3ABN Today Live

Educating for Eternity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220009A

00:00 ♪ >> I want ♪
00:58 ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to
01:12 another Thursday night live program. We're so glad that you join us this evening. You
01:14 know, so fungible to join you as part of our 3ABN, family. We just want to say thank you
01:18 for your prayers and financial support for the ministry for your Ministry. 3ABN, of
01:27 course, Jesus Christ is the captain of this ship and he's navigating the way right
01:30 through this world. That seems like there's so much chaos. So much hurt so much uncertainty.
01:38 We can always look to Jesus Christ in the midst of the storm. I tell you what a
01:41 blessing to be alive. And this moment and Earth's history is incredible privilege. I think
01:46 about the challenges that are happening around the world may be in your own home. We live
01:51 could be very personal issues going on. Jesus Christ cares for you. And so such a
01:56 blessing because we hear from so many of you through maybe a Instagram or Facebook or you
02:04 to e-mails. Phone calls it blessing and just recently heard from someone that was
02:08 talking about our new be an app. Hopefully you have the app on your phone. Maybe
02:14 you're watching on Roku. You have it. But it's called 3 ABN. Plus 3ABN, plus, what's
02:20 so special about it? Well, you may be watching 3 of his life program right now on it. But
02:25 what's really neat is that you have video on demand for all of our networks now, what's
02:29 really cool about that video on demand means that you can take a program that's been
02:33 previously on 3ABN. You can play it. You can pause it. You can rewind it. You can say,
02:40 you know what? Let me go. Do the dishes now get right back to their program. That's
02:44 pretty neat video on demand. Will this person who contacted us recently stumble across?
02:49 But we feel that was divine Providence, 3 ABN on YouTube. And so they're like, wow, this
02:53 is an incredible network. They found are 3 ABN plus app and just so excited. They said we
02:59 hope we never run out of videos on this platform, but they have found the truth and
03:05 the word of God. So that's what it's all about right? No matter what you send into 3
03:10 ABN, whatever the Holy Spirit is, impressing you to give or donate toward the ministry of
03:13 3 ABN. It's making a difference the prayers that prey to the father in heaven.
03:18 He hears them and he's answering them according to his well as making a
03:21 difference in the world. But what a privilege to be a life outside about tonight's
03:25 program, too. >> I am too. I was just thinking about Fabian Plaza is
03:28 over. 2500 videos right now on Demand. Wow. Which means 2,500 videos. You can watch any time
03:35 or listen to any time of 2 point Greg mentioned tonight's program. We have a wonderful
03:41 friend. We were trying to discuss before this program, how long we have known or
03:47 special guests. And I don't know if I should tell you, because then that makes me
03:50 feel a little older. But it is 25 years that we've haha, I think has heading toward 30. I
03:58 think it is. Yes, we We have doctor David Shun with us. It is privilege to have you with
04:04 us here, doctor, Shin and we knew each other in college. So it's been a few years since
04:10 that time. And currently you are president of Washington Hills College there and Amity,
04:15 Arkansas. And we're just so glad you're here tonight. >> Yes, thank you. It's always
04:19 a privilege to be here. 3 ABN and to see how the lords working near lines. A surreal,
04:25 isn't it, too? It is. Look back to the mid-nineties when we were in college. I mean, we
04:31 started when we were like 5, you know, Rod and Just regular people. Yeah, yeah. It's so
04:43 what that? >> That era. And we thought the Lord was coming. Yeah. We
04:47 said why 2000 there around that time. Here we are 20 plus years later and just inspired
04:54 by your ministry year 3 and then see how the lords leading. And it's just an
04:57 honor to be back here and to share about. >> Learning for eternity. And
05:02 we recently my family recently moved from. Anchorage, Alaska, Home life to Amity, Arkansas,
05:09 a to a dramatic change in temperature and and time zones and so forth. But the Lord
05:18 calls you got to go. And it's been a wonderful experience to be working with young minds
05:23 and educating fraternity and a wonderful experience. And so I'm glad to share about how
05:27 our education is not just. >> School. >> Typically when we think of
05:34 education were like, oh, you know, when I get out of college are getting my
05:36 masters, I'm done, but we want to talk about biblical education and how are learning
05:41 process really transcends a standard education process. And we're actually going to be
05:46 learning in this life and the life to come. So this is a I'm really excited about tonight.
05:53 Study to skip scripture and see the philosophy of what a biblical learning experience
05:59 really can be by the grace of God. >> So this is good because
06:03 someone may be watching and we do have many of you some of your over 100 years of age,
06:07 don't turn off the television like, oh, I'm all passed the education aspect, right? Yeah,
06:12 because it's programs for everybody. As they say, well, I don't have any children or
06:15 the education aspects all behind me. Yeah, this is a daily process. That's right.
06:18 That's right. Because because that's what makes heaven dynamic, OK? Because some
06:23 people think, oh, I'm going go to heaven and like, what am I going to do forever? Well,
06:27 thing is we're going to be learning. Yeah, Fergie turn for ever and have been and
06:34 will will never really arrived here because the infinite mind of God in every
06:38 >> day will be a wow And for those of you that don't like school. Well, heaven is going
06:43 to be a school where you are never tired of learning. And yet the greatest teacher in
06:48 the world. and that's what makes life the zest of life is when you're always crawling.
06:54 You're always learning always striving but never arriving. And every day to be like.
