But we want to
49:30 talk about show miracles, not just financial Americas where we've needed him, but Seoul's
49:36 people that reports and Johnny's got some news given Mesa mask and some of our crew
49:40 here, places and people I've talked literally at the gun to their head, ready to kill
49:44 themselves and just talk to my family yesterday and I were talking about because we both
49:51 met this young man, Nguyen. We were in the Caribbean and how he was going to kill himself.
49:58 Waited till dark to get up. The nerve is going in the bathroom. An overdose as he
50:02 stood up not to a remote fell off of the arm of the chair and 3ABN, game off Pass given
50:11 Little preview. Yeah. We were saying. >> On a live program just and
50:15 I said Pastor Mark, somebody right now because we were talking about numerous saying
50:21 that said somebody right now is thinking about committing suicide. What do you say? He
50:25 looked right in the camera pointed said if you think contemplating suicide, don't
50:28 Jesus loves you said that one of our studio lights burst. It just blew up and blast when
50:36 everywhere else things are done damage. So he said, well, state must be angry him so
50:41 months and months later, I'm in a place in the Caribbean. This young man introduces
50:47 himself year to later goes by Mark Family. Cause me says the young men that responded. I
50:54 just went to churches, assistant pastor. Now, I mean those type of on the verge of
50:58 killing himself. So God shows up just he's there. He's always there. But for us, we
51:06 may realize it in the neck a time. So I think, Joe, I want to just call it, you know, in
51:11 the nick of time add one more thing to me, it was such a God thing about this particular
51:18 camp meeting. >> Typically when I send out the the topics in say to, you
51:24 know, try to send it out to everybody. At the same kindness of please, you know,
51:27 make your top choice and give me a couple of alternatives because usually people are all
51:32 going through the same topic. Did you know that everybody one person? Got their first
51:41 choice every it was so amazing. I've never had serious that every person came
51:47 in and and there was only one person that had to accept an alternative or second choice.
51:53 And I just said, take whatever is left over. But you know what? I'm going to be
52:03 presenting on the presence of That's the one I was strong, too.
52:11 >> Dover and that and I've talked in so many things. But that's the one I was drawn to.
52:15 And it's a God thing. God has it hand selected. He knew. I mean, he gave us these topics
52:22 like that. He knew he already had someone out there. And that's also on it. Lining up
52:30 the speakers. It was all in less than 24 hours. This is a God and just better. Tony.
52:37 >> I just want to say for those fast speak Spanish, we are having a virtual Spanish
52:42 camp meeting from the 22nd of April to the 30th of April. It begins on Friday. The 22nd of
52:48 April. And we're doing the theme that was done a couple years ago on 3 of you in on
52:54 Linda, which is the great controversy and time deceptions in Spanish. And
52:59 we're talking about the, you know, the what does the Bible say about speaking in tongues
53:02 would have to buy the stuff I would say about the seeker after and we added one per
53:08 ticket that I'm particularly excited about. It says we're we have 3 pastors and they are
53:13 talking about every single mention of the first day in the New looking for what does
53:18 the Bible say is this evidence for the change of the 7th and I believe is going to be a
53:24 great blessing. So 22nd of April to the 30th of April. Tell us Spanishspeaking
53:30 friends to watch 03:00PM 07:00PM. There are a lot of days that we've been given
53:34 news of what you need to do if you didn't have time is go to TV. You'll find our candy
53:40 scheduled there through even the dare to dream all networks. you go to 3ABN.
53:43 >> DOT TV. And the last couple of minutes of this first hour, let's touch on focused on true
53:49 series far as what God is doing there. Give us an update on what's happened. What's
53:51 coming next? Well, we had 3 books that, yeah, 6 million of gone out. The truth about the
53:59 as and mail them all together. Yes. The truth about Hellfire and the truth about salvation,
54:09 6 million 6 million that out. And I'm almost sorry to say they.
54:13 >> All I'm happy, but in some ways, not they've almost all. I think there's only a few
54:19 1000 left. Each book left down, the 6 million people ordered. So what we're doing
54:22 is we're not printing. >> We get a big demand right now. It's really tough. We
54:28 need to be praying for these pressing company. Yeah, you know, like press and I'm sure
54:32 remnant all these others, it's hard to get paper. It's hard to get right anything right
54:36 now because they said they tell us all the papers there, but is setting in ships out in
54:41 ocean what have you so having a hard time. But our newest one, we'll talk about the
54:46 second hour. It's called the Lord's Day, a man. And I think maybe of all the books of ever
54:50 written this one. I'm most excited about because you know, Nav N s most of us. I'm
54:57 sure if we've ever talked to anyone about the commandments of the Sabbath we hear. But,
55:05 you know, we worship the Lord's Day. So we've written a new book, the largest and
55:09 we're going cover. Does God have a day? And if he does, which day do we know which day
55:13 it is and how do we know? So we're going to discover from not only what the Bible says,
55:17 but we're going to look at science. Thanks to Shelley from what you do with 10
55:22 Commandments, how you got a lot of the scientific proof from side because some people
55:27 say, well, I don't believe that. do you believe? Science? Okay. We've got signs say what
55:31 do the Catholic Church say about what is some of the Protestant leaders say about
55:37 last ride, fine, get, you know, do this thing, Johnny Ware pack it in. 48 pages like
55:46 this and it's oh, wow. What day is a large day and is it important we observe the
55:49 Lord's Day? So I think it's one of the register and couple of days ago. I think it's one
55:56 of your best books. It's just so >> simple in it was it out? So
56:01 logically? Yes, I love her. It is not ready yet. >> night because it's right.
56:10 it presses, got it ready and have it printed It's. >> It's again like these other
56:18 books. They're they're all Bible studies they're full of scripture. And this book on
56:23 the Lord's Day, the focus on truth about the Lord's Day because this so much
56:30 misunderstanding what the Lord's Day is and I love the way it is. Power pack 4 of
56:34 scripture. It's and it just goes from as the way he thinks he's very logically really
56:42 just goes to this point to this point to this point and a lot of it, you know, you might
56:47 when you're sharing the Sabbath, might be some objections that you hear and
56:52 whatever it addresses those as well. So I just feel like it's it's an amazing, but it has
56:56 everything you need skinny to witness about. >> name preorders like they do
57:03 for the phone one to preorder point. But we way that other people ride what I tell
57:13 people. I sent it to a number of Non Adventist aid and said a man is great. And so if you
57:17 don't understand, so they do, they'll send me back. You know, there are changes, right
57:22 and understand this. So that so that's how we really written. And this is getting
57:26 responses from others. >> My heart is full tonight. It's been an incredible
57:31 journey around the world scene. One God is doing in and through this ministry. We're
57:35 going to play some musical chairs. Mister Gagnon, Doctor Yvonne will be hosting second
57:39 hour. Pastor John and Greg and I will be gone. But Pastor John can will be just for an
57:44 entire hour study of the Lord's Day. ♪
57:52 ♪ ♪


Revised 2022-04-15