3ABN Today Live

Prophetic Waymarks

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220012B

00:13 Welcome back. My friends. I tell you that first hour flew by and I looked up and there
00:17 was like a minute and a half left and that the time go anyways. That's what happens
00:21 when you're having fun. You're excited about studying God's word. if you just now tuning
00:24 in to the 3 Angels Broadcasting Network, my name is Ryan Day. I'm joined by
00:28 Pastor James Rafferty. And we We're taking a journey through Bible prophecy to the great
00:35 prophet e-books of Daniel and revelation. And we just finished with the power
00:38 packed. I mean it. We were running a but but but we have some major, major high where
00:45 we are in Daniel chapters to 7. We wanted Chapter 8. And we also spent some time and
00:52 Daniel 11. Now we're setting up to gilgo into a transition into the book of Revelation.
00:56 And we're going to talk about the 7 churches in the 7 SEALs in the 7 trumpets and the 7
01:01 Viles we're going to talk about where we are amongst at will before. We do want to
01:04 remind you how you can send in your questions because at the end of this hour, probably
01:09 with about 15 or 20 minutes left, if we have the time we're going to get into some
01:12 of your questions. And by the way, we've already started to receive some side, got some to
01:16 read off already. we we we encourage you to send in those questions. So if you have
01:21 questions pertaining to Daniel Revelation, the contest we're discussing tonight, feel free
01:25 to send those into ways you can do that. The first way is by email. The email address
01:30 will show up right there on your screen and the e-mail address is live at 3, a B in
01:37 DOT TV. So again, that's live at 3ABN DOT TV. If you choose to e-mail those questions in
01:43 or if you have smartphone or cell phone right there by you can also text in just simply
01:49 send us a text with your question and the numbers right there. 6, 1, 8, 228-3975,
01:54 again, that 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5. So send in those questions because Pastor
02:04 Rafferty, he's locked and loaded and ready to go to answer your questions. And
02:07 we've already gotten some really good ones in some excited to get to those at the
02:09 end of this hour. Also before we go right into the book Revelation, I just want to
02:15 highlight the fact the past Rafferty mentioned earlier briefly and that is that
02:18 they're they have a program. 3ABN has a program that it's all you often see on the DARE
02:23 to dream Network. It even often airs on 3ABN. But it's also on our 3 ABN plus app.
02:29 And you can also find it on the 3, a B in YouTube channel. But that is salvation in
02:34 symbols and signs. It's just it's a program that deals with a detailed breakdown verse by
02:39 verse chapter by chapter of the books of Daniel and revelation. So there's an
02:44 entire multi program. How many did you guys? Well, 112 for the book of Revelation, a foot
02:50 from word for Ball 112 for both. OK? So for both 112 programs Saturated Minute
02:56 Program, 30 minute program saturated with Daniel and revelation. And so if you want
03:00 to go deeper into this because >> right now what we're doing is we're just kind of wet your
03:04 whistle, right? We just got wet your appetite because we're hitting some of the high
03:07 points. But if you are a student of the word of God and you love Bible prophecy and
03:09 you want to learn more, then you need to check out salvation and symbols aside.
03:13 So how can you do that? Obviously, go download the 3 A B in plus at can get it on the
03:17 phone. If you have Amazon Prime or Amazon Fire stick or Apple TV or Roku. Anything
03:26 like that. You can download that app for free and you have access to 3ABN. Plus all of
03:31 the programming for 3ABN and you'll see the salvation and symbols and signs. They're
03:35 also on the 3ABN you to go subscribe hit that like but hit that little Bell icon get
03:41 all the updates from. We upload new material. But you also be able to find the
03:44 salvation and symbols and signs there on the 3 D and YouTube Channel. And I believe
03:49 it's also is Dreamer 3 B and the Thunder get a dream as well. And so and then, of
03:52 course, we also encourage you to go on the 3 ABN website. So the website is 3 ABN DOT TV.
04:01 There is it's that simple. 3 ABN dot TV that will bring up the main page and then you
04:06 scroll down a little ways and you'll see the salvation and symbols and signs banner. Now,
04:11 here's what's exciting because we may not be able to get to all your questions tonight.
04:15 But there may be many view as a home. That's you're you're just a bunch of questions you
04:18 may have about Daniel revelation of Bible prophecy. And this is what Pastor
04:23 Repartee does. This is the this is the one string on his violent. He's got many of
04:26 them. But let's say love the loves answer. Questions about Daniel revelation. You can get
04:30 actually send in those questions to him directly via the salvation and symbols and
04:37 signs page as you go to 3ABN DOT TV. Scroll down. Find that salvation and symbols and
04:42 signs banner. Click on that. And then at the top of the page, it'll say contact. You
04:45 just put contact will pop up there for you to be able to send in your question or your
04:50 message to them. And pastor, after he received that personally and he'll get back
04:54 with you soon. As you can these are opportunities that you can learn more and get
04:57 your questions answered. We're excited about it. We also some outlines working on a number
05:02 of them already done in there up on the site on the Salvation. Suppose hindsight.
05:06 >> But outlines for every one of those programs that we're working on a man praise the
05:08 Lord prison. Look. All right. So okay. Revelation, brother. Yeah. Revelations a little bit
05:14 different than annual. So Daniel is divided up with between stories and
05:20 prophecies. Right? And you have the stories about Daniel taken captive in the 3. Were
05:24 these in that fiery furnace and then you go to the you know, the story of Daniel
05:27 Lyons, Dan. And then it's clearly distinct from, you know, these prophecies. We I
05:34 saw this dream my bed and visions and whatever revelation doesn't have that
05:38 clear distinction, OK? It has the same basic washing machine out, for basic cycles again,
05:47 how we got to know where the stock was begin with the cycles. And in Daniel, we know
05:51 because starts to Babylon to meet a Persian, it takes us down to the new having a
05:54 northwest. What revelation does the same thing every cycle starts in a certain time
05:58 frame and the timeframe is not battle on. That's gone the Persian. That's gone rights.
06:04 Not Greece. That's got its progun Rome. because this is when Jesus was born. According
06:09 to Daniel 11, 20 to 22 right. So Jesus is born under Augustus Caesar. He dives into
06:16 the various season. He's living out of the Roman Empire. John is on the Isle of
06:20 Pat Moss. Right? Was exiled by the right? And that's what he sees his first vision of the 7
06:28 churches. So in John Chapter one on the out Pat Moss, John sees the vision of the 7
06:35 churches. It begins with a church in emphasis, which is the church represents his day,
06:39 right? Right. And it moves all the way through history to the very last church. The
06:43 late-season church. >> Every one of those churches is an outline of the history
06:47 from the days of John Wright. The Apostolic Church time all the way down to the second
06:51 coming of Jesus. It's amazing brother. And then we transition into the dry.
06:57 Remember now when our destination is not the second coming of this nation's new
07:00 have a new or so every church is given a promise. >> To him that over come right
07:05 to give to him. That overcomes going make you pillar my temple to him. That overcomes
07:08 are going to sit on my throne of the that's new heaven. New Earth promise, right? Right,
07:13 right. So the 7 churches take us from John Stein from the Apostolic Age all the way down
07:18 to the new Haven's in Newark, right, including the second coming. Now we open up to the
07:22 7 SEALs do the 7 seals begin in John's time. So notice here in John, a revelation chapter
07:29 for John sees a thrown open and have a new revelation. Chapter 4. And then as he
07:34 transitions chapter 5, he sees a book city in the right hand him that sits on the throne.
