Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220008B
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00:15 >> Hello and welcome to our second hour of 3, A B and live. I'm Shelley JD Quinn. 00:20 And we have a compelling topic now we are talking about Counterfeit reality. Have a 00:30 passionate with us. Scott writes, I'm not Scott, you are the speaker director for Bell 00:36 to Truth Ministry. Sure. The father of 4 young children, a great excuse me. 3 young 00:40 children. And you are and author year Speaker you, you just do all kinds of things. 00:49 >> Welcome Thank you for having me. It's a joy to be with you. We enjoy that first 00:53 out. If you can get see the first hour at home. We want to encourage you to watch it. 00:58 >> But one thing I failed to do was tell you, Scott has a free giveaway tonight. Don't 01:03 contact 3ABN this is coming directly from his Minna Street. He wants to offer you 01:12 a copy of his book called a Tale of 2 mountains. And you can get that by emailing at. 01:22 Delta Truth Ministries at G Mail dot com. That's the health of Truth Ministries at 01:30 G mail dot com. I also want to encourage you to check out his website Belt Up. Truth 01:38 Ministry stat org. That's got one wonderful resources and all kinds of information on 01:47 that website Belt Truth Ministries that a large sheet and some of your same boy, 01:52 looks a little familiar. If you got to see of a program or a 3ABN, he has a series called 02:00 digital disconnect threats. I will ask the control room, put up the open for digital 02:08 disconnect and want to show you what the set looks like. Here it is. Teachers will 02:12 disconnect. It airs on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays on 3ABN it's and it 02:23 is tough, fascinating program that we want to encourage. You to tune in to. no, it's very 02:29 popular. >> It is very popular because thing I love that Scott, he 02:34 doesn't just say something. Off the top of his head. Hey, Scott. 02:40 >> Pages and pages and pages of research and a lot of your research. You are looking at. 02:49 What brain scientists, this isn't a religious thing. This is what professionals. All 02:55 over are saying. What's happening to our kids? We want you to kind of summarize what 03:01 we talked about the last part of the last hour. Counterfeit reality and then tell us how 03:10 escape >> Yes, how to escape the kind of reality that's really going 03:12 to be the solution. And God has the solution to every single problem. The devil 03:18 creates for us. And we knowingly participate in. But at what the counterfeit 03:22 reality for the summit of their stairs to kind of 2 elements we talked about last 03:26 hour. One is the the virtual reality. The immerse in yourself into a screen-based 03:32 plane of existence. Divorce yourself from the three-dimensional, the people 03:38 places sights, smells and sounds God's creation. Satan immerses us into living online 03:44 with false personas of our south and ourself into a different sort of existence 03:51 rilling mentally with our consciousness merging into that. And that has 03:54 implications of what's coming down. The line also with technology. But another aspect 03:58 that we touched on last hour we can deeply go deeper into if you'd like here and this 04:02 hour. But Tom, the aspect of a thought control and deception. And so when the double dangles 04:10 out, the the worldly enticements and the the ideology or worldview that 04:15 contrary to the Bible and people bite on that hook line and sinker because of the 04:21 conditioning because of the priming in the mass formation in the group think that we're 04:26 discussing. So this was a kind to insidious aspects of what the devil is up to with media. 04:31 But, you know, in in this, let's redefine groupthink. Yeah. So that's just 04:34 basically. >> Someone is programming. Large groups of people to just 04:43 conform to a certain way of thinking exactly is the herd mentality K? 04:48 >> Which will eventually become the whole world wonders after the Yeah, you know, we 04:53 struggle as people to be to stand as individuals partly because of that priming and 04:59 the issues involving the schooling philosophy in the media that I want to teach on 05:03 6 hours right now. I can't give you all the quotes in a interview setting, but on, you 05:08 know, all of that aside, I was I was thinking about the Solomon Asch experiment and 05:12 how that conforming happens. This is an amazing experiment. A behavioral psychology 05:17 experiment they did decades ago and they would have people come into a room and they were 05:22 going to test this one person in a row of 8 people to see how he responds to the group's 05:29 weighing him this way or that. Now the group is in on the trick, OK? So it's one of 05:33 these kind of experiments where there's one guinea pig and he doesn't know he's a 05:36 guinea pig, OK? So here's how the game goes. 7 people that are in there already and 05:42 there. But here comes the 8th one. Welcome. You're one of 8 people who's going to answer a 05:46 series of questions on these cards and the experimenter holds up 2 cards, one of them 05:53 has 3 lines on it of different links. And what the other card has one line that matches in 05:59 length. One of the 3 lines on the other card. So it's meant to be a very simple quiz 06:04 question that you could give to a 3 year-old which line over here. Does this one match 06:10 with? Well, it's the same length line number and letter a so they they remove error 06:15 from the equation because they're going out test the sky to see how he responds when 06:21 all 7 people in front of him answer incorrectly, ha and the same incorrect answer. They're 06:29 prepared. Now the first few cards answer correctly and guy number 8 is sitting there 06:32 going. This is easy. What's going on. But then he all of a sudden here is everybody in 06:36 front of them. Answer letter be when it's clearly see on this round. So my eyes playing 06:41 tricks on me. He's what do I say? It's about to get to me and everybody is saying that 06:48 it's busy and it's clearly see. Solomon Asch. The experiments are found that the 06:53 majority of people, 75% of people, in fact, one answer wrong. At least some of the 06:57 time with the group knowing that they were answering wrong and some of them didn't even 07:04 know they were answering wrong. Their eyes were literally playing tricks on 07:07 them because if everybody says it's be, it must be be. But the majority of those that 07:13 answer draw, he interviewed them subsequently and said, you know, you answered some of 07:17 those incorrectly, didn't you? And probed as to why didn't want to stand out. Head to 07:24 head to fit in a peer pressure. And so we being. You know, we can secure it to 07:31 