07:02 blows my mind. is amazing. This is amazing. And this wonderful, creative work. So
07:08 that's what's going to make eternity. So beautiful. We can never come to the place even
07:13 and have been what we say either. I've arrived. Just that's the beautiful thing. So
07:19 learning for return, team is going to be a a wonderful experience you can start now.
07:24 That's a start. So matter if you're 5, 10, 15, 40, our 105, yeah. 100 This this study is
07:34 for all of unmanned is for all of us by the grace of God. >> Want to just mention here,
07:38 too, far as we want before you dive into the program here. And I just say that the Lord
07:42 has given you want to say guys getting a tremendous gift, built the Bible and go to
07:48 break it down. You know, bill to explain it and easy to understand language
07:52 applications. This is powerful, tremendous talent. >> We used to be on the
07:56 traveling choir you say when the parts of the choir and the EU would give the little like
08:02 devotional ended way through the end. And I was just a little college student there
08:05 and and I was always amaze, you know, the illustrations and stuff. So it's a blessing.
08:09 You've been a part of 3ABN form and 20 years doing program chapels, a first-half.
08:15 Yes, when I started, yes, oh, wow. And then battled of play those anymore. Shaha to know
08:22 it's yeah. Thank you so much for And God use you for being a vessel the guy can pour
08:28 through and now you're also ministering to college students is to many others as
08:30 well. I want to also say to Doctor David Shinn is also the newest one of the newest
08:36 members of the 3ABN board of directors. Here we a good board of directors here, very
08:42 blessed. Our chairman of the board Mister Bruce Farley. And we have other board members.
08:47 But thank you. Also for serving as a 3ABN board member are privileged to have you
08:50 part of part of the team. Let's talk about your family, though, to be his last time.
08:55 You're here. We're talking about a baby, Hudson, your wife to kneel because everyone
09:00 doing how old is the babys? Yeah, baby. Yeah. A little background. Okay. We we
09:06 weren't going to have kids came foster something like that and and then we went to
09:10 Alaska and surprise. Surprise. My wife's, like I think I'm pregnant. I said, oh, no, no,
09:15 no, no, no, no, no. >> I said we were planning on this and I said, where are
09:18 these pregnancy tests? And waited for like an eternity team like in thing your brain
09:29 and >> So reading up on this and yeah, wouldn't wouldn't change
09:33 it for the world. We love Hudson, he their firstborn and then of course you get one.
09:37 And then you're like, OK, well, let's have another one. So he's not by himself a
09:41 playmate. Yeah. And so we have Boy-girl Hudson in Clara and an old are they son is now
09:47 going on 5 this year. How unclear is going on, too? So very cute. You know, here I am
09:53 in my mid 40's and changing diapers. And so for the wonderful experience. But I'm
09:58 like I can see why they have their kids younger. but I like to see a Sam a little bit
10:02 wiser now. So, you know, it's a tradeoff. You may not have the energy, perhaps I'm a
10:07 little bit can contribute a little bit more to the parenting but they've been an
10:12 absolute joy and her experience and we're just enjoying and relishing every
10:19 moment with them. And and we we named our sun. No high aspirations that all we named
10:24 our Sun Hudson after Hudson Michael, after my dad and in shin, of course, and the
10:30 initials just happened to be H and M no. That's Richard. That's Richard senior. The
10:41 great. >> A foundering speaker for the voice of prophecy. And so
10:45 no pressure, no pressure We and we loved Clara Kuz after Clara Barton, the great
10:51 American Red Cross and so forth. So anyways, we're just we're just thrilled to be
10:55 parents. It's it's been tiring. It sometimes. But but the joy, what a blessing.
11:03 blessing. You know their precious your kids are so keen owns is wonderful wife some
11:08 time and give them are greedy. Yes, will. >> I know we're going to to
11:13 some music and we would jump into our topic tonight. I'm very excited about learning
11:18 for eternity. I'm just taking a look at some of the questions you're going to
11:23 receive answers to 10. I am about the connection between salvation in education and
11:28 salvation in the sanctuary and the 144,000 and true education and what is true education, as
11:37 we discussed learning for eternity. But before we jump into that, we Lady Love Smith
11:45 with us tonight. Good, wonderful friends of the ministry. Incredible and the
11:49 song they will be ministering is I will serve thee. ♪
11:59 ♪ ♪ >> the.
12:20 >> You have ♪
12:40 ♪ >> you ♪
12:51 ♪ >> day. >> role can.
13:19 >> It all >> is >> you have
13:35 ♪ ♪ >> we use
13:46 ♪ >> you have ♪
14:09 >> And >> the >> The you.
14:16 >> Me. >> You >> To
14:35 ♪ ♪ ♪
14:50 >> lines. ♪
15:16 >> you have. ♪ >> to use.
15:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:52 ♪ >> Amen. Thank you so very much. Reggie and Lady Love
16:02 Smith. An incredible couple. Love the Lord. What amazing song. I will serve thee and
16:09 that should be the prayer of each one of us. They may want to be servants of the Lord
16:13 Jesus Christ. And what's incredible to me is that you can do that no matter if
16:16 you're house pound, can't get out. Maybe you've got a big position in the world. We
16:20 don't know. But the Lord knows, you know, we can serve the Lord wherever we're at to
16:26 praise God. >> Speaking of serving the Lord, we can learn for
16:31 eternity. our topic for tonight learning for eternity. Our special guest, if you're
16:34 just joining us is Doctor David Shinn, who is the president of Washtenaw Hills
16:39 College. And let's jump right into our topic. Yes. What is the philosophy of biblical an
16:46 education? >> Yes, there's there's a fascinating by Ellen White
16:51 called Education. Yes, and I encourage people, you can get it online if you just Google,
16:54 Ellen, White education, it pulls up in. There's there's one chapter that everyone
16:59 should read and it's chapter one. And chapter one indicates that our vision of education
17:07 is to narrow. It needs to be broader. And she indicates that needs to take into
17:12 consideration. The total possible potential for the existence of man. In other
17:19 words, education is not just K through 12 and then college and grad school education is
17:24 not only for this life but for eternal life. Yeah. And typically when we think of
17:30 education were like, okay, I'm going to get a nice job. Get a career and the education is is
17:38 specifically tailored for that career in. It's going to prepare you for forgetting
17:42 nights. Nest egg for one k that you start putting into you, you marry that
17:49 individual. That dream has been that dream wife. You have your SUV. He had the white
17:55 picket fence and you have your golden retriever and then you have your 2.5 children just a
18:01 statistic. Anyway, you have swimming pool in going have an RV and you go and travel
18:07 around and then and then. >> You retire and then you die. So so that's basically
18:14 like the existence and secular education today. >> Is tailored for that
18:19 vision. for a 70, 80, 90 maybe 100 year existence. And so it's prepared for that. But
18:26 biblical education takes into consideration. The total possible.
18:31 >> Period of existence that that man can live. In other words, eternity. now here's
18:37 the thing. Here's the thing. it Bill Gates come see you and is like a. If you give me $10.
18:46 A wire into your bank account. With Swift. Swift. I know there any way get into all
18:57 that weight with swiftness and loaded nowadays are whipped a wind. Your bank account a
19:03 billion dollars. How many of us would would be willing to take that risk? I Yeah. I a
19:09 lot less today, as you can imagine with inflation and so forth. But Bill Gates did
19:13 that, I'd be like I give him $100. You can you know, I even if you didn't come through,
19:24 I'd be willing to take the risk. Right? And here it is. God says, look. Give me. Trust
19:29 me. With your 70, 80, 90 100 years of existence. And I'll keep you. He turned the
19:38 turkey. turned. That is powerful. He turn now. What is he turned me? You can live for
19:45 a trillion years. And that's not even. Scratch the just the beginning. That's just the
19:51 beginning. And so many times were like, you know, with our $10 were like, whoa, I lowered
20:01 like this thing. I mean, this has been with me for a few years now. I just this. I just
20:06 ask you a little too much. Yeah. And and we hold on to it when guys like look, trust
20:14 Trust me. And so when it comes to our learning experience, God is saying, look, don't
20:18 just trust me with your finances. Don't just trust me. Wiz with your health. And and
20:24 with resources, whatever it may be. Trust me with the education. Stress me, with the
20:30 edge, you can trust me with your learning process because God's method of education as
20:33 we'll find out in our study today as many times and conventional in the were in
20:38 the in the prospectus yeah. >> So are you saying that biblical education involves
20:43 surrender? absolutely. Because look, when you have the world saying this is the way you
20:50 need to educate. This is the standard protocol and then the Bible is present in quite a
20:57 different picture. It takes faith to say Lord. I'm gonna go with the biblical model
21:04 because many times the world. You're crazy. Ukraine's look at the education of Jesus.
21:11 Look at the education of Jesus, Jesus. Unconventional, go to schools of the rabbi's.
21:18 Same with John the Baptist and these world changers may change the world. Yes, look at
21:23 the type of education. I mean, it became a stigma even later on when if he was
21:29 homeschooled. Okay. he was homeschooled. I'm not saying, you know, either way, but but
21:33 let's just call it what it is. And he was home. He was home-schooled by his mom. And
21:36 then he didn't go to the school, the rabbis and later on when he's teaching, they
21:41 said, how does this bring these biblical truth when he didn't go to our schools? And
21:46 so there's a associated with it and look at the end, what Jesus did it to 12 men. These
21:54 quote, unquote. He educated and turned the world upside down. He changed the so we can
22:01 see that takes faith. It takes renter 2 to step out and say Lord. I'm going to be educated
22:10 by the Lord Jesus. And like I say, I'm not just talking about conventional education.
22:13 All of a school contacts, but even beyond this, of of what? The potential impact of
22:24 interaction, interaction with the mind of the Infinite God, infinite got now there was a
22:31 there. There was before the pandemic every year. Warren Buffett would auction off on
22:36 E-bay an opportunity to have lunch with him. And the beginning on E-bay. The first
22:42 one went for $25,000. And that's an expensive lunch blunt. The most recent one
22:47 prior to pandemic. 2019 set the record. It was 4.6 million dollars million, 4.6 million
22:57 dollars. And I'm not sure how the lunch was made out. How long? Maybe 2 hours, Max, a
23:02 few. But his 4.6 million dollars. the question is after every time they do Yes, Kate,
23:07 is it worth is worth? And you know, they all say. Absolutely they'll see it was worth it to
23:14 engage the most brilliant mind in finances, arguably Warren Buffett, it was worth Now, how
23:21 much have a conversation with the infinite mind of God. Yeah, it's good and it's free.
