>> Even younger than you are. He is like 15, 16 years age and he's been taken to Babylon 00:21:43.93\00:21:50.67 as captive. Evangelist. Right his account of an is now that's God's plan for Daniel. 00:21:50.67\00:21:57.68 The plan of men Beacon as are the plan of of of a battle on is is to re educate him, 00:21:57.68\00:22:03.75 right? Right. They're going to take away his culture, his identity. They're going to 00:22:03.75\00:22:07.19 change his name. They're going to make him start thinking the way Babylonians think will 00:22:07.19\00:22:09.32 Daniel purposes heart. I'm going to be faithful to got and got uses Daniel to help 00:22:09.32\00:22:15.90 the king navigate his future and our future. Right. And so the king has the stream. He 00:22:15.90\00:22:19.80 can't remember it Daniels called the end. He's told he's going to die with the rest of 00:22:19.80\00:22:24.77 the wise man. He asked for some time to help the king. He goes into a prayer session 00:22:24.77\00:22:30.51 with his and God gives him answer. He blesses Gotti, praises God. He comes in 00:22:30.51\00:22:33.35 before the king and the king says, can you answer the sea says, well, you Wiseman can't, 00:22:33.35\00:22:39.65 but there is a God and have a completely eclipses himself. And photos is directly to 00:22:39.65\00:22:42.99 that. Yeah, this is the point. The point of prophecy is to get us to focus on God. The 00:22:42.99\00:22:45.66 point of prophecy is to direct us to Jesus who sets up king to take down Kingdoms. And 00:22:45.66\00:22:52.23 then Daniel begins to give the can outline of the dream. We see this in Daniel Chapter 2. 00:22:52.23\00:22:57.67 Beginning here with verse. 29 for as for the King, Thou thy thoughts that came into bed 00:22:57.67\00:23:04.11 upon my bad excuse me into thy mind up on my bed as to what should come the past year 00:23:04.11\00:23:12.19 after and he reveals secrets makes known to the What shall come to pass. But as for me, 00:23:12.19\00:23:16.06 the secret is not reveal to me for any wasn't that I have more than anyone living. But 00:23:16.06\00:23:20.66 for their sakes that she'll make known the interpretation to the king. The Dow menace 00:23:20.66\00:23:24.50 know the thoughts of heart. Now. Okay. Just want to stop right here. God. Has his care 00:23:24.50\00:23:31.21 for every human being on planet Earth. And that's why he's given 00:23:31.21\00:23:35.28 us Bible prophecy. Nebuchadnezzar had this tree nebuchadnezzar is not a Baptist 00:23:35.28\00:23:40.82 by nothing Methodist. He's not here. Not evidence. You know, a Catholic. He's not even, you 00:23:40.82\00:23:46.62 know, any kind of really he is he than in the sense of biblical, understand his Daniel, 00:23:46.62\00:23:52.46 his friends are in the mecca of of of Pagan is right. This is the of the is right and God 00:23:52.46\00:23:59.03 gives because not Daniel Dannielynn coming to can say God gave me a dream. I so many to 00:23:59.03\00:24:01.44 tell it to, you know, God gave him that we can as of the dream. That's what God does. Amazing. 00:24:01.44\00:24:05.51 The God we serve as a God. Who cares for every human being on planet Earth. Really? This was 00:24:05.51\00:24:10.71 God's plan for Babylon. And for all the Nations God's plan was that through his people, 00:24:10.71\00:24:14.88 he would reveal his care for all these nations and his people got selfish, right? And 00:24:14.88\00:24:18.35 they hoarded up the truth. They hold up the revelation of God's 00:24:18.35\00:24:23.99 care to all to themselves. And they just they get all selfish an in focus and got scattered 00:24:23.99\00:24:27.60 them and sent them as Captive Angeles in so Daniel comes in, says Khalid cares about you and 00:24:27.60\00:24:32.73 want you know about your future. Any wants not only you to know about your future. He 00:24:32.73\00:24:37.61 wants the next generation, the next generation with the next king of the one after that. 00:24:37.61\00:24:40.64 And what is that all the way down until he returns the second time he wants every 00:24:40.64\00:24:45.81 generation to know about their future. Well, and so he he lays out the streaming. Of 00:24:45.81\00:24:50.39 course, now we can as or is the first person to attend a Daniel Seminar a little So 00:24:50.39\00:24:53.82 this on the front row and it's listing of Angeles, Danyel, right? You do this. This 00:24:53.82\00:24:58.59 message and as he's listing a dentist. Same for all that exact. I remember that's 00:24:58.59\00:25:03.43 exactly what I dream. And now that he's impressive, Daniel knows the dream. He's 00:25:03.43\00:25:10.14 definitely has confidence that Daniel give him the correct interpretation. that's really 00:25:10.14\00:25:12.91 the bottom line for us. When God comes to us to solve our problems when he speaks in to 00:25:12.91\00:25:18.71 us. And we say, you know, there's some truth in what I'm hearing right here. We can 00:25:18.71\00:25:21.85 build confidence and faith that he can take care of our future of our problems. And 00:25:21.85\00:25:26.96 that's what happens with that. can as net as his confidence is gained. When Daniel Start 00:25:26.96\00:25:31.46 shame with him the dream and he's open for the interpretation 00:25:31.46\00:25:37.47 now, you battle long is like in debt. So Daniel sees statute and we're not going to go through 00:25:37.47\00:25:40.74 all the verses because one of you along with Dan sees a statue head of gold. Arms chest and 00:25:40.74\00:25:46.21 the then you've got the brass pies. And then you've got the legs of the ion and partly of 00:25:46.21\00:25:51.91 clay going down to spread. These represent 4 kingdoms. The first one is battle. He's 00:25:51.91\00:25:56.69 the head of gold. And then you have me to Persian. Then you have Greece. Then you have 00:25:56.69\00:26:01.09 Rome. And then mixture with these with this iron in clay of church-state going down the 00:26:01.09\00:26:06.63 toes that these 10 kings that come up in Europe, you have a perfect a revelation of the 00:26:06.63\00:26:12.60 history of our world from battle line to meet a Persian degrees 00:26:12.60\00:26:18.44 to pagan Rome and papal system that arose in in Europe after the fall of western Roman for 00:26:18.44\00:26:24.58 