Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220013B
00:11 We are having a good time on the set tonight because we're learning a lot. If you are
00:15 just joining us. Welcome to the second hour. A A B into daylight with 3 doctors on the 00:24 set. Doctor Brian Schwartz, who is a cardiologist chief of cardiology at Hedrick. We also 00:29 have doctor. Esther out to and she is an infectious disease specialist. 00:36 >> And we have doctor meant well out who is a gastroenterologist really 00:44 specializes in colon cancer, you might say are all of the cancers there. We had a 00:52 cliffhanger. Somebody did see the c*** was going down. So you just telling us. 00:57 >> route. First of all, let's back up. If you have a few. >> You do need to be on. 01:06 >> A blood thinner. there's no way I'd keep that mind, even though I don't happen that 01:09 often. I don't want to stroke. So there's a procedure you do that. I That's in a fight. 01:15 >> So it's actually pretty simple procedure way. We're looking at plugging the little 01:21 appendage called the left there to off the top of the heart. Okay. In the what we do 01:26 is just go up through the vein into the heart direct a catheter directly into that, a 01:29 pen does. We can take a little picture of it to see what size it is. There are several 01:35 different ones available, but we can put a little plug that SEALs the opening of 01:37 defendants. after that. You should never have to take a blood thinner for the rest of 01:45 your life for a trip for voice. And if you have a blood clot in your leg or have a 01:48 blood clot somewhere else, you might still need a blood thinner, but not for richer 01:53 for police. And what is All hurt so there's couple brand names. There's one called in 01:58 and what one called a Watchman. And so a Watchman is a little stunt like device 02:06 could have brought up a graphic, but it just fits right into the opening of the 02:09 offenders. Sales occluded occluded. So the blood can flow in and out. And if there 02:16 was a blood clot in there, it couldn't come out. And after that, the patient doesn't need 02:18 to be on blood thinners and I am sure where I put all my patients on blood thinners 02:25 unless they have this procedure. I'm sure is cringing over there, thinking 02:30 not another blood thinner. So so this device is really a godsend for patients that have 02:35 a hard time with blood thinners because of tea. I believe other issues. So if 02:40 you want to comment on a j**** leads years ago, we're almost done because we found that 02:46 also is Rick husband, these bacteria pylori. >> If you eliminated that who 02:50 go away and leaders, Reagan. So we have to Holy said virus is once in a while now we have 02:57 the lowest in years. We have the pandemic. People are drinking more the back almost 03:03 every week with several leaders of lead a movie. >> But, you know, I can take 03:09 pain medication. I'm allergic to everything. I know not to take ibuprofen, but my doctor 03:15 kept saying you need to boost take some time now. It won't interfere with your war front. 03:23 It has been with your war front. If you take the recommended get at least it 03:27 has for months. So you've got be very careful. Here's something Susan has written 03:34 the UN saying I recently had COVID r***** surgery trying to figure out. What and when to 03:42 eat salads or to heart. Any suggestions are welcome when eat and what to Thank you. The 03:50 best way to me. >> I'm assuming this person is an adult or, you know, over 03:55 50. It's better twice a day. If you're over 50, if you want to remain healthy, you give 04:03 your got a new micro bio and your systems a good time between those news, OK, you 04:10 have yourself a good fasting times a day. You know, 12 hours, 14 hours. That was 04:18 going to help your this substance is he's got produces substances, a growth factors. 04:25 So your brain is going to be alive if she just twice a day for you 3 times today, you 04:29 want to sleep well, your brain is not going to regenerate so twice a day. Now, the vessels 04:36 are probably hard because there's an investor, mostly union that was done after the 04:42 peace of all was removed. So the electrical system, the rest of all has been 04:50 interrupted. We some time to develop some connections again. But before that 04:52 happens. You may tend to get constipation or diarrhea, you either one. So for those 05:02 people, especially useful to have this humble soup is humbled. I mean, just 05:06 vegetables. Don't them. Raw. Or you can eat them raw. If you are going to make a 05:13 smoothie out of that green tooth. Yeah. Green juices, you guys. Just clover eyes. You 05:17 fiber and easy to best way and just be patient with yourself. Start with a little serving, 05:24 you know, gone through the whole picture of green juice. So copper, half a cup and go 05:28 your way up, OK? >> We're so much air that we're going to go home behalf. 05:37 I told him earlier week probably between the 2 this as enough questions, just what 05:41 we've got going on this one is My husband is type one diabetes. He's on Lasix. 05:52 That's to remove the water and potassium lakes and feet are still 2 to 3. Plus Dima. The 05:59 12th low. Exeter. She said I'm concerned about this wedding. So I think so and why it's not 06:11 going down his kidney functions are good, but it's a one C is around 11. But here's 06:16 the kicker. He smokes 2 packs a day. Who wants to this? Well, I can start Yes. So it 06:29 looks like he's retaining fluids. Maybe there's too much salt in the diet that has to 06:35 change. He has to stop smoking because that. Wreaks havoc he is the circulation take a 06:47 nation, say that that's what people don't think about smoking. So bad for your heart 06:51 was in. should we think about Long's, but it is bad on your circuit. Yes, yes, his abdomen 06:58 could be compressing his veins. Femoral lanes are the veins that bring they'll that 07:04 blood that's in the legs up. Towards the heart. So it's in the lower abdomen if the 07:10 abdomen, it's large and it's come pressing and he's spending most of the day 07:16 sitting down his legs will get swan. Oh, my goodness. And in so particularly for a diabetic 07:25 it. I'm all for anybody. It's not going to smoke. But if you're a diabetic and you're 07:29 having these issues, you need to quit smoking. Please now, honey, give us. This is a live 07:36 program. We're getting more of your questions here and you can send your questions to us 07:41 by text or email. >> Well, if you're going to do it, but exit 6, 1, 8, 07:48 228-3975. 