3ABN Today Live

Educating for Eternity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220009B

00:00 many are being reached for eternity. ♪
00:08 ♪ >> Welcome back to 3 ABS Thursday night Live program.
00:15 We're so glad again that you join us and hopefully it caught the full first hour. I
00:18 know went by really quick. It seems like sometimes time speeds up. We know it doesn't.
00:22 But what a blessing to find out and learn about true education. And if you're just
00:29 joining us for the second hour, don't turn off now sale on past school age because
00:32 we're talking about learning for eternity. And we have doctor Davidson here with us a
00:39 long time friend of Jill myself. before we came to 3 ABN before he became President
00:43 Washington Hills, a college. We've been friends for. We're talking before the program
00:48 almost 30 years. that's incredible. But like yesterday, Bush said we
00:52 started and we're like 5 years >> What >> a blessing to be in
00:58 together, as we mentioned, also earlier, a board member now of 3ABN and that we
01:02 appreciate the friendship towards 3 D as well. And a great relationship through the
01:09 years. Yes. So what a great topic, tonight. Yeah, I've enjoyed it. You have to
01:13 because as you cation is near and dear to you as well absolutely before we jump back
01:18 into the topic, I was just thinking you're going to be speaking for our upcoming Can
01:23 news right we're going to use this opportunity to give you a little plug. A reminder that I
01:27 meeting is. >> May 31 through June 4th, that begins Tuesday night. May
01:34 31 06:00PM Central. It will be virtual. We're not having an in-person audience due to
01:41 still having some COVID concerns at this time in our area. So no in person, make
01:46 sure you don't come in person, but you can watch the program and doctor shuns going to be
01:50 one of the speakers. What are you speaking on? That's a good Which we switch topics. We
02:00 switched up his mind was going to be on salvation. But you have the open. I have the
02:05 opening night. Remind me again what that I'm actually I think it's on always on the
02:09 personality of God. And that's what it is. It's on the personally got personality of
02:13 got. >> I'm excited Yeah, I'm really excited about that
02:15 because it's like, I mean, how do you know cots, personality and character? There's a lot
02:23 of prop again down there about who got rid of the is. the scam is team kind of fits
02:27 because we always have a theme for 3 a van and and the year 2022.
02:32 >> Our theme this year is look at Thank God for direction. If you're wondering what's going
02:39 on, worried, look at God because God, everything taken care of. Well, our theme for
02:42 Camden, this focus on And so all the messages will be focused on that topic
02:48 fantastic. >> Looking at the personality of dog looking at is and
02:53 there's many different speakers on trying to think of the speakers. Now, of course,
02:57 Doctor Jen, we have a marked Finley who is coming elder Mark Finley Eldred a gallon
03:03 more Christopher Hudson, pastor CA Murray. can the men from a WR and other speakers.
03:08 So we're looking for work to what during that time. Switching gears back again,
03:15 too, learning for eternity. True education. If you missed the first hour, you can always
03:19 check it out 3ABN. Plus DOT TV or you can go to 3 beans, you tube account and you can watch
03:26 it that way as well. But let's talk to doctor Shin about the relationship between salvation
03:32 and the sanctuary. >> Salvation and the sanctuary. I think I want to
03:38 segue into this fight by telling a little story and kind of try to. Mill this park
03:45 together. I was at a minister of retreat. Back when I was in the Michigan Conference and I
03:49 was single at the time. And so I was staying with Pastor friend of mine acquaintance
03:55 and he was he was married. And so I said, hey, how to meet your life. And he said, I
04:01 matter on one of these. Online 18 and I was like souls name of that.
04:10 >> perked up and and and he he met her on mine and he was living in the state, use them
04:17 in another country. On the other side of the world. The mat and they they started to
04:22 connect in and the relationship grew. And he says David, I a poster. Without
04:29 ever having met face to face. Oh, my wow. That's courageous. I know that's courageous
04:35 Knesset. Us in front of you did what he said. Not a nice a day. It gets better. It gets
04:39 better. I proposed to her and then I flew out there. Oh, my. And the first Thomas are face
04:49 to face. When I flew out merrier. Oh, my. Now this is how this is an illustration.
04:58 This is not. This is descriptive. Not prescriptive. marriage counseling one o I'm
05:04 just telling you what happened. And I said and I said, my brother. going to do
05:08 when you get off that plane. You look at this wife, you know, this woman that's about
05:13 to be your life and you say, oh, lord, what have I done? You know, and any said, David.
05:17 It was the strangest thing. Because we spent so much time together virtually.
05:25 >> Video. Fall. And you know, the Internet e-mail that when we met face to face. It was
05:39 >> And happily married to this day and night. It was seamless when they met face to face.
05:43 >> One from the virtual relationship to the face to face relationship and and
05:47 their relationship just just took off, you know, picked up right where they left off.
05:50 Now, look. Right now. We're in a relationship with God. Yeah. And All right. They were in a
06:02 relationship with God and and we're going to one day meet face to face. That's right.
06:11 And spend How do we ensure that when we meet face to face?
06:16 >> That seen less right? It's not like >> like? You're nothing like I
06:23 imagine you to be. I mean, can you imagine the horror of that? It's you thought you
06:28 were worshipping Jesus, but you really were shipping an idea. And concept like they
06:30 were in the first century. >> They thought they knew Messiah. But when they meet
06:36 the real messiah face to face they're like, no, you're not him because culture has mulled
06:40 an idea of what Jesus should do. It should not do. And they ended up crucify So we we live
06:45 in an age today where we worship our ideas. We worship. Yeah, and idea Jesus. But how
06:53 do how do we know that? It's the biblical it. So that face to face encounter is going to
06:56 come one day. >> how do we ensure? When we see him? It's like this is our
07:04 God. We have waited for him and he will save us rather than calling for the mountains
07:08 and rocks to fall on night is from his face. And and really the messages in the sanctuary.