23:34 The book education brings out. Communion with God. Is the highest form of education a
23:45 quaint. Now thy self with him. So so when you open your Bible morning devotions, you're
23:50 receiving an education from the infinite mind of got and this is not Harvard, Yale,
23:57 Princeton, these Ivy League schools. This trend sense, even that experience the mind
24:00 of man. Brought into conversation with the mind of God. This is this is this is
24:08 what you education is. And this education continues on beyond this life. Even to
24:14 eternity. I mean, a zing thought when you think about this process and that's what
24:17 Adam and Eve had before the fall. Adam and in Big education brings out the
24:21 Garden of Eden. Was the school God Jesus Christ himself was the teacher and Adam and Eve
24:29 where the pupils on a dayto-day basis they would receive communion face to face
24:37 communion with the King of Kings and Lord of load boards. And so that that was the
24:41 dynamic experience. I mean, can you imagine having a conversation with Jesus Christ
24:50 face to face They made the and the impact that that would have. And we're told that
24:55 after the fall that face to face encounter was no longer possible. They were they were
25:01 let out of that. Even school. And even though God wanted that relationship, that
25:07 conversation, by the way, conversation is the relationship. Now. There was a
25:09 husband wife couple. The husband was always. A little miffed at his wife because the
25:16 wife was I will always want to talk about the relationship. It's like, why do we need talk
25:22 about the relationship where in relation we always need to talk about? It? He's going to
25:25 his day and said the ended up if any, he's like the conversation is the
25:29 relationship. Yeah. And our lives change slowly then dramatically. One conversation
25:37 at a time. And so when you think about this, we talk about a relationship with God.
25:40 What is that is the conversation. It's convenient and that's what Adam Eve had
25:44 before the fall. And after the fall, that face to face encounter was no longer
25:51 possible. And you can see that with Moses. Moses asked to see the face of God and got to
25:55 that. You can't see my face and lips. So there's a dramatic change. God wants
25:58 this relationship, but because of sin, I mean, if you've reveals himself, we would be
26:03 consumed. So so got has to accommodate this and the educational process has to
26:08 change. And you can see the attempt by God in a form of condescension in a form of
26:16 accommodation, even in the burning Bush even accommodate in the interaction with Moses
26:20 by being in a Bush. Alright, playing Bush. Yeah. Bush any but but he shows you divine
26:31 accommodation. And then in the sanctuary got is like, look. >> Let them build me a
26:36 sanctuary that I mean, well, among them so that she kind of glory came all the way down.
26:39 There was no floor in the sanctuary. It was encompassed by a veil. But in order for
26:44 got to do well among his people, it had to be enshrouded had to be can
26:49 taste. And so God then had to condescend and the ultimate the ultimate form of
26:58 condescension, of course, is in Jesus Christ. As I was just the word became in John, he
27:06 says and tabernacle with us and says and we be held his glory. So in other words, when
27:11 you look at the face of Jesus. You're now able to look at that pace guide. Yeah, it's
27:17 divinity. That has been shrouded or covered by humanity. And that's how we
27:23 receive our education is the Bible says that the light, the knowledge of the glory of God
27:30 is found in the face of Jesus Christ. So God came in human form through Jesus Christ to
27:39 reveal God to not only men but 2 Angels. It's a beautiful thought. When you think about
27:44 this education process, beautiful >> So doctor Shin, then some
27:49 of you watching tonight and it's too late for I mean, there's no way my life's been
27:53 a mess. I'm a wreck. I'm up in age or maybe young person. But it's there's no way there's no
28:01 way I can correct ways and have this to education finding God. Is it possible?
28:06 Absolutely. Always possible is always hope is. You know, there's one quote, This is our
28:11 lives may seem a but as we give our lives to the great master worker, he will bring
28:17 out a form and character that will be to his glory. So so when when an individual feels
28:20 like there's no hope. >> We serve a God. That can do You can do the impossible. if
28:27 he can become a human being. Like you and me and and lived this life and it shows you the
28:35 lengths the gun is willing to go to save us. And so it's not it's never too late. It's
28:40 never too late. As long as you know, some in this kind of goes along the lines of like
28:44 the and carnival since some people maybe a community Carnival said. And I tell
28:48 people if you're afraid that you come into part of the you have it because the one part
28:53 of Wilson released a searing of the conscience of the place where you don't care anymore.
28:56 You can't even hear the Holy Spirit's prompting Ys. So as long as you have a desire or
29:01 you even concern. then it shows you that the Holy Spirit is working on your heart and
29:08 to be attitudes is really a ladder. Blessed are the poor in spirit and goes on up the
29:13 ladder ground 0 is look poor in spirit means knows that recognize or spiritual
29:19 poverty. It's few cents. You're an Don't dwell on it. But look, recognize that the
29:26 Holy Spirit is causing you to realize your own worthiness and that's going. And that's
29:33 the Holy Spirit drawing you to Jesus. Look, if you never thirst, you don't feel your
29:38 neck and soil. First is a good thing and a good thing. So if you feel you need if you feel
29:41 unworthy, it is not a time for like just focusing on self, but that that awareness cause
29:48 us to look at the And that's the thing about education. Is that it's impossible to teach
29:53 someone that thinks they know it I have you met a few people like that. Yeah, I met haha.
30:07 look, I have been humbled and I've been an experience where I felt like I knew it all. He
30:12 had the Lord in us. Mercy allows me to eat some humble pie.
30:16 >> I'm like, oh, well, always me. And the lords like all right, David, you need to
30:21 realize. >> You have a big need. And when you're up to this source,
30:25 it's good that and that's the beauty of the gospel, the beauty of the Gospel is that.
30:28 Education. Israeli, Salvation. >> Yeah, that's that's what that's that's the theme that
30:37 we're going with. Your yeah. the book, education indicates. >> That in the highest sense
30:40 the work of education and the work of redemption, our our won. So in other words, your
30:47 education with Jesus Christ not talking about school. All right. I'm talking about
30:51 beyond. >> Our parochial education of a formal education. We should
30:56 be learning for eternity. And and in reality, our education should lead to our salvation.