07:39 He has a strong angel claim who's going to be newsworthy to open this and then it says
07:44 that as you go further down, that one of the elders comes to him and he says don't weep
07:48 because John is we think is no man can open it. And he says, don't we?
07:51 >> The whole the line of the tribe of Judah he's prevail. >> Any point he's pointed van
07:56 to a lamb as it had been slain threats county. That's the cross that's apostolic age.
08:00 That's Jesus time. In fact, here's something different. Interesting before. John has
08:06 shown the vision of Christ the slain Lamb calvary. By the way, just just to emphasize
08:10 this for us because we start out with this theme. Jesus is the center of Bible prophecy.
08:16 course. So this whole prophecy revelation chapter one revelation chapter 2
08:21 revelation chapter 3 relish up to 4 Elysia 6, 7, 8, 9.10, left.
08:25 >> There's no beasts. There is no draft and write write this. The first half of the book of
08:31 Revelation is focusing here on the story of redemption, right? It's focusing on just
08:36 that to John sees John doesn't see obese. First, the beast, the mark of the beast become
08:40 the chapter 13 right policies. Jesus first, right. And that's the point. with Jesus, I can
08:45 safely go surges. And I'm gonna take you into the revelation of myself and the
08:49 future of this world. And I want you to follow me anyway, which is I can safely go
08:53 anywhere and right here, I cannot know. And I just want to know here because there's
08:57 so many people that study, well, they they actually do 10 to not study the book of
09:03 Revelation because they're fearful when they get to some of these chapters undersea
09:06 locus Beast and Dragons and all these different things. And some of these very
09:11 negative heavy profit elements. It's some people, they're fearful of them. But
09:15 yet it's powerful because we have a beautiful promise. They're really in the very
09:18 opening verses of revelation. Chapter one. And it says here he confirms the revelation of
09:23 Jesus Christ, which most people inconsiderate to revelation of John, but it's
09:26 not revelation of Jesus Christ and it's amazing. But by the time you get to verse 3, it
09:32 says blessed is he that reads and they they hear the words of this prophecy in keep those
09:35 things which are written therein for the time is at hand. I just had to bring that
09:40 up because you're going through this some of these elements of some of these deep
09:44 some box seems people read it to get overwhelming. I don't know what I don't understand
09:48 and avoid it because this is scary stuff. I'm just going to, you know, be a good
09:51 Christian, be a good person and continue on for life. I was sitting in the hospital
09:54 one day waiting for my mother to get a procedure done Methodist Lady 7 next. A man
09:58 should begin talking to me a total. What I did on I preach and a new revelation seminars
10:03 and we know we focus on Bible prophecy, revealing Christ Bible prophecy and she made a
10:07 comment a Michigan called. So you think she kind of says scoffing at the idea. So you
10:11 think, you know, all of what revelation our church stays away from that because no one
10:15 really knows. But yet revelation chapter one verse 3 in the face of that Thompson
10:21 because God wants to bless us to study these things. And that's exactly what we're
10:24 doing here tonight with Pastor James is doing is he's a leading us through to help
10:29 reveal Jesus Christ and his plan for our lives to help us prepare for that new heaven
10:31 and new earth. So yeah, started judge about to enter up there. I just had that came
10:36 to my love it. Love it. Love it. You know the word blessed means happy. And the first
10:40 message of the book of revelations in verse 5 from him that Love doesn't wash us
10:45 from our sins in his own blood. That's the message of the gospel. The first vision
10:47 of John season on a vision of a dragon or a beast or plagues vision of Jesus, right? Right.
10:52 So the first message to the gospel, diverse visions, Jesus, that's into encourages
10:56 crews. All of our viewers, those have been scared of this book because I I will tell
11:00 you, I think that that many people, including our church, has done a disservice to the
11:03 book Revelation. We've made it about the drag. We've made it about these. We've made it
11:08 about the market. Yeah, we made it that to kind a sense we don't have a want to scare
11:11 people into our, you know, judge, in a sense. >> No, we need to focus on
11:16 says I find you if that will draw all men. And to me, let's lift up Jesus. He's in the
11:20 book of revelation. The Lamb is mentioned the book of Revelation 20 9 and the Lamb
11:27 is broken open here in revelation, Chapter 5. Notice what's as again relationship
11:30 to 5 or 6. And behold and I'd be held in low in the midst of the throne of the 4 beast in
11:37 the midst of the eldest of the land as it had been slain. That's Calvary just the cross.
11:42 So from now on, whenever the Lamb is mentioned, we're talking about the cross. The
11:47 cross Khoury is all through the book of Revelation because land is mentioned over and
11:50 over again in the book. Relish even revelation. Chapter 13. Yes, we are directed to the
11:57 right lab saying the us, OK? So John, here is seen in heaven and this is some time
12:05 after crisis sent. You know, this is 80 90. So it's way too many years after he's looking
12:08 back now, scene and we looks up there. He sees it says in verse 5 out of the throne.
12:15 Proceeds lightnings and fund raising voices and 7. That's the fire before the strong,
12:18 which are the 7 spirits of got it right. And then when he sees the lamb and verse 6 in
12:22 the midst of this drone. Right after he sees this lambs have been slain, having 7 home runs
12:27 and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits have got sent forth into all costs that's going us
12:33 because now crisis coming to that. He's coming to the throne room writer, area that
12:38 throne room scene. Yes. And and he's returned from Earth from having redeemed died on
12:43 the cross is resurrected. The war hero has returned. Now. >> And what is on the cycles
12:48 we left. He said is what I'm going to I'm going have and what I'm going to send you
12:52 another confident. Yes, the holy spirit and unfortunately Smith. So we start in the
12:56 Apostolic Age. The output of the Holy Spirit is indicated here. The sacrifice a crisis
12:59 presented here and then we move through the seals right one after another. The seal of
13:04 the first 4 SEALs are horses and we have a 5th SEAL open and those are under the altar
13:11 receive white robes in the 6th seal. We have the the man crying for the rocks. We have
13:14 signs in the heavens and the earth and then there's this pause, right? Because this
13:18 question is asked who's going to be able to stand before the throne before the lap?
13:21 >> And revelation 7 is kind of an interlude if you will try to answer that question. What
13:26 happens revelation? Chapter 7 as you close it out is John is showing a great multitude that
13:31 no man can. Number of every nation can determine people, right. That means it's roomy
13:34 enough and haven't for everyone. The book of Revelation is good news. It
13:40 having for everyone. God is not racist is not, Every nation can do it on the people
13:45 are going to be there right then. And then he shows us this picture, this newer
13:48 pictures. that's what destination right? >> Every cycle in revelation,
13:52 just like Daniel begins at a certain period in history to ends with a new heaven and new
13:57 Earth. Daniels began with me to Persia and that along revelations begin with Pagan
14:03 Rome. We've already established that church is now established with the SEALs.