social creatures in general. Sometimes respond to the group in that way. And that's one of 07:36 the ways that groupthink can form. And it's not so much the media manipulation way that we 07:41 discuss in media on the brain. But it is an important aspect to think about when the whole 07:45 world wonders after the beast. When everybody says it's this way and there's a lot of 07:49 pressure from our peers, from family, from friends, from those around us. Will we stand 07:54 for the right though? The heavens fall, you know, kuz God's their issues on an 07:57 answer like that. It's an issue of obedience. It's an issue of truth. It's an issue 08:04 that has a bearing upon eternal life. Will we choose Jesus when the whole world is 08:09 taking us as a herd off the cliff into destruction. And Mitt. And you know, the 08:17 Milgram. >> Oh, yeah. The Milgram experiment is another 08:19 interesting one to understand. >> A little bit how our minds become con formed in this way. 08:25 the Solomon Asch experiment taught about group conformity but the Milgram experiment. 08:32 Explains the power of of man's authority. So instead of a group, you manipulating 08:39 somebodys mind this time, it's going to be an authoritative figure that since he says so 08:44 it will be done and you will do things that you never thought you would do. So the 08:50 researcher Milgram gets people in and what prompted this was seeing how? Otherwise decent 08:54 people in Germany who had that had a Christian background. They were from families that 08:58 are regular folks became thugs and not see enforcers and mistreating people undoing. 09:07 Eventually unspeakable, heinous human rights violations in genocide. How do 09:10 you get to that point with just a regular population of people? And so he has people 09:16 come in and he says, OK, I'm going I'm going to have you be a teacher. And the man is 09:23 coming in. Doesn't realize he's being experimented on in this way. He just thinks he's 09:28 going to be teaching somebody how to answer questions on a quiz and an innovative 09:32 teaching way. And so he the experiments are says to the Guinea pig, the teacher. The 09:39 way that you're going to teach the man on the other side of the wall in another room to 09:42 answer questions correctly, as you're going to actually apply. Electric shock therapy 09:46 have you heard of this one? So there is nobody being shocked. There's nobody on the other 09:52 side of the wall taking quiz questions. But he thinks there is. The man has answered the 09:57 first question incorrectly. I want you to apply an electric shock at low voltage, Pete, 10:02 And then you hear the guy in the other room in a stay of recordings of people OK, he 10:08 answered another one wrong increase. The voltage. Now the people on the other side of 10:12 the room are screaming and saying stop, I want the experiment and because he's 10:17 increasing the voltage increasing it with every subsequent wrong answer. They 10:21 actually have somebody banging on the wall on the other side pretending that they're being 10:24 shocks terribly and all there is is an authoritative. Experimenter. Researchers 10:30 scientist in a white lab coat. He's an authoritative figure saying it is imperative that 10:35 the study must proceed. You must increase the voltage and press the button and again. 10:43 The vast majority of people would just keep on doing Even the k*** was even labeled as 10:51 lethal dose of of electric shock and they would still press it. The majority of 10:54 them. So it's a minority that are able to withstand the pressure of the groupthink or 11:00 the herd mentality or the conformity to the to the herd and a minority that are able 11:06 to withstand the pressure of an authoritative figure that says that's a tough man. And, 11:12 you know, theologically, there are some interesting connections here because you 11:16 know, in the last days it's a test between God's law and man's law, like because man 11:19 said so. And then the authorities come in and mandate and they use coercion. 11:27 And they say worship, according to the dictates of man's authority instead of 11:31 God's authority. And so these the same kind of issues will be facing us in terms of the 11:36 group taking us a certain direction or the authority of man. And I want to say as for 11:41 me in my house, we will serve the Lord. Now, you know, one of the scripture always 11:48 troubled me was when Jesus said. >> Rather will turn against 11:52 brother of parents child and they'll turn union thinking that they are. 12:00 >> Doing. >> The right thing doing got a service. And I thought could 12:07 that be when when the time of tribulation comes and people are basically we're adding 12:14 another people to turn them in to authorities and they're thinking they're doing got a 12:17 surface. Let that be any just light. I thought I can't see people getting there until 12:24 recently. When what we've over the last in her country. Is forcing people to come so 12:36 polarized. How many call stood week et about families. Are turning family members. They 12:44 believe different politically. They believe different than some think. And all of the 12:49 they are not. They could have been Pence for a while. Make Tokyo separate substance. This 12:57 people each other. mean, it's. It's going cold. Yes. In the midst of this polarize 13:06 society. So now I see how people could. I mean, that's an amazing experience 13:14 experiment. The experiment. >> And I think unseen the things that go on today. Shows 13:20 the reality of how there could be separation. I know in my own life pretty hard for this 13:24 particular issue right here. But I'll be able to stand real deal. Yeah. And you know, we 13:33 have nothing to fear right? Because greater is he? That is in you world? that's that's a 13:40 final promising. Remember, Satan's pH had got create or it's no contest. 