76, the 10 nations representing the nations of Europe. A little one coming up. We're getting 00:26:24.58\00:26:28.72 head now and again, you're under and then you have a stone that's 00:26:28.72\00:26:31.52 that's cut out of the mountains without hands and that Stone, according to New Testament, Rex 00:26:31.52\00:26:37.16 Ryan's Jesus Jesus Christ. See, the whole focus of prophecy is to lead us to Jesus. Jesus is 00:26:37.16\00:26:39.63 basically saying, listen, the kingdom is world a temporary. They're not going to last. Let 00:26:39.63\00:26:44.10 me show you battle on rose up. It looked impregnable. It fell meet. A person came in its 00:26:44.10\00:26:49.57 place. Looks powerful. It fell. Greece can misplace mandate dominate. It fell from 00:26:49.57\00:26:55.58 his place hundreds of years. It fell, OK, you fall in the sequence here. So God is 00:26:55.58\00:27:00.42 laying this out for us in order for us to understand these worldly kingdoms are 00:27:00.42\00:27:05.39 temporary, but there's one kingdom this going to take down all of those kingdoms and 00:27:05.39\00:27:09.06 it's like a rock and it's going to grow and fill the whole Earth 00:27:09.06\00:27:13.76 and its team of God and then and that's our destiny. That's what we came from and Genesis. And 00:27:13.76\00:27:17.30 that's where we're heading to so it's to relieve our fears. You know, we're we're fearful 00:27:17.30\00:27:22.04 about the future Navy can as it was fearful about the future and that he didn't want 00:27:22.04\00:27:26.78 to keep that in. So so Daniel, Chapter 3, right after time of the Van Sussex Series and says 00:27:26.78\00:27:30.48 I want to join your church. Daniel, sign me up. You got got got key compromises, 00:27:30.48\00:27:35.82 right? He backs lights and makes the image all of go because he's 00:27:35.82\00:27:40.96 afraid he's sending a message to say. I know what his guys told me that my kingdom is not gonna 00:27:40.96\00:27:44.76 last forever. Yes, I'm going to send the world a message to let them know that go to that 00:27:44.76\00:27:49.66 want to build an entire statue of gold and let the world know that my Willis for Mike Keenan 00:27:49.66\00:27:52.77 last forever. But our will is not always God's will. what we see here, too, is a lot of 00:27:52.77\00:27:58.64 times we go through the process of Daniel and revelation. We 00:27:58.64\00:28:04.98 close. We end, we come to the to the climax at the second coming of Jesus Christ. That's not 00:28:04.98\00:28:09.95 where this prophecy and it's not what any of the the process, the ends with a walk that fills the 00:28:09.95\00:28:15.06 whole Earth. That's the new heaven and new earth. Yes, that's our destiny. And we 00:28:15.06\00:28:18.29 know that because we get to the book of revelation, the very end, the last 2 chapters. 00:28:18.29\00:28:22.80 We've got new heaven and new Earth, right? And that's kind of a final summary of another 00:28:22.80\00:28:27.97 4 part series, just like in Daniel of these what we call prophetic Cycle, What I mean 00:28:27.97\00:28:31.64 by prophetic cyclists. This it's kind of like a washing machine 00:28:31.64\00:28:35.21 right? You got a washing machine and you've got 4 different cycles. You can choose your 00:28:35.21\00:28:39.88 Scholars can use white. You can use permit pressure could use heavy duty. Write it. They're 00:28:39.88\00:28:43.55 different psyche use the washer. Yes. Well, I would know that I was single for quite a while. 00:28:43.55\00:28:51.59 And so they're different cycles. But they have the base the same basic they start with the 00:28:51.59\00:28:56.87 wash. They go to rents. They go to a span. They go to another rents was spent for a 00:28:56.87\00:29:00.77 spin it out. You put in the dryer, right? And we could say in the sense that the dry air 00:29:00.77\00:29:04.94 is the final heat. The final test, the final fires coming up on the laundry where the 00:29:04.94\00:29:09.44 laundry were to be washed or told that ephesians, you know that we without spotter, 00:29:09.44\00:29:12.65 including such thing and we're going and we're going to come out like clean and fluffy and 00:29:12.65\00:29:16.95 just smelling good and ready to go. That's a new heaven. new earth. The cycles that we 00:29:16.95\00:29:23.56 go through in Daniel 7, Daniel to Daniel 7. Daniel, 11 all start with a wash. Then they 00:29:23.56\00:29:30.63 go to the rinse them. They're going to spend and they go there then they go to and 00:29:30.63\00:29:33.20 prophecies laundromat right? Basically. And that's why we're told, I think by Paul 00:29:33.20\00:29:36.60 that, you know, we're going through this thing were to be Washington so. You can't 00:29:36.60\00:29:41.78 really even though you have different cycles, you can't separate these 4 prophecies. 00:29:41.78\00:29:46.85 These 4 prophecies have a starting point in any prior all the same. Each one of them 00:29:46.85\00:29:50.55 parallels the other. You might say, well, why would God right now 4 times? Why did God give 00:29:50.55\00:29:55.82 us 4 gospels, right? Right? Repeat in lauding the largest, you know, that's to choose. I 00:29:55.82\00:30:02.33 think we made that point many times and in programming here are 3ABN. But I can attest to 00:30:02.33\00:30:05.40 that. I wasn't I was an education. Major and in college. And that method was 00:30:05.40\00:30:10.37 taught to us because it's a great method of f if teaching. That's how P people memorize 00:30:10.37\00:30:16.11 it sticks. If it's repeated and repeated in an enlarged. In other words, you review, 00:30:16.11\00:30:19.78 then you add a little bit more material and it's amazing that God uses that God came up with 00:30:19.78\00:30:24.92 that, right? It sounds like good teachers are are the the first educator human educator 00:30:24.92\00:30:27.86 came up with that? No, it got came up with that many, many years before. Yeah, and 00:30:27.86\00:30:32.93 powerful meth. And and we think think the Bible, I mean, the prophecy by proxy again, 00:30:32.93\00:30:35.73 relation. We think it's complicated. It's not right. God is using ferry, practical 00:30:35.73\00:30:40.20 communication skills, right? Just noted, you know, I used to live in Oregon and I used 00:30:40.20\00:30:45.07 to tell the students as we did Danny revelation, we talk to school there. I would say the 00:30:45.07\00:30:49.98 book of Daniel, the book of Revelation are Directions to this place. So you land in the 00:30:49.98\00:30:56.12 airport and when you come out of the airport, you can take I-5 and you can hit one. 26 00:30:56.12\00:31:01.52 one. 26 going to take you to just below road and you can hit the school right there. 