14:07 How do we get to the new heaven and new earth? Notice this revelation chapter 7
14:09 released versus for me Revelation Chapter 7 versus 15 to 17 relations, 7 verse 15 to
14:17 17. Therefore, are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his
14:21 temple? And he that sits on the throne shall dwell among them. They show hunger no
14:26 more. Neither thirst anymore. Neither should the sunlight on them nor any heat for the Lamb
14:31 of God, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them and shall lead them to the
14:37 living fountains of waters and God shall wipe away. All tears from their eyes. Is that sound
14:44 like you're just after He We've made it to the new heaven and new earth in the 7
14:48 seals. So that's the end of a prophetic cycle. So what I want our viewers to know is
14:53 the book of Revelation administered really simply if you just look at the prophetic
14:57 cycles because you get all confusion like where are we right now? We'll just see
15:01 where you are in the prophetic cycle. Of course, we this out and salvation symbols and
15:04 signs. We've got an intro, the first prophetic cyclists. The church is the second prophetic
15:09 cyclists, the SEALs. Now let's look for the next prophetic cycle member has to begin in
15:13 the Apostolic Agent, right? Alright revelation Chapter 8 again. First to just refreshed
15:17 Ryan revelation. 8, 2 through 5 relation chapter 8 beginning with verse to and I saw the 7
15:24 Angels wish to be forgotten to them who were given 7 trumpets and another angel came and
15:27 stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given it to him much incense
15:34 that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints. Up on the golden altar, which was
15:37 before the throne. >> And the smoke of the incense, which came with the
15:41 prayers of the Saints us ended up before got out of the Angels hand and the Angel took
15:47 the sensor and filled it with fire of the altar and cast into the earth. And there were
15:53 voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake. >> following OK, so you've got
16:00 intercession. right? You've got an altar on the earth that represents Khoury and got a
16:04 golden altar in heaven. That is in the Holy places with a goal. Motor was Christ takes a
16:09 sacrifice and carry to heaven. He enter seas and the disciples up rain, you know,
16:16 on Pena cost with the please forgive us. Please forgive me for thinking. Im mad. The
16:18 about Peter, and Matthew, I just I really and they're confessing their sins and
16:22 their prayers. A coming up in crisis mingling. Those prayers with his perfect
16:26 righteousness. Ephesians 5, 2, says his sacrifices a sweet-smelling saver. Right? A
16:32 new little said and then like Isaiah Chapter 6 fire was taken off the altar and its
16:38 cast into the Earth and all that power that was around the throne. In revelation, chapter
16:42 for the thunders and the voices in lines around one guy is now in the earth here.
16:48 You're right. Because on the day of Pentecost member, this cloven tongues life, I can
16:51 ahead of you trying fill the holy spirit and then began to speak. Boldly and Angels came
16:56 down there and it was thunders and those earthquakes. It was all kinds of things happen in
16:58 the Apostolic Church. >> We have just started a new cycle right here. All right.
17:02 We just put the clothes in the washing machine. It's it's almost like these voices
17:07 eastenders like it's like the the 2 bookends for this great Prophet Cage. We're talking
17:11 about coming right out of the crucifixion of Christ. Did the thunderings an earthquake it
17:15 and then you get all the way down to the very end of the second coming of Christ, the
17:18 voices in the thunderings. And that's what that with the of aisles we're going to get oh,
17:22 yes. So how we started a new cycle. >> We move through the history
17:25 again and we're not going to swell the symbolism here. We just don't have times. Are we
17:28 with But we're trying now through this through the 7 trumpets with trying to find
17:33 the new haven't in the Northeast that ends our cycle. Right. As we go through all
17:37 this history, we have some amazing prophecies here with the locus we've got section
17:42 here in revelation, Chapter 11 with these 2 witnesses and a beast that sends out of the
17:47 bottomless pit from Egypt where Lord was crucified. I believe that beast represents
17:52 atheism. Bryant, Searcy atheism introduced here just like it was in the book of
17:55 Daniel number. Daniel, 11, now the King of the South atheism pushed him the wound. He was
18:00 introduced again. And then we get down to verse 14. This history versus 14 all the way
18:05 through verse 18. Okay. So this is a dent, 11, 11 verse 14. The second-lowest past and
18:12 where my reading to again, to all the way to verse 18 verse 18, OK, the second? Well, as
18:17 past behold, the 3rd will comes quickly and the 7th angel sounded and there was
18:22 great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our
18:25 Lord and all of his Christ. And he shall reign for ever and ever. And the 4.20 elders
18:31 which set before the throne on their seats fell up on their faces and worship God saying
18:37 we give you. Thanks o Lord, God almighty, which are and were and are to come because
18:42 you have taken to you your great power and have reigned and the nation's were angry
18:49 and your wrath is calm and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that you
18:54 should give reward your servants, the prophets and to the saints and them that fear
18:59 your name small and great should destroy them, which destroy the Earth. All right.
19:02 So this reminds us of Daniel 7 when Christ receives his came right right. The nation's were
19:11 angry, right? Dire at has come 7 months The time of the dead. That is the weekend that they
19:15 should be judged during the 1000 years and the time for your Saints to get their
19:20 reward. These actions take place. These events take place in the order. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
19:24 one after another. So we have come now to the new haven't in the north because the new head
19:27 of the north is when we receive a reward, the Saints received their reward, the new
19:30 heaven new earth. So we have ended the 3rd prophetic cycle. It's amazing how we want to
19:37 look for the beginning of the 4th. Before we go into that here in a few minutes, we're
19:41 going to get into your Bible questions. We're going to go into this profit cycle in just
19:47 a moment. But I want to remind our viewers who are watching right now, if you want to send
19:49 in your questions here in the next 10 or 15 minutes, we're going to start asking those
19:54 questions of Pastor James Rafferty. This is your opportunity. Maybe there's
19:59 something he's spoken about that you have a question about something maybe spoken about
20:01 in regards to Daniel Revelation that you would like to ask years 2 ways you can do
20:05 that. You can send it via e-mail if you decide that email address is live at 3ABN
20:10 DOT TV again, that's live at 3, a B in DOT TV or perhaps maybe you prefer to send it in
20:16 via text message. You can also text in your question. The numbers on the screen there.
20:25 618-228-3975. Again, that number is 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, probably given an
20:30 opportunity. One more time before we get into the questions. But here in a few
20:34 minutes, we'll start asking questions. So send in those questions. And we're going to
20:38 right back. Now, the pastor Rafferty were coming into this 4th cycle. And I just have to
20:41 say, get into this. Our got us organize because as you through this, it's like it's
20:47 so powerful because it's almost like he's saying the case you didn't get. Here's
20:52 another one that they shouldn't get. Here's another one. The case. You didn't get
20:55 it. Here's another one get. Here's another. So it's like author Daniel has another
20:58 cycle. Here's another cycle. There's another cycle in the same thing we're seeing here,
21:01 religion. Here's another cycle. There's another cycle. God is is so amazing.
21:06 >> That he doesn't want to missing this truth and it's not like he gives it to us.