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, or you may choose to send it by email. If you 07:59 choose to send it by email, it's live. You know, I VE at TV once again live at 3 ABN 08:06 DOT TV. I would love to hear from him. And these are these doctors are sharp. This is an 08:13 opportunity. >> A it is. >> All right. We 08:23 >> doctor Mann. Well, this person has Crohn's What is the best diet? To have to reduce 08:30 pain and suffering. This is Peggy in New Jersey. Hands down. 08:35 >> A plant based diet, a plant-based But start to slow. You have to start remaking 08:40 Michael Brown. And please use that. Explain what Crohn's disease is people may 08:48 >> true. Across the seas is an AL team. You need to see. So few intestines, you cells are 08:53 supposed to defend you from invaders. A little crazy. And to attacking your own tissues, 09:02 especially the small large bowl, even the Sometimes the stomach, even your mouth. So 09:07 it involves a whole Gusman to sing that right. And may cause Ulceration Ys me involved 09:16 thickening of-you about because of all the labels cells there. The butter kind 09:22 of public eye. become like very soft. And for the fish or so use tools can go out and 09:27 this com glued to a note of loop of all intestine, small intestine can cause fish to us 09:35 or communications. Some because official to your skin and you can have intestinal 09:40 contents are still coming up, especially. Yeah, it could be a very serious disease, 09:45 especially if he starts when you're young. many medications that have come out for on the 09:54 thousands of you were talking about 35 70,000. Those are you for a course of one year of 10:00 Remicade Infliximab world. The medications like Amira. And so John, since many of coming 10:05 around all with many side effects. But the first and and this is proven by science. The 10:13 thing is that there are no randomized controlled trials that randomized control trial 10:16 is OK, we're going to have 2 Lance, 2 groups of people were going to use this treatment 10:24 here. And there are treatments for this once and then never know whether being treated 10:26 with. So there's no I I know him couldn't this? they're not going up. And then they may 10:32 cross over these groups later on 2 different places to see what the real effect is when 10:34 they don't know what they're getting. Yes, you kind of do that with a plant based that 10:39 you didn't know that you're eating a plant-based died for me. So there's there's no in 10:43 sponsoring those trials because who's going sponsor, you know, big potato, big to 10:47 up. I mean, an industry has thousands of doors to invest and to gain. So they're the 10:53 ones that are on the run much control trials. So scientifically, we know that 11:00 if you kind of shoe micro Biome and you can't immune cells to not attack you, if 11:06 you're in a plant based study with the simple routes and greens for 2 weeks. If you 11:14 really want to get your cause is that earlier when you're super fruits and vegetables, 11:20 potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic. kill. Make a soup 11:27 blend. That is side, though, the putt. I have 2 or 3 servings of a you can increase 11:33 to do away with the breads, the milk, the medes, the eggs because they all have similar 11:39 proteins. The animal products. Do you Buddy Hubble so segment to be still up in arms. You 11:46 want to pacify what else else? So not only diet important here. The we're speaking about 11:52 diet. You have to use the a natural remedies you have to use the nutrition, what we're 11:59 dealing with. You have to have exercise He had to get your moving. So you level cells 12:07 over out a few bows and call the price. We it. You do have water. Especially countries, 12:13 bats and drinking water. Good enough. flu defy a blunt. The Bible says we're going to have 12:21 an easier time moving around. Moving out of the bottle by conscious baths. Showers, you 12:25 know, coal warm, you can attract associates can. So they're going to bend in your 12:29 intestines, sunlight. It's better to come by exercise open air and somebody those 3 12:38 things you can do your exercise a close game, but it's all die. And now we see 12:42 you can just go out in nature. Get a 4 is bad for you doing that, you know, and killed his 12:47 thousands of substances that the leaves of the trees are producing and that they will 12:51 rectify viable cells. Guys. Don't attack your own tissues. Just do it. Your businesses. 13:00 So what temperance avoided? The smoking smoking is a big thing for us for cross. We 13:05 strive to stop this people's true smoking a freedoms, stress just is wonderful. And 13:13 have to trust in got yes, you just have to go through scripture and we've got 13:19 permeated life and he will teach the whole is people coming Chewable says what they 13:23 should do, what they shouldn't do. So I don't have patience. I think I have when they stay 13:30 had lots of patients his wonderful medications. They are not now out much of 13:34 anything. >> You know, the one thing I do when a doctor suggests a 13:43 medication, his high always research it see what the side effects are. Because sometimes 13:48 I think the side effects are worst. >> What does treated for? So 13:52 there are medications that are absolutely beneficial, especially for the short term. 13:57 But when we get chronically on medications because we're treating a chronic medical 14:02 condition that could be reversed by diet. That's when we start to see all the 14:08 complications. But I just listening to doctor of and I'm just struck with the fact that 14:12 no matter whether it's for your intestinal health, your brain health, your kidney 14:16 health, your heart health the remedy that God gave at the very beginning in the book of 14:22 Genesis is the same. And so you have less to have better kidney function, have better 14:29 heart function, and you have better. She iPhone 7. All these things are improved by 14:34 natural remedies, but especially Cutts said that your food said plant severe 14:41 food. And if we if Americans in particular, but people are trying to eat like Americans, 14:48 we go back to some people. You can talk about a simple plant based diet. Just the simple 14:51 vegetables. 