13:45 >> Sometimes we derive our ideas of the battle between good and evil from like, you 13:51 know, the cartoons and stuff for the bad guys. Just as strong as the good guy and 13:55 that's where I got these ideas as a kid. And then as an adult, I liked. Satan. While 14:00 he is a wily foe and he's been he's had practice at deception for 6,000 years. His power is 14:05 nothing compared to that. got. And so you just rest in that piece and knowing that I have 14:12 nothing to fear because perfect drive out all fear. I love the Lord. And, you know, 14:20 he has not given us a spirit of fear, but he's given us us a spirit of power and love and 14:26 a sound mind? Yes, and that's not an I Q test. >> But the sound of mine has 14:31 to be because I just want to say this counterfeit reality is not just happening. The 14:40 world, the carnal secular world. There is also counterfeit reality that's 14:47 happening in There's different teaching stat. You cannot even find in the Bible. Yeah, and 14:53 so. The most important thing that I could recommend to anyone we're going to talk 15:00 about now. How does skane the counterfeit reality? But once again, so let me use that this 15:08 illustration when they are training people to identify counterfeit bill. Guess what? 15:15 They don't show him 1000 different counterfeit bills. OK say this. That's a 15:21 counterfeit no. What they do is have them the real Until they know so well. counterfeit 15:32 come spy, even though it's 99% right. But it's got that one little Marc that's 15:39 counterfeit. So how can we escape the kind of tape? >> Hey, man, I'm in regards to 15:44 deception and the example you are using them in God's word is the standard and Sony be in 15:50 the word of the word. And speaking the word teaching the word and season and all the 15:55 time as we rise up and lie down. Walk. By the way, it says in Deuteronomy 6 to speak 15:58 of God's word. So the more that we are in that you know it as it relates to the 16:08 baptism that has taken place where people have immersed themselves in online virtual 16:15 And if heard that would immerse, you know, it one of my favorite antidotes for 16:23 media access for hyper stimulation for a addiction to media is simply nature. Yeah, 16:32 more of God's beautiful creation. You know, they did. A survey actually of 16:35 millennial as young adults while back and they ask them, what could you not live 16:39 without? And they rank them. And you know what ranked higher or what Internet 16:45 connection ranked higher than hot water and daylight in terms of things you can't live 16:50 without. And I thought that is sad daylight. That's seeing God's creation being out in 16:58 the outdoors. Hearing the birds singing hot water that's uncomfortable. Maybe slightly 17:02 gross. But how about God's creation? You're missing out if you're an Internet 17:07 connection, higher than that, and there's so much good research on the stress, 17:11 reducing effects of nature exposure, how it lengthens attention span, how it reforms 17:18 transforms us by the renewing of our minds. It literally helps to build our brain back 17:22 from the damage that's been done from the overexposure to hyper stimulating media 17:28 because nature's little smart, slow pace, isn't it? We're talking about, you know, 17:33 sitting beside the beach with the rolling waves coming in. We pick your favorite place. 17:38 And going for walks. I know, depending on the time of year and where you live, these 17:42 things can be difficult. May may need to invest in a good pair of snowshoes in order to 17:46 achieve this. whatever it takes get outside in Michigan where I live, I have to God's 17:51 creation is such a wonderful counter part to that counterfeit because it's the 17:58 original reality. And as we mentioned, God's word God's truth. Another aspect is how 18:01 do you counter the May? I call that the anti social media. You know, that's our social 18:09 life. You mentioned the story of the little girl, poor girl. She thinks that social 18:14 interaction, her brain is being hit with, though, coming as if she's getting a social 18:16 connection. Each time that post or that like or that oh, gee, appears. But the reality 18:22 is, as you mention, Shelley, she's missing out on the very people in arm's reach that you 18:26 can touch and look at the ice off. So anti social media can simply be countered by forging 18:32 in developing and deepening the real relationships we have in our lives. And that's not 18:38 to say that you can't text somebody and, you know, have been in touch that way. But 18:41 that can't be the majority of our human communication because it is not social and 18:47 it's not really very human. It's kind of robotic. It's kind of just, you know, 18:49 mechanical, if you will. Interaction human to human. Excuse me has has emotive 18:55 aspects to it. Yes, you know, we're into this feeling it the way you talk the way your 19:03 facial expressions communicate your heartfelt thoughts and feelings is part of that 19:07 tapestry and beauty of what it means to be humid, made in God's image and God is love. 19:13 How do we express love? You know, you can express it by sending an encouraging message 19:16 on social media, but even more so with Huck even more. So when somebody is suffering and 19:23 struggling and they see you come near to them, you minister to you know, that's 19:26 personal work. And that's not to take away from online digital evangelists and we can 19:29 spread the truth. I like media, I should tell you when media was formed, I know we 19:33 talked about that last time we interviewed, but maybe we should go there again is a 19:36 case 18. 44, as you know, Daniel 8.14, points to 18. 44 as a prophetic year, that 19:43 ushers in the last days of Earth's history. Well, the first electronic media device 19:49 ever invented with the Telegraph and it was the year 18. so God has a plan to use 19:54 media, too. 3 ABN. We're doing it right. This is the act with actual as Asian of God's dream 20:02 to utilize satellite networks and outlets that can go clear around the world. That's 20:05 powerful and wonderful. So. Getting the right balance, making sure that we understand 20:09 that these things are inherently the let me put it this way. The technology is a 20:16 moral right? It's not him it's not a good thing or a bad thing. It's depends how we use 20:23 it. And we have to be in the driver's seat using it instead of being used by it. Could I 20:27 say this? >> I have noticed something about. The generation of young 20:36 people. And and I'm seeing older folk are falling into the same trapped now what 20:42 we're doing because of all the media and the constant access immediate gratification. But 20:49 it appears to be. >> We're very nup that generation that has the 20:56 attention span of a hummingbird. Yeah, they just dip in here for a second and 21:01 they depere for a second ad pair. And they can no longer focus. And I believe something 21:06 that. Has always been important to me. I have tap. Periods of time. Absolute 21:16 silence. That's how I kind Grounded, I guess it's when I find that I open up the most 21:23 to the Lord. That is when I get quiet. But we have young. I guess, great grand are not 21:32 great grand. We have nephews and nieces and their children would be our great nieces and 21:41 They are. Very believe it or UM militant almost about the amount of time their children 21:53 are allowed on. Social media. They you know, they have so much. I think our 13, she kits 22:01 less than an hour. With any kind of access. So let's talk about. Kids being educated 22:11 today. I'm just going work a second. 