21:10 One to 6 figured out that, look, this is an case. You didn't get it. He really give
21:13 you another one because she didn't get in this. Want to give you another one. This
21:16 repeat and enlarge God doesn't want us to be ignored. The Bible says he is not the
21:20 author of Confusion in First Corinthians 14. So that's what we're finding out. It's what
21:22 we're learning here tonight. So now we're prepared to transition into this 4th
21:27 cycle. now we're getting into the Viles he wants us to get to our destination member,
21:33 right? The destination take I-5, one. 26 thing. Come to the light. Go through. Look
21:37 for that. >> He he repeats that. We do the same thing on. Let me tell
21:42 you now, when someone when you get to that, if you want to turn right, right there, don't
21:45 go left. Go right. You're right. We do the same thing. God is doing the same thing
21:47 with us. He's given us directions, OK? We get in revelation, chapter 12 were
21:52 looking for the Apostolic Age because that would start another cycle that we're not
21:56 given permission to start a cycle where we want to where we're following an
22:01 interpretative principle here. Repeat a large principle just like it's laid out in. Daniel
22:05 starts a cycle with babble on me to Persia and then it Cape takes us all the way you have
22:09 in the north. That's when the vision ends. Danny was set up the president for us now we're
22:13 looking for that same president revelation, of course, without along without
22:17 me to pressure without Greece, we start with rope right? Alright evolution. Chapter 12,
22:21 right where they are with verse one for each read verses one through 5 O K relation 12
22:26 beginning with verse one and there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed
22:30 with the sun and the moon under her feet and up on her head. A crowd of 12 stars and
22:37 she being with child cried travailing in birth and pain to be delivered. And there
22:40 appeared another wonder in heaven and behold, a great red dragon heading 7 heads and 10
22:46 horns and 7 crowns up on his head and his tail drew the 3rd part of the Stars of Heaven
22:52 and did cast them to the Earth. And the Dragon stood before the woman which was
22:55 ready to be delivered 4 to devour her child as soon as it was born first 5 and she
23:03 brought Manchild who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught
23:07 up to God and to his threat. low. Where are we right to? Where are we right now?
23:14 Prophecy, right. We're at the very beginning with the director at the beginning of
23:17 the psych. What's taking place right here. This is the this is the birth of Christ, the
23:20 birth of Christ time when the dragon work through Herat to try to destroy the child and
23:23 then we have the resurrection of Jesus right? Which is really interesting if you
23:28 think about it because if you go back and you look at all the pictures that we've been
23:31 given in the 7 churches, we have a picture of the incarnation of Christ becomes
23:34 among the churches right in revelation, chapters 4, 5, Give a picture of that of the
23:43 death of Christ cow with a lamp slain. Sure that the incarnation with the church as
23:46 he comes to John, you've got the slain lamb. You've got to carry there. In revelation, 7
23:53 trumpets. You've got the intercession of Christ, right? He's interceding for us. And
23:58 in this in this last 7 Viles, you've got a picture of the resurrection priced. you've
24:02 got a picture of the gospel here. So amazing. Think about this. laid this out in 4
24:08 prophetic cycles. Any begin each cycle with a different picture of the Gospel, the
24:11 incarnation? Yes, a death. The intercession and the resurrection of Jesus or you
24:18 can get more gospel net. So I called the book of Revelation the 5th, the cost a love that
24:24 I I love this revelation Jesus the Gospels are all the revelation of Jesus, OK? So
24:26 now we started with a cycle right here. We move through the wilderness experience,
24:31 right? We've got the same history and it takes us all the way down to revelation,
24:36 Chapter 13 of them. Daniel Chapter 13 is what we're looking for. We're looking for
24:44 a repeat Babylon. Meet a purse Greece you've got him and gives us more details about
24:51 what takes place after that. 4th power comes so that we can figure out with an 11 is
24:59 talking about is for and here you're going to see during these first few verses of
25:03 Revolution, 13 that had you not study, Daniel, you wouldn't probably quite fully
25:08 understand or get what's being presented here. But yet it's amazing the gun makes that
25:12 connection. And oh, a show. Because my profit than you. I mean, take a little step
25:15 further and give you a little bit more. So the powerful to see that you see that leopard,
25:19 the beast, the bear, the line. All right here in these opening verses so revelation
25:23 13 is our Daniel 13 right? And because we have a Daniel 13, we now have the key that will
25:30 unlock Daniel 11 versus 40 to 45? Oh, you with me. I'm with you. If we left off with the
25:37 wound, remember that the the the the king in the north was wounded. Now let's read
25:40 revelation chapter 13, one through 3, OK? So John Ensign visions is and I stood up on
25:46 the sand of the sea and I saw beast rising out of the sea, heading 7 heads and 10 horns
25:50 and up on his horns, 10 crowns and upon his heads. The names of blasphemy for the name of
25:57 And the Beast which I saw was likened to a leopard and feet with the feet of a bear and
26:01 his mouth with a mouth of the line. And the Dragon gave him his power and his seat and
26:05 great authority. And I saw one of his hands as it were wounded to death. There it is.
26:10 And his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast as
26:15 our Daniel Chapter 30 just God is amazing, isn't And he's giving this to us. This is a
26:23 recap of history. These 3 versus take us through every single one of the 4 cycles of
26:28 Daniel. >> And bring us right to Dan 11, verse 40 in a time of the
26:31 end so that he was south pushing him or him wound him. Daniel, a revelation of a 13,
26:39 one through 3 ends with one of his hands as it were wounded. And then it says, and its
26:44 deadly wound was OK, now? In revelation, chapter 13, we pick up the story with this. A
26:54 little more power being wounded and healed going in captivity and then a second
26:58 power rising up and the second tower that rises up actually images or makes an image to
27:06 this 1st they connect together, right? Is that what Daniel, 11? 42, you say, know,
27:11 is there a connection that taking place there? That's what we need to look at,
27:13 because this is so clear so far that revelation Chapter 13 is really our Daniel Chapter
27:19 13. And so we have this further explanation, if you will, of Daniel Chapter 11, 40
27:27 to 45 because revelation, 13 verse 3 connects with Daniel 11 verse 40, OK, the very
27:32 things that are going to take place in the very things that we're going to see taking
27:35 place here in revelation, 13 are going to fit hand in glove right with Daniel Chapter 11
27:41 White. Let's just look at a couple things so we keep our hand in revelation, Chapter 13
27:45 right? We know what's taking place in revelation, chapter 13 as avon's almost by heart
27:50 like you and I can just kind of we can. So what we're going to do is we're going to go
27:55 through Daniel Chapter 11 and we're going to highlight some points here that will connect
28:00 with the revelation 13 without going there. And and noting the point is all right. Then
28:03 you have to 4. numbers for you and the time of the and the king of the south pushing him.