07:15 You can see that Adam money before the fall. They were in the face to face encounter
07:20 with God in the most holy place. That should kind of glory. They were able to have
07:26 that conversation just like you and I are happy after son. They were placed outside of
07:31 the gate outside of the courtyard and the sanctuary is really simple. It's got its
07:37 how God is going to bring us into the courtyard into the holy place. And then back into
07:41 that face to face. we've got the skin. That's that's the message of the sanctuary.
07:47 That's the message of education because the highest place of education is
07:53 communion with God it's through Jesus Christ that we're able to have that face
07:58 to face encounter with him. See come into the courtyard. God delivers us from the
08:02 penalty of coming to the Holy Place. He delivers us from the power of says run and then
08:06 into the most holy Place. He delivers us from the presence of Sen. So the sanctuary
08:14 redemption, education are all linked together. So you come in and then you accept Jesus
08:18 as your savior. At the first article Furniture, your baptized at the Laver. You
08:23 come in. And it's interesting because the priest would come in every day and pour oil into
08:27 the lamps. We represent the lamps. The church, the oil represents the Holy Spirit.
08:36 Jesus represents, you know, he's represented by the high priest and pours in and this
08:40 is part of the daily Service. More as it gets a look at the look at the analogy. You know,
08:44 when you're except when you accept Jesus as your savior. In the courtyard, the altar
08:49 burnt, offering your baptized and you come into the holy place experience. And every
08:52 day we'd asked for the Holy Spirit, Phyllis. And as a result of that feeling,
08:58 there's light. There's fruit. as a result, you know, you can't you can't fabricate
09:05 that. As with all the spear in the Bible says there is the fruit of the spirit known for
09:07 its yeah, fruit of this. You can't say, you know, that's just not my Rob, Joy peace,
09:15 you know, love So are a it's just not my for no, it's all. It's all fruit from the lawyer
09:26 is saying. thing about fruit is that. >> It doesn't come overnight.
09:31 It was a growth process. And it's many times unconscious. >> And so as you gain the
09:37 received all the spirit, we come to Jesus just the way we are prey sky and he loves us
09:41 too much. Leave us in that condition. That's right. He pours out the spirit into our
09:44 lives. And so that so that we we can grow, we can grow. And so in the courtyard and the
09:50 courtyard were born. In the Holy Place we Here's the question. Which is more
09:59 important to be born or to grow. Well, you can't grow without being born. but I know
10:05 I don't know. Yeah, think neither. yeah, they're both important me to put you in a
10:12 >> Because I was thinking, you know, yeah. I mean, if someone remained a baby forever
10:19 understand like you wouldn't want know you and want you know? No, yeah. Yeah. So it's
10:24 its mode. Like look when when we just going back to its and you my wife and I would like
10:29 we're cleric. They were type a personalities. And so when when we knew that were
10:37 pregnant with Hudson, we'll be ready for this person. So we took mosque last and we had
10:44 this app that that was going to have algorithms for the contractions. So it's like
10:49 what the beginning, the contraction. It happened in the end of the country.
10:53 Actually, it happened so that it builds this whole And so the birth pangs began and
10:55 we're ready for this thing. And and my wife is like 52 hours, not
11:05 >> whether in the body on the body, I don't know. And I'm not even given burst. You
11:08 know, it's the towers, no sleep. Finally, the nurses I can you get rid of that app.
11:15 It's a mess in Europe as we're all. You know, right? You need to relax anyways. Finally, the
11:21 baby comes Holly appraisal? Or I thought this is me. Turn to 52 hours of no sleep I got
11:24 lost in the Costco parking lot. Work for a park. My and say I really thought and find
11:31 its weight. So the baby baby is born. Cut the umbilical cord on the ceremony things
11:38 but the first diaper on. And then it's like the daunting realization comes over me. I
11:44 need to keep this baby alive. Yeah. I mean, like, look, you celebrate the birth, the
11:48 birthday, Khalid the praise, the Lord. That's what got Yeah, that's right. After
11:52 that. I remember the nurse was like you need to, you know, you need to feed this baby
11:57 right? Lie the 5, right? You know, office hours like not enough.
12:06 >> 24 hours and so being born is one thing. But then you got to stay alive after you become
12:12 alive. And there's a lot of Christians today. They're still in Pampers.
12:16 >> 30 years years or even worse in the Nick, you and the Bible grow in craze. That's
12:23 right. And in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And so this idea like,
12:26 look, I'm just because I ate one stage. Well, if you're not growing die, it's interesting.
12:32 Every time we took our baby doctor when they do weight measurements because they want
12:38 to ensure that this baby is not. It's not stagnated. It's And there's this. There's a
12:44 condition called failure to thrive. In other words. The baby is not growing. So in the
12:51 same way in the Christian experience, this analogy of the new birth. But there's
12:54 also the knowledge of the plant when when a plant, Germany's praise, God, that's
13:00 new burst now. You did not the the life was always in that seat. So even than Uber says
13:07 it's a miracle of grace, but you need cooperate with those conditions, So the new it's
13:11 proud it. But you don't take out your sick on. You're like, I got a harvest. I got fruit.
13:18 No, no, The telos the end is to bear fruit that that's what everyone wants. plant. You
13:24 plant strawberries. >> You know, you don't yet. You celebrate when it sprouts,
13:29 but you don't go out there and get your bucket me like, oh, I got strong base. It's kind of
13:34 its kind of grow or even blossom beat the blocks like you if I just at the blossom.
13:39 Oh, that's a straw. Burma week our yeah. It's a process. Absolutely. Lots of fruit to
13:43 be read. And that's absolutely it's a he says in the book of Revelation, he's coming with a
13:48 sickle coming for the Harvest is coming for the right is coming for the fruit. So
13:54 there's there's the beauty of every stage of development. But the thing is we can't
13:58 reduce Christianity to just the burst. >> That's right. It's an
14:02 important part of the process. And look, there's no like you said, there's no life without
14:06 first. So we're not minimizing that. There's a reason why its first. That's the reason you
14:11 come in and you see the alter there's nothing without that. So you need the first. But
14:15 then after that, you grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
14:19 and in the in the Holy Place. Yet 3 articles of furniture. And it's interesting because
14:23 when you go in there in the sanctuary, it's obvious from us just a common sense
14:30 perspective, which one's first, which one 0nd? You know, alter burn, offering the
14:37 but then you get to the Holy Place you're which was first right? The implication is that
14:42 those are to be continual. You keep on doing it. In other words, you keep on asking for
14:47 the Holy Spirit. So you can be a witness. There's only one source of light in that whole
14:53 room was no skyline. And it's the the light from. >> The oil, the holy spirit.