1000 things going to When children are being 22:20 educated today. I want of Times Square starting them on computers and online reading 22:28 in things. First. >> And you've got statistics in his study. I changing the 22:34 way I started doing some of my reading of the Bible on Mike phone app. But you have 22:41 statistics that show when you train like I think you don't take you don't retain as much 22:49 when you're reading online. So that. And when we start children. So I really like age 22:55 for thinking that we're helping them get a head start. >> Talk to that. Starting with 23:03 the reading a book reading versus screen reading of the exact same tax to compare them 23:07 side by side and the death of a critical thought. Most importantly, but just 23:10 comprehension. And as you mentioned, retention is higher. When you're reading 23:14 the same text and up printed book versus a screen, you might say why? What's the 23:18 difference to the same tax? We've conditioned our minds to read a certain way. When we go 23:23 online, there's 5 tabs open. There's multiple browsers, different applications. The 23:29 phone is over here. We're doing that on the phone number clicking there. I got this. 23:31 And then attacks comes in. It's a it's a different way that our brain functions 23:36 doesn't go into its much depth and so interesting. We are better at one thing on 23:42 screens. Fact chasing. We can we can quickly find and identify effect on a screen 23:47 with the same text as it's in a book. So there's one advantage, although, you know, 23:51 I'd rather have critical thinking and efficiency. And, you know, fact, Jason, because 23:55 I can take my time a little bit over here. But I utilize screen-based reading as well. 24:00 And as you're mentioning, you know, there can be a place for both. But we have to retain 24:06 our ability to read in a concentrated fashion cognitively cohesively 24:12 thoroughly so that you're following linearly and logically, the ideas presented 24:15 in a text and that takes some time to unpack. And we tend to do that better and books 24:22 because that's you know, that that's how the enlightenment took place. I mean, the 24:25 reformation after Gutenberg printing press gave us the modern mind and the scientific 24:32 revolution and free markets and civil liberties and all of the wonderful things that came 24:36 out of that that period of time called the great Reformation. So I want to lose 24:40 that. And I want to go into a new dark age, you know, a digital dark age where we've 24:46 lost the ability to cognitively comprehend history beyond the present moment. 24:50 What is the immediate text and feedback that I get into my, you know, don't mean receptors 24:55 from the impression that I want to get on social media right now or what is that fun 24:58 fact or that interesting tidbit? How does that hit me right now in the present 25:03 moment, only and then I'm like you said as a hummingbird on to the next thing in the next 25:08 thing, actually, Time magazine actually reported on a study has saw the headline. You now 25:11 have a shorter attention span than a Goldfish. 8 seconds. The average attention span. So 25:15 you are you are literally on to it with a hummingbird Goldfish have a longer 25:20 attention span and the average human in the industrialized world going to go fishes 9 25:24 seconds. We're 8 seconds. So yeah. On the book creating retaining that ability to read 25:30 and not losing that with the next generation because we do kind of have a illiterate 25:33 population coming up. If they don't know that style of reading that method of 25:38 literacy and all you not to do is, you know, you sound out words. You can make sense of a 25:42 sentence, but it's not true. Literacy to you're going into depth like you're studying 25:47 God's word. That's a deep type of study. >> And in I've read several 25:52 studies and I believe you brought this have digital disconnect as well that when 25:55 you look at all the software developer said create all of these online things that we do 26:00 even learn things. know, that in their schools for their children. They don't even 26:08 allow him to call what they teach them. How to use critical thinking how to 26:13 research. They don't allow them to go online. Tell there well as who wasn't it. It 26:20 >> Yeah. big tech executives of Steve Jobs did not have his kids on iPad before he died. 26:26 The iPad was about to hit the store shelves and they asked him, you know what your kids 26:29 think of this amazing new invention. They're going to be enamored with them. They must 26:31 be on it all the time. Now. He said no, they never used one. We have mealtime together as a 26:36 family. There's another answer to how to escape. The counterfeit reality is bring 26:39 back some of those traditional things. But then it's the. mid-level guys, the engineers, 26:44 all of that gurus, if you will. The tech wizards of digital far makiya. The guys 26:49 that can make these addictive guys and Platforms, apps devices and social media 26:58 platforms. They to a person. You interview them. They're very strict with their media 27:00 kind like we're just what you were describing earlier. They will put him in schools that 27:06 do not allow ad tech to come in until high school or middle school, depending on the 27:10 school. Their nannies are signing contracts. Like, you know, your 3 year-old my 3 27:13 year-old is not going to be on a device. Do real things of that. Put him in the sandbox, 27:16 go to the park, play with the play dough to a puzzle. Whatever you know. And so 27:22 they're very, very strict. And that's in Silicon Valley Facebook. Google, all the big 27:26 name, big tech companies. There's a New York Times Expos in the interview. Tons of 27:29 these people in. Let's kind of a consensus really among them that they do tech with their 27:34 kids quite differently than we do it with ours. And they're doing that predominately for 27:40 educational. You advantages. They want their kids to be the best and the brightest, OK, 27:44 one of the best educational methods so that they can become whizzes and 27:48 intellectuals. An interesting way that's going without media. The tech people who 27:53 want their kids may be to be the next tech billionaire or something accusing the tech of 27:57 the early ages. So it's not kids down when you put them on that. That's true. And I pay 28:04 and putting it bluntly pout nowadays they're talking about putting kids in school by the 28:07 time their age 4. >> Say I think kids don't even get to be kids any more kids 28:13 are missing out on their childhood because they're on these devices. And now parents 28:18 are like all we've got to start training them up to use all of this earlier. What 28:24 about going to school if they too. I'm so glad you asked that. I'm so glad we don't 28:30 prescriptions interviews weeks. I have not even thought to suggested that to be one of 28:33 our discussions because >> that a huge study just came out of the state of Tennessee. 