28:08 That's atheism. We established that in Revelation 11 revelation chapter 13 verse 3
28:16 include is this reference to a says the time of the end, this is the French Revolution is
28:21 this is the time in which the papacy is starting to fade out. So now we have a power
28:28 that is added to the list. We have map along with me to Persian. We have Greece with
28:32 Pagan Rome with paper on and we have atheist, OK? All right. We have said 6 powers
28:35 so front right? So there are 6 powers here. If we look at Dan 11 40 and we look at
28:43 revelation 13 and we identify those pout that power to revelation Chapter 11 for 7
28:49 that ISIS sense out of the bounce. But it's a it's a for send my OK, so. Now notice
28:52 what it says here and the king of the north come against him like a whirlwind, much areas
28:58 with horsemen of many ships enter the country's overflow Passover. So in one verse, you
29:03 have a wound inflicted and then you have the heating of the revelation 13 his
29:07 inflicted and then say, oh, this verse, OK, then it says in verse, 41, he will enter
29:13 also into the glorious night and many shall be overthrown. But the show escape out of his
29:17 hand, even eat him and go up. And the chief of the children of Ammon now, if you want to
29:22 understand this prophecy, what's happening here? All we need to do to do is compare
29:25 with Isaiah Chapter 11 0nd half of the book from about verse 11 on Wood. It talks
29:28 about the God sending forth for the outcast. The loud cry. The inside joins people. It
29:35 says and eat them and Moab. shall obey them and they got people. This is basically
29:42 talking about people who escaped. That would escape is the same with a disused in
29:47 Daniel 12 when it says in that time, Michael should stand up the great French which stands
29:51 for the chilled by people. Initially a time a chapel such as never was since there was a
29:54 nation that same time at that time that people should be delivered. Okay. That escape
29:57 and delivered same word. Okay. So the symbolism of even and Moab and the chief of
30:03 children, Amman, is there a symbol of people? These were tribes, right that were
30:09 connected to God's people that became enemies of God. Yeah. All right. So these are back
30:15 sliders. These are people dog in nation's. These are these are people that are enemies to
30:20 God's people. But in the end of time, when these policies were filled, they are
30:24 delivered. They become part of Put it this weekend when the test comes. Company after
30:29 company going go out. right after Trump's going to come in, it's going to be a great
30:34 exchange takes place. That's what this versus talking about. While we're getting
30:38 into end-time prophecy right now. Specific details. Let's let's continue on. And that is
30:42 what has burst. 42. He should just his hand upon the country's and the land of
30:48 Egypt show. Not just way we already talked about the king of Southie in Egypt. 96 power.
30:53 Is there another ACC power in our world There's 2. You've got the one that fell 1989
30:57 USSR. And then you've got China right? And smaller entities are connected with
31:04 that. Power to the Bible is telling us here that there are 2 different types of atheism
31:10 that are going to eventually one's going to fall before the other 1 one falls and then the
31:14 other one false in verse one falls in verse 40 other one falls in verse. 42. Okay.
31:19 Here's what we hear someone, right. All right. What we're trying to identify, where are
31:22 we in part by write offs, Daniel Chapter 11 is exist versus 40 to 45 is exactly
31:27 where we are. Just one Michael stands out revelation. 13 is exactly where we are. Look at
31:31 that little bit, OK? So then goes on to sandras. 43 shall have power over the treasures
31:36 of gold and silver and all the precious things is Egypt so that no man is going to be
31:41 able to buy or right. OKC apparently shun 13. All right. And then it says and then
31:51 Libyans, that's a Middle Eastern country and the Ethiopians. That's an African
31:54 country should follow his steps are being steps. You got to get the picture here right?
31:59 You've got the glory slam, which we haven't identified yet. Then you've got the
32:04 atheist power that that he comes against right Eastern Europe, et cetera. Then you've
32:10 got another is use the power that follows in the steps. And you've got the Middle Eastern
32:13 powers the following steps. And then you've got the African powers and follow
32:17 steps. The following this, right? Because revelations as all the world, all the world
32:20 relish all older than as well as this. And it's going to be this. This could be this what
32:25 is coming? This just and he's going to power the treasure of gold silver known to be able
32:27 to buy or sell. You see the picture in here. And then when you get down here to verse.
32:32 44, here it comes right now, revelation Chapter 14, but tidy out of the east.
32:37 >> And how the nor shall trouble him. Therefore, go forth with great destroy Ali
32:42 make when they have said that a crime titans, how the east. Revelation 7 says that John
32:49 saw an Angel said, you know, the east having the seal of the living God now. So this
32:54 seal of living God, the savage truth troubles him out of the north. Isaiah 41 says that
32:58 Jesus going return from the east and from the from the rising of the sun and from the
33:02 north. He's the true king of the north. We think about a glow we think about north
33:07 being the top right and west and east and south. So north, the king of the North Jesus
33:11 Christ is the second coming. The north, a symbolic or represents the second coming
33:16 of Queen Ice. A 41. 25 and the east represents the 7th seal. So this is a people who are
33:22 preaching the 7th, a Sabbath and second coming of Jesus as well call him. 7 name is
33:32 biblical right here in the Bible that we're going to give you nice ties. But it's not
33:34 going to be a happy day. All right. People are going to hit us, right, Matthew? 24 tells
33:39 will be headed to all nations times. Matthew. 24 is giving some insight right here. So
33:43 this is not for the for the for light of heart, right? Of And we need to be strong in
33:49 our faith right now because this is a debtor he coming against us. He's going to
33:53 plant that had been asked of his palace between the Seas People's nation. Most that and
33:57 the boys. Holy Mount Mount Zion right with 144,000 are coming, right? Yeah, but he
34:02 will come to his in and that will help and he's going to eclipse God. He's going to
34:06 seek to set up his palaces, his worship, his between heaven and on earth. But then
34:09 Michael's going to stand up Prince, which stands for the chill night. People be a time
34:14 possession of was that everyone that is written. The book is going to be delivered.
34:18 That's not talking about the church books necessary. That's talking about the book of
34:20 Life. We have the book of Life again in Daniel Chapter 11 12 right and revelation Chapter
34:25 13. Wow. Yes. So the palace there are 14 parallels between Daniel 11. 42 45 in
34:31 revelation? Chapter 13 and we know revelation Chapter 13 is talking about that second
34:36 piece that comes out of the Earth. We know that's talking about the United States of
34:39 America right? What we see taking place right now. Im in Bible prophecy is Corey. The
34:45 Bible is the United States America and the papacy are going to unite this. Going to
34:49 be doing of the wound is going to be uniting and civil and religious connectivity trying
34:53 to bring down these other nations that already happened with the Holy Alliance
34:58 reported of in Time magazine in 1992. the Secret Alliance between Reagan and the Pope.
35:04 All right. So that history is just confirming Bible prophecy. Yes, we've
35:09 established often Bible prophecy. What we're just looking to buy prophecy. But
35:13 then history comes in and starts confirm. Yes, you know that when communism fell in
35:19 1989, 10th Time magazine in an article on iconic New York Hall was entitled to Holy
35:26 Alliance. And with all, that was the the Time magazine in 19, I was called the days of a
35:31 whirlwind o coming him like, oh, for one world, right on into the country's no phone
35:35 Passover. Amazing. Yes. So we all this coming together. It's crystal clear. As law suit.
35:41 Once we find Daniel 13. Then we can understand. Daniel, let's write really found
35:47 Daniel 13 in revelation, 13 and that just opens it up for us. We just to clear such so
35:53 amazing. So I have a juicer. I love to Jews as the start with your vegetables and you know
35:59 your kale and you're you're all these big handful of of of all your different vegetables
36:05 and apples and lemons. And you have this big bull. He's a how can you consume all of that?