31:02 And I would say if you are in a formal education and your educational endeavor is
31:08 causing you to lose your relish for spiritual things. Now I'm talking to the young
31:11 people in particular for even young adults. If your education is causing you to
31:17 have a disdain or a reverence for the Godly for Ford, for Scripture or are causing you
31:24 to to lose your spirituality is not true. Education in the high sense your education
31:34 should need teachers. Outpatient. Yeah. Wow. That in the highest your work and
31:36 education in the work of redemption or want and it's not worth it. have to sell
31:41 your soul in order to get a career. It's not worth it. And what does it profit? A person
31:46 to gain the whole world? And yet lose his own soul. And so this is a radical idea that
31:53 we're talking about here when the Bible talks about education, it is talking about
31:58 something more than just a formal education. it's talking about your salvation. And any
32:03 turn a tea. And it's to bring us. Yeah. That face to face communion that Adam and Eve
32:11 had before the fall that face to face encounter our education should be leading us
32:17 2 that face to face encounter. Now, look remember one time I? I was using a public restroom.
32:27 And I opened the door to the public restroom and there was a famous Let's say I'm not
32:31 going to tell you who it was because it's going to be distracting. but there he was
32:34 in the flash like. it was it was the most awkward thing because I felt like I knew
32:44 him. Thank you. Didn't know you get this. The big problem. He didn't know me. And so it's
32:52 like, oh, hi. And I just kind of went around him and I he was. And it was just And then
32:57 I go to people you know, you know what, you know, I didn't really meet him, but coming
33:01 out public matching bathroom and so forth. >> Well, here's the thing. In
33:05 revelation, Chapter 6 indicates that when Jesus come second time, yeah, there's
33:10 going to be a whole host of people that call for the mountains and rocks to item
33:13 from face Jesus. Tragic, tragic case. And I ask people like, look what? Would be your
33:21 emotional reaction. Let's say writing studio right now. Jesus walked into this room.
33:25 Boby Would it be like hi. I know >> awkward. You know, like you
33:33 would that be your interaction or would it be like? I know you more importantly, you know
33:40 me, you know, of course he knows this. But you know I'm talking about in relation of
33:43 dynamic. >> And and look, one day we're going to get to see God face
33:47 to face. And how do we ensure? Now when we see God in the flesh, it's not like
33:59 >> I don't really know. You and water education should do is that when we meet that
34:04 person because we have interacted with him to the word. Our picks up right where
34:13 we left off. And that's why the Bible says that there's going to be a group of people,
34:17 a generation that says this is our God. We have waited for him and he will save us. I
34:23 want to be in that grow. Yes. On group. Yeah. That's powerful.
34:27 >> I love Let's switch gears just a moment. We've been talking about what is biblical
34:34 education and the connection between education and redemption, education in
34:38 celebration. >> Let's talk about the impact.
34:42 >> Of biblical education. education. Your life? Yes. Or examples from the word of God
34:46 or yeah, free. Yes. tell you what I. >> Grew up in the church, but
34:54 at a very nominal experience. And and the Lord led me to a school. Ironically, it's cool
35:04 that I'm the privilege of being president of right now. He said do not need. Yeah,
35:08 except it was the academy. There was no college at the time. And this is in 1990, for
35:12 my junior year in high school before went to the school that we went together I went there
35:19 and I plucked from the brand by my parents, told me, look at We don't like the direction
35:22 you're going in your life. So forth. And they said, look, either give Bible studies to
35:28 your friends. We're going to send you this school on the middle of nowhere. And I said,
35:31 what's the name of school? Because I was like, no way of saying have you seen my
35:37 friends? You think I'm going to Michael said he said them. It's like no way the name of
35:41 the school. So they went with a 70 to one school. I lasted there for about a semester.
35:43 Then that I went to this other school >> watched as academy. And
35:49 that and I'm president of Washington Hills College. 25 years later. But anyways, I
35:52 arrived there and even though from an external standpoint, I was not. People tell me that
36:01 when I arrived on campus, a member at one board tell me that board member. Tell me
36:05 David, we thought that you when you arrived. We made a mistake state because of
36:12 externals demand at the time is long here on long. You're down here. Your pants to fit
36:17 properly. Is this a baggy jeans? Thing of the 90's? And so for us, I ride on campus
36:22 and a little chip on my shoulder to I will meant. But inside I was searching and it
36:25 was there. I started canvassing and the staff there revealed to me love of God.
36:32 And a year later, I was kneeling down after camps in program gave Marc Lore came
36:36 back on campus. My senior year and dramatic that the Lord. So for me, going to that school
36:45 was was redemptive and accepted the Lord Jesus as my savior and I accepted the
36:51 minister will call call the ministry. And it's been a it's been a a wonderful experience
36:59 following him and the and the seminal moment was was an educational process and where
37:05 the educational system was a biblical education in which education and redemption. one
37:12 it led me to Christ. So that's that up powerful moment. In my experience. And going back to
37:18 this idea of the impact of education. You think about. Every revolution in history
37:23 has been linked education. And that's people have said that's excellent. If you want to
37:28 change the world, change the university change the university and you change the
37:35 world. You think what Jesus did on the search traveled in a little area in Palestine,
37:41 took 12 men. Said follow me and for 3 and a half years. They had the greatest teacher
37:49 the world has ever known. And you think just 3 and a half years. But this wasn't just 9
37:54 to 5, 3 days a week for a degree. This was. 24 7. Yeah, right? Yeah. 7 days a week.