00:31:01.52\00:31:05.73 That's Daniel Chapter 2. Now a new chapter 7. When you get to the airport, you coming down. 00:31:05.73\00:31:10.33 I-5 the speed limit. 65. Okay. Fine. But then it goes to 55. Right. When you come down to 00:31:10.33\00:31:16.67 the end of one, 26 slows down to 45. And as you come into Jasper, we live. It's 35 and 00:31:16.67\00:31:22.94 you better watch out for the and of course, I mean, for the police. All right, museums and 00:31:22.94\00:31:27.58 all of that. So the same warnings there, Daniel Chapter 7. Then we go back to the 00:31:27.58\00:31:31.39 airport again now as you're coming down, what you can find is the I-5 goes into the one 00:31:31.39\00:31:37.43 26 and becomes a 2 lane and 2 lane. And when you get to light at the end of that 2 00:31:37.43\00:31:43.53 lane, 2 of the lanes are going left and has one extra way. Now it's added to go straight 00:31:43.53\00:31:48.64 to make sure you're in the right If you're not that far right lane, you have to go 00:31:48.64\00:31:51.87 left. You need to go straight through the light, right? Right. 00:31:51.87\00:31:53.84 As you go straight through that light. You can go out an S curve it over or ever track over the 00:31:53.84\00:31:59.15 railroad track. You're going to see a green bridge on the right. You're going to see a Jasper 00:31:59.15\00:32:04.29 store on the left. And, you know, they just got a little ways to go. That's Daniel 00:32:04.29\00:32:08.49 Chapter. Well, 8 now the new chapter 11 is a little more complicated. Now when you come 00:32:08.49\00:32:12.36 in around those s turns, you're going to see a river on the right and that river is going to 00:32:12.36\00:32:17.40 be flowing pretty high. And then as you come in past that Green bridge and past that just below, 00:32:17.40\00:32:21.64 you can see mile I'm Marco one market to mile marker 3. If you see mile marker for you've 00:32:21.64\00:32:26.64 gone too far, to go back to mile marker 3 and on the right hand side, you can see this 00:32:26.64\00:32:31.95 big building with these gates. That's your destination. All God is doing is repeating 00:32:31.95\00:32:40.42 enlarging his U.S. more details every single time. And so Daniel 00:32:40.42\00:32:44.46 Levin is going to get more details of Daniel Chapter. 8 venue more the assist and 7 day 00:32:44.46\00:32:48.50 of 7 more details of Daniel Chapter 2. So that what we can find out destination. That's the 00:32:48.50\00:32:55.40 point. I want to get us to our So, you know, we're doing this have school lesson this week 00:32:55.40\00:32:57.97 and we were talking about the book marking this idea came up in the book. Mark, I Matthews, 00:32:57.97\00:33:02.81 My got the Gospel. It comes. I mean, I know that John, pretty good mocking those familiar 00:33:02.81\00:33:08.65 with And Shelley was sharing this verse. You know, what she says was in the garden of 00:33:08.65\00:33:10.89 Gethsemane and he was saying he was saying, you know, if it's your will, you know, let 00:33:10.89\00:33:14.86 this cup pass from the right. And then there was another little phrase in there. 00:33:14.86\00:33:18.06 Father, I know all things are possible with you, right? All things and on the wall. Jesus 00:33:18.06\00:33:25.03 was using the phrase we use to overcome, sent right to tell the 00:33:25.03\00:33:30.61 Lord everything is possible with you. You can take this away from me, right? I think it isn't that 00:33:30.61\00:33:34.61 amazing. Jesus could relate totally to us. He seeking to say, but he rendering his will 00:33:34.61\00:33:39.85 that got out. I know you can him I know you can give me. It's got to know you can take care all 00:33:39.85\00:33:42.98 possibly. But I sir, in my will to you. And that's the the 00:33:42.98\00:33:49.32 blessing of these different gospels. And that's the blessing of the books of Daniel 00:33:49.32\00:33:53.43 revelation. They give us a different perspective on the same journey so that we can see 00:33:53.43\00:33:57.13 the landmarks. Okay. If you see them all, mark, you've got too far OK to grow, which we just 00:33:57.13\00:34:01.50 passed. Where which acts was that Greenwich? Oh, there it is. Their chance for store, OK, 00:34:01.50\00:34:05.41 wooden home. And tonight we want to do as we go through these prophetic timelines. We want to 00:34:05.41\00:34:10.28 understand where are we? Sure right now we are in the toenails 00:34:10.28\00:34:13.98 of the image of Daniel Chapter 2 with the ferry end of this process where we're just waiting 00:34:13.98\00:34:18.79 for that spin cycle to get done so that we can go into the heat of the dryer and and then 00:34:18.79\00:34:21.69 Jesus is going return. We're so close to the very end of time. All right. That's where 00:34:21.69\00:34:28.03 you are. And Daniel Chapter to Daniel 7, Daniel 8 to 11. We still have a look at those and 00:34:28.03\00:34:30.83 see where we're at. All right. All right. So and a lot has been said just in the first 00:34:30.83\00:34:36.00 few minutes we've been here. But just in case you're just now 00:34:36.00\00:34:38.44 joining us. You're watching 3 ABN Thursday night live. Yes, this program right now that 00:34:38.44\00:34:45.25 you're watching is coming to you live. And we want to tell you how you can send in questions. 