14:57 And so you turn around and you can see the bread and only we can see the bread read. The
15:00 word is for the Holy Spirit. That's right. Yes, the lights are out. You can read. All
15:05 right. So so you need to feed on the word. And the incense obviously is from biblical
15:09 respective. It's it's the prayers this person needs to pray. The in the word receive
15:14 the Holy Spirit to do so that you can shine it. So that's an important part. And it's
15:17 interesting. >> Because the article of furniture that was closest to
15:22 the most holy place in the incense would actually go over into the most holy place. And
15:26 we're told that Enoch walked with >> In his prayer detection to
15:33 the very strong room craze. And so the answer to the question is like, look, how
15:39 can I ensure that when I see God face to face, it's not like all I want to crawl under
15:44 the table. Thank Jesus for a walk in this room. I don't want to be in a relationship
15:48 with him. Well, I want to look for the next right? I want to be like. Engage and the way
15:54 that you ensure that its first be born again. Growing grace. Live daily life, depending on
16:01 the were dependent on the Holy Spirit communion with him so that when he comes face to
16:06 face, it's going to be like that person. The only time that talk was virtually
16:11 because in a sense we're kind of in a virtual relationship with me. I'm not saying it's
16:19 but but but I think there's a distant isn't existence that in the Holy Spirit abides in
16:24 our hearts by phase. But but but we don't. >> We're not physically able
16:28 to see look into the eyes of God. One day we will be. But but to ensure That that
16:34 relation that relation allergy can can happen. Now, in other words, you don't have to wait
16:40 until the second to have that dynamics, good experience with God and ultimately. Education.
16:47 Education takes place in the Holy Place. Yeah. Educated by the Holy Spirit. You read the
16:55 word and you communions communing with God and all true. Education has its
17:00 source. It's good in a word. So we have an forcing these are some sad situations. But
17:07 we hear from people that to reach out to us here at 3 a B m.
17:12 >> going off what you're saying about the growing process and they just were
17:15 born. In other words, they've been, let's say, out in the world found God. And
17:20 unfortunately their life was cut short. They passed away in an auto accident or something
17:23 tragic happened to them. And the concern is of the friends or family members. What
17:29 happens to them because they didn't have the opportunity to grow to go from the little
17:33 plant. You're talking about all the way to like the strawberry. And so is this
17:37 person say because they were born again, they committed their lives to Christ and then
17:41 to life was cut short. What would you say to those family members? Right? Answer is yes.
17:44 They are absolutely save. The money goes into the whole growth. That's right. That's
17:47 right. Because, look, it's not about how far you get. That's great about being in the
17:50 process, a man and you can see in the B attitudes look to be on to ladder. It says blessed
17:56 are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven present tense and then
17:59 the other ones are shall be. Yes. This one less of the point spirit for theirs is the
18:04 Kingdom heaven. Look at the last be added to the highest rung on the ladder.
18:06 >> Blessed are the persecuted for theirs. Is the Kingdom of heaven. In other words, the
18:10 first rung on the ladder and the last rung on the ladder have the same problems. And so
18:16 it's not about how far you get just get on the ladder. That's right. Just get on the ladder.
18:21 Yeah. As long as you're alive, you grow in grace of God will take care. course, I believe
18:25 Satan tries to come in and actually discourage people to say the person didn't pass
18:28 away. But they're like, OK, I'm way down here. There's no way I'm going to get here to
18:31 that. Beautiful, whatever. But you're right. It's a process. It's a process. look, my son
18:36 is growing physically. He doesn't grow by thinking about it. Now, Wright is it's a
18:43 natural byproduct of eating and sleeping and all those types of things. Look, if
18:46 you're in the word, yeah, you're not even conscious of your conscious of your gross.
18:51 And so it's it's a natural byproduct. Just like a tree is not bearing fruit is just a
18:57 natural byproduct of of the environment and and these natural laws. And so if you're
19:01 in the word, if you're feeding on the word, if you're receiving the holy Spirit, if
19:05 you're spending time in prayer, you will grow in of our Lord and Savior Jesus
19:09 Christ. And look, if your life is cut short like the thief on the cross except Jesus, you're
19:13 growing, haven't. Yeah, you don't have it because the issue is not your heart. Your
19:19 heart's in the right place creation is a lack of information. That's when we
19:24 get to have look. And that could be a lot of things from like, oh, wow. on that one
19:28 right You know, because right now we're seeing family and then we'll see face to face.
19:32 Will, you know, I'm not talking about the major foundational elements I'm
19:34 talking about, like, you know, these. >> New things. New watches.