80 to 90% of the diseases that we treat those chronic diseases that were on 14:59 those proton pump inhibitors for that were on that. It for that. We're on memory AIDS for 15:05 those things will improve by God's simple remedies. >> That's amazing. And it's 15:10 it's not just the good food, but make sure you drink enough water as well. All right. That 15:16 shorts. Why does one get so out of breath? When lungs are clear, but they have a fee up. 15:20 This is from about that. >> OK, so that depends on what type of a tool for bullish and 15:26 someone the most common is the heart gets kind of stuff. From high blood pressure from being 15:35 overweight or just being out of shape. They can happen with aging. So as the left 15:41 ventricle, the main pumping chamber of the heart gets tough. The blood isn't rushing 15:46 in there as well. So is backing up into the upper chamber of the heart called a 15:48 trail. That little a pen does that we talked about is like the pressure pop a foe of of 15:54 the upper chamber of the heart. But it gets goes by gets distended. And then once 15:59 all that happens because of the stuff trickle that gets transmitted back in the long. 16:02 So when we exercise the heart can accommodate it can't relax, can open up the comet 16:08 it more blood, backs up into the atrium from the turf revelation that backs up into 16:14 the longs with exercise. And so that's really from the heart being stuffed high blood 16:17 pressure being overweight being sedentary. All those things can contribute to that. 16:24 But Inslee said, I've I've had a fit since us. 28. I was never overweight. I would 16:29 never have had high blood are other conditions. One there on loan intro for boysen, which 16:34 means you don't have any of those other causes. Yeah. Just you have Rickles circuit in 16:37 the heart. >> That is abnormal. That still can cause a T you just 16:42 hit on what I wanted to talk about. >> There is in the heart. You 16:46 see there's the plumbing system of the heart is in all of your arteries. And that's 16:54 But there's the electrical system of the heart threat and that's where a fee of a 16:59 flutter. But the D fan. What is if somebody has the tape? Ventricle fibrillation is most 17:08 dangerous weather going to die within a few seconds. If you go into ventricular 17:13 fibrillation. >> If you go into that, what causes country Kular 17:17 fibrillation. >> So then trigger for relation can be caused by many 17:19 factors as well. Most people don't live to talk about it. So it's not very common. But 17:25 just as the upper chamber can quiver with a very sick heart, the heart that's not getting 17:30 enough blood because the orders are plugged up or heart that's gotten very weak in 17:35 going into congestive heart failure. The muscle of the heart can Chambers can just 17:40 start quivering like we talked about the upper chamber. Well, that happens. The whole heart 17:44 ceases to pump. You will immediately collapse. They lost someone start CPR. The 17:51 permits coming. Shock your heart back into rhythm. You're not going to survive more than 17:55 half the time people will die before they can get to the hospital if they have it. 17:59 tricolor fibrillation most commonly that's caused by a heart attack. 18:02 >> So what does Bobby need to do? Go see? I think it's a girl bbi a dish. Need to go 18:08 see her doctor about this if she absolutely after this, she should see a cardiologist to 18:14 make sure she's on treatments, including. >> Exercises getting her way 18:20 down possibly a blood pressure medicine to help the heart relax. So that will be less 18:26 than that. >> Here we go. Speak more. People got a lot of good 18:29 health questions. This is such a great topic. Speaking of get help. What's a good way to 18:35 detox and how often should it be den? I've heard it's important to do periodic 18:41 parasite. Detoxification. Is this true? >> Well, if you live down in 18:51 the tropics, a in a place that isn't you, as you may need to treated. I'm not in our 18:59 society better than age. We don't have this problem I think I was treat it like that 19:05 was when I was a kid back him South America. To even then even in those places, there's 19:14 a lot of good sanitation alluded a lot of good diagnosis. We like to see 19:17 what's the problem before we just to a treatment I would say if you're eating a lot of 19:23 fast foods, you might need to go house to detox. Yeah. That's that's inside plant 19:28 based I I'm detox thing every single day. Would you agree about? 19:31 >> Oh, yes. Fasting is excellent way of me. Talk sing too. It could get lot of water 19:38 while you family Let's talk about fasting for second. They could. 19:42 >> Waters are what's the rule of thumb for fasting 3 day fast and a fast. Just passed 19:51 from popcorn or whatever you choose. The Bass drummer. >> We can fast every single 19:57 day if we space our meals the last meal until breakfast, 14 hours. That's an excellent 20:03 fastened. It allows your body to regenerate all the talk since the washout completely 20:08 from the system and ready for a meal breakfast. >> So if you're going to eat 20:14 breakfast at 7 o'clock, then you don't. They did anything after 5 o'clock before, right? 