00:34:45.25\00:34:47.68 We're talking about Bible prophecy. We're looking we're about to dive into where we are 00:34:47.68\00:34:52.85 in the light of all of these different profit chapters in Daniel Revelation. And you 00:34:52.85\00:34:56.42 might have questions and we encourage you to send in those questions. And there are 2 00:34:56.42\00:34:59.53 ways you can do that. The first is by e-mails. If you have a question, send us by 00:34:59.53\00:35:05.73 e-mail, if you prefer and it's right there on your television screen live at 3ABN, DOT. 00:35:05.73\00:35:09.90 >> TV. So again, that's live at 3ABN dot TVs you can send in via e-mail or you can send 00:35:09.90\00:35:16.44 in their text message. So if you want to text us, your question again, that number is 00:35:16.44\00:35:22.55 6, 1, 8, 228-3975, again, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, send those questions because 00:35:22.55\00:35:32.99 at the end of tonight's second hour toward the end of the second hour, we're going to 00:35:32.99\00:35:36.97 put pastor effort in the hot seat and he's going to answer your questions that you submit 00:35:36.97\00:35:41.90 in. So thank you so much for joining us. A few joining us at this time. So I'm just 00:35:41.90\00:35:46.34 going to ask you right now because I don't want to take away from the flow of thought 00:35:46.34\00:35:48.58 that you're going in. But do you want to jump over and give us an overview revelation or 00:35:48.58\00:35:52.61 you want to do that in the second hour and go back in the Let's the second al Daniel's 00:35:52.61\00:35:56.89 going to skip us into revelation, OK way, because we'll be looking for Daniel 00:35:56.89\00:35:59.59 Chapter 30. Okay. So you just kind of gave us a little bit of a hit that we're in the 00:35:59.59\00:36:04.63 toenails. >> The toes of Daniel Chapter 2 do want to go back to 00:36:04.63\00:36:07.66 general trip that do you want to take us into Daniel 7, All right. So now let's go to Dana 00:36:07.66\00:36:11.97 Chapter 7, passage. This is where we've got reviews and a little bit different lighting 00:36:11.97\00:36:18.04 gives us a little bit different symbolism now, instead for 00:36:18.04\00:36:22.64 metals, it's now 4 beast. Yeah, we're we don't have to guess as to what these beast represent 00:36:22.64\00:36:26.31 because right there in the book of Daniel Chapter 7, we see very clearly God provides all of the 00:36:26.31\00:36:30.12 answers to all the symbolism that we need. But yet there's an 00:36:30.12\00:36:37.19 added deep, very interesting profiting that many people have questions about. And that's now 00:36:37.19\00:36:39.19 this little horn. So I'm not going to jump ahead, but I want you to take us now through where 00:36:39.19\00:36:42.83 we are in Daniel Chapter sets now doing different cycles. We the color cycle, right? 00:36:42.83\00:36:48.77 Metals, the colors like now we're going heights, right? And we look at Daniel Chapter 00:36:48.77\00:36:51.77 7 and this dream comes to Daniel himself in the first year Bill. She has. So this is 00:36:51.77\00:36:56.61 still doing the babylonian rain. So is Daniel Chapter 8 and Daniel Chapter 7, Daniel 00:36:56.61\00:37:00.58 has a dream. For one just right on the Great Sea for Great beast. Come up from the 00:37:00.58\00:37:06.62 sea. Different from each other. The first was like a lion has 00:37:06.62\00:37:11.69 Eagle's wings and another B's first 5 like a bear. And it was raised up on one side at 3 ribs 00:37:11.69\00:37:14.40 in its mouth between the teeth of it. >> The 3rd was like 11 at 4 wings on his back. And the 4th 00:37:14.40\00:37:20.50 was this terrible. Be strong, exceedingly verse 9, 7 skews me a great eye and teeth iron 00:37:20.50\00:37:26.57 teeth. And to break in pieces and stamp the residue with the feet of it was diverse from 00:37:26.57\00:37:29.98 all the others that we've had 10 horns and then I considered verse 8 and the whole of Luke 00:37:29.98\00:37:34.65 want porn comes up 3 of the first up locked up from that by the roots and then the 00:37:34.65\00:37:40.89 holding this horn with the eyes of the iceman amount speaking 00:37:40.89\00:37:43.73 great things. I be held until Thrones recast down and the ancient based. It's it is 00:37:43.73\00:37:49.70 current as white as snow. His hairs of his head like pure will. His throw was like the 00:37:49.70\00:37:54.80 fire East flame and his wheels. It's burning fire in a fiery stream came forth from before 00:37:54.80\00:37:59.34 him 1000. Thousands ministered unto him 10,000 times, 10,002, before the judgment was set, the 00:37:59.34\00:38:04.75 books were opened. held them because of the voice of the great words which the horn 00:38:04.75\00:38:07.92 speak. I be held till the beast was slain. Spotty was a short a given to the burning flame as 00:38:07.92\00:38:14.09 concerning the rest of the beast. They had the dominion taken away that their lives 00:38:14.09\00:38:16.69 were prolonged for a season and time and then I saw one like us and coming with the 00:38:16.69\00:38:23.33 clouds and it came before the ancient days. They've there before him. He was given a 00:38:23.33\00:38:25.37 king them and glory in dominion on all people, nations and mine 00:38:25.37\00:38:31.14 which served. Okay. Okay. just back Tricare for a moment. But somebody may just jump joins us 00:38:31.14\00:38:34.38 right when you are reading that Daniel sees this vision standing on the on the on the embankment 00:38:34.38\00:38:38.71 of the sea there. He's looking out. He sees this line becomes a line and he sees this bear 00:38:38.71\00:38:44.55 that he sees this for headed leopard. Then here comes this great, terrible 4th beast that 00:38:44.55\00:38:49.96 he doesn't even allow properly give a name to just describes that horrible iron teeth just 00:38:49.96\00:38:56.00 wrong. 