28:38 This was reported on NPR. In fact, our ministries putting out a newsletter very soon. 28:42 And if if this being watch later than it would, you can just get it after the fact. 28:45 But a major report on comparing children who who attended preschool versus 28:52 those who did not and everybody in the educational community has always said give 28:59 them a head, start get him. An organ is organized school from an early age, at least half 29:04 programs better yet full-day programs. There's a book a while back in the 90's that 29:05 was published called it takes a village and it was a book about children from the age 29:11 earlier than age 3 should be in sparkling classrooms and full time. Child care 29:17 professionals and as somebody believes in the Bible and the family and the parental unit 29:23 that God has placed as the guardian of that child's heart and soul and mind to train 29:26 them for the Lord of the nurture, an admonition of the Lord commander children after 29:29 them as Abraham did. It was a horrifying thought. In fact, interestingly, that book was 29:34 written by somebody who had been receiving counsel from one of these sort of 29:40 spiritualists gurus who is leading the author and conversations with the dead. 29:44 So that should tell you something about the book. It takes a village, but 29:48 nonetheless putting the kids in school early. The preschool teachers. Meanwhile, I had a 29:49 wonderful preschool teacher. I remember her so not to take anything away from the 29:53 preschool teachers, but the kids who are put in school later perform better 30:00 academically as they got older and in through high school in every subject and in more 30:04 importantly, in that character development areas, social problems, detentions, 30:10 suspensions, those types of things were lower in the kids who went to school later, not 30:13 earlier. And the researchers said I don't want to report this. This is contrary to 30:19 everything I thought and believed and advocated for. And all my colleagues are mad 30:22 at me for reporting this. But I have to tell people the truth. This is the result of 30:24 the research. So that was a that was an we knew it. You know, I've I've read a book 30:31 called Education Education for over 100 years that has advocated that we know wait a 30:36 little bit. Let the mother be the only teacher for the first 8 years, even 8 to 10 years. 30:40 It says that might sound radical to us. It's an impossible to us. But with 30:44 God, all things are possible in his ways are always best. >> And there are the 30:47 exclusions people too. Maybe a single mother who has to be gone at work all day long and 30:55 maybe there's an abusive home. So there's always those who could benefit. But in general, 30:58 I think it's fascinating that they're finding quit pushing the children to grow up. 31:08 >> In skills sense. >> Too soon let be children. Let them experience Scott's 31:17 nature. Help them to learn to be critical thinkers that they can and character development. 31:24 >> That Chris here just a little bit. Shelley. Because you keep bringing this up. I 31:29 would like to know. Don't the main. Re sceptres. Use that word. 5, 6, 7, times you get 31:42 around the medical feel you hear this quite often. 25 words or less. How does that 31:47 fit into all of this? God created us for pleasure to enjoy life. Where when we do 31:55 good things for him, it activates the pleasure. Receptors. Doping is released 32:00 and we feel joy fulfillment. We figured out a way to do an end-run around that the drugs. 32:07 Hi stimulating types of food flavors. Set the big corporate establishment can manipulate, 32:13 as you mentioned. I've got a story on that. By the way, media addictions, they target 32:20 and release doping mean which is a neurotransmitter that about 250 word just like rest 32:23 of us do. Yeah, that the neurotransmitter fires off because it targets the 32:28 pleasure set receptors. The reward circuit fires off, even though you deserve no reward 32:34 because you did nothing right for the Lord that requires. >> Self-discipline effort the 32:40 runner's high went for a jog. You did something good for somebody and got a thumbs up 32:44 or thumbs down. Yeah. I got a like on my Facebook. proved right. 32:49 >> And they included dad, was today added opening. So so to to hone in on the answer of 32:55 what is doping. It is the neurotransmitter that is a chemical that bridges the gap 33:01 between 2 neurons. The Senate's in apps is called The Gap. 33:05 >> There are true transmitter bridges that gap so that the electrical circuit can fire 33:08 and your brain. You have that experience of that Nusra logical path way. 33:13 >> So how important is that in someone's life? >> You know, we we will have 33:17 dough coming in our life when we when we live life God's way. Pleasure follows 33:20 naturally. And we have a proper amount of it. And stead of surge of it for the wrong 33:29 reasons because we went on and website are because we. Ate or drank or put something in our 33:35 body that we shouldn't have those kinds of things give a rush and a flood of doping. 33:40 And you know what happens then? The receptor start to shut down because the brain so 33:48 readily available here. We don't need so many receptors for whatever reason they start 33:50 shutting Now you need that higher input in order to get the same effect and more and 33:59 more. It's a numbing of our pleasure. You look at the brains of people who've been 34:03 on drugs and the pleasure receptors in their brains are just very muted in the week. A 34:07 normal, healthy, happy brain. It lights up in just joyful life of, you know, living in a 34:13 balanced way. That's the same thing with drugs and media addictions. So I'm glad you 34:17 asked about that because you throw these terms out and opening receptors. What is 34:21 that? Satan's way to get us addicted? Well, it's something parent apparently it's good. 34:27 >> Are as bad, just like anything, you know, got gifts that you can overuse it. Yeah. 34:35 And you run out of And whenever you run out of it, well, then your personality 34:41 changes true. yeah. And then. You've just lost something. Yeah, you've lost joy. You 34:48 mentioned depression. Every addiction leads to higher rates of depression. 