36:09 We put into the juicer and then it comes out as this big concentrated, beautiful glass
36:13 of juice. That's what just happened in the last hour and a nation. All this
36:18 information, we just use it all down into a big, beautiful, concentrated glass
36:23 of goodness. Thank you so much. My brother. No so powerful. He would answer some
36:28 questions of. All right. So real quick, if you want to want to send in your question,
36:30 we are to have a few here. >> we're going to get to them all. But if you want to send
36:34 in your questions when he quickly, 2 ways you can e-mail them live at 3 ABN DOT TV live
36:38 at 3, a B in DOT TV. You can send your questions via email or you can text them at
36:47 618-228-3975. Again, that number is 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. We'll wait for those questions
36:55 come in. They're actually coming in. That's what I didn't have these a couple of
36:58 minutes ago. They just brought them to me. So as you're sending your questions in
37:01 there, bring them to me and Lord willing, we'll try to get to them in the last 20 minutes
37:04 that we have here. All right. Are you ready? Pastor James, who, by the way, is one
37:07 dimension. So we started that last prophetic cycle in revelation, chapter 12 and
37:14 interrelationships. 21 with a new heaven and a new So powerful Jesus time all the
37:18 way through to the new haven't you where that was the 4th person cycle that we have a
37:22 close. We have an open revelation the closing of this for prophetic cycles. Once you
37:24 organized that way. >> So So easy to understand. Praise the Lord, the Lord. All
37:30 right. We thank you all for sending in your questions. Here's the first one. Pastor.
37:33 This this is coming from Tony from New Jersey, he says is Matthew. 24 versus 29 to 31
37:39 and revelation Chapter 14 versus 14 to 16 the same event. So Kathy, 24 29 to 31.
37:47 Yes and resolution 14 versus 14 to 16. So Matthew, 24 29 to 31 is talking about the time
37:54 when Jesus returns, any reach the harvest, he gathers his people revelation chapter 14
38:00 verses 14 all through what to what relation 14, 14 to 16 when he 16 same event talk
38:07 about the harvest of the Earth in relation 14, you have the to harvest. You have the
38:11 harvest of the righteous and the harvest of the wicket. If you go all the way down to
38:15 verse 20 but definitely talking about the same event and praise the Lord. Great and
38:19 question. All right. Next question. This doesn't have a name, but this person says why
38:23 is it? So why is so much of the evangelical world fascinated with what goes on
38:29 in Israel and what do they have wrong? So in this case, I can understand this person's
38:34 question because I was raised in a church where we focus so much on the Middle East, the
38:36 Middle East, Middle East, Israel, Israel is rochus. We all believed it. All of Bible
38:42 profit, profit fulfilling his is going to be found in Israel. Not so. Can you speak
38:44 a little bit on that revelation? Chapter 12. We've missed the transition. So
38:49 we're a revelation 12, 1, 2, 5, he got over 60 notice something here. We know the
38:54 woman in revelation, 12 one is first and foremost Israel because Jesus was born of
38:58 Israel. He was born in news. Then a transition takes place in verse 6 and the woman fled
39:02 into the wilderness. What she had a place prepared of God that they might feed their
39:07 1200 and threescore days. That's the dark ages. Yeah. The transition is taking place
39:12 after crash Rose. He commissioned his disciples and started the Christian Church.
39:17 The transition took place from Judaism to Christianity and the Jews. Many of the Jews
39:23 became Christians because they accepted my side except the crisis messiah. That
39:27 transition goes to the Christian Church. And when you move through revelation
39:30 chapter 12, you come to this place with a woman. First 14 to the woman were given 2
39:35 wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into a place where
39:39 she's a nurse for a time times and have time for that by the treats from the Service. Now
39:44 the 2 wings of an eagle is significant because if you go back to revelation, Chapter 19
39:46 and verse 4 when God brought us people out of Egypt and brought them in promise to
39:53 bring them into the new minda cannon. You've seen what I did you eye to the Egyptians and
39:58 how I bear you on Eagles wings and brought you to revelation is boring. Got his inspiring
40:06 John to right the same to use the same symbol U.S. and that God used in relationship to
40:10 the establishment of his Old Testament people. Now he's establishing his New Testament
40:15 Church, right? The woman now his transition to the New Testament church. She's
40:19 brought into this place in the wilderness or she needs the wings. What? She's nourished.
40:25 And in this place, we have the serpent passing out water as it tried to try and persecutor
40:28 in Denver. 16 says and the Earth help the woman and the opened her mouth and swallowed
40:34 drug cashed out his mouse right? All right. So the woman, the New Testament
40:40 church is taken a place that identified as the Earth right. That becomes just like the
40:46 Eagles wings of the Old Testament to God's people into canon. That becomes the new
40:50 glorious land, OK, the Gore is the end of the Old Testament was marked by a land was fun
40:57 with milk and honey was economically blessed and land because people that were
40:59 scheneman spirit interest, right? The glorious land of the New Testament is marked by
41:03 a land is economically blessing Lamb. We've got people can more spirit
41:07 interests, right? So that mission 13 verse 11. This piece comes up out of the
41:13 earth, has 200 like a lamb, but eventually speaks like a dragon. That Earth is this
41:15 continent. Right? So when revelation and I wanted to wait on this, when Daniel
41:19 Evans says he will enter into the glorious land talking about principles of America
41:26 and being compromised through this king of the north his papacy. This image is going to
41:29 be made and that's where so many people missed that. Think that's where a lot of people
41:32 get that misunderstanding of Israel because they're interpreting that glorious
41:36 land to be the Holy Land, right. Conditions taking place revelation. 12 told us about
41:40 this transition is taking this as all through the Bible all through the new test that we
41:44 have that transition taking place. And Daniel 7 also identifies that transition
41:49 which ends at the 70 weeks with the stoning of state. Well, haha. Well, all right.
41:53 That's a lot to take in. So basically on a similar no, because you just got into
41:58 river revelation, 12, 14, this annex questions pertaining to that. This is work. The Eagles
42:03 Wings mention in Daniel 7 verse 4 plucked out of the Lion. Okay. That's the first
42:08 question connected to that and are the Eagle's Wings. The same mentioned in revelation
42:14 12, 14 that will help the woman. Right? Good question. So in winds that are put out
42:20 light in my understanding, Daniel sees Babylon Invision any sees this vision until it
42:26 ends up being the papacy. The winds up locked up stands was feet like a man. And so what I
42:30 see taking place, there is a transition all the way through the time the papacy comes, the
42:35 Eagles winds up locked up. They don't belong to the papacy. Alright, okay. God's
42:39 the reason they're on the line in a sense the region on the Lions because got actually
42:41 using You can answer 2 chest-high says people and actually spoke to net beacon
42:46 as the first stream in Daniel Chapter 2 that we've noticed. But the Eagles Wings in
42:50 revelation Chapter 12 14 connect with Exodus Chapter 19 of All right. As we just know,
42:57 powerful, powerful, some looking at all. These questions are so many great
43:01 questions. Thank you guys so much for sending them in. Keep sending them in again. That
43:04 number to text it 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Did I say that right? 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8,
43:12 yes, 3, 9, 7, 5, If you want to text in, of course, if you want e-mail it in, you have to
43:16 go. You have to send it into live at 3ABN. >> DOT TV live at 3ABN Dot TV.