38:02 They ate with them. They slept with him. You know, you know, I mean all these things, you
38:06 they they they roomed with him. All the time and they they they they heard and
38:08 teach. >> And and and by his example and the and the modeling that
38:14 he had for 3 and a half years. And then you look at the book of Acts when Peter John, our
38:18 before the run. They took note of them that they had been with Jesus. So that's the
38:27 transformation that took place. Jesus took those 12 man.
38:29 >> And change the world and change the world. Dramatic dramatic change when we think
38:34 about education and the processes that that can take This there's a few other
38:39 examples that I want to highlight here. And one of them is a spending a little
38:45 bit of time on will be called the counter reformation. The counter reformation is one of
38:49 those things that that can really it's a cause for pause. And and I just want to read a
38:56 few quotes in regards to the counter reformation this is at the 5 100th anniversary of the
39:04 count of the reformation in 2017. It was it was a, you know, 500 years prior to 2017
39:12 15, 17 Martin Luther Neil be 95 his pieces on the door. The Wittenberg Chapel. And here we
39:18 are today. Protestant Reformation, America, Protestant country. And
39:21 there's a quote here that I want to read. It says somewhere in Pope Francis's
39:27 office is a document that could alter the course of Christian history. It declares
39:32 an end to the hostilities between Catholics and evangelicals and says that the
39:36 2 traditions are now united in mission because we had to clearing the same gospel. The
39:41 Holy father is thinking of signing the techs in 2017, the 5 100th anniversary of the
39:47 reformation alongside evangelical leaders representing one in 4
39:51 Christians in the world today. And here's a sentence I want to highlight. Wow, Francis is
39:55 convinced that the reformation is already over. >> Wow.
40:03 >> I mean it he says is I mean, this is a remarkable statement. remarkable
40:06 statement at the 5 100th anniversary. This pope says it's over. It's over when you
40:11 see think an end. He says right here. He believes it ended in 1999. The year the
40:16 Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation issued a joint declaration on
40:22 justification. The doctrine at the heart of Luther's protests. Wow.
40:28 >> So this is outlook. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. Is the first Jesuit
40:34 Pope. And I know there's a lot of conspiracy theories around there about Jesuits and so
40:42 forth. But but it is it is an order of the Catholic Church is called the Society of
40:46 Jesus. And now this is significant. I'll come back to this moment. But but but look,
40:49 look at the implications of this. The Protestant reformation is over, according
40:55 to him now to to some degree, I agree with his assessment. I I believe that by and large,
41:00 the mainline Protestant churches have gone back to Rob.
41:06 >> see that you can see by the ecumenical movement and so forth.
41:10 >> It used to be even in the 1960's when JFK was running for president. It was a big
41:15 deal. Was Cali a rise and yet to meet with the evangelical pastors and be like, alright.
41:20 >> You keep the Constitution. Are you going syndrome? And this is a big deal. Now in
41:25 2022, it seems like everybody is Catholic or it's not a big deal and and so forth. So and
41:33 and as a side note here, this is not saying that Catholics can't be saved the economy.
41:39 What we're talking about systems here, I believe that there's Catholics and
41:42 Protestants and people that in of different face that are for walking in the light that they
41:49 have correct and and have a relationship with God. And in our in our striving and end of
41:55 the issue is is light and not not the heart. So that's an important point. We we we need
41:59 to make as we talk about all this and and the thing is how are they able to do it? How
42:06 were they able to bring Protestantism back? And the answer is. Education. The
42:12 answer is education. Wow. The Jesuits were teachers where teachers friend. Let me just
42:19 read a few other quotes here in terms of the the impact that the Roman Catholic Church
42:29 had to the society of Jesus and the the system death. The Jesuits brought in, OK, I'll
42:36 go here. Painter. The history of education. Listen to this. The Jesuit system of Education
42:44 was intended to meet the active influence of Protestantism in education. It
42:50 was remarkably successful and for a century following 15, 80 84, nearly all the foremost
42:57 man of Christendom came from Jesuit schools rely in 17, 10 day at 600. Listen to this.
43:06 612 colleges, 157 normal schools. 24 universities. And in the men's number of lower
43:14 schools. So so you can see that the of >> of what they did. How did
43:20 they bring process into the back? The Jesuit order said look, the children
43:26 Protestantism. I'm going to go to our schools. So if you change the university, you
43:29 change the world, the world. And there's another book. I have my called from Dawn to
43:36 decadence and is from brilliant historian. And he indicates that the the way
43:44 that the Jesuits brought president isn't back is again, education out now I want to
43:50 read this quote from dawn to decadence page. 42, meanwhile, by Karen, thoughtful, continue
43:54 revise methods. The Jesuit shown as school Masters unsurpassed in the history of
44:00 education. Their success was due to the most efficient form of teacher training ever seen.