34:52 >> not possible to be addicted to something and not have higher risk for depression or 34:56 just to be less happy. You start eating well, I mentioned unhealthy foods. You start 35:00 adding fruits and vegetables to your diet for every additional for serving of 35:04 fruit and vegetables that you add to your diet, you get a measurable boost of happiness 35:07 in your life. Up to 8, they studied up to 8 additional servings, fruits and 35:13 vegetables. I'm sure it work at 9 10 11 also. But you just add one additional serving of 35:18 fruit vegetables to your diet daily die and you feel happier than you did before you have 35:20 that in your diet. >> I like that. Pretty good information. Yeah, you know, 35:25 God's ways always worked best right? He wants us to have joy. Some people have this 35:29 picture of God like he's got rules and the rules are there to just kind of dictate to us 35:34 as some sort of curmudgeon in the sky, taking away the abundant living that we think 35:39 we can find in our own pursuits of pleasure. What a false notion. Satan is not 35:44 better at pleasure than God is God is better at players say is better at addiction. He's 35:48 good at giving a high, which is followed by a crash which causes depression and 35:53 dysregulation of the Delta mean reward circuitry. >> Hey, he's good at 35:59 controlling conforming. He stood at trying to make to that and then giving you free 36:03 will say want you to be conformed. He wants you to become the robotic. Autumn. 36:11 Autumn. >> Dot com. But I'm I think it's but, you know, when you 36:15 think about God and pleasure it guard into the pleasure. Use the card, the card and of 36:23 pleasure for the eyes for the nose, for the census that the touch and the feel. And for 36:29 that 3 thing that tastes. But I love how. Gautz pleasures. >> Bring a G satisfaction 36:40 trains from a shooting. >> But artificially stimulating in these, you 36:47 know, if you get on cocaine, didn't take long all before you are. Receptor center 36:52 turned off thing you suddenly need more and more and more. And it's the same way with the 36:59 digital connections. True. So you used when you recording. I got to produce So you are 37:08 recording disconnect and you talked year. Try happen. Explained the pleasure 37:17 trapped. >> Okay. So that's a term that comes from 1954. From a 37:19 scientific study called the Milner study. And in this one, this is where they had the 37:24 mice. The mouse could tap a lever, a little electronic lever that had a wire that was 37:28 connected into the brain of the mouse and right into the nucleus accumbens of the 37:33 brain. That's where the pleasure reward circuitry is. So the mouse taps the lever 37:38 and signal goes right into their in the mouse. Feels pleasure. So they found the 37:41 easiest quick fix way to get a mouse addicted, if you will. He just perhaps that. And it's 37:48 an end-run around normal mouse living the traditional and natural routes to pleasure 37:55 that a mouse must acquire through running on a wheel or chomping on its healthy miles 37:58 food. All of those are now negated because the lever is the route to pleasure. All. I 38:06 want to tap that again, the mouse as again and again and again. And they did a number 38:08 of mice on this and what they found was. The mouse would smell as food it's not 38:15 interesting taste. I don't want to even eat my food. I mean, it's going to go for the 38:18 lever again. Should I run on? My will add that's too much effort. I just want to tap the 38:23 lever again. So the mouse would just keep going back to the lever again and again, not 38:27 eating, not living like a normal to live. Not thriving. Started wasting away becoming 38:33 emaciated. And these mice were on the brink of death. They had to remove that from them 38:37 or they were starving themselves literally to death. So they were in what's called 38:42 the Pleasure Trap. The pleasure trapped as a scientific way basically of 38:47 saying addiction, if you will. But it's where the brain just demands that addictive 38:53 substance or behavior, even though it means harm to myself and we humans are rational 39:01 beings, rational a mouse. Can't reason 3 things quite to the level that we can. God 39:06 gave us a mind. And so we could see. look ourselves in the mirror and be honest and 39:12 say I even know that this is Jaime, but I can't stop doing it. It's a pleasure. Trapped 39:18 addiction. And that's where intervention and help and admitting that you need some 39:22 help in accountability and no, you go back to your question about how to escape these 39:27 things. That's another counterfeit reality. There's mind control. Virtual living 39:33 and then theres just media addictions in general that becomes our own reality where 39:37 it's my obsession. I have to have that. I can't live without that. And for that 39:43 type of addiction, how to escape that usually involves some help from month's where 39:47 you say honey or mom or whatever. I've got a problem. And you know, it. And I want 39:54 to break free from this because I want to be a slave anymore and I can't help. But, 39:59 you know, I'm in the pleasure trap. And I want the power of Jesus prayed for me. Hold me 40:03 accountable. Take my stuff away. Do whatever is needed. >> tell about the calls you 40:08 get from newlyweds. I was just mentioning that. >> We do get calls Weds and 40:14 they're very concerned because my husband. Doesn't say much keen post too. Talk to He does 40:20 want to spend time with May. This is well what you are too gather. issue. We don't do 40:27 much together anymore. He can't wait to get home from work and run in and going get 40:34 over is games. Cause. I guess it's like that now. So you know, this is keeps coming 40:40 like that. It is. That's a sad situation because it's one thing if you're your own life. 40:45 Yeah, it's something else. If you bring. That special person into it. Yeah. 40:51 >> So to help somebody, you know, because we hear this quite often. married couples 41:00 are calling this June, really, the wife who's doing the complaining saying my husband 41:04 is on his games all the time. To help someone overcome this. First. They've got to 41:11 recognize this is a problem, it's having destructed tissue saying, you what, most people 41:18 don't recognize that on their own. You might even pointed out and they don't recognize 41:21 it. But what you have to do and and I say this. It said they found re. Making boundary 41:30 keeping got we take a 10 Commandments. It was to run in the path of righteousness, he 41:38 says. And I that humid heat in my commandments your piece would have been like a man. So 41:45 these commandments are not Trick shuns, right to control us. It's to give us a path 41:53 that we can. Run in his government of love. So when you put boundary SAP and I 42:02 think this is very important probably good thing to do before you get premarital 42:10 counseling, some boundaries and it comes down to that. You people still to treat my 42:17 husband like child. I don't tell him what to do because I'm not mother. But if tapes, 42:22 if you are doing something like this, we have a serious top there be some boundaries. 