19:37 You know, the finer points around like I have an opinion and I'm not going to go die on
19:40 a hill in regards to that. But I'm going to like, whoa, okay, you know, and will be a lot
19:44 sharper to and have it. So there's a there's a statement in in the Gospels where it
19:51 says sanctify them by your truth Night. Word is truth. In other words, growth, which is
19:55 sanctification is a result. It is directly proportional to light and truth. No no In
20:02 other words. Truth is like the miracle you want to grow attrition is it's like they
20:12 were born again. And it's like. I'm like, what are they eating? You know, it's like
20:18 miracle crime is like I know people like baptize and then they're preaching the
20:21 evangelistic series next year. You know, it's like it's incredible. And in the and the
20:24 thing is that win ever. They were revealed light. Except except they grow. And they've
20:32 shown more like a girl, a girl, a girl, whereas some individuals been in church for
20:37 years and And so it stagnates their growth even though they know a lot. But this
20:40 individual. >> Except grows, excepts goes. And we're told there's going
20:45 to be people that have to learn in months. >> Took others to learn. And
20:49 so it's like this going to speed up this process. So if the posture of your heart and
20:53 it's about the heart, when God shows you light, walk in and then in and say, yes, Lord,
20:59 you know, whatever got shows you, you know, and then and then that's that that's the
21:05 dynamic. That's the relationship with God that that that builds the
21:11 foundation. So when you get to have and you receive all this light, all this information
21:13 and got says, look, you're not going to be it's the heart. last of the heart is open to
21:22 the lords leading and then we can continue on in a for ever with Jesus Christ that that
21:29 just keeps on getting better for internally. I mean, education for eternity. And
21:34 the question we need to ask ourselves is. What are we doing with the education? But
21:38 the light that we have now now, what is God calling you at night to do today in our
21:45 individual walk with him? Are we open to meeting because some people say, oh. I just
21:50 need relationship with God. Truth doesn't matter. Well, the Bible says Jesus indicated
21:57 the way he is the way the truth and the life. so if you love Jesus, you got a lot of
22:03 troops there together, hand in hand and hand apps. You know, you can say like, look, I love
22:07 you can't say I love my wife. I don't care about the truce about her life. You know, I
22:13 relationship that's built on lies. And this is not a relationship. I mean, I know
22:17 in one individual. They got married. The tragedy. I actually went to school this
22:24 unofficial later on. She graduated. She got married. From an external appearance.
22:30 It look like they're the perfect marriage. He had wonderful job business
22:33 respected member, the community later on. She finds out that he was actually the
22:36 head of the Mafia. >> What >> a shot down the words. She
22:43 was just a She had no idea their whole relationship was built.
22:50 >> On live well on lies. And so. >> You can't say, look, I want
22:54 a relationship that's not built on troops. need to be built on the foundation of
22:58 truth. And look, there's a lot of lies about Jesus that are in the world today that the
23:02 roast and toast people for to eternal ages. That's a lie. It is. Yeah, there's there's lies
23:07 about his character. Does all this propaganda and look, this is the truth. This is the
23:11 truth. And when we go to the Bible and we find out who Jesus really, we fall off with
23:16 a man we fall in love with it. And and that relationship gross, that relationship grow
23:22 so that when we see him face to face, we can say this is our guide. We have waited for
23:26 him and he will save us. So the message of the sanctuary, it's God wants to bring us
23:29 from out of the court into the courtyard. And look, if you only make it to the courtyard
23:36 you praise guy. Yeah, you covered. All right. But as you if you live longer and have
23:40 the privilege of growing relationship with him, you go The system of the Holy Place
23:46 experience. And then when Jesus comes in, the clouds of glory and glorification, you
23:51 can see face to face and that education, that salvation, process that we're talking
23:56 about is is illustrated in in the sanctuary. Now, there's another note I want to make
24:00 very quickly here is that chapter one of the book education indicates that there
24:05 is something. Powerful about about this. This rest restored process. And there's several
24:13 things that we need to really highlight. Number one, she and a case in Chapter one that we
24:20 need to understand the nature of man is a powerful cold because you cation that says
24:24 that the nature of man, when God created man. He created in the image of God. But not only
24:31 that. That God created man with this potential. Infinite growth and development
24:44 infinite growth and development. I mean, were creating the image of We're
24:47 not God, but God created us with this unique characteristic and this
24:50 capability that that for the ceases ages of of internal growth. Well, internal growth.
24:58 So it's not stagnation. This return ultra. Now, here's the thing. Why did God do that?
25:04 Because look. How much of a relationship can you have? With a cow?
25:14 >> Yeah, you know, it's it's a little bit and because because it to you, I mean, and then
25:20 maybe people not has been like I have a dynamic relationship with my cabin. But like, look,
25:25 it's it's it's a limited relationship. and the question is like with that limitation,
25:30 there's also this element of how bad Khanabad County. Not really that bad. I mean, what
25:36 would it be, you know, kick when you're trying to milk them break out of the pan.
25:41 >> But you don't hear about cows that are serial right? You don't see a wanted ad in
25:45 the most, you So for the FBI's most wanted have a cow on the front. You don't see So, but
25:51 but with that limitation. Also comes. A lack of relation, right? And how bad can a bad
26:00 dog little bit? I mean, I know some bad dogs. All right. I had some. All right. I've been
26:05 been by Yeah. Bitten by. Yeah. And so a dog can be a little worse but also the potential
26:12 for good. How good can a good dog? The And I matured. I want one like that. And passenger
26:19 of Ginger Hall. Kids network Little Dog. All the yes network volunteers per all my
26:24 so good dog like that. I mean, just want to take home, you know and and so forth. And but
26:31 but a bad dog can be pretty bad. Now, here's the question. How bad? Can a bad human
26:36 being? Alright, crucified Christ crucified Christ State penitentiaries, serial
26:45 killers. >> How good can Hugh, could you be? attention infinite,
26:53 Infinite. What's the relationship that you can have with a human being? Marriage
26:57 and family? Dynamic? But there's a risk. There's a risk. There's a risk that's
27:05 there as well. So you know, how bad can a angel be? So so like with with if you want a
27:12 relationship with someone but look at standpoint of God. He wants a dynamic relation. A
27:20 relationship that has the potential to go. But with that. Comes the risk. The
27:27 risk. That they can not choose. And then also this can turn release out in the other
27:35 direction. So with that potential comes risk. So when God created man he created
27:38 with infinite potential for growth and development and this ties and education. The
27:43 other thing is the purpose of man. Now the book education indicates that the purpose of
27:48 God in creating man was that. To reflect God's image. That's that's our purpose. That's
27:57 yours. And nice purpose to reflect the image of God. So so in other words, he would
28:01 have a created being human beings that would have the potential not only for
28:07 infinite development, but that their purpose was to reflect to some degree. or after. And
28:15 you never reach your full potential. That's your purpose. I mean, like, look,
28:20 you know, this has a All right. doesn't create dehydrated. All right. You
28:24 know, I'm not I could use this as a baseball or something, but it's not going to serve
28:27 this purpose. Can throw this at you. I'm not going to do this on set, but
28:31 >> You know, people can use this form for devious mean that is true, but a good putt.