20:21 That's a 14 hour. Yes yes. Okay. And have 2 meals a day. If you're over each year all 20:34 but 8 in your cabbage and drink your water. >> But you're you're right. I 20:38 mean, for. Detoxification is a huge industry. You go to the health food stores and you see 20:45 and I know people who delivered a toxin this detox and they spend big bucks on 20:52 all of this. I've tried it twice. Got sicker than I don't know. So you're not really big 21:01 on. Do taking all of the SEC. The too. The talks by just eat a plant-based diet, drink a 21:07 lot of water. Just 2 a day. Let your body rest in it. There's a natural detox. All 21:20 This want to interject. Does your use and in mice duty don't use. 21:26 >> Coffee enemas to the tux. This new people that really hear that all the Yeah, I hear 21:31 that all the time. Caffeine this and do good either way. has an enema. It will shrink. 21:38 You love the schools and in our situation or health situation Hill that in this 21:43 country This was her that Yeah, very much. >> And it is plaque. I mean, 21:52 age related, though, we get it, is that something that can be reversed? If you've got the 21:57 beginning of a little plaque? >> a really good question. So start off again with the age. 22:04 So he used to be thought that plaque was a disease of old people. I'm back in the Gulf 22:10 War when the war was going on in Iraq, they did autopsies on soldiers that were typically 22:18 between 18 and 23 years old and more than half of them already had plex the wound in 22:20 their arteries. With the the obesity epidemic, the majority of children are overweight. 22:28 Now we're seeing plaque developing even in teenagers and even fatty streets can be 22:32 demonstrated in babies that are born 2 mothers that are either diabetic or Plaque 22:40 because at the very earliest AIDS in America in the developed Cras Ali, you know, 22:45 they're artery starts expanding outward. And then once you get into your 40's 22:49 50's 60's 70's and 80's, it starts school. >> Ripping down on the artery 22:54 were starts. He merely in the blood flow and so used to be thought when I went what I'm 23:00 trying to encourage by physicians also don't know is to know that there's nothing 23:03 you can do about it. But now we know that that plaque can actually be reversed. You can 23:09 actually start opening up those blood vessels in as little as 2 weeks of the plant 23:13 based diet. >> And that's the secret is just switched to a plant-based 23:17 diet. researcher at the Cleveland Clinic Doctor Assist team who's Richard in the 23:21 video forks over knives has written a book called Prevent Reverse Heart Disease but 23:25 taken series of shown that heart is completely reversible. 90% of the 23:33 patients that. I put Stenson. Or 90% of patients that wound up beating heart surgery. If 23:41 they would only go on to a careful plant could reverse there some things in those 23:46 little as 2 to 4 weeks. That's Why don't we go through that video if they can bring that 23:52 one up to pitcher, freed the testimony. >> Yeah. This is men number 23:56 just talking about the benefit of a So if you could do that plays. 24:02 ♪ ♪ ♪ 24:17 ♪ ♪ ♪ 24:32 ♪ ♪ ♪ 24:47 ♪ ♪ ♪ 25:03 >> So thinking back about experiences where I sure actually is the very first 2 25:10 weeks medical school. I was a random way. Scientists the interventional radiology, 25:15 which is kind of funny, outgoing in radiology, but has signed to rotate the And it's 25:22 an interesting field because they do a lot of procedures and just moderate sedation. So 25:25 they're not completely knocked out. general anesthesia, Schumer, Converse with 25:33 patients during a procedure But while those in there, I can just tell that the pace on 25:36 the table was. Just she was a very comfortable just a little bit the tendons, the residents 25:46 are all getting the very busy and is the first medical student trying figure out what 25:48 was going on. But I just was able just be impressed by the Holy Spirit to adjust and go 25:58 talk with her and so nervous right now. And I just decided to offer to pray with her. And 26:04 she was just so happy that I would pray with her and the rest that procedure. And that 26:08 happened the seizures. She just you see and such a small things, the little see the 26:12 plan. it was a especially institution like normal. And they were they are expecting 26:21 spirituality in order to be able to actually provide that for them. So it's not just in 26:28 also actual party has a first that Stu. ♪ 26:36 ♪ ♪ ♪ 26:51 ♪ ♪ ♪ 27:08 >> Over you just I should say Doctor out. Yeah. How are you just mention something while 27:16 we were watching it. Would you kind of loose to date on this Yes, the Seas preventing 27:21 disease progression is good. Also be verging. The seas. I was so pleased to hear on the 27:28 radio yesterday news radio, someone talking about and nutrition is talking about the 27:36 benefits in patients who have kidney That naturally will progress into dialysis. Now, 27:43 if they changed a plant based diet, they stop that progression. Of course, this 27:48 was not news to me, but he was news to hear that the general public is hearing something 27:57 like this when they turn the radio and hearing this new concept. Having a kidney, 28:02 chronic kidney to most people, you sooner or later, you'll end up with dialysis. long as 28:10 you continue eating the same animal products. But if you move into a plant based diet 28:17 that you can hope that the seas progression and never and on 28:23 >> And it seems to me that it is we had a friend. Who would say he had. Tara insulin, 28:32 dependent and hits it down and mound up his plate. Have 2 or 3 desert and I preach to him 28:37 for years. Saint, you can end up on dialysis unit, end up losing, you know, having a leg 28:43 amputated and he He ended up on dialysis. He had his leg amputated and he passed 8 to 2 28:54 just