42:27 It's going to be between this time and this time. And if you can't through year spouse on 42:34 your own, get your pastor and everybody else involved. That's my $0.2. You know, when 42:38 you mention the path of pleasure and freedom, I was taken back to Eden. 42:43 >> The Garden of Eden. We talk about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 42:48 The one that we should not eat We don't all the rest we felt we should not touch Hollywood. 42:53 We should not touch the music industry. It's all it's demonic. Lee infuse. The 42:57 spiritual it's my control as a whole bunch of worthless nonsense. Vanity at best anti 43:02 Christian at its norm. So don't touch it. But you just said it of these ye may freely 43:09 eat, enjoy the abundance of that. To the wife that calls in. I would also ask how much 43:16 time are you on social media? So fair question. I'm not excusing the husband in the 43:24 least. I preach at the husbands much harder as you've noticed. I preach at men to be 43:29 because I'm a man. So maybe ladies need to be harder on the ladies. I don't know. But 43:32 I would ask that question because what if the wife tried this and and the boundary 43:39 think because you can't be an enabler of an addict. John Mann boundaries are key. 43:42 Interventions are needed. And another tack you can take it is. I just cited. I have a 43:50 problem with media says the wife to that video game addict. It has been I know I'm 43:56 on my social media too much your humbling yourself at this point. I'm going to do a 30 44:02 day social media fast. Keeping accountable. And by the way, as a reward, I've skew I'd 44:09 like for 2 weekends from now for us to go to this resort. We like this camp out or we're 44:16 going to go on a trip together. We're going to do a little vacation a long weekend 44:20 together and she can make it really enticing to him. You know, we're going to run 44:23 really nice time together as video games are left at home. And this is where we can have 44:29 those talks. FOX in that context of relational connectedness. We have that 44:33 revival and rebirth of that love. She's admitting that she's not perfect. And then 44:41 that's what that's a win some way to be able to have that confrontational conversation 44:44 where you need to lay down those boundaries firmly. That's good. You know, I was 44:49 just thinking earlier that you're talking about kids. >> I talk with so many parents 44:54 who take their kids into the mountains or something and they'll say, OK, we're going 44:58 to no media this. We can exactly the parents are going like even for the parents 45:05 they're having with All the kids whining way. >> No no TV. What you know, 45:11 movies. >> And it's interesting because it takes several days 45:15 to make that disconnect before people really start have kind of been there. They say they 45:22 have the best times they've ever had I just want to we can just. 10 minutes left. We were 45:29 talking about. Shaping society and how group think we've got people that are pulling some 45:38 strings, trying to make us puppets. Social media. We're having a negative impact. The 45:53 group think and how it influencing the development of sight. Talk to There's no 45:58 doubt about that. In fact, that some of the founders of social media have admitted as 46:03 much and they know the anatomy of how these platforms are designed to function. 46:07 >> They say we deliberately we're giving people a dull coming hit and getting them 46:10 addicted to try to keep them contributing more content to our platform because we can't 46:16 We change the color schemes. We change the sounds the sights, everything they can do 46:20 and a sensory perception type of way. Kind of like Pavlov's dog that you mentioned to keep 46:25 us salivating. For more of those pleasure hits that we get on there. But not just 46:29 that they shape you're thinking too. It's not just to keep your keep you on their 46:35 for their advertising. Bottom line so they can be more profitable. There is a 46:40 worldview agenda in big tech. Just so as much as there is in Hollywood. And we've accepted 46:46 that about Hollywood, that they have an agenda. They pushing an ideology, an 46:49 anti-Christian ideology. What about big tech? What about search engines and social 46:55 media? Do they have a perspective that they are trying to push forward are 47:01 certain muted. Our shadow band are other things elevated. Our warnings put on this that 47:06 maybe it's just free speech and dialogue and scientific and 47:10 >> may actually said I heard it recently. They knew they were putting out 47:14 misinformation, but it actually got warm response. So they did it on purpose. 47:19 >> was Yeah, it's big business. That sure is a Sean Parker, the founding president 47:24 of Facebook right there with Mark Zuckerberg. >> He said we know that we 47:28 were exploiting vulnerabilities in human psychology. So you're preying 47:31 upon people's weaknesses securities, people who tend to be the issues with social 47:38 media. You mentioned it's affecting our society in men, mental health and emotional 47:41 health of young people, particularly young girls to most age 12 to 14. There was a 47:49 threefold increase in suicide in that age group in just a 5 year period of time are so 47:54 when social media was becoming big and you think how is that even possible threefold 47:58 increase a 20% increase would be making headlines. This is hundreds of percent increase 48:04 of suicide and depression anxiety, all sorts of mental health conditions on the rise. 48:11 For those who are a little more just just at fragile stages of life or that's their 48:16 personality or in securities from childhood. You've got young women, even and men as 48:19 well. People needing the validation that the social media offers them because I'm 48:25 not somebody. I mean, I don't have worth and value until I've been approved of on 48:29 there. So I go there to get my sense of self-worth, which is not a healthy place to be 48:33 getting it because it's shifting sands. It's man's opinion. It's false. It's not 48:37 really social in delegating in the relational Sen and it counterfeit reality because 48:43 what I not talk with people. >> I'm not just speaking off staff and the head. I've 48:47 talked with people who have said to me, people think I have such wonderful life only 48:53 post pictures of me. We have all dolled up for when I'm at my best are doing this. And I 49:01 only show the happy news, you know, looks like where we're going and I mean, callous 49:07 where we are. But she said my husband and I run news. Triple our children are miserable and 49:12 she said everything I post is a lot. It's it's a false So