28:36 But but this has a purpose. And the purpose was in the design and the creator. You
28:41 and I have a purpose and my thesis my my my Maya underpinning foundational
28:48 belief. Is that look, you and I we'll never be happy as human beings on this. We
28:55 fulfill the divine purpose. Yeah ends. And that's to reflect God's image Not only
29:01 this life but the life to come. So so you have the purpose of God, the nature of
29:06 man. And then there was a change in man's nature. Yeah, the change in man's nature.
29:12 Our moral faculties became impaired. We no longer reflected the image of God it
29:17 we were. Well, nigh diminished. I mean, even physically speaking. Look, I'm
29:21 5 foot 6. Alright, I praise God that I'm 5 foot 6. Maybe not. But but anyway, you know
29:26 it's like. I'm short. I mean, we were never. Intended to create be created like this. I
29:32 kind of growing bald spot on the back of my head. You know, you're like, oh, you know, I
29:36 aches and pains even physically even physically we are. We're not heading toward
29:42 regeneration. We're heading toward a generation. Alright, physically speaking our mental
29:45 capacities. You know, I forget things. So so in the beginning when Adam was created, you
29:50 know, some scholars believe feels like 18 feet tall. Perfect photographic memory.
29:55 Yeah, brilliant or, you know, just just perfect and you can see as a result of sin
30:01 physically morally and emotionally, you know, mental illness. All the state, we're
30:06 headed toward a path of degeneration and so sitting had had results on the human
30:13 race. And thing is we cultivate our own tendencies and then I have some on to my
30:17 poor children. You know not only to deal with the ones they cultivate, but the ones
30:20 that I passed on. And so so we're headed toward this. The spiral as a human race in the
30:24 book, education indicates that the purpose of salvation, that the purpose of education is to
30:32 restore. >> The image of his to bring us back. Well, and 2 to what
30:41 Adam was created before the fall that the divine purpose maybe realize, you know, many
30:46 people think like, look, we're going to get back to the state of Adam and that's it. Look,
30:50 Adam was created at the organ on number of one. Yeah, it was a perfect All right. It was an
30:56 0. He was a solid want. But look how many numbers are after watch. we're now in
31:02 negative 2000. You know, whatever it is. And and the plan of salvation medication
31:07 is to bring us to or did not. Number one. So that after that for the sea says it age of
31:14 eternity. Yeah, you can get an affinity and never scratch the surface. All right. This is
31:19 the that's the purpose of education is to bring us back. >> That divide per said money
31:27 >> Before the fall. Even last, you know, in recent restored revelation chapter. 22 last
31:33 chapter of the book of the last. Book of the Bible. Last chapter, restored. You see the
31:39 tree of life, the River of life and the Bible says and they show see his and the
31:48 father's name is written on their forehead. You know, the words God has done it. just
31:53 brought us all the way back in the beauty of it is the high priest wore on his head, a
32:00 golden ban. That said Holiness to the Lord. Yes, the only person was able to go into the
32:05 most holy place and have sanctuary where the sink or think sanctuary for that
32:07 matter was I priest, the high priest represents Jews and because of Jesus, he has made
32:12 a new living way back to the throne of God. We don't get back to that back face to face
32:20 relationship with God on our own. It's only because of the blood and the merits of Jesus
32:22 Christ. So you can see how education and redemption are truly They're together and
32:30 it's the plan of restoration. So so I'm I'm I'm really excited because? The Bible.
32:38 The philosophy of education. Is really it's really mission. They're one and the same thing
32:47 and is to bring us back to that face to face encounter that Adam and Eve had before
32:52 the fall. It quaint a quaint. Now thy self with him. It's the watchword. A true
32:59 education. One of just asking questions, Mister, Something Road and they're going to
33:04 another question. But this is reflecting the image of God. Yes, how does one do that
33:08 here? Because you mentioned on this or this is a sin sic world's right. So how would
33:11 one even do that? Just talking about reflect an image. You do it now. This right?
33:17 >> There an Exodus chapter. 33, it talks about how most us.
33:20 >> Asked to see got space. He's on Mount Sinai. Any has the audacity. I see your
33:28 chance what question he says. Look, I see your face trial. >> And and got says you can
33:34 see my face because no man can see my But but got so gracious, he says, look.
33:39 >> There's there's a crack in the rock. Kawhi didn't crack in the rock. I'm going to pass
33:42 by. I want to close your in the past 5. And put my hand there. I want to pass by the
33:51 cleft of the rock on and take my hand away. So you can look at my my back. It just
33:57 mattered. Most. It looks. He sees the back of God right? Again, see his face the back.
34:04 Remember what happened most come down from Mount. Lets face is like lit up. Right? So
34:09 bright, so bright children is like. Can you put like a lamp shade on that thing? Because
34:16 it's like I can't. I can't look at your face a little in the way they did is they put a
34:21 yes on his face. All right. They put a veil on his face. >> Because that's looking at
34:26 the back of God. Alright, now, look at this. He reflected talking about reflection. How
34:33 can we reflect the image? You got this world in this one in this work by looking at the
34:36 back of God. All right. Now there's a fascinating reflection by Paul in Second
34:42 chapter 3. He talks about Moses going up in the mountain and this whole encounter And
34:48 he says, but we all. With on veiled face. In other words, Moses was what they as veiled.
34:57 But but because of Jesus and the divine accommodation of the incarnation were able to
35:01 look at the face of God and the light of the knowledge of the glory of God is found in
35:03 the face of Jews were not like. >> You know, because because
35:07 because he veiled this humanity, you know, his divinity and humanity, as
35:10 we're able to look at the face of God. And he says, but we all with unveil cheese
35:17 beholding as an emir. The glory, the character guy. That's hard being changed from
35:24 glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord. So Jesus is the word a Jesus is the word.