Seriously. Houston question it. Brings a thought to my mind. This is from Alma 29:02 in Nebraska. I've had low blood platelets for 6 years. Every 2023. Is there something 29:11 I can do to raise my levels? And the question this brings to my mind is, do we need to 29:16 talk about B, 12 supplementation, if you are changing to a plant based 29:21 based diet. Yes, you do. You Need B 12 supplementation, but if you eat That are fresh from 29:33 the field there will be microorganisms that. >> Have B 12. And also if you 29:39 eat. Products that have be to have added such as soy milk and some of these open yields 29:48 and plant based melts. You don't need the extra supplementation, but to be on 29:55 the safe side. Yes, you you do Need B 12 supplementation. >> That's is good and want 30:03 mention the platelets. you mentioned one. 43 one 50's the caught one. Normal is one 50 30:11 one. 45? It's OK? So one 43 is not a concern unless there is some problems of tendency to 30:19 believe especially nosebleeds. Thank then it's something that requires some investigation. 30:28 Otherwise one, 43 is so close to normal that I would be concerned. Okay. Okay. Now 30:36 this one's actually it. You're going to questions right this what? Let me go back to this 30:40 one. >> While you're doing that with a 5 per for vegetables, 30:44 fruit oats the east Troy did if placed in a blender Josephine net from and all 30:52 that coming. >> Well, fiver is long chemical substance. You may 30:57 caught. The fibers. The visual fires that we're taking about molecules are very small. And 31:06 let's say they have a powerful incentive that will break down that fiber into what into 31:10 glucose. Which is of less sugar. The runs for system. So we don't have a save. You 31:18 ladies and the says are the breaks a sailor, those into little glucose particles but 31:23 some but feel organisms have form of that. That will break that down into some some buy 31:29 products fibers a chain not only of glucose is but fructose like in Yulin, for 31:35 example. If you like Reroute or some of the vegetables in his social chain fructose and 31:45 we don't have an instant to break that. bacteria do. And they utilize the fruit those 31:51 themselves in the colon and they proved his shortchange 5 yeses. You know, they just run 31:56 this sugarpova into of 5. Yes to that can feed clinic cells. To converse. Is this 32:05 high-fructose corn syrup? That's what I have a just a. Half a minute of this. Have 32:11 high-fructose syrup. It's a cheap. The shooter in industry. is a high fructose 32:20 corn syrup. Contra is the shooter. So we're a bore. His included in every cookie 32:26 Daniel Cookie cereals. French fries. You the the prostate o xray the potato cuts of in 32:37 bags with They proved that in to balance the south. So if you taste buds, feel south 32:43 them. High-fructose corn sugar area the same time ago. That was good have another one. And 32:47 another one. This Pope Francis comes through. It's some sort completely. You know, small 32:54 bowel ghost or liver is like you're, you know, you're right. ticket counter arena 32:58 theater. And, you know, people kind of one by one of the view taken, you know, you welcome 33:02 the men, but 50 people come all of a sudden and they'll want to get in because the 33:06 show's about to start and this just pushing it. This is what happens when we have high 33:09 fructose syrup. You just Russia seen a lot ghost reliever, a portly restraint 33:15 to play catch with all this and rob small. If we have a good liver stores, them in and 33:21 stores them neatly a stole. So try to stress with this fatty liver is like a pandemic right 33:30 now. it is. Under threat of storms are liver into. But hey, this is full of fat this 33:35 fast. OK, so and then our insulin, this work. Well, we get diabetes, pre diabetes, 33:41 diabetes, this. Texas insulin, that kind of working a liver. We're seeing arteries stars, 33:52 genes that will make them also in their arteries, increase in size. so we have high blood 33:57 pressure a result. And liver will make cholesterol out of old is fat. I don't think we 34:06 don't need to be the closer only makes it out of sugar that we in excess of. This is 34:13 not assume that that's what a lot of kids are raised most everything you read its kind. 34:17 >> So probably this is we're really labels is probably beneficial. 34:21 >> second sailor took yeah. There should be no corn syrup, right deal. Absolutely. 34:29 >> Yes. Just the less processed food you can the better off you are. That's the 34:32 goal for from the tree. And Bryant just too much coffee affect the heart. This is from 34:40 Nancy Pat in college deal, Tennessee. >> Yeah, that's an interesting 34:45 question. I would say typically know there are few conditions where you can cough 34:51 yourself to the point where you pass out. And that's very, really possible. That coughing 34:58 could trigger an episode of it rougher but it's pretty rare. >> Now, this is interesting 35:02 because somebody told me if you're in a feb, give yourself a couple of good, hard coughs 35:06 and that can great. true. That's possible. president regularly work either. 35:13 >> All right. It doctor f her. Can you please discuss how drinking with our 35:23 >> fix proper digestion. This is from Jasmine from West Frankfort. 35:28 >> But our stomachs are signed by the creator to digest food at a certain pH And when we 35:38 put water, we dilute that a city t. And that targets makes its slower. Our our digestion. 35:46 That's one thing. That's the physical part at and chemical too. And also the consistency. 