then you've got other people, 49:20 especially young kids. We're looking this. They get body images and their thing. know 49:26 I'm now This is what's acceptable. It's a mess. >> Before IOUs, last question 49:32 here. But it's a trickle down, though. Let's just talk about the 12 year-old. Well, she's 49:38 getting her information. Let's just say from an 18 worst, the 18 year-old getting her 49:43 information and then her their information. And so it's just it's if you can see. Satan 49:49 working at his best sure stream this man. This is just really, really situation. But 49:56 us. We certainly should expect this and we should just read more. Yeah, we knew this was 50:04 coming. That's exactly right. We are. There's always principals involved in life. 50:12 What ours, some of the principles overcoming bad media I have to 2 word 50:19 combinations. I'm Jesus Christ. His power, his promise, his presence, 50:24 something better, something the have to replace. The addictive habit. The thing I'm 50:28 spending my time on what I'm putting my thoughts on what I'm feeling my mind with. I 50:32 have to not just throw the garbage away. >> But Phil, the life of 50:36 something better. So Jesus going to him with repentance and seeking his power to 50:40 overcome. And then the practical programming plan of replacing the time I'm 50:45 spending with something better. That's that was at closer to 25 words. I was 50:49 better than my doping answer which went on a little long. But that is the key question 50:53 news out the most important question. So they're somebody at home thats just extremely 51:00 measurable. They just don't think they can go any further south discontented. do they 51:07 need to do? Get out of that right? So that they've got meaning in their life. You 51:15 know, I want to speak to that person specifically and just say the first thing that your 51:21 father in heaven wants you to hear is you are loved. Doesn't matter what you've done, who 51:26 you think you are, what you think your value is what other said about you. What's been 51:31 done to you? God loves you. He forgives you for all your sins. You go to him a week and 51:39 with nothing to offer and he fills you with all of the validation with all of the 51:44 power with all of the promise that we ever thought was even possible is beyond. That's a 51:50 pipe Well, I'm telling myself and every struggling soul who wants that victory that Jesus 51:58 has offered the answer. He says you are my beloved child I'm well policed. Don't let 52:03 the accuser come in and say that you are not worth it to God. Jesus Christ died for 52:10 your sins. Let the power of the Gospel speak deeply into your heart. And then you start 52:16 to say now I can develop a program and a plan because until we feel like we're worth 52:19 it. What's the point? But I'm telling everybody and I used to say the storm, my students 52:28 say it to my children and I hear it from gone myself every morning I opened his word 52:32 because he speaks his truth to your soul and says I have a plan for you. I love you. Get 52:36 to work and here's how I feel about you. it's it's God's message of affirmation to us 52:43 every day. We need to hear that again and again to know that we can. Dig ourselves by 52:52 the grace and merits and power of Christ out of the holes that we are in that you say 52:54 what do you say to a person is in that situation? Feels powerless. It starts by 53:00 knowing that God God believes in you and not because he knows what Christ did for you 53:04 and that will do in you. And he knows that you have an issue he cares. 53:10 >> You know, he hears he does. He sais. >> I like what you tell people 53:19 when they call in and they're not sure I'm for that. They believe in God or not. You 53:24 always tell them in the middle of the night they can't sleep. Let me say. 53:32 >> What I've told many people in. And they've come back and they said, Is in the middle of 53:39 the night, you find yourself that perhaps you just restless. At that particular 53:43 time. I don't use the Salar de if you're for real. If you're for real Lord. Police impress 53:48 upon my heart. Give me a direction. The way that understand it, God is ready 54:00 all-time. 24. 24 24 everything. Okay. Normally if you have an issue, you're 54:07 encapsulated. So how the other. And so he's looking for the crack so that the Holy 54:13 Spirit can go in there and do what called the spirit That's called healing time. That's a 54:18 good place to start a man so hot. If you find yourself. Measurable, that's where the 54:27 capital him your measurable. Unused. Find yourself restless. Just invite a guard. 54:33 If you're for real, I give you permission to prove yourself to may. No black and white 54:39 westerns. That's where hear the bugle low because the cover was coming. know. Try 54:52 prayer is guaranteed to be. >> when you asked the father for the Holy Spirit, it's like 54:56 a child asking bread from his father. Jesus said he's not going to give you a stone. 55:02 It's a prayer that is guaranteed to be. And you will receive the Holy Spirit. When 55:03 you ask that prayer, you just asked them out. >> Scott, we just want to 55:10 thank you so much. I know we could talk there's so much longer fit. I want those if 55:15 you at home to know how to get in touch with Scott, you can get we are fully booked that 55:20 offering you buy. It's called tale of 2 mountains. You can email Scott at Truth Ministry 55:29 said she mail dot com. the truth. Ministry said G mail dot com or you can reach him 55:40 on Web site the Truth. Ministries Dot Archie. Also, it's OK to give out your 55:46 ministry from number, please. That is 6, 1, 6, 2, 3, 8, 5, 0, 5, 8, and don't call 3 0th 55:57 and for your free book because it's built to Truth Ministries. This is their gift 56:03 to you. Scott, thank you so much. Youve. We've really just barely crack this open in 56:10 peeking at it goes so much deeper. Want to buy those if you home to watch this 56:17 wonderful new series called Digital disconnect that Scott is hosting always good. To 56:23 have you with me. And it's always good to have you with us. You know, the whole reason 56:32 we're here is because if you recently do you need these programs, it's because if you 56:36 and we want you to know if that we love our 3 AP and family. You are 03:00PM night. 56:42 What pray for daily. Our greatest prayer for you is that you will. No the love of 56:50 God. Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The love of the father and the 56:58 fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Today. >> a plus. 57:03 >> I ♪ ♪ 57:15 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:30 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:45 ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-03-02