35:33 That's right. You're like, oh, I can't look at the face of God right now. When you look
35:36 at his face every day, a man by his word use the word every you acquaint yourself with
35:40 Jesus Christ. Look at the work. And as you look interact with the word. I believe like
35:47 Moses. And then. >> You will shine. >> You radiate. You'll be like
35:53 Jesus. And like the apostles of old, they will take note. has been, you you can And then
35:59 some of that, some of that rubbed off it reflected and reflected. And so in the
36:05 spirit comes in the fruit light. How do you shine? How do you reflect that? You know,
36:10 high, how do you Evan, a Jesus is not, you know, you're going to track. You just beat. You
36:15 got to be plugged in. And that's got to be plugged into the Holy Spirit. And the Bible
36:18 tells us that Holy Spirit, Jesus divides in our hearts to fate uses ministering the most
36:23 holy place and having sanctuary. But to the agency of the Holy Spirit, Jesus
36:27 abides in all of us. And we and shine and we look at the work and we being transformed
36:34 from glory. glory, which means character, character and the Bible says from day today and
36:41 from face to face. And so it's from one level to another level. How far you It's about
36:47 being in the process, matter of fact and in eternity. It's like we'll be living for a
36:52 billion years. like 5 billion years later, we crisscrossing the universe. I mean, Jillian,
36:59 Gregg and his life live in is like, while you're more like Jesus, then you are a billion
37:02 years ago. I'm looking at you saying, wow, same thing for yeah.
37:06 >> I was like, like I see a dimension of God in you reflected that I never saw
37:12 before. Cloud phrases name. It makes me love Jesus. More. >> and notice the underlying
37:16 theme from the very beginning right on this program. Howard of the love no word. And then
37:21 education is >> Education is restoration education is re creation and
37:27 education is reflection. >> It oh, I knew ours. go. I just started out. was actually
37:35 we were talking. Yeah. As you a little Yeah. So my mind sometimes just works
37:41 practically. Yes. So one of someone saying does that mean I study the word of God all
37:45 day. Why incorporate these biblical principles with studying to be a dock or I
37:57 want to be a teacher. about all you're going to be a lawyer or a our are those
38:03 professions still got Can you still, you know, seek for those things? And if you do,
38:08 how do you incorporate biblical education in the midst of the question in the
38:13 book of Genesis. >> This is a fascinating account. Just a few one
38:20 paragraph. It talks about how Enoch walked with God and the Lord took and he walked with
38:25 God for 300 years. Now, the book patriarchs and prophets indicates that knocks walk was
38:31 not in a trance, but in his daily life. So you can see that you can walk with God. As
38:40 a doctor as a lawyer in whatever you're doing or even home taking care of the kids
38:46 and the book patriarchs and prophets brings out that the infant unfathomable love of
38:53 Christ revealing it revealed in Christ became the subject of his meditations and night.
38:59 Now the meditation is a word that's been hijacked today in society. And so for, you know,
39:04 and we're not talking about eastern meditation, which is emptying amount for every mind
39:07 for every truth. There is a counterfeit. So so. >> Eastern meditation,
39:12 mystical, meditation. That is ironically be incorporated into forms of spiritual
39:18 formation, even within the church and so forth. That's not what it's talking about.
39:22 Biblical meditation is filling your mind eastern meditation is emptying your mind. That's
39:30 great. It's interesting how many times in the Bible, the term meditation comes up. All
39:34 right. In in someone. But in his law, he meditates day and night. Josh, 1 one verse 8,
39:43 this book law shall not depart from your mouth. But in it you shout Meditate, day and night.
39:47 Deuteronomy chapter 6. Hear o Israel. The Lord, our God is won and you shall love the
39:51 Lord. Your God. With all your heart with all your soul. With all your mind, how do you know
39:54 if you love got when you wake up in the morning, you think of got before you go to bed at
39:58 night. You think of got when you're in your house, you think of got you teach that
40:03 digit temperature, your children while you're walking, by the way, in other words,
40:05 this is an individual that and every spare moment they're thinking about got a
40:11 lifestyle. livestock. It's you know what I do. I have these little ris PACs. These here.
40:19 >> Oh, look at this. I happen to have it with me. This is a first packed and and look. The
40:24 cellphone has replaced our meditation. I think some people should wear their cell
40:29 phone like this. I mean, it's like, you know, it is this this is where we live because
40:32 because, like, look, and I have one preacher, this is like, look, this is not your
40:37 Bible. This is not your by I know that has by monument is lot of distractions on it. And
40:40 here's the thing. Here's the thing is that. I made because I'm I'm a recovering addict to
40:48 my cell phone. I mean, I had a BlackBerry. It's called crack Berry because it's like every
40:53 time buzz. It's like I get an exit holes and, you know, hit and so forth in. And so, you
40:55 know. Has done few things are tools. There's nothing inherently wrong with him and
41:02 so forth. But but the devil has replaced the cell phone for experience with scripture.