35:54 It has to have certain. Thickness. And if you dilute it, it also. Makes it makes 36:03 your day just in slower because all that water has to be absorbed the first and then 36:09 denied edition continues. And especially if you drink cold drink that has to the 36:15 temperature has to. Equalize with your stomach temperature. that's another bad thing. And 36:24 especially due to this before going to bed that will cause here. I your stomach to be so 36:29 in March just ended. And there's going to be most likely acid reflux because by 36:36 the time you lie down. Your stomach is not done. Digesting and that fluid will come back, 36:44 not just the water, but also the acid and maybe some of the solid confidence and you feel 36:49 that choke him. So in order to avoid all that. Drink, the water up apart from your 36:56 meals. >> I just sitting. Here is your thing. I think we're 36:59 drinking water with your meals. Could be the beginning of the suffrage. cancer. It 37:05 could be that becoming of a lot of problems. Couldn't it? Sleep apnea. 37:12 >> if you have a full stone that you lay down and you throw it muscles to medically 37:18 protect you from us parading into along the contents of your stomach. So some things 37:22 people are asleep. They just had a big dinner. And if you watch them, they have a twist 37:26 to the next to impede the reflecting and they wake up in the one particularly his son. 37:36 They have pains and they don't let the other partners sleep They're talking about a little 37:44 mask for C pap and it's just going to you know, then urges a little sluice away and 37:50 demand for you make life amazing. >> right 37:56 >> do strokes? Brian, do strokes have a precursor? I had a dizzy spell followed by 38:05 getting very warm all over the Could this be a precursor to a stroke that could follow? 38:15 >> So stroke. very good question. Strokes can often be preceded. But what we call a 38:20 TIA, it scheme that attack. It's like a mini stroke. But what this caller's describing 38:27 doesn't really sound like a Tia. It sounds more like a might be what we call bagels 38:34 syncope where the blood vessels, just I'll let you get flushed and warm than and that 38:38 could be that could be caused by stress that could be caused by it. Heart But should so go 38:43 talked her doctor about? >> OK? I'm doctor men. Well, I have a chronic bowel 38:51 obstruction in limited it. >> To a low residue diet of no more than one gram of fiber 38:57 per meal. How can get my and fruit? There's so little fiber. 39:06 >> That can be used. This. Not the saying that you get from your fruits is just a 39:09 byproduct. You could boil oatmeal, for example, that has a lot of good. So the 5 O K 39:19 yeah, of course. And that has this type of condition and you can't tell, you know, you full 39:26 fruits and vegetables and to really Pulver everything. Make it mechanically soft. There 39:35 are conditions in which he had to get this. Liquid nutrition. And I'm talking about the so 39:43 that they've been to pharmacies that are made from plant proteins only. That is 39:48 rare. But there a company out there. You just plan liquid complete liquid nutrition 39:58 plant based completely contrition. And people can leave out of that. You know, 40:02 like the ones fit by, they didn't it in You can live in that. And have a good let's go 40:08 system. And we've heard this. This you know, you kind of regular flu that that is that 40:14 is good enough. >> That's amazing. All right. >> Here's a This is for Mr. 40:24 Doctor is in preparing vegetables. Is it safe to microwave them or are 40:31 nutrients lost when microwaving? Thank you, Judy, for Miss Minnesota. 40:36 >> Yeah. And cooking in general changes the nutrients. But that would call for eating 40:44 everything wrong. And that eating everything raw. It's not either recommended because 40:50 there are nutrients that are sword. If they're cooked. So we should. If cook and draw 40:58 both. What if necessary, not overcook, because everyone who eats vegetable sometimes that 41:10 they're too soggy. It's not less. And you want to eat a little bit of pleasure, right? 41:19 Yes, into that's a microwave. There is up great controversy about that subject. I I'm not 41:28 an expert on at physicist to explain why should or should not be done that way? Most 41:40 people use microwave with no proven. Ailments. The only way I know how to cook. Yeah, but 41:48 here's one thing I will say because, Judy, I did do a lot of research mice because 41:53 sometimes I never cook an original new and Michael, but sometimes that warm it up and 41:57 my what? >> So I did deep steady. And here's the bottom line. I 42:02 didn't find where it's really messing with the molecules, you don't want to microwave in 42:09 the thing in plastic to make sure you put it in a glass container because plastic when 42:15 it starts getting heated up like that. >> You're releasing things 42:20 serious or in this question right down water in plastic, OK, worries that question. 42:26 Let's this one. I'm 76 years of age have high blood pressure. I do drink 2 cups of 42:31 coffee a day. I Stop drinking coffee. No problem is just a force habit. My dad is poultry 42:39 fish, fruits and vegetables. Question. What can I do to stop taking so It's this is 42:44 one in San Antonio. >> The one that's a good question is hard to get very 42:52 specific medical permission without knowing exactly what the medicines are and what the 42:55 condition is. But the things that we go through my mind are natural ways to cut blood 43:01 pressure down are to get down to your ideal body weight. So if you're overweight, that 43:05 would be the biggest place to focus exercise. I tell my patients that exercise can be 43:11 as good as 2 blood pressure medicines. So getting 30 to 60 minutes of exercise. You don't 43:15 have to get out run. You can just walk you can swim, you can bicycle, but some sort of 43:20 exercise could be very beneficial. Eating. A plant-based diet can be very 43:26 helpful. And you mentioned that you drink to cook cups of coffee coffee is a stimulant 43:30 and although it hasn't been directly related to blood pressure, why be addicted to a 43:38 substance that you have to go through withdrawal symptoms to get off of the has to have an 43:43 effect on her body. And so I would advise if you're able to 2 to eliminate that. Talk your 43:49 doctor about natural ways. You can do it. And there are some 3 fracture e. People have 43:55 reflect or high blood pressure that can be caused by other causes. So it is good talk to 43:59 your doctor about having that checked out. >> And then, okay, 2 quick 44:03 questions for you, doctor men. Well, it is good for diverting collide. Us. Well, h***. 