10 horns. And then it's interesting because it's like God hits the zoom. But on the 00:38:56.00\00:39:01.27 camera zooms in on the head of this 4th beast and the nyces on be holding the horns and 00:39:01.27\00:39:05.94 now up came from among them this little horn and this little warnings popping off 00:39:05.94\00:39:11.18 with the mouse things blaspheming God. >> And then 00:39:11.18\00:39:15.18 it's interesting and you can chat about this. It's almost like there's a it's like 00:39:15.18\00:39:20.46 completely changes the scene. He completely away from this beastly scene. And then now we 00:39:20.46\00:39:23.16 find ourselves almost in this holy Judgmental throne room, writer of his judgment, Throne 00:39:23.16\00:39:29.10 room, where we see the engine of a seated. He's got the books. They're all standing in, ready, 00:39:29.10\00:39:33.57 ready or the in the seated in the judgment begins. And now the son of man comes and he comes 00:39:33.57\00:39:37.44 to the ancient of days and he receives a kingdom. That's a lot in 14 versus it is. And 00:39:37.44\00:39:43.28 that's the whole picture again, from Babylon all the way to the 00:39:43.28\00:39:47.22 second coming of Jesus. It's all the way down to the time when the stone again, right feels a 00:39:47.22\00:39:52.45 whole Earth. The kingdom of God is established. Jesus receives his kingdom. But there's 00:39:52.45\00:39:56.42 something here that wasn't in Daniel to. That's right. Right. There's a lot of things 00:39:56.42\00:40:00.86 here that want in Daniel Craig's ample. There's a judgment, 00:40:00.86\00:40:05.73 right? So we have these kingdoms seemingly rising and falling in and doing their will and do 00:40:05.73\00:40:09.87 whatever they want and getting away with murder. So to speak. And it's like there's no 00:40:09.87\00:40:14.58 justice, right in a sense there is because when it came reaches a certain amount of 00:40:14.58\00:40:18.71 accountability is taking down, another one takes his place and on and on. It goes. But 00:40:18.71\00:40:22.68 Hornets like he's speaking great words and there's no justice and 00:40:22.68\00:40:27.19 continues until the So got as the mention of the judgment. He also has the dimension of the 00:40:27.19\00:40:32.53 civil horn. So we just had these 4 kings battle media pressure, Greece, Rome, but now we've got 00:40:32.53\00:40:36.90 this little horn. That's part of that. kingdom plucks up 3 and it continues until we see this 00:40:36.90\00:40:43.47 judgments. And this one from my understanding would be a parallel. The lift. The time 00:40:43.47\00:40:46.11 of the little form would be the parallel of the feet of iron in clea in Daniel, too. 00:40:46.11\00:40:50.51 So while the little horn is not present, obviously in Daniel, too, the amalgamation 00:40:50.51\00:40:55.38 of church and state. They're represented by the iron in the clay. Now God has the element 00:40:55.38\00:41:00.39 of the little horn, which yes, that's and the 10 horns with parallel the 10 toes right 00:41:00.39\00:41:04.09 salutes. You've got a perfect parallel isn't there, but you've got more information. 00:41:04.09\00:41:09.46 God is increasing or information. And then, you know, it's really interesting. 00:41:09.46\00:41:11.73 Little horn. He I don't know what more about Babylon even Persian. I know that guys 00:41:11.73\00:41:15.40 around Greece falls, but he wants no more about one powers. 00:41:15.40\00:41:19.84 God tells him, you know, these bees are he actually says in verse 17, if you look there, he 00:41:19.84\00:41:23.41 says these great beasts which are for our 4 Kings, which show a rise out of the right. And 00:41:23.41\00:41:28.32 then he says verse 23, the forth can be should be the 4th kingdom upon the earth. Right? So we 00:41:28.32\00:41:31.75 talk about the sometimes we get we go in the wrong direction, writing about very negative 00:41:31.75\00:41:37.99 thing. A beast is simply a symbol of an earthly king of fish. Got again is using a 00:41:37.99\00:41:42.16 language, right, right. When you think about beast today in relationship to kingdom's, 00:41:42.16\00:41:48.07 right. got representing kingdoms again, writes Today, OK, a dragon represents OK? 00:41:48.07\00:41:53.21 What about a bear? Their Russian alright alliance it was right. 00:41:53.21\00:42:01.12 You go. The Eagle, United States may believe So what we see years we see God using our right. And 00:42:01.12\00:42:08.62 that's why it should be confusing for us because God is trying to reach us where we are 00:42:08.62\00:42:11.36 simply saying kingdom's they're going to rise up. Did they rise up the babble on rise and of 00:42:11.36\00:42:16.90 course, was followed by Mina, Persia or send in Greece and then roll. And then a little 00:42:16.90\00:42:19.20 one comes up. The papacy is identified. Paper was identified 00:42:19.20\00:42:25.91 in the characteristics of Daniel Chapter 7 is right now. We need to be really careful here 00:42:25.91\00:42:29.28 because we need to recognize that God is simply laying out history. And we're looking 00:42:29.28\00:42:33.31 back and we've seen that history confirms what the Bible says, 00:42:33.31\00:42:38.75 right? Right. So we're not using history to interpret the Bible and reading the Bible readers. 00:42:38.75\00:42:43.89 It reads and then we're allowing history to confirm that. For example, when you go back to 00:42:43.89\00:42:48.53 Daniel Chapter 5 and verse, it talks about the end of the kingdom, a battle over 30. And 00:42:48.53\00:42:56.17 that night, though, shes of the came the Cal, the INS babylonians the slain and 00:42:56.17\00:42:59.87 there's the meeting, took the king and being about threescore 00:42:59.87\00:43:02.84 2 years old. So here's the transition from Babylon to meet up or ship. Right now we get 00:43:02.84\00:43:06.98 into Daniel Chapter 8, sleepover that. All right. Daniel Chapter 8. We'll get at another Another 00:43:06.98\00:43:15.32 >> insight to this. Okay more information is coming in. Daniel Chapter 8, the focus of 00:43:15.32\00:43:18.59 Daniel Chapter 8 now is really for God's people. And in a sense, the language of Daniel 00:43:18.59\00:43:23.57 has changed. Yes, previous to this. We're talking aromatic from Daniel Chapter 2 about 00:43:23.57\00:43:30.27 verse for whatever all the way to Daniel Rent. At end of Daniel 00:43:30.27\00:43:33.64 7, we've got the Aramaic language the language that was specifically designed for angel 00:43:33.64\00:43:40.02 but now we're getting to God's people are focusing that we're back in folks in animals that 00:43:40.02\00:43:45.09 are connected with the same trend, jewelry terminology. Yes, we're focusing here on the 00:43:45.09\00:43:48.79 cleansing. The sanctuary focusing on attack on the center very little time is 00:43:48.79\00:43:52.73 given to these kingdoms right here. A battle in depression greats, in fact, battle is 00:43:52.73\00:43:56.97 even mention because it's passed off the scene. We just saw So we 00:43:56.97\00:44:00.90 start with me to Persia and then we go into Greece. So let's just read here what Daniel sees in 00:44:00.90\00:44:04.54 this vision is in the 3rd dziadosz answer. I Invision verse 2 and then it goes on in 00:44:04.54\00:44:11.81 verse 3 and I lifted up my eyes. I saw the whole dish to before the river. A ram which had 2 00:44:11.81\00:44:17.15 horns in the 2 one to hide. But one was higher than the other. And it came up last, you know, 00:44:17.15\00:44:22.29 Persians with 2 powers connected together and Persians became 00:44:22.29\00:44:24.39 stronger. They came up last and then verse foresaw the ram pushing westward and Northwood 00:44:24.39\00:44:30.90 in Southwest so that no beast, my stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver 00:44:30.90\00:44:33.20 out of his hands. We had Will Dominion and he did according to his will, he became great. 