43:22 So send us questions. And we have about I don't know. 13 minutes before we sign off
43:25 this thing. So this is a really good question. And I think, you know, there there
43:28 are some people who are taking this position in reference to the king of the South and
43:34 Daniel 11, 40 a king in the north the south. So this is what this person says. Could
43:38 the king of the north coming against the king of the south in Daniel 11, 40 represent
43:45 Satan counterfeiting. The second coming of Christ. And this is what overthrows
43:49 atheism or secularism. So I really do see that insight brought to us. But it's in a
43:57 different book. Matthew chapter, 24. so this is what we're looking at here. We're
44:02 looking at God again, giving us all these perspectives, like sure. Remember the
44:06 Greenbrier, remember the river? Look at the store. Remember the mile markers
44:08 right? >> So Jesus does that in Matthew. 24 Matthew. 24 Mark
44:13 13 loop. 21 all supplemental prophetic insights for us. Right way marks, if you will.
44:19 There are 3 basic stages of deception in Matthew Chapter. 24 in Matthew. 24 verses one
44:28 through firsthand. You have the first stage of deception deals with wars and rumors of
44:30 wars, famines, pestilence earthquakes, natural disasters. We could say
44:34 climate change. We could say pestilence disease COVID-19. All of those are being used to
44:38 strip away liberty and freedom to unite all the nations to hate the freedom and liberty
44:44 that comes under the name of God because God is a god of love it and that invokes
44:46 freedom. Liberty that hole. Then in the second stage of deception, you have this great
44:52 false prophet not says many false prophet shall arise, but the actual Greek identifies
44:57 that as a single false prophet, a great falls profit that will arise and deceive
45:00 many. Hello, that's revelation. Chapter 13? Alright revelation Chapter 13.
45:06 You have this transition from the land like principles to a dragon like voice test after
45:11 that transition takes place that power is never identified again. It's a lot like power,
45:18 right? An identified as a revelation chapter a gun. But what identified view of the
45:23 Beast of the Dragon. You have profit cost profit. You have the great Falls property room
45:26 in Matthew. 24 you the most Then you get to the last stage of deception in Matthew
45:32 Chapter. 24 about verse. I'm going to say 2021 and that's the stage with Satan comes
45:37 person eating Christ, right? That's the stage. Were you'll see here. People say low here,
45:43 low there and use your were told, don't even go. Don't even look right. That is I
45:48 believe when Satan's person cry. So I don't think the percentage of crisis really
45:52 outlined in Dan 11 0st 40, I think the per station prices outline more in Matthew. 24
45:58 for since 2021. And so actually it's a Matthew. 24 24 for the show. They're still
46:01 rise. False cry, some false prophets. Shell show great signs and wonders of so much
46:04 that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. So, yes, keep going the going
46:11 again. Then it goes on to say then a funny man, she-said, you low here is Christ where
46:15 there believe it not this is versed. 23 actually forgot to read before that.
46:19 >> But then verse, 25 says behold, I've told you before, Wherefore, if they shall say
46:23 to you, behold his in the desert, you not go north. If he is in the secret shell,
46:29 believe but not the right. Yes. And then he says for his lightning comes out of the
46:31 sunshine to the West. So this is the phrase. All right. Second coming, person that you
46:36 see that you don't believe in what you get when Christ comes, it's going to be like,
46:39 like, you know, the east to the West. >> Powerful, powerful right
46:43 next question. This person says when the 7 spirits of God or mention do they represent
46:48 anything besides churches? And if so, what spirits? Well, the 7 spirits of God really do
46:55 represent the Holy Spirit. It's 7 because 7 is a complete and perfect number in the Holy
46:58 Spirit complete and perfect. The 7 spirits or the Holy Spirit is speaking to the
47:05 church is now, of course, when with filled with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit speaks
47:09 through us. So we recognize that this is a connection. The Holy Spirit is making a But
47:12 the Holy Spirit is representing himself. He wants to fill us, of course, that we
47:18 are directed to Jesus Christ. And that's what this process is all about. All about
47:22 focusing on Christ. It's all about warning us of the counterfeit of Christ so that
47:25 we can keep our focus on Christ. Wonderful, wonderful Shirley in Wyoming actually
47:29 asked a question that you briefly just touched on there. We can reiterate here, she
47:34 says where in revelation does it tell about this earth being like a limb? And yet a beast,
47:40 OK revelation, chapter 13 relationship to 13. It's not the earth, right? It's the
47:46 beast that comes up out of the year. So this Earth, yeah. And I maybe I should clarify that
47:50 because maybe I came across a little bit confused on that. This Earth 11 of Revelation 13
47:55 and I'd be held another beast coming up out of the earth. He had 2 horns like a lamb. He
48:00 speak like a dragon. I just want him to say something here. I'm a patriot. I was
48:05 born in Camp Pendleton. My mom was in the Marines. My dad was the Marines. I'm American flag
48:09 flying front of my house of an American flag in in my room because I believe in the lamb
48:16 like principles identified in revelation Chapter 13, 11. I believe this nation was
48:20 established and those principles of civil freedom and religious freedom right?
48:24 The earth is the continent of the United States were all these problems came for that
48:31 civil freedom and that religious freedom. And in time, you know, we got rid of
48:34 we shook off all of the the things that weren't quite right. You know, when it came
48:39 to slavery when it came to women's rights and all the sins, we shook all that stuff
48:42 off. And we came out with this. >> We slam like orange with no
48:46 crowds, no monarchy. But as we did that now, suddenly starting to transition into
48:51 this dragon like voice was starting to move back, losing those freedoms were moving
48:56 back. I still believe in those freedoms. I still believe that lamb like principle. I still
48:59 believe in Americans identified as and I'm like Prince right. But there's a
49:02 transition that's going to take place in this country. It's taking place right now
49:05 and it's a transition, smart by force. By economic coercion, mandates. Now, if
49:11 you don't go along, you can't have a job if you don't go along, kind of have popped up,
49:14 have public access. If you know, we're not talking about vaccinations here, non
49:18 vaccinations want to bring this up. This is an issue of I have friends who vaccine. I
49:22 friends who are unvaccinated. We're talking about force coercion mandates. Those
49:28 principles are wrong. Those principles, something we're told him by president. I will
49:31 never do that. But we did it. And that's where we see prophecy fulfilled. I'm not
49:35 into all these historical events and and try to say I'm just in to what prophecy says
49:40 often much as we're going to speak like a dragon and the dragon is deceptive
49:44 revelation. 12, 3 accusatory revelation, 12, 10 Angry Revolution, 12, 17 controlling
49:51 revelation. Chapter 13 verse is 15 to 17 and wants to kill those who don't comply.
49:57 canceled, destroy. Well, we've seen those principles right, right? Yeah, absolutely. Wow.