44:10 >> That's the plant based diet and the water. Okay. have to. But we have that Yes, that's 44:15 the only time. You know, there's been a controversy for a long time medical science. 44:22 We have let it take you. Lo says, which is a condition in which you just have those 44:26 pockets. They're not in fact that no offices, fever, no pain. He said, well, if you 44:32 need is a little seeds, you know, if he did to me to the seats out, if you to 44:36 strawberry, you see these little black season, 2 to know normally don't do that. Now 44:42 those seas will never get there. They then long-term studies and this has been like 44:47 a light in the in the 70's 80's base. It you can eat seeds, please. And then in the 44:53 90's, again, the star saying the same, the people that have revealed books or, you know 44:55 what kind of the old school? seasonal nothing. So they have owner says the studies and 45:01 they came to the same conclusion again, please, if you have that particular says 45:05 9 fiction, 2 seeds because I would take you like this for those 10, 14 days a year and 45:11 are antibiotics. You need to get into because the bacteria there have found a place to 45:17 grow and there will be in vain to blow stream and cause it to see MIA. And you can have a 45:22 bowel perforation forming there its mystery. So take your antibiotics going to a 45:29 lower risk diet, which means low 5 per day for those 10, 14 days. The problem go away. And 45:34 then if you want to know tackle, diver to ladies, go on a plant based diet and drink 45:40 water, don't use the coffee because coffee dehydrates, you. And you'll never get It's 45:44 amazing how patients >> have actually of them that. But there's always the one 45:48 that goes you know, I have to have my steak n little Mexican food that my patients 45:58 sometimes it's too much treason and And so yeah. >> It may do a quick follow-up 46:03 because we just hear a lot of people who have us and this is this is he fit to make and the 46:07 West Indies. Good evening. I have lupus. I'm having Billy Payne at the left side. 46:14 Sometimes constipated. And another time I have to agree a hope you can assist. 46:20 >> She may have where you may have a a condition that out to me and also related to So 46:31 studies done called a colonoscopy and bounces to the cause may be discovered or the 46:37 you may have. Also irritable bowel syndrome, which is very come look who's a fix, many 46:41 tissues, but not directly. The intestines may affect the the membrane that covers 46:47 intestines called the mess. And Terry. Pretty to noon and they can have pain says he's 46:54 the head of the infection like pretty tonight is because of blood vessels that the feed. 46:59 Those the membrane maybe in flame. And that's a big problem they have a school 47:06 like says, and sometimes the bow is effective because we need to have good blood flow 47:11 to the POW. Their goal is can make you have a bottle attack. And in fact. An infection 47:17 going from there. So. You're inflammation in your blood vessels. Depends on your die. 47:25 Your ability to exercise and you judicious use of medication. Something's got to 47:30 medication for a short period of time while they are learning to change it. But OK, 47:37 so we're going to have to go down to like 22nd gay rights. need fire him or were told to 47:46 drink plenty of water. Many people use plastic bottles for convenience. Is that plastic 47:49 harmful on the body? >> The long term it might because it's and a natural 47:58 chemical that especially if it's exposed to temperatures high temperatures, it leaches 48:04 And so that's the bottom of the bank could use. Don't leave your water bottle in the 48:07 car. Levitt can overheat and >> Okay. Fatty This is from Charlayne, have always been 48:14 vegetarian, but diagnosed with fatty liver also have 3 What can I do? All this is from 48:18 John. >> But John, make sure that even if I was a vegetarian, I 48:24 have had to live or 2 because he was doing too much cookies. Oatmeal cookies. You know, 48:28 this is a half this Oreo cookies or vegan, be careful. Okay. So we have to who is 48:34 high for Goes through most of my patients. Now the Cherry in and they have the leaders is 48:41 is not. You know, the person needs to be at least not this. Hey. 48:46 >> And doctor, Mr. I've been suffering from sinus issues for many years and it's now 48:51 more like a drainage from eyes and nose just went to otolaryngology us was 48:57 prescribed antibiotics for my condition. I'm very hesitant to take them 49:01 >> are I'll turn it. Any alternative, good protocol or natural amenities for bacteria 49:10 or mold sinus issues. >> With this sinus infection, the best drainage, in other 49:18 words, open up the airways with. Vapors stations, not a word south. Boil. Some water 49:25 is Let it. Inhaled that took close to so you don't burn, but that will help open the 49:32 sinuses so they can drain. Avoided. Dust and some triggers, maybe maybe have 49:41 chronic energy use. And that's what's triggering it I would take the antibiotics just 49:46 because this is something chronic. And when it becomes chronic, there could be 49:51 bacteria sitting there. So take it one course of antibiotics. But then go to 49:58 natural water. Vape are treatment. JD had to be needed. The rotor rooter thing 50:04 when they go, we know the scientists in. >> What they gave him was the 50:09 bottle as scientists you ran again. He used to sit in almost every night in. It's 50:16 just incredible. Lives lives through stuff. so scientists Rance is good, too. From an 50:25 all right, doctor, Brian, is there a natural treatment to help resolve right? Branch, a 50:31 lock. Please explain what happens with this is a very quickly there's 50:40 >> electrical pathways that connect the upper chamber of the heart the chamber of the 50:43 heart. I call them like Superhighways. If there's construction on one of those 50:47 highway is what's called the right one. That's right. Bundle branch block. So the 50:52 electrical circuit slow-down has going the other way around. There is no way to 50:55 reverse it. It doesn't really cause a problem. There might be a 2% chance that you might 51:00 need a pacemaker someday, but it's very unlikely. And so I would tell my patients not to 51:05 worry about a bundle branch block. >> OK, writes and says I have 51:10 a lot of that Xing, which is aggravating, particularly when I eat certain foods. 