41:10 That should be the subject of our meditation, because what people do when they get up in
41:13 the morning to check the phone and oh, yeah, before they go to bed at night, check if and
41:17 when they do there in line and Walmart and is a long one, they're on the phone. It's
41:22 amazing. Even got to eat today. it's like all we're here to be together. And
41:27 everyone's like this. >> I'm like, what's the point? What's the point? And so I
41:32 make a pact with God. The Lord, this is my cell phone replacement for recovering
41:39 addicts. Don't answer your question. Life helping to live some one meditate on it day
41:46 and night. Now, this doesn't mean that I can think about other stop. But in any any
41:48 spare a moment. As I'm walking the streets as I have a brief moment. This is the favorite
41:55 place in my mind to go to go. That's my aim. And be honestly out grocery shopping. Got a
42:03 brief moment. And it's like this book and a lot. That's actually my text apart from
42:10 your mouse. But in it, you should meditate. That's really gay and night. And this is how
42:14 you walk with God. Now you walk with This is how you experience it, that this is
42:18 how you your change from glory to glory. And because by the whole because you become
42:25 changed, he become change. The thoughts and feelings make up the moral character. And I
42:30 believe there's going to be a generation of people. That meditate on the tax because
42:36 this is the transformation that takes place because the look in the time of the flood,
42:40 the Bible indicates that the thoughts of men were only evil continually. Wow, that's what
42:44 impacts it. And look, this is taking over our lives. Absolutely. This is taking
42:49 over our lives. I mean, we need we need to repent. I mean, I need to repent. I
42:54 mean, it is like it's in. This is like the black hole that section when I mean, you go on
42:58 there and like all wonder what Reagan jeweler doing on their Facebook page and so far click
43:00 and it's like. >> And then you click on another thing and goes to an
43:05 ad and you come out 5 hours later and you're like what just happened? What just
43:08 happened as a but this? This is where it's This is where it sat in his law. He thought
43:17 that it a day and night, you know, the ceiling process is the ceiling processes settling
43:22 into the Intellectually and spiritually and how the cell into truth. It's interesting
43:29 because the Dew on Chapter talks about love God, with all your heart soul and mind. And
43:32 then afterwards to talk about a person a man takes on this. And then it says after that,
43:35 it shall be as frontlets between your eyes. I mean, that solutions to the ceiling
43:39 because where is the of God, In other words, if you want to be like Jesus, think about you
43:47 become you go home, what should And that's the beauty of the gospel. So I would
43:51 encourage you. It little 3 by 5 cards. You know, this is this is a first PAC that I
44:00 have you by those I bought these. I bought these online. I there, you know, I don't get
44:03 commission for this, but these are fast carts. So you go to fast DOT St to nab
44:08 organization. You can get first packs. >> And they have these I don't
44:12 get commission for this. By the you get right want to know. Yeah, I mean, like it's
44:16 enough to reinvent the wheel. You know, this is like $3, you know. And so I mean, it's
44:22 like, come on. think that's the case. Come with the case comes with a verse packs, a
44:24 little war, couple dollars and so forth. And and but I had these it's a Bible
44:30 memorization think and I used to get into where has all but the numbers. But I'm like is
44:33 going to be about a meditation 10 and the growth. And so, look, I have 2 of these eye to
44:37 these and I carry them around with me and it's by my bed. So before I go to bed, I look at
44:43 the tax and I think about the tax. I carry this with me everywhere. Love because like
44:47 I mean, I know with any replacement for my phone and look, I I'm an addict like
44:53 everybody else. And so because it's like they spend millions of dollars to make your
44:57 netting. All right. So so here's the thing. But but we need to have a generation that
45:00 is going to be If there's ever going to be a last generation that can be translated without
45:05 seeing >> I want to be one And the last generation. Yes, we were
45:10 running out of time. Yes, the second hour. Let's talk briefly about the
45:13 relationship. >> Between and local education that in just a few moments
45:19 here at the end. >> also want we want to talk about Washington Hills all
45:25 that. All right. Well, have got a lot of minutes for saucy, how I can get look in
45:28 the book of revelation. It's interesting because revelation Chapter 6, they say who should
45:33 be able to stand there, calling for the mountains rocks to fall on them and hide
45:36 from the face of sits on the throne and from the wrath of land. And the question is who
45:39 should be able to stand? Revelation? Chapter 7 is the answer to that. There's no
45:43 gender divisions revelation Chapter 7. It's on a 44. so is you see the scene before
45:49 Angels holding back the 4 winds and they say and it is another voices hold the winds
45:55 to the servants of our God are sealed on there for II. 44,000 now revelation Chapter 14, the
46:01 preamble to 3 inches message. vision. Standing outside. And with him 144,000, we had
46:13 father's name written on their foreheads. In other words, God has brought them all the way
46:19 back. He's brought them on back. Donna. 44,000 represents the first fruits. The last
46:26 generation, the weakest of the week that can be translated without seeing death and
46:28 they're being able to be brought all the way back to the throne room of got because
46:33 they're standing with him on Mount Some 24 says who shall ascent into the of the lord
46:39 outside who will stand in his holy place. He that hath clean dance and a pure art. In other
46:46 words, the key to stand in the presence of God. It's a pure art and less your heart for
46:52 the show. She and hubris that holiness no one will see the Lord. And the thing is. The
46:58 criteria. For be able to see God face to face. It's not 4.6 million dollars it's holding
47:08 it's holding us now. If you're like me, you're like. Well, unholy. Yeah. Like you to
47:17 like, if you're if you're check that the gate, you know, the boarding pass. All right.
47:22 You want to see God face to face. It's not money. It's not a card. I think sorry, I
47:32 can't. Yes, no man. I can't do it. The beauty is for the high priest. And when this Jesus
47:38 Holy to the Lord. It's because of the high Priests, holiness. And you can be only it is
47:45 righteous and it's right. Just a spy fame because certainly I don't feel wholly, I believe
47:51 by faith. So it's the right just a gives you that gains. You entrance. To throne God.
47:56 You don't get in on your own merits. get to the gate and you're like I'm unholy, but
48:02 Jesus is like he's with me. >> All in that nice and that and then I see ever get. I
48:08 remember those one places. A Delta. Now this this exclusive members club to pay to get in
48:15 and get a better snacks and everything lounge. Everyone else in the carriage out
48:19 there. >> Suffering on this hard seats that are made of metal
48:21 and so forth. peanuts will get you on. And I remember I can get in there. But those this
48:24 millionaire. And I go in there and they kind of look at me like and then his life. He's
48:33 with me. And I was like, thank you. >> You know, I know. And
48:37 they're not on my own merits, but on his merits. And so is this a similar analogy
48:42 entrance to the face to face encounter with God? Only this and I'm like, I don't have it
48:46 and uses light. He seems me and they're like, come come on it. And so that's the beauty
48:53 of That's the beauty of it. And the thing is. As we're as we're meditating on these
48:59 themes, I know some people can have anxiety me like all entrance fee hauling now like
49:06 my Are you always going to be worrying all on? You know, I'm never going to measure up.
49:09 Here's the thing. The Bible indicates that we keep the Sabbath. This aside, his ego
49:13 chapter 20 verse 12, that it is God who makes us Holy All right. So here's the thing.
49:19 What do you do on the Sabbath? rest? You don't work? That's right. So so you're asked on
49:26 the Sabbath in the assurance that is God who makes you all. And that's beautiful. So the
49:34 experience, look, we're all a work in progress in the experience of God making us
49:39 holding because the merits of Jesus Christ is not unrest. It's not anxiety. It's rest.