00:44:33.20\00:44:38.87 And as I was considering, behold, he go came from the West on the face of all the 00:44:38.87\00:44:43.75 earth and he touched the ground for wings like a leopard. Great 00:44:43.75\00:44:46.75 right. Touching on the ground and they don't have notable horn. Is ice sheet between his 00:44:46.75\00:44:54.66 eyes and he came to the Ramat to ones which I seen standing for the river. And you're an ATM is 00:44:54.66\00:44:58.69 fear in his power. And I saw him come closer to the ramp and it caller gets to me smoke 00:44:58.69\00:45:03.57 the ramen break as to warrant and it was no power for the Ram. The stand before him. He 00:45:03.57\00:45:06.40 was cast down. So these 2 powers are now identified right Daniel 00:45:06.40\00:45:12.31 Chapter 8 verses. 21 right. 2021 the Ram which south sauce having to mourn for the kings of me to 00:45:12.31\00:45:19.31 Persia and the rough code is the king of Greece. So there we have it right from the Bible. Right 00:45:19.31\00:45:23.49 now we have from the Bible. Does history tell us that? Yes, when he history tells us 00:45:23.49\00:45:27.89 the way it was worked out. And then after that fall of the Greece, we had the the the the 00:45:27.89\00:45:33.43 kingdom divided among these 4 generals time and then they became too thin to be the king 00:45:33.43\00:45:37.20 of the north and the king of the South. And we see that moving into Rome coming out of 00:45:37.20\00:45:44.51 that power and out of power from the time and one coming up among them. So we have the 00:45:44.51\00:45:47.84 basic cycle going on at the end of Daniel Chapter 8, we have another reference. 2. 00:45:47.84\00:45:55.15 This power being broken without hands. Tonight, Daniel that see 00:45:55.15\00:46:02.22 verse. 25. And through his policy. Also, he's a cause craft to possibly his hand. He should 00:46:02.22\00:46:05.99 magnify himself in his heart by piece. You showed the storm may still be a man of peace, right? 00:46:05.99\00:46:10.90 He shall stand up against the prince of princes, but he should be broken without hand. 00:46:10.90\00:46:14.80 Yes. All right. We find and state are 7. Yeah. And Daniel to continue to give the OK, so 00:46:14.80\00:46:18.84 we've got this perfect parable going on now. We're going to slip over to Daniel Chapter 00:46:18.84\00:46:22.58 11. All right. All right. This is the loop. This is the chapter that it's intimidating 00:46:22.58\00:46:27.78 for a lot of people. It isn't a name for a lottery complex. But one thing we know is that 00:46:27.78\00:46:32.45 it's continuing the cycle, right? We're now in permanent wash, right? I got the 00:46:32.45\00:46:37.59 collars. We've got the heavy duty. as the heavy duty my head was just have to say, 00:46:37.59\00:46:42.63 I've never until this very moment tonight heard someone use 00:46:42.63\00:46:49.04 coats. >> To describe the consistency throughout the bout. But it's genius. I like it. 00:46:49.04\00:46:52.94 Yeah, it's really good. In fact, let's just give our viewers a verse in the New Testament to 00:46:52.94\00:46:57.88 kind of emphasizes a little bit. And it says here in Ephesians chapter 5 and it says versus 00:46:57.88\00:47:03.45 25 to 27 husbands, love your wives, even as Christ. Also love the church given so forth 00:47:03.45\00:47:07.32 that he might sanctify and plans with the washing of the water of the were the team. I 00:47:07.32\00:47:11.73 presented himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle on any such thing, but 00:47:11.73\00:47:16.43 he that it should be black holy and without. Oh, I love that. We've got right there 00:47:16.43\00:47:22.10 little bit for It's it's great. It's just an empty. But, you 00:47:22.10\00:47:25.24 know, just to know that God is bringing us to this. Daniel came through it and all these people 00:47:25.24\00:47:30.81 come through this the cycles, these prophetic cycle help us to understand the way marks the 00:47:30.81\00:47:35.02 prophetic Waymarks where we are, where we had it. So Daniel starts again with me to 00:47:35.02\00:47:38.22 Persia. The first year of various the mean I stood and can turn to strengthen him. 00:47:38.22\00:47:43.63 And I and now I shall be whole. Now I will show the the truth. 00:47:43.63\00:47:45.99 This is the angel talking down the whole the show. Stand up yet. 3 kings and Persian for 00:47:45.99\00:47:49.03 should be grist. Richard, a the mall. And then in verse 3, it says in a mighty Kings will 00:47:49.03\00:47:53.54 stand up to show will with great coming into a court. You as well when up the scheme should 00:47:53.54\00:47:57.94 be broken and divided. The 4 winds, the foreheads of the leopard, the 4 winds 00:47:57.94\00:48:02.31 revelation. It's 4 heads of leopard, Daniel. 74 wins Daniel 00:48:02.31\00:48:05.61 8 and now we have confirmation of that. So we could pick up right here with me to Persia in 00:48:05.61\00:48:12.52 Greece. Details versus for all the way through verse 14. Our astounding and I recommend the 00:48:12.52\00:48:19.26 book you by Smith and the revelation. He knocks it out when he talks about these 00:48:19.26\00:48:21.66 details are okay. And then a verse 14. We have a transition to Rome. Rome is going to be. 00:48:21.66\00:48:27.37 The king. The stands up against the king of the south. He's the robbers of people in 00:48:27.37\00:48:33.94 that word. Roberts can be connected to Daniel Chapter 7 where it says that he was 00:48:33.94\00:48:38.48 going to stamp the residue with his feet. OK, same terminology 00:48:38.48\00:48:42.05 is being used here. So this is where we see a transition to wrong. This transition is 00:48:42.05\00:48:47.52 confirmed when we get to verse 20 now verse 20 to. 22 is the center of Daniel 11. It really 00:48:47.52\00:48:51.59 gives us an anchor for the history. If we don't want to beast, you know, tossed to and 00:48:51.59\00:48:56.60 fro, we just need to come to Daniel 11. 