50:00 Thank you, brother, for that. All This next question comes from Sandra. She says Hi, my
50:04 name is Sandra. I'm from North Carolina. My question is, could you explain biblically
50:12 if it's true that some people who are alive might have probation closed for them
50:17 already. This is probably hard topic for a short amount of time, she says. But I would
50:23 like an answer from the Bible instead of from and my book. Thank you. Okay. So when you
50:28 look at this principle, it's it's really powerful because all through the Bible, we have
50:34 this idea that there are people who are turning away from the Holy Spirit. They're
50:39 stealing their hearts against the holy spirit. it's called the Sea. The UN pardon Abul
50:44 Cent right now. The thing about it that makes it difficult is we don't know
50:47 where I don't know when someone's committed that scent, but clearly in the
50:52 Sandra, yes, center said it's clearly in the Bible Santa. There are people who have
50:55 committed the scent. We see this in Christ Time, you know, in Christ warned the
51:00 disciples, you know, you can speak anything against me, not the type of security as you
51:04 can speak anything. It's me. But if you speak a word against the Holy Spirit, that
51:07 same cannot be forgiven. So we can't we people's hearts. But the principle is true. All
51:12 through the New Testament. We see Jesus Christ warning against this. In fact, we see
51:17 people being warned against hard mean their hearts for Syrian their conscience. So
51:21 you can read about that first Timothy Chapter 4. I believe it is with the Syrian of the
51:29 conscience conscience the series with a hot look up the word hard into the hearts of
51:32 which had all the verses write the film stars right here. The book of Revelation, But
51:37 definitely there are times when people are going to close their individual probation
51:42 because they have rejected the Holy Spirit. Judas would be a good example of that when he
51:46 finally went out, you know, from the Last supper to betrays Lord, he seal this
51:51 test. probation was closed. Of course, Peter, his probation was still open. So we see that
51:55 happen all through the Bible by individuals. But there's only one actual closer
52:00 probation revelation chapter. 21. 22. He is looking at their revelation chapter 20 one? No.
52:07 22 skews and verse 11. He doesn't just let him be on. Just still he which is Phil.
52:14 He let it be filthy. Still, he is right. Just to the right to still he this holiest of holy
52:17 still and behold, I come quickly burst. 12 Meyer was with me to give every man,
52:21 according to his work as his work shall be. When Jesus looks out on the earth. And he
52:26 sees that if he kept probation open for another year or another day or another hour or
52:33 another minute, it would make any difference. He this hole is going to be wholly still.
52:37 He is right just to the right. still he is feel he's going to feel still he doesn't write is
52:39 going to be dry just till then probation closes and Jesus returns until then he's long
52:46 suffering us would not winning that one would perish. But that all was calm to
52:50 repentance. Wow. Thank you so much. Credit for that. And we're able to get through this
52:54 a lot of these questions and we might have time for one more here looking. We have
52:58 about 4 minutes left. So we're going to toss this one to you here. Just more or less for
53:01 confirmation because this person is referencing something. We talked about a
53:05 revolution 12 just a few moments ago. It's actually kind of 3 questions in one. So
53:08 here it is really quickly, really simple. Who was the woman? was that? The man was
53:15 that man, child Jesus and was the dragon with all heads Satan. All right. So let's go
53:21 back to revelation. Chapter 12. All right. What's really interesting here? Is the
53:27 duplication of the dragon because we know the Dragon Satan, because we're told that
53:33 he deceived a 3rd part of the Angels. So we know the Dragon is safe. The stars, the talk
53:37 of described as the stars, but further on in revelation, 12, 7 through 9, we're told it was
53:44 war and having a Michael fought against the Dragon and dragging his Angels, fought
53:47 prevail, not and that great dragon was cast out verse 9, the Old Serpent called Delance
53:51 8. So we know the Dragon Satan, but Satan works to people, right? Satan works to
53:55 power. State works to earthly powers. So we know that when Jesus was sport, OK? So the
53:59 woman now represents a church, right? OK? We see that infusions chapter 5. We see
54:07 that I 6, 2, of like in the daughter of Zion, too. look at woman 11, 2, the spouse you to
54:13 one has been speaking of the Christian church, husbands love your wives as Christ
54:18 loved the by a hit. So yeah, so on and up your represent God church at an adulteress
54:24 woman represented Krupp church and we see an Adulteress woman revelation Chapter 17. So we
54:27 have the woman representing the church. Then this man shot comes forth, which is to rule
54:33 nations with a rod of He's caught up to heaven. That's Jesus, right, OK? So that's
54:37 Jesus. The woman that he was born to, it's got to be the Jewish church, not the New
54:43 Christian church, but the 2 issues. There was no new Christian church when she says
54:47 is born. It was the Jewish church. And then we see the dragon standing before the
54:51 woman to devour child. Susan's point here at the Dragon, the devil worked through hair
54:55 works to people all the time, you know, as Juno Paul talks about in Sony's about Satan
55:01 hindered him from going to certain places and hidden through the juice is working
55:05 through that use. Jesus called the Jews. The some your set your this children of the
55:09 devil. He's your father, right? So the devil works to people. As we give our wills
55:12 to God, God works to us. As we get our wills to say he works through us, the devil works to
55:17 Herat. He's josies. NBC wants to kill this baby right And so he goes he sends his soldiers
55:22 to destroy all the children that are under, you know, a couple of years of age. That's
55:26 what we see taking place is to the devil. Definitely is or the Dragon definitely is the
55:30 devil. But he's working through. Harry works to people. And the woman
55:32 definitely is the church's the Jewish church here. Transition to the Christian Church for 6
55:37 and the man child definitely Jesus Christ man. You can pretty good to see you feel
55:43 like you've read your Bible little bit. You know, I used to take a lot of time to
55:46 answer questions. And then I got hired at a 3 Vienna and they give me have to do it. it
55:51 is rather light. >> O, course, he's referencing our one of our news programs.
55:56 The 3ABN today program that also called 3 today. Bible Qna comes on every Monday. Got
56:03 tune into that really quick because I have literally a minute left on the clock here.
56:07 >> When you can watch this program again, so we've talked about a lot tonight. If you
56:11 can watch this program again on you tube usually within the next 24 to 48 hours after
56:15 this. Our team is really good. Our media team is great of getting this on you, too. So
56:19 be looking out on you, too. For that. Go subscribe to the 3ABN YouTube channel. And of
56:24 course, you want to also download that app. 3ABN app or you go to 3ABN plus DOT TV.
56:31 3ABN plus DOT TV. You can catch this program like salvation and symbols and
56:34 signs all of those on the 3ABN. Plus at be sure to do that. My friends. We've run
56:39 out of time. But Pastor Rafferty, thank you so much for brother. It's been such a
56:45 blessing tonight. I just the juice that you've shared with us tonight from Dan Revelation
56:50 has been glorious. Thank you so much for God, for my friends. We want to thank you
56:52 for joining We hope that you enjoy tonight continue to study or bibles. My friends
56:57 continue to watch 3ABN because we have programs like this all the time. We focus on the
57:01 truth and we're all about the truth here. God bless you all until next time see again.
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Revised 2022-04-08