44:06 They knew that born teachers are scarce is true poets and that the next best thing
44:10 cannot be made cash Ali, out of in different materials. So they devised a preparation
44:15 that included exhausted learning and severe. We're doing of the unfit from every
44:20 phase of long apprenticeship. In other words. If you're half a teacher, you were cut. They
44:29 were serious about the training of of their teachers and the Jesuit set up schools
44:34 by this Gore in the mid 17th century in Europe, there are more schools and pupils than
44:39 the mid 19th century. Indeed, there was soon complained of too many schools for the
44:44 population all likely use rich or poor would given means to attend and the merits of the
44:49 system. We're sure the scene in the Galaxy a brilliant minds that it produced. Listen
44:53 to this from Descartes to Voltaire. Wow and beyond and a good many philosophers and
44:59 scientists were educated. Bye. The Jesuits. So you can see how they did this. They
45:06 brought it back and it's an irony. That the 5 100th anniversary of the first
45:11 Jesuit pope in history says the reformation another. What is interesting, we did We
45:16 brought the daughters back to the mother church. So this is where we're at. So this is the
45:22 impact of education. It is powerful. It is powerful and you can see how in the counter
45:28 reformation this is how they were able to turn the tide Protestantism back as
45:35 recognize that it wasn't just a theological idea. The reformation represented up
45:39 power shift in Western Europe because prior to that, it was all on the domination of
45:44 Catholicism. But after the reformation, Germany took its stand and prostitutes of
45:53 Scandinavian countries. I mean, these are big powerhouses in Europe. And so
45:55 this this was the shift to bring everyone back and the power of education. Now that's
46:03 powerful. I know we're going through quite a study. I'm here this evening. And again,
46:08 we're talking about 3 ABN plus earlier because a lot of quotes and things are being
46:12 said you may want to stop and pause and write that down. Some 3ABN plus gives you the
46:16 ability. >> To access our video on demand. You can watch this
46:19 program later. You can also reach out to us. I want to encourage you to because we'll
46:23 pass along to a doctor. Jen, you can send us an email is probably the best way we get
46:27 mail at 3ABN DOT TV. >> I Al, that's a good point. Yes. Like to sending something
46:35 in the mail. Yes, I And 3ABN dot TV. >> Yeah. If you have questions
46:40 or want to know some more information because I know you've been mention a number
46:44 of quotes this evening. Maybe didn't have a chance to, quote, write everything down
46:46 but will be happy to pass those along. It who share a great, great and education.
46:52 >> I want to flip it. What you talk about the impact of education in a negative said,
46:57 the Jesuit on a reformation. Yes. What about says putting on the spot here? What about
47:03 the impact of education for the reformation? I'm thinking of the Walden sees yeah.
47:06 Outage and CVS others who are involved in that Yes. So you can see this line of of what
47:15 we call the invisible church. >> So during the dark ages, we had a visible church, which
47:20 was the papacy. And you had this invisible. >> Church, it's not like they
47:26 were literally invisible, but they didn't have a church structure were. And and the
47:31 church, according to book of Revelation, goes into hiding for 1260 years during that
47:35 type of high time of hiding where there was no visible church, he had groups like the
47:42 outage and the Walden season and like you said, they took the education of the young
47:47 people seriously. And at the center of that education, what's the word of God? They
47:51 preserve the word of God. They they taught them in the country and the all of these
47:59 things. And it was it was responsible for the preserving of the legacy of true. So so
48:04 you have this lineage, you know, the limited lineage from from Jesus Christ to the
48:13 apostles in the first century and then and then around the 3rd or 4th century, you can
48:18 see that there's a compromise that takes place. And then the emergence of the bishop of
48:24 Rome and the and then the papacy. But during that time you have the church and hiding
48:29 and you're absolutely right. Those educational process that preserved. But then the Bible
48:33 indicates that after 17, 98, when the deadly wounded, that the the church would become
48:42 visible again and couldn't and would be called the remnants which have the testimony of
48:46 Jesus keep the Commandments of God and so forth and and that the church would be visible
48:51 again, not believe court my study of scripture that it is the Bible Church of, you know,
48:56 the biblical Church of Bible prophecy that keep all 10 of God's commandment, including
49:00 the Bible Sabbath. And so And and it's interesting that the 7 day having a church in
49:06 prostitution today has the largest. Formal educational system in the world in the
49:14 world and see the Roman Catholic Church system of education and then you had the
49:18 avenues church as well. And and you can see that the the power of education ease is
49:26 something that that really helps us to preserve the legacy. Now, look, I'll be
49:31 I'll be upfront with you. Education. It takes a long time. In terms of the
49:40 investment. I mean, you think about our bright for years. In college where I believe it was
49:47 an institutional striving to follow you can't microwave it, right, right. I mean, it took
49:56 and Lord knows I needed to for years, not everyone. But I mean, I have with issues. I
49:58 mean, I lord help me. And so for me to, you know, but, you know, I needed that. I needed
50:05 that. And became foundation of those those building blocks became foundational.
50:12 >> for form where where we are today by the grace of God. >> Where we are today. And so
50:17 it's a it's an investment. It takes time. It takes energy. I'm sure Jesus faced certain
50:23 frustrations with his 12 disciples. You can see the nuances of that. It's like how
50:27 many times I've to tell you know, to me. But but the patients of that and when you
50:32 pour your life into somebody else and you essentially duplicate yourself. But even
50:38 beyond that, they enhance it and they grow and they really build on it and they take it
50:41 to levels that you would never dreamed about. That's the power of education to change
50:46 the world. And I believe that there is going to be a generation and that is
50:53 translated without seeing that are going to be a product. It may not even be formal but a
50:59 product of a communion with God that it can prepare them for that moment. There's
51:04 really good. Prepare them for that moment by the grace of Yes.