22 22 because here we find the savior. Okay. Okay. In 00:48:56.60\00:49:02.64 then she'll stand up in his a state that's in the state of pagan Rome. Raise your taxes 00:49:02.64\00:49:07.58 in the glory of the king Open your Bible, right? If you would, to Luke Chapter 2 and 00:49:07.58\00:49:12.71 verse one as I continue to read these verses and there I want you relate to first one. 00:49:12.71\00:49:16.89 And then I want you to read Luke Chapter 3. We're going to both of these self again. Then 00:49:16.89\00:49:21.96 she'll stand It is a state to raise taxes and the board. The kingdom read Luke chapter 2 00:49:21.96\00:49:27.36 verse one. Okay. Luke. Chapter 2 verse one says came to pass in those days. There went out 00:49:27.36\00:49:31.93 a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. Okay. Okay. This is the 00:49:31.93\00:49:39.71 connection, right? OK? So it's all right. So we see Jesus now being born in verse 20 a 00:49:39.71\00:49:45.41 chapter 11 and really, really, this is what prophecy is all about. Profit is all about 00:49:45.41\00:49:52.15 pinpointing Christ, right? It's all about the the years leading 00:49:52.15\00:49:54.16 and the century's leading up to Christ. And if you have is after Christ, in other words, is 00:49:54.16\00:49:58.86 leading up to his birth and is the into a second coming. And that's the point. The proxy, 00:49:58.86\00:50:03.06 where are in relationship to the incarnation of Christ and in relationship to the second 00:50:03.06\00:50:06.33 second kinds? Yes, right. So we see the incarnation right here. Why is that important? 00:50:06.33\00:50:10.27 Will notice it goes on. It says, but in within a few days he should be destroyed. Need 00:50:10.27\00:50:13.81 inning or a battle. And in his a state that means the guy that follows him that were in 00:50:13.81\00:50:18.58 Luke Chapter 3. The guys that follow Sam in states will stand up a vile person they 00:50:18.58\00:50:24.35 shall not get the honor the king and he will come in peaceably at 00:50:24.35\00:50:28.09 10. The king of by Flatteries. What you got Dan Chapter? I mean, Luke, Chapter 3, which 00:50:28.09\00:50:32.26 which we're starting the worst one. Okay. This is Luke Chapter 3 verse one now in the 15th year 00:50:32.26\00:50:35.66 of the rain that Iberia, Cesar Okay. Okay. Tied beers. Cesar followed Augusta season to see 00:50:35.66\00:50:42.94 if he was connected with Augustus. In fact, he was kind of a with him and 80 13. Okay. 00:50:42.94\00:50:48.18 And he put in place by Augustus. We came in peaceably. You know, 00:50:48.18\00:50:51.48 there was no fighting taking place there. So when he comes in, but he does, he's a vile 00:50:51.48\00:50:56.48 purse that people don't like him. He doesn't get the honor that Augustus Caesar got is he's 00:50:56.48\00:51:00.86 raining. 2 things happened verse. 22 and with the arms of a flood show that the 00:51:00.86\00:51:06.09 overflowing from before him and she'll be broken. also the prince of the God's people and 00:51:06.09\00:51:15.37 the Messiah talked about in this first right. We know that talk says this is talking 00:51:15.37\00:51:17.74 about destruction of Jerusalem like millions, the blood flowed like, you know, water. 00:51:17.74\00:51:23.14 Millions of people lost. A lot of million people lost their lives at the Daniel 9.27. 00:51:23.14\00:51:28.18 elections. yes, we didn't go the friends of the people of the yeah. that is to come yet 00:51:28.18\00:51:32.19 coming like a flood. Yes, yeah. Catch. And then we have the prince of the covenant, 00:51:32.19\00:51:36.89 the broken that spread across the county. So now we have centered this prophecy in 00:51:36.89\00:51:41.80 Jesus. We can go back from here. We can know that all the history from versus 20 to 22 00:51:41.80\00:51:46.57 back was his pre Christ and all the history from versus 20 too on what is after Christ 00:51:46.57\00:51:51.27 right? That is key for us because we're now in the in the timeframe of Pagan Rome, 00:51:51.27\00:52:00.52 right moving forward now into the little one power, OK, the little harm power takes up 00:52:00.52\00:52:06.42 residence, beginning here, at least in verse 30, OK for the ship's of channels to come 00:52:06.42\00:52:11.76 against him, get him come against him show he's there for He greeted return of 00:52:11.76\00:52:15.63 indignation against the Holy Covenant Social. He do usually return have intelligence with 00:52:15.63\00:52:18.97 them. But for sake, the Holy covenant this verse is where we 00:52:18.97\00:52:25.64 start scene. The establishment of this little one power, Indiana chapter 11 right? We've 00:52:25.64\00:52:32.58 got more time. You know, we find him about 5 minutes before we talk good, good, good. Just look 00:52:32.58\00:52:36.15 at the clock to make sure your old on par. So versus 30 to 36 are all talking about the dark 00:52:36.15\00:52:40.16 ages and the prosecution that came through this little hole in power during those dark 00:52:40.16\00:52:45.09 ages against God's people. Let me give you a couple versus here. It says in verse 32 and 00:52:45.09\00:52:50.43 such as do wickedly against the COVID show he corrupt by Flatteries. But the people 00:52:50.43\00:52:53.97 that do know there got to be strong exploits and they that understand among the people 00:52:53.97\00:52:59.64 should instruct many fall by the sword by flame by captivity, by 00:52:59.64\00:53:05.35 spoil many And when they show fall, they should be hoping with a little help in many Shockley 00:53:05.35\00:53:09.35 to them with flatteries and some of them of understanding show fall to try them to Persian to 00:53:09.35\00:53:11.62 make them white even to the time of the end because it can get for a time appointed the 00:53:11.62\00:53:15.79 time of the end. Okay is pointing us to 17. 