49:46 every 7 days we need to be reminded of that because I forget I try to work it myself
49:51 by on my own. But every 7 days is not only a memorial rid of of salvation are of redemption
49:55 or Shun. It's a memorial that God, even as he made adult day, Holy, he can make me
50:04 whole answer. And what I do on that day work. No, I rest. So every 7 days I need that
50:09 reminder on this Biblical Sabbath. I enter into this habit. That's a Lord. I'm not
50:15 but you are. And I believe one day you can bring me to the finish line him. And in the
50:22 meantime, in the here and now on this 7th day, I want to affirm and remind myself of
50:29 the promise to and God can make me and Lord. Today an acknowledgment of that
50:37 reality. Resting. >> a man? >> president education for
50:46 eternity. What hope, you know, that would assure Jesus. But I have to do my part 2, that's
50:54 been in his words, right offer bill that relations law. When we're talking about education.
50:58 You are. We've mentioned this several times and we want to touch on this at the end, the
51:03 president of Washington Hills College is also academy there as well. Tell us a little bit
51:06 about the school there. And you know what you're doing. They're in and we've got a few
51:10 pictures, I think of the beautiful campus where you're located. What's going on? Yes.
51:15 Thank you for asking that question. I've been there you have have been there a few
51:21 times and what a great play. It's a beautiful can. Yeah. Beautiful campus located in
51:26 the foothills of of Arkansas the Arkansas there. >> Doctor misses Clark had a
51:31 vision to start of school. It started with the academy. Now we have a college, the
51:33 academy's 9 through 12 colleges. Four-year degree. And we have the degrees of
51:38 theology, education, sacred music and and business. Those are 4 degrees and the
51:46 philosophy of our school is to strive to follow. These principles. education is found
51:52 in the word God. we believe an environment that will foster a person to love the floor to to
52:00 live a life of service for him. And we believe in following the model, the
52:07 schools of the profits of Manual training manual education. It's character
52:11 that's built in manual training and learning learning these different traits. We
52:14 have an apprenticeship program. We have a canvassing program with the construction,
52:19 apprenticeship, with the auto mechanics and all these types of things. But ultimately we
52:22 want to raise up a generation of the majors that will blast the World Church that will
52:28 that spouse a culture in the word of God and and ultimately live a life of service for
52:36 him. We want to raise up a generation of world changers by his grace another beauty of
52:41 our school is that it's very affordable. It's only $11,000 a year which compared to
52:48 there's a there's grounds of 30, $40,000. you may see as you graduate with a four-year
52:52 degree, it's like you. You owe more than a house at least back in the But per quarter,
53:00 11,000 per year you, that room that includes that includes, you know, lodging, food and
53:04 and the education. So this is says amaze it is. I mean, I I don't know. I've had I don't
53:10 know how we do it, actually. I do. But anyway, And so. >> And by the grace of God,
53:13 that's right. Now, here's the thing is that we don't believe that it is fair to our
53:20 students to graduate with a load of debt. And so by and large, all of our graduates
53:27 get out of school with little or no And and that's the beauty of it. They're able to
53:32 work work work down their debt by the canvassing program, going door door, selling books
53:36 and other other means of sponsors. But the very for affordable education and the
53:40 beauty of our school is that it fosters an environment that enables you to love the Lord
53:49 to to deepen your walk with him. And I tell individuals, look, even if we offer a major
53:53 that isn't necessarily in your field, I tell look, you're taking generals your first
54:00 years anyway and you're probably get a load of debt minds will come to our school.
54:03 And if you your generals get solid in your faith foundation or Jesus because look, the
54:08 foundation of education is a quaint. Now the south with him don't sell your soul on the
54:11 altar of a career come get grounded in a biblical education and then you can go
54:17 from there in Florida, beat you on other places, then then you can grow in your skill and
54:22 in your career in other ways. But Washington's college is one of I believe, other
54:27 schools that that offer this type of education by his heroes for Aussie and we
54:34 believe in biblical education. Do we believe in the education that washed I hills college is
54:41 of putting forth for our young people. And what we want to do right now is put up an address
54:46 rover. You can either email or check out the website or call or write to watch Hills
54:50 College. If you are. >> A middle aged and you have young people who are college
54:55 age, if you are young person and you're looking for a biblical school of the profits
55:00 as it were. If you are any age and you want to financially support 4th, the work that God
55:07 is doing at Hills. Here is how you can do just that. >> If you would like to
55:14 contact, know more about watching the Hills college. You can write to them at 46
55:21 Madison way. Arizona, 7, 1, 9, 2, 1, You can also call them at 8, 7, 0, 3, 4, 2, 6, 2, 1,
55:31 0, That number again is 8, 7, 0, 3, 4, 2, 6, 2, 1, 0, visit the website O H C Dot org. H
55:45 Dot org or you can email them at at 2 H C Dot org that's info 8 C
55:57 >> And then while these 2 hours have gone by in a hurry, if you didn't have time to
56:00 write down the contact information for Washington Hills, you can always reach
56:05 out to us here at 3ABN, 618-627-4651. We'd be happy to give you their contact
56:13 information and the closing thoughts. Doctor Jen, thank you so much for being how it's
56:15 a pleasure to be here. I love talking about education. I just want to highlight this
56:20 that we live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth got this is that got a
56:23 textbook for education and >> and we can receive an education every day. I would
56:27 encourage. Everyone to to ask on to wake up in the morning. You know that Angels wake you
56:34 up and said Lord help me to receive an education from the King of Kings and Lord of
56:40 Lords from Scripture that I can look at the face of Jesus Christ and be transformed from
56:43 character. character by his grace and to make it our aim to reflect his image on a
56:51 daily basis race. And thank you so much, Doctor Ihsan for being here.
56:55 >> We pray for you and your family and your ministry there washed I hills college and we
56:59 just thank you for being part of our 3 UPI and family know that we have the privilege and
57:05 opportunity to learn for returning ♪
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Revised 2022-03-11