51:07 >> So I know we've got a few more minutes here and they have to purchase or into the
51:10 second hour. But I'm Pastor David, about someone right now, this is I don't have the
51:15 opportunity to attend avenues, formal education institution. My only option is public
51:21 school. Yes, what do I do because you mentioned earlier about if your education is
51:25 kind of pointing the wrong direction will in some schools, I even had to say
51:29 that some Christian schools can also put the wrong way to. So what would someone do? What
51:32 would you council be to them? You know, we have a story. In the book of Daniel. Of Daniel
51:42 Granule was in the University of Write you more babylonian than that right at the
51:49 University of Avalon. If you talk about come out of Babylon's, Daniel when in
51:55 doubt a lot. All right. he was put there and >> and he took a stand. It
51:59 took a stand. So God may be calling you to be a Daniel in whatever institution that
52:06 you're in and not just an for the right, though, the heavens fall. Now looking at it, he
52:11 went to the babylonian captive cafeteria. And it's Michelin-star chefs Yeah,
52:19 right. And they're all tossing in things like that. And it's just like every type of thing
52:22 from the King's table. And he says that is not going in my body. Yeah, because my body is
52:27 temple of God. So you need to cooperate with God. Yeah, you can't compromise or Prince
52:33 case. He could have said look, when in Babylon DUIs, the Babylonians do and how this
52:40 played high. Well, there will be no book of Daniel. The reason is the book of Daniel.
52:44 Yeah, is there's no Daniel Chapter one. There's no rest of the book of Daniel other
52:50 Jewish people there as well from from Jerusalem. And so I would say to young person,
52:54 look, it's going to be hard. In a different environment, but it's not impossible. But
52:59 Daniel. And you cannot compromise in order to get I sometimes I think like we
53:09 believe in God. Until we open our checkbook, we become agnostic, you know, maybe
53:17 atheist. You know, it's like believe in God, believe that we open our checkbook and we
53:20 operate like we don't believe in God anymore is that we believe in miracles. We
53:22 believe in the tiny principle. >> It's the same thing with educational system or our
53:28 educational endeavors. We think like, oh, I believe in God until my textbook or let's
53:33 say, I need to study. When I should really be in church and more. I study instead of
53:40 having my morning devotions man and this is why we need to, like you said, surrender
53:46 our education to the Lord Jesus and be like Lord, I'm going to I'm gonna step out
53:49 and face. I'm going to dedicate my life to the Lord Jesus and I'm not going to
53:56 compromise. I'm not going to take a test on a day that the got declared Holy right take a
54:01 stand for this. I'm not going compromise my moral convictions in the social
54:06 arena of the foolishness that takes place sometimes on campuses. And I'm not going to
54:10 compromise in order to get a career, you can be like Daniels. He like Lord, I would
54:16 trust you and take a stand. Bible says in a chapter one and the Lord gave Daniel
54:22 understanding, you know, the teacher and he says, and he Daniel and understanding in
54:26 all visions and dreams. And so these guys came out Magna coup plot.
54:32 >> came out like on top. I mean, they went to Princeton and Harvard and Yale and came
54:36 out on top because they put God first. And so that's what I would tell that young person
54:43 that's good says I call, you know, I can't go to a Christian school. Will gun may
54:45 be calling you to be a Daniel and I think a stand but regained chapter one. Read the
54:49 whole book of Daniel and recognize that if the Lord is going to bless you, you've got
54:54 to got to cooperate with them. It's got to be bilateral. That's good. Not unilateral.
54:59 Yeah. You know, it takes to fix, too. So got takes a step. You respond and then got
55:03 initiate your response. >> And then, yeah. What about the loss philosophical
55:11 underpinning, though, of the babylonian educational system? So Daniel stood for truth
55:15 isn't I'm not going to file my body I'm going to stand like and then you want. Yes. But
55:19 what about? And clearly he was taught the understanding. he learned all the trees, right?
55:27 Yeah. It's all a tree and other thing. Yeah. >> How do you handle that?
55:29 >> You know. Daniel didn't apply for the University of Babylon. He was put there so
55:40 you can make sure that like some people say I have no other options. You really have
55:42 no other options. All right. And you need to be a call. So Daniel was yeah. Put there.
55:48 And so I wouldn't say. If you have a better option and can get a Christian education, I
55:55 would I would do it because Daniel stood strong, but we need to be very, very careful.
56:03 That we're not letting. The philosophies impinge on scripture. I believe the
56:11 Daniel spending a lot of time in You can filter out the into the ideology is that was in
56:18 consistent with the word of God and this needs to be your filter. Now it's tell a person
56:21 that they feel called to. >> Do it to an institution that doesn't hold up Christian
56:25 beliefs. You need to spend a whole lot more time in here. So this becomes your framework
56:30 of understanding biblical truth and then be able to filter filter down. So Daniel.
56:36 Yeah, he was able to do it >> but I'll tell you the same time you place an 18 year-old
56:43 at the feet of an intellectual. And many times. I'll be honest. no chance. I
56:51 even students. Mike last look, I mean, look like I'm 18, but I'm not. he is like,
56:57 professor, look, look. >> I've gone through these things. A million times. All
57:03 right. For the past 20 years and I sit there and I stacked the deck. I lay out that, you
57:06 know, I lay out the cards and I leave them down. And then they're like, oh, yeah, that's
57:12 the logic. Occlusion watches. Set you up. You know, not intentionally because I
57:15 believe it's biblical truth, right? But you have other individuals that can do the
57:17 same Absolutely. >> There's so much more to come. We have one more hour as
57:23 we talk about learning for eternity. What a gift. What up France? The lunches hours to
57:30 spend time at the feet Jesus. Learning from the master teacher to know whether you
57:37 are in school right now or not, you can have an education for Don't go away. We'll be
57:44 right back with another full hour with Doctor David ♪
57:54 ♪


Revised 2022-03-11