51:17 >> What is the major cause of this? >> The need to step into a 51:23 little fasting. Some things from the system is fool. secure late. The way should be 51:28 so flu states in the stomach, the stomach saloon flame. There's maybe a society also 51:34 and we are anxious. We don't know that we're breathing fast. We're introducing area 51:39 nurse toe motion that we had to do Bell stand so countdown. The less that day for 2 days, 51:47 a lot of water. If you're overweight, take that opportunity to so. We some 51:51 food, some water, the wonderfully one thing I do is eat too fast. 51:56 >> I can't. It's a personality thing. I can do. Everything passed and I do know that 52:04 eating too fast. You can what Ryan? >> What up about one daily 52:11 alcoholic drink from my heart and just one cup of coffee in the morning. 52:16 >> This is from mended Michigan. >> All right. So for many 52:19 years. The whole medical community. a little wine is good for your heart. It 52:26 reduces your risk for heart disease. The study is that they were looking at are 52:30 actually funded by the wine And little studies that we're looking for the answer that 52:38 was wanted. And after about 20 years of hearing this, we now know that there is no safe 52:41 amount of alcohol that does not benefit the heart. besides that, the risk to our society 52:49 is so huge that why would we want to continue to promote something so harmful? So 52:52 that's a very quick answer recently. Just last week, there is a big study that came 52:59 at analysis out of England that showed all that caffeine is beneficial for you. It 53:04 actually helps your heart with this is your a spiritual revelation? These are still a 53:07 little studies goes against even common sense. So I don't personally believe them. I'm 53:15 waiting for the next 2 years the real science. That's not industry-funded. And look at 53:19 that topic can so while the science isn't necessarily there right now, caffeine is a 53:25 drug just like other drugs. It has side effects. And so I would advise my patients to 53:30 avoid both. >> OK, doctor men? Well, my question is, what causes your 53:36 bows to alternate between constipation and diarrhea? >> Is usually of the levels of 53:41 stress that we submit ourselves to. If have a tranquil life and we can all 53:48 learn that even in the most dire circumstances that. Causes us to be moving But 53:57 there's some diseases that can do particular says one of them because both the accumulation 54:02 of rest June, those pouches, sometimes they get a little inflamed and the system is so 54:08 why is the out that area and then as they feel up this well, the wall of the 54:15 intestine, constipation. So it's a good idea to be checked. If you have been 54:18 checked all get yourself a colonoscopy. When asked somebody to show you seat disk 54:23 and whatever is necessary to know. But you're is like, it was good. You can. 54:29 >> Here's one that we've got to get in Just read it right But quickly. What is the best 54:34 way to treat extreme severe extreme fatigue caused by thyroid adrenal and type 54:41 issues. So but is the quick answer for that? You really do need to see a doctor, but 54:45 >> you have to correct the adrenal gland. You have to correct the thyroid and you 54:50 need to find out why your losing look in the blood, which is commonly in the 54:55 store. You may not be making. You may not be making enough. So absolutely has to go get 55:00 medical advice for that, OK? >> We have time for one. Their questions. 55:08 >> I'm sure greens, fruits and seeds sufficient for the day. But how much should I take? 55:15 >> In daily to take care of bacteria and cleanse. Fastest. less than a minute. 55:22 >> You have given yourself a system that tells you in your full so don't need and to 55:27 really full it mostly plants whole as they are process as they may be. Fun products 55:35 drink water. Cultivate a thankful attitude. Thank God every day. Thank everyone 55:42 richer for OK, we've just got like minute left real quick around the table. Doctor 55:47 Brent. What's your greatest? Medical tip? God designed us. So the Bible. The Bible really 56:00 is the guide for how a city. in Genesis that tells us the plant based diet, the 56:07 exercise, a man doctor. >> I want to call you out Doctor, a stir. Well, we can 56:17 imagine se we are even and do what Adam did before the fall. Enjoy life too. What God 56:25 created and then 10 seconds. Love you, friends. >> You millions and billions 56:33 of friends. will treat him nicely. And you have a good yet. 56:40 >> I wish we'd had a little more time to get a few to a few more question will have to 56:43 come No, yes, and I know you all hat, there's a spiritual, physical, spiritual level that 56:49 you share with all of your patients. thank you for what you do. out of time. We're so 56:54 glad that you joined us. Our prayer for you is set the grace of our Lord and Savior 57:02 Jesus Christ. >> The love of the father and the fellowship of the homes 57:04 fear it will help you walk in a path of good God bless you. ♪ 57:15 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:30 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:45 ♪ ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-04-09