98 79 D A and that's what we see in 00:53:15.79\00:53:22.10 Daniel Chapter 11, verse 40 before we get that we have a king in verse. 36 that does 00:53:22.10\00:53:27.20 according to his will, he exalts himself magnifies himself above 00:53:27.20\00:53:32.04 every guy, speak smartest things against the God of gods, the prospects to the ending. They 00:53:32.04\00:53:34.58 should be accomplished for that. That is determined shall be done. Paul quotes this first and 00:53:34.58\00:53:42.28 second Thessalonians chapter 2. folks, this for yeah. I was just thinking of them. Yeah. 00:53:42.28\00:53:45.19 You make a connection between this first and second. This loan eons and you're talking 00:53:45.19\00:53:48.62 about the falling away. You're talking about the transition from Pagan Rome to people 00:53:48.62\00:53:52.36 wrong. And you're talking about that rain is on a per additional 00:53:52.36\00:53:58.47 yeah. Hoses and exalts himself above all that is caught so that he has got sent to the temple of 00:53:58.47\00:54:01.57 God showing himself that he has got process. That's going to happen before Jesus returns. 00:54:01.57\00:54:06.31 Second time. Well, that's what's happening in Daniel Chapter 11 00:54:06.31\00:54:10.41 versus 30, all the way to 40. When you get to 40 look at it, says here, it says. And at the 00:54:10.41\00:54:15.32 time of the N 17, 98 show the king of the south push at him and the king of north. So come 00:54:15.32\00:54:19.25 against unlike the world will now stop right there with the king of the south, pushing it 00:54:19.25\00:54:22.42 him. The king of the south is identified in Isaiah 31 through 6, one through 7 and 00:54:22.42\00:54:27.86 also in revelation, Chapter 11 Egypt and a few sick pout exist 5 years to his the Lord 00:54:27.86\00:54:33.77 that I should let his people go. I don't know the Lord. I'm not going to I'm not going as 00:54:33.77\00:54:36.07 people go right. Right. Atheism and south or Egypt and south are simultaneously used 00:54:36.07\00:54:43.41 throughout the Old Testament talk about South you're talking 00:54:43.41\00:54:45.51 about that we talk about these retirement south right? So God is boring. The symbolism to 00:54:45.51\00:54:50.59 point to an atheist. How would that would arise in this time of the end and inflict a wound. 00:54:50.59\00:54:56.83 That's what the word push means to wounded a Gore against this king of the North Tower, OK? 00:54:56.83\00:55:00.70 And that's exactly what happened when Exactly 17, 90, because we've referenced 17, 00:55:00.70\00:55:07.57 98. So for our viewers at home, just explain briefly what trans 00:55:07.57\00:55:10.91 or what transpired in 17. 98, you have of the end of a prophetic period. The 42 months 00:55:10.91\00:55:13.81 to 12 time times and a half a time. We're not going into the details on that are more Want to 00:55:13.81\00:55:18.71 remind our viewers, we have 112 programs salvation signals and signs they can look at the go a 00:55:18.71\00:55:25.82 lot slower than we're going tonight to. But what happens is that 12 uh, 60 comes to an 00:55:25.82\00:55:32.03 end. 17. 98 an atheistic power rises up in France and birth. sent by Napoleon in 2 Rome to 00:55:32.03\00:55:39.03 take the Pope captive. Your sees a deadly wound. His he loses civil strength and power 00:55:39.03\00:55:45.34 political power to be able to. Yes, they still were church. Yes, but yet that political 00:55:45.34\00:55:49.44 power was taken away. crucial. Yes, it's that's how they've dominated up to the point to 00:55:49.44\00:55:52.71 the Army's and workings in dealings with the Kings and queens powerful for And that 00:55:52.71\00:55:58.55 is where we're going to stop. And I'm just going to say something here because there's 00:55:58.55\00:56:02.19 a lot of controversy over Daniel Chapter 11. 42 45 always has 00:56:02.19\00:56:07.13 been rising beginning the very first book that was ever written by Evan says called a word to 00:56:07.13\00:56:12.33 the little flock, right, as written by James White and Ellen White. And in that book, 00:56:12.33\00:56:16.40 James White said the power that comes to his Annan and Joe help 00:56:16.40\00:56:20.14 them. And an 11 is the same Bauer revelation Chapter 13 number 6, 6, 6, >> Now that 00:56:20.14\00:56:25.35 continued until about 18. 77. We're I Smith came up with another interpretation, which 00:56:25.35\00:56:28.22 was Turkey. And that's continued in conflict to recently when someone him with another 00:56:28.22\00:56:35.09 interpretation was uses long. With all the stuff kind of mixed in here. And I want to 00:56:35.09\00:56:38.89 say right now before we take our break that I wish that was a Daniel chapter 13, a man, 00:56:38.89\00:56:43.10 you know, because Daniel 11 ends. And then you have Daniel 12, a kind of close up the 00:56:43.10\00:56:49.37 book of Daniel. But if we had a Daniel 13, if we had another outline babble on me to 00:56:49.37\00:56:53.91 pressure Greece, Rome and then more detail about the rest of this in a 13th chap, their 00:56:53.91\00:57:00.52 that would really help us to nail down the interpretation. Oh, my goodness. This is 00:57:00.52\00:57:07.56 exciting because we just if you just now tuning in, we've just 00:57:07.56\00:57:12.36 been going through beautiful survey, profiting survey of Daniel to Daniel 7, Daniel 8. 00:57:12.36\00:57:16.06 And of course, we just finished up with Daniel 11. >> We're not 00:57:16.06\00:57:19.27 finished because now we come back in the second hour, we're going to jump right into the 00:57:19.27\00:57:23.17 book of Revelation or maybe pick up with We're going get into the book of Revelation. Now we're 00:57:23.17\00:57:29.21 going to the 7 churches in the 7 Seals in the 7 trumpets in the 7 Viles. We're going to do 00:57:29.21\00:57:33.05 that as well. Plus, we're going to tell you how you can send in your questions when we 00:57:33.05\00:57:35.62 come back in just a moment. So don't go anywhere. Don't change the channel. Stick with 00:57:35.62\00:57:40.92 us. We're excited about what we're studying. We hope you are, too. We'll see you right 00:57:40.92\00:57:43.32 back here in just a moment. ¤ ¤ 00:57:43.32\00:58:05.88